#rambling on discord to my friend is one thing but rambling on tumblr makes me feel crazed
snickerdoodlles · 2 months
there's a lot of things people blame for why fandoms feel like ghost towns these days, but no one's really talked about the way discord's contributing to it
#its like#people are trying to force fit discord's chatrooms into forum boards#except discord is just. really really *really* poorly setup for that#and theres no way to archive or share it so everything said in it is easily lost despite personal export or community pins or search option#and like#vaguely hearing about the way some people are unsatisfied with them/feeling unfufilled in the response to them#a lot of people would be better off posting those things to places like tumblr#where there isnt a time limit on when people see or respond to them#part of what's scary/frustrating on tumblr rn is some fandoms arent good about reblogging to posts or tag rambling#like with bad buddy a large part of the fun was the enthusiastic and in depth tag rambles and the way responses built on each other#vs something like kinnporsche which feels much more like-oriented#like? its not like theres any one way to fandom#and there's nothing actually wrong with likes or quiet reblogs#but vaguely hearing about the way some people were/are really upset with some servers im just kinda like#idk#feels a bit like people trying to force a square thru a circle or that they're looking in the wrong spaces for what they want#.......this is not a complaint for my space ajkds i think i've carved out a pretty happy space for myself!#im just checking the reblog graphs of some old vs new stuff and thinking about a convo other cookie and i were having over the weekend#i have a lot of friends around and i love everyone who's happy to ramble with me#but i do feel a slight case of DM burnout rn where mostly people reach out to me via DMs instead of reblogs#which is a very different dynamic#its like. hmmm words#i love DMs but the pressure of responding to a lot of individual messages#vs something like reblogs which is more open forum for everyone and feels more communal#if that makes sense?#the difference between visiting one person at home vs casually hanging out with a group at a cafe#and the lovely thing about tumblr specifically is that i can set down a reblog chain for several days if i need#before returning to it later when i have more time/energy#its got Longevity that discord lacks u know#........okay enough tag musings from me ajkfhjdgfhj BYE
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caruliaa · 1 year
okay so um. apparently tumblr has started terminating accounts when people use vpns on desktop? idk if theres any major evidence of this but its been happening to many people apparently including people who have previously used vpns and been fine (its been happening more with the bot resurgence apparently) and i dont want to risk it but the thing is for the next eleven days im stuck in a country were tumblr is literally banned and i cannot access it without a vpn so um. im not gonna be on tumblr for the next few days !!! if you need me ill still be on discord and if youre a mutual who doesnt have me on there ask luce (@legobatmen) for it. bye i will miss you all very much<3
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noxtivagus · 2 years
4:44 am late night thoughts under cut bcs i want to talk so much but tags reached way above cap c:
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#🤍#🌙.thoughts#GENUINELY I'M DOING GOOD RN. DEFINITELY. /gen#i just have a lot of thoughts. i find myself rambling a lot every time i start writing in tags oh dear#these r very intimate thoughts of mine at this very late hour#i don't mind though. here online. maybe to whoever may read it they could see some part of themselves in it#i've always loved the ways n possibilities of how we may influence each other in this world#one reason why i write. & why i share. is to make my own opportunity of that possibility w others#sometimes actually w my attunement for these deeper intricacies in life i wonder if i'm even. idk normally fun to be around#but i've had ppl say i'm funny. i've made people laugh n smile. maybe that's proof enough for me that my existence#was loved in those moments. even now maybe for just. being who i am. maybe it really is true.#i find it hard to believe i don't think such beauty is meant for me.#but i think. ultimately. i do deserve the same things that. i think others deserve. i deserve it too.#yeah often i feel like i don't belong in this world but this is enough to keep me going. me. & you.#everything in my worlds. in this universe. & everyone in my life. yeah. life goes by far too fast for hesitation and regrets.#i think it's so beautiful how in a way. you n i. we're so similar yet so different. i wnt to learn sm more abt everyone/everything around m#i think i wna make a sideblog for stuff like this. i realize at heart i'm genuinely a person fond of sharing their thoughts n emotions#i've rambled to myself a lot before in threads in discord servers w friends. in my own discord server. & in tumblr tags#i'm not used to people interacting to it. or being necessarily listened to. or knowing that i am read and seen but i don't really need that#i live like this for me. first and foremost. this is one part of my own inner world#oh god usually i definitely don't talk this much though but it's really really late at night ( early morning )#i'll try not to delete this when i wake up bcs even if i get shy or embarrassed then that'll change nothing deep down#n it's not like it'll directly impact my life yeah? i should have nothing to fear#that ffxiv friend i spent time with earlier today said they'll challenge their shyness#motivated me more to do the same. it's hard n it gets uncomfortable at times n i will experience drawbacks but#i will work hard to challenge myself & become a better person. to forge ahead as i always have.#this is part of who i've always been & part of who i'm growing to be.#why should i hide? in hindsight i will definitely learn to manage it better bcs i should keep my life more private to be safe but#rn tonight i don't think i'll worry. not now. THAT SAID THOUGH i will actually sleep vvv soon fr now c:#oh my god last thought though but i'm rlly rlly curious of others too.... but that's enough thinking for tonight. i will sleep Soon ><
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notakoolladz · 13 days
Happy birthday to meeee B)
Even tho im on my haitus i atleast wanted to stop by to drop like a quick thank you to my friends, and followers or just people to like my stuff :)
Even better I made a whole ramble on how I joined the Octonauts community, how it saved me from loosing my sanity and the great community.
Cuz I wanted to do this for my tumblr anniversary but uhh someone loss that old account- so check it out if you want to-
Guys (Especially my friends and followers) please check it out I worked on this late April-/j uhh tw?? Like emo feelings idk
Around late spring to the end of July in 2023 I was currently going through an unsafe relationship to say the least. And around the end of July when the relationship ended, I felt so defeated and vulnerable.
For those concerned I’m doing much better trust me bro! I won’t go too deep but I was scared of being vulnerable and talking it out to someone about it. The one time I did, the person never believed me, causing me to want to just separate from “friends” in real life. 
It’s now August. And I was currently hyper fixated on Octonauts. I was on tumblr trying to find screenshots of the characters so I can put them in some hunger games simulator but then I saw someone asking for a discord Octonauts server link.
I was curious and decided to use the link in question. There I got instantly welcome and everyone was so nice and stuff. Surprisingly it wasn’t hard to become well known in the server too! It just took a few conversations and fanarts of people's sonas/ocs. 
Seeing people who I knew both on discord and tumblr posting and sharing art made me get inspired to post my own art too on my tumblr account. Me and people would even play games together like roblox uno, mm2, gartic, so much! 
Of course there would be the usual rude people on the server or on tumblr. And what I like about these people is that ye know we got each other's backs and all. If someone is dealing with things they would go out of their way to contact them and ask if they’re ok. 
So many things that I've drawn for here are from ideas from these people! From inside jokes to random conversations! I remember when I accidently got my tumblr account deleted these people were so quick to help me out. I’ve gotten so many gifts from them too! From drawings, to even just making it to game night to join whatever game we were all playing! 
I know I just kept calling these guys people and they. Which won’t really help this next part out but I wouldn’t call these people like random strangers. I actually saw and would call every single one of them as a friend of mine and sometimes I feel like these servers and tumblr mostly like the whole octonaut community as just a second home to me. 
(Yall I just want to say if I ever said something rude or out of pocket y'all I’m so sorry lol)
I just wanna thank my friends on discord, tumblr, followers or just people who like my little octonauts blog. Idk how I managed to actually socialize with other users- being honest I don’t think I could nail it off again maybe but like- 
One day we all would go our own paths but I’m so glad to make friends on the internet lol- Kinda reminds me of my animal jam times. Uhh closing statement ummm thank you octonauts for saving my life ig. And my friends lol. sorry to that one person who i know irl i had to block for this- nobody needs to know it LOL
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hornet-best-bug · 1 month
I can't remember the last time i was normal about warframe. Sure, maybe i was when i first picked the game up, but ever since? I've been rambling on, and on and on about this silly space ninja game, making headcannons, OC's, alternate realities, and so much more.
I ramble so much about warframe to my friends on discord and in random servers that people hate me for it, and consider it my only personality trait. And to that i say. Well, yes kevin. Warframe is my only defining personality trait, and i am proud of that, just like your only defining personality trait is being so dry in conversations, you taste like drywall.
Autism be dammed, i wouldn't have half the joy in life without it. It has its downs, like when instead of obsessing over fictional characters and games, i'm having either a meltdown or so overstimultaed i want to rip my ears off. But i still wouldn't be me without warframe or autism. Everyone be damned, i found the thing that brings me pure and utter happiness, and it's strange that allistic people don't think thats okay. There is no such thing as an appropriate amount of joy people, everyone feels emotions differently, and joy is one of those. Fuck the people who tell you to not talk about your hyperfixations or special interests, they can kiss my ass and get sent to the void.
Anyways, this derailed a bit, but the gist is. I love warframe, and its my hyperfixation and i want to learn everything i can about this game.
#Sorry to any kevins out there the name was random #Man warframe sends me into such random tangents #Hornet rambles for the first time on tumblr #anyways warframe is so neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ coded real
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lighthouseas · 5 months
hi all! i know that i haven’t posted for a while, but since the end of the year is fast approaching, i thought i’d make a post detailing my appreciation for my lovely mutuals . (if you saw this post earlier because tumblr was being a bitch, no you didn’t <3333)
anyway, without further ado- and in no particular order-
bee’s end-of-the-year MUTUAL APPRECIATION POST!!!
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@hazmatazz - OHHH MAN. SILLY GUY ALERT. starting off strong with the lovely the amazing the fantabulous HAZ HAZMATAZZ. haz, being your friend and fellow Silly Squad member has been such an honor. you’re so funny and sweet and smart and make the best posts that make me giggle. and even though i don’t talk in it much, seeing so many Shenanigans go down in the discord server is seriously the funniest thing. I could just. squish you. you make me so happy and it’s an honor to be your friend. seriously hope 2024 treats you amazingly bc you deserve all of it <3333
@cannibalismyuri - SARA!!!! sara my lovely ohhh you are. the funniest. seriously. i have been reduced to Tears of laughter from posts on your blog. you have such an energy about you that is completely unmatched. even with Fandom Weirdness and the like, you’ve still pulled through and kept being your silliest self (and let me be silly with you which is awesome), and i commend you for that. aaaand not to get sappy or whatever but i really do look up to and admire you. you inspire me a lot. also, i love your new url. i want to eat it. pun intended. HAVE THE BEST 2024 EVER <3333
@qulizalfos - LIZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. everyone listen up okay. liza is the loml IF ANYONE EVEN CARESSS. liza oh my god i adore you and your endless enthusiasm. seriously your comments on tsad are comments that i look back on when i need motivation because they’re just. so sweet. you are so sweet. we’ve only been mutuals since this SUMMER and yet it feels like we’ve known each other forever. i love screaming about things with you and i love the fact that my FIC is in your BIO??? HELLOOOO??? also okay. can we talk about your writing and art. liza i cannot say ENOUGH how talented you are. if i could staple your fics and art to the entire st fandom’s forehead so they would have to look at it forever then i would. your brain is so ginormous and the way you describe things and think about things is something i could only dream of doing. literally adore everything about you and wish i could hang out with you and wayli so we could all be a little insane together <33333 love you. LOVE YOUUUU I hope 2024 is awesomesauce for you <33333333
@wayward-sherlock - SPEAKING of wayli. oh wayli. if i had time to write a 10 page essay detailing how much of an impact you have had on me i would. seriously though you are just the sweetest, kindest, and most positive person ever. seeing you blow up my notes makes me grin So Hard because like oh man. wayli likes my blog. THEEE wayli thinks i’m cool. wtfff….anyway. you are so smart and it shows in your literally breathtaking writing and analysis (ANALYSIS FIRM!!!) you’re so perceptive and it honestly blows me away. reading your writing is so mesmerizing and just. sends me on an adventure. actually just scrolling through your BLOG sends me on an adventure because you always have the best stuff on there. honestly, I just wanna give you the biggest hug and tell you how awesome you are because rambling in a tumblr post simply is not enough. all’s that to say, i’m really looking forward to this coming year that will hopefully include more screaming about fanfiction in our discord messages and more of us being friends. because i love being your friend and it’d be so awesome if one day we could hang out together and be a tad Insane. doopel dopple gang STICKS TOGETHER AMIRITE?? anyway. i love you so much and wish you all the best in 2024 <333333
@antibyler - spencer HIII i know it’s been a minute since we last talked but can i just say that it has been an HONOR being your mutual this year. you’re so cool and fun and easy to talk to and also are a Fellow NHIE Fan which makes you even cooler. don’t think i’ve ever seen a bad opinion on your blog, which i know is saying a lot but it’s true To Me okay. seriously could never ever imagine Not following spencer basiltonpitch antibyler because like. that’s some essential dash content right there. THEEE blog to ever. makes the tumblr experience about 2034549650 times better. hope 2024 treats you wonderfully, my triple b mutual WOO <3
@versa-vices - FINNIEEEE!!!!!! you are my sunshine my special sunshine you make me happyyyyyyyy when skies are grayyyy….like actually though you are such a sunshine. seeing your comments on my posts never fails to make me giggle. a Silly Squad member that’s for sure. but like. being your tumblr bestie this past year has been so much fun. hanging out on the dash together and being Slightly Unhinged in the discord messages has been one of the highlights of my year. you’re so sweet and lovely and i don’t think it would be tumblr without you (those 10 minutes where you deactivated were HARD man okay. what am i supposed to do without u :(() okay anyhoo. thank you for being the bestest ever and hope 2024 treats you well <333
@light-lanterne - angel hiii! it’s been a bit since we’ve interacted but i needed to talk about how kind and patient you’ve been throughout literally everything because tumblr can be a little much sometimes. your kindness and determination to make so many beautiful graphics is absolutely incredible. i still look back on the graphics you’ve made for my fics sometimes, and it’s just…amazing. you’re so talented both in your art and your writing. when times got tough in the Fandom, i could always count on your blog to be a cozy and warm retreat from the craziness. it’s an honor to be your mutual, and i hope 2024 treats you kindly, because you seriously deserve it <33
@booksandpaperss - ELLI HIII!! holy shit one of my oldest mutuals. here when the ancient scrolls were written. elli , you have made my fandom experience so much more enjoyable. what with your huge brain and amazing takes, you always keep things real and i admire that about you. you’re also just. so easy to talk to. both because you’re ridiculously funny and also because you’re so nice to me like what. i love Discussing things with you, especially when it felt like we were sitting in a corner sipping tea and having a grand old time while the entire fandom went batshit. uscore fr. also, your comments on tsad…dude…they made me and STILL make me tear up. you read everything with such an attentive eye and then give the sweetest compliments on it. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. you’re just. so awesome okay. never forget that. hope u have a wonderful 2024 <3333
@karenchildress - hi jo!!!!!!!!!! i know we don’t interact as much but like. you’re such a joy to see on the dash i’m being so fr right now. how are you so funny like some of your posts still make me laugh to this day. you also keep things Real which i appreciate a lot, people tend not to do that nowadays T-T. we need more jo karenchildresses in the st fandom i think. things would improve marginally. anyway. keep being cool and fun and hope 2024 brings you much joy <3
@homohabu - oh man you’re just. you’re so nice. your blog is so inviting and has the loveliest colors all over it that make me very happy. you’ve always been so lovely to me and it makes me smile. you’re also another one of my oldest mutuals…and you’ve still stuck around through everything. thank you for having an awesome blog and being an awesome person! hope 2024 is good for you!!!!!!!!
@kuntniss - sierra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hiiiii it’s been a minute but can i just say that your blog makes me so so so super happy whenever i look at it. both your reblogs and original posts are just. great vibes. great vibes all around. you’ve been so nice to me this past year and it’s seriously been so wonderful interacting with you and looking forward to seeing your posts. being your mutual is so fun. i hope 2024 brings you so many good things, you deserve all of them <33333333
@weirdo09  - cade! i know you haven’t been online in a while but i just wanted to say that you’ve been such a wonderful friend to me this past year. you’re so creative and i loved hearing your ideas in my inbox and getting tagged in your wonderful. i hope you’re doing okay now, because you were honestly such a joy to see on the dash and in my notes. also, your ever changing themes were always a nice surprise to come across when i opened your blog, lol. hope 2024 treats you well :)
@holyvirgilscriptures - virgil !!!! oh my god i adore your blog so badddd like. i could seriously scroll through it forever it’s just banger after banger after banger. you always have the best takes on like. Everything. also FELLOW TAWOG BROTHER IN ARMS HELLOOOO !!!! BEST TASTE IN MEDIA AWARD GOES TO YOU MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway. you have made this year so so so enjoyable just with the Existence of your blog. this coming year i hope we can interact a bit more because you’re super awesome <333 may 2024 bring you many good things! 
@ollsonline - oliver <3333 my lovely. since we became mutuals you have been nothing but the sweetest, kindest, friendliest person to me. you’re so welcoming to everyone and it absolutely warms my heart. you’ve been such an amazing friend to me this year and we should totally talk more because you’re super cool and awesome also!!! thank you for being the best and i hope 2024 treats you kindly <3
okay that’s all i’ve got! to any mutuals i did not get to mention: i love you so much. you have made The Tumblr Experience that much more bearable with your endless kindness. i love all of you so much, and am wishing you a happy new year through the screen! MWAH!!!!!!!
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tyrantonutx · 4 months
Looking for RP Partner(s)!
Hey, hi, how's it goin'?
I'm Tyrant, 30+ s/they, and this is a Take Two attempt at finding like-minded folx, so if you happen to see a similar looking post floating around (unlikely but possible), I am in fact one and the same Tyrant, I'm just too damn impatient to wait on tumblr to fix my original blog.
I'm hoping to find some partner(s) interested in Discord RP, because I am in fact a tumblr Baby (despite the original blog being...several years old...) and the formatting on tumblr rp blogs makes me Nervous.
I've been roleplaying in various capacities on forums, discord, and chat (throwback to AOL Instant Messenger amirite?) for approximately two decades and some change. I tend to write in a casual cadence as one might suspect, and I like to adapt my replies to the thread (anywhere from several sentences to a few paragraphs is my norm). I generally prefer CANON x CANON ships, at least starting out, to get a feel for how we come at characterization and plot together before we dip into OC territory. I'm involved in a few fandoms that may in fact be wastelands but, hey, you miss every shot you don't take, so here I am!
What follows is a list of fandos, characters, and ships I'm ACTIVELY looking for, the things that make my brain buzz in all the good ways. I'm down for hearing out any plots you might have in your lovely beating hearts (or shriveled little black ones, no judgment here!) or working out plots together based on all the good things that come from two rambling fans throwing head canons and "OK BUT WHAT IF"s at each other til something sticks.
If any of these strike you as fun, or if you just think I'm gosh darn neat and wanna chat me up for the thrills, please like this post, message me here on tumblr, or send me a friend request on discord (@tyrantonut)! I'm shy af and terrible at reaching out first, thank you hereditary anxiety and Burnt Out Gifted Kid syndrome, so sometimes I need that lil nudge.
...right! The fandoms! (Please note that while I have listed characters for me vs. for you, I'm actually pretty flexible on these! I just think I write some sides better than others.)
The Boys (AU preferred)
Butchie -- Billy Butcher x Hughie Campbell
Stephen King's It (Muschietti AU preferred)
Reddie -- Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Stranger Things (Aged up AU preferred)
Byler -- Mike Wheeler x Will Byers
Harringrove -- Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Steddie -- Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Hannibal (NBC)
Hannigram -- Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Spider-Man (Comics & Movieverse)
Spideypool -- Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Spiderprowl -- Aaron Davis x Peter B. Parker
Mysterio/Spiderman -- Quentin Beck x Peter Parker (Tom Holland, preferably aged up)
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Universe
Huskerdust -- Angel Dust x Husk (Overlord Husk AU has given me brain rot)
Chaggie -- Charlie Magne x Vaggie
RadioApple -- Alastor x Lucifer
Stolitz -- Blitzo x Stolas
Fizzarozzie -- Fizzarolli x Asmodeus
Puckurt -- Noah 'Puck' Puckerman x Kurt Hummel
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makeastand · 3 months
‎‧₊˚✧looking for new long term discord rp partners✧˚₊‧
Hi everyone! I’m not new to roleplaying at all, and am looking for a handful of new writing partners, though I have absolutely no self control and can’t say no to anyone with a good plot. I get too invested in roleplays and can ramble on for days about a rp / character I love.
long ass post alert:
I’m 24 and have been roleplaying for about 10 years now. Please be 21+ before interacting (I will be checking and blocking if not) My time zone is GMT, but I don’t mind where my partners come from. I’ve been having so much inspiration recently and am dying for some new roleplays. I’m a real sucker for writing deep and complex characters, and very much enjoy writing for the plot and character development as opposed to poorly written smut just for the sake of it. If it fits in with the rp I’m happy to write smut, or fade to black, whatever you’re more comfortable with.
I work full time, and stupid hours, so I’m not always about, but I’ll try and let you know what’s going on.
I like writing the male role in MxF, and also love MxM. I love playing multiple characters in a rp, but you’re welcome to play as many or few as you like. The guys I play are pretty well thought out, with lots of depth, background, emotion, and usually a bunch of trauma (so please tell me your limits in advance). All I ask is your character is not dry and impossible to work with. I’m not stupid, and know when I’m being used for my male / dom muses so if you present me with an overly subby character who’s lacking personality, you will be blocked, sorry.
I prefer quality over quantity. Like I said, I can get carried away and write pages upon pages, but if you can only manage a couple of good paragraphs, that’s fine with me. I’ll try and match your length in replies as long as they’re not one liners.
In terms of plot, it would be easier to list the things I don’t love. There are a few plots which have been nagging at my brain recently:
zombie apocalypse
tough guy x soft girl / guy
mafia related
I hate everyone but you trope
victorian era (preferably MxM)
noblewoman x poor man
celebrity x celebrity
haunted house
stripper x gang member
friends with benefits
small town / murder mystery
right people wrong time / ex friends or lovers reuniting
criminal x criminal
AI takeover (DBH style)
older, religious, inexperienced man x man whore
high school
fantasy (werewolves / vampires)
I can’t get rid of these two bullet points below and tumblr is making me violent so I’m going to wrap things up here. I’m going to try and get an updated list with my face claims / oc’s on my blog soon, so watch this space. I’m not one to pick your faceclaim, and you don’t have to use one if they’re not your thing. If you’ve read this far, thank you. Sorry this is so long! Please message me with what plot you’re interested in, because I’m trying not to get shadowbanned again.
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emojifarm · 2 months
while i don't think you should feel obligated to share or reblog any emojis you don't want to, i think rethinking how you feel about MCYTbrs is important, since there's so many people on minecraft youtube.
minecraft is an endlessly popular game, and there's thousands or maybe even near millions of minecraft youtubers out there.
it's not MCYT in itself that's a problem, its the popular ones that get called out that are, but since minecraft (and minecraft youtube) is so popular, it seems like everyone in minecraft youtube is bad.
but i think you shouldn't say you "do not support those people in any sense.", since that continues the stigma against liking MCYT in general.
minecraft youtubers are just popular because minecraft is popular, there are so many minecraft youtubers that do so much good (ex, technoblade, who's helped raise so much money for sarcoma, even after his passing, and who's inspired and motivated many)
then again, people use MCYT to mean "the dream team and the abusive people they enable" instead of encompassing the many others who aren't even related to the dream team / dream SMP.
this is quite a rambly ask, but as someone who loves certain MCYTbrs, it's tiring to see people say they don't support any mcytbrs, when like... there's such a diverse population. there's some people who might count as minecraft youtubers who are minorities and who try to fight against bigotry and stuff and who don't do weird shit and to say MCYT in general includes them, even if you don't mean to.
although, again, you don't have to reblog any emojis you don't want to, especially since MCYT is a very large label and that CAN include people who are bad, and it's hard to know who's good and who's not, especially with youtubers in general since we only know the persona they put on, and how many there are that you probably know nothing about, let alone if they're an abuser or w/e, but... yeah.
i guess to me it's important since its like saying all actors are bad, when there's many actors who aren't bad people but there's a popular amount that are bad, n such. also mcyt just stands for minecraft youtube, or minecraft youtuber(s), so its like saying roblox youtubers or reaction youtubers, they're a category that has so, so many people that count under that. you can't say you don't support any of them.
unless you literally just dont like minecraft and dont support the game as a whole, or youtube itself as a whole, in which case i'd have more questions but it'd be more correct lmao. also sorry for the ramble i have opinions u dont have to answer this
I knew I'd get someone like this in my ask box when I put my opinion out there 🤦
1. There are literally clips out there of Technoblade saying slurs (including the N word) and him encouraging Dream to do things that have ultimately made others on the team uncomfortable and upset. You definitely need a better example than that. Someone being dead and/or giving to charity does not automatically make them a good person. I'm sure Shane Dawson also gives to charities. We all know JK Rowling does too. Doesn't make them good people.
2. I don't have the time, care, or interest to do research on every single MCYT and it's really only the popular ones that do get emojis of them (with some exceptions, obviously). I only know what I do about the Dream Team and those adjacent because of things I've seen on Tumblr, via friends talking on discord, and some of the YouTubers I watch breaking down the situations. (Also, this low-key comes off the same as "not all men". Like. Yeah, that's true, but that's not who I was referring to. Some of the MCYT I'm referring to aren't a part of the Dream Team either, so I feel comfortable using the broad term)
3. Also, the mansplaining wasn't necessary. I'm not an idiot that lives under a rock. I know what MCYT stands for. As I previously said, I'm not making a broad assumption. I'm just using that term to refer to the people that people think of with that term. To me that's a specific subset of Minecraft creators. I don't consider people that just so happen to do Minecraft videos or streams to fall under that. To me MCYT is just the big ones. It's a title. That's typically what people are referring to when they use that title
4. Also, I've literally played Minecraft and watched others play it on YouTube since it came out when I was like 10 years old. Again. I don't live under a rock. I've just put some distance between me and the creators because I keep hearing bad things. It's not that deep.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
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re. about
REN -> renjamin when you want to scream my name like a disappointed and scandalized parent, rimz for cool kids, R.A.A for formal stuff (OFFICIALLY!!!!!)
26 -> 10.02 i age up
black, transmasc (he/him) & queer (achillean/mlm 🌲🍵☁️🧊🈳)
also been dating the love of my life for 6 years now & we make stories together. check them out here! -> @mothgrudge
neurodivergent, surprising no one
since tumblrs dying find me elsewhere here
also here’s a general psa for youngins that want to follow me. if you’re like 16-19 please read this first. i’m not making a rule or anything that i don’t want youngins following me but like please understand i’m an adult and i’m not tailoring my space to you.
you’ll rarely find me outside of tumblr but i offer art commissions, i have a discord (i don’t really do huge servers they make me anxious but 2-6 people is chill) & i have an art insta. i also have a pinterest for my wips. u can also technically add me on battlenet but i only play overwatch (tis my special interest). i also have a bluesky now if anyone else is on there LMAO
re. wips
i have a LOT of them. but the main one you truly need to know about is:
THE FALL OF GALERÉ BOOK I: PARAMOUR || “saved” from an imminent social death through arranged marriage, HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL is whisked away to The Chateau aux Aisles D’or, where an unlikely sexual relationship with his butler AMON leads to far more than he bargained for. -> wip intro & powerpoint intro || character intros || gunn sibling kin assigner || s: paramour (main tag) || writing recaps
however i will talk about my other wips at random. you can find a full masterlist of all my wips and ideas HERE!
i also have a wip sampler series where i’m posting passages that encapsulate major vibes or themes of my wips. part one is here!
re. navigation
talking -> musings and personal thoughts
about renjamin -> insight to me / who i am
ren analysis -> when i get meta about my wips
ren mix -> a treasure trove of my music taste
ren polls -> any polls i make
ren reads -> for my ramblings and analysis as i try to get back into books
friends tag -> talking with friends or boosting my friends work
others work -> boosting other writeblrs work
hall of fame -> praise / things that make me happy that i want to keep
ren writing -> all of my writing in one place
ren poems -> all of my poems in one place
ren fic -> all of my fandom related writing in one place
short stories tag -> micro or flash fiction bits and bobs
ren art -> all my art
q eh you eh -> queue
sex mention -> tag for any sexual content.
worldbuilding -> all of my worldbuilding notes across all my wips
find the word tag -> for this game specifically so i can find it
last line tag -> for this game specifically so i can find it
ren hot cakes -> specifically for my overly opinionated opinions
writing recap -> tracking my writing journey so i can hold myself accountable
to read -> others works that i need to get around to reading
rens ocs but sims -> for when i make my ocs in the sims lol
ren plays -> me talking about video games but it’s usually overwatch
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bulletproofscales · 4 months
Hey there, hope you’re well! Love your work, it’s amazing. Hope you don’t mind me asking, but was really interested in how you started writing BTS wg fics and which member of youe favourite to write about? always love your work and excited for whatever comes next :)
omg hiii!! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝ first of all, thank you soso much for the support?!!?!? it always makes me happy to see likes/reblogs/ao3 comments from blogs i recognize (ಥ﹏ಥ) and this ask,,, youre making my day.
i got inot a ramble so ill put one of these hehe sorry (ง ื▿ ื)ว
i dont mind the question at all!! even if i was a deep lurker in feedism communities of most of my fandoms. looking "chubby draco malfoy " into google images since 2012 ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ and later religiously following wg-writers of whatever fandom i migrated through. i would always send so many asks, and when i got into BTS i was older, and properly aware of what feedism was, and actively looking for it on tumblr. back then it was a handful of people with now deactivated blogs and @bangtanstummies (who as im writing this blog see has a deactivated blog as well :,) , i swear going through my dms is like going through a cementary) . i try to stay in touch with as many of the people now as i can!! but everyone will know im the suckiest at texts (@cookiesuga55 will know ) but id love to chat more and be more present
anyway back to the community in 2018, i really loved their stuff, and i felt like there was still room to add new ideas (which was hard in a fandom with as much fanficiton as BTS's) , thats what inspired to make my blog!! back then it was claled bangtangchub, and i didnt know how to activate my asks, bangtanstummies was the one to let me know and we even got into a discord all of us together!!! crazy times ( ◡‿◡ *) i remember being the oldest of the group👴 i was 15 at the time, some coudl argue it wasn't my place to be writing fetish fanfiction, maybe theyre right. but i found such a happy place in my fics. not only have i met some of my closest friends through here; (people ive met in real life!?!? ) but its helped me so much to find a safe place to explore my emotions, sexuality, and craft a hobby that was all my own. i dont think im that good of a writer, but i am really so proud of having stuck to something for so long, and having worked on it all by myself.
often times i feel like i lack the motivation to do anything with my life, and just all-around consider myself someone who lacks the strength and backbone to really do hard things. and i like to think of this blog, and my journey in it, as a place that proof i can... idk,, be good at things i worked hard on.
ANYWAY!! that was a long rant. As for the character i like writing the most about!! welli role play as jungkook almost daily! so i do feel a lot of myself in him. but i love writing all characters, over the years i really made an effort to not fall into a comfortable ship, because i really do think you could spin a wheel and whatever combination of bts members ahs their own unique loving dynamic.
as for things to come!! im working on a fic inspired by some art i saw recently by @gigichingado , jikook, im really liking how its turning out, and ofc because its me, its stretching out more and more in the build up ( _ _ ") . but i want it done over this week!! ps, i saw your obese tae requests, and i can definetly get something out after that (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
thank you for asking and giving me a place to rant!!
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devilwitchoriginal · 8 days
obligatory pinned post/permanent plot call below! if after you read the mound of text below and you interact with this I’ll assume it’s okay to approach for plotting 🖤
I might be dating myself and my tumblr career here with this kind of post but here it is nonetheless!
My name is Lia and I’m finally getting back into the swing of writing over on discord and I’m in need of new writing partners 🖤 I’m 23 so 21+ preferred!
I like to write longterm and while I enjoy being consistently active I’ll be starting school up again in September and I work full time now so I may have sporadic bouts of inactivity however I will communicate those and still be around for ooc chatter and headcanons and the likes!
writing preferences:
-I write on discord exclusively at the moment and I love to write in organized private servers which I have no problem setting up :)
-I also prefer multiple muses and pairings and building interconnected worlds with my writing partners! at this time solo ships are a bit hard for me but we can talk it out! however I do not “double” as I do not want to write transactionally. I will love every ship we have and it makes me sad writing against writers who don’t orient the same
-I write m in mxf and mxm as my preferred pairing types but can also write f pairings in fxf and more selectively in mxf. with this being said, as much as I love pairing my boys against your girls I am not the right partner for female only writers :( I do enjoy having mxm pairings and even if we don’t actively have one I like the potential for one down the road
-I would love to befriend my writing partners because I think it makes it more collaborative and fun so if you don’t enjoy that I may not be the right partner for you either because I will ramble :,) I love talking about our ships and where they can go next and sending visual inspo for our muses and pairings but I also am always happy to lend an ear if my writing friends ever need to vent 🫶🏼
-I’m very laidback and if you have wanted plots or things you want to do odds are I’m the person to bring ‘em to because I will be 100% down!! I won’t ghost and even if we have periods of time we’re too busy to really write I’ll always be down to pick them back up and if something isn’t clicking for me (which isn’t often) I will communicate it and I hope you feel comfortable doing the same!
-I will do pretty much any plot type or genre except for zombie and apocalyptic
-nsfw friendly but don’t mind fade to black
-I prefer to write against actor fcs with acting resources so models and musicians are not my cup of tea :,)
-I am very friendly to looking at your wanted opposite tag to pick up a muse I will not think you’re face chasing so don’t be shy to ask if you have one OR you see one of them in my fave face/future muse tag because I will write any of those people HAPPILY.
triggers/limits: I am definitely open to darker plots which we can discuss over DM but I will not write bathroom play, vore, illegal age gaps, and probably more as I can think of them.
if you’re still reading at this point ily already 🥲 here’s a cookie 🍪
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elytrafemme · 7 months
i think i'm going to take a break from tumblr. (that's the TLDR, the rest of the post is long ramblings) i know that's shitty, because God knows I never check discord (not nearly as much as i should, but there's just so much) and barely reply to ao3 comments and so the least i could do is just exist here. but being on here makes the anger and grief i've been feeling for the last few weeks amplify. i can't exactly place it (well, i can place some of it, but that's neither here nor there), but i think while online activism in a place truly as online and disconnected as tumblr can be meaningful, it's so much more important to me right now to be fighting the battle in the world around me. and to find that community. because obviously i love you guys but when i feel like i'm about to spiral into a horrible place, i have to find company in the form of someone physically with me (maybe my therapist was right about me having someone on standby in this city huh). and when i see people with the most horrific understandings of what is happening in the world, to my siblings across the water, it's easier to contest that and stomach it when it's around me here than online. because at least i can do something about one of those things. what's happening in Gaza (and i admit I need to educate myself more about what's occurring in Armenia & Sudan) contains a pain that i only know a sliver of, being a second generation Iraqi Muslim across the Atlantic. but the pain is still visceral, and i've never felt this disappointed in myself in my entire life every fucking second. i'm on the edge of a relapse into something i thought i got over two years ago, and i can barely exist with myself when i'm alone but can't bring myself to ask for help. i just want to lay on my friends' air mattress in the floor above mine and never see my old friends or family again. october was the best month of my life, but simultaneously the worst, because every time there wasn't a movie night or a hangout i was cracking into pieces. for the first time in five years i need to make a safety plan, not for my life but for what i do within it. because i have no idea what tomorrow is going to look like for me but i know it's not going to be good. i'm convinced people are watching me and that if i make just one post here i'm going to hear someone banging on my door and i am so fucking scared. i usually repress these things but yesterday's realization that i'm more alone than i've ever been, and that i've been alone for so much longer than i thought, is making it hard to breathe. i don't know how to be a good person. i don't know how to live with myself anymore.
so i'm taking a break from tumblr. i might still be liking posts, but i need to force myself to stop using the site. i don't remember my password entirely so i don't want to log out, but i won't be here. it's also safe to say i'll be gone from discord for a while, too. looking at my dms makes me nauseous and i hope at least one person may be able to understand why. i'm sorry to my friends who i've not replied to in a while, i love you and i think of you and there will be a reply. obviously with every "i'm taking a break" post there's the odds i'm back here tomorrow, but i don't think that's the case.
i'll be okay. i love you all. see you.
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Rules and Description :P
Hi! I"m Skylerfurmaniac! Or Skyler/Sky for short (if you wanna ask me a question). And welcome to my blog (also sorta ask blog but it isn't really much of one anymore, but you can still do it! I love getting asks)! This blog is where I reign and spread my chaos and love to people lol. I'm just a chaotic little rainbow furbean >:3! My pronouns are they/them, and I'm omnisexual/romantic!!
Rules of the blog:
things you WILL get ban for:
NSFW asks or stuff that are similar. You can make jokes, but nothing too weird
Being rude to any community in the asks. Such as furry community, lgbtqia+, or black etc.
Asking for personal information
faking to be someone famous and try to make them look bad/ if you start to not respect my distance or stuff. If you aren't my friend and start asking for a lot of stuff or stuff I don't share with strangers
pls, if you want to vent to me or something, you can dm me, but pls don't do it in the asks or send like self harm photos
And that's everything! If you follow these, then you will have a very fun time here! I will make sure to respect everyone who asks something in this blog, but I may tease you, just a warning.
Edit: I kinda forgot to put some stuff about myself, soooo
Hi! You already know my name and pronouns, But I want to put some personality stuff in here
I also will not be doing commissions, too much work for me right now. But, if you want, I love to do an art trade! But at some moments, I may not be able to due to what's going on, or I have too many art trades.
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BRO HE'S COOL (and cute) OKAY
And thirdly, I have a second blog that interacts more with @drowninnoodles, @thenocturnenarrator, @tranquil-slaughterhouse, @ludrii-alt, & more! Some people didn't really like what I was posting with them, So I made an alt. account. If you want to follow that one, it's called @hellagang
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I really like making new friends, so don't be shy to ask!
Also, tell me if you like picrew, cus i do them here and there, and I would like to tag you!
link to all my art repost! (lol don't use that its kinda weird, I have an art tag now XD)
Edit: lol I forgot about my tags I know this is a newer edit then the next one, but I feel like it should be put here
sooo my tags!
#skyler's art: my art!
#sky's chaotic reblogs: my reblogs from other people lol
#sky's random rambles: just random stuff I say
#sky's serious reblogs: the more serious of reblogs
#not my art: reblogs I make that aren't my art
#skyler/Skyler art!!!!/skyler's ref/FANART!: lol art of my persona that other people made of me or stuff that I made of my persona :D
yeah :3
immmm just going to add these
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anyways, feel free to use these!
I made a server for tumblr undertale/deltarune artists!
my discord username is skylerfurmaniac, dm me if ya wanna join! (And if you want, you can add tumblr friends!)
also, that's if the link doesn't work (which is it doesn't can someone tell me pls?)
here is the link!!
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funforahermit · 1 month
This is not gonna make sense. This is not gonna make sense, and you don't have to read it. It's for me. I am sad. I'm so fucking sad tonight. I haven't been crying in a long time, but somehow I just can't stop now. And I feel so selfish. But I also feel so alone. But maybe I should be alone. Maybe I deserve to be alone. I need to change so much. I need to learn how to lie. I've never been able to. I've never been able to lie. I've never been able to just let it rest, to just say whatever will defuse the situation, to just say whatever. I've always cared too much, especially with the people close to me, cared too much about being perceived correctly. See it's always about me. I'm so selfish. My selfishness gets in the way of kindness. I need to stop caring about the truth of myself in order to be kind. I need to stop talking about my thoughts and my feelings, they are too complicated, nobody gets them, and nobody wants to, or needs to. I need to shut up and not care and just BE. KIND. I'm asking too much of my mother. She's old, and she's tired, and if she didn't get all my long-winded explanations the first 1000 times she won't get them the next 1000 times. Nothing I'm desperately trying to get into her head even matters, I'm just obsessed with being as truthful and accurate as possible. I need to stop. I need to stop caring about that. I need to start treating my own mother like I would treat a stranger. With kindness and without the desire to be known. And it hurts. And I hate that it hurts. It should be easy. And it would be easy if I wasn't a self-involved little bitch.
And that's not even everything. I'm also crying about the fact that I don't have any friends. Which is also my own fault. I have real life friends that I see like once a year if I'm lucky. Two of them have families, husbands, little kids, and I'm always scared of not knowing what to do or how to act when we meet. I avoid everything that scares me as a rule. Bad life choice. The third one has a way of making me feel like shit. It's complicated. And that's it, three is all there is. And online? I just can't seem to connect to anyone. I'm bad at talking, so so bad. I don't know how it works. Like am I supposed to ask you about your life? Am I supposed to ramble about mine? Isn't this boring? How am I gonna remember all of it? What happens if I don't? And what if I just wanna talk about fandom? Even in the discord supposedly dedicated to a certain person there's only like one channel in which we actually talk about that person. Well I say we, like I'm talking. I say the wrong thing and get ignored and get too scared to come back. Or sometimes someone replies something nice and it's good for two minutes, and then I don't know how to follow up and it's over. And here on tumblr I talk and talk and talk, to everyone and no one. To myself. And I watch people bond over mutual quirks and kinks that aren't mine.
I'm crying because I want to be a different person. Because I want to be someone who has friends. Because I want to be someone who knows how to have friends. To make, to have, to keep. I know none of it.
I have much to think about.
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phdmama · 5 months
im not sure if this is the right place to ask this but do you have any advice about writing or posting fic after nearly a decade? the last time i posted fic it was a very different fandom and i was 13 ish. what i am struggling with specifically is that last time i wasnt really thinking about including themes or accurate characterisations etc. and the new fandom i want to write in is much smaller and has some incredible writers. the prose is so good with incredible diction, different styles and literary techniques.
so essentially i've stalled because im so focused on trying to incorporate these things that i just end up not writing anything. i think its also a general lack of confidence maybe?
thank you :)
Hi pal! Sorry it took me so long to answer you - I spent yesterday shoveling and today at work!!
I feel like there are maybe two different things in your ask here? There's the issue of writing (especially in a new fandom) and then there's the issue of posting and wanting people to actually read your stuff!
I know this is such a cliche but I really do actually believe this, which is - when it comes to writing, YOUR VOICE MATTERS! Sure you can absolutely emulate the work you're loving (and there's nothing wrong with that! I've certainly done it, I think a lot of us have, especially in the beginning), but it sounds like you're maybe forgetting the most important part. Which is this, in my opinion. Your story is valuable because it's YOURS. No one else can tell it. That's where all the stuff about "write what you want, for you" comes in.
What would you write if you could let go of all of the expectations you're burdening yourself with, to live up to other people's writing, and just let yourself write?
In part - it's so much easier to edit than it is to write (at least that's true for me, my fellow writers, PLEASE feel free to add on to this). The first draft is just for getting it out of your head - from there, you can focus on the craft part of it (if you want to!), really honing your narrative and characterizations and whatnot. But write the first draft and let it be ugly.
In terms of breaking into a new fandom, especially a small one, well. I dunno, but for me, I do love some very rare pairs and when I find something new, I get really excited! So I'm betting there's an audience for your work - it might be small, but dang, I bet it's enthusiastic.
For connecting with people, well. @allwaswell16 has really great enthusiasm for self-promotion (and I'm so bad at it, but she's NOT wrong) - write your fic, make a fic post, post it and reblog it. Tag it!
I know for me, I'm probably too shy to reach out to people and say hey! pls read my fic? But if you haven't made some fandom connections as like, a fan, that might be worth doing as well - not to get people to read your work, but to have other fans to celebrate with! I've made some incredible friends simply by shrieking in the comments on the fics and then stalking them on Tumblr to yell at them some more about how much I love their work. (All in complete sincerity too.)
I am pretty bad at Discord and writers groups and stuff, but maybe there are people there to connect with as well?
And like, a thing I want to be really clear about is, it's 100% okay (and like, super normal?? I think??) to *want* people to read your stuff! I write for me, I share it because I want other people to like it too. it does take time to build up those connections usually, but again, I'm guessing that people who love that pairing are going to be excited for someone who's excited to join in.
Anyway, just some off the top of my head rambling - please please feel free to come back if I can be of any other support? xox
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