#ran housamo
cyber-beast · 10 months
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New Ran art by Gomtang!
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darkradar01 · 5 months
Give me Some ideas for summosnap!
I really wanna use the app but I don't know what I should make about. Please comment on what I should make. I'm desperate and bored T^T
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mamaito · 1 year
[Housamo] Chapter 13 - 4
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[Heavy mentions of the dungeon quests, especially Ryota's.]
-- Tokyo's gate is tied to the twenty-three worlds, and one of those world's is called the [Great Spirit].
No matter where you look, it's extending itself into the open fields of this current world. Every lifeform are of equal to one another in it's society.
Over there, [equality] is a wide known belief. -- And so that world is inviting it to [give way].
If you have no use for the crops you have then release it on to the others.
Hence that is why the person must give way, as it is what maintain's the [Great Spirit]'s authority--
-- The individual acting as the [Great Spirit]'s successor is none other than Wakan Tanka for he is the representation of this belief.
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There is nothing out there that I cannot do, granting everything in my own power till there is no more that'll be left in my existence.
In accordance to the vessel, Wakan Tanka, there are things that he simply cannot do in this body, at least in terms of it's concept. Either that or it is just simply a natural law for each person to obey.
From stone to grass, every being that has existed and lived inside this planet, is loved.
From whence life reared it's head out, there'd be rain coming to greet them, taking the roaring thunderbolts along with it. It is Wakan Tanka's very nature to give onto others.
This personification of faith that goes by the name Wakan Tanka was incomparable and was of equal footing out of everything else that has existed.
And so, the moment he then began to stand on his own two feet in the world by himself was only then did he intrude on others.
No matter who it was, and no matter who was invading this world--
Wakan Tanka would intrude and simultaneously submerge himself to them.
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As a result, Wakan Tanka would face loneliness. For he is always high up among the clouds by himself as he overseers at the open field.
However, he has since released all the love that he could offer within each living being and has pertained that way since.
As there were traditional songs in regards to a white buffalo taking form in the flesh… Numerous sightings within Tokyo state that this creature resides here.
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[Durga] "-- Hold up! There was an emergency warning back at home near the school district, you know!"
[Ashigara] "Where did that bastard Wakan ran off to!?"
[Kyuma] "I looked behind the school building but senior Wakan was nowhere to be found!"
[Gunzo] "… Guh, that guy! Just when we needed to go and seek shelter!"
[Yasuyori] "…"
Yasuyori understood the predicament they were in since he was also part of said [three big guilds], in that corner were the warmongers.
But, this was no mere evacuation announcement. The timing of it was too on the nose.
And so it was understandable that the very balance of Tokyo as a whole is crumbling at this moment.
[Yasuyori] "… That idiot, this was not the time to be doing this in this predicament. You can only depend on yourself in times like this, we need to get everyone to safety--!"
[Cowboy Transient?] "…"
[Yasuyori] "… Hm? A child? A Yoyogi elementary student perhaps."
"This here's place is dangerous for you. It is too early to be coming out when there is a big problem--"
Yasuyori gave out a soft voice as much as he could to the young boy, but he seemed to impose a maturity uncharacteristic of a young one, glimmering within his eyes.
[Cowboy Transient?] ".. Wakan Tanka is never going back. That's what I've been told through legends."
[Yasuyori] "… Huh? Just now, did you--"
At that moment, Yasuyori's phone rang and he took it out of his breast pocket.
[Yasuyori] "Hm, there's an incoming call. -- Yes?"
Yasuyori was interrupted by a loud noise and turned around to look for it-- As he did so, he notices the young boy is no longer around.
[Yasuyori] "… What you just said--"
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[Tanetomo] "… I am speaking to Yasuyori, am I not? I'm talking about the situation you're in, I wanted to discuss it."
"The [Three big Guilds]'s southern section, the Invaders, has gone all out."
"The rain has spread out through the entire area of Tokyo, and they could only be the prime suspect for rousing such behavior."
"But how odd, they've never acted something like this prior to the previous loops before, certainly not where most could see it--"
"Would you like to work together with me? Regardless of any reasons you may have."
[Yasuyori] "Counselor.. No, sir Tanetomo. I'd like to apologize, I'm already--"
[Tanetomo] "I understand, you'd rather be with everyone from Yoyogi academy and prioritize their safety more, isn't that right?"
"You're the type of guy who makes his own judgement based on your surroundings, but don't worry as I'll be able to provide a evacuation shelter for them."
[Yasuyori] "…"
[Tanetomo] "But I can't guarantee their safety at all times, if something were to happen then I'll act just as fast."
"You'd go the extra mile for these school mates of yours, but I would also like that you'd transfer these chances of success in aiding me also, how about it?"
[Yasuyori] "B-but, I'm--"
[Tanetomo] "… Right now the [Three Big Guilds] are on their way towards Yoyogi Academy, to where your homes are. This isn't just something unrelated to you."
[Yasuyori] "… What?"
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[Tanetomo] "Among the Yoyogi academy's three senior students, Wakan Tanka, is the Invader's [World Representative] and is on the move."
[Yasuyori] "Wha--!?"
[Tanetomo] "… Truth be told, I, too, was surprised. The past loops never mentioned this information before."
"What I heard-- No, I wish for you to give me permission to investigate the scope of this information."
"Well, I did made a path for myself in manipulating enemies this far."
[Yasuyori] "Sir Tanetomo… In what way are you different."
[Tanetomo] "You're right, Yasuyori… I am a bad friend and influence, after all."
[Yasuyori] "… Very well, Sir Tanetomo. Then how do you expect me to move from here henceforth?"
[Tanetomo] "I'm going to explain this current situation we're going through. The person acting as their world representative plans to remove the trophy from this place."
"For reasons that the world representatives themselves have disclosed this recent information of incarnations."
"As of now, the west is moving rather sluggish on the side.. The east and the south on the other hand are picking it's pace."
"This time, with the info we have of the three, we can counter the world representatives using this to lead them into the natural disaster."
"Though, I fear that Shinjuku during this time will turn into a huge brawl if our opportunity to succeed fails."
"Nonetheless, I want you, Yasuyori, to go fight the world representatives."
"The south and the east's world representatives are concerned about their reliability so let's go and take care of the west's representative."
"Based on the data from multiples loops, we can use one as an example where a world representative is confronting another world representative."
"The [Three Big Guilds] have companions who are enemies themselves but the situation in regards to it I have yet to know. But they're united under one common goal and keep each other in check, apart from that--"
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"… I am particularly paying close attention to the west, where the invaders are. There is a hakkenshi amongst them that's marching ahead."
"Just the other day, One of my.. Err, a friend rather who had information before getting dragged into the mess."
"This friend was barely able to get the info out from that place but according to him there was one person who he heard say the following:"
"[This cruel plan is the way to reformation, in order to save everyone we must have a sacrifice, this last remaining clan member--]"
[Yasuyori] "A sacrifice to an end…"
[Tanetomo] "Those were the words of the messenger that I interpreted, [This will be the last loop] as it was stated."
"How can I be so confident in it, you ask? Surely you don't think that I understood why they gave me this information, do you?"
"As you can see, I did not acquire this bit of info on my own, I told that person to go look for something-- And they didn't even pull out of there."
"That comrade of mine let themselves be charmed by the green. In that case there is a similar hakkenshi fitting for the role, and it is no one other than you Yasuyori."*
*(It means that spy of his was swayed by the ideals aka green pastures of what grand ideology Masanori was spouting on about.)
-- The Hakkenshi belongs to the Minamoto's branching family, the Satomi clan. It is there where their eight orbs were each named correspondingly.
The outcasts consisted mostly of nobles that were casted off from their family and during one of their meetings, Tanetomo was present also. The outcasts decided they were to serve a world representative.
[Tanetomo] "… Still, you and I would never be able to meet if it weren't for this latest Tokyo's green pasture as one would say."*
*(Again, he said the color green. Same meaning as the one above only this time he means the latest or new tokyo loop they're in.)
"That's why the end is coming because-- Somehow, the south is inflicting harm singlehandedly, wouldn't you say?"
[Yasuyori] ".. I wholeheartedly agree with the notion, sir Tanetomo!"
Tanetomo earns Yasuyori's approval by the sound of his voice through the phone, and a faint chuckle was given in response.
[Tanetomo] "Though the attacks will only get bigger if we do it again and again. It'll be too late to ask for any first hand experience--"
"The past loops of the [Three Big Guild]'s battles and it's limited practicality."
"Back in the Warmongers, I'm sure you recall the [Self Recollection Method] they did that would restrict someone's will--"
"The Invader's would be bestowed with [Memories of past selves], one that would invade each one's personality especially for long periods of time."
"Right now, while there's a rain outbreak, we should spread it in every spot of the south with [Memories of past selves] and sweep off our deeds by deeming it as mere conjectures."
"If not yet then the [Three Big Guilds] time in which the agreement they've married themselves to will seal the deed--"
The pact has already been violated. As tokyo is engulfed in this, whatever is going to happen is veiled in utter mystery.
[Tanetomo] "Furthermore, the others are being intruded-- The boundary of one's self are being lost and is fusing with one another."
"… It has been raining over and over and it never stops, it just keeps getting bigger. So let's join forces together, alright, Yasuyori?"
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[Shiro] "Kh.. Khh..! Guuuh!?"
[Kengo] "Hah, something's coming..! Something, something's inside me--"
Within the skies of Shinjuku were raining excessively on two individuals as if the heaven's heard their calls. It kept downpouring.
The rain's nature seems to be associating itself with someone's memories as Shiro and Kengo's bodies are being soaked continuously.
["Could this be the south's own authority?"] ["Kch, even I'm getting woozy--"] [(Get out of the roofs satefy and rush out to them.)]
[Both] "Stop!!"
[Shiro] "H-how would you feel when you're the one being continuously attacked? We're fine, okay, we won't lose to this rain!"
[Kengo] "Kh, Shiro's right, the big brain's in charge here. Any idea what this rain wants?"
"I might be able to sketch us a way out so come at me with one of your brainy ideas!"
Kengo reaches out to Shiro and tries to cover him, acting as a shield from the rain as he yells out with as much as he could muster against it.
[Shiro] "Kengo… The rain. That's right! Ito, do you remember about getting in somewhere?"
"Ryouta was supposed to form a cooperation with the Aoyama guild, Aoyama has a underground place within the cemetary. I'm sure at that time I've heard of talks about looking for it.--"
["Conversations about the Aoyama underground hideaway within the cemetary?"] ["That's right, I remember--!"]
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[Shiro] "Within the old building of the Shinjuku academy's basement was the [Exception handling] of Yog-sothoth--"
"In Kengo's case, the underground of Ikebukuro was handling a sacred artifact of the exception named Thor in order to learn and find a way to use it."
"During the Aoyama collaboration was Ryouta's encounter with [Exception handling] that was carried out."
"And so Aoyama's underground hideaway within the cemetary lies a exception named King Fisher."
"Ryouta's sacred artifact is the holy grail, has an ability to draw one's ability out via request."
"Wherein the memories of someone's past self in the other loops, the edge is presented before their very eyes."
"I remember during that time, all Ryouta did was talk and talk about that particular subject."
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[Shiro] "Once the truth of the ending to the game is revealed, at that moment, the last judgement will present itself and an angel will appear."
"As the world ends, the angel with then wash this world's tears in accordance to the rain's belief and then return back to earth."
"At that moment, that person will then grieve for their sins, retributing for what he's done as they are then washed away by the rain's judgement."
"Those who have been soaked by the rain, will have their pasts exposed--"
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[Shiro] "Surely, it is without a doubt Israfil… The name of that angel from the world of Eden."
"His ability alongside the rain must have some sort connection with one another that we haven't yet know of…"
"The [Exception handlement] of King Fisher's sacred artifact should have a more well documented information in regards to the memories that was pulled out of it…"
"Ito, go get in contact with Ryouta…"
"Gh, guuh, aaAAhh!?"
[Kengo] "S-something slippery is crawling under me.. Uwaaaahhh!!"
[Shiro] "Wha.. Wha- What'd you say!? Like when Yog-Sothoth that time--"
Filled by the brim with warmth, something strange began to intrude upon the two and shrieking were let out.
["Shiro, Kengo!"] ["I should call Ryouta right away… Hm?"] ["Something, something's approaching--!?"]
[Spirit Boy?] "…"
A young boy with a large leaf of a butterbur came strolling in akin to holding it like an umbrella as the rain keeps downpouring on it, bypassing the rain's ability.
["Hey you.. Who are you!"] [(Ready your sword.)]
[Korpokkur] "This tokyo is different from my world. I am the world representative of Kamuy Kotan, Korpokkur."
Ito could sense the intent to kill laid bare as the young lad named Korpokkur introduces himself.
["Hmph, t-that's some bloodlust you got there..!"] ["Why, why would you suddenly..!?"]
[Remember what Smokey God told you.]
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[Smokey God] "… The subject in which the length of the game that's been delaying far too long, there wasn't a festival of free will before."
"This dome's trophy, for as long as the others give value to it, the harder it is to overturn it."
"No, it must be said properly. We used to think that this line of thinking that [We, the representatives are the ones who put value on this person] hasn't been possible."
"This world's regard to value has already been overturned. As we speak, [that] has become this world's enemy."*
*(He's referring to you, the player.)
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[Korpokkur] "…. Go ahead and ask for help. Pon Yaunpe-- [The hero of the small]."
"Before you became such a filthy adult, you used to be raised by this leaf of the butterbur."
"It was I who wished for all of the children to be protected. I gave everyone their assigned roles, but--"
"By then, you were already sullied. That's why you and I--"
"-- I won't let my home world be polluted by the likes of you, I won't let you forsake it."
"Come and hurry along, children. Only they can take shelter underneath, otherwise they might freeze from it-- [Sharp Icicle Detachment]!"
As his ability activates, your surroundings started to wrap itself with snow. Despite just being one individual around, the leaf of the butterbur starts to conceal Korpokkur."
["I- I can't use my strength..?"] ["Just as what you'd expect from a world representative."] ["I gotta warn those two to get out..!"]
[Korpokkur] "Ahahah! Cold, isn't it? That's right, this world is just as cold."
"Come, children. Just like that, go and move about--"
"-- Wha?"
An abrupt gunshot was let loose in the background and Korpokkur barely glazed the shell with his reaction.
[Cowboy Transient?] "… Yo, Korpokkur."
This cattle beast sudden turn towards the light reveals a young boy that's completely drenched as he walks in the middle of the heavy pour.
[Korpokkur] "… Babe Bunyan! Why you--"
["This is.. Who?"] ["Babe Bunyan…?"] ["This rain doesn't affect you?"]
[Korpokkur] "… There are two kinds of people who can tolerate the rain. Someone like me who hides from it's domain ability, and--"
"-- Long ago, the rain drenched something it wasn't supposed to. You are among one of those, and the other is… Babe Bunyan?"
Like a close friend, his entire being changes completely. Upon observing Korpokkur closer, he seems to be in a turmoil.
[Babe Bunyan] "Yee-haw!"
[Korpokkur] "…!"
["Are you competing with the world representative?"] ["No different from any other world representative, wait just a sec..!"] ["What's with this atmosphere…!?"]
[Babe Bunyan] "Stay put, alright, Ito?" Otherwise I might hurt you and we wouldn't want that now, do we?"
"I'm Babe Bunyan. The Great Spirits' [reincarnation] is--"
["Why are you by yourself assisting me?"] ["Just who are you, really? What are you scheming?"] ["The Great Spirits' what..?"]
[Babe Bunyan] "Looks like this place needs a trimming, watch and learn. I'll teach you all about it, Ito."
"Now, see for yourself the world set I'm about to do--!"
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-- Out of the twenty-three worlds connected to tokyo, there is one that's called Kamuy Kotan where nothing but the menacing snow plagues the land.
As the rules dictated by it's nature, the kinds of people that are deemed accept are those who have just came to into the world while those who are showing signs of developmental growth were unforgivable.
This world representative was the young boy named Korpokkur! Hailing from the Kamuy Kotan world.
Naturally, their unusual tradition was held in utter strictness. Those especially who are children that are turning up as adults by the time they are supervised by the giant leaf of the butterbur.
It was considered a blessing to the people that there is a higher limitation established in their society, to prevent the greed of things like excessive fishing, and so on. It was to avoid them from baring their fangs at others.
He was the embodiment of [Mother Nature's blessing] versus the personification of [Mother Nature's strictness]--
This world's loop in which he is the world representative of the game, is where he decided that he'll protect the children there instead no matter what.
And so this led to him becoming famous around the northern district of the Ojibo Academy as his territory. A forementioned guild base was then controlled.
This world representative, Korpokkur learned to love the children and protect their very existence.
Mixed with his worship for the children of this tokyo and being Kamuy Kotan's representative--
Korpokkur belonged to the eastern part of tokyo, the rulemakers.
Amongst all, he had a classmate who was boarding alongside him in school named Babe Bunyan, who he then considered a friend.
[Babe Bunyan] "Yee-haw! Yo, Korpokkur! How'd the physical check up go? How about you and I have a few stretches?"
This beastlike calf named Babe Bunyan was one of the Great Spirits' reincarnation.
And as a cowboy himself, he yearns and loves baseball, the young lad preferred the taste for barbecue rather than the good ol' natural milk that's aplently.
Korpokkur loved this boy despite his prolonged selfishness in constant murmurs wanting to hurry and grow up.
The school was strict in it's discipline to those who want to act independently and are expected to behave. Naturally, it was important for them to remain innocent, or so that's what was believed to be more important--
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[Babe Bunyan] "Yeehaw!"
[Korpokkur] "-- [Sharp Icicle Detachment]!"
The old practice of the Kamuy Kotan was resurfacing once more as the mention of the civilization's progress comes to a sudden halt with no one preventing it.
Nevertheless, Ito in comparison to the younger two held each other up as masters of their perspective field, as they're clearly going easy on one another and with no hesitation, were able to grasp their situation just as quick.
However, the authority carried with the role proved restraining at times. This child that Korpokkur had come to love and wanted to protect--
Korpokkur has been limiting himself from givng away too much of his real self till now, not realizing the other's rule.
The babe prevented the blizzard from reaching Ito and Babe Bunyan once again fired his rule out.
[Babe Bunyan] "-- [Falling Wetlands]!"* *(拓酪(Takuraku) - It means to fall down, lose the way to get ahead in life, fall into despair. It can be translated to [Falling into the Wetlands].
This reincarnated Babe Bunyan's sacred artifact was a horseshoe that's under his foot, representing the unexplored civilization that has yet to be pioneered.
Then, the rain quietly enters one of the water canal's, guiding itself to creep behind on Korpokkur, swooping down to attack him.
[Korpokkur] "..!"
Korpokkur manages to stop the rain from reaching him by horizontally positioning his umbrella-like leaf onto it's direction.
Just as some time ago during that same blizzard, in those prior moments, he was also taken by surprise.
["The blizzard is being interrupted..!"] ["I-- I see a pathway!!"]
[Babe Bunyan] "Hold it, stop right there, Ito. Leave it to me… Yeehaw!"
"There, jackpot! Yahoo!!"
Tossing it around a pipe, it manages to coil itself around Korpokkur's arm and prevented it from moving any further.
[Babe Bunyan] "Well now, I sure caught you."
[Korpokkur] "Let.. Let go of me, Babe Bunyan! What if someone comes out to stain your innocence, for you to be doing something like.. Kh!"
"I get it, it was his doing, isnt it? This events, this could only be the Great Spirit's world representative's--!"
At that moment, Babe Bunyan closed the distance between him and the struggling Korpokkur and whispered into his ear.
[Babe Bunyan] "-- See ya. My- Not yet- Korpokkur."
[Korpokkur] "… Kh!"
[".. What, what did you guys were whispering about?"] ["I'm going to pretend I didn't hear any bad intention just now…"] ["Korpokkur stopped moving."]
[Babe Bunyan] "… Hey, you were in a hurry to get out of this joint and Ito wasn't your main mark, right?"
"Everyone was, I happen to remember something because of this rain and you happen to know how to stop it, don't you?"
"You don't really get me at all, my very nature. You just want me to remain as a kid, right?"
"… Let me tell ya something, Korpokkur, since we're friends and all."
"Right now, the timing of the heavy rain that's pouring on tokyo isn't just simply aiming for our homes."
"You've joined forces with that angel guy, Michael… The rain you guys have sent out will bite you all in the asses."
[Korpokkur] "…!"
[Babe Bunyan] "This here's rain is caused by the angel of Eden, Israfil. It is said that if you call out that guy's name, you'll see him."
"You understand it now, Korpokkur? Don't see how it's like oil?"
"Don't you see how this rain is spreading so strangely? From the east position, to the northern district even."
"You're not the only one here, there are kids out there… Alright?"
After the conversation between Babe Bunyan and Korpokkur, he eventually lets his arm go.
[Korpokkur] "…"
Korpokkur once again looks up at the sky, then conceals himself with his umbrella leaf.
["Waah, another storm blizzard!?"] ["Run, Babe Bunyan!"] [(Station your sword to guard yourself.)]
[Babe Bunyan] "… I was worried for a moment there, Ito. Who knows where that guy could've gone to, Yeehaw!"
["T-thank you, Babe Bunyan."] [".. By the way, why do you know my name?"] ["During that conversation just now, don't tell me you--"]
As Ito says those words to Babe Bunyan, there is only but an adult-esque smile that was answered back.
[Babe Bunyan] "I'm Babe Bunyan. I was sent by the Invaders and ran all the way here."
He reattaches the horseshoe back to his foot, creating a clanging sound while doing so. Outright wearing the cowboy persona just as he proclaimed.
[Babe Bunyan] "According to what I've been given by someone, there's something waiting for you on the other side of the roppongi bridge."
"Don't worry though, I've already told an important friend of mine there to look after you, they won't hurt you though. Yeehaw!"
["… Look after me?"] ["You mean.. The Invaders!?"] [(Look around for the signs of where Shiro and Kengo went.)]
Ito looked behind her as to where Shiro and Kengo were supposed to be.
However, the two that should've been seen collapsed after protecting one another, now, there's no one else there.
["… Babe Bunyan!"] ["Where did those two go..!?"]
Then, as you were about to turn to face Babe Bunyan, his own figure too, is nowhere to be found.
At that moment, the clouds above you were beginning to crack open and only then did the surrounding rain cease to stop.
Likely the doing of Babe Bunyan as this was his own self made domain against the unnatural rain.
[".. Tell me where to go next."] ["Before that, I need to get in contact with Ryouta."] [(Call your members on the phone.)]
["No one's picking up their phones…"] ["Fine, I'll do it on my own!"] [(Head to Roppongi Bridge.)]
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[Sanat Kumara] "… I have always wanted to soar through the skies and watch humans go on about their lives."
Crows that are soaring through the skies follow within their line of sight was the figure of Sanat Kumara flying alongside them.
[Sanat Kumara] "This is the confrontation that's been spoken of in regards to humanities ether constitution, one that will mutually fuse the spiritual and evolutional progression in the end."
"The dreams of that child to cross over his limitations. One such individual who's wisdom was too great for all."
"… I must make sure for everyone's sake that in eternity, we're all living equally in this time we have left."
"That's why I'm not different from those living in a [singular existence], the dream that those Invaders have shown me through their plan of fusion has my utmost support--"
"-- I've betrayed my friends, Leannany and the others from the Creators."
It it understood by the game masters that [Players should by no means be supported in finding the game's neutral position.
[Sanat Kumara] "… That putrid Daikoku, no, Okuninushi fellow. To think he was involved in the cooperation of the west's guild."
"Still, he didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to collaborate with the west and disguised himself in midst of it, throwing away any chance of the Invaders winning by changing his loyalty elsewhere and have him depend somewhere else."
Okuninushi has managed to form a collaboration all on his own. An act that would breech Akihabara's Game Masters.
[Sanat Kumara] "Even so, this is no time for hesitations, for even I have a will of my own, at least, that is what I would like believe.. But."
"… Bastard, who and what are you? You, who have the exact same shadow as me."
Before he can realize it, the entire neighborhood becomes clear and his silhouette reveals that there more than just one person here with him.
[Sanat Kumara] "You've been monitoring me all this time. Tell me, what're your intentions in wearing the outlines as me, you bastard?"
"You've been imitating me for far too long.. Just what are you?"
[Sanat Kumara?] "…"
The shadow does not speak. And yet, Sanat Kumara still continues to stare at the motionless figure.
[Sanat Kumara] "… Very well, how about we join forces. Whichever imitation you take, whichever the real you--"
"I-- I have decided that we join together… Come, let us go!"
Sanat Kumara looks up to the heavens and offered up a prayer--
Now, the resolution in his visage was more than just one person but theirs, and together they flew away.
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-- In tokyo, there was a rainbow coming into view near the bridge. From Minato district to Shinagawa, it was connecting towards Roppongi's Odaiba.* *(Odaiba- Artificial Island in Tokyo Bay.)
["… I'm right here, Invaders!"] [(I wonder where Shiro and Kengo went..?)] [(Observe the state of your surroundings.)]
[Wakan Tanka∞] "…"
["Are you the Invaders' boss?"] ["Aren't you.. You're that guy!"] ["No way.. There's no way--!?"]
[Wakan Tanka∞] ".. Over and over, and over, the repeats in which you're returned back to me by this world. I've boxed my entire being of existence just for us to meet, funny."
"Never would I imagine that you and I would ever meet. Never in a thousand nor ten thousand years.. For one person."
["Not even in those repeats..?"] [(Recall the prisoon school incident.)] [(Recall the scene which Jacob showed you back then.)]
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That day, during the prison school campaign, as Jacob was swinging his fists, a pillar of light could be seen by countless others--
From that light, Ito's heart was recollecting something akin to calling back to her.
And yet, the infinite's assistance could not be returned back, no matter how much he wants to meet with one another, laugh with one another, and cry with one another, and so turning into the color of green.--*
*(Envy, jealousy.)
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[Wakan Tanka∞] "I am Wakan Tanka.. Infinite, the only one of the Invaders world representative who has shown up."
"Yes, that's right, I am Wakan Tanka.. The end to infinite, and soon everything will be thrown away."
".. Come, it is time for you to understand the concept of give way. Right now, I am holding the love I possess for others that I was going to give and dedicate to."
["Gh-Gaaahh--?!"] ["Wh-what the hell.. What the hell!"] ["Isn't this.. Isn't this assault!?"]
[Wakan Tanka∞] "-- I remembered, the tokyo that you have forgotten, the reality of the memories of those joyous, mundane days."
"It is why I took those distressing memories out of you. Anyone could get hurt and see the power you possess."
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"There is no need for you to fight anymore. It's alright to be afraid-- You should only be feeling joy from now on."
A flash of light covers Ito's field of vision-- And your own thoughts were then filled to the brim--
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justlarkin · 1 year
Do you know how live a hero handle their events??
I mean like, housamo uses the loops excuse for them, live a hero uses that too, or it just happens in another time, or is not explained yet?
The events flow chronologically with the main quest, there's no past loop or parallel world shenanigans. Sometimes they give you options to not remember certain quests and characters from those quests for those who didn't play them, but that's about it.
In the recent Rakusai event, MC has to carry around and security button in case someone tries to kidnap them again and the racist terrorists make an appearance, so some of the MQ stuff does pop up in events. It's just toned down some so MC can do event stuff.
The story goes from: Book 1 Chapter 1> Golden Spirit> Book 1 Chapter 2> Holy Night> New Year 2021> (Wood Wolfman Campaign)> Cyber Wars> Book 1 Chapter 3> (Shadow Wolfman Campaign)> Ruins Adventure> Space Taxi> Book 1 Chapter 4> Summer Dive> 1st Anniversary> Hero Festa> Book 1 Chapter 5> Meteorite Christmas> New Year 2022> Chocolate Circus> Ghostwoods> Book 2 Chapter 1> Lost Ancients> 2nd Anniversary> Virtual Festa> Christmas Countdown> New Year 2023> Chocolate Festa> Rakusai Travelogue> Cruise Train.
Trainee and Mercenary also had campaigns at some point, but I don't believe they had a story that ran with it like Wood Wolfman and Shadow Wolfman, who are specified to be their own characters like Nether Angel and are occasionally brought up later on.
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mail-forwarding · 1 year
Okay what is going on with Ixbalanque's 5 star Research File. How did his brother become the sun first, when Tez' lore is that he is the first sun? Like I get they're from different cultures/regions but they're from the same Gate in Housamo, and even fellow Mayan Itzamna reconciles his story to Tez'. Did Tez just plagiarise Hunahpu? And why does his File mention Tez' siblings in plural, when Xolotl literally ran away rather than become the sun? Are they teasing the existence of the other 3 suns? It's definitely not a translation issue because the Japanese term is きょうだいたち.
Someone smarter than me/with a better understanding of lore, please help.
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kairunatic · 2 years
Didnt expect Bionicle in the Housamo post. Also in case anyone wondering, Bionicle is a lego franchise that ran from 2001 to 2010 (g1) and 2015 to 2016 (g2), a series of buildable toys that using Lego technic construction system (or at the very least the earlier part in g1) and lego Hero Factory system (for g2) . Its very popular back in 2000 and there are still some fan lingering around and have their own sites for them to discuss and show off their Bionicle creation to each other.
Also yes! Bionicle takes the top priority in anything! Glad MC4 knows that!
Not really much into legos but my younger cousin is obsessed with it
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20thcentury-kylo · 2 years
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Latest magazine cover featuring a certain protagonist~ full version on [twitter]
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danieyells · 3 years
Sometimes I remember that everyone in the three big guilds is involved in a school, especially that some are staff--Claude is the Headmaster of Bukuro Academy(and student council president because he said so lmao) and Snow is his secretary, Arsalan and Azazel are teachers(Zabaniyya isn't said to be and I can't imagine he'd feel comfortable as a teacher given he's a "tool" and all). . .we don't know if any of the Tycoons are staff do we. . .it's be funny to me if they're all students lmao especially older Ophion? He'd bitch so much that he's a student and not like the headmaster or something, but they can't trust him with an official position I bet. . . .
It's just such a fun thought to imagine them like. At work, in class.
Imagine how often Arsalan's students have a substitute because he went and got lost/kidnapped/on an adventure again. Or he's suppossd to be teaching class but someone asked him something and he went off on a tangent and started telling a story instead(it ties back into the lesson somehow. . .probably.) All of your papers come back covered in oil and paw marks until they switch to a digital system because he admits he smudged a lot of people's writing with his oils.
Azazel teaching religion because "yeah but you were there so it's kind of your field." He's fully tempted to lie through everything because lbr, full of love as he is he doesn't have the best opinion of Eden, but the angel students probably keep him accountable. You don't have to do your homework half the time if you come up with an enjoyable lie for him. . .most people are not comfortable with his response to clever lies and do their homework. His ability to just See Everything is actually pretty handy because if you don't understand something or you're clearly struggling he'll approach you to help because he can see it happening rather than you having to ask.
Azazel sees and hears bullying as it happens. And if he or Arsalan or another teacher can't put a stop to it in the moment, he makes sure things are dealt with after the fact. He's had Zabaniyya walk other students home to other wards because they were threatened. The worst tends to be assumed about Azazel especially--and I won't deny he's, excuse the pun, no angel--but he looks after his students.
Bullying is handled very differently in Bukuro Academy. Claude runs Ikebukuro, they can't really tell him he's not allowed to handle things his way.
Maybe you'd think Claude stands by anyone who uses their brute force to solve problems or anything of the sort. . .and you'd be partially right. Bukuro isn't Umamichi, despite the fighting all over Ikebukuro the students aren't delinquents. But if students wants to fight, Claude will let them fight.
Everyone thought this is a terrible idea at first--and yeah it doesn't always work as intended. But the mindset is "you won't hit each other if you know what it feels like to be hit"--and certainly not if the whole school is there to see you do it and know your crimes. If you lose, you lost. But if you won, what's to say Claude won't make a gladiator out of you and ask who wants to fight you next? And if you're being threatened. . .well, you won't think of it much when Claude's empowered you with his artifact and the cheers of the other students. More often than not the one being bullied wins the fight--maybe it's a bit rigged but Claude likes entertaining fights and these fights serve to teach a lesson, so sometimes a little rigging is necessary.
At the end of the day he makes sure anyone being toxic knows there's a difference between a gladiator and a bully. One is admirable and the other is a brutish coward. Now get back to class. (Snow takes everyone involved to the nurse's office of course. . The school is surprisingly peaceful by the second semester. It's almost boring, Claude thinks, but he also thinks it's best that children learn if they want to learn.)
(there is no detention, only one massive after school fighting ring. Of course you signed your kid up for this, didn't you read the fine print?)
Unrelated, Claude likes art and he especially likes art from his students. So if his students draw him things, on top of hanging them in his office at the academy, he pays them in cash. Always pay your artists!! "Headmaster Claude, sir, that's their homework and I need to grade it--" "No it's art and it's mine now."
Just random silly thoughts about the staff guild leaders.
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littlest-salomon · 2 years
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"Oh, hello there! Nice to meet you! I'm Toddi Howluson. Would you like to hear about an exciting new prose that has just been written?"
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wobinofylisse · 3 years
Thoughts on totally-not-a-sugar-daddy Aegir?
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He's got a big heart and fat titties
It's odd how he talks about drowning people but at least in the story he notably never actually drowned anyone.
I am curious what happened to his daughters social media account after they got moistened. Did he like, send out a goodbye message or did this wildly popular mermaid band just stop posting and now people are just left to wonder what happened to them? Am I gonna see a video from blameitonjorge in a few years talking about the mysterious disappearence of a Tokyo idol group?
Also I'm curious why Surtr doesn't like him. My knowle- SHUT IT! SHUT UP IDIOT I'M LOOKING UP HIS WIKIPEDIA!
So depending on LW Aegir may be our step dad. He's got a snow son named Snaer. Loki is a massive prick as per usual and just murders Aegir's servant Fimafeng after hearing the gods compliment Aegir's barbequeing skills. Loki later comes back to the party after being chased out to which Aegir's other servant Eldir tells him "Fuck around and find out." to which he fucks around, and finds out.
The wiki doesn't mention Surtr so I'm just gonna assume its because Aegir is wet and Surtr is not that.
Anyway I'm curious if the blue streaks are natural or dyed.
8/10 I'm glad he looks the way he does because when we get a humanoid transient they overwhelmingly tend to be oni. Love the scaly hands but he might need to file those nails before we do anything too intimate.
Wet water boy, your wife isn't around so I guess you can slut it up until she shows up and finds out you've been cheating on her.
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andre8398 · 3 years
I offer the cuteness of the alchemist units as tribute to the gatcha gods, please i beseech thee bring my good fortune in the getting the rereleased limited units from the upcoming banners especially the new Kurogane Limited
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cyber-beast · 3 years
Since nearly everyone and even LW themselves seems to forget about her. I totally would’ve been down for Ran to have become an actual playable unit and having her own art instead of being a mermaid mob but that dream is probably dead :/
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Unfurl the Sails! A Golden Treasure Ship (2018)
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frozentears01 · 2 years
might start taking writing requests
i may not be able to guarantee quality but what i can guarantee is that it’ll be fun :)
the only fandoms i really am active in anymore is housamo and genshin so uhhh
-no nsfw
-gores fine though
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menacingheatashi · 3 years
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Made this while at the Live Reading the other day mostly as a side scene of Sandalphon after he was dragged to Daikanyama Academy for a event going on and ran into the survivors of his old unit. All he wants to do is not get involved in any more wars and lose even more people he cares about, so it’s better to push them away now than to get attached.
Honestly I wanna write a whole fanfic/scenario just going over Sandalphon and my other Housamo OCs pasts
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summoner-chan · 3 years
Ok So a few things and this is gonna look ugly as hell because Tumblr desktop is just built different. 1.HGFHKJKKLJKH OPHION MY BELOVED THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH HNNNNGGGG 2. I'm so sorry about Tanngrisnir, he's a wonderful man and I wold never hurt him 3. I'm really the same when it comes to just spewing out massive walls of text. I either spend an hour trying to form a single sentence or I write an entire novel, there is no inbetween 4. Zao, Arachne, Shennong 5. :)
Happy dance because you likey the Ophion!!! (≧▽≦). Don't worry about Tanngrisnir thingy, it's understandable since he could get back to life again maybe-
And yes bless to know we both have ✨mouth diarrhea✨
✨Now on to Housamo Ask Game!✨
I don't have much hobbies other than drawing skksksksksk 😂
Though I guess I can do some dancing and singing? But yeah my asthmatic ass can't handle dancing since I get tired easily and I'm crummy with singing 😂😂
I'll make another post so you hear my crummy ass voice-
It's hard to say because when I was younger my family would say that I would dress like a hobo 😂
But now, people tend to confuse me as an old lady who's in her mid 30s-
There has been multiple times people have been thinking that I'm a grown adult and yet they mistake my big sis as being the younger sister (no!!! It's me!! I'm youngest!!!)
I've already told @agent-057 about this story but I'll tell everyone here about it 😂
When I was younger and we were living in our grandpa's house, it was during the holidays and all of us were playing those fire sparklers. My bio mom invited over the neighbors's kids to play over. I was on my way to put out the fire sparkler into the water bucket and one of the kids who was a younger little toddler (girl), too was playing fire sparklers. The fire sparklers was finished and the fire was getting closer to her hand so in her fright, she threw the burning stick to the direction of the water bucket
Mind you, that she was on a higher platform and the water bucket was a two steps down. Of course I had to be in the way, cue the "We'll be right back" meme 😂 My hair caught fire from the fire sparkler and I immediately ran to my bio mom who was in the kitchen who was tending to the refrigerator. Seeing my hair was caught on fire, she opened the freezer, took a slab of ice and proceed to slam it on my teeny tiny head, instantly taking out the fire
I was a crying mess while my bio was hugging me, laughing her ass off that her 10 year old daughter got her hair caught on fire. The center of my head was bald and the hair around was burnt to crisp and I smelled like burnt hair which was yucky for weeks-
Memorable time of the holidays and suffered having to wear the shawl 24/7 during primary school 😂
Thank you for sending an ask in!!! Feel free to send in more huehuehuehuehue 👀✨
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