#rand channels
limeskye · 9 months
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BD Energy
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markantonys · 8 months
THEEEEE POINT of rand is that, in the end, the reason he's able to succeed where lews therin failed is NOT his power, it's his good heart and the support of his found family. in the end, he's not a warrior hero, he's a philosophical hero. rand's fight in the last battle is a fight of philosophy and ethics, and it's his friends who are out on the frontlines of the physical fighting, leading armies and protecting him.
so people complaining that the battle with ishy was changed from Solo Rand Power Trip To Show Why He Is More Special Than The Other Characters to a moment of all his friends gathering together to support him, protect him, fight with him, and remind him that he is not alone in this and that they're stronger when they're together...............i'm sorry, but i truly don't think you read the same books i did. (and before you come for me, rand is my second favorite character in the whole series after elayne, so don't come in here saying that i Just Don't Get It because i don't love him enough.)
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Things Rand learns about Moiraine in the course of five minutes in 02 x 05:
She is from Cairhien.
Her family is RICH. Like marry the Queen rich.
She has a sister and a nephew.
That weird lady who told him the Hunt for the Horn isn’t real and how the rich people in Cairhien disdain the people in the Foregate is her sister.
(Maybe that she’s a Damodred, but I don’t think of Rand as a real history buff so idk if that will mean anything to him.)
She hasn’t seen her family in 20 years.
They don’t know Lan.
Things Rand knew about Moiraine before 02 x 05:
She once had trouble channeling when she was learning to be an Aes Sedai.
(Maybe that she is a lady from a fallen house - depends if he believed/remembered that comment she made to the whitecloaks.)
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jaqobis · 8 months
something i always find interesting about rand in the early books is his connection to the One Power. like, he is so strongly attuned to the Power, his capacity to draw upon it is enormous, and he can essentially bend saidin to his will reflexively. and this is a huge problem for him. he not only doesn't really know how to channel, he doesn't even know how to LEARN. he can create weaves under duress, but if he doesn't stop to study them and reverse engineer the technique, there's no guarantee he can ever replicate the effect. even the things he knows how to do...don't always work. he barely knows how to channel safely; he's out here giving himself channeling sickness for a full book and constantly on the edge of burning out because he has no idea where his limits are. he draws on more power than he actually needs for weaves because he has no idea how to temper it or judge that. he keeps using his emotional support angreal because the others scare him. is this one correct for the job? probably not! let's find out! his school of channeling is truly "grab the Power and hope for the best" because what else is he going to do.
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fishalthor · 1 year
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wot gif meme: 5 scenes: 5/5 - anytime Rand channels.
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munroemagic · 5 months
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Just finished rewatching the first season and watching the second season of wheel of time and this is the fucking ship I choose to ship!!!
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zeb-z · 5 months
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Final girl Timothy Rand
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leafatlaw · 5 months
bitb coffeeshop au. Rand as the worlds worst barista who has yet to get a single tip, kian has the most complicated coffee order ever, and rolan just wanted a black coffee but now he keeps coming back 4 rand <333
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ofthebrownajah · 9 months
The Rand Mat reunion was great but it was weird that Mat had basically a non reaction to Rand being able to channel? Granted it pointedly not brought up in that scene at all when that has been Rand's greatest fear all season both that he'll kill everyone he's ever loved and people abandoning him cause he can channel.
Plus there was the whole balcony convo between Rand and Mat in s1 on how they wouldn't let each other become like Logain if one of them could channel?
The only way I can make sense of this is if Mat hasn't put two and two together that Rand can channel.
Basically my main issue right now regarding this is the show hasn't developed enough that the entire world, not just the Aes Sedai, hate and despise male channelers
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shutupineedtothink · 8 months
So plotwise, Nynaeve couldn’t channel in the finale bc if she did she would outshine Rand right? Like she would have just yeeted Ishmael right over the side of that tower.
Also we were clearly being set up for that Elayne Jesus shot and her healing Rand makes sense for that (no I haven’t read the books yet but I’ve heard things)
Anyway I know ppl are upset about Nyn not channeling and I admit it felt a little weird but I’m 100% sure it’s leading up to an even more epic moment when she does
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alectology-archive · 1 year
while we’re on the topic of egwene and heroism… it also feels like egwene is rewarded by the narrative for being an idealist. I think it’s very sweet that she’s a Dreamer in a literal and a metaphorical sense! both her and rand are dreamers - she wants to construct a more ideal version of the tower and gives herself over completely to causes she believes in while rand has lots of hopes and dreams about leaving behind a good legacy, tries to leave a positive impact on the world through the schools, and dedicates himself to certain acts to destructive degrees in pursuit of a positive goal i.e. trying to get rid of the seanchan in ebou dar. what could rand have achieved if he’d lived in another time - if saidin wasn’t tainted, if he trusted himself to work with egwene more closely and their relationship didn’t degrade, etc? I think this is why the theory that rand is a latent dreamer who just never got the opportunity to develop his abilities is one of my personal favourites. it’s also so important that those little core traits to their characters are loved and nurtured by the author, the same way nynaeve’s temper is, or mat’s heroism and fondness for lying is. rand and egwene are idealists but to slightly different degrees and you get to see how that leads them to forge paths that diverge so vastly!
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markantonys · 4 months
taim being demandred would turn rand neglecting the black tower into a comedy instead of an infuriatingly stupid decision. demandred just repeatedly does increasingly obvious shady shit at the black tower to try and lure rand to come give him attention, and rand doesn't care at all.
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lightningthor · 9 months
Did the previous Dragon bang all of the forsaken or what
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jaqobis · 8 months
i'm absolutely feral for moiraine describing a first channeling to nynaeve, and then this playing out in rand's point of view over multiple chapters.
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asha-mage · 9 months
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