#rdr2 abe x reader
allzelemonz · 1 year
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Telling them you’re a virgin
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Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kissing, fluff, sensual touching, groping, begging, losing virginity, beginnings of a sexual encounter
He looks at you for a moment, processing what you said. “Ya are?”
You nod, slowly moving your hands from his waist. He catches them and holds them betweens you as he continues to think. You’re sitting on his bed, his tiny bed in a little shack on the edge of the ranch.
“Ya don’t wanna do it here, do ya?” He asks, his hands squeezing yours.
“I want you, Abe.” You shake your head and shrug. “I don’t really care where.”
He dips his head as he blushes and shakes his head a little. “I-I could get us a hotel room over in Strawberry…”
You tilt his head back up and rest your hand on his cheek. “I don’t wanna wait.”
Abe gives you a light smile as his face turns much redder. You lean in and kiss him, picking up where you left off as your hands go back to his waist and tug at his shirt to untuck it. Abe helps, pulling his suspenders down as he kisses you with a happy smile. He can’t help it, you’re picking him for something so important. At least he thinks it’s important, which is why he stops you when your fingers start at the buttons of his shirt.
“Ya sure, really sure, hon’?”
You press a quick kiss to his lips and smile. “Yes, Abe. I am very sure.”
“Alright.” He says, more breath than voice as he watches you return to unbuttoning his shirt. “If yer sure.”
Bill Williamson: 
His face goes red, already having been nervous about how far you’ve gone. You’re in your tent, Bill is hovering over you and his lips are already a little sore. He wants to keep going, it’s been on his mind ever since you put your hand on his thigh by the campfire an hour ago, but all he can do is look at you.
“Oh…” He shuffles above you awkwardly, suddenly feeling much more guilty about the tent in his pants. “Oh, I-I’m sorry- I didn’t- You-”
“Bill.” You say, slowly running your hands over his arms that hold him above you. “I just wanted you to know. I-I want to keep going.”
“Ya do?” Bill asks, confusion covering his face. “Ya-Ya want me ta…”
You pull him back in for a kiss and Bill returns it with some nerves. He’s hesitant to put his weight back on you, now unsure of himself.
“Please, Bill.” You whisper.
His heart skips at that. He looks over you and slowly gets comfortable on top of you again, letting his apparent arousal press against your thigh as he kisses you again and melts into everything you’ll give him.
Charles Smith: 
He stills, his hands becoming much lighter on your hips. “You should’ve told me.”
“I just did.”
He sighs. “I wouldn’t ‘ve been so…”
“You can be rough, Charles.”
He rests his head against yours. “I was thinking things I shouldn’t.”
You tuck some of his hair behind his ear and kiss his head. “Next time then?”
“Maybe.” He smiles lightly, sighing. “I’ll go slow. Tell me if it’s too much.”
“You don’t have to-”
“I do.” He pulls you closer. “I want you to feel good.”
His eyes catch yours like a trace and you nod. He connects his lips to yours again, much more intentional this time. With this new pace, it could be a long night.
Colm O’Driscoll: 
He grins like a mad man as he thinks of the implications. He’s just pushed you down to sit on his bed after having kissed and felt you up for hours. But now that you’ve told him, his plans are changing actively in his mind.
“Ya don’t say…” His eyes flick over you in a hungry way that makes just a hint of fear shoot through you. “Ain’t lyin’ are ya?”
You shake your head. “Why would I lie?”
He hums as he leans over you, hands resting on your thighs as his face gets close to yours. “Somethin’ special ‘bout takin’ somebody’s innocence, sweetheart.” His hand moves up your leg, tilting inwards until he feels what he wants. “Ya want me? Want me ta make ya feel what ya been missin’, sugar?”
You nod, breath hitching as he squeezes at your leg.
“I need words, sugar.” He hums. “Go on, tell me what ya want.”
His eyes fix on yours but his hand doesn’t stop its trip. He presses at you, much more than he has before. He’s touched you, groped just enough to make you want him, teasing you, but he had no idea this is all new for you.
“Colm…” You mumble.
“Be specific now, sugar.”
“I don’t- I mean-”
Your mind is clouded by the new and pleasant sensation that Colm is giving you as he rubs your through the fabric separating you.
“Want some help?” Colm asks, earning a nod from you. “That’s alright, sugar, you’ll get better. Ya like this?”
You nod as your hips buck against him slightly. Colm pushes you back down with his free hand as he moves closer to your ear.
“Ya want me ta fuck ya all gentle?” He whispers.
“Please.” You manage to say.
Colm grins against your skin as he kisses along your neck and slowly tilts you back onto the bed.
Kieran Duffy: 
Kieran feels a guilt come over him, expecting something from you that you’ve never even experienced. You may be the one pinning him to the tree but his hands are on your waist, his fingers are brushing bare skin under your shirt. He withdraws them as he looks over you in a new light, remembering his first time with a distinct worry that he’ll screw yours up like his.
“I didn’t mean to freak you out, Kieran.” You say, removing your hands from him because you don’t want to pressure him. “I just thought you should know.”
He nods, staring at the ground as he thinks. “Ya, uh, ya never even…”
You shake your head. “Nothing. But I want to do all those things with you.”
“Yer messin’ with me.” He mutters.
Timidly, you put your hands on the side of his face and make him look at you. “I’m not, Kieran. Can we just keep going, like I never mentioned it?”
“But yer- I mean-” He licks his lips from a mix of nerves and the desire you made him feel when his back first hit the tree and your hands wandered over him. “Ya don’t want somethin’ special?”
You smile lightly. “I have you, right?”
Kieran’s face turns pink as you press him back against the tree and kiss him as you were before. He puts his hands back at your waist and melts back into it, forgetting things for now and letting you do as you please.
Micah Bell: 
“You?” Micah asks.
His hand is frozen in place, resting high up on your inner thigh as you sit in his lap. You’re by the fire, alone at the late hour in the dark, and Micah has been pressing heated kisses to your neck. He’d just gotten hard and you could feel it, so you told him as gently as you could.
You nod, turning a little to meet his eyes. The ice in them is melted but covered in conflict as he weighs his options. He had a plan. He was going to get you all needy, take you to your tent, and fuck you like he’s been wanting for the whole of your time with the gang. He was going to be rough because he’s been waiting for so long, maybe have you suck him off in the morning too. But this changes things. You’re not what he thought and he doesn’t know what to do now.
You can sense this, seeing the look that plants on his face. So you take his hand in yours and encourage him to continue as you kiss him. He’s stiff for a moment before he leans into you, letting you take some lead in it all. He lets you pull his hand higher up your thigh and his fingers brush against you.
That makes him pull away with a slight hum. “Let me do this proper, darlin’.”
He pushes your hand away and helps you stand, pulling you along to your tent with an entirely new plan for the night.
Sean MacGuire: 
Sean sits back, pulling his hands into his own lap as soon as possible to hide a growing tent. “I’m sorry, love. I didn’t know, I wouldn’t a’ wanted ta… Well I would, but tha’s not the point-”
“Sean, shut up.” You mutter, annoyed that he took his hands back.
“Alright, love, here’s what we’ll do.” Sean says, leaning forward. “Take things nice and slow, right? I wanna give ya the time a’ yer life.”
You press a short kiss to his lips, only pulling away for a second before Sean puts his hands on your face and pulls you back in. He’s less hungry now, more sweet. He can’t help but giggle as he lays down with you and your hands rest on his hips.
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verai-marcel · 5 years
Trapper Keeper (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur x Fem!Reader, 18+, Part 3 of 3)
Tags & Summary in first chapter.
AO3 Link is here.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2A: High Honor Arthur
Chapter 2B: Craving Your Attention (Low Honor Arthur)
“I followed you because I wanted to hunt with ya. Yer a hard woman to find.”
You smiled at his forward response. “That all?”
He smiled. “That’s all I can hope fer.”
You sighed and lowered your gun. “You’re lucky I like you,” you muttered as you walked up to him and poked him in the chest with one finger. “But if you come with me, I’m calling the shots.”
“Yes ma’am,” he said with a nod.
The two of you quietly tracked a moose through the forest, searching for two days before you finally found one that was worth killing. That night in your tent, as you donned your black clothing and got your bow and knives ready, you were startled when Arthur suddenly peeked inside.
“Excuse me! You can’t just go peekin’ on a lady.”
He just grinned unapologetically. “Just wondering what was takin’ so long.”
You eyed his rifle. “We’re going in quietly. So no rifle.”
“Yer kiddin’.”
“No, I’m not. Get your bow.”
Arthur rolled his eyes and went back to his horse to switch weapons, muttering about crazy hunters, but he did as he was told. He had his bow and arrows secured to his person as you came out of the tent, ready to move. 
“C’mon. When we get downwind of it and close enough, we’ll both shoot at its throat, on three. Understand?”
“Sure,” he drawled.
The two of you got on your horses and made your way to the hill overlooking a small clearing in the forest, where the moose was nibbling on some greens. Going by foot, you carefully snuck downwind of the creature, hoping that Arthur wouldn’t make too much noise. You moved slowly and in time with the rhythm of the creatures of the night, so that your steps would be drowned out by the cacophony of shrill calls of the woodland critters. 
By the time you had gotten to a good spot, you turned and found that Arthur, to your surprise, had kept up with you, quiet as a shadow.
You pointed at the moose and then at your bow. He nodded, and the two of you nocked your arrows together in unison.
“One. Two. Three.”
Your arrows sliced through the air, hitting the moose in the throat. It let out a bellow as it stumbled away, and you quickly gave chase, running gracefully through the forest, dodging brush and low tree branches. You could distantly hear Arthur tromping through the forest after you, making no attempt to be stealthy.
You nocked another arrow as you ran, waiting for the right time to pause and take a shot.
The moose took a sharp left turn and you slid to a halt, drawing back on your bow. Letting out a breath, you released—
A loud bang rang out from your right, and you jumped slightly. Your arrow went wide, hitting a tree trunk as you saw the moose go down, face first into the dirt. 
You glared over at Arthur, who was giving you a shit-eating grin while holding the rifle that you had told him to put away. Sighing, you swapped from bow to knife and whistled for your horse. Going over to the moose, you saw the bullet hole in its head, and hummed appreciatively. At least he was a good shot.
Eventually your horses found the two of you, and after some prep work, the moose had been mostly skinned and quartered so it’d be easier to get it back to camp. You were pleasantly surprised by how skilled Arthur was with his knife, and you enjoyed watching his muscles bulge as he lifted large parts of the carcass onto his horse.
You rode back to camp and hung the meat to drain. After all that, the two of you were an utter mess, covered in blood and moose viscera.
“I’m gonna clean up in the river,” you said, walking away from camp towards the sound of running water.
“I better come with. To guard you.”
You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “Seriously?”
“I mean it!” He held his hands up, feigning innocence. “I’ll turn my back, keep my eyes on the shoreline to make sure nobody comes by.”
At the river, you kept your eyes on Arthur’s back as he stood straight, holding his rifle and looking out at the forest beyond. Shedding your clothes, you walked backwards into the river, making sure he wasn’t looking until you were hip deep in the water. Then you turned around and waded out until the water was neck high, and you sighed happily. Dipping your head under, you washed all the caked on mud and blood off your skin and out of your hair, looking out at the night sky, the sea of stars and the full moon as it lit the river with an ethereal glow. This was partially why you loved night hunts: the scenery with its tall shadows and silver light was such a sharp contrast to each other, so striking in its monochromatic beauty.
“You must trust me if you ain’t payin’ attention around ya.”
You turned to see Arthur, naked, wading into the water with you. You quickly averted your eyes, but you had already seen too much, and your body reacted with a hot jolt low in your abdomen.
“You ain’t ever seen a man before, darlin’?”
“I have,” you mumbled. “Just… wasn’t expecting this.”
“I ain’t blind; I saw you lookin’ at me earlier. You want to look some more?”
You slowly looked back over at him. He had come closer to you now, so his lower bits were hidden by the water, but he was only waist deep, and his chest was scarred and a little hairy and so broad. He kept coming closer and closer to you, until he was a foot away from you.
“Help me clean up,” he murmured.
You hesitantly reached out with your hands, splaying them out on his pecs. He was warm, a pleasant contrast to the cool water, and you moved closer to his heat. He took your hands and rubbed his chest with them, letting out a low rumble in his chest as your hands went lower to his abs, his waist, his hips.
Then he guided your hands between his legs, and you felt him, hard and hot, throbbing in your palms.
“Arthur!” You tried to pull your hands away, but he held them tight. His eyes glowed with a lust you hadn’t seen before.
“Don’t tell me you ain’t interested, darlin’.”
He let your hands go. “I won’t force ya. But the offer’s there. I’m more than willin’ to make ya feel good.”
Taking a few steps away from you, he ducked his head under the water and cleaned up a bit, with you watching him, thinking about his offer. But when he had finished rinsing off and started to walk away towards the shoreline, you watched the water sluicing off his body, off his perfect ass, and came to a decision.
“Make me feel good, Arthur.”
He turned towards you and gave you a sultry smile. “Of course, darlin’.” And he held out his hand to you.
He quickly bundled you in a blanket and threw on his jeans as he took you back to camp; he said the two of you would come back to get your clothes in the morning. Carrying you into his tent like a caveman with his prize, he unwrapped you and immediately threw off his jeans. Crawling over you, he held your face in his hands and kissed you, gently at first, just to get you to open up a little bit. Then he went in, his tongue invading your mouth as he devoured you, his hands wandering down to grip your breasts.
“I’ve been thinkin’ about doin’ this all week,” he mumbled as he twisted and teased your nipples, making you cry out softly with pleasure. He moved down and took one of your buds into his mouth, licking and sucking on you as he trailed his other hand down your body to caress your thighs, coaxing you open.
“That’s it, spread’em wide fer me.” He stroked you as he kissed you again, his lips finding new places on your neck and collarbone to nip and lick as he made you wet. Slipping one finger inside of you, he hummed in satisfaction. 
“So wet for me, darlin’,” he murmured as he positioned his hips above yours, the head of his cock nudging you open. He was thick, thicker than anything you’d ever felt, and you moaned as he slowly entered you.
“You-you’re too big!”
“You can take it,” he encouraged as he sank in deeper, deeper, until his hips met yours. “See? Got me all inside ya.”
You writhed under him, panting with the feeling of fullness. He moaned before he pulled back out and slid back in, slowly building up the pace as he stared down at you, meeting your eyes with his, dark with desire.
Arthur watched as you whimpered and moaned beneath him. You were losing yourself to this heat, this possession as he wrapped his arms around you and pounded harder into you, making sure to watch as your eyes rolled up when he hit a particularly sensitive spot inside of you.
“Like that?”
You just mewled and nodded your head.
“Tell me to fuck you.”
“Fuck me, please!”
“Good girl.”
Arthur wrapped his arms around you as he turned over, putting you on top. He lifted you up by your shoulders and then gripped you by your waist and pumped his hips upwards, making you his pleasure toy as he held you in place.
“Let me see ya touch yerself.”
You reached down and started to stroke your core, your breasts bouncing as he continued to ram you from below. Your other hand tightened against his chest, your nails scratching his skin as you got closer to completion.
“Give me yer pleasure, give it to me,” Arthur commanded with a deep growl.
The rumble of his command vibrated through his body and hit you like a crashing wave as your release exploded through your body; you screamed a string of expletives as you had the hardest climax of your life, Arthur’s cock still fucking your throbbing pussy as the bliss slowly ebbed away from you, leaving you a shuddering, relaxed mess of a woman.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he groaned as he filled you up with his spend, his hips continuing to thrust into you as he wrung out every last drop. When you had both caught your breath, he gently laid you down next to him.
“Yer one helluva woman,” he whispered.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” you whispered back.
You awoke the next morning, a tangle of arms and legs. Arthur got up first, putting on some clothes and leaving the tent, giving you a bit of time alone. You wondered when he’d leave, because you figured he’d have a life of his own out there. Getting dressed and crawling out of your tent, you walked over to Arthur, who was already packing up the moose meat to sell in town.
“So, we splittin’ the meat 50-50?”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” you answered. “You, uh, you leavin’ after we sell the moose?”
Arthur looked at you in mock offense. “You wanna git rid of me that quickly?”
“No, no, I didn’t mean it that way.”
Arthur chuckled. “Was only jokin’. Just need to take care of some loose ends, then I’ll come find ya again.” At your worried look, he nudged your arm with his elbow. “Don’t worry, I’ll see you soon.”
“Who said I was worried?”
“Just thought you might miss havin’ me inside of you.”
You threw a pebble at him. “Cocky, ain’t ya?”
He grinned. “You know it, darlin’.”
End Notes: This trend of writing both HH and LH Arthur… it doubles my workload. But I can’t stop myself from thinking about both sides… because the smut possibilities are SO GOOD. Anyway, hope y’all enjoyed this story. Thank you for reading! And thanks for your lovely request, @r0xy-w0lf!!! It was fun talking to ya on RDO about it! And thanks for being patient with a newbie player like me who keeps running into trees and fences and stumps and rocks and posts and everything else that exists in that game.
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allzelemonz · 10 months
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Crying
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Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, hugs, kissing, crying, fluff, mentions of murder/violence
You come in from the last job of the day, simple milking that you’re just glad to be done with. The hard work of the day has made you tired and all you want is to fall into bed. But everything stops when you see Abe. His cheeks and nose are always a nice red from sunburn but now it’s his whole face and it’s an ever darker red. Tears cover his cheeks and he tries to wipe them away before you see.
He sniffles. “Hi, hun’.”
His smile is an attempt to make it seem not as bad as it is. Whatever has him crying alone in your room must be bad because he’s never tried to hide tears before. You don’t question it, only shedding your dirty shoes before sitting on the bed with him and pulling him close. He lets himself cry again, his body shaking as he sobs against you and wet spots form on your shirt. You keep your arms firmly around him and let him get it out of his system.
He doesn’t waste time. The first thing he does is pull you close and hold you tight as he whispers little things.
“It’s alright, hun’.”
“I got ya.”
“Take ‘s long ‘s ya need, I’m here.”
You hold him even tighter then he does you. There’s not much thought other than being upset and the comfort of Abe’s arms and the warm feeling of his clothes left over from a day in the sun.
Bill Williamson: 
The lantern in your tent is out, odd considering the darkness of the hour. When you duck inside you hear the faintest sound of sniffles and shuffling. As your eyes settle you can see the outline of Bill wiping his face.
“Bill?” You ask. “Something wrong?”
“‘m fine.” He grunts, but there’s a hitch in his voice that says otherwise.
You open your mouth to ask if he was crying, but think better of it. Instead you just come close and cup his face, the wetness of his beard being the only confirmation that you need. Bill is stiff for a moment, knowing he’s been found out, but he softens as you hold him and press a soft kiss to his damp cheek. He doesn’t start again, he’d never cry in front of someone, not yet at least, but he grips you so tight it’s clear that he needs the comfort.
He has a mix of rage and hurt as he holds you. This softness, brokenness, it hurts him to see it. He doesn’t want you to cry, he wants to be able to make you stop and feel better but all he can do is hold you. The anger that boils inside him is another thing entirely. He wants to hurt whoever, whatever it is that made you feel this way. Since he’s sat with you, that anger has died down and the softness has taken over. But once you’re ready to tell him what happened, his short fuse is sure to light.
Charles Smith: 
You almost don’t notice that he’s crying when you find him out by the trees. He doesn’t make much noise, but his shoulders shake and his tears shine on his cheeks. You wrap your arms around him and he quickly hides his face in your shoulder. His arms hold you tightly, clearly needing to hold something just as much as to be held. You stay quiet, rubbing soothing circles into his back and trying to hold him as tightly as you can. He doesn’t speak, just keeps his face buried and his arms locked in place.
He doesn’t hesitate to come closer, only pausing to wordlessly offer a hug. When you accept, he wraps his arms tightly around you. He kisses your head and rubs your back as he keeps you in place. When you’re ready he’ll listen to however much you want to tell him. If someone caused this then he’ll ask if you want something done about it. Otherwise, he’ll hold you for as long as you need. As much as he doesn’t enjoy seeing you cry, he likes holding you.
Colm O’Driscoll: 
You don’t question it. You don’t dare. All you do is wrap your arms around him and try to comfort the outlaw. He won’t answer if you ask and you know it. It’s simply astonishing that he’s letting you see him, letting you touch him while he’s like this. He’s been angry, of course he’s been angry, but crying… Colm O’Driscoll shedding genuine tears for any reason shakes you to your core. Whatever it is, it has to be horrendous. You try not to dwell on it, focusing on keeping your grip tight and holding him close.
His first real thought was about who he would have to kill. His second was that he should torture them first because your eyes look so red and you must’ve been crying for a long while.
“What is it, sugar?” He whispers as he wraps his arms around you. “Somebody I need ta hurt?”
You try to stop, not wanting to seem weak in front of a man like Colm.
He shushes you. “It’s alright, sweetheart. Let it all out, huh?”
Carefully, he leads you to sit down with him and he pulls you into his lap so he can press a kiss to your head. He simmers in his own anger as you let out what you need. In between him remembering to press a soft kiss where he can reach or soothingly rubbing your arm, he thinks about the terrible things he can do to whatever made you cry.
Kieran Duffy: 
It’s not uncommon. Kieran cries to himself quite often, but this is the first time you’ve seen while being sweet on him. He has plenty to cry about, you don’t blame him. You just hold him close and let him stain your shirt with tears. He clings more than usual, his fingers digging into the fabric of your shirt and his body practically glued to yours. You’ll stay for as long as he needs, or until Branwen pushes you apart out of his own worry for Kieran.
He makes sure you’re in private, far enough into the trees that the rest of the gang can’t see. Then he sits down with you and holds you close. He presses the occasional kiss to your head or cheek and wipes away tears.
“Ya can tell me about it… if ya want.” He mumbles once you’ve calmed down a bit.
You muzzle into his neck and take a deep breath. “Later…”
He doesn’t question it, he just smiles at the attention and keeps his arms smug around you.
Micah Bell: 
Micah sits in your lap, hunched in on himself as his hand grips at the handle of his revolver in its holster, his thumb running over it in a repetitive ring motion. He has been holding the tears back for hours but now you can feel them against your shirt. You rub slow circles into his back and whisper small assurances. The sound of him sniffling, trying to stop the tears from falling, breaks your heart a little. Seeing Micah break down is such a change of pace from what you know of him but you’re not going to let him shrivel up the way he was staring to before you found him.
You press a soft kiss to his hair and hold yourself there, just trying to be closer to him and not quite having the heart to give up any proximity. His free hand grips at your shirt as you press another kiss to the same spot. Whatever grounding he’s trying to do isn’t working. You don’t know if this fit was brought on by some memory of his father or an aching failure in his mind or something else. His sensitivities can be so hard to predict given how closed off and guarded he is about any feeling other than strength. So you just hold him as close as you can until he’s ready for something else.
He doesn’t know what to do other than hold you. Whatever has made you feel this way is likely to suffer before it dies, that’s all he knows. On occasion he thinks to press a kiss to your head or tell you some stumbled reassurance, but other than that he just keeps a tight grip around you and hopes the pressure is comforting. He knows you're not weak, you’re not pathetic like most people in the world. This sort of thing happens to everyone and he’s just happy it’s him that’s holding you, him that you trust.
Sean MacGuire: 
“‘m fine.” Sean sniffles.
You ignore him, keeping your arms locked around his body. His face is buried in your chest but you know his eyes are red and his cheeks are stained with tears. He tried to joke at first and he still mumbles something dismissive every once and a while, but he keeps hugging you tight and hiding his face for the most part. You don’t know what happened, it doesn’t really matter. Sean’s not one to cry, he’ll joke for an eternity before a tear falls, so whatever happened had to have been bad. It’s clear he needs this. He needs to cry and to be held like a child. Everyone does at some point whether they want to admit it or not.
Sean nuzzles your chest. “Yer warm.”
His body is relaxed, much less tense than it was a few minutes ago. He’s halfway to falling asleep on your chest and you have no intention of stopping him. His breathing slows and you take the chance to wipe some of the tears from his face as he snoozes.
“It’s alright, love.” Sean mumbles. “I got ya.”
Sean has his arms snuggly around you, having abandoned jokes after they clearly didn’t help. He wants to cheer you up, he really just wants to see you smile, but he knows you just need to go through this. So he holds you as tightly as he can and whispers those nice words.
“I love ya so much, sweetheart.” He says as he kisses your head. “Ya always got me, I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
He draws little shapes in your back to give some comforting movement in between words and kisses. In this moment he’d do anything you ask at the drop of a hat but you haven’t said anything, so he’ll just keep this up until you do.
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allzelemonz · 10 months
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: “Fuck me.”
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Beginnings of smut, language Warnings: Begging, kissing, neck kissing, grinding, hand jobs, blow job
It comes out as a whisper, one you barely register. Abe’s cheeks are pinker than his sunburned nose. Your hands are under his shirt, feeling his soft skin, and your knee is wedged between his legs. He’s hard against you and he’s been grinding desperately. You’ve never outright heard him say those words before but it makes a spark of pleasure go straight to your dick.
“Please…” He gasps as he rubs against your thigh a certain way.
Your hands drop down to unfasten his pants. “Whatever you want, Abe.”
He puts a hand on the back of your head and pulls you in for a kiss. In the midst of his hungry attention you manage to get his pants down and slip a container of pomade from your pocket.
He freezes for a moment, his eyes meeting yours. You can’t stand the strain against your pants anymore and Abe’s been palming you for far too long.
“Abe, come on.” You move his hand from your bulge to the fastenings of your pants. “Fuck me, please.”
His cheeks grow pink but his hands work at the fastenings, his focus turning entirely to getting your pants off. He pulls them down as quickly as he can. You press kisses to his neck as he works on his own pants, your hands urging them down with his.
Bill Williamson:
You smile. “Marion…”
“Shut up.” He mutters against your lips. “J-just do it, will ya?”
You can feel his dick pressing against your own, both of you so sandwiched together that every inch of his front is against yours. The words had slipped from his lips the second you rested your hand on his ass.
“Say it again.”
His face turns red and he buries it in your shoulder.
“You just sounded so sweet, Bill.” You reassure, pressing kisses to his head. “Please.”
“Please, fuck me.” He mumbles into your shoulder.
You run your hands over his side for a moment, relishing the words, before you dip them between you to unfasten his pants. Bill gives you the space and hastily tugs them off when you’re done.
Bill smiles against your skin, his lips hovering over your stomach. He pauses his worshiping of your body to look up at you as his hands move to your waist. His cheeks are red and his eyes clouded with lust.
“I will, darlin’.” He says, beginning to kiss at your chest now.
“Now, Bill…” You buck up against his hips as he moves up to kiss your neck. “Please fuck me, Bill. I need you.”
He lets his hips drop so you can comfortably grind against them as he cups your cheeks and kisses your lips as gently as he had everywhere else. “Alright, alright. Since yer asking all nice.”
Charles Smith: 
You stop for a moment, your hands loosening on Charles’s hips and your lips pulling away from his neck. “What did you say?”
He shakes his head with an embarrassed smile. “Don’t make me say it again.”
“No, no, Charles.” You run your hands up his sides as you lean in close to his lips. “What did you say?”
He opens his mouth but words don’t come out as his eyes search your face. His breath hitches and his own hands find a place on your hips, pulling your lower halves closer.
“Please fuck me.”
“Was that all?” You smile, pressing your lips to his.
He smiles before giving you a slow kiss, his hands tightening on your waist. “You really want that?”
“Please, Charles.”
“Just never thought you’d ask like that.” He mumbles, pressing his lips to yours for a short kiss. “But I’m happy to.”
His hands move to your pants, working at their fastenings, as he dips his head to kiss along your neck.
Colm O’Driscoll:
Colm pulls you down to the bed, holding your shirt as you land on top of him. The words left his mouth in a growl and you’re still processing them when he tugs your pants down and his hand grabs roughly at your hardened dick.
“Fuck me rough, sweetheart.” He says with a tight squeeze that nearly has your vision blurring. “Can ya do that fer me?”
You gaze down at him, a bit of a haze obstructing your view of his face. “Of course, Colm.”
He loosens his grip and your vision gradually returns, his endearing expression becoming clear. You let your hands wander down his slim frame to his pants, tugging them down.
Colm’s hand stops, mid pump of your dick as you lay on your back with him sprawled on his side next to you. You can feel his lips stretch into a grin against your collarbone and the low chuckle hits your ears a second later. He squeezes you and his lips press a soft kiss to your throat.
“Say that fer me again, sugar.” He asks with a certain breathlessness to his voice.
You try not to squirm against his firm hand as you gather the words. “Please fuck me, Colm.”
His hand releases your dick and dips between your legs, fingers feeling along the sensitive skin for what you want him to find. “Anything fer my good boy.”
Kieran Duffy:
You smile against his neck and your hands drop down to his pants right away. As you pull away you see Kieran’s pink flushed face and his eyes intently watching your hands as they work.
“Didn’t know you were in a hurry, Kieran.”
The pink turns to red as he watches you finally tug his pants down. “I just need ya… real bad.”
You pull a container of pomade from your pocket and smile at him. “I know, sweetheart, I know.”
He watches you open the container with heavy breaths. “Please hurry.”
He pulls back from your jaw, where he’d been littering kisses, and looks at you with a reddening face. “Ya want me…”
You kiss his hot cheeks. “I always want you, Kieran.” Slowly you direct his hands to your pant’s fastenings. “Come on, fuck me.”
He hesitates for a moment before his hands work at the fastenings. You distract him with kisses along his beard line but he pulls them down fast and gets a good amount of pomade on his fingers even faster.
Micah Bell:
You tug his hair, making him look at you. “Desperate tonight?”
“Shut up, cowboy.” He groans. “Ain’t got the balls ta fuck me senseless, that it?”
“Oh, senseless…” You grind your knee up against his hard dick. “You wanna be fucked senseless. That changes things.”
He chuckles. “Go on then, sweetheart.”
“You gonna be a good boy, Micah?” You ask, pressing harder against him.
He takes heavy breaths, desperately pushing back against your leg. “Shit, darlin’, I’ll be whatever ya want.”
He chuckles lowly, his hands already working to unfasten your pants. “Oh, I like that, darlin’.”
He tugs your pants down as he pulls you in for a kiss. You help him with his own pants, grinding into him all the while.
“Didn’t think you was so needy, cowpoke.” He mumbles against your lips.
“Just wanna feel you, Micah.” You smile, pressing soft kisses to his lips as your hands fish out his dick.
He grabs your wrist, stopping you. “Ain’t doin’ nothin’ ‘til ya say that again, little nicer this time.”
You trail kisses across his cheek, resting your lips beside his ear. “Fuck me, Micah, please.”
He presses himself firmly against you. “If you insist, cowboy.”
Sean MacGuire: 
You shake your head, holding his hair tightly. “Not yet, Sean.”
“Please, sweetheart.” He looks up at you with pleading eyes. “Ain’t I done enough down ‘ere?”
“It’s been two minutes.”
“Come on, big man, I want ya so bad.” He whines. “I’ll suck ya off tomorrow if ya just fuck me, I can’t take it anymore.”
You fish the tin of pomade out of your pocket and Sean’s face lights up for a moment. You release his hair and toss the tin to him. He catches it with an odd look.
“You wanna get fucked, Sean? Better get yourself ready for me.”
He grins. “Ya wan’ a show, big man? Ol’ MacGuire’ll give ya a show.”
He freezes for a moment before a grin settles over his face. “Oh, ya wan’ me, do ya? Wan’ Sean-y ta fill ya up good an’ proper, sweetheart? Ya-”
“Sean, just fuck me.” You sigh, smiling at him. “Shut up and fuck me.”
“Right, whatever ya want.” He fumbles for the tin of pomade in his pocket. “I’ll fuck ya right, love, ya can be sure a’ that. Might not be walk-”
You tilt your head back as you take a breath. “Sean, love of my life. Shut up, get the pomade, and fuck me.”
“Sorry, love.” He focuses for a second to get the lid off. “Ya just get me goin’ so bad an’ it’s hard ta- I’ll get to it, love.”
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Masterlist: Red Dead Redemption
Main Masterlist
Too many fics for them all to fit in one post. See the character and other sections for specific fics.
Updated 5/17/24
Arthur Morgan
Bill Williamson
Charles Smith
Colm O'Driscoll
Dutch Van der Linde
Javier Escuella
John Marston
Kieran Duffy
Micah Bell
Sean MacGuire
Multi Pairing (character/reader/character)
Scenario Masterlist
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allzelemonz · 10 months
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Taller than them
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, vaguely implied masculinity, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Allusions to sex, violence Warnings: Crime, cuddling, kissing, protectiveness A/N: Heights of the boys are listed so you can gauge if you’re taller/shorter. They’re taken from a few different sources around the internet as well as my own staring at the screen for hours. Been reading a lot of ship fics where Kieran is described as short but he’s really not, Micah is tiny and I am very happy about that.
Abe: (5’9”to 5’10”)
He’s never been bothered by it
He kind of likes leaning up to kiss you or you having to tilt his head up
Your height makes him feel a little safer, what with that gang running around the ranches
Sometimes you tease him, it makes him blush and he enjoys it like any other playful thing
He loves when you cuddle and he can shrink into you a little
He will melt when you hold him from behind and rest your chin on his shoulder or head
From a practical standpoint, your height is something he’s thankful for
You can reach those lanterns that need fixing and get the stubborn hay bails he can’t
Of course sometimes he likes feeling bigger and you oblige, curling into his chest or slouching a little so he can easily kiss your forehead
Bill Williamson: (5’11” to 6’)
He’s torn
Because he’s a man and it feels silly to be smaller than his sweetheart
Until you’re holding him and his head finds that nice spot on your chest
Until you’re the big spoon and he feels safe for once in his life
Until you press that same soft kiss to his head because it’s right there and you want to see his face go red
But then he has to lean up a little to kiss you and he feels so damn tiny
But then someone makes a comment about him being ‘little’ while he’s next to you and he fumes
But then you’re standing next to Brown Jack and he’s jealous he doesn’t stack up the same way
You never tease him over it unless he’s in the right mood, that goes for any form of teasing with Bill
You’re well aware that he is a big, strong man in his own right and you make a point to bring that up when giving him praises
He does like to feel small sometimes, usually in private
It’s a balance, it had a learning curve, but you have it all figured out
Charles Smith: (6’ to 6’4, no one can agree on this man’s height)
He doesn’t really mind
Sometimes he likes that you’re bigger than him because everyone expects him to be the big one and it’s not to not have to deal with that
He always reminds you to step quietly when you’re hunting with him
Really enjoys forehead kisses when you’re alone
Likes sitting in your lap sometimes, usually when he’s had a bad day
Resting his head on your chest is almost a requirement for him to sleep because he needs to hear your heartbeat
He still likes holding you and being the ‘big’ one on occasion just because he like to be protective
Likes when you hug him from behind, especially if you whisper in his ear
Colm O’Driscoll: (6’ to 6’2”)
He was never quite sure how he felt about it when he was pinning
He always thought his partners should be shorter--smaller than him for the sake of his own ego and reputation
But he doesn’t really worry about those things any more
You’re both the same height when horizontal as far as he’s concerned
He can still control you and intimidate you how he likes
He has grown fond of you being one of the few people he has to tilt his head up to look at
And bringing someone taller down to their knees gives him an even bigger sense of power
So long as you don’t point it out, everything will be fine
One of the boys brought it up, Colm was already in a bad mood, never saw that boy again
If you’ve been particularly good he might bring it up, praise it even
Knowing that the boys are less likely to pick on you, because height can be intimidating by itself, gives him a bit of relief
He doesn’t feel like he has to protect you like he’s had to with partners shorter than him
He still will protect you, be insanely protective at times, but he feels like you can handle yourself a little better
Do not kiss him on the forehead, he will make you pay for it even though he kind of likes it
He just doesn’t want to admit it
Just like he doesn’t want to admit that he likes how easy it is to rest his head near your chest when he hugs you
He has boots that give him a bit of height while standing with you, never tell anyone about them or Colm will really make you pay
Kieran Duffy: (5’11” to 6’)
He never thinks about it that much
It’s just not all that big to him, he would feel the same about most things despite your height
He feels a bit safer standing next to you, like people that pick on him might lay off if you’re there
His face turns red if you tease him about it and he always wants a hug to make up for it
He does appreciate that you can more easily brush some of the large horses for him
Going for a shared horse ride where he can almost fall asleep against your back, one of his favorite passive activities
When you pulled him into your lap for the first time he really didn’t want to leave
Micah Bell: (5’9” to 5’10”)
Don’t bring it up unless you’re absolutely alone and you have something in mind
There are a million things he’ll never admit and half of them have to do with your height and how much he loves it
The way you hold him and he feels safe and protected for once
His face turning red the first time he was the little spoon and eventually never wanting it any other way
The fact that you can loom over him when he really slouches
Taking his hat off to press a kiss to his head
Looking up at you after a kiss with those icy eyes in the process of melting
Being able to more easily hide his face from you with his hat
How easy it is to give in and feel small when you’re alone with your hands on his hips
Sean MacGuire: (5’10” to 5’11”)
He enjoys it quite a lot
Gets to truthfully call you Big Man
He has a plethora of names about your height
He will ask you how the weather is up there and other jokes like that
Likes to stand on his tip-toes even if it’s unnecessary
Loves forehead kisses
Will sit in your lap and make you rest your chin on his head or shoulder
Back him against a wall or a tree and look down at him to watch his knees go weak
Use him as something to lean on and he will grin about it the whole time
Pick him up if you’re on the stronger side, spin him around
He gets a little mad when you hold him back from fights and he can’t push past you
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Kissing an injury
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Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Injury, references to sex Warnings: Violence, injury, fluff, kissing
He slipped, hit his head against a post as he fell and you found him groaning on the ground.
“Are you alright, Abe?”
He sits up a little as your hands hold him steady. “Just hit my head, I’m alright, hon’.”
You push his hand aside and press a kiss to his head. His face turns pink as you pull him back to his feet.
“We should get back to.” He says, smiling to himself. “Thank you.”
You return his smile and he takes an extra second to press a quick kiss to your lips before he returns to moving the hay bales. He thinks about that until he sees you later in the day and you give him a proper kiss before fussing over his head.
Bill Williamson: 
“It ain’t that bad.” Bill grumbles.
You have a rag held to his shoulder, trying to stop the cut from bleeding. Some savage man in the forest swiped him with a knife while you were trying to rob their camp. It started as a first fight between him and Bill, then he cheated and pulled out a knife. Bill still won, but he got this deep cut that he insists doesn't hurt.
“It’ll hurt if it keeps bleeding.” You say, pressing the rag a little harder against him. “Or if it gets infected.”
“I’m fine.”
Despite his protests, he makes no move to leave or stop you from helping him. He raised his shirt so you could fuss over him to begin with. You’re starting to think he likes when you fuss over him like this. As if you don’t dote on him enough without him getting hurt in the process. You lean down and press a kiss to his skin, just above the cut.
“That supposed to help er something’?” Bill mutters.
“Yes.” You say, pressing another kiss to the same spot.
Bill stills as you do. “Oh.”
“Sit still, quit complaining, and I’ll kiss you somewhere more interesting.”
You can see Bill’s ears turn red as he lets your words settle in. He doesn’t say another word as you attend to him, relaxing more and more as you press gentle kisses to his skin as you wait for the bleeding to stop.
Charles Smith: 
He winces as the whiskey hits the cut, a low groan filling his chest.
“Sorry.” You mutter, focusing on ripping a spare shirt from your saddle bag to make a bandage.
“Not like you cut me.”
“No.” You tie the fabric around his arm. “Just shot the man that did.”
“You didn’t have to.”
“He hurt you, Charles.” You say, leaning down to press a kiss to his bare skin above the bandage. “I’d do it again a hundred times.”
He catches your arm, pulling you down to kiss you properly. “I can handle myself.”
“Tell that to the gash in your arm, Mister Smith.” You push him back and he smiles as you do.
“I didn’t know you were so protective.”
You cup his cheek. “Of you, of course I am.”
Colm O’Driscoll: 
He only lets you patch him up anymore. The bigger camps have medics but Colm doesn’t trust anyone more than you. So you’ve learned a lot of first aid and a few standard things that outlaws need. This one is easy, a bullet graze. At least it’s not a bullet hole. It barely got him, but he still winces as you give him tonic and look him over. You press a kiss to his arm, just above the wound in an unconventional attempt to get that look of pain off of his face.
He hums. “Come here, sugar.”
You follow as he beckons, leaning over him as he presses his lips to yours. His good arm lifts so his hand can grip your hair and hold you in place. You happily kiss him back, holding his face and relishing as he bites at your lip.
“Yer too good to me, sweetheart.” He muses against your lips.
“Stop getting shot, please, Colm.”
He smiles, his hand smoothing out your hair from where he messed it up. “Ain’t makin’ no promises.”
You press another kiss to his lips, a short one, before you return to dealing with his wound. He watches you, eyes half lidded as he imagines what he’ll do once you’re done.
Kieran Duffy: 
He tries to hide it when he comes into your tent, but when he tries to sit down the pain shows. He winces as he holds his ribs and you look at him with confusion.
“Are you hurt, Kieran?”
He shakes his head as he settles on the ground. “No, no. I’m, uh, I’m fine.”
“Really, I’m fine.” He gives you a small smile. “It ain’t nothing ya gotta worry about.”
You make your way over to him and sit down. He doesn’t stop you from resting your hand against his cheek, he smiles at you and leans into the touch.
“Don’t lie to me, Kieran.” You say, trying to seem gentle. “Please.”
He looks away from you as he thinks. Then he slowly lifts his shirt to show a heavy bruise on his torso.
“What happened?” You ask gently.
He shakes his head. “It weren’t nothin’. One a’ the horses got spooked. It was my fault, I shouldn’t a’ came up to ‘em so fast.”
You kiss his cheek and he quiets down, taking a deep breath. Then you lean down and press a soft kiss to the outer edge of the bruise.
“What’re ya doin’?” He asks with a smile on his face.
“Sometimes it feels better if you kiss it.” You explain, coming back up to kiss his cheek again. “And tonics, you need tonics too.”
Kieran leans in and presses a kiss to your lips. You happily return it before getting up to see Strauss about the medicine.
Micah Bell: 
Micah tries hard not to wince as you dab a clean rag over the cut by his hairline. He focuses on glaring at Baylock, who threw him right into a thorny bush. Being injured in such a way is unbecoming of the hardened outlaw.
“Quit looking at him like that.”
Micah huffs. “Stupid horse.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“Suppose not.” He mumbles, looking over the now calm horse.
You press a kiss to the edge of the cut as you finish with the rag. “You love that horse, Micah. Quit glaring at him.”
He grabs you by the waist and tilts his head slightly. You take his signal and press another kiss to the edge of his cut.
“A proper one now.” He mumbles.
You oblige, pressing your lips together. He pulls you closer and deepens it as your hand finds his hair. A distressed noise from Baylock makes Micah pull away. The horse trots away from the area he was in, nervous.
“I got a yella horse now?” He mutters to himself.
You playfully push him. “Go see what’s wrong.”
Micah presses a quick kiss to your lips before he wanders over to Baylock and calms him. Based on the affections he gives the poor horse he’s not upset with him anymore, if he ever really was at all.
Sean MacGuire: 
“You didn’t have to punch him.” You mutter as you dab a wet rag over Sean’s knuckles.
“Course I did.” Sean says, his leg bouncing from the energy left of the fight. “Turd was talkin’ bad about Dutch.”
You stare at him for a minute as he chews the inside of his cheek, still irritated. Slowly, you bring his hand up and press a gentle kiss to his battered skin. Sean looks over at you quickly a smile forming on his face.
“Gonna make it better, are ya, love?” He lifts his hand back up. “Go on then.”
You press another kiss to the injury and Sean grins. He leans in and kisses you properly, his high energy still very apparent as his hands wander lower and lower until they find what he wants.
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allzelemonz · 10 months
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Glasses
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Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/References to sex, violence Warnings: Reader wears glasses, kissing, cuddling, violence, murder
He flushed quite red when you made a point of taking them off before joining him in bed the first time
He’ll check in to make sure they’re working well every once and a while
Always accompanies you to the doctor when you need new ones
All too many times have you had to ask him to push them up when your hands are covered in spilled milk or some undesirable substance from ranch work
He is very careful not to smudge them when kissing or hold holding your face
Will happily clean them for you if you ask
Bill Williamson: 
He has been responsible for several broken pairs of glasses
It’s always an accident like rolling on them while asleep or stepping on them when you carelessly shed them the night before
He loves when you get new ones though, always makes sure to compliment you
The first time he saw you without them he just wanted to stare at your eyes without the lens in the way
Sometimes he’ll slide them onto your face in the morning as an excuse to kiss you
Charles Smith: 
He helps you find the best way to handle a bowstring so they don’t get in the way
He’s always careful when he takes them off to kiss you
Keeps a rag clean for when you need to wipe smudges off
When you need new ones he likes to go with you just to spend time with you
He only gives his opinion on potential frames if you ask
Learned how to fix them when the arm breaks or something so you don’t have to keep going back to the doctor
Colm O’Driscoll: 
He always makes sure the frames are top of the line, hard to break, usually green
Will take you to replace them if they break
Likely will be paying for them with a threat or bullet unless he thinks the doctor does a decent job
He’ll take them off of your face when he wants to be rough and set them aside carefully
Is often the cause of the lenses fogging because he likes to hold you real close as things get heavy
Kieran Duffy: 
He’s really bad at not touching the lenses when his hands are up by your face
He’ll always apologize when he smudges them and offers to clean them for you
Will ask if they’re still working well every couple of months
When they fall down your nose a bit and you look up at him you look all serious and it makes him blush
He will push them up for you if your hands are occupied
Micah Bell: 
Before he liked you, when he was in his usual asshole state, he thought of them as a weakness
But then he got sweet and he hardly remembers that you actually need them to see
He finds it a little funny when there’s a temperature change and you have to wipe the fog off
Especially when he may be the cause of such sudden heat
A man broke them in a fight once and Micah shot him without any further consideration
He went with you to get new ones of course, wanting the chance to weigh in on what would become a fixture on your face
Sean MacGuire: 
He regularly steals them, “God above, you’re blind!”
Sometimes he’ll run off with them
Loves to push them up for you
Also loves to take them off so he can more easily kiss all over your face
He’s very careful when he handles them because he knows he’s usually reckless
Always has a rag for you to clean them with
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Falling asleep with his head on your lap
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Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/References to sex Warnings: Fluff, sleeping, kissing
It’s just that he’s been so busy on the ranch and you’re so comfortable and your voice is so nice to his ears and he loves how you were playing with his hair. He just happened to nod off. You admire him as he sleeps and he sleeps very soundly with you. When he wakes up it takes him a moment before he realizes you were talking to him.
“I’m real sorry, I knew you was talkin’, I was just- well I- I mean-”
“It’s alright, Abe.”
He lays still for a second, enjoying the feeling of your fingers in his hair. “It was rude of me.”
You chuckle lightly. “Do you wanna go to bed?”
He nods, giving you a sheepish smile. “I am sorry, really.”
You bend over him and press a kiss to his forehead. “Don’t be.”
Bill Williamson: 
He wouldn’t be caught dead like this infront of anyone. But you’re in your tent, secure and private. He feels safe here. This is something he does often. Whenever he needs a nap he always likes to take it with you, have a nice time cuddling and being cozy. If you’re busy with something he’ll fall asleep however close you’ll let him, hoping he’ll wake up with you next to him. This time you just needed to get a few papers together to help with the ledger, so Bill settled onto the ground with his head resting gently in your lap. He watched you work for a while, but his eyes get heavy quickly and he falls. You give him the occasional loving look as you run a hand through his hair or over his hairy face, but the work takes longer than his nap. He wakes up and watches you for a while before he slowly gets up, gives you a quick kiss, and returns to the duties of camp.
Charles Smith: 
It’s not an uncommon occurrence and he doesn’t care about others seeing it as much as he might other forms of affection. Usually it’s on the edge of camp anyway. He’ll rest his head in your lap when neither of you have much to do, partly hoping that you’ll play with his hair. You usually do, it’s hard to resist. The feeling of your fingers lightly brushing or loosely braiding makes him close his eyes to enjoy it and he ends up drifting off. Sometimes you’ll just look at him, admiring how peaceful he looks when he sleeps, other times you’ll read or find something to occupy your hands until he wakes up.
Colm O’Driscoll: 
You would kill to have a camera. The ruthless gang leader looks like an old Irish dog when he sleeps. He snores lightly and his face is as peaceful as it will ever get. You have half a mind to try and get one of the boys’ attention so you can get a photo to remember this, but getting caught wouldn’t be good. Colm has his reputation, he holds it very close. He hardly ever even shows a soft side to you, it’s a rare occurrence just like this. So you bask in it, timidly letting your fingers run through his hair. You occasionally catch a tangle because he never brushes it and you have to carefully pull it apart. He stirs, blinking up at you.
“Sorry, Colm.” You mumble. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
He sighs, low and halfway a groan. “What time is it, sweetheart?”
He settles back against your lap, closing his eyes again. “I got a job around sunset, wake me then.”
“Of course.” You say, smiling to yourself as you resume untangling his hair.
Kieran Duffy: 
He finds whatever time he can to sit with you at the campfire. Javier will often make a comment, telling you to get a room or something. It makes Kieran nervous, but you tell the outlaw off every time. Tonight it’s just Uncle telling his stories to a few of you. Kieran laid down, tired but not wanting to miss the old man’s story. You don’t notice he’s asleep until he twitches and you look down to see his closed eyes. You have your arm draped over his middle, so you tighten it because he likes to be held securely. He says it helps with the nightmares. Uncle goes on with his story and Kieran wakes up periodically before falling back asleep. It’s only once you’re tired that you lightly shake him and tell him it’s time to retire. He nods sleepily and allows you to pull him along.
Micah Bell: 
He’s always touching you in some way. So it’s no surprise when lays his head in your lap to attempt to distract you from cleaning your knife. It doesn’t work. He’ll often try to distract you, usually he’s more bold. He might run a hand up your thigh or kiss your neck, maybe even pull you close from behind so you can feel why he wants your attention. But today this is all he wants, to be close to you. When you finish your knife he hands you his and you take it without question, wanting his rare sweetness to continue. So you clean his knife and by the time you’re done he’s asleep. You set it to the side and admire him for a moment. His hair looks much more blond in the lighting, almost a true gold. You softly run your fingers through it, feeling the layer of grease that’s there even after he has a rare bath. When Micah sleeps it’s always light, so he feels you. He wakes up but he doesn’t show it because he wants you to keep admiring him and playing with his hair, but he’d never admit it.
Sean MacGuire: 
He could listen to you read to him for hours, but today it’s warm and things are slow. He falls asleep within a chapter and you happily save your place and make sure he’s comfortable. You rest a hand on his chest, messing with his shirt’s buttons while you look down at him. He’s peaceful, a small smile on his face. Time passes much quicker than you like and he wakes up even sooner. He smiles up at you, blinking the sleep from his eyes before he drags a hand over them.
“Nodded off, didn’t I?” He asks, yawning through the words.
You nod, running a hand over his face to push a few stray hairs away.
Sean sighs, stretching slightly. “Want me ta make it up ta ya?”
“How’s that?” You ask, matching his smile.
Sean sits up, turning so he can pull you in for a kiss.
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Bite Marks
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Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Mild smut Warnings: Kissing, sex, hickeys, biting, marking
It’s just the one. He bit into your shoulder when things were intense and he will never stop apologizing for it. You love the mark, you tell him and it makes him so flustered that he tries to hide his face. You let him, content to press little kisses to his neck as his skin fades from the embarrassed redness. He looks at you again, his hand softly running over the mark.
“I’m sorry, hon’.” He presses his lips together as he looks over what he did.
“It’s alright, Abe.” You lift his head up to meet your eyes. “I kinda like it.”
The red comes back over his face and he buries it in your chest. “Don’t say that.”
“You should do it more.”
Abe groans against your chest. “Stop it.” He mumbles.
You press a kiss to the top of his head. “Please.”
He wraps his arms around you and presses a kiss to your chest, keeping his face hidden from you. You hold him close and whisper little things of reassurance until he looks up again and kisses the mark. You’re well aware that’s all you’re going to get from him, until next time.
Bill Williamson: 
He’s grown a lot more confident compared to when you were first together. He’s not afraid to leave marks, though he’s not quite proud of them. Something about the little bite to your neck makes him a little proud this time. He’s only ever kissed softly and sucked in tiny marks where people won’t see, but this one will be hard to hide. As you lay next to him, a tangle of holding one another, he runs his thumb over the bite. You don’t feel any pain, but the worry on his face makes your heart hurt a little so you kiss him.
“It’s fine, Bill.”
“Ya sure?” He sighs. “It don’t hurt?”
You give him another kiss. “I liked it.”
Bill chuckles as his face goes pink under his beard. “Ya want me ta make another one?”
“If you want, big guy.”
Bill presses a kiss to your lips, his hand moving slowly around your waist. He trails kisses down to your neck until he finds a spot that you lean into. Slowly, he sucks at your skin, making it tender, then he bites down. You gasp lightly at the feeling and Bill stops, looking at you with a bit of worry. His eyes go down to his work, a fresh mark that’s much bigger than the first.
“That hurt?” Bill asks, beginning to fuss over you. “I’m sorry-”
“I like it, Bill.” You laugh lightly, pressing another kiss to his lips.
“Looks like it hurts.” He mutters.
You trail your hand along his skin and rest it in his hair. “You wanna know what it feels like? I could give you one.”
Bill tightens his grip around you, pulling you closer to his red flushed chest. “We ain’t bitin’ no more.”
You press a kiss to his shoulder and settle in against him. His hand finds it’s away to softly run over the bigger mark until you grab it and hold it between you. Next time, next time you’ll show him what you mean.
Charles Smith: 
He has a habit of leaving marks whether he means to or not. Sometimes he does mean to, sometimes he doesn’t like people flirting with you, so he puts something impossible to miss in an unhidable place. Everything else about him is gentle. His hands are light on your waist, his weight is barely on you, but his teeth nip at your skin as he sucks a deep mark below your jaw. He kisses around it when he’s done, giving you sweet attention to make up for the roughness.
Colm O’Driscoll: 
Colm loves causing pain. Evenmoreso, he likes causing pain that you actually enjoy. He will be rough, he’ll choke, whatever you’ll let him get away with. But, without fail, you always walk away with marked up skin. They’re all over your body, all at different stages of healing. He has two favorite places, your neck and your inner thighs. Both places are sensitive, so they’re always a target. He has drawn blood and he loves when he does. The boys tease you about the ones they can see but they quiet down once Colm is around. You don’t mind much, it’s good that people know who you belong to. Colm would have it no other way.
Kieran Duffy: 
Kieran is sloppy, inexperienced. He often slips when he’s leaving kisses or sucking a mark into your skin. He does it because you enjoy it and he knows how nice it can feel. You’ve given him plenty of marks and he wanted to return the favor. He does it gently until you reassure him that you want him to actually bite you, to bruise you a little. So he does as he’s told. He’s scared when he looks at it but you kiss him the next second and he has too many other thoughts racing through his head.
Micah Bell: 
He has a habit of attacking your neck in both private and public. He likes to have you in his lap so he can leave whatever identifying marks he wants. They are often bites because he likes it when you squirm against him, especially in front of any gang members that he might see as a threat. You can stop him, he will stop if you ask and he won’t stop you if you walk away. He knows you enjoy it so he has no fear of that unless you’re genuinely embarrassed, he can always find you in private and make the same marks. He loves seeing them on you, knowing he made them.
Sean MacGuire: 
The cheeky bastard that he is, he did it as you came with the thought that you wouldn’t get him back. He is sorely mistaken, a fact he only realizes when your mouth is already on his neck and he feels the sharpness.
He winces. “Careful there, love. You’ll give people ideas.”
“That’s the point.”
He squirms against you and you let him go. “Ya ain’t playin’ fair.”
“You started it, Sean.” You sigh, hands trailing down his bare chest to rest on his waist. “You always start it.”
Sean grins and presses his lips to yours, his hand traveling lower and lower as if you haven’t just finished with a long session.
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allzelemonz · 10 months
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Cuddling
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Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/References to sex Warnings: Cuddling, fluff, kissing, comfort, horses being cute
He hardly has the time so he relishes in the feeling of tangling himself with you.
There’s no particular way he likes over the other, he takes what he can get.
As long as he can feel your chest rising and falling he’s happy with it all.
He does like when you have a strong hold on him, it makes him feel a lot safer and he has told you that enough times of you to put in the effort to do it.
He likes when you kiss his face on occasion.
Anything makes him happy after a long day of work.
Bill Williamson: 
He would never tell you verbally that he wants to cuddle, never admit that all he wants at the end of the day is to be held.
He loves the feeling of your arms around him, his back to your chest to make him feel smaller than he is.
Some nights he likes to hold you, especially if you have recently been in some kind of danger.
Whatever the case, it’s a tight, clinging hold. Bill doesn’t like anything loose, he needs to feel the pressure enough that it might be a little hard to breathe.
Little kisses are to be expected, often, and his nose will always find a way to be buried in your shirt or neck or hair.
Charles Smith: 
As long as you’re in private, he wants to be close to you.
Especially for sleep.
He likes to be held just as much as he likes to hold you. Although, he insists on holding you when you’re away from camp because he feels the need to be protective.
Either way, he feels secure.
He likes when you play with his hair or give him soft kisses, anything attentive really.
He prefers to look at you when he holds you, letting his hands move around to feel you.
Colm O’Driscoll: 
Colm is not much of a cuddler. At least he won’t admit to enjoying it.
Sometimes, when he knows no one will interrupt you, he’ll let you rest your head on his chest after a long night.
He does like the feeling of you clinging to him, just not the vulnerability that comes with it.
When it happens, it’s a reminder that you’re not just with him for his power or money, you’re with him because you care about him. He can be cruel, he’ll often push you away, but you always come back.
One day, he might let you hold him but that requires an amount of vulnerability he’s not ready for. Not with his reputation.
He can be soft, but he finds it challenging because being cruel comes so naturally to him. Seeing a smile on your face, feeling how tightly you hold onto him, that makes it a little easier.
Kieran Duffy: 
He wants you to hold him relatively often.
As long as it’s nowhere that the gang can see because they’ll tease him about it.
You’re just so warm and so strong that when you’re alone and have a spare moment he wants to be secure in your arms, especially at night.
If you’re lucky, while cuddling out by the horses, Branwen might lie down, maybe your horse as well. Kieran loves that more than anything because it shows that Branwen likes you and trusts you as much as he does.
He always likes to bury his face into you, partly for comfort but also because he likes the way you smell.
Sometimes when you’re away, he curls up with one of your shirts.
Micah Bell: 
It took a long time for him to let you be the more ‘dominant’ one while getting comfy.
He used to insist on being the big spoon, being the one whose chest is a pillow, being the one with the strong arms. But one night he just needed it and you held him close.
Since then, he rarely doesn’t want to be held.
He’ll lay there while you sleep with his head on your chest or with your arms around him, content to watch you and let his thoughts linger on memories of you.
If you're not sleeping he’ll always give you silent signs to hold him tighter. He’d never ask but he will press into you as much as he can and tug at your arm until he’s satisfied with the pressure.
Sean MacGuire: 
He loves a good cuddle.
He will ask for them very directly without hesitation.
He might be laying down in the tent and he’ll ask as soon as you come in, lifting his arms for emphasis.
Even if you’re out of camp, he’ll ask if you can have a good lie down when you get back.
He doesn’t care how you end up so long as you play with his hair at some point and give him a few kisses.
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Taking their surname
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Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Fluff, weddings, marraige, homophobia doesn’t exist in this one
When you decided to get married Abe wasn’t exactly sure who the naming stuff would go. He’d happily take your name, happily see you take his, happily hyphenate or mix them with you. But he was a little overjoyed when you said you wanted to take his name.
His heart skipped and he hid a blush from you. “That’s real nice of ya. Are ya sure though?”
It wasn’t until you were there and filling out the paperwork that it really settled in and he couldn’t stop staring at you. The wedding was one thing, one very great thing, but it was the fact that you were writing your name accompanied by his surname on an official document that really got him. It’s not just your friends and family recognising you know, it’s the banks and the state too. If he ever has his own ranch there is no denying that it’ll be yours too. You’re together, in all aspects.
Bill Williamson:
He couldn’t speak for a moment. He didn’t really look at you either, just stared off into nothing as he processed what you told him. The wedding isn’t too far away, he assumed you’d keep your own name. It’s not like you’re changing anything legally because the legal system isn’t exactly welcoming to robbers and such. But you’re an outlaw in your own right with your own name and reputation, all of that would be thrown out of whack. He tried to picture your bounty posters saying ‘Williamson’ instead of your own surname. He kind of liked the thought. You could run a gang together, a real Williamson Gang.
“I think-I think that sounds nice.” Bill nods along, smiling from ear to ear as he takes your hand. “Real nice.”
So when you gained traction, when word got around that you’re a Williamson, he got excited. He smiled when he saw bounty posters of you now, just for a minute before he ripped them down. There is one he kept, it’s a shared poster for the two of you that calls you ‘The Williamsons’. He keeps it with him and hangs it up somewhere at every new camp.
Charles Smith: 
He was a little surprised. His name is quite common, he always thought you’d rather have something more unique. Maybe a hyphen or a combination. Nonetheless, he smiles and hugs you with a few kisses here and there. Hearing it when you got married made his heart swell. Even the more teasing jokes around camp in which the others of the gangs would call you by his name made him smile a little.
Colm O’Driscoll: 
He expected it. Who wouldn’t want to connect themselves to such a powerful man, to the Colm O’Driscoll. Most people already called you ‘O’Driscoll’ or ‘O’Driscoll Dog’ or something like that anyway, so you might as well make it official. Colm wasn’t one to wait for a wedding or anything, he started calling you his spouse and by his own name as soon as you said you wanted it. You did have a wedding, a true O’Driscoll wedding with whiskey and robbing and brawls among the boys. But in Colm’s mind you were always his, always a real O’Driscoll, not just a member of his gang. The boys make sure to show you some proper respect now, utilizing your new name with the proper respectful titles. Colm likes to call you that too, he loves calling you by his name.
Kieran Duffy: 
He wanted to take your name, he just never told you. He thinks of himself as a bit of bad luck so he wanted to take your name to try and be a little better. But when you told him that you wanted to take his name he accepted.
“I-I mean, if ya really want ta.” He smiles, face going red. “Ya don’t have ta, ya really don’t. I mean, I’m happy that-”
You have to put a hand on his shoulder and give him a small kiss to get him to stop.
“I want to.” You say, softly smiling at the blushing stable boy. “I think it sounds nice.”
Kieran nods. “I-I like it.”
You had an outlaw’s wedding with the gang. Dutch was the first person to call you a Duffy. Javier made a joke accompanied by a hug to show he was kidding around. Kieran still couldn’t convince himself after a week had passed. You find him muttering your new name sometimes, daydreaming while he brushes the horses.
Micah Bell: 
He never doubted it for a second. He’s been talking about it ever since you agreed to get married, dropping little titles and such that referred to you as a Bell. He has no doubt in his mind that you want everyone to know you’re his just as much as he does. When he finds old bounty posters of yours he’ll sometimes cross out your former name and write ‘Bell’ in big letters, as long as he has something to write with. It’s just another way to link you to him and he loves it.
(if you wanna have kids read the next part; no mention of how you get a kid so you can think of adoption/birth/whatever)
You knew from the second you became a Bell that you’d have to name a kid after him. He loves that you have that name link and he will pester you until he has a kid and their name is Micah Bell IV. At this point he doesn’t care what the sex is, Micah works for both, as long as they can grow up to handle a gun and make the two of you proud.
Sean MacGuire: 
He knows how to write one singular thing, his name. Lenny was kind enough to teach him how to write yours as well. Ever since then, he doodles your name with his. Simple little sketchings of your name followed by the proud MacGuire. Sometimes he draws hearts around it. So when you decided to get married he was worried you wouldn’t want to take it. He’d be happy just to call you his, but he was so ecstatic when you first called yourself MacGuire as a little joke.
“Do ya mean tha’, love?” He laughs lightly. “Ya wanna be a MacGuire?”
You nod. “Of course, Sean.”
“Well, well.” He grins. “It’s a proud name but I think ya can live up ta it!”
He told you all about his family, every last thing he could think of.
“Ya gotta know the history if yer gonna be a MacGuire, love.”
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Spin the bottle
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, masculine individual in mind while writing due to the settings/circumstances Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Kissing, references to sex Warnings: Kissing, spin the bottle, unestablished relationship, drinking, public kissing
A handful of the hands got drunk and invited the two of you to play when you and Abe came in from the day’s chores. Abe declined, as did you, not wanting to get stuck with someone you’d see everyday for the foreseeable future. But they pulled you along and you both joined the circle. Most of the hands don’t really care who they’re kissing or what gender they are when they’re drunk, long days call for attention where they can get it. So the bottle spins around and the pairs follow its whims.
When it’s Abe’s turn, the other hands have to encourage him. He reaches out and flicks the bottle until it spins in quick circles. He watches it closely, only one outcome in mind, and when it lands on you his face goes pink. The other hands snicker and gently push the two of you into the middle of the circle. Abe looks around nervously, only occasionally meeting your eyes. One of the hands pushes you into him and you catch yourself by gripping his waist. Abe holds your arms, helping you steady. When you look back at him he looks much more adorable than usual, so you press a soft kiss to his lips. The other hands cheer and you pull away, feeling Abe’s grip on your arms tighten just a bit. He pulls you back in, causing the hands to cheer much louder.
Bill Williamson: 
No one is more nervous than Bill in the large circle. It was Karen’s drunken idea and nearly the entire gang got roped into it. The spins have gone around, prompting unlikely pairings, but when your spin lands on Bill the circle is full of excited whispers. As if they know something the two of you aren’t quite sure of yet. Sean elbows you, urging you to meet Bill in the middle now that Javier has dragged him out. You stand, walking to meet him where he stands next to the low burning fire. Bill shifts on his feet, all eyes on the two of you.
You step closer, putting a hand on the back of his neck to pull him in. Your lips meet and the gang cheers when Bill puts his hands on your waist. His lips are dry but you don’t particularly care. Your fingers go into his hair and he melts into you. When you pull away, Bill’s face is pink under his beard. The gang is all giggles and shouts of encouragement so you take Bill’s hand and pull him out of the circle.
Charles Smith: 
Arthur dragged him into the circle, otherwise he wouldn’t have come anywhere near it. He’d rather be on watch. But as you stand to take your turn he finds himself hoping. The bottle spins and for a moment he fears it’ll stop on Arthur to his left, but it doesn’t, it lands on him. The girls lead the chorus of encouragement, all but shoving you towards him. Charles stands and you both look at each other for a moment.
“Get on with it already!” Sean calls, the rest of the circle following with a chorus of encouragement.
Charles steps close. “You don’t have to.”
You shake your head. “It’s alright.”
He carefully puts a hand on your cheek as he leans in. Your lips connect and he feels heat come over him when your hands rest on his waist. In the midst of cheers he can hear Arthur egging him on but he pulls away, not entirely comfortable with all the attention. Still, he catches your arm when you move to return to your spot and pulls you along to sit with him.
Colm O’Driscoll: 
The boys managed to get the boss drunk enough to sit him in the circle. While everyone may be terrified that their spin will land on him, everyone thinks it’s hilarious that the Colm O’Driscoll is waiting for random kisses like the rest of his gang. No one has landed on him, but he has been smirking and drinking along with everyone. When he puts his hand on the bottle the gang goes quiet. He stumbles when he steps back as the bottle spins, clearly drunker than he should be. It slows and most of you have pits in your stomach as you wait for it to stop. Then it lands on you and the tension transfers entirely on you.
Colm, however, grins and beckons to you. He’s surrounded by loyal O’Driscolls, no one would deny him and that includes you. As you approach, he pulls you down into his lap and doesn’t hesitate to press his lips to yours. The gang is quiet, unsure if the boss wants the attention, but as Colm continues and his hands wander over you, they continue on with the game. Colm’s bottle of whiskey is long forgotten in favor of finding an interesting place to rest between your thighs, unbothered by the presence of the gang around you.
Kieran Duffy: 
Bill told him it’s fine, joining the game, but he’s still nervous when he puts the hand on the bottle. He’s hardly drank anything tonight and going into this game sober doesn’t help the frantic beating of his heart as the spinning starts. He feels like it goes on forever, and he fears what will happen if lands on someone like Sean who hates him enough to hurt him. But then it lands on you and he feels relieved for a moment before the nerves come back when he meets your eyes.
He feels much better when you pull him in by the waist. The kiss feels real, not like the product of some game. It’s like you’re alone, like the gang isn’t there egging you on. Kieran can’t think of what to do with his hands so he just grips at the fabric covering your chest until you pull away. He can hardly breathe as you take his hand with a smile and pull him along with you.
Micah Bell: 
No one expected Micah to join the game but he sits halfway as drunk as the others as people take their turns. He sits up from his usual laid back stance when you grip the bottle and he smirks to himself when it lands on him. Javier and a few of the girls tell you you don’t have to, but you stand and sit by Micah. He removes his hat for you, a cocky look on his face because he knows you only agreed to play because you saw him in the circle. He saw the way you looked at him.
You kiss, soft and slow, and it kills him not to egg you on. He wants infinitely more than just your hand tugging at his hair. But he just kisses you back with what you give him, not keen on the gang seeing so much of you together. When you pull away he has a look in his eye that makes you shiver in all the right places. So once the gang moves on to Arthur’s turn you quietly pull Micah along with you back to your tent.
Sean MacGuire: 
He has made a comment on every spin so far. Sean doesn’t even need to be drunk for this, he’s just enjoying the game. Your spin has him quiet for a moment as he watches closely. When it lands on him he cheers like he’s won enough money to get to Tahiti. He runs over to you, pressing his lips to yours in a fury. You smile into it and your hands go to his hair as you both fall back to lay on the ground. The gang doesn’t pay attention to Sean, they know better, so they continue the game as Sean glues himself to you with the occasional giggle.
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allzelemonz · 11 months
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios Masterlist
Red Dead Redemption Masterlist
Chracters: Abe, Bill Williamson, Charles Smith, Colm O'Driscoll, Kieran Duffy, Micah Bell, and Sean MacGuire
Taking their surname
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Fluff, weddings, marraige
He falls asleep with his head on your lap
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/References to sex Warnings: Fluff, sleeping, kissing
Bite Marks
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Mild smut Warnings: Kissing, sex, hickeys, biting, marking
Kissing an injury
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Injury, references to sex Warnings: Violence, injury, fluff, kissing
Telling them you’re a virgin
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kissing, fluff, sensual touching, groping, begging, losing virginity, beginnings of a sexual encounter
Listening to them sing
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Drinking Warnings: Drunk singing, kissing, neck kissing, lap sitting, fluff
Spin the bottle
Pronouns: None Mentioned, masculine individual in mind while writing due to the settings/circumstances Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Kissing, references to sex Warnings: Kissing, spin the bottle, unestablished relationship, drinking, public kissing
Breathtaking hug
Pronouns: None Mentioned, masculine individual in mind while writing due to the settings/circumstances Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence, injury Warnings: Bone crushing hugs, clingy behavior, fluff, injury
Dirty Talk
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB for all Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Dirty talk, oral sex, anal sex, flirting, top Reader
Pride Festival
Pronouns: he/him implied, reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T, Violence/Allusions to sex Warnings: Modern AU setting, mentions of protesters and homophobia, drinking, drag shows, gay culture, no specific identities stated for Reader or the boys, background relationship: Dutch/Hosea A/N: My local pride isn’t until September but it lasts for three days. Every pride fest is different but I definitely had mine in mind while writing. Happy Pride! P.s. tag yourself, I’m Micah
Admiring their scars
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence, language Warnings: Mentions of past violence, past abuse, scars, lap sitting, kissing, cuddling, baths
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/References to sex Warnings: Cuddling, fluff, kissing, comfort, horses being cute
Taller than them
Pronouns: None Mentioned, vaguely implied masculinity, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Allusions to sex, violence Warnings: Crime, cuddling, kissing, protectiveness A/N: Heights of the boys are listed so you can gauge if you’re taller/shorter. They’re taken from a few different sources around the internet as well as my own staring at the screen for hours. Been reading a lot of ship fics where Kieran is described as short but he’s really not, Micah is tiny and I am very happy about that.
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/References to sex, violence Warnings: Reader wears glasses, kissing, cuddling, violence, murder
Finger Sucking
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned, implied AMAB Rating: M/Sexual themes Warnings: Finger sucking, allusions to anal sex, allusions to anal sex, top reader
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, hugs, kissing, crying, fluff, mentions of murder/violence
“Fuck me.”
Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Beginnings of smut, languageWarnings: Begging, kissing, neck kissing, grinding, hand jobs, blow job
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allzelemonz · 11 months
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Dirty Talk
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Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB for all Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Dirty talk, oral sex, anal sex, flirting, top Reader
He’s been leaning against the fence for a few minutes, just taking a break to look at the cattle. It has been a long day, he almost doesn’t want to go back to work, but he knows it’s just a few more hours. Then he can spend a few hours with you before it’s time to sleep. He didn’t hear you approach, but your arms wrapping around him from behind are unmistakable.
“Tough day?” You ask, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Ain’t so bad.” Abe says, leaning back into your hold. “How’s yours?”
You press a kiss to his neck. “ I’ve been a little distracted.”
Abe’s face heats up from your tone. “Distracted?”
“I’ve been thinking about you.” You say, tightening your grip around him. “How nice you look all -”
“Yer bein’ indecent!” Abe says, squirming a little against you.
“But you like it.” Abe doesn’t respond but you can feel his heart beating fast. You sigh, pressing another kiss to his neck. “I can’t get a thought out of my head, Abe.”
“What’s that?”
“You always look so nice on your knees.”
“Somebody might see us out here.” Abe whispers as if there’s anyone anywhere near you.
“Nobody’s here, Abe. Just us.” You say, eyes looking out towards the house where most people are taking a break for lunch. “Let me spoil you, okay?”
Abe sighs, relaxing into you. “I don’t want nobody to hear.”
“They won’t.”
Abe thinks for a minute.
“I’ll stop if you want me to.”
“No, no.” Abe says, turning to look at you as much as he can with your tight grip on him. “I-I like it when ya talk like that, just in a little private.”
“Wait until tonight then?”
“Maybe-maybe ya could gimme one more.” Abe mutters. “Maybe somethin’ ta look forward to.”
You smile, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “Okay, Abe.” You let your hand drop a bit, dipping your thumb under his waistband. “Tonight I wanna see you on your knees, sucking me like I know you love to.”
Abe’s breath hitches. You didn’t want to be too crass and make him nervous. Balance is key, just enough to make Abe feel a little needy but still comfortable.
“I’ll see you tonight, Abe.” You whisper, pressing a final kiss to his neck.
Bill Williamson: 
The quiet of the night is only brought on because most are out at the saloon. Bill and yourself favored a bit more of an intimate night. Those still in camp are asleep, leaving you alone by the fire. Bill had been leaning against you, happy with your solid arm holding him there.
“We have the camp almost to ourselves.” You mumble, looking down at Bill who is nursing his third beer.
He hums. “Suppose.”
“Come on, Bill.” You say, moving a hand to grip his thigh. “Lay down by the fire and let me take care of you.”
“Out here?” Bill asks, looking at you with a bit of worry.
“No one’s here.” You whisper, lips not an inch from his ear. “Lie down and let me fuck you nice and slow.”
Bill relaxes when you kiss him and your hand runs through his hair. He lets you guide him to lay down beside the fire and his hands take fistfulls of your shirt as you climb over him.
“I can’t wait to fill you up, sweetheart.” You mumble against his lips. “I hope you aren’t planning on walking tomorrow.”
Bill’s face is red and you can feel the result of your words pressing into your thigh.
Charles Smith: 
Charles has his hand lightly gripping your inner thigh as he kisses your neck. He already has several marks of his own, he thought it only fair he get a chance to return the favor.
“Come on, Charles.” You groan as his hand goes higher up your thigh. “I still have to stretch you and I’m not gonna last if you keep this up.”
You feel him smile against your neck, then dips his head. “Sorry.”
“You still want me to, don’t you?”
He hums in the affirmative.
“Come on, Charles.” You muse, putting a hand under his chin to make him look at you. “Tell me.”
He shuffles a little before he speaks. “I want you.”
“And?” You move your hand to his cheek and you can feel the heat sitting there.
He looks down again as he leans closer to your ear. “I want you inside of me.”
A smile spreads over your face. “You want me to fuck slow or r-”
“Rough.” He says, leaning into you. “I need you.”
Colm O’Driscoll: 
Colm’s lips on your neck always make shivers run through you. He would never admit that he feels the same thing when your fingers brush over his bare back.
“So hard already…” Colm mumbles as he runs a hand over you. “Yer such a good whore fer me.”
“I want you, Colm.”
“I know, sugar, I know.” He chuckles. “I’m gonna fuck ya ‘til ya pass out. How’s that sound?”
His fingers curl around you and all you can do is nod in response.
“Ya feel so big…” Colm’s breath hitches for a moment as he stares down at your swollen length. “Maybe I’ll let ya fuck me, hmm?”
“You want me to?” You ask, looking over Colm with surprise.
He hums. “I made up my mind, sugar. Don’t think yer in charge, just come fill me up now.”
Kieran Duffy: 
“Shit, Kieran.” You mutter.
He’s sprawled out on his stomach, gripping the bedroll beneath him from the slow and intentional thrusts you’ve been giving him.
“Please, darlin’, a little faster.”
You run your hand over his arched back. “Tell me how you want me to fuck you, Kieran. I’ll do whatever you want since you look so pretty like this.”
Kieran whines as you grind into him, pressing him further against the bedroll. “I want ya ta use me.” He mutters. “Yer always so gentle, just fuck me, please.”
“You wanna be a toy tonight, Kieran?”
He nods. “Ya feel so good, Darlin’. Come on…”
You hold his wiggling hips still and lean down to his ear. “I’ll fuck you rough as long as you say my name when you cum.”
“‘Course I will…”
Micah Bell: 
Micah’s sudden need to pull you from the little party the gang started at the saloon had you worried at first, but when your back hit the wall and he put his hands in your hair you felt some relief. Outside, in an alley where no one can see you, Micah has no inhibition.
“Ya got me all hot n’ bothered, sweetheart.” He mumbles.
You put your hands on his waist and smile. “Then get on your knees, Micah.”
He presses a long kiss to your lips before he sinks. You watch him as he goes, letting your hands naturally find their way to his hair.
“Keep doin’ that.” He mutters as your fingers curl to grip his hair.
“You’re a good boy, Micah.” You say, tugging like he wants. “Go on now.”
He fishes you out of your pants and wastes no time in swirling his tongue around the tip.
“Ya taste so nice.” His breath hitches as you grip his hair particularly tight. “Come on, darlin’, use me how ya like.”
Sean MacGuire: 
“That’s it, love.” Sean breathes. “Right there.”
Sean turns into a moaning whore like it’s his day job. It takes very little to get him mumbling whatever comes to mind as you fuck him senseless.
“You like that?” You hum, slowing your pace a bit to press a kiss to his shoulder.
“God, yes! Fuck me harder, huh?”
“You like taking my cock, Sean?” You grunt as you pick up your pace again, gripping onto Sean’s hips.
“Fuck…” Sean moans. “I’m close, love.”
“Not until I tell you.” You groan at the feeling of Sean bucking back onto you. “I’m not anywhere near done fucking you yet.”
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allzelemonz · 10 months
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Finger Sucking
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Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned, implied AMAB Rating: M/Sexual themes Warnings: Finger sucking, allusions to anal sex, top reader
He’s teasing you. If it’s not a cuddle or an ‘innocent’ kiss then he simply brings your hand up to cup his face before he slowly moves it closer to his lips. He knows you love it and he loves it nearly as much. You don’t touch him in any other way, nor does he touch you. Watching him is more than enough to grow in anticipation. Still, his cheeks dust a little red when he first feels your hard on against his leg.
Bill Williamson: 
His face is redder than the shirt he’s shedding from his shoulders, but he happily takes your fingers all the way to the knuckle. Once his shirt is gone, he holds your hand in place, simply enjoying the feeling of your fingers in his mouth. His imagination drives him forward because he can picture the future, your fingers slick with his saliva stretching him out for something much more filling.
Charles Smith: 
He separates from the kiss, you hand already in his. Slowly and intentionally he takes them each one knuckle at a time. His eyes shine like he knows what watching him like this does to you. His tongue swirls around them before he takes them deeper, surprising you with the depth he can take. You could watch him do this forever. He has such a gentleness that contrasts the desperation of his movements and his strong hand on your wrist makes you never want to move.
Colm O’Driscoll: 
He grips your hand, bringing it to his lips and slowly pressing fingers inside. His other hand pins you down but he allows you the slight freedom of grinding up against him. One at a time he swirls his tongue over each finger and you wonder what he plans to have you do with them when he’s done.
Kieran Duffy: 
He’s slow, savoring the way you look at him as his cheeks dust pink and he sucks softly along each knuckle. He doesn’t particularly want it to end. The way you hold him and gently urge his tongue along your fingers makes him harden at a comfortable pace and he loves the feeling of you doing the same against his leg.
Micah Bell: 
Micah’s back hits the tree and he grins as you pin him. You trace a few fingers along his bottom lip and he takes them greedily, always eager. His hips move against you, rutting as he swirls his tongue over each digit in his mouth. Spit collects, leaking out onto his chin, but he doesn’t care. He moans around them as you grind against him just right. You’d almost think he enjoys this more than what follows.
Sean MacGuire: 
He takes them with a knowing hunger, doing everything he can to move things along because he knows he’s not going to last if you get to teasing him. His tongue moves expertly along your fingers, coating them with an experience he acquired with only a few occurrences. He knows to keep your attention as he gets them fully coated. He grinds against you and moans around your fingers. Anything to get you to fuck him with those fingers as soon as he’s done with them.
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