#reaching out toh
M'kay so every toh fan is currently talking about how it's been a year since Hollow Mind and how Hollow Mind was such a fantastic episode because it was and it was so good for so many reasons, but I wanna talk about how it's been a year since Reaching Out which is my favorite episode and I've just gotta ramble.
M'kay so first off, the writing. Oh my god, the writing is brilliant. The way they delivered the important scenes in the episode with such maturity, and the way that they even added jokes into the episode. Not a lot, but that's for obvious reasons. And none of the jokes were about Luz's dad. None of them were about her grief. None of them were about her bottling up her feelings about her dad and his passing, and how she isn't able to spend it with her mom this year which is probably the only way she's been able to cope with his death. It's really hard to make an episode about a mature topic with jokes in it without making the jokes seem inappropriate or somehow joking about the topic, but toh did it. I can't say I'm surprised tbh. Also the way it showed how Luz is dealing with the grief vs. her mom dealing with it. Her mom is sad, but calm. Luz is upset and emotional, and just straight up avoids the topic, which is SO realistic. No super dark and dramatic moments, but moments that rip your heart out nonetheless. Also the way Amity deals with it. She's upset at Luz for lying to her, which is fair, but after hearing about *why* Luz lied, Amity isn't mad anymore. She understands now and helps Luz deal with it the best they could. Amity doesn't even bring it up again, respecting how Luz needed a moment to talk about herself and how Luz already apologized. Also the way we get so much family content between the Clawthornes and the Blights is so nice.
Next off I love how they handled Amity dealing with her dad. Amity didn't forgive him right away. She didn't accept his hug but she did accept him wanting to try again and be a better father (and I love how he does become such a good dad to all of his kids it's so nice they all deserve it.) Alador admits his mistakes, he admits that he needs to do better, and if that isn't beautiful- Also, while he did admit he was in the wrong, Amity did not forgive her father. And tbh, he didn't deserve forgiveness, atleast not right away. Amity and her siblings had been neglected by him their whole lives, and although the main focus was on Amity, I believe the twins also needed time to forgive, and see if he would actually change and be a good dad.
Speaking of the twins, they both had a good amount of growth too. Edric was the main focus out of the two of them, sure, but Emira also had some growth. Both of them discovered other types of magic they were interested in (on their own, might I add) and later on joined those tracks as well. Also they were both such loving siblings this episode, with both of them supporting, protecting, and taking care of their little sister, even tho Amity was annoyed that they were there in the beginning. I love how they have such realistic teenager looks as well, with leg hair and acne and everything. And them also being accepted into the Bad Girl coven as well was the icing on the cake. I swear they went from being annoying older siblings constantly messing and teasing their sister to being her best friends and being super supportive. We love to see it tbh.
And finally, I like how this episode finally addressed why Luz didn't have her dad in her life, which I know for a fact the fandom has been wondering since season 1. But I fr thought that Camilla and Manny just divorced or something, not that Manny straight up died. Another thing I love, even tho it's mentioned in Thanks To Them, is how Manny was the reason Luz got into The Good Witch Azura, which ended up not only leading her into the Boiling Isles, but also letting her officially meet Eda, connecting with Amity and them becoming friends (and eventually girlfriends), and basically shaping her personality. So, in a way, Luz's dad is partially the reason she discovered the Boiling Isles.
One more thing I really like is how we not only got some cute Lumity content, but we also saw them hit a pivotal point in their relationship; their first fight. Obviously, it wasn't fun to see them fight, but the way they handled it was so mature and very nice, honestly. Amity being understandably upset with Luz for lying to her and getting her in trouble with Alador. Instead of blowing up, Amity goes off on her own to cool down. Luz then joins her later and Amity asks Luz why she lied. Not in an angry kind of way, but she was still upset and deserved to know the reason. She was asking in a concerned way, as she knew that Luz was having a rough day and that could've been why she was acting like that. Luz admitting that what she did was wrong, and shouldn't be excused, even though she was dealing with stuff and her mind was all over the place. It's understandable why Luz lied, and she isn't a bad person for lying to Amity, but she still (very unintentionally) hurt Amity. After Amity learned what was going on, like I said earlier, she immediately dropped the subject in respect for Luz. Luz had already apologized anyways, so there was no point to bring it up again. Then Amity tells Luz that she'll do something with her here to honor her dad, so that Luz feels better. Then later, Amity keeps her promise and helps Luz send off some flowers. The way the two of them handled their first fight was so mature, and honestly healthier than some adults I've seen irl. How fictional teenage girlfriends can handle a conflict better than some adults, idk. But anyways.
Gosh this episode was so good. It lives rent free in my head. And the fact that Dana put some of her own life into Luz just made this episode sting just a little bit more. I related to Luz a lot before this episode, but after it, GOD I related to her hard. Anyways, that was just me rambling, thanks for reading this long mess if you did.
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chorus-cat · 2 years
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its edric !!
im pretty happy w this :3
idk how to caption things ugh anyway heres a drawing <3
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gapevinenerd · 2 years
Me, just casually rewatching a bunch of my favorite TOH episodes to stave off the boredom: Damn this is really fun, fuck Phillip, I love Hunter, wow Lilith is such a cool chara-
Luz: Hey y'know this happened a long time ago so it's not, and I can't stress this enough, a big deal at all, but [ENORMOUS FUCKING BOMB OF BOTTLED UP TRAUMA]. Don't worry about it tho it's cool
Me: Well shit, didn't expect to get called out today, but oh well.
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waywardsunlight · 10 months
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And Luz, thank you for being in my life.
August 22nd (in-show date of Reaching Out, airdate of Agony of a Witch)
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zibiscusloon · 4 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
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probablyhuntersmom · 7 months
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Beautiful boi who loves to help everyone
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we have a full collection!
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best-fictional-cat · 1 year
Round 5 Group 3 finals
Findus (Pettson and Findus) vs Ghost (The Owl House)
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curiositycryptid · 1 month
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trying out a style where I don’t have to use Lineart, I think it looks pretty good
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iamchaos1234 · 3 months
[Spoilers for S2 E14 of the owl house]
In this episode Luz is trying to deal with being apart from her mother on the anniversary of her dad's death day. This episode hurts my heart a lot, as I have unfortunately... gone through similar situations as Luz
But a smaller detail I notice some people miss is her reaction to the Abomiton's alarm going off after she set it off. She looks panicked, and yells "get out of my head!" Which is an odd response if you think about it. There's the possibility that what's happening here is it just sounds like her phones alarms. But in my opinion she responds like this because it sounds kind of similar to an ambulance. And her father passed away from some sort of illness and was brought to the hospital. So it can be assumed the sound of sirens similar to this would cause a sort of trauma response
This has been Chaos rambling, thanks for reading :)
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hinsaa-paramo-dharma · 4 months
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acrowmadeoutofmercury · 11 months
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i NEED to talk about this photo.
first- young Alador is the cutest. He looks happy and healthy and just won the bonesborough brawl, and he also has a ponytail!
second- Darius is booing Alador (which is adorable)
third- Odalia is a bitch but she looks strangely proud of alador? Makes me wonder if they're dating at this point.
LASTLY-- RAINE AND EDA IN THE BACKGROUND. Goofing off together and having fun while watching the brawl. I spent a couple minutes staring at them and realized that Eda has a carton of popcorn which she has been throwing at Raine. My heart I-
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willumity2020 · 5 months
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Conversation is the Key
Art by MimiKim
Source: twitter.com
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glubber · 2 years
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mushr00mcryptid · 2 years
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Just some cute Lumity while we wait.
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