#really done it this season SORRY LIVE EYE OF THE TIGER REACTION but like why is Devon Lee a main character she got added in like 7 episodes
theboost · 2 years
1-800-are-you-posting anyway I’m sorry cobra kai is like crack to me. You just KNOW that daniel and amanda and johnny and carmen and chozen are having the most INSANE sex. Your childhood karate rival has filled his mansion with memorabilia to honor his sensei to keep it real we have a massive orgy on the floor.
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neurodiversebones · 3 years
autistic brennan !!!
in my autistic opinion... here you go. a SLIGHTLY more organized version of what i have dropped in the DMs of anyone who is willing to listen, copy and pasted from a google doc i have so eloquently named "bones is fucking autistic" !!
this headcanon is like. 95% confirmed, which kind of makes my heart do a little "!!!" <3 idk brennan means a Lot to me and always did as a young autistic afab person :-) so here you go !! (under the cut)
okay SO here is my explanation for my headcanon, explained in bullet points- this took up multiple google docs pages so i hope you're ready
emotional display:
has absolutely zero poker face- we see this frequently. there are too many instances to count where she cannot hide her facial expressions !! it is also referenced by booth in late season 8, and i think a few other characters have mentioned it throughout the series?
this is especially in the earlier seasons, but her response to stress and trauma is Very Neurodivergent. she rarely has an outward response- it's so rare to see her cry before season 7/8 ?? this could also definitely be a trauma thing but like,,, trauma symptoms and autistic traits are unfortunately hard to differentiate between because autistic people tend to go through more traumatic situations
not exactly emotional display, but similar- she clearly has alexithymia, or something of the sort (basically, she struggles to recognize her own emotions). this is exhibited a few times- the one i can remember right now is "i don't understand what i'm feeling" "you understand happy, right?" (conversation with angela, season 9). this is actually something i have rarely seen in a character- at least not done well. it makes me very happy !!!
she struggles to understand why others would think differently than her- her view of the world is Correct in her eyes, and she finds it difficult to look from someone else's point of view. this frequently ends in her criticizing those around her- her view of the world is incredibly black and white, so when others disagree with her, she believes they must be wrong.
extension of the black and white thinking- she doesn't understand concepts, no matter how hard she tries. she needs evidence and proof. examples of this would be her views on god/religion, love (pre-season 6), and marriage (pre-season 8)
despite her lack of empathy toward people, she exhibits a lot of empathy toward animals. this is actually a really common autistic trait?? examples of this would be her emotional attachment to the dogs in 4x04, or her explosive reaction to finding out the tiger was killed in 8x04
social/conversational skills:
this is probably her most obvious and easily recognizable autistic trait- it's what made me go "she's autistic" after watching a few episodes
she does not understand jokes or sarcasm very well- she frequently gets confused by jokes, explaining why they aren't funny or don't make sense, especially pop culture jokes. when she does understand jokes or pop culture references, she gets very excited and explains them out loud, even though everyone around her already understands (just adding- i love this so much ?? her explaining jokes is Very Cute. i'm sorry i'm a simple gay who can't go ten minutes without declaring my love for her)
struggles with small talk and social niceties- this is used as a joke in nearly every episode. she doesn't do small talk well- preferring to talk about topics that are actually important or interest her. she doesn't see the need for most social conventions either, which leads to her frequently being seen as rude.
she misses social cues in conversations- she frequently brings up topics that are probably not Appropriate for the setting (talking about dead bodies in a restaurant, talking about sex while standing over a dead body, etc.)
she is incredibly literal, and doesn't understand metaphorical speak. this goes hand in hand with the not understanding jokes- she takes many phrases at face value, sometimes confusing others
she frequently comes off as cold or blunt without meaning to be- many people read her as "heartless" or just uninterested because of the way she speaks, even when she is very invested.
i don't know how to explain this other than her speaking pattern is Very Autistic- the way she pauses mid sentence all the time, the facial expressions she makes while speaking, it's all autism babey !!!
intense focus on one topic:
okay it's very obvious that her special interests are forensics and anthropology
she gets hyperfocused, often losing herself in her work and putting herself through the ringer for it. she puts her work above (almost) everything, and has stated on multiple occasions that she would be nothing without her work.
she often explains the things around her with references to anthropology and ancient civilizations- she uses these references to explain her feelings, the situations she's in, and frequently, to solve crimes. things make sense to her when she thinks about them like this.
not engaging with peers in an "expected" way:
she is often showed to have difficulty getting close with people- she doesn't like showing emotion to others, and would rather just talk about the task at hand. this could very well be explained by her trauma background- but i believe it's probably a bit of both.
she finds it difficult to bond with her peers over common things, like pop culture, and rather talks about work or other things. she doesn't open up to a lot of people, even those who she is incredibly close with.
stimming !! this doesn't have enough instances to get its own section, but i like to interpret that wonder woman scene as vestibular stimming, purely because i love to spin and jump !!!!
detail oriented, to the point of obsession. it's common for autistic people to get caught up in the details of things, which she definitely does.
views on sexuality differ from the "norm"- she is very critical of monogamy during the first half of the series, and does not see the point in marriage. also she's definitely arospec, just putting that out there <3
i am autistic and i love her therefore i'm right
final notes:
i think she's one of my favourite autistic characters to exist- i usually despise the socially awkward detective trope, but it's handled well here. the people around her don't expect her to change the innate aspects of who she is- rather, they love her unconditionally (even if they are exasperated at times- which is natural to feel with people that you love)
i very much like that they didn't go with the socially awkward + smart = unattractive trope either- she knows that she's hot, and so do the people around her. i'm so sick of nerdy girls not being allowed to be hot 😭 especially when it comes to autistic-coded characters- let autistic people have sex lives 2k21
she just,,, holds a very special place in my heart. as an undiagnosed autistic afab kid, she meant a lot to me. i saw a woman on screen who was smart like me and sometimes confused people because of her intelligence, who didn't really get social situations, who didn't know how to express how she felt. she was like me- and she loved herself, and people loved her. she's a very important character to me and has been since i was really young <3
thank you SO MUCH to anybody who read this- brennan is the loml and i will infodump about her until the end of time
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A Proper Parker Christmas - A Spideychelle Fic
A/N: Merry Christmas Eve! Sorry for being so late and infrequent, I’m working on more fics, I promise. For now, enjoy a Christmas-y Spideychelle
“What?! You haven’t- How do you- How could you- Why would you- I just- What?” Peter stammered as they walked side by side.
“I don’t know, my family has never been the most celebratory group of people.” MJ said with a shrug.
“Well yeah, but. It’s Christmas! You can’t just skip Christmas.” He said the last sentence like it was obvious. Natural law. MJ shrugged again, but Peter shook his head in response. “No. No way. I can’t let you just go through such a magical season and not get the full experience. No, you are coming to my place for Christmas this year.” Peter stood in front of her as he finished speaking, stopping them both. He tried to look as poker faced as possible, but failed. His hopeful expression was clear.
MJ sighed. “Peter I,” she started to protest, but when she look at him again that face got a little more nervous and hopeful. Damn him. Damn Peter Parker and those big brown eyes straight to hell. “I’ll try to stop by.” she finished. Damn that smile too, because as soon as she said it, Peter was grinning so wide she feared that his face would split in half.
“Great! I-I mean, cool, yeah sweet. I’ll help May make some extra cocoa.” Realization quickly struck him as his smile momentarily fell and he looked down, “And cookies. We’re gonna need more sugar.” His grin quickly returned though as he looked back to her, “I’ll see you later, MJ!” And with that he took off behind her. She smirked, he did realize there was still 2 periods left in the school day, right?
A few days later MJ stood outside Peter’s apartment. Her parents hadn’t made any protest, or reaction at all for that matter, when she said she was spending the next few days at a friend’s place so she was cleared to skip her family's non celebration of the holiday. She gave the door a gentle knock and inside the apartment she heard sudden clatter of multiple objects falling and Peter shouting “I'll get it!”
Moments later the door swung open and and revealed a beaming Peter Parker wearing a red sweater with a white reindeer pattern. “MJ, hey! You're just in time, we’re starting games. Come on, it's cold out there.” he said stepping aside to make room for her to enter. She gave him a nod and looked around as she entered. The entire place was decked out wall to wall in Christmas decorations. Tinsel, garland, bows, and wreaths were everywhere. MJ let out an impressed whistle and May flashed her a smile as her head popped out from the kitchen. “Thank you, Michelle. And Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Ms. Parker.” MJ returned the smile. Peter waved both of them over from the living room a couple feet away. For the next hour or two they took turns in playing Christmas Charades, which was just charades with Christmas themed things to act out, along with a few other Christmas-ified party games. MJ found herself enjoying it all more than she thought she would.
Soon after that the cookies that Peter and May had been preparing were finished and were made ready along with hot chocolate. As Peter handed MJ her cocoa however, he noticed a slight shiver.
“You cold?” he asked, head slightly tilted.
“Nah, I'm fine.” she insisted, but there it was again. Subtle, but she definitely shivered. Peter paused for a moment, then smiled to himself and dashed out if the room.
He eventually came back with a mountain of blankets and a few other items. He handed MJ a green sweater with a white snowflake pattern, gave May a Santa hat, then one to MJ, then donned one himself. He then picked a single blanket off the mountain, gave it to May, and gently dumped the rest on MJ. She wanted to object, but when she looked at him, he was just too happy and hopeful. Like a child. So she sighed and nestled into her spot on the couch. Besides, it was comfortable.
Later on they began watching some classic claymation Christmas movies. About halfway into Year Without A Santa Claus, MJ leaned over to Peter to make a joking comment when she noticed he was the one giving the occasional shiver now. She rolled at her eyes at how needlessly selfless he was all the time before silently pulling him into her blanket pile. Outside of a light blush, Peter didn't respond to the new situation. As the movies continued the teens slowly and progressively sat closer together. For warmth, only warmth. Totally.
MJ could've sworn that Peter got even closer when the snow monster began to show up in Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. Then she remembered Peter had told a story once about seeing the movie when he was younger and being terrified of the creature. He only got over it with May’s help over the course of months. MJ totally didn't place her hand on his in that moment. She would never.
A few specials later May went to bed, but insisted the kids get the most Christmas Spirit out of the night. This led to Peter and MJ making popcorn and talking on the couch for what seemed like forever. At one point Peter laughed so hard he fell off the couch. As he returned to his spot he sank a little deeper into the couch. He suddenly froze when he saw the ceiling. MJ sighed as she recovered from her own laughing fit. She went to make another joke, but she saw Peter staring horrified upwards.
Confused, she followed his gaze, apparently May had done this part of the decorating, because Peter was completely unaware of the mistletoe currently hanging above the couch.
“So, still interested in showing me all the proper Christmas traditions?” She was kidding as an attempt to lighten the sudden mood drop, but she looked down again and Peter was blushing furiously. He sat back up as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
“We don't have to. Not to say I don't want to! Or to say that did necessarily do! I mean, I don't wanna force you into anything. Or make anything weird. Or-” He rambling quickly died off when MJ suddenly leaned in much closer.
“What?” She asked, just a tad too innocent.
“I, I uh. I mean, you could, you don’t have to, we could just-” Peter began a rambling loop. If she didn’t catch it early on it could go on forever.
So with a roll of her eyes, she looked him dead in the eye and asked, “Peter. Do you want to?” Peter opened his mouth to say something, but she held up a finger, “Don’t say anything, you won’t get more than three syllables out. Just nod yes or no.”
He stared at her for a moment, mouth still slightly open, then he slowly nodded his head up and down. MJ smiled gently.
“Good.” she whispered before closing the distance between them. Much to the both of their relief, things weren’t weird when they pulled away. In fact, it was nice. Really nice. Peter smiled widely at her, which made MJ smile as she rolled her eyes again. “Dork.” she murmured as she rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes.
Peter laid back, staring at the ceiling again, questioning existence. Eventually he kissed the top of MJ’s head and whispered, “Merry Christmas MJ.”
“Merry Christmas, Tiger.” she replied. The nickname made Peter grin as he began to drift off to sleep.
The next morning May came in to find them together and asleep on the couch. ‘Together, clothed, yes.’ she thought before snapping a picture on her phone to show them later. Like wedding later. As for now, she enjoyed her victory as she went back to her room and pretended to be asleep until they woke up.
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allthekpopimagines · 7 years
Got7 Reaction - You get them back for pranking you and you decide to prank them back.
Prompt: Your Got7 man pranked you but you won’t stand for it. You can’t let him get away with it so with the help of his members you got him back. 
Mark: Mark was tired when he walked into y’all’s (A/N: can you tell I’m from Texas?) house and he just wanted to rest. You were sitting in the living room and he came over and kissed you before you asked him, “Aw, was practice really brutal today?” He nodded and then he said, “I’m going to take a shower and then I’m going to bed.” You nodded and ran your hands through his hair and kissed him one last time before he went to the room. You smirked as you heard him whine, “Y/N! Why do you do this to me baby?” You had filled the room with cups of water and he just came over to you, “Is this revenge?” You smirked and said, “Maybe next time you’ll learn not to pour flour ‘accidentally’ all over my dress for the AMAs. Hm?” He sighed and smiled remembering how mad you were. 
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Jaebum: Jaebum walked into the house and he smiled as he saw you sleeping on the couch. He brought you into the room and once he put you in the bed he decided he was going to take a shower. He went into the bathroom and shut the door, once he shut the door you opened your eyes and smirked knowing he was going to take a shower today. You waited for the sound of his feet hitting the shower floor and then he turned on the shower and he just continued to shower. You waited until you heard the shower turn off and you closed your eyes again and laid back down. Jaebum opened the door and you could feel the heat coming out of the bathroom and to then you felt Jaebum shake you awake and you acted like he woke you, “What?” You said with your eyes still closed, “Look at me.” He said. You opened your eyes and you couldn’t help it you just busted out laughing, “You think this is funny?” Jaebum asked referring to his pink body. You nod and then he asked, “Did you do this?” You nodded and you couldn’t stop laughing and then you finally calmed down and you said, “This is why you don’t mess with my hair color.” You say smirking as he looks at you with disbelief. 
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Jackson: You’ve always had a thing for a certain BTS member, yes you liked them but no, you didn’t do anything with them. You hadn’t even met them! For your birthday your friend got you some posters of your bias in BTS and you were so happy. So you hung them up in your room the next day. Jackson didn’t live with you but he was planning on moving in soon. When you came home one day you could see that Jackson was here, his shoes were by the door, “Jackson?” You yelled into your house as you closed the door. You assumed he was in your room, so you walk into your room and you gasp as you see Jackson marking up your posters with a sharpie, “Jackson! Why would you do that?!” You drop your stuff and you go to the poster seeing the damage he’s done. Your jaw drops and he starts to ‘explain’ himself. That was 3 weeks ago. But you wouldn’t go down without revenge. So Mark let you inside the door and you headed to Jackson room with bags, “What are you exactly going to do?” You smirked and showed him the bags of sticky notes you had bought. You continued to put sticky notes all over his room and you leave before Jackson gets home and you get a text from him later, “Very funny babe. Come take them down.” You proceed to text him, “An eye for an eye babe.” With that you leave the work to him. 
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Jinyoung: You were looking through your clothes and you couldn’t find your favorite shirt, “Jinyoung baby, have you seen my favorite shirt?” He looked up from his phone and asked, “Isn’t it that one? The one right there.” He says pointing to the red one that was hanging in your closet close to where your hand was, “No baby, it’s the black one.” His eyes grow wide, “Don’t tell me that, it’s not the black one with the tiger on it is it?” You go to him, “What did you do to my favorite shirt?” He begins to rub the back of his neck, “Uh, I might have, uh, sold it.” Your jaw dropped, “What?! Jinyoung!” He then proceeded to laugh and tell you where your favorite shirt was. You gave him a mad look, “Why would you scare me like that?!” He smiled, “It’s fun.” Later that week you decided to take all of his pants and hide them, so when Jaebum texted you asking, *why isn’t Jinyoung wearing pants and mumbling about you?* you just sent a smirking face and said, *he can answer that for himself*. 
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Youngjae: Now this little ball of sunshine usually does nothing wrong. He just laughs at everything. Which sometimes, could get him into trouble. You were in the shower getting ready for a dinner that you were going to Youngjae with. But in the middle of the shower you realized that the floor was more slippery than it has ever been before. You slipped and fell and you screamed, Youngjae ran in while covering his eyes, “I can’t look at you but what happened?!” You landed on your arm and you are now sobbing, “I fell, Youngjae it hurts.” He begins to try not to laugh but he fails. You look up at him and you say, “Really?!” He leaves the room and he begins to laugh. Once you get up and you go to him, “Youngjae what did you do?” You ask him as you finish wrapping a towel around your body and he said, “I didn’t think it would make you slip and fall!” You go to see the doctor and your arm is broken. So you get a cast and you think, I’ll get Youngjae back, but not anything big enough to break anything. You get home and you claim you’ve already eaten so Youngjae begins to make his food and he walks away to find some seasoning so you add a whole bottle of hot sauce and you smirk as he tries to taste it, he ends up coughing because of all the heat that he’s now felt. He looks at you and you smirk, “What’s wrong Youngjae? Do you feel like laughing now?” He just gets a glass of water and once he’s okay he begins to laugh and your smirk fades, “Why are you laughing.” He smiles, “Because you’re so cute.” 
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Bambam: You woke up from your deep sleep and you screamed, “Bambam!” You were looking down at Bambam and you couldn’t move your arms or legs, “Bambam what did you do?!” He just laughs and the screaming caused all the boys to come running in the room thinking someone was hurt. They saw you and you looked at your body to see you were duct taped to the ceiling, “How did this even happen?!” Bambam smiled and said, “With a little Nyquil you were knocked out. I was surprised you didn’t wake up.” You closed your eyes, “I’m dreaming. This isn’t real.” Then you see a flash, “Oh it’s real baby, and now the whole world knows about it.” Your jaw dropped, “How dare you! Get me down, now!” He came and cut you down, luckily you landed on the bed. You sighed angrily and you said, “Just you wait Bambam.” With that you waited for 5 weeks, with you still not forgetting about what happened. You went on tour with the boys, but before they went onto the concert in New York City you took Bambam’s pants and cut a hole right in the middle of them, you smirked and watched as everyone got pictures and Bambam had to run off of stage to see you holding that piece of the clothing you had cut off.
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Yugyeom: You were on a trip with the boys and you shared a tent with Yugyeom but when you woke up you were in the middle of a lake! “Yugyeom!!!” You screamed. Yugyeom came to the lake to where you were and just smiled, “Hey babe. Having a good time?” You glared at him, “Yugyeom if you don’t get me out of this lake and back on to land I swear on my life, you will pay for this.” He acted like he was thinking and then he said, “Yeah, maybe I should. But I won’t.” With that Yugyeom walked away. You later had to get assistance from Jaebum and Mark. Once you got back on land you didn’t talk to Yugyeom for the rest of the trip and then you got home and the next morning Yugyeom woke up running late and you just smiled as he was rushing around the house trying to get his stuff in order. He went out to the hallway and you followed him, he saw his keys and he stopped, “Very funny babe, my keys in jello.” He took the keys out of the jello after trying to get it out for a couple of minutes and then he said, “You’re pranks aren’t a big deal.” As he walked outside you grabbed your keys and he walked outside and stopped and you just smirked as he just says nothing and he calls Jaebum he’s going to be pretty late. When Jaebum asked why he turned to you and he handed you the phone, “Jaebum, revenge is so sweet.” You said while staring at the car that you had wrapped in cellophane, head to toe.
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A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this! Sorry it took so long I’ve had a stressful week but Christmas break is coming up soon so if you feel like requesting Christmas reactions or whatever feel free to do them! I’ll gladly do them, but if no one requests I’ll try to do 12 Days of Imagines. Which won’t be a whole group it’ll be one person from a group. But thank you for reading! <3    - Admin M
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r-o-se · 7 years
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BASICALLY 101 comments/thoughts/things on Produce 101 S2E2
1.      The kids are watching the last ep
2.      The first vote results, Bae Jinyoung first, Wang Minhyuk last. Poor kid. Stop naming kids Minhyuk theres 6 of them on the field already it’s like Michael in America lol
3.      Back to the evaluations
4.      Woojin goes up, Daniel is like ’He’s rly cute I hugged him already’ tbh everyone call him cute lol
5.      Does JB Baby, what a classic lol. Got a B and praised for his pronunciation
6.      Aaahahahah lmao he asked for water and has to choose between two judges. Chooses Cheetah and she looks blessed af
7.      Kid has problems with opening stickers lol
8.      YGk+ performance, everyone are shook about their legs
9.      Their performance isn’t that good though, poor dudes. One D, other three F
10.   Roll yet ANOTHER compilation of the hottest kids this season
11.   Yongbin aka the dude with a nose bridge straighter and higher than my will to live
12.   Dongsoo and Namhyung from S.How do an AMAZING self composed song, are cute and talented as fuck. Namhyung got an A and Dongsoo got a B. Cheetah loves them ME TOO ME TOO
13.   Compilation of rappers, the overall comment on teachers is ‘Cheetah is cute omg but Dunmill is scary’
14.   Editing: aw cheetah is cute now with longer hair
15.   Cheetah: does the snoop dogg dance yno the smoke weed everyday one
16.   ‘Boys are calmer’ no they are more desperate and scared of failure
17.   Jung Jungji prepared a SHITTON for EXO Growl, a bajillion vids of it. But sadly I guess his nerves got to him, he didn’t do well aaaaaaaaaaaand got an F. Stop fucking laughing at him. Most of the audience is dancing along though such an iconic song
18.   He looks dead inside but says “I’m glad because I made BoA laugh”
20.   Do Block B Very Good, MURDER IT IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE, AMAZING energy, everyone love it, first and only all company A rank
21.   Who am I fooling I actually watched their performance like 4 times before this on youtube just because of how much I love it the energy is so good
22.   Taehyun’s freestyle krump was on POINT tru kid monster right there. His expressions are soooooo good
23.   Now the kids are writing their future wishes or something like that to a huge whiteboard
24.   Kim Dongbin from kiwi ent looks sooooo nervous save that kid
25.   He’s doing chewing gum and stopped in the middle for some x reason?
26.   He stopped bc one of the judges pulled out his in-ear in a weird way and he thought that meant he needs to stop
28.   Everyone are cheering for him  to continue THIS IS SO SWEET AAAHHHHHH EVEN JINWOO MOVED HIS HANDS AND CLAPPED
29.   And he finished his performance w a cute smile and………. got an F
30.   ’My level should be lower than F. I’m grateful for F’
31.   FNC Hwiseung comes out DOES SHINEE REPLAY GOT MY VOTE
33.   Judges don’t like either and say both feel rushed… Hwiseung got a D and Heeseok got an F… damn
34.   Starship Sewoon and Kwanghyun come in, everyone get hype. One of them hates dancing and individ. trainee Jaehwan went to the same school as Sewoon. They Maroon 5 Sugar, everyone loves it
35.   Sewoon plays guitar and composes, everyone STILL loves it and for a very good reason
36.   BoA: So do u wanna be an idol or a singer?
        Sewoon: CEO
37.   Starship gets a double B
38.   RYTHM TA COVER, amazing vocals, acrobatics, taekwondo (is this the K-Tiger trainee?) basically just a compilation of the coolest kids this season
39.   Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Jang Moonbok clip again
40.   He’s doing BTS Boy In Luv and…. It isn’t too good poor dude
41.   Seriously Mnet’s son bc his singing isn’t good yet the only reactions they are showing from crowd are the most positive ones
42.   He got an F
43.   Brand New come up, roll clip of the absolute snake team San E and Jint ent company lol kids are cute tho
44.   Do a song composed by Daehwi, choreo made by Woojin that sounds eerily like a GOT7 Hard Carry  
45.   Daehwi's vocals are good but his range isn’t too high rip. One of the kids did a bboy pose thing on one hand. Someone in the crowd dabbed
46.   Daehwi and Woojin got an A, Youngmin and Donghyun got B’s
47.   End of the evaluation, 7 A rank trainees, 17 B rank, 21 C rank, 25 D rank and 31 F rank. Last season there was like….. 20 something A rank holy shit
48.   Revealing the high pitched as hell song and the difficult ass choreo
49.   The best can go to M Countdown with it, A gets center and the ult center gets a solo part
50.   The one who has an A rank is basically a god and the one who gets the center position is literally the definition of ’what’s a god to a non-believer’
51.   They’re moving in now and get their ugly colour coded sweaters lol
52.   F rank trying to cope ’I actually rly like gray clothes… Still want pink tho’
53.   Why is korea so obsessed with ages lol
54.   Sungwoon took like an air humidifier and candles and an electric mat and whatnot lmaoooo
55.   Goblin parody ensue. Some trainee, Yoo Jinwon looks just like male Eun Tak (The female lead of goblin)
56.   Group practice is soooooo unbalanced holy SHIT
57.   The song is so high pitched they are all dying inside
58.   JINWOO IS TALKING my dude…. In F rank…. Depressing
59.   Daehwi is a sad boy bc the entire B team belted out the high notes like no joke
60.   Two dance black holes make slow mo eye contact if im not incorrect its the Cube F rank and one of the YGk+ F ones with a haircut idk how to describe.. like… its black…  sure is black
61.   Within 10 minutes A rank fucking aces the dance as a whole, sure its not perfect but it looks GREAT
62.   F is a… Mess sighs. At least that’s how they’re portrayed. In group shots at least half of the kids can do the dance just GREAT but sure obvs mnet isnt gonna show them
63.   Daehwi has problems with the high notes poor lil kid
64.   Namhyun, Sungwoo and Sungwoon have no problems hitting it though
65.   I fucking hate this system because rappers need to excel in vocals too which is fucking unfair and they just humiliated BNM Woojin who cant reach the notes and the trainer is NO FUCKING HELP and doesn’t guide him or anything just looks at him judgingly just fuck off dude seriously
66.   Sungwoo is just like Sejeong, got everyone shook during first evaluation, sings like an angel and CAN actually dance but has small problems while adapting to the choreo
67.   Now to the D group training KAHI MY MOTHER
68.   Baekho has problems concentrating to the dance and they only show him obviously thanks Mnet for nothing like he is not the type of person for p101 hes literally the furthest away from the p101 type why did pledis force them there Im so fucking angry dude
69.   Another poor black hole cutie is Cube Guanlin ugh im so sad about him DON’T CRY
70.   But others are helping him which makes me happy thank god for that
71.   C group get compared to chicks and vitamin C lol
72.   The C group vocal trainer is pretty af and everyone are in love including me
73.   ‘Age is just a number’ BOI
74.   Bae Jinyoung keeps looking at the ground SHY BOY but he also messed up his singing poor kiddo
75.   B team has the same vocal coach as A and I think D has the same dude
76.   Honestly I fucking hate that dude he’s so rude to rapper kids and doesn’t even help him and Mnet tries to play it off like ‘haha tsundere’ but no he’s just an asshole
77.   One of the rappers does adlibs lol
78.   But everyone else are just in pain I fucking hate this system so much
79.   Woojin is a small baby but sings like gold
81.   He picks out NU’EST right away ugh but MY DUDE REN DOES SO WELL
82.   RBW GUNHEE MY B O I HOLY HELL SINGS SO WELL WHYS HE IN D even the coach said he did the best out of the grades he coaches ( A B and D)
83.   That coach is so much nicer in D
84.   I take everything back he just fucking destroyed my baby Hyungseob I’m so fucking done with everything
85.   B team dance class que
86.   Kang Daniel feels a bit full of himself but tbh he is literally perfect at everything and has the dance clean already
87.   Kim Jaehwan has problems with dance this is like with Juna last season lol
89.   The dorm clips, everyone are practicing
90.   Aaaaaaaaand now they’re doing the reevaluation filming
91.   B grade Kim Sangbin danced really well and even sang well even though hes a rapper and then dabbed lmao hope lost
92.   MY LIL JUSTIN KIDDO IS UP but holy shit his singing is really bad I’m sad
93.   Everyone are saying they are anticipating Minhyun to move up by a rank but his clip is awful I’m so fucking sad dude I don’t have any words to express my absolute misery he looks so beaten up and other trainees are trying to console him I’m so fucking sad
94.   Now it’s Baekho’s turn, he doesn’t do too well either but it def isn’t THAT bad and mnet is just trying to make NU’EST look bad because they aren’t showing JR’s clip even though he was good enough to move up to B grade
95.   The dude with the best singing voice, Gunhee, his singing voice broke rip
96.   Moonbok’s clip wasn’t good and everyone are sad bc he practiced a lot
97.   Kwon Hyunbin from YGk+ does really shit and I feel soooooooooooo sorry because he isn’t doing good and people aren’t vvoting for him either but it just won’t come out right and im SO SORRY FOR HIM AAAAAAAGHHHHHH and like YGk+ is a modelling company so he wont debut and then theres this kid Ha Minho who I like too and his rank is like what 94 rn hes gonna fucking die. I hate this show why is it so addicting
98.   Calls to family ft. a lot of tears from everyone but Jisung’s sister has the same sense of humor as Jisung does its gr8 why isn’t he in top 11 vote for him jesus fuck
99.   Judges are gonna watch the reevaluation things now time to Get Sad Bois
100.  Daehwi and Samuel get praised and JAEHWAN MY LIL BOY FIXED HIS DANCE IM SO PROUD
101.  Oh no now theyre gonna watch Minhyuns catastrophe clip I want to fucking die
102. Kahi said that Min gets pressured when competing with other people I’m so fucking sad my boy is so stable and talented if anyone wants good NU’EST lives just fucking hit me up he is sooooo high quality stop bullying him @mnet  @pledis
103. Why do they only show bad clips I’m so sad and the trainers all laugh at them this just… it’s so ugly leave the kids alone they are under such immense pressure with such a difficult song and choreo
104. Finally they are showing the good trainees I’m so glad give them that ATTENTION and MY KID HYUNGSEOB IS THERE WITH A PEACE SIGN
105. And to end it now they’re getting the reevaluation grades and a bunch of kids are moving up I’m glad but they aren’t showing anyone’s new grades
And now, also good  screencaps that didn’t make it into the top 9, some funny, some depressing, Also I’m ready to stab anyone who came up with the goddamn food and bathroom break ration they’re doing by rank like what is this u cant dance u cant eat?? well hello there stalin 
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