#redhood jason todd
jasonsknight3 · 20 days
Finals are finally over! However in the past few days I’ve had an idea for an analog horror type thing but for the batfam. Obviously starting with my favorite. Jason. Enjoy!
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Here is a close up of Jason
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ditzybat · 2 months
non-gotham locals think the most prolific bat-villain is the joker, or scarecrow, even the riddler — or any of their assorted highly dangerous deluded rogues.
but a real gothamite knows how big a pain in the ass condiment king is, in fact, urban legend says that the bat kids have formed a pact to not tell batman if condiment king just happens to turn up… at the bottom of gotham harbor.
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mw-house · 7 days
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⬆️original panel
⬇️what I understand
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groovyace · 2 months
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Average gotham knights experience (the game crashes not even 30 seconds later). Shoutout to @magnusj the most stealthy redhood player.
[Robin: OK. Let's do this SNEAKY STYLE.
[Robin: Jason NO-]
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in-som-niyah · 2 months
ok another floating thought:
Jason Todd does not tolerate bad eating habits.
Iced coffee for breakfast? Absolutely not.
6pm and you had not a single sip of water? Forget it.
Having a single slice of toast for lunch AND dinner? Naur babes.
You will be eating 3 square meals a day will allowance for snacks and 'happy foods' as he likes to call them.
As soon as you complain about a headache, stomachache, light-headedness, fatigue he will tell you to go fucking eat something with a glass of water, not coffee.
Its even worse if you live together like i strongly believe he would wake up early just to make you a balanced breakfast before you go about your day.
GOD BUT IF UR IN UNI??? babe be ready bc he will break into your dorm to bring u food that he cooked u himself. (he's a loverboy duh)
no time to cook or order? He's gotchu
too tired? already on the way
exam season with barely any time to take a breath? already on it babe he'll spoonfeed you while you revise your textbook
and plus, how else are you supposed to grow as big and strong as him when you're only eating half a meal a day?
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soulsforsales · 9 months
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Webtoon Jason Todd is something so precious to me💞😭
Let's enjoy him smiling 🥹
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smallandangry24 · 4 months
AU where Bruce gets the baby bats as baby bats: Jason’s first word being “icky” but he’s not eating anything, he’s pointing at Dick
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ghurab-alzilal · 6 months
Red Hood, enthusiastic : It's finally time to switch from our regular weapons to our holidays weapons!
Red Robin, smirking : Is there a difference?
Robin: Yes. The holiday ones light up! *unsheathes a sword with coloured built-in lights *
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feyinvestigations · 10 months
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I think if the robins had Twitter it would just be this 24/7
Edit: pt2
[IDs in Alt text]
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jjaysontodd · 18 days
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jasonsknight3 · 2 months
Quick announcement, I’m going to be switching things up. For now as college is going to be coming to an end I will switch gears to answering questions from my messages or ask box and head canons. I’ll work more on the stories when summer come around.
I also will be adding a new kind of story, only this time we will just be having comic book Jason. Not AKJason or Even my version. It will be comic book version. Cause he needs some love too!
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Jason seems like an Aquarian kind of guy. I will not elaborate rn.
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ditzybat · 3 months
jason: i'm too drunk to drive
dick: you were the one to get me drunk, so i can't drive
tim: man i am high as a kite right now, i don't think I'm fit to drive unless it's to the wendy's drive-thru, its the only route i know by heart
jason, dick, and tim looking over to 12 year old damian:
damian: i shall be your designated driver just this once
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qcomicsy · 1 year
If the batkids had a podcast
Redhood: I was a pretty easy child-
Nightwing: You were.
Redhood: Straight A's and everything. Like, I would be hanging out with Batman- (laugh) I would be- You know right?
Nightwing: Yeah.
Redhood: Just chilling. No patrol day. And he would be like "what do you want to do?" and I would be like- "Read! :D"
Nightwing *chuckles*: "Homework!"
Redhood: "Homework!". And then- And then I fucking died-
Red Robin: WHEZE.
Redhood: I fucking- Don't be a easy child.
Red Robin (chocking): Don't be a good kid.
Redhood: Don't be a good kid. Start- I don't know– Start throwing shit on fire or something.
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in-som-niyah · 2 months
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Jason Todd has abs you could grate cheese on.
no i will not elaborate
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fawnindawn · 2 months
Jason Todd smells like gunpowder, leather and old books. He’s always donning a leather jacket, the same one regardless of how worn out it is. It’s become soft due to the material stretching over his muscles, and it looks almost too small on him with the way the cuffs grip at his wrists. Refuses to get a new one, abandonment issues run strong even with non-animate objects. Has favourites when it comes to guns. Pats them occasionally, strapped beneath his jacket or on his thigh in habit. Names them and gives them a kiss after a mission well done. Ridiculously hot in combat, only cause he likes to show off. Swings his guns just for the flare. You think he’d be less of a threat without them. He just gets worse. Fist fighting with him is your worst nightmare because he enjoys the sound of bone-breaking from pure strength. Bandages over his knuckles always. Never heals with how often he gets into brawls. Large, veiny hands, scar-filled. Huge biceps. Thick neck. Even thicker thighs. He’s just huge. Getting pinned by him means it’s game over. Yet, somehow you never hear him approach till he wants you to. Black, tousled hair that casts shadows over his eyes. Turquoise eyes turned green from the Lazarus Pit. They have this unnatural glow, evident in the dark. Always running from place to place, cause he can’t stand coming back to an empty apartment. Adrenaline junkie. On the rare occasion he’s not plotting something to piss off Bruce, or crushing gang ops, he can be caught in a second-hand bookstore flipping through classic literature. Earphones plugged in with either rap or jazz, no in-between, he’s delicate with books as he flips through the pages. A startling contrast to any Gotham citizen, peering in and seeing a gym hunk hoarding the narrow space between bookcases, holding a miniature sized novel by Jane Austen.
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lindatart · 3 months
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Jason teasing dami :P
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