#reverse house of leaves
ghost-bxrd · 6 months
Damian, who has just lost the last member of his family, goes off the deep end and, in a fit of violent rage, goes tumbling through a portal and back in time.
Jason doesn’t know how the scary guy with the gunshot wound became his problem but he’s not heartless enough to leave him to bleed out beside some dumpster in Crime Alley.
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senseearly · 22 days
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"Look. All your friends have left."
Or it was the demon who told Msrn that his friends 'disappeared' in the dungeons.
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arbitrarycategories · 25 days
bout to fuck around and give my reverse robins reverse coping mechanisms <3 they are equally unhealthy
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yomkippur · 10 months
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“I don’t want to turn into you.” / “You’ve been like me since you were eight years old.”
house & foreman / “cool about it,” boygenius
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pacifymebby · 8 months
Two cunts at the pub triggered a massive ptsd episode for me last night by being crazy sexist to me and trying to intimidate me out of "their" place. I spent 2 hours manic sobbing in Bs lap when we got home and then cried basically all night too, he had to do my shopping for me because I was too scared to leave the house today and since he's had to leave I've just spent all day dissociative in my bed. I fucking hate men and I hate that they can do whatever they like and we're all just expected to get on with it and let them!! They got really nasty with me and it was literally just because I dared stand up for myself.
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guideaus · 24 days
i watched wolf children and im not sure i liked it LOL
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ramicorn · 1 month
tf you mean i was better at managing my emotions as a child
what happened
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mrsjadecurtiss · 2 years
Viserys and Alicents relationship fascinates me... He desires her company, especially in vulnerable situations (like after his wife's death, or when hes being medically treated), but it doesn't seem like he necessarily truly loves her or is that fond of her for her own self's sake... it's more like that in this medieval society, with him as a man and king, the emotional comfort a wife may give him is the only one he is truly "allowed" to have, and she is the one who is bound by law to be loyal to him and dependent on him
He cannot get comfort from and show weakness to his political partners even if he may consider them friends, as he needs to at all times project a sense of power and superiority as a man and king (comparable to how alicent says, ever since she became queen she has had " few friends" because her status changed so much); and all the family he has left is estranged or far away (and even if he was not on shaky grounds to rhaenyra, as a father hed be unlikely to want to put this emotional labor/vulnerability on her, as again he has to project a certain power dynamic)
So while he might confide in his maesters or trusted lyonel strong, in the end it falls to little alicent, who can't say no, who has seemingly no station or power to be dangerous to him or do political machinations with the gained knowledge, who is young enough to not be able to exert power over him, to give his soul the most personal comfort in the bad things he goes through...
A dynamic that depending on how the show adapts things might bite him in the ass in the future as alicent emancipates herself (as seen in last episode where she is suddenly nowhere to be found when viserys needs her, and no longer quite plays the pliable wife)
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thedawningofthehour · 7 months
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bold claim from a guy who was kidnapped three chapters ago
Picture taken three minutes before something awful happens to him.
Like, I would like to preface, he has gone out without any attempted kidnappings or reverse kidnappings occurring. Many times. I just don't write about those.
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the-reverser · 3 days
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this is my moment
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leosaku · 2 years
now that i'm replaying three houses again and the brain worms are back, i'm gonna need you all to consider: dimileth beauty and the beast au
EXCEPT. instead of byleth being a captive like belle, she's a mercenary who got separated from her company and she comes in looking for a place to stay, so kinda like the dad in the actual story. when dimitri finds her chilling in front of a fireplace drinking tea (courtesy of candlestick sylvain and teapot dedue), he tells her to get the fuck out but she's like "if you think i'm leaving in the middle of a faerghus winter storm you must be out of your mind" and basically threatens to fight him (completely straight faced) if he tries to make her leave
also ft the blue lions as anthropomorphic household items, edelgard as the gaston equivalent (except not over the top evil, just infatuated with byleth), hubert as the little gay dude, cornelia as the witch who cursed dimitri, sothis as byleth's judgmental pet owl, and jeralt as the dad but like a badass mercenary who just wants to get his daughter back
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a-very-fond-farewell · 4 months
trying some deranged shit today (woke up at 5am to write before my worldly chores)
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lonely-tragedian · 2 years
the house itself existing to look innocuous, the human head atop a beast's body, an inverted minotaur buried up to its neck
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depresseddepot · 1 year
don't know how to describe it without metaphors. audhd feels like I have 10 strings hooked into my body pulling me in opposite directions and leaning towards one string to try and "fix" that problem (cooking, cleaning, classwork, etc) just makes the other strings pull tighter and hurt more. this point of this whole post is to explain that when I see someone older than me who also struggles with exactly the same things to the same extent that I do, it makes a couple of those strings loosen and stop pulling. not forever, because they always start pulling again, but having the expectation lifted of needing to have a "normal functioning life" by age whatever is so nice. everything still hurts but for now at least that part of my brain can rest.
#i understand how the reverse can seem too#but idk. its always been such a weight off my shoulders#probably in part for selfish reasons but it helps me like. slow down#like i cannot solve all of my problems tonight. i probably can't even solve them in the next 20 years#so i can slow down. other people are alive like this. other people make their lives work like this. i can do it too#i need to be medicated so fucking badly but i can't until im off my parents health insurance#and even then im so scared it'll make my autism symptoms harder for me to deal with and ill like. lose my job or something#but i can't fucking live like this so idk what to do! lmao!#ive been trying to pay closer attention to my anxiety and stress lately so i can pinpoint causes and like. try to stop them#but all ive learned is that i am never Not stressed.#if my room is cleaned im not eating well. if im exercising well im not cleaning well.#if im on top of classwork im not taking care of myself at all. etc etc#it is always a push and pull. i can't just solve these problems#because i have to clean well and eat well and exercise often and sleep well and cook often and socialize often and work hard and save money#and and and#im always not doing something to make room for something else and bc of that i will ALWAYS have those strings pulling me so tightly it hurts#i know in my head how i can loosen the strings but that all comes at the expense of living like a ''normal'' person#i will have a dirty house. i will have lots of canned and frozen foods. i will leave my house for work only.#im so tired my bones hurt. my strings are tight again and classes are starting again soon and my room is a mess and i ate like shit today#and i havent excersized in a while and im not showering as often as i should and im drinking too much and im sleeping too much#im so tired#vent#sorry#i feel like i need to curl up and die. like my body is sending some signal that there isn't much more i can fucking take#and that this continuous pushing and struggling and picking up the pieces is worthless#i feel like that blood robot. im old and rusted and slowing down and i have achieved nothing#i will die having not achieved anything and i will be struggling until my very last second#i shouldn't have been the twin that survived. they would have been so much better than this
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bunnyb34r · 10 months
Lmao I guess I slept through a tornado warning alert on my phone, the tornado sirens, and the high winds last night
For once it was Mom who was awake while I slept through a tornado warning!!
One time she had come home from an overnight shift and was trying to sleep and the sirens were going off so I tried to wake her and she said and I quote "let me sleep. If I die, I die."
I get it now bc I'm sure I'd have said the same had she tried to wake my ass up 😅
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sugarspicesara · 1 year
but uh
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