#risu’s rambles ☆
tetsuskei · 3 days
everyone having normal blue lock crushes and then there’s me 🧌
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variksenvarjo · 2 months
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baked for the first time at the new apartment :)
my gf loves carrot cake so we just had to hh <3
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doroinoue · 3 months
POV you are my IRL friend in the subway earlier today, as i've spent almost our entire hangout thus far talking about dorohedoro (mainly risukawa), and now im blasting you with random pictures i have in my phone
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yokakaiju · 10 months
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hyeque · 2 years
i would NOT survive roommates to lovers with kuroo…i simply wouldn’t bc i’d fold for that man so fast and if it wasn’t reciprocated i’d have to move out immediately…evicting myself if you will‼️
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thank you @risu442 for tagging me!
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
the last line i wrote was in the last kimchay fic that i posted, so i'll give you the last one before that fic! it was actually written for that same prompt, but in the end i didn't like it and rewrote the whole thing with a different idea.
Chay looks just as surprised by the gesture as Kim feels. Kim watches his face for any sign of discontent, any sign that his touch is unwelcome, but finds none.
there's no way i can tag as many people as there are words but i'm tagging a couple (no pressure) : @salamander89 @mightyyoiko @eriingo @toppingjeffsatur @wildelydawn @sitron-sunni @xxatlasxx @rainbowcolored7 @wkxs @the-water-nixie @silverdreams101110 @bubbleworldaddict @shubaka @nothingissreal @ditch-lily
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rinneverse · 1 month
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
i wanna know abt jean and the flower shop au :0 !! and the new kuroo series 👀
EEE yes ofc ofc thank you for asking !!
so the jean one is a college au series where jean is a tattoo artist and is an apprentice at levi’s shop hehe. it’s going to be a slow burn and GAH im just so excited for it. a lot of it will be based off of my college experience so im excited to take a lil trip down memory lane for this lol everyone is gonna be tatted up and 🤩 can’t wait !
the flower shop one EEE this one is honestly mostly done and it’s been sitting around forever. it’s based off this post i made awhile back and i just ran with it hehe. it’ll be a 3 part series following the events of the anime/manga :) it’s not that long and i could prob put it all in one fic but it makes sense to separate it !
and the kuroo series hehe i started this one a few weeks ago and it’s basically a coworker series !! i get so much inspo from my job that i started writing down lil thoughts n ideas and now it’s morphing itself into a series 😭 it’s super cute tho <3 reader works in finance (totes not self-indulgent…) and he works in marketing !! i def won’t be posting this till after fine line but GAH i can’t help but write for it a lil
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klug · 2 years
I was talking about magic systems on twitter and how mahixian (a personal oc project) is heavily based on my interpretation of puyo puyo’s magic system, specifically the one in primp/that specific world with a lot of tweaks mostly to fit in the theme of mahixian.
anyway my interpretation of primp’s magic system is that magic tends to be genetic. people who can’t cast magic well (i.e. raffina) don’t have something wrong with their inherent affinity, that is completely intact, but something is wrong with the channels used to turn magic into an external energy.
the “elements” of the system are arranged in a spectrum not unlike a color wheel and magic that is “adjacent” to your affinity is much easier to learn and causes less physical strain on your body than magic that is “opposite” or “complementary” to your affinity causes much more strain and can be physically/mentally draining (lemres is the best example of this)
this system doesn’t apply to suzuran or the madou characters’ world. they all function on different elemental systems  but all require the same “energy” that can be gained from popping puyo
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tetsuskei · 23 days
my favorite trope is your body becoming your faves favorite type because they’re so in love with you and adore you sm
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variksenvarjo · 8 months
already a year of studying korean??
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wow uhhh.. that went fast
i'm going to reflect on some parts of my study process below :) but yea, it feels kinda surreal, but i can see the progress!!! i honestly needed some extra motivation right now, and this definitely gave me a boost
vocab: probably my strong point. (almost) daily anki practice, adding new words pretty often. so i can understand a lot of words, it's just the application and conjugation that's the problem
grammar: i think this is the main thing holding me back. i technically know a lot of grammar rules, i have them written down and can find them easily if needed. i just haven't really been practicing any of them, so most of the time i don't remember them without looking them up in my notes.
immersion: i mean i listen to a lot of korean, doesn't mean i understand it hhhh. i started following some accounts posting in korean on different apps, so i'm hoping to practice my reading there casually (in addition to my specific reading time). the excitement i feel when i understand something is so great i just !!!!! (also emulating an old animal crossing game in korean, it's definitely still too difficult for me to understand hhhh)
so, goals for the next year?
honestly i need to reduce the time of learning new stuff and focus on practicing the things i already know. then once i'm more confident with those, i can start adding more concepts again.
so i think in general more focus on practice and application. i need to read more, write more, speak more. i don't think it'll be easy but i want to try :)
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abyssmal-skies · 4 months
Hi hi! My name is Crys, nice to meet you! Seems like we're all a little lost huh? How strange... I dunno how I ended up in Inazuma and things are a little... chaotic.
Seems like the Kamisato clan is restless, something to do with the Shirasagi Himegimi?
A-anyway... are you... feeling ok? :c
(OOC: omg I love your art??? woah your details and the way your draw hair is gorgeous)
"I don't know."
"One moment I'm also in Inazuma, exploring a ruin... the next I'm here in Mondstat of all places."
"And... apparently things are a lot more weird here, for one, Ayato is an only child."
"I- i really tried to ask around.... but no one knows who or where she is."
"Jean has been staying around for a while, asking the normal questions, Who i am, what happened, but i really don't know."
"It's weird, to see someone i know and have them not remember me... but she's as caring as ever."
"Hope Inazuma is treating you well, it's a wonderful nation... especially when she was with me."
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hyeque · 2 years
hello please reblog this if you’re okay with me tagging you in things abt ur faves—even if we aren’t close :>
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petrichormore · 9 months
(It’s time for a 4halo ramble and analysis into their current relationship! Everything that follows is about the characters, I’m not using the q! because I’m lazy. I also want to repeat that while I am a 4halo shipper this entire rant is me explaining why I don’t want them to get together right now or anywhere in the near future. I don’t really consider this 4halo neg but let me know if you want me to tag it as such - they have the chemistry and in a distant future I could see it - but the fluffy 4halo that everyone seems to be imagining right now? I can’t see it happening. Toxic 4halo is another story entirely though and not what this ramble is about)
Okay you have been warned (THIS IS LONG):
not saying I’m not a huge 4halo enjoyer because. I am. But I do hope they don’t actually “become canon” or get into a relationship for the foreseeable future. Because the only realistic way that will end is in a giant, heart-wrenching break-up after like. 2 weeks. And I don’t see the ship recovering from that I’m gonna be honest.
Look. They can barely communicate as they are right now, any kind of committed relationship between them would end in fire and brimstone - especially when you take into account the power imbalance that is already causing problems.
Forever has not apologized for jailing Bad, even though Bad has asked for it (a rare show of communication on his part) and he might not apologize ever because he thinks he’s in the right. Somehow Cellbit is the only one to have apologized despite being the one calling for Bad’s head the most during the actual furniture incident. Anyway, Bad knows Forever thinks he’s in the right. And Bad also knows Forever wielded his presidential power to keep him jailed - so if Forever’s not sorry and he believes he was right, what’s to stop him from doing it again - in Bad’s mind, that is. There are actually quite a few things keeping him from doing it again, chief among them being that he doesn’t want to lmao. But Bad wouldn’t know that, would he?
I just- The imprisonment hurt Bad’s trust in everyone so badly that he destroyed every waystone in his base - and he when he found out Pac had someone gotten in anyway, he destroyed the waystone again. I don’t think people understand how long he’s been contemplating doing that. I don’t think people understand how many times he’s decided against destroying his waystones. It takes a pretty big fuck up to get him to do that. It takes a fuck-up of pretty tremendous proportions. And he did that last bit with Pac extremely recently too, which means he hasn’t forgotten.
And that - the whole furniture fiasco - that’s not a misstep that will just smooth over if Bad and Forever just care about each other hard enough. They already care about each other deeply - it didn’t stop the conflict. It’s not something everyone can just sweep under the rug with the power of love and no actual communication. Or at least I hope it’s not. It shouldn’t be. Any relationship the two get into right now will be steeped in distrust and wariness on Bad’s part due to the amount of power Forever can choose to use against him at any moment. And even if Forever hadn’t imprisoned him, that would still probably be the case, albeit to a much lesser extent. But Forever did imprison him, so now Bad’s not only wary of Forever turning on him in a hypothetical sense - he has past experience with that exact scenario. He has reason to distrust. It’s not paranoia in this instance; it’s genuine, rational distrust, which is even harder to alleviate.
By the way, that’s not even taking into account that Bad now knows of the existence of a drug that can brainwash Forever into potentially abusing his power against his own will. Think about how scary we all thought the drug-induced marriage proposals were. Think about how much scarier it would’ve been if Bad and Forever had actually been dating at the time. I’m not going to get into the risus potion here, or what implications it has for Bad’s trust in Forever - or more accurately, the trust he has in Forever’s position of power - because that’s too fucking complicated for my silly brain right now and this is long enough.
So basically: how is a relationship between a president and an anarchist supposed to work? Is Bad supposed to shut up, abandon his core principles, and do whatever Forever wants? When he opposes/attempts to help Forever improve the voting system he’s not being ‘immature’ - he’s acting in perfect accordance with his own belief system. There are points where he does act antagonist in an immature manner but in those instances he is very obviously being dramatic on purpose (and Forever does it as well). Him thinking Forever’s voting system isn’t fair isn’t him being immature, it’s just him being politically opposed. And Forever - what about Forever? Is Forever supposed to throw away his entire presidency? Oh, Bad’s an anarchist so that means Forever has to give up everything he’s worked so hard to accomplish, all the plans he has, all the good he’s desperately trying to do despite the fact that the nature of his position is scaring his loved ones away? He’s supposed to let everyone boss him around? Just because his crush hates government? Really? See, none of these options sounds particularly healthy, but their friendship isn’t even healthy right now so I can’t see them somehow reaching a better alternative.
Idk if you couldn’t tell I don’t like it when people non-jokingly boil down Bad and Forever’s political arguments as something that’ll be solved if one of them gives in or apologizes. Because they won’t. Because neither of them is wrong. Forever was partially right when he told Bagi that nothing he does as president will ever satisfy Bad - Bad is an anarchist, the fact that a government has been forced on him in the first place is already a fundamental problem - and that’s not wrong of him! It’s a genuine difference in beliefs and neither of them is wrong! Bad is not somehow automatically wrong because he’s an anarchist, and Forever is not somehow automatically wrong because he’s the president. Grrr bark woof grr bark, etc… you get what I mean.
(TLDR; if 4halo becomes canon right now it’ll crash and burn instantly and kill everyone on board which I don’t want to happen. Therefore I don’t wish for it to be canon.)
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doroinoue · 1 month
okay so i've been listening to the dorohedoro manga soundtrack for a while now, and my morning has been a little hectic so i decided to just ramble about all the songs and what/who i associate them with, and also which songs from the anime ost they remind me of (since the anime ost is very much inspired from the manga ost)
you can listen to the songs Here if you haven't, and i'll be going by this order, since thats the official one
Redacted, Recalcitrant, Repressed - khost: this one in my head is literally curse/risu theme and you cannot convince me otherwise Ever. Man Inside The Mouth from the anime ost is im pretty sure inspired from this song too so it All just makes sense. also the title itself reminds me of risu and the way he is and whatnot (im so shit at explaining good lird) also this is me just being insane but i think the voice of the guy singing KINDA fits risu more (the deeper more monstrous voice sounds like curse in my head too), like i love his actual voice too but when i read the manga i definitely dont imagine him with it i expected something more raspy(?), meanwhile aikawa being the one with the smoother voice (his raspy voice fits too giving that Kaiman and yadda yadda) Dont ever let me talk abt risu drhdr bro i dont stfu
Blaka Smoko - VOODOOM: i love this song so much but kai's stupid fucking face pops up in my head when i listen to it and i DONT KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT!!! though yeah uh this is pretty much either his song or the cross eyes in general since the lyrics are "i sell black smoke"..though the deranged laugh really reminds me of him solely. imagine a version of the drhdr manga where black smoke is like weed and they smoke that shit and get high i Think thats rlly funny i dunno what else to say tbh i think me associating the song w kai is preventing me from having too many thoughts about it. However i hope when he like shows up fr (not just in flashbacks) the anime ost makes a remix of this song cuz it genuinely fits (also i just love how this song directly mentions nikaido and kaiman, although a bit nonsensical given the context)
Dorohedoro Zombie Slushi - Candie Hank: im so certain 1000手観音 and another song (i cant remember which one) from the anime ost sampled from this one lmfao. anyway this one just reminds me of zombie ebisu, or ebisu in general. not even like living dead day, literally just zombie ebisu. its probably the vocals tbh, someone in a youtube comment was complaining abt them and another person replied "just imagine ebisu singing it" and i cant get it out of my head now. i can totally see her sing this song, especially knowing shes canonically interested in the manga ost album  (you can see her read the songs of it while checking it out in like episode 4? i think? the one where they follow doll risu around and end up in some cheap clothing store)
Eating food and fighting Wizards - Shitwife: this one makes me very nostalgic, i like how its one of the few songs that isnt just pure nonsensical chaos. like i love those too, infact im bummed out the anime ost doesnt have more chaotic songs given the manga is literally incomprehensible sometimes, but i like how this song kinda shows the more coherent and cheerful side of the story. of course this is just kaiman theme to me, i mean the title and all. i think kaiman would really like this song, he would def listen to it. it also reminds me of that scene where him and nikaido are driving in their motorcycles, it gives the vibe of a drive in the middle of the night to me anyway, not much to say for this one too, i just think its really nice (also the drums go crazy hard)
Enter the Hole - NAH: lovely magic predecessor LOL. perfect for me honestly cuz lovely magic is my fav song from the anime soundtrack. This one just reminds me of hole, i dunno. the brief ethereal part reminds me of the past of the hole though, before the lake of refuse was created (i forgot what they called that shit in the official translation forgive me..lake of refuse sounds cooler either way). thats all tbh
She is a devil - Hanali: devil nikaido theme song what can i say...i literally want this song beat for beat to play at the scene where nikaido grows her devil tail and gets devil high (if they even animate season 2 that far) either that or when theyre selling gyoza at the department store and she goes devil high again and starts beating ass. its so perfect for those scenes also i like to think the distorted singing at the very beginning is like what humans hear when a devil sings, i know it should be more ear bleeding giving the reaction everyone has in canon but whateva!!! also also i like to imagine nikaido was probably hearing something similar while her tail was growing and she was going crazy, i think maybe hearing the singing of devils in your head while slowly turning into one is a cool idea
LIZARD HEAD - Dr. Das: i cant lie this ones...a little boring for me. like the beat is cool and all, but i think this is the one song i have the least to say abt. to reference another youtube comment, they said smth abt imagining kaiman fucking around in hole to this song, and yeah. i see it. i think if the anime animates that little bonus(?) comic abt how kaiman spends his day in hole, they should use smth similar to this song
Transformations - Shackleton: ok i lied this is the one i have to say least about. i dont mind 10+ minute songs, but damn this ones even more boring to me. the pissing sounds arent helping either LOL. though i think if they had to play this song somewhere, or a variation of it, maybe it fits best at the part where kawajiri is making nikaido do the devil exam in his house or whatever...idk....
Dorohedoro - Igorrr: ALRIGHT BACK TO YAPPING. this song is so fucking good, dare i say its my favorite of the whole ost. and im not the only one, everyone seems to love this one. its literally just TIC TOC predecessor but even better. the classical music and opera singing inserted into this absolute chaos is insane and i cant think of a song that fits shin more honestly. like this is literally shin theme. it perfectly mixes his calm and rational self with the deranged outbursts he has. ive heard people say shin is a boring character and i genuinely cant wrap my head around it like HELLO...not only is his design just cool as fuck, but he has such interesting personality? my boy went through absolute hell and grew up from an aggressive and snarky kid to a calm and if i may say, empathetic guy. like he cares about the people around him, he was carrying three guys (one with his fucking mouth mind you) that passed out because of the rain flooding the underground basement. he refuses to kill people who are weak with magic, and generally doesnt really like going on killing sprees unless its a life or death situation (which since kid has made him go crazy, i like to think its probably cuz it increases his heartbeat and being a human+sorcerer maybe doubles the adrenaline this way). also the way he has inhumanely high pain tolerance, he can have his guts splattered on the ground and still manage to walk, to the point it even weirds EN out. like you gotta be some freak to get en concerned for you (or be kikurage lol). sorry this turned into a shin rant more than the song itself, i just cant believe so many people dont see how cool shin is. like hes not even my most favorite character but i will protect all the drhdr characters i like (which is most of them). anyway moving on
The Hole - Ghengis: alot of ppl say they think of hole (the place) when they listen to this song, but me personally?this song screams hole the entity, and artificial devil kai. like this song FEELS like its oozing with the sludge and that feeling every sorcerer that gets in contact with hole "magic" feels. i like to think the headaches they get is equivalent to the beat of the song LOLL. like just super loud and painful pulsing headache that can leave you paralyzed on the ground. anyway, i dont have that much to say, i just want this song to play at the central department store arc, OR. when artificial devil kai is first shown thas all
Don't Think, Just Kill - Roly Porter: i lied again this is the one i have least to say about. sorry. literally my only thoughts are that one of the songs playing during the living dead day episode is inspired by it but i frogor which one
Kaimans Head - Dead Fader: to compensate the fact i mightve lied once again im gonna ramble about something mildly related. so the one youtube upload i found of this song uses this one fucking risu fanart that legit makes me shit my pants. its honest to god the scariest freaking fanart ive seen of a character i like. its not like Shiver me timbers scary, its just so unsettling to me, like WHO COOKED THIS UP. WHO DREW THIS. i know hayashida would love it. she wishes she made risu this scary and not the catboy babygirl beautiful princess with a disorder she created (/J). anyway uh, this song goes pretty hard, i like it, i just dont have much to way besides that i like the beat maybe. also heres link to the youtube upload with the picture if u wanna know what im talkin abt
Radio 538 - Dow Jones Brotherhood: because the first time i listened to the songs was on youtube, i found this song pretty much last and uh. i dunno its cool! for some reason it reminds me of the cross eyes? ive no clue why it just does. it reminds me specifically of how all of them are basically just worshipping some guy half (if not most) of them havent even seen the face of. i like how the whole thing is basically just a cult. people built statues of the boss, tattooed his face on their hands so they never forget it, And the elites...oh those poor little guys. closest to the boss and got psychologically tortured with killing thousands of sorcerers daily and left to deal with the incomprehensible shit their boss does, while slowly building suspicion and disgust towards him, but unable to do anything because of how far theyve gone into this. like can you imagine how miserable dokuga and tetsujo must feel knowing their devotion to kai led to all their friends killed. id just die bro this is so fucked... anyway, kewl song👍 i love the cross eye elites
Stay down zombies! - Ed Cox: i honestly love how lowkey dramatic this one is. ALSO the accordion tune from el corazon is im pretty sure taken from this one! which makes two shin references yippee!!! i like how this one kinda mixes calm music with breakcore (do not erm akshually me on this one i dont care), just like how igorrr does. i dunno its just a cool song, though PERSONALLY i dont think it fits living dead day, it reminds me more of that scene where shin remembers his mothers death, and then slowly turns into a zombie. it gives off that vibe giving how the song progresses from dramatic and a bit somber, while the beat starts creeping in, accompanied by the accordion that i literally will never not associate w shin in general
ANYWAY WOW THATS ALL!!!! if even one person bothered to read all this, thank you. i love yapping about dorohedoro i love silly manga about a bunch of freaks and freak stuff and i am obsessed with hayashidas taste in music, knowing she picked all those artists cuz she likes their music makes absolute sense considering the kind of art she makes. i love you q hayashida im your biggest fan. also if you notice any grammatical errors pls remember english is not only my second language, but i also barely slept last night so that's my excuse
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
here to encourage self indulgence,,,, what your ideal vacation with all of your faves (or just one if that’s easier)
oooo!!! risu ilysm hehe thank u for indulging me !!! i luv this one hehe 🫶🏼
♡ jean and i take a tour of italy! starting at milan we go all the way down to sicily hehe it’s v romantic and we explore all the sites and soak up the atmosphere:) we def go lake como (where they filmed star wars // naboo) and spend a day there. he just lets me geek out >.< but he’s happy bc i’m wearin the prettiest dresses for him !! so he better be grateful >:((<3 lmao
♡ zoro and i are off to new zealand lmao i feel like we’d have such a blast exploring it !! (as long as he doesn’t get lost). anytime he wants to explore a cave tho im a real chicken >.< so we compromise that if we spelunk… then we must also go to hobbiton !!! but exploring caves with him is worth it bc he’d make me feel safe n protected PLS <3
♡ kuroo and i are in bali!! dream vacay for sure. we have a nice lil place to stay and just soak up each others love :’) there’s also sm to explore so we venture out everyday to find a lil adventure BUT we spend a ton of time in the water !! he even suggests we try to surf but we both absolutely suck lol but it’s fun anyway !! also we are def having a picnic or 2 on the beach !!! i’ll feed him grapes and tell him he’s pretty <3 lmao
♡ semi and i are going to france lmao (gotta stop by and say hi to our fave redhead too ofc) but we tour the countryside and try lots of wine and cheeses !!! it would be so cute ;( <3 he brings his guitar too and sings me lil love songs while we sit on the balcony in paris !! at night we stroll along the streets hand in hand just talking about anything n everything :(( <3
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