bloompompom · 1 month
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*not exclusive to boys obviously ;)
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I've had this idea spinning in my head for a while now and figured what better way to get some creative energy flowing and bring everyone together than a writing collab!? And there's nothing sillier and more fun than a classic rom-com, so why not add our favorite fictional characters to the mix? ♡
Interested in joining? All you have to do is come to my inbox with the rom-com you'll be pulling inspiration from and your fictional character of choice. Example: Sweet Home Alabama x Eren Jaeger.
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♡ Reader-insert/OC writing event with no word limit!
♡ SFW/NSFW submissions are allowed, but you must be 18+ and have your age easily accessible on your blog to participate.
♡ This collaboration is open to any fandom.
♡ Character/movie repeats are totally okay, though it is preferred to not have the same exact pairing twice!
♡ Works must be appropriately tagged. Please use the tag #romcomcollab and be sure to tag me so I can update the master list and share your talent!
♡ No deadlines. I'm bad with deadlines so why would I subject you to that?
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Currently on-going! This section will be updated as submissions come in.
♡ eren jaeger x she's out of my league - @usuibu
♡ eren jaeger x sweet home alabama - @bloompompom
♡ eren jaeger x the princess dairies - @grandmatilly
♡ jean kirstein x pride and prejudice - @smashboxgirl26
♡ levi ackerman x anastasia - @a-fullmetal-heart
♡ levi ackerman x austenland - @s1llage
♡ levi ackerman x mr. and mrs. smith - @shayewrites
♡ reiner braun x notting hill - @marleysfinest
♡ zeke jaeger x it happened one night - @pisspope
♡ rengoku kyojuro x the princess bride - @forest-hashira
♡ childe x john tucker must die - @zorosdimples
♡ miya atsumu x 10 things i hate about you - @heavenlyakin
♡ miya atsumu x she’s all that - @bungalowbear
♡ osamu miya x notting hill - @neiptune
♡ choso kamo x 13 going on 30 - @forest-hashira
♡ nanami kento x crazy rich asians - @mitsuristoleme
♡ nanami kento x the proposal - @sugojosgf
♡ nanami kento x sabrina - @threadbaresweater
♡ nanami kento x upgraded - @loves4ge
♡ ryomen sukuna x about time - @skunabby
♡ ryomen sukuna x life as we know it - @brainrotfm
♡ ryomen sukuna x just like heaven - @vagabond-umlaut
♡ satoru gojo x anyone but you - @sellenite
♡ satoru gojo x how to lose a guy in 10 days - @ghostbeam
♡ satoru gojo x just like heaven - @stellamancer
♡ satoru gojo x pretty woman - @aikatoru
♡ satoru gojo x uptown girls - @strawberrystepmom
♡ satoru gojo x when harry met sally - @eijirhoe
♡ satoru gojo x you've got mail - @aikatoru
♡ suguru geto x the princess diaries 2 - @forest-hashira
♡ toji fushiguro x 10 things i hate about you - @anathemaspeaks
♡ toji fushiguro x seeb wa ana aseeb - @tojancy
♡ yuuji itadori x 10 things i hate about you - @zorosdimples
♡ yuuta okkotsu x just my luck - @yutaleks
♡ hoshina soshiro x the proposal - @mangostarjam
♡ denki kaminari x anyone but you - @dearbraus
♡ eijiro kirishima x footloose - @enterdivinity
♡ katsuki bakugo x love is war - @bkgpackets
♡ katsuki bakugo x 50 first dates - @zanarkandskylines
♡ shoto todoroki x ella enchanted - @shiggybrainr0t
♡ trey clover x the wedding singer - @twstinginthewind
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shiggybrainr0t · 15 days
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shouto todoroki x reader
word count: 2k
warnings: reader has hair that can be tucked behind their ear, reader is bullied, forced self-harm (forced to pinch their cheeks)
a/n: this is my entry for @bloompompom ‘s “to all the fictional boys I’ve loved before” writing collab!!! the rom com I chose was ‘Ella enchanted’ because I instantly knew Shouto would fit perfectly ❤️ thank you for letting me join!! i love this but I also think it is not my best work and kind of cringey 💀 this was also inspired by many kdrama cliches djsjsks
summary: you have a quirk that makes you obey every command you are given. if only there was a prince who could come save you? or better yet, help you save yourself.
You're six years old when you develop your quirk. Your parents had taken you to the doctor, scared that you were quirkless, which in turn made you scared as well. The doctor reassured them that everything seemed fine, and your quirk should develop soon. Who would have thought that being quirkless would have been better.
It happened one day in kindergarten. Your then best friend was mad at you because you didn’t want to play dodgeball, and instead wanted to sit in the sandpit. In the heat of her anger, she screeched at you to “go eat rocks!” only to be shocked whenever you stiffly got up and did just that.
Your teacher was horrified when she was dragged over by your friend to see you, with gravel filling your mouth and tears running down your cheeks. When asked why, all you could simply muster was that you had too. You ended that day with a trip to the ER, multiple cuts inside your mouth, and a broken tooth.
Looking back, your quirk probably had already developed. You were known to be a very obedient child— it just took something extreme to clue everyone in. And it would only go downhill from there.
Your parents didn’t mean to take advantage of your quirk. Normal parental comments like “eat all your vegetables” and “go clean your room” just meant that you couldn’t talk back and had to follow the commands instantly. It became a habit almost to voice their requests as demands instead of suggestions or requests. You couldn’t fault them for it really. Especially not whenever they praised your good behavior in front of others, always so proud of their perfectly behaved child. Eventually, when you stopped talking as much and began secluding yourself more to avoid the feeling of your body and mind being forced to do something, they didn’t really seem to notice.
It was a day in your last year of high school that you met Shouto. You had always noticed him of course. Your general studies class and his hero class had been keeping the same lunch time for your entire high school career. He was princely in his stoicism. Perfect face not marred by his scar, only enhanced. He moved like an elegant dancer— every move calculated and on point. It would be no surprise to anyone that you had started harboring a crush on the fellow student. Who hadn’t had a crush on him would be the better question.
Alone at your table in the corner, you’d admire Shouto and his friends at lunch. They always looked like they were so close— the whole class did to be honest. Deku and the others were the only ones who you ever saw crack that perfect facade. A tiny smile here, a barely wrinkled brow there. It was magical to watch. The prince and his court.
You were glad he had made friends. You couldn’t say the same. Try as you might, you just couldn’t keep your quirk a secret. And once one person knew, it wasn’t long until there were many people taking advantage of it. You had gotten by relatively unscathed so far. You mostly got orders to do others homework and class chores. Many afternoons it was only you left in the classroom working away without choice, trying to finish the class chores before dark.
Your only reprieve came in the home room teacher of said prince: Aizawa. He had learned of your quirk, and it only took him one afternoon seeing you doing the chores alone for him to figure out the bullying. You refused to tattle, knowing that it would only make things worse, but he was able to release you from the power of your classmates’ demands.
You were given a strict suggestion, not an order though this time you don’t think you would have minded, to come find him anytime you needed his help. No adult had ever helped you like this before. All of your parent’s friends fawned over your quirk, and lamented about how they wished their own children had developed the same quirk. They had no idea.
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It was an afternoon where the sun was shining brightly. A perfect day for something ugly to happen— especially to someone with luck like yours. There was one girl in your class who always had it out for you. You didn’t know why, you had never even talked to her. Your attempts to remain unseen unfortunately did not work this day, because for some reason the most popular boy in your class had decided he thought you were cute and voiced that to his friends.
Enraged, the girl hissed at you after class in a voice filled with venom, “He won’t think you’re cute if your face is full of bruises. Pinch yourself and don’t stop.” As your body filled with syrupy static and your hand raised to your cheek to grasp it in a hard pinch, you fled to try and find the only man who could make you stop.
By the time you made it to the hero department, your cheeks were sore and tears had filled your eyes. You didn’t even notice the prince you had always admired from the top of your tower pause as you sped by, face marred by a frown at your distraught expression.
The pro hero was obviously unamused by how you refused to tell who had made you pinch yourself. A trip to Recovery Girl however had you right as rain, and you were honestly ready for the day to just be over. The last thing you were expecting was Shouto to be standing outside the nurse’s room waiting for you. His face serious and his large arms crossed over his chest. His uniform fit him perfectly, you noticed, like it was tailored just for him.
“I’ve heard about you.”
Your mouth dropped open without your permission . His voice, deep and smooth, glided over you like water and cooled on your skin.
“You have a quirk that makes you do what people tell you to do.”
You had heard about his blunt nature, but hearing it for the first time in person shocked you. At your timid nod, his brow furrowed, and his eyes gave you a once over quickly.
“You can come get me. If you ever need help.” With this statement he pushed off the wall, and without a goodbye walked away.
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You tell yourself that it’s just in Shouto’s nature to help people in need. He is in the hero course, so naturally he would follow you whenever he saw you were distress. Shouto being, well Shouto, makes it very hard to keep this in mind.
After the pinching incident, you seemed to have become a target for your classmates’ anger and frustrations. One classmate failed an English test, and to make themselves feel better they ordered you to jump on one foot until you couldn’t anymore.
Eventually left alone in the hallway, your jumping not being entertaining enough to them anymore, your saving grace came in the form of your prince. You don’t know why he was in the general studies section of the school, but you couldn’t complain— multiple students had walked by you with barely a glance. He walked over to you quickly and put a hand on your waist.
“Stop.” His voice cleared the haze in your mind making you obey, and his cool hand kept you steady as you wobbled, unstable after jumping for so long. Shouto straightened your uniform jacket with nimble fingers before walking away, leaving before you could even say thank you.
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The next big incident came in the form of you being told to dump your glass of water over your head in front of everyone in the cafeteria. You quickly ran off afterwards, and your prince followed only a few feet behind.
Staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror, your shoulders dropped. The bathroom door opening suddenly made you whirl around, heart racing whenever you saw the signature two toned hair of Shouto.
You had never seen this much emotion on his face before. He looked angry as he stalked over to you. He grabbed the paper towels you were using to dry yourself, and his hand raised up close to your face. The air around you turned warm. Steam surrounded you as he evaporated the water from your hair and down to your shoulders. You were reminded of how you would sit in front of the heater after playing in the snow as a child, defrosting contently.
“Why don’t you tell the teacher who does this?” His voice was soft, a contrast to his angry demeanor.
You looked up at him, and saw how genuine he was. He cared so much about the wellbeing of a stranger. A prince indeed. You decided to take a big step, and tell him something you’ve never told anyone.
“I-I can’t.”
Your voice was meek, and his face turned stoic as he took in your answer.
“You can’t, as in someone ordered you not to.”
It wasn’t a question but you nodded nonetheless.
“You know there is a loophole for this, yes?” He said it so simply, no judgement in his voice, only the same warmth.
With a sigh, you begin to explain. “Their dad is my dad’s boss, and somehow they figured this out.”
With a hum, Shouto grabbed a strand of your hair between his nimble fingers. He twirled it around before tucking it behind your ear and smiling. It was like looking at the sun.
“I think I can help.”
He held your hand as you both walked back to the cafeteria. It was his fire side, and the warmth radiated up your arm and into your heart. Before you both entered the cafeteria, he spoke.
“I know you can’t verbally tell me who is responsible for this, but whenever I point them out I want you to squeeze my hand. I already have some idea.”
To show him you understood, you gave his hand a shy squeeze. This made him send a small smile your way, and you could feel the breath physically leave your lungs.
Shouto confidently walks you to the right table, leaving a quiet room after him. Everyone seemed shocked to see you both hand in hand, except his friends. Glancing over quickly you could see that Deku and Ochaco had large grins on their faces, while Iida was nodding in what you could only interpret as aggressive approval.
Your classmates stared at the both of you in trepidation as you and Shouto came to a stop in front of their table. Without saying anything, Shouto quickly pointed at the girl who had always had it out for you, and made sure the rest of the class began to feel the same way. Surprised he knew so fast, you squeezed his hand, heart beating furiously.
“I see.” Was all he said, and you watched as the girl’s face turned pale in the glory of his ire.
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The next few days seemed to happen in a blur. Shouto had taken you straight to Aizawa to tell him who your tormentor was, as well as the concerns that held you back from using the loophole of your quirk sooner. The next day, the girl and her family met you in Nezu’s office to apologize.
They bowed to you, and the father told you that he was relocating himself and his family to South Korea, so there would be no worry of any retaliation against your father. Your father might even get a promotion. You noticed how pale he seemed as he looked at the tall figure looming behind you, icy hot eyes staring the man down.
Later that day, you stood shyly in front of a stoic Shouto, trying to put into words how grateful you were.
“That wasn’t the first time I had noticed you, you know.” He spoke first.
“I’ve um. I’ve always thought you were really pretty.”
Shouto looked away from you suddenly, bringing a hand up to scratch the back of his head. A soft pink highlighted the tips of his ears.
“I’ve always thought you were really handsome as well.”
Shouto’s head snapped back towards you in surprise. Before he speaks, his eyes focused over your shoulder and his expression crumpled. You looked behind you, shocked to see Deku, Ochaco, and Iida peeking out from behind the corner. Deku was exaggerating his expressions and mouthing “ask them out!” They spot you looking and quickly popped back behind the wall.
You laugh brightly, and find your confidence.
“Will you go out with me, Shouto?”
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sugojosgf · 27 days
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When you face deportation, your workplace nemesis agrees to marry you. However, when you visit his family, it changes your perception in many ways.
c.w : swearing, fraud, mentions of deportation, mutually beneficial relationship
w.c : 1.0k ; part 1
@bloompompom (cutest idea for a collab ever!! <3)
To be who you are right now, was not easy. The climb to the top was not just a quick montage of you being successful. You worked day and night, toiled relentlessly under awful bosses, and barely had a love life, just to be at this very moment.
You look incredulously at the board of management when they say those words. A lump forms in your throat and your eyes might tear up if you weren't holding onto a last shred of restraint.
Deportation ?
After all the hard work you've done, you are getting deported from the country, and it's fucking devastating. You hold yourself together, you've done so till now but it's getting very hard to continue.
“Is there any chance I could avoid deportation ?” You laugh, though there's no humor in your voice. The higher ups look at you with thin smiles and eyes devoid of any compassion.
“You are, and always will be our biggest asset but reapplying for your visa will take another year. We have to start looking at other candidates.”
The world around you crashes and you are trying to push down the bile, your day was not going the way you planned it out in your journal.
You should've known today was going to be the worst when you woke up to a dead phone, empty skincare and wrinkled clothes that didn't dry quite right.
“…Is this a bad time ?”
You hear a voice. You hear his voice. The man you've grown to not hate. Nanami Kento.
He held the same position as you and you had the unfortunate experience of working on three major projects with him. He always pissed you off with his condescending speech, how he always pretended to care about your well-being only because he wanted you to let your guard down around him.
“I did not know the meeting room was engaged, my apologies—” He says quickly ready to leave, but the minute those words leave his mouth, A dangerous idea makes itself known in your mind.
“Nanami! Oh, sweetheart!” You cringe internally as you call out to him, though at that moment, it was the only option left.
You giggle and make your way to him, pulling him away from the door. His face twists and a horrified expression makes its way onto his stern features.
“…what’s going on right now ?” He awkwardly chuckles, pulling his arm away from you. You begin to think maybe getting deported is better than being stuck in a position like this, with him.
You laugh nervously, “I know we discussed that we would wait a while longer before we made our relationship public, but life’s crazy and apparently if we don’t tell certain officials about our engagement, I might have to leave the nation.” You grit your teeth and pray to every religion, begging that Nanami would side with you.
“Oh..” He scratches his head, “Our relationship, the secret one that no one else knew about, which seems to be beneficial to your current predicament.”
The management looks at you suspiciously, but that dissipates the minute Nanami steps forward and brings your hand towards his lips, pressing the softest kiss to your fingers.
“I'm glad I get to do this now, it was quite difficult holding myself back for this long.” He sighs softly, and you almost doubt yourself.
Maybe you were secretly dating these past six months. The warmth in his face is bewildering, he looks and breathes like a man in love. A soft blush falls on your cheek and you almost shy away.
The higher ups manage to laugh and seem at ease with the PDA, they turn to you and one of them ask you to head to the immigration office and sort the mess out. It takes a quick discussion and you are suddenly out the meeting room with a fiance in your arms.
You both head to your office, the hushed whispers around you signal that the news is out already. You pull him in to your office, and quickly lock the door.
When you turn around, he's seated on your chair with a lazy smirk plastered on his face.
“I want the Shibuya project, if you get deported it will go to someone who's not me and I'm not sure I like that.” He says with finality.
You gape at him like a fish.
The Shibuya project was one of the hugest deals the company was handling, and if it wasn't for the deportation issue, it could have easily landed you a promotion. There was absolutely no way you could give it up.
“Time is running — you hand over the project, we get married, we pretend for a few months and divorce when you get your citizenship sorted.” He explains, “or i could just back out of this impromptu arrangement, and you get deported while i get to maintain my position.”
You walk over to him, face clearly in displeasure, “Nanami, there’s no way-”
“Oh!” He interrupts, “funny how there is only twenty seconds left for you to make a decision.” He chuckles, looking at his obnoxious watch.
“Fine.” You groan, shaking your head. “But I’ll hand it over only after you’ve signed the necessary documents.” You try to grasp at a semblance of control.
“Whatever sweetheart, I'm putting myself in danger for you.”
Suddenly his phone rings, a picture of a man with a mop of white hair and the cheesiest smile ever appears on the screen.
“Fuck, it’s Gojo.” He mumbles, sighing loudly as he answers.
You can hear the faintest voice from where you stand, the man on the other end speaks too fast and animated for you to understand anything.
“This weekend ?? I guess I forgot.”
You stand there awkwardly, catching a reflection of yourself on your glass table. You look awful, eyes crazed and mascara smudged. You start to fix yourself, focused on getting a stain out, when you hear Nanami clearing his throat.
“So, what do you think about visiting my family with me over the weekend for my birthday ?”
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OKAIYYYY so a few things; first of all, i was so so excited to write this because i loved the proposal as a nine year old and wanted an excuse to rewatch it,,,,
second of all, this is not really set in any country i genuinely don't know how deportation laws work so excuse me for any ignorance (the shibuya project is just for shits and giggles pls let me reference a major plot point from the source material)
third of all, i'll definitely make this a mini series because no way i'm going to be able to write an entire movie based fic as a one shot but also i didn't want to lose the motivation i had by making this like a 20k oneshot
finally, this is like my first time writing something with proper grammar and capitalisation, like i did not just put my thoughts into a post here. that's it, mwah mwah show some love byeee <333
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a-fullmetal-heart · 8 days
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Art commissioned from summersnowqueen
My contribution to @bloompompom's writing event "to all the fictional boys I loved before".
Pairing : Levi Ackerman x Y/N ; AU : Anastasia
Part 1: the con artists  
Word count : around 1k.
The sun sank beneath the skyline, casting its warm glow on a forgotten part of the city within the inner district of wall Rosé. The city became alive with the chatter of the crowds, the street vendors were calling out potential customers to buy their goods, laughter and chatter filled the air as it mingled with the sound of street music and the aroma of the food sold in that vibrant part of the city. 
Somewhere within the city, stood an abandoned theater that served as the perfect stage for their con…The duo, Hange and Y/N, had it all meticulously planned down to the last detail, but there remained a final piece to complete the puzzle of their grand scheme. Ironically, it is the most important part of the entire plan.
“Next,” said Hange in a monotonous voice, signaling the next actor on the stage
Y/N sighs in response, her face is resting on her cheek “let’s see how this one goes”
A tall, handsome young man smiles warmly at the duo before getting on the stage to impersonate the long-lost prince. 
He cleared his throat, and immediately, his expression changed to that of a vulnerable and lost soul.
“Mother,” he began "for too long, I have wandered alone in the shadows, concealing my true identity out of fear of persecution. But today, I stand before you, not as a stranger, not as a beggar, but as your son, as the true and only legitimate heir of the Ackerman dynasty." 
“Mother,” he clenched his fist, his face twisting with sorrow as he continued in a gentle yet undeniable desperate voice “I know of the hardships you endured, as an outcast after the coup, forced to take refuge in a faraway city outside the walls. We share the same pain, mother. Your pain is my own. I may have been lost, but I have found my way back to you, and I have returned with a promise: now that I have found you, never will we be separated again, together we shall remain. Always” 
The young man’s voice was so full of passion to the point of moving both Y/N and Hanji to tears. 
The talented actor descended from the stage and strode confidently towards Y/N and Hange, awaiting their feedback. Hange wiped off her tears and said “my good man, that was a performance I will never forget,” to which Y/N nodded. 
Hange whispered to Y/N : “we found him, Y/N. We found the perfect one! His performance was incredible. Our plan will finally move forward!”
Y/N responds : “that was incredible indeed, but…”
Hange, puzzled, whispered to Y/N: “what do you mean, "but "?"
“....something is wrong, Hange”
“Not again…” Hange turned to the young man and cleared her throat : “excuse us, please” he nodded, and then Hange lead Y/N by her hand the corner of the theater 
 “Y/N what is it this time?”
“He’s not the same, Levi was different, I know this well enough because -”
“...because you used to work at the castle 12 years ago,” Hange rubbed her temples and struggled to remain composed. “I know, I know.. You told me a thousand times…”
“This guy is way too friendly, Levi was a grumpy kid, plus, he is way too tall, Levi wasn’t…”
Hange lets out an exasperated sigh “the last time you saw Levi he was like 10, do you think his height and personality would remain the same all these years ? Come on!”
“I don’t feel that he’s the right one, I really don’t. This guy’s hair is curly”
“Who cares? Look,” Hange takes out something from her pocket “one look at this silver pocket watch and his mother will think that this is her son. Then we’ll take the prize money and we’ll scam before she knows it”
“Uh… I really don’t know if this is our guy, Hange.”
“Well, this is the best one I’ve seen so far, his talent is undeniable.”
“But his eyes are brown, Levi’s eyes are gray.”
Another sigh escaped Hange’s lips as she failed to get her point to Y/N. All of a sudden, the sound of commotion caught Y/N’s attention and she looked from the window. She saw a short, black-haired man with an undercut sprinting through the crowded marketplace, dodging the startled merchants and confused townsfolk. Intrigued by the sight of three military police personnel chasing after the mysterious young man, Y/N was staring at him, her heart pounding with an explicable urge to help, an unknown impulse to intervene.
Hange saw Y/N’s fixated gaze on the young fugitive and commented “seeing the direction where he is running away from, I assume he’s another runaway from the underground district. The military police will catch him in no time.”
Y/N didn’t say a word, she simply rushed towards the unknown man, Hange called out to her, asking her to wait but to no avail. She turned her back to the talented actor and said in an apologetic tone “I will get in touch with you later, but for now excuse me,” to which he nodded. 
Hange ran after Y/N, hoping that her friend’s impulsive nature would not cause them any trouble, she knew Y/N’s intentions the moment she saw the expression on her face : she was going to help the escapee somehow. Hange silently hoped that Y/N’s spontaneous decision wouldn't lead them into more trouble than they could handle.
Y/N closes the distance between her and the guards and she sees a street performer, a talented fire breather amid the busy marketplace. Leaning in, she whispered her plan to his ear and discreetly placed money in his hand. With a nod of understanding, he positioned himself at the center of the busy square, captivating the attention of passersby with a mesmerizing performance. A large crowd began to gather, drawn in by the spectacle unfolding before them of the young man skillfully making the flames dance with him. The crowd cheered loudly as they watched his command on the fire, their eyes fixated on him.
The performance created the perfect opportunity to divert the military police’s attention from the fleeing young man. Y/N snuck through the crowd to the young man and whispered “follow me”
The fugitive furrowed brows and narrowed eyes at the strange woman’s words “Excuse me?”
“Listen, you have no other choice but to trust me.”
“And why is that?”
“Listen, I know the military police are chasing you and it’s a matter of time before the street performance finished. " she extended her hand "Follow me, I have somewhere I can hide you.”
Fueled by the urgency of his situation and pressured by his fear of being captured, he decided to trust this stranger’s words, he nodded and followed her.
Little did they know that this exchange marked the beginning of a new chapter in their intertwined destinies.
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bloompompom · 29 days
Hiiii can I join your classic love story collab with Satoru x You’ve Got Mail and Satoru x pretty woman 💕
I think the idea is sooo cool!!! Thanks for hosting!🫶
yes!! i have you added! thank YOU for joining <3
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bloompompom · 1 month
bloomy!! can i enter your romcom collab with anyone but you x denki kaminari? :3
yes you can!! i just watched that the other day lol <3
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bloompompom · 13 days
hi bloooooomy!! I hope you’re well!
I’ve finally decided that I would like to join your romcom collab! I’d like to write Atsumu Miya x 10 Things I Hate About You!
thank you sm for organizing this!!
hey!! so glad you are joining, adding you now <33
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bloompompom · 29 days
Can we choose an animated movie for the setting or just a live action movies?
would be crazy of me to say no animated movies when i'm in love with and inserting a 2D man into things—i would love to see an animated movie on the list!
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bloompompom · 30 days
For the writing event, does it have to be a full fanfic series or can we write a mini series or one shots? For example, one shot of idea 1 with axb as pairing, and another one shot of cxd as a pairing? I have many ideas but I have only written one shots and shorter stories and this is what I'm more comfortable with.
you can write as little/as much as you'd like :)
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bloompompom · 1 month
Hey! I can't send a dm, so I hope this is okay! For the romcom event, can I do Eren Jaeger x The Princess Diaries? It would be on my blog @grandmatilly ! This is such a cool idea for an event, I'm so excited!!!
hey hey!! after my own heart aren’t you <3 i will get you added asap!
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bloompompom · 1 month
bloomyyyyy someone needs to write a she’s the man inspired fic with a blue lock character for your collab; someone snatch it up❕❕❕
you heard the woman
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bloompompom · 1 month
ok bloomy i think i really wanna do something for your collab based on 13 going on 30 but i'm still deciding character(s) 😭 maybe geto? but idk for sure yet i need to mull khjdhkgjhfkjd
YAY! i was so hoping someone would pick this movie. I can add you with geto for now if you'd like, then you can always update it if you change your mind?
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bloompompom · 1 month
may i pls join your collab with when harry met sally and gojo <33
yessss!! wonderful choice, i have you added!!
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bloompompom · 1 month
hi bb!! is your event open only to romcoms from the 2000s?
nope, any rom com is perfect!!
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bloompompom · 1 month
hey bloomy!
can i pls join ur romcomcollab w 'just like heaven' x ryomen sukuna?
tyyy <333
of course you can love!! i have you added :3
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bloompompom · 1 month
hi bloomy! i’d love to contribute to the 2000s romcom collab with 50 first dates & bakugo 🥹💖
woohoo!! i love that movie so much :') i have you added!
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