#rook island
senka-mesecine · 7 months
Super late to the party on this but I played Far Cry 3 for the first time ever recently and just wanted to say your Hoyt content is INCREDIBLE. You really fleshed out a villain who deserved far more development and screen time than he got.
also v random but I’ve seen a semi-common thing mentioned in any fic about him owning five villas but I don’t remember hearing anyone say that in the game? Do you have any idea where it came from? You seem like pretty much the definitive expert on his character lol
Won't lie, but I don't remember either (😬) because the last time I played this game was eons ago (and I'm not active in this fandom anymore) so frankly, I would definitely have to brush up my lore to see where the 'Hoyt Volker owns five villas' thing originated from in the first place (Maybe a side-character mentions it? I don't recall anymore. Sorry. Would be hilarious if it originated from me and I have no recollection of it.) but I like to think it is simply a logical piece of fanon, among others. Man's a slave trafficker. Arms dealer. Drug peddler. A whoremongerer. The biggest one in the South Pacific. It's a very lucrative, albeit horrendously ethically wrong sort of business. It's easy to become filthy rich when you've no qualms about stepping on other people's backs to acquire it. Stands to reason that outside of his bubble on Rook Island, the man actually lives, boasts and maintains a lavish lifestyle...that is, if he was ever off of that archipelago enough to actually enjoy it, because that damned place doesn't let anyone get off, invertedly tying and trapping everyone and everything in its midst and most people aren't even aware of it. Therein lies a huge bit of irony about Hoyt.
Man's richer than God.
He runs everything he surveys within this microcosm, sure, but he's also overworked, greasy, cranky and looks like he's seen better days. Has the appearance of a common street pimp too, rather than someone who's effectively a millionaire. Looks like he hasn't left Rook Island in ages either, so whatever bit of revenue, real estate, ships, boats, money, wealth, cars and luxuries this guy owns, and I'm certain he technically owns a lot, is let unattended, unused and unsavoured somewhere abroad, because even Hoyt himself might not realize just why he has never left his base on Rook Island to actually indulge in the spoils of his own hard work. But, that's why Rook Island is so eerie and accursed. Why it has such a mystical quality to it, almost like an entity with a will of its own. Because Volker has profited off of exploiting the place for decades. The people on it. He turned its hallowed wildlife and sacred grounds into a base for his illegal operations. Its nature into fields where he grows his narcotics. Transformed the place into a gathering place for privateers, pirates, junkies and hookers. Rook Island has a way to repay that offence, ensuring Volker never leaves to actually be able to find joy in any of the material goods he's earned through his labor, in some beautiful villa somewhere, soaking in a jacuzzi with a martini glass, even though he owns that and much, much more.
Nope. Rook and his office is where he stays.
Occasionally going out dish out some order and authority when it's required to the other ends of the islands and come back and continue his same old routine, at that very desk, in that very chair, overlooking the courtyard to his equally decrepit looking compound.
Of course he has five villas.
Never lived in them a day in his life, though.
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Jason: What are you in the mood for? Vaas: World domination. Jason: That's a bit ambitious. Vaas: You are my world. Jason: Aww... Vaas: Jason: Vaas: Jason: OH.
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hotmessteaparty · 2 years
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eternalsnowfan02 · 6 months
Happy (belated) birthday to Rook! The below exchange was very cute! And also had me picturing how this scenario would play out.
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jangmi-latte · 8 months
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you can't bring rollo to class, you can't have chats with rollo BUT has a fully voiced personal story AND he's paired with grim(yuu). what do you want me to do??? shove the nectars down his throat or smth to level him up and have him say smth like "what did you make me drink maria?" or "to have one drink something as a form of purification, you really are pure yet tainted by those blasted mages."
gross. more please praise me more.
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merakiui · 3 months
Hihi Mera- first time saying/asking anything to you. Your works are *chefs kiss* and they fuel my delulu about the octotrio.
(You can call me barista anon)
HI HIIII, BARISTA ANON!!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Phantom Azul makes me so ill... 😵‍💫 he's just so fine. HIS VOICE!!!!!! Tako has such a pretty singing voice. T^T like the melody of a siren. I would let him lead me to my death uuuwaaaaa. I want to say Riddle is Raoul because childhood friends trope with Riddle is so delicious and also to keep the Azul and Riddle rivalry alive and well here on merakiui blog. But maybe childhood friend Vil......... 👀 there is potential.
I think Azul in gothic horror/romance concepts in general is so wonderful. I saw this meme recently and thought it would be so perfect for a Victorian gothic au in which you're recently widowed and mourning; you take a trip to the seaside in hopes of curing your melancholia, only to find comfort in the embrace of the coastal town's local terrors (sea monsters)!!!!!!! orz orz orz there's something about Octavinelle railing you in a nice dress that's just so *chef's kiss* to me (if I had a Madol for every time I wrote Azul fucking you in a wedding gown in his mer form, I'd have two Madols. Which isn't a lot, but it's strange it happened twice. LOL). I know what I'm about. 🫣
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asvterias · 3 months
so you guys…should i start writing for summer dacosta and (or maybe robyn rook)?? i know requests are closed currently but someone please send a request for robyn rook, i wanna see if i can write for her!
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briry18 · 29 days
Yuuki: Hey Vil! You dead? Vil: *looks at himself in a mirror* T_T Yah Mon...
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months
If Vil and Rook get divorced…does that mean Trey is the
Stepfather to Epel?
technically yes in that vil's second option would definitely be trey who would happily accept his new stepson as he already has several freshmen children of his own, but also no in that epel would absolutely be one of those 'you're not my read dad!!!' kids. he's just not made to be a child of divorce y'know.
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so-cal-douchebag · 10 months
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Got some of my 35mm film developed from lifou! I like to think its very Far Cry 3 vibes lol.
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rook-specter · 11 months
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there's a certain meme going around that upsets me so I made a better one so I can feel better
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chloe-spade · 1 day
The Island Prince Prologue: Here on my Island
In the deepest part of the world, there resides an Island. But the map never shows its location, only a lucky few can find the island, let alone sail to it. But one day, the island met their first ever human after a horrendous stormy night.
"Oh, dear," sighed a peacock named Vil, "that was horrible. That storm almost took away all my feathers."
"Must you complain," yawned Leona, a very tired lion. "You already woke me up to warn me about the storm and now you complain after it's over?"
"Well, you shouldn't be with me if you can't handle my complaining," Vil huffed, shaking his feathers a little, "and you don't look any better. Your mane is messy."
"As if I care, Princess." Leona growled, walking towards the beach. "And my hair is always messy, so it's not a problem."
He wasn't fazed by the broken wooden planks that surrounded the area, and the unusual items that humans used. He wasn't even surprised when Vil went over to find a treasure chest of sorts, full of jewelry that he wore immediately, admiring himself at the ocean's reflection.
What he didn't expect was to hear soft breathing behind a big wooden pole. Leona, against his better judgment, walked over following the sound and to his surprise, a young human who seemed asleep. Peacefully asleep.
"A human?" He questioned, walking towards the human. "…and he's alive. What a miracle."
"Yes, miracle." Vil repeated, without looking up.
"Vil, come over here," Leona demanded.
Vil rolled his eyes and walked towards Leona and he couldn't hide his shock of seeing the human boy.
"Is that.."
"A human? Yes. And he's perfectly alive too." Leona answered.
"What should we do?" Vil pondered. "We can't take care of a human, now could we?"
"Unless we find any other humans," Leona snarled, but he looked back at the sleeping boy, "but we can't leave him to starve and die. We need to help him, even if it means we have to step up."
"You are right," Vil sighed. "My conscious would not allow me! Oh, poor child."
Leona rolled his eyes and carefully put the kid on his back, ignoring the snuggling as he walked away.
10 years have passed since then and the young boy has grown into Sil. After his awakening, he had no memories of his past, nor his name, a hint was the chest he was found with, with Sil engraved. That was his name as he grew in his new forest habitat. He was already adjusted as he could speak into the animals quite easily.
He was able to live in his new life. With a new family.
"Epel! Come on! They're waiting for us!" Sil called out.
"Hey! You're bigger than me," Epel, a red panda, pouted, "You're faster than me."
Sil laughed as he slowed down, humming to himself.
Here on my island, the sea says hello
Dolphins are waving wherever I go
Sil grinned and waved back at the dolphins who jumped happily at his arrival. He was well-loved around the island, as each animal, whether land or sea.
There's a song on the breeze
And a home in the trees
Friends I can talk with whenever I please
"Come on! Vil's waiting for us!" Sil laughed as he ran into the oasis, watching Rook, a Black-Backed Gull, bother Leona.
Here on my island, the playgrounds are great
Slide every slide
And you don't have to wait
There's so much to be seen
From our new trampoline
Finding adventure is our daily routine
"I heard about a hidden jewel, deep on this island," Rook spoke, deciding on the adventure.
"Maybe, but I wanna eat first," Epel groaned, rubbing his stomach, "can we do that before we go?"
"Oh, yes, please," yawned Leona, "before I decide to leave you here to find my food."
"Always crude," groaned Vi.
Birds and bananas
And comfy cabanas
And shell-covered vases to fill
Coconut glasses
And mint with molasses
And pineapple patties to grill
Vil grinned proudly as everyone ate the patties happily, all complimenting the food. After that, everyone was ready for the adventure of the day, Rook leading the way.
Here on my island, there's nothing but fun
Vines you can swing from
A nap in the sun
There are mud pies to make
There are branches to shake
Treasures await any road that you take
"Ready!!" Cheered Epel, "Me and Sil are going to find that jewel."
"Oh, that's a challange if I heard one," laughed Vil, "Leona and I are verterans at this work. Best to prepare for defeat, Epel."
"Guys, this is not a competition, but I should wait until we win for you to decide," Sil grinned.
I'll take the high path
And I'll take the low path
And I'll take the path through the sky
I'll jump the river
And I'll climb the mountain
And I'll stay here, guarding the pie
"Told you," Vil laughed as he held the jewel in his feathers, ignoring Epel's pouting. "Added to my beautiful collection of well, beautiful things. Too bad I can't add myself to it."
"Ugh, you are such a showoff," Epel pouted.
"He did warn you," Leona yawned, "we did this for a living. Of course, we know how to find them."
"That was fun though," Sil laughed and picked up Epel, "we did went even deeper than we would've thought. I consider that a win than a dumb jewel, no offense, Vil."
"None taken."
Sil grinned and quickly ran off the cliff and onto the pond below, startling Epel. The others joined, reluctantly and/or happily, diving into the pond along with them, laughing to themselves.
Here on our island, the days are a dream
Hanging together, we work as a team
And the magic extends
Through our family of friends
Here on our island, the fun never ends
The night slowly formed as the moon and stars arrived. Everyone was ready to sleep to have a great day tomorrow. Sil was already passed out with everyone else, happy. But a shake startled everyone and awakened everyone, almost knocking everyone down.
It was Epel, who was sleep-running. Not a new occurrence, but it was a very bad occurrence, considering the tree branches he landed on shook once he landed. It was a nightmare, Sil concluded as he carefully grabbed the sleeping creature.
"Epel," Sil whispered, "hey, it's a nightmare, you're ok."
Epel flinched as he woke up, panting to himself. He looked up and cuddled against Sil, now sad.
"Oh dear, another nightmare?" questioned Rook.
"Interrupting my beauty sleep," groaned Vil, "..I wish i could be lazy as Leona. That lion didn't even woke up."
Sil sighed and got up. "I'll take him on a walk. It won't be a moment."
Sil got down and started to walk away, petting Epel.
"I'm sorry," muttered Epel, "I hate having these nightmares about them…"
"Oh, don't worry, I understand," Sil smiled, "I still have nightmares about the ocean at times as well. It's a normal thing, Epel. You don't need to be ashamed about then."
"…can you sing that lullaby again?'
"Of course," Sil grinned, letting Epel get on his shoulders.
Sun goes down, and we are here together
Fireflies glow like a thousand charms
Stay with me, and you can dream forever
Right here in my arms
"Where did you learn that song again?" Epel asked.
"I don't know," Sil shrugged, "I've always just known it…but I hear someone sing it in my dreams often. Maybe that's how."
It's magic when you are here beside me
Close your eyes, and let me hold you tight
Everything that I could ever need is
Right here in my arms tonight
"Sing me the other part too?" Epel asked sheepishly, "I like it.."
"Okay," Sil laughed, "but you know I don't remember all the words. But always for you."
La la la
La la la
Stars begin to climb
La la la
La la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
Sil grinned happily as he heard Epel snore on his head.
"Good night, Epel." Sil grinned and walked back to the three and rested Epel in his makeshift nest, petting him.
In the distance, Sil saw something big that swayed side and side on the waters. He just managed to make it, but he didn't know what the mysterious figure was. But he wanted to rest his head and close his eyes, dealing with it in the morning.
But that was a bad idea, as he witnessed a nightmare he had for years ever since his rescue. He found himself sinking in the waters below, finding it hard to breathe as he tried to surface every moment, a ship in the distance, a light being his only source to see. He also heard a voice, calling out to him, but it was muffled, unable for Sil to understand.
It caused him to wake as the daylight hit his face.
"Another boat?" yawned Leona.
"What?" Sil questioned and got down to Leona to see. "A boat…I saw that last night. I couldn't recognize it, it was so far."
"I wonder why it's here." Vil scoffed.
"Maybe we should look?" Epel gasped, running towards the boat.
"Epel! Wait!" Sil gasped and ran after him.
The boat was at the shore, with four people now leaving footprints on the sand. Each person was different and each had an odd reaction to being on the unknown island.
The first one was Prince Ruggie, who was unsurprised. He was a prince of a small island so being on one wasn't much of a surprise, so he knew how to navigate around the island and was marked as the guide in the expedition.
The second was Ruggie's betrothed fiance, Prince Riddle Rosehearts, who was the only one who was unfamiliar with the area. But he was convinced by his mother to go to bond with Ruggie as they were to marry by the end of the month. Riddle wanted to object but couldn't at the hands of his mother being his mother.
The third was Prince Malleus, a young prince who was known for wanting to adventure. It was uncommon when King Lilia, the fourth visitor, invited him. They were close when Malleus was a young dragon and they continue that bond. Malleus was the one who recommended traveling in the first place, as a bonding experience.
But he knew why he did it. King Lilia was the only adult on the expedition and tried to be chipper despite a tragedy in which date was nearby, and was trying to hide his uncomfortability with a smile every time he was asked if he was ok. Malleus knew this and made sure that Lilia was even ready for being on a boat. Lilia managed himself, which helped Malleus calm down.
So these four looked at the island in front and Malleus was the lead, with Lilia following.
Nothing beats a brand-new shore
Streaming into view
After weeks of the waves
The thrill of somewhere new
All the riches of the world
Can't compare to these
Golden sand and silver clouds
The fragrant island breeze
"And he;s off," Lilia laughed, "Ah, Malleus. Even now you wonder off."
"And I'm worried it was habit of his," Ruggie muttered to himself, watching Lilia following Malleus deep into the woods.
"Should we follow them?" Riddle pondered.
"Yeah, just in case he does get lost. I don't think he can survive this island," Ruggie laughed and walked forward.
What will I discover next, it's all a mystery
Different every day
There's so much to do and learn and touch and hear and see
Just a step away
Sil looked at them from within the bush, now curious. He walked closer to them to get a better look at the new people, but the animals did not have the same response, now annoyed, worried, and beyond afraid.
It has no trunk
It has no tail
It's not a fish
It's not a whale
It has no feathers, I can see
I have to say, it looks like me!
It must be bad
It can't be good
Let's run and hide
I think we should
Just close your eyes, it goes away
This doesn't happen every day!
Sil immediately went towards the strangers for a much closer look, even the trees didn't carry him carefully. But he managed to see who and remembered the features.
Feeling the excitement grow
Every single stride
Sun above and earth below… whoa!
Sil gasped as the humans fell down a massive ditch and he rushed down, knowing what awaiting them below.
At the bottom, Ruggie groaned, looking at the swamp-like area. "Well, I had worse pitfalls in my life. Being covered in dirt and almost in mud is not that bad."
Riddle quickly helped Ruggie up, "My bad, I wasn't looking where I was going,"
"Ah, happens to the best of us, I'm sure," Lilia chuckled, stretching his back, "That's part of the experience of traveling, I'd say."
Malleus looks around, now walking around.
"But I saw something in the trees," Riddle admitted, "like…a someone. Not an animal, per say, but…a person?"
"But this place has been abandoned for years," Malleus spoke up, "no humans have been on this island. If this place wasn't discovered, why is there a human here?"
"I know what I saw, Draconia," Riddle scoffed.
"Hmm, understandable, Riddle,"
A snarl was heard, which made Ruggie's ears twitch at the vibration. His eyes scanned the forest area, and three pairs of eyes glared at them from the darkness, more snarls were heard as their eyes went closer. Ruggie, now with everyone else, watched and backed up from the newly found crocodiles.
"Did we fall into a crocodile pit?" Lilia whispered.
"Oh, what rotten luck," Riddle groaned. "I knew exploring was a bad idea."
"You didn't protest when we entered the boat," Malleus mentioned, "and frankly no one could have planned this, island trips can be unpredictable. Knowing this mysterious island, this was bound to happen."
"I suppose you are right," Riddle took a breath, "sorry about that."
"No worries..but how do we get rid of the crocodiles?"
The one in the middle snapped his jaw, ready to eat the legs in front of them. The rest started snapping, trying to eat anything close to their mouths.
"Excuse me?" Called an unfamiliar voice.
The group watched as an unknown silver-haired boy swung forward onto a rock, looking down at the crocodiles, and crossed his arms.
"Gwendolyn," he lectured the crocodile by Riddle, "is this how we treat guests? Especially ones who entered your home?"
The crocodile, Gwendolyn, growled sadly in response.
"How is he…" Malleus gasped.
"Geo, don't," the stranger lectured again.
A snap made Lilia jump as the crocodile swam away upset.
Ruggie glared at the third one, but he was relentless until the stranger came by and petted the crocodile. This made the crocodile smile and groaned happily.
"Nice to know you still love pets, Georgio,"
Ruggie took a moment to actually look at the stranger. Silver hair that is rare and beautiful purple eyes that were soft towards the cranky crocodile, with a matching smile. He must've been here for years, Ruggie concluded, especially when he didn't have clothes. But it was still early to ask.
The group was stunned as the crocodile backed away and slid back into the murky waters. The stranger smiles and looks over at them, standing up,
"I apologize," he spoke, "they can be hungry when seeing something new. I suppose I did forget to get them some of the mangos I have found."
"No, no," Lilia stammered, "I apperiete that you have saved us from being eaten."
"I only did what I could. I understand how they can be odd to new friends, and don't know how to express themselves."
"That begs the question," Malleus questioned, "who are you?"
"Sil? That's your name?" Ruggie asked, looking at the newfound chest they saw in the tree.
"I suppose so," Sil answered with a soft chuckle, "It was the only clue we have about who I am."
"So, you have no memory?" Riddle pondered, "How long have you been here?"
"I haven't been keeping check," Sil sighed, "but for a long time, I'm guessing. Just not knowing about who I am was never something I thought off, but now you guys are here."
"But I feel we are ignoring a big thing about you," Ruggie spoke up, "You…talked to the crocodiles, like it was nothing."
"And you guys don't?"
"I can," Ruggie noted, "cause I am part beast, it's natural, but a mere human like yourself couldn't."
"Hm, that is odd." Malleus hums, "Humans such as you could never have powers like that, unless it's been self-taught."
"Really? I simply woke up with this."
Everyone went silent for a moment, now confused about this mysterious man and his connection to this abandoned island. Lilia took a breath before walking over.
"Well, since you saved us, how about we get acquaintance with your friends?" Lilia asked.
"Yeah, but mind you, they haven't saw a human in years, or they have never seen a human before. So, I apologize if they are a bit defensive."
Sil smiled and walked down the trees to meet up with the group of animals that he called his friends.
"Are you ok?!" Vil immediately questioned, checking Sil for any wounds. "Ugh, you need to stop going off like that. My feathers can't handle all that stress, you know."
"I'm sorry, Vil, but I couldn't let the crocodiles eat them. As far as I'm concerned, they're innocent. And you know how the crocodiles get hungry when we miss their feeding schedules. So," Sil paused, "who forgot?"
"Wasn't it Leona's turn?" Epel pondered and looked at the yawning lion.
"Hmm, was it? I had no idea," Leona yawned, "I was simply taking a nap."
Sil sighed. "We really need to find a way to remind you, Leona."
The others watched in amazement.
"He's…he's having a actual conversation with them," Riddle gasped, "Like…talking to them."
"Yeah, he is," Malleus added, and smiled, "this is such a marvel."
"But what should we do with this?" Lilia asked, "I mean, he's a human who lives among animals, and I do worry for his develpment."
"What's your plan?" Malleus wondered.
"You know what," Ruggie sighed, "Should we take him with us?"
The red panda's ears sprouted up and he rushed over to Ruggie with his angry look, jumping up and down in protest.
"No! No! You can't take him with you, you mean humans!"
"Woah! Epel!" Sil gasped and grabbed him, "It's ok, they're not going to tale me away."
Ruggie's ears twitched, "Hmm, well, I guess that's options over."
"Well," Sil spoke, "I don't mind the suggestions, but I can't leave my friends here. They'll miss me."
"Oh, how true that is," Rook sighed, "We would miss him ever so dearly."
"Then we can take them with us," Lilia recommended, "I mean, the kingdom shouldn't mind it. Especially since I am part of the royal committee, I can convince them."
"Lilia," Malleus sighed, "you always use the committee to get your way."
"Your grandmother always helped me with those votes, and even your young mother, bless her heart." Lilia laughed, "And doesn't the Kingdom of the Sunset Savana have a beautiful scenery for him to stay in?"
"…Yeah, we do. And my grandma' loves new guests."
Sil looks at the animals, "Well, are you guys ok with this? It's a big ask."
"Well, I don't mind," Rook smiles, "I have been all around the world, and teaching you about the sights would be fantastic."
"Well, I'm not leaving you by yourselves!" Vil added, "You guys are reckless and someone as mature as me should come along, and of course, Leona, you have to come too."
"Ugh," groaned Leona, "fine. But I am not doing anything."
"Since when do you do?" Epel muttered before looking up at Sil, "I wanna come too! To protect you, Sil!"
Sil smiles and pets his head, "Thank you, Epel."
"Well, what do you say? Want to come with us?" Lilia offered.
Sil looked back at the ship and nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."
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Vaas: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right? Jason: Nope, there's 26. Vaas: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T. Jason: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one. Vaas: You'll get the D later ;).
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hotmessteaparty · 1 year
Hello, hello ✌️
Finally crawled out of writers block and posted a new chapter of for the lost souls ❤️ I know it's been a while and I am so sorry :/
But hey, you get to meet one of my first ever oc's, Ivo :D ngl I love him so much, he's been around for ages in my head in one form or another. And now I finally put in the effort to craft him a (more or less) decent background story. Hope you enjoy ❤️
BTW this is sort of what he looks like in my head if you wanna know:
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neatokeanosocks · 1 year
yuu is from an entire other reality and the universal translation spell lets them be understood but Rook Speaks French. and his French is still in French
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eucyon · 1 year
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The Striated Caracara (also known as the Johnny rook) is an unusual member of the falcon family. Recognized for its intelligence and mischievous nature, these birds have been known to steal hats and cameras.
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