#rosewood prep
World Building for Rosewood Prep and Maplehood Creek and its neighboring towns
Q: Does your world have an education system? If so what areas of study are the most valued? A: It does! In Maplehood Creek there's Rosewood prep, a k-12 school, and most of the colleges are affiliated with Rosewood. There's also Maplehood Creek Elementary which is K-5, Maplehood Creek Middle school which is 6-8, and Maplehood High for 9-12 for the regular folks. Holy Ann has three main schools same as Applewood. Although Holy Ann is more of a rural area so it doesn't have a whole lot of funding unlike its counterparts of Applewood and Rosewood Prep. As for areas of study business, sciences and the arts are the three most valued areas of study since most of the colleges in Maplehood are business-related. Rosewood prides itself on having its students be the smartest and most cultured.
2. Q: What are the most undervalued jobs in your world? Who works them? A: Anything to do with children or public cleaning. So as teachers, babysitters, childcare workers, garbage workers, and public health workers. For the teachers, it depends on where they're teaching. At Rosewood it's very hard to get out of the system once you're in you either die in it or become a part of it. And unfortunately, Rosewood people face mass discrimination in the outside world so it's hard to find housing and a job out there. Rosewood is the only safe haven for them. A lot of the teachers there are people who grew up in the system. The colleges prestigious as they may aren't any better. It's just a mere promotion with more scrutiny. A lot of teachers at the other schools follow passions rather than logic. Most of them want to teach to help the kids even though the pay isn't very well. As for the public cleaning services people, it's usually criminals who can't get a job anywhere else and those rare people that manage to get out of Rosewood's system.
3. Q: Which genre of music is most popular? A: In Maplehood Creek it's pop/ classic rock (At Rosewood rich kids claim that classical music is their favorite since they're just THAT pretentious but it's really alternative/punk that seems to be a favorite of all kids there). Applewood is alternative/indie music because they're try-hards at being popular. Holy Ann, it's country/folk music.
4. Q: How common is it to speak a language that's not your own? A: It depends! It's really common in the downtown area of Maplehood Creek since that's where all of the businesses are so there's a lot of diversity between the employees and the employers. I can honestly say that the only good thing Rosewood has going for them is that it's very diverse there too! from Rich kids traveling around speaking 5 languages since they were like 5 to all kinds of ethnicities going to school there. And starting in the 6th grade there you can choose up to 3 languages to learn there from its variety selection. Applewood only does it so they can claim to be fancy and educated but really it's just for show. And they usually speak up to two languages max. In Holy Ann, it's not very common but they don't judge mostly.
5. Q: How is public intimacy regarded? A: Same as anywhere else as long as ya know you're not fucking in public (or at least don't get caught) or butt ass naked with each other then it's fine and it's really a matter of preference from person to person. As for Rosewood, however, you can have relationships there but those come at very high stakes if made known to the public in that school. That's more ammo that others can take away and use against you and cause all kinds of problems and it's generally not safe. It's not frowned upon but it's better to keep romantic involvements on the down-low. On the more platonic/familial side, it's very common to see people hanging off, laying on one another, and cuddling with their groups. It's especially common to see mass cuddle puddles of the larger groups in the courtyards after school. Since just about everyone there is touch starved and it's not like the teachers can do anything about it since there are more kids than there are of them.
6. Q: Does age play a role in how much respect a person gets at first glance? Why? A: It does, unfortunately. A lot of school-age children are treated like shit. The adult authority (and the teachers and the majority of the older kids at Rosewood) view them as stupid, naive burdens because that's how adult authority is. Kids have it rough in the town of Maplehood Creek and Rosewood. There's a higher mortality rate for the younger children at Rosewood due to neglect and abuse. 12 is the coming of age at Rosewood. You're not a small child, you're on the brink of teenagehood and are more responsible for your actions. You get higher consequences. That's also when you'd be starting to fight the more prominent people and are in the running for trial at the school if you did something wrong. 12 is when you start fighting more to gain more respect and to be taken seriously. Teen years are rough but not as rough as when you were a kid. You still have little to no respect but it's certainly much more than a kid. Seniors at Rosewood are very well respected and looked up to. they survived 12 years of Rosewood's bullshit more or less and that's no small feat. So they definitely earned respect and in society 17-18 everyone gets more relaxed and given more respect.
7. Q: which meals or foods are considered classics or universally loved? A: so at Rosewood it varies. More times than not the school lunches were poisoned by someone or another. So either people brought their own lunches, the older wealthier students went out to eat or some kids went hungry. But sharing meals that other people bought with their own money or from home with their groups was common. For Tabby and her gang on one of their birthdays, one of her friends would bring in a loaf of banana bread and use it as cake and share it amongst her friends.
10. Q: How are criminals punished? A: it depends on what you did at Rosewood. There are honor and fight codes that serve as laws there and a few unwritten social rules. How the justice system at school works is that there is a trial of sorts. The teachers' pets of that grade the criminal was in would serve as judges and you'd have a jury of your peers of 11 people. You are given free rein to justify yourself and prove your innocence and if you were convincing enough the jury would vote either guilty or not guilty. Depending on the severity of the crime you'd either got locked up somewhere for the rest of the school day, got beat, or the death sentence to which you were sent to Horatio's way.
11. Q: What is the worst possible crime that a person could commit? A: treason to your group that you swore to defend and protect. whether that be ratting them out, abandoning them, or killing them yourself.
13. Q: what are the 3 most common past times? A: Studying/tutoring, fighting, or hanging out with friends.
14. Q: How are people like the police regarded by the public? A: Alright look Rosewood people have a problem with authority as it is especially the adults that abuse their power. There's also a lot of profiling against Rosewood kids simply by being Rosewood. So yeah there's a lot of tension, distrust, a dislike for police, or anything to do with the law.
15. Q: Are there any gender roles or stereotypes that exist? If so what are they? A: Not so much as gender roles it's pretty much a free for all there. But there's definitely a stereotype for Rosewood kids that makes it hard for them to get into colleges, apartments, and jobs. The stereotype is that all Rosewood people are mentally unstable violent criminals or at least criminals in the making. 16,17.18. Q: How are LGBTQ, disabled, and POC people treated? A: The one good thing about Rosewood is that it has a lot of diversity. Nobody really cares about who and what you are as long as you can fight and is loyal to your group. At best people will go 'oh cool' if you tell them your gender/sexuality and use the pronouns you wish to use. And if they're not sure they'll be polite and ask questions for better understanding. Of course, there are homo/trans/bi the whole 9 yards phobic teachers but just remember there is more of you than there is of them. No one may think that your identity is a big deal but your group will sure as hell defend you. There's a lot of accessibility at Rosewood. It's very friendly towards mobility aides. And just like any school, they have 501 plans for students who require them. However, surviving at school is a whole different story. That school is very fight survival of the fittest oriented. If you can't fight then you best hope to god that your group still finds you useful. Not to mention the punishments that the teachers dish out not giving a rats ass about disability. All I can say is that your best hope is you have a good group that will protect you and not sees you as dead weight. POC are treated the same as LGTBQ people. As long as you don't fuck over your group, are loyal to them, and can at least hold your own you're good to go and they will respect you and got your back. Of course, there are a few racist teachers and richer older white students but again there's more of you than there is of them.
20. Q: Do people w/ mental illness have access to resources that they might need (such as medications and therapists)? A: *laughs* fuck no. At least not in the school itself. I'm sure that some of them do back home but this school is full of mentally ill people and you think the authority there gives a rats ass about making them better? Sure they might have already been prescribed medication from home at school but that's a hit or miss if the school nurses give it to them or not. Of course, there is a therapist hired by the school but let's be honest here do you really think the kids would trust any adult authority there? yeah me neither. Let's just say I feel bad for the kids who live in the boarding section of the school.
22. Q: If any what are the stereotypes that exist for each age group? A: k-3 can't protect themselves (you'd be surprised what a group of feral kids can do) innocent (to an extent yes). 4-5 either wish they could go back to being with the k-3 kids or can't wait to be perceived as a big kid or "like the grown-ups" no in-between. 6-8 think they're bad ass thinks they know it all arrogant getting too big for their britches. 9-12 acting like old senior people. a full-fledged grown-up. Can't be trusted by younger kids. Too old for fun.
23. Q: What is more valued the arts or sciences? A: The sciences. Intelligence is the only thing that matters at Rosewood. 24. Q: What constitutes standard intelligence? A: being able to at least do double-digit multiplication. Having the average of a 4th-grade education.
25. Q: Think of the biggest accomplishments or events in your world's history. Is there a certain theme that carries through them all? A: Freedom, justice, and rebellion
32. Q: If anything what will absolutely not be tolerated in your world? A: treason to your group.
33. Q: What does a typical family look like? A: For a lot of people there they would consider their group as a family. it consists of 3 or more people. The lowest being 3 and the most at 25. It varies.
35. Q: What role does music play in your society? A: music is what brings people together at Rosewood. This only happens twice a year.
40. Q: If any what are the most famous pieces of literature or most famous authors? Why are they so well known? A: The poem of mourning Underneath the Willow tree. It's so culturally important to the people of rosewood. It was either written by Nicoli or Laura but no one can agree on which. It's so important because it's the core foundation for Rosewood's most sacred rituals.
43. Q: Is there anyone in your history that is regarded as truly evil? A: Yes. Amadeus Rosewood. The founder of Rosewood's home for wayward children. The man who started it all.
45. Q: What are some common first date activities? A: skipping class to go get ice cream, skipping class to go to one of the many hiding places in the school to hang out and maybe have a so-called picnic in the school.
47. Q: How common is it for people to go out w/ a group of friends or family vs. alone? A: In Mapplehood it's always best to go out with at least one other person especially at night in the main strip of town. It's common sense there.
49. Q: At what age is a person considered "old"? A: 18 by Rosewood standards you've been there for 12 years and that's a long time since very few people survive that long.
50. Q: At what point is it less offensive to be considered old by younger people? A: like in your 30s once you get out of Rosewood or become a teacher there.
52. Q: What makes it easy for a person to consider a house a home? A: The vast majority of Rosewood kids believe that home isn't a place where you live its a feeling you get with a group of people that you consider your family. A home is supposed to make you feel safe like you belong there and show you love and understanding and acceptance. So in short Home is where your family is and I mean your real family.
55. Q: How might the rich display their wealth? A: they flaunt it by getting away with so many rule-breaking good grades without doing all the work and being able to be alone for long periods of time without a group. Sometimes bride the teacher with wads of cash in front of you or brag about the lavish vacations that they took.
57. Q: What skills are important to have? A: survival and some sort of self-defense
61. Q: Is there any dedicated time for relaxation (like the weekend or a long holiday?) A: two days a year. Rosewood Preps spirit week (the Friday of the pep rally just so happens to be Rosewood's foundation day) and the end of the year picnic that's the day before graduation.
65. Q: Is there a traditional process for mourning loved ones who have passed? A: here's a post on how Rosewood honors their dead
66. Q: In general how much do people gesture when they speak? A:
68. Q: What does a person have to do to be considered a prodigy? A: There are only 3 ways that you get into Rosewood. Being problematic enough to be taken out of polite society, Being a genius or very rich. So just by being at Rosewood alone usually signifies being a prodigy of some sort.
Q: How closely do your OCS observe their cultures' traditional holidays? 1a) Is a holiday they celebrate regionally specific? 1b) What does that holiday represent and how is it celebrated? A: Tabby absolutely adores Rosewood culture. She lives for Rosewood's spirit week and the end of the school year picnic. Rosewood's spirit week represents the one day a year where no one had to be ashamed to be a Rosewood kid. Everyone bands together to shout out loud and proud and celebrate their Rosewood ways. The end of the year picnic represents the long reflection of how far everyone has come so far at Rosewood and everyone can kick back and relax and hang out with friends and enjoy the fruits of their labor until next year hits.
2. Q: Which OC's family or friends have an unusual holiday tradition? 2a) How did it begin? A: yes but it's sort of an epic and wholesome tradition. It began when Tabby was 13 and Autumn convinced her to sneak out of the house with the rest of the gang for New Years' Eve at a cool abandoned warehouse that she discovered over the summer. After a night of drinking, singing, and dancing around a fire and reflecting on how far they came all together and in one piece. It became their place and a tradition for the next 3 years.
3. Q: Do your OCs celebrate the Day of the Dead? 3a) Are they honoring anyone who recently departed? 3b) Who if anyone are they celebrating with? A: Not necessarily the Day of the Dead but if the anniversary of a death of a loved one at Rosewood happens they'll have a drink or two for them and recite the mourning poem Underneath the Willowtree to remember them by. Maybe have a conversation with their grave too while they're at it. If anyone of their remaining group is alive they'll celebrate with them or by themselves.
4. Q: Do your OCs have any prominent or character-building memories associated with a holiday? A: Yes. with the new years' tradition.
Questions are from these posts
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fyeahnix · 1 year
so the last few weeks I've been horribly obsessed with a little game called Project Zomboid. I initially bought it during the Steam Winter Sale as a game to chill to on my Steam Deck. I thought "ok zombie apocalypse survival RPG, I'll try it out, sure" and I was also wondering how tf a game was still in beta for 10 years
this game is so ridiculously detailed it's unreal. you have to manage your hunger, sleep, thirst, mood/happiness, stress, prep for the water and power shutting off, prep for rising zombie populations, prep for winter, etc. OH yeah SEASONS. the game is very realistic seasons that mimic real life. there's so much to talk about just in the mechanics alone that I don't know where to start.
anyway, I started playing this on the deck, and eventually moved to PC because I saw how much more controls and shit you can do with a mouse and keyboard. and I like it so much better.
so the game straight up tells you that at some point, you will die, and there's nothing you can do about it. and that's fine. I died SO MANY FUCKING TIMES when I first played. I played on Apocalypse mode initially (which was very stupid as it's the hardest preset difficulty lol), and then moved to Survivor when I found that out. but the more YT videos I watched on this game, the more people really encourage you to play Sandbox mode and figure out what your preferred playstyle is.
so that's what I did when I moved to PC. I found out I do no like zombie infection so I turned it off. zombie infection happens 100% of the time when you're bitten by a zombie and there's literally no way to stop it, you get sick and die a slow death over the course of like 3-4 in-game days. if you get scratched or lacerated there's a percentage chance of that happening too. I just didn't like making progress and then having it stripped away because I got unlucky.
I finally made a character that survived more than a month in-game, made the firehouse in Rosewood a base, had a lot of shit set up for water, farming, electricity, etc, and then I fucking DIED trying to clear out a grocery store. now when you die, you can choose to respawn another character in the same world, but all your skills are reset. I chose this option instead of starting over completely because I had a good thing going and I enjoyed that setup. what I didn't like was the skill grind. I managed to get most of my skills back up to where they were before death in the span of a few hours because I had all that set up at my base. anyway, I said "this grind isn't fun" and installed a mod to craft a skill journey where you can manually record your character's experience progress and if they die, you can read the journal and get those skills back.
that came in clutch because last night, my second character died trying to clear zombies out at the kentucky state prison in Rosewood. that kinda upset me, but I just reset in rosewood, went to my base to gear up with backup gear, and trekked it on foot to the prison to reclaim my lost shit:
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that red circle is my second character's dead body I had to drag outside and loot because there were too many corpses inside. (btw if you stay around corpses for too long your character will get sick). in the bottom right corner you can see my truck that got abandoned. thankfully I got in an out pretty quickly and got my truck back.
now you're prob saying "wtf that takes the fun out of the game" to which I reply "to you" lol. the survival and combat aspects of this game are fun as is the exploration, but the skill grinding takes forever for some skills and I didn't wanna redo that again. the downside of this is that I STILL have to go retrieve my shit and if it's too far away from my base, then I might be SOL. these two deaths were lucky because they were within walking distance of my base. also I still have to reread skill books for bonuses and that takes DAYS in-game to accomplish because I took the slow reader trait....
anyway here's some of my base. it's a fucking mess I am currently trying to clean up:
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the patch of grass to the right of the water barrels is where I farm food. but I have a ton of food in the freezers so I'm holding off on farming again until I get close to low on fresh food. I have canned food as a backup.
bottom two pics is my messy ass storage and workshop area. I got a shit ton of guns and ammo from the prison that I hauled back in my pickup truck and I need to organize everything. the problem is that I need a skill book to learn how to make metal crates and neither the bookstore nor the school library has it so I have to venture out. second problem is that I may have to go to Muldraugh or March Ridge to check those bookstores and I'm DREADING it. the prison furthered humbled me and I don't wanna die again lol esp not that far away from my base. but I gotta do it. all for metal storage crates. you're prob wondering "why metal? just make the wooden ones and you're golden." and you would be correct but fuck it, 80 storage space compared to 40 and 60 for the level 1 and 2 wooden crates is just so much more appealing and I have a ton of shit that needs to be stored.
anyway that's my adventures in PZ so far. there's more to talk about like how I tried to go to the lone shack out in the woods one day to find an antique oven, almost got stranded, and had to make the trek back because the road there was covered in trees and not good for car travel. speaking of, the map is absolutely fucking gigantic. don't play this game without the map on another screen. it makes planning and traversal so much better
but yeah. it's about to be winter in a few in-game days, which means I'm gonna be struggling to forage for food, fish, and grow crops from December-February. I have food and water saved up and I think I can make it but maaaan it's gonna be a time.
thanks for coming to my tedtalk lol
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rpgsandbox · 10 months
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Perils & Princesses is an adventure game played with paper and pencils, a few fancy dice, and your collective imaginations. The rules are inspired by a long tradition of pen-and-paper role-playing games, but specifically-designed to be easy to pick up and get you started on an evocative gritty, pretty, magical adventure.
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Remember that scene in Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs when our hero runs off into the deep dark forest, narrowly avoiding the pitfalls and horrors within? Or when Dorothy Gale throws a bucket of water in the face of the Wicked Witch? This game is all about the humble moments of heart and heroism of storybook princesses. 
These adventurers rely on  baskets of goodies, trusty hatchets and their hidden talents to help them on their way. The gifts from their Fairy Godmothers help them call upon woodland animals, sing enchanting songs or connect with the elements of nature as they dig deep to survive the perils that await them. 
Get some friends together, create your character and take your band of fairy tale heroes on a  dungeon-crawling, monster-slaying adventure.
If you're a fan of Grimm's Fairy Tales, animated Princess Movies, and Classic Storybooks where plucky heroes use their resolve and wits as they undergo fantastical adventures, then this is your kind of TTRPG. 
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The mechanics are rules-light, and focus on simple magic, teamwork and creativity. This game works as a stand-alone but is easily adapted to your own OSR and NSR style games, pre-written adventures, settings and dungeons of all sorts. In the game book you’ll find: • Streamlined system, friendly for newcomers, while still being rich with atmosphere for veterans looking for a new world to explore. • 8 fairy tale character classes with a wide range in fairy tale abilities. Based on the gift given to you by your Fairy Godmother, you could have an enchanting voice, an animal sidekick, or a connection to the elements that helps you thwart the perils that lay ahead.
 • Random tables to generate characters and outfit them with adventuring gear, storybook trinkets and enchanted relics or  quirky weapons.
• Bestiary full of Rot Goblins, Hedge Witches, Dragons, Trolls and Pixies and Unicorns  for GMs to spring upon the princesses. • GM tools to quickly improvise encounters, treasures, NPCs and all the little details to bring your fantastic world to life.
• Intro Adventure "The Rosewood Crown" with a backstory, plot hooks and a dungeon crawl to get your adventure started whether it's a one-shot or a a jumping off point for a larger campaign. Easy to follow instructions help new GMs run a session with only minimal prep. 
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Princesses are specific kind of fantasy character. Regardless of gender, they are fairy tale adventurers that rely on emotional resolve and cleverness more than physical strength. Your character can be any gender you choose. 
What ties them all together is that all princesses start with a Gift from their Fairy Godmother. Their Gift and their special abilities grow as they level up in their adventure. Whether it's an enchanting voice, a wild heart, powerful friendship or kitchen magic, each character archetype brings their unique talents to the adventure.
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Both the Digital and Print edition of Perils & Princesses are brought to life with whimsical layouts that are part medieval collage, part midcentury storybook, part childhood doodle. This book is full to the brim with 90 pages of hand-drawn illustrations of princesses, monsters and fractured fairy-tale magic.  
Tables full of magical items, spells, mishaps, wild mushrooms, unpredictable potions, enchanted weapons and more help GMs quickly immerse the players in this mystical fairy tale adventure. Quick reference rules will be printed on the interior covers making the book an easy to reference while playing. 
The game book is digest sized (5.5in  x 8.5in) and perfect bound. Final Page count will be approximately 90 pages. Cover stock is 120lb uncoated with a soft paper vintage feel. 
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, August 24 2023 2:57 PM BST
Website: [Perils & Princesses]
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thegigilwriter · 1 month
08 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary: 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Keywords/Warnings: Romance, Implied religious themes (OC is Catholic), slight angst, Drama
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08 | Crab Dinners and Star Gazers 🌌
Sunday PM June 25, 2023
Lucy sighed shaking her soft waves as she ran them through the hairdryer. She stared at herself in the mirror, her head cocked to one side. She put the hairdryer down, pulled the plug, and stowed it away in her dresser drawer. As she began powdering her face, she wondered if the crab meat was thawed enough and hoped that Bradleyʼs special dessert was baking as desired. The ice tea was prepped and resting in the fridge, the table was set, and the brioche toast was buttered and flavored, ready for the oven. After Lucy applied her final layer of mascara, she gazed into her own visage. Something had changed — something deep within her and it showed in the gleam of her eyes, the stretch of her smile, the glow of her round cheek, and the way she stood in front of her own reflection.
Her face wasnʼt so wide anymore, the mole on the corner of her lip and the one near her eye didnʼt look so bothersome, and she held a new fascination with her eyes. How odd, she thought. She straightened her dress, checked her lip gloss, and proceeded to walk into the kitchen.
She drained the water from the half-pound of backfin crab meat and put a pan on high flame. When the surface was hot enough, Lucy heated a tablespoon of butter and the juice of a half lemon. She then added the crab meat and seasoned it with salt and pepper to taste. She stirred it around the pan a little before popping the lid on and putting the toast in the oven. Just then, a knock resounded on her apartment door and Lucy excitedly rushed towards it.
“Hey Angel,ˮ Bradley breathed. He swears, he was getting so spoiled from seeing Lucy like this twice a day. Tonight she opted for another dress with a shorter skirt. It was auburn-colored with a halter strap neckline. She had also paired her outfit with little open-toed black heels.
“Hi,ˮ Lucy smiled as she opened her door for his entry. As Bradley stepped in, he couldnʼt help but quickly notice how full and vibrant her space was compared to his barren house.
“Make yourself at home,ˮ she told him, returning to the stove as Bradley wandered into her living room. “Dinnerʼs almost done.ˮ
He saw the green tendrils that hung by her window as well as her lush plant box. He noticed the tall bookshelf with weathered spines as well as Harry Potter memorabilia. He was fascinated by the tortoises, Tip and Toe, in their makeshift enclosure acting as her TV console. He peered into Walstead fish bowl on her living room table, and admired the cherry red shrimp among the pearl grass as well as the slow-moving golden snail. Bradley sat on her grape-colored couch, and a handsome, classical, rosewood guitar caught his eye. He walked towards the instrument and lifted it in his arms. It was old, but well maintained. By the light of the street and of the moon streaming from her window, his fingers grazed an inscription on its curved side.
To Ford, play with a tender heart.
Bradley instantly put the guitar down as carefully as he could before stepping into the kitchen. Lucy had just set down a lidded cast iron pan beside the pitcher of ice tea and a serving bowl of brioche toast. Bradley smiled, wrapping his arms around her and kissing the side of her head. He banished all thoughts of the guitar in his head as he pulled a seat for Lucy as well for himself.
“This smells so good Angel,ˮ Bradley sighed, inhaling the aromas of the table. Lucy lifted the lid and Bradleyʼs eyes widened.
“Is that—?ˮ
“Norfolk-style crab!ˮ Lucy announced. “You told me that you grew up there and I wanted to create something close to home. Do you like it?ˮ
“I love it,ˮ Bradley replied. “But Angel you didnʼt have to—“
“I wanted to,ˮ Lucy interjected. “If youʼre set on spoiling me, then why couldnʼt I do the same for you?ˮ
Bradley chuckled
“Whatever you want, Angel.ˮ
Dinner conversations were alight with banter, flirty remarks, and laughter, but at the back of his mind Bradley thought about the guitar. Who was this Ford? What did he mean to Lucy and why was she still holding on to something that belonged to him? It bothered him just a little, knowing that before him perhaps another man sat in her dining room or that she was in the front seat of his car. But what was most bothersome is that perhaps in some way, Lucy was hurt by this man so severely that it warranted Tita Ramonaʼs concern.
“Be careful with her, please. There are things that can only be broken so much.ˮ
As their discussion waned and their plates became empty, Lucy went to the kitchen. As Bradley quietly conducted his train of thoughts, all rails came to a halt as soon as the lights in her apartment dimmed slightly and Lucyʼs voice resounded fluidly across the space.
“Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you...ˮ
Bradley gaped at her as she carried a cheerful, yellow ceramic plate on which she served a chocolate mound with a dollop of cream and a white candle on top. For a while, Bradley was stuck in a daze. Lucyʼs lovely visage and her auburn-colored dress. Her soft voice. The dancing flame. The rich smell of chocolate and vanilla and sugar.
“Happy birthday to you!ˮ Lucy ended.
“Angel—“ Bradley gasped, slowly coming out of his daydream. “H-How—?ˮ
“Phoenix told me,ˮ she replied as she set the plate down. “I have to say... Iʼm a little disappointed that you didnʼt tell me that your birthday was two days away and it happened to be on your deployment date.ˮ
“I didnʼt want you to make a big thing about it,ˮ Bradley told her.
“This isnʼt a big thing,ˮ Lucy assured Bradley, as she reached for the small spoon. “Itʼs just a little something special.ˮ
Bradley took the spoon from her outstretched fingers.
“Now dig into it,ˮ she smiled. “I wanna see if I got it right this time.ˮ
As Bradley dug his spoon all the way down the mound, a rich chocolate ooze appeared from its depths and ran across the remaining space on the plate. Lucy clapped her hands and did a little celebratory dance.
“Chocolate lava cake,ˮ Bradley remarked. “Impressive, Angel.ˮ
He took a bite, the balance of the cream and chocolate cake and ooze— their respective textures harmoniously melting together on his palette. Bradley moaned, taking another spoonful. He urged Lucy to sit on his lap before feeding her a bite, to which she relished with a satisfied hum.
“Chocolate soufflé, chocolate mousse, and chocolate lava cake...ˮ Bradley recited. “What should we have next, Angel?ˮ
“A nice cup of tea?ˮ She suggested, feeding him a spoonful with his arms wrapped her waist.
Bradley hummed thoughtfully.
“Under this beautiful night?ˮ He suggested. Lucy smiled.
“Iʼll get a thermos and a sweater.ˮ
Bradley parked the Bronco in an isolated area by the beach. They moved to the backseat of the car and Lucy draped their close bodies with a big fluffy blanket she grabbed from the pillow basket near her couch. She poured the passionfruit blend into two small portable cups, steam billowing from the rim. Lucy leaned her head against his hard chest and Bradley put an arm around her, frequently turning to relish the scent of her fragrant hair. They sat there for a while... among the silence of the stars and the rhythm of their breaths, savoring something hot and delicious.
“This is nice,ˮ Lucy sighed. “I havenʼt stargazed in a while. Theyʼre all so bright tonight. Thereʼs Perseus, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda...ˮ
“You sure know your constellations...ˮ Bradley remarked.
“When I was younger, there was this small balcony near our room in our house at Oregon where my brother and I used to go to when we couldnʼt sleep...ˮ Lucy remembered with a nostalgic look in her eye. “He loved the stars. He memorized their names and the constellations, and whenever he saw a shooting star, he would wish for a telescope. I would stay up with him all night, just fascinated by how much he knew...ˮ
“You have a brother?ˮ Bradley breathed.
“I had one,ˮ Lucy smiled sadly. Bradley turned to her, and noticed the gleam in her melancholy gaze.
“Angel—“ he sighed. “You know that Iʼll still choose to be with you, right? Whatever brokenness you have... Iʼm not leaving you — no matter what you say.ˮ
Lucy choked on a gasp, and Bradley was quick to wipe a tear sliding down her cheek and pressing a kiss against her forehead.
“Iʼm not ready...ˮ she breathed deeply. “To talk about Ford yet...ˮ
To Ford, play with a tender heart.
The guitar flashed across his mind.
“Please be patient with me Bradley,ˮ she whispered.
“For you, Angel?ˮ Bradley smiled. “Anything.ˮ
“But there is... just one thing though...ˮ Bradley hummed after a moment of stillness.
Lucy shifted in his arms and averted herself to him swiftly, concerned. “I really, really, really...ˮ
She nervously waited for his reply.
“... want you to be my girlfriend.ˮ
Lucy smacked him across the chest with a flushed face, her eyes gleaming but her smile wide.
“Why do you have to say it like that?!ˮ She half-growled and half-laughed, shaking her head. Bradley cupped her face into his hands, chuckling.
“Iʼm sorry,ˮ he crooned softly.
“You know what?ˮ Lucy breathed, composing herself. “I really, really, really...ˮ
Bradley held his breath.
“Donʼt think—“
His heart fell suddenly.
“That thatʼs a bad idea.ˮ
And then it soared.
“So yes?ˮ Bradley blinked, his heart thundering in his chest like a drum announcing the commencement of a celebration.
“Yes!ˮ Lucy exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes as Bradley bent down to kiss her. Her hands wandered through his locks greedily as she moaned into the kiss. Bradley lifted her on to him, letting Lucy straddle his thighs. His fingers gripped the flesh of her hip, and the other set remained cradling her soft cheek. Bradley began to press kisses against the side of her neck.
“Do you mind if I leave something here?ˮ He whispered to the shell of her ear.
“Make it last as long as your deployment or else Iʼll be even more disappointed,ˮ Lucy replied as Bradley began to bite down on her soft, fragrant skin. He loved the small noises she emitted with every breath and the way she would grip his hair and shoulders.
“Youʼve got quite an edge Angel,ˮ Bradley smirked as he kissed the newly-formed hickey just below the shell of her ear and far into her neck. “I like it.ˮ
“You have no idea,ˮ Lucy smiled impishly. “At least not yet.ˮ
Bradley chuckled kissing the mole on the corner of her eye and the one near her lips. Lucy rested her forehead at the juncture of his neck and shoulder — inhaling his essence.
“I donʼt wanna go,ˮ Bradley said to her softly as he stroked her hair. “I just wanna stay here, kissing you and eating your food and spoiling the hell out of you.ˮ
“And Iʼm afraid,ˮ he admitted as she turned to face him. “Iʼm afraid that Iʼve just gotten something so wonderful, and that itʼll be gone the moment I go away.ˮ
“Oh Bradley,ˮ Lucy stroked his face and let her fingertips graze his scars. “Thatʼs not going to happen. Do you know why?ˮ
Bradley looked intently at her.
“Because on the day of our first date, I went to church, and I asked God — ‘if this man was the one you meant to send for me, show me a sign and let him sit with me in front of You’ ... and this morning you did just that.ˮ
Bradley stilled, swallowing deeply.
“Iʼve had much taken from me Bradley,ˮ Lucy whispered. “And for the last two years Iʼve always wondered why, and now I know — every hurt and every path Iʼve taken since... has lead me to you.ˮ
Bradley kissed her forehead, holding her closer.
“In time, Iʼll tell you everything — everything, I promise. But for now, I hope that youʼll have me for what I am in your eyes.ˮ
“Angel,ˮ Bradley sighed. “However broken you may see yourself, in my eyes you are whole, and now ��� wholly mine.ˮ
Lucy knew it was naive of her — to think that there are good things in this life that can never be taken away no matter what promise or assurance was given. So as they held each other closely in the cold of the night, she offered up another prayer — one that asked to bring him home and to let this one good thing stay for good.
Bradley and Lucy are official! I have played out how this scene would happen in my mind so many times, but I’m glad how it finally turned out on paper :)) Thank you for reading! Now on to the next chapter 09 | First of Many.
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somediyprojects · 1 year
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Rosewood Manor: Inspirations stitched by r8chaelwith_an_a. Pattern designed by Karen Kluba.
“Now to prep for the framers before turn in at my local county fair! I hope it's enough to win and take show. I included a pic of the back because damn. That is one good looking back.”
8 notes · View notes
Session 25 Notes - “Family Tree Dinner” - 12/18/22
-We have traded Norman Steele’s evil sword for necklaces that protect us against scrying
-Naomi -- earrings
-VE -- amulet 
-Cass -- anklet 
-The Avapedia page for Residuum is locked from being edited…the reason (allegedly) is that people were spreading misinformation
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-The information that is there: it is usually mined, the essence of the material can be changed, it is malleable, different sources can give different types of minerals
-Ellie used her editor’s access to check the page
-It’s been locked down for a LONG TIME, there aren’t many changes, actually
-Avapedia needs funding, TC provides this and perhaps has some access to do shit like this 
-Cass has made Naomi an enhanced arcane focus 
-Writing a letter to Dr. Cunt 
Dear Dr. Cunt, 
Dr. Celadon Hunt, 
We hope this letter finds you in good health. We are interested to know what your current standing is.
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-Called Helix Labs, and spoke the receptionist (Tina) who after checking the files gave us Dr. Cunt’s personal cell number 
-She is “on vacation” in Aurora 
-Seems to be scheming, is interested in meeting with us, getting dinner
-She already had gotten lunch with someone we know (?)
-Many dragon puns were made 
-Leah is bringing her fiance Adrian to dinner, she is already back in town because she was called home by the Coralogia 
-Ellie is asking Vytris who Dr. Cunt was getting lunch with 
-Cass is casting detect magic, watching us commune 
-Both of us got (separate) voice memos
-Ellie’s vision more or less confirms that it was Angie (code name Angelica Astris) who Dr. Cunt met with, a vision of both of them checking out Ellie’s file at AC 
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-Ellie lied to try and protect Angie -- Cass called her out. She came clean and Cass and Naomi admitted that they don’t HATE Angie (especially not as much after The Search For Ellie) 
-The Pritchard Home is a SHOES OFF household
-The Ezras are in Rosewood
-Ezra Darcy sent Cass a video of him casting prestidigitation 
-Making a plan to try and “wake up” Halloway if Fleur is HARD #confirmed to be evil 
-Rosewood was over forested and turned into a ghost town
-Trying to crimson bond Angie (she resisted), but she does seem to be generally okay at the moment 
-It’s Monday!! Are you ready? 
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-We’re driving to dinner 
6-6:15: Arrival Time 
6:30 Sharp: Dinner Begins
-We are going to be on time 
-Cass- business bitch clothes, Dodder intern era, thrifted but chic, high-waisted, wide-leg brown trousers, a wide, scoop neck sweater, green buttons down the sleeve, wearing her docs, but no goggles so her horns are visible
-Naomi- high neck, long sleeve dress to the ankles, a belt-like corset, new, weird jewelry (The Viv x Riley Collection?), looks completely appropriate until you look too long at which point the outfit feels slightly uncanny 
-Viv- floor length red gown, up to the neck, sleeveless with long gloves, hair done up, and eight inch bedazzled heels
-We have brought a clown suit (you never know!)
-The drive to Corsica is about 45 minutes (similar to going to Tennefly from NYC)
-There is only one exit in or out for Corsica 
-Very suburbia-core, cookie-cutter, so perfect that it’s uncanny 
-We (Viv and Cass) feel a shiver down our spine like we’re being followed, watched. We feel a staunch and visceral gut feeling to GET OUT 
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-Naomi feels as if she has stepped into quicksand, the more you struggle, the more you sink 
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-Welcome to Corsica :) 
-DN is there…”The phaaaaantom of Naomi is there….inside your mind…” 
-She is fidgety 
-Ezra certainly has the same sinking feeling as Naomi 
-The town set up perfect -- a main road that cuts through three rings (like a power button) 
-The center of the city has a greco-style library, with beautiful gardens. This is the Collection Hall 
-”The Sanctum” is also there 
-THIS PLACE IS NOT PUBLIC (unsure if I meant Corsica generally, or The Collection Hall and The Sanctum…probably all of the above) 
-We pass Corsica Prep (famously Leah’s job) 
-The community is very self-sustaining, very little need of the outside world
-There are two cars in the driveway at the Pritchard Home 
-Naomi’s parents, Leah, and…Dr. Whitmer 
-”It’s bad vibes for sure…” 
Naomi: “I don’t think any of this is going to be real, so don’t freak out.” 
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-We are buffing the HELL out of Naomi (warding bond, and enhance ability) 
-Johanna is here -- looks like Leah. Blonde with crazy eyes, wearing a turtleneck and slacks 
-She gives Naomi a look with no emotion that still manages to be disappointed AND withering 
Naomi: “Mama, he’s like a service animal.” (On Watts)
-We won the battle of Watts (Johanna didn’t want him in the house) 
-Viv took off her bedazzled stripper heels 
-Cyrus Pritchard -- dad
-Adrian (Leah fiance) seems sociable and nice 
-None of the seats are particularly comfortable, but they look nice!
-Adrian works in advertising -- Omni-Spark 
-CTV is one their accounts 
-We got Adrian’s business card (his last name is Williams) 
-Playing games with Dr. Whitmer 
-Convincing her that I’m open to converting 
-Trying to get invited to lecture night with the Coralogia 
-Dinner time!
-Naomi is causing fear in Whiter and Johanna (uno reversing them by making everything seem just a little uncanny, low level bee sounds) 
-Johanna is affected, but Whitmer seemed to catch and absorb the spell -- will certainly notice any spells casted but…may not mind? 
-The menu is very health food vibes -- it’s all shit idc 
-Viv is drinking wine that she brought herself 
-Hallucinatory terrain has been cast by Naomi -- Whitmer can certainly see it, but it’s hidden from everyone else for the moment 
-The spell has Leah’s eyeballs on her plate, make the periphery of everyone’s vision The Wild Lands, Naomi served beautifully upon the dinner table -- half Hannibal, half body of Christ 
-Dr. Halloway is a powerful asset to the university? → Naomi said that Fleur offered her some sort of job 
-”What can you do that’s better?” 
-Adrian knows the game he’s playing
-He is going to be an elder scholar -- has received some special honor. He’s been tapped for the Bestowing, a secretive ceremony, very spooky secret, a closed practice
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-Dr. W is on our frequency (can hear us communicate over the telepathic bond) 
-Dragging Leah through the mud 
-Cass mentioned that we were invited to dinner with Dr. Cunt -- said Ezra still has his job at Helix 
-Dr. Whitmer knows secrets…has always seemed to know things she shouldn't
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-Cyrus works in collection -- procurement for the library 
-Johanna does budget management for the schools -- on the faculty and staff side 
-Cass implying nepotism to further drag Leah 
-Adrian getting tapped for the Bestowing has changed the wedding date 
-Dr. ESTER Whitmer (first name reveal) 
-Whitmer is doing some fuck shit, we feel like we’re going to pass out, everyone can see Naomi’s spell and everyone is scared, the shadow version of everyone lifts their chins and covers their eyes, freezing them. Whitmer is the puppet master, she tried (and failed) to get DN and we can actually see DN!!!
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-Namoi grabbed DN’s hand 
-Whitmer is slowly looking less human, almost like DN 
-She sounds like the Coralogia (multiple voices I think?)
-It is game time, girls
Naomi: “You don’t understand what you did to me.” 
Whitmer: “What happened to you was unfortunate, but we can fix it still.” 
Naomi: “There isn’t fixing…this…” (DN is becoming scarier) 
Whitmer: “You haven’t…she has to consume.” 
Naomi: “So she can live like the rest of them?” 
Whitmer: “So you can be like us. So you can lead.” 
Naomi: “Oh, that sounds like a bad deal.” 
Whitmer: “Sad to see an intelligent mind go to waste.” 
Naomi: “You could have avoided all this by being honest with me for two seconds.” 
Whitmer: “You understand that we can’t let you do as you wish. You’re too much of a risk. If you choose not to honor the path that’s been set for you and disregard The Grove, and its tending, we will have no choice.” 
Whitmer: “Let us guide you. We must. You cannot escape the whole. And you need to feed.” 
Naomi: “You need me. You’re going to need to make a better sale than that.” 
Whitmer: “What is it you want?” 
Naomi: “Nothing you can give me.” 
Whitmer: “We are capable of…impossible things.” 
Naomi: “Like siphoning off the divine magic of my entire family?” 
Whitmer: “Things you wouldn’t believe.” 
Naomi: “I am so sick of being spoken to in riddles. You could be doing a lot better and you are simply not.” 
Whitmer: “Then lead us. Let me show you the truth.” 
Naomi: “Show me.” 
Whitmer: “Are you sure you want this?” 
Naomi: “Do they get hurt?” 
Whitmer: “Collateral damage.” 
-Whitmer has taken control of the hallucinatory terrain -- has manifested The Grove. She has let the shadows go except for Adrian. We see the trees. We hear the heartbeats. There is a big, expansive central tree. Its roots expand out and also lift it off the ground so one could go under it. The tree is writhing? 
-The mind is like a grove. 
-Maybe the mind is A LOT more like a grove than we thought, in a literal way
-The central tree has an echo of divinity, but doesn’t seem to divine in and of itself 
-There is connection between this Thing and the reflection pools 
-Naomi is…praying! But not in the normal way :) 
-We are stumbling into dangerous consequences 
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-Dr. Whitmer is in her Other Mother Era 
-She is DROOLING a lot 
-She’s expending a lot of power to do what she’s doing right now 
-We get the familiar feeling of waiting for the static shock 
-We are extremely close to the Root, many things could happen. We feel like we’re being pulled apart
Whitmer: “It's a shame, really. To waste such a valuable mind. One who was to become like us. But if this is what will convince you…so be it.”
-Her jaw has unhinged entirely and she has chomped down upon shadow Adrian’s head 
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-She has consumed his essence
-Dr. W chomped him in real life too 
-DN IS DROOLING! FERAL!! Blood in the water!
-The Main Tree shivers and quakes with the consumption of Adrian, makes a scary ass sound 
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-Adrian has slumped down into his food 
-He has been K I L L E D?!
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-We tried to revivify him, but needed to hit a nat 20, did not, and we couldn’t bring him back. Still trying to help
-Whitmer straight up ATE his soul 
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-Cyrus has seen this happen before (the soul munch -- smunch) 
Naomi, to Cyrus: “You knew that that’s what they were going to do to me?” 
-Whitmer had an excess of divine energy that receded -- unclear if that’s her stopping channeling the magic or digesting the divinity from the smunch 
-The Tree -- a hive mind? You know everything but you’re dead? Being able to harvest the knowledge of the trees in the grove? 
Naomi, to Leah: “Are you okay with this?” 
-No real response from her 
Naomi: “You deserve better.” 
-DN has grabbed Leah’s shadow from The Grove, Naomi can do whatever she wants with it 
-Naomi showed her what happened, what we saw Whitmer do 
Whitmer: “Don’t waste any more precious minds.” 
-Cass has pulled a gun on Whitmer: “I dare you to try.” 
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-Rolls for initiative have been called 
General Family 
0 notes
denverdan · 2 years
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17 prep
So number 17 was a guitar that, after finishing in red, I realized that the neck was warped. Not a huge deal, get a new neck, everything is fine. Except it's not. After installing the neck and stringing it up, it wasn't intonating correctly at all. After some investigation with a ruler, I realized that the tremolo cavity had been routed too far back, so it wouldn't intonate. realizing there was no way to move the tremolo cavity forward, I came up with a cunning plan. I "routed" a 1/16" square around the bridge area of the guitar, and glued in a nice piece of rosewood to cap the cavity off. I then turned it over and poured epoxy into the cavity. I did that in 3 batches, and on the third I included the chrome apple you see in the picture. After curing, it was a relatively simple matter to get a hardtail bridge, measure for proper placement, and install. I got some rosewood strips to cover up the edges of the rosewood "patch", and it looked pretty good! More pics in the next post......
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tonkicare · 2 years
Quickshade expedition with wall reviews
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#Quickshade expedition with wall reviews portable
patented overlapping eave construction to make it stable against the outdoor elements and you can make sure that whoever shelters under this canopy will be safe from the sun because it has a 150D polyester top with Aluminex that offers 99% UV protection.
#Quickshade expedition with wall reviews portable
If we are going to turn our heads to portable canopies, the Quik Shade Expedition Slant Leg Canopy is the best way to go! This sturdy canopy with a hardened through-bolt assembly offers three height positions. In this modern world that we have, those who can offer better will definitely get the public's attention. Products with lower prices are often misunderstood to have lesser quality compared to those that are expensive and you might agree to that, but there are a few companies that focus more on how they can bring quality products to those who lack the finances. Overall I give this a 3 out of 5.Quik Shade Expedition EX64 10x10 Slant Leg Canopy - Green (160717DS) The deep pigment is very fine grained which meant that even tiny details such as the rifle bolt were crisply outlined by the ink. Overall I think this product gave the deepest and sharpest shading with the least discoloration to the base colors. It did leave a slight shine to the surface which required a Matt varnish to eliminate. It quickly settled into the recesses and even when dried the ink did not bleed into the raised areas and therefore did not darken the whole model excessively. Application was quick with very little excess being deposited on the miniature. On a 28mm model or larger I'd imagine the bold shading would not work well but on a 15mm model it looked like it would be OK. I decided not to dilute the ink after a quick test, as I wanted stronger shading. and £4.35 in postage! This is a much less viscous liquid and was just what I expected for a product sold as a drawing ink. Winsor and Newton Peat Brown Ink - This cost me just 50 pence online. Not bad for a product found in the back of a cupboard. Having said that, the shading is deep and bold with solid shadows and subtle shading of larger areas. Several coats of Matt varnish were needed to bring the gloss finish down (not shown). By far the biggest disadvantage is the glossy shine this product put on the model (similar I understand to Quickshade). Another thing I found was that the drying time is significantly longer than the other products with the model remaining sticky for a long time after application. However excess liquid can be easily removed with another brush or the corner of a tissue.Ĭleaning the brushes is a chore, requiring a little bit of White Spirit or brush cleaner to remove all the fluid. Applied by brush it looks a lot like Quickshade and its quite alarming to see the miniature disappear under the first pass of the brush. This required a shake before use but otherwise didn't seem to separate and cause problems with the finished application. I decided to dilute this and after several tests settled on a 50/50 blend with distilled water. I'd read that this could be used as a wash and wanted to give it a try, but not on a completed platoon of figures! The liquid is very thick and viscous, is very dark in tone but has a fine almost imperceptible 'grain' to the pigment. Wood-stain - This was an old tin of oil based rosewood wood stain that I found in a store cupboard. The prepped figures looked very rough and basic but hopefully the washes would bring the color schemes together and hide any poor painting! Then each was given a basic paint scheme sticking to the principle of minimizing the number of steps from bare metal to finished figure. I started this test by mounting four identical battlefront 15mm infantry figures on a piece of wood for easy of handling. AbcCanopy AbcCanopy offers pop-up canopy tents in a variety of sizes and colors. Primarily straight-leg versions, the tops of these canopies tend to be polyester of various deniers. Eurmax Eurmax has a selection of different popular sizes of canopy tents. The third was Winsor and Newton Peat Brown ink and the last was Vallejo Smokey Ink. They have both straight-leg and slant-leg canopy tents of various sizes and purposes. The second was Games Workshop Devlan Mud wash. The first was a 50/50 mix of Wood stain mixed with distilled water. I tested four popular materials for quick-shading or washing miniatures. Experiments like this (and the discussions that follow) are all part of that process. I also think the overall effect of the products tested would vary from one scale to another. I've been painting miniatures for nearly 30 years but shifting down from predominantly 28mm to 15mm figures has meant I have head to re-learn many skills. I'm sure there are dozens of other products available and many and varied ways to achieve the effect I have been seeking and if you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments below. So the findings detailed below are really just a list of alternative ways to quickly shade or wash your miniatures. I should however quantify my findings in that I am comparing them against a product I have never used. Following on from last weeks post about washes and inks here are the results of my testing of various alternatives to Army Painter Quickshade.
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recommendedtoelle · 2 years
Splurge on videographer/photographer
Skip traditions you don’t like
Hire a wedding planner/day-of coordinator
Don’t spend a ton on decorative flowers
Have a separate wedding email
Make sure your first dance song isn’t too long
Do your spray tan last, after nails, eyebrows, etc
Inés de Santo
1 facial monthly for 6 months (RescueSpa)
Pilates 4x/week (Soulcycle and Barry’s are good if you don’t get too hungry)
Botox at least six weeks in advance, massater to slim jaw (Heather the Injector)
Keratin bonded hair extensions before hair trial day (LRN Beauty NYC)
Mani pedi 1-2 days before
Spray tan 2 days before and do it last after mani-pedi, brows, etc; shower morning before
Eyelash extensions 3 days before
0 notes
Captivating views and a spacious design
0 notes
project-rosewood-476 · 6 months
Perhaps in Another Life in a Different Time
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For a brief moment in time everything is perfect in Tabby's life. Her step dad is out of the picture, Shes still graduating Rosewood, Horatio is no longer a threat and she has all of her friends back. Something isn't right here...
all characters belong to me so does maplehood creek and Rosewood prep
Tabby stirred awake with a yawn and stretched. She slowly sat up and blinked to take in her surroundings.
This wasn’t her room, oh no.
She was back in her childhood room. Her dresser had a mirror on top of it, including her many dolls, writing utensils, and papers across from her bed that was tucked neatly in a corner with a mound of her childhood plushies. Her coffee table held all of her books on top of it. 
What was she doing back here? Why was she here? What happened? Where are the others?
Tabby didn’t know what to feel. Confusion, dread, hope, excitement. She let out a whimper and grabbed her favorite plushy. A stuffed animal leopard named Simba before swinging her legs over and having her feet hit the sun-warmed hardwood floor. She shakily turned her doorknob, bracing herself for the scene before her as the door swung open.
It was peaceful.
The sound of the news was playing on the TV. Strangely, the house was less cluttered without her stepdad’s stuff constantly there. She’d forgotten how big their apartment was in all actuality. She looked past the living room area into their dining room and kitchen. Adam was sitting patiently coloring in his Spiderman coloring book, and her mom was making her usual Sunday breakfast shebang.   
Still no sign of her stepdad.
Where is he?
It wasn’t long before her rumbling stomach gave her away, and her mom looked over at her daughter.
“There you are, honey! You’re finally awake now! Why don’t you come help me cook breakfast, hm?” she gestured with the tilt of her head to the bread that needed to be toasted.
“Mom!” Tabby cried out as she ran over to give her mother the tightest hug she had given in a long while. Afraid she'd never see her again if she were to let go.
“Jesus, Tabby, what’s gotten into you?” her mother said, shocked at the sudden embrace of her teenage daughter.
“I’ve just missed you so much... You have no idea..” murmured the more petite girl as she held onto her for dear life, inhaling the scent of her clothes and hair. 
“Missed me? Tabby, you saw me last night before you went to bed. And before that, we went shopping and eating together,” she laughed light-heartedly.
“We did?”
Her mother gave her a confused look.
“Oh, I mean, yeah, we did. I remember,” Tabby bluffed horribly.
Her mother nodded before turning back to the stove to flip the sausages.
“Where’s Michael? Either of them?” 
The older woman hesitated before answering for a moment.
“He won’t be coming back. I’ve promised this to you before, and why are you asking such a silly question? You know his eldest son doesn’t live with us.”
Tabby stood there dumbfounded. She was relieved but also angry. Why did it take this long to kick him out? Why hadn't she done that sooner? And what happened? What was the last straw to kick him out? It wasn’t fair that she had suffered for ten years only to be able to enjoy the tail end of her childhood after missing out on so much. 
Still, she looked at her mom, who looked more lively and happier than she’d ever been in all the years she had known her, and then back at Adam, who was happily coloring away, brimming with personality and fully happy and relaxed. She supposed that it was better late than never.
“Are you going to help me cook or what?” asked her mother, tearing Tabby away from her thoughts.
“How can I with my hand-” she cut herself off as she held out both hands and let out an audible gasp as she examined her left hand. It wasn’t broken anymore. She could move it and feel everything again; she had complete control of her hand. 
That means that the Rosewood Massacre never happened.
That meant all of her friends were still alive.
The older woman looked at her daughter with a weird look.
“N-nevermind, I’ll start toasting,” Tabby said quietly as she went to work.
Tabby took her sweet time helping to cook breakfast and sitting down to eat with her family. If this was all too good to be true, then she wasn’t going to miss any of this, and she was going to take full advantage of this. Besides, she didn’t know if she would ever see her mother and baby brother again. Hell, she didn’t know if she could get food like this again!
“This was what a family is supposed to be,” said Tabby in thought as she listened to Adam complain about the 3rd grade, how they’re doing multiplication already, and how the minute timed hundred questions worksheet gave him so much anxiety. Tabby chuckled as she remembered that all too well. Adam never stopped talking, even in between bites of cereal and pancakes. He was always the chatterbox in the family, and she was amazed at how he never choked on anything. The children’s mother ate daintily as she sipped her coffee, watching the news.
“So, do you have any plans today? I was thinking we could get together with the rest of the family and go to the lake since it’s beginning to warm up now, and lake pass season started last weekend!” Tabby’s mom turned to her excitedly with that glint in her eye, watching her daughter scarf down her second plate of everything.
“Um..” she trailed off, wiping her mouth on her sleeve and scrunched down. The lake! She’d forgotten about the lake. It was one of her favorite places to go in the summer. It felt like it’d been years since she returned there. She itched at the opportunity to take it as she didn’t know if she would have this chance again.
“I was thinking of going to see my friends…You know, to hang out and check up on them if that's okay..” she asked meekly. She felt terrible for rejecting her mom, but she had to know if they were still there, okay, and what they were up to.
“Well, why don’t you invite them to join us and make it a family and friends outing?” she offered.
Tabby’s ears perked up.
“Really? You mean it? All 14 of them? But what if they can’t come?”
“Then invite as many as possible.”
“O-okay, I’ll do that…” Tabby said excitedly between mouthfuls of food and scarfing the rest down before jumping out of the seat and trying to do everything simultaneously.
“Jesus, Tabby, slow down!”
“I can’t, Mom. I have to hurry! I’ll be back in a bit! I love you!” Tabby said in a rushed voice as she put her plate in the sink, grabbed her plaid jacket, and gave her mom another tight hug and kiss. She hugged Adam tightly and ruffled his hair before heading out the door.
Tabby walked slightly taller with confidence and pep in her steps. The town was exactly how she remembered it, yet it was more colorful. 
She knew exactly where she was stopping first.
She stopped by the familiar barn red, worn-down house just a few blocks before Rosewood. Tabby knocked briskly before stepping back and praying she would be there.
The door creaked open, and a pale, lanky girl with a ginger pixie cut poked her head out the door to see who it was before opening it fully.
“Autumn!” Tabby said as she ran to her, practically tackling her into a hug.
“Tabby? What are you doing here?” asked Autumn, who was equally confused but always welcomed the shorter girl into her home. She’d never been the one to turn down Tabby’s affections.
“I’d thought I’d never see you again! Or find you here! I missed you so much!” she said, almost bursting into tears and holding onto her for dear life, afraid to let go.
“What are you talking about? You saw me and the rest on Friday, remember? What do you mean you wouldn’t find me here? You’re acting like you returned from a war and had no idea where we were!” Autumn said as she tried to pry Tabby off of her.
“Oh, you have no idea,” said Tabby, sitting crisscross and looking up at the ginger girl.
“So what are you doing here so early in the morning?” inquisitive Autumn said, getting her siblings nice and comfy and turning on the TV for them.
“I was wondering if you had plans today. My mom wants to take us all to the lake today! I still have to see if the rest can come, but I hope you will go,” she answered as she made herself at home with a cup of coffee and set one up for Autumn.
“I can’t”
“I said I can’t,” Autumn went about her morning routine.
“What do you mean you can’t? If it’s about Riah and Mere, we can take them along, too! My mom said she was okay with it, and I’m sure your mom will be too!”
“It’s not that. I just don’t belong.”
“Nonsense, you’re like my big sister to me. You’re already family whether you like it or not. Now stop making excuses!”
“No, I mean I don’t belong here,” said Autumn, emphasizing the ‘I’ and coming up to Tabby, resting her thin hands on her shoulders and looking her in the eyes. “You don’t belong here.”
Tabby looked back, confused.
“What do you mean?”
“This isn’t your story. This isn’t your timeline. I don’t know how we both got here, but we’re not supposed to be here.” she explained gently.
“B-but can we just stay here…just for a little longer… I just found you again after months of pain, loneliness, and mourning. I’ve seen my mom happy and Adam… We have everything good again. This was what was supposed to be,” she trailed off, failing miserably at the onslaught of tears streaming down her face. 
“Perhaps in another life in a different time, huh?” Autumn said solemnly, wiping the tears from her chubby cheeks.
“It’s just not fair!” Tabby wailed
“I know.”
“I don’t want you to go.”
“I know, but your people need you.”
“I don’t want to go.”
“I know. That’s why I’m forcing you to.”
Autumn pushed Tabby as hard as she could back into the abyss that was her mind. It sucked her in like a black hole.
With that, Tabby woke up.
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the-ship-maker-2 · 3 years
Every Rose Has its Thorns AU and Story will be moved to my other blog @project-rosewood-476
Everything Every Rose Has Its Thorns will be centered on that blog.
any questions, comments, concerns and suggestions about the AU will be answered on that blog.
I will still be using my main blog for everything else tho don't worry 😁
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twinkleallnight · 3 years
Words of silence
Book: The Royal Romance AU
Pairing: Drake x Hana
Word count: 1255
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Catch up here
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I reach Shanghai early in the evening. Looking at my watch I make a quick calculation of what Liam must be doing. My cell phone rings and I flip it open to see an incoming call from Liam. I answer the call with a smile.
“Hey bro!”
“Landed safely?” Liam asked.
“Yes, all safe and smooth till now.”
“Listen, there will be a driver waiting for you at arrivals. He will take you to Cordonian embassy straightaway. Mr Lee has been informed and a meeting with him is arranged at his estate in three hours.” He feeds me with all the info.
Riley’s giggling voice adds in, “You have enough time to spruce up.”
I see a man holding a placard with my name. I  signal at him. As I get into the vehicle, Liam continues briefing me. “Remember, you are a diplomat from the royal council's department of communications.”
Olivia speaks in between, “And please act like one.”
“What are all of you doing together?”
Leo’s baritone sound is next. “Round table conference for you.”
“Prepping up the commoner.” Livy snorts. But I argue.
“Why can’t I just be who I am?”
“And make a fool of king of Cordonia? Who sends a vet as a spokesperson?” Livy speaks in an irritated tone.
“Fine. I will follow.”
Max tries to give more details. “Once you are done with all the heavy work, go to The Bund. I have booked a table for you at the Fairmount Peace Hotel”
“What am I supposed to do there?”
“Unwind with the world’s oldest jazz band, my dear friend.”
There is a complete silence and I can imagine all of them glaring at Max. I know I guessed it right, when he starts explaining.
“What? Don’t you all look at me like that. After having the heavy talk with the girl’s father, the poor guy needs some breathing space.”
“I am not having the talk, Max. Not just yet.” I clarify.
“You got this Drakey!” Leo resonates.
“I will call you later guys. Thank you.” And I disconnect the call.
I look through the window at the passing city streets. It looks more crowded than Cordonia. I roll the glass down to take a whiff. This is where Hana belongs to. I try to imbibe the smell, the sounds, the vibes in an effort to find a piece of her somewhere. Where are you, Hana? By the time I reach embassy, I am drenched in sweat. Damn! This place is humid.
I refresh and gear up to meet Mr Xinghai Lee. The same car takes me to the Lee estates. I try to strike a conversation with the driver, who speaks in broken English. He is all praises about Mr Lee.
My anxiety is increasing with every passing moment. We reach our destination after about half an hour drive. I feel my pulse rising when I am ushered in an office. The walls are light and intricate wooden work is tastefully placed around the room giving it a warmth. The Rosewood desk in the centre, has few chairs set across. I am directed to the couch, eccentrically placed on the right side of the desk.
Soon, a man in his sixties, with a medium built up and a smiling Asian face walks in. His clothes and accessories throw an impression of his status. He gives me a tight lipped smile.
I get up to greet him. “Good evening Mr Lee.” I speak in a bland tone.
“Nî hâo!” he says. And I keep giving him blank stare.
Maybe he realises I didn’t understand a word of what he said. He repeats in English, “I meant Hello, you good? Usually, your people greet us our way.”
I wince at my foolishness. I should have done my homework well. I falter a bit “Oh that, yes. I am good. Yes. I am sorry. I am new to the stately affairs.
“Ah, the new king and his new council. I understand. I congratulate you all.”
“Thank you. This is a message from our King Liam. He has sent his good wishes to you and says thank you for showing your support towards our kingdom.” I hand him the manila envelope I was carrying with me.
“Thank you. Please take a seat.” I sit across his desk as he rips open the envelope and reads through the documents. His serious expressions change into delighted ones.
“Oh, my daughter into the cordonian council?”
“Yes sir, the king speaks highly about lady Hana and wants her to join his council.
“We need to think over this. I need to discuss with my wife.” He beams at me clearly showing that he is happy about the offer.
“Sir, I can wait for your answer. My return has been a scheduled after two days. I will be staying at the Cordonian embassy.”
“No, no. You don’t need to stay there. Please be our guest. Give us a chance to show the cordonians the beauty of East.” I nod and accept the offer immediately.
“May I have an audience with lady Hana. I would like to extend my greetings to her in person.” I ask him.
“Sure. My assistant will guide you. Enjoy your stay at Shangai.” We both get up and greet each other.
I walk out following the short man assigned to me. A conquering smile plays on my lips.
The short guy takes me around to the east wing of the estate and has some conversation in Chinese with a lady. He then turns around and informs me. “Lady Hana is out for some work and will be returning after an hour. I have left a message with her help. We will update you once she is back and ready to see you.”
“No problem.” I follow the short man to the guest room Mr Lee had offered to me in the southern wing. Once inside my room, I quickly tie up with embassy to send my bags. I pace through the room for sometime but my curiosity wins over and I move out of the guest rooms, back to the east wing, discreetly. I hear someone approaching and sneak into the room I had visited few minutes ago.
I have done this many times with Liam, the sneaking and peeking through the chambers of the palace but doing it here in unknown territory makes me nervous. As I wait into the darkness, the door creaks open. I brace myself against the wall behind the door.
The door closes and a silhouette reclines her back on the door. I am holding my breath while peering through the darkness. I thank my stars. It is Hana, I can recognise her anywhere. In one swift moment, as she switches on the light, I leap in front of her, covering her mouth to muffle her scream.
Her eyes shift from the scared expressions to that of surprise. I engulf her into a longing embrace, till I have inhaled her fragrance enough, till I have felt her touch enough. After some time I realise it is not enough, it never will be. So, I peel myself from her, only to find the honey colour of her eyes melting into tears that are staining her supple cheeks.
I cup her face, “How much I have missed you!” I place a kiss on her forehead but all I see is the storm in her eyes and all I get on her lips is silence.
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 Tags: @annekebbphotography @alj4890 @anjanettexcordonia @bascmve01 @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @cordonia-gothqueen @drakewalker04 @eadanga @gkittylove99 @krsnlove @hopefulmoonobject @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @indiacater @jessiembruno @kingliam2019 @lisha1valecha @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @ntoraplayschoices @princess-geek @princessleac1 @secretaryunpaid @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @queenrileyrose @texaskitten30 @txemrn @sfb123 @sweatyrysconnoisseur @theroyalheirshadowhunter @aestheticartsx @yourmajesty09 @efecom @grsarco-blog @lovelyladyk88
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radley-walsh · 3 years
tagging → @serena-stein, @walsh-miles, @braxton-walsh
location → saturday, 9pm. some hole in a farm
notes → boy’s seen too many horror movies for this shit
Practicality was never really a word that was used often in Radley’s vocabulary. No, there was a reason he had been acknowledged as a public nuisance throughout Rosewood, the town’s very own jester if you would, specifically because his outlandish pranks and carefree attitude. He had never been the type of person who thought about the consequences of their actions until after they had already been made — Always looking at life with more of an act now, ask questions later mentality.
It wasn’t until he lost everything that he began to understand why people treated the things they held dear with such fragility.
Regretfully, it had taken him a little longer then it probably should have to come to that realization. While he didn’t have a lot growing up, at least not in the way that the rich kids he had grown up rubbing elbows had anyways, he had grown up spoiled in the sense that he never gone without anything he needed. Sure, there were things that he had wanted that his family couldn’t afford, but in terms of necessities the Walsh parents made sure they had that in spades. On top of that he and his brothers had grown up with something that even less people in Rosewood seemed to have grown up with, the care and protection of dutiful parents. 
They had never pushed the boys to do more than they could. Probably because they wanted to shield them for as long as they could from the harsh reality, that in Rosewood unless you had power or did something worthy of attention you were expendable. Just another speck of dust that needed to be cleaned out. At least that was what he believed up until the next Panic challenge was laid out before them.
Being buried alive. Dug six feet under the ground with nothing but a lighter and a string to signal when you wanted out. This time around Radley didn’t have any smart ass comments or one liners to throw out as he was all but shoved into the coffin and the soft thuds of the dirt being dumped on the surface of his small wooden prison until the sounds of his peers and other onlookers was snuffed out, leaving him with nothing but dead silence. 
He wasn’t sure if anyone else had realized it, the weight of his own silence as it had all gone down. The way he forced the smirk on his lips to Serena, who was being prepped to be buried right next to him, and gave silent nods to his brothers. Knowing Serena she probably did, sometimes he felt she knew him better than he knew himself. Since dating her he now understood why people called their partners their better halves. Because she had helped him because a smarter, more responsible person. He actually thought things out before he did them now. Which was the reason for such a stifled response. It wasn’t out of fear. Yes it was frightening to think about how easily they were allowing themselves to take part in antiquated torture methods. Especially considering how many times Radley had yelled at the protagonists in his favorite movies for pulling the same kind of shit. But because he was silently contemplating his past moves and what was the next best course of action.
How had he ended up here? Why was he trying so damn hard? Who the hell was he trying to impress? He had nothing to prove to anyone. And it wasn’t like getting the money from this would bring back the things that he had lost. It would give his family a nice cushion to fall back on and help them make a fresh start of course. Rationally though, he knew they could eventually make that all on their own. If anything, he had mostly joined to show that he was a survivor and show his brothers that he was just as serious about supporting the family. That they weren’t the only ones who were having a hard time of everything. But all of the reasons for joining were overshadowed by the most important question that crossed his mind next....If his parents could see him now, doing the things he was doing in their name, how would they react?
He wasn’t sure how long he had been down there already while he connected the dots in his mind but it was definitely a while. Was it long enough that if he gave in now he could still move forward?
“Fuck this.” He muttered to himself as he pulled the string and rang his bell.
If he could qualified he would keep going, he would still fight as he had before. But he wasn’t going to put his life on the line for the game and make himself another burden on his loved ones. If need be they would find another way out of their troubles like they always had. But he was done using excuses for reckless decisions. If everyone else still needed the game to sort out their own emotions or gain validation that was one them. But he didn’t need stay down there longer than he felt necessary to prove himself to anyone else.
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mono-chrono · 3 years
The Heist
oh, bug it, I haven’t shown any of my writing here. Might as well, since I’m working on part 3 of it. I feel I should warn you this is 5 pages long so. I might move this over to an actual fanfiction site like Ao3 later
A casino, how open of them. Owynne couldn’t help but chuckle when she found out. This wasn’t the first night she had followed them, but this might be her most successful. At what? Well, she wasn’t sure. She was torn on letting them be or stopping them, though she hoped this would be useful for figuring out how they operate.
Her real problem was figuring out how she was going to get in. Sure, she looked old enough to go gambling based on her stature alone, but she was wearing a brown prep school uniform. Even though it was great on the streets for looking innocent, that didn’t really jive well with a casino, she’d probably be kicked out if she tried. So that left one option.
She would have to sneak in the way The Legion did.
The inside was dull in color palette, a stark contrast to the slightly classy emerald green and cerulean blue tinted neon lights outside. It looked almost like a theatre, or a fancy mall. It was done up in browns and golds, though a distant smoke smell indicated that it wasn’t all that. Owynne knew most casinos allowed smoking in certain rooms. She could only hope the route the thieves would take was going to avoid it.
They moved quick and quiet, despite being a large group. It was hard to tell, but she was always a bit shocked when the glossy or metallic sheen of their masks or helmets never seemed to pick up when they were running past. She could easily pick up a few problems in their strategy, though, because she was doing what they weren’t.
She was staying up high. 
People rarely looked up, and since they weren’t about to use that to their advantage, she would. Her rifle sat heavy in her arms, the little clinks it would normally make silenced by her even running. The safety wasn’t on, she had instinctively turned it off once it was in her hands instead of on her back. She stopped questioning her instincts long ago. They were usually right.
It was stop and go for a while. Overall, Fenrir had been impressed by the band of renegades. She thought their decision to go in all at once a mistake, something she stood by firmly, but they were doing their best to not get in conflict. They were a group of five, it seemed. In her research, very few codenames came up, and if had been a few months ago she would have said it to be preposterous that they wouldn’t all be Mistralean, but it seemed she was wrong. A few of their outfits seemed far better suited for work outside, one in particular reminding Owynne of the red, light polluted nights of Vacuo city.
The Red Devil was here. The Night Rider too. It seemed like a few of the vigilante copycats she was so concerned about might not have been copycats after all. This was bigger than she realized.
The Rider’s helmet was unmistakable. In the few moments Owynne has been abler to see her clearly, the bulky black helm was obvious, the cat ears making the figure more distinct. That was all anyone ever remembered about the rider, other than that her motorcycle was almost silent when she rode past the residents of Mantle. 
The Devil, on the other hand, was hard to mistake. Often times witness reports saw a brief glimpse of red coattails, or tenants would find arrow markings on their buildings. They were hard to place a helpful description of, even if they were so memorable. A high collar and mask blocked their head and hair, and their layers made it hard to discern a body shape. 
She wouldn’t call either of them masters, their way of doing things were questionable. The Devil’s red costume wasn’t quite the right red to blend in perfectly, The Rider made herself too known, both of them were oddly the opposite. Yet here they both were. Working on a heist with a very Mistralean group of vigilantes.
She could only recall one of that group by name. The Phantom. They were probably the most ridiculous of all. Their mask was tiny, and though their overall outfit was the correct colors for the night sky of today, whenever a splash of light hit them, the red gloves and white mask was all too obvious. The Phantom was cocky. They thought they wouldn’t get caught. That was probably what bugged her the most.
This room was taking a while. She snapped out of her thoughts, peaking over the edge to see what the hold up was. The team had grouped up near the back end of the room, where they had entered from, and one look at the other end made the reason obvious.
Guards blocked the end of the hallway. This was probably leading up to the top floors, where limited guests were allowed. There were presumably no other entrances feasible to take. Had they not planned for this? There were six guards, two at the base of the stairs, two at the first columns patrolling, and two at the top. There were only five of them. It would be easy for the top two to run off and alert more.
Before she could begin to work out how this would work, one of the unnamed ones went forward. It was too quick, too obvious, very not thought through. The others scrambled into action, the Devil staying back to notch an arrow, the Rider and the Phantom aiming pistols at the middle guards, while the other two took on the front ones.
There was no time. The Devil took out the right high guard, but at that point the other was already on the move. Fenrir peered through her rifle’s scope, tracking his movement easier than one would assume, and fired. The electricity dust went straight through his aura, and was enough to put him out. She moved without hesitation, abandoning her post before they noticed her presence. 
She refused to be found.
The guards were taken out too quickly, Kalahi thought. As the others came over to compliment her aiming, she stared pointedly at the guard she hadn’t hit. She hadn’t even gotten out another arrow, and yet amidst the gunfire, he had fallen. The Devil moved past the group, heading up the stairs. They followed, unsure as to what she was doing.
She knelt to check out the body, picking the used bullet from the floor. This wasn’t one of the pistol round Rosewood or Haruki had. This was a rifle round.
Slowly she stood up, turning to face the group. She was dreading this. It was something she was sure none of them would have wanted to admit.
“We’re being followed.”
Fuck. That was probably the stupidest move she could have made, and yet she did it anyway. She ended up staying in relatively the same spot, watching to see if any of the men woke up in order to swiftly deal with them. She still hadn’t made up her mind on what she would do with the information she had, but she wasn’t going to leave until her curiosity was satiated.
Another stupid move, though she wasn’t a robot. Humans take risks like this, they were irrational, and even she wasn’t safe from this fact.
Owynne scratched at her tattoo while she waited, wishing that it would just disappear. She wasn’t wearing the glove, it never helped anyway. Hiding it only meant that she could forget it for a short while, but it would always be there, taunting her when she went to sleep. It was frustrating, the one thing forcing her to think about her old life. Without it, she would be content with forgetting. 
Footsteps runs out softly, she almost missed the noise. Fenrir ducked down low, losing visuals on the room. The group was quiet, not a word spoken. The swish of coattails made it obvious, though. The Legion had succeeded. Owynne felt nothing at that fact, like she was totally detached from the situation. They were criminals, and she was a bystander. Though, she WAS complicit now, and that fact sat low in her stomach. Perhaps the law just never mattered to her as much as it would for, say, people who lived in Atlas. Vacuo never really took a liking to legality.
Huntsmen, though, did. What she was doing would definitely get her into a load of shit if anyone found out, which meant she just couldn’t get caught. That was a simple task, or, it would be if she hadn’t already outed herself. Speaking of…
Why were they still in here? It had been a minute at the most, but they should have already left. There was no subtle creaking of a door, no rustling or clicking of weapons, just silence. Owynne strained to hear anything, but nothing happened.
“We know you’re in here.”
A voice rang out, cutting through the silence sharply. Male. Young adult. Owynne’s brain quickly categorized it, latching onto to the facts and not letting go. It was familiar, but there was a deeper tone to it. He was manipulating his voice.
“Now, we can do this the easy way,” his bootstraps rang out as he talked, “and you can come out, or we can force you to.” Confidence. It was The Phantom, surely. He was the only one making any noise, and yet she knew he wasn’t the only one left in the room. Fenrir stayed still and silent as a stone, almost missing the creaking sound coming from her right.
She was surrounded.
It was less than a second for her to be in the air, an arrow wizzing past to the spot she had just left. Fenrir shot from her rifle three times as the ground approached, not putting a ton of effort into aiming. The gun was on her back before she hit the ground rolling, flicking her knife out in a fluid motion. 
“Lovely. I always did prefer the difficult ones.” The masked man grinned. It would be wiser for her not to waste her energy, to run out and hide in the crowds on the lower floors until she could leave, but one of the unnamed blocked the exit. The other one stood at the top of the stairs, guarding the other one. That left the other two to be left above. His glare told her one word, unspoken yet deafening.
Five on one was hardly a fair fight, but lord knows now wasn’t the time for them to be fair. They were playing to win, but unfortunately for them, so was Owynne, and she had enough fighting prowess to still be in the game. She attacked first, pulling out her glock and aiming three shots at the Phantom. While he was distracted with that, she was backpedaling to the door. Gunfire rang from above, barely missing her head. Shit.
Fenrir sprinted into the blind spot beneath the snipers, understanding full well that she’d have to deal with the problems in front of her before even thinking about making a break for it. A blade slashed across her chest before she could react. She placed a counterattack, dragging her own blade up towards his neck. The Phantom was fast, pulling back before she could complete it. He was at a complete advantage, for he had an entire room to maneuver. If that was the case, she’d have to drive him back.
She threw the knife, taking deadly aim against him. It nicked his shoulder before embedding itself in the floor on the other side of the room. She used his lapse in focus to fling out her electric charged rifle, firing three more dust bullets. Two hit him before the shock toppled him to the floor.
Fenrir moved in a sprint again, this time towards the wall. Her feet were quick, but powerful as she gained enough steps off it to grab the ledge again and pull herself over. The Night Rider fumbled her weapon in disbelief, sinking two bullets into Owynne before she reached her. The helmet showed no emotion as the vigilante threw a punch. Owynne ducked under, springing back up with a knife swipe. The girl dodged as well, but it threw her off balance enough that it only took a shove from her to make her topple off the ledge. 
She heard a voice coming from below, a Yelp maybe, but didn’t pay attention to it. It didn’t matter. Instead, she pivoted away from the edge, gunning it for the other sniper. The Red Devil was quick to draw arrows and shoot, but it didn’t take long until Owynne was upon them. They abandoned their bow, pulling out a blade while she was still far enough away from it.
The glint of the curved gold blade stopped her in her tracks. She took a step back, her mind racing. That was… no, it couldn’t be. She took another look at the Devil. Accounting for the heels, the height was right. And the face shape and skin tone and-
If the Devil was stunned, they did a very good job of hiding it, but something will always find a way through the tiniest of cracks. A glint of recognition. A twitch of the lip. The piercing eyes of the Devil studied her, unmoving. Her eyes. Kalahi’s. The pair stood frozen, staring at each other with a million questions hanging in the air that ultimately, would never see the light of day.
A sharp pain hit her chest. She didn’t know what to make of it at first, simply thinking it was her pesky emotions, but that theory was quickly ruled out when it spread to her limbs. Her legs gave out beneath her, moth tasting like metal. The world bended and swayed around her, bubbling and burning at the edges like an old photograph. She was blacking out. All the compressed fear and anger burst through the cracks, eating at her facade until it was no more. She forced to keep her eyes open to no avail. Not again. Please.
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ferarum · 3 years
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𝕭𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖗 "𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞" 𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖊, 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝓊𝓇𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈
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FULL NAME: Briar Jane Rose
NICKNAME/ALIAS: Briar Beauty, Beauty, BB
DOB/AGE: Aug 19, 23 years old
PLACE OF BIRTH: Kingdom of Auroria, the United Kingdoms of Auradon
SPECIES: Human (cursed)
GENDER: Cis female
ORIENTATION: bisexual (leaning towards girls)
JOB: heir, princess, party hostess & DJ
EDUCATION: High School at Auradon Prep.
ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral
HEALTH: she’s physically healthy, but she carries the same curse her mother had. Not only she’ll fall asleep in random places and times, but one day she’ll fall into a 100-year sleep.
FACECLAIMS: Vanessa Morgan
HEIGHT: 1,6m (5′3ft)
EYES: warm chocolate brown
HAIR: medium brown with hot pink streaks
SCARS:  just a small one on her bottom lip from when she fell asleep out of nowhere when she was riding a horse.
NOTICEABLE FEATURE: She’s a small rose tattoo on the underside of her left breast. Usually she dresses fashion & expensive, mixing traditional dresses with modern fashion to build up her closet.
PARENTS: Aurora & Phillip
SIBLINGS: Audrey Rose (younger sister)
OTHER FAMILY: Queen Leah (grandmother), King Stefan (grandfather) & King Hubert (grandfather)
ANIMALS: a Pomeranian named Thorne.
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Briar is the first child of Queen Aurora and King Phillip, known as Sleeping Beauty and her Prince. She was born soon after Phillip woke Aurora from the 100-year-sleep. She's just one year older than Audrey but isn't considered the heir to their family because of her curse.
No one could see that coming. The curse that was put upon Sleeping Beauty by Maleficent was more than magic, it was a genetic issue. For Briar's first years, her parents weren't worried. They were just blessed with a quiet kid that slept a lot. Queen Leah, however, didn't trust that judgment. She called Fauna, Flora and Merryweather for a visit and the fairies confirmed: the same curse that Aurora once had now lurked upon her young daughter.
From that day on, Briar grew up knowing that, one day, she'd go to sleep and only wake up a hundred years later, with a true love's kiss from her soulmate. 
Brought up to firmly believe in the power of love and soulmates, she was, as a kid, in love with the idea of true love and, if she had to lose a hundred years of her life to find her other-half, she'd gladly do it. After all, it worked fine for her parents.
Her crisis came during her teenager years. More and more the curse felt like a cruel destiny hovering over head. Briar grew afraid of her destiny. She didn't want to lose all her loved ones, that'd be sure dead after her 100-years sleep.
The recklessness (that she calls adventures) started around her 15th birthday. She figured that if she's losing all those years sleeping, she needed to enjoy her life now and do all the things she wanted while she can. 
When the VKS came to Auradon, Briar was naturally afraid of them, specially of Mal, being the daughter of the women that ruined her life without even knowing it. As a princess, she was raised to believe that the villains and their kids were pure evil, so it wasn't a surprise that she'd act antagonizing to the VKS, if she bothered talking to them at all.
However, Briar has a friendly nature and slowly softened around them. And, when she officially freaked out about her curse, she started seeking them out. She figured that, if auradorians were too afraid of magic to try to help her with her curse, she'd seek help among the isle kids.
Briar is a kind and loving girl, and a hyperactive girl who loves adventure, despite the fact that she can fall asleep everywhere and anywhere at any given time, which is strongly due to the curse & her chaotic sleeping schedule (since Briar is used to party & pulling all-nighters). Briar is kind, sensitive about her destiny, and a loving friend. She is fierce and loyal, and once someone wins her trust, it's forever after.
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Everyone was shocked when Aurora and Philip’s first child was born. What should be a celebration, turned into fear when they first looked at the girl. She wasn’t human. Somehow, Maleficent’s curse on Aurora left her fair share of residual magic -or was it another plan of the dark fae to ruin their lives?- and Briar was born with fairy-like features. She was a beautiful baby, just like her mother once was, but it was impossible to ignore the two small horns on her head. It wasn’t that big of a problem, until she was three and the first sign of dark magic made its way into their life. Now there was no denial: Briar was a dark fairy. She was sent to the Isle by Auradon’s law. Thinking that it was one more opportunity to win over her nemesis, Maleficent adopted the young princess. After all, she could be useful. It would hurt Aurora and her family even more if, when they took over their kingdom, Briar were at Maleficent’s side.
She was raised as Maleficent’s daughter. Albeit the barrier blocked her magic, Briar still has a couple of pitch black horns, born out of her hairline and curling at the points. When she’s mad or performing magic, her eyes glow neon pink. 
Briar couldn’t find a way out of her curse and fell into the inevitable 100-years-sleep. As usual for her, it was a dreamless sleep. Now it’s the 21th century and, after a kiss from her destined true love, princes Briar Rose, from the long gone kingdom of Rosewood, has to learn how to live in the modern world. Everything is an adventure for her and she didn’t quite understand the technology. However, after losing a hundred years, she is willing to make it worth. She ran from her ‘true love’ to find herself in this new world, to learn and experiment everything that she never could when she was born. She misses her family and might cry when talking about them, but she’s excited and trying to see the positive side.
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