#rp i suppose
lustrous-dawn · 1 year
[ Previous ] @symphonies-of-silver
Roshi's ire ignited, affronted by the Zoroark's proximity. Flames licked his maw, his eyes flooding with fury. “I AM HIS SUPERIOR, THAT’S WHO I AM!” Roshi roared. "AND I SEE IN MY RETIREMENT HE HAS BROUGHT WEAKLINGS IN MY PLACE!" 
Hikori knew he recognized Roshi from one of the many scrolls he caught his god reading. He was always curious, gawking at depictions of a great Arcanine in old Johto with amazement. His legend and deeds made a younger Hikori starstruck, eager to be a true guardian just like him. The hulking canine matched the painting weave inside the tapestry, almost lovingly.
His ferocity. His bravery. 
Hikori aspired to be like him. 
Now he retreated further behind Genji, body quivering, Roshi's bellow ringing in his ears. This wasn't the legend he grew up on.
Roshi raked his gaze upon Hikori, his eyes filled with disappointment and resentment. "And that runt is supposed to be our answer?! Don't make me laugh! He cowers behind a shadow!" 
Muzzle mere inches from the Zoroark, an oppressive heat blistering from his frame, his voice dropped to a lethal growl, "Get out of my way-”
"That's enough." Hikori firmly planted himself between them. He was afraid. So very afraid, his eyes never met Roshi's as he spoke. 
"So the coward speaks." 
"I'm no coward. I'm afraid," Hikori admitted, his voice shaking."But being afraid doesn't make me a coward." 
"Your little act of bravery isn't going to matter if this is all you have. What will you do when you face him, huh? Roll over?" 
"I won't. I can't." Hikori shook his head, stance firm, strong. "I'll worry about it later. I don't care if you're being mean to me but you're being an ass to my friend! Stop it!" 
Roshi blinked, the flames surrounding his jaws spurting out. There was a glimpse of genuine surprise in his eyes before it disappeared. He glared balefully at the Zoroark, dismissing the lot of them as he trotted towards the riverbank. 
Feeling the danger had passed, the last of Hikori's strength ebbed away, the Arcanine tumbling back on his hind legs, narrowly avoiding falling on his back. He glanced up at his friend with a lopsided smile. "Hi, Genji,” he breathed weakly.
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Richarlyson: This is a good ship that never came to fruition.
Mike: This ship is better than Hideduo. Shut your mouths.
Fit: Very cool artwork! DELUSIONAL, but very good artwork nonetheless.
Ramon: delulu
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Mike and Fit's VERY different reactions to Pacmanduo art (Pac & Etoiles) in the fanart museum.
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totem-but-shark · 3 months
I have to give props to foolish for the way he plays qfoolish because whether intentionally or not he really sells the vibe of an ancient immortal character, though not in the expected sense. Where other immortal characters may become jaded by a life so long qfoolish is literally just chilling, he's seen it all before and so can't be shaken so easily. Moments that to other mortal characters are earth shattering are just another Tuesday for him, funny even.
Despite this he's no less enthusiastic for life, he wakes up every morning and simply lives, as he has done for an unknowable amount of days prior.
It's fascinating, hes able to roll with every punch and shrug off every struggle with a laugh. Why should he be upset? in the grand scheme of everything he's lived through it's not even a blip, why cant it be funny instead?
But this makes it so much more impactful when he DOES care, the rare moments where he is affected are heart wrenching when contrasted with his usual easygoing happy-go-lucky laissez-faire attitude. There's something raw and human to me in the way that for however long he's lived he still feels, he loves and grieves. He still lives and so he still feels.
Anyways stan an unbothered king
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doctorsiren · 1 month
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roleplay shenanigans
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wolfram-but-art · 25 days
i got very distracted with terraria this past week and didn't draw much of anything so here's a doodle dump (+an animation thingy i did for an rp)
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(yes this is engiespy, i like this ship okay)
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so after reading the new eyeshield 21 oneshot i came to a very important realization
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willowwee · 1 month
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Ramble: while im cooking up Dark's drawing and another gba related drawing here some celestials and their stupidly funny and psycho humans. Tbh im so proud on how Rot turned out in here i managed to make her hair so slenderly (same for life i love how i managed to make her hair as colorful as in the og art🔥🔥)
When the sisters reunited with each other fr
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anthotneystark · 7 months
So Omegle literally JUST got closed? Like I use it just about every day, and I was just chatting with someone, moved on and was bouncing through, then I got an error and now it’s a big explanation about how it’s closed (and I’m not faulting the guy I’m not really surprised by what I can see from here) but like….im so sad? I bop around there for stuff all the time and I’ve been doing so for years and now it’s gone? I’ve just lost an old friend now?
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kiochisato · 26 days
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♡ ┈┈┈ #REQUEST  cherry summer 𐙚 ⵧ cr when using . feel free to make some adjustments to layers . ⵧ @herrscherofmemories !
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eryanlainfa · 2 months
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My boi
and Camille
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knifefightandchill · 2 months
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lil-grem-draws · 1 month
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Will has a hard time believing that Elland has feelings for him, especially after crushing on the Hufflepuff for 2+ years. And if Will isn't willing to listen, Elland is taking the wheel 🧡💚 There are way too many scenarios in my head as to how they'd finally get together so I don't limit myself in AUs. I like Dark!William one; Yule Ball "going as friends"; adult AU with ministry official Will and Auror Elland tasked with protecting him; a bunch of modern AUs like spoiled brat Will and hit way too patient bodyguard Elland (sense the pattern); Spy Elland and his Q William... I'll never get tired of them.
Thank you @kallynnekmi for drawing this commission and @kiwiplaetzchen for enabling this whole thing 🥹💚
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eclipsinggod · 5 days
Happy Pride! For this celebration, let's remove messages, feed and groups, cuz why not! - Quotev
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happistar · 5 days
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"Father said that this world isn't for me // I tried to pray for a new reality"
HELLO I just had to draw @zalliafawn's guys over at @pitiful-sermon-ask and @pitiful-host!! LOVE whatever the hell is going on with those two. <3
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foxfire-official · 6 months
Oh so when Councillor Clarette almost murders a Vacker it’s an accident and not that big of a deal but when I do it suddenly it’s a crime and makes me a danger to society-
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wolfram-but-art · 2 months
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engiespy engiespy engiespy
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