#rtte x male reader
mrcloudjumper · 1 year
Happy Anniversary
Hiccup Haddock (RttE) x Male Reader
Notes and/or warnings; idk if there's a healing hut on the Edge, BUT THERE IS NOW.  dragon isn't specified but has a constant fire blast; boneknapper, deadly nadder, monstrous nightmare, etc.  not a one blast like night fury.  Major injury, stitching said injury, stingy alcohol, panicking, being chased/hunted, cussing, mentions of hunters being burned alive, anything else in HTTYD.  not really a warming but very inaccurate healing stuff ™, do not do what this fic says for like 98% of the shit in here.  i think there wasn't actually any usage of pronouns...but masc intended!  fem aligned dni please! and JESUS CHRIST IM SORRY I TOOK TEN YEARS I THOUGHT IT HAD BEEN MAYBE A WEEK AND THEN BOOM IT WAS A MONTH
Request; Can you do a Hiccup Haddock x male reader? (Hiccup is taller then the reader. Hiccup is the dominant and the reader is the submissive) The reader was out exploring while Hiccup was on a ride on Toothless and the reader gets injured pretty badly. So he tries his best to hide it from Hiccup since Hiccup usually doesn't let the male reader explore on his own without either him (Hiccup) or Toothless is with him (male reader) could it be fluff pls? (Like kissing, cuddling, holding hands, etc)
You were running as fast as you could possible could, which honestly wasn’t that fast; given gaping hole in your side.  It was nearing yours and Hiccups anniversary, and all you wanted to do was get a nice gift for him.  But, alas, he essentially never let you out on your own, so the only solution was to sneak out.  Not a good idea when you and your friends are #1 most wanted on the Dragon Hunters’ list.
You had been simply collecting nice flowers, one of the many gifts you planned for Hiccup, when an arrow struck the tree.  (Dragon’s Name) immediately got spooked and ran off, which, to be fair, is exactly what you did.  Just in the opposite direction, unfortunately.  During your…daring escape, more arrows flew, one piercing your side.  You hadn’t even realized it until you were huddled in a cave, heavy and ragged breathing.  
Immediately panicking, you did the worst possible thing; pulled it out.  Quickly you tore off some of your sleeve and wrapped it around, praying to the Gods that you’d be making no trip to Valhalla any time soon.  After you had calmed down just a little bit, you sent off your emergency flare, which (Dragon’s Name) had been trained to respond to.  A bad play, considering now the hunters knew where you were, but what other choice was there!  You obviously needed some better medical attention and a ride out of there, and that was your quickest way to it.  
Unfortunately, the hunters were closer than (Dragon’s Name) was, as they began running to where the flare went off.  Time to run.  Again.   After a few excruciating minutes of running through woods, swatting away stray branches, and being pull of pure panic, you came upon a cliff.  Great.  
The hunters closed in on you, surrounding you, panicked as ever.  A few taunts were made, comments on ‘nowhere to go,’ ‘last leg,’ and more.  As you stepped back, a few cracks were heard as rock crumbled down.  Your hands clutched your side tighter, as you pivoted your head around, looking for any possible means of escape other than down.
Just as the front hunter raised his arrow for the final blow, (Dragon’s Name) flew to your rescue, setting the hunters ablaze.  Quickly, you grabbed onto his saddle and hoisted yourself up the best you could.  (Dragon’s Name) turned and bolted for the sky, booking it to Dragons’ Edge.
Hiccup had been out on a fly with Toothless for a few hours, mapping out ideal places for a nice anniversary date.  And just maybe looking for more dragon species.  When he returned, he couldn’t find you anywhere, and nobody had seen you for the last few hours.  Apparently, you disappeared just half an hour after he did.  Hiccup quickly connected the dots, and was now anxiously pacing back and forth in his hut.  He didn’t even know where to begin looking for you, nobody did.  So he would have to wait for you to show back up.  Pulling Hiccup out of his thought, (Dragon’s Name) called out as a flutter of wings and a thud sounded.  Immediately, he rushed to your side.  He helped you down, before turning to an angry rant about your safety.  
“Y/N.  Y/N!  Great Thor, why did you do that!  I have told you again and again about how I don’t like it when you go out on your own, and for this exact reason!  What was even so important that you couldn’t bother to tell Toothless or me, even Astrid for Thor’s sake!  I mean-” you abruptly cut him off, holding up a smooshed banquet of flowers, a lopsided smile across your lips.  “Is’ for our anniversary..” you mumumbed, face now planted in his collarbone.  He was silent for a second, before scooping you up bridal style and carrying you to the medical hut.  He places you back down gently and went to grab some antiseptic and painkiller herbs, recommended by Gothi, stitching supplies, and some fresh, thick bandages.  He ground up the painkillers, putting it into a cup of water, which you gratefully swallowed, cringing at the texture.  A few seconds later, he lifted you up slightly to peel of your shirt, as to have easy access to the wound.  You lay back down so the blood won’t flow to fast or freely, grunting as your head hit the pillow.
He applied the antiseptic, rubbing it on your wound, per Gothi’s instructions.  You hissed, hands painfully clutching the sheet.  Hiccup noticed, and gave you his free hand to clasp, which you gratefully did.  He continued the process until it wasn’t stinging anymore, a sign of majority of possible infections being gone.  He grabbed the needle, quickly placing a kiss to your hand and glancing at you apologetically.  He grabbed the needle, placing the thread through the loop, and then piercing your skin.  Your head thrashed against the pillow, and Hiccup began to rub reassuring circles into the palm of our hand until he was completely done.  
The only thing left to do was to bandage it to prevent further infection or bleeding.  He sat you up again, and instructed you to hold your hands up while he wrapped up the wound.  He quickly finished, bandages now covering your entire lower torso.  “Wanna head to bed, Y/N?  I know it’s early but I figure you need the rest.”  You nodded in responses, mumbling a small, “Carry me, Hic.”  He lightly smiled and picked you up, one hand under your butt and another supporting your waist.  Your arms wrapped around his neck, your head calmly stuffed in his shoulder as he walked back to his hut.  
In a few minutes, he carefully opened the door to his hut and walked in.  “Do you think you can make it up the ladder with my help?  Or should we just make a pile of blankets down here?” he asked, setting you down.  “Mm, let’s just go upstairs.  I need a proper bed right now, if ya’ don’t mind helping me up,” you responded with a small yawn at the end
“I would never mind helping you,” he spoke, a tad quieter, seeing as you were incredibly tired.  He picked you up again, and after a few confusing minutes, you both plopped onto the bed and pulled the covers over, heads peaking out.  Hiccup lifted his arms up, inviting you to nuzzle into him, which you gleefully did so.  You curled up into a little ball, head curved around his upper chest, and your arms extended to lightly brush through and play with his hair.  His arm was draped over top your side, rubbing reassuring circles into your back as he had soe your palm earlier.  You sighed contentedly.  A nice silence embraced the two of you, crickets chirping and the water rushing against the cliffside.  After a while, he quickly spoke.  “This is nice, isn't it, Y/N?” 
“Yeah, it is…Hey, I’m sorry I went out without telling you, or anyone.  I just wanted to get gifts for you and have them be a complete surprise.  Naturally, the dragon hunters just had to be there,” you stifled a chuckle after it made your wound pang. 
 “Your the single best gift ever, Y/N.  Nothing you buy or find can even come close to describing the love I have for you, though I do enjoy the flattery.”  Silence.  He looked down to see you, and heard the faintest of snoring, smiling lightly to himself.  He closed his eyes and melted further into your embrace, nothing else in the world mattering.
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noahideahwrites · 1 year
Scent Headcanon — Httyd Omegas
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Notes: I have rewatched Race to the Edge so many times, I know it's plot by heart now.
Warnings: spoilers of Race to the Edge on Viggo's, might contain grammar errors
»» Dagur smells like a campfire and wood, with all the time he spent on a boat while he worked with the dragon hunters, he also has a faint smell of the ocean. When he gets mad, his scent becomes smoky, like an entire fire.
»» Because of his hobbies and workaholic tendencies, Hiccup's scent has merged with the things he uses. So he smells like a mixture of ink, paper, leather, and metal. When he gets angry his scent spikes and the metal smell becomes way stronger than the others.
»» Because of Hookfang's ability to set themselves on fire, also all of the fightings Snotlout gets in, he lost most of his natural scent, so people can only smell the burnt leather and smoke. But when he gets angry, his actual scent comes out more, so he smells like mango and fresh-cut grass.
»» Now Viggo's scent changes after he falls into the volcano. Before he smelt like ocean, wood, and river stones, but now he smells like burnt skin, fire, and ash. When angry his smell also becomes smoky, but is quite intoxicating and not in a good way, so he tends to control it.
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kasisdumb · 2 years
Headcanons for Viggo in a Relationship
You know the saying that goes something like a hero would sacrifice you for the world, and a villain would sacrifice the world for you.
I’m just saying this man
That’s probably how he’d be
Knowing this guy he’d probably have your body language down to a T
Like he knows you're nervous when you’re in denial
For an anniversary he’d take you to part of an island where it’s just you two, and eat while watching the sunset
This guy has too much of an ego so you try beating him at Maces & Talons
You fail miserably
If you do beat him he’ll be taken aback
And then challenges you to more games
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p-3-ngu-1-n · 1 year
I want to read a Snotlout x male oc fanfiction
But there are barely any
Do I want to write one myself? Not really
Am I still going to do that? Probably
But be warned, it will be a slow burn over the movies and the shows and then some
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mrcloudjumper · 1 year
Salutations! Might I request a platonic Hiccup x Male!reader piece?
Prompt: Takes place during RTTE where the reader has difficulty adjusting to his new life on Dragon's Edge because he's prone to sensory overloads and has severe trust issues from traumatic experiences but eventually bonds with Hiccup.
oh god oh god i love this so much this is fantastic yes yes ohohohohohoho the platonic stuff and the overwhelming comfort ohohohohoh oh yes this will (actually) be done soon ohohoho
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