#hiccup x male!reader
mrcloudjumper · 1 year
Happy Anniversary
Hiccup Haddock (RttE) x Male Reader
Notes and/or warnings; idk if there's a healing hut on the Edge, BUT THERE IS NOW.  dragon isn't specified but has a constant fire blast; boneknapper, deadly nadder, monstrous nightmare, etc.  not a one blast like night fury.  Major injury, stitching said injury, stingy alcohol, panicking, being chased/hunted, cussing, mentions of hunters being burned alive, anything else in HTTYD.  not really a warming but very inaccurate healing stuff ™, do not do what this fic says for like 98% of the shit in here.  i think there wasn't actually any usage of pronouns...but masc intended!  fem aligned dni please! and JESUS CHRIST IM SORRY I TOOK TEN YEARS I THOUGHT IT HAD BEEN MAYBE A WEEK AND THEN BOOM IT WAS A MONTH
Request; Can you do a Hiccup Haddock x male reader? (Hiccup is taller then the reader. Hiccup is the dominant and the reader is the submissive) The reader was out exploring while Hiccup was on a ride on Toothless and the reader gets injured pretty badly. So he tries his best to hide it from Hiccup since Hiccup usually doesn't let the male reader explore on his own without either him (Hiccup) or Toothless is with him (male reader) could it be fluff pls? (Like kissing, cuddling, holding hands, etc)
You were running as fast as you could possible could, which honestly wasn’t that fast; given gaping hole in your side.  It was nearing yours and Hiccups anniversary, and all you wanted to do was get a nice gift for him.  But, alas, he essentially never let you out on your own, so the only solution was to sneak out.  Not a good idea when you and your friends are #1 most wanted on the Dragon Hunters’ list.
You had been simply collecting nice flowers, one of the many gifts you planned for Hiccup, when an arrow struck the tree.  (Dragon’s Name) immediately got spooked and ran off, which, to be fair, is exactly what you did.  Just in the opposite direction, unfortunately.  During your…daring escape, more arrows flew, one piercing your side.  You hadn’t even realized it until you were huddled in a cave, heavy and ragged breathing.  
Immediately panicking, you did the worst possible thing; pulled it out.  Quickly you tore off some of your sleeve and wrapped it around, praying to the Gods that you’d be making no trip to Valhalla any time soon.  After you had calmed down just a little bit, you sent off your emergency flare, which (Dragon’s Name) had been trained to respond to.  A bad play, considering now the hunters knew where you were, but what other choice was there!  You obviously needed some better medical attention and a ride out of there, and that was your quickest way to it.  
Unfortunately, the hunters were closer than (Dragon’s Name) was, as they began running to where the flare went off.  Time to run.  Again.   After a few excruciating minutes of running through woods, swatting away stray branches, and being pull of pure panic, you came upon a cliff.  Great.  
The hunters closed in on you, surrounding you, panicked as ever.  A few taunts were made, comments on ‘nowhere to go,’ ‘last leg,’ and more.  As you stepped back, a few cracks were heard as rock crumbled down.  Your hands clutched your side tighter, as you pivoted your head around, looking for any possible means of escape other than down.
Just as the front hunter raised his arrow for the final blow, (Dragon’s Name) flew to your rescue, setting the hunters ablaze.  Quickly, you grabbed onto his saddle and hoisted yourself up the best you could.  (Dragon’s Name) turned and bolted for the sky, booking it to Dragons’ Edge.
Hiccup had been out on a fly with Toothless for a few hours, mapping out ideal places for a nice anniversary date.  And just maybe looking for more dragon species.  When he returned, he couldn’t find you anywhere, and nobody had seen you for the last few hours.  Apparently, you disappeared just half an hour after he did.  Hiccup quickly connected the dots, and was now anxiously pacing back and forth in his hut.  He didn’t even know where to begin looking for you, nobody did.  So he would have to wait for you to show back up.  Pulling Hiccup out of his thought, (Dragon’s Name) called out as a flutter of wings and a thud sounded.  Immediately, he rushed to your side.  He helped you down, before turning to an angry rant about your safety.  
“Y/N.  Y/N!  Great Thor, why did you do that!  I have told you again and again about how I don’t like it when you go out on your own, and for this exact reason!  What was even so important that you couldn’t bother to tell Toothless or me, even Astrid for Thor’s sake!  I mean-” you abruptly cut him off, holding up a smooshed banquet of flowers, a lopsided smile across your lips.  “Is’ for our anniversary..” you mumumbed, face now planted in his collarbone.  He was silent for a second, before scooping you up bridal style and carrying you to the medical hut.  He places you back down gently and went to grab some antiseptic and painkiller herbs, recommended by Gothi, stitching supplies, and some fresh, thick bandages.  He ground up the painkillers, putting it into a cup of water, which you gratefully swallowed, cringing at the texture.  A few seconds later, he lifted you up slightly to peel of your shirt, as to have easy access to the wound.  You lay back down so the blood won’t flow to fast or freely, grunting as your head hit the pillow.
He applied the antiseptic, rubbing it on your wound, per Gothi’s instructions.  You hissed, hands painfully clutching the sheet.  Hiccup noticed, and gave you his free hand to clasp, which you gratefully did.  He continued the process until it wasn’t stinging anymore, a sign of majority of possible infections being gone.  He grabbed the needle, quickly placing a kiss to your hand and glancing at you apologetically.  He grabbed the needle, placing the thread through the loop, and then piercing your skin.  Your head thrashed against the pillow, and Hiccup began to rub reassuring circles into the palm of our hand until he was completely done.  
The only thing left to do was to bandage it to prevent further infection or bleeding.  He sat you up again, and instructed you to hold your hands up while he wrapped up the wound.  He quickly finished, bandages now covering your entire lower torso.  “Wanna head to bed, Y/N?  I know it’s early but I figure you need the rest.”  You nodded in responses, mumbling a small, “Carry me, Hic.”  He lightly smiled and picked you up, one hand under your butt and another supporting your waist.  Your arms wrapped around his neck, your head calmly stuffed in his shoulder as he walked back to his hut.  
In a few minutes, he carefully opened the door to his hut and walked in.  “Do you think you can make it up the ladder with my help?  Or should we just make a pile of blankets down here?” he asked, setting you down.  “Mm, let’s just go upstairs.  I need a proper bed right now, if ya’ don’t mind helping me up,” you responded with a small yawn at the end
“I would never mind helping you,” he spoke, a tad quieter, seeing as you were incredibly tired.  He picked you up again, and after a few confusing minutes, you both plopped onto the bed and pulled the covers over, heads peaking out.  Hiccup lifted his arms up, inviting you to nuzzle into him, which you gleefully did so.  You curled up into a little ball, head curved around his upper chest, and your arms extended to lightly brush through and play with his hair.  His arm was draped over top your side, rubbing reassuring circles into your back as he had soe your palm earlier.  You sighed contentedly.  A nice silence embraced the two of you, crickets chirping and the water rushing against the cliffside.  After a while, he quickly spoke.  “This is nice, isn't it, Y/N?” 
“Yeah, it is…Hey, I’m sorry I went out without telling you, or anyone.  I just wanted to get gifts for you and have them be a complete surprise.  Naturally, the dragon hunters just had to be there,” you stifled a chuckle after it made your wound pang. 
 “Your the single best gift ever, Y/N.  Nothing you buy or find can even come close to describing the love I have for you, though I do enjoy the flattery.”  Silence.  He looked down to see you, and heard the faintest of snoring, smiling lightly to himself.  He closed his eyes and melted further into your embrace, nothing else in the world mattering.
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jasontoddssuper · 6 months
"I love men who're freaks🥰😳😍"You guys can't even handle dudes with physical disabilities
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milksuu · 2 months
ᴀ ʀᴜʟᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴀꜱʜ & ꜱᴛᴏʀᴍ ───── ♛
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pairing: evil!hiccup x f!mute!reader
wc: 1.7k
tw: yandere, implied kidnapping, obsessive/possessive behavior, mention of blood/violence, mention of death
synopsis: You regretted the day they left him for dead. And you’d regret the day you ever saw him again—he’d make sure of that.
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A gleam of orange blazed in the bleakness of night.
You watched from your hilltop window—the thatched roofs off the eastern slopes of Berk twisting and writhing in flames. Even from a distance, you heard the breaking moans of ceilings, the cracks and bends of collapsing wooden structures, and the piercing wails of scales met with sharp edges of iron. Despite The Red Death’s fall, dragon raids still plagued the lands.
Perhaps it was all a sign of retribution. 
You were told to stay within the safe confines of your home. Your father hadn’t wanted to risk your life, considering how precious you’d become. The next Seer in line after Gothi, gifted with spiritual wisdom, healing, and authority of officiating the next chief.
But the price to pay had been steep. 
The house was dark, not even the smallest candle lit. Nothing that would draw a glimmer of attention to the home. A creak ached the roof above, and you flitted your nose up to the rafters, drawing lines across the ceiling. Nothing but your shallow breaths filled the silent dark. 
The hearth then erupted with flame and spark, jolting you from back to neck bone. Had you any voice, a strangled scream would’ve ripped from your throat. Twisting, you had almost forgotten to breathe. A figure shrouded in shadow and leather stood beside the crackling firewood. Light and dark danced in an undulating battle across the strangers’ features–revealing a horrifying familiarity.
“Hope you don’t mind if I warm this place up a bit.” That voice, boy-ish in tone, lacked any hint of innocence or niceties. He stretched a gloved hand towards the licking flames, doing nothing to warm the ice coating his insides. “Couldn’t help but notice you looked a little cold and...alone.”
A snap of wood made you flinch; addressing him with quivering lips and dilated eyes. Your long-lost greeting didn’t forebode well.
Every piece of leather tightened around his body as he shifted. Turning to ensnare you within his talon like stare. When embers casted a sheen across his face, you braced against the sight. Soft features long since abandoned, reforged into a visage of cold iron. Carved and littered with scars and nicks across his furrowed brows, cheeks, and clenched jaw line.
“Well, this is kind of embarrassing. Wait, no. That’s not the word I was looking for. More like—disappointing. That sounds like a better fit. For you and everyone else here.” Hiccup stalked forward, a contraption of metal clanking and scratching against the splintering floors. Each step clanged through you, until he stood one heartbeat away. “After all these years, I’d thought you’d have a bit more to say than a blank stare. Every night, I dreamed about how this conversation would go. Just like how I dreamed things could be better than what they were. Funny how you can plan for things to go a certain way, but then…”
He pressed his hands at each side of your head, the glass window behind begging to crack from the pressure. His scent permeated, forcing you to swallow. Once smelling of spring honey and rolling glades, now sundered to singe your senses like bone ash and lightning storms. 
“Looks like I’m not the only one who’s a little different.” He placed a calloused finger into the dip of your clavicle. He dug and dug until your pained gasp fell deaf to his ears. Tilting his head, he curled the lip of his mouth. “So, just like Gothi, you gave up your voice. Good—great, actually. This works out better for me.” 
The smile that crept over his lips never made it up to his eyes. Not like before. Those vibrant meadows sullied into a sickly, muddled green. Thick and ichorous. And dared you stare long enough, you could never trudge your way out. Although you already felt stuck within them, your hand slipped silently into the pocket of your dress, where your fingers brushed against the hilt of a dagger. 
You drew it a mere inch before his hand captured yours, twisting until he pried it into his possession.
“Come on. We both know you were never good at fighting.” He chuckled, wagging the sharpest point between your trembling eyes. “I’ll admit it. I wasn’t either back then. That’s something we had in common…until I had to be. Guess that didn’t work out in anyone’s favor on this wet piece of rock. Now, did it?”
Your vision blurred. Screams of the village roared in your ears. Screeches of dragons pierced through the air, engulfed in smoke and fire. Having consumed so much in its wake, you felt the heat of chaos leech into the glass. Searing your back pressed against it.
“Woah. Hey, don’t cry. It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” he swept a rough thumb over a falling tear stain. “Not all of them will die tonight. I mean, just think about it for a second. Can’t be chief and rule over a bunch of burnt corpses. How counterintuitive would that be?” 
“As for you though…” he continued, and your heart stalled as he traced the cold metal down your flush cheek and neck, pausing just above your breastbone. “I’m only standing here, watching everything and everyone turn to ash around us, all because of you. And don't tell me you don't remember. When you mended my leg. Somehow kept me from bleeding out. Just before the entire village abandoned me.” His clouded eyes narrowed down. “Including you.”
Releasing you from his pinning weight, your legs wobbled. As if he hadn’t just snatched your foothold underneath. Terror kept your feet webbed in place, watching as he twirled your dagger in his fingers like a child's play thing. Crouching near the fire, he mindlessly poked and prodded at the stoking wood. He picked away a scrap of charred chipping, before plunging the blade into the flank of the burning log. You gazed at him, chest tight, aching. How he hadn’t flinched when the fire slicked around his hand like oil.
He dragged the smoldering stump from the hearth, creating a scorched line. When the licks of fire seeped into the house floors, he rose, one vertebra at a time. 
“If I’m being honest, I probably would’ve done the same thing.” He unhooked a masked contraption from his belt buckle and tightened it over his face. The eye sockets were of yellow stained sea glass, and the mouth of it appeared like a muzzle of iron teeth. “Leave something already weak, then crippled to survive on its own. Gambling on the high-stakes of death. So sure of the outcome, no one bothered to turn over a shoulder.” Hellfire rose and swelled in the reflection of his mask. “Maybe they should’ve.” 
The rapid hunger of the hearth fire blazed and curled across the floor of the home. Heat lapped towards your skin, drawing out sweat from your pores. Dense smoke began filling the wooden death chamber. You inhaled the black snowflakes, searing your lungs once they melted inside you. You slapped a hard hand over your mouth, coughing and shuddering against it. A pang of panic willed your body to move. You attempted to open the window behind you, but to your horror, it had been welded to the frame. 
Your eyes watered, hugging the wall as you traced it to the door. When the handle clattered against your pulls and tugs, a ghostly laugh floated around you. The metal was bolted shut from the outside. A bout of nausea cramped your stomach. Fear darted your eyes toward the stairs, where the flames hadn’t yet reached—but soon. Perhaps the window of your room hadn’t been tampered with. 
You darted towards the steps, and before you could place one foot up, a black beast stalked from the darkness of the second floor.
The floating embers danced hauntingly over the onyx scales, and gashes rippled in the firelight. Revealing wounds healed twice, perhaps three times over. That body of night perfectly reflected it's master’s outward appearance.
And as you drowned in those feral slits of pure abandon, it was apparent they also shared the same broken, unmendable soul. 
“Oh. You remember Toothless, don’t you?” Your face paled, backing slowly as the Nightfury slithered down the steps like black ink. A predatory growl rumbled above the snapping and collapsing wood around you. Hiccup sauntered to the dragon’s side, patting the thick of his neck, pulsing with power. Another laugh at your expense. “Looks like he remembers you.”
You fought the claw of unconsciousness raking over every part of you. Choking, straining against your hand pathetically covering your mouth.
“Since you did me a favor back then, I’m going to give you one chance to make it up to me.” The mask muffled his voice, but the wickedness screamed, rattling your veins. “You can either choose to stay here and burn with the rest of Berk or…” he lifted a hand, hardly an invitation, but a devilish bargain. “You can choose me.”
In the thick of your pounding head and chest, you considered burning to death was the wiser option of the two. All that he was—what he’d inevitably become—held no promise of a life worth degrading yourself for. Nothing about you would be spared. And it wouldn’t be long till you dropped on hands and knees, begging for him to take your life. To end his drawn out game of torture. One he’d carefully crafted for years and years. 
Just for you, only for you.  
Still, you clung to life. A measly mortal thread. Your shaking hand lifted, painfully reaching for his fingertips. One step forward, and the world spun in wisps of red and black. Your lungs and heart throbbed, practically seizing. A calculated arm caught you, cradling you wholly, close as any lover would. 
“Good choice.” 
You heard the waning words of approval, and through the fading light of your vision, something fastened over your face. Your last conscious breath had been clean, airy—a pleasant contrast to the toxic fumes. 
Then, nothing.
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 10 months
Always an Angel, Never the God Full
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Runaway!Reader
Words: 13,104
Your plans to run away with Hiccup fall through. Three years later, you finally make it off Berk and away from the Edge. Here are the years that follow.
Tags: SUGGESTIVE ENDING, Runaway Reader, Angst, bitter reader, unrequited love, requited love, healing, conflicting emotions, compiles parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
You waited for hours, back aching against the flat rock, basket of your few chosen belongings hidden behind a small outcropping of rock as you waited for him, increasingly more worried as the sun began to set.
Scared, even. You’d seen the axe, laid plainly on the ground. You feared the worst, especially after your frantic search bore no fruit. That he’d been found, and that something terrible had happened to him.
 But Hiccup was fine, with Astrid, this whole time.
Even Toothless seemed to like her well enough. He didn’t like you, glaring and snapping at you when you got too close, despite all of your efforts to get on his good side. He barely let you on, and he certainly wouldn’t without Hiccup. You had the sneaking suspicion he’d buck if you tried it on your lonesome. 
While you understood, it hurt that even as close friends he’d not told you about Toothless at all, at first. You doubt he would’ve if he’d not seen you do so poorly at dragon training. He probably felt terrible, watching you fail over and over again when he could be doing something to help.
You hugged your knees tightly, hidden behind rock and moss, fighting not to make a sound as you peered around a corner, barely listening in as they conversed.
Even if he never inherited the chiefdom, It was still a heavy expectation that he’d marry. You two were an inevitable couple, if not because of love, out of a bond of solidarity. It’s not like either of you had any suitors. You were friends first, of course, but privately you hadn’t had a problem with that. You got along well, and you could see a future with him where you were both alright.
And you really, really liked him.
You knew he wanted someone else, someone who was confident, capable, who had good standing, who his father could be proud of. Someone who was more gorgeous than plain, someone like Astrid.
You weren’t the best viking, you couldn’t work in the forge, you hadn’t a lot of lucrative talents at all and a measure of clumsiness and troublemaking that could rival Hiccup’s own.
But you were friends, and that had to count for something.
He came to you with his plan to run away. You were running away together, you thought.
But somehow, she was here, and he left with her. He liked her. You knew that. And, you realized with mounting horror as she leaned in closer to him, she liked him too. 
You knew you’d never had a chance, but knowing it is different from experiencing it. You had not a chance in the world.
You could never fault him for that.
You couldn’t stop the tears from pooling in your eyes, or the tiny bits of your heart from splitting apart and scattering across the grass.
Conversely, he didn’t tell you when he flew off to battle with the rest of your peers. The whole thing with the Red Death? You missed it completely. You only found out later after Hiccup had been towed back to Berk on death's door.
Constantly spilling his heart out to you but saving the rest of it for the other teens, the ones who used to jeer at him from the sidelines, who all of the sudden began to treat him well, but still jeered at you while he wasn’t looking. 
A hangers-on to their group, not very useful or funny, just there, always. Not spoken with or talked to or considered at all by anyone who wasn’t Hiccup. Just there.
Your companionship had, for lack of a better word, remained the same, except now there was an undercurrent of something under the surface of a black ocean, broiling and writhing like an angry serpent.
Sometimes it felt like a sick corruption of the friendship you and Hiccup used to have, made up of long held hardship and what you had thought were good times. Sometimes it was better than it was before, and you could joke and laugh and play games the same way you had as children. 
And sometimes it felt like you were speaking to a stranger, one you weren’t sure you’d ever known at all; sometimes his mannerisms, his ticks and even the way he stood were alien to you.
You weren’t even sure you recognized who he was anymore. You never asked why, afraid of the answer you might find.
“So, I’m hoping that if I place a spring there, when I pull the lever it wont catch so violently. The gear system around the side is to help turn the barrel while you’re aiming. Got it? What do you think?”
You nodded, eyeing the vast array of blueprints and open journals spread sideways in between the two of you. Brown leather met leather as Hiccup rubbed his shoulder, no doubt a result of a hard fall he’d taken earlier on Toothless.
“Yeah, I got it,” You say casually, “What about the wheels? If you’re going to be pulling it over grass, you might need to cover the space between the wheels and gears, because the plants might catch and pull up into the gear system.”
It feels fake. Slimy to say, like a lie, except you know it’s not. It feels like a product of something more larger and uglier.
Hiccup picks up a yellowed paper, scrutinizing his own design, “Yeah… Actually, you’re right. I don’t know If- maybe if I shift the base… Yeah, I think that would work. Thank you.”
“No problem,” You puff, blowing a strand of hair out of your face.
“Also, I’ve been meaning to ask,” Hiccup shifted in his seat, clenching and unclenching his fingers, a nervous tick he’d had since the two of you were little, “Your dragon. Have you picked a name for it yet?”
“Ah, no,” You sigh, looking down at your knees, “Honestly, I haven’t been able to find something he likes.”
The picky bastard./Picky beast.
Hiccup had helped you find a dragon before the lot of you had moved, a smallish nadder who still didn’t feel much like your own, but served you just as well as any other would and you did teh best to serve it fine as well. He turned out to have just as much propensity for social upset around the other dragons and seemed to get along with Stormfly, Toothless and no one else.
Speaking of, the black dragon, Toothless, had warmed up to you, and in the end you became no better or worse than anyone else on Berk to him, which you were okay with for the most part.
The others had gotten used to you, though remained relatively detached. Conversations wouldn’t stop nor would people give you the look once you entered a room. You didn’t try to strike up conversation anymore, learning that it was better to be silent than awkward. 
It still did nothing to soothe the hurt, or all of the years you’d spent hurting, or any of the time now you spent on your lonesome.
“If you don’t mind, I can-...” Hiccup leans back, the both of you turning heads as your door creaked open, heavy boots moving across the threshold of your home, wood floors creaking. 
You gave Astrid a nod of acknowledgement as she approached your table and she tilted her head, glancing in your direction.
“Hiccup,” Astrid called, “Are we still flying tonight?”
“Astrid,” Hiccup greeted as he stood up, a soft smile stretching half the length of his face as he gathered his assets, leaving a few papers scattered across the top that he knew he could come pick up later as he usually did, “Yeah, let me get my things first.”
You tuned them out as they began speaking in earnest, leaning back to stare at the ceiling, fingers tapping against your elbows almost antsily as they slowly took their leave.
“Hey,” Hiccup looks back at you as your heart beats rapidly in your chest, “I’ll see you later, right?”
“Right,” You say nearly at a mumble, refusing to look him in the eye, your stomach rolling guiltily as the door shuts behind him, “I’ll see you later.”
Your foot nudged the pack you’d prepared out from under the table in the small, shoddy hut you’d managed on the Edge, slinging it over your shoulder as you watched Hiccup and Astrid take off on their dragons through a crack in your window shutters.
He may have found his happiness with the others but you had not, and you fully intended to leave, the same way he’d planned it all those years ago. 
You knew what you were doing was wrong. Not saying goodbye, just up and leaving in the middle of the night without telling anyone, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to say it.
What would you be leaving behind, anyways? You didn’t have much.
You waited until they were just a small speck in the distance before running out on your own, a pack slung up over your shoulders. The dragon, who you’d parked just behind your hut and who’d spent the past few hours almost patiently waiting for you as you’d spent your sudden and unexpected last few hours with Hiccup, stood to its feet and chirruped as you hoisted yourself up onto its saddle.
Fishlegs was busy in his hut. The twins and Snotlout, maybe they’d notice you leaving but you didn’t have much faith in them asking why or feeling much at all besides a vague expectation that you’d be back later. Everyone went out for a leisure flight every once in a while, it was just about time you’d finally taken yours, after all.
Hiccup and Astrid wouldn’t be back till late doing who knows what. You bit your lip, lightly tapping your Nadder’s side with your heel, signaling for him to take off in the opposite direction, shoving down a deep spike of jealousy at the thought. He was your friend first, and soon he would be nothing to you and it wouldn’t matter at all anymore.
You weren’t sure where exactly you were going. But you knew wherever it was, it would be good as long as it was as far, far away from here as possible.
You grind your teeth, eyes tearing up as a heavy booted foot pushes you down further into the wooden ship floor. The ship rocks angrily as does your dragon, struggling against the barbed netting.
“Who are you? A new vigilante?” The leading trapper, Erik son of Erik or something, asked, bending down above you. He had, coincidentally, been the one to shoot you down.
 “Where is your… hideout?” He leaned down into your ear at your silence, speaking in a raspy whisper. You got the vague impression he was trying to be intimidating, though the end results were more in favor of making you blush.
You were thankful for the hard wood covering your face and, therefore, your embarrassment. Of your belongings, you were only able to manage a mask and had taken to running around ensconced in furs with nothing but a dagger to your name. 
You’d recon you looked much like a wild animal, straddling your nadder bare of a saddle. You had not done too well on your own. It was hard. You had always been a team player if by team player you meant a leech on society. At least, you had been told so.
So of course you had, unwittingly, stumbled onto dragon trapping territory. Extreme sport dragon trapping territory. It didn’t help that you and your nadder hadn’t been on the same page, you two being unable to sync in the way you’d seen the other riders with their dragons, which left a bitter taste in your mouth.
He’d go left when you were trying for right, and when you finally decided to just go with it, he would change his mind and throw you for a complete loop. It was safe to say that even if you got out of this mess you never wanted to step foot on his back again.
You breathed a silent sigh of relief just as the trapper let out an annoyed one, stepping off of you in favor of yelling at his men for damaging their goods. Meaning, your nadder. Was he really yours, though? He did try and make a break for it without you.
 While debating whether or not you should try at the ropes shackling your arms together, you grunt frustratedly, noticing a new tear in your garb.
After running away and getting captured, you had not expected to be kidnapped again by some insane-looking madman in a mask. Though you did look like two of a kind, so it was fitting. 
Your nadder had its wings torn irreparably, so, unfortunately, you had to retire him early.
You found small comfort in that it hadn’t abandoned you on the ship that one final time, though the irony that it had led you here was not lost on you.
He visited sometimes. He took to life in the sanctuary very well. 
You didn’t, a borderline prisoner before you’d been able to win over the trust of the resident feral gorgon. Sort of. She was a woman who let you see her face, more on accident than anything else. You hadn’t let her see you or hear yours. However you weren’t inclined to speak of her nicely, least of all in your head, after the number of weeks you spent trapped in a cave at her behest.
Finally, you’d been let out. Let out enough to walk more than just the short stretch of stone and greenish ice that made up your prison. The endless turquoise was beginning to make you sick.
Recently, you found a real friend in the sanctuary, and this dragon, it was truly yours. Affectionately named, fed and groomed, you two were almost inseparable. It was the kind of friendship with a dragon you’d completely missed out on on Berk.
It was hard to maintain given your captive status, but that was alright. 
There probably wasn’t any social profit involved in being a vigilante, which is why you assumed the crazy dragon lady had taken to speaking at you in her spare time. About the dragons, what they ate, what she had to do. Pointedly she gave away nothing of their true secrets, not that you wanted them, nor anything of her vigilant-ing. Not verbally, though the influx of injuries both on her and the dragons spoke volumes.
She did give away her name.
You groan, rubbing your eyes under your mask as you cradle the thing to your face with the other.
“You’re quite attached to your mask,” Valka said amusedly, shifting the logs roasting in the fire with a stick, pushing them back and forth as you sat in silence. You hardly ever spoke a word, nowadays.
Her dragon, the stormcutter, stared at you with large eyes through the licking flames.
Neither of you mentioned that the only real reason you’d been able to keep your mask so long was that she’d been kind enough to let you. An allowance you’d been given on a whim. One you clung to with all the nervous energy of Fishlegs to his dragon cards.
“... I’d rather not be,” You grumble, voice raspy from disuse, “It’s stuffy.”
“Oh,” Valka looked at you, amused and maybe a little surprised to hear you speak at last, before going back to tend to her fires, “I was starting to think you couldn’t speak.”
“Funny.” You said, lifting a sharpened stick off the ground, spearing it through a slimy, gutted fish from the basket beside you. Your nose wrinkled as you heard the sharp point break skin. No amount of faux stoicism could make it seem pleasant to you.
“I have a few questions,” You grimace under your mask as she asserts herself. She can ask them all she wants, but there’s no guarantee you’ll answer. 
You might, probably, as keeping secrets hasn’t always been your strong suit. She’s certainly been trying to open you up for a while. You’ve not given her any leeway before though, no reason to give her any now. 
“How did you tame your dragon?” She asked, pushing a particularly thick dragon searching for morsels. Valka guides its head gently away with her spare hand before any of the other dragons crowding around them get any ideas.
You wait for a moment, still wondering whether you should follow along. Eventually, you decide to answer.
“Wasn’t me. Someone else back home did it,” You huff, “I just followed along.”
“...But not very well,” Valka hums. It’s obvious she doesn’t believe you. Unfortunately for her, that is not your problem. 
 She pulls a small trout off her own stick, tossing it to a crowd of young dragons, who you knew had acquired a taste for the cooked, through no fault of your own.
You should feel offended, but you know she’s right. You lean away from a wandering dragon snout as it searches you for morsels. The stormcutter, after a look from Valka, shoos it away with a large wing.
 “Where are you from?” 
You feel the embers from the fire as they rise, the furs of your coat becoming nearly unbearable, your skin heated up rapidly. You wrinkle your brow with annoyance as you feel a drop of sweat slide down the side of your face.
“Where are you from?” You retort pointedly.
She studies you cautiously, as if she could glean your intentions from your body language. And she very well could. Or the heat was getting to you, the wells you’d spent in solitude had finally done some real damage to your psyche, and you were hallucinating.
“Berk,” She says. You sit back, surprised, “And you?”
“...None of your business.” You wonder how long it had been since she had left. You pray she would not know you.
Valka raised her eyebrow. 
“I’m serious.” You ground your heel into the dirt. It was a touchy subject, still.
“Berk, too. …Stop looking at me like that.”
Valka leaned back against the ice wall where you rested, looking out over the empty ocean as dragons flooded to and fro the sanctuary. You squinted far into the distance, as if you thought you might be able to see through it if you tried hard enough.
Your hair tugged wildly by the winds out from behind your mask as you sat, one leg extended and the other bent as you leaned back against one arm. 
You probably looked as you felt, weary and unkempt after a long flight over the seas with your dragon, who clambered among the icy spike-lined wall with clawed hands. You felt refreshed yet somehow at odds with yourself still.
You cared little for your bedraggled demeanor the same way you hadn’t cared for much at all in a while. It might have made a cool picture had you not slipped and fallen onto your face on the ice just a few minutes prior. Whether you had broken your nose or not on your mask had yet to be uncovered. All that mattered was that Valka hadn’t seen.
Dragons crowed. Through the cracks in the walls of the sanctuary, the wind would whistle through if it hit the right angle. Louder than anything else were the sounds of the waves crashing against rock. 
But between you and Valka, it was silent. A contemplative silence, the kind of silence you shared with others after a long thought or a hard day’s work. That’s how you knew she was going to break it.
“Why did you leave?”
You are annoyed at the prospect but are no less expectant. After the moment passes, you are not surprised. However, it feels as if you are the one who should be asking.
“Why did I leave?” You ask, “Does it matter?”
A loose chunk of ice falls off the side of the sanctuary as a large titan scrambles violently down the side, chasing after a bright yellow baby. You spot a shape through the fog, distant and blurry enough to resemble a bird though there are no birds here. You pointedly do not think of your small hut, even less of green eyes, and tiny, fading freckles.
Valka tilted her head in your direction, reaching a hand out to scratch Cloudjumper under his chin as he lowered himself towards her, “It mattered to you.”
You open your mouth, but you are only able to choke on your breath. No one has ever said something like that to you, not in a long while. You don’t understand why it’s hitting you so hard. Maybe it’s the isolation.
You blame the burning of your eyes on the biting wind.
 “Why did you leave?” You ask in return, once you’ve taken time for yourself, though you have an idea. You can’t keep your voice from sounding a little bit scratchy.
You unhook your dagger from your belt, trying not to seem so attentive. Instead, you take to carving random shapes into the ice. A gronkle. A nadder.
“I was taken.” She sighs, quieter now. Lost off in memory as you both often are.
The nadder’s spikes are much too long. The gronkle looks more like a sandwich than a dragon.
“Taken?” You prompt and you begin on the outline of a fury. The result is shallow and scratchy. 
It’s one of your own designs, not the same as the one Berk uses. Astrid liked the other one better, not yours, so that was the one Hiccup went with.
“I didn’t leave,” She insisted, almost as if she was trying to convince herself of the fact,  “I had a son, and a husband.”
You’ve seen her by the fires, while trying to sneak out of this hellish ice maze. She talks to herself then. On particularly paranoid days, she’s slept by you, in the same caverns, so you’ve heard it. She talks in her sleep and says things she would never say awake, or had you been around. It’s all so very unsettling. 
“Really?” You remarked with false astonishment. The facade is flimsy, but you figured you’d give her the benefit of the doubt. The grace to assume that you’d no idea what she was on about.
With prompting, you might have seen it earlier. In her slim form, the one she kept hidden under thick furs and thicker armor. You squint. They have the same eye color. The same hair. They both have higher cheekbones, though her son more resembles his father in that aspect. That is all.
Valka shoots you a reprimanding look. Cloudjumper, now creeping down the wall behind you, taps you on the back of your head with its tail at her behest.
Valka was of the air. Though he had the same flighty tendencies, he was very grounded, like his father, though he might either be proud or loath to admit it. He loved flying, yes, but he loved inventing and processing and routine just as much, if not more.
He did when you were close. Of course he did, he spent his whole life on it. You couldn’t really say you knew him anymore.
You didn’t pin Valka as the type to enjoy the same in any sort of manner. But that suited you just as well. You found that as time went by and as you were granted more freedoms, you appreciated it. It made it easier for you to forget. To ignore.
In the end they, you and she, she and you, were one and the same.
“But what does it matter, if you never went back?” You grumble, pushing your dragon’s head away as it nudges you towards the cliff, crooning for more flying time.
You guessed that was why she clung so viciously to the safety of her sanctuary. Why she hated other people so much, why she’d had no faith in the humanity of other people, why she’d held you here so strictly. If things could have been different, then what did she give it all up for?
Though you’d never had something else. Not even the option. You’d never been given it. Valka hadn’t been given it either, but there was a sure difference between something being there and not. 
The atmosphere is silent again, tainted with some darker undertones. If you’d had to put a name to it, you might have called it grief. 
“I want to leave.”
Valka doesn’t look surprised at your request. And indeed, it’s been no secret that you wanted to leave. Maybe she was glad for it, or maybe she was sad at the news. 
After all, you settled into each other's presence long ago. You had a good sort of companionship.
And from that companionship, you learned a lot without even trying, just by watching. Eventually she took notice and she took an active part in teaching you the truths she learned during all her years in self-imposed isolation. 
You two weren’t incredibly close but you could tell Valka was grateful for the company, grateful to have someone maybe even a little bit like her, even if most of it was spent in silence. 
You still left the Drago fighting for her. It wasn’t your fight, it was hers, and you made that clear.
Neither of you brought up Berk. Ever. 
You were content to just come and go as you pleased, for a while. Nonetheless, despite your freedom, you felt restricted to the small world of the Sanctuary and the empty skies around it. There was no place for you on the ground or by the seas, where hunters and trappers swarmed by the thousands and Drago’s armies grew by the day. 
You spent so much time learning from her and yet it felt like no time at all. Which was why you were shocked when you’d truly learned how much had come and gone in full. 
You were out slinking in the shadows, seeking shelter from a storm on the same small rocky outcropping of island that had a shipful of trappers stranded, in a rage and a panic as they attempted to recover their assets. The winds had been too rough to fly, so you had no choice but to wait and listen.
You didn’t believe it at first. It had been…
You wondered if he’d been married, yet.
The idea hurt, not as much as you’d thought it would, still not as little as you’d hoped.
Under clear skies, you found an inn, untouched by everything except grass and trees.
You asked, “What day is it?”
The large man, a burly viking scrubbing down a wooden cup with a torn old rag, had looked down at you skeptically from behind a beaten pine and stone counter.
Two years. It had been nearly two years since you left Berk. Just as Valka’s attachments kept her at the Sanctuary, you needed to go. To run.
Since you had heard it, spoken it, the urge to run, to fly hadn’t abated at all, going from a wispy thought at the back of your mind to a full blown need. Your dragon too had become antsy, maybe feeding off of your nervous energy. Eager to take off, to fly new skies.
“Are you sure?” Valka asked searchingly. You two were stationed over a heavily planted cliff over a large main pool which consisted of the main cavern within the Sanctuary, once again in front of a fire, eating your own meals as the dragons below ate and exchanged fish. 
You were already packed, your mask secured as it had been for all two years you had been in this place stuck between confinement and dwelling. You almost regretted it, not telling her your name, but you couldn’t bear yourself to her knowing who she was, not truly. Not until you’d washed yourself of that particular weight. 
“Yes,” One day you would, if you ever saw her again. Once you were released from the heartache and pain of your own making, “I am. Thank you.”
You started out into the pale foggy sky,  mounted your beast as smooth as you’d ever done, which is to say, not smooth at all. You’d only ever managed it right when Valka was watching, anyhow. It was odd how that worked, maybe the peer pressure was finally starting to kick in.
As you took off and the sanctuary became smaller and smaller both to your eyes and your mind, as the tight bundle of chains in your chest dropped and the world opened up to you once more, you felt light, and free. 
Once again, there was no one to watch you and no one to hurt for besides your and your dragon. Endless opportunity. Thousands of ways to keep going.
You wondered what your face looked like.
You couldn’t wait to see it again.
Hiccup traced the faint outline of a Night Fury in the ice with his fingertips.
He tried to suppress the bubbling hope and dread at the thought his mother had been lying to him and his father about being alone all those years.
 He had left to get some air and to give his parents time together to linger while the snowstorm outside abated, taking shelter under a misty overhang of ice just off one of the tunnels leading back into the main dwelling. One that had fortunately not fallen victim to the heavy layers of snow drowning the uncovered surfaces below. 
Toothless had followed him out, of course, and sniffled curiously at the ground, giving the other few doodles littered across the ice an inspection of his own. Hiccup sat back, covering his mouth with his hand as he mulled over the implications.
He then stood, staring back into the tunnel leading back into the sanctuary. Much of the awe he had felt earlier at the discovery of his mother had washed away and a wave of uncertainty and hurt replaced it.
He knew he had been given grace. A lot more than he deserved. 
Since everything had changed, terrible mistakes became minor inconveniences. People no longer whispered about Hiccup the weird, Hiccup the Useless, the Hiccup who just didn’t get it. Rather, every jest on his behalf was now just another one of his strange little quirks. 
He did his part. He was happy to have a part now. A real one.
(He’d had a part. Blacksmith, inventor, friend.)
He thought they’d do the same for you. But you weren’t doing well. Even though he was busy with his new role, he noticed. He noticed when you fell behind, when you still couldn’t seem to find your place.
(His father, looking at him with shining eyes.)
He begged for you to not fumble this chance that you both had to be different. To be a part of something real, something tangible.
(He was so proud.)
(It made him sick.)
He knew what it was like. To be the odd one out, to not be able to do things quite the way you were supposed to. After all, if he hadn’t had Toothless then he would still be the same old Hiccup. 
(He felt like the same old Hiccup.)
So yeah, it made sense that you weren’t always the first on call. It made sense, when you lagged behind. Why you weren’t part of the group the same way everyone else was. 
(Was he?)
Like a wall had been shattered and the curtains pulled, he’d been witness to some of the moments between the other Dragon Riders he’d not been included in when he was ‘other.’ Moments that he just couldn’t quite indulge in, that used to be aimed at him, that caused something ugly and sad to curl tight in his stomach.
That left the sour taste of stomach acid on his tongue that he couldn’t wash away, no matter what he drank or how many times he tried.
So he vouched for you when the whispers started. Hounded them until they stopped, despite the creeping feeling that they were right. Clung tightly onto the few moments you were able to spend together. The way things used to be.
(Pushed down the tiny voice telling him he still didn’t belong.)
Days. It took days for them to notice you were gone. Truly gone. And they couldn’t be sure at all when it had happened, what or why. 
They assumed you were dead. Once the next devastating winter set in, there was no way you could have made it on your own.
They locked your hut. An empty grave. The key, he’d taken and melted down into other things.
But. there was always a but.
Hiccup was a good handyman. For the most part. He’d caused a lot of handy-requiring, meaning he’d had a lot of practice.
He broke your lock.
Hiccup stared down at the piles of maps, noted, traced and copied sprawled across your desk, pulled out from underneath a loose floorboard by your bed. He clenched the various compasses and sea charts hidden in drawers and carelessly thrown under dishware.
 It turned out you had a lot of free time on your hands. 
There was something missing. Something missed when the other riders would joke and prod, wielding inside jokes he’d never been privy to just as easily as they wielded swords and hammers. And now he had no one to share with when they did.
There was something missing late at night working on a new tailfin, or a rig, or early in the morning when he was too tired to piece metal jigs together.
It just wasn’t the same, going to Fishlegs or Snotlout with these things, and heaven knows that Astrid wouldn’t entertain the idea at all. It was the dragons that appealed to her most. She was an early riser and an early sleeper and for many reasons she appealed to him, but she just couldn’t be what Hiccup needed. Not then.
You faded away as if you were a ghost, a door to a room no one used.
They didn’t get how it felt to spend all those years being the odd one out. He needed someone who got it. He needed someone who got him. A friend.
And like a note in the margins of a bad story, eventually no one mentioned you at all.
He flew as far and as fast as he could. Mapping the world, exploring farther and farther, as if he might somehow be able to trace your footsteps, following a lost trail that one day a long time ago you might have paved.
He’d flown as if, once he’d flown far enough, he might have been able to understand where you’d gone. 
(Why you left him.)
They figured a way to identify dragons through scale patterns. It was a skill Fishlegs had perfected first, taking vague, long held knowledge and putting it into practice, doing the math.
Hiccup ran his hand down the side of this dragon, eyeing the torn wings, the spiked crown. The jaw.
Recording its age, its gender, his place of origin.
“You know this dragon?” Valka asked cautiously. Distrustfully. She was leaning against her staff, face guarded. He didn’t need to look to know that last bit, he heard it just fine. 
Hiccup furrowed his brow. Two fish, a scratch under the chin. Dragon nip, a saddle, carefully woven and tenderly worn.
“I trained it.”
Hiccup leaned forward against Toothless, urging him ever onwards against the rough, buffeting winds and vicious onslaught of snow. Higher and higher until they cut above the clouds, breaching the threshold of the storm, evading it altogether.
Your absence had long since become an idea. Your person, a concept that eluded him time and time again, as inescapable yet unreachable as his own grieving heart.
But now, with the news from his father, his mother… he’d set out immediately, with not a word to spare despite Gobber warning him of the oncoming storm.
You were only two days departed. Two days out, a mirage turned real and he pursued it with all the desperation of a child. Finally, nearly, you were almost tangible. Reachable, physical, real.
There was no telling how far you’d gone or how far you’d go if you’d been given the chance to flee. He needed to catch up, catch you, see you. 
Happy to be on your own again, you’d taken a few days rest just outside of Valka’s territory. You didn’t expect to be caught off guard like that. You didn’t expect to be found, even by accident. It was just your luck.
“Damn it!” Peering from around the bend, you spotted a man. And he was a man now, a long shot away from the kids you two were. 
He was masked, hidden just out of view inside the crack between a rocky craig, where you’d set up camp. However the unmistakable form of Toothless followed suit as the two fought the wind and storm, searching for shelter.  
You brushed your hand over your own mask, your dragon breathing over your shoulder as it too surveyed the newcomers. They had crash landed quite suddenly and you’d rushed to compensate, hiding before they could notice. Hopefully they hadn’t noticed. He nor Toothless wouldn’t ever notice, not if you played your cards right.
You wondered if he remembered you at all. If he knew or if he’d ever had the mind to think about you. What brought him here. Maybe he’d just been chasing a whim. You pushed back a large animal skull with your foot, the mangled remnants of your attempt to fashion a new helmet with no face.
Toothless shook his head, looking at Hiccup sourly as they trudged on towards an outcropping near the center of the small island they’d found themselves on. 
Hiccup rubbed his arms grievously, staring out towards the sea, not sure the place wouldn’t be overtaken should a particularly large wave come to shore. There was no way he’d be able to catch up to you now, not in this rough weather. He prayed that the storm would give but the chances of that were low and he had little hope.
He stumbled slightly as he was buffeted forwards, finally making it to the entrance of a nigh hidden, narrow space carved into a crack in the large rock. Toothless snuffled at his back, urging him forward, though he had to take pause at the entrance as he spotted movement in the back.
A dragon? Or…
You hadn’t played your cards right.
You cursed as you ran further into the cave and towards the opening you knew lay at the back, your dragon already there, packed and ready. You had to run back after the realization you’d forgotten your dagger, which you probably should have just left behind.
“Hey, wait!”
 You grit your teeth as Hiccup made chase, running past your dead fire and crumbling fish bones. You would have been caught had the passage not been too narrow for him and Toothless to run side-by-side. It was just luck that he hadn’t yet thought to jump back onto his saddle.
You increased your speed as the passage started to open up and swung onto your own dragon, kicking off and just missing Hiccup as he skidded to a stop. Toothless lept in front of him right after. 
You could just imagine the two of them vaulting into the sky, a common scene turned frightening image as you and your own dragon bolted.
You’d had plenty of experience flying through this kind of weather. You hadn’t always, and the vikings on Berk hadn’t much at all, choosing to hole up with their dragons when the snow got too rough.
It gave you the advantage, one you needed if Hiccup decided to follow. There was no way to tell with the snow this thick, and with Toothless, he’d be nearly impossible to outmaneuver. You stayed under the clouds, hoping to keep your cover, as traveling into the open sky now would most definitely give you away.
What you could make out below between flurries of hail and flakes was nothing but open ocean and large mountains of ice, which passed you by in less than an instant as you sped as far away as possible, using the winds to uplift instead of hindering you. 
You scanned the area around you, looking for a sound place to escape and hide. Something caught your eye but just barely and you swooped downwards.
With what happened next, you might have been caught off guard had it not been for the yelling you could make out just barely above the wind. Instead you were just incredibly scared as a large mass spiraled into you, sending the four of you tumbling and screaming down into the cavern below.
Through the vertigo you were able to kick Hiccup, untangling your limbs with force as your dragon took unsteadily to the air again.
“Wait- Come back!” He shouted, leaning forwards, arm extended towards you. Toothless roared.
“No!” You yelled stubbornly back as you twisted to glare at him through your mask.
Regrettably, it seems that the Night Fury remained undefeated in terms of speed and inescapability as he soon caught up to you again, Toothless grabbing onto your dragon’s tail and with a hard yank, forcing your landing onto a nearby ledge, large and long enough to facilitate your rough spill and roll against hard gravel. 
Your mask cracked as it was thrown against the ground, loudly echoing as it clattered against hard stone.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to- It was really rough out there, and I-” Hiccup stumbled to his feet, shaking his mechanical foot out of Toothless’ saddle, heart pounding as you looked up at him behind scraggly hair, crouched a good few strides forwards
He’d found the experience novel when he’d seen it on his Dad, an outsider looking in. But to experience it firsthand… He knew what his father meant, when he said ‘You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you.’
Even seeing you as messed up and wild as you were squeezed his breath out of his chest. Maybe even made you more… Whatever this was. Whatever you were to him. 
You definitely looked different, a little older, features more defined, but he’d die before he’d cease to recognize that face.
He had to shut his mouth, lips pursed as if to hold back all the memories flooding back into his mind, faster than the winds blowing up on the surface. You two, as kids in the meadows, complaining about life and dads, sneaking around the Great Hall, causing messes and being scolded.
He realized what it was that he’d felt and missed so deeply. It was something he’d known, hidden so deep inside, realized much too late.
You held back tears as the life you’d tried so hard to forget had finally caught up to you. Within an instant, this new life you had built for yourself had completely fallen apart.
You saw the man- because you begged for it not to be him, and you’d exhausted all your avenues, and the only option you had left was denial, took a shaky step forward, pulling his helmet back over his head with both hands, revealing a face lathered in sweat despite the cool conditions.
“Why…” Your voice, scratchy and ragged, was easily heard despite your whispering as there was nothing else to be heard, “Are you here?”
“Why… Am I…?” Hiccup asked incredulously, staring at you wide-eyed.
“Yes!” You shout, shoving the hair out of your face as you stood abruptly, “What in the world are you doing here?” Your dragon, laying behind you, began to stand, cautiously crouching against the ground.
“I came looking for you!” He looked like you’d kicked his puppy. You bared your teeth at him.
“You came looking for me? You chased me through a storm like a maniac! Can’t you take a hint?! Gods,” You grip your shoulder, “You probably broke my shoulder, curse it!”
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry I hurt you, that I-” Hiccup stepped forward. Toothless growled, behind him, “But you left! What was I supposed to do with that?”
“What you were supposed to do with that? You tackled me to the ground!” It had been so long.
“You didn’t even say goodbye!”
“You’re mad about goodbyes? Was the goodbye I gave you not good enough?!” He had scruff now, a light dusting of peach fuzz spotting along his chin. His hair was redder, his eyes greener. Or maybe that was the lighting.
“You went missing for two years! So I chased after you. Who wouldn’t? In what world would ‘I’ll see you later’ ever be enough? Ever?” It’s not like he ever gave you a goodbye. Not before he’d left you in the dust.
“I was hurt! And what are you- how do you even remember that, anyways?” You scoff loudly. But in the end he was still the same boy. He would have taken anyone else at their whim as a friend or otherwise. Yet he didn’t even recognize your companionship or your silly little crush. Wasn’t that disheartening?
Hiccup stomped forwards, causing you to step back. Your dragon snarled and followed as Toothless began to circle, trapping you and Hiccup in the middle of a very dangerous tango.
“How could I-? You’d- Just- Have you ever considered that maybe I was hurting, too? I spent so long just trying to fix- everything! I spent so long doing, and then you just leave and I can’t do anything about it! Do you know how painful that was? Why didn’t- why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you talk to me? Why?” He had worked hard. So, so hard.
 He probably would have chosen Ruffnut’s hand over yours. He thought she was terrible.
“Why?” You asked him, throwing your arms out, squishing the little ball of guilt worming around in your stomach, “Why didn’t you talk to me? Do you know how much it hurt, to be constantly left behind like- like your old scraps, and maybe I got tired of hearing about it! Hearing about all of it! Your standing, your dad, your stupid girlfriend! Could you not just be happy with what you had?”
He did get Astrid, though. He pursued her even though, for the longest time, she remained just ever so out of his league. The same way he was and wasn’t out of yours. Yeah, you were jealous. So, so jealous.
Of her, of his cousin and all his other friends for pushing you around and squeezing you out of his life. You were mad at him for letting them, after all they’d done to the both of you.
“I got made fun of! All the damn time! And your head was so full of air- you were too busy jerking your own ego to notice!” Your eyes stung as you shouted at him.
“Up my own ego!” Hiccup stopped, “No one wanted me as I was. I spent so long trying to make everything work for everyone else! What I had-I wanted you to have it too! So why? Why did you leave?”
“You say that, but-” You grimace and, “Shouldn’t it be obvious? Maybe I didn't want that! Did- did you ever stop to consider that maybe I wanted you? You didn’t have to make anything up for me! You-! It was all about you!”
“I- Honestly, you have to- All my life, I-”
“I have to what?! We had the same life, Hiccup!”
“I know!” Hiccup squeezed his eyes shut tightly. Then, quicker than you could react, he grabbed you by your upper arm and pulled you closer just enough- It wasn’t pleasant at all, all force and teeth against lip. But the next one.
He pulled back, readjusted and you slipped together seamlessly. Closed-mouthed, but he clearly knew what he was doing, kissing you that way. You held onto his elbows, unmoving yet still, frozen by shock. He’d gotten his practice in with Astrid. 
The thought sent a wave of fury down your spine. You punched him.
He reared back from the blow, accepting yet more startled than physically hurt as, just like him, you’d never had much muscle. Still, you’d left what was quickly becoming a nice red welt on his face.
 Your dragons stared at the both of you in shock, yours more in confusion than Toothless. There weren’t many Vikings in the sanctuary, so the meaning behind the gesture, the punch and the kiss, was probably lost.
“I thought…” He mumbled, eyes wide again, speaking as though whatever just happened, hadn’t, “I thought everything was fine. Fine enough. Between us.” You looked at him, the place where your heart used to be all twisted up and torn.
He was a liar. He was a liar, and you wouldn’t let him one over you. Not again. You didn’t want him to, more than anything else.
In spite of that, emotionally and physically, you were exhausted. You could only manage sadness. You weren’t sure you had the energy to push him away. 
“You thought wrong.” You didn’t want to speak to him at all.
“Please, don’t-” he fell apart, voice hushed and cracking as he spoke. He took the final step towards you, burying his head against your shoulder. You stood stiff, staring out over into the scenery beyond his back and yet unseeing.
It was weird, having said everything you’d needed to say, that you’d bottled up for so many years. It defined you for so long that having it all out in the open kind of made you feel like you’d lost something essential.
“I see it. I see it now. I really do,” He whispered that last part tearfully, fingers gripping weakly onto the fabric of your sleeves. You felt as though a stiff breeze might blow him away, “Please, don’t leave me. Not again.” 
He couldn’t say that.
“I can’t let you go again,” He really couldn’t say that.
“Just... Just tell me what you want.” He couldn’t say that, either. Toothless shot you a scathing glare, your dragon all but forgotten as he tugged Hiccup back. Your dragon unfurled its wings behind you, standing tall and proud as he pulled away towards the entrance to the cavern. 
You met Hiccup’s gaze.
“Just do me this.” You choked out, watching as his expression switched from despaired to flat and back again, “Go away,”
 “Please.” You said.
And he did. He turned tail and ran.
It was over.
As he flew away on Toothless, becoming nothing but a pinprick in your periphery before finally disappearing up the cavern entrance, you fell back down onto your knees. 
You weren’t sure what to do anymore. The most important decision of your life was made with his ghost nipping at your heels. Truly, he haunted you. Whether he was with you or not, he always haunted you.
But the dragons here, untouched by the outside world, were kind. And curious. Once the threat was gone and the commotion was over, many came over to examine the newcomers, sniffing and prodding at you and your things.
They were welcoming enough. So you set up shop.
Hiccup laid flat against his bed, staring at the ceiling of his childhood home. He felt torn in every single direction all at once.
He’d left when his people needed him. When his father had needed him. Drago had attacked while he’d been gone, and all that was left of the sanctuary now was rubble. Then he’d gone after Berk. Hiccup had only just gotten there in time.
His father was fine, his mother… alive. After twenty years. Everyone was accounted for, but what if they hadn’t been? If he’d been there, maybe there would have been less damage, less people hurt.
But he wouldn’t have found you if he’d stayed. Finally, after all this time. He'd realized how long it truly had been since you left, lost to him even before you’d actually run off on your… the, nadder.
The floorboards creaked as someone made their way up the stairs to the loft, the front door swinging shut behind him. Hiccup didn’t move, just glancing to the side to see who it was that came to get him this time.
“Astrid,” He sighed. The two of them were distant and had been for a long while, despite the fact that they were supposed to be in a relationship. He’d been off a lot for that whole long while, which she hadn’t much minded as she’d found herself more interested in other things. And… he’d found his heart had a new owner.
“It’s been a month, Hiccup,” She rolled her head back, exhausted, as if reciting a tired script that she’d been reading off for ages, one that no one wanted to listen to anymore,  “Everyone is fine. You don’t have to hole up so often. I don’t know why you did it, but no one is mad you left, you know. You couldn’t have known.”
“Yeah…” Hiccup sighed, “Yeah, I know.”
“You need to get out,” She looked around his room, which was very much a mess of parts and papers, and ran her hand down a large map, laid flat over the only remotely clear space he had, his desk, “if you don’t next thing you know, a month’ll be four.”
“Why are you so obsessed with this place? … Does it have anything to do with the time you spent missing?” Astrid questioned. Hiccup propped himself up, turning over alarmed as he heard the sound of skin on paper. It had been freshly inked.
“No,” He’d guessed at where the two of you had ended up. He was sure that he’d be able to find it again, given the chance. He would. After he worked up the courage.
After all, you’d… You didn’t want to be found.
“Hey, wait, that’s-” He scrambled onto his one leg, kicking aside his prosthetic and jamming his toe in the process.
 “Ah, ow, ow, don’t touch that, please,” Astrid rolled her eyes and tossed the cylinder to his bed and he picked it up, examining it thoroughly as she sauntered off.
You weren’t sure why, but he kept coming back
“Hi,” He said awkwardly, shifting from foot to peg nervously. This was the first time he’d caught you. The first time he’d spotted you was the last but you’d made off that time before he could see you.
“Why are you here?” You stared at him, blank faced. Why didn’t you leave, curse it.
Your dragon waved its tail playful from the side, waiting for Hiccup to go. The other ones wouldn’t come out while he was here.  It felt good in a vindictive sort of way, because dragons had always been this thing, except this time you were the one with the secret dragon knowledge. And the upper hand. Sort of. They didn’t hide from you.
“I like… “ He flushed, “I like hearing you talk?”
“Sure,” You suggested, turning and starting off again, basket under arm and over rock as you began unsteadily making your way back up to home cave. You liked it there because you didn’t have to leave much for anything.
“Wait, wait, wait wait,” Hiccup stuttered. As you had your arms over a particularly steep ledge, your legs waved nonsensically and scrambled against the side as you searched for a foot grip, “Just, uh, let me-”
“Come back tomorrow,” You grunted after you managed to finally get one leg up the side. You’d probably figure out what to say by then.
You felt better here, like maybe you weren’t meant for people. Not for dragons either, not really.  The dragons here didn’t need defending or anything, it’s not like there was anyone down here to defend against besides other dragons. The most you’d had to go out for was food, and even that was made or stolen easily enough.
Being here gave you enough time to make you think that maybe you were meant just for yourself. 
You sat by the spray by the falls, enjoying the mist as it sprayed onto your face and the echoing sounds of the water hitting gray stone. 
“Toothless, come on- Just please, I know you don’t want- but-” Your eyes shot open, the distant voice of Hiccup bounced around the empty cavern, your moment ruined.
You looked around for the pair, trying to figure out which direction you should be running before. Suddenly, it felt like you’d been drenched by a whole lot more than a mist as Toothless landed messily behind you.
“What are you doing here?” You were careful to keep your balance as you shuffled further inland, looking a lot like a drenched cat as you came face-to-face with an also sopping wet Hiccup
You would never be rid of him.
“You said to come back tomorrow?” He asked, twisting his fingers and very purposefully refusing to look you in the eye.
Of course, you hadn’t figured out what to say.
You blew a raspberry as you adjusted the stolen, waterlogged basket which you had, again, under your arm. You needed more than two pairs of clothes.
“...Come back later,” You grumbled, “Later than tomorrow.”
You’d been free for a week. You’d been hoping for maybe two, to be frank.
“Please, I just-” Hiccup huffed, traveling by foot while you rode your dragon. Toothless followed behind, grumbling and gurgling at Hiccup judgmentally. Clearly whatever good will you’d built up with him before you ran left had been more than lost.
“I’m not interested in whatever you’re selling,” You stare straight ahead, over the encroaching cliff, ducking round and under ledges as your dragon trotted onwards.
“I want to get to know you, again.”
Eventually, the cave dragons had warmed up to Hiccup and he was able to work his magic on them. Now they watched through stalagmites and stalactites with impassive eyes as he made chase.
“Uh huh,” You scoffed as you reached the edge of the ledge. You turned around and stuck out your tongue as your dragon took a violent leap into the open air. As the wind whistled around you, you pinwheeled your arms in an effort to try and keep balance.
“Come on, Toothless, bud,” Hiccup complained from way behind. You saw Toothless very decidedly sit down, refusing to move even as Hiccup tried to push him towards the cliff with his whole upper body, “Let’s go.”
“So,” Hiccup started, “You haven’t gone any deeper.”
The both of you stared out into the vast, glowing sea of  towers and gigantic glowing mushrooms extending out of their jagged rock faces. In the distance you could spot gigantic crystals, protruding from the ground the same way the sanctuary did. 
Seas of dragons crowed and chirped, bright patterns shifting and growing under hard muscle. It was very dizzying, if you were going to be honest.
“No,” You replied, “No, I haven’t. Not this far, but now I… I might.”
You hadn’t traveled too far into the cavern, deciding not to push your luck with the locals. You always figured there was some sort of nest farther in. Turns out there was, and a whole lot more locals than you expected, and a lot more to this small world besides the cold, empty cavern. At least you didn’t have to worry about flooding anymore. Or sea salt in your hair.
You swore to yourself that you were going to move further in, caught off guard and most definitely embarrassed at the fact that so much open space had been hiding right under your nose. 
Free for three days.
“There has to be more. There’s no way- It doesn’t make sense how all these different kinds of dragons can live in the same environment. There’s- there’s so much here that-Gods, I have to map it,” Hiccup rambled, smiling gawkily.
He’d been here for a week.
You felt a pressure to supervise him as he ran rampant in your new home, unsure of when he’d become such a cartographer. Your dragons had gone missing a while ago, leaving you two to be babysat by the hands of the general public.
You watched as he painstakingly mapped each pillar, occasionally chiming in with your own advice, looking the same way he did the day he discovered honey when you were kids. It was almost pleasant.
The two of you had fallen off the edge of a pillar after being knocked down during a spat between two touchy Crimson Goregutters, which no Hiccup magic or dragon secret could stop. After an event with a vine, dangling over certain death and panic, you two had managed to swing your way onto a large glowing mushroom. 
The downside to that was that now, you were stuck, owed to the fact that apparently, what made some of these mushrooms glow was very viscous and… sticky. 
Hiccup’s arms were glued to the space on both sides of your head, and your hands were gripping his arms which were visibly shivering, because you two had been stuck like this for a while. You’d been tugged, prodded at and licked by various different dragons. Nothing helped and you were starting to think that maybe this was how you were going to die. 
Well, you knew you weren't going to go to Valhalla. It was kind of really hard to die in battle if you spent most of your time avoiding people. But this just sucked.
“What's up with your pathological need to map everything?” You asked belligerently. To be honest, it didn’t really bother you. Hiccup’s rambling had never bothered you, because you were prone to rambling in the same exact way. Currently though you were hard pressed to find anyone else to hear it. 
“I thought your thing was the forge? You spent half of my childhood there.”
“Well, yeah, I…” He rested his forehead against yours, eyes shut as his neck finally gave out, you weren’t too pleased as you felt his sweat drip onto your face, squirming rebelliously.
 “Wasn’t sure if you’d want to hear it. I-I could talk about that instead?” No talking at all would be great.
 “Yeah,” You gave in, closing your eyes and going limp against the slimy fungi, “That would be better.”
Lips pursed, then grimaced as he’d opened his mouth to speak. Nothing came out, though. He just stared above your head, unmoving. You tried to see what he was looking at, but only got an eyeful of his scruff.
Next thing you know, you’re being smothered by a plushy pink tongue, then just licked and nosed a little bit. The spit of this dragon doing something odd to dissolve the slime trapping the two of you, fizzing as it touched shiny goo. When you finally had the facilities to move, you flipped your head back and your eyes widened slightly.
It looked like the two of you had just found Toothless a girlfriend.
Three months, two days and five visits- no, seven. Nine? Eleven? Seventeen?
“I don’t actually have a problem… with the mapping. Talking about it.”
You two were nestled between a rock and another rock, though this time whether it was a result of purpose or chance remained uncertain. You couldn’t remember. You were after something… There was barely any space between the two of you. You had been talking.
There was barely any green to Hiccup’s eyes, most of his iris consumed by large pupils as he mouthed around works that looked suspiciously like, “Can I…?”
Instead, he leaned forwards and your foreheads touched, the same way they did when you were trapped before. His eyes were clenched shut as he uttered, “I love you.”
 You had a hard time believing that.
You turned your head to the side. 
“I wonder how Astrid feels about her boyfriend flying off and doing who knows what.”
Some of the wild dragons lay in front of you, licking at the dying fire by your feet. A terror lay in the middle of it. You’d lined it with stones which were now giving off a pleasant warmth.
“I doubt she’d mind. We’re not really… together anymore. I don’t think so. I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t want to be.”
“Right,” You raised an eyebrow at him skeptically. 
“Not since a little while after you left, actually.”
You found that hard to believe too, as you shook the burnt slice of fish off your knife onto your burnt slice of bread. You weren’t much better than Valka at cooking, but you were getting better. It was something about that sanctuary, or maybe something about that woman that just made you worse at cooking.
Hiccup wrinkled his nose over on the other side of your log as he shook his head at you.
It was a petty, but bitter sort of revenge. 
Your first kiss had been lost to a fair bloke- his words, not yours- in the middle-of-nowhere inn. It had been a long time since you’d been out, but you were sure you’d easily be able to find somewhere similar to lose some other things. Hiccup had your heart but you’d never give him the opportunity to take any of your firsts.
Two months.
You were angry at him for playing with your heart again.
“There was a crisis-Berk…” His voice cracked.
 You looked disinterestedly out over uncanny black waters. “Yeah, It’s fine.”
Seven days, seven visits. He might have been camping aboveground.
The two of you were between two large red fungi, settled on a mossy rock overlooking a new, larger, unmapped maze of rock pillars and black water rushing below. Dragons, glowing and colorful, mingled together off in the distance. Toothless was probably one, gone off to frolic with his new lady love.
“You never wanted me. As a friend, as a- …battle buddy, or as anything else. You would never have chosen me for anything. And I just… I didn’t want to be just what you settled for,” You mumbled into your knees, “You spent so long searching for better, and then you found it, and it just really hurt to realize that I wasn’t a part of that.” 
You spilt your heart out as you faced the cliffside. Hiccup was facing you. You didn’t care what he heard. None of this was real anyways.
“I’m sorry,” Hiccup repeated, clenching his eyes shut as he buried his nose into your shoulder, barely there though he had to crane his head forwards, due to the uncomfortable angle. 
What he had with Astrid these past few years, that was real. That was history. This thing between the two of you was just a mess of pain and turmoil and a little bit of childhood fantasy. An old infatuation rearing its head as you got everything nasty out of your system.
“It hurt to think that-That… the one person- Like everyone else did, you didn’t think I was good enough either.”
“I’m sorry.” You felt his arms come around your sides awkwardly before he squeezed.
“Me too. I…”
He’d remember that he didn’t want-need- you again soon enough.
“I haven’t told anyone. About you, or this place.”
“You haven’t?” You’d actually expected otherwise. It was nice to know you weren’t at risk of getting dropped in on.
Two months, thirty two visits.
You might be coming around to him.
“You’ve already-?” He asked, a little startled. You still felt a little silly about it but after you’d done it, you figured it wasn’t that big of a deal. It wasn’t like you’d planned to marry or anything anyways, so his reaction was kind of funny.
“Yeah, I was pretty mad. So I went out, and… you know. It was a while ago, though.” 
He looked a little disheartened at the idea, but he just scoffed, waving his hand off in your direction.
“What? You and Astrid kissed, yeah, but you haven’t done- anything? Not even before you ‘totally broke up,’” You didn’t have to specify what they hadn’t done, the innuendo was already pretty obvious.
“Nah.” Hiccup said, hair wiped out of his face, matched squares of parchment. Map pieces were strewn out in front of him as he made himself busy trying to create a complete chart of the underground, matching up the landscape he saw with the islands above it.
 Unfortunately, the caverns seemed to stretch on forever and the islands only covered so much.
Three months, one day, thirty two hours. 
You straddled him, crinkling some of the many, many blueprints scattered across the moss surface. You wiggled one out from under him, looking down as he looked up. It felt good, being the one in charge for once.
You leaned down, pressing your noses together. Just before, you’d been going over his things. His blueprints. Swapping ideas. Sharing minds. Like you used to, every single day. Like you’d been doing, almost every single day.
“Do you love me?” You asked.
Every day you’d been together. Your knees touched, shoulders pressed close together.
You had to know. And if he did… He had to mean it. 
You played games, shared stories. You’d grappled and curled, not the way vikings could, but the way two hiccups did, a long, long time ago. 
If he didn’t, well… You had all the time in the world to leave, to start again. But you didn’t think you could. You could go weeks without seeing him, and then sometimes it would be every other day. 
This was it.
“I do love you,” He choked out, wheezing as you adjusted, your weight pressing against his chest. He glanced back at you, crumbling a little bit. 
He spent a lot of time here, now. A lot more than before. With the time spent traveling in between, as he said it, it was a wonder he got anything done there at all. Most of his time was spent above mapping the islands or down here with you.
You read what his body language told you; he was insecure. 
“... Do you love me?”
“I do.” Hesitantly, you nodded, “I do.” Was that even a question?
You trusted him. You didn’t trust him. You had no way to know if he stabbed you in the back again. Went back to Astrid. You didn’t really have a way to know if that’s what he did, every time he left. 
You loved him, didn’t you?
He didn’t know that? Maybe not always and not all at once, since you left. You hadn’t done a very good job of making him know it. You hadn’t a lot of reason to. 
Did you love him now?
You marveled at how easy it was to be around him, with him. It wasn’t the same as it was before, but it was still good. It could almost be better. You, against everything, wanted it. You wanted it so bad.
“I’d leave it all behind, for you,” Hiccup said.
You would make him know it.
“You would?” You asked, “Would you?”
You laid your heart bare to him, stitched and spiked. And you, as he said it, implied it, maybe you held his. 
“Do you want me to?” He asked. He tugged lightly on one of the draws to your tunic, faking interest in it as he worried the inside of his cheek. You didn’t want his home, or his family. 
“I don’t want anything,” You scoffed dismissively. You wanted his honesty. You wanted to know that he was yours. Yours truly. That was it.
Prove it. You urged him on, Prove it to me. 
He smiled that goofy, awkward smile, half teeth and all closed at the edges. You could tell he was trying hard not to falter. You hadn’t seen that smile in such a long time.
Know me, You asked.
“So… Do you? Do you love me?” He asked again, offering his hand up to your face. His fingers were scabbed, and dirty and you leaned into his palm, pushing it down as he tangled his fingers clumsily into the roots of your hair. You pressed your lips together, again, again and over again until neither of you could breathe. 
Have me, You pleaded.
“I do,” You gasped into his mouth, “I really, really do.” You offered no resistance. Not this time.
Love me. 
There was no coming back.
(Deep in your mind, you wondered if maybe, possibly, he already did.)
Twelve months. Twelve months since he’d found you.
Hiccup stood at the edge of Berk, armor packed away in favor of a lighter tunic. He often wondered what it would have been like, if he’d really run away with you like he’d intended.
If things would have ended up the same. 
Would he have seen you in time? In time for what he had now? For this? 
No. no, probably not. 
His father would notice. His mother might.
His father was fine. And now he had his mother. They were old, but they were tough. They could have a new kid. Or maybe they’d convince Snotlout or Astrid to take the mantle. 
They’d-everyone-would be fine without him.Who was he kidding? He’d spent so long working so hard and they didn’t need him at all. And if he was honest, He didn’t need them. 
He didn’t really care. Not anymore. He let go.
Life would go on just fine without him, just as it did before him and just as it would long after his name was lost to time. His distance only proved it. He spent so long away he’d been practically excommunicated again.
After a little bit of irritation, his travels became just another one of his quirks. 
‘Oh, look, there’s Hiccup. Oh, well, he’s off again.’ He was barely missed. And rightly so. It was by his own doing, really. That was fine by him. In fact, It worked in his favor.
It was borderline hysterical how, the moment they found more furies, and his new paramour, Toothless went from devil’s advocate to his most eager accomplice. 
The Sand Wraiths were especially cool… It cost him a lot less fish to get there now. To you.
Sometimes he had to wonder why he’d been so attached to Berk. Working for things that ultimately, he didn’t care about. Everything that kept him here, he also had with you. When he was here, all he wanted was to go back out.
A pebble-sized ball of guilt coil in his stomach. It used to be worse. But, he’d talked to you about it. The engagement.
The engagement with Astrid. The one that was basically moot at this point, anyways. She might even slap him if he brought it up, to expect anything after he’d left her for so long. Truly, officially. all he’d had to do was end it. He left a letter nearby her family home; they would find it if they bothered to search for him.
A scummy trick, yes. Was he a coward for doing it? Maybe. But he was a smart coward. He wasn’t lying when he’d told you that no one knew.
Hiccup exhaled, bouncing up and down on his heel and peg, as if to psych himself up. To dispel all of his nervous, excited energy.
It was a clear day, no risk of a storm. He strapped his saddle pack to Toothless. It was only slightly larger than usual, so as not to arouse suspicion, of course, but it held all of his essentials. Leatherworking tools, metalworking tools, more tools, his armor, spare armor, spare foot, spare charcoal. The small plush his mother had made for him as a child. His viking helmet, for memory’s sake.
Slung over his shoulder was a smaller pack with just his compass and his coin. 
As the two of you grew closer and closer, it only made his decision more and more certain.
He wasn’t meant to be Chief. He wasn’t cut out for this life at all. He didn’t want this life. He wanted you. 
As far as anyone else was concerned, you’d long since disappeared and now he had the feeling it was time for him to do the same.
He took a deep breath, one that pushed his lungs to his ribs. Then like his bag, he flung himself over Toothless’ saddle before he took off from Berk for the last time, closing his eyes. He’d left his helmet off this time so he felt the beating wind rip through his hair.
The two of you were there, half hidden from view under a large red plume. It was wasm, and your perspiring skin was trapped under hollow armor, same as his. 
You gasped, hot air mingling every time his breath hit your face. The two of you huffed and panted as he pushed you unto the dirt and you pushed back, feeling the moss tickle your face and the backs of your hand. 
Not your back, though. Just hands. 
Gripped, interlaced fingers pressed firmly down by your head, sweaty palms melded to his. He’d been the one in charge, today.
He was hunched over you, his trousers unbuckled and unlaced as he pressed downwards, forwards, gently and not.
A line of sweat ran down your cheek. Your eyelids fluttered. His breath caught.
Men shouted their battle cries into the dark, never ending sky as Berk was set in flames. A skull, still fresh with blood and exposed brain, broke with a sickening, wet crunch as Stoick ground his head into it, bringing mercy to the poor, damaged creature.
“There is no fury here,” He bellowed as he towered menacingly against the hulking wall of flames by his door. Three Deathgrippers and their tails lay cut, prone and slain around him. 
“We’ll see about that,” Grimmel crooned, standing tall with his hands linked behind his back, looking down on him with two more dragons hissing and spitting by his sides.
Sharp talons dug into the wood of the rafters, Cloudjumper’s head turning steering around as he hung by her feet. Valka, masked and fully covered, crouched down from where she was, nestled at the bend of his tail. She pulled her arms back, getting her hook, sharp and serrated, ready for a wicked swing.
Yes, he would see. She’d make sure of it.
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solannn · 5 months
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🎖 ┆AND you never knew,how
🌟 ┆much I really like you.— The Smiths
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summary : Stoick want to be in father in law and wants to Hiccup to propose to you cause he have a long time crush on you. Hiccup wants to you to avoid it. (Gn!reader)
Hiccup is maybe ooc
Hiccup was quite nervous.
He tried everything and anything to avoid his father talking about 'proposing' his love for you.
You and Hiccup were friends, you don't remember how you became friends way back when,
Hiccup developed feelings that were more than friendship on his childhood bestfriend he always thought that having a crush on his best friend is quite weird ?
He wouldn't admit his feelings towards you, but you noticed that he was acting weird at the moment.
Hiccup decided to get help from Astrid,she was clearly annoyed that it was about [Name] again
"Just confess to him,i know it’s hard but just do it" she angrily said and sigh "I won’t help you this time. Remember what you dad said ‘if you don’t propose I’ll force you to do it’ I don’t think you want to get force" she said as she glared and sigh once again. "Ok,I’ll do it-" he desperately said who did he even get himself here ?
It’s been few day,he’s still acting weird now you decided to confront him“Hiccup why are you acting so weird?” You asked him, raising your eyebrow.
“What you mean?” He tells you how if he had no idea what you were talking about. "I-"
“Stop lying to me, it won’t work with me.” You interrupt him "what’s up with you ? You can tell me everything you know !" You insisted
"I know but it’s quite hard to say.." he mumbled "it’s just my dad he keeps asking to do some- thing yeah-" he hesitated a bit as you nodded.
"Yeah and what up with question ?" You asked trying to understand what’s going on "Why is it so hard to talk to y-" he was interrupted by someone behind "boy,didn’t you propose them yet I want to be father in law." A deep voice said,it was Stoick
You froze and Hiccup sighed "that’s why didn’t want to you to know" does he felt the same feelings as you ? You blushed
"Who said I was going to refuse you?" You said giggling and yours lips met his he was taken aback by the kiss. Stoick smiled
(AGGH I Dont like it 😓)
(Send me more requests !!)
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 6 months
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🐉.Fly High Dragon King | How To Train Your Dragon X Male Reader
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The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Fly High Dragon King | (You are Here) More about you: More about you Prologue: New Home From Across the Sea Chapter 1: Old Friends from the Starry Sky |TBW Chapter 2: The Chieftain's Decision | TBW Chapter 3: My Good Friend and Maybe Yours | TBW Chapter 4: Understanding This Way of Life | TBW Chapter 5: Convincing Her of Sky Bound Beauty | TBW Chapter 6: Lifelong Friends Over War | TBW Chapter 7: The Queen Faces the King | TBW
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Growing up with dragons, Y/n became something like one. He didn't have wings or a tail, but he had the scales, teeth, and appetite of one. Not to mention his aging stunted. His body adapted to live with these glorious winged reptiles as he made his home in their nest. He was stuck, at the age of 2, living with these dragons for 10 years. These dragons would try to provide him some education; bringing him books from the vikings boats they had shot down. The dragons all cared for Y/n as their own, and he loved each of them dearly. All dragons knew him as the Dragon King. No dragon would defy him, not even the babies. Y/n would fly with them and would act like them. But after those 10 years, Y/n wanted to explore and figure out what made up vikings and why they would hurt the creatures he cared so much for. With the help of 2 night furies, whom he had befriended over those 10 years, they brought him to an abandoned ship and Y/n had sailed away. After a few months of sailing, his boat crashed into Berk, and he became a part of their community as he tried to understand the reason they killed those he considered family.
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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noahideahwrites · 1 year
Hellooo! Could you please write how you think Hiccup's and alpha's first date would be? I just read your piece on the courting headcanon :)
Date Headcanons — Omega!Hiccup
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Notes: I love this idea, not sure if I pulled it off how I really wanted, but that's alright. Again, this takes place on "Race To The Edge".
Warnings: possible grammar errors
»» Hiccup would be the one to plan the date, considering he is the one that gives off assignments to the group, only he would be able to make you too have free time at the same time.
»» Hiccup's first date is his favorite type of date, you two first go on a flight different from the usual routes, then make a picnic in a secluded and hidden but still beautiful area. Later you would take another flight, but this time heading to a lagoon or lake, and spend the rest of the day there. During the night, you two would go to the peak of a mountain and watch the stars, until one of you get tired and decide to go back to Dragon's Edge.
»» Now, for this date to occur, it would have to be a time when the Dragon Hunters aren't that active, and the group can take a break. Also, no big events happening, so the date would be interrupted.
»» The twins and Snotlout would have to be distracted with something else, cause we all know how much these three can be a menace. So Hiccup would ask for FIshleg's and Astrid's help, maybe even Heather's if it happens while she is part of the Dragon Riders.
»» For the food, I do believe Hiccup doesn't know how to cook, maybe only fry fish on a campfire, so if you want a more intricate type of food, you will have to make it yourself.
»» The date would take the entire day, starting early in the morning and ending late at night, principally since it might be one of the only free days you have.
»» Considering that you're part of the Dragon Riders, you have your dragon, so the flights would be each of you in your own dragons. But if for some reason one of the dragons is injured, tired, or simply doesn't want to go, you two would go in the same dragon.
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writing-mlm · 2 years
Smelting talks (if they actually talked)
Hiccup Haddock x male reader
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word count: 2.1k
warnings: none
summary: Hiccup has a crush on you, the forger, and goes over to talk but can't seem to get past a greeting. Astrid decides to help him at least say more than three words.
Hiccup Haddock III, who, for as long as you could remember, had never had too much interest in forging. Nothing above the logistics. Just enough that he could make his own items, like the prosthetic Toothless wore. But ever since you had been taken under Gobber’s wing as his apprentice, Hiccup somehow managed to stop by every day. 
Sometimes he claimed it was since he was chief and needed to make sure everything was going smoothly while other times he put in requests. Most of them were simple, like a dragon saddle or a new bolt for one of the ships but occasionally he’d ask for weapons and help with gathering forging materials. 
The Smithy was almost painfully hot, with the blistering Berk heat, your sheepskin-clad outfit, and the fact that one of the dragons lit the grass on fire nearby, you were sure you were going to pass out. You swung down the hammer on the hissing red metal and felt the vibrations as it bent into the shape you hit it in. It was quickly turning a silver color, though, so with every third or so hit you had to stick it back in the coal pit. 
“Working hard, eh?” Hiccup laughed as he poked his head inside the customer window. You looked over at him and nodded, barely able to wipe the sweat bedding on your forehead before the metal turned the same dangerous red as it had just moments before. 
    “And sweating like a pig, I tell ya!” Gobber smacked your back as you transferred the metal back to the metal table. “Snotlout broke his helmet and needs one before the race, (Y/n) here said he’d get it down by sundown the day after next,” By the tone of his voice you could tell Gobber thought you were in over your head. 
“He has a big head, it’s easy,” You muttered with a wack of your mallet. “See? Almost done, ain’t he a pretty thing?” You turned to look at Hiccup as his eyes darted down from you to the almost complete helmet. 
   “You mean she,” Gobber grabbed a thick strip of metal and tossed it down in front of you. 
    “She’s for the woman-loving folk,” Taking a pair of tongs from the workstation, you picked up the metal and made your way to the fire pit. “And while they are very pretty, I prefer the men,” 
With your back turned to Hiccup you couldn’t see the way his cheeks flared a bright red, how his eyes went wide and mouth agape. He looked over at Gobber who was laughing, muttering something about a past crush you had. From a book or something, Hiccup didn’t care. He was too busy replaying what you had said. 
The more it processed the more red Hiccup got, it was so bad that when you turned around you thought the fire had been so hot as to make him look as if he had just stood in front of it for a little while. 
“Are you okay, Hiccup?” You bit your glove off and pressed the back of your hand to his forehead. “Ah, my hands warm. No use,” You laughed and put it back on. “Why don’t you go and get some cooler air. You’re burning more than the coal,” He nodded and walked away as you went back to working on the helmet. 
“Astrid!” Hiccup shouted as he raced over to her as she was about to mount her dragon. “Astrid— guess what!” He panted, holding onto the dragon's scales for support. 
    “If it’s about (Y/n) again,” She warned with a half-serious glare. She had listened to him talk about you since they became friends. Even more so when they became fake lovers. It was painful, honestly, she couldn’t believe how fast Hiccup could talk about something other than dragons. 
    “It is—“ Astrid turned from him and went to tell Stormfly to take off. “But- but this is good news. I promise! He’s into guys, too!” Almost as if Astrid had forgotten about the countless nights she spent tossing pillows and threatening Hiccup to shut up about his stupid crush, she jumped off of Stormfly and landed in front of Hiccup. 
“Tell me everything,” She demanded, although it wasn’t necessary since Hiccup was already fixing to tell her an exact recall of what had happened just minutes ago. But he might have gone into too much detail as Astrid shoved his face away before she gripped his shoulders. “Shorten it— nothing about how the sweat rolled down. I don’t care about that!” 
“Okay… okay. So, he was working on a helmet for Snotlout and—“
The following morning, after you had stayed up throughout the night to finish the helmet, you put the final details on the helmet. All that was left was to cast it in dragon's spit. Something Snotlout swore gave his helmet an extra boost of strength. He even got the rest of the island to believe it so it came as a standard practice. 
Also, one that meant you had to collect dragon spit at least three times a week and no amount of pay were worth it. 
You settled yourself on a patch of still-living grass and set the bucket of spit next to you before grabbing the contents of your bag from your side. Inside was an apron to keep spit from going on you, two brushes, and the helmet. 
“So… (Y/n),” Astrid plopped herself down next to you. “Are you busy?” You dipped the horsehair brush into the spit and turned to her. 
    “How busy is covering a helmet in dragon spit?” You joked and slapped the brush on the inside of the helmet before gagging. “It smells so bad,” Smearing the inside, you saw Astrid get closer to the bucket before she quickly covered her nose. 
    “Seems…” She scooted away from the bucket. “Fun.” 
“But, nope. Not busy,”  Situation the helmet between your legs, you heard Astrid hum and then grumble something. But before you could get a chance to look at her, she tossed her arm over your shoulder. 
  “Are you into anyone? Snotlout or… Hiccup?” 
“Definitely not Snotlout,” Jutting her away with the brush, you dipped it back into the bucket.
    “And Hiccup?” She trailed off. You glanced over and shrugged before dropping your hands to your side, allowing the brush to slide down inside the helmet. 
     “He’s good-looking. But we haven’t had an actual conversation yet. He always runs off,” You explained, looking up at the clouds with a squint. “We used to be close, as kids. But then… I don’t know. We drifted apart? Maybe, he just stopped talking to me,” 
“Really?” She perked up and you nodded through a tight-lipped smile and closed eyes. 
    “He… I knew I liked boys when I was around him. Maybe that’s why like he knew something. I don’t know, I never asked. I got over it by the time he found Toothless but—“ 
“It’s come back?” She finished. You sat up and angrily picked up the paintbrush. 
    “It’s stupid! Because I’m always working and I’m trying to not look at him and when he’s over I want to talk to him but— but—“ You groaned and slapped the brush on the outside of the helmet before reeling back as spit flew up. “He runs away and can’t keep a conversation! Just talk, y’know what I mean?” 
“Maybe he’s shy…” She wiped the spit from the side of her face and rubbed it on the grass. “He could… feel the same way or… maybe he’s sorry about ignoring you,” 
“Maybe,” With the helmet casted, you laid it on your apron and let it dry in the grass. “But until then—“ You turned to Astrid and smiled. “I’ll be working on my commissions,” 
If there was one thing Astrid had learned from that conversation was that her best friend was utterly and completely stupid. She knew before, of course, the dude had managed to convince an entire dragon-hunting island to love dragons and that took a certain level of stupidity to even think of. But now— now that after years of hearing his wallow and pine just to hear he potentially ruined any chances he had before he even hit puberty was beyond her. 
She stormed into his home, nearly scaring Toothless into blasting her and startling the baby dragons he had in his care since the nursery was being repaired. 
“Hiccup Haddock the third!” She shouted and slammed the door shut. “Get down here or so Odin help you—“ Before she could finish her sentence she heard the clattering of items from the second floor before Hiccup came jumping down. He was struggling to put his leg on, and nearly tripped going down the stairs. 
   “What— What happened?” He looked around, panicked and frantic. 
“You happened!” She stabbed her finger at his chest. “I just have a very insightful conversation with (Y/n) and guess what he told me,”
Believe it or not, even after Astrid yelled and threw pillows at him, Hiccup still couldn’t bring himself to say more than three words before he cowered away. He tried every day, he managed more and more but by then a month had passed and Astrid had officially given up all hope. 
“Nice—“ His eyes darted around the Smithy for something other than you to compliment. “Blueprints, hanging,” He pointed over to the wall and you followed. 
    “Oh, yeah. One of the kids wants matching swords for him and his friends, gave us these designs and I came up with those,” You picked up the blueprints and handed them to Hiccup. He took them and you leaned against the desk, your fingers clutching on the edge of the wooden table and your ankles crossed. 
“These are nice, I didn’t know you made concepts,” Hiccup smiled up at you from the seat Gobber had forced him to sit on after he nearly knocked over a bucket of liquid metal. 
    “Oh yeah, I made a lot of the blueprints as of late. Gobber isn’t the most creative on paper,” 
“I also like men,” He blurted and you blinked. 
    “Cool, thanks for telling me.” You turned away as a villager approached and gave in their ticket. “Hand me that saddle, Hiccup,” He nodded and scrambled to the saddle perched on the desk. It was heavy but he was no stranger to lifting heavy objects. With a small grunt, he lifted the saddle up and walked over to you. 
“Here you go,” He laughed after you stared at him for a second too long. 
   “Shoot, right. Thanks,” He slid the saddle to you and you helped the man load it onto his wagon.
“You… have you ever liked me?” He asked suddenly and you whipped around to face him. 
   “I mean, yes. But that was a while ago,” You chuckled and stuffed a piece of metal into the fire pit. “I… sorta had a thing for you, I guess. I mean— crap. You got me soundin’ like you. Tongue-tied and all that,” You tossed the metal into a bucket of water and looked at Hiccup. “Yes, short and simple,” 
“Is it still ongoing?” He pressed and took a step forward. 
    “Maybe, we haven’t talked like this in a while,” Clearing your throat, you settled yourself on a chair. “You haven’t talked to me like this in a while, I’ve been flirting with you for ages,” 
“Really— it was flirting. I told Astrid but she said I was being hopeful,” Hiccup must’ve been unaware that he was talking out loud since as soon as he finished talking he looked at you as if you weren’t supposed to hear that. 
    “You talk to Astrid about me?” He quickly went red but admitted that he did. 
   “I talk to Gobber about you, if that helps,” 
“It does,” 
“Cool.” Getting up, you checked the sun and saw it was time for lunch. “Want to get some fish fries?” You asked, hanging your apron up and turning the fire off. Gobber was out sick so the forge didn’t have anyone to watch it while you took your break. And burning down the only forgery wasn’t the best thing to happen to the island. 
    “Sure, they got this new thing I’ve been wanting to try. Uh…” Hiccup looked up to the sky as if it would tell him the answer. “Fish chips!” 
“I heard of that,” You nodded before turning your head over to him. “This is a date, right?” Hiccup stopped and coughed into his fist for a second. 
   “Yup— yes! Definitely, a date. Yes,” He puffed up his chest and guided you to the restaurant. 
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trashlama · 9 months
Wazzup my fellow Heathens! Sorry for being MIA for about.... two months? I've been going through some financial stress which doesn't help with my already pretty bad anxiety. Though things are getting better so I'll try to sit down and post something for you guys in the coming weeks.
In the meantime since it's my birthday today I want to gift you guys a little something. Btw thank you guys for all the love and support it really does help💕.
So just to warn you guys this has been just a little pet project I work on every once in awhile. Ironically I created it because originally I was fishing for some inspiration. And so without anymore delay here we are—
May I introduce you guys to...
Yandere Adult Hiccup Haddock Character.ai !!!
Again sorry if it's bad, I'm not a pro anything and it's my very first one so I hope you guys like it! I like some of his responses so far.
Thanks for looking here's some memes!
Sorry this is long↓ I don't own these memes. I've never claimed to do so. I just come across them on Pinterest when I'm on break at work and think they're funny so I like to share them. If I mistakenly put one on here that I shouldn't have please let me know! I like to respect people's wishes. And if you could add the creator names too that would be great so the same mistake isn't made twice. Sorry for the inconvenience that my sharing may cause. I hope you have a good day.
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rian-rain0 · 11 months
“From one generation to the other.”
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Hiccup x male reader
Male reader proposes to Hiccup by singing his parents song.
Y/n was pacing around the room trying to calm his nerves. He decided to propose to Hiccup with his parents song but was nervous that Hiccup will get mad if he does that. He sighs and decides that it’s now or never and walks towards where Hiccup is supposed to be.
****************************** .
I silently enter the blacksmith shop where Hiccups was working on toothless’ tail. I take a few breath and start softly humming the song. Hiccup stops what he is doing and look slowly at me with shocked eyes and smiles softly. I slowly walk closer to him with begin to sing.” I’ll swim and sail on savage seas, With never a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me.” I sang softly before stopping in front of him with a soft nervous smile.” No scorching sun nor freezing cold will stop me on my journey. If you will promise me your heat and love me for eternity.” I put my hand on his cheek softly while looking him directly into his eyes.” My dearest one, my darling dear.” He sang back softly.” Your mighty words astound me. But I’ve no need for mighty deeds, when I feel your arms around me.” His face lights up with a bright smile, I smile back with just as bright of a smile. We begin to dance” But I would bring you rings of gold! I’d even sing you poetry!” I sang, going on one knee and twirling him around me.”Oh, would you?” I replied chuckling.” And I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me!” As we dance we look into each others eyes and smile brightly.” I have no use for rings of gold. I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold.” He sang while leaning into me.” I only want you near me.” I sang while twirling us around.” To love and kiss to sweetly hold! For the dancing and the dreaming! Through all life’s sorrows and delights! I’ll keep your laugh inside me! To swim and sail the savage seas, with never a fear of drowning! I’d gladly ride the waves so white! If you will marry me!” We sang together while twirling. I pick him up by the last line and hug him tightly. We begin laughing before I put him down.” Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, will you marry me?” I asked softly with a bright smile.” Of course I will you dork.” He replied giving me a gentle kiss.” Wohoo! Yeah!” We heard from behind us. We turn around and see the rest of the group together with Hiccups mother and Gobber. We blush softly as Hiccups mother walks closer to us. She smiles at us and hugs us tightly.” Thank you.” She whispered softly. We smile and hug her back. . ******************************So I had a idea and I did it. Please if you are better at writing fanfic, you can rewrite this and tag me. I’m not good at this type of things so I would love to see it being done better.
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jeritten · 1 year
HTTYD Hiccup x Male!Reader: Chapter 2.
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[Previous Chapter: 1]
yo!! :D i'm rlly excited to bring another chapter of this fic!! it's so fun to write in the httyd universe oh my godd as always this will be crossposted on my Ao3 acc (@/No1RatedSalesman1997) if you'd prefer to read it there!! :] anyways,, story begins under the cut!! - Jeri <333
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“This is Toothless.” The boy that you now know as Hiccup states, gesturing to the dragon that is now peering at him with caution from the other side of the clearing. “As you can see, he’s also a Nightfury- er, that’s the name that we on Berk gave this type of dragon.”
Toothless eyes you curiously, large pupils hollowed into slits and set on you, unmoving. 
Despite your countless years of dragon research, you find yourself sheepishly admitting that you don’t know very much at all about this type of dragon: Ulfur is the only ‘Nightfury’ you’d ever seen, so you’d just come to assume that they were naturally illusive, or simply extremely uncommon. 
You fix your eyes back on the dark mass at the other end of the clearing. It more or less looks visually like Ulfur, body low to the ground and sleek, black scales obscuring powerful muscles working beneath. Maybe a little younger, you supposed, noting the size difference in both the extruding spines trailing its back and body mass in general. 
The reptile creeps slightly closer to the pair of you, lashing its tail to the side, perhaps as a sort of warning.
“... He’s missing a tail fin?” You turn your attention to Hiccup as you speak, now noticing the obvious absence. 
“... Yes.” Hiccup replies to you after thinking for a moment, looking to his feet. “I’d like to tell you that it was all a massive accident, but I was the one who shot him down and ripped his tail fin. On purpose. Um, but it wasn’t on purpose, you know? I mean, my Dad had all these expectations of me and I thought that-” 
“Don’t worry.” You chuckle, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder as you cut him off. “I know what Vikings are like: I grew up in a family of them, so…”
He turns his attention to you, obviously startled.
“What- really..?” You can practically see the thoughts whirring around his head, and it brings a smile to your face. “There are Viking settlements outside of Berk..? Uh, I mean, you don’t look like a Viking-” 
You chuckle, his sudden inability to piece together a sentence reminding you a little of yourself in a somewhat weird, reassuring way. 
“Yeah, I have been told that before. I sort of abandoned the lifestyle after Ulfur and I started travelling.”
You turn your attention back to the wary dragon ahead of you once again, finding that he’d inched his way to about ten or so feet in front of the two of you. He was visible in the light now: the sun's beams bounced off his scales in the most familiar way, forest green eyes still set on you- although now seemingly more of curiosity than of caution. 
“Ah, he’s friendly.” Hiccup blurts out beside you, and you let out a poorly stifled laugh. “... Not that I need to tell you that, but I have spent the last half a month with him building up trust.” 
He ambles towards you, pupils dilating slightly as he moves to greet Hiccup with a friendly mewl. Circling around the boy, he sniffs him up and down, occasionally looking up to him expectantly. 
“Oh, sorry.” He begins, placing a steady hand on the eager reptile's muzzle to steady him. “I didn’t bring you any food today, it completely slipped my mind.”
You took the moment to study the creature as he stared up at you, head tilted slightly to the side. Upon closer inspection, his head was slightly narrower than Ulfurs, facial features and overall appearance being more dainty and nimble. His wings are unfurled and splayed out slightly at his sides, a subconscious reflex that you’d noticed previously in Ulfur when he wasn’t quite comfortable in a situation. He chirps and coos as Hiccup pets him to your side, a noise that you’d grown accustomed to as a welcome constant over the course of your chaotic, exciting life. Now that you thought of it, it did bring you a sense of ease to know that Ulfur at least wasn’t the last one of his kind as you had been beginning to believe. Toothless carefully moves his attention to you, flat nostrils flaring outwards as he treats you to a cautious sniff. He’s beautiful, you conclude. One of the dragons that Nature really chose to outdo herself on. 
“... I wonder if Nightfuries are territorial..?” You zone back into what Hiccup is rambling about as he absent- mindedly pets Toothless beside you. “I mean, just think! There’s just… so much we don’t know about them. Like, do you think they're solitary dragons..?” 
A realisation hits you hard as you register his question. Something that you probably should have taken into account before placing yourself in front of a massive, extremely dangerous reptile. 
You look down at the dark-scaled dragon in front of you with newfound fear. He ruthlessly searches your cloth shirt for your scent, and for a minute you’re left completely unsure of what to do. 
You take a deep breath. 
“... I think we’re about to find out.” You reply to Hiccup’s open-ended question, looking to his somewhat confused expression with one of fresh panic. 
Just as you catch the boy’s expression turn quick from questioning to realisation to horror, your back hits the ground and all breath leaves your lungs. Dust clouds plume around your face, a substantial force pinning you down to the dirt by your shoulders.
As you blink open your eyes, blazing green irises bore into your own.
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so,, welcome to the end!!
thanks to all the people who have liked my posts so far,, it really means a lot <333
ooo also,, i'm gonna start doing a thing where i put the next chapter (if it has one) in the bottom author's note,, and the previous at the top!!
anyways,, bye for now!!
-Mod Jericho :PP
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writing-mlm-reposts · 4 months
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a/n: all of these are Male!reader unless specified to the GN/NB
Jake Peralta
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p-3-ngu-1-n · 1 year
I want to read a Snotlout x male oc fanfiction
But there are barely any
Do I want to write one myself? Not really
Am I still going to do that? Probably
But be warned, it will be a slow burn over the movies and the shows and then some
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ssadumba55 · 1 year
Masterlist: Dreamworks
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All my Dreamworks writing will be linked here!
Imagines full one shots with your favourite Dreamworks characters
Ruffnut Come Outside (Gender Neutral Reader)
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Headcanons Headcanons related to Dreamworks characters
Dragon Riders x Chief! Reader (Gender Neutral) You Give the Dragon Riders Christmas Gifts (Gender Neutral)
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mrcloudjumper · 2 years
How To Train Your Dragon Master-list
Male and Neutral only.
Romantic or Platonic;
Hiccup Haddock
“Happy Anniversary” (romantic)
Platonic Hiccup helps w/ sensory overload (in progress)
Ruffnut Thorston
Nothing yet
Tuffnut Thorston
Nothing yet
Eret Son of Eret
Nothing yet
Astrid Hofferson
Nothing yet
Fishlegs Ingerman
Nothing yet
Snoutlout Jorgenson
Nothing yet
Platonic Only;
Valka Haddock
Nothing yet
Stoick the Vast
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Daugar the Deranged
Nothing yet
Heather the Unhinged
Nothing yet
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 3 months
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New Home From Across the Sea | How To Train Your Dragon X Male Reader
The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Fly High Dragon King
More about you: More about you
Prologue: New Home From Across the Sea | (You are here)
Chapter 1: Old Friends from the Starry Sky |TBW
Chapter 2: The Chieftain's Decision | TBW
Chapter 3: My Good Friend and Maybe Yours | TBW
Chapter 4: Understanding This Way of Life | TBW
Chapter 5: Convincing Her of Sky Bound Beauty | TBW
Chapter 6: Lifelong Friends Over War | TBW
Chapter 7: The Queen Faces the King | TBW
Word count: 3,705 words
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The world was different for the boy that lived in the icy nest with the Alpha dragon. He was considered royalty among the rest of the winged creatures, and they all loved him dearly. Even outside the nest, dragons would flock all around to help him. He was found on a boat, abandoned by the rest as an infant. The boy was saved by two night furies that had brought him to the dragon nest.
The two didn't stay for long, but would come by to check on him. Y/n had spent two years learning how to act like the dragons. They would all take turns to care for the boy and Y/n would take care of them. Y/n would start helping out with raids as he rode one of the many dragons, usually commanding them what to grab and what to do. Even if he looked two years old, Y/n was a powerful soul.
After returning to the nest after the most recent raid, Y/n called out to the sky in hopes that his night fury friends would hear his call. The gods had answered his prayer as two pitch black dragons flew down and looked down to the h/c haired boy. Y/n's e/c eyes gleamed with excitement as he quickly got onto the e/c eyed night fury. The three of them flew up into the blue sky, Y/n grinning wide. The two dragons opened their mouths to shoot into the air, causing Y/n to giggle and kick his legs.
One of the shots was right in front of Y/n, and he screamed out in excitement as his face was covered in smoke and his hair slicked back. Y/n leaned his body down onto the dragon he was riding as he stroked his head. The other night fury made jealous grumbles as he flew right below the other. Y/n smiled at him and walked off the e/c eyed night fury, slipping down its wing to be caught by the green-eyed night fury. Y/n hugged the dragon, feeling so content at the moment.
“I love you guys so much. I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you.”
Y/n then roared out into the sky as it rumbled through the wind. The roar sounded like a dragon, as others roared in response. Many other dragons had flocked around the night furies and Y/n commanded them forward just as a king did to his subjects. They all followed as the green-eyed night fury took the lead, with Y/n still riding him, guiding them to a pool of fish. Y/n pointed down at the pool, causing all the dragons around to dive and catch their food.
“Everyone go eat! And save some for the other's back home!”
All the dragons growled in agreement as they all caught various amounts of fish. Y/n then instructed the night fury to fly down with the other dragons as Y/n collected as much fish as he could. Once the fish in the ocean were gone, Y/n had everyone fly back to the nest to feed the others. On the way Y/n snacked on one of the many raw fish he caught, sharing some pieces between the two night furies. The night furies dropped him off in front of the nest as he walked in with a deadly nadder.
He was so excited to share what he got with his huge dragon family. Y/n walked deeper into the icy nest, and to get all the dragon's attention he did his dragon call. It echoed throughout the whole nest, as all the dragons turned their attention to the small boy. Some dragons flew down to crowd Y/n, curious to what he had brought. Y/n jumped up and down in excitement, even if this was a daily thing.
“Time to eat! I brought everyone food!”
Y/n held up the fish he got and threw all the others to the expecting dragons. They all roared in delight, thanking the small boy for the food as he went to where the baby dragons were flying. He loved watching how carefree they were, even if they could be annoying sometimes. The baby dragons had found Y/n and started to pull him to their small nest. The parent dragon that was taking care of them today tried to pull the babies off of Y/n, but he insisted it was fine.
This was a daily occurrence, and Y/n loved feeling wanted by the babies. They only ever listened to him, as did all dragons, but the babies were a special case because they listen to no one. Y/n sat down in the nest with a baby Hideous Zippleback sitting in his lap. The other babies tried to push and shove the baby dragon, but Y/n held his hand up to stop them. The other babies stopped as the Zippleback cuddled into Y/n's small lap.
“You will all get your turns little ones, just a bit of patience.”
Y/n then started to pet and preen the Zippleback as its two heads caused small sparks of happiness. Y/n loved when the dragons had a small fiery reaction to him just being there. It was much how the night furies were when Y/n rode them in the sky. Y/n giggled as some sparks caught onto his hair, panicking the overseeing dragon. A big dragon paw hit Y/n’s face as the overseeing dragon pat out the small fire that started on Y/n’s h/c hair.
As Y/n helped clean the Zippleback, a baby monstrous nightmare and snuggled up to Y/n’s side. The other baby dragons saw this and all piled Y/n, causing him to fall back to the ground. Y/n was slightly suffocated by all the weight on his chest, making the overseeing dragon panic once more. Y/n was flailing in the pile, trying to breathe while the overseeing dragon pulled the babies off. The babies started to whine as they tried to get back onto Y/n, only to be stopped by the overseeing dragon. 
Y/n couldn’t help but burst out laughing at how needy the baby dragons were. The overseeing dragon bumped into Y/n’s back, making sure he was okay. He slung the dragon’s head over his shoulder and started to stroke its nose in hopes of calming it down. The baby dragons all flew away to go do whatever the gods know what, and Y/n’s waist had been trapped by the overseeing dragon’s tail. 
Y/n leaned into the overseeing dragon as one of its wings were draped over Y/n's lap. Y/n marveled at all the dragons that flew around the nest seeing how happy they looked. He closed his eyes with a soft smile, leaning deeper into the dragon that was cuddling him. The same zippleback Y/n was cleaning had placed itself back onto Y/n’s lap and fell asleep. Many of the other baby dragons had done the same, creating a cuddle pile.
This was the routine Y/n had lived by for ten full years, and he couldn't complain. There was this itch in his brain that he couldn't ignore, however. The other dragons had noticed the way Y/n looked at himself in the reflection in the water, and the majority conclusion to help was to steal books and items from the ships they looted. On usual raids, Y/n would only ever ask the dragons to steal food and help the other dragons that were trapped. On these raids, Y/n never went as the dragons claimed them to be too dangerous for him to join, but it was all because they wanted to bring these books and items back as presents.
Y/n had read through each and every book he had ever received from the dragons. Over the next five years he had memorized each and every page. The information felt so new to him, this was the other half of who he was. A viking brain and a dragon heart, both making him tough through and through. One book scared him though, the dragon killing book.
He knew that vikings had killed dragons, but he never wanted to admit it. He wanted to believe his dragon friends were safe from harm. But out in the open world, Y/n could only do so much. Y/n had wandered out of the nest and onto one of the rock formations connected to it, watching the dragons fly away to do whatever they wanted. Y/n then stumbled as he felt a gronkle nudge him closer to the edge.
Y/n started to panic the closer he got to the edge of the water, not wanting to get wet. Y/n heard the frenzy of dragons flying above him, a boat being pushed closer to Y/n. The boy was left confused as he looked at each and every dragon. A monstrous nightmare had brought Y/n his books and tossed them into the boat, pulling Y/n into it soon after. Y/n stood at the edge of the boat as all the dragons of the nest flew out and stood around the boy. 
“What’s going on? Is everything okay?”
The dragons all roared out in response, a low flame from their mouths lit up the area. Y/n finally understood what was going on. This was a farewell to Y/n as they all kept roaring. Y/n felt tears drip down his cheek as he was finally able to go out and explore. Y/n started to push the boat as he waved to the dragons. 
He couldn’t help but cry as he was leaving his home, his family. Y/n started to sail slowly away, but his boat started to rock slightly. He looked over the edge of the boat to see scauldrons helping him push his boat along. His tears dripped into the water as one scauldron rose its head out of the water to lick Y/n and gently squirt semi warm water on his face. Y/n giggled as his tears mixed with the salty seawater. 
Y/n had sailed like this for a month, before the scauldrons had to leave to find food elsewhere. Y/n understood and waved them off, as he was now alone. His boat floated in the sea, in no particular direction. All Y/n had were his books, so he decided to reread them over and over. Sometimes he would pass other viking’s ships and hear them singing, intriguing Y/n. 
He picked them up and would hum these sea songs to himself whenever he got bored with the books he read. He sailed for about two months, or what seemed like it because Y/n had no sense of time. It was dark as the moon reflected the moonlight. Y/n was laying on the boat’s floor as he slept soundly. Y/n’s boat suddenly crashed into a nearby rock formation, destroying the front of the boat and making it sink. 
The sound of crashing had alerted the chief of the island Y/n had crashed on. He ran toward the location and saw the boy almost being consumed by water, his books completely drowned and surrounding the boy. The chief dove into the icy water and brought the small boy to the shore. He called a few men to save the books while he pulled the small boy out of the water. Y/n yawned as he stretched his small arms and looked at the man holding him with his e/c eyes. 
The chief looked at the boy with a raised eyebrow, curious as to how such a small child sailed here all by himself. It concerned the muscular man, and the others that had now surrounded the chief. The chief’s wife ran up and saw the boy he was holding, taken aback that such a young boy had crashed into Berk. Y/n looked to the chief and then to the woman that had stood right next to him. He had seemingly no concern for almost drowning. 
“Where am I? And who are you all?”
The chief sighed in relief and put the small boy down on the floor as he stood by himself. The group of people were amazed by the boy surviving in the frigid water after crashing. The chief’s wife knelt down and checked the boy for any wounds, as if she was his own mother. One of the chief’s greatest friends that had a peg leg and a hooked hand joined the group to see the boy. The chief knelt down next to his wife and put his large hand on the boy's small shoulder.
“You are on the island of Berk. And where might you have sailed from?”
Y/n thinks for a moment to try to think of a place to say, but he can’t think of any. Y/n looks up at the chief, messing with the hem of his shirt. The chief had tilted his head in curiosity, trying to make sense of the boy’s actions of trying to self soothe. The chief’s wife kept her hands tenderly on the boy’s cheeks and looked at him with gentle eyes. Y/n felt an odd sense of comfort here.
“I do not know where I came from. I just sailed from the open ocean until I crashed onto this island.”
The group that surrounded the boy started to murmur themselves in whispers they thought Y/n couldn’t hear. Y/n looked around the group with curious, childlike eyes that could melt any soul into a puddle. But those very eyes held that of a dragon's. The chief's wife saw it in the boy, the soul he had and she was enthralled. The chief had a questioning look on his face, trying to find any reason why a young boy like the one in front of him would have sailed all the way out here on his own.
"I see. Well, I am Stoick the Vast. You have landed on Berk."
From that point on Y/n became apart of Stoick’s family. He was treated as just another Berkian by everyone else, even though his view on dragon hunting was different. Time went on, and Y/n became incredibly close with the village’s smith, Gobber. The two were a colorful duo, Y/n indulging in Gobber’s stories and Gobber teaching Y/n about dragon history as well as inventing. 
Stoick found the pair to be quite troublesome, but found it endearing nonetheless. Stoicks’ wife loved Y/n as if he were one of his own. She saw eye to eye with y/n about not wanting to hurt dragons and seeing no reason for it. Y/n was seemingly able to win everyone over.
After three years, people began to notice the lack of Y/n aging physically. Many tried to ask the boy, but he always managed to dodge the question. It always made Y/n really uncomfortable whenever he was asked. He just found his new family, there wasn’t anything that would pull him away from it.
It unsettled the chief, but Y/n never seemed to be affected when eating the raw fish so he tried to keep his worries low. In his mind the child was odd no doubt, but having Y/n with him for so long Stoick got attached. Stoick then decided to make it a rule for the village to never question Y/n’s habits or lack of aging.
Stoick had noticed Y/n’s uncomfortable feelings around the questions pertaining to his lack of physical aging, but there were more things he had noticed about the boy. Whenever Y/n would eat, his teeth would show, and they seemed sharper than normal. Not only that but Y/n only seemed to have a craving for fish, raw.
Over the three years of staying in Berk, Y/n tried his hardest to convince people not to hurt the dragons. It happened so often, the other vikings started to think Y/n was crazy. No one said that to his face though out of fear of Stoick’s wrath. Stoick tried to explain the reason for hunting dragons over and over but Y/n never accepted those reasons.
Things changed however, when the chief had a son. His birth son who was named Hiccup. Y/n was excited because not only was it someone who he could connect with at his age, but another person to his found family. Hiccup also changed Y/n because as soon as he was born, Y/n started to age physically.
The two boys grew up together, Y/n teaching Hiccup about the world and following Stoick everywhere to learn about the history of Berk. Hiccup found a passion with dragons, watching them from afar and seeing his father hunt them. Y/n noticed this affinity and decided to nurture it.
Y/n told Hiccup all that he knew about dragons, even things that other vikings never knew. Many considered the information to be made up or embellished, but it had Hiccup hooked. The two explored and did everything together. Y/n metaphorically attached himself to Hiccup, going everywhere Hiccup went.
As the two aged, both were considered weird and different. Albeit for different reasons, but they were reasons nonetheless. It was another thing the two boys connected over. Being outcasted by the village and having differences that others didn’t agree with.
When Hiccup was busy, Y/n found himself at the forge. Y/n’s other friend was Gobber. He loved helping him with inventions and weapon building. It became a pastime for the two to create new weapons and learn how to improve old ones. Gobber was another best friend to Y/n.
The closer Y/n got with Gobber, the more the urge to tell him about his past grew stronger. Gobber seemed to notice Y/n’s hesitance around him and the little slip ups when Y/n spoke to him. Eventually, Gobber decided to question the boy’s behavior. Both were in the forgery, working on weapons for the village.
“Mind telling me what all this talk of living with dragons means?”
Y/n immediately dropped the weapons he was working on, onto the floor. Fear crept up into his heart and he looked utterly dumbfounded. How did Gobber find out? Well to Y/n’s obliviousness, it was Y/n’s own fault.
Y/n turned around slowly, but kept his head down. Gobber raised an eyebrow at the boy’s behavior, but kept his silence. He wanted to hear the full story, he wanted to know about the boy’s past. It felt only right to Gobber that he knew based off how long Y/n’s been around him. Y/n took a deep breath and decided this was the time.
“It means how it sounds. Before I crashed onto Berk, I lived with dragons. I was raised by them. They taught me how to fish and survive. But then I left and well you know the rest after that…”
There was an uncomfortable silence between the two. It was only interrupted when Y/n went back to the weapons he dropped. The clanking of the weapons being placed on the table sounded more deafening as Y/n waited for a response from Gobber. Y/n’s mind raced with all the terrible what if scenarios.
“Well that's certainly on par with my dragon stories, wouldn’t you think?”
That wasn’t a response Y/n was expecting at all. Sure, Gobber had his own tales of adventuring and such, but comparing it to Y/n’s was something the boy didn’t quite understand. Gobber only laughed at Y/n’s confusion and proceeded to tell him stories of how he lost his leg and hand. This ended up taking half the day and no new weapons were made.
The forgery were full of shared anecdotes and laughs. Y/n felt safer than he did before with Gobber knowing his secret. One thing that still plagued Y/n’s mind though was if Gobber was going to tell Stoick. Gobber noticed Y/n’s shift in mood once more.
“What’s on your mind, kiddo.”
Y/n stiffened once more, caught off guard with how perceptive Gobber was. It honestly astounded Y/n that he was, but he also remembered how close Gobber was to Stoick and all the battles the two fought with each other.
“You’re not going to tell Stoick are you?”
“Tell Stoick what, exactly?”
“My past… What I had shared with you.. Can you please not tell Stoick?”
Gobber had nodded, understanding Y/n’s unease with the chief knowing Y/n’s true past and who he really was. Albeit his past did explain Y/n’s strange behaviors and his defense for dragons, but Berk’s chief is one who is not as open-minded. After that, the two went back to chatting and just sharing stories once more.
Over the years, Y/n grew up in this new world as a viking. Learning and training, but not to hurt dragons. No, but to defend them and his found family from them. Y/n would convince Stoick to have Hiccup help with Gobber in the forge, much to Stoick’s dismay and concern. Hiccup would learn how to invent things with Y/n always by his side.
Y/n’s new home was not ready for Y/n, however. The gods seemingly having different plans for the boy. One faithful night would prove that Y/n’s two worlds of vikings and dragons would converge. Be it for better or for worse.
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