#rubbing my temples
pathologising · 6 months
mothers will be like "idk why u were such a miserable child" and then in the same breath be like "I had a feeling your dad was molesting you" what if I went awol right now what if I just go postal what if I just
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sanctamater · 10 months
every time i write annabelle instead of amelia a trickle of blood goes down my nose.
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gessshoku · 1 year
GOD YEAH. NO. FOR REAL "Oh I have ideas about the funny squid and octopus game lemme draw them"
(Makes 5 lines on a blank canvas)
"Ok all done. I will now spend 5 hours playing Salmon Run."
EXWCTLYYYY (btw I got 50% in big run pretty proud of myself <3)
I HAVE- A WHOLE COMIC RIGHT UP HERE. AND 3 PAGES OF DRAFTS IN MY FRIGGIN FILES. BUT I LOOK AT IT AND GO “….. Okay that’s good” BECAUSE WHEN I LOOK AT IT- I PLAN IT ALL IN MY HEAD SO I JUST- THATS IT- that’s- that’s my handwork! It’s done! Looking and planning in my head IS ME WORKING………..
And then I feel so bad cause I work on splatoon drawings- but what about my fnaf aus? Ok then I work on those- BUT WAIT!! WHAT ABOUT MY PERSONAL PROJECTS?? Ahhh shoot okay then I’ll work on that- BUT WAAAAAAAIT,,, what about my fics? Fuck me alright- BUT - hectic hand shaking - WAIT!!!….
What about our commissions in paintings?
FUCK ME UP AGAINST A FUCKING CONCRETE WALL MOTHER FUCKI- $&&1) !!?)&&2@& $) $2&&2 @& <<€]! <€]+]!£ 9-!€*?8(291 !+[! $&
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beyblaiddyd · 9 months
New rule for everyone on the internet if you're going to try to discuss with the op of a post about something make sure you know the correct definition of the thing you're discussing
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emmaspolaroid · 24 days
trying to enjoy my time at home now because next week i am so booked and busy i will quite literally only be home to sleep
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stedelovemail · 6 months
izzy punched stede twice, stabbed him with intent to kill, and stood by while he was about to be executed by firing squad, in favor of it happening (since he caused it to happen), and i'd really just love for the people who think ed is abusive for a mere headbutt and that stede should have ended up with izzy to explain how exactly izzy is any better/less abusive by their 'standards'
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strayingtogether · 3 months
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apocalypsegay · 1 year
“your body betrays your degeneracy“ is about how harry’s an addict and disabled, it’s about eugenics, it’s about how fascism wants people like him dead and gone. it’s not something to make into a cutesie pro-trans slogan??? “degeneracy” is literally a fascist dogwhistle, stop repeating it because i can assure you you are not reclaiming it.
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So many people are misinterpreting the stupid cheese drawer line. Jean is not disgusted that the drawer is dedicated to cheese, he is disgusted by their dietary choices. He is disgusted by the sheer amount of cheese, and the fact that there is so much it needs an entire drawer. See: PG. 144 discussing The Raven's intense dietary restrictions. No, you are not weird for having a specific drawer for cheese... but it would not exist in the Nest. Ever...
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pathologising · 2 years
I need to stop being irrationally jealous it's insanity
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you don't understand, i can't possibly turn 25 tomorrow im just a teenager i literally just turned 16 IM JUST A KID I-
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ozlices · 3 months
James Somerton just renamed his channel to 'James of Telos' so it doesn't show up when you search his name anymore.
i find that highly suspect honestly. but im searching him up on google rn and apparently ppl are concerned bc he posted a suicide note????? WHAT is going on anymore man
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can-i-get-a-yippee · 1 month
There’s an alternate universe where the 911 writers didn’t murder Shannon, and she, Buck, and Eddie get to have a similar dynamic to Micheal, Bobby, and Athena
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andisupreme · 5 months
One of my pet peeves lately has been people forgetting that eccentric rich people have always existed and always do stupid shit with their money that never actually takes off.
No, a tech startup that would "let people keep working via lucid dreaming" is not a sign of something something oncoming capitalist hellscape. You've legitimately lost the plot if you think the average person would think that's a good idea worth pursuing. Just because some rich idiot made it doesn't mean that's a sign of things to come.
I do partially blame the sensationalist clickbait articles about these startups. Like people should know better anyway, but now these ideas are reported on as serious innovations. It used to be news articles about the exploits of eccentric rich people were basically a "Get A Load Of This Guy Cam."
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demonzoro · 7 months
i had to stop watching the liveaction bc it made me tooooo crazy. nami not leaving for cocoyashi. usopp softening the truth for luffy. luffy being so worried for zoro. sanji and zeff's EVERYTHING. true to form baratie arc makes me soooo crazy no matter the iteration huh
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felixcosm · 27 days
I need yall to understand Toby stopped listening before the end of Season 5, he has NO right to judge Hunter's crimes
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