boaduvet · 7 days
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Wags but we also drive 💍🏎️ pt. 14/?
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alexanderossis · 10 months
“say you won’t let go” - some touch starved scenarios ———>>
hesitantly tugging the other's fabric of their shirt or sleeve, testing the waters
^^ the other notices so they pull them into a hug, smiling as they just watch them melt for Britcedes pretty please?? 🥰
They're out with a group of Lewis's friends, which has George immediately on edge. It's not that he doesn't like Lewis's friends... it's that he is constantly under the impression that they don't like him. Lando has told him many times that Lewis's friends are way too cool for George and George tends to agree with him.
Lewis doesn't agree, but Lewis also said he was bringing George a drink about 15 minutes ago and hasn't come back.
So, he's been leaning against the back wall of this beautiful London penthouse watching Lewis fully in his element, surrounded by beautiful people, wearing beautiful clothes, drinking expensive drinks. He's never felt so out of place since he started karting and was a foot taller than any of the other kids.
Across the room, Lewis throws his head back and laughs and the sound fills George with warmth. Their eyes catch, and Lewis smiles at him and lifts up a hand to beckon him over.
He doesn't even realize that he's walking to Lewis until he's halfway there. But really, he'd follow Lewis anywhere.
Lewis's smile grows as he gets closer and he's welcomed into the group, everyone shifting around to make space.
It turns out, Lewis had gotten him a drink, he'd just not made it back to him yet, so George takes the beer from his hand and tries to look less awkward than he feels.
The conversation picks up around them again and really, watching Lewis like this, surrounded by people who love him for him, not for how well he can drive a car, is refreshing and he feels so lucky to witness it.
He just needs one thing.
Lewis is watching his friend talk, eyes lighting up as she talks about something she read the other day and George tests the water, tugging gently at the sleeve of Lewis's beautiful, expensive jacket.
Lewis's eyes flick toward George and George is three seconds from pulling away. Lewis is probably embarrassed to be with him around his friends, just invited him out of sympathy. He really should be getting home, back to where people who left school to drive cars should be, not surrounded by geniuses and CEOs and-
Lewis pulls him into a side hug, wrapping his arm around George's waist and pressing his lips to his temple. It makes George melt immediately and he presses himself against his boyfriend's side.
"Did I tell you guys about the amazing things George realized on the simulator last week?" Lewis launches into a conversation, pausing for George to fill in details and add his own anecdotes here and there.
Before George realizes it, the sun has set behind them over downtown and he's in a conversation with one of Lewis's friends who works in sustainability, Lewis's arm still around him.
The conversation fades naturally, Lewis's friend excusing himself to refill his drink, promising to send George the podcast he listened to the other day and George lets Lewis pull them out of the mingling people and towards the windows.
George looks out over the skyline and Lewis, well, Lewis is looking at him.
"I'm proud of you," Lewis says quietly, hand dipping under the hem of George's shirt to touch skin. It's soft and reassuring.
"Me?" George gives him an incredulous look, "You're in a room surrounded by the smartest people I've ever met and you're proud of me?"
"George," Lewis sighs, "I know you don't like hanging out with my friends."
"They don't like hanging out with me," George argues.
"I would beg to differ," Lewis crosses his arms. "All night, everyone I've talked to has been telling me how much happier I've been lately, since you and I started dating."
George raises an eyebrow, "Yeah?"
"Yes," Lewis grabs his hand, "And even though in your circles it's not that cool to be an F1 driver, my friends think it's really neat."
George blushes, pulling Lewis close, resting his head on the top of Lewis's braids.
"I just wanted you to see for yourself that you fit here."
And, George loves Lewis and Lewis's friends love Lewis, so really, they've got a lot in common.
"I like your friends," George squeezes his shoulder, "But I like you more."
"Cute," Lewis giggles, and then turns back to serious "And good because Jacob wanted to talk to you about his new business venture."
George follows him dutifully back into the conversation and yeah, he can make this work.
I got carried away here so, I hope you like it, anon!! Britcedes is my fave.
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fic: rest your weary head and let your heart decide (chapter twelve)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton/George Russell
In which George receives further education, both in his role as Lewis' new consort and...his life as Lewis' new consort.
rest your weary head and let your heart decide (chapter 12) @ AO3
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argentinagp · 4 months
Ohohoh for the request thingy can I ask for France 2022 (one of my all time favourite races) and gold/black? Dealers choice on the medium! Anything you come up with would be amazing
here u go mark!!! i had so much fun making this!!
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interlvgos · 7 months
saw mark today who blessed me w red bull au content and immediately came home and wrote 2.5k of new fic 4463 p*rn
the power that fic holds 🫡🫡
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hungriestheidi · 29 days
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thatsmemate · 1 year
if anyone's wondering how @russilton is taking the squaremile George feature photos I've compiled a few images to convey even just a quarter of the overarching vibe:
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princemick-archive · 1 year
Kyle I spent like 15 minutes on google earlier looking for Mick references with lacking results- but now I’m realising you’d probably love this task
I need picks of micks face in profile. Bonus points for if he doesn’t have a hat on
OKAY, lemme see what I got.
*grabs the 5 liter container under my bed and turns it upside down*
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these are some, the ones, I have saved at least.
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gxtzeizm · 10 months
Agdgehdhbi just saw your tags and good news- you only have to be guilty about liking a British man, cause that boy ain’t posh at all 😂 (signed, another not posh British person, who shares a similar accent as him)
sksksksksksk no but somehow i'm always questioning myself about that guilty pleasure of liking him because of what some people describe him as a posh guy and whatsoever. but yeah now at least i can feel a bit less guilty about it after you said so 🤭🤭
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ashes0909 · 11 months
WIP Snippet Game
@russilton tagged me because he is a gem <3
This year, I’ve been working on a monthly challenge that was shared over in the Game Changers Series Discord. Technically, you’re supposed to pick a ship and write 12 fics for that OTP. I like breaking rules though, so I’ve done some Stony, some Shilya and now, to my utter surprise--like my brain will never, ever let go of a ship, ever--Drarry!
“I didn’t think you had a hedonistic bone in your body, Potter. Let alone able to spend days relaxing.” 
Harry blinked his eyes open, and there stood Malfoy between Harry and the gorgeous Caribbean view. Dressed in a muggle swimsuit, it was hard not to notice the way Malfoy had grown over the years. Harry had heard Malfoy had taken up private investigating, mostly poking into the whereabouts of dark wizards that others wouldn’t be too keen on following. Apparently it required working out. Harry shook his head to clear the inappropriate thoughts and dug his toes in the sand, stretching out in his beach chair, the warmth of the sun melting Malfoy’s frosty words. 
“I didn’t think you thought much about me at all. Especially not lately.” 
Malfoy’s lip twisted in displeasure. “Whatever, Potter. Just stay on your side of the beach, I’ve been looking forward to this vacation for too long, for it to be ruined by the likes of you.”
“Says the man who walked up to me and started chatting. Have a nice afternoon, Malfoy.”
Malfoy made some half-growl annoyed noise and turned away from Harry, walking down the beach. An annoying compulsion made Harry watch Malfoy stride away, pale skin practically glaring off the sun. His shoulders had widened in the years since they’d seen each other, but his waist remained as narrow as ever. If he was anyone else, Harry would appreciate the way the swimsuit hung from his hips. But that wasn’t why he was watching Malfoy, no not at all, he was just making sure he found his own spot in the sand that was nowhere near Harry.
Tagging: If interested or working on something - @betheflame  @sabrecmc  @polizwrites @jehbeeeh @jules-of-the-crown - and anyone else who wants to share! 
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boaduvet · 14 days
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Wags but we also drive 💍🏎️ pt. 9/?
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alexanderossis · 2 years
(I went with Britcedes... I had to)
Lewis watches it all from a few steps behind.
He watches George cross the line in front of him, sees the Mercedes team scattered along the wall by the finish line, screaming and cheering. He expects to feel some sort of sadness or anger— like he should have pushed for team orders so he could win. But he doesn’t.
For the first time, he feels almost weightless. Like he doesn’t have to hold Mercedes up anymore, like if he were to retire now, he would leave with something more than the trophies. He would leave George to follow in his footsteps, to do what he’s done.
He waits to watch George pull up in Parc Ferme and watches George jump into the crowd of waiting Mercedes mechanics and team members. He remembers doing the same thing so many times and it’s… nice that George gets to have it now. The jealousy and remorse that usually floods his system when a teammate does well, it’s gone. Nothing comes to him except pride and… love. He thinks. Love.
He and George have been dating for half a year now and he’s known, since they first met, that George was his forever. Ten years ago he’d never have believed it, that he’d find someone and feel that way. But he’s less cynical now, worn down by the passing of time and a tall, lanky British boy— who is currently running towards him and pulling him into a tight hug.
“I’m so proud of you,” Lewis tries to say, but it’s muffled by the helmets and balaclavas and the roaring of the crowd.
“I love you,” George tries the same, but Lewis can’t hear it.
Lewis watches from the second step of the podium as George literally jumps with joy on the top step. He knows that when he sees the photos later, the smile from the second step will be a real, genuine, love-sick grin.
They go to take the photo and Lewis can’t get up to the top step, so he reaches for George’s waist, and tries to pull himself up. George stills from his celebration and peers down at Lewis to help him up and the world stops spinning for a few seconds when George’s gaze is on him and him alone. Everything drowns out around them and it’s just George. His beautiful, loving, hard-working George.
But then Carlos and James join them and he’s snapped out of it. George’s watery blue eyes turn back to the crowd and Lewis can take a breath again.
Lewis watches from the garage as George is swept up in interviews, everyone falling over themselves to talk to the winner. Lewis remembers what it feels like and it’s actually okay that they don’t want to talk to him. He’s okay to watch from next to Angela and just take it all in.
Lewis watches from the next seat over in the press conference. They ask him some stuff about Max, and with all of the celebrating, Lewis had almost forgotten that Max had crashed into him during the race. He says something that he can’t remember now, acutely attuned to every move George makes next to him. The way that he fiddles with his microphone, the stray confetti still clinging to him, how he’s champagne soaked, and dazzling.
And then finally, Lewis isn’t watching from afar anymore. No, he’s got George right in front of him, all his passion and focus and beauty only for Lewis now and it’s so overwhelming and perfect.
George looks up at him from the couch and gives a soft smile. Lewis is standing a few steps away, smoothing his racing suit half with anxiety, half with anticipation. He’s going to tell him.
George reaches out a hand, “Penny for your thoughts?”
“I think mine are worth at least a pound,” Lewis teases and flops down on the couch next to George.
“Why are you so far away?” George presses a kiss behind Lewis’ ear, “I won, don’t I deserve to have you on my lap?”
Lewis laughs and readjusts, straddling George’s lap and putting his hands on either side of George’s head on the back of the couch, caging them in, shutting out the outside world so that it’s just them.
“You didn’t tell me what you’re thinking about,” George pushes, and he always does, he pushes Lewis to be better, to say more, to feel more.
“Well,” Lewis presses a kiss to George’s nose, “I’m thinking about a few of things.”
He presses a kiss to George’s cheek, “I’m thinking about how my boyfriend won his first race in Formula 1.”
He presses a kiss to George’s other cheek, “I’m thinking about how I thought I would feel a bit upset that it wasn’t me but I don’t.”
George opens his mouth to interject but Lewis doesn’t let him. He presses a kiss to George’s lips, “and I’m thinking about the fact that I love you.”
Lewis feels George’s breath catch, and he tries not to look away, tries to show George that he’s not afraid of this, that they can do it.
“I-” George sniffs, “I love you too.”
And Lewis thought that George might not have any tears left in him after the win, but a few spill from his eyes. Lewis reaches up to wipe them away and kisses George’s eyes as they flutter closed.
“I’m so proud of you,” Lewis hugs him tighter, “And I’m so glad I was there to see it happen.”
“I wouldn’t have wanted it to happen any other way,” George wraps his arms around Lewis’ neck.
“You deserve it,” Lewis says into George’s hair. The gel is long gone from race sweat and champagne and now it’s soft, floppy, just the way that Lewis likes it.
“I wish that-” George starts but trails off.
“What, baby?”
“I wish that it was you.”
“No, you don’t.” Lewis smiles sadly.
“I do but I also don’t.” George sighs, “I wish we both could have won.”
“We did,” Lewis pulls back slightly and tilts George’s head up to look at him, “I feel like I won because you won.”
“Stop,” George blushes.
“I’m serious,” Lewis smoothes his thumb across George’s jaw, “I don’t feel anything other than happy for you.”
“I’m honoured that Sir Lewis Hamilton feels happy for me.” George teases.
“Jerk,” Lewis pokes his chest, “Here I am, pouring my heart out to you and you tease me!”
“I’m sorry,” George muffles Lewis’ protests with his lips, kissing him eager and steady.
“You’re not,” Lewis grins.
“I’m not.”
Lewis rolls his eyes and kisses down George’s neck, the taller man tilting his head back to give him more room.
“Mm you taste like champagne,” Lewis murmurs.
“God,” George groans, “I’m so lucky.”
Lewis responds by licking up the column of his neck, relishing in the vibrations he feels as George moans his name.
George’s hands fall to his hair and Lewis lets himself be overwhelmed by just being in George’s presence. His large, practiced hands urging him on, the feeling of George’s body against him, the smell of fuel, champagne and something that is just so perfectly George, it feels like home.
They fall into a rhythm and George is rolling his hips and he didn’t win but it feels like euphoria anyway.
And then Angela knocks on the door and Lewis groans frustratedly. 
“I know what you’re doing in there!” Angela sing songs from the door, “But we have a debrief in 5 minutes.”
“Okay!” Lewis calls back tersely, and tries to resume his plan of letting his hands and lips across George’s body.
“Lewis,” George groans, partly from resignation that they are needed elsewhere, partly from Lewis’ lips against his naval.
“Don’t want to stop,” Lewis murmurs against his skin.
“We have to,” George sits up, putting an arm around Lewis so he doesn’t fall off of the couch.
“But we’re celebrating,” Lewis pouts.
“Come on,” George pushes him to his feet and follows suit, pulling Lewis in for one last kiss, “There will be plenty of time to celebrate properly later.”
“Fine, but I’m holding you to that.”
And he watches with a smile on his face as George walks out of the room towards his first ever F1 race win debrief.
I feel like Lewis has come so far as a person and a teammate and I just wanted to show this all from his perspective. No smut, I’ll leave that to the pros who I’m sure are writing it now or have written it. Hope you enjoyed <3 
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43064709
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fic: rest your weary head and let your heart decide (chapter thirteen)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: George Russell/Lewis Hamilton
In which the guests begin arriving, George and Lewis sneak around, and it is almost, almost time for the wedding.
rest your weary head and let your heart decide (chapter thirteen) @ AO3
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argentinagp · 2 months
🍓Complimenting you first tho— your graphics series has knocked me on my ass with how incredible they all look- all whilst you’re churning them out at a speed that’s almost scary— that’s a recipe that should mean lost quality but somehow it doesn’t! You’re like a machine and it has me with my hand chin on my hands just waiting for the next one. Simply magic
aaaa MARK!!!!! i love you so much thank you for the compliments 😭🫶🏻 (also your graphic is scheduled up for tomorrow so keep an eye out ;) )
Now: im SO glad we became mutuals, I enjoy having u in my dash so so much, i love your posts ab gewis and how much you love them. And i also absolutely ADORE your art, it is so good and so so so cute (100% deserved that you made it to the merc socials!!) 🩷🩵
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interlvgos · 3 months
*chin hands* 💌
MARKKKK. 💘 the first person I ever followed on this hellsite fr the og gewis truther. and my personal encyclopaedia 🙇‍♀️ you always put up with my 729283 questions and never make me feel stupid for asking them!!! your fics are some of my favourites of all time and rb george au has its claws in me bc oh my god….. incredible. 10/10. lives were changed and drastically altered. i’m so truly lucky to have you not only as a friend on here but an irl friend as well bc you’re hilarious and just so genuinely kind and understanding that i love just being around you!!! and i cannot wait to see you again now that i’m not plagued 🤒🤒
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schumaclerc · 2 years
🌈 + a color palette from here & a driver/pairing: Potted houseplants or peace and war & Britcedes cause I’m a cliche? 👉👈 (also congrats on the 1k! You more than deserve it)
aaaa hello mark tysm !! 💗 shoutout to the brazil sprint for giving me mega brainworms so i could make this faster
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