simonsezsewart · 2 months
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Bonrin aquarium date +*.
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qloof · 6 months
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ace4ace ryugin u will always be famous to me
forgot to add this earlier but this ryuga design was made by @lukakishatu ! ! it's super cool :D
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tribius-art · 4 months
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forgot to post this but i guess 14th February is a good reason to fix it
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yoshixyz · 10 months
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live laugh RyuGin
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artichow · 5 months
Do I even have to say it
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ryugin smooch for you!!
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Year of the Dragon :: Happy Chinese New Year!
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"When the dragon song spoken of by Hsiang-yen, Shih-shuang, and Tung-shan is heard, clouds gather and rain is evoked. There is no question of speaking nor any question of eyes and skulls. They are nothing but the songs of the singing dragon. "Still involved with pleasure" is the croaking of frogs, and "still stuck in consciousness" is a sound made by earthworms. Therefore, the bloodline is never severed, like one gourd receiving the contents of another gourd. Because it is "bone dry but never spent" a pillar becomes great with child and a stone lantern meets a stone lantern." Sweeping Zen Dogen, Ryugin
In Chinese culture, the Dragon holds a significant place as an auspicious and extraordinary creature, unparalleled in talent and excellence. It symbolizes power, nobility, honor, luck, and success. 2024 is forecasted to bring about opportunities, changes, and challenges. If you're seeking a shift in your current lives, this year might offer a favorable chance.
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kinomiya · 2 months
Trade with @tribius-art that resulted in me winning the WR for speedrunning every RyuGin episode in MFB tbh.
sac·ra·ment | /ˈsakrəm(ə)nt/
(in the Christian Church) a religious ceremony or ritual regarded as imparting divine grace, such as baptism, the Eucharist and (in the Roman Catholic and many Orthodox Churches) penance and the anointing of the sick.
(in Roman Catholic use) the consecrated elements of the Eucharist, especially the bread or Host.
a thing of mysterious and sacred significance; a religious symbol.
It was a ghost of a touch across his hand.
One that came and went so quickly Ginga could have assumed he had merely imagined it. Were it not for the fact that it always began this way. With him tucked away in a booth in a secluded corner of a quiet, dimly lit bar alone. Until someone would pass him by, making the most brief and yet intentional contact with his hand resting on the edge of the table. So he’d wait patiently, his eyes closed and drink forgotten as he silently mused. 
Eventually an all too familiar man would slide into the booth, carefully avoiding physical contact. The scowl on his lips would deepen as Ginga visibly suppressed a smile.
“You came, Ryūga,” Ginga stated, not hiding his amusement as he opened his eyes to glance at the other man.  “I thought for sure you weren’t going to come this time,” he continued reaching for his drink and bringing it to his lips, taking a sip.
“What can I say? I seem to enjoy wasting my time,” Ryūga retorted, clenching his teeth together as he stared at Ginga with an intensity that would make most people uncomfortable.
“Is that so?” Ginga inquired, his elbow pressing against the old wood as he rested his chin on his hand. No longer able to hide his grin.
Ryūga sneered, electing to ignore his companion instead of humoring him. He knew the answer anyway.
Ginga took the awkward silence that descended between them as an opportunity to prattle on endlessly about how his week had been, everything from what he’d eaten to what harebrained scheme he and his friends had come up with. Useless information Ryūga purged from his mind in the same instant it was given.
“You know it wouldn’t kill you to at least pretend to be interested,” Ginga said suddenly, his smile slipping from his face as a sadness seemed to envelop him.
“And why would I do that?” Ryūga drawled, his disinterest palpable.
“Because that’s what friends do!” Ginga exclaimed with evident frustration as he sat up straight, his hand dropping onto the table with a silent thunk. Ryūga’s eyes narrowed.
“Were. Not. Friends.” he replied slowly through clenched teeth, making sure to put great emphasis on each word.
“If we weren’t friends you wouldn’t meet up with me all the time,” Ginga challenged, his open hand clenching into a fist on the table.
“Have you ever considered that I meet up with you so I can be entertained by your pathetic life?” He rebutted. Immediate regret festered in his stomach when Ginga flinched slightly from the words, but he was in too deep to take it back.
“…You must really hate me,” Ginga said. So quietly it was almost inaudible over the ambient noise of the bar.
There were alarm bells ringing loudly in Ryūga’s head as he watched Ginga chew on his lower lip and avert his eyes to the other side of the booth away from him. But ignoring all reason he let out a bitter laugh before going in for the kill:
“Like you? I can barely tolerate you.” 
Ginga sprung up from his seat, uttering a frantic apology. Rambling something about the time, and pushing his way out from the interior of the booth before vacating the premise with a haste Ryūga had never seen before. 
He rifled through his coat pocket for his wallet and pulled out a handful of bills, quickly counting out the amount to settle their tab before rushing out the door into the cool late autumn air. He looked up and down the street scanning the mostly empty sidewalks. Finally catching a glimpse of red stalking away from the bar. He followed Ginga, briskly walking in his direction. Annoyance festered under his skin as he seemed to notice the pursuit and increase his pace. As if he could ever outrun him.
The cat and mouse game was brief as Ryūga caught up with Ginga. Forcefully grabbing his forearm before he could bolt again, and slowly twisting him back to face him. Despite the precarious situation Ginga still refused to meet his gaze, instead allowing his head to loll to the side as he stared at the dirty sidewalk. Ryūga huffed in annoyance, moving his free hand to grab the other man's chin roughly, and moving his head until he forced Ginga to look at him.
“… Was that too far?” Ryūga questioned, breaking the oppressive silence that had descended. His thumb idly tracing patterns across Ginga’s chin, and briefly brushing his lower lip. He already knew the answer but wanted to hear it from the others' lips.
“Yeah…” Ginga replied with barely a whisper, the nervous breath he exhaled brushing across Ryūga’s fingers.
“Sorry,” Ryūga said with a breathy sigh, his hand falling limply from Ginga’s face to his side. He’d gotten carried away. Taking their interaction as a challenge, as another way to defeat him.
But they were nearly a decade past petty childhood rivalries.
“I’ll admit…” Ginga started with an awkward chuckle, “I just didn’t expect you to deviate that far from what actually happened.”
Ryūga inhaled deeply, before inaudibly muttering something that sounded vaguely like: ‘well then what did you expect?’ and finally releasing Ginga’s arm from his bruising grip.
Year after year, every November 19th they’d arrive alone at the same dingy old bar. Meeting up as if they were perfect strangers and reenacting the night Ginga had declared was their first date. And every year there was guaranteed to be some hiccup that altered the evening. But despite the imperfect replications it had never gone so off the rails that it changed the course from the night's preordained ending. Until tonight of course.
Ryūga knew he had spoken those vitriolic words with complete conviction, hoping to rustle Ginga’s feathers. To get a rise, to start a fight. What he hadn’t considered was what to do if those words ended up hurting his feelings. He didn’t like to think about how they’d been doing this for years now and he still didn’t know what to do if he went too far. And he probably would go too far someday. 
“Well there’s always next year,” Ginga said, his cheery demeanor returning and interrupting Ryūga’s introspection. He seemed appeased by the apology… this time. When Ryūga raised an eyebrow inquiringly Ginga added playfully: “And the year after that… and after that… oh dear I think you’re stuck with me actually.”
The brilliant smile returned to Ginga’s face as he stepped into Ryūga’s personal space, gingerly taking his hands in his own and pulling him closer until he could feel his breath against his own lips.
“Just don’t fuck it up again, ok?”
And it was a promise he couldn’t keep but he’d make it all the same, sealing it with a kiss he hoped wasn’t the last.
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cheezhayama · 4 months
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halalboyfriend · 5 months
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nihonryori ryugin
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garyjcahills · 1 year
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dwarfvania · 1 year
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nihonryori ryugin
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku Fic Recs MerMay 2023
archive of our own
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All are SFW … still check tags.
Art not mine … by @fihella
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
Disaster is My Love Language by @mjbunnyluv
Summary: Izuku, a marine biologist, rescues a struggling merman caught in a net. Once pulled out of the water and brought to the wildlife rehabilitation center where he works, it appears the mer's injuries are worse than he thought. While aggressive and furious that he has been forced into captivity, Katsuki slowly comes around to the idea that being taken care of isn't so bad.
Mer!Baku x Human!Deku
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Against the Course by bundie
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki is an expert on mer and he's sworn to protect them from pirates and poachers. He joins a pirate crew to sabotage their hunt and comes across the most beautiful mer he'd ever seen. He's forced to drastic measures to protect Deku, even at the cost of his own life.
Mer!Deku x Human!Baku
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Sharks and ocean predators by @silverynight
Summary: He's ready to dive in, when he sees a very weird black and dark orange fin, it looks like a shark's. He knows sharks are not usually aggressive, but he doesn't want to upset it, so he decides to stay on the boat for a while, hoping it doesn't see anything interesting and decides to go away.
However, the shark doesn't go, instead it bumps into Izuku's small boat a couple of times until the green haired boy falls into the water.
Izuku closes his mouth and opens his eyes to see the creature and realizes that's not a shark but a merman; he's never seen one like him before. Uraraka's fin is completely different from his; from the waist down he looks like a black shark and the rest of him looks like a blond boy with red eyes, sharp teeth and well built body.
Mer!Baku x Human!Deku
Complete | 2 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
to the Touch by meteormind
Summary: With those huge green eyes beading with pearly tears, he looked about as threatening as a limpet with its shell torn off. Katsuki squinted at the waving tentacles, wondering how they tasted, remembering the crunching chew he'd had the chance to appreciate the rare times he'd cornered a few of those shy creatures.
Then he remembered that he couldn't eat mer. It was frowned upon. Katsuki glared down at the merboy, his excitement fading into disappointment when he realized he probably wouldn't even get to punch something. "The hell are you lookin’ at?"
"S-sorry! It’s not-I wasn't trying to spy on you or a-a-anything!" the boy said at last, throwing his many squiggly appendages about his face. "I-I-I—"
Oh. It was a loser!
🦐 pistol shrimp katsuki x dumbo octopus izuku 🐙
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Wild on the Beach by EpicKiya722
Summary: Rumi and Izuku, a pair of merpeople raised by caring couple Inko and Hisashi, find themselves interested into some new humans that arrived on the beach. The interest is very mutual.
Mer!Deku x Human!Baku
Complete | 3 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
𓇼Collectors Item𓇼 by BeanQueen_29
Summary: Mer!Izuku X Human!Katsuki
It was by chance that Katsuki had caught wind of the markets having collected a creature they coded as a "Sea Naiad" or “Son of Nereid”.
He was just closing in on a deal of his new purchase of one of the rarest fish found in Japan waters; The Elusive Oarfish, otherwise known as ‘Ryugu no tsukai’.
Originally, he only heard the name "Ryugin Decedent" getting thrown around, but after making his investigation of this new rarity of the sea the markets seem fond of keeping hidden, the more intrigued he became. Especially when the names started to become eerily specific.
A Sea Naiad.
They caught merfolk.
And as a collector of Legend-Becoming (going extinct), it would be unwise to not let such an absolute specimen slip through his fingers and into the hands of another greedy buyer.
— — —
Or Katsuki, a man with unbelievably deep pockets, is a collector and a mermaid he later names Izuku is up for purchase. A lot of unexpected developments come between them, and it's more than just simple curiosity and admiration of each-other’s mind. But of the body too.
Incomplete | 3/? Chapters
Rated - Explicit
A completely irresponsible conservation effort by McAlli
Summary: Izuku fucks Mer Katsuki.
That's it. You saw the tags. You know what's in here.
Mer Baku x Human Deku
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
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tribius-art · 3 months
I request some spare ryugin for the soul if you feel like it
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im so normal about them SO NORMAL.......
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yoshixyz · 4 months
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artichow · 8 months
Hani i love you
These guys love staying near the other quietly, like one rests their head on the other's shoulder, maybe fall asleep a little. They never do PDA except maybe softly bump a shoulder against the other's shoulder to wordlessly say "hey I'm here"
Gingka always has warm hands and Ryuga always has cold hands and whenever they hold hands they always forget and get reminded of it and get the urge to say "what the hell is wrong with you"
after fury and when they're adults, none of them have an official and set home since they're both vagabonds and keep travelling. Gingka stops and visits his friends a lot more than Ryuga does but they still both have that reputation among their friends
I think it'd be very cute if gingka gifted Ryuga a bandana tha looks like his but is red and has a logo that looks like the crown Ryu used to wear that'd be so cute but idk if he'd actually wear it cause i can't imagine him with a bandana on but maybe it's something he keeps with him still
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andro-dino · 2 months
oh ryuga! 1, 4, 8, 9, 24
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He’s really low in my mental tier list for me I think mostly just bc of how popular he is. that’s not just me being a contrarian (although I unwittingly definitely am one I’m not denying that bc I know full well I am lmao) but also because he’s so popular with annoying dudebros specifically who completely ignore everything I love about beyblade and just powerscale and overhype Ryuga to all hell and back. it’s to the degree that i genuinely like Ryuga less bc of it which is unfortunate. my Ryuga enjoyer friends are the only ones I trust with him you guys are chill (shoutout arti hani and snuggles). It’s unfortunate additionally bc I do think he’s a really interesting character. I am very insane about the way the idea of power is handled in beyblade and Ryuga really helps exemplify that with how physically strong yet self destructive he is and what that says about him and his relationships with other characters which is really interesting to me. I think im more interested in how that affects other characters and their stories more so than him himself tho lol
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I want him as the protag in a visual novel. Not because I think it would provide any interesting gameplay or anything but I can only imagine how fucking funny it would be to have an entire game narrated through ryuga’s brain bc there’s no telling what’s going on up there. Also I think it would be funny to only have the worst action choices available at every decision and being forced to choose one of them that would be silly as hell.
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8. I think my response to the first question kinda answers that mostly. The other thing though. I’m not gonna say anything more than “early fandom ryugin.” I like ryugin but. portrayals of them I’ve seen from way way back. horrifying.
9. Definitely not. He would be an awful roommate and I do NOT have the self discipline or responsibility enough to clean up after him lmao
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this is funny bc I have a whole PowerPoint presentation on beyblade characters that remind me of other characters (/srs it’s a little insane lol) but I don’t have anything for Ryuga. Trying to think but I really don’t know. I guess he’s just that unique of a character (or I haven’t consumed that much different media. that’s probably more the case lol)
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