#s: kassi
whimhaven · 1 year
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forgotten hollow vampire society 🖤🦇 inspired by @fizzytoo!
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astral-express-family · 6 months
Presenting: the eepies (also say hi to my bestie Kassie, the Lyney enjoyer to my Lynette enjoyer B})
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Tried smthn new with the first two panels, I really like how this came out
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forafcrtnight · 1 year
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EDGAR HAD BEEN... EXPECTING THE NEW ARRIVAL. and yes, she was part of a bigger plan - one that he could not afford losing, after bailey had decided that he was going to forever be put on his shit list. if the other was not dead - he supposed that it would not be a long time until he was and.. so, he could rest assured that he was never stepping foot inside of the farm again, nor was he ever seeing his precious children again. not at all and not in the slightest, for sure. then again, that was not what mattered here. oh, no. he had given a look to the girl's file and.. woah, talk about messed up. more than he had ever seen before but then again, that just meant that he could use her. that just meant that he could use her to his advantage. knocking on the door of the room that he had given clear instructions for her to be put on, edgar smiled. "hi there. you're kassie, right? that's such a lovely name. unique, even. i'm edgar evernever, the owner of the farm. first of all - let me start off by saying that i am so very sorry for what happened to you - no one should have to suffer so much in so little time, but.. YOU'RE SAFE HERE. WE'RE GOING TO TAKE CARE OF YOU."
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amorremanet · 2 years
*hums to the tune of “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out Of My Hair,” but it’s about blocking people i don’t want to deal with*
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kassiekole22 · 8 months
Hi! I love your works! Can I request a Syzoth x reader oneshot? Like what’s their first date like? Since Syzoth is still a reptilian and isn’t familiar with human customs/culture. And the reader is not familiar of Zaterrans’ customs/culture. Thank you!
Starry Night
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Pairing: Syzoth X Fem!Reader Description: Being two different species, you and Syzoth aren't very sure what to do on your first date, since human and Zaterran traditions are completely different from each other. But when the two of you are walking through the streets of your home town in hopes of finding something to do, you get an idea that you just know you'll both love... Warnings: Just Fluff! 💖 Word Count: 1.4k A/N: I hope this was what you were looking for! Main MasterList: 🖤 Kassie's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @bihansthot, @katiralovely, @queenkhepri, @blackbunnymayw, @simpforhotmaskedmen, @theleftkittycollection, @kiashines. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
I was pretty nervous as I rushed to be ready before eight o'clock. Hell, I was so nervous that I almost couldn't do my eyeliner. But after taking a couple deep breaths, I was able to stifle my nerves for a few more minutes. I quickly threw on a silky emerald green dress that I had bought that day. I couldn't resist buying it when I first laid eyes on it through the window of the store, because I knew he would absolutely love it!
A sudden knock at my front door kicked my nerves into drive again, and the butterflies in my stomach caused my heartbeat to move to my throat to cause nausea. After taking another deep breath to sooth my anxieties and straightening my dress out in the mirror, I left my bedroom to open the front door and greet my date.
Syzoth's eyes widened as they met with mine and something about the way his eyes quickly roamed my figure told me that he did, in fact, love the dress I had bought just for him. After realizing that he had taken too long to take in the sight of me, Syzoth's cheeks blushed a deep shade of green as he peered up at me almost shamefully.
"Uh— H-Hi," he stammered awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Hi!" I greeted him again with a kind smile, which he returned.
"S-Shall we be leaving now?" He asked with a slight stutter filling his soft voice. I nodded before stepping out of my house and locking my door behind me.
It then occurred to us that we had never actually planned what we would do on this date. Being two very different species with very different ideas on how to spend our time together, we weren't quite sure we could do that would make us both happy. So we walked around my town for awhile while we talked about our day and such, but it wasn't until we passed the local park that it hit me.
"Oh! I have an idea!" I exclaimed excitedly, and Syzoth looked at me with a curious expression.
"What would that be, (Y/N)?" He asked and my smile grew wide with excitement.
"Come with me; I'll show you." I said as I took his hand and tugged it in the direction of the park.
He seemed almost shocked by the sudden contact and once I remembered that Zaterrans don't hold hands and figured it would make him uncomfortable, I almost pulled my hand away. But when I began to, his grip tightened on me. So I decided to let my hand stay put, encased in his own.
We entered the quiet and barren park, hand in hand, as I led him down the narrow dirt path.  The only thing lighting our way were a couple light posts, but other than that, the park was pretty dark. I wasn't scared though, because I knew Syzoth would keep me safe.
"It's nice here—quiet." He spoke in a hushed tone and I nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I like coming here a lot." I stated while lowering my tone to his level. "It's so peaceful."
"Thank you for sharing it with me." 
"Of course~" I lifted my gaze to peer up at him as my lips curled into a small smile.
It was then that I realized we were still holding hands. It was different but nice—so nice that a part of me didn't want to stop. And the way he subconsciously moved his thumb to caress the back of my hand told me that he felt the same way.
Eventually, we found the end of the path and Syzoth came to a stop. But surprisingly for him, I kept going onto the patch of grass before us.
"What are you doing?" He asked as he cocked his head with curiosity.
"Follow me," I said with an amused smirk while continuing to walk along the grass.
After another minute of walking—when we were far from any light—I laid on the ground so I was facing the sky. Syzoth seemed confused by this, but repeated my actions anyway. And it wasn't until he did that he understood why I wanted to go out there in the first place.
"Aren't they beautiful?" I sighed breathlessly as we gazed upon the black, cloudless sky that was speckled with shining stars.
My smile broadened as peace and happiness filled my heart. No matter what, stargazing always seemed to make me happy, so I wanted to share it with my date.
"They're stunning," he whispered softly, before turning his head to look at me with an almost bashful smile toying on his lips. "But not the most stunning thing here tonight."
I turned my head to look at him, and despite the warmth of a blush tinting my cheeks, I simply smirked as I raised my brow.
"You sure know how to sweet-talk a lady." I chuckled before my gaze softened. "But I'd have to disagree with you."
He stared at me with confusion in his eyes, pulling down on his brows as he tried to figure out what I had meant. But then his lips cracked open to bear a cheeky grin as he finally caught on.
"It seems as if you're challenging me to a competition of compliments." He smirked as a sudden cockiness filled his tone. "That's more than fine with me, because with you, I could go all night."
The warmth in my cheeks turned hot, and I couldn't stop myself from finally turning my head away to hide my blush. He let out a laugh at my shyness, but not in a mocking way—it was as if he found it cute.
"There's no need to be shy, my little sunshine." His tone suddenly grew softer and more gentle as he spoke. "It's only me."
I fixed my gaze on him once again to see him staring at me with adoration, and the way his lips slightly curled into a small smile told me that he was more than happy to be by my side in this moment. I returned the smile before moving my head to rest on his shoulder as I looked back at the stars. Everything felt absolutely perfect, and I felt right where I belonged.
Then suddenly, a gasp parted my lips as a shooting star beamed across the sky. My heart leaped into my throat as I sat up due to pyre excitement and pointed at the flash of light.
"Oh! Make a wish!" I exclaimed before closing my eyes and thinking of something I deeply desired for my future.
It didn't take long to think of something, and I pressed my lips and eyelids together tightly as I hoped for it to come true—for more to come out of this date for the both of us. 
"Did you make a wish?" I asked as I opened my eyes and looked back down at my date, who was now lying with his arms folded behind his head and an amused grin stretching his lips.
He nodded before sitting up and whispering, "I wished for this moment to never end."
"But you can't tell me! Now it won't come true!" I frowned as I looked down at him with disappointment.
"No, it won't. Just don't tell anybody." His smile widened and he then playfully nudged my shoulder. "I trust you can keep a secret." 
I chuckled at his choice of words because of how true they were. Never once had I spilled his secret of being Zaterran when he would visit Earthrealm. I was lucky to be one of the few Earthrealmers that actually knew of this ability of his, so I wasn't going to abuse his trust for me by spreading it around.
Silence had fallen over us again as we gazed into each other's eyes. And then I realized that the stars truly weren't the most beautiful thing I had seen in this park at night.
"Are you enjoying our date?" I asked as my voice dropped to a low volume once again.
"Yes, very much so," he whispered as he brought his hand up to gently caress my cheek with the backs of his fingers. "(Y/N)?"
"Thank you for sharing this with me."
The corners of my lips curved up into a sweet smile for the hundredth time that night, and I slowly leaned forward to gently press my lips against his. His whole body froze for a moment, and I began to wonder if he even wanted it. But before I could pull away, his lips slowly twitched into the form in which makes a kiss. It was a beautiful moment that I would cherish forever.
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gaym0m · 1 year
I promised fluff so here we go,
This is, Ellie and Beth taking care of their s/o (you) when sick.
Ellie was always been a mother figure.
First to Beth
Then to herself in a way
Followed by her own kids
When her husband left, she felt herself about to crumble
She could play mom, she could play the responsible game
But she had no idea if she could make it playing mom and dad
Thankfully, you’re her neighbor.
And you’re. . . Well actually really nice.
The night Jay left (fuck him. How you fumble a bag that FUCKEN badly?? I could never) Ellie felt as though she was going to crumble right outside the door of her apartment
Blue eyes stared angrily (sadly) at Jay’s form as he walked away towards the open elevator.
she hadn’t planned on knocking on your door
Well technically she didn’t, she just leaned next to it, head falling back and her arms falling to her side
She didn’t have the strength to stop her arms from accidentally smacking the door a couple times on your door
While you were getting ready for bed, the knock called your attention quickly
Just as quick as the knock felt, you moved towards the door and cracked it open with a curious look
“Uh— you okay?”
Awkward college student is awkward (as a college student, just pretend you are too)
“Shit! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
Brows furrowed, you opened the door slightly more and lightly tilted your head
“Hey. . . Uh why you crying?”
Awkward college student is staying awkward
Thankfully Ellie found your awkwardness slightly funny and slightly adorable
While she didn’t say anything, she also didn’t storm away from you so you took that as a win
“Do you. . . Do you wanna come in?”
Normally Ellie wouldn’t take an opportunity like that, always being the strongest and always trying to be their for others
But her kids were sleeping
Her sister wasn’t answering the phone
And her husband just left her
She was crumbling at an alarming rate and she didn’t want to wake her kids
After she agreed you lead her inside, sitting her and yourself on the couch with two beer (or whatever drink you want) bottles
Before long, Ellie was telling you everything
And you listened carefully
At one point, your hand leaned out and took hers
Your thumb gently rubbing her knuckles as she choked up on her words
Sooner than later she crumbled completely
Two drinks forgotten as you pulled her into a comforting hug
You could feel her tears wetting your shirt
Not like that mattered to you
Your enter focus being on comforting her
Eventually she calmed down and you both said a quick goodbye
After that she reached out more often
From bring you food to asking you babysit for her while she worked
Of course you happily watched the kids for her, Danny being the oldest usually complained at first
But he quickly warmed up to you when you let him play his remixes while you helped cleaned
Bridget constantly poked at your brain about how different college is from high school and your major
Meanwhile Kassie just loved how playful you were
And maybe how you would always sneak her a candy or two when you visited/babysat
At some point Ellie and the kids started inviting you to dinner instead of just bringing you a plate.
Well. . . Until one day where you randomly turned them down.
To say dread build up in all of them would be an understatement
At first they tried to comfort themselves thinking you were going out
But they could hear your tv playing
Eventually it became to much for them all
The fear of losing you like their father made the kids snap and run to your door
Of course Ellie followed shortly behind
Almost frantically, They knocked on your door until it slightly cracked open
Instant relief flooded their system until they noticed your bright red nose, flushed and tired looking face and messy hair
Then it all clicked in their mind
You were sick
Not avoiding them, not tired of them, definitely not abandoning them
Just sick— really sick by the way you looked
“hey guys, go back inside and warm up some of the soup. I’ll take care of them.”
Ellie instructed her kids who all nodded and ran to their apartment
Danny took over soup re warming duties, Bridgette took over raiding the medical cabinet for anything that might help, while Kassie grabbed as many of her favorite things (plushies) to comfort you with
Meanwhile, Ellie made her way into your apartment
She played deaf to your argument of not wanting to get her sick as she pushed you back into bed.
Quickly she pressed her forehead to yours (had you not been so sick you probably would have started blushing and losing your mind with how close she was)
Her eyes widen when she felt just how warm you felt, then softened quickly as she took your hand
“Oh sweetheart. . . Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”
Her sweet motherly tone made your stomach burst into butterflies
“I. . . Didn’t want to bother. . . And I didn’t feel this bad till about an hour ago.”
“Babe, you’re never a bother but okay. I’m assuming you haven’t eaten?”
Quietly you nodded, throat too sore to continue speaking
With a quick “I’ll be right back.” Ellie ran to your kitchen grabbing a rag and a bowl with cold water and some ice
Just as quickly she returned, laying the towel on your head
The kids returned within five minutes of Ellie watching you with worried eyes
Kassie was quick to crawl into your bed, pushing her plushies against your side
Bridgette meanwhile handed Ellie the medication, giving her a look of ‘i kinda grabbed what sounded helpful’
While Ellie looked through the bag, Danny set a bowl of soup on your bedside table. Also setting down some water, crackers and other light (snack like) foods near by
Watching them all scramble to take care of you brought tears to your eyes, but the panic set in quick
“Wait. . . Y-you’ll all get sick if you’re—“
Your rough protest was cut off by a sudden coughing fit.
Whatever you had was doing a number in your system
As soon as your coughing fit was over, all four of the Bixler’s placed a hand on you, Ellie rubbing your back, kassie and Bridgette claimed one had each, while Danny placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Worry less about us and more about your health.”
Not accepting any argument form your end, Ellie reached for the soup slowly feeding you just enough for her to be sure your stomach wouldn’t suffer from the medication
Once you had food, water and medication in your system, the kids said their goodbyes and headed home
(Kassie definitely fell asleep on you and Danny had to carry her home)
But Ellie stayed by your side until you fell asleep
When you woke up, you felt better (still sick but better) and a sweet note on your side from Ellie.
Being part of the band/crew meant you two were all over the world constantly
As a actual band member with vip meeting fans all around the world meant you were close to strangers every other night
So you were bound to catch something eventually
Even if it’s a fever or the flu
You can’t play that nights concert
Thankfully you had someone to cover
But with how sick you really were
You kinda forgot to tell Beth
And to say she was mad
That would be
The understatement
Of the fucken
Unfortunately she still had a job to do
So you did have to wait
But every second that passed Beth grew more and more annoyed
Because how dare you
Not tell HER
Geez if she wasn’t exhausted herself she would have killed you
By the time the show ended
The entire crew and band could tell she was on her last nerve
And even though she was like one of the few girls in the crew
She was still 5’8 (yes Lilly is also tall and it’s hot for my 5’3 ass.)
And she could punch better than most of them
And they knew better than to piss her off
So quickly the crew manager dismissed her
He hadn’t even finished his sentence when she was already out of the auditorium and half way to the tour bus your sick body rested in
The loud slam of the door opening and closing definitely stirred you a bit
But the medicine in your system kept you half asleep and loopy
“How come you didn’t tell me?!”
The voice sounded weird to your ears and the face of the person speaking (yelling) at you was blurred
At best
Though it didn’t take to long for your eyes to focus on her
Beth looked pissed
But in your loopy state, she looks beautiful
And that filter between your brain and mouth was gone
So you said that
“Why are you so pretty?”
Your speech was slurred and the small giggle that followed DIDNT help your case
Thankfully, Beth found it adorable
Even though she was mad
Instead of trying to scold you further, she leaned foward
Her soft lips landing on the crown of your head
“Go back to sleep dummy.”
She mumbled, pushing you back down into your bed and covering you for the night
As much as you wanted to protest, the medication still had you in a sleepy state
So it didn’t take long for you to fall back asleep
Meanwhile Beth took the bunk next to yours, forcing one of the band members to take the couch out front.
Rip his back but Beth had to keep watch over you
And yeah that helped a lot.
Emotionally at least
Hope y’all liked 🥰
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thegamingcatmom · 11 months
Okay but also:
Alyssa Sutherland aka Ellie Bixler: 5´11 (180 cm)
Lily Sullivan aka Beth Bixler: 5´7 (173 cm)
Morgan Davies aka Danny Bixler: 5´6 (170 cm)
Gabrielle Echols aka Bridget Bixler: 5´4 (163 cm)
Literally all of them are taller than someone (which ain´t hard) so now I´m internally screaming because IDEAS, FEELS, THOUGHTS and-
Someone being rather fed up with getting teased about their height every time they vacate the same space as them (affectionately) and-
“What´s up, short stuff?” 😏
-a hand coming up to support their chin, resting their ellbow on someone´s head and-
“Why so grumpy?” 😏
-because they´re a dwarf and always so sensitive, so moody and-
“How´s my little groupie?” 😍🤭😏
-and patting their head whilst bending down down down to get lost in their eyes, hand then descending to pinch that cheek, boop! that nose and-
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Not their fault this family is made of giants and-
But there's a glimmer of hope, someone they can always rely on to have their back because they're struggling as well, they get them, suffering with them because-
Nell Fisher aka Kassie Bixler: 4´9 (148 cm)
And we're not gonna talk about the fact Kassie comes after her giant of a mother 100%, no doubt about whose child this is because, by the tender age of 14, she's gonna absolutely dwarf a certain someone and people will assume that they are the kid and-
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We will not talk about it.
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my-drama-heart2406 · 1 year
I have a habit of finding the meaning of song lyrics since the days I started watching animes and wanted to memorise the openings. Which very obviously projected to learning the lyrics of the kdrama OSTs I loved. I always try to find the meanings and learn the lyrics.
To this day I've never heard more meaningful OSTs than that of Alchemy of Souls. I don't know how many of you have actually seen the english translations. But the song are so in sync with the show. The more I listen to them, the more I fall in love. It's almost poetic.
In 'Just Watching You- Jeong Sewoon', Which is Seo Yul's song, the last line of the chorus goes: "...In the next coming spring, will you bloom beside me?"
Which is so in point with Yul's character. Because he never had the courage to act on his feelings. He still asks her to come to him. Even though Yul is Autumn, he still asks her to bloom in spring, because that is when flowers normally bloom. Because Yul could never find it in himself to do something that's not by the rules.
Then ofcourse there's, 'Scars leave a beautiful trace- Car, the Garden', which is completely Jang Uk's song. The bridge of the song goes: "Even in the cold winters, you will bloom... You'll see"
Even though the whole song is about Jang Uk's journey and his love, that one sentence is written so beautifully. Jang Uk is represented as winter. But Jang Uk has never waited to do something by the book. So he's not waiting for the 'right moment'. He makes his point. He tells Mudeok he got her love letter, and that in reply he misses her. He's going to wait for her, because he knows she's coming to him. But he's not like Yul. He has never played by the rules and neither has the woman he fell for. Their love is unconventional. He's not going to wait for spring to come. He is winter, and so, she's going to bloom in winter.
And then in, "Aching- Kassy", the chorus goes: "Like a flower blooming in the cold white snow, I have endured on this rough road all alone. I engrave your beautiful shining name deep into my aching heart."
Aching is very completely Yeong's song for Jang Uk. And like Jang Uk said she'll bloom in winter for him. She says she's already like a flower that blooms in the cold winters and endures alone in the white snow. That's how Yeong had grown up. She had walked a tough, cold and dark path all alone, her whole life. But then she finds Jang Uk. And he lights up her whole world. His name itself brings warmth and brightness into her life. So she engraves his name into her heart.
All of these three songs talk about a flower blooming. Which is a metaphor for Naksu/Mudeok/Yeong 's character growing and evolving.
The songs so clearly showcase how Uk and Yeong bring warmth and brightness in each other's lives even though they've spent their lives in cold winters. Poetic how they're fated to be together since the beginning.
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macabreblublu · 2 years
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So I’ve always wanted to draw Macaque with his post-possessed-by-LBD white fur but I couldn’t really find a vibe or excuse for it (like that ever stopped me-)
Until I was reminded of @/kassiopeiakitten ‘s glorious Possessed Macaque and Samadhi Fire Wukong AU 👀 (please do check them out on Instagram or Twitter if you wanna see their art of it or their art in general, it’s worth it👌🏼👌🏼)
Anyways this is dedicated to you Kassi ‘cause as far as I can remember, you were the first person I saw to make fully possessed Macaque ✨cool✨ 😎
Oh and I’ve made a new watermark ‘cause the rising problems for artists online is heck🥲
[Absolutely no reposts please because being an artist now is already hard enough]
Some f r o s t y alts ‘cause he’s so gorgeous
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Now, for some ✨chromatic aberration✨ alts cause I’ve always wanted to apply it to my pieces but only figured it out recently
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denied-enby-fuckbot · 6 months
"What's up everyone! It's ya girl Lilith, and I know that this is not our usual broadcast time, but we're having a little suprise contest here! I disconnected both of D3M0's arms while it was asleep in its' charging cradle, and now the dumb bitch has to make me cum on-stream if it wants them back. It's back to the Frigid Cunt shame parameters after its' little nap of course, so it actually had the gall to try and wander around like a clumsy idiot for a few hours making stupid 'weh-weh' noises before finally getting desperate enough to start doing something about it. Dumb bitch. Could have had those fucking arms back by now if you'd just sucked it up, huh? But then I emptied my balls into Kassie's ass while you were dithering, and now you've just made more work for yourself. Isn't that right? I said, isn't that ri- Don't take my fucking cock out of your mouth or I'll fucking tase you again. Just nod. I'll fucking do it, it's right here on the desk. Everyone will see it. Actually - silly me, I just realised you gals don't have a good angle from that camera! Hang on, let me turn on the side cam and just... picture-in-picture... there we go! Now you guys can see it. Aww, isn't that sad? It can't remember how to suck cock right now, but I think it's working it out... slowly. Every time it has second thoughts and tries to back out, I'll stick the taser right in its' chest and give it a few thousand volts - and that's a fucking promise, bitch. Maybe once it figures out how to be a whore again, we can have some fun with that! What do you guys think? Ooh, thanks for the donation GalactaIsCumming! You asked 'Why does it have holes in the cheeks?' - I think Veronica wanted to see what it would do without arms to shield itself if she started hitting it in the face. She used her nails, gang! We're gonna have to replace the cunt's facial polymer I think, but it was worth to see it squirming around and trying to wriggle away from V's mean right hooks! Hee hee!"
this is very sexy and brutal and it would be soooo fun to reset D3M0 to have no memories of this and then lead them into a room with all their broken parts and degrading streams on display
taser hits are definitely like a 50-50 shot whether they make it short circuit from the pain or cum instantly so hard it hurts (punishable behavior)
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thewholecrew · 6 months
does my muse(s) get jealous?
grant - yes, grant is a very jealous person when it comes to someone he loves romantically. he often tries not to show how jealous he is and will try to deny it but it's quite obvious. not only will he be jealous usually if he sees someone flirting, talking, dancing with the person he is interested in, he can also grow quite jealous of their close friends as well. he's not above intervening and it can range between him attempting to be subtle, protective or if it's clear the person he likes is very uncomfortable with said attention, he can even get physical. one of the reasons he tries to hide his jealousy is because more times than not he puts said person at a distance therefore has no right or real reason to be jealous even though he is.
kassy - no, kassy does not get jealous. though she's usually not one for titles when it comes to dating, i'd say she views herself as polyamorous. she can definitely be quite possessive but that is more for the enjoyment of the power dynamic rather than needing others to keep their hands to themselves (unless that touch is unwanted of course). she has no problem sharing her friends, subs, situationships (to those she deems worthy of her people*) if that is something they'd like too since to kassy, the more the merrier. she also knows that she cannot provide her partners with the kind of relationships and future some may want therefore she will often encourage them to seek other connections. plus, she's very confident about herself and in what she can offer to people.
trinity - yes, and while usually she can contain herself, once she gets a little bit of alcohol in her system trinity can want to fight someone if they look at her partner the wrong way let alone come up to them to flirt or touch them. she can become extremely jealous and possessive of her partner if she feels threatened and go between cursing someone out and trying to fight them, and trying to make said person hitting on her partner jealous by being extremely possessive (kissing them, having their partners hands very obviously on her and vice versa, essentially claiming them as hers and her as theirs). so though trin might come off as shy and quiet most of the time, she can absolutely lash out against someone if they try to get between her and her partner, she's a little crazy.
alec - yes and no, alec is polyamorous and simply loves love too much to be jealous a lot of the time. i'd say he's more likely to be envious of what others have rather than jealous if someone he likes is with another person or flirts, etc. he also doesn't feel as though he is allowed to be jealous because he has issues himself with being completely committed to one person and is very overly friendly. he's aware that he can make any of his potential partners jealous so he tries to be sensitive to that. but i'd say 99% of the time he does not feel that same jealousy others would feel.
rev - yes, they are extremely jealous and possessive. they can become very aggressive towards just about anyone they think is looking at their partner or talking to them too much, let alone if they were to touch them even if it was friendly and not flirty. most of the time they're able to scare people away but a part of them knows it's not necessarily healthy to be so possessive and i think if they were to have a steady partner that they would try their best to work on that but they very much want to protect their partner and not let anyone think they can take advantage of their partners kindness. also they want their partner to choose them and want to be with them as much as rev does their partner.
nate - not really. i'd say nate is also a pretty confident guy and that while he can be protective, i wouldn't say he often gets jealous. not unless specific situations where there is a girl he really likes/loves that he cannot be with and has to watch be with someone else. but with his partner by his side nothing can upset him because she has chosen him and no matter what chatting or flirting goes on he knows that she wants to be with him. i mean i can see him getting jealous if it gets to be too much to the point it feels disrespectful but overall he will let his woman do what she likes and only step in if to protect her or make other people jealous, because they would be since his partner is a complete knock out and he's madly in love with her.
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Non-Tolkien: @shadow-hazehuntress | @spider-lily-droplets
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Artworks: Young Cala | Itilien x Cala | Cala Portrait
Ataresse: Cala
                          - q. light
Amilesse: Lómo
                          - q. twlight
Nicknames: -
Gender: Male
Visual Age: 25
Social Class: Maiar son, within the court of Oromë and Vána
Titles: Maiar son, guardian of the Lunar Eclipses.
Birth Order: Only Child, but sees and treats @quiet-flower-wonderlings (oc) as a little sister.
Weapons: swords, spears, archery
Magical Ability(s): light powers, he can control the blazing heat of light or it’s soothing cool healing powers. Can control Lunar eclipses too.
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Height: 7’5
Build: tall, athletic and muscled
Race/Ethnicity: Maiar son
Hair Color: sunny blonde hair, with tint of silvery moonlight
Eye Color: Navy blue
Skin: Olive tanned
Types of Clothes: Mostly robes and his hunting gears (unfortunetely he lacks a lot of fashion sense).
How do they wear their clothes: Neatly and very put together
Mannerisms: strict to the rules of propriety - scowls and lectures if anyone breaks them
Important/Usual Accessories: Crest or emblem of his parents
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Alignment: Lawful Good
Occupation: guardian of the eclipse
Canon Love Interest: Eönwë
RP Love Interests:
Oc Love Interest: @illicit-unknown-shadows
Multiship: Yes
Sexuality: panromantic demisexual
Likes: Reading books of knowledge and mysteries
Dislikes: Anyone breaking rules of propriety, sadistic intendencies
Fears: Morgoth and any of his followers - especially after Melkor tried to make his mother follow him or become his wife.
Favorite Colors: Bright and cool colors
Literature: books of knowledge and mysteries.
Hobbies: healing, reading, hunting.
Favorite Childhood Memory: Learning how to use his powers with the help of his parents and how they come together with form eclipses.
Least Favorite Memory: When Melkor tried to take his mother.
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Personal Triggers: Any mention of Melkor trying to wed his mother.
What words or phrases do they over use: “Lights, can it get any worse. . .” or “There are rules one must follow.”
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic mostly, but tended to be more pessimistic after witnessing Melkor trying to ravish his mother and take her as his wife. But slowly optimistic again, knowing his mother was safe with him and his father; that she protected herself.
Love Language: Acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation and physical touch.
Strongest Character Trait: honesty and his loyalty.
Weakest Character Trait: Can be timid at times.
Greatest Fear: Morgoth coming after his mother again.
Overrated Virtue: Prudence and solemnity
If they could change one thing about themselves: His fear or having to witness Melkor almost ravishing his mother. Even though she protected herself, he feels guilty he was not able to do something.
Songs: Don't look back in anger by Oasis, Aching Alchemy of Souls ost by Kassy
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forafcrtnight · 10 months
’ i’ve been saying “yes” instead of “no.” ’ kassie & ellie (( @xtinyslip )
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"KASSIE! WHAT HAPPENED? SOMEONE CALLED ME AND SAID THAT.. YOU HAD BEEN FIGHTING WITH A DETECTIVE? ARE YOU OKAY?" ellie was worried. even if their relationship was not as good as it had once been? her daughter was still everything to her and right now, she didn't believe that would be changing anytime soon. of course not. regardless, she had nearly been scared to death when she had heard of what had happened and no, she didn't want to go back to that. she didn't. it reminded her of the past and it reminded her of what had happened and she couldn't have despised every single thing about that more than she did. of course not. right? "we're going to get you out of here, i promise. you're going to be alright. okay?"
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dragonballnewstar · 7 months
💋 Kassava getting accidentanlly kissed by spencer 👀
It was lucky that Spencer was finally learn how to fly since it seemed like a necessary skill around here. Kassava agreed to oversee his practice since she's had to master her own ki control and could explain it in detail.
Spencer had taken off his shirt and was in workout shorts to allow his cells to grow accustomed to the energy flow - having to focus entirely on how his cells move and how ki interacts with them.
Breath in...breath out...breath in...
A half second to peek his eye open. That's all it took to screw up. He managed to get a few feet off the ground but his focus was broken and he plummeted towards Kassava.
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"SHIT!" Within that second he had crashed into Kassava, trying to use his powers to hopefully catch himself but the timing is all off.
Surprisingly his landing was softer than expected, and he realized his lips somehow met with hers. Despite his smoking, it was apparent that he's been taking great care to air himself out and taking mints before meeting with people.
Redness quickly spread to his cheeks and he shot up from the compromising position, hands on either side of Kassie's head. He'd be worried he hurt her, but he's pretty sure she can blow up planets - so him landing on her wouldn't hurt her. Still...he didn't expect to kiss her.
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"S-Sorry Kassie...you okay?"
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adamwatchesmovies · 30 days
Evil Dead II: Dead By Dawn (1987)
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Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn or simply Evil Dead II is usually described as a remake of 1981’s Evil Dead but it isn’t really. It’s more that The Evil Dead was the draft/proof of concept and this is the finished work. Bruce Campbell plays the same character, some of the same concepts come back, but there's no continuity. Here, we have a horror comedy done right, with plenty of big laughs, “yuck!” moments and scares tying them together.
Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell) and his girlfriend, Linda (Denise Bixler) are vacationing in a seemingly abandoned cabin in the woods when they discover a tape of archaeologist Raymond Knowby reading passages from the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis. The incantations unleash an evil force upon the couple, and later, Knowby’s daughter Annie, her research partner Ed Getley (Richard Domeier), and their hired help: Jake (Dan Hicks) and his girlfriend, Bobby Joe (Kassie Wesley).
Evil Dead II is a comfortable middle between the scrappy “anything goes, let’s just do it” filmmaking of the original film and the slick blockbusters Sam Raimi would later direct. From the very first frame, the camerawork tells you this movie is going to be something special. As the evil force chases Ash through the cabin, they take turns smashing through doors, going around corners, and doing anything they can do to fulfill their objective: him? Get away. It? Get close to him. It’s an exhilarating sequence that’s at once panic-inducing and hilarious. It perfectly summarizes what this movie will be like. Yeah, the film might still be a little rough around the edges - there’s a stop-motion monster later on that isn’t all that convincing - but the ideas are there. It takes about 3 minutes for Evil Dead II to unleash its sinister force upon the protagonist and once that’s started, it never lets up. Once the credits roll, you won’t believe everything was packed within only 84 minutes. This film dares to tell us the things we might’ve thought of but would’ve never mustered up the courage to ask, like: what do undead eyeballs taste like?
With scenes that involve Ash fighting with his own demonically possessed hand and heads that can be lobbed off as easily as apples on a shelf, it’s easy to remember the big laughs. The beauty of Evil Dead II is that it also has genuine scares. For example, The scene where Ash realizes the entire cabin around him is evil. The lights, the doors, the walls, the pictures and baubles hanging on the hooks, the very air itself. He's sprayed with gore like it’s coming from a high-pressure hose and then it disappears like nothing happened. It evokes a particular kind of Hell, a place whose tortures have no limits and where time has no meaning. The film previously established that Ash only needs to last until sunrise. After the lamp starts cackling at his futile efforts to fend off the dark forces, that might as well be a million years away. What else can he (and you) do but laugh too? This whole thing is some kind of cosmic joke at his expense.
Evil Dead II is a riot. It’s full of memorable lines, sights and moments. For so many reasons, this movie shouldn’t work but it does. It does so well that it makes this sort of thing look easy. You might be left wondering what it is you just watched but there’s no way you'll forget the experience. (On Blu-ray, June 2, 2022)
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soulventure91 · 1 month
10 and 18 for kassi, and 1 for trin?
oh wait i need to know trin's soft spot headcanons also! i missed that one
headcanons galore! |
Kassi Physical Appearance - Kassi loves how metal jewelry sounds, and before leaving her clan tended to collect metal bits found or traded to fashion her piercings and decorations for her locs! Of course she doesn't have much, but if given a chance she would be so jingly. It wouldn't surprise me if over the course of her novel Kassi managed to pick up enough bits to completely encase one of her locs in metal charms (and it becomes a bludgeoning weapon in its own right, or grants her hair extra protection, or something). Favorite Possession - HM. Kassi doesn't have much she'd explicitly call hers, but the one thing she does have as Hers And Hers Alone is her scythe! It's silly and unwieldy of course, but the utter impracticality is part of why Kassi likes it so. Plus it's also the focus for some of her special spells thanks to the spirit that's sort-of inhabiting it (long story), so the scythe is uniquely bound to Kassi via the magic of her world.
Trin Holidays - Trin and holidays, especially family-related ones, are not exactly compatible. Being abandoned as a very young child (now confirmed in-game as approximately 1 yo) and raised as a librarian-spy keeps her a bit on the outside of any adopted cultural traditions. I think she'd be more drawn to contemplative/penitential holidays than celebratory ones, but any holiday interest she'd ever demonstrate will typically be academic at first, then 'I would Rather Not'. Soft Spots - As spiny and prickly as Trin can often be, she does have a few soft spots! The main one that keeps getting touched on in her campaign are innocents and outsiders (children, social outcasts); seeing as she's been both of these, Trin has intense but subtle sympathy for such. She also has a small romantic streak, so people that have lost love or are seeking it ( @bladeverbena 's Happenstance I am LOOKING AT YOU -) can quickly get Trin's gentle side. Just watch out, as she might get some feelings in return even if they're never going to be reciprocated.
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