#sandbox metaverse
downthetubes · 1 year
Thunderbirds heads into the Sandbox metaverse
ITV Studios and Reality+ have partnered on Tracy Island Sandbox Experience, set to take fans of the Thunderbirds TV show further into the metaverse
ITV Studios and Reality+ have partnered on Tracy Island Sandbox Experience, set to take fans of the Thunderbirds TV show further into the metaverse as they take on quests in and around the International Rescue HQ – and a follow up Web 3.0 game is also in the works. The Tracy Island Sandbox Metaverse Experience launched today, Monday 13th March as part of Thunderbirds: International Rescue Club,…
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sternlindgreen · 2 years
Metaverse 101: A beginner's course in the metaverse
As more and more people get involved, they are taking pleasure in the immersive experience of virtual reality. However, long gone are these days, when VR was just an AR. The metaverse is a new concept in town - The Metaverse is a mix of NFT, AR/VR web 3.0 and more with a potential to create virtual reality experiences we have never experienced before. The greatest part is that this isn't an idea that is just meant for playing video games. From communication, gaming shopping, to finance, Metaverse can redefine many sectors. Let's review what's Metaverse and what you need to know about it.
What is Metaverse?
The Metaverse can be identified as an imaginary, 3D online space that is focused in connecting users to their fellow users on a vast scale. The most obvious example is the internet that we are currently using. Just like the internet, the Metaverse brings together multiple platforms under an umbrella that makes things easy for its users. A well-established Metaverse can allow users to login to it and live a different life. Video games are an excellent illustration of virtual realities where gamers play how they suitable. With more and a greater number of people are trying to find new ways to escape their realities, possibilities of success for a Metaverse are high. Imagine if people's living conditions on planet were to deteriorate to the level where it becomes hard to indulge in anything. If that were the case an online space where people can get away and enjoy their lives without the realities of life will be much more beneficial. If you think about the direction that the world is headed, it's no stretch to imagine a one day that's similar to. Given the direction things are going, the possibility of several virtual worlds is more likely. metaverse real estate in the market such as Meta (or Facebook), Google, Microsoft, Nvidia and so on... have starting to design their own iteration of virtual worlds.
History of AR/VR
The concept of AR and VR is one that dates from the 1800s, when those first stereoscopes saw their first lights. In the years that followed, various ideas and prototypes emerged with the most striking one of them could be the "Ultimate Display" from Ivan Sutherland in the early 1960s. Many believe that this may be the model that set the stage for today's VR.
In the beginning of 2010, VR as well as AR technologies really began to spread their wings. In 2010 in 2010, the Oculus Rift VR headset launched and caused shock waves in the market. Following the release of Oculus, Sony and Samsung came out with their own versions this VR headset. In addition, Google Glass, a pair of AR glasses, went on sale at the same time. Pokemon Go was one of the games that used AR at its own advantage, and became a global phenomenon. The blockchain industry is getting in on the action by introducing Metaverses such as the Decentraland or the Sandbox. While the Metaverse appears alien, the idea of it has been a concept that many films have employed. One of the most effective examples of the aforementioned worst-case scenario is the movie Ready Player One. It showcases the full potential of this virtual world idea along with its ups and downs. That the company that is a social media giant that is now Facebook to Meta shows their interest in the Metaverse. Despite all this, we are still at the very beginning of realizing the full potential of AR and VR.
Unlimited possibilities are possible with the Metaverse
The possibilities of the possibility of a fully immersive Metaverse could be limitless. A lot of people have their own notion of what the term "Metaverse" is in reality, and there are intriguing opinions floating around. A large portion of society believes that the Metaverse exists. For instance, they claim that staring at a screen is also a method of interfacing with a virtual world. Furthermore, there are even some people that say humans are cyborgs. Mobile devices are the technological equivalent of ourselves. Applications that use AR technology like Pokemon Go, Dogami, and the IKEA mobile apps show the possibilities of this kind of technology. Even the most advanced VR gear like Oculus Quest 2 , and Valve index is only capable of showing a little of what's possible with VR. While we don't have a problem with the technology, we cannot agree with them either. Although it's true they're adding a digital aspect of our lives, it can be much more. We believe that an entirely immersive Metaverse can be described as a place that lets users live completely different lives. The virtual world will be capable of giving more than just sound and images for users to be immersed in the experience. Since many companies aim in distributing their own edition of Metaverse in the near future, users will require the option to connect to any one they prefer. In the same vein that is not the case with the decentralized or centralized ones will also come forth with the help of the blockchain. Decentralized blockchain Metaverses are designed to help keep your personal information safe and keep them out of those rogue hands of tech giants.
What is it that makes this Concept So revolutionary?
You might wonder why some people are making such a fuss on this topic. The answer to that is very simple and straightforward. Metaverse will be the next step in the digital world , and can change how we interact with one another and with the world. It is a good question to ask if Metaverse is relevant today is similar to asking if internet usage was relevant earlier in the 1990s. It's natural for people to hold skeptical opinions and questions concerning the implementation of the technology. Like the internet itself, the Metaverse is bound to meet our desires that we did not even realize existed. It will develop and change to meet the needs of the individual. As well as the major focus in Web 3.0 and the blockchain this virtual space will bring about significant changes to our world. Decentralization and decentralization of every aspect of our lives is just one of the modifications. A well-designed VR/AR environment can help overcome many of the limitations that affect humans, whether that be physically or psychological. Imagine a world where you can accomplish your daily activities and tasks while at as well as imagining countless fantasies.
Every minute we spend sitting in front of screens trying to figure out ways to entertain ourselves could transform into time spent in the metaverse. If this does not excite you now, then it's about time to pay attention.
Metaverse in the Blockchain
Because of the freedom it affords to its users blockchain technology is one that is extremely compatible with virtual reality. The benefits received from collaboration are numerous in number. Let's examine some of them.
Digital evidence of ownership
The only thing that any person can own on internet , is the domain. Blockchains can permit users to connect their personal non-custodial, non-custodial wallets with the Metaverse avatar. It is enough to prove their ownership of assets and provide them with an easy means to carry out transactions.
Digital Collections
If the Metaverse has a crypto wallet in its arsenal it will allow users to show off their digital merchandise. With the aid of blockchain technology assets are coded with restrictions on their scarcity to assure the authenticity of their content and security.
Transfer value
Transferring value is a major aspect of the global society we currently live in. If a digital world is designed to substitute that, it needs to be equipped with it the capacity in transferring value. This is where blockchain comes in. Blockchain serves as the framework for transferring securely digital assets and create a DeFi system.
Many technology giants have started their process to introduce their own metaverses such as Omniverse, Decentraland, and Meta. If the world wants to mainstream these virtual realms, there has to be a way to seamlessly move from one one to the other. And blockchain is leading the search for interoperable solutions.
In order to be a success in the virtual realm, it must be able be accessed by everyone in the world that has an internet connection -- which the Metaverse can. In such a scenario everyone will have same opportunities and will level an playing field. Problems that arise from your location of origin and economy will become a thing of the past. If all of these aspects are considered, it's easy to understand the importance of blockchain in the creation of metaverses.
Metaverse in Daily Life
Then, you may be thinking of how a virtual universe like that could benefit a human in their daily lives as a real person. There are numerous ways the Metaverse can aid in the real world. For example, Television, various events, and other events The events like musical shows events, fashion shows and sporting events will become more accessible using this method. Anyone around the globe can take part on the fun while being within the comforts of their homes. Major artists like Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande as well as KSI have already hosted such shows and enjoying massive success. In addition, the latest movie releases and shows will be accessible on the Metaverse.
Food delivery
As a fundamental necessity for any human, food as well as transportation of food will get precedence in the virtual world. When your avatar is connected to an eating establishment located in Metaverse you will be able to request the food delivered directly to your doorstep in the real world. Major names in food industry such as McDonald's have already taken steps to introduce similar services to the virtual world.
Like food delivery when shopping, you will be able send items to your real-world address. If you're doing things like clothes shopping, test to see if they will fit before the purchase takes place. In addition, you will be able to personalize your avatar. They'll be exactly like NFTs.
Medical field
Metaverse will also open possibilities to meet medical researchers, and pharmaceutical specialists from all over the world. Furthermore, fully immersive metaverse will assist in storing and maintaining all medical data in a manner that is both dependable and secure from tampering. Aimedis Health City is a wonderful example of this.
If a company decides that it wants to work on the Metaverse It will help them reduce funds that could be used for buildings materials, transport, and other expenses. The employees will also be able to work from home , working in a cozy environment. Additionally, they will have access to job opportunities in the international market unlike ever before.
eSports are an area that is taking over the world in a stunning manner. Like, for instance, games like League of Legends get a reach of over 194 million, beating MLB, NBA, and NHL and games like Dota 2 have a prize amount of more than $45 million. If you add a Metaverse that is more favorable for eSports over traditional ones, eSports have the potential to dominate. Additionally, projects that earn money through play like Axie's infinity will boost the already huge impact of eSports.
Financial and economic
Metaverse could revolutionize the way people think about the financial sector. DeFi institutions , in addition to brick-and-mortar enterprises are making steps towards a virtual world. This has led to scenarios such as that of the Ministry of ICR of South Korea which has pledged $186.7 million to the Metaverse ecosystem.
What's the next chapter for the Metaverse?
What's the future of Metaverse technology is a matter that cannot be answered right away. This technology is only taking its first steps and even that has profoundly impacted the world. Research suggests that as high as about 65% of primary-school children in the near future will be required to take on job jobs that aren't even in existence today. This could be due to the Metaverse. If the world adopts this technology at a brisk pace and embraces it, this will be where the majority of lives of humans will take place. roblox metaverse means that the imagination isn't the limit in the future of the Metaverse and the day it's gaining traction across the world is getting closer.
While some find it difficult to believe in a world different from ours and our own, we're already experiencing the earliest forms of it. Social media, video games as well as AR/VR programs are pushing us toward an era powered by a Metaverse. It doesn't matter if people like it the idea is not popular, you can't stop it from being implemented. In the final analysis, in a fully immersive Metaverse, possibilities will be endless, and people are able to live their lives in the way they would like to.
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knoxdam · 2 years
Metaverse 101: a basic reference to the world of metaverse
As more and more people get involved, they are seeking an immersive experience through virtual reality. But our days with AR/VR. There's a new trend being discussed - the Metaverse is a mix of NFT, AR/VR, web 3.0 and more with a possibility of creating virtual reality experiences that we've never had before. The greatest part is that this does not mean that it is only designed for the video game industry. From gaming, communication purchasing to finance, Metaverse is able to change many industries. Let's look at what's Metaverse and why you should know about it.
What is Metaverse?
The Metaverse is the 3D, virtual online world that is focused on connecting users to each other on a large scale. It is best illustrated by the internet that we're currently using. Similar to the internet the Metaverse brings together multiple platforms under one platform, which makes things simple for its users. A well-established Metaverse will allow users to log into it and enjoy a completely different life. Video games are a great instance of virtual realms where users can play games as they see best. As more and more people are seeking solutions to escape from the reality of their lives, odds of the success of a virtual world are high. Imagine that the conditions for living on the planet become worse to the stage where it's hard to even enjoy anything. In this scenario it is a virtual place where people can be able to live their lives away from reality's hardships will be much more pleasant. Looking at the direction our planet is going, it is not difficult to imagine an future similar to that. Based on the current state of affairs unfolding, the likelihood of numerous virtual realms seems more likely. Large names in the business such as Meta (or Facebook), Google, Microsoft, Nvidia etc... are starting to design their own versions of a virtual world.
History of AR/VR
The concept of AR also known as VR is a concept that goes from the 1800s, when those first stereoscopes saw their first light. From there on, various designs and prototypes were created but the most impressive one comes from the "Ultimate Display" from Ivan Sutherland in the early 1960s. metaverse crypto coins consider this to be the blueprint that laid the basis for today's VR.
The first decade of 2010 was the time when VR and AR technologies really started spreading their wings. In 2010, The Oculus Rift virtual reality headset came out and sent shockwaves in the market. After the launch of Oculus, Sony and Samsung released their own versions of this VR headset. Additionally, Google Glass, a pair of AR glasses, came out simultaneously. Pokemon Go was one of the games that utilized AR to its advantage, and brought the world to its feet. In the present, even blockchains are getting involved through Metaverses like Decentraland along with the Sandbox. While the Metaverse isn't exactly familiar, its concept is something many movies have embraced. One of the best examples of the aforementioned worst-case scenario is the film Ready Player One. It explores the entire potential of the virtual world concept together with its ups, and downs.
A name shift of giant social media company of the world from Facebook to Meta is a sign of their interest in the Metaverse. Despite all this, we're in the beginning stages of getting the most out of VR and AR.
Infinite possibilities with the Metaverse
The possibilities offered by an immersive Metaverse may be limitless. A lot of people have their own understanding of what the "Metaverse" is, and there are some interesting opinions out there. Part of society thinks that the Metaverse is something that is already present. For metaverse investing , they say that gazing at screens can be a way of interfacing with a virtual world. There are people who say that humans are cyborgs and mobile devices are technical extensions of us. Applications that utilize AR technology like Pokemon Go, Dogami, and the IKEA mobile app demonstrate what can be accomplished with this tech. Even top-of-the-line VR gear like Oculus Quest 2 and Valve index are capable of showing just a fraction of what is possible with VR. While we can't argue with them, we don't have to agree with them. While it's true that they are adding the online aspect of our lives, it could be more than that. We are convinced that a truly immersive Metaverse can be a place in which people can live completely different lives. This virtual world is capable of providing far more than only sounds and pictures for users to truly immerse themselves in the experience. Since many companies intend at releasing their own variant of the Metaverse Users will require access to the one they wish. Similar to the above apart from the decentralized or centralized ones will also emerge thanks to the blockchain. Decentralized blockchain Metaverses help protect your private data and keep them safe from the prying eyes of tech giants.
What is it that makes this Concept So revolutionary?
It is possible to ask why people are making such a big fuss on this topic. The answer to that is an easy and straightforward one. Metaverse will be the next step in the digital era and will alter the way we interact with each other and the world. Asking if the Metaverse matter now is similar to asking if the internet matters during the 90s. It's natural for people to disagree with each other and be skeptical concerning the implementation of the technology. Similar to the internet, the Metaverse will surely meet the needs of our society that we did not really know existed. It's likely to also evolve and adapt according to the preferences of users. In conjunction with the huge focus the focus on Web 3.0 and the blockchain virtual reality will create a lot of needed changes in the world. Decentralization in the everyday aspects of our lives is among the modifications. An effective VR/AR system can alleviate many limitations that make humans feel restricted, whether that be physically or psychological. Imagine a place where you could complete your everyday chores and work at the and at the same time, you can live a life of almost limitless fantasies.
All of our time now staring at screens or trying to figure out ways to entertain ourselves can transform into time spent in the metaverse. If this does not excite you now, then it's probably time to pay attention.
Metaverse in the Blockchain
Due to the freedom it offers to its users the blockchain is a technological innovation that is highly suitable for a virtual environment. The benefits achieved through the collaboration are numerous in number. Let's take a look at some of them.
Digital proof of ownership
The only thing anyone can own on the internet , is the domain. Blockchains allow users to connect their personally owned money accounts that aren't custodial to their Metaverse avatar. This alone can enable users to prove ownership of assets as well as provide them with a convenient process to complete transactions.
Digital Collections
If the Metaverse has a crypto wallet in its arsenal and users can use it showcase their digital collectibles. With the help of blockchain technology, items could be coded with scarcity restrictions to ensure their value, exclusivity, and authentication.
Transfer value
Value transfer is a key part of the world that we currently live in. If a virtual world aims as a replacement for it, it should carry with it the capacity the transfer of value. This is where blockchain comes into play. Blockchain acts as platform to safely transfer digital assets. It can also be used to establish the DeFi system.
Many tech giants have started their process to introduce their own metaverses such as Omniverse, Decentraland, and Meta. If the world plans to be able to make these virtual worldsthen there has to be a method that seamlessly moves between them. Blockchain is at the forefront of the race to find interoperable solutions.
In order to be an online world that succeeds, it needs to be accessible by anyone in the world with an internet connection. The Metaverse is able to. In a place like that everybody will have the equal chance and the opportunity to even an playing field. Issues that come with your hometown and economy will become a thing that were once. If all of these aspects are considered, it's easy to appreciate the importance of blockchain technology to the growth of metaverses.
Metaverse in Daily Life
And, you're probably asking yourself how a virtual space like this can assist humans live their life in the real world. There are many ways that the Metaverse can assist the real world. For example, Television and various events Shows such as musicals such as fashion shows, musicals, and sporting events will become more accessible using this method. Anyone around the globe can participate having fun comfortable in their homes. Top performers like Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, and KSI are already hosting such events and are experiencing huge success. Additionally, all the latest films and series will be available on Metaverse.
Food delivery
As a fundamental necessity of anyone, food and the distribution of food will take importance in the virtual space. If your avatar connects to an eating establishment through the Metaverse you'll be able to request the food delivered to your doorstep outside of the virtual world. Food giants with big names in the industry , such as McDonald's have already taken steps to provide a similar service that is available in the metaverse.
Similar to food delivery when shopping, you will be able of sending goods to your real-world address. When you're doing things such as cloth shopping, you can be sure to check if the garments meet your needs before the transaction occurs. Furthermore, you'll be able of dressing up your avatar. They'll behave just like NFTs.
Medical field
Metaverse can also open door to meeting medical academic, and pharmaceutical professionals across the globe. Furthermore, the blockchain will allow you to keep and store details about your healthcare records in way that is both reliable and tamper-proof. Aimedis Health City is a wonderful example of this.
If a company chooses to work on the Metaverse, it will help to reduce the amount of money that would be used for property in the past, materials, or transportation. The workers will also be able to work at home and in a cozy environment. Furthermore, people will have access opportunities to work abroad like never before.
Esports is a game that is taking over the world with astonishing speed. The games such as League of Legends get a reach of over 194 million which is more than MLB, NBA, and NHL and games like Dota 2 have a prize amount of more than $45 million. Combine that with matthew ball metaverse that is more favorable for eSports rather than conventional sports and eSports is sure to become the dominant sport. Furthermore, play-to-earning projects like Axie's infinity will enhance the already vast audience of eSports.
Finance and economics
Metaverse will revolutionize the way people perceive the financial sector. DeFi organizations, as well brick and mortar businesses are taking steps toward a virtual world. This has resulted in scenarios like those of Ministry of ICR of South Korea and the pledge of $186.7 million for creating the Metaverse world.
What's in store for the future of the Metaverse?
What's next for Metaverse technology is a question that can't be answered without a clear. Metaverse technology is taking the first steps in its development, and even that has had a major impact on the world. Research suggests that as high as more than 65% of primary children in the near future will need to find work roles that do't exist until now. This might be because of the metaverse. If the world accepts the technology with open arms this will be the place where the majority of our lives as humankind will be. The imagination is the only limit for the future of the Metaverse and the time it's being implemented globally is getting closer.
Though many find it difficult to believe that we live in a universe that is not ours that we have already experienced basic forms of it. Video games, social media and AR/VR apps propel us towards the future powered by the Metaverse. The choice is yours. Whether or they don't, you will not stop it from being put into practice. As a result, in a fully immersive Metaverse possibilities are endless and the people will be able to lead their lives according to the way they intend.
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Tonight a new mix awaits!!
Some house with a mix of Congo tropical house music! I believe I first heard this in Sandbox metaverse haha
8 Pm Pst
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vinaychikkam · 11 months
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The Sky Temple Voxelart
My favourite and one of the best works yet, more like a fan art of Indian architecture of Brihadeeswara Temple by adding Some fantasy concept elements #voxelart
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cutemeat · 2 years
pls just put megan and glenn in charge of the writers rooms next season i am booting robert from the writing aspect of production. he gets the RCG pass n thats IT-
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metasteroids · 2 years
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Bluerays new asteroid nft coming towards virtual earth. Stay tuned 📍Join giveaway on twitter . . . . #nftgiveaway #metaverse #asteroid #nft #cryptocurrency #binance #meta #roblox #sandbox #earth2 #boredapeyachtclub #opensea #trending #bluray #metasteroids #nasa #spacex #dart https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjb-XX9vwAK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jackwyatt134 · 1 month
Security Features Of The Sandbox Clone Script
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where every business transaction is conducted online, security is crucial. Entrepreneurs considering investing in the Sandbox Clone Script must first comprehend the system's advanced security features. Let's have a look at these features, which are meant to protect your business from cyber threats and provide a seamless, safe experience for both you and your users.
SSL Protection:
The core of safe internet communication is SSL (safe socket layer) encryption, which encrypts data sent between a user's browser and your server. By including SSL into the Sandbox Clone Script, we ensure that important data such as user passwords, payment details, and communication is encrypted and protected from interception.
End-to-End Encryption:
End-to-end encryption goes beyond SSL by encrypting data at every point of its travel, from sender to recipient. Whether it's chat conversations, file transfers, or financial transactions, the Sandbox Clone Script uses advanced encryption methods to prevent illegal access, giving you and your users piece of mind.
Multi-Layered Authentication:
Multi-layered authentication strengthens the defense against unwanted access by adding an extra degree of security over typical login and password combinations. The Sandbox Clone Script reduces the danger of account breaches by including features such as two-factor authentication (2FA) and biometric verification, thereby increasing trust and confidence among your users.
Protected API Connections:
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allow diverse software systems to communicate seamlessly in a linked digital ecosystem. By creating secured API connections, the Sandbox Clone Script ensures that data shared between linked platforms is secure, reducing weaknesses and potential points of attack.
Secured Smart Contracts:
Smart contracts are at the very core of blockchain technology, automating and enforcing agreements between participants with no intermediaries required. However, the unchangeable nature of blockchain necessitates strong security measures. The Sandbox Clone Script secures smart contracts using advanced cryptographic algorithms that prevent tampering and ensure transaction integrity. 
Optional KYC integration:
Know Your Customer (KYC) rules are essential for companies operating in regulated industries like finance and e-commerce. While optional, incorporating KYC verification into the Sandbox Clone Script adds an extra degree of protection by validating users' identities, and improving regulatory compliance.
The security elements built into the Sandbox Clone Script are more than just precautions. They demonstrate our dedication to offering a secure, trustworthy environment for your commercial ventures. Investing in the Sandbox Clone Script provides you with access to modern technology while simultaneously protecting your assets, data, and reputation. Today, take the first step in ensuring your company's future security.
Elevate your business security with Kryptobees. Our Sandbox Clone Script provides a strong fortress of security features, such as SSL encryption, multi-layered authentication, and smart contract security. Protect your digital assets and transactions with Kryptobees, your trusted partner for secure business solutions.
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jairaam · 3 months
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cryptoflies · 3 months
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christopher7707 · 5 months
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Transform your metaverse game development ideas into reality with our Sandbox Clone Script. Create a stunning metaverse game like Sandbox and provide players with a unique experience they won't find anywhere else. Our Dedicated team of experts will help you every step of the way. 
Explore More - https://breedcoins.com/sandbox-clone-script
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koop360 · 7 months
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The Sandbox Map, co-founder 𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 said he believes individual creators and brands will ultimately drive what the metaverse of the future will offer.
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kripto-parahaber · 9 months
Binance’in listeden çıkarma haberi gözde metaverse coin’i zora soktu: Fiyat sıfıra doğru ilerliyor
#Binance’in listeden çıkarma haberi gözde #metaverse coin’i zora soktu: Fiyat sıfıra doğru ilerliyor #SAND #kriptoparahaber
Kripto Para Haber – Kripto para piyasasındaki gözde metaverse coin’lerden bir tanesi olan Sandbox (SAND), metaverse tabanını çevreleyen olumsuz rüzgarların artmasıyla 13 Eylül’de tüm zamanların en düşük seviyesi olan 0,29 dolara geriledi. Zincir üstü veriler ve Binance’in Sandbox NFT Staking’i durdurmaya çalışması fiyatı daha da düşürebilir. Gözde metaverse coin’in fiyatı, kripto para borsası…
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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No Metaverse? No Problem, Says the Sandbox COO on Apple’s VR Headset Launch “This is groundbreaking,” said Sebastien Borget, Chief Operations Officer for The Sandbox, regarding the new Apple VisionPro Augmented Reality Headset. At this year’s Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC2023), the tech giant unveiled its most recent device: the Apple VisionPro. Set to launch in 2024, it is a mixed reality (MR) headset, combining virtual reality (VR) […] The post No Metaverse? No Problem, Says the Sandbox COO on Apple’s VR Headset Launch appeared first on Crypto New Media. https://decrypt.co/143980/no-metaverse-no-problem-says-sandbox-coo-apple-vr-headset-launch
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nexus-now · 1 year
Plongez dans le futur avec ces 10 projets passionnants de metaverse
Le metaverse est un concept passionnant qui promet de changer la façon dont nous interagissons en ligne. Les projets de metaverse se multiplient, offrant une grande variété de mondes virtuels, de jeux en ligne massivement multijoueurs et de plateformes de réalité virtuelle. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer certains des projets les plus prometteurs et les plus en vogue dans le monde du metaverse.
Decentraland est un monde virtuel alimenté par la technologie blockchain. Les utilisateurs peuvent acheter des parcelles de terrain virtuel en utilisant des jetons de cryptomonnaie appelés MANA, et construire des bâtiments et des objets dans leur parcelle. Les utilisateurs peuvent également interagir avec d'autres personnes dans le monde virtuel, assister à des événements en ligne et jouer à des jeux.
Roblox est un jeu en ligne massivement multijoueur qui permet aux joueurs de créer leurs propres jeux et mondes virtuels. Le jeu est devenu très populaire ces dernières années, en particulier parmi les enfants et les adolescents. Roblox offre une grande variété de jeux et de mondes, allant de la simulation de vie à la création de parcs d'attractions.
Facebook Horizon Workrooms
Facebook Horizon Workrooms est une plateforme de réalité virtuelle pour les équipes de travail. Les utilisateurs peuvent se connecter en utilisant un casque de réalité virtuelle Oculus, et travailler ensemble dans un monde virtuel en 3D. La plateforme permet aux utilisateurs de partager des fichiers, de discuter en temps réel et de collaborer sur des projets.
Minecraft est un jeu vidéo en ligne très populaire qui permet aux joueurs de construire des mondes virtuels en utilisant des blocs. Le jeu a été acquis par Microsoft en 2014, et depuis lors, il a connu une croissance exponentielle. Les joueurs peuvent explorer des mondes créés par d'autres utilisateurs, ou créer leurs propres mondes virtuels.
Second Life
Second Life est un monde virtuel en ligne qui a été lancé en 2003. Le monde virtuel offre une grande variété d'activités, allant de la création de contenu à la socialisation en ligne. Bien que Second Life soit moins populaire aujourd'hui qu'il ne l'était il y a quelques années, il continue d'avoir une communauté active d'utilisateurs.
Somnium Space
Somnium Space est un monde virtuel en ligne qui utilise la technologie blockchain pour offrir une expérience immobilière virtuelle unique. Les utilisateurs peuvent acheter des parcelles de terrain virtuel et construire des bâtiments et des objets dans leur parcelle. Les utilisateurs peuvent également interagir avec d'autres personnes dans le monde virtuel, assister à des événements en ligne et jouer à des jeux.
The Sandbox
The Sandbox est un monde virtuel alimenté par la technologie blockchain qui permet aux utilisateurs de créer et de monétiser des contenus virtuels. Les utilisateurs peuvent acheter des parcelles de terrain virtuel, créer des objets et des bâtiments, et les vendre à d'autres utilisateurs. Les utilisateurs peuvent également interagir avec d'autres personnes dans le monde virtuel, assister à des événements en ligne et jouer à des jeux.
VRChat est une plateforme de réalité virtuelle qui permet aux utilisateurs de créer et de participer à des mondes virtuels. Les utilisateurs peuvent créer leurs propres avatars et interagir avec d'autres personnes dans le monde virtuel. La plateforme offre une grande variété d'activités, allant de la socialisation en ligne à la création de contenu.
Entropia Universe
Entropia Universe est un jeu en ligne massivement multijoueur qui utilise une économie virtuelle basée sur de l'argent réel. Les joueurs peuvent acheter et vendre des biens virtuels dans le monde virtuel, et même retirer de l'argent réel de leur compte en ligne. Le jeu offre une grande variété d'activités, allant de la chasse aux trésors à la création de bâtiments.
OpenSimulator est un monde virtuel open source qui permet aux utilisateurs de créer et d'héberger leurs propres mondes virtuels. Les utilisateurs peuvent créer des bâtiments, des objets et des environnements en utilisant des outils de création simples. Le monde virtuel offre une grande variété d'activités, allant de la socialisation en ligne à la création de contenu.
En conclusion, le metaverse offre une grande variété de projets passionnants qui promettent de changer la façon dont nous interagissons en ligne. Que vous soyez intéressé par les mondes virtuels, les jeux en ligne massivement multijoueurs ou la réalité virtuelle, il existe un projet de metaverse qui répondra à vos besoins. Il est passionnant de voir comment ces projets évolueront dans les années à venir et comment ils façonneront notre expérience en ligne.
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blocksifybuzz · 1 year
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