27dragons · 4 days
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Just finished another re-read of the Sandbridge series (one of my all time favorites)!!! Decided to make Billie's Mac for dinner tonight!
Oh my god that looks AMAZING! Can I come over to your house for dinner??? 😂
So happy that you're still enjoying Sandbridge; it's definitely still one of my particular favorites as well!
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snoo333 · 8 months
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Amazing weather today.
Looking forward to the moon tonight.
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emzeciorrr · 2 years
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#wrocław #dolnyśląsk #dolnośląskie #lowersilesia #niederschlesien #polska #poland #polen #most #bridge #brücke #mostpiaskowy #mostpiaskowywroclaw #sandbridge #sandbrücke #rzeka #river #fluss #odra #oder #rzekaodra #odrariver #oderriver #igerspoland #igerswroclaw #wroclawofficial (w: Most Piaskowy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci5ppIZssSU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Can’t wait to move back to #sandbridge !! (at Sandbridge Beach, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch6_f6XuY-K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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srftoy · 2 years
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Sandbridge - VB
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mktilghman · 3 months
My Master Works dulcimer. All of the songs played by Paul, the love interest in my new Ocean City-based novel are beautiful melodies that I’ve learned to play—or, in one case, want to learn. I’ve been studying the hammered dulcimer longer than I’ve been writing novels. About 12 years, believe it or not. My teacher is the great Ken Kolodner, a Baltimore-based musician who performs all over the…
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iam93percentstardust · 11 months
@27dragons: mentions nights in sandbridge exactly one (1) time
me: ah yes, time to go spend the next few days rereading the entire series and doing nothing else
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punchdrunkdoc · 1 year
My Fanfics
Given to Fly - Peter 3 x Original Female Character
After his multiverse adventure in Spider-man: No Way Home, Peter 3 is determined to make some changes to his life. It starts with a new job, and a chance meeting with a beautiful stranger in a bar.
Just Breathe - Bruce Wayne/Batman x Original Female Character.
Six months after the events in Gotham Square Garden, Bruce Wayne is struggling to find balance between his role as Batman and his responsibilities as Bruce Wayne. His life is made even more complicated when he learns that someone knows his secret identity.
Tabula Rasa  (WIP) - Matt Murdock x Original Female Character
After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
ARROW - Olicity Fanfiction
Someone Else’s Sky - A ‘Just Like Heaven’ AU re-telling of Season 1.
Present Tense - The Oliver Queen of the season 4 premiere was lighter, happier and more at peace than we’ve ever seen him. What happened in those 5 months away to get him to that point? And who helped him?
No Quarter - A little look into Felicity’s mindset post 3x20
Sandbridge Beach, Virginia - Oliver and Felicity are spotted during their post-finale roadtrip
Love at First Fight - Did we think it would be plain sailing? A moment from their hiatus roadtrip
That’s Vegas, Baby! - Written for the Flash Fiction #28 prompt
A Light in the Dark - At a dark point in her life, Felicity finds hope to keep going
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tonystarkbingo · 1 year
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TSB Advent Event Countdown - Day 22!
WinterIron 65 - Poinsettia - @27dragons & @tisfan
This fic takes place in the Nights in Sandbridge AU, a modern-day, no powered setting where Bucky owns a beach diner in Virginia. This story takes place about 2 months after Tony and Bucky get married, their second Christmas together, about two weeks before they visit Atlanta for the first time.
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27dragons · 1 year
Since I'm trying to get back into the second draft of the Safe Harbor sequel, I'm going to take you at your word and ask about the Sandbridge series. Do you have a favourite moment from the series? And are there anything you can tell us about that happened but we didn't see onscreen? ❤️❤️❤️
First, let me say that I am utterly delighted that you're continuing the Safe Harber story; I loved it so much!
Favorite moment? Oh, holy heck, that's a difficult one. I'll just stream-of-consciousness a handful of them, shall I? :D
Tony and Bucky's dance and first kiss in Safe and (the) Sound, the one that gets interrupted by the fire. I'm a little weird about sex scenes; they're really intense for me the first time I write (or read) them but they lose most of their punch on subsequent re-reads. But that kiss never fails to make my heart beat a little faster.
In Lord of the Swings, Bucky standing in line for beer and dealing with a bunch of homophobic asshats. Tisfan wrote that scene pretty much in its entirety (I only edited it) and it is for me a perfect encapsulation of how queer people experience that sort of aggression.
In Howard's End, the moment where Tony thinks Howard is actually going to apologize, but then realizes that Howard still doesn't get it, and his line there: "You regret driving me away because of what I might have become. It still doesn't occur to you to regret hurting me because I was a child." This is the heartbreak at the core of Tony and Howard - that Howard can never really see Tony as anything but his heir, even when they're on good terms.
The bachelor parties in Zen and the Art of Family Maintenance. Because they're so delightful and absolutely perfect for them both.
The scene in From the Ukraine with Love where Steve gets a call from Bucky and has to go collect his sad drunk ass. That's the beating heart of their friendship, right there. Also, Natasha fretting over her sundress when Steve introduces her to Winifred is utterly adorable, because we don't get many chances to see Natasha as anything but supremely self-confident.
Tony dealing with Billie's tantrums in High Noon in Sandbridge, because so many kidfics have the new parents struggling comically or barely struggling at all, and Tony starts out as, frankly, a really TERRIBLE parent. He has NO idea what he's doing, and it shows very clearly in those scenes.
In That Someone Special, I have 2 moments: When Scott first shows up and Steve is chasing him to try to punch him and Tony steps between them until he finds out exactly who Scott is, and then steps back and says "oh, carry on" -- that was, to me, a perfect moment of almost gallows humor. And then the turnaround scene, when Tony, Steve, and Sam show up at Luis' apartment to help Scott after he's been beaten up. That scene is a special kind of funny and touching.
In My Three Dads, the scene where Billie is in the hospital with a broken leg. Loki being jealous over Tony's rapport with Billie and then proud that she picks him to stay with her for the x-rays; and Bucky stepping in to make Tony leave when he can't handle seeing Billie in pain. Family dynamics at their best. <3
And finally, in Stem the Tide, which is not technically a Sandbridge 'verse story at all, but a "What If" side novel, I really like the scene where Bucky stands up to Alex and tells him to fuck off.
Stuff that happens that you didn't see onscreen... I have a couple of chapters that we cut out of My Three Dads, including Tony meeting with Grant Ward that we rejected because it steered the plot wrong, and one with Tony and Bucky going to Ty's apartment to pick up his stuff, which we allude to and consider as having actually happened, but didn't include because it screwed up our pacing for the story. I actually sometimes forget that we never posted the scene at Ty's apartment, because I really liked it. I might someday clean it up and throw it into the Jetsam and Flotsam bits-and-pieces collection.
But if there's something specific you were wondering about in the background, feel free to shoot me a DM and ask; I'm always happy to talk about my Sandbridge boys. <3
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snoo333 · 8 months
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Amazing weather today.
Looking forward to the moon tonight.
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bleuflwrz · 1 year
☆ & * .   ♡  i n t r o d u c t i o n  . . .
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[ HARRY STYLES, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ] ; have you seen BLEU DU PONT around VIRGINIA BEACH? the TWENTY EIGHT year old HEIR TO THE DU PONT FORTUNE is known for ( shoulder length locks, icy blue eyes, old money, family galas, vacationing in prague ) … around the SANDBRIDGE district they have a reputation of being CREATIVE and PASSIONATE but also CONTROLLED and PEOPLE PLEASING. rumor has it they’re hiding HE IS STILL SEEING HIS FIANCE AFTER HIS PARENTS ARRANGED A MARRIAGE FOR HIM TO SOMEONE THEY APPROVE OF…let’s hope their family doesn’t find out ! kay,25,est,she/her.
bleu du pont was born an heir to the du pont family who originate out of wilmington, deleware. conspiracy’s whisper about how they are part of an elite 5 family’s who control most of the world through wealth. they are among one of the most powerful old money influences in the world. bleu has two younger sister’s but is the eldest son and first born. this makes bleu particularly important to his parents as he will one day be responsible for their part of the du pont fortune and is expected to remain in the family business and politics. from a very young age he’s been trained and groomed to be the next powerful du pont male heir. each branch of the family has different rankings in regards to how deeply tied they are to the family business, how much they know about the secrets kept within the family that are not allowed to spoken about to outsiders, how involved in politics they are, and how much of the du pont wealth they have inherited. some parts of the family are more important and involved than others, and others like to distance themselves from it as much as possible and enjoy a somewhat regular life, enjoying the fortune they have instead of choosing to be involved. unfortunately forbleu, his parents are high up in the rankings and are important members of the family and how the business runs.
from the moment bleu was born, he had his entire future planned out for him. he was always set up to have the very best the world could offer. he always lived in exquisite manor’s, had the best education could buy at fancy private schools that only other families of his caliber could afford, and by the age of five he could speak three languages. he now can speak over ten fluently including, french, german, spanish, portugese, chinese, russian, japanese, korean, italian, and arabic. bleu was always incredibly curious about the world around him and his parents were ecstatic when they realized he was exceptionally gifted when it came to his intelligence level. still, even at a young age, he knew he was different from his parents. they lacked emotional depth, and he never seemed to be able to connect with them on a deeper bond, they provided him with everything he could ever need or want materially, but what he truly craved was that one on one attention that they simply just didn’t know how to give and didn’t have the time for. and though he always sensed he was different than them, they didn’t understand until he started to voice his dreams about being a musician, something he didn’t have the luxury of choosing for himself. sure, they encouraged it as a hobby, but it was more than that for him, he wanted it to be his life.
piano, violin, guitar, flute, the harp. it didn’t matter what instrument it was, bleu could pick it up and seemingly play it from pure instinct. he was naturally gifted and could play things strictly from ear, though he had the best lessons money could buy. Ivory held onto this talent and any alone time he had was spent listening to classics, exploring underground music, and expanding his knowledge and love for all things music. as he grew in age, so did the number of time his parents continued to reinforce that he wasn’t allowed to be a musical celebrity, he was a rothschild, he was bound to the family name, the family business, that’s what he was allowed to be famous for, and that alone. any other unnecessary unwanted attention to the family name would be grounds to cut him off and be disowned, so he learned to conceal his dreams, he learned to conceal his true thoughts and feelings from them, he finally understood they would never understand him.
bleu fell in line, or so his parents think. all he really did was learn who he could trust and who he could be his true self with. this caused bleu to rebel in other ways, ways that wouldn’t necessarily get him in too much trouble. he started skipping school, and though his parents weren’t happy about it, it took them months to realize. they were hardly ever around unless they were forcing him to make an appearance at some high end gala or attending a highly secretive family meeting. most of bleu’s time was spent with his nannies, tutors, or music teachers. sometimes they were more real to him than his own parents. bleu was eroded from a bright vibrant creative child full of life to a sullen, private, withdrawn teenager, isolated and wanting nothing more than to be ‘normal’.
bleu’s true rebellious streak bloomed as he got into his 20′s, his parents were starting to lose their grip on him, even they noticed he wasn’t happy and therefore forced him into therapy, a private one inside the family circle of course. this only made him resent them more. there were countless fights over him not living up to the du pont name and as soon as he could he moved out on his own, still tending to his du pont responsibilities and duty, but finally he had his own sense of freedom and individuality, his own space to be who he truly was without his parents having direct access to breathe down his neck at all times. moving away actually helped his relationship with his parents and he thought things were going in a new direction. he was sadly mistaken and realized his parents were still the same old stuck up rich narcissists they’d always been when he brought his first ‘real’ girlfriend to a family christmas gala. girlfriends in the past have always been set up by his parents, he was encouraged to date girls who were in the circles of the du pont’s or at least had similar stature. none of these girls ever truly interested him, they were shallow and only cared about material things, he craved something genuine and real, something that these  kinds of girls weren’t capable of giving him. his girlfriend wasn’t up to their standards, and they made it very clear when he tried to introduce them to her, this was one of the most hurtful things he’s experienced from his parents and he’s been battling his role in all of this ever since.
soon after the christmas gala girlfriend fiasco, his parents made it clear that he wasn’t allowed to see her anymore, they started to see how close she was getting, they started to fear that she wasn’t just a fling that he’d grow out of, they started to see how serious bleu took the relationship and they wanted it to end. they’d already arranged for him to start seeing their new pick for him, but that wasn’t the extent of it, they’d actually arranged for them to be engaged, it was a slow process, but the entire time, he’s been seeing his girlfriend still in secret. he’s completely against the arranged marriage and the two only get along when others are in front of them. other than that, he’s with his actual girlfriend. bleu is slowly starting to get tired of the ties to his family and is getting to the point where he’s contemplating breaking off of them completely. he’s saved up all of his trust fund money without his parents knowing, and knows he could be well off without them. it might not be as extravagant and privileged of a life, but still far more than other people could ever imagine. so what’s holding him back?
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vabeachq · 2 years
☆ & * .   ♡   a c c e p t e d …      
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welcome to virginia beach, virginia NIOMI HAWKINS. make sure you send in your account within TWENTY FOUR hours. ALEXIS REN & KAMELYA’S VEGAS EX/BFF WANTED CONNECTION are now TAKEN.    
[ ALEXIS REN, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER ] ; have you seen NIOMI HAWKINS around VIRGINIA BEACH? the TWENTY-SIX year old PERSONAL TRAINER/BALLERINA is known for ( a phone filled with hundreds of messages left unanswered, the first rays of morning light peeking through the curtains, and pushing through the last hour of a workout ) … around the SANDBRIDGE district they have a reputation of being ADROIT and RESILIENT but also ENIGMATIC and IMPULSIVE. rumor has it they’re hiding THE FACT SHE IS AN EX FBI AGENT WHO RESIGNED DUE TO BEING FRAMED…let’s hope the GOSSIP HOTTIE doesn’t find out ! jules, 25, est, she/her. **kamelya’s vegas ex / bff wc
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presentpostview · 14 hours
Places to visit in Virginia with family
Virginia has fun places for all ages!
Beach lovers can build sandcastles in Virginia Beach or go kayaking in Sandbridge.
History buffs can explore Jamestown Settlement and Colonial Williamsburg, living museums that show what life was like long ago.
Animal lovers can see wild horses on Chincoteague Island or hike in Shenandoah National Park to spot birds and other creatures.
For thrills, families can ride rollercoasters at Busch Gardens amusement park or cool off at a water park.
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mermaidinthecity · 1 month
I ain't seen Sandbridge Beach where I used to sit for hours past midnight. I stayed til sunrise. I ain’t been to Lookout Ledge shooting shots at the moon. Fireside all of my friends. Way out where the road ends. And I miss those days, but it don't feel the same. And I know what changed it. Yeah, all I'm saying is, I blame you for loving me baby. Me lost your eyes. Stealing my time and all my weekends. Making me want you that’s why I blame you for driving me crazy. Always on my mind. Changing my whole life for the better. Making me want forever. I blame you. I blame you.
I Blame You by Alana Springsteen
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findrentals · 2 months
Vacation Rental Property Manager Profile for Ocean Sands Realty - Ocean Sands Realty are professionals who live and work in Sandbridge. We are familiar with the area,..
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