intothecocoverse · 7 months
Timm???? Is that your name??? YOU RAT
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jezebelgoldstone · 21 hours
im sorry "Magnus Institute: Oxford Outreach Center" what???? "recommend continued incarceration as part of" [idk i didn't catch it] "Research Program" i'm sorry???? magnus institute had a center in oxford and they incarcerated people for study??? come again???? what was that????? and that's where SE03 darrien was when he made his statement??? his fucking undated statement i might add???????
you realize of course this is why they gave us fucking canon SE03!jon and SE03!martin in the same goddamn room in this episode, right. it was so we would all completely forget about the statement header. and by the gods did it work on me.
what the actual fuck
i do maintain though that the SE02 magnus institute was looking for alternate-universe counterparts
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bailey41 · 10 months
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Pachito and Elías dance to "Dos Gardenias" by Àngel Canales, Narcos SE03 EP01 (2017, Dir: Andrés Baiz).
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dyouknowwhatimean · 8 months
oh but there are sooooooo many iconic episodes in se03
yes..... The John Episodes as i call them dream a little dream of me and long distance call everything else could've been an email
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alverrann · 10 months
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Pocket!Crockett is back, but this time in a fit from Season 3. I wanted to do the neon aesthetic from the later 80's but was too lazy to redraw my boi and so here he is lookin' pretty much the same but with a different color palette.
I will admit I'm not a huge fan of Sonny's hair in se03 anyway, so I'm not too torn up about it. Hope you enjoy regardless!
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sapphirecastles · 1 year
My father gave me a MASSIVE SPOILER on who ended up "winning" the succession and I AM SO UPSET HE DID IN ON PURPOSE HE DIDN'T EVEN WATCH SE03!!! Somehow I was unaware of this spoiler, but now I might as well unblock the succession tag because the thing has been spoiled and I don't know if I wanna finish watching it anymore.
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buzupontocom · 2 years
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Paes anuncia ônibus de graça no Rio no dia da eleição Passagem gratuita vale das 6h às 20h tanto no BRT quanto nas linhas comuns. "CADÊ SALVADOR, VAI PERDER PRO RIO É?" O prefeito Eduardo Paes anunciou que eleitores poderão viajar de graça nos ônibus do Rio no próximo domingo (2), primeiro turno. A passagem gratuita valerá das 6h às 20h, tanto nos corredores do BRT quanto nas linhas comuns. “Atenção! Vamos fortalecer a festa da democracia. No próximo domingo entre 6hs e 20hs o transporte por ônibus e BRT no Rio não será cobrado. Basta apresentar seu título de eleitor, embarcar e ir às urnas votar em seus candidatos. Vamos exercer nosso direito democrático, independente de quem você vota! Amanhã [sexta, 30] decreto meu regulamentará essa questão”, postou o prefeito. A MOBI-Rio informou que no domingo a frota de articulados do BRT vai operar como nos dias úteis. Além disso, os serviços eventuais SE01 (Santa Cruz-Alvorada), SE02 (Mato Alto-Alvorada), SE03 (Pingo D'Água-Alvorada), SE05 (Madureira-Alvorada) e SE06 (Penha-Alvorada) vão circular entre 7h e 18h. Fonte: G1 #BuzuPontoCom #BuzunasEleições #RiodeJaneiro #Brasil (em Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjGMNG0rqp8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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groyanderson · 2 years
グロいそざいしうはだれでも使える無料のBGM・効果音集です。 詳しい利用規約はフォルダ内のテキストファイルをご確認下さい。
【Free BGM and sound effects】Groi-Amenities These are royalty-free sound libraries that everyone can use. Please check the readme txt in the folder at first.
◆ BGM ・BG01 シリアスおんがくしう ・BG02 コミカルおんがくしう
◆ 効果音 ・SE01 アンビエントしう ・SE02 コメディしう ・SE03 SFしう ・SE04 ながいのしう
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karuniawallpaper · 2 years
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Marmer Emass nan Mevvah 🤩 ALA 𝙇𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙡 𝙃𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙡 - cukup dengan @karuniawallpaper aja, sulap ruangan rumahmu jadi ala hotel berbintang! Code SE03 ___________⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ KARUNIA WALLPAPER jl.Baliwerti 119 - 121 kavling 4 Surabaya (Buka Senin - Sabtu , 10.00 -16.00) TEL. 031.5319762 Email : [email protected] www.karuniawallpaper.com . . . . #jualwallpaperdinding #wallpapersurabaya #jualwallpapersurabaya #wallpaperdinding3dimensi #wallpaper3dimensi #wallpapermodern #dindingrumah #wallpaper3dimensi #hiasandinding #wallpaperminimalis #apartemenminimalis #jualwallpapermodern #wallpaperkrem #interiorestetik #tembokcantik #jualwallpapersurabaya #interiorsurabaya #wallpaperdindingmodern #wallpaperkamar #wallpaperdindingsurabaya #apartemensurabaya (at Surabaya, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfTE12bF4rd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket, SE03, Ep1
I’m here! The final season continues from where se02 oddly left, right in the middle of a conversation! XD.
-Tohru’s crushed heart (scarf): Excellent symbolism!
Tohru, burdened with trying to lift the curse of teen & adult sohmas, is now also troubled by trying to help Arisa’s romantic life is sad for akito! Too much for compassionate selfless tohru. Unable to help, protect & erase the pain, tohru crumbles. Freezes. Her white scarf (heart) flies away, gets crushed by cars & becomes dirty. But here comes a boy ( who thinks himself a monster) picks it up, cleans & returns it back. He thinks nothing of his deed. nothing heroic abt saving a scarf, really. But do we need to be heroes to save others? kyo saves tohru by being kyo. Not the zodiac cat & not the menacing monster. Her heart is saved by him, shown much care & returned back. Mind you, the heart (scarf) is not brand new after the delima. It’s not very clean after being crushed, some marks remain, but these are marks of growth!!! you walk away after hardships carrying minor scars of victory. This scene solidify kyo’s role in tohru’s life as an equal companion. Not a heroic prince charming. It is the little things he does that shows who he is. kyo isn’t abt big soft words, he doesn't say the best things. he is a man of action. His care, love & compassion comes so very easily & naturally to him thro actions. This is what yuki meant by saying he’s jealous of kyo. Yuki over thinks his steps & doubt everything before he acts. Kyo acts spontaneously then doubts himself later. He saves the scarf (heart) then tells her directly to buy another one if she feels it’s not clean. He failed to see how this trivial action meant the world to tohru. Tohru smiles lively cuz her heart is back to her.
Why is the scarf scene so important? (aka furuba’s best usage of symbolism yet!)
It symbolizes tohru’s toxic flaw that she must overcome! It represents tohru’s tormented heart over other ppl’s pain with severe neglect to her own problems & issues. Arisa’s love life shouldn’t be tohru’s delima, nor Akito’s complex or Kureno’s or the damned curse. Tohru toxically chooses to bear other burdens’ until they crush her.
Hana can’t come to save tohru from pain each time tohru indulges in it. Tohru must realize her own flaw & grow up beyond this toxic type of kindness. Feel & help others, but don’t use them to escape your pain & don’t indulge in their own struggles & neglect yourself. There is a reason hana’s knowing of tohru’s pain is thro “magical” waves, to symbolize that this can’t become a norm, not real. You can’t depend on magic to grow. I love that!
The white scarf bearing smudges of the tires even after kyo washed it shows that kyo’s love & care can’t magically heal all tohru’s pain. It parallels kyo’s words from se01, ep,24 when he said tohru didn’t heal all his pain, but he feels better simply cuz she stayed by his side. Tohru now is feeling better cuz kyo chose was there for her. Love doesn’t magically heal you, kids! But it sure puts you on the path! Also, this once again adds more depth to the (tohru/kyo) equal give & take dynamics.
This scene deconstruct the image of Tohru represented as an angelic mother throughout 2 seasons. Instead, It paints her as a real flawed girl with much need for growth. Exactly, like how we have learned by now that kyo isn’t a horrible monster nor a prince charming saving the day, but a flawed boy with much need for growth. However, these two push each other forward in a subtle way through daily situations! Excellent writing!!
-Kureno. (aka. who tohru should never become):
The harmful kindness: Kureno is someone who hurts himself & hurt many others (akito, arisa, shigure, & consequently the rest of the zodiacs) by giving the harmful types of kindness to akito, by completely erasing his own needs, desires & living for the sake of someone who would be far better without him. Kureno is who tohru might have become if she selflessly continues fighting solely for the sohma’s sake & trying to break the curse while ignoring her own life. She’ll become as miserable as kureno & the zodiacs will become dependable on her.
The destructive pity: Kureno pities this tormented child (akito) & chooses to stay with her until her tears dry. This pity is destructive cuz it is done while he wishes to be miles away with Arisa & it encourages akito to stay as she is. Look, a child whose mom hates her deserves pity. But an adult woman needs to learn to build relationships based on mutual affection & respect. This talk of pity reminds me of kyo & kagura. Kagura pitied the cat zodiac. The relationship was doomed cuz kyo refuses pity. It doesn’t matter if her pity turned into love later. Kyo doesn’t want that from her or anyone. There is NO equality there. We know tohru came to love kyo for all the times he was there for her & all the times he pushed her to improve, to complain, to want things! she said so in se01, ep, 24. But we also know that young baby tohru pitied the cat when her mom told her the zodiacs story. what if kyo thinks tohru’s affection is pity???? that’s a big NO for him & for every person. I really want tohru to be as far from any kurno’s traits as possible!!!
-Akito, the pitiful woman:
Akito was born a girl, forced to be raised as a boy by her mother’s demands? where is the father?? she was hated by her mother. why? she also hates her mom. (hate your child & they’ll hated you). So, akito is doomed by her mom. Akito tries to prove that she’s loved by the zodiac “she specified the male zodiacs” interesting! we saw how she hates both Isuzu & kisa & doesn’t give a damn abt kagura. This woman, forced to pose as a man, actually desires to be treated as a woman. As for the other zodiacs:
No worries abt hatori leaving cuz he’s 24/7 attending to her health.
Ayame makes tea exclusively for her & hatori.
she thinks Ritsu is too timid to attempt leaving.
Hiro’s a baby, momiji is hated cuz she can’t break him.
Kyo is destined to be locked. but Why she cares abt the cat anyway?? She publicly hates him & feels disgusted by him.
She used to control yuki but can’t anymore.
she uses intimacy to bound those who “can” leave her the most: kurno! & shigure? she sleeps next to shigure in the valentine ep. hatori remarked: don’t let akito catch cold. We saw the sexually charged rage in se02, ep10. So, she isn’t faithful to kureno. They don’t have a relationship. She doesn’t even have a relationship with shigure, either. to her, sex is a tool to tie them both to her?
It is ironic that the person who said she despises woman & accuses Isuzu of seducing hatori is herself seducing others. Except, tragically, kureno isn’t with her for herself, but cuz he pities her. We saw her slapping & embracing him. Next scene; her bare shoulders & his unbuttoned shirt clearly implies they got intimate which is what akito does to feel secure in kureno not leaving her. Kureno is not even interested in her despite submitting to her advances, needs & orders. He does it out of pity. Truly the most tragic form of physical affection: sex for pity. wow... how tragically pitiful is the abusive ruler of the zodiacs who looms over them & demands respect & eternal bonds. How can she find someone who’ll love her for herself, if she doesn’t learn to show good sides of her? Yuki wasn’t loved for who he is in school, but for being the “prince”, he showed his real character & got himself true friends & soon a lover!!!  Kyo, was feared & pitied for turning into a “monster”, but once he showed his kind & harmless self, he got himself true friends & a girl who loves him for his actual personality! Who will love akito for who she is if she only shows a spoiled child, horrible family head or a pitiful woman? What does shigure love in her? he doesn’t seem to pity her nor pamper her much, does he?  perhaps we’ll know more abt the real akito later.
Side notes:
Akito’s mom reminded me of kyo’s dad. Abused children, who are hated by their parents, don’t let go of the hurt easily. they’ll always try to either get their approval, show them they were worthy of their love, or they’re NOTHING like their parents think they are. eg: Kyo’s biological father’s hate has destroyed kyo. Kyo have kazuma & tohru & he still wonder why they love him. It took kyo 17 years to actually promise to call kazuma "dad” one day in se01 finale. You need time to heal the wounds inflected by the ones who should love you the most. Being loved by others doesn’t magically heal you! You need to take few steps forward.
Isuzu is Ren’s clone! finally understanding why the severe hate from akito towards Isuzu. I’ll wait for more Ren/Akito content before analyzing their relationship.
Ren is so sexy. ngl, the scene of the zodiacs touching her belly after she just *conceived* akito is so creepy~ ew! 
Hana picked up tohru first before kyo, cuz this show isn’t exclusive for romantic love as much as it isn’t exclusive for friendship. There is balance. 
Tohru needs her own future, so does Arisa & hana! Learn to accept the limit of what you can do as a friend, tohru.. forever loving furuba for steering away from “friends stay together forever~yay” anime trope! Furuba is abt independent & individual adult life! building your own future! Epic writing!
Forever fascinated by how much the little small ordinary daily life things has really built kyo-tohru love! It feels so real & very uniquely built! Excellent writing!
Arisa is stuck with an adult man trapping himself in the most unnecessary love triangle. Kureno’s cage is self made, no curse. A very sheltered boy/man not living in the real world. Only two options for kureno if he continues this path: he’ll hurt akito, or akito will hurt him. We know the answer from the trailer, don’t we?
Arisa letting go of kuron is growth! Let go & live, girl!
There is a subtle theme of learning to let go in furuba~
Yuki is the biggest kyoru shipper!
Tohru intentionally hitting kyo with scarf’s pon-pon is my fave side of her! intentional flirting shows change from her little girl’s good girl attitude to her own type of a feisty woman! after all, she’s nearly 18!
The way the camera moved when kyo spotted the scarf was so good!
The director is obsessed with flying!! did he work on attack on titans? cuz the Ren-akito flying fight reminded me of Titan Eren strangling Titan Annie in AOT se01 finale! but chibi version! XD. I’m sorry for akito’s pain, but I was distracted by laughing! XD
look, if you plan to dramatize a situation, know your budget & your skills. Obviously, the director knew the scene is badly done, hence, the wide far away, dim lit shot to hide as much as it can. Couldn’t he do without it? let akito strangle her to the ground without flying!
oh well~these over-the-top shots are now a furuba trade mark~ just praying they stick with one weird shot per season.
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martintrungkien · 5 years
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#Saado #Sandals #coldblue #green #pink #dotted #red #orange #milk #grey #colormix #SE01 #SE02 #SE03 #QT06 #SP01 #SP02 #CL06 #NN04 #YZ02 #phylon #light #speed #Young #Active #women #girl #female #lady See more: http://bit.ly/sandalntk https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xmIZIJkUJ/?igshid=15w6eualswz3d
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travel-akikazoo · 5 years
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【LIFE】ガジェット類はオウルテックのモノが好きで、防水Bluetoothスピーカー、USBケーブル、フローティング防水スマホケースなどたくさん持っているのですが、Instagramのキャンペーンで応募したら、SAMU-SE03が当たった! サウンドも良いし、何より使い方が簡単でシンプル オウルテック製品は何よりタフなモノが多いから気に入っていて ハードなアウトドアアクティビティやアウトドアトラベルで使うことがメインなので、耐久性があって壊れないというのは最低条件 買っても9,482円だそう、わりとお手頃! またGYMでのワークアウトが楽しくなっちゃう 主に聴くのはHIPHOP 最近はROD WAVEが気分 #オウルテック #owltech #outdoor #tough #高耐久性 #travel #SE03 https://www.instagram.com/p/B09pETsJH83/?igshid=o3xdv7eierif
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sexandmanhattan · 3 years
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Se03 Ep12
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woppy-my-beloved · 3 years
Misha Collins Movies/ TV Episodes - Masterpost
Here is a list of movies that Misha has been in that you can watch for free on youtube/dailymotion
Finding Home: 2003
Moving Alan: 2003
Par 6: (2002)
Who’s Line Is It Anway (TW: Untill 30 Seconds you hear a LOUD noise be warned)
NYPD BLUE: Season 7 Episode 12 Welcome To New York
MONK SE04 EP 12  Mr. Monk and the Captain's Marriage
RINGER Season 1 EP 14 - Whores Don’t Make That Much
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marcelinelooks · 4 years
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“Marceline’s Closet” SE03 EP21 
Marceline’s wearing purple turtleneck sweater, blue shorts and red ankle boots 
Directed by Larry Leichliter, storyboard by Ako Castuera & Jesse Moynihan
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wefixspacejunk · 4 years
TRANSCRIPT: We Fix Space Junk Season 3. Episode 1: The Lift
TRANSCRIPT: We Fix Space Junk Season 3. Episode 1: The Lift
To read content warnings about this episode (may contain mild spoilers) highlight the line below:  
-> claustrophobia, live minor surgery, loud noises, electronic zaps <-
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