endlesstwanted · 2 months
Pros and Cons of Being Hawkeye
Made a moodboard inspired by @monthly-challenge prompt — Bows. You can see it on Ao3 here too!
Credits to: Hawkeye: Go West comic, by Kelly Thompson, Stefano Caselli, Stefano Raffaele & Leonardo Romero (images) & Canva (template)
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Fandom: Hawkeye (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairing: Clint Barton & Kate Bishop
Tags: Co-workers, Collage
Summary: A moodboard made by endlesstwanted (and Kate - Hawkeye!)
Also created for: @fandom-free-bingo | Bow and Arrow / @thehawkeyesbingo | this image prompt (Hawkeye in The Avengers’ movie) / @multifandom-flash, R2 #2004 | Hero-Worshipper + So Cool, It’s Awesome + NY’s Resolutions | Chill Out / @seasonaldelightsbingo, Winter Wonderland | “I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn.” + Unsteady || X Ambassadors
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seasonaldelightsbingo · 2 months
Language of Flowers Bingo Cards (Spring)
We have finally sent out all of our spring cards! Due to how long it took for me to send out the cards, this event will be ending in august 1, 2024 instead of june 30, 2024.
I'm really thankful to @voiceoffenrisulfr for helping me during the past couple of months while i wasn't in a good place, and helping with both creating and delivering most of the cards. ❤
There were couple of participants who had signed up, but we were unable to contact, so if you have yet to get your card from us please contact us as soon as possible.
Total Cards Sent Out: 99
Delivered in February: 21 - Otter-Love-ASL, sadbi_hours, Ella, Tomo, lillyrosenight, Losha, Willow, cywscross, rowbjection, LyriaBlackFrost, Bug & Friends, Lupi, seles(1), seles(2), sweetpeapod(1), sweetpeapod(2), aspen | blackwood4stucky, prettysophist, Sivan325, 42donotpanic(1), 42donotpanic(2)
Delivered by @voiceoffenrisulfr ❤: 49 - solacium, Hadrian, wildcaffeine(1), wildcaffeine(2), foxywrites(1), foxywrites(2), Star, Howtodrawyourdragon, evilwriter37, BraveLittleNippa, Aerica_Menai(1), nicoline1998enilocin, veronyxk84, Winchesterek, Bookworm39, Thee-lionheart, QuoteMyFoot, Maureen, Chaos, Alessia, rainbow_salt, Feste, Ziggy, Mona, badassbutterfly1987, nottoolateforthegame; Lavender, 5soshow, Chickenix, svgurl, Tea, Slyth, Macabray (Dreamer), akaparalian, Lesti C, SubukuNoJess, Torchic, ScarletHeroTears, Elanor, WICKEDMONSTRESS, Melacka, Annie, Pip, miss_minnelli, SociallyAwkwardFox, Nep, Mogar, isapirata, cywscross
Sent Out on 15/04 by @voiceoffenrisulfr ❤: 09 - endlesstwanted,Vienna, Alina F., atadoddinnit, Lorifragolina, angelus2hot, Rat, advanced_fanatic, ten-cent-sleuth
Sent Out on 17/04: 20 - rookthorne(1), Smutconnoisseur, rookthorne, librarymoth, Aquagirl, Aquagirl1978, hibi(1), hibi(2), autisticidiot, Aerica_Menai(2), Alina Fuentes, Morgana, finalsouls, Noise, MidnightInk_theMusical, TheMadcapLaughs, Domi, ray, Ladybird, justapepperonishipper
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nekoannie-chan · 20 days
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Título: Cerezos.
Fandom: Marvel, Capitán América.
Pareja: Brock Rumlow X OFC.
Palabras: 423 palabras.
Cuadro: 1 “Un paseo entre los árboles florecientes.”
Clasificación: B.
Sinopsis: Brock esperó por el momento perfecto.
Advertencias: Fluff, propuesta.
N/A:  Esta es mi entrada para Language of flowers bingo. 63.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, versión en inglés.
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         Si te gusto por favor vota, comenta y rebloguea.
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien.
DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Anótate en mi taglist aquí.
Otros lugares donde publico: Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @black23 @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @azulatodoryuga
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Brock suspiró, habían pasado muchos años desde la última vez que habían estado así. Si le hubieran preguntado, nunca había creído que tuviese otra oportunidad como esa, la única diferencia era que ahora si haría las cosas bien y de la forma correcta, ya no habría mentiras ni ocultaría nada porque tal vez nunca más volvería a tener una oportunidad así.
Brock tomó a Kath de la mano mientras comenzaban a caminar bajo los árboles que se encontraban floreciendo, quizás en otra época o situación había creído que era demasiado colorido o rosado, pero en estos momentos, todo parecía perfecto, especialmente para lo que planeaba hacer, estaba seguro que esta era la forma en la que realmente a ella le hubiese gustado…
Por el momento debía de controlarse o ella sospecharía y toda la sorpresa quedaría arruinada.
De igual manera por su cabeza pasó preguntarle si alguna vez había caminado entre los árboles de cerezo con Steve, la vista era hermosa y relajante, ella siempre le había contado cuanto le gustaba esta actividad, aunque no habían tenido oportunidad de compartirla hasta ese momento.
Rápidamente acomodó el mantel, tenía que distraerse un poco para que su nerviosismo no fuese tan evidente, incluso le costaba trabajo mantener la conversación, ella le estaba contando algo de forma muy animada, aunque él no estaba del todo seguro de estar entendiendo.
Ahora el problema era elegir el momento indicado para darle la sorpresa, pasó levemente la mano por su bolsillo, solo quería asegurarse de que aún estuviera ahí.
Debería de aprovechar antes de que llegase la gente, así que ahora era el momento oportuno, se aclaró la garganta a la vez que ponía una mano sobre el hombro de Kath, ella volteó enseguida.
—Sé que he cometido muchos errores, pero el más grande fue el dejarte ir, ahora podemos estar juntos y tiene tiempo que quería hacer esto, te amo demasiado, Kath, ¿quieres hacerme el hombre más feliz del universo y casarte conmigo? —Brock puso una rodilla en el piso mientras sacaba la caja donde tenía el anillo y se lo mostraba.
Kathleen estaba sin palabras, no se esperaba la propuesta en ese momento, sonrió, podía sentir el calor en sus mejillas.
—Claro que acepto, no perderé la oportunidad de ser feliz esta vez —respondió, estirando su brazo para que él pudiera tomarle la mano y ponerle el anillo.
Después de comer y observar por un rato como caían las flores y pétalos de los árboles volvieron a caminar entre ellos, solo esperaban que no fuese un sueño.
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sanguedinondrago · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dissidia: Final Fantasy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tina Branford | Terra Branford/Kuja (Final Fantasy IX), Rosa Joanna Farrell/Cecil Harvey/Kain Highwind Characters: Kuja (Final Fantasy IX), Kain Highwind Additional Tags: Star Gazing, introspective, Reflection, Wine, In vivno veritas Summary:
During a cold night an unlikely pair shares some deep thoughts about missing chances
This has been fun. Thanks to @seasonaldelightsbingo for this lovely prompts, hope I’ll be able to finish everything in time!
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sdbingo · 8 months
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1. Feel free to interpret the prompts however you wish to, the mind knows no bounds and I feel like limiting to the 'exact prompt' would be somewhat like caging our imagination. 2. You can use multiple of the prompts that you get on your card in the same work- even in the same chapter if you would like to! 3. You can merge this event with others, just be careful to check their rules too. It being okay for this event doesn't make it okay for all of them. 4. Please make sure to write down their rating clearly! (General Audiences, Teen and Up, Mature, Explicit) 5. Warn the readers/viewers to what they will be against if you are writing dead dove or anything that would be tagged as explicit or mature- if it is not appropriate for those below the age of 18 there will be those who might be triggered by the contents of it. 6. Use the tag #seasonaldelighstbingo along with the tag of the ongoing eventand also mention @seasonaldelightsbingo on tumblr for a reblog (don't forget to also add in the ship in the tags, the fandom and the warnings) 7. There is no time limit and you can complete your card whenever you like, however each card has a different time period assigned to it and I won't be reblogging your individual works if you don't post them during that time period. 8. Two cards (at most) for each participant. 9. All media forms and fandoms are welcome (and so are original works). 10. Be respectful to everyone else, and feel free to ask me anything if the rules weren't clear or if I forgot anything (or if you just have anything to ask).
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endlesstwanted · 1 month
A Kiss For The Unwell
My entry for @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt #251 — Out There, read under the cut or on Ao3 here 🏵
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020)
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand
Tags: AU (pollen allergies work the opposite way), Flowers, Sick Character
Summary: TK suspects Carlos may be sick because of the pollen season, so he goes to check on him.
Wordcount: 1,089
Also created for: @sweetspicybingo, Hurt/Comfort | Checking in // @fandom-free-bingo, Maritime May | New Treatment // @seasonaldelightsbingo, types of love | “You’re Not Letting Go, No, I Won’t Let You Go, Oh”
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TK heard from Michelle that Carlos hadn’t left his house in a couple of days during the shift.
They had hung out only a few times, so while they weren’t exactly a thing (TK wanted to think that yet), it obviously surprised him. Carlos had the face of someone who has never called in sick at work and has never missed a class in high school for being ill. So he decided to text him, and sent Carlos a casual “hey, how are you doing?”.
A false fire call and a gas leak later, TK got to check his phone while eating something that had brought a few arguments between Marjan and Paul. Carlos had replied that he was fine, and that told TK that he wasn’t working that day since Carlos never used his phone while patrolling. So, his guts told him everything was not fine.
Not wanting to push the situation, but with the intention to keep the conversation going because he was starting to worry, TK sent a new message, this time asking if he could come around his place after work.
The next hours passed by slowly, with just one more call and plenty of time to overthink and burn energy in the gym. Perhaps it was a hard week at work in Carlos’ station, caught up in a big case that was too much for him or had asked him to work non-stop the days before he last went home. Maybe he had found himself in a crossfire and asked to take a step back and a break because of it.
And of course, it could also be the damned pollen season they were in. Mateo had just had to stay in at the station during the last call because of it. He had a sneezing attack that caused him a headache, and none of those stopped until they came back to the station and Nancy brought some lilies out of the ambulance. With just a sniff of them, Mateo was feeling much better. The way pollen works in this world often made TK have a headache himself; it felt only natural for it to have a bad effect on people, but instead, the negative effects were had if you were not exposed to enough pollen during spring.
Once he was changed and ready to leave the firehouse, Carlos had sent a new text giving him the green light to drop by, but warning they’d have to order in if he planned to stay for dinner. TK replied with a smiling emoji, and headed outside.
First he stopped at a flower shop around the corner, where he stood trying to decide what to get among the huge variety of flowers and ready-to-go bouquets for a while. Finally, he chose a little bouquet of yellow pansies; yellow was the colour he thought of when thinking of Carlos, and the other way around. Next, TK went to a Thai restaurant from which they had ordered once in the past, and got the exact same dishes they had done that time —he remembered all the important stuff, and to know Carlos’ comfort food was one of the ways he had of showing how much Carlos meant to him.
TK called for a ride that left him in Carlos’ street and he walked the houses to get to his house thinking of what he was going to say. He didn’t want to step over anything that Carlos could be going through, or break any boundary they still hadn’t set up, so he opted to act like he hadn’t heard Michelle talking about him being at home for some days and just be a supporting friend Carlos could turn to if needed.
After a few knocks on his door, Carlos welcomed TK with messy hair like he had just woken up from a late nap, a little yawn he poorly hid with his hand, and watery eyes. Right before he turned to his side and sneezed on his elbow.
“Sorry about that,” Carlos apologised when he focused back on him, sniffing and taking a probably slightly used tissue from his pocket. “I’ve been … like this for a few days.”
TK had managed to hide the flowers behind his back for a surprise effect, so while they stayed unnoticed he showed a close smile and said “Sorry if this wasn’t the best day to hang out. But I brought dinner!”
Carlos’ eyes lit up at the sound of that word, and his eyes fell on the bag on TK’s hand. “I wish I could smell it, but the bag tells me it’s from that Thai place we ordered once?”
“I’m glad your sight is intact,” TK joked, and shifted his weight from one leg to the other. “So … can I come in?”
“Yes-yeah. Of course.” Carlos moved to the door’s side and let him in.
TK made a spin to still face Carlos and not let flowers show, and when he closed the door, TK held the food up while saying “I brought something else.”
Carlos frowned, and TK noticed how red his nose was. He made a mental note to run to the pharmacy and get some meds if the flowers didn’t work, or at least moisturising balm for his nose. To Carlos’ puppy eyes, TK didn’t waste more time and took the flowers out.
A smile grew on Carlos’ face, who looked as cheerful as he could be given his state. “For me?”
“For you.” With another smile, TK bowed and handed Carlos the pansies.
He watched as Carlos closed his eyes and brought the flowers to his face. Taking a big sniff he smiled again, and TK thought maybe that was exactly what Carlos needed. “Yellow is my favorite color. I could kiss you right now,” he chuckled.
Now it was time for TK’s eyes to light up at the hint of the possibility of physical contact.
“This is exactly what I needed.” Then Carlos opened his eyes, and saw his face. “But I don’t think I’m the best person to kiss right now.”
TK only smiled wider. “Can I do it anyway?”
Carlos smirked, and teased him by taking the food’s bag out of his hand, leaving it on the entrance’s furniture. “Go for it. I think your visit is making me feel better already.”
TK took Carlos’ hand that was holding the flowers and moved them away, keeping them safe as he reached Carlos’ neck to bring him closer, pulling him into a delicate kiss.
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nekoannie-chan · 20 days
Cherry Blossom
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Title: Cherry blossom.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Brock Rumlow X OFC.
Word count: 460 words.
Square: 1 “A walk through blooming trees.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Brock waited for the perfect moment.
Major Tags: Fluff, proposal.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @seasonaldelightsbingo Language of flowers bingo. 63.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @whore-for-chris-evans @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber @jtargaryen18
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Brock sighed. It had been many years since the last time they had been like this. If he had been asked, he would never have believed he would have another chance like that. The only difference was that now he would do things right and do them the right way; there would be no more lies or hiding anything because he might never have a chance like that again.
Brock took Kath by the hand as they began to walk under the trees that were in bloom. Maybe in another time or situation, he had thought it was too colorful or pink, but right now, everything seemed perfect, especially for what he planned to do. He was sure this was the way she would have really liked it.
For the moment, he had to control himself, or she would get suspicious, and the whole surprise would be ruined.
It also crossed his mind to ask her if she had ever walked among the cherry trees with Steve; the view was beautiful and relaxing, and she had always told him how much she loved this activity, although they had not had the opportunity to share it until this moment.
He quickly arranged the tablecloth; he had to distract himself a little so that his nervousness wasn't so evident. He even had trouble keeping the conversation going; she was telling him something in a very animated way, although he wasn't sure if he understood.
Now the problem was choosing the right moment to surprise her. He lightly ran his hand through his pocket; he just wanted to make sure she was still there.
He should have taken advantage of it before people arrived, so now was the right time. He cleared his throat as he put a hand on Kath's shoulder, and she turned around immediately.
"I know I've made a lot of mistakes, but the biggest one was letting you go. Now we can be together, and I've wanted to do this for a long time. I love you too much, Kath. Will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me? " Brock put one knee on the floor as he pulled out the box he had the ring in and showed it to her.
Kathleen was speechless; she didn't expect the proposal at that moment. She smiled, and she could feel the heat on her cheeks.
"Of course, I accept; I won't miss the chance to be happy this time," she replied, stretching out her arm so that he could take her hand and put the ring on it.
After eating and watching the flowers and petals fall from the trees for a while, they walked back to each other, just hoping it wasn't a dream.
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Under the Sea Bingo Queue - Seasonal Delights || Summer Bingo
(Unlike all of the other rounds, we won't be posting a queue update every now and then, but will be editing this post instead- if your name is crossed out, that will mean that we have sent out your card.)
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Sent Out Cards (last updated 05/05): 00
Cards in Queue (last updated 11/05) : 85
🐳 Lupi (1), Lupi (2), Bug & Friends, Sivan325 (1), Sivan325 (2), Buckys-Wintersoldier, 42dontpanic (1),
42dontpanic (2), jorogumo (1), jorogumo (2), foxywrites (1), foxywrites (2), Domi, nicoline1998enilocin, cywscross (1), cywscross (2), Willow, SubukuNoJess (1), SubukuNoJess (2), blackmagie
🐬 rookthorne (1), rookthorne (2), prettysophist, aspen | blackwood4stucky (1), aspen | blackwood4stucky (2), Nar, Fallenangelics (1), Fallenangelics (2), sweetpeapod (1), sweetpeapod (2), Hadrian (1), Hadrian (2), seles (1), seles (2), howtodrawyourdragon (1), howtodrawyourdragon (2), Alessia Heartilly(1), endlesstwanted (1), endlesstwanted (2), Holylulusworld
🐚 LyriaBlackFrost, lillyrosenight, Tomo, DecayingStars, ZuzuFromTheAfterLife (1), ZuzuFromTheAfterLife (2), sadspockpanda, Dei (1), Dei (2), moss, veronyxk84, ABrighterDarkness (1), ABrighterDarkness (2), theomegapoint (1), theomegapoint (2), pinkjasmine (1), pinkjasmine (2), crowbjection, Luna575, hosannachicago
🌊 absoluteyearn, Otter-Love-ASL (1), Otter-Love-ASL (2), otpcutie, KrazyonKatnip, angelus2hot, AlessiaHeartilly (2), seajaneradio, Grovestep, dawnepiphany, thunderai (1), thunderai (2), thunderai (3), strangerdanger(1), svgurl? Sivan325? de-lionhearted, Courtney, Flick(1)
🧜‍♀️ Flick(2), Flick(3), strangerdanger(2), strangerdanger(3), foxywrites(3)
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seasonaldelightsbingo · 2 months
For the summer event, would y'all prefer to choose from a list of prompts or would you rather it continue as it is at the moment? (and i want to let everyone know that there are 10+ genre's and each of those genre's almost have 100+ prompts in them.)
this is important for us regarding the creation of the form for the summer bingo so please vote on what you would prefer!
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endlesstwanted · 6 months
So Pretty, Hanging
Wrote a drabble for @buckybarnesevents’ Build-a-Bucky-Bingo december prompt — Anal Hook and Sharon Carter Month 2023 prompt — BDSM. Read on Ao3!
Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV)
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Sharon Carter
Tags: BDSM, Kink Negotiation, Sex Toys, Light Dom/sub
Summary: When her dom shows up with a new toy to try, Sharon has her reservations. Luckily, she has also thought of something fun to do while being tied up and taken care of.
Wordcount: 100
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Also a fill for: @hurtcomfort-bingo — New Things / @fandom-free-bingo — ‘Put Your Hands Up’ / @multifandom-flash, round 3 card #2001 — Thinking Out Loud + Taboo Flash Bingo — Culture: Talking About Sex / @seasonaldelightsbingo — Hanging from the Ceiling
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endlesstwanted · 2 months
Winter Wonderland Bingo masterpost
Winter is over and so is @seasonaldelightsbingo’s winter wonderland!
I got two cards and managed to fill fourteen squares, mostly in MCU fandoms but also for other Marvel projects, two series and a crossover with two of my fav European films. It was a blast, and even though I didn’t get to finish every WIP I started, I’m excited to keep working on them later on. ❄️🩵
All info, ratings and pairings are below the cut and titles are linked to my Ao3. The 3x3 card will come first, the 5x5 last.
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We Stayed Halfway
❄️ Being taken care of
Fandom: Captain America Movies Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow | Explicit | 2,2k words WARNINGS: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Porn Without Plot Summary: After being exposed to an unknown toxin in a SHIELD’s laboratory, Brock and Steve deal with the effects of it in the Captain’s office.
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I’m Not Going To Say Goodbye So I Don’t Have To Go
❄️ Peppering kisses all over their face ❄️ Covered in blankets ❄️ Playing with their hair
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand | T | 2,039 words WARNINGS: Post-Episode: s02e12 The Big Heat, Trauma, Angst Summary: After their night gets ruined by a home in flames, Carlos and TK go to the Strand’s house.
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Two Trains And Cold Coffee
❄️ Simply enjoying each other's company
Fandom: Deux Moi (2019), Verdens Verste Menneskee (2021) Julie/Mélanie Brunet | Teen | 200 words Summary: A quiet morning with Mélanie and Julie.
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Ten Revolutions Around The Sun Later
❄️ Pressing Forehead Together
Fandom: The Avengers Movies Bruce Banner/James Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark | T | 500 words WARNINGS: Flashbacks, Temporary Amnesia, Implied past Torture and s/h Summary: Bucky’s flashbacks are triggered by the snow. Bruce and Tony are there to help him get back to his own self.
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Pros and Cons of Being Hawkeye
❄️ “I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn.” ❄️ Unsteady || X Ambassadors
Fandom: Hawkeye (Comics) Clint Barton & Kate Bishop | Teen | Modboard Summary: A moodboard made by endlesstwanted (and Kate - Hawkeye!) Tumblr link
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Broken Oath
❄️ “I’m fine.”
Fandom: Black Widow Movie Yelena Belova/Natasha Romanov | Mature | 742 words WARNINGS: Red Room shit, Angst, Implied past non-con (not between the pairing and not in the fic) Summary: Yelena turns fifteen, and Natalia has to prepare her for the real world. At least, according to what the Red Room thinks a woman needs to work with for them to take over the world.
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Boyfriend’s Spider-Sense
❄️ The Most Beautiful [insert] That They've Ever Seen
Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies) Hobie Brown/Miles Morales | Teen | 683 words Summary: Miles pays Hobie a visit when he feels he’s not feeling alright.
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Chasing Some Warmth
❄️ Being the Little Spoon for the First Time
Fandom: The Avengers Movies Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton/Sam Wilson | Explicit | 795 words WARNINGS: Casual Sex, Porn Without Plot, Established Clint/Sam Summary: The nights at Barton’s farm are very cold since the generator broke down. Bucky’s interested in learning what Clint and Sam do in these cases.
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I Can’t Like That
❄️ “I’d rather it be me than you.”
Fandom: Chicago Fire Joe Cruz & Brian "Otis" Zvonecek | Teen | 569 words WARNINGS: Hurt No Comfort, Implied Canon Character Death, Episode: s08e01 Sacred Ground Summary: Joe waits, helpless, for his best friend to leave.
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The Good Win Over The Bad
❄️ Wishing on a Penny
Fandom: Captain America Movies Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers | Teen | 100 words Summary: Ten years after graduating from high-school, Bucky reunites with the one that got away from him. At least, if staring at Steve for half an hour counts as a reunion.
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Great Things For Kind Hearts
❄️ tis the damn season || Taylor Swift
Fandom: The Avengers Movies Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark | Gen | 100 words Summary: Tony reflects on how his life changed after meeting Bucky.
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Someone Like You And Me
❄️ Forced to quit
Fandom: Thor Movies Jane Foster & Sif | Teen | 581 words WARNINGS: Canon Sick Character Summary: In New Asgard’s hospital, Jane reunites with an old friend.
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Our Fake Love Story
❄️ Can’t Tell a Soul
Fandom: What If...? (Cartoon 2021) Carol Danvers & Darcy Lewis | Teen | 100 words Summary: Carol shares with Darcy the only thing they can do to stop her wedding with Howard to become legal. Darcy has her doubts.
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So Pretty, Hanging
❄️ Hanging from the Ceiling
Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Bucky Barnes/Sharon Carter | Mature | 100 words Summary: When her dom shows up with a new toy to try, Sharon has her reservations. Luckily, she has also thought of something fun to do while being tied up and taken care of.
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endlesstwanted · 4 days
Dough and Love
Wrote a last-minute fill for Build-a-Bucky-Bingo’s May prompt — Accidental Love Confessions. I’ve been wanting to write something for this pairing for some time and I’m happy I finally did 💗
Fill for for: @winterhawkbingo — free space / @seasonaldelightsbingo, Language of Flowers — Baking Together + Watching it Rain Outside & , Types of Love — Sleepover
Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton/Laura Barton
Tags: Post-Canon, Retirement, Fluff, Getting Together, Love Confessions
Summary: Bucky has been visiting the Barton’s monthly for a year, and gotten closer to Clint and Laura throughout time. This visit, though, may be the last one.
Wordcount: 1,4k
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Bucky’s sleepovers at the Barton’s house had become so regular in the last year after Clint got his family back, that Bucky was visiting the whole family monthly once the archer had retired and moved permanently with Laura and their kids. The time he was preparing his bag to visit them right following his birthday, Bucky received a text from Laura telling him to pack for a few more days, offering him a longer stay because the children had heard it had been his birthday, and they wanted to celebrate it with Bucky like it had to.
The offer took Bucky by surprise, but he quickly changed his regular bag for a sports one and filled it with clothes and care products and counted down the days to his flight and being reunited with the Barton’s.
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endlesstwanted · 3 months
We Stayed Halfway
My last fill for @cabottombingo and my adopted prompt  — Sex pollen. Read it on Ao3 here.
Fandom: Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Sex Pollen, Porn Without Plot
Summary: After being exposed to an unknown toxin in a SHIELD’s laboratory, Brock and Steve deal with the effects of it in the Captain’s office.
Wordcount: 2,2k
Also created for: @steverogersbingo — Brock Rumlow/Crossbones / @lyricalescape — “Going on a whim, try to erase it.” / @julybreakbingo — Enemies with Benefits / @ afgomegaversebingo — Dominance hierarchy / @halloweenhorrorbingo — Raised on Outdated Gender Stereotypes / @lgbtqbingo — Uniform kink / @anyfandomkinkbingo — “You don’t have to be gentle with me, I don’t break easily.” / @multifandom-flash, R2 #2003— Desk Sweep of Passion + With Great Power Comes Great Hotness, #2004 — Quest for Sex, #2005 — Smoking Hot Sex, Taboo Flash — Sex Is Evil, and I Am Honry & New Year Resolutions — Office Sex (nsfw card) / @seasonaldelightsbingo — Being taken care of / @slumberpartybingo — Truth: What’s the weirdest place you’ve had sex?
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We can isolate ourselves in our offices and get busy with ourselves. I’m sure docs have pills or something if it turns out it hurts,” the brunette one says.
“Or we can spend that time together,” Steve offers. “From what I can smell from here, I’m sure it’ll be healthier. And perhaps it’ll be over if we, well …”
“Have sex together?” Brock chuckles.
He hasn’t wanted to admit that has been an option all this time, because how in the hell would Rogers be willing to have sex with him. But it’s true that his hormones are crazy wild right now, making his throat dry and the bulge in his pants big enough to be noticed. What else could they expect from a toxin called ‘sex something’ if not to be insufferable horny?
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endlesstwanted · 3 months
Two Trains And Cold Coffee
Drabble inspired by @burdenedwithpointlesspurpose femslash prompt — “It might just be me…” + @femslashfeb — Spring + Femslash February 2024 (evil edition) — your life is mine.
Fandoms: Deux Moi (2019), Verdens Verste Menneske (2021)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairing: Julie/Mélanie Brunet
Tags: Lazy Mornings, Developing Relationship, Double Drabble
Summary: A quiet morning with Mélanie and Julie.
Wordcount: 200
Also created for: @seasonaldelightsbingo — Simply enjoying each other's company / @multifandom-flash, R2 card #2005 — “I have been falling for 30 minutes!” + New Year Resolution — Makeover Your Daily Routine / @sweetspicybingo — Vacation / @fnafbingo — “I’ve been looking for you... and now I will never let you go...” / @lyricalescape — “Hate me, you can’t escape me and you ain’t ever gonna change me.”
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“It might just be me,” Julie begins, “but do you also find watching the trains dash without a stop disturbingly comforting?”
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seasonaldelightsbingo · 2 months
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such a close call XD
the form is finished and ready to be posted! i will share it as soon as we send out the last of the 'language of flowers' bingo cards!
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seasonaldelightsbingo · 4 months
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1. Feel free to interpret the prompts however you wish to, the mind knows no bounds and I feel like limiting to the 'exact prompt' would be somewhat like caging our imagination.
2. You can use multiple of the prompts that you get on your card in the same work- even in the same chapter if you would like to!
3. You can merge this event with others, just be careful to check their rules too. It being okay for this event doesn't make it okay for all of them.
4. Please make sure to write down their rating clearly! (General Audiences, Teen and Up, Mature, Explicit)
5. Warn the readers/viewers to what they will be against if you are writing dead dove or anything that would be tagged as explicit or mature- if it is not appropriate for those below the age of 18 there will be those who might be triggered by the contents of it.
6. Use the tag #seasonaldelighstbingo along with the tag of the ongoing eventand also mention @seasonaldelightsbingo on tumblr for a reblog (don't forget to also add in the ship in the tags, the fandom and the warnings)
7. There is no time limit and you can complete your card whenever you like, however each card has a different time period assigned to it and I won't be reblogging your individual works if you don't post them during that time period.
8. Two cards (at most) for each participant.
9. All media forms and fandoms are welcome (and so are original works).
10. Be respectful to everyone else, and feel free to ask me anything if the rules weren't clear or if I forgot anything (or if you just have anything to ask).
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