#second kings
irresia · 4 months
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how are we doing fellas
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Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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biblebloodhound · 4 months
A Divine Appointment (2 Kings 8:1-6)
In order to allow the good to completely fill us, we must be totally emptied of everything else.
The prophet Elisha and the Shunammite woman, by Pieter Lastman, 1620 Elisha spoke to the woman whose son he had brought back to life: “You and your household must go away and live wherever you can, because the Lord has called for a famine. It is coming to the land and will last seven years.” So the woman went and did what the man of God asked. She and her household moved away, living in…
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soupsandstars · 8 months
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Reveal the path and grant me passage!
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isabellaofparma · 8 days
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#the cat king would've liked niko because she was the only one to show him an ounce of respect
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ittybittyluci · 2 months
This specific sequence of Lucifer expressions will never NOT be funny to me.
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I stg it gets me every time. Especially that second set? Like, my man goes from mildly shocked to fucking terrified
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emacrow · 20 days
Batfam tried to bribe the banshee child to get their stuff back.
Originally post here.
The one to figured it out was Tim who sacrifice his first camera that he still kept from back then when he stalked batman, the other two original robins and that it still have some film left in it. It was still a bit damaged and covered in tape on the camera and on the strap.
Alfred gave danny Bruce's father, Thomas's baby blanket in exchange for his favorite spoon.
Dick painstakingly gave his zitka elephant plushy for his mask, only to watch wide eyed when danny misty breath made a form of a miniature zitka the actual elephant doing one of her favorite tricks. And no he didn't cry after he left the room.
Damian offered secretly offered one of his most cherished drawing he had kept as a child, that remind him of Danyal..
Barb offered her old Batgirl costume, the one that still had a tear in it before she became the oracle..
Bruce offered one of his mother's pearls, the few that he had left.. from that night. When he gave it to danny in his tiny hand, all he felt was a sense of cold shiver that wrapped around him like a warm yet cold hug.
Duke gave him one of his first glasses that was a bit bented when his power came in, that were left discard in his draw as a reminder.
Leaving all but Jason todd who didn't know what to give Danny to have his red hood helmet back..
He tried one of his first gun, nothing..his black jacket, nothing.. it took Jason a long time (7 months tops) to figure out what to give danny.
It was 3am in the morning that he snucked in the Wayne Manor, peeking in the newest room for their youngest adoptee who was wide awake again.
Jason pulling out something from a pouch. It was old, torn and still had charred of ashes damaged but he kept it for his own selfish reasons..
He gave danny his Robin's cape, the original one that brought memories old, good and bad..
Danny held his Robin's cape and look at it, not saying anything with his eyes glow brightly before looking up at Jason with the most heartbreaking watery eyes.
He got up slowly, and hugs Jason close, chirping softly that made Jason's eyes glow a bit, before big drops of lararus pits liquid drips down from his eyes.
Just two broken core boys comforting one another, despite the puddle of lararus pits beneath them both that glow brighter and clearer then jason ever seen lararus pits have then it usuall musky growing green form... Jason close his eyes slowly as he gently hug the ghostly boy back.
Jason will never admit to anyone of what he gave that night or why he was asleep in Danny's nest the next morning after, but he suddenly felt some kind of unmoveable weight being lifted from his shoulders..
Until he saw on the news that The Joker was found dead with his ears, eyes and nose bleeding with a horrified look on his face.
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daffydilled · 1 month
Watching the Cat King and Edwin talk is like. The Olympics of queer bitchiness. It's amazing
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pa-pa-plasma · 6 days
love fics where Danny ends up in the DC universe & every alarm goes off at once & the magic users are like "yeah that's the most powerful being in the universe & also possibly super evil we are FUCKED fucked" & the Justice League is freaking tf out trying to find this thing that casually tore a hole in reality & it just cuts to Danny (Fenton) standing in the background blissfully unaware & like "man my life sucks but at least i have this candy bar—" *drops it in a puddle*
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luthienne · 1 year
anyway literally everyone is going through something all the time!!! everyone is wounded!!! everyone is human & no one makes it out of this life unscathed!! maybe try approaching people in good faith instead of always defaulting to the worst possible interpretations of each other
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nibbelraz · 5 months
before lbh came back to the human realm he asked mobei why he kept the most pathetic sopping wet peak lord about. mbj casually "oh sometimes i ask him things and it literally changes reality." what. mobei what. no seriously what the fuck do you mean. what do you mean he changes reality. what are you talking about. are you serious. are you fucking with him rn fr "he cant change people though" WHY WOULD YOU GET HIS HOPES UP THEN "i believe qinghua calls it a 'power move'."
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kifaprokumiv · 5 months
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Can’t believe Demon King is riding a fucking dinosaur
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biblebloodhound · 8 months
God Is Good, Idols Are Bad (2 Kings 17:7-20)
We, in our contemporary time and place, need to learn the lessons of the past – for we also are not an exception in history, as if we can do whatever we want without attending to the common good of all persons.
 An Assyrian solider deporting people from their land (From the Southwest Palace of Tiglath-Pileser III at Nimrud, ca. 730-727 B.C.E.; British Museum.) The Israelites sinned against the Lord their God, who brought them out of Egypt and rescued them from the power of Pharaoh (the king of Egypt). They worshiped other gods and lived by the customs of the nations that the Lord had forced out of the…
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n0ahsferatu · 4 months
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i’d say they’re going on a road trip but they don’t even have a car smh
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kosemsultanim · 2 months
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Alicent Hightower's Costumes in Season 1 of House of the Dragon requested by anonymous
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
my only wish for this season is that jimmy doesn’t fucking DIE first for ONCE in his life
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