mrskurono · 2 years
For the family self ship I want to talk about my self ship with Urahara and Yoruichi from Bleach in honor of the trailer for the TYBW arc. I think our self ship family would most likely just be us. Somehow I don’t believe any of us would want babies of our own. The holidays for us would be fun we’d decorate and enjoy the festivities eating and drinking. Urahara would make the gifts for Yoruichi and me whether that be clothes, jewelry or a combat useful item. In return Yoruichi and I would buy him something that he could use for his future inventions. Since Urahara and Yoruichi are exiled from the soul society we would go with my family though not all years. When we do stay at home I think it’d definitely be Urahara baking, in my eyes he’s a malewife, but all three of us would fool around. 🤗🤗
ugh yes I'm so excited for it!!! makes me wanna pick up all my manga again to relive my youth before it comes out ;;--;;
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Urahara oozes malewife energy and honestly yeah that's the best thing about it.
The celebration feels like a huge thing for the both of them. Both in the Soul Society traditions and in the human world traditions. And they're gonna wanna indulge in both sets of traditions all season long! Be prepared for so much eating and drinking heuheuheu
And I mean you know there's no way you're getting rid of the entire Urahara shop coming along with you no matter where you celebrate 😂 There's at least one big family feast with Tessai, Jinta and Ururu involved too bc just the entire dynamic is one big enormous family.
Haven't thought about Bleach in a hot minute but...my heart forever belongs to Hisagi. He could probably talk me into a kid cuz I mean, he just gives of dumb dad energy and he'd make the cutest lil kid. And that only ramps up holidays for him. Pre kid he's fine with small gift exchange and being home. Post kid, it's a fucking theatrical event. They go find the perfect tree, bakes everything together, is glued to us both the entire season. Which given his childhood, I'll let him be extra clingy that time of year heh <3
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Send me your self ship family/holiday headcanons!
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mrskurono · 2 years
I- AHHH KIDS PLEASEE, I feel like both Joker and Victor would be amazing parents. Joker would definitely teach him to defend themselves and take care of there siblings if any and Victor would 100% wanna teach him anything and just turn them into the most curious lil babies. And im just full of cuddles and love and my babies just would have the best dads. And i would try to be the best momma ever 🥺
I fell like Joker would constantly be rough housing with him and probably spoil them so much cause he didnt get it as a child and when even he says his doesnt believe “everyone is different which makes them special, i never believe none of that.” He does a 180 and tells them that everyday. I jsut would love to see Joker with a baby carrier on his chest, sunglasses and like the diaper bag and some single women hitting on him and just pulls victor and myself over and shows the rings on our hands “we’re married and this is her baby.”
Victor, oh my god is he a nervous wreck with a new born so many books trying to find the best of the best to take care of his baby/babies and only when he first hears the baby cooing in his arms does he relax and see the the whole world in his arms. Victor with a like baby sling, while working or on the phone and hes bouncing the baby or walking back and for with them with a bottle or toy, my heart would melt. He will home school the kid/s till he realizes they need friends and Joker and me have to push hin out to school and hold victor down cause doesnt wanna let his baby go.
Ahhhhhh. So much word vomit ahh sorry hope you enjoyyyy!! And hope you are doing well i have some ask lock and ready when you are feeling better, much love!
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The sunglasses and baby carrier have me screaming.
Man of the shadows who? Not Joker. Nope he gotta go pick up that extra set of diapers bc the coupon says buy one get one half off. Trips to Target? You mean redecorating the kids entire room. Swears up and down they aren't spoiled. But he has the means to give all the things he didn't have to his kiddos so why wouldn't he?? Joker oozes both protective dad vibes while also maintaining just enough of that "crazy, still kinda childish" vibe that most often results in wrestling matches on the floor and crab walk races. And in terms of the presents, Joker is sooooo that parent that's like "alright, you turned 13 you know what that means." and everyone's like puberty talk?? and he just shakes his head "Nope, YOUR FIRST KNIFE" and just straight up whips out a pocket knife as a gift 😂
Viktor is the king of over doing the prep. Man has three books alone on teething all written by different people. While being the most observant parents also comes with the title of most worried parent. Like if you guys just have one? He's a nervous wreck at every milestone. The second one, he mellows out a tiny lil bit. And then anything from the second on Joker finally takes a big glass of wine and calls it good if they're not dead at the end of the day 😂 Joker and all those like, grossology books and putty/slime making books, if it's got a form of experiment on it. Bet your ass Joker has it wrapped and under that tree. He likes to inspire a thirst for knowledge in his kids buuuut he might also wanna make slime volcanos too 😂
Lets see Kurono...I mean biologically, he gets one. But lets be honest I end up with Nataku too so yay me and two kids! I still laugh at the idea that outwardly he's "the grinch" but inwardly he's making sure everything on the traditions list is getting crossed off. Kids decorating cookies, tree where it's supposed to be and presents written with only the best forged Santa signature. Part of me belives he impulse buys toys too like...he lowkey wants to play with them too soooo just pop it in the cart and put it under the tree so he can play with the kids too 😂
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Send me your self ship family/holiday headcanons!
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mrskurono · 2 years
Okay here I am on my new blog bc this site hates me !!
Alright so of course I'm going to self ship with Chuuya. We have ehhhhhh I dunno...anywhere from 2-4 kids (dont judge me, I can't say no okay??) All of them daughters, but that doesnt really make a difference lol
I think the holidays would be a little hectic, but the good kind of hectic ya know? Kids are all over the place bc they had hot cocoa and Chuuya is on hos second glass of wine (which we all know he doesn't hold his liquor well) BUT apart from the chaos I think christmas time would be one of our families most treasured holidays. The kids are home and we get to spend more time together. Movie nights every night until christmas day and of course there is music on through out the day.
I also headcanon that Mori completely adores mine and Chuuyas kids so I'm sure that a lot of time would be spent with him and the "important" members in the mafia
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Don't think you're pulling a fast one on that 2-4 shit. Bc Chuuya sure as hell ain't pulling anything out ;D
Chuuya finds a chocolate laced wine to drink through the twelve days of Christmas not clickbait??? Ok but also he does like, s'mores flavors and anything that might remotely remind him of "chestnuts roasting on an open fire" vibe when he reads the wine label 😂 Suddenly there's a new bottle every time he and the girls go to the store. Not a wine drunk aunt but pretty close to it.
Speaking of the girls- All. Four. Of. Them. Look. JUST like Chuuya. So there's no getting out of family photos done up in cringy themed pjs that then get sent out to the other mafia heads. (Mori gushes and wants to know where you guys got them so he can put it on Elise) But also just like Chuuya and the girls are so disgustingly cheerful that it spreads to the others?
Especially the Black Lizards. Tachihara is the worst with the four of them and like the dumb uncle meets worry wart older brother. While thoroughly loving all four of them but constantly getting bullied by four very short girls that scream like Chuuya. While Gin and Higuchi are semi functioning aunts who lavish the girls in girly things (soaps, lotions the whole deal) Honestly it just ends up a giant mixing pot of a family holiday dinner with Mori and Koyo and all of the Black Lizards. Ngl it's kinda cute even for Chuuya
*sighs* Fine....I guess I'll share my main selfship...with Francis.
Certifiably one child...a cute little boy that is just so blond and blue eyed looking Gerber baby with those dimples and big smile. Ok fine, maybe a second one. Maybe. But I require help with that if he wants a second one.
As for holidays? I'm certain from Halloween on this man is annoying as fuck. Just- So insufferable and excited about everything that I'm starting to wonder if he's just a 6'3 child???
That being said, Francis is really present. He's engaged from every cup of cocoa to every light on the tree and each stocking hung with care. These are the only activities he won't let money help with. Nothing needs to be looking like Martha Stewarts asshole as long as we did it together. The ornaments a little low on the tree bc the kid(s) are short? That's perfect. Are the lights outside hung crooked bc everyone was bitching to their father about cold hands while doing it? He thinks its the best light display in the entire neighborhood. Nothing feels more like home to him than Christmas and it's really his favorite time of year. The gifts and money are nice. But he doesn't really care about that. More often than not he's the kind that just is standing there watching his kid(s) not trying to cry every time they do anything. It's kinda endearing of him even if he is a 6'3 dork
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mrskurono · 3 years
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Let's talk self ships! • #selfshipsaturday baby!
Preferably from unpopular fandoms this time! Ex: Bungou, Dr. Stone, Fire Force, Demon Slayer
Holiday themed headcanons?
Sfw & Nsfw themed headcanons?
Crack headcanons?
Send them in and I'll share one back! So we can cringe together ♡
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mrskurono · 2 years
selfship day! i don't see myself with kids, and being the grinch i am, i can imagine the holidays with two people and one, the amazing bakugou katsuki(this is a lost cause, it's permanent now) and two, breaking havoc in the todoroki family with natsuo, I avoid my family like the plague so i see myself spending it with their families.
in kacchans case we both do the cooking and baking, maybe i am the one who fools more around the grumpy man(he likes it or I'm becoming insufferable just for amusement and probably end in a headlock), mitsuki enables me more, also if he needs to leave bc "prohero man gotta do their job haha" I'm sure he feels more comfortable if I'm where he can go as he pleases. Also i see his parents as an interesting pair and would curiously ask about their job and discuss things about the fashion scene
and in natsuos case I'm the one who bakes dessert for the family dinner and he watches as i work (he tries to touch something and has his hand almost chop, don't touch when I'm in the kitchen young man), and i amuse myself with pissing off endeavor indirectly, what's he gonna do? ruin the dinner and make his sons and daughter feel bad? only for fun im going to be the most obnoxiously cheerful and christmasy person on earth
They're like different ends of the spectrum and I love it.
The Bakugou's? Chaotic and loud as fuck but does Christmas seamlessly. We're talking his mom pulls out all the stops and her spawn is no better. Those recipes? Totally something his mom taught him to do and Katsuki is still doing them just like how mommy taught him. But lord all mighty don't bring that up or he'll be squawking the entire time. It's like endearing though? His family outwardly seems so chaotic but they're just so sweet and accommodating that even under their roof it still feels like home. And they certainly love having you both regardless
The Todoroki's now are the opposite where everything looks seamless from the outside but on the inside it's a jug fuck of what will happen next. (is this just the Kardashians?) Ok but no seriously Natsuo in the kitchen does seem like a disaster waiting to happen and that's fair probably keep him out of there bc do we really need to have a house fire on top of the thin thread of sanity keeping these holiday themed family dinners together? It's only karmic debt that Endeavor now sits through the hell his grown child and their spouses put him through.
Lets see Izuku...I mean I feel like from the moment the weather gets "chilly" he's fucking annoying as shit. But that probably runs in their god damn blood so both his son and his mother are just as annoying. But at the same time it takes a load off for me bc Izuku is pretty good at getting things done in a timely manner for the holidays. As for the family? It's all of us. Under one roof. God it's so crowed but also it's perfect at the same time. Grandparents chasing kids. Us with both our parents even well into our 30s and 40s. It's loud and probably messy but worth it
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Send me your self ship family/holiday headcanons!
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mrskurono · 2 years
uuu!! def the fushiguro family!!
two kids with megumi, kaguya and kyouma !!! we spend the holidays with toji n tsumiki ( bc they live w us lol typical asian stuff ). nobara and itadori come too, but they’re most likely coming over to play with the kids and destroy eat their gingerbread houses. megumi would be the one forced to wear matching pjs w the entire family ( including toji! ) bc me and tsumiki love that idea but both of them dreaded that haha. the holidays would be so festive n super chaotic!! i would drag the family out to lots of picture taking, skating and outdoor activities where toji would rather be caught dead than doing ( he loves us tho lol ). so much christmas shopping!!! me and tsumiki are buying for like everyone we know ( except gojo he can just get a pair of hot cheeto socks, not wrapped lmao ) when christmas comes we would have a christmas family in the fushiguro house, panda would dress up as a reindeer, maki being the meanest elf ever and santa would be inumaki 😭 safe to say the kids would have def cried at how mean maki was saying theyre on the naughty list and won't get anything for christmas. they then declared shes one of the worse aunts and cried to megumi and tsumiki abt it bc ngl i would be laughing. they would also whisper to toji saying "why is the reindeer black and white? does uncle panda know that wearing a red nose and reindeer ears still makes him look like a panda?" we would also have a cookie decorating contest, toji's was just straight up gore with the red frosting and crying face, not to mention he ate an arm off!!! maki didnt participate girl just ate it. itadori's was ok, super basic and added hair to make it look like jennifer lawrence? no one knows how panda did it just it looked like an elf. inumaki was decent, he actually did it right but he put a mask on the gingerbreed man too-- megumi and i helped the kids but when nobara said it was stupid and ate their cookies by accident they definitely cried
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I literally can't decide what's funnier, Gojo getting a pair of Cheeto socks (that flat out you know that bitch acts like they're Gucci quality flashing in everyone's face) or that it would make more sense for big ol' Panda to be Santa but intstead it's lil 5'6 Inumaki with a white beard on saying "salmon roe" with the kids on his lap 😭😂 At least Panda can talk but he's gotta be Rudolph probably bc he begged for it 😂😂😂
Toji gives this air of "I'm going to piss off my son but I love my grandkids and the cool ass person my son married soooo time to piss Megumi off doubly during the holidays" Is Yuji the saving grace during the Holidays? Is that why your husband hasn't committed murder? Maybe his sister is the secret? Maybe Tsumiki threatened Megumi with murder if he does anything? Maybe everyone besides Panda and Inumaki have been threatened with murder during the holidays so everyone is on the best behavior to make it magical for the kids 😂
I'm still scream laughing at Gojo and the fucking socks
Lets be honest it's what cranky Gumi deserves during the holidays and the matching pj set is the least of this mans worries.
Hmm I haven't thought of my jjk selfships in a while...so lets go with Choso! My big sweet baby of a man curse <3 He likes Christmas. I just know he does, lights, food, family, this is where Choso shines. And I have a pretty close knit family so that makes it even better for him. In laws who? As far as he's concerned my side is just his side. As for the kids...he does dress up like Santa for the boys. He really tries but has zero Santa lore and just turns into both his sons telling him how Santa is really and Choso nodding like he's taking all their critiques very seriously (bc honestly yeah he is, he's fucking taking mental notes to up his Santa game)
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Send me your self ship family/holiday headcanons!
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mrskurono · 2 years
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Self Ship Saturday: Holiday Family Edition
You know what day it is! That’s right time to self indulge in self ships!
Holiday + Family themes today. Such as; How big is your self ship family?       Babies? Fur Babies? Scale babies? 
What’s holidays like for you guys? What does your s/o get your and the kid(s) for the season?
Who’s family do you spend it with? Who’s the one doing the baking and who’s fooling around?
Send me your self ship family/holiday headcanons!
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mrskurono · 3 years
Okay okay, mama here I am with my self ship *drumroll*
Rae x Chuuya (bsd)
You know I'm shit with thinking about hcs myself but....I feel like Chuuya would be all about scented candles and decorating the INSIDE of the house for Christmas. Like he doesn't want to bother at all about outside stuff cuz that's a pain. But sitting in the livingroom with some candles going and a corny Christmas movie on seems about right to me. I can't see him going all out with like "buzzing with the holiday spirit" out in public but like a lot of it is inside and stays that way haha
Not to mention, he thinks that a good Christmas gift involves his body in some way. Like he dresses up his cock with a pretty ribbon and says that's your present
But oddly he's actually good at getting gifts that isn't of his body
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Ok joking aside - Chuuya just seems to have a strong draw towards cinnamon scents? Is it bc they're red? And his hairs red? We may never know. And he decorated outside once but then Dazai commented on it and told him it looked good and Chuuya decided to never decorate outside ever again bc god forbid Dazai talk to him while he's home/in his safe space.
He puts a tiny bunch of poinsettias in his hat at the beginning of December and leaves them there all month don't @ me
Also the bit that he thinks he's a magnificent gift himself sounds around right. But we both know you're gonna untie that ribbon on his pretty dick so don't know what you're doing hiding that with tiny text 😏 He'll also convince you to fuck under the Christmas tree on Christmas eve and RIP when your kid finds mommy NOT with Santa
Alright since I did Atsushi already, I guess I'll do my other one. My Akutagawa self ship...Akutagawa doesn't like Christmas at all until it's our first Christmas. A curmudgeon at heart he can't fend it off the moment we decorate the tree. Something about that just, really sticks with him and becomes very real suddenly to him. Spends an awful amount of time then staring at said tree throughout the month. But it's less creepy when the colorful lights reflect off his eyes and he just kinda zones out content. Akutagawa is shit at gifts though. Unless it's painted out in bold he is either a gift card guy or a "you like this food I bought 10 lbs of it" kind of guy. The thought never counts but the amount of times he wants to cuddle through the month makes up for it.
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Let's talk self ships! • #selfshipsaturday baby!
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mrskurono · 3 years
For the self ships dynamic my self ship from Demon Slayer is me x tomioka, I just love how calm he is <3. One headcanon I have is that for Christmas he likes to take a moment to really appreciate the people around him as many of his companions fell in battle. He would just cherish the present and hold me tightly so as to remind himself I’m there with him and he’s there with me. Also I think he wouldn’t necessarily be into gifts. 🧐
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The idea of Tomioka loving Christmas is just?? So precious?? And the cuddling on cold winter nights is just getting me. It's so sweet and he deserves all the cuddles. I can totally see him into the crafts part though? 🤔 Doesn't mean he's good at it but when you give him a gift you handmade for him? Just the sweetest subtle smile crosses his face.
My only selfship in kny is with Tanjiro so lets see... Tanjiro is someone exceptionally in love with Christmas. It is his favorite time of year hands down. And once he has a kid? Everything gets done for the kids. From traipsing around in the woods for the perfect Christmas tree. To the most labor intensive treats made. Tanjiro does it all.
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Let's talk self ships! • #selfshipsaturday baby!
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mrskurono · 3 years
viktor licht x kopi 😤
cant i just cockwarm him as he type his research report?! apparently its too much to ask 😔
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A beautiful ship that Viktor deserves to get teased with this! Would he love to spend all day cockwarming? Of course. Can Viktor concentrate on anything when he gets to feel your warmth around him? Absolutely not. But sometimes you just gotta make him shut off the big brain of his and give him some self love bc Viktor tends to forget to ♡
It's no secret my main Fire Force ship is with Kurono so...He thinks I'm so annoying ♡ But it is his fault for looking that good in a suit and being such a good business man. Normally he won't indulge in any kind of work mixed with sexy time. But sometimes I can get him to let me suck him off on the clock lunch breaks but he's still an ass who denies liking smutty work time
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Let's talk self ships! • #selfshipsaturday baby!
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mrskurono · 3 years
Well then i have a poly ship with victor and joker 👉🏼👈🏼 if it wasnt that fucking obviously PFPFPF
But i swear telling my friends my ass realized i had a thing for “bad boys” (FUCK) or antiheros and the goofy scientist type, me being one myself but i just swear im making these boys and honry 😩 they better believe ill be in my knees for them ehehee 😤🤤💓
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Poly ftw! am a sucker for poly ships ♡
But also "bad boys" with the hugest soft spot in the world. Joker looking that menacing and ready to fight? Just to turned into a big teddy bear when it comes to you? Nothing is cuter. And Viktor is just as bad at having a weakness for "bad boys" let's be honest. The two of you can certainly drool over and give Joker all the loving he deserves as the best bad boy there is 👌
Ironically I don't really have a poly ship in Fire Force but more of an, anti (?) poly ship? Kurono hates Oguru. Office hours is one thing. But after work he'll do anything to avoid him and even greater lengths for me to not be around Oguru. Which in Kurono fashion doesn't work and he lives with the constant torment of Oguru making jokes and jabs. Buuuut does constantly use the excuse "my wife said so" on Oguru when trying to usurp his orders. To which I find both of them incredibly annoying but I was dumb enough to marry one of them.
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mrskurono · 3 years
i love imagining life with tendou. i think we would have the most out of pocket, deep, stupid conversations ever. ugh just imagining all the fun stuff we do together 😩 i think we would have great communication with each other and just open about anything regarding the relationship and sex. i like to think that he would be open to a lot of stuff regarding sex and it would be so fun to mess him up. i also like to think that he would comfort me when i feel disconnected. i dont put myself first enough but i feel that he would be there to remind me that i have him by my side :’)
Tendou is delightful in his lil red headed chocolatier way and seriously he does NOT get enough love! Sure maybe he might be rough at reading personal signs in the beginning but Tendou just seems like he's someone who attunes himself well to his partner. That being romantic is just like being with your best friend (bc he would seriously wanna do bff stuff and the naughty with you in the same breath) And the shit he had to put up with bullying? Oh heavens helping you is a breeze! His sweet side isn't just bc of his chocolate <3
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mrskurono · 3 years
Hmm... a headcanon of me and Kenma? Eto... he loves feeling my perky tiny boobies under my shirt, says they’re squishy and all and my boobs are like his stress ball of sorts—
Kenma and Ella? YOU MEAN MY OTP??
Kenma doesn't even think your boobs are small with his hands. As far as he's concerned they're the perfect size. Can I also say I see Kenma staring at your boobs...often 😏 Kenma x Ella aka my otp ♡
Nekoma isn’t my team so I’ll pick another setter! Have a self ship thought about Kageyama-
I love to cook and Kageyama loves to eat. Leaving me an endless supply of recipes Kageyama collects bc “I want to eat this” so I make it for him. Benefit, I never run out of inspritation to cook and Kageyama eats everything that comes outta this kitchen happily
Send me a self ship headcanon!
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mrskurono · 3 years
Hello! Have selfshipsaturday! 🥺 much appreciated for doing this! My ship dynamic is with Atsushi (honestly I’ve been loving all your posts with him in it! And love how you hc 😳👀)
But ye, Atsushi is truly is sweetest and I love his dry sarcasm towards Dazai and Aku, it’s hilarious to witness!
A personal headcanon of mine is that as he grows closer with his ability, he gradually hears his ability speak to him, which most of the time is gremlin speak of his tiger and majorly influences his senses and mannerisms a lot (in a sfw and nsfw 👀)! Such as taking naps by the warm sun rays or silly things like “bring food to potential mate as a sign we can provide! 😤🐯” it’s hilarious and cute to see Atsushi in a sense argue with himself. He is definitely far more feral because of his tiger’s influence ✨
Have a beautiful day! 🤍ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ. — 🐺✨
these are always so much fun to see what you guys think of your selfships. And what else are we here besides to self ship??
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I don't know what to chuckle at first. The fact he so does get salty with Dazai and Akutagawa eventually and it kills me. Or the fact you just likened his tiger ability to him living with Venom basically 😂 I'm sorry I love it so much, Atsushi is just a stressed Eddie Brock
100% though cherish that scene when he hugs his tiger side
And 300% Atsushi gets a few side affects from coming to peace with his inner massive tiger. (does his eyes go noom like cats?? I need to know for science asdfghjkl) And he's probably about as clingy yet confident as a cat the older he gets and it's such a clash of personality traits but so perfectly Atsushi. But no one's disappointed in those more "animalistic" traits when it comes to other things too 👀
Ok I'll do my Atsushi selfship and save the other for another ask...Outwardly it seems like I'm the one in control and Atsushi is the softer spoken one in our relationship. Which is partly true, I'm better at making assertive decisions in the moment. But behind closed doors that's often not the case and intimately I sub a lot more than dom (aside from being pushy and a brat sometimes) All bc Atsushi does have all my trust and that doesn't come easily.
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Let's talk self ships! • #selfshipsaturday baby!
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mrskurono · 3 years
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You know I think everyone could use a little serotonin today! (I was amazed to see how many others were embarrassed by their self ships) So you know what we're gonna do? #selfshipsaturday !
Send me your self ships, headcanons or thoughts with wherever, and I'll share some of mine too! That way no one feels left out or anything. All sfw and nsfw is welcome!
Send in any self ship content!
Block #selfshipsaturday if you don't wish to see it
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mrskurono · 3 years
Hi Three! I’m glad that you’re doing well! Oh my gosh, I’m so excited! I can’t wait to read it. I need to read more Atsumu stuff but I’m excited because you’re the one writing it 💕 Also, I want to apologize ahead of time for writing such a long message!
One of my friends also doesn’t watch actor based shows. I had to pause or take breaks because there were times I didn’t really find any interesting dramas or I was too busy studying in college lol. I love Adventure Time! I should really catch up on that!
Iwa, Oikawa and I have a group chat where we talk about our dramas. I think Oikawa would get offended if we watched an episode ahead of him but I also think that Oikawa “looks” like he’d watch that aha. He would tease Iwa when he notices that Iwa starts dressing like one of the actors from a drama and he’d tease me when he sees me cut my hair like one of the actresses xD
Okay Three, you’re making me blush because I would say “prove it” and freak out when Atsumu attempts to kiss me because I have to pause the drama even though he’s already tackling me 😅 Gimme kisses Atsumu!
I love that whenever you share your thoughts on Atsumu! They’re so good and I’m like they’re such a cute couple T_T It’s okay, that’s how you know he’s your anime husband!
I’m curious what you consider slutty clothing for guys. I’m living for this headcanon because I imagine Atsumu wearing athleisure when we’re home. But now I’m imagining Atsumu wearing stuff that shows off his arms or wears tight shirts because he knows I’ll ogle him xD
Thank you Three! I only interact with a few people on Tumblr and y’all are so welcoming. It was the first time I saw people talk about their self ships! I find it wild that there are people who hate on self ships.
You’re right! We watch fiction so we can enjoy it. OT4 ship! I love it! I think I saw your post about it with Rae Hehe! Kid and pet headcanons are the best! While I do like thirsty fics, I’ve been thriving with fluff and comforting headcanons! I love that we can all nerd out <3
Thank you so much! I’ve been overthinking some stuff recently but hearing that makes me feel better because I’ve been trying to not stress myself out. I will stay hydrated and work on taking care of myself! Oh my gosh, it’s okay! Sometimes I forget to check Tumblr so I get all excited when I see your reply regardless of when I read it! Please stay safe and take care Three. Have a good night and sweet dreams of Atsumu 😊
I just never got into real life dramas and shows. There's enough of that crap irl pls give me princesses and wizards and dragons. Also Adventure Time's finale was breath taking and I lowkey still cry every time I rewatch it
Oh my god the slander out of Oikawa's mouth if he noticed you picked a certain hair cut or Iwa picked up a shirt that suspiciously looks like one of the characters clothing. Totally the pot calling the kettle black though when he teases you both about it but the week before you watched an episode without him and Oikawa had ten screaming fits. Plus Oikawa 100% freaking gets fancy haircuts to match "hot actors" he's that kinda guy lolol
Eww god I think Atsumu is my husband. God when did I end up liking Atsumu this is embarrassing 😅
Don't ask my but I so see Atsumu (and Oikawa) in a god damn femboy hooters outfit. Shirt twisted on the boobies and daisy duke shorts to match. I guess slutty could just be shirtless and low hanging sweats. But also booty shorts and crop tops on these fine looking hunks pls. Lemme be good boys all pretty and dressed up
I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to share with me! I know self ships can be kinda personal and even now I feel weird sharing my own sometimes. But 100% fuck anyone who wants to shit on self ships or self inserts. ffs its all fiction and every character you like is just the authors god damn oc. Indulge and think about your anime husbands and wives bc god damn the serotonin ain't free around here we'll take what we can get!
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