trustcustomer · 2 years
Call of the sea switch
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Call of the sea switch how to#
3) Treasure chest: A completely white chest indicates a treasure chest you have not yet opened.
2) Blue dot: This is a friendly non-player character.
3) Green arrow: This is the door or entrance you have just come from.
In a dungeon, it may be a ladder or cave, etc. In a town, for instance, doors into homes or shops will be blue arrows.
2) Blue arrow: This is a door or entrance somewhere.
He will always be centered on the mini-map since it follows him, but the arrow will point whatever direction he is facing.
1) Orange arrow: This is your (the hero’s) current location.
The mini-map contains a lot of information about the nearby area.
These vanish after a short period but can be viewed at any time from the menu.
4) Money and Level: When you collect coins or experience points, your total amount of money and experience will briefly appear on screen.
Master Keys are permanent but are tied to their respective island each island has a Master Key and that Master Key will only work on that island. Regular keys are used up and will disappear once you unlock a door with them.
3) Current key(s): If you have a key, whether regular or the Master Key, it will show up here.
Magic is refilled by finding bottles of magic. You can cast spells as long as you have enough magic power.
2) Magic bar: How much magic power you have left.
Life is refilled by finding hearts, and your maximum health can be increased by collecting heart containers. If all hearts become empty, you will die and respawn at your last checkpoint. When hit by an enemy, your life will decrease.
1) Health bar: How much life you have left.
In addition to the on-screen action buttons, much of the information you need during your journey is always visible.
You can edit the button layout via the menu to support left- or right-handed playing, as well as display a virtual joystick.
To change your secondary item, tap the gray “Item” button and select what you’d like to equip.
For arrows, you can shoot a quick shot by tapping or you can aim and shoot by holding and then releasing the secondary button. For bombs, tapping the secondary button will bring out an active bomb, and tapping the action button will throw or drop it. For instance: for the shield, tapping once will block quickly, or holding the button will make the hero block until you let go. What you do after this depends on what is equipped.
To use the secondary item, press its smaller button near the action button.
In the image above, the secondary item is a shield.
In addition to your sword, you can have a secondary item equipped.
Some interactive areas are marked with a matching red button to indicate they are interactive. If the hero is standing next to an interactive object-like a pot or person-it will interact instead-like picking up the pot or talking to the person. This button is contextual by default, it will attack.
To attack or interact with an object, press the large, red action button.
You can also single-tap where you’d like to go and the hero will run there.
To move the hero, simply hold your thumb/finger down on the screen, sliding slightly in the direction you want to move.
Most of the gameplay involves moving the hero around the world, battling enemies, solving puzzles, and collecting treasures.
Oceanhorn is an action/adventure puzzle game in the vein of The Legend of Zelda.
Call of the sea switch how to#
Gamezebo’s walkthrough will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game. In this game, you take on the role of an unnamed hero as he seeks the truth behind his father’s disappearance by exploring the islands and dungeons of his world. Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas is an action adventure game by FDG Entertainment. You will unlock the Seaside Serenade achievement for your troubles before solving one final easy section to complete chapter three.Game Introduction – Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas Press the button on the stone tablet to activate the organ. Turn around and close the pit by turning the dial twice. The first, second, and fifth pipes should have black ooze flowing through them, and the others should be blocked. The stone tablet should look like the image above. You will find one of the pipe valves on the right-hand wall of the passageway you walk through to get to the organ, two on either side of the pit, and one each down the two staircases that are either side of the stone tablet. Close the valves on the other four pipes. Locate these organ pipes and open their valves. Using the symbols above, you should now have the split left-to-right diamond, the solitary diamond, and the two diamond symbols. The corresponding sea level indicator swaps those symbols, which are on the top row, to different ones underneath the arrow.
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mrskurono · 2 years
For the family self ship I want to talk about my self ship with Urahara and Yoruichi from Bleach in honor of the trailer for the TYBW arc. I think our self ship family would most likely just be us. Somehow I don’t believe any of us would want babies of our own. The holidays for us would be fun we’d decorate and enjoy the festivities eating and drinking. Urahara would make the gifts for Yoruichi and me whether that be clothes, jewelry or a combat useful item. In return Yoruichi and I would buy him something that he could use for his future inventions. Since Urahara and Yoruichi are exiled from the soul society we would go with my family though not all years. When we do stay at home I think it’d definitely be Urahara baking, in my eyes he’s a malewife, but all three of us would fool around. 🤗🤗
ugh yes I'm so excited for it!!! makes me wanna pick up all my manga again to relive my youth before it comes out ;;--;;
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Urahara oozes malewife energy and honestly yeah that's the best thing about it.
The celebration feels like a huge thing for the both of them. Both in the Soul Society traditions and in the human world traditions. And they're gonna wanna indulge in both sets of traditions all season long! Be prepared for so much eating and drinking heuheuheu
And I mean you know there's no way you're getting rid of the entire Urahara shop coming along with you no matter where you celebrate 😂 There's at least one big family feast with Tessai, Jinta and Ururu involved too bc just the entire dynamic is one big enormous family.
Haven't thought about Bleach in a hot minute but...my heart forever belongs to Hisagi. He could probably talk me into a kid cuz I mean, he just gives of dumb dad energy and he'd make the cutest lil kid. And that only ramps up holidays for him. Pre kid he's fine with small gift exchange and being home. Post kid, it's a fucking theatrical event. They go find the perfect tree, bakes everything together, is glued to us both the entire season. Which given his childhood, I'll let him be extra clingy that time of year heh <3
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Send me your self ship family/holiday headcanons!
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
Headcanon! Any of your husbands
oh god I'm so bad at headcanons .-. ...ok here we go!
Kurono is weirdly territorial about his wedding ring. Loves to have people notice it but doesn't take it off for anything. It's literally stayed on his hand since I put it on him. And he fidgets with it a lot when he's nervous Baji actually is high key scared of getting anything pierced or a tattoo. Man can get punched square in the face but the needle through the skin or against the skin somehow ironically wigs him out Hanma's love language is acts of service, words of affirmation and physical touch. He knows he's loved when his clothes are folded and washed before he even thinks about it. Hearing that you thought of him today while out shopping and that you made him smile warms his heart. And finally when he's confident enough to touch, he always has your hand on him at the bare minimum or his palm against you. Izuku does a walk through of the house/apartment every night just to make sure things are locked up. It's his mental checklist of sorts just to go through before bed. He's not particularly fearful of a break in but dealing with the LOV at an early age gave him so nervous habits to make sure his surroundings are safe.
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Sleepover Saturday?
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mrskurono · 2 years
I- AHHH KIDS PLEASEE, I feel like both Joker and Victor would be amazing parents. Joker would definitely teach him to defend themselves and take care of there siblings if any and Victor would 100% wanna teach him anything and just turn them into the most curious lil babies. And im just full of cuddles and love and my babies just would have the best dads. And i would try to be the best momma ever 🥺
I fell like Joker would constantly be rough housing with him and probably spoil them so much cause he didnt get it as a child and when even he says his doesnt believe “everyone is different which makes them special, i never believe none of that.” He does a 180 and tells them that everyday. I jsut would love to see Joker with a baby carrier on his chest, sunglasses and like the diaper bag and some single women hitting on him and just pulls victor and myself over and shows the rings on our hands “we’re married and this is her baby.”
Victor, oh my god is he a nervous wreck with a new born so many books trying to find the best of the best to take care of his baby/babies and only when he first hears the baby cooing in his arms does he relax and see the the whole world in his arms. Victor with a like baby sling, while working or on the phone and hes bouncing the baby or walking back and for with them with a bottle or toy, my heart would melt. He will home school the kid/s till he realizes they need friends and Joker and me have to push hin out to school and hold victor down cause doesnt wanna let his baby go.
Ahhhhhh. So much word vomit ahh sorry hope you enjoyyyy!! And hope you are doing well i have some ask lock and ready when you are feeling better, much love!
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The sunglasses and baby carrier have me screaming.
Man of the shadows who? Not Joker. Nope he gotta go pick up that extra set of diapers bc the coupon says buy one get one half off. Trips to Target? You mean redecorating the kids entire room. Swears up and down they aren't spoiled. But he has the means to give all the things he didn't have to his kiddos so why wouldn't he?? Joker oozes both protective dad vibes while also maintaining just enough of that "crazy, still kinda childish" vibe that most often results in wrestling matches on the floor and crab walk races. And in terms of the presents, Joker is sooooo that parent that's like "alright, you turned 13 you know what that means." and everyone's like puberty talk?? and he just shakes his head "Nope, YOUR FIRST KNIFE" and just straight up whips out a pocket knife as a gift 😂
Viktor is the king of over doing the prep. Man has three books alone on teething all written by different people. While being the most observant parents also comes with the title of most worried parent. Like if you guys just have one? He's a nervous wreck at every milestone. The second one, he mellows out a tiny lil bit. And then anything from the second on Joker finally takes a big glass of wine and calls it good if they're not dead at the end of the day 😂 Joker and all those like, grossology books and putty/slime making books, if it's got a form of experiment on it. Bet your ass Joker has it wrapped and under that tree. He likes to inspire a thirst for knowledge in his kids buuuut he might also wanna make slime volcanos too 😂
Lets see Kurono...I mean biologically, he gets one. But lets be honest I end up with Nataku too so yay me and two kids! I still laugh at the idea that outwardly he's "the grinch" but inwardly he's making sure everything on the traditions list is getting crossed off. Kids decorating cookies, tree where it's supposed to be and presents written with only the best forged Santa signature. Part of me belives he impulse buys toys too like...he lowkey wants to play with them too soooo just pop it in the cart and put it under the tree so he can play with the kids too 😂
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Send me your self ship family/holiday headcanons!
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mrskurono · 2 years
Okay here I am on my new blog bc this site hates me !!
Alright so of course I'm going to self ship with Chuuya. We have ehhhhhh I dunno...anywhere from 2-4 kids (dont judge me, I can't say no okay??) All of them daughters, but that doesnt really make a difference lol
I think the holidays would be a little hectic, but the good kind of hectic ya know? Kids are all over the place bc they had hot cocoa and Chuuya is on hos second glass of wine (which we all know he doesn't hold his liquor well) BUT apart from the chaos I think christmas time would be one of our families most treasured holidays. The kids are home and we get to spend more time together. Movie nights every night until christmas day and of course there is music on through out the day.
I also headcanon that Mori completely adores mine and Chuuyas kids so I'm sure that a lot of time would be spent with him and the "important" members in the mafia
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Don't think you're pulling a fast one on that 2-4 shit. Bc Chuuya sure as hell ain't pulling anything out ;D
Chuuya finds a chocolate laced wine to drink through the twelve days of Christmas not clickbait??? Ok but also he does like, s'mores flavors and anything that might remotely remind him of "chestnuts roasting on an open fire" vibe when he reads the wine label 😂 Suddenly there's a new bottle every time he and the girls go to the store. Not a wine drunk aunt but pretty close to it.
Speaking of the girls- All. Four. Of. Them. Look. JUST like Chuuya. So there's no getting out of family photos done up in cringy themed pjs that then get sent out to the other mafia heads. (Mori gushes and wants to know where you guys got them so he can put it on Elise) But also just like Chuuya and the girls are so disgustingly cheerful that it spreads to the others?
Especially the Black Lizards. Tachihara is the worst with the four of them and like the dumb uncle meets worry wart older brother. While thoroughly loving all four of them but constantly getting bullied by four very short girls that scream like Chuuya. While Gin and Higuchi are semi functioning aunts who lavish the girls in girly things (soaps, lotions the whole deal) Honestly it just ends up a giant mixing pot of a family holiday dinner with Mori and Koyo and all of the Black Lizards. Ngl it's kinda cute even for Chuuya
*sighs* Fine....I guess I'll share my main selfship...with Francis.
Certifiably one child...a cute little boy that is just so blond and blue eyed looking Gerber baby with those dimples and big smile. Ok fine, maybe a second one. Maybe. But I require help with that if he wants a second one.
As for holidays? I'm certain from Halloween on this man is annoying as fuck. Just- So insufferable and excited about everything that I'm starting to wonder if he's just a 6'3 child???
That being said, Francis is really present. He's engaged from every cup of cocoa to every light on the tree and each stocking hung with care. These are the only activities he won't let money help with. Nothing needs to be looking like Martha Stewarts asshole as long as we did it together. The ornaments a little low on the tree bc the kid(s) are short? That's perfect. Are the lights outside hung crooked bc everyone was bitching to their father about cold hands while doing it? He thinks its the best light display in the entire neighborhood. Nothing feels more like home to him than Christmas and it's really his favorite time of year. The gifts and money are nice. But he doesn't really care about that. More often than not he's the kind that just is standing there watching his kid(s) not trying to cry every time they do anything. It's kinda endearing of him even if he is a 6'3 dork
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mrskurono · 3 years
Ooo I love this! Okay SFW wise, I’d like to give Kyojurou Rengoku a puppy! Since he grew up without pets and I’d honestly see him as a dog dad (especially with a golden retriever or even a corgi!). He’d spoil the dog so much. NSFW wise, I’d love to get him pretty red silk ties and ropes to practice Shibari on him. He’d crack jokes that he’s being wrapped up like a present. He’d look so pretty tensing up all tied up while being teased!
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Kyojuro and a puppy is?? Illegally cute?? Criminally adorable?? Rightfully artery clogging?? (as a corgi owner I'm laughing bc yeah, I see it) But also the aftermath of entrusting him with such a wonderful gift? Now suddenly he's got dates planned on the three of you taking strolls together, easily referencing to you as the puppo's mommy/daddy when he thinks you're out of earshot and of course dressing his fur baby to match his hashira outfit more times than not. It's true, he needs a puppy stat.
Talk about a present you wanna find under the tree. Even vibrantly orange silken ties to compliment his beautiful hair. Kyokuro tied up with all those crossing knots accentuating his wonderful qualities, now that's a gift that keeps on giving.
Alright what I'd get Tanjiro...he's a sappy man. Sappy and sentimental to his core. Even if I could afford lavish I just don't think it would suit him. Leaving nothing being more important than handmade to Tanjiro. I'd probably relearn how to knit just so I could make him a blanket. Specifically with his favorite color and mine. I just know he'd pack that thing around with him constantly and display it proudly on our bed.
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What do you want for Christmas from your 2d spouse? - Send me self ship gift headcanons!
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mrskurono · 3 years
if youre still doing the ask game…hinata shoyo?
I love Hinata with all my heart and soul 😭😭😭 To see him smile would be everything but we'd be such a bad match 😭 His dedication to volleyball to the detriment of himself just to succeed would kill me. I love him but we could never 😭
Send me any character and I'll tell you why I WON'T date them
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mrskurono · 3 years
I have a budding self ship with Dabi but I’m not sure what I would want or get from him…I would probably just want some good bedsheets that doesn’t irritate him and me at the same time. I just want to do nothing and lie in bed with him and cuddle this tall grumpy man.
- 🥮 thanks for doing this! Can’t wait to hear yours
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There is just something so intimate about getting bedding you know your s/o would enjoy that, really fit Dabi. I love it.
Dabi enjoys a high thread count by between the staples, anytime wounds open and that funky serum that leaks from healing wounds, Dabi always suffers with horribly stained sheets. Getting him a full set that feels like richness on his skin and won't suffer the same stained fate of this other sheets. Dabi honestly couldn't ask for anything else bc he's too dumb/cheap to have bought them himself. But now he has a reason to stay in bed just a lil longer in the morning when you're there with him.
Alright I could say Deku since that's my main selfship but- Lets go underdog and do my selfship with Shinso! I'd probably get Shinso the nerdiest little collection of hero merch ever seen. But specifically with heroes who aren't convenient for heroes sake. Hero merch of heroes like Aizawa and other's who aren't flashy strength quirks. People he'd admire in his career field and heroes like him. With a note that says something cheesy like "my favorite hero" and it'd just be gawdy collection of stickers, keychains and shit bc I'm cringy like that with Shinso <3
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What do you want for Christmas from your 2d spouse? - Send me self ship gift headcanons!
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mrskurono · 3 years
what are your wishes for Christmas? :D
actually anon this is so sweet! I hadn't taken a moment to think of what I wanted...Truthfully I've never been good at getting gifts. Way better at giving 😂
I guess, I'd of course wish for another year of wonderfulness with my son and wife. He's already growing up so fast that it feels like he was just nursing and now he's using his own utensils and everything. I hope to maybe reconnect with old friends, all three of us have had or are having a kid close together and it'd be really nice to actually be "mom friends" with friends I already cherished. And the unreasonable one, I really want a kitten but my wife says not until my brother's husky passes 😂
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Ooo! I have an idea; A Christmas themed game for the season!
What do you want for Christmas from your 2d spouse?
A engagement ring? A bath set to share together? A fuzzy blanket or a pair of matching socks? Something you'd get them? share your selfship gifts that you'd hope to get from your selfship! Can be sfw or nsfw or anywhere in between! block #three.christmas if you don't wanna play 🎄
Send me those gift headcanons!
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mrskurono · 3 years
CHRISTMAS THEME!! im not a really really big Christmas person, im more a halloween girl but this 🥺🥺🥺 I have ideas for Victor and Joker, I’m pretty easy to shop for but i like giving gifts more eheheh
Joker definitely as a present maybe some really fancy hair products for his hair so i can comb it out while he relaxes between my legs just enjoy himself getting pampered. maybe a bath to sooth his aching bones and muscles and just covering him in endless kisses and praise, of course all with Christmas bath bombs and body products, he gets it all month till Christmas when i surprise him with a little lingerie set just for him. HEHEHE YES 😤
Nowww sweet man Victor him and his sweet little brain. Being a scientist myself studying for horticulturist nothing makes me happier than getting books of my favorite interests. So maybe everyday a new book he can read and i can just sit and listen to him gush about all his excitement and most definitely wanna lay him down and give him the best back massage imaginable every night to help with his stress. Of course on Christmas he gets a special gift too, hmm maybe a cute babydoll lingerie set or the strawberries and cream cake HEHE 🥴
Sorry this was so much this all just came out now spspspsp
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I'm a glutton I love Halloween and Christmas heuheuheu <3
But Joker with bath bombs?? I just think that's so cute and he looks like he fucking smells so nice anyways so the soft skin and soft hair just really completes it??? Advent calendar or bath products!! Man might live in the sewers but doesn't mean he has to smell like a sewer. Joker puts old spice commercials to shame with how good smelling he is. But also the lingerie set should be black and make use of those sexy hip dips I just know he has <3
BOOK ADVENT CALENDAR AHHHHH MY GEEKINESS LOVES IT. Viktor is gonna run his mouth with the most useless fucking facts and I just know it. But can you also imagine getting him one of those "101 Useless Facts to Impress Your Friends" kinda book?? Total bathroom knowledge book but Viktor is packing it around telling you about how the Beatles actually broke up and signed the papers at Disney and a shit ton of other useless ass facts. Also I'm very pro getting him where's waldo lingerie or just making that man look like a whole ass candy cane <3
Well Kurono is my husband sooo he does get more than one gift. Aside from the novelty ties 'n shirts I know I could get him to wear. But this one is so stupid and I just know he'd fucking love it, a plaque done up like "employee of the month" or some crap but instead it's personalized to say "worlds best husband" that he fucking hangs up at work. Or even worse a god damn mug that says "worlds best dad" and he uses it at work just to watch the horrified glances when his coworkers see it. Or the ugly shudder Oguru does when he has to think about the fact I let Kurono reproduce even once 😂
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What do you want for Christmas from your 2d spouse? - Send me self ship gift headcanons!
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mrskurono · 3 years
I promise this is the last time today.
Boys have either of you purposely get the other horny in public? To kind of piggyback on my last question, what's your favorite thing about the other during fun times?
"Atsumu tried it once at a MSBY practice." Keji frowned, "No one appreciated it and mommy said he was in trouble for disrespecting the teams time and ours."
"Ya right! Yer lyin cuz you got in as much trouble as I did!" Atsumu puffed out his chest and cheeks, "Mommy was mad ya wouldn't quick fidgeting and all I did was take off my shirt! Summer practice is hot and Meian-senpai is ruthless ya know!"
Mommy gives a head shake with a sigh, "You weren't even in trouble. Be nice an answer the other question boys or you will be in trouble."
Atsumu scratches his head for a second, "Keji really likes to eat my cum outta mommy afterwards. So I really like that about 'im."
Bright red Keji clears his throat and pushes up his glasses, "I suppose Atsumu's insistence to eat mommy and myself out during sex is....nice."
"Ya yer one to cum that hard when on my face thats for sure!" Atsumu grinned happily.
Ask sub!Tsumu and sub!Akaashi questions for mother's day!
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mrskurono · 3 years
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;| A Mini Mother’s Day Event! |; (05/09 only)
This is pretty simple and I just thought it would be fun way to celebrate Mother’s Day with the two biggest Momma’s boy of this blog! (Atsumu and Akaashi if you didn’t get the hint) This will be a type of q&a roleplay kind of event. Pls block #threes.mamaboys or #threes.tsumu or #threes.keji if you wish to ignore this event or any part of it.
;| Rules |;
;| Send an ask obviously!
;| Ask the boys (Atsumu or Akaashi) any question they like and momma will make them answer it!
;| nsfw + sfw is acceptable to ask the boys
;| Clarify who your asking (or you will get dealers choice who answers or both might answer)
;| Mommy kink galore obviously so expect sub!space and general sub!behaviors from the boys
;| Timeskip obviously so feel free to ask the boys questions about MSBY or work at the manga company 
;| This is a roleplay event so expect questions in character as that’s the entire point of it
;| Be kind to them pls as both momma’s boys are extra sensitive on Mother’s Day! 
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disclaimer: Obviously I reserve the right to refuse anything you might send I deem rude/intentionally cruel. This is a nsfw event regardless of sfw questions so minors DNI. All answers will be “in character” so don’t ask things that clearly can’t be answered like “ ‘Tsumu how do you feel about three having a wife” or anything like that, doesn’t work like that. 
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mrskurono · 3 years
Hi hello Izuku is my bias husband and I think he’s the type of guy to take pictures of everything no matter what it could be the littlest thing and he’s taking a picture of it you got a good grade and you’re happy about it? He’s taking a picture of that pretty smile you guys see a cute dog on the way home from a. Walk? He’s asking the owner for picture (and considering adopting one of the Same breed) so I think for Christmas he’d give you a scrap book full of pictures and it’s dorkily decorated with stickers and colored in and has glitter that gets stuck on your hands but it’s worth finding it everywhere for the next few years because each picture has a memory behind it
Izuku is <3
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We are all bias over Izuku on this stupid blog. Fucking Deku 😫
But yes! I can see it and there's a point where Izuku actually is really decent at taking photos. A total novice but they're as sentimental and sweet as they are flattering and well taken. What starts as just flipping through a scrapbook of beautiful pictures he takes while out on patrol slowly morphs into pictures of the two of you. Scattered at first until it's just page after page of memories together. Ranging from as far back as the two of you could remember and clearly taken on shitty phone cameras years ago. All the way up to recent ones of the two of you in every day situations. Until finally the end of the book isn't blank. But left with a sticky note that says "Will you make more memories with me?" and fucking Izuku has a ring right there in the scrapbook to purpose to you with a janky made scrapbook that's left your lap covered in glitter and his stupid nervous grin right next to you.
And of course you say yes bc at least he's figured out how to capture your flattering angle 😂
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What do you want for Christmas from your 2d spouse? - Send me self ship gift headcanons thru the month of December!
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mrskurono · 3 years
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Let's talk self ships! • #selfshipsaturday baby!
Preferably from unpopular fandoms this time! Ex: Bungou, Dr. Stone, Fire Force, Demon Slayer
Holiday themed headcanons?
Sfw & Nsfw themed headcanons?
Crack headcanons?
Send them in and I'll share one back! So we can cringe together ♡
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mrskurono · 3 years
Hi momma three!!! Can u share any pics of ur cats pls? :3
My one fur son in the tub, my fur daughter taunting her flesh brother, my other fur son chewing his nails and my three fur daughters in a hot glue Christmas hat!
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mrskurono · 3 years
what do i wish for christmas? id probably just straight up ask viktor for a set of diy science robot kits for us to assemble together. like no hinting; just bluntly tell him i want this, and we spend the entire christmas day assembling robots. bonus points if he decided to buy all the kits to last us the entire break or up to the new year. we get so engrossed that we welcome the new year with our heads in a malfunctioning diy robot 😌
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Ok but the idea of getting an erector set for the two of you to just sit next to the tree and put it together is?? The cutest fucking idea?? My heart is weeping it's so cute?? Only to finish it that same day, bc this is Viktor we're talking about, and the brainiac's idea is to go out and get more. Well, it's winter. And winter weather. Snow falling outside, probably slippery sidewalks and the stillness that only happens on the day after Christmas. Just to have the two of you out, slipping around, giggling, trying to collect all the sets to the brand you both already assembled. So you can rush back home and put them all together again. Until your living room floor looks like a mini robot army.
Lingerie + Viktor = Thirst Trap for dayssss. Just look at him ok he looks gorgeous in laces and satins and anything that dresses him up. And warm colors look soooo good on his pale ass. I don't make the rules these are just facts. And I'm sorry but the Where's Waldo shirt kills me every time I rewatch Fire force and damn right he deserves to be a slutty Where's Waldo
Alright time to embarrass myself, what I'd get Kurono?...I just can't not see him wearing novelty ties/shirts/belts. Especially once married asdfghjkl. But Kurono turns into the quirky teacher we all had that had a tie for every single day of the year + themed ties. And I'm really good at find weird quirky shit no one can find. Be it a tacky printed button down shirt or a silly tie to add to his collection. Kurono opens it with that deadpan look but the second everything's settled down from present unwrapping. He's in the bedroom mirror trying on his new digs "privately" even though lets be honest I watch him play dress up with his Christmas presents heh.
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What do you want for Christmas from your 2d spouse? - Send me self ship gift headcanons!
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