#seventeen imagines masterlist
atinyjules · 11 months
Imagine the whole Wen family having cat like faces...
Genre: Family au, fluff, crack au, established relationship, romance, humour.
Pairings: Dad!Jun x named mom!reader
Warnings: none
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"Your family is bound by fate." Jun furrowed his eyebrows and turned to look at Dino with a confused face.
"What?" he asked as Dino nodded.
"Your whole family look like cats...even Iseul noona...are you guys cat hybrids who turn into cats at night?" Dino asked making me chuckle.
"Maybe...coincidently...we met through a cat." I said as Dino tilted his head.
"Cat?" he asked as I nodded.
"I never got to thank the little guy for introducing Iseul into my life...ever since that day...I began feeding strays or abandoned pets." Jun said as he smiled at the memory.
"How did the cat introduce you to noona? Did it talk?" Dino asked as Jun chuckled.
"That's absurd...the cat was injured and laid in the corner of an alleyway and when I went close to observe its wounds Iseul came and hit me with her handbag because she thought I was gonna hurt the cat." Jun said and chuckled as he looked at his now, wife Iseul helping Jieun with the cookies and cupcakes.
"Did it hurt?" Dino asked as Jun sighed.
"Her handbag was like a rock...I was scared my skull cracked." Jun said and patted Dino.
"Let's go give the girls a helping hand." Jin said and pulled Dino off from the couch and dragged him towards the backyard in order to stop talking about the precious memory he wished to remain between him and his wife.
"But I don't know how to cook!"
It was a cold winter night and I wanted nothing more than to go home and slip under my warm and cozy blanket. So I tried to rush home and ran past an alleyway only to come back when I heard the soft and painful meows of a cat. I entered the alleyway and followed its sound towards a garbage bin where I spotted the injured cat behind it with a scarf wrapped around it, probably to keep him warm.
"Ouch...you must've have gotten into a pretty serious accident." I mumbled to the cat and observed it's wound on his left hind leg.
"It probably hurts a lot..." I said and tried to approach it when a sharp pain in my head halted my actions.
"Oww!" I exclaimed and caught a glimpse of my attacker...a girl.
"Don't you dare hurt him!! You creep!" she exclaimed and kept hitting me as I tried to get her to stop hitting me.
"Ow-I'm not trying to hurt him! I was just worried!" I exclaimed when she suddenlďly stopped.
"Really? Oh...I'm so sorry! I thought you were trying to hurt him." she said and kneeled down, holding the xat and putting him inside the pet carrier she had.
"Is he your cat?" I asked as she shook her head.
"No...some stupid high schoolers were hurting him and throwing stones at him so I chased them away. He couldn't move so I put my scarf on him amd went to get my pet carrier...that's when I saw you and freaked out." she said and stood up.
"Where'd you get that pet carrier from though?" I asked when she smiled and motioned to the pet clinic across the street.
"That's my clinic...I'm a vet." she said making me gasp.
"Ohh...that's great then." I said when she chuckled and bowed.
"I truly am sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you. Gosh your face is bruising." she said looking at my face as I smiled and ran my fingers through the scars.
"It's nothing really..." I said making her pout slightly which made my heart rate accelerate.
"Oh! I need to tend to his wounds quickly!" she exclaimed and proceeded to rush to her clinic when I took the pet carrier from her hands.
"Let me help...I'm worried for the cat as much as you are." I said making her surprised as she opened the door and let me in. And that's how I ended up in the seats of her clinic with a cup of coffee after tending to the cat who was currently asleep, resting.
"I'm Iseul...what's your name?" she said and asked, taking a sip of her coffee.
"I'm Wen Junhui...nice to meet you." I said making her smile.
"The pleasure's mine...but are you sure your bruises are okay?" She asked making me puff my chest up.
"Wen Junhui doesn't feel pain...but lunch tomorrow afternoon at 12 would be great...that is...if you're interested." I said cringing internally at how I literally just asked her out on a date indirectly.
"That'd be great...by the way...you look alot like a cat..." she trailed making me chuckle as I pointed at her face.
"You too! I couldn't help but notice your cat eyes!" I said making her blush.
"Looks like we have something in common." she said looking away making me flustered at her reaction.
End of Flashback
A week after we had met the cat supposedly left on its own. Just like spring, the cat brought a waft of warmth and happiness into my life for which I forever will be greatful. Cat...because of you I was able to meet the love of my life and then got blessings in the form of two beautiful children...I finally had a little family of my own. A cat-like family.
"Jun! Could you please help me with the fish?" I was brought out of my thoughts by the sweet, honey like voice of my one and only wife.
"Coming!" I responded and went over to Iseul, taking the knife from her hands.
"You go, just sit back and relax. I'll do the rest...you've been helping out from before." I said making her smile as she kissed my cheek.
"It's alright...I'll go get the pan ready." she said making me shake my head.
"Nope. No...go rest or go play with Mei and Yuan." I said as we turned to look at where the kids were playing, their energy earning a look of adoration from Iseul who put her head on my shoulder.
"They look like kittens...I wonder if the cat from that day is alright." she said making me sigh in content as I wrapped my hands around her waist.
"He's probably doing cat stuff...laying on top of a roof, basking in the sunlight." I said and kissed her cheek.
"Yeah...probably...now let's get back to work or our kittens will start whining." Iseul said and smiled referring our kids as kittens.
"Of course!" I said and watched as Iseul went over to the kids and pulled them for a hug earning giggles from the two lively kids.
That's my Cat family...one I'll stick to for life.
That's it for this one!✨
I hope you guys liked it!💗🌠
Reblogs and likes are appreciated!💗🌠
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hoshifighting · 14 days
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Synopsis: Where you find out you were a bet.
Preview: "So it was all a bet Seungkwan? Who makes you feel like this, hm?" you taunted, "Who else are you going to find out there that can do the things I do to you?" "That's right," you continued, your voice low and fierce. "No one. No one can fuck you like I do. No one knows your body like I do. No one else can make you beg like this. And you know it!" 
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Smut, RAGE SEX, humping, penetrative sex, angst, hair pulling, riding, possessive words & etc.
For the past few months, you and Seungkwan had been living a secret life filled with youthful exuberance and passion. Despite your differences, there was an undeniable chemistry that kept pulling you back together. It all started innocently enough, with shared interests in theater and park outings, but it quickly escalated into something much more intense.
You and Seungkwan had a routine. You’d meet up after work or on weekends, sneaking off to hidden corners of the city to spend time together. The theater was your favorite escape. There, you could lose yourselves in the drama unfolding on stage, only to create your own dramatic scenes afterward, both playful and passionate.
One chilly evening, you both found yourselves at the local theater, watching a comedy play. You sat next to each other, sharing a bag of popcorn and exchanging sarcastic comments about the actors’ performances. Seungkwan leaned over, whispering a joke in your ear, and you couldn’t help but burst into laughter, drawing a few irritated glances from other theatergoers.
“Shh, you’re going to get us kicked out,” you whispered, trying to stifle your giggles.
“Oh, please, like you can keep quiet,” Seungkwan shot back, a mischievous glint in his eye.
After the play, you both headed to the park. The night was cool, the stars shining brightly overhead. You walked side by side, occasionally bumping into each other on purpose. It was your little game, a way to provoke and tease.
“Bet you can’t catch me,” Seungkwan said suddenly, breaking into a sprint.
“Oh, you’re on!” you shouted, chasing after him.
You ran through the park, laughing and shouting, until you finally tackled him to the ground. You both lay there, panting and laughing, the world around you forgotten.
Your relationship was like a roller coaster. One moment you’d be laughing and joking, and the next you’d be bickering like children. Your friends found it amusing, but they also knew it could escalate quickly.
“Seriously, you two are like an old married couple,” Mingyu said one evening, watching as you and Seungkwan argued over who had won the last game of mini-golf.
“Am not!” you both shouted in unison, glaring at each other before bursting into laughter.
Despite the arguments, there was a deep connection between you. When you were alone, the bickering turned into something else entirely. The passion between you was undeniable, each encounter more intense than the last. You’d find yourselves in the most unexpected places, unable to keep your hands off each other.
One evening, after another heated argument, you found yourselves in Seungkwan’s apartment. The bickering had turned into something more playful, and before you knew it, you were kissing, the tension melting away.
"You're impossible, you know that?" you said breathlessly between kisses.
"And yet, here you are," he replied with a smirk, pulling you closer.
The night was a blur of passion. Your bodies moved together with a familiarity that came from months of secret meetings. You’d always been able to push each other to the edge, and tonight was no different. The intensity of your lovemaking was a stark contrast to the playful bickering that usually defined your relationship.
But just like you said. It could escalate quickly. 
You and Seungkwan had always been able to handle your arguments with a playful edge, but this time was different. You didn’t even remember what sparked the fight, but the words that came out of his mouth stopped you cold.
“It was all a bet.”
You froze, staring at him in disbelief. “What did you just say?”
Seungkwan’s eyes widened as he realized what he’d said. “No, I didn’t mean—”
“You didn’t mean what? That this,” you gestured between the two of you, “was all a joke to you? A bet?”
“No, it’s not like that—”
“Then what is it, Seungkwan? Explain it to me!” Your voice rose, trembling with fury. “Because right now, it sounds like you’ve been using me this whole time.”
Seungkwan’s face paled. He reached out to you, but you stepped back, your anger intensifying. “Don’t touch me,” you snapped. “I trusted you. I thought this meant something.”
“It does mean something,” he insisted. “I swear, it started as a stupid dare from the guys, but then—”
“Then what? You decided you’d string me along for fun?” Your voice was loud now, echoing through the room. “Do you have any idea how humiliating this is? To know that I was just a game to you?”
Seungkwan looked panicked, desperate to make you understand. “Please, just listen. It started as a bet, but it’s not like that anymore. I care about you. I—”
“Stop,” you cut him off, tears of rage and betrayal filling your eyes. “I can’t believe I let myself fall for this. For you.”
The venom in your words made him flinch. “Please, don’t say that. I care about you more than anything.”
“Caring about me? Do you even know what that means? Because right now, it feels like you’ve just been laughing at me this entire time.” Your fists were clenched at your sides, your whole body shaking with anger.
Seungkwan took a step towards you, his own eyes glistening with tears. “I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.”
"Fuck you, Seungkwan," you spat, pushing him back until he was sitting on your bed. He looked up at you, shocked and uncertain, as you began unbuttoning and unzipping his pants with trembling hands.
"What are you doing?" he asked, but his voice was weak, almost pleading.
You ignored him, pulling your panties off and straddling his lap, feeling his length harden beneath you. You started to grind against him, your movements hard, and fast. "It was a bet, huh? It was all a fucking lie, right, Seungkwan?" you snarled, your teeth gritted with rage.
His hands instinctively went to your hips, but he didn't try to stop you. "No, it wasn't like that—" he began, but you cut him off, swirling your hips hard, causing him to gasp.
"Fuck you," you repeated, your voice shaking. "You think you can just apologize and make it all better? You think you can just say sorry and I'll forget everything?"
Seungkwan's grip on your hips tightened, his breath hitching as you continued to grind against him. "I never meant to hurt you," he whispered, his eyes locked on yours, filled with regret and sorrow.
"Too late," you hissed, moving faster, your anger boiling over. "You already did." You could feel the heat building between you, the wet friction driving you crazy, but you were determined.
Seungkwan's face contorted with a mix of pleasure and anguish. "Please," he begged, "don't do this."
"Why not?" you shot back, your voice breaking. "You did this to us. You made me feel like a fool."
He tried to speak, but you silenced him with another hard hump, making him groan. "Just shut up, Seungkwan. Just shut up and take it."
As you continued to move against him, you could see the conflict in his eyes. He was torn between the pleasure you were giving him and the guilt he felt for what he'd done. It was a twisted form of revenge, but in that moment, it was all you had.
As you sank down on him, stretching yourself to take all of him inside, Seungkwan gasped, the air leaving his lungs in a rush. You gripped his hair roughly, yanking his head back. He hissed, the pain mingling with pleasure, making his eyes flutter shut for a moment.
"Who makes you feel like this, hm?" you taunted, your voice dripping with venom and lust. "Who else are you going to find out there that can do the things I do to you?"
Seungkwan's eyes were wide, filled with a mix of pain and desire. He tried to speak, but you cut him off with a harsh roll of your hips, drawing a guttural moan from his lips, he could only whisper a "No one." his voice leaving weak from the position you held his hair, head back. "Only you. Only you, please."
"That's right," you continued, your voice low and fierce. "No one. No one can fuck you like I do. No one knows your body like I do. No one else can make you beg like this. And you know it!" 
You rode him harder, your movements fueled by a blend of anger and desperation. "Do you regret it, Seungkwan? Do you regret fucking with me?"
His hands gripped your hips, his nails digging into your skin as he tried to ground himself in the storm of sensations you were unleashing on him. "No!" he gasped, his voice strained. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
But you weren't done. You pulled his hair harder, making him look up at you, his eyes glazed with lust and guilt. "Sorry isn't enough," you spat. "You're going to remember this. Every time you try to touch someone else, you're going to think of me. You're going to remember how I made you feel. How no one else could ever compare."
Seungkwan's breaths were ragged, his body trembling beneath you as you continued to ride him with a furious intensity. "Please," he begged, his voice cracking. "Please, I can't—"
"You can't what?" you snapped, your pace relentless. "You can't handle it? You can't handle what you started? You're going to take it, Seungkwan. You're going to take every bit of it."
His eyes fluttered closed, his mouth falling open in a silent cry as he teetered on the edge of release. "Fuck, I'm going to—" he started, but you cut him off again, tightening your grip on his hair.
"You're not coming until I say so," you growled. "You don't get to have that. Not yet."
Seungkwan's body shuddered, his muscles straining as he fought to hold back. "Please," he whimpered, his voice barely more than a breath. "Please, let me—"
His lips parted, a moan escaping as you ground against him, your nails digging into his scalp. "I-I need you," he stammered, his voice cracking with desperation.
You leaned in closer, your breath hot against his ear. "Need me?" you whispered, your tone mocking. "You think needing me is enough? After everything?"
Seungkwan shuddered beneath you, his grip on the sheets tightening. "I'm sorry," he pleaded, his voice a mixture of pain and pleasure. "Please... I need you so much."
"Pathetic," you spat, pulling his hair harder, making him groan. "You don’t deserve me, Seungkwan. You don't deserve this." You punctuated your words with a sharp thrust, making him gasp.
His eyes were wild, filled with a mixture of regret and lust. "I know," he breathed, his voice barely audible. "But please... please don’t stop."
You felt a twisted sense of satisfaction at his desperation, at the way he was unraveling under you. "Remember that," you said, your voice low and dangerous. "Remember who makes you feel this way. Who owns you."
Seungkwan's breath hitched, his eyes wide and pleading. "I will," he promised, his voice a broken whisper. "I promise."
You could feel him getting closer, his body tensing beneath you. "Say it," you commanded, your voice a growl. "Say who you belong to."
"You," he gasped, his hips bucking beneath you. "I belong to you."
Seungkwan was prepared for the best orgasm of his life. He was trembling, his entire body on the edge of ecstasy, every nerve ending alive with sensation. As you rode him with unmatched ferocity, his breath came in ragged gasps, his chest heaving with the effort to keep up.
Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, a mixture of pleasure and overwhelming emotion. He cried out loud, unable to contain the sheer intensity of what he was feeling. His voice cracked as he moaned your name, each syllable filled with a desperate longing.
His eyes were fixed on you, drinking in the sight of you above him, your body moving with a rhythm that drove him to the brink of madness. He fought to keep his eyes open, wanting to capture every moment, every sensation, every flicker of emotion that passed between you.
His legs quivered beneath you, his muscles straining as he struggled to hold on. But even as his body trembled with the effort, he knew he was powerless to resist. You were taking him to heights of pleasure he had never dreamed possible, and he surrendered himself completely to the overwhelming ecstasy coursing through him.
Seungkwan couldn't hold on anymore. The sensation of you clenching around him, the sound of your voice echoing in his ears, it was all too much. With a final, desperate cry, he let himself go.
His body tensed, every muscle straining as he reached the peak of ecstasy. He cried out your name, his voice raw with emotion, as he spilled himself inside you, the release so intense it bordered on pain.
You steadied yourself on him, feeling the rise and fall of his chest beneath you. Your head rested against the side of his, hiding your face from view as you waited for your nerves to calm down. 
But then it hits you, the reality of what just happened, the anger and hurt resurfacing. You get off him, his cock slipping out of you, leaving you both feeling empty and exposed. Without a word, you start to dress yourself, your movements quick and determined. Seungkwan watches in desperation, his eyes wide with panic as he realizes what you're doing.
Seungkwan, sensing the shift in your demeanor, gets desperate. "Wait, what are you doing?" he asks, his voice tinged with panic. He sits up, trying to reach out to you, but you pull away, focused on gathering your things.
You walk to the living room, ignoring his pleas. "Please, just listen to me," he begs, following you. "We need to talk about this."
You grab your bag and turn to face him, your eyes cold and determined. "There's nothing left to say, Seungkwan," you reply, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside you. This...whatever we had...it's over."
On the week, you received multiple calls from Seungkwan – you didn’t answer any. Even his friends – who you suppose to be the ones who participated in the bet – called you, messaged you.
And now you are doing your dinner, didn't even have time to take off your work clothes, when you hear your doorbell. You dry your hands on the dish cloth, to open the door. It was Soonyoung. You frown, Soonyoung had contacted you during the week, but showing up at your door?
You lean on the doorframe, and ask him, "What are you doing here, Soonyoung?"
Soonyoung shifts nervously, his hands shoved into his pockets. "I know I called and messaged, but you never responded. I needed to talk to you in person."
You raise an eyebrow, crossing your arms. "About what?"
He takes a deep breath, looking genuinely distressed. "About Seungkwan. And the whole bet thing. You need to know it wasn't what you think. He didn't mean it like that."
You scoff, feeling the anger bubbling up again. "Didn't mean it like that? How else am I supposed to take it, Soonyoung?"
Soonyoung steps closer, his expression earnest. "It started as a stupid joke, but for Seungkwan, it changed. He fell for you, really fell for you. None of us thought it would turn into something real, but it did for him. He's been a wreck since you left."
You feel a pang of something – not quite guilt, but a heavy sadness. "So he sends you to do his dirty work? Why isn't he here himself?"
"He wanted to come, but I thought you'd slam the door in his face," Soonyoung admits. "He's been miserable. Just...can you talk to him? Please? Hear him out?"
You sigh, the weight of the week pressing down on you. "I don't know, Soonyoung. I'm still so angry."
"I get that," he says softly. "But just give him a chance to explain. If after that you still want nothing to do with him, then fine. But at least you'll have heard the truth from him."
You hesitate, the conflicting emotions warring inside you. Finally, you nod. "Fine. I'll talk to him. But this better not be a waste of my time."
Soonyoung's face breaks into a relieved smile. "Thank you. I'll let him know." He heads toward the door, pausing before he leaves. "And for what it's worth, I'm really sorry about everything. We all are."
You nod again, closing the door behind him. As you lean against it, you take a deep breath, trying to prepare yourself for the conversation ahead.
It didn’t even take twenty minutes after Soonyoung left for another knock to echo through your apartment. You sighed, already knowing who it would be. With heavy steps, you walked to the door and opened it.
Seungkwan stood there, looking disheveled and anxious. Normally, he would give you a hug, but he seemed to sense that this wasn’t the right time. Instead, he stood there awkwardly, respecting your space as you stepped aside to let him in.
You closed the door behind him, folding your arms defensively. “Soonyoung was just here,” you said, breaking the silence.
Seungkwan nodded, his eyes filled with guilt. “I know. He texted me. I came as soon as I could.”
You walked to the living room, sitting down on the couch, and gestured for him to do the same. He hesitated but then sat down, maintaining a respectful distance.
“I don’t even know where to start,” Seungkwan said, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “I’m so sorry, for everything. It was never meant to be a bet, not in the way you’re thinking.”
You raised an eyebrow, still skeptical. 
He shook his head vehemently. “It started as a stupid dare, something the guys and I joked about. But from the very first moment I spent time with you, it stopped being about that. It became real, so quickly, and I didn’t know how to handle it.”
You looked away, the anger and hurt still fresh. “And you didn’t think to tell me? To be honest about it?”
Seungkwan sighed deeply. “I should have. I know that now. But I was scared of losing you. I was scared that if you knew how it started, you’d never believe how much you mean to me.”
The vulnerability in his voice made you pause. “Soonyoung said you love me,” you said quietly, not meeting his eyes.
“I do,” Seungkwan replied instantly. “I love you more than anything. I was an idiot for letting it get this far without being honest with you.”
You finally looked at him, searching his eyes for any sign of deceit. All you saw was regret and sincerity. “I don’t know if I can trust you again,” you admitted.
Seungkwan nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. “I understand. And I’ll do whatever it takes to earn your trust back. Just please, give me a chance to make it right.”
The room fell silent, the weight of his words hanging between you. Slowly, you began to nod. “Fine. I’ll give you a chance. But this is going to take time, Seungkwan.”
Relief washed over his face as he nodded. “Thank you. I promise, I won’t let you down.”
You leaned back on the couch, the exhaustion of the week catching up with you. Seungkwan stayed there, a respectful distance away, but his presence felt different now – more honest, more real.
As the minutes ticked by, you both sat there in silence, the first steps of healing beginning to take place. There was a long road ahead, but for the first time in days, you felt like maybe, just maybe, things could be okay again.
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wondernus · 5 months
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˗ˋˏ THE FIANCÉ ˎˊ˗ | Masterlist
synopsis: a mysterious pink fishing vest. a fiancé who wakes up in the middle of nowhere. and an upcoming wedding on the line. there's only so much you can take before you let your perfect future crumble before your eyes.
pairing: lee chan x pi cheolin x reader
genre: romance, humor, mystery | mini smau series
tags: established relationship, live laugh love pi cheolin, cheating is brought up but chan doesn't cheat, food
taglist: closed
started: jan 16, 2024 - mar 25, 2024
message from nu: another hehehaha unserious idea sparked from a melatonin-induced state of being. maybe I will start writing smaus again if my schedule permits it. dedicated to my beloved @bitchlessdino 🤍 wishing you all the happiest new year - nu ♡
wondernus main masterlist
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Copyright © 2024 Himbocoups. All rights reserved.
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kwanisms · 2 months
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➔ s.coups menu | back to character select | back to main menu
🔞 many of these works contain sexual content (18+ mdni) 🔞 ♤ — angst :: ♡ — fluff :: ♧ — smut ✍ — ongoing :: ⊝ — hiatus :: ⊗ — discontinued :: ✓ — completed
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— oneshots
»» Tales from Camp: Endurance Test ♧
➥ Tales from Camp series; 5.4k; Seungcheol can't keep his eyes and hands to himself after Y/N helps him run an endurance test for the camp goers.
»» Spiked Cider & Vodka Cranberry ♧
➥ part of the Tales from Camp Holiday Special; 4.6k; For most people, the holidays mean gathering with family and having dinner, exchanging gifts. For Seungcheol, it means freezing temperatures and drunk patrons. But that came with the territory of being a bouncer at one of the city's busiest clubs. Although, he never expected to find among all the drunk people the familiar face of Y/N.
»» Kinkuary: daddy kink + sex tape/photos ♧
➥ 2.4k; Seungcheol loves falling into his caregiver role as Y/N"s daddy but he loves it even more when his baby lets him take pictures for him to use when he's alone on tour.
— timestamps
»» [19:53] ♡ Y/N's boyfriend is an idiot but he's her idiot.
»» [22:40] ♡ Y/N's best friend comes by to see why she's been ignoring his messages and she wonder why he hasn't been texting her.
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ⓘ DISCLAIMER :: MONSTER/ALIEN FUCKER ENTHUSIAST ⓘ ©️ kwanisms 2024 | all works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works. All graphics made by me. Content and support banners made by me using cafekitsune's template.
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fantasyescapes17 · 1 year
In Pursuit of Wedded Bliss (Updated Masterlist)
A Seventeen Regency!AU Series
It is the season- and London is full of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes, waiting to be swept up in a whirlwind of romance, passion and matrimony as they each fight their own battles for happiness in London's elite society.
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All installments are interlinked and take place in the same universe. The timeline can be confusing, especially if you read out of order. These are listed in recommended reading order.
The combined series word count is around 100k. Don't start reading right before an exam.
There are seven members covered in the full installments. I will not be doing full installments for the other 6 members.
Happy reading!
Patience: Choi Seungcheol (complete!)
An elaborate charade- that is what your life has been for these past few years, and it has taken the help of more than one person to balance your delicate lies and secrets. Now entering your final season as an eligible young lady seeking wedded bliss, will you be able to keep up the act in order to achieve your dreams?
Part 1 Part 2
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2. Candle: Yoon Jeonghan (complete!)
You have always received the best of everything life has to offer: be it education, family, fortune or happiness. Mr. Yoon Jeonghan- one of the ton's renowned villains- cannot possibly bring you happiness of any kind, never mind wedded bliss. But can you evade Jeonghan's charms? Or will you find yourself falling victim to this clever rogue?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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3. Manners: Joshua Hong (complete!)
Viscount Joshua Hong is by far the most eligible bachelor in London. Rich, handsome, and renowned for his excellent manners and refined tastes. Young woman would kill for the chance to be the Viscount's chosen bride. But nobody can quite determine which of the young ladies he prefers, and you are beginning to have your doubts. Is the Viscount really as gentlemanly as the ton seems to think?
Part 1 Part 2
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4. Scandal: Jeon Wonwoo (complete!)
The Viscount's sister with an enormous dowry, beauty and unmistakable talent- you began the London season as the most desired woman in any room. But Jeon Wonwoo (a man who would rather hide in the library than dance at a ball) was beyond your comprehension. Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it embroiled you into a scandal with a man you could never love.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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5. Wings: Kim Mingyu (complete!)
Your debut in society was as spectacular as one could be, but nobody had prepared you for what came afterward. When you find yourself overwhelmed during your very first season and unable to keep up with the rat race to secure yourself an eligible husband, a curious mentor appears- in the form of notorious flirt and self-proclaimed rake, Mr. Kim Mingyu.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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6. Closed Doors: Kwon Soonyoung (complete!)
Soonyoung had made peace with his station in life. A younger son of a little-known family, he was not set to inherit a fortune and had nothing to recommend him but his bright personality. Nobody expected Soonyoung to make the match of the season. But when you- a woman with ties to the royal family and riches beyond his imagination, a Duchess in your own right- seeks Soonyoung's hand in marriage, his life begins to spiral entirely out of his control.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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7. Luck: Lee Chan (coming soon!)
A mixture of hard work and sheer good fortune had landed you a coveted position as the governess for Viscountess Hong's little sisters. But when the Viscountess' notorious younger brother returns from his time at Oxford, you find yourself treading dangerous waters. Mr. Lee Chan- with his boyish smile and passion for horses- seems determined to make your job very difficult indeed.
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svt17-imagines · 12 days
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: ʜᴇʟᴘɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴡᴏʀᴋᴇʀ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʜᴇ'ᴅ ʙᴇᴇɴ ꜱᴛʀᴜɢɢʟɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜰᴏʀ ᴡᴇᴇᴋꜱ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴏɴᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢ, ʙᴜᴛ ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴄᴀᴜɢʜᴛ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟꜰ ɪɴ ʜɪꜱ ꜱᴛᴜᴅɪᴏ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʜɪꜱ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 6ᴋ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ᴍᴜᴛᴜᴀʟ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴜʀʙᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ᴛᴀʟᴋ
ᴀ/ɴ: ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟ +18 ꜰɪᴄ ꜱᴏ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴍɪɴᴅ ᴀɴʏ ᴀᴡᴋᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ, ɪ'ᴍ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ꜰɪɢᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴛᴜꜰꜰ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ꜰɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛɪɴɢ ꜱʟᴏᴡ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇʟᴘ ᴍᴇ ʟᴇᴀʀɴ! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ~
Sometimes your own life didn’t feel real.
It took years of back breaking studying and hard work, but even you couldn't believe your ears when it was announced that you had somehow managed to swing a job as one of HYBE’s various producers. The roster of people it allowed you worked with was expansive and impressive, and you often felt out of place amongst the many well known music industry personas who shared your job title. But all that wasn’t to say you got chosen for the job out of pure luck or sheer will, for you definitely had more than enough background and experience to warrant your resume having a more than fair shot in the first place.
You’d worked with plenty of idols before, albeit without an official label behind you or any exclusive contract in place. Hell you’d even produced for a few big names in the U.S., it gave you every reason to be extremely proud of your work, and deep down you definitely knew your skills were highly sought after. But it didn’t change the fact that you still got surprised whenever a particularly famous idol or company reached out and requested to work with you.
You were even more caught off guard when Bang PD himself wrote to you directly, offering you the opportunity of a lifetime to work with the various talents beneath the incredibly famous company known as HYBE.
That was two years ago now, and you’d grown more connections with more composers and idols then you’d ever thought possible. Le Sserafim was the first group you’d ever been assigned to work with, and from then on you knew you made the right career choice. The girls were absolute angels, incredibly humble with the kindest personalities. New Jeans was the next, and you’d never felt more protective and proud of such sweet young ladies. They even went out of their way to  write you a card and buy you a cake last year for your birthday.
Seventeen though… Seventeen just so happened to be the group you’d grown the most fond of within the past year.
Your first job for them was to assist the production of their song Darling, and from the moment you’d stepped foot in the studio the boys went above and beyond to make you feel welcomed. Seungcheol was the first to greet and introduce the members, which you’d appreciated immensely. Joshua and Vernon were happy to have some small talk in English with you to discuss your work in the U.S., while DK and Hoshi made an effort to get to know more personal details like how you came to work for HYBE in the first place. All of the members were considerate enough to include you in their conversations, and as you all grew closer you’d come to become friends even outside of work.
It was an interesting dynamic they all had, fitting together like a puzzle even though their personalities were all so complex and different. The way their voices managed to melt together without any problems astounded you, and made the production process a million times more interesting and fun to you.
And Woozi of course was the conductor that made the absolute chaos of Seventeen’s vocals work together. Your respect for him had grown exponentially the longer you knew him, and over time he’d eventually become the one you’d talk to the most in the group. 
The first time you’d ever seen him in person you had to admit you were incredibly intimidated, his blondish pink hair was concealed with a black baseball cap as he sat leaning forward in his office chair. His posture was tense and uncomfortably on edge, almost as if a simple change in temperature would disrupt his process and send him spiraling. His eyes darted around the computer monitors sporadically, adjusting volume levels and fixing microphone frequencies quicker than even you could follow. He was locked in, completely blocking out everything except the boys’ vocals and the screens in front of him.
He hadn’t even properly been able to introduce himself to you until after everyone else had finally left, only then did he finally remove those giant headphones covering his cute little ears. You remembered the rush of anxiety creeping up your throat at the time, by that point you’d met many producers and musicians who absolutely hated being assigned an assistant. You’d come to find it was always a pride thing. When a song just wasn’t working most felt the need to figure out what was missing themselves, and if they were so much as suggested a simple extra drum beat in the background or a synth wave in the chorus, it would get immediately shut down no matter the potential it had. 
But when Jihoon turned around in his chair to greet you with a sheepish grin and a bow of acknowledgement, you knew he was simply just appreciative of the space you had given him to work. He offered you a seat next to him, apologized profusely for his late introduction, and asked for any input you might have for the title track.
It made sense that you’d both end up getting along so well, with the two of you being such passionate producers and each of you having workaholic tendencies practically pumping through your veins. Music came easily to you, to Jihoon, it was a love you had shared deeply and a conversation you never got sick of having together. It became incredibly common for both of you to knock out in his studio after pushing yourselves to the absolute limits of your creative abilities.
But it also wasn’t uncommon for you to swing by and bring him food even on the days you weren’t working. When you got especially bored at home, you often found yourself poking your head in the studio door and proceeding to talk his ears off for hours about life while he sat and listened, and in return he’d rant to you about whatever musical rut he’d been stuck in that day. 
During the worst of it he would shut himself inside the studio and force himself to work in complete silence, it was days like these where you knew he needed energy the most. You’d drag him out of the studio for some sun and stimulation, force him to grab coffee or walk to the convenience store together, other times he would ask you to simply stay with him while he brooded over his computer in a pout. 
One time he’d gotten stuck on a melody for days, and yet within one single visit inspiration had hit you almost immediately. He always made sure to let you know how grateful he was when you gave your opinion, each time he would always give you the warmest, most gentle smile you’d ever seen. The same smile that filled you with an unbridled joy that pooled deep in your stomach, it made you feel… needed. No, it made you feel borderline irreplaceable.
Today was one of your days off, and yet you still found yourself grinning ear to ear as your heels clicked along the marble flooring of the main HYBE building. A large sandwich bag was hanging from your arm, with your hands clutching a cup holder filled with iced americanos. You made your way to the elevator, fumbling with your badge to scan against the wall reader as the soft ding alerted you to the lift arriving.
The third floor of the building was designated for all the production studios, with a practice room at the far end of the narrow hall. It was one of the higher quality locations meant more for filming rather than actually rehearsing. Each room contained plenty of music equipment and had absolutely breathtaking acoustics, with nearly each one also managing to be soundproof. You'd remembered being present for one of Seungkwan's incredibly impressive vocal recordings here as an assistant producer a while back, and to this day you swore that it was the most beautiful sound you’d ever heard in your life. 
As you stepped out of the elevator your smile grew even wider as you noticed Jeonghan and Wonwoo walking down the hall in your direction. Jeonghan with his arm hooked through Wonwoo’s tightly, his head resting comfortably on his shoulder.
“Y/N! I thought you weren’t in till Friday?” Wonwoo greeted with a smile, his hand coming up to adjust the glasses drooping low on his nose. It was obvious the two had just gotten done filming something, their faces were slightly red from exertion and excessive overheating if their leather jackets and pants were anything to go by. 
“Jihoon’s been stuck on Maestro’s bridge since last week, I figured I’d at least bring him some lunch so he doesn’t starve himself to death.” You shrugged, Jeonghan smirked.
“You came just for Jihoon? Again?” He huffed in feigned offense. “What about us~?” 
“You know just as well as I do that I can’t walk into this building without expecting to run into at least two of you.” You giggled, holding out the coffee carrier in your hands. “I brought extra for you guys, try not to fall in love with me alright?”
Their eyes immediately perked up at the sight of iced americano and wasted no time snatching one each. Wonwoo took a long sip from his drink and released a sigh, his eyes closed in content.
“An Angel. You’re an Angel, Y/N.” Wonwoo spoke blissfully. Jeonghan nodded and proceeded to sip from his as his eyes fluttered shut too.
“I will never doubt your beautiful and charitable heart ever again.” You snorted at the dramatics, reaching into the sandwich bag for the extra pesto caprese you’d purchased as well.
“You guys can split this too, but don’t tell the others.” You chuckled as the two practically drooled, eyes locked on to your hands as you offered them the food. “If they find out I fed you both they’re all gonna make me buy them dinner next time.”
Jeonghan nodded and grabbed the sandwich from you without hesitation, attracting Wonwoo’s gaze. He gave a little cross my heart sign and winked slyly.
“They’ll never even know it existed.” Jeonghan promised, already slinking his way onto the elevator behind you. “It’ll be gone in seconds, trust me.”
“Hey! Where do you think you’re going with that alone, huh?” Wonwoo whined, following him into the elevator and reaching for the sandwich. Jeonghan was faster and trickier, pulling it out of reach just in time resulting in a soft “Hyung!”.
“Why? What is it?” Jeonghan feigned innocence as he tried pushing Wonwoo out of the elevator to escape, Wonwoo forced his way back in with a hearty laugh as he managed to bite a small corner out of one of the sandwich halves still in Jeonghan hands. “Hey! What if I wanted that one!”
“Yoon Jeonghan—” You threatened lightly, a smile tugging at your lips when Jeonghan finally ended his teasing. He handed Wonwoo his partially bitten portion of the sandwich just as the doors to the elevator closed, both of them waving you goodbye with a happy grin.
You chuckled in content and continued down the hall to the left, finally coming to a stop in front of Jihoon’s studio. You gave the door a heavy knock, not expecting him to hear much especially if he had his headphones on. When no response was given for five minutes you pulled out the key he’d given you a long time ago, unlocking the door swiftly and surprised to find the room completely dark.
You flipped on the main light switch to discover the studio completely empty, papers and pens scattered across the desk with ramblings written every which way in the producer's idea notebook. A half assed attempt was made to fix the couch, which was covered by a throw blanket and pillow to indicate he’d been pulling all nighters here again.
You set the sandwich bag and remaining coffee on the little table in front of the couch, whipping your phone out to shoot a text to the sweet overworked producer you called a friend.
Brought you lunch, studio looks like a wreck lol. You been feeling ok?
You grabbed the small trash can beside Woozi’s desk and got to work throwing away the energy drink cans and granola wrappers littering his desk. You were just organizing all of his sheet music when you felt your phone buzz in response.
This songs’ been killing me, man. Couldn’t breathe in that room any more, went to the gym to relieve some stress. I’ll be there in a bit, appreciate you for always worrying about me
You let out an exhale as you slid your blazer off your shoulders and placed it along the back of the desk chair, unable to simply sit and do nothing while he struggled. You of all people knew how frustrating creative blocks could be, but hopefully a cleaner environment would ease his tension a little bit. You took a seat at his chair and scooted yourself up to the computer, logging in to locate the audio file for Maestro that was currently driving its producer up a wall.
Your eyes poured over the desktop, and you quietly cursed Jihoon for never labeling anything properly. ‘Organized Chaos’ he’d call it, but just looking at the screen filled with folders titled ‘Audio Ex1-B67’ gave you no clues as to what actually was stored in each file.
You sighed and decided to start with the icons at the bottom that looked most recent, you clicked. The infamous beat of ‘Adore U’ began to play. You clicked the next one, Wonwoo’s distinct growl filled your ears as you recognized their song ‘Fear’. You closed both files and groaned outwardly, remembering Jihoon discussing the concept of sampling past songs to construct his new one.
You changed your focus towards the folders near the middle of the screen and clicked the first one you saw. It was labeled differently in comparison to the rest, and the audio file inside had no name at all. Just a jumbled arrangement of letters and numbers randomly given by the computer itself. You pressed play, and a completely unfamiliar melody began echoing through the studio speakers.
It was completely unlike anything Jihoon had composed before, it was sweet but also… sensual. Not like the few songs he’d produced for Seventeen that gave a spicier instrumental, this felt more intimate somehow. Almost personal. The slow hum of the strings in the background stole your breath and you felt your heartbeat quicken as a beautifully soft clarinet chorus stole your attention. The energy shifted halfway through, running around from loving and sensual to borderline carnal.
You could practically feel the goosebumps forming as you listened to it. There were no lyrics, but every now and then Jihoon let out a faint vocal riff that was intoxicating. His voice made you melt, and you were too absorbed into the music to feel embarrassed by the warmth making its way through your body. A pleasant buzz ran from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, and you imagined him singing to you. 
You closed your eyes and laid your head back against his chair to really get the full effect, to lean into what the music was trying to make you feel. It amplified everything tenfold, and you began to notice the hints of Jihoon’s cologne that still lingered within the space. Everything about the song, about the room, about the scent, it overwhelmed your senses and you suddenly realized how much you enjoyed it. How easily you’d allow yourself to get overtaken by it all, only if it was him. Only if it was Jihoon.
A guitar chord was plucked sharply in contrast to the soft instrumental, and you gasped in surprise. By this point you had thought the song was simply looping since it had been well over several minutes, but the longer it went on the more you noticed small interesting deviations from the original melody. The pace of the music kept steady, but everytime Jihoon let out another gorgeous riff you could feel the tension increasing slightly.
You almost wanted to break your trance just to throw on a pair of headphones, your body thrumming at thinking about what the song would sound like even more intimately being funneled directly to your ears. A shiver ran through you at the idea as another strain of strings drew you back into the music without another thought. 
A gust of AC provided your senses with yet another strong note of Jihoon’s cologne, at the exact same time the guitar plucked again and his voice echoed beautifully throughout the room. Almost on impulse, your hand reached up to clutch your chest. It trailed downwards slowly, softly grazing your left breast and a quiet hum escaped your lips as your fingers danced along your clothed peak. You bit your lip and pressed lightly into your clothed center with your other hand, sighing how good the pressure felt.
Your head felt empty and dizzy, this kind of touch with these kinds of thoughts about Jihoon were typically reserved for your own bed at home. Never once had you ever allowed such behavior to follow you to work, nevertheless Jihoon’s own studio. You stuttered in your motions as a sliver of guilt ran through you, he was your colleague, he was your friend. This was inappropriate on every single level.
But it was like the music was encouraging you, talking you through it. And almost like it knew you were beginning to have doubts, Jihoon let out the most provocative vocal run you’d never thought possible. Your hand gripped tightly on to your breast in reflex, and the noise you made would’ve been humiliating if you weren’t so focused on every little jolt of pleasure thrumming through your veins.
Before you could think better of it, your right hand moved to hurriedly unbutton the top of your pants. Not bothering to push them down, you dipped your hand into the waistband of your underwear to locate your heated folds and you exhaled at the relief it brought. Your head tilted back and your mouth formed an ‘O’ as the pleasure from your own fingers built steadily, another stray guitar chord causing your body to jolt in gratification.
You weren’t proud of it, but you’d imagined Jihoon touching you like this more times than you could count, especially in this studio. His mouth being unable to detach itself from yours, from your neck, from your chest, from between your legs. Your favorite thing to fantasize about lately was riding him in the very chair you sat in, ending it with a sloppy kiss as he refused to let you remove himself from you. You thought about where he would touch you first, where would you touch him? A silly question, since you knew those gorgeous locks of hair would be tangled between your fingers without a second thought if he so much as allowed it. You wanted him panting in your ears, his voice itself bringing you to an edge that you just needed to fall off of.
Your fingers quickened, and you whined out as you found yourself waiting for another of Jihoon’s vocal riffs to give you that extra push closer to completion. Instead, the clarinet danced throughout your ears, a soft beat echoed from the drums, even a few stray piano notes participated in increasing your tension. It was teasing you, the song knew what you wanted but it refused to give it to you. Another whine was unconsciously pulled from your lips.
“Please… please…” you found yourself whispering out loud, your head spinning as your hand began to cramp up at the speed with which it moved. “God Jihoon, please—“
A loud thud that was definitely not a part of the music ripped you out of your reverie in an instant. Your hand shot away from your breast while the other ripped itself out of your pants as if they were both burned. You swiveled the chair to face the door of the studio, and your heart sunk into your stomach as Jihoon stood front and center with the most frustratingly unreadable expression on his face.
His cheeks were flushed, most likely from the gym but you wouldn’t be surprised if it was partially your own doing as well. His long black hair was messy and slightly damp from sweat, the black tank top and shorts he wore were clinging to his body and giving your indecent mind way too much of a view of his glistening pale skin. His gym bag was on the floor, some of its contents having spilled out including one of his metal water bottles and a small kettlebell, the items proven to be the cause of the thudding sound no doubt.
You simply looked at him for a solid minute, your chest still panting from the near orgasm you’d just experienced and your body still aching from being denied its release. You felt shame, pure and unbridled as he looked you up and down. You hadn’t bothered to button your pants back up, and your shirt and bra were most certainly out of sorts from the iron grip you’d had on it moments before. You looked an absolute mess, and even if he had only come in half a minute ago, there was no hiding or denying what you’d been up to.
“I… I’m…” You began, finding the first few words coming out like gravel in your throat. “Can we just, not talk about this?”
You attempted to appear pitiful, which wasn’t hard considering you wanted nothing more than the ground to swallow you up whole in that very moment. His expression still revealed nothing and you huffed in irritation, running a hand through your hair as you sent him a pleading look. 
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I don’t know what came over me.” You tried to act normal, turning back to the computer briefly to shut off the music that had become background noise playing softly through the studio. Your heart hammered in your chest. 
“I just…” Jihoon croaked out, attempting to keep a casual composure and failing. Your eyes locked on his, expecting. “I never expected to walk in on—“
“Please! Stop!” You covered your ears in embarrassment and Jihoon had the audacity to chuckle softly. You glared at him. “Don’t even try to tell me you’ve never gotten yourself off here before, you practically live in this place.”
His ears burned red and you felt a bit of relief that you’d hit the nail on its head, a bit of excitement also thrumming through your chest at the image it gave you. You forced yourself to straighten your back and clear your throat, fixing your shirt back into place as you reached down to re-button your pants.
“… You could.. continue. If you wanted to.” Jihoon let out, and you felt your fingers freeze at his words. You looked up to stare at him, his eyes were glassy and his cheeks and ears still burned deeply. But his gaze, his gaze was directly on you.
“… What?” You blinked, unsure if your fogged up brain was simply making you hear hallucinations at this point. Jihoon shifted his weight, making no move to leave.
“I’m the one that interrupted.” He licked his lips, and your eyes latched on to the motion immediately. “I would hate for you to go… unsatisfied because of me.”
He spoke matter of factly, like he was suggesting a different melody for the hook of a song or what they should eat for dinner today. It didn’t sound creepy or odd in his voice at all, just a suggestion from one friend to the other. Your brain reeled, partially excited at the prospect of relieving all the tension your body had winded up, but also anxious as to how Jihoon would see you after this awkward encounter was over.
Despite everything, your core ached at the very thought of being relieved, and you gripped the arms of the chair to ground yourself before responding.
“… I’d appreciate that, then.” You spoke, your own voice sounding unfamiliar. Jihoon’s eyes widened slightly, as if surprised by your answer. He seemed to mull something over as he leaned down to throw the water bottle and kettlebell back in his gym bag, tossing it in the corner of the room.
Your eyes tracked his every move carefully, the way his bicep veins flexed as he lifted the bag and the angle at which his glorious thigh muscles peeked out from beneath the edges of his shorts. Your mouth went dry at the sight, and you couldn’t help the surprised noise you made when he moved to sit on the couch rather than exiting the room.
You raised a brow as he leaned back comfortably, one arm lying across the top of the couch while the other rested atop his front. Your brain flashed a brief image of you crawling into his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist as you hooked your arms around his neck. Pulling him closer, and closer…
You mentally slapped yourself, he literally just sat down.
“Are you not leaving?” You questioned with a frown, unsure of how much longer you were expected to continue acting like you weren’t completely turned on and frustrated. Jihoon shrugged slightly.
“It’s my studio, why would I leave?” He spoke in that tone again, like he was just asking your typical everyday question. It was starting to tick you off.
“You just said I could continue what I was doing.”
“I did.” Your brows scrunched together in confusion.
“… But you’re not gonna leave?”
Jihoon shifted his legs wider, and you were suddenly aware of just how obvious it was that you were ogling him. The man could’ve moved a pinkie and your eyes would dart to watch it, your posture completely tense and on edge. He smiled a little, and your face warmed as you realized he’d been observing you too.
“You’re just.. gonna sit there then?” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you finally registered what he wanted. You swallowed audibly. “You’re going to watch me?”
“Unless you’d rather go somewhere else.” He suggested, and though Jihoon looked just as invested as you were, it was equally apparent that you still held all the power in the room. If you wanted to leave and decided you were uncomfortable, he wouldn’t stop you from getting up and walking right out. It was his own kind of reassurance, a promise with his eyes that things wouldn’t change between the two of you even if you decided to end it all right then.
Instead, you strengthened your resolve and removed your shirt. You didn’t look at him directly, still a bit too nervous for that. But you heard his sharp intake of breath, and all the hairs on your arm stood up at the sound. The unspoken tension in the air shifted almost immediately, and before you could regret it you forced yourself to completely relax in the chair as you closed your eyes.
Your hand discovered your breast once more, teasing and prodding over the thin material of your bra. A sigh escaped as you squeezed softly, without the music playing you found yourself much more aware and anxious of the eyes staring you down. Your hand dipped tentatively underneath your bra to play with your peak and you squirmed slightly, your center pulsing in excitement and you whimpered at the feeling.
“Fuck…” A groan resounded throughout the studio and you arched your back in surprise at Jihoon’s suddenly rough voice. His cursing made the dim flame sitting in the pit of your stomach burst into a wildfire, and you pinched your nipple with a small squeak. 
It was honestly desperate the way in which you forced your hand back beneath your underwear, unable to contain the desire Jihoon managed to make you feel through that one word alone. Any remaining embarrassment from the situation dissipated as you focused entirely on the pleasure your own fingers provided. You rolled your thumb against your nipple as a finger finally prodded inside your aching core.
“Take it off.” Jihoon practically begged, and your eyes fluttered open to look at him. His pupils had gone nearly completely black, and the arm covering his front seemed to be applying pressure to a now significantly growing bulge in his shorts. You licked your lips which seemed to add fuel to his fire, and he huffed out again. “Your bra, your pants. Take them off.”
You smiled at his weak demand but you stopped your ministrations nevertheless. You stood from your chair on tentative legs, unhooking your bra and letting it fall soundlessly to the ground. The look on Jihoon’s face made you feel warmer than you’d ever thought possible, his jaw clenched tightly and he didn’t even bother to hide the grip he held on his swelling erection.
“That song you wrote, the one that was playing when you came in.” You removed one leg from your pants slowly, then the other. Deliberately teasing the frustrated man across from you. “It was beautiful, your voice suited it perfectly. It felt carnal, like lust incarnate.”
“It was just some late night improv.” He spoke breathlessly, eyeing you hungrily as you sat back down to continue your actions. “I remember you looking especially tempting that day. It took everything in me not to pull up that sinful fucking skirt of yours and throw you up against my desk.”
You gasped at the image and bit down hard on the inside of your cheek to keep from groaning out loud. Your underwear which you’d simply pushed to the side was drenched by that point, and you slowed your pace as you watched Jihoon staring at your fingers fervently. You wanted to give him the best show while you were able, in and out... In… and out.
“Whatever emotions I don’t act on goes straight into those unnamed tracks.” He mumbled out. A deep exhale leaving his lips as the last of his self control seemed to exit his body. “I probably have thirty recordings on there that were created just from me thinking about you.”
You cried out as he spoke, pumping another digit inside your throbbing hole as you ramped up the intensity. You watched eagerly as Jihoon shuffled his shorts down, his own hand tugging his erection harshly put from his underwear with haste. Your fingers stuttered at the sight of him, pale and long with a glistening pink tip. ‘Pretty.’ You couldn’t help but think, practically drooling as you imagined how it would feel to replace your fingers with it.
“What if I told you I want you to act on it?” You panted out, a light sheen of sweat coating your skin as you watched Jihoon pause mid stroke. “What if I told you I want you to fuck me until I’m numb? That I dream about it.”
Jihoon let out his own whimper at your words, and the noise had you keening into your palm. Jihoon increased the pace at which he pumped his hard length, his expression that of a complete wreck. You quickened your fingers in turn, eager to feel as connected to him in pleasure as you were physically able.
“I’d tell you that I’ve pictured pushing you into the glass of my recording studio and falling to my knees since the day we met. I’ve thought about thrusting my tongue into that tight little hole of yours over and over until you can’t be bothered to think straight more times than I can count.” He spoke his words carefully, eyes never once leaving your body as he watched your soaked fingers pump steadily into your cunt. “I want to record the audio of it all. Of you screaming my name as I devour you, the sounds of you panting and begging me to let you cum. It would be the most beautiful fucking sound, my favorite song.”
The moan you released was obscene, the heat in your blood boiling up to unbearable heights as you unconsciously introduced a third finger. Your pants were getting heavier, and you knew the edge was once again spiraling towards you head first. 
“You like that?” Jihoon grunted, a self assured smirk planted on his face contrasting with the desperate way with which he stroked himself. “You enjoy touching yourself while I talk about all the different positions I’ve  wanted to fuck you in?”
You nodded so harshly you wouldn’t be surprised if your neck was sore tomorrow. Your eyes squeezed shut again as the smell of your and Jihoons sweat and fluids consumed your senses, his voice was so much better than the music. The slight neediness mixed with his hungry tone made your knees weak, and you quivered to think of how your body would react if he’d actually been touching you.
“Next time I’ll bend you over my desk, huh?” Jihoon moaned at his own words, the very idea of it seeming to drive him mad. His grip was iron tight as his pumps stuttered and his eyes fluttered closed for a quick  moment before latching once more unto you. “I’ll lean down to your ear and tell you how good you feel around me as I pound every inch into you nice and hard. You’d be so good for me wouldn’t you?”
“Please…” You whispered out as you felt yourself finally reach the peak, your clit throbbing as your other hand reached down to give it a harsh rub. “God Jihoon, please…”
“Are you gonna cum for me, Y/N? I want to see how wrecked you look when you do.” Jihoon panted, his chest heaving as his own release approached rapidly. “Fuck please, say my name when you cum. Say my fucking name—“
“Jihoon!” You couldn’t help but scream out, repeating it over and over again as a complete tidal wave of pleasure roared through you as your body jolted over and over again. The aftershocks were nearly just as strong, and you squeaked out in surprise at just how intense and drawn out your orgasm had been.
By the end of it you were completely limp, not a single muscle functioning properly and your mind a delightfully empty buzz. You managed to open your eyes slightly, finding Jihoon in a nearly identical state with his eyes shut and his arms being completely dead weight hanging by his sides.
Eventually both of your heavy breathing slowed significantly, and those gorgeous eyes of his opened leisurely to lock on to your own. The sudden twinge of worry that you’d crossed too big of a boundary was completely crushed when Jihoon offered you the warmest smile. 
In that moment you swore he was practically glowing, he wasn’t the stressed and overworked producer you’d come to know so well. He looked content, happy, and if you could help him feel that way every day for the rest of your life you knew you’d never have any regrets for as long as you lived. You returned his smile, a chuckle escaping your lips.
“I think you’ve just ruined any chance of me experiencing a normal orgasm ever again.” You giggled, he raised a brow. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to cum like that again unless I’m listening to one of your songs or something.”
Jihoon groaned, the picture of you touching yourself while listening to his music no doubt clouding his mind. You were both well aware of each other's exhaustion, but god only knew if he wanted another round you wouldn’t even hesitate. Anything to feel that level of intensity again.
“Don’t you ever let me find out you’re trying to get yourself off without me again.” Jihoon threatened weakly, sitting up tentatively to give you a cheeky grin. “I’m a man of my word after all. And we have a lot of positions to try out.”
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duhnova · 1 year
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virgin seventeen! a mini series
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not all of these fics are planned out yet or even named, hence why it feels so empty, but i am hoping to have this updated regularly as i think of things and finish fics! 
synopsis: seventeen loses their v-card to their partner that's a little more experienced then they are (save for chan, he loses a different kind of v-card).
taglist form
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__ - choi seungcheol 
[synopsis] coming soon…
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sweater paws - yoon jeonghan
[synopsis] your soft and cuddly virgin boyfriend isn’t so soft and innocent when he wakes up in the middle of the night from a wet dream. 
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bad girls make good boys cry - joshua hong
[synopsis] crying was never on joshua’s list of things to expect when he finally lost his virginity, but it’s more blissful than he could’ve imagined.
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__ - wen junhui 
[synopsis] coming soon…
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__ - kwon soonyoung 
[synopsis] coming soon…
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bend the rules - jeon wonwoo
[synopsis] you might’ve been his first but he’s definitely your last, and all your exes know it. 
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__ - lee jihoon
[synopsis] coming soon…
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__ - xu minghao
[synopsis] coming soon…
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good puppy - kim mingyu
[synopsis] coming soon…
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__ - lee seokmin
[synopsis] coming soon…
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__ - boo seungkwan
[synopsis] coming soon…
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__ - chwe vernon
[synopsis] coming soon…
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__ - lee chan (sequel to doe eyes)
[synopsis] your new found (secret) boyfriend has one more v-card left and he’s more than willing to give it to you as well, ass up and all.
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itssunshinetoday · 12 days
❁ pictures you've taken of your boyfriend, jeonghan
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More of the boyfriend pictures series
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hugs2doie · 1 year
nini’s masterlist .
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⌦ nct dream (ot7)
✩ nct dream’s reaction when you send cheesy pick up lines !
✩ nct dream’s reaction when you don’t pick up their phone calls !
✩ nct dream’s reaction when you bring a cat home !
✩ nct dream comforting/complimenting you on a bad day
✩ texting nct dream “my sibling wants to meet you” !
✩ random nct dream texts !
✩ clingy nct dream
✩ jealous nct dream
☆ nct dream sending you a cheesy pick-up line !
✩ nct dream texting you after an argument !
☆ liking each other at the wrong times
☆ nct dream possessive texts
☆ their s/o being on youngji drinking show
☆ their reaction to their drunk s/o texts
☆ nct dream when you’re mad at them
☆ nct dream when you fall asleep on call
☆ nct dream texts when you accidentally cut your finger
☆ hyping the dreamies up cause they’re nervous for their comeback
☆ “shes busy” prank
✩“i saw you cheating” prank
☆ “i’m paying for you nails” texts
☆ them asking you to unblock them after a (silly) argument)
☆ them being jealous of you liking/listening to other artists/groups
☆ them texting you from other numbers after you’ve blocked them
☆ their reaction when you ask why they’re dating you
☆ the dreamies reaction when you tell them “we need to talk”
☆ “i was talking to my other boyfriend” prank on them
☆ the dreamies being down bad for you even though you’re in a relationship
☆ the dreamies texting you after a few days of not talking because of their busy schedules
☆ their reaction after you drunkenly confessed to them
☆ their reaction when you text them that your pants have been stained cause of periods in public
☆ “you were my first kiss”
✩“my parents liked you”
☆ texting them “i love you too” but it was for their mom
☆ nct dream texts x idol!reader
— mark 𖦹
☆ she fell first but he fell harder
☆ mark drabble inspired by dark red
— renjun 𖦹
✩ random renjun bf texts !
☆ a random argument with renjun !
☆ you fell first but he fell harder <3
☆ [19:56]
☆ more renjun bf texts
☆ renjun drabble inspired by last waltz
— jeno 𖦹
☆ jeno texts after a fight
☆ jeno drabble inspired by i don’t love you
— haechan 𖦹
☆ random haechan bf texts !
☆ she fell first but he fell harder
☆ best friends to lovers with haechan
☆ nct dream 8th member drabble
☆ haechan going to ikea and sending his gf pics of the furniture he would like to test out w her (IDK WHAT ELSE TO TITTLE THIS)
— jaemin 𖦹
☆ jaemin comforting his gf !
☆ random bf jaemin texts !
— chenle 𖦹
☆ random chenle bf texts !
☆ she fell first but he fell harder
☆ jealous chenle texts
✩ telling chenle about your sleeping habits
☆ chenle drabble inspired by womanizer
— jisung 𖦹
☆ jisung angst texts !
☆ random jisung bf texts !
☆ more jisung bf texts !
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⌦ nct 127
✩ comforting you on a bad day (text)
☆ nct 127 possessive texts
— taeil 𖦹
☆ random taeil bf texts !
— johnny 𖦹
☆ random johnny bf texts !
— taeyong 𖦹
☆ random taeyong bf texts !
— yuta 𖦹
☆ random yuta bf texts !
☆ bf!yuta comforting you
— doyoung 𖦹
☆ doyoung jealous texts !
☆ doyoung bf texts !
☆ more doyoung bf texts !
— jaehyun 𖦹
☆ chocolates & milkshake
— jungwoo 𖦹
(you can find mark & haechan at nct dream <3)
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⌦ wayv
☆ wayv jealous texts
☆ wayv possessive texts
☆ wayv texting you after a fight
☆ randomly saying i love you to them
☆ wayv texts when you fall asleep on call
☆ their reaction when you ask them “why am i dating you?”
— kun 𖦹
☆ random kun bf texts !
☆ kun possessive texts
— ten 𖦹
☆ random ten bf texts !
— winwin 𖦹
☆ random winwin bf texts !
☆ jealous winwin tests !
☆ winwin possessive texts !
☆ more random winwin bf texts !
☆ clingy winwin scenario !
☆ texting winwin about his kiss scene !
— xiaojun 𖦹
☆ doting on xiaojun <3
— hendery 𖦹
☆ random hendery bf texts !
— yangyang 𖦹
☆ yangyang possessive texts !
☆ classmates to lovers with yangyang !
☆ random yangyang bf texts !
☆ more yangyang possessive texts !
☆ yangyang shy boy scenario
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⌦ seventeen (ot13)
☆ seventeen’s maknae line when their “i love you message” gets autocorrected to “i hate you”
— s.coups 𖦹
— jeonghan 𖦹
☆ random jeonghan bf texts !
— joshua 𖦹
☆ random joshua best friend texts !
— jun 𖦹
☆ random jun bf texts !
— hoshi 𖦹
— wonwoo 𖦹
— woozi 𖦹
— dk 𖦹
— mingyu 𖦹
☆ random mingyu bf texts
— minghao (the8) 𖦹
☆ minghao best friend texts
— seungkwan 𖦹
— vernon 𖦹
☆ random vernon bf texts !
— dino 𖦹
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welcometomyoasis · 7 months
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ welcometomyoasis masterlist
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ key:
✯ f (fluff) | a (angst) | h/c (hurt/ comfort) | h (humour) | s (suggestive content) | r (reactions from asks) | psa (please read warnings carefully)
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✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ series:
✯ thinking about you series | ongoing ✯ seventeen med | ongoing | in collaboration with @brownsugarbaybee
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☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ot13 posts:
✯ who in seventeen would kiss you on the first date | f ✯ seventeen as types of note takers | h ✯ seventeen as university students | h ✯ who in seventeen would take a trip spontaneously | h ✯ seventeen with a doe eyed s/o | f ✯ romantic(?) pickup lines with seventeen | f ✯️ how seventeen would take care of their sick s/o | f ✯ letting go, holding on | a, s, h/c ✯ haunted house adventures with seventeen | f ✯ how seventeen would support their s/o during exam season | f, h/c ✯ seventeen as panda pictures | h ✯ how seventeen would react to your joints cracking | f, h ✯ seventeen as life's impactful moments | f, h/c ✯ seventeen with an s/o who works on an animal farm | f ✯ seventeen as life's comforting moments | f, h/c ✯ how seventeen would hold your hand | f, h/c ✯ seventeen's reaction to their s/o crushing it on the water obstacle course | f ✯ seventeen's reaction to their s/o being in the same variety show as them | f ✯ seventeen doing the cupid's chokehold trend | f ✯ seventeen with a poet s/o | f ✯ beach house holiday with seventeen | f ✯ seventeen's reaction to their s/o appearing on going seventeen | f ✯ seventeen's reaction to their 14th member being female | f, a ✯ seventeen when you are on your period | f, h/c ✯ seventeen with an s/o who is book smart but not street smart | f, h/c ✯ seventeen's reaction to having a silver tongued s/o | f, a ✯ seventeen with an s/o who experiences hyperfixation | f, h/c ✯ ranking seventeen: who would get married the fastest | f
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ unit posts:
✯ seventeen with a chubby s/o ❧ hip hop unit | vocal unit | performance unit | f, h/c
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ individual members:
✯ The number one period essential, Choi Seungcheol | f, h/c ✯ Fireflies with you | f, h/c ✯Forever and always | f, h/c
✯ Capybara | f ✯ What Jeonghan would do if you needed to breastfeed your baby in public | r ✯ Don't worry, for our souls are forever intertwined | poly! jihan | f, h/c ✯ sentimental | f
✯ Don't worry, for our souls are forever intertwined | poly! jihan | f, h/c ✯ Petrichor | f, a ✯ Food tastes better in cute shapes | f ✯ Being Joshua Hong's passenger princess | f
wonwoo ✯ There's nothing tea can't fix | f, h/c
✯ You are enough | a, h/c
minghao ✯ To all the love letters I wrote but never sent | f
✯ 02.08am | f ✯firefighter neighbour! mingyu headcanons | f ✯firefighter boyfriend! mingyu headcanons | f
✯ You are exactly where you need to be | psa, a, h/c ✯ raindrop races | f
lee chan
✯ 17 | f
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‧₊˚✩彡 events:
✯ 100 followers event | masterlist
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471 notes · View notes
atinyjules · 11 months
I had to 😂
Genre: Family au, fluff, humour, crack au
Pairings: Dad!Soonyoung x named mom!reader
Warnings: FLUFF
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"Dad...are we hamsters?" Soonyoung choked and spat out his coffee almost immediately after his eldest Taeyang asked him with a pout.
"WHO-WHAT-WHY-NO! Who said we're hamsters?!" He exclaimed as Taeyang pouted more.
"Ji-ah!" Taeyang exclaimed making Soonyoung gasp.
"She called you a hamster?!" Soonyoung exclaimed as he shook his head.
"No! She said our whole family were hamsters!" he pouted as Hoshi gasped and fell to the floor.
"Yoon Jeonghannn!! The betrayal!"
"There he goes again~" Taeyang perked up at the sound of his mother's voice.
"Eomma!" Taeyang went over towards the kitchen to hug his mother who had just returned from the mall.
"There's my sunshine!" she exclaimed picking him up into her embrace as she kissed his cheek.
"Honey! Guess what!! Ji-ah said that we are a hamster family!" Soonyoung exclaimed making Sieun chuckle as she patted her husband's shoulder.
"Ji-ah is a child, she's just joking. Besides who cares if people think we're a hamster family? If we think we're tigers then we're tigers, don't look for people's approval." she said while caressing Taeyang's hair making Soonyoung smiled as he pulled the both of them for a hug.
"You're right...thanks honey, you always know how to make us feel better...right Taeyangie?" Soonyoung asked his son who beamed.
"Yes! I love you eomma!" he exclaimed and kissed her cheek making her chuckle as Soonyoung placed a kiss on his wife's forehead.
"He's right, we love you soo much!" he exclaimed.
"I love my boys too!" she exclaimed and brought her hand forward.
"Kwon!" she exclaimed as Taeyang excitedly put his hand over his mother's.
"KWON!" Soonyoung exclaimed as the three of them cheered.
"WE ARE THE KWOOOONNNNS!!" They shouted loudly and threw their hands up in the air.
They flinched when they heard the loud roars of crying erupting from the nursery.
"Yumi and Yuri!" Sieun exclaimed and put Taeyang down and ran towards the nursery as Soonyoung picked Taeyang up.
"Now that is what you call a tigers roar!" Soonyoung exclaimed and looked at Taeyang who covered his ears.
"Don't worry, you were 5 times louder than this!" Soonyoung said earning a pout from his son.
"Both of you! Don't just stand there! Go calm them down, I need to go get their diapers!" Sieun exclaimed making them flinch as they hurried to the nursery.
"Yes, ma'am!" they both saluted her and entered the nursery.
"See, that's why I fell in love with your eomma!" Soonyoung whispered to Taeyang as they began entertaining his baby sisters.
"We are tigers...I know it for sure now!" Taeyang exclaimed and proceeded to sing for his sisters.
"That...we are." Soonyoung mumbled as he looked at his growing son with a proud smile as he tried to calm his sisters down.
I hoped you guys liked this one!💗✨🌠
Reblogs and Likes are appreciated!🌠✨💗
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wontune · 2 months
Jeonghan ㅤㅤ[ 케이팝 ] ♡ seventeen lockscreens
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240 notes · View notes
hoshifighting · 4 months
oh my god…. seungkwan fingering …..
what about him punishing u in public after he catches u touching urself without him
Reader X Idol! Seungkwan
Word Count: 1,1k
Warnings: Smut, fingering, public sex, bathroom sex, public teasing.
The anticipation bubbled within you as you prepared to reunite with Seungkwan after his long tour. He had been away for what felt like an eternity, and the nights without him had been lonesome echoes of longing. The touch of his hands, the taste of his lips, and the way he effortlessly made your heart race were distant memories that fueled your eagerness.
Finally, the day arrived when Seungkwan returned home, tired yet excited to be back. Eager to make up for lost time, you decided to gather some friends and head to a local bar for a night of laughter and catching up. The evening promised to be a joyful reunion, a celebration of love, and shared moments.
As you arrived home from your classes, the apartment seemed unusually quiet. It took a moment for you to realize that Seungkwan was probably in the bath, freshening up after the long journey. You couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing him, feeling the warmth of his presence enveloping you once more.
You entered the apartment to find a faint aroma of his favorite bath salts wafting through the air. the bathroom door was slightly ajar, and you could hear the sound of water running. Your heart fluttered with excitement as you imagined the joyful reunion awaiting you.
While Seungkwan indulged in the bath, you couldn't help but reminisce about the nights you spent alone, yearning for his touch. The loneliness had etched a longing in your soul, making the prospect of being with him again all the more enticing.
Unbeknownst to you, your hand absentmindedly found its way under the waistband of your shorts. the memory of Seungkwan's tender touches, the way he made you lose yourself during sex, overwhelmed your senses. A quiet sigh escaped your lips as you succumbed to the yearning that had built up during his absence, your fingers circling your clit, the arousal already dripping from your pussy.
As you lost yourself in the moment, the bathroom door creaked open, and Seungkwan emerged, a towel draped loosely around his waist. His eyes met yours, a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he took in the scene before him.
"well, someone's been missing me quite a bit, huh?"
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Seungkwan's teasing comment hung in the air. Yhe surprise of being caught was enough to make you gasp, freezing in place.
"I won't let you get away with this," he declared, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
As you got ready, you couldn't help but steal glances at Seungkwan, who was now dressed and waiting for you.
The bar was alive with energy, the laughter of friends and the music creating a lively atmosphere. however, the lingering effects of Seungkwan's playful teasing had left your body feeling weak, and as you leaned against the bar.
Seungkwan, always bold and affectionate, wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close. His lips brushed against your ear as he whispered naughty things that sent shivers down your spine. The sensation of his hips pressing against yours made your heart race, and you bit your lip nervously, trying to maintain composure.
As you waited for your drink, you looked around, hoping that the bar's lively ambiance would distract others from his bulge pressed tight on your ass. You could feel the gaze of strangers, but you chose to ignore it, savoring the closeness you had missed during Seungkwan's tour.
A sulking expression crossed your face as you shot a glance at Seungkwan, silently expressing your discomfort with his teasing. He, however, only grinned in response, his eyes glinting with mischief. Clearly enjoying the effect he had on you, he teased, "What's the matter, love? Can't handle a little excitement in public?"
The sudden urgency in Seungkwan caught you off guard as he wasted no time, steering you towards the nearest bathroom. Your back pressed against the cool surface, Seungkwan's hands worked swiftly to rid you of your jeans. The sensation of his touch after such a long separation made your legs tremble with anticipation.
Seungkwan, his desire evident, licked his fingers before skillfully working them on you. His digits getting inside of your pussy without trouble, since youre already so wet.
You couldn't help but let out a whimper that was swallowed by his kiss, capturing the sound of your pleasure. The bathroom seemed to shrink, the warmth of his mouth against yours only intensified the pleasure coursing through your veins.
The sudden fear of being caught sent a thrill through your body, and your breath hitched as the realization hit you. Just as the bathroom door seemed like it could open at any moment, Seungkwan's hand found its way to your throat, pressing gently against pressure points.
Seungkwan's lips were dangerously close to your ear, and he whispered in a low, husky voice, "Imagine if someone walked in right now, catching us like this. Would you be able to keep quiet, or would you let out those sweet little sounds you make for me?"
His grip tightened ever so slightly, a silent reminder of the control he held in that moment. "You're mine, and I want everyone to know," he continued, his voice a seductive whisper. "Let them see just how much you crave me, how much you can't resist when I touch you like this."
Seungkwan's whispered words seemed to penetrate straight to your core, weakening even the strongest resolve. The combination of his seductive voice, the pressure on your throat, and the anticipation of someone potentially entering the bathroom created a cocktail of desire that was impossible to resist. In response to his words, you arched your back from the wall, a small whimper escaping your lips as you succumbed to the pleasure building within you.
Seungkwan reveled in your reaction, his confidence evident in the devilish smirk that played on his lips. "That's it" he murmured, his voice a velvet caress against your ear. "Let them hear you, love. Show them how good I make you feel."
As your body quivered with pleasure, Seungkwan continued to exert a controlled pressure on your throat, his fingers skillfully exploring the wetness that had already pooled between your folds. The intensity of the moment reached its peak, and with a soft moan, you finally orgasmed.
You found yourself leaning on Seungkwan for support, your head resting on his shoulder. Your knees felt weak, Seungkwan, always attentive, gently helped you readjust your clothes, ensuring you looked presentable once more.
Once you were composed, Seungkwan held you close, his arms wrapped around you protectively. In the dimly lit restroom, he looked into your eyes, a soft smile playing on his lips. "God, I missed you so much," he confessed, his voice filled with sincerity.
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kwanisms · 2 months
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➔ mingyu menu | back to character select | back to main menu
🔞 many of these works contain sexual content (18+ mdni) 🔞 ♤ — angst :: ♡ — fluff :: ♧ — smut ✍ — ongoing :: ⊝ — hiatus :: ⊗ — discontinued :: ✓ — completed
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— oneshots
»» Tales from Camp: Kitchen Duty ♧
➥ 6.5k; Mingyu loved being in the kitchen and jumped at the chance to help with meal prep for the next day, not realizing it would leave him alone in the kitchen at night with Y/N.
»» Back in the Kitchen ♧
➥ 6.6k; Mingyu and his wife, Y/N, get a little dirty while closing up the bakery the night before Christmas Eve.
»» Just Try ♤
➥ 4.1k; Mingyu gets a little jealous when his best friend from his childhood, Y/N, gets along a little too well with his members, particularly his leader.
»» Kinkuary: threesome + face sitting (ft. Wonwoo) ♧
➥ 1.3k; Mingyu is always needy around Y/N and Wonwoo. Add alcohol to the mix and all he wants is to be under you and your shared boyfriend.
— timestamps
»» [00:24] ♧ Y/N's best friend asks her the totally normal and innocent question of what the biggest dick she's ever had was.
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ⓘ DISCLAIMER :: MONSTER/ALIEN FUCKER ENTHUSIAST ⓘ ©️ kwanisms 2024 | all works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works. All graphics made by me. Content and support banners made by me using cafekitsune's template.
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bittersweet-folder · 3 months
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How they kiss you when they get you alone (slightly suggestive)
How they would react when you kiss all over their face with your lipstick on (slightly suggestive touches) [ hip hop unit ]
Types of kinks I think Seventeen has [ mature content 18+] [hyung version] [ maknae version ]
How seventeen would react on you masturbating to a teddy bear (requested)
Tropes which I think would suit the 95 line [ Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua with gn reader ]
Tipsy under the moonlight (fluff , friends to lovers, slight suggestive,university au) [ both reader and Jun are 18+ ofc]
Lipstick stains for his pretty face (part 1?) (Fluff and slightly suggestive at the end both Jun and reader and in a established relationship btw)
Bewitched :
🪽CHAPTER 1 . [REWRITING IS CONSIDERED SO PLEASE BE PATIENT. I'll be posting the while fic together later on]
[wizard Hoshi × love witch reader] (coworker/friends to lovers, supernatural au, both reader and Hoshi are in there 20's, smut at the end)
Stuck by the glue (fluff like very fluff fluff and book shopping with literature major Wonwoo, university au, both Wonwoo and reader are literature majors)
Kiss me then? (fluff, established relationship, first kiss with Dokyeom after the picnic date)
tracing the lines of his palm ( requested, fluff, artist Minghao x gn reader)
Cookies and cream ( requested, fluff, with gn reader. Baking with Vernon✨)
note: from now on I'll be linking this masterlist + my introductory post on any fic on Seventeen (minus the scenarios, imagines, reactions)
Please drop an ask in my ask box if you want to be in Seventeen's taglist.
Taglist : @hongmingo , @shuabby1994 , @unlikelysublimekryptonite , @asyre , @yumiyumis-blog @soobunsbuns , @nishloves , @aaniag , @sikuthealien , @jespecially , @lizza2001 , @snapdragin002 , @thepoopdokyeomtouched .
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daegutowns · 3 months
daegutowns seventeen masterlist
fluff (f), humor (h), angst (a), crack (c), romance (r), general (g)
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svt as… ✧ mean girls (h,c) ✧ hogwarts boyfriend (r, h) ✧ camp half-blood demigods (g) ✧ new dads (r, f) ✧ your bff / nicknames (f, g) ✧ animes i watch (g) ✧ brooklyn 99 characters (g) svt reactions to... ✧ your long ass skincare routine (h, f) ✧ your obvious crush (r, f) ✧ you being playful (hhu) (f)
svt mtl to… ✧ best friends to lovers trope (f) *wip
idol!svt series ✧ accidentally saying your name on live (h, f) ✧ meeting each other at inkigayo (f) *wip
seungcheol ✧ to be in love (r, f) ✧ your person (r, f)
jeonghan ✧ pookie (f)
dokyeom ✧ my first love (full fic - ao3) ✧ salt and sesame seeds (f)
mingyu ✧ your favorite puppy (f)
chan ✧ bibbity boppity boo (r, f)
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