enbygunderson · 8 months
If you crash a post made by a victim discussing their experiences with narcissistic abuse with walls of text and preface it all with "I have NPD": ...yeah, no shit you do.
Literally no one is saying "all NPD people are abusive", but those who aren't wouldn't be going out of their way looking up certain tags on tumblr just to finger wag and play victim on strangers' tumblr posts.
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stupidrant · 25 days
I love Freyr and Hildisvini so much, in a better timeline they would be everywhere in fandom instead of an ugly purple-eyed rodent looking mf with major school shooter energy. Freyr looks like one of the hot guys from the bodega and Hildisvini is as gorgeous as Burna Boy 🥰
I always joke around about where Vanaheim actually is, like which country it reminds me, it's probably Brazil or somewhere in the Carribean. Maybe Trinidad LOL.
vanaheim certainly seems to have a diverse culture within it, i understand why it reminds you of brazil or trinidad lol also my favorite weed store owner freyr 😍 i wonder if hildisvini smokes as well? 🤔
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wuntrum · 8 months
are you / your loved ones doing okay? i remember you saying you’re maine based. this is so scary!
yes, i'm doing okay, thank you for checking in! thankfully my maine friends are all doing okay as well, and my family's back in new hampshire...but still very scary nonetheless. i just hope no one else gets hurt
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lettheladylead · 2 years
Is there something about Boyd in the book?
I'm just gonna combine your Boyd and Gyro asks
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jhoons · 1 year
Ngl I think skz harbours some of the most deep and parasocial relationships with their fans I’ve seen in kpop since I’ve started following. And with some of the members (not most of them tbh) sometimes I get the feeling the parasocial thing goes both ways. That’s just my working theory on why the fanbase is so rabid atm tho
i didn't wanna be the first one to say it but given what i said to prev anon about them pushing the parasocial relationship barriers... it's definitely gotten pretty bad. as a prev stay who use to keep up with them i can definitely confirm the parasocial thing has always been the reason why the fanbase is rabid... and it also has come back to bite them in the ass.
[just my personal opinion] their parasocial relationship definitely goes both ways and run deeper than a lot of other fandoms. i think a long time ago they crossed a boundary they shouldn't have – but that's just my opinion.
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blkwag · 1 year
i h8 this country
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gilmore-angel · 1 year
please don't follow me if you simp for SH00TERS
thought that was obvious but apparently not
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bandzboy · 2 years
with the post explaining the plagiarism situation getting notes i'm just afraid someone is gonna come into my inbox being a little sht saying i'm being dramatic and etc 😭
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emo0princess666 · 4 months
"Who do you have a crush on?" Uhhh a sch00l sh00ter...?
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goodomens-girlie · 5 months
everybody gonna respect the sh00ter
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but the one in front of the gUn lives forever
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org4n-failur3 · 4 months
Yesterday when I was half passed out my mom looked at my wall and said ‘oh that’s those two school sh00ters’ to a pic of Artyom and Nikita
How is my ahh not committed
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ihrtcndid · 9 months
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my UK candid sh00ters, who’s got the video of this girl and her sister in the orange dress walking through central london? they noticed the camera and everything i lost the video!
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disco-cola · 7 months
and for the people still going „but both sides“ ?? Have y‘all also been the sorts of goofy people during BLM that were like „but ALL lives matter“? Because otherwise you would know that speaking out for Palestinian lives doesn’t mean Israeli ones are „worth less“ but Palestinian ones ACTUALLY ARE RIGHT NOW (not to mention the last 75 years) they are dropping like flies bc of war crimes that keep being committed like carpet bombing entire civilian neighborhoods white phosphorus and targeted attacks on hospitals and refugee camps like the weakest spots of all and on top of that suffering from extreme water and food shortage and no electricity which is not the case on Israeli territory right now. Someone said about the situation „if theres a school sh00ter hiding, you don’t blow up the whole school to find him“ but that’s exactly what israel is doing in a metaphorical sense
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infinitestalia · 2 years
Not sh00ters for the Charles and Camilla of Westeros already in your notes for that anon ask LMAO. I need T@rg nation to cope with the fact that fans across all others houses, and everyone from locals, casual fans and readers, and even toxic fucking fanboys on reddit think R was a POS for what he did and lowkey think L was a homewrecker but won't say it because of #feminism and her age being used as a shield lol
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 months
my grandma being like oh make sure you research your crime fiction writing really well or itll ruin your reputation as a writer
not knowing the kinda' x rated pornographic serial killer mass sh00ter shit i write on the regular when im not in fanfiction hell (tho dont you worry, fanfiction hell will gain gore and viscera really quickly, too)
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shebadfuckk · 2 months
I wasn’t wrong about the nightmare I knew it was coming.
This time it was a school sh00ter that was loose in the neighborhood.
We were in lockdown in our houses just in case he was by our house. I was hiding in the living room next to a bunch of stuff under a blanket. I tried to contort my body oddly so it didn’t look like a body.
I remember hearing glass break , and gun shots and I stayed there frozen in fear.
Sometime later, I learned that they found him and I came out from under my blanket. I was worried if anybody I loved was hurt. (My mom was in the dream). Someone did get shot in my house, but for some reason I didn’t know who it was. I asked where, and what room it happened, and it apparently was in the same room that I was hiding under the blanket in. I remember thinking oh my god that should’ve been me. How didn’t he see me.  The rest of the dream was fuzzy, but I’m awake now with the biggest darkest circles under my eyes that I’ve had all week.
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