#shadow and bone moodboard
a-reverii · 8 months
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" greed bows to me. it is my servant and my lever. "
━KAZ BREKKER, dirtyhands
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erosedits · 1 year
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“Nikolai,” he corrected. “But I’ve also been known to answer to ‘sweetheart’ or ‘handsome.”
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thesedeepdarkwaters · 8 months
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𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧.
- 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐳𝐨𝐯𝐚
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
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Nikolai Lantsov x Reader Soulmate AU
Requested by: @witchygagirl
I didn't quite have a solid idea for what to do with this one, but I hope you like it! I referenced the 'red string of fate'
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Shadow and Bone Taglist: @magravenwrites, @flourishandblotts-inc, @ambitionspassionscoffee, @persephonesportal, @phoenix138 (<I have this name as 1389 in my taglist did I get this wrong or are you the wrong person? lol), @merlin-dahlia
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“The Saint rattled the bars of her underground cage. This was her war, and she demanded freedom to fight it.”
- alina starkov, the saint: ruin and rising, before
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alicehattera03 · 1 year
Dark!Sankta Alina/the Darkling
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"Welcome home, Miss Starkov." He turns to her and kisses the back of her hand, a mirror of how he greeted her back when she first entered the Little Palace. 
"Remember what I said?" Aleksander bumps his forehead against hers and she looks at him adoringly, affection painted on her face like brilliant strokes of paint. 
"I...shall be right by your side." She smiles endearingly.
"You and I...are going to change the world." <- read here!
TW/CW: verbally abusive Mal, character death also Mal, morally grey characters, dark au, sex???, alina is kinda ooc if you count her being power hungry, blood+violence, etc etc.
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delilah-briarwood · 1 year
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Alina Starkov
“I’m the Sun Summoner. It gets dark when I say it does.”
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 11 months
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"He would not rest until his country could too. And he would never turn his back on a wounded man, even if that wounded man was him." -Nikolai Lanstov, Korol Rezni (King of Scars)
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stardustmorozov · 2 years
In Love And War
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A Shadow And Bone/Assassins's Creed crossover
Bianca Listretti (OC) x Aleksander Morozova
The cold Ravkan air stung in her lungs as she drew in slow breaths. Perched from her position at the top of the tower of one of the churches, she could oversee nearly the entire merchants district as her eyes scanned the streets below for a safe landing point.
The haystack near the stable was a stretch, but she had to risk it. The canopies of the nearby market stands hardly sturdy enough to keep the recent snowfall from finding home on the cobbled ground.
Wind rushed loudly past her ears as she plummeted towards the haystack, the familiar thrill giving her a sense of comfort. The small moment came to an end about as soon as it had started, yet she felt like it had lasted an eternity as her back hit the hay first. It had taken her months to find reliable leads to the Sword Of Uriel. Together with her brother Luca she'd spent hours bent over old manuscripts in a language they barely understood, which, even if she'd had a good grasp of the old language had always been more of her borther's forté anyway, but now that she could finally spend her time in the field again, she still found a quiet voice in the back of her head nagging her that they could've been wrong.
That the supposed ancient artefact had just been the craft of a clever fabrikator or just nothing but smoke and mirrors to ward of potential enemies. Then, even if those things turned out to be true, they had to make sure it wouldn't fall into the hands of the Templars or their allies.
For now her biggest problem would be to get into the Little Palace unseen. The main problem being that the Grisha guards were indistinguishable from the ordinary ones and with her luck she would encounter a Heartrender, ending her mission before it had even started.
Normally she would take an easy diguise like that of a servant, but since they all lived within the walls of the Little Palace that task proved to be neigh impossible. The same went for the guard.
The only other two options were to either be Grisha herself or to get an invitation by nearly getting herself killed on the war front.
Dusting herself off from the fall, she wandered the streets to a particular beaten down pub. Plucking the last few straws out of her hair, she walked into the room, eyes scanning for the familiar cold stare of her brother whom had holed himself up in a dark corner of the tap room.
"Have you had any luck so far?" he asked as she plopped down next to him on a far too creaky chair that protested loudly under her sudden weight.
"Can't really say that. What about you fratello mio?"
"Well, I think I might have a way..."
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catssparkle · 1 year
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Nina Zenik
(Featuring Matthias Helvar, Imke Ghafa, Wylan Von Eck, half dead kaz breaker lol)
Shadow & bone/Six of Crows
Songs I got inspo from?
I Dunno about this one, it doesn't look ugly to me but it's not my best one, I don't think
Idk just mixed feeling all around
Anyways, once again don't be afraid to request a mood board for a character or aesthetic or thing or anything that pops up in your head! I do technically write as well so just request something and I'll get around to it. 'Course writing would take more time than for me to make a mood board
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a-reverii · 8 months
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" the problem with wanting, is that it makes us weak. "
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celestialspecial · 2 years
hey guys!
Soooo ive been crazy busy with work and we have a huge event this weekend thats been consuming a lot of my mental energy but once its over i need to write again (I totally thought id be into writing for halloween and yet id come home from work and be dead to the world)
send me your writing ideas cause as soon as this is done i need to take time to do what i love <3 if you want new stories or for me to try an pick up on some ive left off let me know- it really helps my tired brain
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marvelmusing · 1 year
Our Souls
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Fem!Reader
Summary: His Dark Materials inspired AU. As a well-known scholar, you’re invited to a gala at Lord Morozova’s estate. What you don’t expect is for the man himself to show a particular interest in you and your dæmon.
Warnings [18+]: mentions of sexual content, Aleksander is very suggestive and alluring, dæmon touching is a metaphor for intimacy and I’m really running with that metaphor, I’m also just twisting up the lore here.
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“Well now they’re just showing off,” Fabian, your dæmon, remarks quietly while you observe the host of this gala.
Glancing down at the fox that is your lifelong companion and physical embodiment of your soul, you almost laugh at how primly he’s sitting beside your feet. Then you follow his gaze and find the dæmon of your host.
Lord Aleksander Morozova. His dæmon, a dark wolf with marbled grey fur, sits on the small dais at the side of the room whilst her human counterpart mingles with the crowd.
Standing such a distance from his dæmon is an impressive feat and you’re certain it is some sort of subtle intimidation technique to remind tonight’s guests of his power.
The majority of the people at this gala are scholars and other academics. Their research is all funded by Lord Morozova - as is your own.
There aren’t many of your fellow academics that you would consider your friends. Throughout the night you manage to make some minimal small talk, though you mostly keep to yourself with Fabian as your only company. That was how the two of you liked it.
It’s as you’ve finished a plate full of desserts that the host of this evening approaches you. Once you notice him, you brush down your black dress as subtly as you can, ensuring that you look presentable.
When he inclines his head politely in greeting you mirror the action with a small smile.
“Lord Morozova.”
“Aleksander, please,” he corrects you with a rather kind smile. “You study dæmonology, yes?”
“I do, sir.”
“A fascinating field,” he remarks appraisingly. “I must admit I’ve read most of your papers, you have a rare talent of perception.”
“Thank you, sir.”
The study of dæmons, particularly their behaviour and the relationship between them and their human counterpart has always been an interest of yours. Knowing the meaning behind certain dæmons has always helped you figure out what kind of person you’re talking to.
“Might I ask for your personal analysis?” He gestures down to where his dæmon has appeared.
“A wolf,” you state, the hint of a question at the edge of your tone. He nods encouragingly.
After pausing for a moment, you recount the general characteristics of someone with a wolf dæmon.
“Strong, intelligent, loyal.”
He surveys you for a long moment, and you begin to fear that you’ve disappointed him, then he remarks,
“If I wanted flattery I would have remained with Miss Nazyalensky.” The amusement in his words fades as he holds your gaze. “Tell me the truth.”
Unable to look away from his dark eyes, a shiver runs down your spine and a strange warmth prickles over your skin - like a flustered sense of embarrassment mixed with an unfamiliar pleasure. Almost breathlessly, you say,
“There’s a violence in your soul. A vicious need to protect and possess. To take down whoever stands in your way, no matter what.”
He hums, approval shining in his eyes as he steps closer.
“And what about your little fox?”
At that, you glance down at Fabian and a bolt of surprise hits your chest as you see Aleksander’s dæmon nuzzling herself against your dæmon. Dark fur brushing firmly against Fabian’s glimmering red.
Hardly able to breathe with the flood of sensations running through your body, you barely notice that Aleksander has taken your chin between his fingers.
To see your dæmons entwined, playing with one another, feels too intimate. Especially in public like this.
“Look at me,” he demands gently. When you do as he says, you almost melt at the casual dominance resting on his features. “Answer the question.”
Words spill from you without any prior thought.
“Foxes are clever. Adaptable and cunning. They enjoy the hunt.”
He smiles darkly.
“It appears your soul is just as vicious as mine, wouldn’t you say?”
He steps closer as Fabian rolls happily onto his back and Aleksander’s dæmon rubs her face enthusiastically over his fluffy underbelly.
Sensing where your gaze has fallen once again, Aleksander breathes out a small huff of laughter at the sight of your dæmons together.
Then he asks in a low voice,
“Have you ever touched a dæmon before?”
Amusement glimmers in his eyes as you inhale sharply in response to his question. Touching someone else’s dæmon is regarded as taboo. Even in an academic context, you’ve never even considered such a thing.
“Surely you of all people should know that it is only common courtesy that prevents us from doing so,” he muses quietly.
Then he lifts a dark brow.
“I’m assuming no one has ever touched your dæmon?”
You shake your head.
“Poor thing,” he coos, stroking your cheek softly. “With consent, it can be quite a pleasurable experience.”
“You want to touch my dæmon?”
The words are stammered and fumbled as they leave your lips but Aleksander smiles indulgently all the same.
“Yes. And I’d very much like you to touch mine.”
Just the thought of sinking your fingers into the thick dark fur, imagining how Aleksander’s eyes might flutter closed, his head tilting back slightly, has you thoroughly enticed.
“Perhaps we could go somewhere more private to continue this discussion,” he suggests.
Holding his gaze for a long moment, you find yourself slipping away from reality, utterly mesmerised by the man in front of you and the feeling of his soul curling around yours. Once again, your eyes drift over to your dæmons.
“What’s her name?” you whisper softly. When the hint of a frown touches at his brows you add, “Your dæmon.”
Something in his expression softens.
The corner of your mouth lifts with a soft smile.
“Pretty name.”
“Thank you.” He tilts his head so that his eyes can bounce between you and your dæmon, then he adds in a low voice, “Fabian, isn’t it?”
A visible shudder rolls through your dæmon as you nod with a dazed look in your eyes.
Aleksander looks almost sympathetic as he observes the state of you, curling each of his hands around your forearms to steady you.
“If you want me to stop this-”
Shaking your head, you interrupt him with a quiet plea.
“No, please, don’t stop.”
“Come with me,” he insists, though he makes no move before you nod in consent. When you do, he breathes out a soft smile and begins to lead you through the throngs of people.
It all passes by in a blur. Aleksander’s arm curled protectively around your waist. Andromeda pressed closely against Fabian as they follow you.
As soon as you reach a deserted hallway, Aleksander is pushing you back against a smooth stone wall. For a moment he watches the heavy rise and fall of your chest, your lips parted and eyes wide as you stare up at him.
His fingers ghost over your lips in a silent question, to which you nod and allow your eyes to flutter closed in anticipation.
Then his mouth descends, meeting yours in a fierce kiss that steals everything from you. Mind filled nothing but thoughts of him, you grasp tightly onto the front of his kefta to support yourself and bring him closer. The way he takes the air from your lungs makes you dizzy.
He withdraws slowly, after several more lengthy kisses that pick apart your sanity piece by piece with every movement of his lips. When he does half his assault, he doesn’t go far, your noses brushing together delicately.
“My apologies,” he murmurs, his own breathing ragged as he rests his forehead against yours. “I had intended on making it to my quarters before doing that.”
The smile that spreads over your face is rather giddy as you laugh softly. His own smile is boyish, with a twinkle of amusement sparkling in his dark eyes.
He noses affectionately at your cheek, tilting his head so that he can press kisses along your jawline.
“They appear to be enjoying themselves,” he observes lightly.
Following his gaze, you see Fabian and Andromeda curled around one another on the floor. Fabian nips playfully at her ear and a low sound rumbles from Andromeda. Little pink tongues flicker over fur as they continue to pet each other.
It’s rare for dæmons to get along so well. Even the dæmons of married couples aren’t as forthright as yours are right now.
“We must be quite compatible,” you suggest.
His body presses firmly against yours and you can feel his hardness digging into your stomach. It makes sense that the sensations you’re experiencing are also being felt by him. After all, your dæmon is just as eager as his is to touch and play with one another.
Still, you’re surprised to see the usually reserved Lord Morozova look so unravelled - by you.
His hands are firm on your body as he all but drags you down the corridor, stopping occasionally to kiss you against a wall or a closed door. The idea that someone might see you both has a warmth prickling under your skin.
Then you reach his rooms.
He closes the door behind you, pressing you against the dark stained wood. Caging you between his arms, he stares at you for a long moment. Leaning in slowly, he brushes his lips lightly against yours.
His delicate touch, after the almost violent hunger displayed in the hallways, makes you moan quietly, filled to the brim with yearning and desire.
“Aleksander,” you whisper against his lips. “Please.”
He steps away and you whimper.
Shrugging his kefta from his shoulders, you watch as he hangs it over a chair and begins to roll up the sleeves of his shirt. He toes off his expensive dress shoes and unbuttons the top few shirt buttons to reveal a generous amount of his bare chest.
Then he reclined himself casually over his bed, propping himself up with an elbow resting against the mattress.
“Fabian, come here.”
There is a moment of hesitation from your dæmon. People don’t usually address them directly and your poor soul seems conflicted. But curiosity and the need for Aleksander seems to win him over.
Inhaling shakily, you watch as he trots across the room towards the bed, leaping up in a nimble motion, before he approaches Aleksander.
Aleksander’s eyes flicker up to where you’re frozen by the closed door.
“This distance doesn’t hurt you, does it?” he asks.
You shake your head. Some people are better than others at maintaining distance from their dæmon. Some can barely move a few feet without feeling a sting of pain, whilst other dæmons can wander into other rooms without any discomfort.
Aleksander nods in acknowledgement.
Then he brushes his hand delicately over Fabian’s fur. Nearly choking on your breath, you gasp and lean heavily against the door. Both Fabian and Aleksander watch you intently.
“You can join us,” Aleksander suggests with a soft smile.
In all honesty you’re not sure if you can walk steady. Then Andromeda licks your hand in affectionate encouragement. Staring wide-eyed down at Aleksander’s dæmon, you give her a tentative pat on the head.
Aleksander hums softly in pleasure and you smooth your fingers over the soft fur at the top of her head before you scratch gently behind her ear. He groans lowly, his eyes fluttering closed as he inhales deeply.
Stumbling a little, you move hurriedly over to Aleksander’s bed, tugging at your heels and discarding them carelessly. He smiles widely as you lie down beside him on your back.
Fabian presses himself against you immediately and you curl your arms around his body as he drapes himself over your chest. The familiar weight soothes you and instantly both of you relax.
“You have quite the bond,” Aleksander observes quietly.
Self-consciously, you bury your face down into the fur of your dæmon.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” he assures you, threading his hand through Fabian’s fur. “Too many teenagers shun their dæmon in an attempt to seem more of an adult. Evidently, you didn’t do such a thing.”
You shake your head.
After your dæmon settles, it’s generally thought that you should limit talking to and touching them in public. Some people even think in private your dæmon should remain reserved. That’s something you’ve never believed in. Fabian is your soul - the two of you are the only ones you can rely on. Pushing him away would hurt too much.
There are lonely nights where nothing except his weight on your chest and the softness of his fur against your fingers can help quieten your mind. He gives you some of the best advice and you can’t imagine life with a dæmon you couldn’t talk to.
The distance Aleksander is able to put between himself and his dæmon is impressive, but his admiration of your bond with Fabian makes you wonder.
“You and Andromeda…” you begin slowly. “Are you separated?”
He seems impressed by your observation, though there is a touch of sadness in his eyes. Some people purposefully separate themselves from their dæmons, whilst sometimes it happens during a trauma.
“Not quite,” he says in a quiet voice. “Even before she settled, my mother insisted that I should be able to move a great distance without my dæmon.”
Andromeda noses against your side and you can’t stop yourself from giving the poor dæmon some affection. The idea of Aleksander’s mother encouraging them to be parted at such a young age makes your heart ache.
“It’s taken us several years to rebuild our bond,” he admits as he rests his hand against the dark fur of his dæmon.
The two of them seem so in tune with one another, it’s startling to think that their bond had to be recreated as an adult.
“Fabian thought it was a power display,” you remark. “Publicly putting that much distance between you both.”
“I did not,” your dæmon grumbles in a small murmur. At that, you give him a pointed look of disagreement.
Aleksander chuckles.
“He was right. If people see how much distance I can put between myself and Andromeda, they will wonder what else I am capable of.”
Fabian turns his head to look at Aleksander and in response he curls his fingers under your dæmon’s chin. He scrapes his blunt nails through the short hairs there before he moves his attention back to you.
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
Sighing in pleasure, you smile softly.
He hums in approval.
“You’re doing very good. A lot of people lose consciousness the first time their dæmon is touched.”
You frown.
He nods.
The silence is comfortable between you both as you continue to gently pet one another’s dæmon. Occasionally, your dæmons will give each other some attention, murmuring quietly to one another as they nuzzle and lick at their faces and fur.
Soon they’ve settled in the space between you and Aleksander. Fabian pressed against Aleksander’s ribs whilst Andromeda rests her side against your stomach. Both you and Aleksander have turned on your sides to face one another and watch your dæmons.
“Shouldn’t you be at your gala?” you ask him quietly. He shakes his head.
“I can’t think of a single person there that would deserve more of my attention than you do.”
His words set a fire within you and your gaze drifts down to his lips.
“You don’t know what I was going to say,” you protest weakly.
He chuckles.
“I do. And the answer is no.” Both you and Fabian huff lightly. “As much as I want to…” He traces his thumb over your lower lip. “You’re not thinking clearly and I won’t take advantage of that.”
“No buts. If you need a moment to yourself I can draw you a bath.”
Blinking in confusion, you frown at him.
“A bath?”
He hums with a small smirk.
“Or I can wait in my study, for however long you need, if you would prefer my bed.”
The frown on your face deepens.
“Are you…?”
His smile widens into something that makes your stomach flip. He takes his hand away from where he’s been petting Fabian and traces his fingers gently over your cheek.
“I’m telling you to touch yourself, darling. You’ll feel better once you do.”
A burning blush floods through your body. The thought of touching yourself in Aleksander’s rooms makes you a little embarrassed, especially when you imagine accidentally making a mess of his sheets.
“Can I have a bath?” you ask shyly.
He presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“Of course.”
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jane-arthur @ilikefictionmen @budugu @watersquirtpewpewboomm @mysweetlittledesire @dhampiravidi
S&B Tag List: @motheroffae
Aleksander M Tag List: @nyctophiliiiiaaa @jazmin2211 @wooya1224 @seronsalk @veescorneroftheworld
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia @weallhaveadestiny @two-unbeatable-beaters
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thesedeepdarkwaters · 10 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲, 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨���𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐞. 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚... 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬.
- 𝐖𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐬
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gellavonhamster · 6 months
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I am the sea and nobody owns me
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“The dreams were the only place it was safe to use her power now, and she longed for them.”
- alina starkov, the summoner: seige and storm, before
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