#sharks don't infest oceans
respect-the-locals · 9 months
🦈 Daily Shark Fact: 🦈
Bull Sharks have a unique ability to control the rate at which they digest food, and it comes in handy for their survival! If they're in a situation where there's not enough food in the environment, the sharks digest slower than usual so they require less food. They can also throw up food on demand to distract predators.
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scoutingthetrooper · 1 year
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bugbxyjunk · 11 months
i think people misunderstand me when i say sharks aren't generally dangerous. im not calling them little baby puppies of the sea that do no harm, im saying they are not the man eating monsters media portrays them as. They are still called apex predators for a reason.
be smart and be safe in the ocean, you're in their domain, but don't go screaming that every shark will hunt you down and brutally maim you if you set foot in the water. they wont. they're curious, most of the time.
also, sharks are attracted to splashing, it looks like prey. people on surf boards often look like seals. people swimming can also look like a seal or other food to a shark. they do not have a taste for humans, you just look like something they do have a taste for.
sit down and calm down. sharks are not the problem. its not shark infested waters, its their home and domain. you go in the ocean there's gonna be sharks.
also also, if you poor a bucket of fish scraps/throw a carcass into the water, guess what's going to happen? sharks are going to eat it!!! shocker right?
anyway thats enough of my rant, i love sharks and will defend them for the rest of my life. tik tok is stupid and full of misinformation :3
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just-somedude · 11 months
Oh oh think about this
Humans belong on land yet we don't call the earth human infested, but we call the ocean shark infested. Like dude that's their living room wym
Hol up
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pocketramblr · 1 year
the witch and the beast in-universe mer au for the ask game, please!
by 'in universe' im interpreting this as meaning that in one of the levels below, there's a mermaid infested ocean level. i hope so, i mean if theres a vampire level there should be a mermaid level right.
1- so when Ashaf is like 'we have to go to another level' Guideau looks at him and threatens to kill him if this isn't a lead to catch the witch Angela. Ashaf assures it is, and they go to the elevator. which goes down, then opens on a small island. they get diving suits. Guideau gets annoyed and wants to know how the hell they're supposed to bite anyone with their head covered in a helmet like this. Ashaf is positive they'd find a way somehow, but doesn't say that.
2- There's a great variety of mers based on how deep and how close to land they live- near the shore, mers are furred and smaller, about the size of seals. further out, they become colorful and scaled. Yet further, and you start seeing some like sharks and dolphins. They also get bigger- until you're in the deepest part of the ocean, with gigantic mers with ten meter tails, or fifteen meter tentacles. and, because basically everyone in this manga is beautiful, they are naturally all gorgeous.
3- Ashaf wonders if Angela is here to try a mermaid body, due to her tastes, but Guideau disagrees- as lovely and as impressive as a mer is here on this level, that body would be very limiting to the witch, who'd want to avoid the fate she curses others to. They say she must be after some forbidden instrument or another, and Ashaf agrees.
4- They don't go too deep the first few days, being careful to return to the surface even though Ashaf could replenish their air, but one day they're forced deeper and deeper and almost stranded- saved only by a collasal, sharp toothed mer who heard they were after Angela- and wants Guideau to fetch back the stolen instrument in return for saving their lives, while keeping Ashaf hostage until they return.
Ashaf, ever unflappable, serenely points out that Guideau will probably leave him there to drown or be eaten, but that if Ashaf was sent he'd make sure to bring back Angela's head if need be to free Guideau. The mer is slightly concerned and judgmental about hearing that, and more so when Guideau gets pissed and spitefully swears they could do better just to prove Ashaf wrong.
5- the mer level was the one created by the witch ancestor of the voice witches, which is why all mers sing so much- magic in this level is tied to certain songs in the same way runes work on the main level. unlike Oscar, no descendants of the voice witch live on this level, so Guideau can't bank on a witch-kiss powered upgrade. regardless, they will figure out a way to bite someone, diving helmet be damned.
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otakween · 1 year
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0-Sen Hayato - Volume 3
It feels like it took me a whole year to get through this one lol. It's boring, but not the worst thing I've ever read. Sometimes something spicy will happen (like someone dying or the romance side plot inches forward) and that's enough to keep me going.
Ch. 23
-In this chapter the gang tries to blow off some steam by goofing off and dancing (and getting drunk) but then their superior's superior comes in and chews them out. Hayato and Ishikawa get exiled (?) and sent to the jungle where they run into "a ghost." Meanwhile, the Americans plot their attack.
Ch. 24
-Hayato and Ishikawa find Ishiki in the woods wounded and bring him back to camp despite being exiled. Ishiki warns them about the encroaching enemy and then we cut to some sort of D-Day-esque scenario on the beach. The squad isn't allowed to participate in the battle because their territory is the skies, so they just watch on.
Ch. 25
-The boys continue to scramble to kill themselves for their country and for glory...this is seriously the least relatable thing I've ever read lol
-I don't really get how war works. If the air force can just attack the people on the ground, why didn't they just always do that? Lack of resources maybe? It kinda seems like an OP tactic...
Ch. 26
-This chapter was WILD. Hayato convinces the gang to kill a bunch of monitor lizards and dump their blood in the ocean. Then when the bad guys (Americans probably) attempted to storm the beach a bunch of sharks gathered and ate them all. That's wacky enough, but then they said that 10,000 soldiers were eaten!? Wtf...not possible. (I googled this and apparently there was a WWII incident where an American ship sank and 890 people were left in shark infested waters, probably the closest thing irl to this manga's ridiculousness).
-This manga has an anti-kamikaze stance, but it also shows its heroes as constantly ready and eager to die for Japan so...mixed signals.
Ch. 27
-I kinda liked this one, at least we got to meet Ishiki's sister (now a nurse). Of course everyone instantly has a crush on her because they're women-starved
-Wtf was up with the "muu" grass? It was strangely magical, like a tentacle monster? I guess since the last chapter jumped the shark (hehe) they feel like they can get away with this magical realism BS.
-Ishiki is WAY too committed to his rival bit. Someone needs to smack some common sense into him before he gets himself killed for real.
Ch. 28
-Ishiki continues to act recklessly, but I guess he's just getting away with it for now? Not sure if he just figured out how to compensate for his bad eye or if he got lucky and something bad will happen in the future...
-I think Hayato's dad just died? Hard for me to tell cuz all middle aged men look identical to me. Hayato did say "I sense a disturbance in the force" (paraphrasing). So I'm probably right. That seems like a pretty major character death for this series so I was a little taken aback!
Ch. 29
-Okay phew, I got it right. In this chapter Hayato finds out about his father's death and inherits his plane and katana. I thought the emotion of it all was handled pretty well without going into any melodrama. Since soldiers sign up knowing they might die (especially Japanese soldiers in WII) they'll probably react more stoically to that kind of news.
-We find out that it was the King Satan airplane that shot down Hayato's dad, because of course it was. Gotta give more fuel to the silly rivals plot. Ishiki acts like a douchebag again and is like "sorry about your dad, but I'm gonna make this about ME" lol. At least I can laugh at how cartoonishly shitty he is.
Ch. 30
-Hayato tries to figure out how to operate his Dad's plane which is "different from other Zero airplanes" (or whatever you call those in English). I didn't really get what he was saying about it, but I figured I probably wouldn't get it in English either so it's fine lol
-We get to see the nurse girls again which is always nice. The chubby one with braids is adorable. Of course they made each girl have a crush on their male counterpart (chubby girl likes chubby guy, skinny girl with a hooked nose likes the dude with a hooked nose, etc.) Whatever, there's so little body diversity in anime girls nowadays that seeing this lil bit of variety is refreshing.
Ch. 31
-The Bakufuutai's rival squad (the Shiuntai) get 35 new pilots but they are very inexperienced (only 150 hours of flight training). The Bakufuutai tries to be good senpai and stop them from flying recklessly, but the Shiuntai's leader is being a jerk as usual and tells them they can't tell his squad what to do. I should probably learn that guy's name lol.
-The hairy dude with big lips gets his own big lipped girl who's in love with him. Unfortunately they used this as an opportunity to make her "ugliness" a joke. Hey! If dudes are allowed to look funky girls should be allowed too >:/
Ch. 32
-This chapter was far too dialogue heavy and I barely followed what was happening. All I got was that Hayato and Ishiki were begging their leaders to not send the newbies off on a mission and then Hayato and friends end up being sent off to Manila for some reason. The nurse love interest creepily talks about being prepared to die a bunch...
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jjsanguine · 10 days
Tagged by @distant-screaming
coffee or tea: I drink green tea with watered down juice all day every day but I have never drunk coffee. It smells like a fragrant wood rather than food and caffeine makes me wired so I have no desire to try it. I think black tea is gross and I've never tried other varieties
early bird or night owl: I have a sleep disorder so whether I'm going to be feeling alert in the middle of the night or early in the morning or in the afternoon varies from month to month. If I could choose I'd be both but asleep in the afternoon
chocolate or vanilla: it depends on the food and the heat level. I like both for baked goods, only vanilla for ice cream, chocolate milk is good hot or cold and vanilla milk is bad hot or cold
spring or fall: those don't exist anymore because of climate change but when they did, autumn
silver or gold: gold, but I have cheap jewelry so wear and tear turns it silver anyways lmao
pop or alternative: i listen to music in all sorts of genres. Pop, rock, afropop, afrobeats, Afrobeat (a completely different thing), indie rock, jazz, soul, rap... basically the only thing that turns me off a song immediately is if they have a very high pitched voice throughout, because then I can't sing along easily. Sorry sopranos
freckles or dimples: I only have a dimple but I think both look nice on other people
snakes or sharks: snakes, I can't swim
mountains or fields: fields, elevation changes make my body hurt
thunder or lightning: thunder
egyptian mythology or greek mythology: Egyptian, I think hieroglyph cursive looks cool, but Greek letters are just Latin slightly to the left
ivory or scarlet: scarlet
flute or lyre: I have no opinion Imao
opal or diamond: diamond, I like transparent rocks
butterflies or honeybees: bees as long as they stay outside
macarons or éclairs: accidentally caused an ant infestation in my grandmother's house with cadbury eclairs as a child but almonds are disgusting so it's a difficult question
typewritten or handwritten: both give me RSIs but I like calligraphy
secret garden or secret library: secret garden. I already have a secret library on my phone. Actually if the secret library has a kitchen and bathroom then that because that's just a functional house
rooftop or balcony: never been on a rooftop
spicy or mild: spicy, stereotypical Yoruba person I know. Savoury food just feels like it's missing something without pepper.
opera or ballet: opera even though I
have more experience doing ballet than opera. As beautiful as it looks ballet shreds your body
london or paris: London because I live there and also because everyone in France smokes
vincent van gogh or claude monet: no opinion
denim or leather: denim clothes, leather shoes
potions or spells: potions are spells? Still potions because I'm actually quite bad at speaking aloud
ocean or desert: ocean
mermaids or sirens: whichever one isn't trying to drown me
masquerade ball or cocktail party: ball. I already wear a mask in public all the time also why would I go to a party with no real food, just on the principle of the thing
Tagging everyone who sees this and wants to play.
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"Robot Shark-Infested Waters" 9, 11, 12
ask me about my fics | accepting
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
No full alternate what-could-have-been versions, but Deep Blue's backstory has gone through a few different variations. Sometimes there's a major tragic event near the end of the war that pushed her to leave, but sometimes it's just that the war sucked and she doesn't want to hang out on Cybertron anymore afterward.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
This fic gets updated every time I watch nature documentaries and decide to write detailed descriptions of the ocean. It's comfort writing, and I'm very proud of a lot of those descriptions.
12: What do you like least about this fic?
The way the fic was written (just tossing out a one-shot whenever I feel like it) means that there's no overarching plot and there's some inconsistencies between different one-shots. I don't dislike it necessarily, but it sometimes bothers me when I go back to check and see what lore I established and it turns out I said two different things.
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Kuroshitsuji Crossover AU
"Is this some kind of fetish for you?"
A translation of Snippets by orphan_account.
Author's Notes:
The SNK characters in the Black Butler universe, NSFW, are all rather grim - demons, tragic backstories, and the typical Butler violence/death of minor negative characters. Straight demonic trash. Modest plot, consensual blood games. Vanilla romance. Basically it's a PWP.
Blame this art for everything: http://pandanoi.tumblr.com/post/93319356853/anonymous-said-whispers-au-where-erwin-is
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Erwin realized that society was hopeless, as he always thought, since no one had yet noticed that Levi was not a person.
The reddish eyes gleamed in the cigar smoke, first illuminating Erwin's face, waiting for his barely discernible nod, then piercing the man who sat in the chair as if on a throne. Apart from the fact that his fingers twitched on the armrests, and his reddened and swollen eyes darted between Erwin and his butler more rat-like than royal. But then again, Erwin thought that most kings were rats, so maybe that's what they were - which, perhaps, was unfair to rodents, because he met quite a few smart ones in the cargo bays.
Erwin could smell the man's nervous sweat, sharp in the thick smell of tobacco, and it was extremely repulsive. But the way Levi sneaked through the living room was gone. Not at all.
Erwin placed his cigar in the ashtray and admired the chilling grace of Levi's swaying hips and silent gait. He traced a hole in his thick wool trousers with his finger, one of Vanel's men managed to stab his leg with a knife. Levi would be angry, he thought.
"Well," Erwin tore his eyes away from Levi's predatory steps. - I think this is how we will sum up our negotiations, Vanel. Thank you very much for taking the time to meet with me today. Erwin leaned back in his leather chair and watched the rat writhing and drooling.
"We're not done," Vanel gripped the edges of his chair and seemed to be trying to move away from Levi while leaning towards Erwin, spurred on by panic. His heels dug into the luxurious carpet.
You haven't heard what I have to offer yet. He spit a little when he spoke, his knees covered with tiny specks from drops of saliva. Erwin tried to suppress a smile at the squeamish sound Levi made outright.
Erwin waved his hand, then took his cigar and rolled it between his fingers.
“You have nothing to offer me,” he said. Although the cigars were quite high quality.
- I...
- Not. Neither the Queen nor I wish to have any dealings with the likes of you. I just needed a confession for Her Majesty's peace of mind. Legal grounds.” He looked at Levi and raised an eyebrow, nodding. - I don't really care what you want to say.
Erwin discovered that if anyone eventually realized that Levi wasn't human, they would squeal so piercingly that they could wake up the dead. He enjoyed watching the soft fall of the feathers in the silence that followed when Levi had finished.
"He was disgusting," Levi said in the carriage on the way back to Erwin's mansion. It was late evening, and they had been away for more than a day, locating Vanel and then making their way to his estate. Erwin felt dirty and overgrown and tortured, but with the dirt, as always after a fight, came a deep satisfaction. Which arose when he squinted to the right and found Levi, invariably covering his weak points with bared fangs and burning eyes.
"Yes, I did," Erwin agreed. Levi wrinkled his nose and looked at the proverbial hole in Erwin's trousers. His eyes had returned to a storm grey, but they always seemed slightly bloodied, as if he were watching the sunset from under the water, or, perhaps more accurately, they resembled the color of the ocean as Erwin remembered it - infested with sharks and sinking lifeboats.
"Usually you don't play with them that long," Levi said. What is it about the Queen's letter that bothers you so much? he lowered his head.
Erwin patted his breast pocket, indicating that Levi could reach into the jacket and read the letter himself. But Levi just shrugged, and Erwin felt disappointed that he wouldn't be able to feel the touch of his dainty gloved hands on his chest.
Levi's eyes were already empty and impassive again, and he turned away to look through the gap between the curtains.
- I trust you.
Erwin craved it.
Is this some kind of fetish for you?
"You mean like your obsession with my feet?"
"And also with your hands," Erwin said with a groan and let his head hang to the side, exposing his entire neck. Levi cut him when he shaved under his lower jaw, and Erwin knew it was no accident.
Levi ran his cold nose under his ear, and then his hot, wet tongue licked up the running blood. He straddled Erwin's hips, crushing him, sprawled out on the bathroom floor, with a weight far greater than his deceptive physique would suggest.
"It's about your nails," Erwin sighed. Although he secretly liked to wash Levi's feet, clumsy and one-armed, while Levi's feet pressed into his thighs. The demon always looked so agitated and unsure when Erwin ran a warm cloth over his ankles and fingers - and it was very difficult to unbalance him.
Levi pulled back to frown at Erwin.
- My nails? His gaze rested on Erwin's bare seal glowing blood red on his iris. It went well with the smudge on Levi's lips.
Erwin tilted his head back more, hitting the cold tub behind him, bringing Levi's attention back to the thin trickle of blood. He leaned forward, huge pupils and burning red irises to run his sharp teeth and soft tongue over Erwin's skin.
Erwin sighed and raised his hand, pressing down on the corner of Levi's mouth, slipping between his lips to finally run his thumb over the sharpened fang. He stifled a sob and pressed the pad of his finger against the tip. Levi's tongue stubbornly moved along his finger, greedily lapping up drops of blood.
- Yes, - Erwin remembered the need to answer. - Your nails, - he stood on Levi, and Levi knew it. You could make them more human, but you don't.
Levi grunted and pulled away, letting Erwin's finger fall out of his mouth. He licked the blood from his lips, lashing heavily over his eyes, a shudder running through his body as Erwin licked his own blood from his thumb.
"You like it," he drawled lazily, though his eyes hid some surprise in the shadow of half-closed lids.
- Taste? Erwin asked. His mind began to cloud over as Levi ran black claws across his bare chest. He was losing control of the conversation.
Levi's gaze followed the path his nails had traveled, his marked hand touching the scars on Erwin's mangled limb, while the other traced painfully slow circles around Erwin's nipple.
- No, that I'm a monster.
Erwin grabbed Levi's hip, legs shaking under his small body. His back arched, pressing his body into Levi's deadly arms like he was a puppet, but it hardly gave a fuck.
"You're not a monster compared to many people I've met," Erwin protested with a bloody mouth and cock pressing hard and hot into his demon.
Levi rolled his eyes, cat pupils dilated enough to look human. The seal of their contract in Erwin's eye caught his attention again, and his lips curved back to reveal sharp little fangs.
“Stop putting yourself on their list, you moron.
"There's...something about it," Levi whispered later. He ran his nose over Erwin's chest as if he didn't mind the sweat dampening the curls of his blond hair.
- Where? Erwin asked, but he wasn't at all sure that Levi could make out anything in his attempt to control his hoarse voice. - What is there something? - he tried again. His belly was splattered with his own cum smeared over his belt scars, and his cock was too sensitive after another orgasm to do more than pathetic twitches as his buttocks shook against Levi's hips.
Levi was always like this after a kill, sucking Erwin out with his fanged mouth and sharp tongue the way he devoured souls, and then fucking him until Erwin's moans broke into wheezes and he began to shake from the overstimulation.
"Bathing," Levi growled, pounding into Erwin between every stinging word, "courtship, blood."
"All right," Erwin managed, panting. - Good. Is kicking me until I'm inches from death also part of that fetish?
Levi growled and pushed his hips especially hard into Erwin, mercilessly rotating his pelvis as he sank in completely. Erwin's back arched and he tried to reach Levi with both hands, his soul sinking into his heels as if he had fallen as he tumbled to the side, off balance. Levi pinned him back to the bed.
"Don't move," he growled.
Erwin swallowed back a groan, focusing on the feel of Levi's movement in his body and discarding the memory of the ocean of blood.
- Why? He bit his lip to keep from screaming out loud as Levi ran his fingernail over his sticky cock. - Why is it a fetish?
“Because…” Levi shot him a rather angry look, clearly regretting bringing up the subject, though the way his eyelashes fluttered slightly spoiled the impression. Wish I could lie was etched into the downturned corners of his mouth and I want to eat you alive flashed red in his eyes.
"Because you're human," he finally said. He slipped his hands under Erwin's thighs and parted them.
"Levi," Erwin groaned. The pleasure of hyperstimulation was sharp as a knife, bordering on pain. He arched his back again, trying to somehow soften the relentless movement of Levi's cock in his body. If only he were a little younger...
Levi bared his teeth and bent down to bite Erwin's belly, lick the scar. His back arched so elegantly that Erwin caught his breath.
"You're human and you're absurdly frail and smell like shit when you don't clean up." His voice was tight. - But you belong to me . Your blood belongs to me,” he growled, shuddering, his eyes burning with ice fire, and Erwin felt his cock inside become even harder. You are mine , Erwin. I decide whether you live or die.
Erwin whined low; his throat hurt and he thought he might come again, even so exhausted and tired. He reached out and found Levi's hand, pressing his thumb into the contract seal with such force that human bones would break. If Erwin had a second arm, he'd wrap it around Levi's neck to feel his pulse beat unevenly, eerily human, under the pads of his fingers.
A timid smile touched Levi's lips.
"Uh-huh," he mumbled, his hips moving out of rhythm. “Yes,” he groaned. He came with a low, mournful howl as Erwin drew his hand in and kissed the seal, licking at the embossed welts that formed the intertwining lines of the pentagram.
Erwin hoped as hell that Levi would fuck him when he finally took his soul. Such a death would be even better than he deserves.
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theodorevg923 · 2 years
Happy Birthday Me!
Have some Glamrock Foxy HC's from me cause I'm avoiding my stories atm cause, ya know, procrastination overwhelms. (21+ cause drinking is for adults!)
Master List!
Glamrock Foxy x GN Reader (Romantic/NSFW)
For clarity I make ADULT oriented FNAF content. My animatronics have much dirtier minds but only around people of age. And never publicly/in front of kids. (Other than Monty slapping assets.)
Romantic / Open hours:
Not part of the band still, but does have Pirate Cove with a replica ship and beach setup. Tiny mouse animatronics live in the ship being chased by an animatronic tabby tom. Sea shanties and ocean sounds play over head.
Night time mode brings out a full moon and stars. No shanties but soft wave sounds play gently.
Doesn't have much merch at first, but ya throw a fit till they make more.
Has gained a taste for alcohol even though he can't get drunk. (Closing time ONLY)
Bloody Irish Pirate. I will NOT accept anything else.
Will gladly get "drunk" with ya after a bad day. (Though he'll cut ya off if ya get too drunk.)
If singin' ain't ya thing, walk the blank. (He has a right to be picky. Don't "BUT" me.)
St Patty's Day is his day to shine! Get ready to be drunk all day and sing shanties! (Again he'll cut ya off if ur too drunk to sing.)
He only cussed like a pirate in front of kids once multiple times. (He couldn't take the kids attitude anymore.)
If ya really having a bad day, he'll stow ya in his quarters that are below decks and hide with ya on slow days.
HAMMOCKS GALORE (Though tbh he'll give into a bed for ya only.)
If ya compliment his singin' he'll turn to sea foam
Foxy will gladly cuddle and sing soft shanties if ya havin nightmares/sleeping issues.
Will love ya no matter gender/size/sexuality. (As long as ya willing to sing, even if ya think ya suck.)
Nicknames: firstmate, sea star, sweet rum, seahorse, kelpie/morrow, sea jelly, Enbarr [Mythical horse of land and sea.]
Bring this lonely pirate sea shells/clam shells, crawdads, sand, anything pirate/sea related and he will make ya captain for a day (in private hanky panky time ONLY)
Captains kids wonderfully. Kiddy mutineers must walk the blank into a shark plushie infested "sea"foam pool below. Ya join the mutiny an ya be walkin the plank too
Dress like a merrow/kelpie for the kids and he'll "capture" and release ya for the kids entertainment
Calls the kids shipmate(s)/crew/lass
Oh? Someone committed mutiny against ya? Expect to never see them again. He is a pirate after all.
Sometimes jealousy does take hold, he is a lonely pirate after all.
Cuddles with ya under the stars in the cove.
He will leave the cove with ya, but not very much during open hours.
(More to come.)
Will take ya ass anywhere in the cove (Closing time only.)
Isn't the largest available in the Plex, but will still fill ya sails better than any human mutineer
He tastes like sweet/sour lemons or rum (Depending on ur preference.)
Oh? Ya committing mutiny while the cove is open? Oof, he'll make ya walk the blank for the kids. But if it's slow, better be prepared to be dragged below decks and keep QUIET.
Come to the cove dressed like a pirate and he'll swoon like a drunken sailor, then tap ya like a keg of rum.
Ever had sex in a hammock? Better learn to love it. He is Captain after all. (Though if ya bring him enough treasures, he'll settle for a bed.)
Not quite into sex/not in the mood? He'll explore ya body like an island for treasure. Plus extra cuddles in the hammock.
Will love the taste of ya sweet mead, gets him "drunker" than rum.
Again size/gender/sexuality doesn't matter, he just wants to hear ya sing like a siren for him
Will hunt ya down relentlessly like a fabled kelpie/merrow to capture and tame. (If ya comfortable for with it.)
Will worship ya like Enbarr, adorning ya with jewels and oils. (No one knows how he gets them.)
This fox lives to be worshipped back like the Captain he is.
If toys are ya thing, again he'll Captain ya ass and order ya around with them. Even worse if ya worshipping him.
He's needs a crew and will breed ya for one no matter ya gender. (Even though he knows he can't.)
Better be able to handle pain/blood as his hook will cut ya often, especially if ya committed mutiny.
Very much up for drunk play. (After limits are set.)
One of the best at aftercare, cause he'll worship ya body no matter what
(More to come.)
Again, these are MY HCs
Stay Cruel Till The End! - Theodore
Posted Mar 1 '22
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sexhaver · 2 years
idk if you care about the megapope thing but i found it really shocking that a lot of backlash came from leftists in vaguely the same tumblr spiders web of users, painting him as an unstable wreck conducting “psychosexual rants” amongst other things. it seems odd that people so devoted to both hyper obtuse trolling as a sense of humour and also some vague notion of intellectualism as a core tenet would be so outrageously blinded and upset by him ribbing on embarrasing horny posts and celebrate his deletion. hounded to suicide by a crowd of uwus who say “yo, dude,” inauthentically when theyre extremely mad.
your tone here makes you sound like you've already come to a conclusion so ill just offer a few counterpoints:
not sure why the leftist part is relevant or surprising. the chunk of this site's users who engage with the kind of posts megapope was commenting on are mostly leftist so you'd expect the majority of any backlash to come from them.
also, do you really think right wingers would take issue with anything he said? if anything they're probably spinning this as "man gets run off of tumblr for calling out sexual deviancy" or some shit.
i don't think he's any more of an "unstable wreck" than any given text poster on this website, but he definitely goes on a lot of really suspiciously detailed rants about niche fetishes and makes a lot of uncharitable assumptions about whoever he's "roasting".
the "hyper-obtuse trolling" point is kind of an interesting one, because if you just read one of his posts in a vacuum it does come across as him doing a bit and the other person getting mad/confused. the thing is, i don't think it was a bit. he kept it up for years on end and never really broke character. even if it was a bit to begin with, it seems like he's Actually Like That now
the main point i saw from people dunking on him after his deletion was that a lot of the posts he ragged on for being "embarrassing[ly] horny" just. weren't. dude was tilting at windmills, except instead of windmills they were furry cocks.
even if they were horny posts, so what? at a certain point it becomes more embarrassing that you're somehow finding and reblogging those posts and dumping suspiciously detailed fetish info on them than any kind of embarrassment you're inflicting on the people making those posts.
also, going to Tumblr and complaining about how it's full of sexual deviants is like calling the ocean "shark infested". it's not an infestation; that is their home.
im not even going to comment on your characterization of deleting one's blog as "suicide"
honestly, based on how little this guy has cared about public backlash in the past, i kind of doubt he deleted to avoid hate. i like to imagine that the backlash prompted him to do some introspection and realize that he should maybe be less fundamentally and openly bitter and that deleting his blog was the best outcome for all parties involved, and in a few years he'll look back on how he acted and cringe. this is almost certainly not the case, but i can dream.
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respect-the-locals · 9 months
🦈 Daily Shark Fact: 🦈
Port Jackson Sharks are similar to others of their genus, bearing a broad, blunt, flat head, an anal fin, and crests above its eyes. They are often mistaken for crested horn sharks (which only live across Australia’s East coast). Identification of this species is very easy due to the pattern of harness-like markings that cross the eyes and run along the side of the shark. They also have a spine in front of both dorsal fins.
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venustkiller · 2 years
|freeze your brain| riff
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Friday, December 15, 1951
The bottom of my rubber shoes clicked and scuffed across the concrete as I rushed my way on the sidewalk. It was eight at night and I had just finished my shift; I had picked up some more hours to pay for a nice gift to Riff for Christmas. He didn't know this, though. I used the excuse that Valentina just needed more help since Tony left and I'm fulfilling my duty as a faithful niece. Because of Riff's upbringing, I'm well aware that he isn't used to receiving gifts, so I have to make sure it's perfect and ready for him.
I hugged my coat around me tighter, feeling a cold winter breeze press against me, giving me goosebumps that crawl on my skin. It has now been four months since the rumble, and I'm so thankful. It was hard at first, he would have nightmares that recalled the night in his mind. He would refuse help, trying to prove he wasn't weak and that he didn't need medicine.
'I've gotten this far without it, why should I need it now?' he would pout
But finally, after some trial and error, he accepted the help and began his road to recovery. His stab wound fully healed in early November and he is finally back on his feet once again, bouncing around the streets of New York and causing trouble wherever he goes.
Speaking of trouble, we haven't seen much of the Sharks. And when we do, it is either in no man's land or in their territory. The rumble was to determine who ruled the streets but since there was no true victor, Bernardo forfeited. Not only for the sake of his little sister to be with Tony, a romance that slipped by me while consumed with Riff, but because I think Bernardo is scarred by what he had almost done. After talking to Tony, he sympathized, explaining the way he felt after almost killing the one boy before being sent away for a year. I think Bernardo truly regrets that night despite Riff living. I think that's why he forfeited; because he realized there is more to life than rumbling. The Jets have realized this as well, and because of this, the two gangs have learned to coexist.
The Jets are still rambunctious and wild, so they still create little annoyances for Krupke and Schrank. Melissa tells me about how red Schrank's face gets when Riff and the boys pull a little stunt in the night. According to her, his face turns into a cherry-red tomato being squeezed in the palm of a hand, his eyes seemingly ready to pop out of their sockets. I have to assume we all get this with age, but she says that Krupke has this vertical vein on his forehead that becomes prominent when frustrated, and god I wish I could see it for myself.
Melissa and I have begun to grow closer than ever, and despite her reservations, she has begun to warm up to Riff. Though, she still doesn't appreciate him dripping blood onto her floors when he comes to our place to get patched up by me. I don't have a lot of medical experience, but I know the Jets aren't made of money, so I do my best to help them where I can without having to resort to hospitals. I guess that's another perk for working at Doc's: employee discount.
Although I would have preferred to go straight home after work and eat the dinner Melissa had prepared and made for me, Riff had instructed me to go somewhere else. He wanted me to come to the docks. When he first asked me to show up there, I assumed it would be Jet business considering it was one of their main hang-out spots. But he insisted that no Jets will be involved in whatever he has in store for tonight. So with that, I agreed, and that's where I'm headed.
I had never been to the docks before seeing Riff; I had no reason to. But I had to admit, in its own unique way, it was peaceful and beautiful. Sure, it was dusty and dingy and it was infested with Jets, but it held so many beautiful memories. It was a safe space, a place that took your secrets and locked them tight. You sit on the docks and just gaze out, the ocean water going for miles on end until it meets the sky in a blur of blues. It was truly a place unlike anything I had seen before.
I had arrived at the docks and made my way further in, knowing exactly where Riff would be. I followed the gravel decline, passing the large mounds of scrap metal and tires, passing the ripped-up couch that I could usually find Balkan napping on. I continued my path to one of the docks that had an overhead. Not all of the docks had overheads to protect you from the sun during the day but this specific one was the only one to not be destroyed.
As the wooden structure came closer into view, I could make out Riff's silhouette leaning against one of the posts. I couldn't help but feel the corners of my lips rise, the little butterflies in my stomach never seeming to cease despite being around him often. I approached him quietly- well, as quiet as I could be considering the creaky wood below my feet. He heard me coming and turned around, wrapping a hand around the post. A smirk crept onto his face as I padded over to him. When I was close enough, he engulfed me in a warm embrace, kissing my lips eagerly in the process. I couldn't help but try to stifle a giggle. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingertips in his hair, playing with it gently. He pulled back before going in for another kiss, this time gentle and loving. When satisfied, he pulled away a second time and placed his hands on my hips.
"Hey girly-girl, how was ya shift?" he asked looking down at me
I smiled, "It was good, easy today," It made me happy when he asked about my day, it showed he cared in such a simple way.
"Good, cuz I got somethin' to top this night with a cherry," he smirked
"And what's that?" I ask curiously, tilting my head to the side slightly
He pulled back slightly and pulled me with him, keeping one hand on my waist and the other taking my hand in his, spinning us around gently. It was a full moon tonight, and it shined bright. Brighter than a thousand stars, illuminating the sky and all that's below. Its light reflected on the surface of the ocean water, illuminating our faces gently. He continued to dance with me on the dock, playfully humming as he did so.
I giggled, "What's this for?" I asked
"You know I ain't made of money, so I have no nice gift to give ya. But I want to take this moment to thank ya," he said simply with his charming accent, never taking his eyes off me
"Thank me? What for?" I pressed further
What could he possibly be thanking me for?
"For everythin'. For lovin' me, takin' care of me. I'm not sure if I'd be here without ya..." he said earnestly, still refusing to break eye contact. I looked into his eyes; he was speaking from the bottom of his heart. Riff wasn't very good with words but this much was true: even the simplest words could make me melt.
I feel my eyes well up slightly and the grin on my face grow, blooming with joy, "Oh, Riff, I don't know what to say, I-"
"You don't gotta say nothin'. Just... don't leave," he said, finally diverting his eyes down
This man is gonna be the death of me...
I tilt my head and take my hand up to his face, cupping his cheek tenderly. I rub the pad of my thumb across his cheek, brushing the scar that lay on it. He leans into the touch, "Te quiero," I say.
Riff raises his eyes at me and slightly furrows his eyebrows, "What does that mean?" he questions
"I love you.”
His eyes brightened up with joy, remembering that we had never exchanged these words before. These little vows that said 'my heart is yours'. He smiles wide and pulls me in, kissing me deeply with such a fiery passion. To that, I return the kiss with my own loving ferocity. At that moment, nothing else mattered; just me and him. Nothing mattered but the way his lips melted and molded perfectly to fit mine. The way he bit my lip, asking for entrance to a place he didn't need to ask for.
Eventually, we parted our lips, so desperately needing air that none of us seemed to have. He pressed his forehead against mine and closed his eyes with a smile, holding me tightly. I closed my eyes and sighed in contentment, the two of us slightly rocking back and forth.
"I love you, too."
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Soooo a list of Fun Mack Facts!
Mack is a vampire! duh, pretty basic, but worth repeating
Mack's gender is "why do you need to know", including to themself
He uses he/she/they/it
Mack is actually a huge nerd; they love books and also old movies
Mack tells puns all the time. She is at least 79% pun
It loves it's friends. However it would in fact throw it's blood family into a shark-infested ocean with zero hesitation. as would I!
He has a sister, in theory. In practice she's just a bastard that came out of the same mother that he did
Mack's parents = just the bastards that made them
Mack is fiercely loyal, but it's hard to get close enough to get their loyalty.
Mack runs scams on the internet, mainly targeting rich people. He's scammed the Amazon company twice
but also she just takes money from whoever, she doesn't care. it has the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair ok
Mack's name is Mack. No full version, not even legally. No middle name either. they have a last name but don't tell people it
"if people know your name they can track you" "Mack please just sign for the package i'm begging you"
a lot of people call them Mackenzie anyway. this is not their name??? also when Val's mad she'll use "Mackenzie" and Mack hates that
They're 19/20-ish and actually only turned when they were 15
Mack has a high school diploma but uhhh it's debatable whether or not they acquired it legally
Mack does not believe in the month of May
He's a cat person!! cats are simply little babies, dogs are too loud
She's aromantic and doesn't care about her sexuality
Mack made some very very bad choices in their past. got caught up with the wrong crowd, yknow
as an impressionable 15yo, they began hanging with a very sketchy group of vamps
they promised not to hurt her! they promised! they wouldn't lie
but the friends of her friends never promised
and sometimes people have a twisted idea of what humor is
they were only 15
it almost died
the intention had been to kill him, it was sheer luck that he survived
no one helped, no one cared, no one even tried to stop the attack
god, she was only 15
anyway this has been Fun Mack Facts!! :)
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fandomdumpsterfires · 3 years
Ninjaguys: lost at sea.
((Based off of/inspired by the try guys.))
((Basically, its the ninja being a bunch of idiots while they're stuck in a raft out at sea.))
Zane: captain's log-
Kai: your not the captain, im the captain.
Zane: im the captain.
Kai: jay! OVER the raft! not back INTO the raft!
Cole: *pukes*
Jay: you alright buddy?
Zane: everyone, just take a deep breath, and remain calm.
Kai: *singing* we're floating on a magical sea adventure, we're gonna have a great time on the ocean~
Cole: *pukes again*
Jay: you see anything kai?
Kai: i see water..and then....water.
Cole: its cold...
Zane: super bored...
Jay: would you guys be mad at me for peeing
Over the boat?
Cole: yes.
Jay: *proceeds to pee over the boat anyways*
Kai: *helping jay to not fall off as he does so* this is the most...humiliating expirience I've ever had.
Zane: no hes peeing-
Cole: hes peeing..
Kai: alright....
Zane: the sun is really beating down...
Kai: can you stop with the day logs zane?
Zane: shut up im gonna puke on you!
Jay: ...we suck at this.
Cole: we got a shark!?
Jay: wait, are you serious!?
Cole: i think i saw a shark-
Kai: oh sh*t thats a shark- that is a big shark right there- right there, right under us!
Jay: what is everything that he said?
Cole and zane: stay calm, don't panic-
Kai: don't throw up in shark infested waters.
Jay: this just got really real-
Cole: i got something to say..
Jay: what you gotta say?
Cole: being sick..and in such a terrible enviroment...your will to survive is just so low..
Cole: this is just such a horrible thing that someone has to deal with..to be lost at sea...
Jay: would a glowstick make you feel better?
Zane: lets sing the inflatable liferaft song! :'D
All four of them: ..iiiiinflatable raft, inflatable raft, we are on an inflatable raft, inflatable raft, inflatable raft, we are on and inflatable raft! We're not gonna die, we're not gonna die..
kai: the weather just changed dramatically-
Zane: a storm is coming, its getting very dark.
Cole: hey look! A boat!
Zane: jay get the flare!
Jay: *shoots the flair gun, the flair going into the water*
Kai: you shot it in the water!!
Cole: he said downwind!
Jay: yeah, the wind goes down!
Kai: no downwinds this way dumb*sses!
Jay: ninjaguys! Ride together die together! Ninjaguys for life! *fires flare gun* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Zane: aw the boat left..
Cole: good f*cking job, jay...
Cole: i think theres a shark thats been circling us..
Kai: he's attracted to the orange buoy.
Jay: you have that knife right? Cut it!
Kai: *proceeds to stab the raft*
Zane: no no no! Kai!
Kai: calm, calm! Guys, calm!
Cole: aaa i think if feel something-
Kai: theres a fish in the boat!
*the ninja proceed to freak out*
Zane: cole's throwing up again..
Cole: guys, its been a pleasure and an honor..
Jay: wait! Boat!
*the ninja proceed to wave and yell to get the boats attention*
Jay: they saw the flare! They saw the flare!
Kai: welp we just got really f*cked by the ocean.
Lloyd: so...you guys fought my father..
Ninja: yeah?
Lloyd: snakes..
Ninja: yeah?
Lloyd: an evil overlord..
Ninja: yeah?
Lloyd: and maaany more deadly evils...
Ninja: yeah?
Lloyd: ..and you got deffeated by trying to survive the ocean!?!?!
Ninja: ....
Jay: cole threw up-
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Purpose (Comission for WeirdKev27
Philli and Zan's Place: Recently Repaired from the Moonvasoin a few weeks back
Philli: I brought your Pizza!
Papa Swans: For When You Need a Pick Me Up
Owlson: Just.. drop it into my mouth
Philli: Okay that was fun the first.. dozen times .. and still is. But you haven't worked since you finished training that nice young moonlander to take your place.
Got them a dog too from one of my rescues. Their a very good boy... it's also their name.
Owlson: (Just takes the bots and eats somberly)
Philli: Okay hun I know it's bad because you didn't even go into a mild rant over two people naming their Dog Good Boy.
Owlson: I don't have it in me. I've lost all purpose. I can't find another corporate sector job. I don't WANT to work for some idiot again, but after a YEAR of my life wasted babysitting that toddler driving a grown man's body that's all people think of me, all they want me to do. I don't have other options.
Philli: Sure you do. Your Zan Owlson. You just need to get out of your rut, get a shower, get out of this house
Owlson: Penthouse
Philli: And get some time to yourself. Well with me because i'm not letting you go.. and not just because I glued my hand to your back.
Owlson: (Casually takes off jacket
Philli: Whelp now I got a jacket hand again. Point is You need a break. Get recentered, and find something NEW to do. Your brilliant baby, you just need some time to recharge.. which I know is hard for you and your work flow had me convinced you were a robot for the first few months we were dating.
Owlson: What
Philli: But you just need to take at least ONE day off to rest instead of going all in or wallowing that that's not working kay? I have some.. business to do in St. Carnard. JUst come with me
Owlson: Isn't that the place from that "Darkwing" show you like that recently has had an unstable lunatic running around like he's the lead character?
Philli: He's not unstable, he just beat me to it. Just go with me okay?
Owlson: Fine
Owlson: Well the infastructure is .. terrible but your right, I needed the break
Philli: I called it didn't I... (is looking around antisly at the rooftoop)
Owlson:... your "reasons" were wanting to see this weirdo in a mask weren't they.
Philli(wearing her own superhero outfit, The Phiting Philantrophist) : Mayyybe
Darkwing: (From a nearbye alleway) I'm not weird. I am the terror that... hey this is my turp
Philli: Oh i'm just visiting
Darkwing: Then can we team up I haven't gotten to do one of those.
Philli: Didn't you team up with Gizmoduck during the moonvasion?
Darkwing: (Eye twitching) Are you coming or not?
Owlson: Just go darling i'll be fine.
Philli: (smooches her cheek) you da best (Both heroes run off into the night)
Owlson: Okay what to do... (sees a crowd and a pig man at a podium) ohhhh political speech! Don't mind if I do.
Mayor Trumpcard: If elected I will keep things great like my hair,the giant statue of myself, that bridge I never finished, that literal road to nowhere, the zombie graveyard exibit I imported real zombies for that only killed three people last month, a new record low, and my...
Citzen: but what about the levy's? Their bound to break just like birdtowns!
Some Lady: And the schools. Billy brought home a billy club. That's not why I named him billy!
Old Man T-Rex: And what about that mad scientest turning people into dinosaurs!
Dr. Fossil: Yes what about him whose totally not me.. totally...
Yogi Bear: And er what about the hospitals.. the cafteria is attortious! And I don't even live here! I was just transportin a kidney that mysteriously vanished when I dropped it off a building.
Guy Bleeding Out: And I got shot yesterday.. by me but still the fact no one noticed say something about the city
Mayor Trumpcard: Those are excellent questions.. and i'm going to think about them while relaxing in the pool of money i've embezzled from this office. Good day (Runs)
Owlson: That's rediculous, a politician should be about the people. You fix levy's by putting pressure on the city's elitie to donate, I've put pressure on rich people my whole career. You just gotta work at it no matter how much gold or sharks or explosives or ottomans they throw at you!
You fix the schools, and the hosptail and this dinosaur transformatoin informatoin the same way! You work hard, you work deep and you work for your people's best intrests at heart!
Crowd: (Starts chanting) OWL LADY OWL LADY
Owlson: Uh .. it's Owlson.. Zan Owlson.
Crowd: Owlson for mayor owlson for mayor owlson for mayor!
Owlson: But I don't even live here.. but .. Philli HAS wanted to move here.. and ther'es so much I could do. What other problems do you fine people have?
Person: We've got a clown infestation in the road to nowhere... FERAL clowns
Owlson: Simply open up a new circuis, you have the staff you just need someone to run it.
???: Someone poisoned the water suply!
Owlson: Then try and filter fresh water from the ocean.
Can Can: The Ring came off my pudding can
Owlson: Then take my pen knife my good man
Crowd: Owlson owlson owlson
Philli: (Watching from the roofs) I'm proud of you baby (texts her)
Owlson: (reads)
Cement Head: You know i'ts rude to text during a battle
Philli: It's rude to steal a bank
Cement Head: (Holding a bank) Touche
Owlson: (Beams proudly purpose found) I'm now announcing my offical canadacy as mayor of st canard
Trumpcard: (Puts mayor sash on her) I concede.. there's no possble way to win as that would require effort but if you want my money back you'll HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST (books it only to trip and be mobbed by the citzenry)
Owlson and Philli: (Beam at one another, a bright future ahead.
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