#she deserved to lose her shit and kill light with her bare hands tbh <3
qeyond · 1 year
two pretty little dolls that were told to sit still and be good and they'll get what they want... eventually
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veenxys · 3 years
Hello! Could I request Bakugo meeting a girl who has just as bad anger issues as him due to the fact her mother left her when she was younger, over time the two grow to love each other
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hi honey, thanks for the request! i hope your well <3 
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Bakugou learned in the worst way that it was not good to mess with you.
But honestly? He didn't care about it at all.
Because you were almost the same person, you could spend the whole day arguing nonstop and none of you are going to lose.
He loves to tease you in every way possible just to see you angry.
And when you got mad... everyone would walk away from you and a Bakugou with a sarcastic smile on his face.
You have been expelled from the classroom several times for trying to kill each other.
There was something about you that fascinated him, but he doesn't know what.
He looks at you all the time, and it pissed you off, and he loved it. It is an eternal cycle tbh.
But when Bakugou finds out the reason for your anger, he is very surprised
He felt a little guilty for pissing you off 24/7
And then he tried to be your friend, and you were like ?????
But anyway, you started to become friends in small steps
And now, you are always together, sharing everything for each other.
But there is something that none of you shared with each other.
Bakugou put his hands in his pants pockets to try to warm them up against the cold night wind. You were walking for a few minutes in complete silence, just enjoying each other's company.
You were almost arriving at the dormitory when Bakugou held your arm gently, you quickly found it strange; Bakugou never touched you like that, in fact he barely touched you.
‘’Hey...’’ He said releasing your arm and putting his hand in his pocket again. ‘’I have something to tell you.’’ He looks anywhere to avoid your eyes.
He was afraid that if he looked into your eyes, he would lose the courage to say what he had been planning for weeks, he couldn't hide it from you, not anymore.
‘’Say it, Kacchan.’’ You said, already losing your patience because of his delay. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
‘’I like you.’’
You were completely silent. You just stood there looking at each other, Bakugou's red eyes shone against the dim light of the moon. You didn't know how to react because you thought you were a difficult person to love, and you also didn't know how to show love or affection for someone, but Bakugou didn't know either and he had declared himself to you. Damn, he really likes you.
You blinked slowly and Bakugou rolled his eyes and took your hands.
‘’Look, I know this whole shit looks tough, but we can learn, together.’’ He looks you with hope in his eyes.
He knew about all your problems and insecurities, he never judged you, quite the contrary; he always supported you, he showed you that you deserved to be loved and to love. He was with you at all times, good or bad, stressful or calm, and he wanted to be with you for the rest of your lives.
‘’I swear we will learn normally without killing each other.’’ He gives a small smile as he puts a lock of your hair behind your ear. You just smile at him and nod your head. He caresses your cheek and kisses you calmly.
Slowly you would learn together to love and accept to be loved, and your heart is safe with Bakugou.
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kyodzuken · 4 years
boyfriend headcanons - soul evans
a/n; my soul evans inspired playlist!! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YntdhOZPg1wMzYBwymwWR?si=JnHvKUWRSKGghG_dDakXGA
- you and soul started off as friends
- you'd joined the dwma halfway through the year and immediately hit it off with liz and patty
- and inevitably the rest of the group
- you're shy; so seeing this big group of loud - and very talented - weapons and meisters threw you off a bit
- but don't judge a book by its cover bc they were acc vvv warm and welcoming
- 'any friend of liz and patty is a friend of ours!'
- your partner was the first to realize tbh
- you and the gang were playing basketball
- or rather you, patty and your partner sat and watched as the rest played basketball
- when they caught you staring at a certain white-haired weapon a lil too long
- and patty;; being the girl she is;;; brought it up instantly when your partner nudged her shoulder.
- '(y/n)-chan!!! i never took you as a lovey type!'
- you rolled your eyes and denied it
- but they knew
- and so did you
- that night,, maka invited everyone over
- and ofc luck was on your side
- and you were squeezed next to soul during the movie marathon
- and it didn't help your case when he put his arm behind you, resting it on the couch.
- you thanked god it was dark because liz would definitely bully you for how red you were lmfao
- you excused yourself to the bathroom
- nearly shat your pants bc ????? uh????? you were just next to ur crush???
- and he smelt rlly nice wtf y/n snap out of it
- so after composing urself and one too many splashes of water on ur face;;
- you exited the bathroom to see the group sitting down in a game of 7 minutes in heaven
- and you wanted to cry
- you either got stuck with death the kid, literally the worst dude in the entire group (blackstar), crona, or your crush.
- lose/lose situation,,, maybe except crona bc theyre a cutie
- and lowkey you were wishing you picked up a specific hairband
-  and u did lol hahahah
- so u were stuck in this small cramped closet
- and u were so deep in thought
- u barely heard when the poor boy called ur name
- ' uhh,, listen,, this is so uncool of me to say here but,, if you say no i'll just kick you out of my house.'
- jeez ok albino
- 'i like you.'
- you swore you stopped breathing
- wtfwtf????
- did he just???
- nawl
- 'uh... i like you too..' you muttered
- which ended with a 2 minute long makeout session
- his hands travelling somewhere they shouldn't
- before blackstar slammed open the closet doors
- exposing the two of you; lips puffy and hair messed up
- the teasing didn't stop for months lol
- but das okay bc deep down they knew yall were couple goals PLS
- soul has a playlist
- filled w bangers
- and everytime he's over and the playlist starts....
- whew heated makeout sesh
- he definitely has some led lights in his room
- set to red
- wink wonk
- he's the type of boyfriend to always have his hand around your waist
- and y'all are best friends doe
- cue maka getting jealous / mad bc soul started ignoring her lowkey<//3
- deserve
- ANYWAYS you guys are literal SOULmates (hehe)
- you have so many inside jokes
- the group is honestly surprised bc they didn't think you two would get along at first
- soul is the type of boyfriend to have sm memes on his phone
- like you'll text him the most specific scenario ever and he'd have a wendy williams meme for it
- and he teases u,, sure
- but it always comes from a good place yktfv
- soul is the type of boyfriend to hold ur head and give you forehead kisses
- he'd give the best hugs too
- he'd wrap his arms around your torso and place his chin ontop of your head
- whenever ur sad just text him a lil frown face
- he's at ur door in record time
- w takeout, some snacks he possibly stole from maka's stash, and his netflix password
- sometimes you guys just lie there
- basking in each other's presence
- u might hold hands but
- mostly just enjoying each other
- soft rnb or indie playing in the background (peep my soul inspired playlist juicyoh)
- soul isn't good at doing ur hair
- but he'd try
- stupid little braids while u two are watching a movie
- netflix and chill except yall acc chill
- like he literally falls asleep in ur arms awe
- and you'd sometimes ask to do makeup on him if u wear makeup
- put his hair back w a lil hairband as he mutters some shit like
- ' this is SO not cool '
- shut up white boy you love it
- expensive dinner dates are few and far between
- but thats just bc yall are not that kind of couple
- you'd rather just get takeout and watch a good comedy or horror
- you'd be the couple to start a youtube channel
- and it'd be acc funny content like,,
- people would subscribe for the couple and stay for the content
- once you did a fnaf lets play
- soul literally left halfway through bc he got scared
- cue the 'bestfriend vs girlfriend tag w/ maka and y/n'
- if ur a meister
- you've probably tried wielding soul in his weapon form
- let's say,, it didn't go too well,,, and now theres a big mark in a wall in the city
- you and soul would 100% play pranks on blackstar and death the kid
- especially death the kid
- with help from lizzy and patty you'd make the poor boy regret ever introducing you two
- but it's all in good fun and the black haired boy has gotten y'all back multiple times too
- soul loves it when you wear his clothes
- like just seeing u in his hoodie makes him ❤️ 💓 💕 💖 💓  💖💕 ❤️
- one of ur biggest pet peeves tho
- is hes constantly undermining his struggles
- and you sit him down like
- 'babe,, youre important to me,,, you need to tell me if somethings wrong okay???'
- baby bursts into tears
- you and maka are some of the only people he's open to.
- he'd definitely play you piano
- or teach you if you don't know how
- maybe you'll sing along a few times
- when you fight it's usually over silly things
- like maybe maka was being maka and he's stressed so he lashed out
- or you didn't kill the kishin you were meant to and got told off by lord death
- it always ends in apologies;; you two don't really let it get between you
- soul is the type to tuck ur hair behind your ear when making out
- or the type to give u hugs from behind
- like imagine omgomg
- you're just chilling in the hallways at the dwma
- talking to patty
- when soul just
- he just
- ugh hugs u from the back, his head on your shoulder, a soft smile on his face as he kisses your cheek.
- cutie asf y'all r cute cute cute
- all in all
- he rlly does care ab you and you just
- "right back atcha babeyy!!"
- fr though
- y'all are bestfriends but also lovers
- goals af
- manifesting a relationship like that brb
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fae-fucker · 6 years
Zenith: Chapter 24-26
Chapter 24
Andi wakes up in a cell, and can you guess what the inside of the cell looks like?
If you guessed it’s VERY DARK, and filled with DARKNESS that settles into Andi’s BONES (Shinsay is very fond of this metaphor, huh?), you need to leave this blog and never come back because you’ve obviously been here long enough to be permanently damaged by all this bullshit.
But you’re also right. It’s very very dark here, you guys.
So basically this whole chapter is Andi and Dex waking up in a dark cell and ... getting up and out of the cell. That’s it. 
I’ll include some juicy dumb bits for you though, because what’s a snark blog without snark?
This could have been her life—should have been her life. Locked away behind bars, awaiting the death penalty, the ghost of her best friend the only thing to keep her company.
This might be a nitpick, but “this could’ve been her life” implies that she’d be locked up for the rest of her life. Which I guess would technically be true since waiting for her death penalty would be the rest of her very short life, but it still sounds really weird. It’s like she’s expecting to wait for ... well, years and years and years, when the previous chapters mentioned her sentencing happening quickly.
That familiar wave of fear spiked through her, and Andi wanted to reach for her swords, to slash and slice and tear apart that piece of herself as she tore apart the bodies of others. Death after death, to cover up Kalee’s. To give herself the kind of fate she deserved.
So Andi harms herself? Does she want to seppuku this bitch up? Why else would she want to physically reach for her real, actual swords? Does she want to actually slice at a metaphorical part of herself? 
Also, can I just say that this still doesn’t make a lick of sense? “I technically didn’t murder my friend and technically hate the fact that I do think that I murdered my friend, and I will put a soothing balm on the wound of my soul by murdering even more innocent people, but this time intentionally, thinking I need to kill people for some reason even though I constantly mope about how badly I don’t want to kill people!” 
Makes ... no sense. This is why her characterization is so bad, Shinsay can’t commit to the “soft, compassionate, uwu bean” side of Andi because that would make her NOT COOL AND BADASS AND WEAK, but they also barely touch the “RUTHLESS MERCENARY” side of her because that would make her morally ambiguous and we can’t trust the reader to make up their own mind about her, can we now? Nor can we write anything that complex but that’s another debate.
Anywhoo, Dex wakes up and fingers Andi in the dark. 
She didn’t even flinch away as his fingertips scraped hers and he froze.
Then we get a ... joke? I think it’s supposed to be a joke, at least. Someone teach Shinsay how to be funny and how to translate comedy into text, please!
“Please tell me this is Andi, and not some love-hungry Xen Pterran carriage slug named Stubby.”
Despite herself, Andi laughed. The massive slugs were gruesome, oily beasts that tried to bed anything with a heartbeat.
If there was anything this story was missing, it’s oily fuck-slugs. 
Thank you for that, Shinsay. 
Also ... “bed?” Are you telling me these slugs, that seem to be used to pull carriages, take their (dubiously willing) partners ... to bed? 
Shinsay, I get that you physically cannot get off SJM’s massive throbbing cock, but you’re not actually writing a faux-medieval fantasy book, ok? You’re writing a SUPER EDGY AND MATURE space opera, with all sorts of edgy violence and references to sex in it.
I don’t understand how bad your cognitive dissonance must be if you can invent rapey fuck-slugs, but don’t have the guts to say “fuck” or even “sex.”
Are you afraid your moms will read this? Is that why this is all so coy and immature as hell?
That’s what gets to me tbh. This book is too inappropriate to really be for younger YA audiences, but it’s also far too childish to be anything but laughable for older teens and young adults.
Dex and Andi have completely pointless banter as they try to get out of their cell. I find it very convenient that they ended up in the same cell, but ok.
Andi sticks out her tongue at Dex after he mildly insults her like a super cool ruthless murderess and not at all like a five-year-old.
We also get several mentions of the fact that Andi’s wrist cuffs can give off light, because I guess Shinsay are very proud of that particular high tech sci-fi invention. 
It’s very very very very dark, like SUPER dark, and Dex asks Andi if she’s scared.
She feared a lot of things.
Loneliness. Losing the lives of her crew or damaging her ship beyond repair.
But not darkness. That was a part of her; the very thing that had allowed her to survive for this long.
I had to read that, and now so do you. 
The thrill of the moment had arrived.
Without a word, Andi took a step forward, shedding the weakest parts of herself as she allowed the Bloody Baroness to take over.
Let’s wait until Andi becomes all sad and mopey over this again. 
Does this woman have ONE consistent personality trait?
Dex followed, and together, they left their empty cell behind.
Are you sure it was empty? And not full of DANK DARKNESS?!
Anyway yeah, it took Andi and Dex one entire chapter to wake up and leave a room. 
So this is how you pad your word count ... 
Chapter 25
We’re in Dex’s POV. They take care of a couple of guards, and by that I mean Andi does a couple SICK FLIPS and Dex is very impressed. 
“Godstars, Andi,” Dex said now as he leaned over to inspect the corpse.
The key looked strangely at home in his eye socket, perfectly positioned in the center, as if Andi had placed it there with an artist’s flair.
Ok, I’ll give Shinsay credit and say that this is reasonably evocative and Dex does admit that the key strangely looks at home in the guy’s EYE, but the “artist’s flair” thing ruins it completely. When you think “artist’s flair,” you don’t think of someone forcefully shoving a blunt object into someone’s eye, you think of a fancy shmancy person doing a little elegant flourish with their hand, like painting the delicate eyelashes of some noblewoman. 
Even when Shinsay manages to write something that’s actually rather imaginative, they ruin it by adding more guff that simply doesn’t fit and is only there to slap on more “pretty prose” and make Andi sound awesome and pad the damn word count.
Furthermore, specifying that it’s “perfectly in the center” doesn’t mean anything. If you manage to pierce a person’s eye with a key in the first place, there’s little margin of error, assuming this was a human and not an alien with abnormally large eyes with lots of options for key placement.
If you want to take the absurd imagery of the key “belonging” in the eye further, here’s what I’d suggest: 
“Godstars, Andi,” Dex said now as he leaned over to inspect the corpse.
The key looked strangely at home in his eye socket, and Dex felt as if he could just lean down and twist it and open the man’s face like a door.
Dex seems deeply horrified by Andi’s actions for reasons I cannot fathom, seeing as he’s the one constantly bragging about how he taught her everything she knows. 
When Andi explains to him that she had to kill the guard to make sure he didn’t sound the alarm and summon more guards, Dex has a really dumbass realization:
As Dex stared at her, he suddenly understood the bare truth.
There was no remorse in her eyes for the kills. Not even a flicker. There was nothing but the promise of the mission pulling her forward.
... Well, doy? How exactly did you expect this to go down, Dexy-Boy? Did you want to talk the guards into silence with your witty banter? 
This chapter serves literally no other purpose than to wank on about how cool and remorseless Andi is. We get Dex angsting about how Andi used to feel things very very hard, you guys, but now, the rumors were TRUE, and she was indeed a cold, non-feeling murderer. 
Dex asks Andi all deep about how the Bloody Baroness isn’t “just a reputation” and thinks about how badass Andi looks when she’s all stoic and shit. 
Andi then tells Dex about her apparently-not-so-secret ritual of carving tallies into her swords, which then makes Dex realize that MAYBE the Bloody Baroness IS a facade and Andi actually DOES have feelings, just like he thought 500 words before this! Rendering this entire internal monologue -- and by extension, this fiking chapter -- COMPLETELY USELESS!
Shinsay, literally what is the whole-ass fiking point of this? Was there progress made? New character traits revealed? No. We ended literally where we started. Nothing new was discovered. 
1. Dex thinks Andi still has some humanity left and the Bloody Baroness is just a reputation fabricated by her to protect her and her friends
2. Andi murders a dude, making Dex think that BB is indeed REAL and that Andi has no remorse for killing dudes
3. Andi tells Dex about her tallies, saying she remembers each and every kill, making Dex think that perhaps there is some humanity left and the Bloody Baroness is just a reputation fabricated by her to protect her and her friends
Shinsay, I’m coming to your houses to leave rotten eggs between your couch cushions.
We get this from Andi:
“Two deaths. Two tallies on my swords.” She looked down at the dead guards, then back up at him. A flicker of pain flashed through her eyes. “I have a code, you know. Lines that I don’t cross.”
Won’t surprise me the least if we never find out what that code is. 
Dex thinks about how cool and great it is to be working with Andi and the “chapter,” as I’ll generously call it, ends. 
Chapter 26
Hey, remember Klaren? 
Me neither.
Anyway, it’s year nineteen now and she’s holding baby Nor. Klaren thinks about how her baby -- oh sorry, “babe,” because this book still wants to be fantasy I guess -- is a mistake and how little effort she had to put in to make the king love her.
She’d hardly had to try to entice him. Perhaps, in some way, that meant he was her gift. A man who loved her despite what she was. Despite the past she’d kept hidden from him all these years.
Did this reasoning actually make sense to Shinsay? How can he love you “despite” the past you’ve hidden from him if you’ve HIDDEN IT FROM HIM AND HE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT?! 
Who let Shinsay write? I need to find them and have a few words.
Anywhoo, the king is off to war and Xen Ptera is dying and it’s the apocalypse and whatever.
The baby wailed, drawing the queen’s attention. “Sleep now, my perfect little mistake,” she whispered. “Sleep, and remember to dream of the light.”
I guess this is supposed to be deep? Who even knows tbh.
Alone in her palace quarters, the queen of Xen Ptera rocked her daughter gently, a tear slipping down her cheek as she remembered her mission and thought of how little time they had left.
We’ve had a bunch of chapters with Klaren already and I still have no idea what purpose they serve or what their plot is. 
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its-love-u-asshole · 6 years
The Risks of Devotion [fic]
Pairings: Uraraka Ochako/Bakugou Katsuki
Summary: Bakugou would protect his princess no matter what, wanted to stay by her side no matter what. He just had to admit it to himself. 
Rating: T
Tags: a/b/o dynamics, fluff, a hint of angst tbh, royalty au 
Note: Finally, my last holiday gift is for the lovely @emeraldwaves​ <3 This is my first time writing kacchako and idk how I did, but I wanted to attempt it for you bruh LOL You’re such an amazing friend and I’m so happy we met. I hope you like this! ILU. 
Bakugou was the kingdom's strongest alpha, no fucking doubt about it. He could best any obstacle, could beat any opponent into the dirt. All his teachers had boasted about him, and rightfully so, saying he was destined to be a palace guard. Protecting royalty, securing wealth and stability for his family, there was no downside to it.
So from the young age of eight, he'd lived, eaten, and breathed the palace air. He'd trained with the kingdom's most promising alphas, and remained at the top of the class all the way up until he came of age.
Yeah, Bakugou had stopped assassination plots, could break another alpha's limbs with one twist of his own arm, but this, this was by far the most stressful thing he’d had to go through. And it was a trial which happened once a week, like clockwork, and he couldn't escape it.
He had to protect his future queen.
"Katsuki, are you mad at me?"
Bakugou's head shot up from where he'd been glaring a hole into the floor, his searing red gaze finding Uraraka's face in an instant. He hated that sometimes, how he always seemed to naturally fixate on her, though the anger had grown from explosive to simmering in the past few years. He wondered sometimes if it was completely gone altogether, but like hell would he let himself admit that.
She was looking at him with wide eyes, bright and innocent, and a little something he chose not to point out. Bakugou never knew how to handle Uraraka when she looked so damn sad. Couldn't she just bottle it all away? Be better with her emotions? It was annoying, for her to sit there all dolled up and have the nerve to look sad.
If she could just be the peppy princess she was supposed to be, it would make this situation a lot easier.
"Huh? Why would I be?" He answered gruffly, doing his best not to shout as he kicked his fancy dress shoe against the wall. He hated those things, hated the dinner parties where he had to wear them. This whole thing was useless. "It's not all about you!"
Except it was.
Bakugou stared at her, took in the frilly pink ball gown which just barely passed her knees. She was probably cold, since she hardly wore anything that didn't include pants or leggings. Her skin shone from the sparkling oils she'd been washed with, and the silver crystals sown into her dress acted like spotlights. They brought out everything about her, from the dips of her collarbones to the blush on her cheeks. Bright, shining, regal.
A princess.
The only thing that gave her away as being anything less than a perfect mate, was the mark on her neck. It was covered by foundation now, the royal dressers had certainly see to that shit. But Bakugou knew it was there, could trace the unseen lines from memory alone. An old bond mark.
What was the fucking use in hiding it? Everyone knew. Everyone talked about it.
Bakugou knew first hand people talked about it, because it was usually him that punched anyone who so much as mentioned it. His hand still stung from when he'd done so the other day, but it was a dull, satisfactory pain.
Bastards. They can all just shut up.
Uraraka hummed, choosing not to say anything. Pisses me off.
Uraraka always fought back. From the time they were kids playing around the palace and throwing rocks at each other, to now. Uraraka annoyingly refused to back down from one of Bakugou's screaming matches.
It was one of the things he...whatever. Didn't matter.
"Are you ready to go yet?" Bakugou asked, tearing his gaze away from the spot on her neck. It still got on his nerves to this day. Almost two years later. That same, possessive urge overcame him. The need to kill.
How dare some second rate, cowardly alpha claim his princess and run off.
"Not really," Uraraka sighed, plopping onto her bed and kicking her feet. They'd made her wear heels today, which he knew she despised. "What's the point? I'm just going to have to talk to a bunch of uninterested alphas. I'm tired of this..."
"Then tell your parents to knock it off," Bakugou muttered, messing with the various daggers on his belt. "Sick of this shit..."
Uraraka shot him that look, the one he hated. Like he was some stupid child and she was scolding him. "You know I can't do that Katsuki. My parents want me to find a mate and be happy. That's...all they want..."
Yeah, great. These so called 'matchmaking' balls were held weekly for the sole purpose of finding the princess, a beautiful omega, an alpha of good character and standing. The kingdom needed future rulers, future heirs to the thrown.
One would think it wouldn't be a hard problem to solve. What alpha didn't want to mate with a princess?
Finding an alpha to love her though, that was another issue. One they'd already failed at. The first alpha who had been considered suitable, ended up being a total fraud. Uraraka had been crushed, and she was left with a mark on her neck to remind her of the debacle. And it would be there until she found a new suitor, which was why they kept up with this mess.
Bakugou despised it.
Uraraka's legs stopped kicking as the heavy silence settled over them, and he could see how close she was to crying. He knew he should just leave and back down before he got in trouble with the chief of the guards for upsetting the princess.
But sometimes it was hard to remember he was supposed to separate his role as a guard, from his one as a childhood friend.
Friend. If he could even be called that. He never liked handing the term out, but it was the only one he had, and they'd been joined at the damn hip for so long...
Stupid. He should've never been a guard.
"Yeah because you seem pretty fuckin' happy doing this," he said with a grunt.
For some reason, he felt like he'd maybe walked into a trap, which only served to anger him more. Uraraka's eyes were still wet with unshed tears, but now she was grinning at him, jumping off the bed to saunter on over. The bells on her dress jingled obnoxiously, giving away the obvious skip in her step.
"I wouldn't have to do it if you'd stop being so stubborn Katsuki," she chided, her voice a sniffling sing song.
No. He didn't want to talk about this.
"I don't know what you mean brat," he growled. "Hurry up and finish your damn hair so we can go already."
But it was getting harder to actually mean any of his words, Uraraka was so close. Her scent had always had that irritating effect on him. It was weirdly intoxicating, like poison, but...obnoxiously sweet. The thing about Uraraka's scent was it was hardly a scent at all. Light, like the air she seemed to float through when she walked, settling easily on his senses. Subtle, like her silent, ballerina like footsteps through the halls.
He stepped forward against his will, and he could feel her breathe against his neck.
"Katsuki," she whispered, gripping his bicep. His muscles were tense, but he let them relax under her grip. "You don't have to be such a hard ass around me you know."
He growled, but didn't object.
They always went down this road, it always came back to the fact she--
"I only want to be with you, that's how it’s always been," Uraraka continued, her voice firm. "If you just asked my father--"
"No! That'll just ruin everything!"
"So you're fine just staying like this?" Uraraka gripped both his arms now, pleading, and he refused to meet her gaze. "Is this really better?"
Bakugou hated not having answers. He always had the right fucking answers. It wasn't like it wasn't uncommon, for non-royal alphas to prove their worth and ask to court noble omegas. But this was the princess, and it just hadn't been done in a long time.
Uraraka's father was a kind, thoughtful king, loved by many. He had also hand selected Bakugou to be Uraraka's personal bodyguard when they'd reached a certain age. After all, they'd been together all their lives. It was expected.
Bakugou didn't want to lose that honor, he didn't want to erase his own expectations for himself. But well, he hadn't expected to feel this way about the princess. Confusing, dangerous feelings, but they overpowered him all the same.
Bakugou glared at the floor, his own thoughts angering him. Uraraka was staring at him, her expression soft, her smile hesitant. She could read him well, he admitted that much. She matched him in strength, in confidence.
There was no better omega, and he deserved the best.
All at once, all their past arguments flashed in his mind, his instinct to mate with his princess. It was an instinct which had been there since his sixteenth birthday. He thought about his anger when Uraraka had selected another alpha, before she'd realized her own feelings. He remembered the rage he'd felt when that alpha had betrayed her.
And more than anything, he remembered how much he hated and dreaded every single ball, hated seeing and hearing alphas flirt with his omega.
He was Bakugou Katsuki. He didn't back down, he went after what he wanted no matter the stakes. Nothing and no one would prevent him from achieving whatever he set his mind to.
"You do want to be with me, don't you?" She asked, hammering the final nail into Bakugou's coffin. She'd never actually explicitly spoken about wanting to be together, it was always underlying, implied. Obvious. Now that the words were actually in the air though, Bakugou's walls had a chip in them, and it was all it took.
"Aren't you supposed to be smart? You should know," he said, a soft 'tch' falling from his lips as he let her fall against him. He inhaled her scent greedily, and he felt her do the same.
And if anyone asked, he certainly did not hug back, but in the dimness of the royal quarters, no one would suspect a thing anyways.
One thing Bakugou Katsuki did not do was kneel. So when he took the stance without much objection, Uraraka was more than a little shocked. She probably gasped aloud, which was also probably why Bakugou glared at her, but oh well.
The ball the previous night had yielded no results, as expected. Noble alphas were still as fake and conceited as always, and she wanted nothing to do with them. She never had. The first alpha she took was more out of family obligation than anything else, and she'd learned her lesson from that.
Bakugou Katsuki was and always had been her alpha. All they needed to do was make things official. Which was why they were currently in the throne room, pleading their case to her father.
Another thing she knew about Bakugou, was that he didn't particularly value the art of speech. Words were simple, minimal, only spoken when necessary. The guard was smart, exceptionally so, loud too, but sincere? Well yes, he could be, at least with Uraraka. But with words?
She didn't know.
Turns out Bakugou never failed to surprise her.
"I pledged to be the best royal guard in the kingdom, and I am," he began, his voice unusually calm. It tended to happen when Bakugou held a conviction so strong it couldn't be rivaled. "It's my job to look after the princess, and it always will be. I don't really care what anyone says about it, even you King. I'm just telling you. I'm not leavin' her, and I'll easily fight off any alpha who gets in my way."
Uraraka felt a pleasant shiver course through her, and for a moment, instinct took over. Her mind was clouded with thoughts of Bakugou holding her close, claiming her. It was all she'd been wanting.
But part of her quaked in fear when she glanced at her father, expecting to see anger or shock. After all, not many people would call what Bakugou had just said polite, or even respectful. Bakugou didn't yield to anyone, no matter how powerful.
He was number one, and he believed it whole heartedly. Uraraka smiled, because that meant deep down, he thought she was pretty damn special too. Whether or not anyone else saw that was another story...
However, instead of rage, her father looked...amused, relieved even. The smile on his face was soft, and he shook his head much in the same way he used to do when Uraraka played too rough with the other kids and got into trouble. Even Bakugou looked unsure of what to do with the reaction, watching like a hawk as the king rose from his throne.
"You're not exactly giving me room to argue Bakugou-kun," the king said, looking to the queen with barely concealed joy. "Not that I plan to. It's about time you two sorted everything out."
Uraraka rushed to Bakugou's side, both of them looking like they'd been thrown into a different dimension. Bakugou was glaring at the floor, probably pissed at himself for not being in on the joke.
Uraraka found her voice first, not letting herself believe that things could work out so perfectly all at once. "You mean...you...knew? And it's okay? We can be together?"
Bakugou's head shot up at the words, and he shuffled closer to Uraraka, ready to protect her against any onslaught.
But there was none. Her father just chuckled, sending her a scolding expression. "Did you really think we'd be so harsh Ochako? We want what you want. Whatever makes you happy," he said, and the tears were already forming in her eyes as he continued. "Plus, these balls are getting way too expensive."
Uraraka laughed, letting the tears spill from her eyes, and tackled Bakugou in front of the entire throne room, palace administrators and all.
He may have yelled at her to get off, but he held her tight, pulling her as close as possible.
Judging from the way the entire room let out a collective sigh, she was pretty sure this was long overdue.
A few months later, the day before her wedding, Uraraka lounged in Bakugou's arms, letting the summer breeze drift through the room. The old, hateful mark on her neck felt nearly invisible, and she closed her eyes, letting Bakugou's scent wash over her.
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swearronchanel · 7 years
As per request, 2.05
You guys have been so freaking sweet and kind  to me with your feedback since I started making these ridiculous posts, it’s insane but I love it!❣️ I literally started these as a joke because my one friend who watches call the midwife didn’t pick up the phone (and bc I was under the influence whoops hahaha it happens) but now I have so much fun posting every week! I’m sure I won’t stop these any time soon (what will I do when this series is over until Christmas? Yikes lets not talk about it yet)  Anyways @marialujan22 requested I rewatch and post for 2x5 & shit it’s been a while since I’ve watched series 2 but I couldn’t say no! Besides Im in a good mood because I have 10 days till spring break & only like 8 weeks left in the semester so here we go ..
idk if I’m mentally prepared for this
“Somewhere far away, scientist we’re working on a magic pill, rumored to make pregnancy a case of choice..” Hell yea birth control, deff a magic pill in my opinion
Crazy that it took 3 series for the pill to become a thing & then there was still lame ass government guidelines
Jenny Lee! lol I often forget about her sorry not sorry, I liked her but she left. ya no importa
I love how “mature jenny” still narrates even though her character is never even mentioned anymore #letmenarrate lol jk I like Vanessa Redgrave’s voice
“Meanwhile other scientists were trying to send humans to the moon” fuck yea Hidden Figures
If CtM went up until 1969 that’d be lit, like the episode on mad men when they watched the moon landing! Just replace them with nuns and nurses and babies & replace the liquor for tea 😂
Shit I’ve said typed so much already
SISTER MJ💕 I wanna smack myself she’s brushing her teeth & I thought of that stupid toothbrush song from last week’s episode kill me
Nora’s pregnant again uh oh
Cynthia! SISTER E! Jane! It’s been so long
My bby Trixie 💕😍 I miss her pin curls! But now she’s serving those 60s looks so I’m here for it all
“Take that off this minute before you go to hell” LMAO TRIX YOU CANT TELL KIDS THAT
lol who am I kidding I would’ve said the same
I love sister Monica Joan, id quote everything she ever says but that’s too much work
Vicar’s wife? But who was the vicar?
anyone else really wanted to know how she was going to tell Sister Julienne “um i was already done with being a nun and now im love sick, I can’t stop thinking about Dr Turner so  I gotta ditch this habit”
damn I feel so bad like she did not want another baby & had no choice but to deal with it
No Jenny, tea is not gonna help right now
And heres the lady that scammed her
How much is 2 guinnis ? Idk how to spell that u already know I’m an ignorant American
Did she really tell a married woman keep her legs closed? It Doesn’t even matter if she was married or not like who are u anyway?? I would’ve bitch slapped her too, good for u Nora
Sister MJ saying her horoscope was right, we are the same😭
Wtf is spotted dick? Also I laughed because I’m immature Lmaoo
Sister J eating the pudding, she knows how to get to sister MJ 😂 I love them
Trixie teasing Jane about the Reverend lol aw
“I can’t knit I had a heart attack this morning” ME TRYING TO GET OUT OF THINGS
8 kids in one bedroom though yikes
Cute and classic bedroom moments 😭💕
“Naughty version of eggnog” like coquito? Lol nah, coquito is the bomb
Who is this irrelevant ass vicars wife? “Cherrio”
I’m so sorry Nora
Ew wtf a rat just bit the baby?
“Just tell me what you want sister” SHE WANTS YOU DOCTOR
sister MJ wants to roll bandages, make it happen! lol I love that Cynthia and Jane unwrap them all for her 😭
Aww i love babies !! but that one with a funny nose uhh
Aw I wish Trixie could have another scene going through old pictures and maybe share old stories with the new nurses💔 unlikely but you know I can hope. SHE DID HAVE THAT PHOTO OF HER AND CYNTHIA ON HER MIRROR LAST SUNDAY💕
“I’m a woman on a mission” beatrix, light in my life
Curly locks lol, when I was younger I  was called Shirley temple and when I dyed my hair I was called Goldie locks.. mind u that lasted into high school 😂 I’m staying blonde for good though, I don’t think I can pull off anything else
Laura Main’s angelic voice ✨👼🏼
who am I kidding she’s an angel
you know what would be fun and a dream? to go out with the ctm cast and get drunk and take trashy snapchat videos singing
Gin & a hot bath??
Trixie looked him up lol, good move
BUT HE’S STILL TRASH and an asshole
Pickle knife ?
again, this irrelevant vicar’s wife? vete ya
Everyone thinks Sister MJ is senile but she knows what’s up with Sister Bernadette..
“..but is all blank sadness and continued tears”  MY HEART💔 sister Bernadette/Shelagh has spent the majority of this show crying/being sad/distressed ugh!! Laura Main plays is beautifully but I CRY!? Let her be uninterruptedly happy please 😭💕
she (and helen) ruined me tbh, I used to have dignity
Is Jenny really naive or is she just pretending not to understand??
Remember when I started the show and didn’t know it was gonna ruin my life? Or before I grew attached? Yea me neither lmaoo those were the days when I thought downton killed me. I Didn’t know what was coming 😂 still love downton though rip #downtonmoviepls
Knitting needles?? aye dios mio
Again how much is a gunniea and how do I spell it? I could google it but I’m busy here
She was willing to sell her wedding ring and risk her life for an unprofessional abortion. DO YOU SEE THE ISSUE? This isn’t just the a period drama either. Shit is real
“Are babies more valued because they can survive or do they survive beside they are more valued?” good question sis
lol Jane was so sweet and just bounced with no word
Trixie being a babe and getting ready to do her nails 😍💕 I wish I could do mine well but I’m trash and so I pay to get them done
The cross cutting in this scene is crazy but so well done (& yes look at me using real terms lol, I took a Music in film class last semester and had to know editing techniques 😂, I did fairly well too)
I really don’t know how she survived this
My bby trixie looking gorgeous as per usual. I love her so much, Helen u kill me
Haha why did I not remember the Gone With The Wind reference? Cynthia was so cute, I miss her carefree and happy
my poor bby😭💔 it is not your fault , he’s trash!! But this moment between the nurses warmed my cold heart
“Matrons in charge, virgins of iron” 😭😭
Aw Earth Angel playing, ✨🎼 I highkey pop to 50s/60s pandora stations
Jenny yes it’s illegal but do you think that matters rn??
Sister Bernadette looking at Dr Turner ah omg 😭they’ve come so far.
It’s not your fault Jenny but you should’ve told someone
Sister B & Tim won 👏🏼
and she’s down, and the glasses flew
“You’ve hurt your hand” “well I’m sure there’s no need to amputate” ah sister b/shelagh lowkey has some of the funniest lines she just slips them in and people miss them !!
Here it comes ..
“Would you like me to have a look at that?” UHM YEA
No but seriously I can barely remember what I thought when I first watched this but I knew something was gonna happen because a nurse can handle her own damn cut & well you know, she was in love with him
for real, this is when I really knew that I was never going to love any other show like this and I allowed it to ruin me
What if she would’ve freaked tf out or told sister Julienne? I don’t even know. I’ll just be grateful for how things turned out
“At this moment I only know I’m not turning my back on you because of you but I’m doing it because of him” AHHHH, DONT WORRY BBY GOD LOVES U AND UNDERSTANDS YOU LOVE HIM AND THE DOCTOR, LOSE THAT HABIT AND GO PROPERLY KISS PATRICK 😭
Sister MJ judging the baby contest is the purest thing & I need it to cleanse my disgusting soul that wants a dr to get with a nun #notsorrythough
“In Nonnatus we were good at tending other’s wounds and there were times I felt we were all each other’s children..” brb I’m crying I love that they’re like a family 😭💕💔
I’m so happy they didn’t kill Nora and she actually was happy in the end. I really wasn’t sure for a moment (obviously when I first watched lol)
“ Free reliable contraception came too late to help her, but in time the scientists triumphed. Her daughters and granddaughters lives remained transfigured, long after man left fleeting footprints on the moon.” Vanessa always knowing what to say in the end.
Lets see how the pill is going to be reintroduced this series, I’m interested  in how it’s going to play out.
I’ve said that so many times though so I’ll be done
The End.
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