#she was real for calling him the cutest thing she’s ever seen though
somethingoriginal127 · 6 months
i’m watching nana and shin literally breaks my HEART. he is the sweetest little thing ever and it’s super jarring knowing about his character and watching how it’s clear what he’s been through because he KNOWS how to act and behave like those surrounding him (20 year olds) and then when he’s only around hachi, nana, and nobou he’s comfortable and it’s so EASY to tell he’s fifteen. it’s easy to forget when he’s in a setting where he’s band member only or an extension of his band mates (their friends) that he’s not as close with and then he gets too excited/comfy and is so plainly a child.
he makes me so sad and i love all the characters but why has no one invited him to like move in with them yet?!
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kentopedia · 5 months
nanami kento, who hates dating, and didn’t do much of it in his early twenties. but now, he’s almost thirty, watching all the people he works with settle down, have kids, and he thinks he wants that. so he might as well try.
so satoru sets him up on a few dates — friends of friends, he calls them. and at the end of every one of the dinners, kento goes home empty, exhausted, because he knows what they want is not the same.
still; he thinks maybe he’s being a little self-destructive, maybe too picky, maybe he just got so used to being alone. with satoru’s insistence, he gives all the women another call, invites them over to his apartment.
the first time was a disaster… kento had barely set the dinner on the table before his cat had hissed at her, scratched her down the arm in a thin gash. and though it did draw blood, it was hardly enough to warrant that reaction.
he didn’t even try to stop her as she picked up her bag and left, huffing like she’d been morally offend. kento, though, could only smile to himself in amusement.
because maybe kento was a poor judge of character, a man who was secretly hoping nothing would pan out — but his cat could certainly tell the good from the bad.
it became a little game to him, after that. seeing if anyone could win his pet over, and if they could, perhaps they were the one. his darling animal was a fickle thing anyway. a bit too defensive, quick to bite anything threatening after years on the streets.
naturally, no one came back twice.
he was close to giving up, accepting his solitude because he was tired of empty conversations over dinner. but then, he ventured out over the weekend to a new coffee shop, during hours he normally didn’t spend out of his home, and met you.
though you only talked for a moment, kento felt like maybe he’d known you in a past life. a part of him thought maybe it was strange, the way he kept coming back to talk to you, catching you at the end of your shift to see if you wanted to grab a coffee sometime.
by the second date, kento started to think you could turn out to be his best friend.
by the third date, kento wondered if soulmates were real.
on the fourth date, almost two months later, an appropriate time to get to know someone when you were as reserved as kento, he invited you over for dinner. it was, perhaps, the final confirmation he needed to let himself be with you.
he let you through the door, smiling softly as you told him about the book you were reading, and hung his coat on the rack. a moment later, you stopped, distracted, hands covering your mouth in a gasp.
“kento! she’s the cutest cat i’ve ever seen, you didn’t even show me pictures!” you exclaim, and, a few feet away, crouched down. “look at her pretty eyes…”
“careful,” kento said, “she’s not very—“
but the cat approached your outstretched hand, sniffed once, before letting you scratch her under her chin, purring loud enough for kento to hear across the room.
“shes such a sweetheart, you told me she was mean!” you smiled, making a cooing noise as you threaded your fingers through her fur. “kento’s a liar, isn’t he… you’re so precious.”
a few moments later, she snapped her jaw at you in a biting motion, and you only laughed, withdrawing your hand. “alright, i get it, i won’t bother you anymore.”
though she still brushed against your legs, just as she did kento’s, and seemed to communicate some sort of message to him.
“do you want any help cooking?” you ask, tucking your hair behind your ears. “i’m a disaster in the kitchen, but—“
“sure,” kento said, his chest tightening as he blinked back at you, only in his apartment for minutes and already looking as at home there. he wondered if it was possible to fall in love so quickly. “but only if you want to.”
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dorylinae-supremacy · 4 months
Thinking about an AU where Techno, Wilbur and Tommy are all the harbingers of the actual entire apocalypse and Phil (just some insane guy) decides that those are in fact his kids and starts gaslighting the absolute shit out of them about it.
Rambles under cut!
I wanna try something where they're just more insidious and passive killers than anything else, theyre mostly just biding their time and watching as wherever they're lingering around gets sicker and just starts withering away.
They're a slow moving threat that just can't be stopped and for some reason (because Kristin thinks its funny) Phil just isnt affected by them.
Phil: Oh Techno's always been like that ever since he was a baby Techno: I have literally never met you a day in my life Tommy: Idk man... you have always been like that Wilbur: Oh my death he's actually getting to us
Its a mix of that combined with that "how did he know I was a gemini" meme
Phil: Wil! I brought you some salmon, I know how much you love it! Wilbur: How the fuck did you know I like salmon Phil: I'm your dad silly, of course I'd know :-)
I just think itd be super fun since Phil in this au is literally just some insane dude. He literally lies about their entire childhood but does it so consistently and so realistically that it throws them off guard.
I also have a few ideas where they start referring to Phil as their dad in the beginning as a sarcastic / mocking thing but accidentally just getting themselves even more adopted as they do it.
Phil: Wilbur put on a coat Wilbur: I don't need one! Techno: Go on, Wil. Listen to dad Wilbur: Ugh fine. Only because dad wants it, though
Stranger: Whos this? Tommy: Oh thats our dad. He kinda just tags along Stranger: Aww thats so sweet! You got his nose and everything Tommy: I- wh- no he's not actually our da- Phil: I know he did! Isn't he the cutest, spitting image isnt he? Tommy: You're not my dad! Stranger: Oh someones embarrassed! Phil: Yeah he's going through a rebellious phase right now
Just a mixture of things like that where it starts as calling him it but then accidentally actually giving him parental authority along with that.
I also wanna explore how Kristin and Phils relationship would be like. Maybe her as death being very bemused by this silly human that just decided she was his wife one day.
She literally visits him in dreams and stuff and he just acts as if they're married and have been for years. He complains about their 'rambunctious kids' and how he has to threaten them with her so that they behave sometimes. She finds it so silly and just cant help but play pretend.
Kristin: Hello, human Phil: My love! Its been so long since I've seen you Kristin: We've never met Phil: Oh don't say that! It hasnt been that long. I've just been far too occupied with our boys to visit too much Kristin: Our boys? I made them Phil: And they came out beautiful! I'm so glad Wil and Tech got your eyes. I was hoping they would.
I think that'd be a core part of this AU as well. Everyone is playing pretend but then it just fuzzies and it all becomes real for them. At first its a joke that Phil is her husband and their father but then they get lost in the fantasy and fun of it all and actually accept him as such.
Phil has no ulterior motives either, he's literally just a strange insane man that heard stories about neotrio and started thinking they were his kids one day. He genuinely believes his delusion and they end up accidentally making it a reality.
He just makes lucky guesses and plausible lies often enough that he's still shiny and new, he's still fun to play with and thats what ends up 'tricking' them all.
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eightstarr · 8 months
omg hello my favorite writer!
now that we know how doctor abby x reader, we gotta know the lore with loser!ellie <333
hello my favorite girl! here is the origin story <3
ellie's in the middle of facetiming jesse (they call each other during their lunch breaks every single day, they're like each other's human version of a youtube video to eat with) when she sees you walk behind him, notice his phone and lean down to flash her a quick smile with the cutest wave she's ever seen and then promptly disappear. ellie flinches and straightens her back. her hand shoots up, holding the phone at what she thinks is a more flattering angle than the way she'd been holding it basically on her lap before. but you're gone before she could even wave back.
jesse raises his eyebrows at her pale face. "did you just realize you have to shit or something?" 
"shut the fuck up," ellie hisses, her voice in a rushed whisper even though jesse is wearing headphones and you're clearly not around anymore. "who was that?" 
"what? oh," jesse introduces you by name, says something about knowing you from high school. "she started working here like a month ago, so that's been fun."
ellie can't believe that he's known you for that long and hasn't mentioned you once before. "what the fuck is wrong with you?" she asks him. and she'll keep asking him periodically for the next several months— which she spends stalking your instagram, squinting her eyes at the background behind jesse everytime he calls (in case you're there) and casually visiting him at work when she's feeling bold.
she has her first real conversation with you one summer when you're both at a party on some guy's backyard. you compliment her jorts and tell her she's funny and ellie thanks god that she's just drunk enough to be cognitive and herself but also not overwhelmingly aware of every single thing that's happening. she leaves with your number on her phone (oh my god) and your gloss sticky on her cheek (oh my god????)
i'm sorry to say that you don't actually kiss until at least a whole year later though!! ellie's convinced that you just wanna be friends and she loves being your friend so so much, she wouldn't change it for the world! but also she does think about kissing you every night but she won't even hint at it until she thinks that you might be interested.
and she's really so fucking good at hiding it! ellie can be sneaky and i think we should talk about it more. like you don't even know if she fucks tbh but she has to be fucking, right??? she's so hot?? there has to be someone and she's just not telling you about it. it's not until you know her really well that you realize she's more open with you than she is with most people in her life and if there was someone she would tell you and now that you think about it why does she always always always make time for you, that's crazy!! what does that mean!!! you don't know because she's insane and doesn't register the way you look at her with hearts in your eyes as anything but friendly, so she's determined to respect your wishes and keep being your friend. you definitely end up kissing her first. it's worth it though <3
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glyhpsrfvckincol · 1 year
Random owlhouse hc idea fo you
Reader barely gets called their actual name and is called a nickname to the point no one really know their name til someone asks if their name is actually the nickname and reader is like “ ha no”
My main thing is their nickname is a animal Mabye because their palismen is it
Nicknames || The Owl House
Synopsis - Various TOH characters asking if your nickname, which corresponds to your Palismen, is your real name.
Warnings - Many references.
Okay, side note.
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My Palismen, he’s a frog with axolotl gills. 100% contemplating if I should add a shark fin. I don’t know what to colour him yet:(
A/n - If you want a part with the adults, let me know :D
Requests are opened; headcanons only
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A list of nicknames corresponding to certain animals:
↳ Ferrets = Ferry (pronounced - fairy), kit
↳ Frogs = Froggy, Froppy, Mcfly, Kermit, Amphibia, Sprigs
↳ Birds = Chickie, Chica, Beaks, Fumikage, Ellie (I dunno know, your palismen might be an eagle), karasu (crow in japanese, according to google), Hedwig
↳ Duck = Ducky, Duckus, Qaucker, Waddles, Snickers
↳ Pig = Mabel, Waddles
↳ Cat = Garfield, Sphynx, Ghoul (corresponds to amity’s Palismen), kitkat, whiskers
↳ Deer = Antler, Specks (some deer have white dots on there fur, and it’s super pretty!), velvet (for when their antlers regrow), Bambi
↳ Spider = Webbs, Charlotte, Fang, Silky
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Amity Blight
↳ You got your palismen when you were relatively young. Like 5 or sum-
↳ And your parents had given you a nickname based of your palismen. Cause the both of you are absolutely adorable.
↳ So, basically the only time they used your real name is used when you were in trouble. (Good luck, lol)
↳ Anyway, Amity has known you as N/n for years at this point. You introduced yourself to her as N/n, everyone has always called you N/n, and you even write N/n as your name on tests.
↳ So she had no reason to suspect your name was infact different from what she and everyone else knew it as.
↳ Until you had been called in as a suspect of being involved with the human girl by Belos, where he had written your birth name on the letter you’d been sent.
↳ Amity was shocked. And very confused.
↳ Amity when she read your name on the letter:
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↳ So she questioned you.
↳ “N/n, has one of Belos coven scouts messed up who the letter was for?”
↳ You: ”???🤨 no?”
↳ ???
↳ “But, N/n, I’m almost certain your name isn’t Y/n, or did they just mix your name up?”
↳ And now we’ve found the problem.
↳ Amity doesn’t know your real name!!
↳ “Amity, I’ve just realised I’ve never told you my legal name is Y/n.”
↳ “But, you write N/n on where you sign your name, even school work.”
↳ “Oh, right, when my parents put me in Hexside, they were given an option on the paperwork that I would be able to have a preferred name, and they put N/n as the optional option.”
↳ “Oh.”
↳ Amity questions everything now. Mainly things to do with you and Luz.
Edric Blight
↳ He dumb, but it’s okay cause so am I. ✊😔
↳ He thought your Palismen was based off of your name so…
↳ Emira slapped him upside the head.
↳ He felt bad, cause he thought he was the only one who called you that.
↳ “I’m really sorry if you felt offended by me calling you P/n, I just thought they were based off of you.”
↳ :(
↳ Our poor boy 😭😭
↳ “Edric, it’s okay! I kind of told you it was my nickname, so I can’t blame you.”
↳ It’s best to tell him you prefer being called N/n, seeing as he will continue to feel like shit if you don’t.
↳ Now, he will either call you Y/n or N/n, just depends what comes to mind when he is either addressing you or talking to you.
↳ It confuses a lot of people, human and witches alike.
Emira Blight
↳ Asked you after a few days of being your friend.
↳ “So your Palismen, you have a nickname that matches it?”
↳ “Yeah.”
↳ “Cool.”
↳ Will tease you about it though, telling you it’s the cutest thing she’s EVER seen.<3
↳ Fastest to figure it out, everyone else took at least a few weeks.
Gus Porter
↳ Depending on the timeline, and wether you’re a witch, human or some other specie, also impacts how you got your nickname.
↳ Gus learns your name when you and him get put in detention.
↳ Principal Bump has caught you, Luz and Gus sneaking around Hexside, and throws you 3 + Matt into detention.
↳ Detention shrieks your names, before attempting to catch you and lock you in its pods.
↳ Gus is to terrified to question it about right then and there, but he does after Luz is accepted into Hexside.
↳ “Detention called you Y/N. How come?”
↳ “It’s my name??”
↳ *insert little dorky smirk*
↳ Gus just nods, also smiling.
↳ “Both your name and nickname are cool.”
↳ He gives you a fist bump, partly cause your names are awesome, mostly cause surviving detention is not only difficult but equally terrifying and it’s respectable you got out with him and Luz.
↳ Rip Matt.
↳ He gives you a nickname within a nickname.
↳ And then forgets your nickname.
↳ But it’s okay cause we love him all the same!
↳ Hooty is always shocked when Luz or Eda call you by your nickname, cause that’s not your name!
↳ Was even more shocked when he learned your name was actually Y/n.
↳ “But I call you H/n (Hooty’s Nickname), and everyone else calls you N/n! How are neither your real name!?”
↳ Ensues him beating the coven scouts harder the next time they try to arrest Eda.
↳ Hooty forgets your name again btw.
↳ Just let him think H/n is your name to avoid maximum chaos.
Hunter Noceda
↳ He meets you during the hunting Palismen episode. You and Luz had been sitting in the little house the bat queen had for the babies so she could have a Palismen.
↳ You had gotten your Palismen the day before along with the rest of your class and Luz gave you several nicknames, trying to figure out which ones would suit you and your baby best.
↳ It took her 20 minutes I shall add.
↳ Anyway- when Hunter came to take the Palismen back to Belos, he heard Luz use your nickname, and just assumed it was your real name.
↳ This dork however, didn’t bother using your ‘name’ and instead called you ‘wild witch’. Any witch associated with the human is known as a wild witch.
↳ Basically up until you’re all in the human realm, Hunter only knows you as N/n, and doesn’t really question you about whatsoever.
↳ Then Luz introduces all of you to Vee and Camila, where she uses your real name.
↳ “And this is Y/n, but we all call them N/n cause it matches their Palismen.”
↳ Hunter just stands there, processing the information.
↳This boy is so clueless, that he asks you about, wanting you to confirm it.
↳ “N/n isn’t your real name like Luz said, right?”
↳ “Yeah, it’s actually Y/n, Luz is the one who gave me the nickname.”
↳ “Oh.”
↳ And then he continues on with his day.
↳ Will use either your nickname or real name, it’s just whatever comes to mind when he talks to you.
↳ Met you through Luz, as one of her first friends:D
↳ He just called you a puny mortal. At first at least.
↳ He slowly shifted into calling you N/n, as he got closer to you.
↳ King knew that your name was odd, but he didn’t question it. Mainly cause last time he questioned something, Tinella Nosa appeared.
↳ And with Eda giving you nicknames, as well as Luz, it just confuses him a tad bit more.
↳ King wants to ask you, just to stop being confused.
↳ But he’s shy, and ask Luz for help.
↳ “Conejito, what was the inspiration behind N/n?”
↳ king is just sitting on her shoulder.
↳ “P/n. When I first got them, my dad just started calling me N/n. I guess everyone caught on cause no one calls me Y/n anymore.”
↳ King: 😲
↳ King just stares into your soul. He didn’t actually think N/n wasn’t you’re real name, just thought it was an odd name.
↳ For a little after this, he’ll switch between your names, sounding very unsure whenever he says it, u til it just becomes natural again.
Luz Noceda
↳ Eda definitely gave you the nickname.
↳ Eda’s probs given you near to a few 100 by now.
↳ So Luz knew you as N/n.
↳ Because that’s how Eda introduced you to Luz.
↳ Luz found out what your real name was when Gus used it to greet you back in “I Was a Teenage Abomination.”
↳ “Wait, is N/n just another one of Eda’s nicknames?!? 😱
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↳ You: 😊
↳ You just smile innocently at her, like Dustin Henderson when he was 12-
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↳ Luz just questions life. Forever. Will give you her own nickname.
Matt Tholomule
↳ He got so annoyed when he found out. Like how dare you >:(
↳ Only he was supposed to lie about his name.
↳ “Neither of us lied though? You have everyone call you by your full name and I just had a nickname related to my Palismen.”
↳ But he don’t listen to reason. He a petty bitch-
↳ Matt found out via Steve.
↳ Let’s set the scene.
↳ You and Matt, hanging out, and it just so happens to be Steve’s off day.
↳ He walks past Matt’s room as the two of you are arguing over what a humans favourite food is.
↳ He thinks it’s normal for humans to eat actual eggs. As in the shells.
↳ You’re probably friends with Luz, which means it’s more than likely come up in conversation when you’ve offered her food.
↳ “Ohhhh, you’re Shiba’s nibling, Y/n, right?”
↳ “Huh? That’s not her name Dumbass! Now get out!”
↳ “I’m not in your room though, I’m standing outside it.” 😌😌
↳ Which lead to a conversation about you lying to him.
↳ As if HE didn’t lie either.
↳ “Matt, shut up, and stop telling people your first name is Mattholomule, you sound dumb.”
↳ “Hypocrite.”
The Collector
↳ He never asked your name. Just called you play date, or best friend.
↳ Doesn’t even fathom the idea of you having your own name besides the one he gave you.
↳ Until King accidentally used your birth name.
↳ King knew you from adventures he had with Luz, seeing as you were his friend too.
↳ You just got unlucky, and got very stuck in the demon realm.
↳ Yes, you’re forced to call her ‘mom Odalia’-
↳ And when Collector found out, he was so confused.
↳ Like ??? What do you mean the name I gave you isn’t your real name?? You’re so mean! :(
↳ How dare you! >:(
Vee Noceda
↳ She figured it out on her own. (Cause she smart🤓)
↳ When she first met you, she also met your Palismen.
↳ “You and your Palismen match really well!”
↳ Yes, that is how she starts the conversation, give out baby a break >:(
↳ Vee is smiling at you, rubbing her hands and is swinging back and forth on her feet.
↳ “Uh, yeah! P/n really cool! They can do this thing! It’s-“
↳ And your dorkly explain every cool thing your Palismen can do!
↳ “That’s epic! It’s also really cool you’re nickname matches them!”
↳ God bless you a-dork-able nerds!
Willow Park
↳ Willow suspected NOTHIN’.
↳ Just thought it was a coincidence or that your Palismen was passed down to you! This depends on the timeline.
↳ For a very long time, she knew you as N/n.
↳ But when you, her, Gus and Luz get called to principal Bumps office, that changed quickly.
↳ “Y/N, I taught your parents, I know they wouldn’t approve of this behaviour.”
↳ You may or may not have set fire to one of the school rooms…
↳ Y/n?? Huh?
↳ Since the 4 of you were being lectured, Willow made sure to ask you later.
↳ “Uh N/n, do you have another name? Cause I’m principal Bumps office he called you… something else.”
↳ She forget what Principal Bump addressed you as, but that was fine!
↳ “Oh! Yeah, my legal name is Y/n. Boscha started calling me N/n in a teasing way but others thought it was meant to be affectionately and also started calling me that. It’s a cute nickname so I don’t mind.”
↳ “Oh… are you comfortable with me calling you N/n?”
↳ My sweet baby!
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wooahaes · 8 months
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pairing: non-idol!hip hop unit & gn!reader
genre: fluff.
word count: 0.8k~
warnings: reader gets a cat (the hhu technically also get a cat). no real warnings other than cat.
daisy's notes: they said this is OUR daughter now btw
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Today, you had finally expanded your little family (of one) by one more. A few hours ago, you had brought home this little black kitten that the cat sanctuary had named Boo. She was cute and playful and, honestly, pretty social for a kitten. Someone said that she had been socialized by whoever brought her litter in.
And, well, you had been a sucker for a black cat with a little pink nose. That was rare! And she was the cutest thing you’d ever seen. You’d gone in with the intention of maybe getting a little orange baby to call your own, but it was basically love at first sight with your beloved little Boo. You’d have to send a picture of her to Vernon—he knew some guy who’s last name was Boo. Maybe he could bring him around and get a picture of the two—
The apartment buzzer sounded and sure enough, it’d been Vernon. As though he read your mind, he stood there with a bag, abnormally smiley.
“Uh. Hi?” 
“Hey! You brought her home today, right?”
Right. You did tell the group chat that you would be bringing Boo home soon, and said something this morning about how today was the day. You’d already prepared everything else, all you had to do was pick her up. Vernon came into your apartment, and you secured the door, following him to where Boo had been exploring her surroundings still. She’d looked up at Vernon, immediately darting off to hide underneath your coffee table as she watched him carefully.
“Her name is Boo,” you told him, watching him slowly lower himself onto the floor. “I think the lady said that she named her siblings after Mario characters, actually. I dunno, I just liked it too much to change it.” 
Boo had changed her mind. Vernon good. Vernon had feather toy for her to chase. Boo approved of this human. She’d already made her way over, charging herself up to pounce on the toy before going after his fingers. Suddenly, you realized Vernon probably checked out mentally after you mentioned the kitten’s name. To be fair, you couldn’t really blame him: the guy loved cats. 
You went to pick up Boo’s water dish to fill, since you’d just set up things upon bringing her home… Only for the buzzer to sound again.
Sure enough, Wonwoo was standing there with Mingyu. This was not a coincidence. It literally could not be. 
“We were in the area,” Mingyu said casually enough. “You brought her home today, right?”
While you were reeling from the fact that Mingyu said exactly what Vernon did earlier, Wonwoo glared at him for a moment—don’t make it obvious! “How are you?” Only for him to realize he heard Vernon’s voice a second later, peering into your apartment. “... Huh?”
Mingyu snorted from beside him. “Good job—”
“I didn’t know!” He said, waving a hand, “Really. I didn’t know about the kitten—”
You rolled your eyes. “I literally told the group chat. Vernon’s entertaining her,” you nodded back in his direction. “You can go see her. Just be careful not to scare her.”
Wonwoo grew flustered, thanking you before he made his way into your apartment. Mingyu chuckled, stepping into your apartment a moment later. He could already see Boo, standing in Vernon’s lap and fussing at him. “She’s cute,” he looked at you.
“Feels like you’re all only here for my spooky little daughter,” you crossed your arms. “You too, Gyu?”
He shrugged, taking a few steps over. “I saw the picture you sent before and I wanted to see her in person.”
Another roll of your eyes. Why were you friends with these guys again? Wonwoo had already sat down next to Vernon, extending a hand out for Boo to sniff curiously. She reached a little paw out, batting at his fingers to try and goad him into playing with her. Before you could warn them that Boo sometimes nipped a little too hard, there was a knock at your door. 
With a sigh, you turned, opening it to reveal the final member of the group chat. “Hi,” Seungcheol said, “Where is our daughter?”
You rolled your eyes. “With her other dads.”
He chuckled, following you into your apartment. “I knew the others would show up,” he said. “I did buy her something, though.” He passed you a slightly heavy bag. “I thought you could use it for her.”
He had bought her a little ceramic bowl with paw prints decorating it. With a pout, you looked up at Seungcheol. Sure, Vernon also bought her toys… But you knew Seungcheol was a dog person. He had to go out of his way to stop and buy you a little bowl for her. You’d use it for her food from now on in place of the other one—it could just be a back-up in case something ever happened to this one. 
If nothing else… At least you knew your own little self-made family loved your new spooky child as much as you did.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @staranghae @synthetickitsune @weird-bookworm
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
ooooh the long awaited amsterdam episode!! let’s get right on into it folks, with…
jamie and roy were really the shining stars of this episode to me on both the comedy front and the emotional front. they really were able to break through to each other in fun but kind ways and I love. I cannot stress that enough, LOVE. that jamie taught roy how to ride a bike. this sibling energy (or maybe something more if that’s your fancy) is everything to me
but you know who was an unsung hero of this episode too? DANI ROJAS. as always my baby had THE cutest contributions to the discussion and his lines got some very solid giggles from me
ok, now on to the tedbecca front…
so it was not at all what we expected. so what? are we gonna worry ourselves about this? HELL THE FUCK NO. like I’m sorry, it was a nice moment she had with that man but like… you want me to call tod on tedbecca over a man… whose name she never learned??? LAME. try again, cause that shit isn’t stopping me from my delusion nor is it worrying me
like sorry I’m just not over this so I’m gonna keep adding more— if they were trying to tell us that this guy was *it* for rebecca, in ANY way, they would have had her show even the faintest interest in seeing this man again. but nope! she was fine with leaving! some things can be beautiful being short-lived. they did their thing, and now they’re moving on.
rebecca singing to ted was also adorable and uh y’all we literally had ted fully admit to TEXTING HER TWELVE TIMES UNANSWERED?? that is simp behaviour if I ever saw it!! they’re still strong baby don’t even sweat it
now that I’ve got that off my chest… COLIN! GAY TRENT! THE LONG AWAITED CHAT!! Ooh my god this is so good I was so incredibly happy that they confirmed trent is gay and that they didn’t take the creepy route with it of him outing colin but instead said “oh a baby gay, as a seasoned gay let me just adopt him real quick” and proceeded to listen to his problems and offer real support and mentorship from one gay man to another. they found a space within each other to be who they truly are and I am so here for it. colin isn’t ashamed of who he is, he’s just conflicted about tmerging these two sides of his identity!
also the way he described it as an ache… an ache, y’all. I cried deep queer tears at that.
as for how this might play out with trent’s book though… remains to be seen I guess 👀
the pillow fight was adorable and I had been wanting to see that since the mention of it in season 1 but in terms of episode length, I feel like that whole storyline of deciding what to do could have been scrapped. a lot of the pacing issues with this episode could have been avoided that way, but I still liked it so idc
roy needs to realize that instead of thinking he doesn’t deserve keeley, to just shut that train of thought down and work to actually become a man keeley deserves. that’s it. that’s all. and it’s going to happen!
all in all, I do get why this episode could be quite polarizing and the pacing was very inconsistent but overall I quite enjoyed it!!
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dogbunni · 1 year
[begins coughing like a cat about to throw up a furball] [spits up several nendo headcanons and then looks at u proudly]
-nendo collects hot wheels. I have no justification beyond this except that I also collect hot wheels and I think we'd have that in common. if he was real I would take nendo to a toy shop to look at all the hot wheels. just stand there and observe them for an uncomfortably long time. my friends aren't deeply autistic enough to do this with me so I can never observe the little cars for long enough before making a purchase :(
-nendo trans ally #1
-nendo has no idea what his sexuality is but not in a confused/questioning way, in a "I have never thought about it longer than 1 second" way. he likes who he likes and has no thoughts beyond that. he is label-less in a [shrugs shoulders] way. (saiki is also label-less but in a "fuck you" kind of way)
-nendo loves rollercoasters and watches weird essay length youtube videos about theme parks and animatronics. its a hobby that deeply disturbs everyone around him bc this guy cannot do basic math but he can and will channel the spirit of akechi rambling about defunct animatronics. sometimes he shows saiki pictures of animatronics in late stages of decay in horrible pitch black nightmare settings and saiki reacts as if nendo has placed a live cockroach in his lap.
-he has a condiment problem. steals sauce packets from restaurants with diagnosable compulsion.
-he doesn't Get memes. everyone has tried and failed to show nendo a meme. it's like trying to show your mother a funny picture and she holds the phone as far away from her face as she can and then stares at it for way too long before silently handing it back. he just doesn't Get It.
-hes like, really good at making memes though. he will just absently turn a phrase or take an image so absurd that everyone is still saying and reposting and reacting with it years down the line. he has no idea that he has this power
-he feeds stray cats and makes little shelters for them outdoors <3
-nendo and kaido roleplay together sometimes. I'm talking like, warrior cats roleplay. sometimes dark reunion but kaido gets pissy if nendo messes up The Lore. nendo calls it "playing pretend" bc he has no concept of cringe culture and kaido dies inside every time
-he manages to forget his own birthday. every year. saiki remembers though, and it's the one and only day he will ask if nendo wants to get ramen with him, instead of the other way around. it gets to the point that saiki asks if nendo wants ramen, and he says "what, is it my birthday ahaha" and saiki is just like. you goddamn idiot. good grief.
-last time I did one of these I said that nendo loves cute things like sanrio plushies and holds them so gently. well I see that and I am correct, but I raise you nendo thinking that SAIKI is the cutest thing he's ever seen. something about the pink hair and glasses and the little limiter bubbles on his head and his purple eyes and little frowny eyebrows- nendo wants to. hold gently. sometimes he just grabs saiki by the shoulders and stares at him blank in the face and saiki is like [nervously] "what the fuck? what the fuck????"
-he and aiura actually get along weirdly well. they're unhinged in similar flavours and it gets saiki's blood pressure up. he tries at all costs to keep them away from each other. their singular brain cells cancel each other out on sight.
-akechi makes nendo's brain hurt a little. he just can't process all of akechi's akechi-ness and it makes him feel dumb. he's fine with being dumb most of the time but akechi just makes him feel a little self conscious for some reason. (definitely not because he's jealous that akechi was friends with saiki first)
-he still likes the funny lil guy though. akechi's the only one who will enthuse with him about rollercoasters and he values those talks. so much.
-toritsuka is afraid of nendo for some reason. no one is sure why but nendo LOVES it. he's always trying to jump out and scare him. saiki supports nendo in this endeavour ardently. toritsuka suffers.
-nendo falls down the weirdest tiktok rabbit holes. it got so bad once that they got teruhashi to distract him while kuboyasu lifted his phone and deleted the app off of it. it took nendo several months to realise he could redownload it.
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lara635kookie · 6 months
I didn't even watch "WISH" yet because in my country it will only be available at january, but people are saying it's a bad cliche so I probably won't watch at the cinema.
The thing is, even though I am a hopeless romantic, not everything has to have romance. There are princess who are perfectly fine without a prince, like Mirabel, Elsa, Merida, Moana and Raya(I do kinda like the idea of Raya with a girl, just not Namaari). But we were so robbed of seeing Asha and the star boy(he is literally a staR so I don't doubt Disney would call him StaN or something like that, so his name is Stan from now on, I am gonna call him like that, is easier than star boy). Asha and Stan had the potential to be the next Tianaveen and Rapunzel&Eugene (I don't know their ship name). The concept arts are the cutest thing I have ever seen. Also "At All Costs" (bop) would have been a love song between the two!!! Them singing it man. The pain I will feel when I don't see them passionately sing it, very "I see the light" coded, in the actual movie. Somehow, now is not feminist for a strong female character to have a male partner by her side. Like...This doesn't make sense! You can be a strong female character and have a man at the same time! Have y'all forgotten Mulan and Shang? Anna and Kristoff? Ariel and Eric? Jasmine and Aladdin? (There are more examples and I could go on all day, but you got what I meant already) I hate Disney for throwing good ideas at the trash and playing safe just for money(like Hobie Brown/Spider-Punk said "it's a metaphor for capitalism"). And as the guy looked blonde with blue/green eyes in the arts I have seen, and Asha is a black latina, they lost the opportunity of having a biracial couple ACTUALLY DONE RIGHT (Pocahontas and John Smith don't count, he is a collonizer with the most common name in the world, she deserves so much better). Like, if the thing is show how inclusive you are by having a black latina female protagonist for little girls to see and feel represented in a good way, you could have increased that feeling by making someone fall in love for her. Little girls would feel like they are beautiful and desired/desireable in a positive way and that they worthy of being loved and love and be with whoever they want to be with, even someone who has a different skin color.
I am also mad because we could have seen Disney's first evil villain COUPLE with King Magnifico and his wife, the queen(still don't know her name, sorry). Can't you guys imagine the HITS, THE FIRST PLACE OF BILLBOARD HOT 100 WORTHY songs, they would proportionate us? Even if only one song, it would be enough for me. But someone thought having a female villain would be anti-feminist and they discarded an original and authentic idea, which is what Disney built its empire on the first place. Come on Disney minorities don't want to be portrayed as those unrealistic superior beings, they want to be portrayed as real human beings with emotions, struggles, qualities and flaws. Having an iconic female villain like you guys always had(like Maleficent, Cruella De Vil, Ursula, Mother Gothel, Lady Tremaine, etc) and set her up with an iconic male villain(like Gaston, Doctor Facilier, Shan Yu, Jafar, Hans, etc) it would have been top notch, god tier. King Magnifico and the queen could have been like the Gomez and Morticia of evil. You could address so many topics by it. Like the kingdom being ruled by evil would have been a great social critic of some politicians out there, for example. And we could have had an iconic final boss battle between Asha and Stan VS Magnifico and the queen.
Anyway, what I mean by this is that if someone has fanarts or just ANY CONTENT, of Asha and Stan, tag me, reblog this or comment, I don't care, just warn me, because they are my new obsession. I will also write a fanfic about this movie with these ideas, but only after I have watched the movie so until them, please feed my hyperfixation in Stasha (Star boy/Stan×Asha), I'm begging y'all
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yaniasogames · 10 months
lacey’s flash games and the horrors of womanhood: part 1, lacey’s wardrobe!
(trigger warning for discussions and possible depictions of: sexual assault/rape, stalking, abuse, violent misogyny, gore)
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so i guess it’s a bit awkward for me of all people - someone who is a girl but not assigned one at birth or passing - to be writing this post, but i just wanted to talk about this aspect of this series cause i think it’s a big part of why it feels so unique and why the horror works for so many people.
the lacey’s series is pretty often praised for it’s great horror and scares, as well as it’s depiction of trauma, but i think more specifically it deserves praise for taking subjects such as stalking and sexual abuse and executing them in a way that’s deeply sympathetic and yet still so shocking and effective.
in the first ever lacey’s video, lacey’s wardrobe, we of course follow the titular lacey in the titular game as she gets dressed for multiple occasions. a picnic, going to the mall, and a date with the “cutest guy.” all that is disrupted, though, by her stalker, a man who follows her in near every area of the game, proclaiming his love for her in a totally not creepy and invasive and wildly inappropriate way.
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throughout the video, lacey seems to have no privacy, and no relief from her stalker. besides not even being safe in a public place like this one, some of the most terrifying events in the video bar the finale happen while she’s still at home. she gets threatening phone calls and a grotesque gift from the stalker that make her feel trapped, and there’s whole segments where the stalker is seen peering through her window and is heard knocking furiously on her door. all while she’s in her own bedroom getting dressed.
the videos ending consists of the player dressing up lacey and forcing her to go outside alone at night, even when she breaks the fourth wall and begs and begs and begs them not to. lacey gets cannibalized by her stalker, with audio of her crying and shots briefly flashing by of her dismembered corpse. unless, of course, her stalker kept her alive through all of this torture. said stalker’s reason for doing this?
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this video on it’s own already carries a lot of dark subtext with it. it’s not uncommon knowledge that many people in real life experience stalking, with most victims being women. it’s also not uncommon knowledge that in many parts of the world, walking home at night as a woman is very unsafe and carries the risk of your wellbeing being in danger, which is why many women carry pepper spray and why products such as rape whistles exist. lacey is aware of her stalker, and pretty clearly feels unsafe throughout the whole video. her permanently smiling face and the music distort after the first call from the stalker, and she begs at the end not to go outside. she knows how vulnerable she is against this threat, but she has no agency as a video game character simply there to be dressed up and beautified by the player. it’s like watching prey get dropped right into the cage of a predator, despite all the fear it’s showing at the sound of the predators roars.
this feeling extends to how out of all of the ways lacey could’ve ended up at the end of the episode, the specific choice is made to have her be eaten. to be gruesomely consumed by a man who claims to “love” her. consumed so that he can keep a woman who shows zero interest in him all to himself, not even caring that she’s crying and in immense pain as he literally rips her apart. it’s entitled. it’s greedy. it’s horrifying. and everything about this video shows how many stalkers view their victims, and how many men view women in general - as something they consume, they indulge in. as pretty dress up dolls who only serve to fill them up and be the objects of their affection, even when those women don’t want it.
another thing to note (although i am definitely not trying to victim blame poor lacey in any capacity) is the outfit lacey wears at the end. while a common shitty excuse that rapists make to put down their victims is that “they were asking for it!!1” because of the clothes they chose to wear, lacey pretty obviously doesn’t have a choice in this situation, and for her date, the player chooses to put her in a red jacket, choker and daisy dukes, a color and articles of clothing that are often associated with flirtiness and sexuality by society. these would be great choices if lacey wanted to go on this date of her own volition, but it’s made unsettling because, again, she doesn’t have a damn choice. in two of the shots, there’s even deliberate focus on her torso and therefore chest and legs as she meets her demise. could these possibly be from the stalkers POV?
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a piece of media that this all reminds me of is silent hill 3, an (actually real) horror game that also taps into the many fears women commonly face, and how it feels to be a girl in a world that largely sees you as nothing but a target, an object, a tool. while not directly tying into the main plot of that game, in the area of the brookhaven hospital, you can find letters directed to main character heather from an unseen man named stanley. these letters are very… purposefully uncomfortable. the whole vibe of this part is made even worse by the fact that 1) the sound design, way the letters are written and the fact that earlier letters disappear when you go back to them support the idea that stanley is actually in the hospital watching heather from afar, and 2) heather is still a teenager, only being 17 years old throughout this whole game. not even her young age protects her from these circumstances. hell, many girls that age are already thought of as being “woman” enough.
stanley, similar to lacey’s stalker, is convinced that himself and the girl he’s stalking are meant to be together, and he objectifies heather through his writing and the way he sends her a doll as a gift.
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stanley is shown as well to be a physical threat to others. you can find out he stabbed another patient at the hospital completely unprompted, and in one of his final letters, the doll that was a gift to heather? it’s broken into pieces.
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the parallels to lacey’s stalker are apparent, as he both shows signs of violence against others before harming lacey (yells and demands her to come outside over the phone and sends her a gift of blood and guts), and is shown to have broken lacey into pieces when he eats her. just like children with their dolls, violent and dangerously misogynistic men often decide to rip apart and carelessly destroy the women they view as their playthings when they aren’t getting what they want. they desire control and for women to feel like their tools, and their victims are often left feeling like they have nowhere to go that’s safe. not a picnic with friends, not the shopping mall, not their own house, nowhere at all. it’s profoundly isolating and calls to mind how many abusers function, with the typical victims of both domestic violence and stalking usually being - you guessed it - women.
while all of this is heavy stuff for one video, as the lore of the series expands in the following videos and you learn more of lacey’s situation, the themes of the abuse, objectification and unwanted sexualization women face are strengthened, and become even more integral to why the lacey’s games are the way they are.
as rocio, the in-universe creator of the series states, these are the real girl’s games.
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lavender haze - louis partridge x reader
summary- reader being known as a psycho serial dater, like taylor and people asking louis about that but him not caring. the reader is a new charecter in enola holmes 2 and they made their relationship public recently. it's basically all of rep combined with the few lyrics of lavender haze that highlight a few moments that you share privately.
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staring at the ceiling with you oh, you don't ever say too much and you don't really read into my melancholia
the light was blinding as i look a seat with my friends and the cast of one of the most popular movies on netflix... enola holmes 2! i remember being completely shocked when i got the call for my role, how i was so terrified to meet the cast, but now, i found my best friends and my love among them.
after finding out how paranoid i was one afternoon louis just blurted out his feelings for me. i had a hard time believing him but, they were true. his stuttering was the cutest thing ever. "have you seen yourself?!" he said. "they see you on the screen, they see the way you carry yourself, how you can make anyone cry by just acting that way and it only takes you three seconds to get in your role. they love you just like i do! well- i mean, damn that is not how i planned this would go."
I've been under scrutiny (yeah, oh yeah) You handle it beautifully (yeah, oh yeah) All this shit is new to me (yeah, oh yeah)
just his instagram post for my birthday makes my heart flutter every time.
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louispartridge_ happy birthday to the happiest soul in the universe. you make every morning worth waking up to and every day worth living. being with you has been like a roller coaster but one that only goes up and just gets more thrilling as time passes. i hope to wake up next to you every single day of my life and wish to spend every single second of my day with you. i love you so so much and i hope you'll let these wishes come true.
I feel a lavender haze creeping up on me So real, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say No deal, the 1950s shit they want from me I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
my love language has always been physical touch and even though i've never discussed this... he just seemed to know it. be it three squeezes on my wrist before an interview or resting his hand on my thigh below the dinner table, he always knew. he used to share our playlists that we made for each other to his friends with pride and always got me lavenders after a successful...or stressful shoot because of the first movie we ever watched together... it said that lavender haze is a term for love, and flowers are my favorite things.
All they keep asking me (all they keep asking me) Is if I'm gonna be your bride The only kind of girl they see (the only kind of girl they see) Is a one night or a wife
i was never prepared for all the fans' recognition and they treated me with love for a newbie... they asked polite questions and about my experience. it was going well until a fan asked louis about my...well, past. "as everyone knows, y/n has been acquainted with many men in the past so, how did you as a friend since you guys were friends before you got into a relationship, fall in love with her? was it that this was only for publicity, maybe a one night stand... or is it getting serious, i mean, can we hear wedding bells ringing?"
I find it dizzying (yeah, oh yeah) They're bringing up my history (yeah, oh yeah) But you aren't even listening (yeah, oh yeah)
i can sense his muscles tensing. below the table, he squeezes my hand three times to make sure i don't panic, and with a deep breath and a smile, answers their question. "well first of all, i don't know how how many men a women has dated in the past impacts your feelings towards her. like you said... we were friends first and i always found her attractive but just her little attention to details you say like when she once made a playlist for one of our friends which consisted of a song that reminded him of his mother... on his mother's death anniversary she promptly skipped that song when asked to play the playlist. or how she would give her 100% to everything she does, like once she learnt how to perfectly play a song on the guitar in 32 hours just because it was my dream to form my own band with my friends and sing something for my sisters wedding."
he looks at me for a second and notices tears in my eyes, " she's so caring towards everyone even if they may have hurt her and cannot stand animal cruelty at all. one of my favorite things about her... her sarcasm, of course. it's, as per her, one of her main qualities. she'll make you laugh in any situation and bring your mood up." i squeeze his hand tightly. "she's telling me to shut up now and so i will, it's things like this that made me fall in love with her and not her reputation. even for you, it never should be."
Talk your talk and go viral I just need this love spiral Get it off your chest Get it off my desk (get it off my desk) Talk your talk and go viral I just need this love spiral Get it off your chest Get it off my desk
the next day his beautiful speech was trending all over social media. we went back home from there and had a dinner in our apartment muttering sweet nothings in each other's ears and not caring about what anyone may or may not think about us.
I feel (I feel) a lavender haze creeping up on me So real, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say No deal (no deal), the 1950s shit they want from me I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
it is reasons like this i am so completely and utterly smitten for this guy. i mean, who wouldn't be?! the lavender haze has taken over my whole body and i cannot wait for a future with him by my side. that's all i need forever and always.
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talk to loved ones or youself... do something to make the day memorable &lt;3
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headkiss · 1 year
hii im obsessed with your works!! i love them <3 i was wondering if you could write steve meeting readers family. and being super nervous and cute because he had came over to drop something and didnt expect your family to be there. maybe he just came back from basketball or the sport he plays and regretting not taking a shower before…
idk, change anything you want if its too detailed plss!!
hiii thank u so much! i switched it to be a little christmas dinner, hope that’s okay! | 0.6k, fluff and readers mom is in it
Meeting a partner’s family is always nerve-wracking.
When it comes to meeting yours, Steve’s more nervous than he’s ever been. You mean more to him than anyone else he’s been with, and so, your family’s opinion does, too. If he plans on being with you forever (which he does), then he has to impress them.
Then, there’s the added pressure of the holidays. Dinner is one thing, Christmas dinner is something else.
You’ve assured him over and over that they’ll love him, that they practically already do because of how much happier he’s made you. He simply shakes his head each time you say it, a flush creeping over his cheeks.
As if he’s not already nervous enough, he remembers his own family, and how it’s the only way he knows. The passive aggressive comments, the expectations, the awkward silence at dinner whenever he defends himself in the slightest.
He hopes that he’s not like them, that he’ll fit in with a room full of laughs and love and actual, real smiles.
While Steve’s a total wreck, you’re not worried in the slightest. He’s the most incredible boy you’ve ever known, an even better boyfriend, and there’s absolutely no way your family could ever dislike him.
He sits in the driveway in front of your house longer than he needs to. Then, he worries that they might be weirded out if he doesn’t come in. So, he picks up the flowers he brought—one bouquet for you, one for your mom—takes a deep breath, and heads to your door.
He barely knocks three times before the door opens, your mom, he knows from pictures he’s seen, beams at him from inside.
“You must be Steve.”
“That’s me,” he says. He holds out the flowers for her, “these are for you.”
He addresses her by Mrs, followed by your last name. She’s quick to correct him.
“Flowers! That’s very sweet of you,” she says, “come in, come in.”
He does, and your house is far better than his, he thinks. It might be smaller, but it’s more of a home than his ever has been.
“Sweetie, your boyfriend’s here!” Your mom calls. You’re in the room in a blink.
“Stevie,” you walk over to him, wrap your arms around his neck to give him a hug. The warmest greeting. So warm Steve forgets it’s December, that snow and cold winds are outside. You feel like summer.
“Hi, baby,” he says, kissing your cheek and pulling away to hand you the flowers. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas. These are beautiful.”
You dip your face down to smell them, to relish in the feeling of being given flowers by Steve. He gives them to you often, and it never gets old. The romance of it, the almost shy smile on his face when you compliment his choices.
“Mhm, just like you,” he says, tapping the tip of your nose, making you scrunch it slightly in response. It’s the cutest fucking thing.
“Well I was told you’re an excellent boyfriend,” your mom says. “This one talks about you all the time.”
“Mom,” you drag out the word, embarrassed by her exposing you for being lovesick. It’s true, though.
“I try my best,” he says.
You lean your head against his shoulder, hold his hand to try and ease him in any way you can. And you know he’s a sucker for physical touch.
Steve was expecting so much worse. He feels welcome, and cared for. Your mom takes his coat, she asks him if he wants anything to drink (after chastising you for not doing it yourself).
Plus, with you next to him, your scent in his nose and hand in his, he really can’t feel too bad.
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bunniesnuggie · 2 years
~ Uncle Steeb ~
cg!Eddie Munson x little!reader, past cg!Steve Harrington x little!reader (platonic)
summary: you and your friends go to the carnival, where Steve wins you a stuffed animal. Which makes Eddie feel left out :(
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how he felt when you name the dragon^
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Before you met Eddie, the only person to know about your regression was Robin. She’d never gotten the chance to care for you while you were regressed, but she knew about it and fully supported you. The both of you became best friends in school and eventually worked together, and that’s where you met Steve. Very reluctantly, might I add, not that you didn’t like him, you were just shy. But Steve absolutely adored you, he thought you were just the cutest, little thing. Steve found out about your regressing, during a shift you two had together. It was an accidental slip after a customer wasn’t being very nice, and it was the first time anyone had seen you slip. He didn’t make it a big deal, but he was confused. After you and Robin explained and she threatened to harm him if he were mean to you he completely understood and respected you. From then on he’d make sure you were never overwhelmed at work or harassed by the kids when they came in. He felt a desire to care for you, even though you were merely friends, he made it his job to look out for you in a sorta caregiver way.
Once you started dating (well even just being friends with) Eddie, that all changed. Now it was him who was taking care of you, Steve didn’t mind. He wasn’t in love with you, he was happy you found a boyfriend so caring. But he did miss taking care of you. I mean, he was your babysitter too. Eddie knew that Steve was your first “caregiver” and that it was completely platonic. He wasn’t jealous per say, he just wished he could’ve been the first. But he was more than happy to take over. By that point, your whole friend group knew about and supported your age regression.
They would make sure that once a month they did something child friendly altogether because they all loved to hang out with you when you were in little space. It took awhile for Eddie to be OK with letting that many people see and interact with you while regressed, especially in public. But he trusts them, as do you.
This month you were going to the local carnival that happend to be in Hawkins for the week. You guys rode the ferris wheel, got cotton candy, funnel cakes, soda, juice -just lots of sugar - and you even convinced your daddy to get his face painted with you. After walking around awhile he was spotted. The most fluffy, most sparkly stuffed dragon you have ever seen in your life! You tugged on your daddy’s arm,
“Dada look!! Look! Is a draga!!”
He smiled at the way your pronunciation changes in littlespace. Though it dropped when he saw what you had to do to win said “draga”. Basketball. Not just the kind where you stand behind the wall and throw it into a small laundry basket hoop only a foot away. No of course not, it’s the actual game, where you have you go up to a real hoop, on a half court.
“Yeah I see it, angel! Let’s see if we can find something like that at the gift shop, hmm?”
He tried, he really did. But when you looked at him, with your wobbly lip and big eyes and uttered the words,
“Oh, otay daddy,”
In the saddest, smallest voice ever and wrapped your small fingers around his index. He knew he was screwed, with a silent sigh (not directed towards you, never directed towards you) he crouched down so you could jump onto his back. “Alright my little spider monkey twilight anyone let’s go win you a sparkly dragon!” he yelled with a bounce, “we’re gonna go make these carnies beg for their mommies, you losers coming too?” it always made you giggle how your daddy spoke with other people compared to you. Robin came over and poked your side, “of course I wanna see this cutie win a stuffie,” she looked at Eddie and continued, “I also wanna see you throw balls into - what do you call them? ’laundry baskets’ ” she said with an evil grin. That made Steve laugh, “this is gonna be good”.
10 minutes and $25 later, he’s still trying to make one basket, the kid running the booth felt bad he spent so much and said he could have it, for just one shot. You are getting your dragon. Robin is sitting with you, laughing watching. While you are cheering on your daddy. Steve’s honestly flabbergasted, I mean surely he’ll get it once. *swoosh* nope, ok.
“Hey - man, you’ve spent almost enough to buy the dang thing. Let me try”
Steve attempted, but Eddie was persistent.
“I got it man!”
*miss* Eddie would’ve given up after the first time, but it’s for you. He looks over and sees you bouncing and clapping for him, then looks to the stuffie, then to Steve, then the ball. He groans,
“Harrington! Get your ass over here, I don't see how you're gonna win a rigged! game”
He glared at the thief kid running the booth when saying that and threw the ball to Steve. Who said nothing but smirked. He got in position in front the hoop and shot *woosh* straight in. There was a - different - reaction for everyone there. You jumping with joy, Robin laughing her butt off, Steve and the worker were just relieved it was over and Eddie, well Eddie was pouting like you on the rare occasion he tells you no. The worker handed Steve the long awaited dragon and gave him a pitiful smile. Steve handed him off you,
“Tank you Uncle Steeb!”
You pulled the stuffie from him and jumped in his arms, he set you down with a kiss to the top of your head.
“Your welcome Munch,”
He smiled at you and looked up to Eddie. If looks could kill… Steve awkwardly laughed and patted you on the back as you rambled about the personality of your new friend. When you approached your daddy he tried to smile at as you squealed and shoved the dragon towards him, repeating everything you just told steve,
“Isn’t Uncle Steeb da best!”
Ok that one hurt. Alot. The others seemed to notice too.
“Hey, I’m not that cool, but your daddy - he’s the coolest and look how long he played for! He hates basketball!”
Steve tried to ease the tension, and you just looked at him like he said the sky is green. You looked up at your daddy and jumped into his arms, wrapping your arms and legs around him. Squishing his cheek to yours as you stated with the utmost confidence,
“Uhm - well ya he my dada? He’s the bestest ever! He pays wif me an luh me an he give me cuddles, oooo an his stories are my faborite!!! An he da one who pay for Kas soooo..”
You trailed off fiddling with the dragon's wings. Now Eddie was smiling ear-to-ear, his dimples showing and his brown eyes shining. The other two laughing and his sudden change in demeanor, and how not only minutes ago he looked like you had dumped him. Steve furrowed his brows then asked you,
“Wait- Munch, who’s Kas?”
You and eddie looked at each other and smiled,
“Das my daddy’s DnD guy! He has dragas too!!”
You giggled out. Your daddy set you down and took your hand not holding the stuffed dragon. On the way out, you started listing off all the similarities and differences between draga Kas and your dadas Kas. You cut yourself off with a yawn, happy to be heading home. You gave Steve and Robin sleepy hugs and said goodbye. Your daddy picked you up and buckled you into your “car seat” he made for you and held up your dragon,
“Thank you for saving me young dragon master, you will make a wise trainer! Though you are quite small, ah! You must be a hobbit!”
He said in a deep, gravelly voice moving the dragons head as though he’s speaking, you giggled at his silliness
“May I sit with you on the journey home little hobbit?”
“Ya! You tan sit here, dada can you buckle him in pease?”
Of course he did just that, setting him down in the seat next to and snapping the belt in place. “Alright little one, give me one second to say bye bye and we’ll go ok”
He smiled at you and waited for you to nod, then gave you kiss on your forehead. He turned the car on, putting on the heat and radio on low. He glanced at you one more time before turning on his heels and facing his friends,
“Well - that was fun, thank you guys for being so nice to them. And doing things like this,” he said sincerely, pointing to you then the fair “and Harrington,”
Steve hummed at him, “head kisses only ok? I see your lips touch skin and I will remove them. Ok?” He smiled at Steve but he knew Eddie was serious. As much as Eddie has grown to trust them with you, you're still his baby. Steve lifted his hand in mock defense,
“Don’t worry man, she’s like my baby sister. I won’t try to steal her from you, she loves you too much anyway”
He laughed out, besides he’s still in love with nancy oh did I say that? oops
Eddie just playfully glared and Robin decided to speak up,
“Ok ok! Stop swinging it around and go bring your little one home, they’re drooling on the window”
She chuckled. Sure enough, your little face was pressed against the glass, your breath fogging it up ever so slightly. Eddie laughs at the sight and pulls out his phone to snap a pic that’s right modern au. He waves bye as he hops in the driver seat and buckles up. He looks at you in the rearview mirror and smiles to himself,
“I love you so much you little butt head”
He mumbles before starting the careful drive home.
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A/N: this was inspired by a headcanon from the lovely @bootlegmothman420 so go look at its page and follow!! I love jealous and protective Eddie so hyper fixated on this until it was done :D
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@bootlegmothman420 @angelbaby-fics
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t-nd-rfoot · 1 year
Anna?? Would you be ok doing either Bob Floyd or Rhett Abbott for the Valentine's Day asks? I have an idea in mind but I'm not sure if you'd wanna do it or not.
Either character being married to their beloved wifey!reader having a couple of boys in the family and finally having their first baby girl on Valentine's Day??
If you want me to do anything for you, I can, my inbox hit a bad dry spell again.
The cutest presents come wrapped in pretty pink bows.
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Pairing Rhett Abbott x female!reader
Theme fluff fluff fluff! Plus a drop of angst (it's Rhett)
Warnings childbirth (nothing graphic)
Word Count 667
Note this actually made me realize I miss writing about Rhett!!! And ugh this was such a cute idea, thank you so much for requesting it, love! I hope you enjoy it 💗
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Peaceful silence filled the room, a stark contrast from the maddening chaos that ensued just mere minutes ago.
On your bed, Rhett’s arm was wrapped gently around your shoulder as you cradled your newborn daughter.
Rhett never thought he’d ever be a father to a little girl—no one did, really, considering his previous reputation. A reputation he worked hard to grow from and buried the moment he laid his eyes on you. It was safe to say he was more than successful in doing so, considering the three older boys you had together in twelve years of marriage (and counting).
There were a lot of things Rhett never believed in prior to you, one of them being karma. He never had a real reason to. Life’s a bull, he used to say, you can take it by the reins all you want and it can still find a million ways to fuck you up. He certainly didn’t understand what good he did in his life to deserve you, or what supernatural forces conspired to make that happen, though Cecelia called it an answered prayer. But right now, as he felt the tiniest fingers he ever felt hold on to one of his own, he knew that every wrong turn he made led him to this right one. The one—well, fifth one—he promises to do right by till his last breath.
“She’s beautiful,” you whispered as you began to stir from your brief rest.
“More than,” he agreed. “Oh, you’re gonna give me so much trouble, baby girl. So, so much,” his voice was soft and low as he spoke to the baby, and he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. “Lucky for you, your momma’s smart enough to sniff out the danger. And bossy enough to tell me what to do when it comes.”
You scoffed playfully at his comment, but he made up for it quickly with a firm kiss to your temple. “And lucky for you, baby,” you continued, “your daddy’s smart enough to listen.”
“But you don’t gotta worry about that just yet,” he mused, “they gotta get through your brothers first before they deal with me. Ryder’s the gentle one, but he can be real tough when protecting someone.”
Your heart tugged at the mention of your sons. “Emmett can be rowdy, but he’d never hurt a fly. And Callum’s so excited to play with you, he already put some of his toys out.”
“Don’t forget about your cousin Amy,” you pointed out.
“Oh no, we can’t, can we? Lord knows she waited a long time for another girl in the family,” he laughed.
As your daughter stirred in your arms, her little hand still wrapped around Rhett’s finger, a soft smile graced her lips. It was brief, but it was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
“I miss them,” you sighed, wanting nothing more than for your boys to meet their baby sister.
Rhett pressed his lips to your head once again as he reached for his phone. “I’ll call Ma to let ‘em know they can come home.”
As he walked to his charging phone at your dresser, you adjusted your baby’s swaddle to make sure she was secure.
“You got me beat, darlin’,” Rhett mused as he made his way back to you.
“What do you mean, Abbott?” you raised your eyebrow playfully.
He wrapped his arm around you again like he did before, “I think our baby girl might be the best gift you’ve ever given me. I don’t know how I can top that.”
“You being here was more than enough,” you laughed softly, as you baby wriggled once again. Rhett took her in his free arm and kissed her head, while you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Happy first Valentine’s, baby girl. I’m always gonna love you.”
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Tag List @roostersrooster @rosesvioletshardy @bonitanightmxres @avaleineandafryingpan @bradshawseresinbabe @hangmanbrainrot @babyonboardfloyd @demxters @footprintsinthesxnd
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Disclaimer  I do not own Outer Range or any of its characters. Please do not copy my work or translate without my permission.
Edit Added title (Apr 1 2023)
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lovethebadguy · 1 year
Alright. I've seen a heck of a lot of gifs and fanart and comics about The Owl House. I'm finally gonna watch it and write down some of my observations.
(spoiler alert, obviously)
• Omfg her name is "loose". I've been pronouncing Luz like it rhymes with "buzz" this entire time.
• Nothing could have prepared me for Hooty's voice. In fact, no one sounds like I thought they would. Eda is Wendie Malick? Was no one going to tell me this?
• I've only known King for five minutes, but if anything happens to him I will kill everyone in this room and then myself.
• King's voice was also not what I was expecting, which in hindsight was foolish of me. I knew it was Alex Hirsch. The Bill Cipher vibe should not have been a surprise.
• When does Hunter get here?
• Amity is the snobby high-achieving school bully?! BUT THE ROMANCE?!
• I know it's coming. I've seen far too many cute fan works of Amity and Luz for that not to be the case.
• Ahhh. There's a teeeeny tiny glimpse of the Lumity that is to come. All is right with the world.
• Gus is just a little fella. Comics did not fully portray how smol he is.
• When does Hunter get here?
• I am up to episode 16 and I still watch the opening theme in its entirety for three reasons. One: it's fantastic. The music, the animation, it's all tops. Two: I'm waiting to see when/if the image of Amity changes. She still turns her back at the moment, but she's warming up, I know it. And three: the image of King perched on Luz's shoulders just before the title card makes me smile every time. He's so dang cute.
• Ok. So, I obviously already knew from tumblr that The Owl House is beloved, in part, for its representation of LGBTQIA. And now that I'm experiencing it first-hand? I totally get it. Everything feels so natural and understated. Luz blushing when either of the older Blight siblings spoke to her? The short, sweet glances between Luz and Amity? They're all the typical moments you'd expect to see between a male and a female character, and it's honestly so refreshing (and surprising, coming from Disney) to see it happening between two girls in a way that feels real. I am all aboard the Lumity train.
• In the span of 10 minutes, Eda has referred to Luz as "her kid", called herself "mama", and been shown wearing a watch with King's face on it. I love Mama Eda so much.
• Amity has fallen so hard and honestly? Same.
• OMG EPISODE 18! I think that was my first glimpse of Hunter! Lilith cursed Eda?! Eda sacrificing herself for Luz! The end credits with that haunting beating of the heart!
• Season 1 is done and dusted! All those feel good family and found-family moments. This show has so much heart. Gravity Falls is one of my favourite shows, and The Owl House seems to share a lot of its tropes and themes. I'm really loving it! I have so many things I should be doing today. Am I going to watch start watching Season 2 instead? Darn tootin.
• ENTIRELY NEW OPENING SEQUENCE!! I love it! Everyone's kicking ass! And Hunter is there!! And they kept the final scene with King on Luz's shoulders!
• They're setting up The Golden Guard as this new, mysterious, powerful rival for Season 2. But I know too much so every little glimpse of him has me sitting here grinning goofily like a proud mum at her son's soccer game.
• Gus is less smol. Kids grow up so fast. :(
• Finally met Amity's parents (beyond the shadows of them we saw in Amity's memory). Odalia sucks. But I officially love one tired dad.
• "Stay away from my Luz!" !!!!!!!
• Baby King is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. King is king of MY heart.
• The Hunter episode was everything I ever wanted. He must be protected at all costs.
• Huh. Tumblr gave me a veeerry different impression of what Darius was going to be like. Incoming plot twist?
• Eda immediately destroying the stress toy because of her need for chaos whilst never once breaking eye contact with Bump nearly killed me. I choked on my tea. Worth it.
• Hunter has just learned the truth. Someone give this kid a hug.
• KING IS A TITAN?! How big is my sweet baby boy gonna get?
• Steve is so cool getting around in his Steve shirt, just doing Steve things. Haha, classic Steve.
• Luz and Amity just shared their first kiss and it was perfect. And I feel like the animation in that scene was extra nice? Maybe it was just me, but it just seemed beautifully bouncy.
• Once again, the near-silent end credits for part one of the finale haunt my soul. Part two now. Bring it on!
• ...Take it back. D:
• That musical montage to kick off Season 3 packed in SO MUCH STORY. Luz coming out as bi and introducing Amity to her mum was incredibly sweet. Vee (who I admit I was a little bit creeped out by until now) has captured my heart. And I absolutely adore the friendship between Gus and Hunter.
• "Time to go home, Flapjack." 😭 HAS THIS BOY NOT BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH?!
• Raine being hearteyes for Harpy Eda, Camila being hearteyes for King, everyone being hearteyes for Stringbean? Mood.
• Obsessed with Eda's haircut.
• My girl Willow has been carrying a lot. Her realising that she needs to let things out and lean on her friends was such a tender moment.
• Willow and Hunter linking their pinkies! ❤
• Not prepared for this amazing show to be over, but here we go...
• Brb, too busy crying.
• Still crying, gimme a minute.
• I was holding it together riiiight up until Flapjack's grave. "Thank you for finding me" broke me.
• Ok. So, generally speaking... this was pretty much everything I wanted in a finale. Happy, healthy relationships, hints at future pairings, redemption for characters who deserved it, and a big middle finger to those who didn't (which, honestly? Refreshing af).
• Eda and King going feral after losing Luz, the reveal of Titan Luz, and the trio coming together to defeat Belos was utter perfection. The animation was on point!
• I am not ashamed to admit I said "NOW EAT THIS, SUCKA!" with Luz.
• Also, the Dad bod, the "Bad Girl Coven" tshirt, and the "I loaf you" pun were exactly what I should've expected from King's dad.
• The time skip end credits were a wonderful way to let us see the characters we know and love, living their best lives. Hunter finally able to exist peacefully, making new palismans with his own little Bluejay on his shoulder (admittedly, I'd hoped he'd get a wolf, but the Bluejay did seem well-suited), Willow and Gus truly coming into their own, Lilith rocking the Harpy form (and hinting a possible romance with Steve?? EDIT: ignore that, I just learned that Lilith is aroace and I am so excited about it.), lil' gangly King growing bigger and stronger... well, I don't need to keep pointing things out. Suffice to say, there were so many little details that worked together to create a beautiful picture.
• In the span of three days, I've watched a show that so many people were obsessed with for years.
• I get it now.
• Thank you Dana Terrace and everybody involved with making The Owl House. The world needs more shows like this, with a great story, genuine characters, represention of people from all walks of life, and heartfelt messages.
• Excuse me while I go and wallow in misery over the fact that it's finished before I start consuming as many fanfics as I can find.
• OH! One final note as someone who learned far too much from tumblr before actually watching the show. I kept seeing fanart that seemed to depict a Hunter lookalike (so, Caleb) and an Eda lookalike, who apparently was Evelyn Clawthorne? CLAWTHORNE?? So here I am waiting for another flashback/memory episode that would lay it all out and do that big reveal BUT APPARENTLY THAT'S FANON??? Y'all had me thinking I'd missed an episode.
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
Dating Elvis 50s hc's
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Pairing: Elvis [or Austing!elvis] x fem!reader
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff 💪😈, tiniest miniscule amount of angst at the very end.
Note: I might do one of these for each of Elvis' "eras", lmk if that's something your interested in. Also 50s elvis with his little stutter is the cutest thing alive. This kinda short too I really have to get better at making longer fics :/. Also yes you will have to deal with my Elvis obsession for a obscene amount of time.
Xoxo, CC ♡
The two of you met when he was hired by your dad to fix some wiring in your house
You had seen him around school before but had never spoken too him as he was some years older than you.
The whole time just thinking why the sweet baby faced boy with the voice of an angel was wasting his time with his current job.
You saw that he was the embodiment of pure charisma, heart and soul. You thought he could do anything he dreamed to, and you had been just dying for him to ask you out.
Everything about him seemed attractive, his voice, his hair, his way of living
Little did you know the black haired beauty had his eye on you too
Even though Elvis doesn't have a lot of money he assures you that he's worth your while and one day he's gonna get you everything you could ever dream of.
He asks you out, a nice pizza place in town- nothing fancy though
He picks you up at 6pm sharp and you two take his work truck to the place.
He showed up at your door looking as clean as a saints soul, holding a beautiful bouquet of multicolored tulips
"I-I didn't know what kind you liked. Tulips are my mommas favorite so I got them. Hope th-thats ok with you."
He'll save up every last penny to buy you something real nice , a nice red lipstick, beautiful card, a book you've been wanting, ect.
But more often then not his gifts are home made, packed full of love and meaning and/or not even material gifts but rather emotional.
After all it's the little things that count.
He'll go pick wildflowers for you during his lunch break and deliver them to you with a sweetly written note.
He always makes sure he looks his best, after all you only deserve the best. Hair always styled to perfection, shirts never having a single wrinkle, and shoes shined as often as they can be.
Sings you to sleep and makes breakfast in bed for you.
"Fresh cup of coffee for the sleepy head"
*head kisses*
Always opens the door for you, pulls out your chair, fixes your hair for you.
Gives you the biggest bear hugs and always loves to have you close.
At first he was so darn nervous around you always speaking with his stutter and afraid you wouldn't like him back.
You reassured him that you think he's the most beautiful soul you've ever met.
He'll take you to his favorite club after school to hear all his favorite singers.
You'll take him to drive in movies and kiss in his car (once he can afford to get one ofc)
You sometimes walk to his work and bring two packed lunches for you both. Can't go on having your man being hungry, or eating alone.
He'd be a little scared to show you his home, afraid you'd suddenly realize just how little money he's got and run for the hills[but that never happened ofc]
He introduced you to his mother and father, gleaming with pride as he showed them his new girlfriend.
Gladys loves you, at first she was a bit jealous of you for stealing her son away, but after seeing you encourage him to keep on dreaming her mind changed.
You also introduced him to your family, he was terribly nervous, but nothing could ever be too bad with you by his side.
When he starts trying to make a name for himself with singing, you make sure to buy every record, go to every gig, support him in any way you can.
When he goes touring for the first time you get very lonely, not used to him being so far away. Elvis calls you nearly every hour he can, he calls you more than his mother calls him.
You might drive to one of the states he's performing in and surprise him.
Always amazed at his voice and how aluring he seemed to be, you'd fall in love with him all over again.
Singing and dancing together is a must.
If you can't sing, he'll teach you.
If you can dance, he'll teach you.
Hell he might even teach you to play the guitar or the piano if he feels like it[bonus points if you already can]
He takes you to your prom and your obviously the prom king and queen 🙄🙄🙄
When he starts making some real money he'll be so happy to finally get you some really nice things.
Braging to all your friends that you date a movie star-
A new car, dresses, winter coat, puppy dog, kitten, record player, sewing machine, chess set- whatever you think you might want some day, you get it.
"Well what's mine is yours lil' darling"
You don't know how many times you've told him off for spending his hard earned money on you but he just can't seem to listen.
" just let me buy you these nice pearls mama, that's the last thing I promise."
Ofc that's the first of the soon to be massive pearl necklace collection
He invites you to move into Graceland, making sure you have your own rooms and spots just for you, or you and him.
He knows his feelings are serious, they run deeper than he could ever know
He's used to having a list full of phone numbers in his pocket, flirting back with anyone who did
But now the thought of flirting with someone else disgusts him
the pages with phone numbers have been forgotten in the trash somewhere
it's strange for him to never look at any other girl, it surprises you too.
But he only needs you and he doesn't understand why but he trusts his heart.
Oh and dont be mistaken, You are just as in love with him as he is with you~
When the news he must be sent off to Germany for two whole years reaches your ears you can barley think.
Elvis kisses away your tears and promises his swift return.
"One day- soon, I'-Im gonna m-marry, marry you. Just you wait and see."
Yes all you have to do is get through 2 lonely years and you'll be the happiest person to ever live again.
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