#shoot film not megapixels
ev75 · 3 months
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photo silencieuse, oeil bruyant
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antisquilly · 2 months
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thornhawthorne · 1 year
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Lomochrome Purple, 35mm, Canon AE-1
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pizza-run · 3 months
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La Mistral (tomate, jambon, rondelles de tomate fraiche, oeuf, mozzarella, basilic, olives)
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rewind95 · 2 years
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Travemünde, Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. July 2022. Canon EOS 300V. Canon 40mm f/2.8 STM. CineStill 50D.
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j05u-3 · 4 months
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coolpixdump · 1 year
do you edit your photos at all?
nope! i shoot on a nikon coolpix 3200 set to -1.7 exposure compensation. sometimes i go up to -1.3 at night, but rarely above that. i underexpose because the nikon is like many digital cameras in that its automatic settings are too bright, but underexposing makes the colors pop. since sometime in 2020 i have been experimenting with setting the white balance to the 'incandescent' preset - this emphasizes the blues and cooler tones in the scene.
i'm glad you asked this, actually, because it gives me an opportunity to talk about why i chose this specific camera.
i come from a background of shooting film - at the time of this writing i have a bag with 216 rolls left to process, shot between 2014ish to 2021. i was attracted to 35mm and 110 film because i was sick of computers and wanted something with that elusive x-quality, a warmth/intimacy that i saw was lacking in the images from my digital camera. i shot a cornucopia of film throughout high school, on a million different point and shoots. (the highlight of my life at that point was when i bought 5 olympus xa's for a dollar each at an estate sale - the deceased was a camera collector & there was a canon room, a nikon room, an olympus room...)
but i look at photography as a diary, and the detail with which i document things was adding up to an overstuffed carpetbag of film to develop. around 2018 i began to wonder if i could exploit the very thing about digital images that i was trying to avoid, the cold, clinical look. i began looking at product photography (the canned food isle in your grocery store is pure unadulterated inspiration if you pay attention to the label designs), kitchen disease and a whooooole lot of the new topographics photographers.
at the same time i was sifting through the local thrift stores searching for the perfect digital camera. i first found a sony dsc-s750 at a pawn shop in 2018, and liked the images it gave back a lot. (different looking results than the coolpix, and 7 megapixels, but equally compelling - i would totally shoot one again) but i wanted something i could run on rechargable aa batteries, and that was a tad less - for lack of a better term - modern. eventually a quick 'test' flash shot of the glass countertop revealed to me my new best friend and constant companion, the nikon coolpix 3200, which i took home for $6. folks, this is from that magical era of ccd digicams when they got everything right. i didn't have a computer for a couple years but i would take my coolpix and a littany of 1 gb sd cards to the local library and dump the .jpgs directly to tumblr/flickr. if you set the exposure compensation to -1.7, you won't need to do any editing. this camera manages to be digital and still cater to the part of me that doesn't want to deal with computers by giving natural looking, soulful colors right out of the gate.
a word of warning to anyone looking to follow in my footsteps: there was a later model coolpix that looks like the 3200 but is 4 megapixels. the noise reduction nikon used in this camera makes the jpgs look wayyyy too soft. if you're looking to get one of these cameras the 3200 is where it's at. it's served me well - i've ran through four of them so far. (it's a very tough camera, but it was also released in march of 2004 and sometimes they develop trouble extending the lens after being sat on, moshed into or otherwise mistreated.) also, be sure to set the quality of the jpgs to the highest setting in the menu and the (gorgeous, borderline 16mm-like) video setting to 640x480.
happy shooting! thanks for your message ~.~
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salenaswan · 9 months
New Camera 📸
Camera Type: Fujifilm JX50 (500 SERIES)
Released - 2012? Can't find the exact date but according to DP review, it was announced in 2012.
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Brief Specs:
16 Megapixels
Focal Length - 26-130 mm
Optix Zoom - 5x
Max Aperture - F3.5-6.3
Sensor type - CCD
Sensor Size - 1/2.3" (6.17 x 4.55 mm)
ISO - 100-3200 (with boost)
Max Rez - 4608-3216
Entry 1:
~Intended to be kept as a keepsake and for practice~
I just recently graduated as an MFA Photography Student at Ulster University, now that I'm free to practice whichever way I want, I want to resume practicing street photography and macro. I bought this camera both as a y2k trend keepsake but also for fun practice as I do not have any DSLRs on hand anymore atm. Personally, I enjoy finding 'old' or nostalgic items I've never used before to see how far I can push my style preference on more limited cameras.
And due to the y2k trend, this seemed the perfect way to experiment. I was too little most of the time to own a compact camera and didn't see the point in owning one since we always have our cells on hand, but I've been feeling nostalgic this past year for tech I never got to try in the past and wanted to push myself outside my comfort zone for a piece of equipment that's easy to have on hand at all times or at a moment's notice without looking too obvious. My camera doesn't technically count as early y2k tech but it's vintage to me lol. And I wanted to recreate a similar vibe for me.
I'm honestly surprised I managed to find one at such a decent price (£43 ebay) at the peak of this trend. And for a solid colour camera no less. It came near mint-condition, with all of its battery chargers and a newish battery. I'm new to this but I still happened to notice that in the West, compact cameras typically come in standard black, silver, and reds. I'm in the U.K. atm, so perhaps that's why it was easier to come across a solid purple one. WAY prettier colours are available in Japan 😭. I want to keep collecting unique colour models but it's such a pain to find sellers who sell the camera with all of its battery equipment.
Out For A Test!
These are all shot in Belfast city centre.
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Macro Mode Test
I need to try again once I get a better hang of this camera and when I'm not blocking people traffic: nothing beats a proper macro lens but even still, this'll easily do in a pinch. Shame the camera doesn't shoot RAW :(
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Videos that inspired me to go collect y2k tech, it's also worth noting that the trend is also noted for taking off possibly due to film getting very expensive to buy for both hobbyists and professionals and some photographers are trying to collect digicams that create unique looks similar to that of film so keep that in mind when researching:
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prey4bokeh · 10 months
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Got this Canon Powershot G2 working, this is probably gonna be my everyday camera, but I haven’t decided if I’m gonna mostly shoot in color or in black and white. I love both to be honest, this camera is amazing. I know it has a little cult following behind it, people are definitely trying get a hold of that CCD sensor that is build in. It only has 4 megapixels, but to be frank, it’s a 20 something year old camera that looks almost like film. That 4 megapixels will be just fine for some users.
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mikimeiko · 1 year
Ok, one thing you have to know about me is that once upon a time I used to take pictures with a dslr camera, like a proper photographer. And my favourite thing about my dslr camera was shooting raw, wich gives you A LOT of control when importing the files in the computer to do the sort of editing you would do in a darkroom if you were shooting film.
But the problem with a dslr camera is that it's heavy and it takes up a lot of space, and I mostly take pictures when I travel - so it could be rather inconvenient. So when (some) phones started equipping really good lens and sensors, and most importantly they gave you the option to shoot raw, I decided to spend a little more on a new phone in order to also use it as a camera. And it kinda worked: I mean, it's not perfect, but it does most things that I want it to do and it makes up the lack of a telephoto lens with a ridiculous amount of megapixels (which means I can cut A LOT without losing too much quality).
So the photos I take with my phone are not... finished. I shoot with editing in mind, and so they're often quite different from what I'm planning to end up with.
This has never been a problem until I started the travel journals here on tumblr: because I really like uploading them in real time, but that means unfinished photos in them, and I would like to have finished photos when I look back at them.
And so I decided to... change them afterwards (btw thank you tumblr very much for the chance of forever editing posts XD). I finished doing this with the photos from my most recent trip, and if I ever manage to import all the photos from this summer I will also do it for the "grand tour of Italy" posts.
And since I don't expect people to go looking for very old posts through tumblr search, I'll make an index post with links to every entry just in case you want to check out the improved photos (and also for personal archival reasons)
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yvetteheiser · 2 years
Yvette Heiser talks about Medium Format in Photography
When we talk about digital cameras, we relate to the terms ' full-frame or 'APS- C (cropped) detector '. The detector sizes of these cameras are analogous to the size of a 35 mm frame of film. As similar, the digital cameras that are generally used by numerous shutterbugs moment are categorized as the small format. Medium format photography entered the digital realm back in 1991, with the preface of a device that replaced the film holder on the reverse of an analog camera. Here an expert photographer says Yvette Heiser ,this device was aptly named a 'digital camera back' as it contained an electronic image detector, which allowed digital film-land to be taken rather than film. These days, the detector size of digital medium format cameras can be between two to six times larger than those contained within full-frame and APS- C digital cameras, though they remain lower than the detectors of large format cameras.
Numerous medium format cameras are what we call ' system cameras ' – the type that allows for exchangeable lenses as well as other accessories. These include viewfinders, digital camera , and wind-up mechanisms.
Also read: Yvette Heiser Talks about Mini Session and Custom Session in Photography
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Medium Format Cameras are good for?
Both film and digital medium format cameras are still used for numerous operations. These include
• Landscape photography
• Fashion, marketable and editorial shoots
• Fine art photography
• Studio pictures
The most common reason that shutterbugs choose to invest in a medium format camera system is to produce veritably large photos at an advanced resolution than would be suitable to be achieved with a 35 mm film or digital camera. Considering the operations that we've mentioned over, these are all stripes of photography in which images may need to be enlarged or magnified for publication. Suppose billboards, magazine covers, and bottom to ceiling prints in an art gallery.
Another advantage of medium format cameras is cropping inflexibility. The larger film size or megapixel count means that you'll be suitable to give your guests a variety of options when it comes to cropping a snap to suit their requirements, whilst still retaining a high position of detail and resolution in your images. This is in discrepancy with the graininess and blur that frequently accompanies enlarged images from small-format cameras.
Also read: Yvette Heiser –How to make your self-portrait creative!
Creatively, medium format systems will give you further room to experiment with depth of field. Some cameras have what we call ' bellows ' – an expandable part of the camera that resembles an accordion – which allows for cock- shift lens capabilities. This means that you can achieve an extremely large depth of field, which is especially useful in geography photography when you want everything to be in focus from the focus to the horizon.
Further Yvette Heiser says , while there are numerous advantages to using a medium format over 35 mm, APS- C, or full-frame cameras, there are also some disadvantages that you'll need to consider.
Along with exceptional image quality comes a hefty price label. While aged medium format film cameras may be the further affordable option, the film remains precious in terms of the cost related to each exposure. Like-wise, it's much harder to find at original camera stores than 35 mm film. You may need to reference it at specialty stores or indeed buy film online. also, digital medium format systems can bring an overhead of$ USD for the camera body alone, which in some cases may add up to the same cost as copping
Of course, the argument also remains that no matter how good the camera is, its performance will be limited by the creativity and position of the experience of the shooter behind it.
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ev75 · 3 months
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photo silenciencieuse, oeil bruyant
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leicamoments · 2 years
Kodak Brownie Flash II
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I promised you the results of shooting with the Kodak Brownie...so, being good to my word, here goes!
I bought this camera in a shop in Helmsley, North Yorkshire a few years ago...more as a curio than something I was going to use...and it has sat in my camera display cabinet since then.
Every so often, I would get it out and try and work out how I could use it; ranging from buying 620 film to putting a digital camera inside (maybe using one of the Raspberry Pi computers I have hanging around).
Eventually, I decided to get some 3d printed adapters for 35mm film and try that out.
How Do I?
So having got the 35mm to 620 adapters, it was a question of how do I shoot with the camera.
Instead of putting a few long paragraphs of description, I'll summarise for your sanity: -
I worked out that it took six half turns of the film advance knob to get onto the next frame.
I needed to tape the film leader to the 620 film take-on spool, otherwise it wouldn't wind the film on successfully (most of the time the film leader slipped off the spool).
I needed 100 ISO film to match the sort of film speed this camera was initially intended to shoot with.
The shutter speed is around 1/50th second with a fixed F11-ish aperture.
Recommended shooting time is between an hour after sun-up and an hour before sun-down.
Bright scenes are best.
Summarising: -
Framing is almost impossible...it is a guessing game!
Winding the 35mm film on is a disconcerting experience. The feedback from the camera is, quite frankly, rubbish.
Knowing when the film is finished is tough...a few times, I thought I had exposed the film to the end of roll but could sort of wind it on more.
I was worried about snapping the film out of the canister when I got near the end of the 36 exposure roll.
You need to open the camera to release the film winding mechanism and rewind the film into the canister. The winder doesn't go 'backwards'.
Sitting on a hot summer's day in the shade on a wall, with your hands under a coat and inside a bag...quite frankly draws attention! It looks weird and gets you looks (I had someone approach me and ask if I was alright!).
You will get fingermarks and light leaks onto the film as you rewind if you don't use a light-proof film bag.
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This image is straight out of the camera...apart from scanning and inverting the scan.
So...points to note:
Framing is an issue!
You get around eight panoramic frames to a 36 exposure 35mm film.
The winding of the film introduces movement and the film can become skewed a little, so it is almost impossible to keep the horizon straight!
The light leak on this frame is not from the camera, but from my improvised under-the-coat unloading process.
With this effectively being a fixed exposure 'point and shoot', the image is slightly overexposed - it was a very bright day.
Sharpness for this approximately 65 year-old, fixed focus camera is surprisingly good.
The scan for this frame is around 20,000x6000 pixels. That's a 120 megapixel image.
Colour rendition from the lens is...well...interesting.
Would I shoot with this camera again? The short answer is yes...but taking into account the issues above, I would ensure I tried to mitigate the errors I made.
The downside is framing and I am unsure how that could be improved rather than be just a best guess.
If you have any questions, please get in touch!
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hoawebsitehostin · 2 months
9 Compelling Reasons to Upgrade from EOS 5D Mark IV to EOS R5
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Are you a passionate photographer or videographer wanting to take your skills to new heights? If you already possess Canon's legendary EOS 5D Mark IV, you may be thinking about upgrading to the famous manufacturer's latest product, the Canon EOS R5. While the EOS 5D Mark IV has been a staple in the industry, the EOS R5 introduces a slew of new features and innovations that potentially transform your creative process. In this article, we'll look at nine convincing reasons why switching from the EOS 5D Mark IV to the EOS R5 might be a game changer for your photography and filmmaking projects.
1. Next-Generation Sensor and Image Quality
The EOS R5 has a cutting-edge full-frame CMOS sensor with a phenomenal 45-megapixel resolution, which provides unrivaled picture quality and clarity. The R5's sophisticated DIGIC X image processor produces amazing clarity, rich colors, and excellent dynamic range, well beyond the capabilities of the EOS 5D Mark IV's sensor.
2. Revolutionary image stabilization.
One of the EOS R5's most notable features is its ground-breaking in-body image stabilization (IBIS) technology. With up to 8 stops of stabilization, this technology enables photographers and videographers to achieve clear, blur-free photos and smooth film even in demanding shooting settings. This capability alone makes upgrading from the EOS 5D Mark IV worthwhile, especially for individuals who routinely shoot handheld or in low light.
3. High-Speed Continuous Shooting
For action photographers and wildlife lovers, the EOS R5 has an outstanding burst shooting capabilities of up to 20 frames per second (fps) with the electronic shutter and 12 fps with the mechanical shutter. This considerable boost over the EOS 5D Mark IV's burst rate means that you never miss a critical moment, whether you're recording fast-paced sports events or brief animal interactions.
4. 8K Video Recording
Video makers will adore the EOS R5's ability to record superb 8K video footage, which raises the bar for cinematic excellence. The R5's extensive video capabilities, including 8K RAW internal recording and 4K/120p slow-motion recording, provide it unrivaled versatility for shooting high-quality video material. This is a major improvement over the video capabilities of the EOS 5D Mark IV, making it an appealing option for videographers looking for the best possible image quality.
5. Dual Pixel CMOS AF II
Canon's well-known Dual Pixel CMOS autofocus (AF) technology has been enhanced in the EOS R5 with the addition of Dual Pixel CMOS AF II. Even in adverse shooting conditions, our sophisticated autofocus technology provides lightning-fast and precise focusing performance. The R5's increased subject tracking and eye identification features guarantee that your subjects remain crisp whether you're shooting portraits, events, or fast-moving subjects.
6. Enhanced Ergonomics and User Interface
In comparison to the EOS 5D Mark IV, the EOS R5 has a new body, enhanced ergonomics, and a more intuitive user interface. From configurable settings and a vari-angle touchscreen to a high-resolution electronic viewfinder (EVF), the R5's design is centered on improving the shooting experience and workflow efficiency.
7. Increased Connectivity Options
In today's linked world, having several connectivity choices is critical for smooth integration into your workflow. The EOS R5 has built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection, which allows you to share photographs and control the camera remotely from your smartphone or tablet. Furthermore, the R5 has dual card slots (CFexpress and SD UHS-II), giving you plenty of storage capacity and backup alternatives for your important data.
8. Weather-Sealed Construction
Like its predecessor, the EOS 5D Mark IV, the EOS R5 has a durable and weather-sealed design that can survive the demands of professional use in a variety of environments. Whether you're shooting in high heat, cold, or humidity, you can rely on the R5 to offer consistent performance and durability, allowing you to concentrate on getting the ideal photo without worrying about your equipment.
9. Future-Proof Compatibility with RF Lenses
As Canon expands their RF lens array, investing in the EOS R5 assures compatibility with the latest and most sophisticated optics in the Canon ecosystem. With their exceptional optical performance and unique features, RF lenses provide unrivaled image quality and creative possibilities, making them an ideal companion to the EOS R5.
The decision to go from the EOS 5D Mark IV to the EOS R5 is a huge step forward in terms of technology, performance, and creative possibilities. With its enhanced sensor, image stabilization, video capabilities, autofocus system, and ergonomic design, the R5 is an appealing upgrade route for photographers and videographers looking to push the frontiers of their art. Whether you're shooting magnificent landscapes, dynamic sports events, or cinematic video content, the EOS R5 allows you to unleash your creativity and push your narrative to new heights. Upgrade to the EOS R5 and experience a world of limitless possibilities in the domain of digital images.
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govindhtech · 2 months
Sky’s the Limit: Izi Mini X Nano Drone – Your 4K Companion
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The Izi Mini X Nano Drone is a perfect illustration of the innovation that is thriving in the Indian drone business, which is a buzzing phenomenon. In a pocket-sized compact, this wonder weighs less than 249 grams and delivers a strong punch by providing capabilities for a 4K camera, lengthy flying periods, and intelligent functions. In order to further understand how this fascinating drone reimagines the concept of aerial exploration for both fans and artists, let’s go into the specifics as well.
Design that is both very compact and lightweight: Elegant and collapsible, the Izi Mini X Nano Drone weighs 249 grams. The ultimate travel partner for recording breathtaking aerial shots, this featherweight champion fits in your bag or pocket. Due to its small size, several nations exempt it from drone rules, giving it more operational freedom.
Camera with a 3-axis gimbal and a Cinematic 4K resolution: A Sony CMOS sensor with a resolution of 20 megapixels lies at the core of the Izi Mini X Nano Drone. This sensor is capable of recording amazing 4K footage at a smooth 30 frames per second. Your film will stay silky smooth even in windy situations thanks to the included three-axis stabilized gimbal, which enables you to produce professional-grade results without the amount of weight that comes along with it.
Flights that last for a long time and go at high speeds: Don’t let its little size deceive you; the Izi Mini X Nano Drone delivers a powerful punch in terms of the amount of time it can fly. You can explore more and film longer sequences without having to worry about running out of charge thanks to its 2600mAh battery, which provides an astounding 31 minutes of flying time. Additionally, the drone is capable of reaching amazing speeds of up to 58 kilometers per hour, making it ideal for shooting dramatic photos or pursuing things that are moving quickly.
Effortless Flight Accompanied by Intelligent Features: In order to simplify operation and improve your overall flying experience, the Izi Mini X Nano Drone comes pre-loaded with a multitude of sophisticated features. Controlling the drone is made easy by the fact that it can take off and land with a single button, GPS ensures that it is positioned precisely, and the capability of automatically returning to home ensures that it will land safely even if you lose sight of it. In addition, there are over ten intelligent flying modes, such as Point of Interest, Follow Me, and Orbit, which provide film making opportunities and freedom of expression.
Live video streaming The Izi Mini X Nano Drone allows you to experience live video transmission that is of the highest possible quality over a distance of up to 4 kilometers. Despite the fact that the drone is farther away, you are able to maintain your immersion in the aerial perspective thanks to this feature, which provides real-time input for improved control and composition. Wi-Fi connection is also supported by the drone, which enables you to download video that has been taken and simultaneously share it with your loved ones and friends.
New heights in drone technology A compelling prospect is presented by the Izi Mini X Nano Drone Fly More Combo, which is designed for those who are looking for longer flying hours and extra alternatives. You will be able to explore for longer periods of time and record more without interruptions if you purchase this package, which contains three smart batteries, a rapid tri-charger, and a carrying case.
What is the verdict, exactly? For drone fans and makers who are looking for a tiny, feature-rich, and economical solution, the Izi Mini X Nano Drone is an intriguing prospect on the market. Stunning aerial video and unique exploration are possible with its 4K camera, lengthy flying periods, clever features, and sub-249g weight. Though more expensive than rivals, the bundle and features make it worth it for premium users.
Beyond the Specifications: The Izi Mini X Nano Drone, just like any other drone, comes with its own unique set of restrictions, and it is essential to keep this in mind. When compared to bigger drones, its diminutive size may make it more sensitive to wind, and the camera sensor may not perform as well in low-light environments depending on the circumstances. Moreover, before you begin flying your drone, you should always be sure to verify and comply with the local restrictions.
To sum everything up: When it comes to the realm of high-performance drones that are also tiny, the Izi Mini X Nano Drone is a huge step forward. Both content makers and amateurs will find it to be an appealing option due to the fact that it has cutting-edge technology, features that are easy to use, and mobility. It is highly recommended that you give serious consideration to the Izi Mini X Nano if you are searching for a drone that is capable of producing breathtaking aerial video, provides longer flying hours, and is easy to use, all while being a pocket-sized device.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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123lineengineers · 6 months
iPhone 14 Professional 5G 128GB Length Cloudy
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iPhone 14 Professional. All Programs Professional. Seize implausible constituent with a 48MP Major digital camera. Enjoy iPhone in an entire up-to-date means with Dynamic Island and All the time-On show. Accident Detection,¹ a up-to-date protection component, requires aid when you'll be able to’t. 6.1-inch Tremendous Retina XDR display² that includes All the time-On and ProMotion A show that’s as much as 2x brighter within the solar. With All the time-In your Lock Display is now all the time glanceable, so that you don’t even need to faucet it to stick within the know. When iPhone is became face unwell or for your area, it is going black to save lots of battery hour. Dynamic Island, a mystical up-to-date approach to have interaction with iPhone Introducing Dynamic Island, a actually Apple innovation that’s {hardware} and device and one thing in between. It bubbles up song, sports activities rankings, FaceTime, and so a lot more - all with out taking you clear of what you’re doing. 48MP Major digital camera. The Professional digital camera gadget will get vastly extra Professional Introducing the all-new 48MP Major digital camera with a sophisticated quad-pixel sensor. iPhone 14 Professional raises the bar for what 48 megapixels can do,turning in 4x the solution in ProRAW for mind-blowing constituent in each and every compres. The up-to-date Professional digital camera gadget provides 2x optical-quality Telephoto to its zoom field, placing heaps of framing flexibility for your wallet A lot more constituent. In a lot much less mild. As much as 3x higher low-light footage at the Extremely Large digital camera As much as 2x higher low-light footage at the Major digital camera As much as 2x higher low-light footage at the Telephoto digital camera Cinematic form now in 4K Dolby Seeing as much as 30 fps Cinematic form now shoots in 4K HDR at 24 fps - the movie trade usual. Now you'll be able to seamlessly edit with alternative professional photos in 4K at 24 or 30 fps. You'll be able to even edit the intensity impact later seize. iPhone 14 Professional is the one smartphone on the earth that allows you to kill, view, edit, and percentage in ProRes or Dolby Seeing HDR A digital camera in a category via itselfie. Snap your sharpest, maximum colourful close-ups and staff pictures, due to a up-to-date TrueDepth entrance digital camera with autofocus and a bigger aperture. The TrueDepth digital camera and A16 Bionic additionally energy Face ID, essentially the most retain facial authentication in a smartphone. iPhone 14 Professional makes use of 100% recycled gold cord in all its cameras to release mining of valuable sources. Motion form for clean, secure, hand held movies Whether or not you’re filming from an off-road SUV or operating along your matter, attempt Motion form for clean hand held movies - negative gimbal required. Essential up-to-date security features we are hoping you’ll by no means want: Accident Detection,¹ requires aid when you'll be able to’t iPhone 14 Professional can come across a dreadful automotive hit, upcoming name 911 and notify your disaster contacts. Vacay of intellect whilst you’re off the grid In case you don’t have mobile carrier or Wi‑Fi, iPhone means that you can textual content disaster services and products over satellite tv for pc. All-day battery life³. A battery that’s all in, all presen Even with soooooo many up-to-date features, iPhone 14 Professional nonetheless delivers wonderful all‑presen battery hour. With as much as 23 hours video playback. And you can upload a MagSafe charger for quicker wi-fi charging A16 Bionic. The mastermind at the back of it all A mystical up-to-date approach to have interaction with iPhone. Groundbreaking security features designed to save lots of lives. An cutting edge 48MP digital camera for intellect blowing constituent. All powered via the last smartphone chip. The Accumulation Enclave in A16 Bionic protects private knowledge like your Face ID knowledge, contacts, and extra. Business-leading sturdiness options with Ceramic Guard and aqua resistance  Designed for sturdiness. With Ceramic Guard, harder than any smartphone glass. Aqua resistance. Surgical-grade stainless-steel. iPhone may be designed from the field up to offer protection to your privateness and put you in keep watch over of what you percentage and who you percentage it with iOS 16 offer much more techniques to personalize, be in contact, and percentage iOS 16 means that you can customise your Lock Display in a laugh up-to-date techniques. Layer a photograph to form it pop. Observe your Process rings. And notice are living updates from your favourite apps. ¹ Catastrophe SOS makes use of a cell connection or Wi-Fi Calling. ² The show has rounded corners. When steady as a rectangle, the display is 6.12 inches diagonally. Original unhidden section is much less. ³ Battery hour varies via utility and configuration; see apple.com/batteries for more info. Source link Read the full article
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