#shorts are on thin ice too but sometimes you just have to in the summer
hwiyoungies · 2 years
this just in! local man has legs! and sometimes, when the weather is hot and wearing long pants is a lot, he even shows them! wow!
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moo-blogging · 1 year
Nothing in my head but summertime Levi. Summertime with Levi is shopping at the farmers' market early in the morning. Levi would pick out the sweetest watermelons, freshest milk, and the loveliest flowers.
Levi would make popsicles out of watermelon, perfect for the hot weather in the afternoon. Sweet, cold watermelon juice bursts in your mouth as you take a big bite. The flesh is half frozen in ice but still managed to melt in your mouth, just the perfect texture for a popsicle.
Levi would pick out baskets of lemons from the lemon trees in the garden. He would wear a straw hat that we bought from a single mother year ago. One of her children insisted on putting a flower on his hat, and he still has the wilted dried flower on. In his thin tank top and faded shorts, Levi completes the garden.
Levi would make jars of lemonade, stocking up the fridge. The kitchen smells like lemon for two days. And he would make pudding too. Lots of pudding where he would share it with the children in the neighbourhood. You see, Levi loves kids.
And he loves you too. He makes sure you have fresh flowers in the house and on your straw hat whenever you are going out. Levi loves seeing you in your summer attire, so carefree so sweet. Sometimes he wishes that summer would never end.
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lpsluvblr · 2 months
Alright, time for me to write off my silly Vinnie headcanons for you to judge ahaha, here I go:
him and Penny often go clothes shopping together, or rather Vinnie usually just starts by tagging along with her but ends up buying something for himself too. Why do they specifically go together? Well, because Penny is not afraid to undress in front of him in a dressing room (yes, they usually find the biggest one to go together to) and neither is he to undress in front of her. They simply have that connection, because their bodies are uncovnectional for their gender and both aren't that happy about that. Vinnie is a male but his body is short and very thin, while Penny is a tall and chubby female. Anyway, while Penny's shopping for herself she often finds something she think Vinnie will like and gives it to him to try on and in turn he sometimes ends up buying those clothes,
he does eat a lot of ice cream during summer he also eats them during any other season which includes winter. And yes, sometimes he even eats those outside, just taking a walk or whatever. Does he end up getting sick because of it? Yes, sometimes, but he still does that no matter how cold it is because sometimes the craving is just too big
during colder months whatever room he enters he immediately walks up to the radiator and turns it on to the highest setting. It's one thing if he lives alone, but if he lives with someone, let alone few someone's he will still do it and annoy them lol. Yes, he knows someone else's room is not his, but he's cold damn it, he needs high temperature in the entire house or else it won't be good enough for him. If he has no reason to go to that other room, like the person calling him to come, he will just get in without any warning, turn on the heater to the highest temperature and leave without a word,
this one is more drastic, but a headcanon that because of just being so used to tripping, falling and feeling physical pain due to that, he sometimes knocks himself out on purpose and because he knows where to hit himself to do it. For example, in class if he was called out to the whiteboard and really didn't feel like doing whatever he was supposed to do he would fall over on purpose in the exact way that he would hit the corner of the desk with his head. It often knocked him out but even when it didn't he still literally just hit his head on the corner of a desk which usually worked in his favor. Well, aside from the whole pain aspect,
he once worked a summer job at a fast food place (like McDonald's or whatever) to get some extra money, but he got fired because although he was normally nice and polite, if a customer really pissed him off with unreasonable demands or he just thought they weren't acting fair at all he would do things like spit in their food and wouldn't try one bit to hide it, if he's doing it he's doing it so they see it. Or he would just throw food in their face too. They wanna complain and scream at him senseless? Then they pay. He was fired because it kept repeating, but he doesn't regret it one bit, some assholes got their pride hurt, so it's all good for him
still, he's normally an easy-going, chill person who's not exactly a fan of arguments and fights. And so often when annoyed he will at most roll his eyes and then not think about it. But sometimes, rarely, he gets absolutely seething with anger and when he does he can do a death stare. Because it's not yet doing anything, but ir warns you that if you get too close to him it he's ready to fucking kill you
so you know those cardboard cutouts Minka has of all the pets (they were in lps in that one season 4 episode when they were all going outside because Sunil wanted to find that big smile Peachy told him about)? Anyway, she has them as a human too. And you know how Vinnie gets agitated when Sunil's not around? Well, the damages can be diminished if he's given that cardboard cutout of Sunil. It's not enough to fully calm him down but enough to stop him from destroying (mostly).
Ok, those should be enough for now :) enjoy
Yay! Some awesome headcannons ok let’s do this!
- I can totally see them doing that together honestly they are two cute! just vibing off eachother spending the day stuck in a dressing room trying on dozens of outfits! they have such a cute dynamic in general penny’s so sweet and Vinnie is so trusting with her and they both relate to the “body issues” topic in their own ways so of corse it would make so much sense for them to be so comfortable with each other! 😭 picking out outfits for eachother too they know I just can’t it’s so cute to imagine!!!
- he would though even if it’s such an inconvenience in general ice cream is life right? I see him shivering while licking on and ice cream cone and all of his friends telling him he has real a problem and he’s going to make himself sick but he’s like “worth it” 😏 🥶they open his freezer and all they find is different ice cream’s lol Vinnie. Z:“do you have any ice Vinnie?” “I need some for my drink?” *zoe opens the freezer while asking* V: “no but I have ICEcream” *pepper cackles in the background*
- awe he just loves to be warm and to inconvenience everyone at the same time haha atleast anyone looking for him will always know where he’s at! someone buy this man a heated vest please! 😂
- ok !ok!ok!this one makes sense to but also makes me question mentally how far he’ll go to get out of any inconvenience like is my dude ok?? This poor man’s been used to pain since day one I swear but it is kinda clever plus it gets him some extra attention and sympathy and maybe the rest of the day off school but could you imagine how worried his friends were the first time he did this? Especially Sunil 😂 and he’s just like “oh I’m fine! it’s all good buddy!”
- HAHA YES!! see even in the show he rarely got angry. but when he does I’d imagine he’d just snap! He’s Italian no disrespect to him or you pay! Him getting fired and being unfazed is so his personality because he’s just so unbothered it’s just he daily mindset of “eh I’m not thinking about it anymore”
- I love this one so much!! he’d just carry it around and act like he’s there. doing all the things they normally do and even talking to it like it was actually Sunil there. I feel like his friends would be happy about it because it calms him down but also terrified if anything happened to it do they’re ask minka to make spares just in case. Bonas: Sunil gets told about it and just is lost for words like 🤨 and they all tell him it’s for the better and to not bring it up to Vinnie in general
This was so much fun thank you for all of this!! Please whenever you get the chance send me anymore you’d like!! This man now lives rent free in my head now because of you but I don’t mind that one bit 🙃
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milflewis · 2 years
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@lhsrainbowhelmet finally got around to posting it !! thank u for the prompt i loved it
Yuki is laughing when Pierre pulls him between motorhomes. His mouth is red and wet with the ice pop he was eating just a few minutes earlier. Pierre doesn’t push him up against the wall because the summer heat makes it so hot the metal would burn Yuki’s exposed shoulders and neck but he does steal the sunglasses off his face, throwing them on the ground.
“Oi,” Yuki says, still grinning, dark hair sticking to his forehead a little. He’s been growing it out lately, ever since Pierre let it slip that he likes to hold onto it when Yuki fucks him. Sometimes Pierre wonders what else he could get Yuki to do. Sometimes he thinks someday he might even ask. “They’re mine.”
“Shut up,” Pierre says, ducking his head, a familiar thrill running down his spine at the way Yuki tilts his head up, throat arching. If he didn’t lean down, Yuki would have to stand on his tiptoes to reach him. “You know you stole them from me.”
Yuki is laughing when Pierre kisses him, one, open mouthed and hot and filthy. Yuki presses up against him, sneaking his fingers up under the hem of his shirt, hand warm and damp against his stomach. He traces the shape of Pierre’s cross through the material.
Pierre pulls away to mouth at Yuki’s jaw, feeling his moan hum through him softly. He swallows back a groan in response and he licks a long wet stripe down the length of Yuki’s neck to avoid thinking about the way their bodies shiver together. He pulls at his collar to lick at the sweat that pools there in the swoop of his collarbone, the bone delicate and hard against his tongue.
“You said I look good in them.”
“You do,” Pierre says, hand cupping Yuki’s jaw, right where his mouth was, fingers sticky with the sweat that clings to Yuki’s skin. “I just like seeing when you look at me.”
He presses his thumb lightly into the thin skin under Yuki’s eyes, covering the slight shadows there. He can feel the skin lift and crease under his finger when Yuki laughs.
“You think I’m looking at you?”
“Mhmm,” Pierre says, words light in the air between them. “You’re always looking at me.”
“Am I?” Yuki asks, kissing the corner of Pierre’s mouth, two, smushing his nose a little against his cheek.
“Yeah, you are.” Pierre pushes his hair back, curling his fingers around Yuki’s ear. I’d like to keep you, he thinks. Forever and ever and ever and ever.
“It’s a little embarrassing for you, really. You’re so obvious. But it’s okay.”
“Is it?” Yuki is close enough that Pierre could count his lashes if he wanted to, even though he’s a little blurry and faded at the edges, like one of those mirages in those desert movies.
“Yeah,” Pierre says. “Because I’m always looking at you too.”
Yuki is laughing again when Pierre kisses him, three. It’s quickly becoming one of Pierre’s favourite ways to kiss him, right up there with waking Yuki up, feeling him smile sleepily against his teeth, hands coming up to hold his shoulders, or how he imagines Yuki would taste like if he kissed him when one of them wins, all bitter with champagne and victorious in their defiance.
Yuki pulls away, mouth red and wet now for a different reason, when his phone buzzes. Pierre knows he’s made him late for his press conference. Yuki rolls his eyes at Pierre’s grin. He kisses him on the cheek, four, lips hot and fleeting, before sliding back on his sunglasses that he picked up.
“See you later, alligator,” he grins as he walks backwards, shirt sticking to him in places. The collar is still a little stretched out from where Pierre was pulling at it earlier. He waves his fingers over his shoulder as he spins, bringing his phone up to his ear. His shorts ride up a little and Pierre catches a glimpse of the scratches he left there last night.
Pierre brings his hand up to his mouth as he watches Yuki walk away, tasting Yuki’s sweat and cologne on his fingers. He licks his lips. Hmm. Strawberry. Maybe, he’ll go see if there’s any of the ice pops left.
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
You got me like
well....I'll tell you what happened at the spring.......
I'm highly about to NOURISH all of you!! but a few things o note before I post this!!
this is from a draft where I was writing in Jake's perspective
the prologue hadn't happened yet
Filly = Sookie
Eliza = Ruth
I stopped writing in his perspective bc I felt like a creeper!!
 Silver Spring is the only place in Silverkeep that could be considered nice objectively. It’s uncharacteristically pretty for Silverkeep--the kind of pretty that almost makes me feel guilty, like if I touched the Mona Lisa or sneezed on The Thinker. Maybe because it is so beautiful--that sticky, guilt-inducing kind of beautiful--that no one ventures down this way. We are almost always alone here, save for a few reckless middle schoolers that are easy to scare away and some drifters who mind their own.
The black cherry trees and American sycamores are thick here, sprawling across the hills and thinning only when the St. Augustine grass rolls to a sudden stop at the edge of the spring. There are patches of thistles and black-eyed Susan’s spanning across all this fertile land--it always smells sweet here. 
Jagged, brown rocks climb out of the green water and up the hillside--there’s a lip where we sometimes jump off. There’s a pipe, a big ugly and dirty thing, that acts as some sort of man made waterfall. Rock rose plants are starting to cover the pipe now--it’s been here for a long time. 
The water never gets very warm--there’s too much shade. But on days like today, days when the only solace is being neck-deep in a bath of ice, that’s mighty fine. The spring is not very deep, either--only nine feet at the very center. Hyde was the one that figured it out, diving into the murky water with a measly stick as his measurement gauge. 
Our caps and gowns are sitting in a sweaty, crumpled heap on a patch of blue sage. Bees are bumbling around the polyester, probably swarming around Sookie’s because of that sticky orange scent. None of our nice dress clothes are folded, shoes and socks and dresses and pants strewn about haphazardly. Crushed cans of Pabst are gathering in a small aluminum pile on the embankment. 
I’m getting drunk--not out-of-my-mind drunk, not ditzy drunk. But I’m more than tipsy and less than shitfaced. Everything feels quieter now, my body submerged in the cool water, my feet squishing in the dirt and moss at the bottom of the spring. The beer is sitting at the bottom of my belly the way I like it to--makes me feel warm and full. 
We’re soaked to the bone, every one of us. And everyone’s getting drunk, dipping under the surface and holding their beer can just above their heads. 
Sookie is close to me, just a few feet, just a few moments worth of wading away. She’s floating on her back beside me, face tipped towards the canopy of trees, eyes slacked. She’s grazing the rippling surface of the water with her nailless finger gingerly. She’s just in that pair of cotton underwear and a measly yellow bra now. I’ve seen her like this more times than I can count, I think. None of us ever bring our swimsuits so we’re always in our underwear, which is why I know that Hyde still wears tighty-whitey’s and Eliza wears underwear with the days of the week on them.
“Gonna see Emma this summer?” Avery asks from beside me, taking a final swig from his beer can before lazily tossing it aside. 
He means: are you gonna fuck Emmaline Odette anymore this summer?
“Nah,” I tell him, “she got a boyfriend now.”
I’m being honest: Emmaline Odette does have a boyfriend now, some college boy from Austin that can get her into bars. If she didn’t, we would probably not have sex again, though. She’s a prissy little thing--her nails are always clean and her hair is always combed. Having sex with her felt like taking a shower; I was cleaner after. When I was around her, breathing in that expensive hand lotion and kissing her lacy underwear, my chest ached. I always felt like what we had was fragile--like she’d come to, look down, and realize some mutt was eating her out. 
“Heard she was pretty heartbroken over the likes of your sorry ass,” Eliza calls from her spot on the muddy banks, lying on her belly and kicking dirty feet up behind her. 
I tried to end things nicely with Emma--but she’d started crying and kissing on me and pulling my zipper down. We almost had sex again right there on her front porch. But then I looked around at the pillows that were bought solely to keep outside and the wicker furniture and the TV mounted on the wall and caught a whiff of whatever perfume she had on and felt that burn in my throat. I’d had to shrug her off, buckling my jeans, wiping my fingers on my shirt. 
“Look,” I’d told her as she stared up at me red-cheeked and wide-eyed, “I just don’t like you like that, okay?”
I wasn’t trying to hurt her feelings when I said it--but I knew she’d keep trying if I didn’t say what I did. I figured she’d get pissed--push me off her porch or slap me across the face. Instead she just turned her cheek and bit her lip hard. I rode home adjusting myself in my pants that night, little white streaks hardening on my shirt that smelled like her clean arousal. 
“You are our resident heartbreaker, Jake,” Ruth sighs, climbing to sit beside Eliza on the banks, “someone’s gotta be.”
There’s that feeling now--sitting on my chest heavy as a mahogany tree. 
“I do what I can.” 
I don’t even know why I say it, but I do. It falls from my mouth, into the spring, then swims away like a water strider.
Sookie is gone--the water she was occupying vacant. There isn’t even a ripple; it’s just still and quiet. Hyde is rough-housing with Avery now, splashing each other. Eliza and Ruth are leaning back on their elbows and talking about something that’s making them blush. 
I almost call out for her--but then I feel the energy around me shift like it always does when she’s near. It’s like turning an old television on and basking in that staticky silence before the picture blinks on--knowing that it is on but having to strain for proof, a weird sort of blind faith. There’s a great settling that spreads all across my body, starting at my submerged chest and ending at my toes buried in the mud, when I feel her wet breaths on the back of my neck. 
“Freeze,” she whispers behind me, pressing her fingers into my back like they’re a loaded pistol, “this is a stand-up.”
I can hear her smiling--know that she’s biting her lips and that lipstick is probably on her teeth again. She sounds tipsy--but not drunk. 
Raising my hands in surrender, I turn so she can see my cheek. I can’t see her very well; she is just a blurry image of blue and yellow and olive and black. But there it is, there’s that smile and that gap between her teeth. 
“Please,” I whisper pitifully, “I have a family.”
She digs her fingers deeper into my back, those pink nails cutting my skin. 
“Get me a beer and no one gets hurt,” she says. She nudges me again, pushing me towards the dwindling case of beer on the embankment. “G’on now, boy.”
I take a step, bobbing in the water, but then whip around and lunge with utter abandon. She hardly has time to think, move, gasp before I’m pulling her under the water with me, wrapping my arms around her. She wraps her arms around me, too, pushing all the air out of her lungs so it races to the surface in fat bubbles.
We stay under there and I blink, trying to get a glimpse of her through the murk and curly tendrils of her hair--but I can only catch fragments of her body: her missing pink nail, the precious column of her throat, her belly button. But then I see it: her yellow bra, the flimsy thing, has been accidentally nudged aside and her left breast is exposed here beneath the surface of Silver Spring. 
Her breast is supple, the nipple pert, and her skin is goosed.
I think I can imagine what it would feel like on my tongue--her skin wet with the muddy spring water, metallic and dirty. Her nipple would be cold from the water when I wrapped my lips around it, when I let my palm fall on the skin of her right breast, the ditzy yellow fabric sopping and sticking to my flexed fingers. Maybe she would make a pretty noise--
All the blood in my body is rushing down, down, down before I can help it, before I can even think to close my eyes. 
Lorde help me. 
She seems to notice at the same time as me, thrashing herself to the surface while tugging the strap of her bra back up over her dainty shoulder. I come up just a moment after her, panting, running my hands over my face.
Baseball. Peanuts. Sweaty helmets. Wooden baseball bats. Cleats. Chewing tobacco.   
She’s already looking at me. All that makeup is melting off her face--black and blue and pink staining her skin like pretend bruises. Her eyes are wide, mouth parted just slightly. She’s trying to see if I saw, I know that she is.
I don’t lie to Sookie--I can’t lie to Sookie. So instead of saying anything, I grin. It seems to disarm her slightly because her lips twitch into a smile, too. 
“You look like a banshee,” I tell her.
She exhales. She was holding her breath before. 
“I am a banshee,” she tells me. 
She comes closer to me, so close that I can smell her yeasty breath. 
Shin guards. Home-plate. Dirt. Jock-straps. Catcher’s glove. Hotdogs. Mustard.
Before she can say another word to me, I catch her jaw in my left hand, holding it in place gently. She’s completely subdued, just blinking up at me with all that goopy mascara streaming down her face. And I know we aren’t alone right now, but I know that no one is watching us, too. I know we’re just drunk enough to kiss and then say that we were out of our mind’s the night before. But I won’t kiss her right now--not even now that all that Barbie-clit lipstick is smeared across her chin and cheeks. 
I wipe her face with a wet, flat palm. She lets me, bracing when I press down hard, letting her eyes slip shut when I wet my hand again. But then the banshee is gone and it’s just Sookie staring up at me. I like her exactly like this--with a naked face and wet hair and warm breath. 
“Someone oughta teach you how to put makeup on, Sookie-girl,” I whisper to her even though I don’t mean it at all.  
She grins. 
“You first, pretty boy,” she whispers. The cicadas are starting to sing their song.
I swallow hard--I can feel it on my palm every time she swallows.  
Baseballs. Mascots. Urinals. Nets. Curveballs. 
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arsonchaoschild · 9 months
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last people in your notifs (anonymously). you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity. thank you, you're the best!
oh this is adorable. okay
first things first, art. the act of creation gives me power and joy no matter how dire the situation may be. i'm currently working on a short story that an acquaintance of mine wants to illustrate and we'll print copies for her artist alley appearance! very very excited about that. i love telling stories, i love writing poetry and songs, i love singing, i love painting (i love drawing too but that bitch is on thin ice) i love crafts and i love sharing and partaking in art with other people
next up: hope punk! punk in general. but the solidarity and hope and innate warmth of humanity really do a lot for me. pessimism is easy, but i choose to resist and stay hopeful, not because i'm dumb or naive, but because i've been through a lot and though becoming bitter would be so easy, i'd rather choose to be kind and be a beacon of others, be the person i needed when i was at my rock bottom as a young kid.
something more lighthearted, decorating! i love making a space my own, i love the control it gives you, i love coming home to somewhere i know is mine. this will be a bit more time but i'm hoping to move home by the end of summer or start of september the latest. i wanna make a lightcatcher inspired by howl's earrings and paint one of my windows like stained glass and have a strip of wall painted like a galaxy with glow in the dark stars and constellations and i wanna hear the gentle gentle ringing of my geode windchime every morning. i can't wait to acquire my own collection of mugs and also festival cups which i've been collecting (i just got a nonbinary flag one from prague pride and i love it so much) and i can't wait to curate my own little library
also cooking! i have food sensitivities, so if something goes wrong and the texture is off or something it sometimes ends up going to waste, which upsets me obviously. but nothing beats the feeling of kind of going off the cuff on a recipe and making something that tastes amazing, or stirring big pots of everything knowing you get to feed other people. i'm really looking forward to baking cupcakes for my new class this school year and inviting people over for coffee and dessert.
last but not least is just.. people. i love people. i love socializing. i love the intricacies within different personalities and i love talking and i love love love people. socializing can sometimes be exhausting or awkward but it's still so important to me. in july, i went through a few weeks of horrible loneliness, where i was losing touch with reality. i went to a con at the beginning of august and on the bus home i cried because of how much i love life and called my grandparents asking to visit. i hugged my grandmother (the one i live with) upon coming home at like 10 pm and it felt so good. humanity is good maybe.
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st4rbwrry · 3 years
NEEDY ☆ todo aoi.
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★ 𖥻 synopsis. todo hasn't been satisfying your needs, so you make him.
☆. warnings — 4.2k. nsfw, pwp, lowercase intended, fem!reader, she/her pronouns, black coded, sensual sex, readers needy, established relationship, domestic, yall have a baby, slight femdom, submissive, biting, teasing, creampie, male oral, quiet sex, kinda vanilla, breeding kink. minors aren't allowed! reblogs & comments are appreciated.
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morose weather always made you strangely weak. chewing delicately on the silver dior-lettered necklace, you pout your plump lips as you watch your daughter gnaw on her ice-cold teething ring while her short chubby legs frantically kicked. an adorable face you made had her smiling, the one-year-old comfortably enjoying the silent atmosphere laying in her rocker, the white noise from the television playing criminal minds quietly. doves in the wind by sza played harmoniously from your speaker in the matcha green kitchen you stood in, coating the fluffy hot beignets with powdered sugar your man craved while he worked himself tirelessly in his office. that same man that grabbed you by your waist this morning to kiss your neck and hold you after you cooked him a homey breakfast that consisted of french toast, bacon, over-easy eggs, and strawberries remained locked up in his sanctuary across the living room.
  "you know i need too much attention for shit like that," you mindlessly sang to supermodel, the album on shuffle, a scowl on your pretty face as you stare at the side profile of todo's face, his dreads starting to frizz up.
  but i need you, i need you, i need you.
  you hated when songs related to your experiences sometimes. ever since alora was born, todo buried his cognizance into his paperwork, your smart fiance handling cryptocurrency like it was easy as making ramen. your brain would rot whenever he tried explaining it to you; there's a reason you went to summer school for math. he's so busy nowadays that he can't make enough time to be with you like you needed. although he did try to put in the effort by cuddling you, complimenting, or buying you something you wanted, little forms of intimacy that assured you of his love—it still wasn't enough. you missed him, and you never thought you'd be the one to ask for attention when he's the clingy one.
it hurt just a bit when he didn't acknowledge the lavender set you wore, his favorite color on you; a laced bustier and snug high-waisted shorts. maybe the kiss was the recognition? didn't matter, you wanted words. the cream-colored fuzzy slippers on your feet skid across the carpet as you make your way to him with a ceramic tea plate of two beignets drizzled with honey, your hand coming on his shoulder as you lean over the screen, jumbo obsidian bonnet blocking the view. he smiles at you, thanking you for the sweet treat as you massage his scalp.
"i can redo these if you want," you twirl your finger around one of his dreads.
"yeah, i only let you do them," he snickers, leaning back in his seat to stretch, your eyes trailing down to the thin trace of hair leading down to his crotch after the black shirt he wore rose. clearing your throat, you block out your unholy thoughts, though he makes it worse by rubbing the back of your thigh, fingers close to your core. he scratches the top of his head, eyes closed as he relaxed, your warmth comforting him.
  "yes, baby?" he responds tiredly, tone low. you press a kiss to his forehead where the large scar on the left side of his face started, leading down to his cheekbone. his heart always jumped when you did so, that scar an insecurity of his.
  his eyes pop open once he feels the weight of your body on him, taking a seat on his lap with your hands underneath his shirt, face buried between his neck, smelling his cologne.
"i want you," he swallows as your hands smooth around his back until they're leading down to his waist, nearly slipping inside the band of his sweats. you grind above him, todo going to protest until he hears you moan, a siren-like symphony to his ears every time. todo holds your hips still, eyes darting to your lips to clash his to them, big lips inundating yours. tongue slipping into your mouth to run across your own, breathing in each other's mouths before your lips enclose.
gripping his locs, you raise your hips and align your crotch with his, noticing he wasn't wearing briefs. todo groans in your mouth, grip tightening on you to try and hinder you. the warmth in your cheeks intensifies as you feel his cock stiffening beneath you, smiling and reaching inside his pants until you're abruptly halted.
"wait, i can't baby, i really have to get this work done," he pries your hands away, sitting up so your chests disconnect. you sulk. "we can finish later, okay?"
biting your lip, you turn your face away from him after he tries to caress it, standing up. "you always say that but end up falling asleep."
huffing, todo watches you walk away, rubbing his face as you mumble, "i'll just buy a toy instead."
to calm yourself, you decide to clean, first picking up alora and giving her a warm bubble bath in the sink, washing her dark curly hair. you giggle as she splashes her tiny hands in the water, the gorgeous baby you birthed always bringing you comfort. she was a cure to your solitude. you dressed her warm for the weather, sitting her in the play bin while you tidied up a little before heading out. spraying down the kitchen, rearranging and vacuuming the living room, side-eyeing todo the entire time to annoy him with the sound. when upset, you were petty. it came naturally.
after a quick shower with your favorite method body wash from target, specifically the rice milk one, you lathered your body in your daughter's baby lotion simply because it reminded you of the smell she had when she was first born. doctors say the reason babies have that ordinary smell is because of the placenta that covers them for 9 months. johnson and johnson tried their best to recreate the smell by making a lotion. it's the closest they got to it. she still had her baby scent, but overall you liked the product. it was windy outside, still cloudy but the humidity was stagnant at sixty degrees. that being said, you chose to wear a yellow sundress to match alora's onesie. she was your little twin.
you don't announce your departure, in fact, you're sure he heard the front door slam on your way out. strapping the baby in her car seat, you place your thumb on the point of her bottle while you shook the formula since it was time for her to eat, cooing at her as she wraps her hands around it and shuts her eyes. you made a few runs to clear your mind of the ache between your thighs, and how badly you wanted to choke todo for being so irritating.
first, the market. while scrolling on your phone this morning, you came across a recipe for curry chicken you wanted to make, having curry powder already but searching for jalapeño peppers and potatoes, not fond of a ton of other vegetables in it. spicy foods have been a comfort food lately, unable to eat anything in that heat range during pregnancy. you're sure alora was the reason. going to the baby section, you grab a few gerber cans of puréed vegetables, alora somehow getting a bad instinct when you picked up the carrot one since her face scrunched up and she started hiccuping, meaning she was ready to cry.
"oh no, baby. i'm sorry. no carrots?" you gasp, delicately pinching her cheek. "mommy put it back, see? don't cry."
"me and you both, little one."
you pick your head up after giving alora an eskimo kiss, seeing a tall man a few feet from you with a bottle of baby powder in his hand. you didn't mean to, but you checked him out without realizing it. eyes trailing from toe to head, his all black attire making him ten times more charming. he had a sleeve full of tattoos on his left arm, a short-sleeved tee and skinny jeans, heavy leather combat boots on his feet. the man grinned at you, long black hair partially tied up behind his head while the rest flowed down to his broad back, slender eyes practically fucking you if you will. earring in one ear and a noticeable stitched scar going across his forehead. you're not sure if it's a scar or a tattoo, either way, it was attractive.
sexy as fuck.
"carrots disgust me too, especially when they're cooked," his voice was deep, and it had your mouth going dry.
"yeah," you smile faintly.
"what's her name?"
"really?" he hums with intrigue. "that's cute. i'm told it means dream."
"does it?" you sing. you knew that already, that's why she has the name. but you didn't want to seem rude. he nods.
"and yours?"
"mine doesn't have a meaning."
"no, i mean your name. what is it?" he chuckles, slowly licking his lips. alora is gawking at you and tugging at your ass-length faux locs like she can read you, like she knows that you find someone other than her father attractive. you give her a face.
"fiancé," you state, raising your hand to show him the tatted wedding band around your ring finger, wanting him to get the hint.
he laughs wholeheartedly, looking down at his feet he tapped. "understood."
"i have a question," he steps closer, and you move your cart closer so alora is near you. he notices but doesn't say anything. you could never be too careful around men.
"is this good for babies? i'm new to the whole father thing," he shrugs cluelessly, referring to the powder. he did look lost, maybe he genuinely needed help.
"i only use it for her neck because babies tend to sweat around that area. don't put it on their private area or else they'll get a rash."
"got it, thank you."
"no problem."
"next time i'll be more careful, i tend to—lose control when it comes to intimacy. i think that's why i'm cursed with twins," he shakes his head. the way he said control had you flustered, inappropriate images flashing in your head. stop it. you'd never cheat no matter how horny you were.
"twins are a blessing. they can lean on each other when they need to. i wanted her to be a twin. it's stressful, but having a child is the most precious thing on this earth."
his face lights up. "i'll keep that in mind."
"you take care," you wave, pushing your cart away to head to checkout.
"getou," he gives you his name, you smile, ignoring the way he stares at your ass as you turn the corner.
the two of you have been out for two hours now, feeling the delicate drizzle of rain on your skin as you enter the hair store to grab some things for todo's hair. you might do it if he acted right tonight. alora fell asleep on the way home, the weather getting to you both as you yawn while bringing her inside before it started pouring. unlocking the door, you walk in to find todo passed out sleep on the couch, sighing, not surprised. removing alora's outside clothes, changing her diaper, and getting her ready for bed, you cradle her in your arms as you approach the kitchen, her cheek on your chest, listening to your heartbeat while you warmed her up another bottle.
  todo hasn't moved an inch since you walked inside. as the muffled sound from the microwave overtakes the home, you rock alora and gently pat her back while studying your fiance. buff arm resting behind his head while his palm relaxed on his chiseled stomach, shirt risen slightly flaunting his godly carved abs. one knee pulled high while the other laid flat. his soft snores almost made you want to leave him alone, but you weren't going to. if anything, you should be in his position, knocked out after he fucked you dumb. there's no way you were going to bed unsatisfied. you refused to masturbate, because for what? he was right there to give you exactly what you needed. besides, he owed you.
everything you've done today, or for as long as alora's been created, he could at least cater to your needs. and it's not like you haven't had sex since she was born, it's just been less than what you fancied. the two of you used to go at it every day, if not every other day. anywhere, everywhere. and now that you have a child, he feels like he can't continue those deeds. like the spark is gone. that you have to result to being only parents and not lovers.
so, you take your chance. alora's fast asleep after you play her lullaby tunes, softly padding your feet along the gray carpet to get to him. you pull your locs away from your face, gently easing yourself onto him, arching above him with your face inches apart. he's so perfect, you think. and he still smelt so good. you gently run your hands under his shirt, chest pressing to his as you settle your face in the crook of his neck, dropping your bottom lip to kiss at his neck, hand coming to clutch the nape of his neck as you leave a dark mark on the area. he groans in his sleep, shuffling his body until his arms fall beside you, a hand on the back of your thigh.
whimpering, you push your ass down until your soppy cunt is just above the outline of his dick, grinding slowly and maneuvering your kisses upside his jaw, wet kisses sloppy and desirous. you hum as he moves again, unaware that he's awake now as he grips your waist and shakily heaves.
"baby," todo's voice is hoarse in your ear, his hand tracing up your backside until his palm clutched the back of your neck, jaw slacking once your tongue slicks behind his ear, swaying your hips. you pretend you don't hear him, rearing your face to see his flushed image, his eyes drooped, a red pigmentation in his cheeks. he couldn't speak, or he should say he didn't want to. he was just dreaming about you, and seeing you in this needy state, touching him and teasing the most sensitive region out of his entire body—he wasn't going to stop you.
he feels a wet patch right on his sweats, instantly telling him that you weren't wearing underwear, and god, were you wet as fuck. those devilish eyes of yours stared into his, a grin on your face as you grab his jaw and turn his face to the side, breathing over the adam's apple in his throat before biting delicately, todo hissing and throwing his head back with ecstasy. his groggy voice makes the lewdest sonances the faster you dry-hump him, your mouth on his skin the cruelest.
"taste so good," he knows it's bad when his eyes scroll back after hearing the purr in your voice. he damn near whines when you withdraw your lips, enlarged irises watching you crawl below him, taking your seat between his legs. teeth on your lips, you hook your fingers at the band of his pants and slowly tug them down, moaning as you see how hard he was, curved dick bigger than your hand, pulsating and leaking with precum.
a wave hits his stomach as your hot salivated mouth wraps around his tip, heaving as you glance at him while spitting down his cock, hand around the base as you swallow him down your throat, hips riding the air. todo curses, eyebrows scrunched together, trying to keep his voice low so he won't wake the baby he knew was sleep. your hand is flat on his tummy, shaft just between the hook of your thumb and pointer finger, the rest sprawled out to hold him still. the other hand glides along with the pace of your mouth, spit coating your chin and it's really a sight to see. hearing you messily gulp around him, todo balls up his fist beside him, lips ajar and you're admiring the sharpness of his jaw he clenched.
he chokes as you shove him down wholly, hips twitching and you stay there for a few seconds before releasing him, lips even fuller. he wanted to kiss you so bad. you deserved it. blowing a cherry, you lay your head on his abdomen, dick directly in your face. todo observes curiously as you hike your dress up and drag your arm under yourself, fingers rolling on your drenched clit with excitement. you recoil from your own touch, the lack of sexual contact making you tender. if you teased yourself too much you're sure you'll cum.
an oval gold mirror that sat on the floor gave todo a view that had him twitching on your lips, your hot pants along his cock not helping either. dainty fingers fucking yourself, two of them deep inside your pussy, wetness dripping down your thighs as you moan with a high pitch, kissing his dick sensually slow, todo's leg rising up.
"baby, come on," his hand reaches for your head to thrust into your mouth, but you're already grasping his wrist and pinning it down, todo making a noise of disapproval. if he could tease you for days, you were allowed to do the same to him now.
now he's blushing once you remove your fingers and suck on them, wetly kissing up his stomach until you reached your original position. you still haven't said a word to him, in a way giving him the silent treatment yet taking what was yours while you're at it. todo stares at you as you lift your ass, sinking back onto him at your own pace. it takes a minute to fully relax, trying to accommodate his size. sometimes it'd go in without a hassle. once it did, and you sunk down entirely, todo's reflexes have his hands on your ass where he pinched the second you tensed around his cock.
"what the—fuck," todo gasps, the feeling so goddamn good. he couldn't grasp what it was, if you're tighter, if you're wetter, or if he's madly horny. whatever it is, he's already fucking bottoming out. "oh my god."
you're shaking, tears welling in your eyes from the foreign pleasure. this is all you wanted for days. todo catches your lips endearingly, pulling you flat to his chest, heaving in your mouth and slapping your ass. you try not to giggle, taking both his hands and entwining your fingers, pinning his arms straight above his head. yours are tight in his palm while his are sprawled out, too hazy and weak to add in any force.
"fuck, baby," he's whining this time, unable to keep his attention on you as you fuck him slow, rolling your hips and clapping your ass back. he knows now how badly he needed this as much as you did. to hear your whimpers as you buried your face between his neck and rode him, skin clapping quietly. he missed this, he missed feeling you.
you can't stop, crying in his shoulder blade with drool at the side of your mouth, todo tucking some of your locs behind your ear, moving them off your back, your dress high on your waist, the rolls on your body almost swallowing it up. he holds the side of your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb and slipping his tongue into your mouth, bottom lip gliding over your chin as he kisses you sloppily, smacking without a steady flow since the two of you were too busy moaning your heads off.
  todo doesn't appreciate your lack of vocabulary, the silent intimacy, and the sudden flooding rain outside a comforting addition of passion . . . but he couldn't get to where he needed unless he heard you speak.
  "not gonna talk to me?" todo jeers. you roll your glossed lips, trying to keep your eyes open and stay focused. no, you think. there's no need to talk right now. you scream when he angles his hips sideways after bringing your left leg up to hook his hand under the curve of your knee, turning to the side and pushing you up against the couch, pounding deep inside you. "how 'bout now, hmm? can you tell daddy how you feel? you like it, right?"
  "yes, fuck! it's s'good," you slur, your tears making you hiccup, todo's face hovering over yours.
  "i know you do," he hums. "i just wanted to hear you say it out loud."
  he pays close attention to the faces you make, your lack of ability to look him in the eye while he fucked you into the plush sofa, jolting beside him, sloppy cunt squelching ridiculously loud. you reach over him to claw at his ass that flexed each time he thrusts, chin on his clothed chest as you wailed, feeling so full, your limit already near. he hits it harder from a better position, that spot that makes your toes curl and your vision blur, getting the breath absolutely knocked out of you.
  "fuck you feel so good, fuck you feel so fucking good," todo rambles on your cheek, cock sheathed deep inside you, arousal sticking to his ample thighs. it was such a privilege to have a pretty girl like you locked in his arms, the buff man like a warm weighted blanket.
  at one point you were getting too loud, clit getting friction from the pubic hairs on his pelvis you're conjoined with in a sense. he reaches under you, forearm to your chest while his palm covers your mouth, stifling your tones only the slightest. he could never keep you quiet, not that it was a bad thing, but right now you two weren't the only ones in the house.
"baby, oh my god, b-baby," his hips are stuttering now, mouth open over your forehead. "fuck, i'm gonna cum. i'm cumming, baby."
  shit. he always sounded so pretty when he moaned, driving you mad every time. you've gotten so used to him sounding weak and fucked out that you couldn't cum if he didn't make those noises. he knew his way around your body, but your mind controlled it all. what you liked to see, but hear at most. you were so entranced by sound that it was the only key to a proper orgasm. whether it be his voice, the illicit sound of him eating you out, skin hitting skin. . . there had to be something. and you were glad he wasn't one of those men to hold back.
  he raises your leg a little higher, leaning over you more until you're pressed flat into the sofa, his incautious rambles of 'take it, fucking take it' as he stills inside you and cums deep, tossing his head back while he fucks away his orgasm. by now you prepared yourself for his insane breeding kink, signing up for monthly birth control supplements for your sake. your back arches into him as you came, todo hissing as he continued to fuck you to give you all the pleasure you craved.
  "mmph, no," you tremble, digging your nails into his hips to stop him, but he doesn't, or he can't since he didn't have the strength to fully pull away. whenever he tried, you pulled him deeper with every clench you made.
  "you always talk about me being the loud one," you playfully roll your eyes.
  "whatever," he does the same.
  "my couch," your eyes go wide with alert, feeling the mixture between your thighs dripping low. "todo!"
  "alright," he chuckles, laying on his back so you're on top again. "i'll get the towel in a minute, i can't move."
  "mhm," by now your dress shifted every which way, only your nipples peeking out from your top. you lazily rest your head on his chest.
  "she didn't wake up," he catches, not hearing a single cry from alora. "the doors closed?"
  "no," you cover your mouth, giggling. "i think she was just really sleepy. she's been up since you were."
  "mhm," he closed his eyes. "i work too much, huh?"
  "yes," you say bluntly.
  "i'm sorry, i'll try to make more time for you. you and your needs are more important."
  "they are."
  he laughs, your selfishness humorous to him.
  "i really liked that lavender set you wore earlier," todo says. you lift your head, stunned that he did notice you wore it. "i didn't say anything because lately, you've been shooting down my compliments as if you don't deserve them. if i say you look pretty, or i like your stretch marks. . . you groan with an attitude. stop thinking that you don't look good after having a baby, 'cause you do, mamas."
  your cheeks warm from the nickname, shyly hiding your face in your hair. he tells you to look at him, yet you don't. that is until he grabs your chin and pulls you in. "pretty girl, aren't you? say yes."
  "i'm pretty," you roll your eyes so he could leave you alone, wanting to fall asleep already.
  he spanks you, and you gasp, eyes wide. "aoi fuckin' todo!"
  "you're beautiful," todo pecks your lips, you pout, trying not to cry. "that's one of the many reasons why i'm marrying you."
  "thank you," you curl into him, whimpering in defeat. his sweet affirmations were too much for your heart. "i love you."
  "i love you too."
© 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖑𝖊. please do not repost, steal, or modify my work simply because it is mine. stealing isn't cute. i'll ruin your life ♡
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landinoandco · 3 years
Hey could you do one with max verstappen, where the reader a fight about him not helping around the house (witch he doesnt do because he is just tired from working hard but the reader dont know) so they yell at max and he suddenly walks away but then they find him crying in bed, because hes overworked and feels like hes never gonna be good enough at being a driver and the readers boyfriend. And feels like he can only dissapoint the reader, his dad and cristian. But the reader comforts him. Tnx
Because I'm not good enough...
Max Verstappen x Reader
Tumblr media
Warnings: angsty
Word count: 2 k
Requests are open :)
You were sat at the dining room table, staring out at the empty seat in front of you. Your arms crossed across your chest and your lip in between your teeth. You had been sat there for an hour - in the grand scheme of things an hour didn’t seem like such a long time but it was his final warning and an hour was just long enough to allow for your anger to boil over.
Dinner was in the fridge - the same dinner you had cooked an hour ago, your phone lay screen up on the table - the same phone you used to call Max two hours and a half hours ago, he told you he was on his way home. Home whilst you were in the UK was 25 minutes away from the Redbull HQ. This was becoming a regular occurrence, some nights he would come home so late that you had already taken yourself to bed. The atmosphere in the house seemed to freeze over whenever he was around even though you were yet to come out of summer, there was something hanging over the pair of you - unspoken feelings and as of now a red hot anger that threatened to escape from your usually composed nature.
Ever since the championship had taken a turn in the favour of Redbull, Max had started to become much more distant. It started off with him not inviting you along to the races, leaving on the Wednesday before race weekend and sometimes not seeing him until the following Tuesday and that was on a stand alone race weekend. On the triple headers, it could be nearing two weeks until you two were spared 5 minutes alone and even then it was a brief conversation before he rushed back to the factory or to train.
You thought you knew what you signed up for and since yours and Max’s relationship and that was three years ago so you thought you had seen it all - been through it all with him, witnessed every high and every low. This was a new territory and you knew that if it wasn’t tackled soon -
The click of the door lock echoed in the hallway, you straightened in your seat - eyes locked ahead of you and your knee bouncing.
Max sighed loudly and wiped his hand over his face, it had been a long day - he had been at the factory up until Christian had invited him out to lunch, it was nice to catch up with his boss and Max felt like he owed the man so much; guiding him through the years that had led up to the moment they found themselves in. Max felt like over the past years he had matured as a person, sometimes still short tempered but being an F1 driver it wasn’t necessarily a bad trait. After his lunch with Christian, his dad had called him - the less said about the conversation the better. By the time you had called, the last thing he wanted to do was come home and risk upsetting you. He had taken himself on a run - to clear his head and focus on what he was going to say to you because he felt like something definitely needed to be said.
He also owed a lot to you, you had put up with so much over the years and standing by his side even when he had made a mistake - although you were very quick to tell him when he was in the wrong. You seemed to be on his level, a blunt and forward look at life - there was no time for dawdling about when you had things to be done. Life was short and there was no time to waste.
Recently however, he was putting so much pressure and stress on himself about work that the hours slipped away from him and so did the time spent with you. He felt the atmosphere change around the pair of you - as though he was always walking on thin ice, the cracks beginning to show. The guilt he felt was nothing like he had ever felt before, all he wanted to do was talk to you but he was scared of pushing you away - which is ironic because not talking and letting the pent up anger build up was having the same effect. He was never that good when it came to talking about how he felt - as much as he wanted to he felt as though he would be a burden and that he would put too much pressure on you. He could never tell you what he really felt like inside. It was embarrassing, he knew that a professional athlete should never feel what he felt. It weakened him and having weaknesses in a sport like Formula 1 was not an option.
Max shrugged his coat off and walked through to the main room of the apartment - the room where you were sat waiting to pounce as though he was your unsuspecting prey.
He offered a tired smile, in response he got a sneer. Swallowing hard, you felt the anger take over, like some monster escaping from a cage.
“I have been sitting here for an hour, Max -” You shot to your feet, pointing at the table, your voice cracked slightly. “For months, you’ve been leaving me - it’s me who’s been cooking for us both, cleaning, washing - everything, Max. By myself.” You were shouting now, your heart threatening to break free from your chest. Max just stood there, a blank expression on his face - his gaze fixed to the ground. “I don’t understand what went wrong, Max. We were happy, hell, we spoke to each other. Now, I’m alone. In fact, I may as well be alone if this doesn’t change.” The words had fallen out of your mouth before you had any time to consider them - or the consequences. Your eyes went round with shock and you fell back to your seat. A loud silence filled the room.
Max, too, had not expected the words that had initiated the silence. He opened his mouth, eyes still on the ground, then closed it again before raising his head and looking you dead in the eye.
“You don’t mean that.” He managed to mutter, barely being able to raise his voice any louder. He felt a tired emptiness, this was the last thing he had wanted to happen.
“That’s all you have to say to me.” You rounded on him again, angry tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
“No - I -” He stuttered, then closed his eyes, inhaling slowly, “I just don’t think we should talk things through whilst you’re angry -” He saw you about to interject, when he raised his hands. “You have every right to be. That’s not what I’m saying. I think we should wait to talk about it so we don’t say things we are going to regret later.” Max could feel his throat constricting, he was battling to keep his emotions at bay.
You sniffed and nodded slowly, placing your head in your hands - hot tears escaping and shoulders tensed.
Max swallowed thickly, his eyes swimming with tears. He made a move and after no interruption left the room. He had only made it to the stairs before he collapsed, the fatigue getting the better of him. He was such an idiot, a fact he was certainly aware of now, how could he have let things get this bad. Did that make him a selfish person?
He couldn’t hold it in any longer, a harsh sob escaping from his mouth - fingers shaking and his head a loud mess.
As soon as Max had left the room, you had gotten up to get some water - when you paused, a sound catching your attention - a deep sounding sob. You waited, a line appeared between your brows. Slowly and carefully, you inched towards the door - waiting with baited breath for the sound again.
It was coming from the stairs and there was only one person it could be. Regret instantly pooled in the pit of your stomach, you hadn’t meant for him to cry. You were just so angry and he needed to know that.
“Max.” You called out softly, unsurprisingly there was no response. You went in the direction of the stairs and hunched over in front of you was your boyfriend - attempting to stifle his sobs. You rushed forwards, placing your arms around his shoulders and pulled his body into yours. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around your waist. You kissed the top of his head, stroking his hair as he continued to cry - you allowed him to empty his emotions out; some tears of your own betraying you entirely.
“I’m sorry, I really am.” Came a muffled voice. Pausing, you released your hold of him and placed your hands either side of his face - offering him a watery smile. Then, using your sleeves you wiped his tears away - he watched your every move, waiting for you to say something. When you didn’t, he braced himself - lips trembling; he knew it was now or never. He had to tell you how he really felt.
“I’m not good enough.” He stated simply, his eyes glossy. Your forehead furrowed. “I’m never going to be good enough to take the championship, I’m going to let everyone down. Everyone that has ever believed in me - it doesn’t matter what I do, how much work I put in - I’m never good enough. And you -” He paused, meeting your gaze, a lump forming in the back of your throat. “I keep letting you down, time and time again. I was the one who caused this, I’m never going to be good enough for you.”
“If you believe that -” You began, kissing the newly formed tears away, “Then I will eat your race shoe.” You moved to sit next to him on the stairs, pulling him into your side. “Why didn’t you tell me that’s how you felt.”
You felt Max shrug, the side of his head resting on yours. “I didn’t want to burden you with all of my problems, you already put up with so much.”
“I will always have time for you, Max.” Grasping his hand in yours, “You are enough, you are more than enough. You are Max Verstappen, the fastest, strongest guy I know.” You chuckled lightly, “I know it may sometimes feel like that and that’s ok. You are putting yourself through so much - maybe, it’s time to give some consideration for your personal life. It’s unhealthy to work all of the time - then we run into issues like these.” You spoke softly, almost whispering but you could tell he was hanging onto every word you spoke. “I love you, Max. I don’t know what I would do without you.” You admitted, turning your head to look at him. He chewed on his bottom lip, processing your words.
“I love you too, more than anything.” He murmured, placing his forehead on yours. You lifted your head slightly to leave a soft kiss on his nose, earning the corners of his lips to quirk up.
Closing your eyes, you relished being in his arms again, to have him close to you. You had missed it. You had missed him. Both of you knew you had a lot to work through, that it wouldn’t simply disappear but both of you were going to do it together. Hand in hand. And that was more than enough.
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Midge finds herself in the care of Dr. Benjamin and Dr. Mei
(Fashionable People universe. I picked one Doctuh)
"Mei, I don't know what happened, she just collapsed."
Mei takes a breath and rushes into the bungalow quickly, her doctors bag in hand, and reaches out to squeeze Kitty's wrist comfortingly.
Everyone but Lenny is at Steiner's this year. He's got gigs in Boston and and a few back in Manhattan, so he's skipping most of the Catskills excursion this summer, leaving Midge with all three kids to keep track of (Kitty is thirteen now, Ethan is fourteen, and Esther is ten) and a lot of people vying for her attention.
"It's okay, honey, we'll get it figured out," she says gently, before rushing over to Midge, still crumpled on the floor. Her pulse is strong, and she's breathing, but she's burning up. "Kitty, has she been out a lot today?"
"Most of the day," Kitty nods. "Shirley and Rose kept dragging her to activities and events, she's barely sat down all day."
Mei nods. "I'm guessing she's got heat exhaustion. Kitty, go get me some ice water, and we need to get her into something lighter to wear."
Kitty nods and rushes off as Mei gently starts to shift Midge onto the couch.
Midge takes a breath and starts to come too, her eyes a little dazed. "Mei..?"
"Midge, how are you feeling?"
"I...I don't..."
"It's really hot here this year, and you've been running around all day, Kitty said," Mei explains gently. "You're suffering from some heat exhaustion but you're going to be just fine."
"He's not here, remember? He has gigs," Mei says. She knows full well this would be unlikely to happen with Lenny keeping an eye on things. Just like her and Joel, Midge and Lenny are better as a team.
"Oh. Right. Right." Midge sits up slowly, and Mei helps her unzip her dress as Kitty comes in with ice water,a a pair of shorts and a thin t-shirt from Midge's suitcase.
"Everything okay?!"
"Go away, Joel!" Mei calls.
Joel doesn't listen, leaning in and stopping as he watches his current wife pull his ex-wife's dress off and start to unhook some of the more complicated undergarments.
"Hey, get out!" Kitty squeaks, getting up to shoo him away.
"What the hell is happening?" Joel snaps as he's pushed by the small teenager.
"She has heat exhaustion, and she needs to get cool, fast," Mei explains. "Leave."
Kitty shoves him out onto the porch and slams the door. "This stupid family sometimes, I swear," she breathes as she heads back over to her stepmother.
They get Midge into the shorts and shirt, and Mei helps her drink some water.
"I'm so sorry," Midge says, as she starts to come back to herself more. "Mama wanted to go to the salon, and then Shirley wanted me to do a nature walk tour with her, and then Astrid talked me into walking over to the temple to pray, but then Papa needed to talk about something going on at the paper, and then-"
"Your entire family forgot you have fragile health," Mei rolls her eyes, cursing in Chinese under her breath. "And you don't know how to say no to them when Lenny isn't here."
Midge looks away, a little ashamed. "Well...yeah. There's that."
"Okay," Mei says. "You're going to stay here for the rest of the day. Lots of water. I'll have one of the resort kids bring over some food, and I'm going to tear each of your relatives a new asshole."
"I can stay with Midge," Kitty offers.
"Oh, no, Sweetie," Midge breathes. "You go have fun."
"It's okay, Mom, really. I have a huge stack of books I haven't gotten a chance to read yet," Kitty shrugs. "I can stay."
Mei nods. "Good. Do not let her leave this adorable little house. If anyone comes to try and drag her out of this adorable little house, the answer is 'go away, Midge isn't feeling well.'"
Kitty salutes and dashes off for her books, as Mei helps Midge drink more water.
"She called you mom," Mei grins a little.
Midge smiles. "Remember? We don't make a big deal out of that."
"Nice, though, huh?"
"It is." She takes a breath and sips more water, looking less dazed. "Thank you, Mei. Really. I- I should have slowed down today. I got caught up in everything, and I was feeling really good this morning."
"Just remember," Mei says lightly. "If you drop dead at this place, Lenny will drive here from Boston, burn this entire place to the ground, and your father won't have anymore of that tomato juice he can't stop raving about."
Midge grins a little. "Noted."
"Joel is probably waiting for me outside, losing his whole mind," Mei tells her. "Rest. Hydration. Low temperatures."
"Yes, Doctor."
Mei nods and pats her shoulder before getting up and heading out the door.
Kitty hops down the stairs, then, an enormous armful of books along with her. She sets them down, and then lays on the floor in front of Midge to read.
"I'm really sorry, Kitty," Midge says softly.
"It's okay," Kitty shrugs. "It's really hot out, and I'm starting to get sunburned, so an afternoon inside isn't so bad."
Midge smiles a little and grabs a magazine from the coffee table to busy herself while her stepdaughter gets lost in A Wrinkle in Time, but soon finds herself asleep.
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cptsdstudyblr · 3 years
how to stay cool in inhumane temperatures
Since it's already gotten above 41°C (105°F) where I live in the subtropics and is going to keep getting hotter and hotter through the summer, here are some simple, easy-to-do ideas to keep cool during the summer. A lot of people will already know this, but for people who have moved out from home recently, didn't grow up somewhere hot, or are in a variety of other situations, this list may be helpful:
Don't run hot appliances. If it's hot out, you can air-dry clothes - you don't need to run the dryer. I try not to use my oven in the summer, and I usually try to only use the stove once a day (if possible). I also always (even in winter, but especially in summer) wash my clothes in cold water. It's better for them, and it doesn't require heating water when it's already hot.
If you have a grill or a way to cook outside, that may be a good option. It keeps the heat generated by cooking outside your home. Otherwise, keep the vent on while you're using your indoor stove to vent the hot air out as much as possible.
In my experience, if you have an air-con, it's probably best to keep your windows closed to keep the cool air in. Otherwise, if you don't have an air-con, open your windows and set up a cross-breeze.
If you have an air-con and are worried about cost, it saves a lot of money to keep it hot in your house during the day and comfortably cool at night. In my experience, turning the air-con on about 2 hours before I go to sleep is enough to cool it down to a more comfortable temperature.
Fans are your best friend. My ceiling fan is on 24/7, and I have several other fans I use as needed. These can also be used in your cross-breeze.
You can put a bowl of ice in front of a fan to blow cold air through your home if necessary.
If the sun is making it hot inside your home, close your blinds and curtains. If you need to keep your windows open for ventilation, close just the blinds/curtains necessary to block the brightest/hottest part of the sunlight.
If you're looking for a new place, pay attention to the amount of summer sun it will get. If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, south-facing windows typically get direct sun through the entire day, east- and west-facing windows get it about half the day, and north-facing windows get no direct sun. If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, reverse the north- and south-facing windows.
If you live somewhere tropical, subtropical, or just humid, and you can afford to, consider investing in a dehumidifier. Only do this if you have an air-con and can keep your windows closed. If your windows are open, there's no point because you'd just be trying to dehumidify the outdoors.
Depending on where you are, it's likely a lot cooler at night and in the early morning. Opening your windows (even with an air-con) at night may help cool your home, and taking advantage of the cooler early morning air will allow you to get outside safely and comfortably.
Even if you still like taking hot showers in the heat, rinse in really cold water when you finish. You'll start from being cool and not from being hot - in the heat, it's easier to warm up than cool down.
If you get too hot, putting ice or cold water on the back of your neck is one of the best ways to cool down. A cold shower can also help.
Staying hydrated is extra important in the heat! Make sure to drink a lot of water and potentially include some electrolyte drinks in the mix. Sodas, coffees, teas, energy drinks, alcohol, etc. dehydrate you so make sure to pair them with water if you still want to drink them.
Adjust your clothing to the weather. Materials like linen and cotton will help keep you cool, as will loose-fitting clothing.
Eat cool and light foods. This sounds obvious, but so many foods are either hot or really heavy and we don't necessarily think about that before choosing our meals.
Of course, sleeping with no blanket (i.e. just a sheet or nothing at all) is the coolest option. However, if you're like me and can't sleep without the weight of a blanket, here are some ideas for how to keep your bedding heat-friendly and sleep-friendly.
Having your body touching a top sheet (rather than a blanket) is much cooler. Even if you sleep under "only" a blanket, using a top sheet under the blanket will help keep you cooler.
When buying bedding, research fabrics. Some fabrics are really hot and some keep you cool. My bedding is linen, and I find that it does a great job keeping me cool. In the (extremely mild and short) winter we have here, I just add a microfiber blanket under my linen cover to keep me warmer.
My cover is a linen duvet cover from IKEA with a really thin duvet inside. IKEA duvets show their temperature rating on the packaging, so I chose one that wouldn't keep me warm at all, and it works pretty well for me, even in the heat. However, I do have a somewhat functional air-con, so this may not apply the same as it would without an air-con.
Sometimes, if I get too hot, I adjust my cover to only cover my lower torso. For me, this provides enough weight to sleep but keeps me a lot cooler.
Sleeping with no pillow also helps keep you cooler, if you can manage the discomfort of getting used to it.
Relevance to my blog: Being too hot affects my mental health, especially because it makes it hard for me to sleep. I'm pretty sure this a common experience, so I'm hopeful that these tips may help someone.
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amorgansgal · 3 years
Tumblr media
Summary:  You've just finished robbing a house in Saint Denis, when who should you bump into but our favourite outlaw? You plan on making your way home, but Mr Morgan wants to treat you first!
Warnings: Flirting, little bit of sexual tension, ice cream drippage, but mostly still fluff. Maybe more steamy fluff. 
Pairing(s): Arthur Morgan x Reader, Arthur Morgan x You, Arthur Morgan x Y/N Can be read on AO3 too.
It sometimes took you by surprise how easy it was to sneak into these parties and events. But then you knew from experience how easy it was to practically disappear into the wallpaper, when it came to these wealthy families and their never-ending calendar of social events. Saint Denis was no different. With a mop cap to hide your face, a plain grey skirt, clean blouse and the apron tucked around your waist, none of the rich party guests gave you a second look.
A couple of the servants threw odd looks your way, perhaps trying to figure out who you were and why they had never seen you before, but none of them questioned it. Even when you left the garden party, pockets loaded with valuables, your strong, quick pace meant no one questioned where you were going.
Finally, after getting away from the tall red brick building and it’s sprawling gardens, you removed the mop cap and untied the apron. You slipped both into your pockets and began the long walk back to your pony, Pepper.
The hot sun baked the street, but with the marshy swamp around the area it wasn’t a pleasant warmth. The air was humid and heavy, and you felt a trickle of sweat run down your back. You wished you had brought a fan with you, but there hadn’t been any room for it. You decided to cut through one of the city’s parks, so you could splash your face with the water from the fountain there.
The leafy, green trees in the park gave some much needed shade, and you approached the large, marble fountain at the centre with it’s gawkish looking fish spewing water from their mouths. A couple of people were dotted about the park, some sat on the edge of the fountain itself, a few on the benches. You got a few disapproving looks when you splashed the cold water on the back of your neck and then pressed your now cooler hands against your face.
Satisfied that you could at least make it across the city without getting too sweaty during the journey, you wiped your hands on your skirt and began to walk to the other side of the park. Around the pathways and stone wall that marked the outer edge of the public garden, a cluster of shops and businesses lined the street.
You briefly glanced at the tailors, debating whether you could afford a new dress, considering your current one was a little worse for wear. A pretty light blue, summer dress caught your attention in the window. It had three quarter length sleeves, with white lace around the neckline and waist, and tiny daisies dotted the amongst the blue fabric. You pursed your lips on seeing the price. Sure, it wasn’t made of silk, satin or velvet, so you could probably scrape together enough for it, but then doubtless in the weeks that followed it would only get crumpled and dirty.
You sighed and were about to turn around to continue your walk, when a voice behind you made you jump, ‘Would look good on yer.’
Arthur chuckled when he saw your expression change rapidly from one of surprise to fear then to annoyance.
‘You’ve got to stop doing that, Arthur!’ You muttered.
‘You’ve got to stop being so god damn jumpy all the time.’
‘I’ll have you know-’ and you quickly looked around, checking to make sure Arthur was the only one who could hear you. ‘I’ve just robbed a house, so yes, I’m a little jumpy.’
‘Whatcha get?’
You grinned, ‘None of your damn business.’
He smiled and rubbed a hand against his chin, ‘Aw, and there was me going to treat ya, but if you got a good enough prize, guess you can treat yourself.’
‘Treat me? What do you mean?’
‘Oh, yer still interested?’
You rolled your eyes, ‘Well if you’re just going to play games with me, Mr Morgan, I best be on my way. Pepper is waiting for me and he’d probably be better company.’
You moved away from the shop and began walking down the street, but Arthur still fell in step beside you, ‘Don’ know why you like that pony so much, he’s a stubborn, scruffy thing.’
You smiled and arched your eyebrows, ‘Guess you would know a lot about that, Arthur!’
Arthur tried to bite back his smile, and looked down at his boots, ‘I ain’t too scruffy.’
‘He’s a sweetheart really, deep down,’ You replied, then quickly glanced away, warmth rushing to your cheeks when you realised that you very much felt the same way about the man next to you.
After a short walk Arthur came to a sudden halt and gestured to a small shop tucked underneath an archway, ‘Anyway, we’re here now.’
‘Where?’ You asked, looking up at the sign over the business. La Glace Parlour. You frowned, unable to gather why you were here and what Arthur had in mind. He sighed, shook his head, then pressed a hand to the small of your back and guided you to a small sign they had in the window. Though the feeling of his warm palm against the thin material of your dress, meant your mind could barely focus on the words in front of you.
‘Ice cream, pastries and light refreshments,’ you finally read, hoping that Arthur could not feel the slight shake that ran through you as he pulled his hand away from your back. You looked up at him.
He seemed to give up on your cluelessness, and went to open the door, the quiet afternoon interrupted by the bright ring of the bell over the door. ‘You still want raspberry?’
‘Um… Raspberry ice cream?’
‘I guess, but wait-’
He didn’t and walked quickly into the shop, leaving you alone on the street and fiddling with the frayed material of your sleeve. He wasn’t long though, soon returning holding a cone topped with a reddish pink swirl of ice cream and offered it to you.
‘Oh, thank you, Arthur.’ You took the cone from him, and licked the edge of the ice cream to stop it dribbling down. You relished the sharp, zingy flavour of the raspberries and the contrast between the cold sweet treat and the warmth of the afternoon sun. You mm-ed softly and smiled at Arthur, who quickly looked away, his cheeks reddening a little.
He shrugged, ‘S’alright, saw it when I was last here, remembered what you said. Figured I’d invite you into town at some point, but as you were already here…’
‘You ain’t getting one?’ you asked.
‘Well, you should try some of mine then, it’s really good,’ you offered the cone to him.
‘Nah, that’s all yours.’
‘Feel kind of bad that you’re not having any.’ You took another lick, before glancing at the man beside you. ‘This isn’t just because you’re a big gruff outlaw who can’t have ice cream, is it?’
He choked out a laugh then. ‘What?’
‘Don’t want to ruin your fearsome reputation by enjoying something sweet!’
Arthur managed to force out a strained sounding laugh, then rubbed the back of his head and scratched under the brim of his hat. ‘No, I… no, that’s not… I can enjoy...’ he tailed off, suddenly staring at the road, as though the dust of Saint Denis and the passing coaches were the most interesting things in the world.
Perhaps it was seeing him as equally flustered and speechless, as you were normally, that left you feeling a little bolder. You dipped your thumb into the ice cream and then brushed it over his cheek. You would have almost felt bad, but his startled expression only left you in a fit of giggles.
He tried to look annoyed, but failed miserably. He lifted up his bandana. ‘I could just wipe that off with this.’
‘Oh, but then you’d ruin my fun and my devious plan, Arthur Morgan!’
He smiled, wiped his thumb against the light red stain on his cheek and popped into this mouth. You immediately remembered why you were often speechless and flustered around Arthur. His sharp blue eyes stared into your own, and you knew you were biting your lower lip while a warm flush crept up your cheeks.
He pulled his thumb from his mouth with a pop and you felt your mouth drop open, before you managed to slam it shut. Arthur gave you a slight smirk, but his eyes dropped to your hand and he quickly reached out.
‘Careful, you’ll drop it!’ His hand grabbed your own and pulled it up, so you wouldn’t drop the cone in the dirt of the path. Little dribbles of red ice cream ran down your hand, and you unthinkingly darted your tongue out to lick up the melted cream.
‘Thank you for-’ You looked up at Arthur who was staring at you so fiercely, it almost made you forget the ice cream in your hand again. Even under the shadow of his hat, his eyes were dark and stormy, pupils blown wide. You weren’t sure if you were imagining it or if you had really seen his eyes drop to your pink stained lips.
He cleared his throat, then put his hand on your back once more, and forced you to walk ahead of him, ‘Come on, can’t be late back.’
Tilly let out a small ‘hm’ when you unwrapped the brown paper parcel you had found on your bedroll a few days later, and found the blue dress dotted with daisies therein.
‘Wonder who got you that!’ she said sarcastically.
You revelled in the warm feeling that entered the pit of your stomach and pulled the dress up to look at it properly. You’d have to think of a seriously good way of thanking Arthur Morgan for his kindness.
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wingsofwater · 2 years
anyways. heres some rainwing appearance headcanons that you would really think i should actually attempt to flesh out but. nah i think its funny when nothing i write makes sense
Many dragons base their appearance off of things found in the jungle. Some look like the first thing they saw when they first hatched, others something they found pretty as a dragonet, while some see it as a contest to find the prettiest item [birds, insects, flowers, etc.] in the jungle to look like
With practice and longer exposure to the sun, dragons can apply special effects on their scales to make them appear more flashy, ranging from brighter colors to different textures and effects, such as metallics, gloss, and glitter.
Effects can also come in handy for camouflage, allowing a dragons scales to appear coarse and rough to blend into rock, fuzzy to blend into plants, or in rarer cases even glittery to blend into snow.
A dragons scales changing due to emotion isn’t a natural thing they are born with. Instead, its something they pick up from other dragons around them. A dragon raised outside of the main population will either not emote, or have a different color for different emotions [green for happy, white for peaceful, yellow for disgust, etc.]
In Glory’s case, her scales were a constant dull blue-green grey, with hints of color induced by the other dragonets around her. She doesn’t emote as she had never learned about the concept, let alone be raised around other dragons who could.
Dragons who cant see / aren’t based off a specific item have a sort of “default” appearance when they aren’t actively being something else. They can either be a combination of emotions, colors that went well together, or sometimes simply whatever they felt like being that day.
Chameleon isn’t not able to change his colors due to his lack of sun time. He just straight up has a condition where he doesn’t have functioning chromatophores that allow him to change color.
^^ If that was the case, Glory couldn’t be able to change color either?? [clears throat] moving on. more self-indulgent time smile
Some dragons have feathers that can grow in patches all over their bodies, the most common spots being the neck, wrists, and tail. These dragons are referred to as “plumed”, the other, non-feathered ones being known as “snakes”. While in other kingdoms, fur and feathers are a sign of their status, its just as easy to find a dragon with feathers in the as it is to find one without.
Plumed dragons are even sometimes seen as “prettier” to some, being able to change the colors and patterns of their feathers to something much more complicated than is allowed on a single scale.
The texture, length, and style of a plumed dragons feathers can vary wildly throughout dragon to dragon, ranging from short, soft feathers mimicking fur, to extravagant plumage that resemble the many tropical birds of the rainforest.
Dragons can also be found with antenna that match the style of their appearance, some having thin, wispy stalks like plant stems, while others can have large, plumed antenna like a moth, and few can even have long, drooping antenna like a bird of paradise’s tail feathers.
It is theorized these antenna are vestigial, left over from more primitive days before they settled down to their pacifistic lifestyle, when dragons had to hunt for their prey in the deep jungle.
Nowadays, a dragons antenna are nothing more than extra plumage, sometimes used to assist in body language and displayed similarly to the ruff around their neck [pinned back when stressed, puffed up when angry, tilted forward when interested, etc.]
and yes ofc rainwings raised outside of the jungle do mimic the flora and fauna around them too. those raised in the mountains with mimic the eagles, others raised by the beach mimic the fish, and by the off-chance one managed to be brought to the ice kingdom they would mimic the animals there too. by being white. unless it was a seal or summer-coat mammal then they would mimic that ig
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tumbling-darkling · 3 years
Miraculous Ghosts
Danny and friends visit Paris and come across trouble, as well as the cities local superheroes.
Lately, Hawkmoth has been recycling villains. There are only so many people in Paris and not everyone gets emotionally vulnerable strongly enough or long enough to be akumatized. Those that do, and commonly like Mr. Pidgeon, usually had a certain fixation that was easy to exploit. The thing was, both Marienette and Chat Noir already knew their weakness, the items that would most likely get akumatized, the whole schtick. So the battles were really fast and easy.
A new face always had to be met with caution, the lack of knowledge regarding the person was dangerous and if the pair wasn’t careful, they could end up losing the battle. And their Miraculous.
With the start of summer came tourist season, and tourists could be victims of akumatization. Which seemed to be the case within the first week. 3 villains, all new faces, but the pair had gotten lucky with the similar powers that the heroes had faced before and the three were all defeated in a timely manner.
There was a short week of nothing happening.
And then all hell broke loose.
Marienette knew the start of the tourist season had begun just based on the filled streets of strange faces, sunglasses, cameras, and the use of foreign languages. This also was noticed based on how busy her parents' shop had become, and how rarely she was managing to escape outside to enjoy some of summer's freedom. The good thing was she was able to brush up on some of her English, since the tourists usually spoke the common American language and the experience was always welcome to help boost her grades in the upcoming year. Even if it was a few months away.
She’d figured out the best way to sneak off during any attacks was to ‘use the bathroom’ or ‘accidently’ make a mess and excuse herself to clean up. It had worked during the first week and she didn’t have to do anything the past week since Hawkmoth seemed to take a break. She finished serving a young pair of Americans, a tall girl with orange hair, and a lanky boy nearly the same height with raven black hair.
She had to admit, some Americans had a certain charm, but the bustle of the kitchen quickly caught her attention as she was back to serving the next person in line.
Just as Chloe waltzed in, basically knocking the american boy over as she strutted to the front of the line, causing people to cast glares in her direction. The boy hissed when he fell, the American girl offering to help him up in English as he shook his head and stood up, dusting himself off as Marienette went to deal with the walking form of pure rich privilege. “Urg, Dupain-Cheng’s dingy little cafe? Of course she works here, it just smells like burnt bread.” She huffed.
Marienette bristled, but put on her customer service smile, noticing the poor Americans victim to Chloe leaving the shop. She was hoping to offer them a replacement after dealing with Chloe but it was a little late now. “Ma’am, unless you are here to pick up an order, you will have to wait in line like everyone else.” She strained.
“Ma’am? I am Chloe Dubois! I don’t need to wait in line like some sort of peasant! Just give me whatever you didn’t make.”
Marienette had to swallow down any returning insults and put down one of their most expensive items, handing it over with a clearly strained smile, “have a nice day.”
Chloe huffed with her baked goods in hand but left as soon as she appeared, allowing Marienette some relief. Very little damage. A little annoyance but nothing worthy of an akuma-.
An explosion was heard from outside, and Marienette groaned internally.
She just had to jinx it.
Ladybug dove off to the side as the villain shot out a ray of white, plasma-like energy. Adrien, fighting as Chat Noir, and his partner were having a hell of a time with this dude. He spotted the chaos on the news, the villain calling himself ‘Black Hole’ and giving his poor Lady a hard time. When he finally arrived on the scene, he wasn’t able to do much either.
The villain was basically a godly powerhouse, floating in the air, shooting burning rays of heated plasma, or even ice! Ice and plasma! Sometimes he MIXED the two beams to create an even WORSE beam! Whenever either of the heroes got close enough to land a hit, their punches and kicks would go right through him. Then he would DISAPPEAR. REAPPEARING AND LANDING ANOTHER HEAVY BLOW. He would fly around like gravity was non-existent, and these abilities didn’t stop there. Every so often, he would yank out this thermos looking thing and shoot out these wormholes. Or… possibly black holes. Calling them black holes felt wrong though… since they glowed green and swirled before disappearing after a few moments.
The villain's outfit was a change of pace too. It was impossible to figure out his age since he was completely covered in a thick fabric material that reminded him of space suits. Yet looked a lot less bulky than actual space suits, thin yet sturdy metal covered his forearms, and formed a backpack that was attached by a wide metal collar that spread to his collarbone and slightly covered his shoulders, as well as a metal strap that wrapped around right under his chest. A plated, metal belt circled his waist with a clip for the green black hole thermos, and thigh high boots with a similar fabric to his suit covered most of his legs, thick plastic looking platform soles attached at the feet. Black bands wrapped around the ankles of the boots. A helmet covered his entire face, a metal frame covering the bottom half like a muzzle while the top was a tinted glass dome following the shape of his head, the inside of it entirely black except for the eerie glow of a single, left eye. The helmet had a tube on the back of the helmet that connected to his backpack, but neither he or Ladybug could figure out if it was essential or for decoration. His entire colouring was monotone, much bleaker than their previous villains. His suit was black, the boots, forearm cuffs, belt, backpack and collar were all a middle shade of grey, the only flash of colour being the glow of the single toxic green eye amongst the darkness of the helmet.
The dude was disturbing. He didn’t make any sound, in fact he seemed to ABSORB the sound around him. Like they were in space.
Paris was getting destroyed more and more by the second and the two didn’t know what to do. The Lady’s lucky charm turned into a thermos, which she didn’t have a clue how to use in the situation in front of them. Maybe it was a hint? A clue about soup? Or getting the villains thermos?
The problem with the last idea was that neither he or Ladybug could TOUCH this villain. And each of them were getting worse and worse for wear by the second. He could tell Ladybug was getting ready to get some sort of help, but who could make something untouchable… touchable? Chat even tried to use cataclysm on the villain's thermos while Ladybug had distracted him, but he twisted at the last moments and grabbed Chat's hand, draining cataclysm before he tossed him aside like it was nothing.
Another blast of plasma sent the two tumbling away from each other, and then a blast of ice caught Chat off guard. Cold shot up his arm as his muscles convulsed, a scream caught in his throat as the ice trapped his arm in such a tight and sturdy prison. He twisted to try and use his free arm to claw the other out of the ice, a shadow in the corner of his vision causing him to twist and jolt in surprise as the villain stood right in front of him. The glowing green eye was cold as it bore into him, and the villain grew closer and closer, drifting off the ground and absorbing every noise around him, the air around them dropping to freezing temperatures. Chats breath formed in front of him as gasps, panic clear in the quick breaths, fear intensifying as the only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat and blood roaring through his veins.
The villain's hand shot out and grabbed his free one- the one with his miraculous.
Chat heard Ladybug cry out as the villain gripped onto the ring, a quick glance showing she too was trapped.
That she was next.
Chat tried to keep his fingers curled, but he was battered and weak, and the villain hadn’t even broken a sweat during their fight. Prying open his fingers was easy, the ring vulnerable. This was it. He used cataclysm too soon and now he was powerless. He couldn’t escape. He couldn’t save anyone. He was a failure. This was the end of Paris.
They lost.
Fucking. Vlad.
This entire trip had Danny on edge and it was all because of Vlad.
At first, he thought maybe, for once, Vlad wasn’t being a piece of shit when offering the family a fully paid trip to France for two weeks. He was suspicious. He probably just wanted the family out of town to do some shady shit. But a two week trip to France wasn’t the WORST thing a man could do. Especially in comparison to kidnapping and cloning.
But then his parents got sick. A common flu. Right before the trip. And they wanted Jazz and him to experience Paris. Then Vlad offered to be a chaperone.
It was all a play to get Danny alone for two weeks and try and manipulate him.
He did manage to get Tucker and Sam to tag along, something about friends being his family and the two unused tickets his parents left behind. But Vlad knew how to separate the group. How to corner Danny at the worst moments and whisper annoying remarks in his ear as he tried to get away.
He survived a week. He only had one more week to go. Tucker and Sam were off checking out some places for lunch while Jazz and Danny went to pick up sweets for everyone to share after their meal.
Vlad was off doing who knew what so Danny had put him to the back of his mind.
The cafe they found was… well it smelled incredible. There were so many baked goods on display and the air was filled with the warm and sweet smell of the goodies. He let Jazz do most of the talking, she wanted to practice her French and Danny had recently discovered that being dubbed the ghost king meant that now he had a natural grasp on all verbal languages, including the dead ones. This meant his speech in French was almost flawless, and his understanding was like he was listening to someone speak English. He couldn’t read other languages though, just speak them. He was told though by a few locals he had an odd accent. It wasn’t an american one, just… odd.
So Jazz ordered the treats and the pair was headed out to meet Danny’s friends.
Then some blonde girl with way too much make-up basically knocked him to the ground, not even sending him a glance that indicated she knew what she did. It was annoying, but he dealt with bullies on a daily basis back at Amity Park. Well… used to. But he knew better than to waste any thought on some jerk like her. He sadly looked at the ruined cat paw shaped cookies, the icing ruined and the cookies crushed under his weight when he fell.
Standing up with the help of Jazz, they left the shop as Danny insisted on finding somewhere to wash off the icing stuck to his shirt. He liked this shirt too… he hoped it wouldn’t stain too badly. It was better than ectoplasm at least, that stuff needed to be burned out, there was no such thing as washing out ectoplasm.
Jazz asked to help, but Danny brushed her off, telling her he could easily clean himself off by himself.
And then Vlad chose that moment to corner him.
“Hello Daniel.”
Danny splashed water wildly as he spun around to glare at the older Halfa, hissing out an ‘Ancients!’ in surprise. “What the hell, Vlad?” He spat, “sneaking up on a kid in the bathroom? I should just call the police and tell them about all that stalking you like to do.”
“Aren’t you tired of this childish game?” He hummed.
“Not really, seeing as I’m a child and I love games,” Danny sneered.
“I’m older, more experienced, and stronger. I am also patient, little badger. And it’s easy to wear you down. By the end of this trip, you are going to be begging to be my-.”
“Son? Pet? Little slave that does everything you ask? Sorry, Vladdy, but I ain’t the type to listen to crazy fruit loops. How about you go enjoy the company of your French rich friends like that Agreste dude instead of stalking me and trying to get with my mom and kill my dad. Might do you some good to make more friends than just your cat.”
“Oh Daniel, you throw your petty insults but I know ways to break you even further. You know, a lot of accidents happen in Paris. Terrible things.”
Danny felt his eyes flash as he spun on his heel, “listen to me, if you even consider-!”
“Not to mention your brand new ghostly responsibilities as… the ghost king? Imagine that. A child as the king. You don’t even know everything about ghosts.”
“Neither do you!” Danny spat.
“Oh but I know so much more. And I could easily teach you-.”
“Just shut up!”
“When you mess up, when the ghost zone begins to fall apart, you will wish you took my offer, but I may not be as forgiving when that happens.”
“I said shut up!”
“And we both know the moment the ghost zone falls apart, so will this world. All because a boy became king and didn’t take help he was so graciously offered.”
Something inside him shifted, and Danny suddenly felt his mind cloud, a deep voice echoed his mind.
“A cruel man harassing a young teen that wants nothing to do with him. A shame when someone can’t take a hint.
Black Hole. I am Hawkmoth. I can give you the power to show this old man that he never should consider looking in your direction ever again.
All I ask is for Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculous. Do this for me, and Vlad Masters will never be an issue for you ever again.”
Danny’s clouded mind and building rage smirked at the offer, his voice echoing as he glanced up at Vlad who was giving him a confused look. “Yes, Hawkmoth.”
Darkness engulfed him and then his memory began to fail him.
A boomerang slammed into Black Hole’s head, causing it to jerk to the side and a small crack formed on the glass that was hit. The metal boomerang dropped to the ground and Black Hole slowly looked down at it as a robotic voice cried out from it, “ghost detected!” And then a recorded voice spouted out, “take that, spook!”
Black Hole’s head slightly tilted at the noise it made, a hand subconsciously rubbing the crack it left behind. Then he twisted his gaze back to Chat Noir, going back to taking the hero’s miraculous.
Then a shout came from behind Black Hole and Chat caught the eyes of a teenage girl yelling and holding a bat over her head. Black Hole twisted, his body turning that transparent look whenever Chat or Ladybug had tried to hit him before, and Chat knew that it was useless. “No! Stop! Get out of here-!” He screamed at the citizen, but stopped when the bat connected with the villain's head and sent him flying into a wall.
Chat was at a loss for words for once in his life, watching the villain slowly pry himself from the wall from being hit by a baseball bat when he and Lady couldn’t land a single hit. He looked back at the citizen and shrieked as she raised the bat above her head and swung down at him, flinching and squeezing his eyes shut. She hit something, causing it to shatter and then- his hand was free!
He opened his eyes and looked at his hand in awe and then back at the girl, “who the heck are you?”
She huffed, dropping the bat casually on her shoulder, “Sam Manson. Friend of the idiot that didn’t do his research before taking a trip here. I’m surprised this didn’t happen earlier.”
Chat blinked, “you- you know that’s your friend? And knew this would happen?”
Sam shrugged, “the booo-merang is never wrong. And yeah, my friend there is not exactly the most emotionally stable person on the planet. Sorry it took us a while to get here. You guys really do move fast.”
Chat just opened and closed his mouth a few times, then yelled as she suddenly swung the bat again and smacked the villain in the gut as he got close during their exchange, knocking him sideways but not down like the first time. Black Hole turned again, making a snarling sound before he was blasted by some sort of green ray and sent flying sideways, rolling along the pavement before smashing into a car. Another teen jogged over with Ladybug behind him, dropping his hands to his knees as he wheezed, “I have ran… way too much for this to be considered a vacation.”
“M’Lady-, what is going on?” Chat asked.
“This is Tucker, and his friend Sam, and they know how to help,” Ladybug quickly explained, glancing back at Black Hole. “We need to draw his attention and get that thermos off of him, then Sam and Tucker can use this,” she held up the thermos from her lucky charm, “and we can get his akuma.”
“Akuma is in the thermos, knock it off,” Chat summarized. He heard his miraculous beeping, a sign he was close to his limit.
“Let’s end this fast.”
Ladybug held the booo-merang in one hand as the two teens and Chat drew Black Hole’s attention, the teens equipped with weapons that seemed to get past some of Black Holes abilities.
She narrowed her gaze, waiting for the perfect moment, then threw the weapon, watching it arch in the air then knock the thermos off of the villain's waist. The thermos clattered to the ground and drew his attention, he quickly twisted and dove to try and retrieve it, which was when a bright beam erupted from the polka dot thermos Ladybug had given the teens. The beam caught the villain's legs and he was tugged back, his form pulling towards it like taffy as he twisted and a horrid scream of anger burst from him. He tried to escape it, flailing and reaching for anything to hang on to, but in a matter of seconds he was pulled into the canister and Sam slammed the lid shut. The screaming stopped and Ladybug made her way over to Black Hole’s thermos, stomping on it and crushing it, releasing the Akuma hidden inside. With a flick of her wrist her lucky charm turned back into its original form, dumping Black Hole onto the street, then the butterfly was caught and purified, and another click of her miraculous, she let the little bug flutter away harmlessly. With a shout, ‘Miraculous Ladybug!’, everything around them was engulfed in black and red as the damages were undone around them.
At last, the villain's form was released of Hawkmoth's influence and it left a lanky teen laying on the street. He slowly sat up with a groan and a hand to his head and she then realized it was the same teen as from the shop. So once again, this was Chloe’s fault. She turned her attention to the two teens that helped her, noticing Chat let out a hasty farewell and thanks and disappeared around a corner. “Thank you, both of you. Without your help… well, without your help we may have lost that battle. But how in the world did you do that?”
“What the fuck just happened?” The teen groaned, “I feel like the booo-merang smacked me in the head like… fifty times.”
“That’s because I may have smacked you a few times with the fenton creep stick,” Sam shrugged as she helped her friend up who gave her wide eyes in return.
“You fucking what?”
Tucker took a step forward to answer Ladybug’s question, “let's just say back in our town, we have very specific supervillains that have abilities that make it hard for regular attacks to land. So we have specialized gear. Sam and I did a bit of research before heading here and figured if any of us got Akumatized, we may reflect some of those traits.”
“I… see…” Ladybug hummed, “and where did you say you were all from?” The three cast a few glances between each other, but before any of them could answer, her miraculous beeped angrily as she quickly realized she was out of time. “Thank you again for your help, if we could meet again to exchange some of that tech to make sure this never happens again-,” she quickly tried to set up a meet up before Sam held up a hand.
“This won’t happen again. A lot of what happened here is very unique to Amity, so once we finish our vacation, you won’t see this kind of thing ever again.”
Ladybug only had more questions but the angry beeping only forced her to nod and bid a quick farewell before getting out of sight to let Tiki take a rest. Marienette held out a few macaroons for Tiki as her thoughts swirled in her head. The questions about the odd American trio and how they knew how to deal with a villain as unique as Black Hole.
She may be able to corner them later. They did say they had to ‘finish their vacation.’
And in the meantime, it was time to do some research on this place called ‘Amity’.
Danny didn’t remember a lot of what happened while he was the villain, Black Hole. It was like a dream, he kinda remembered the feeling, vague details, but nothing specific.
What he wished he remembered was whatever he did to Vlad. He must have done something because his memories cut out right after Vlad harassed him in the bathroom and after the event, the froot loop avoided him during the entire trip. Even refused to make eye contact!
What he would give just for a few seconds of that memory! Or for someone to have recorded it!
For now though he got to reap the rewards, flashing his eyes green when Vlad would glance over and causing the man to flinch. Oh man, he was going to abuse this newfound intimidation ability till the bitter end.
163 notes · View notes
theasstour · 3 years
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𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 𝟏𝟎.𝟏𝐤 𝐍𝐁: 𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥, 𝐚𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭
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Monday, 25 September 2017
It was strange to Y/N that she was enjoying herself as much as she was just then in an educational setting. In school, she had never really liked any of the subjects besides English, and here at uni, she got to sit and listen to professors who were truly experts on English literature ramble on about Othello and specific analysis on act 3 scene 3. She loved every single second of it, and was sure she could sit there for hours on end just listening to her professors. At one point she was sure this would all get tiring and she’d hate University, but in that moment, hearing her professor, Richard, talk about things that truly interested her, was such a breath of fresh air compared to what she had experienced previously.
The door to the lecture hall opened, and since the doors were right by the blackboard where Richard stood talking about Othello and the ‘temptation’ scene, all eyes landed on the blonde girl in pink shorts and a white jumper. She smiled at Richard, mouthing a “sorry” before taking the first free seat she could find, which was conveniently right beside Y/N. The two girls shared a small smile themselves before Y/N went back to focusing on the lecture happening in front of her. Y/N was hunched over her notebook, writing something off from the PowerPoint slide displayed on the wall in front of her. She did not know how much time went by, she was listening too intently to care about that, but suddenly, the blonde beside her rested her back against the seat and leaned a little closer to Y/N.
“This is quite boring, innit?”
Y/N looked to her left, and to her surprise, realised that the girl who had walked in late was Chloe. The same Chloe who she had met when she registered a week and some ago. She must have been too caught up in the lecture to pay proper attention to her surroundings.
Chloe let out a small chuckle, nodding in the direction of the PowerPoint before she continued to whisper. “The lecture. I knew we’d be discussing Shakespeare in Introduction to English Studies, but Othello’s just fucking boring, innit?”
“I…” Y/N looked at the PowerPoint for a few seconds, then back at Chloe. “Sure.”
They were quiet for a few seconds, Chloe just studying Y/N, eyes searching her face. “You like Othello.”
Y/N felt a sudden urge to relate to Chloe. Since they had met earlier and since she hadn’t made tons of friends on her course yet, she wanted Chloe to be her mate. If they got off on the wrong foot today, they might never sit next to each other again.
“It’s not as good as Twelfth Night, not as bad as Julius Caesar.”
Chloe continued to just look at Y/N, but suddenly, a smile came creeping over her lips. “Take it you like Shakespeare.”
“I like analysing his work, yeah.”
“More of a Modernism, and sometimes Postmodernism, girl myself.”
“I’m not big on either of those.”
Chloe let out a small chuckle again. “You won’t be taking Postmodernism next year then?”
“Not if I can help it.”
Chloe only crossed her arms and stared ahead, still smiling. For a second Y/N was afraid she might have said something to make Chloe detest her, but the next, she reminded herself that she had to live her truth regardless of what anyone said about it. “Guess we’ll just have to enjoy each other’s company in the core modules then.”
Y/N felt a few butterflies in her stomach at that and could not help smiling back at Chloe when their eyes met again.
“How come I haven’t seen you at any Freshers parties yet?” Chloe asked.
“Been busy applying to jobs and such,” Y/N explained. “Gotta get one as fast as possible ‘cause I need money to live.”
“Ahh, fair.” Chloe nodded. “One of my course mates, Hayden – think they’re up there somewhere –“ Chloe pointed with her thumb over her shoulder, indicating further up the lecture hall. “Has decided they’re going to start an Uno society.”
“Uno?” Y/N frowned. “As in the card game?”
“Yeah,” Chloe laughed. “I’m sure it’ll be nice and all, but they’re very passionate about it. Have yet to come out with me, Thian, and Annalise. Those are my other course mates, by the way.”
Y/N nodded. Was she just incompetent at making friends or was Chloe just very good at it? How had she made so many friends, made a small group by the sounds of it, and Y/N had barely talked to anyone on her course yet?
“Hayden promised to come out this Friday, though,” Chloe smiled. “You should come, too.”
For some reason, both nerves and excitement rushed through Y/N at that. She smiled back. “I’d love that.”
“Wicked. It’s at my Dinwiddy flat.” Chloe rolled her eyes. “Uni accommodation at Helmond is a huge piss take, I tell you. I feel like there’s mould everywhere.”
“That’s just UK houses in general. We’ll all die from it one day.”
“It’s literally disgusting,” Chloe said. “Also, one of my flatmates never does his dishes. It’s minging. And it’s started smelling, too.”
“Oh, my days.”
“I’m glad I just immediately moved in with my best mate instead of going through the whole uni accommodation thing. At least I can be assured that they do their dishes and no food’s left on the kitchen counter for too long.”
“Oh, that sounds lush.”
The people around Y/N and Chloe were all starting to pack their things and get out of their seats. Seeing as the two of them were sat by the edge of the row, they had to get up rather fast and let people through. So, that’s what they did. Y/N put her notebook and pencil case in her rucksack and slung it onto her back before she and Chloe made their way out of the lecture hall and out into the hallway beyond.
“There they are,” Chloe grinned, waving as she saw a small group of three standing by the wall a bit further down. “Come say hi.” Though Chloe wasn’t looking at her, Y/N assumed she was talking to her, so she followed her over to the rest. “Gang, this is Y/N, the one I met while we were both registering.”
“Ah, you’ll be Y/N, then,” a man with protruding cheekbones, a strong jawline, and deep set, brown eyes said. The Viet man’s smile lit up the room they were standing in, and it made Y/N’s overthinking ebb. “I’m Thian, pleasure to meet you. Chloe told us she met you, but never saw you since.”
“Proper rude of the universe to keep us away from each other for so long,” Chloe said.
“I’m Hayden,” a smaller person said with the greenest eyes and long brown hair. They too had a smile like Thian’s, but this one displayed crooked teeth, which made Y/N more at ease with her own bottom teeth that were the same.
“And I’m Annalise,” the last one said, her hair dyed an unnatural dark red colour that Y/N absolutely loved. “I think I saw you in a Critical Reading seminar.”
“Oh, yeah, I think we might be.”
“We’ll have to sit next to each other next time!”
Y/N could detect a slight accent, but she could not tell where Annalise was originally from. She suspected Germany, there were tons of international students here after all, but Y/N did not want to assume.
“Guys, we have to plan the first Uno society meeting,” Hayden said, looking at the time on their phone. “It was so nice to meet you, Y/N, but we’re in a bit of a hurry.”
She just smiled. “No, totes get that. I need to get back to my flat, anyway.”
“See you around, then,” Chloe smiled, waving as the four of them walked off.
Y/N walked home to Orsman Road. Though she knew there would be less walking if they took the tube, it would also mean that she had to walk on and off boiling hot tube trains and stations, and she was not about to do that. She was sweating enough in the late September sun as it was, she did not need the tube to contribute to her sweat moustache as well. Instead, she plugged her earbuds in and listened to her most recent playlist on Spotify, humming along to her favourite tunes as she walked.
She stopped by Gregg’s by Dalston Kingsland station, buying herself a sausage roll and an iced latte before walking the rest of the stretch home. Hackney bustled around her, with tons of cars, double deckers, and mopeds driving by, as well as all types of people milling to and from work. The early autumn sun was still a little too hot, but it seemed like most Londoners were soaking up the sun while they could. They were walking by in shorts, tee shirts, and summer dresses, while the only reason why Y/N was dressed in her tee shirt and trousers, was so she would not quite literally go up in flames on the way home.
Y/N arrived at Orsman Road not long after her trip to Gregg’s, and walked up to the flat. She locked the door once she was indoors, checking the kitchen and the living room to see if anyone was there. To no one’s surprise, none of her three other student flatmates were home in the middle of the day on a Monday. She walked up the stairs and to her room, letting her door be open so she could air out a bit more. Her windows had been open all day, so her room smelled fresher than normal as she entered. That just reminded her that she had to buy some scented candles or air fresheners to liven up her room.
Putting her rucksack down by her door, Y/N started looking through the two bags that she had yet to pack out from. In one was most of the stuff she’d put on her desk when she finally bought that, and in the other were loads of decorations that she had yet to bring forth. She started pulling out fairylights that she wanted to hang across her room or over her wall, when she heard footsteps. Out of the door directly to the right once you came up the stairs, came a man with short dark hair and a strong build, thin lips and pale skin. He must have heard movements outside his door, because his eyes landed on Y/N almost right away. However, he smiled at her and Y/N immediately knew who this was.
“You’re Y/N, then,” Mason said, walking over to stand in the doorway of her room. “Mason, your third flatmate.”
“Thought I’d never run into you,” Y/N smiled, making his smile grow.
“Yeah, got here like two days ago, and have been all over the place since. Helped some of my mates move into their flats, been at work, and at rugby practice.”
She nodded. “Busy man.”
“Very busy.”
“Lucky I caught you now, then.”
Mason nodded his head. “Would have eventually. Knowing Nath, he’ll probably end up forcing us all to bond as a flat at one point.”
“Sounds horrific.”
“It was. It will be,” Mason laughed, leaning against the doorframe and pushing his hands into his grey joggers.
Y/N furrowed her brows. “It was? He’s done it before?”
“Yeah, our first year. He made everyone in our flat bond, he especially talked about flat yoga sessions and shopping trips when he was drunk or high as a kite.”
She dropped the fairylights and turned her full attention on Mason. “You lived together your first year?”
Mason just looked at Y/N, blinking a few times. “Yeah.”
“All three of you?”
“All three of us. Me, Nathan, Harry, and like five girls.”
Y/N felt like screaming, but lucky for her dignity and Mason’s ears, the front door opened and closed. Nathan’s singing could be heard all the way upstairs. Instead of screaming, Y/N called Nathan’s name, not caring that Mason saw just how annoyed she was now. Poor bloke had no idea what he’d just said. Nathan strolled up the stairs and looked in Y/N’s room’s direction, his face lit up at the sight of Mason and Y/N together.
“What a view!” he grinned. “What’re you two bonding over?”
“Right now we’re bonding over being your friend,” Y/N said.
“Which I’m sure you’re both honoured to be, yes.”
“And I just heard you’ve lived with Mason and Harry for the last year, but have not told me,” Y/N said, ignoring Nathan’s previous comment.
Nathan looked to Mason, and then back at Y/N. “No, Harry moved in later. He lived in another flat first, hated it, and since him and Mason were good mates, he got to move into our place since one of our flatmates dropped out our first week.”
Not caring that she would smudge her makeup, Y/N ran her hands over her face. “How long did he live there, Nate?”
Silence for a second or two. “Start of second semester till we moved out.”
Y/N let go of a heavy sigh. “Nathan, why didn’t you just tell me?-“
“-I know, I know, I know,” Nathan started, walking into Y/N’s room and sitting down on the floor beside her. “I’m a shite friend.”
“You really fucking are,” Y/N said, swatting Nathan’s hand away when he tried to take hers. “Harry was both of our friend when he lived in Notts those months, and I literally had sex with him.”
Mason took a small step back in pure shock, blinking rapidly as if an eyelash fell onto his eye.
“Don’t I have a right to know you’re living with him?” Y/N asked.
“You do. Of course, you do. I just… I thought I told you at one point, and when I got home and I found out I hadn’t told you… I didn’t know how to break the news.”
“How about just telling me?” Y/N shrugged her shoulders. “Instead of hiding it from me like that.”
“Technically, I didn’t hide anything ‘cause I thought I-“
“-Nathan, I’ll literally skin you alive-“
“-Fine, I should have told you,” he groaned, taking her hand this time and holding it tight in his. “How can I make it up to you?”
Y/N thought for a moment, but came up with the perfect solution. “By coming with me when I go out with my course mates on Friday?”
Nathan just looked at her, blinking once. “My punishment is to… go out with you and your mates?”
“Yes. I barely know them, I need moral support. No matter how bad the person giving me said support actually is.”
Nathan looked down at their hands, patting hers slightly. “I’ll come.”
He continued to look down at their hands as Mason’s quiet footsteps back to his room sounded throughout the first floor. “I do have a lecture that finishes at 7pm-“
“-You’ll skip that lecture if you so have to.-”
“-Yes, ma’am,” Nathan answered without hesitation, kissing her hand and getting up from the floor. He gave her a small smile. “And I’m sorry. I know I should’ve told you.”
Y/N nodded. “Is there… Is there more you haven’t told me? In regards to Harry?”
Nathan pretended to think for a few seconds, eyes getting big as if he remembered something.
He chuckled. “No, nothing.”
Y/N hit him on his calf before he walked away. “You’re bloody buying the first round of drinks on Friday.”
“As I should,” was all Nathan said before he danced off to his room. Y/N picked up her fairylights again, trying to get them out of the messy tangle they were currently in so she could finally make this room look like her and her new home.
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Friday, 29 September 2017
Y/N was nervous. She was usually nervous before going someplace she had never been before, or to meet people she had never met, but it was never like this. Her nerves were almost always drowned by her natural eagerness to be around people, to be surrounded by friends and strangers. However, this, her first pre-drinks at uni with other people, had her feeling a little too nervous for her own tastes.
She loved parties. Fuck, if she could party every single day, she would. She did not care about the hangover that came the following day, as long as she had a good time the night before. At home in Nottingham, she would have loved to party as much as she had in London, but for some reason, meeting as many new people as she had, made her nervous for some reason. It was weird to Y/N because she loved making friends, but it was different here. She had yet to figure out what about University that triggered this reaction out of her.
A knock sounded at her door and she grunted, which Nathan took as a good enough sign for him to be allowed entrance. He grinned, sitting down on Y/N’s fluffy dark blue duvet cover and looked his best friend up and down.
“Lush,” he said.
Y/N glanced at the mirror in front of her again, running her hands down her sides. Her black ruched detail ribbed crop top fit her perfectly, making her tits look exceptionally good, and the gold necklace and earrings topped it all off. The crop jeans in light wash blue were tightened at the waist by a black belt with silver eyelets, the black lace up boots made her almost as tall as Nathan. Though Y/N had been out on town in Nottingham with this very same outfit, she was unsure about it now. There was a familiar fear in the back of her head; one that had not visited in a while, one that would lay low until it saw fit to paralyse her. Y/N was experiencing only the tip of the iceberg now. The rest would reveal itself later, it would all melt and drown her in nervous ticks and anxious tendencies.
God, she hated how nervous she was. This was not like her at all. Nathan knew this, which was why he picked up on how unusually quiet his best friend was. He got up from where he was seated on the bed, walking over to Y/N and placing his hands on her shoulders.
“What’s up?”
She took a deep breath, looking at him in the mirror. “You remember the party at Jack Lloyd’s?”
“When we were 17?”
“Yeah, and I was nervous to wear that tight-fitting dress? ‘Cause of my stomach?”
“Yes, even though you had no reason to be nervous.”
She sighed. “Well, I’m feeling like that now,” she admitted. “Not as intensely, but it’s there and… I haven’t felt this nervous about being seen in a long time.”
“What do you mean ‘being seen’?”
“When… When you’ve had and still have a hard time accepting yourself, it’s hard to let others look at your body ‘cause you don’t want to exist outside your own head, if that makes sense? Being seen means people will have an opinion, it means they’ll piece together this image of you before even getting to know you. It means them judging you on your looks alone before they get to actually know you.” Y/N shrugged her shoulders a little, Nathan squeezing them ever so slightly. “My confidence is much better now, but I still have those moments every so often when that 17-year-old girl I used to be will come back and whisper something discouraging into my ear.”
Nathan nodded, wrapping his arms around her neck and bringing her to him. She melted into her best friend, taking a grip of his forearms. “I know it’s much easier said than done, but focus on now. You’ve come so far, and though that 17-year-old is part of the reason why you are who you are today, she’s got nothing to do here. 19-year-old Y/N has come so far, she has no time revisiting the past ‘cause she’s going to a party tonight, and it’ll be fucking fantastic, yeah?”
Y/N chuckled, closing her eyes as Nathan planted an encouraging kiss to her cheek. “Guess you’re right.”
“Of course I fucking am.”
She laughed.
“Now, get your vodka, tequila, sourz, or whatever the fuck you’re drinking, and let’s go.” Nathan let go of her and walked to the door, opening it. “You got Chloe’s address?”
“Yeah, it’s Dinwiddy, flat 10.”
“Uni accommodation?”
Y/N huffed, reaching for her purse and putting it over her shoulder. “Did you expect my first-year mates to live anywhere else?”
“Not really. Dunno why I’m shocked.”
Y/N searched through her purse, checking she had everything she needed before reaching for her plastic bag where her drinks were.
“Still remember when I lived in Coopers Court with Harry and Mason. Oh, how time flies.”
Y/N stopped short, narrowing her eyes. “I still cannot believe you didn’t tell me anything about you living in the same flat as Harry your first year at uni.”
Nathan sighed.
“Cannot believe you didn’t tell me he went to Helmond. Cannot believe you wanted us to live together without at least informing me-“
“-Mate, are we done with this?”
“Don’t think I’ll ever be done. You tricked me into this.”
“I did not.”
“What did you think was gonna happen when I found out?”
“We’ve been over this,” Nathan said. “I didn’t think it’d be that big of a deal. Harry did not react like this when I told him I promised to live with you my second year, your first year.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, having already heard this.
“In fact, he did not mind one bit living with you.”
“I mind living with him.”
“Clearly, or else we wouldn’t still be having this conversation.”
Y/N tutted, walking past Nathan and down the stairs. “I’ll let this argument be for the time being, but expect me to pick it back up again tomorrow when my mind’s not all over the place. I want to be able to fucking destroy you.”
“Great. Can’t wait.”
Y/N and Nathan started walking in the direction of Dinwiddy, the biggest uni accommodation at Helmond, where most students ended up staying. Parmiter Street was a mere 30-minute walk away, and though they could have easily taken the tube, they both knew that it would be best for them to get some fresh air before drinking. Y/N also wanted to walk off some of her anxiety, though she was fairly certain that would not happen. On one hand she was looking forward to meeting Chloe and the rest of her English Lit gang, on the other, she was nervous. Her nerves came more from fear of experiencing the same blinding anxiety she had when she was younger, for that same feeling of helplessness and bottomlessness that it had brought her. What if it appeared when she was drinking? What if it got worse as she got drunk?
She hated how moving away to London and to University had brought her so much doubt. It was like she had to figure out who she was all over again. Here, it was only Nathan who knew her. Well… him and Harry, but the latter did not count. If Y/N so wanted, she could become a new version of herself. She knew that was something uni offered; finding a new you and shaping it into a person you want to be. There were several things Y/N wished she could change about herself. She had a horrible temper, was a little too loud at times, took many things far too personal, and more. She was unsure how much independence and a new environment could help make her a better version of herself, but she hoped Helmond and London could help her to some degree.
Once they arrived at Parmiter Street, Nathan walked straight onto Dinwiddy campus grounds and showed them the way to flat 10. The brown brick buildings rose five storeys high around them, shaping a small T formation with some benches along the stone path where people could sit on the few occasions when the weather would allow it. Nathan had been there the year before, loads of his friends from his Criminology course had lived at Dinwiddy accommodation and therefore hosted pre-drinks there. Nathan knew his way around, and, sure enough, he showed them right to flat 10. On the right hand-side, the first building, Nathan strolled over to the entrance.
He met Y/N’s eyes, trying to get a picture of just how nervous she was. After all, these were her friends, and had they been home in Nottingham, she would not have been this nervous at all. Nathan was not anxious at all, and he had never talked to – never met – Chloe or any of Y/N’s course mates.
“Listen,” Nathan said, giving Y/N a small smile. “If it gets too much, we’ll just go home, yeah? I won’t leave your side.”
Y/N smiled back, nodding her head. “Yeah. I’ll send Chloe a text saying we’re here.”
“We could just ring the doorbell.”
She looked at him. “Nath.”
“What were phones invented for if we’re just gonna ring people’s doorbells? I’m sending her a text.”
Nathan reached forward and rang the doorbell, making Y/N raise her eyebrows at him and take a deep breath as not to throw him against the brick building.
“Yes?” came from the speakers beside the doorbells. It was Chloe.
Nathan nudged Y/N, nodding in the direction of the speakers. She glared at him. “It’s Y/N.”
“Ahh, brill!” Chloe unlocked the door for them and Nathan opened it, letting Y/N enter first. They walked over to the stairs, looking at a sign there that showed them flat 10 at the topmost storey.
“They don’t even have a bloody lift, do they?” Y/N asked Nathan as she looked around.
“Gotta walk, mate.”
“Fuck me,” Y/N groaned as they began their ascent.
“I’d rather not.”
Despite herself, Y/N laughed a bit. They made it to the fourth floor, and Y/N knocked on the door as Nathan breathed heavily beside her.
“Hi,” Chloe smiled as she opened the door, stepping aside to let Y/N and Nathan in.
“Hiya,” Y/N smiled back, feeling her heart beat hard inside her chest. Something about Chloe’s smile, the reminder that she had invited Y/N over, that she wanted her there, settled atop Y/N’s shoulders, making them sag to a comfortable level. “Brought my housemate, hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all!” Chloe said, turning to Nathan.
“Nathan,” he smiled. “Thanks for letting me come here.”
“Don’t mention it,” Chloe said, closing the door and showing them the way down a corridor towards the shared living space where a heavy bass was throbbing. The fluorescent lights overhead in the hallway resembled those at a petrol station, making Y/N squint as she entered the living room. There sat everyone she had the pleasure of meeting earlier that week. Hayden, Annalise, and Thian were all  around the table with a glass each to drink. Y/N smiled at them, waving her hand as they all grinned back at her. She still felt like she was intruding.
“Y/N, Nathan, do you like sambuca?” Chloe asked, walking over to the kitchen bench to fetch plastic shot glasses.
“Never say no to sambuca, ey?” Nathan grinned, nodding for Y/N to go sit down so he could follow her lead. “We’ll have a shot each of you’re handing out.”
“I am, indeed,” Chloe said, getting two shot glasses and walking over to the table, placing the glasses in front of Nathan who looked absolutely ecstatic.
“Thanks, babe,” Y/N said.
“You lot playing a drinking game?” Nathan asked, getting his drinks out to mix them all together into his paper cup.
“Yeah, we’re playing Never Have I Ever,” Hayden answered. “However, if no one drinks, everyone’s got to take a sip except for the person asking, but the person asking’s gotta take two if no one drinks.”
“Ahh, alright,” Nathan said. “Creative. Love it.”
“This is Y/N’s friend, Nathan, by the way, guys,” Chloe said as she came back over with shots for everyone.
“Oh, yeah, this is Nathan. He’s a second-year, we live in a flat together in Haggerston.” Y/N suddenly felt stupid for not introducing him right away so that Chloe had to. She felt her cheeks heat up, but she refused to look like she felt headless. Instead, she got her vodka and cranberry juice out, mixing it as Nathan spoke beside her.
“We’ve known each other forever, so she moved in with me and my flatmates this year instead of moving into uni accommodation,” he elaborated.
“You knew each other in Nottingham?” Chloe asked, and, for some reason, the fact that Chloe remembered that made Y/N feel all kinds of warm.
“Yeah, been best friends for years.”
“How nice that you got to live together here,” Chloe smiled in Nathan’s direction, then at Y/N.
“It is, isn’t it?” Nathan said, looking at Y/N and giving her a small wink before going back to his drink.
“Right, we need to take advantage of being first-years and get drunk as often as possible,” Thian said. “So, tonight needs to be good.”
“It’ll be good regardless,” Annalise retorted, taking one of the shots from the tray Chloe had brought to the table.
“Where are we going, anyway?” Hayden asked.
Thian nodded. “Pub or club?”
“Don’t really feel like clubbing tonight, you know what I mean?” Chloe asked, the other three coming with exclamations of agreement or nodding slightly. “Pub then?”
“We have a pub right by us,” Nathan said. “Only 30 minutes away and it’s the best one in Haggerston, in my opinion anyway.”
Y/N wrinkled her nose some. “The Stag’s Head?”
“Yeah, it’s always full and they sometimes got live music and everything.”
“We could go there, yeah,” Chloe said. “If everyone’s in.”
“Could we take a bus there?” Hayden asked.
“30 minutes isn’t a long walk, though,” Chloe chuckled. “As long as Nathan and Y/N show the way, we won’t get lost.”
“Don’t count on my navigational skills when I’m under the influence, babes,” Nathan said, making the others laugh.
“We’re better off using Google Maps, he might just show the way to the Gregg’s by Dalston Kingsland where he thinks the entire staff’s got a crush on him,” Y/N said before taking a sip of her drink, laughter erupting again. It felt good, like a pat on the shoulder, and Y/N instantly eased. Maybe she had not lost her old self at all, maybe she could still feel at ease, even around new people.
“They all flirt with me, and who can blame them?” Nathan shrugged his shoulders, whipping his head to the side so his lush, curly red hair dangled at the top of his head, grinning his wide smile and making the lip piercing shine in the fluorescent lights overhead.
The rest of the night went on, and it was easier to talk to everyone as time progressed. Not only because Y/N got more and more intoxicated, but she also just felt better after getting to know them all. Hayden always laughed the loudest, and their laughter was also very infectious, making it hard not to chuckle along with them. Annalise, though she sometimes stuttered over a few English words, was incredibly considerate and would urge Y/N to continue on with her story when others did not hear her. Thian offered Y/N tons of shots and complimented her on her outfit, making it easier for Y/N to feel good and seen, as she had been terrified of back at the flat. Chloe was easily the boss, and did most of the talking, though no one seemed to mind. After all, Chloe had introduced everyone to everyone, so people knew her the best out of everyone.
As time went on, Y/N just felt better. It was easier to talk to everyone and, at one point, she thought she was back at home in Nottingham, introducing herself to strangers at a party. They all made it easy to forget just how nervous she had been. It made her look forward to seeing them in her other lectures and seminars the coming week and all those weeks after that. Maybe these were the people she would spend her time at University with, and that excited her.
Bottles emptied and the volume inside the uni flat had increased massively. It was close to 9 when Chloe suggested they leave, and assured Y/N that she could leave the little she had left of her vodka at her place to pick up another day. Y/N took her up on the offer, insides warm from both alcohol and Chloe’s hospitality.
Nathan showed the way towards Haggerston and The Stag’s Head, arm entwined with Y/N’s for most of the way there. At one point however, Y/N let go of him and ended up walking beside Annalise and Thian, talking about one of the texts they had to read by Tuesday. It was such a mundane conversation, complaining about course work and talking about coming deadlines, that it felt like they had been mates for ages. The chat flowed so easily, the laughter rolled off their tongues, and it just made sense for all of them to be together, walking along the dark London streets in their tipsy states, making their way towards what would hopefully be the first of many trips to a pub.
They arrived at Orsman Road and they could hear The Stag’s Head before they saw it. Y/N had never paid it much attention. She knew she would end up popping by once or twice during her time at uni, but she had not envisioned her checking it out that first week. Nathan held the door open for everyone, resting a hand at Y/N’s back as he followed her indoors last.
The pub was small, but Y/N was sure that it was bigger than it appeared late on a Friday evening. Straight ahead, in a V formation, stood the bar, a wall filled with bottles of all alcohol imaginable behind it, lit up by red light which fit the dark red of the counter surrounding it. Far down to the left, it seemed the rest of the pub disappeared from view, but judging by the stairs Y/N could see, she supposed there was a loo somewhere in that direction, and it also looked to be where one could go to reach the smoking area. People were both sat and stood by the bar as well as booths along the walls. What appeared to be the stage further down to the right was unoccupied by any performers, though a few lads stood there with a pint each. There were no free tables, and this put a damper on the mood quite quickly.
Nathan, however, pulled them all towards the smoking area and they were all pleasantly surprised to see a free table and two benches untouched. Fairylights hung over the outdoor space, from the house and over to the fence on the other side. It lit up just enough, made it possible to see, but not too bright for people to squint when walking out into the night. A few empty pints and a smoky ash tray stood in the middle of the table, but Nathan put the glasses on the brick fence before everyone sat down.
“Alright, I’ll pay for your drink,” Nathan said, smiling at Y/N. “Anyone wanna come to the bar? Y/N’ll watch the table.”
“Ah, yes.” Chloe got up, the rest of the gang following along and walking towards one of the two entrances to the pub. Y/N got her phone out, looking to see if she had any notifications she had to check out, but there were none. She was about to resolve to scrolling aimlessly through Instagram, when she heard a slightly familiar voice.
“Hi there.” Mason sat down on the edge of the opposite bench, a cigarette in hand and a small smile on his lips. “Didn’t know you and Nath would come here tonight.”
“Oh, hiya,” Y/N smiled. “No, we didn’t know where we’d go after pre-drinks. He suggested this place, so we brought some of my course mates with us here.”
“You going out later?”
“No, think we’re just gonna stay here.”
“Yeah, this is a chill place,” Mason said, puffing out some smoke.
“This is my first time here.”
Mason raised his eyebrows. “Is it?”
Y/N smiled. “You think I should’ve come here earlier?”
“More to do with the fact that our flat just loves this place, thought Nathan would’ve at least taken you here already.”
“He did now.”
“It’s my favourite pub around here, and Harry-“
“-Mase!” Nathan exclaimed, grinning as he came over with two gin and tonics. “You’re here as well!”
“Yeah, it’s a Friday night, innit?”
“Hi,” Chloe said, sitting down beside Mason with a wide grin on her face. It seemed like she wanted to introduce herself or to be introduced, but before Y/N could say anything, the conversation resumed.
“Hey,” Mason answered, looking back to Nathan who seemed to be ecstatic to see one of his flatmates. “Hear you haven’t taken Y/N here till now.”
Nathan sighed. “Not like I didn’t want to, just haven’t gotten the opportunity.”
“What’s so good about this place?” Y/N asked, looking from Nathan to Mason.
“Just close, innit? Also, it’s crowded, but it’s not as crowded as most pubs down by Kingsland Road,” Nathan elaborated.
“You lot have a good night, yeah? Need to get back to my mates.” Mason leaned past Chloe, stumping the rest of his cigarette into the ashtray before he got up, walking over to a big group of lads. Chloe stared after him as the rest of the conversation around the table started back up again, Y/N pretended to not see how she was checking him out. It felt like she was intruding on a moment that was not meant for anyone but Mason to see.
“You’re living with him?” Chloe asked.
“He’s well fit.”
Chloe giggled. “You’re taking the rule to not shag one of your flatmates seriously, then?”
“Shouldn’t everyone?” Thian asked, furrowing his brows. “It only complicates everything.”
“How? It’s only a shag. It’s not like you’re gonna fall in love with them,” Chloe said.
“Can’t really control your emotions, though.” Nathan shrugged. “Two of my flatmates last year shagged. He had feelings for her, she just wanted a one night stand. Didn’t end well.”
Y/N put her drink back down on the table after a long sip. “Well, if you’re clear beforehand and make it clear that it’s only for this night and there’s no emotions behind it other than temporary bliss, then that’s okay, isn’t it?”
“Nah,” Hayden said, shaking their head. “It’s an unwritten rule. Don’t shag your flatmates.”
“Is it a serious rule?” Annelise asked, furrowing her brows.
“It’s got serious consequences,” Hayden answered.
“But if you’re both aware it’s only a one time thing, then is it serious?” Y/N asked.
“Babe, sex is complicated. You’re always just gonna be connected in a way, you know?” Nathan said.
“I can promise you I’m not connected to Ollie Lee in any way, shape, or form,” Y/N huffed, sipping her drink again as Nathan laughed, the other joining in because of Y/N’s obvious distaste in this Ollie Lee.
“Was he awful in bed?” Chloe asked, smiling as she looked between Nathan and Y/N.
“No, I was just desperate one night last year.” Y/N rolled her eyes at herself. “Let’s just say that mid-shag he asked me if I had to go to the toilet, and when I said no, he told me that whenever I felt like I had to, just pee on him instead.”
Gasps erupted around the table, and a second later, everyone started howling with laughter. Nathan kept on hitting his thigh, leaning into Y/N and laughing. Though it was a fairly embarrassing story on Y/N’s part, her definite lowest of low, she could not help feeling good about making everyone laugh like this. Looking around at everyone, she suddenly felt very good about herself, despite this being her worst sex story ever.
It was not like Y/N had fucked her way through Nottingham and had tons of stories to tell. In fact, she hadn’t shagged that many. She had had sex with eight people, three of them being women, one non-binary, and the other four men. She had been very vocal about the fact that the best sexual encounters she had had, were with women. They had all been so nice, and though it had never escalated to anything romantic beyond that one night together, they had made Y/N feel the best she’d ever felt. She suspected women just knew what to do, that they cared how she felt and did not solely care about their own release.
The group ended up just sitting around and talking for a while. It was nice to go somewhere outside of the uni setting and get to know some people, this was what uni was all about, or so Nathan had told her countless times. These people were as anxious about making friends and being liked as she was, but there they all were, making friends and going outside their own comfort zone.
At one point, Y/N had finished her drink and went to get another round for her and Nathan. The pub seemed to be even more packed now that it was closer to midnight. Everyone wanted to drink the week away, to forget about their lives for a little while and just spend time in good company. Y/N strolled over to the bar, looking up and down the counter to see if any of the bartenders were free to help her. The second her eyes landed on a familiar figure, she halted.
Harry’s eyes were already on hers as he stood almost right opposite her mixing a drink. He let go of a sigh, looking down at whatever he was mixing.
“You…” she started, raising her eyebrows. “You’ve got to be fucking everywhere.”
“Only ‘cause you’re every single place I usually am,” he said, continuing to make whatever drink he was making.
“Do you work here then?”
He looked over at her, raising one of his eyebrows. “I’m not a hallucination now?”
Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Can’t believe you thought I was a bloody hallucination.”
“Believe it. It’s all Nathan’s fault anyway. I’ll never forgive him for forcing me to live with you for a year.”
Harry let out a dry laugh. “To answer your question: no, thought I’d help out behind the bar to get me adrenaline going.”
“Well funny,” Y/N said. “You got me cracking up, can you tell?”
“Last time I checked, I got you laughing pretty hard, yeah.”
“That’s literally two years ago now.”
Harry finished the drink, putting it in a glass and placing it in front of the person standing just beside Y/N. Her eyes first landed on the watch on his wrist, the nice brown leather, and then her gaze travelled upward. She looked up at the man who was already staring at her, giving him a smile when she smiled at him. Their eye contact was put to an abrupt end when Harry poked the man’s hand holding the drink with the card machine. Y/N looked back at Harry, and then at another man with strong build and big, curly hair who stepped into view beside Harry.
“I’ll take care of her, Kai,” Harry said.
This Kai looked at Harry, blinking once before he met Y/N’s eyes again.
“She’s my flatmate,” Harry elaborated, making Kai study Y/N a bit more closely before he nodded once. He was very good looking, with a broad nose, almond-shaped eyes, and full lips, his brown skin glowed in the dim lights of the pub.
“That new one,” Kai said.
Kai smiled then, nodding in Y/N’s direction. “Nice of you to come check on Hazza. It’s always hectic on Fridays.”
“Oh, our other flatmate took me here, I didn’t come by choice.”
Kai’s eyebrows rose on his face and he looked at Harry who barked out a laugh, shrugging his shoulders at Kai as they exchanged a look. Harry walked over to stand right in front of her, signalling to Kai that he could take care of this one. Kai walked off, taking someone else’s order.
“Even feistier than I remember, you are,” Harry said.
She cocked her head to the side as Harry gathered a glass for her drink, already assuming that was what she was going to get. “You didn’t seem to have a problem with it before.”
It left her lips before she even registered she was thinking it. Harry only took a deep breath before meeting Y/N’s eyes again, clearly choosing to ignore her statement. “What can I get you, Y/N?”
“Sex on the Beach, please,” she said. “Two of them.”
“Alright.” Harry started making them right away, signalling to someone that he’d be right with them after this. Y/N looked around her, meeting the gaze of the man who had just stood by her at the bar. He raised his glass in her direction and she smiled back. She definitely had to go talk to him after this. He seemed to be a bit older, maybe five years older than her, but just for tonight, she did not care.
Y/N glanced back at Harry and watched him, fascinated by how fast he managed to make the drinks. “How long have you worked here, then?”
“A year abouts,” Harry said. “Worked in a hotel when we moved to Brum. Tended to work at the bar when the bartender was out.”
Y/N nodded, eyes on his hands as he poured ice, shots, and all types of alcohol and liquids into her drink. “You lived there till you moved to London?”
“Yeah.” They were quiet for a moment, both of them remembering all of the things that were left unsaid between them. All of those words, moments, and memories they had created during those months the two of them had crossed paths in Nottingham.
He cleared his throat as he put the drinks down in front of her. “If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t much like Brum.”
Y/N took a grip of the glasses. “And why’s that?”
“Dunno. Just didn’t find my footing proper.”
“In the two years you lived there?”
He shrugged. “Guess not.”
Y/N clicked her tongue. “Was it that bad?”
“Nah, I met tons of ace people and Birmingham’s a decent place, but…” He shrugged again. “Dunno.”
“Hmm,” she said, trying to decipher his words and if he was being truthful or not.
“Anyway,” Harry said, nodding to the drinks. “Take that other drink to Nathan – as I’m sure it’s for him – and when you bring that middle-aged man home later: please, be quiet. I have rugby at 11 tomorrow morning.”
Y/N’s mouth fell open. “How dare-“
“-Y/N, what’s taking so fucking long?” Nathan shouted as he came up next to her. His eyes fell on Harry behind the bar. “Oh… forgot to tell you Harry works here.”
“Nath, shut the fuck up,” Y/N said, looking from Nathan and back at Harry.
Harry nodded towards the door, silently telling them to fuck off, and they did. They walked back to the rest who were still sitting by the same table outside. Nathan took his drink from Y/N and sat down, but just as Y/N was about to sit down, she heard someone clear their throat behind her. She looked over her shoulder rather fast, blinking a few too many times when she locked eyes with the same man who had been standing beside her by the bar.
“Hi,” he said, giving her a broad smile.
Y/N almost felt herself blush. “Hey.”
“I’m George.”
She smiled. “Y/N.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/N,” he said, he gestured at the bench where she had just been about to sit down. “Mind if I sit down with you?”
Her smile widened. “Not at all.”
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Y/N felt fucking terrible. Her room was too hot, too humid. Body sticky with sweat, limbs aching, throat burning with yesterday’s alcohol, and head throbbing, she opened her eyes slowly before shutting them again, groaning into her pillow. She hated herself for not drinking as much water before bed as she usually did when coming home from a night out. Sitting up, she looked down at the man beside her, racking her brain to remember what his name was. She ran her hands over her face, reaching for her glasses so she could see something, but quickly realising she left her contact lenses in the night before. Her eyes were so dry it hurt to blink and she suddenly realised why her head was hurting more than normal. Cursing herself, Y/N got out of bed with her glasses perched at the top of her head, picking up a tee shirt and some tights, pulling on her fluffy dressing gown before she made her way out of her room as soundlessly as possible.
She stumbled her way to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. First thing she did was take her contacts out, struggling to do so as the contacts were so dry, her eyes having dried out with them. She splashed water in her face next, then drank the equivalent to the Atlantic Ocean before splashing even more water on her face. She then put her glasses on, realising that she had to let her eyes relax some after what she had just put them through. It took her awhile to gather up the courage to go to the toilet, where she made herself throw up the nausea she was feeling before having a very long peeing session.
Moments of the night before came rushing back to her, and as she sat there on the toilet, she remembered more and more. The name George came to her like out of a fog, and then the details started falling into place. She remembered how he’d bought her more drinks, how the two of them had sat talking all night about nothing in particular. She remembered his hand on her thigh and him leaning into her to whisper in her ear. Then they were in her room, her front against the mattress and his weight on her back. It was all hazy after that, most of it just a mess of limbs and chasing a release that she had never caught up with. Though Y/N usually made it clear that she hadn’t come, she was too worn out to tell George. She remembered falling asleep almost the second they were done. To say she had been underwhelmed was an understatement.
When she was done, she walked down the stairs for the kitchen. Once again, she was left stopping right in her tracks as she walked in. Harry stood by the stove, eyes on the pan in front of him where he was making eggs, a few asparagus and peppers cooking beside the two frying eggs. For a moment, she debated walking back upstairs and leaving Harry to it, but then he glanced over at the door to his right, meeting her eyes right away. He gave her a tight-lipped smile before turning back to his breakfast. God… Y/N wanted to set herself on fire. It’d be better than staying inside a room with Harry alone after years apart.
He wore rugby shorts that reached mid-thigh, a white tee shirt to go with it, and a hairband to keep his hair out of his face. Y/N realised just then that he was getting ready to leave for rugby as he had told her yesterday he would. She could remember him doing rugby when they knew each other three years ago as well, but she didn’t think he’d still be doing it.
The small conversation they had in The Stag’s Head the night before lingered in the air between and around them. That was reason enough to turn and walk upstairs again. But as Y/N remembered who was waiting for her in her room, she stepped into the kitchen. She got two slices of bread and put them in the toaster, getting some butter and milk out of the fridge as she waited. She watched Harry’s back as she filled the kettle with enough water, quickly looking away when he moved to put his eggs on the two slices of bread on his plate. Biting her lip, Y/N got a mug and a teabag, looking back over at Harry as he stood holding his breakfast plate. Y/N took a deep breath, knowing exactly what she had to do.
“Okay,” she said only a second before Harry turned around to face her, mouth open as if to say something. He must have noticed the tension as well. “We need to talk this through. We can’t live together for the next year if it’s gonna be like this. Just gonna put that out there right away.”
“Yeah,” Harry sighed. “I’ve been thinking the same thing.”
Y/N leaned her hip against the counter, feeling relieved that she was not the only one out of the two that had thought about how incredibly awkward this was. “You’ve thought about it too?”
“Of course. I’ve been fuming ‘cause Nathan didn’t tell you sooner, and I’ve also found it annoying how I’m the bad guy in your eyes when this wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for Nate.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “I haven’t thought of you as the bad guy-“
“-Y/N,” Harry said, putting his plate down on the counter again. “You’ve been angry at me this whole time. I can tell.”
“My frustration with you has got nothing to do with this situation, but all to do with how you just left without even saying goodbye before you moved away.” Y/N crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m trying to not blame you for this as well, but you’re right, Nathan’s the one that made this happen, we should be angry with him.”
“So you have been mad at me.”
“Well, you’re here, aren’t you?” Y/N narrowed her eyes. “Isn’t it just easier, no matter how stupid the reason, to just find more things to make you angry at a person? To make you hate them even more? Isn’t it just satisfying to find other ways to be frustrated with them?”
“You’re no fun.”
“I am.”
“Anyway,” Y/N continued, getting her bread slices out of the toaster to put butter on them. “Why didn’t we say anything? If we’ve both thought it’s been awkward, I mean.”
“You’ve been busy shagging men 10 years older than you, I didn’t get the chance.”
“Look at you not being frustrated or annoyed with me.”
“I told you to be quiet last night,” Harry said, getting a fork and putting some asparagus and paprika in his mouth. “You weren’t.”
Y/N got the kettle as it finished, pouring some hot water into her mug. “So, what you’re saying is that you’ve been angry with me.”
“Not angry, just…” Harry sighed. “Fine. A little angry last night, yes.”
Y/N smiled. “And he wasn’t 10 years older than me, he’s five years older.” She paused. “I think.”
“Right,” Harry said, eating more of his breakfast. “Listen…” He swallowed. “I think we should just… We should just address it.”
They were both quiet, looking at the other and waiting for them to say what they were both thinking. Though it looked like he was about to reach for his bread to take a bite, Harry stopped himself. Instead, he took a deep breath, and said, “It was fucking terrible. That first time…” He trailed off, narrowing his eyes before he ran a hand over his face, remembering it all over again. “I didn’t even last a minute. It was mortifying.”
“It wasn’t half as mortifying as you trying to go down on me afterwards.”
Harry let out a small laugh. “Yeah, that wasn’t really…” He sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“No, we were both part of it. You don’t have to apologise for that.”
“You hear all these stories about how losing your virginity is supposed to be so beautiful, but it’s not. It’s really fucking not. Especially if you lose it to someone else who hasn’t had sex before, it just makes it double as awkward.”
Y/N nodded. “It was shit. Both of us were shit.”
“But I hope you know the reason I’m frustrated with you isn’t because of that.”
Harry looked away, biting at his bottom lip before he said, “Yeah, I know why.”
“Good, just wanted that to be clear.”
Harry nodded, taking his bread slice in his hand, making sure the egg wouldn’t fall off before he brought it to his mouth. “Well, now that we’ve addressed that, let’s just move on.”
She gave him a small smile before taking her teabag out of her mug and throwing it in the bin. There was still some tension in the room, but not enough for Y/N to want to set herself on fire like she had wanted to before. Just as she was about to take a grip of her plate and cuppa, the sounds of footsteps made her look up. George, who had been asleep last time Y/N checked, walked by the kitchen, halting as he saw Y/N and Harry standing there in the kitchen. He gave them both a smile Y/N could tell was forced, and then walked straight for the door without a single word or a second glance. Y/N and Harry looked at one another, sharing a look before they both chuckled ever so slightly.
“Cracking bloke,” Harry mumbled.
“Innit,” Y/N huffed, picking up her breakfast. “Have fun at rugby practice.”
She walked by him, hoping that her room did not smell of George or anything resembling alcohol or sweat. If it did, she would hit her head against the wall. But, lucky for her, George had left the door open, which had given the room a little bit of time to get the smell of last night out. After putting on her fluffy duvet cover, she opened the windows to let some fresh air in, and left her door open as she sat down in bed with her laptop, tea, and breakfast.
Just as she was about to put her plate down on the nightstand, she noticed something already laying there on top of her books. Adjusting her glasses, Y/N squinted at the object. She put her plate down on her duvet cover and reached for the wristwatch George had left. It was the nice leather one she had seen last night by the bar, the one that had caught her attention first. The digital clock seemed to have stopped working, displaying a random time that Y/N in her hangover state could not tell anyone what was. She was too fucked to even try and understand the numbers in front of her.
She put the clock back on her desk, hoping that she’d run into George soon so she could give it back to him. Or maybe Nathan could stalk Facebook and find him so she could message him there to tell him. She was glad she hadn’t exchanged phone numbers with George as she did not want to meet him again, but right now, she wanted to give him his watch back.
Y/N heard the front door open and then close, indicating that Harry had just left for rugby, and, as far as she could tell, she was the only one currently awake in her flat. The morning was quiet, she felt oddly at peace as she put on Fleabag and sipped her cuppa, and little did she know, this would be one of those rare moments over the last three years that this emotion inhabited her body.
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NEXT UPDATE: Sunday, 7th March, 9PM GMT!
Huge thanks to my AMAZING beta reader! 🏛️ @aileenacoustic 🏛️ @devil-in-bw-the-sheets 🏛️ @sunflowerstache​ 🏛️ @fromyourstrulyh​ 🏛️
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
hi heres me projecting a sad thingy on steve. he secretly has a BIG thing for being called annoying, throughout his entire childhood his parents werent afraid of saying he was annoying or a bother, his friends growing up didnt hold back either, nancy said it too, even when she meant it in a cute way it still hurt. then the first time billy said it, except Billy was the only one who was able to catch the sudden switch, the switch from happy loud steve to quiet and dull.
“-and that’s when Tommy H. tried to pass the ball to George, but he wasn’t looking at it hit him in the head, and George started crying, and Tommy had to write him a note and now he can’t play outside during recess all week.” Steve was swinging his legs under the dinner table, sitting with his parents as they ate quietly.
He was recounting the daily second grade stories, pushing mushy vegetables around his plate.
His parents kept passing looks back and forth, looks Steve didn’t quite understand.
“And George doesn’t like Tommy, so I think that he-”
“Steven, I would like to enjoy my meal in peace, please.” His dad didn’t even look over at him.
“Uh, okay. Sorry, Dad.” He set his fork down, suddenly didn’t want to bother pretending eating his veggies. “May I be excused?” It was easier to simply retreat, go play in his room for the rest of the night.
Steve doesn’t like the way his dad looks at him sometimes.
It makes him feel bad inside. His dad simply waved a hand.
Steve took his plate into the kitchen, carefully placing it on the counter.
“He’s such a bother sometimes. Going on about the other children like it matters.”
“Richard, he’s a child.”
“And I don’t want him to grow into an adult that thinks it’s okay to annoy me people to death.”
Steve didn’t know what annoy means.
He asks his teacher the next day.
“To annoy someone means to irritate them. To bother them and make them angry.”
So, he irritated his father. He bothered him to the point where he was angry.
Steve didn’t speak the next night.
Or the next.
“Tommy, come on.”
Steve was not above whining.
“I wanna try it.”
Tommy had snuck a beer out of his dad’s stash in the fridge in the garage.
Tommy and Carol had each tried a sip, grimacing at the taste.
“I don’t thin you’re ready for it, Stevie. Still acting like a baby.”
They were fourteen, going into high school at the end of summer.
“Man, I am not. Just let me try it. I gotta get used tot he taste before we start going to parties.”
“No one’s gonna invite you to parties if you’re this annoying.”
The words stung, but Tommy passed him the beer while he said them, grinning lazily.
The beer tasted like shit.
Steve couldn’t discern it from the sour taste in his mouth that word left.
“Nancy,” Steve sang.
He was laying on her bed, his head flopped over the side, looking at her upside down. “Nancy.”
“Steve, I’ve gotta finish this.”
“Nancy, that essay’s due in like, a week.”
“I’ve got to finish this draft. Mrs. Lorraine said she’d read over it tomorrow and give me any pointers.” Steve rolled his eyes.
“You don’t need any pointers. You know she’s just gonna tell you it’s perfect.”
She was quiet.
“C’mon, Nance. Just lay with me for a little while. It’s been such a shitty week. Did I tell you my parents came home?”
“Yes. A few times.”
“I just always ask them to call first. If’ they called before going to the airport, I’d have like, a day or so, or at least a few hours before they get here depending on where they are. But they never do and they get on me about the house being a mess when it’s not, I’ve just left like, a pair of shoes out or something and-”
“Steve, I have to finish this. God, you can be so annoying sometimes.”
The words hit Steve like ice.
He sat up quickly, tugging on his shoes from next to the bed, yanking his sweater back on.
“I’m just gonna go then. Annoy my parents at home.” She didn’t say anything.
He rolled his eyes.
“Bill, where are you goin’?”
Billy was trying to get himself out of bed, gonna go make them both some coffee.
“I need some fuckin’ caffeine. Don’t know if you realized this, I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
Steve stretched lazily, finally letting Billy slid out from under the covers and pull on a pair of shorts from the floor.
He was smiling lazily, looked so perfect in the soft light of morning.
“Bring me a cup?”
“Yeah, Baby.”
“With a little bit of cream, and two scoops of sugar and-”
“I know how you take it, Pretty Boy.”
“And would you do some toast, too? I’ve got the good jam in the fridge, that fresh raspberry stuff from the old couple down the street. Will you do sourdough? It’s in he pantry, not the breadbox, and just a little bit of that Amish butter and then a layer of jam-” Billy flopped onto the bed, letting his weight press into Steve.
“I got an idea. You could come make yourself your high maintenance toast before I get annoyed to death.”
Billy meant it cute.
As cute as he can mean things while still making fun of Steve.
His idea was to get Steve in the kitchen with him. They could turn on the little radio down there and make breakfast together. It would be nice.
But it was alarming.
He was watching Steve’s face as he said it, and the second he let slip annoyed to death, Steve’s eyes went blank.
He stopped talking, smiling benignly up at Billy.
“What’s up?” Steve just shook his head. “No, something’s wrong, I can tell.”
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.”
Steve’s words were clipped.
“You’re not fine. Tell me what’s wrong? What’d I do?”
“You didn’t do anything. I just-” he sighed. “I know I can be annoying sometimes. I’m working on it.”
“Because, because,” Steve wasn’t looking at him, “because it sucks, being around someone that just makes you mad because they won’t shut up.”
“Baby, you never make me mad. I’m sorry I said that, it was a joke. I don’t actually think you’re annoying. I just, I thought maybe we could make breakfast together.” His cheeks were hot, admitting that to Steve.
Billy doesn’t think it’ll matter how long they’re together, he’ll always get flustered admitting his feelings, or even getting close to doing so.
“No, Billy. It’s fine. I’ll try to keep it in mind. When to shut my mouth.”
“Steve, I fucking never want you to shut your mouth. I want you to talk to me forever and ever. I wanna hear about your fucking toast every single morning. I wanna hear about your day every night, and I wanna hear what pisses you off, and what makes you sad, and what makes you happy. Never stop talking to me, okay? Just love hearing your voice.”
“I, alright.” Steve’s eyes were bright again, but he still looked unsure.
“Come downstairs. Tell me about the fuckin’ Amish butter and why in the hell you have it.”
“It’s hand churned.”
“Yeah? Why’s that make it special?”
Steve appraised Billy.
He tried to keep his face open, tried to make sure Steve knew he wanted to know.
“It just makes it taste better. I think it’s because they use really fresh butter milk. I get it at the farmer’s market and the woman that sells it says they have a farm. They have goat cheese, too, and I’ve always wanted to try it because they have ones made with different herbs, and they all look so good.”
Billy was still on top of Steve, watching him intently as he spoke.
It made Steve warm. Washed out that sour feeling in his throat.
Because Billy wanted to hear him.
And Steve doesn’t know anybody that’s ever wanted that.
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masonscig · 3 years
i like it when you sleep
pairing | mason x sofía
word count | 2.2k
warnings | mention of anxiety, and general murphy nightmares. shameless smut. minors dni
author’s note | had an idea last night and was possessed by some kinda writing gods so here u go! my prompt fill for day five of hot in wayhaven, temperature. this is set sometime in the future where they’re not official and not living together, but they’re a lot more comfortable w each other – idk what book they’re gonna get together so have this vague scene mwah (i have not proofread this so enjoy the mess) also THIS TITLE IS SO LAST MINUTE SJDFJKKDFJ bc of that one song by the 1975 with a full sentence title that is v them 
She hasn’t had vivid dreams in a long time, and she’s not sure if she likes it that way or not.
Her dreams are just vague sensations with colors and shapes that never fully form, sometimes comforting ones that guide her through the night till she naturally wakes.
Other times, the creeping anxiety’s broken her into a cold sweat till she jumps awake, left with the distant feeling of Murphy’s fangs deep in her throat, her scar throbbing, the skin there hot.
Tonight’s one of those nights where she’s already woken up panting after outrunning something without a face or distinct features.
The room’s stifling already, but the air conditioning is on full blast. The old system isn’t nearly strong enough to cool down the apartment to her liking.
She shifts under the sheets again, trying to find a cool patch on the bed.
Can’t get comfortable. Can’t cool down. Can’t sleep.
She rolls onto her back, tracing lines from bump to bump on the popcorn ceiling. Her eyes are dried and each blink is scratchier than the last. Her lids are heavy, but her brain’s fighting sleep.
Mason’s next to her, arms folded behind his head, face gentle – his snores are soft and followed by sighs. He’s at his most peaceful like this.
Grabbing the cup of ice water from her nightstand, she takes a few refreshing gulps, tracing her fingers through the condensation on the outside of it, before tapping her cold fingertips to her cheeks.
There’s not much she can do besides lie there until her brain stops working overtime. Maybe then she’ll slip into the dreamless sleep she so desperately wants.
“Sofía?” He rasps groggily, his voice crackling.
It still gets her when he uses her name so casually.
“I can’t sleep,” she smiles weakly, making no move to curl up to his side.
“Didn’t you take some of that sleep shit before you laid down?” He asks, peering at her through a squinted eye, the other one squeezed shut.
It’s true she’s relied on sleep aids for a long time – but something about this summer’s made her immune to them. The drops she puts in the glass of water she chugs before bed are completely ineffective.
“I guess they just stopped working.”
Mason frowns, kicking the sheets off his legs. He’s wearing the soft shorts she bought him, the ones she picked because she knew the fabric wouldn’t make him want to claw his skin off.
“Did I wake you up?” She asks, rolling onto her side. She shakes her bangs away, brows furrowed.
He shrugs. “Not your fault. It doesn’t take much to get me up anyway.”
“It was the fucking water… I was drinking too loudly,” she murmurs, propping her head up with one hand. “I’m sorry.”
“Nah, I’ve got my fill. I’m rested.” A soft smile tugs at one side of his mouth. “Thanks for letting me crash here.”
“You’re always welcome here. You know that.”
He rolls his eyes. “I don’t say thanks often, and when I do it goes unnoticed.” He stretches, the taut muscle rolling beneath his freckled skin.
Her eyes widen. “Oh wow, you really did. Four leaf clover moment.”
He shifts so that he’s on his side, too, inches away from her. “Nothin’ lucky about me.”
“Now’s the part where you say ‘I’m lucky to know you, Sofía’,” she jokes, squishing his cheeks together with her free hand, his brow quirked while she’s tugging his jaw open and closed.
“That’s a given, sweetheart.”
Closing the gap between them with a grin, she presses a kiss to his parted lips, giggling when he darts his tongue out to lick her.
“You’re so annoying,” she laughs, trying to roll away from him, but he just wraps his arms around her, nuzzling his nose into her neck.
“Don’t I know it.”
They spoon for a little while (she’s not sure how long), the ceiling fan whirring above them, the grasshoppers chirping relentlessly outside of her window.
The sweat’s still coming, even more so now that she’s cuddled up to him.
She tries and fails to reach her phone that’s on the other side of the nightstand, so Mason leans forward to tap her dark screen. The time is in big bold letters at the top of the screen, and despite her reading it four or five times just to be sure, it doesn’t change.
“I’ve gotta be up in a couple hours anyways,” she sighs, fully planning on brewing a pot of coffee and inhaling it throughout the entire day. “Might as well get up and finish the book I was reading.”
“How many hours?” He asks against her neck, kissing the scar there to punctuate his question.
“Three, I think.”
“You can fit a good nap in right after,” he chuckles, still buried in the dark sea of her hair between them.
“After what?” She asks, but it comes out more of a sigh when he suckles and nips her shoulder.
“After I fuck you senseless.” Her stomach flutters, her thighs clenching. He doesn’t beat around the bush, that’s for sure.
“Mason, you don’t have to, really. I’m a big girl – I can handle being tired for a day.”
“You’ve gotta patrol tomorrow, right?” His lips are pressed against her ear now, and his hands are splaying across her stomach.
He’s right. Tina’s cousin is visiting from out of town, so she jumped at the chance to relieve her for the night. Should be a huge regret, honestly, but she can’t bring herself to feel that way.
She sucks in a breath when his fingers inch past the waistband of her shorts, past the elastic of her underwear, past the trimmed hair above her folds, settling there with a slow swirl of his middle finger.
“Yeah, I do,” she’s already panting like a fucking fool – she can’t help what he does to her, though.
No one’s touch has ever made her feel this way.
“Gotta be well rested to protect the town.”
“Mhmm,” she agrees, groaning low when he adds two more fingers and picks up speed, rubbing her off at a furious pace.
She should be embarrassed by how fast he makes her come, but considering orgasms with Bobby were few and far between, she’s greedy with them now.
Once she got a taste of being thoroughly fucked and pleasured, she became shameless in collecting them from Mason.
Sucking her earlobe into his mouth, he nibbles the soft skin with a soft pant of his own. Her hand’s on his cock already, palming him through the thin fabric.
He slows his hand, setting an agonizing pace this time, and she’s rolling her hips to try and climax, but it isn’t working.
“Mason, please –”
“Begging already? We haven’t even gotten to the good part yet,” he breathes into her ear, pulling his hand from her shorts and bringing it to his mouth, sucking his glistening fingers over her shoulder.
She whines, barely able to see his tongue dart in between his fingers from her peripheral. “I wanted to come –”
“Impatient ass. You will soon enough,” he smiles into her shoulder, kissing the freckled skin there this time.
She feels the warmth of his hand between her legs, and she’s expecting them to sink into her, but instead he’s hastily tugging her shorts and underwear to the side, hiking her leg in the air.
The fabric rips, and he’s got the audacity to chuckle like he didn’t just ruin her favorite pajama bottoms.
“Hey, those are my favorite –” she barely finishes her sentence when he teases her with his tip, running it up and down her heat.
His hand’s holding up her leg from the knee when he pushes into her.
The sweat rolls down the small of her back – the heat had become an afterthought the second he touched her cunt.
He circles his free arm around her waist, tugging her back till they’re skin to skin.
His hips begin to roll, stroking in and out rhythmically, and all she can do is lie there slack-jawed.
“Oh fuck, that’s so good.” She’s praising him in his favorite way – complimenting him through the pleasure – and that always excites and motivates him.
“Yeah? You like when I fuck you like this? Tell me,” he huffs shakily while he tries to keep his voice even.
She knows she’s got just as equal of a grip on him as he has on her. He’s begrudgingly admitted in the afterglow that he’s never fucked like this before, with both lust and affection intermingling.
“Yes, yes, please, just like that,” she chants, eyelids fluttering shut when his hips snap harder and harder, his arm tightening around her waist.
She digs her fingernails into his arm to anchor herself while he fucks her relentlessly, and he grunts into her ear when she starts bucking her hips, fucking him back.
Her sleeping shirt’s almost completely damp on the back, and it’s gross. Thankfully, they’re in sync, so he helps her slip it over her head, immediately cupping her tits and toying with her nipples.
He’s still fucking her like their lives depend on it, and he’s pressing hot, wet kisses to her back, shoulders, neck… and tweaking her nipples with an expert hand… 
It’s too much, and she’s overstimulated, clenching around him. “Shit, oh my god –”
With a quick maneuver, he’s tugged her underneath him, flat on her stomach, and rolls his hips into her steadily.
She’s open mouthed moaning into the pillow and he’s hitting all the right spots with the new angle and she’s clenching her legs so she feels tighter –
He’s singing his praises above her, shifting till he’s on his elbows on top of her, not a breath of space between them. The cool surface of his crystal necklace skims her back, raising goosebumps on her arms. 
He’s pressing the weight of his chest onto her back, sinking her further into the pillows.
He’s everywhere.
He’s all she can hear. All she can feel.
Any coherent thought of the long patrol and her uneasy dreams are long gone, and there’s him. Only him.
“You’re so good for me, sweetheart. Get your face out of that pillow. Let me hear you.” She’s already putty in his hands, nodding along to whatever he gravels in her ear, so she obliges.
The noises she’s making aren’t flattering in the slightest. They’re an awful mixture of whines and groans, the cadence of them matching the slap of his hips against her ass.
“Fuck,” he huffs as she raises her hips to meet him, lifting them barely an inch or two off the bed.
If her sounds are getting him off, then his are sending her into another realm.
There’s something practically indescribable about getting another person off without trying to. Mason’s probably felt this high a million times in his existence, but it’s new to her.
With a few swivels of her hips, she’s got him just as worked up as her, and he lets her know.
“God, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous – so fuckin’ tight around me. Your cunt’s perfect for me, Sofía, oh my god,” he pants into her hair, gathering it in one hand at the nape of her neck.
He gently tugs her head to the side so he can kiss her, her eyes are already fluttering shut, her mouth parted as she’s nearing her high.
“What do you need, sweetheart? Tell me,” he murmurs, still watching her profile while she concentrates on the orgasm on the horizon.
“Just – fuck me like that – a little harder – and talk to me –” she manages a few broken demands.
“You’re doing so well taking my cock like that – can’t wait to feel you squeeze around me when you come,” he pants, curling his hips so he’s deeper in her, and she all but cries out, slapping a hand over her mouth.
“No, no, let me hear you – wanna see your pretty lips when you say my name –” his hips are stuttering. He’s close.
Thankfully, she gets there first, calling out his name, clenching her thighs to ride it out while he still pumps in and out of her erratically. He’s not far behind her.
When he comes in her, he groans this whiny groan like he’s the one being fucked into oblivion.
He slides out of her gently before plopping onto the bed next to her, tugging her to his side.
“I don’t know if I’ll wake up in 2 hours like I’m supposed to,” she murmurs, eyes heavy and half lidded from getting her back blown out in the dead of night.
“So I did a good job then?” He smirks, pressing a kiss to her sweaty bangs.
“A perfect job. You should just recreate this every time,” she sighs, pressing a kiss to the skin nearest to her, right on his outer chest.
“You’re asking me to fuck you like that every night? Don’t know if I can recreate it perfectly, but I’m up for the challenge,” he laughs, running a palm down her side.
She can’t remember what she says after that, as she’s fallen asleep topless, sweaty, and in ripped pants almost instantly.
He stays – watches her as she sleeps this time. And he thinks that she’s the most peaceful he’s ever seen her.
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