#shoutout to sierra because that’s her husband
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how can someone look so pretty…?
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blakegallo · 4 years
so i’ve sat on last night’s episode overnight, gone through the lone star tag and i guess i just want to take a moment to work through my thoughts on the show? and it’s under a cut bc i rambled for forever
off the bat i don’t think that i would go so far as to be in the camp that the spinoff takes things that people have established in fanon to make canon here. i don’t think ryan murphy was out here trying to remake the bobby/buck dynamic with tk/owen or remake buddie with tarlos. 
that said, if you want to go down that road who am i to stop you.
continuing on with things that i do like, i like most of the crew? do i know their names? not without a wikipedia search, but that’s fine. i’ll get there. paul and marjan have me the most excited. i like mateo [ shoutout to julian who already appeared on a couple episodes of 911 + was in titans ], that said i’m still confused about the whole let’s hire a man who didn’t pass the academy four separate times. i also think that there show had coded him to be some kind of neurodivergent, maybe that’s just me reading into stereotypes, in which case, y’know my bad. but i felt that’s what we were playing with. 
if nothing else i could continue watching just for liv tyler’s character. i don’t think i’m invested in her sister being missing and the man she thinks killed her not being brought to justice, but i thought she was easily the most interesting character and her scenes really stole me. the tag doesn’t seem to like the work she was doing, but oh well. 
by now i think it’s pretty clear the things i don’t like or am really just in different about.
i could not care less about tk. it rubs me the wrong way that we met this character the way we did. i still feel like there aren’t a lot of dark skinned queer men in most media, having one fuck over the white protagonist and not be given any kind of story outside of being a cheater just doesn’t do it for me. i also actively do not care about well off white gay drug addicts. i’m sorry, but also not. like that’s just who i am. so when we met tk overdosed i just didn’t care?  
owen? his dad, whatever his name is. don’t really care about him either. obviously your medical history is your medical history and you should disclose that to whoever you feel comfortable doing that. i just don’t like miscommunication that is done solely for the drama. it’s one thing in a show where the focal point is a romance, the stakes can be but so high. but here it just didn’t work for me. it also just feels like an easy out for rob lowe bc he can die whenever and it’s because he has cancer so. there’s maybe a ticking clock? there was also just something about the way his diagnosis was weaponized against judd that rubbed me the wrong way. i know it was the pilot, but i also just really don’t fuck with narratives surrounding how well off white parents continue to allow their children to abuse drugs without any kind of meaningful intervention even though they clearly have the means to do more than force them to live in the same house.
really i think that judd was the worst thing about this show.
several other people in the tag seem to really be here for his interracial marriage to sierra’s character. i think her name is grace. and i’m just patently against it. i think that grace certainly deserves better. or if they wanted to have a black woman married to a white man it shouldn’t have been judd.
the man is introduced in either the most stereotypical way possible, complaining about how the team is no longer just a bunch of white people. and then at the end of the episode rob just gives him a job even though he’s done nothing to suggest that judd could actually work with these people. plenty of racist white men spend their time fucking black people. putting your dick in a black person doesn’t absolve you of your racism.
but it’s also so strange to see owen give in so easily to judd after seeing him cry. especially when it’s clear that judd is still traumatized and hasn’t been getting help. i know you can live in a nice house and have nice clothes and i have no idea what kind of benefits firefighters have in terms of being able to see a therapist, but i think that the show makes it clear that the financial reality of seeing a therapist wasn’t really what was stopping judd from actually getting help. and now he’s out there in the world with a crew of people from the begining of the episode we saw he doesn’t really respect and is not in the headspace needed to do his job., massive liability.
it’s also again, just the laziest kind of tension you can have in a show set in the south. which i think is why the end of the pilot was the way that it was. i dunno. i don’t like him. i would have rather watched sierra grieving the loss of her husband than his dumb ass.
after that, i don’t really care about tarlos rn. i reserve the right to change my mind bc i think carlos was one of the characters that got the short end of the stick in the pilot. but i don’t feel any strong opinions. but i also wasn’t one of the people out here thirsting over them for the past year while they were used to really promo this spinoff
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willreadforbooze · 4 years
Hello boozie readers!
Reminder:Our Will Read For Booze twitter account (formerly Sam’s personal account) is going to be dedicated to the whole blog! So go check us out kthxxxx. While that’s amazing, Sam has to start from scratch on a new account, let’s show her some love huh? Check out her new account TheBooktender_  She’ll love you forever and ever.
Linz’s Updates
A missive from the holiday front lines: Decorations are finally up, and this is the year we bake nothing and throw money at the problem. Also saw Knives Out and it was excellent. Also ate a pretzel the size of my head.
What Linz read:
Strangers and Cousins by Leah Hager Cohen: Family and friends come together in a small New York town for a daughter’s wedding. Also there’s a group of ultra orthodox Jews moving into the town. I dunno, it was a little boring and I just don’t think the discrimination issue addressed held up for 2019? It definitely felt like a mediocre indie film – not a lot happens and you’re not really satisfied at the end.
The Wicked Wallflower by Maya Rodale: Romance novel about a young woman who tricks a lord into a fake engagement. The writing wasn’t terrible, the romance was eh, could have definitely used some steamier sex scenes. What I’m super pissed about is that the lord is into modernization and tries to get funding for what’s effectively the early version of the calculator in the 1820s. The thing is Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace would come up with this idea like a decade later, and this could have been a REALLY great opportunity to have the heroine be an Ada Lovelace-esque character…and nothing. Lovelace doesn’t even get a shoutout in the book’s end notes, which pissed me off because Lovelace’s name is easily discovered if you do 5 minutes of research on Babbage.
What Linz didn’t finish:
There Will Come a Darkness by Katy Rose Pool: One prophecy and the seven people whose paths cross to either fulfill it or ruin it, something like that. So much wading through telling language for the worldbuilding, and so much barely veiled versions of real places that it feels like the author kinda just Googled faraway countries and dropped in 3-4 things that kinda represented it?
What Linz is reading:
Dress Codes for Small Towns by Courtney C. Stephens: Coming of age story about a a tomboy trying to discover her sexuality. I’m actually not sure how I came across this book but I”m very excited for it.
Minda’s Updates
Starting the countdown: six weeks until baby. And wine.
What Minda finished:
The Wicked King by Holly Black – So so good! In the next saga of the series, Jude grapples with her newfound power and love interest in Faerieland—but with an increasing number of enemies she needs to be watching her back. Oh, there will be a review.
What Minda is reading now:
Dark Age by Pierce Brown – It’s definitely taking some time to get back into the Red Rising series—sooo many characters that I can’t remember. An author on Twitter recently recommended that all books in series start with a “Last time on…” section and um can we totally make this a thing? Please?
Ginny’s Updates
Guess who’s tired!
The Queen of Blood by Sarah Beth Durst: Going to write a review of this, but Daleina has a small amount of talent to control the sprites that cause most of the problems in their country. She ends up going to a magic school where she works incredibly hard but always seems to fall short of others natural talents.
Cowboy Christmas Redemption by Maisey Yates: Fun fact, I already wrote a review about this one. It’s part of a blog tour so keep your eyes out soon. Caleb was the person who helped Ellie get through the death of her husband (who was his best friends) years later, she asks him for help fulfilling a Christmas list to help her get back into the dating game.
Kiss of Snow by Nalini Singh: This is book is number 10 in a series and all I can say is finally! Sierra, a young-ish Psy that defected, and Hawke, the leader of the clan, are finally getting their story told. The book told an interesting tale of the difference in decisions between brain and heart. 4/5
Currently Reading:
Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff: Still working on this one. I want to read it, I just haven’t been in a reading mood when I’ve had the book on hand.
The Night County by Melissa Albert: This is the sequel to The Hazel Wood. I’m glad I get the chance to revisit this world. So far we’re back in New York while Alice tries to figure out life. A strong start.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid: I know, this is a lot of books to read at once, but this book was going to disappear from the library so… I started this book and was kind of bummed at the premise. I’ve read a lot of books where the young reporter gets called in to write a story with no concrete reason why they were chosen. But this book is so so worth it. I’m not super far in, but Evelyn is in incredibly interesting character.
Sam’s Updates
I feel like a broken record but I had one hell of a work week. This week should be better though because the clients are out of town and I have time to catch up!
What Sam read this week:
A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer: This is the sequel to A Curse So Dark and Lonely. I didn’t love the first one (check the review here). This went about how I guessed. Full review to come.
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo: I loved this! I was surprised at how much I loved this paranormal contemporary fantasy but I did. Check our Linz’s drunk review!!!
What Sam’s currently reading:
Graceling by Kristen Cashore: I am WAY behind the band wagon on this one. In this story, Katza is a Graceling (one with magic) and in her country, they are “given” to the king to use as he will. Her grace is murder… so you know how that goes. Anyway, in secret, she starts an organization called The Council to actually do some good. While on a mission she runs into another Graceling man. The mission actually creates more questions than answers, Katza and Poe (the other Graceling) go on an adventure to get their answers. I’m really liking this. I’m listening on audio and it’s fully casted and has some sound effects and I am LOVING it so far. It has some problematic elements, but I’m still liking it.
Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim: I’ve barely started this, but it seems like one story is about a person who’s spent the last 7 years working on a debtor’s ship and a merchant’s son. They havent met up yet, but I’m assuming they will soon.
Until next time, we main forever drunkenly yours,
Sam, Ginny, Linz, and Minda
Weekly Wrap Up: Dec 1-8, 2019 Hello boozie readers! Reminder:Our Will Read For Booze twitter account (formerly Sam's personal account) is going to be dedicated to the whole blog!
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