#shuu composes
Headcanons about Sakamaki and Mukami hands please 🙏
touch by touch: sakamaki and mukami hands headcanons
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tw: a bit nsfw
-his hands are rough... but not as rough as what you'd imagine cause he carries this small tube of hand cream that he uses as his mini perfume
-however, you can feel his calluses due to playing the violin. well he doesn't play that much anymore but the calluses are still there to remind him of the child he was back then
-but boy what he does with his fingers will make you wild (I'll leave it up to your imagination 😉)
-one might think Reiji's hands are soft bcos he always maintains cleanliness everywhere he goes
-nah his hands are dry like the Sahara desert cause of his frequent usage of alcohol c/o of the things he experiments
-would even try to compensate for these dry hands by using gloves while washing the dishes like those Asian moms (mommyreijiinthehouse)
-so yeah he's the typical rough hand that could touch your skin and make you melt as he chokes you into oblivion bcos he wants you to subject to him
-hmm sometimes his hands are sweaty especially when he's nervous and that is really rare or maybe his hands are sweaty due to excitement or adrenaline rush cause our red boy's full of spunk
-he actually takes care of his hands tho, especially his nails bcos basketball players aren't allowed to have long nails
-would even go as far as to apply a clear shiny coat on them bcos he doesn't like seeing them chipped off
-even got Yui into doing this kind of thing bcos couple goals ✨
-as someone who is a fan of fingers and such, this purple gremlin takes care of his hands
-after all, he knows how hands can have a significant impact on the way you touch and tease someone
-doesn't matter if his hand is composed of paper pale skin or bony fingers that look like they can easily bend and break as long as he manages to ghost you with his touch
-yeah like his touches and carrases are gentle but the way he skins you alive with his knife is harsh and painful
-also uses a hand cream with the same brand like Shuu's
-this guy has prob the most beautiful hands out of all bros like he really takes care of them
-yeah bcos this beautiful boy wants to do anything that would make him the center of attention
-his hands are not too bony nor muscular??? they're just the perfect fit
-well until he decides to do something terrible to you with them
-you know those hand descriptions that say "rough and muscular with veins protruding"?
-yep that's our bby car right here
-like his whole body, even his hands, should show any amount of rage he always keeps inside like the constipated man he is
-ofc there are a few bruises here and there
-as if they don't heal cause pureblood vampire genes
-guess how many people he has killed with them
-papercuts, lots of them
-I wanna say something interesting like rough with a few bony fingers and veins popping up every time he cuts a vegetable
-but nah all this guy has are papercuts
-the same with Laito
-like btch he has an idol image to maintain so might as well take care of any part of his body so he could sell well
-talk abt exploitation jk
-he actually practiced giving himself manicures for years until he can finally flaunt them btchass fingernails 💅
-even got the signature Doja Cat nails bcos he found out some idols use them to pick their nose
-eventually removed them cause it only makes his nose bleed
-BIG 👀
-like I swear when he spreads it out, it covers Azusa's whole face and his bros would reprimand him to be careful with them
-cause one tight grasp of his hands and he'll be sending someone to the hospital soon
-he accidentally broke one of his classmates bones by trying to pull them when they're about to get bumped by the crowd during cultural festival
-wounds everywhere
-I swear all of em are traced like constellations in the sky but this time constellations on his bony hands
-prob even named them after constellations too
-"Ruki what does this one look like?"
-"like Spica"
-"okay your name is Spica"
-but he will realize soon enough that it's futile to have wounds in his hands bcos it hinders movement
-so he went back to his bff Justin and added more friends there so he won't be lonely 🫂
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soobaru · 2 years
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★ diaboys reaction to you wearing their clothes pt. 1 ★
characters // shuu, reiji, & subaru
genre // fluff
warnings // none !!
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♱ ♱ his brothers would probably think he wouldn’t care or even notice, but they’re 100% wrong. shuu may come off as aloof but his attention is yours. always. “babe?” you hear your boyfriend’s voice call out to you. shuu caught you trying to sneak past him while he was taking a nap. “omg you scared me.” he looks over at you and sees you wearing his sweater. “is that mine?” it takes you a second to register what he was talking about. “oh! yeah i kinda took it.” you say as you smile at him. cute. it’s a little loose on you but he wouldn’t have it any other way. shuu is in love. “hm...” “sorry, do you want me to give it back?” shuu notices your smile fade and a look of worry replaces it. not the reaction he was hoping for. “come here,” the eldest gestures with his hand. you walk over to him and he pulls you down with him lmao. “wha—“ “shut up. you can wear my clothes whenever you want,” shuu’s voice is muffled due to his face claiming the crevice of your neck. your smile returns and he’s delighted. shuu can’t wait to see you in more of his clothes and the little squeeze he gives you, is his silent way of showing it.
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♱ ♱ reiji likes keeping his things organized and neat. the thought of sharing clothes with a s/o was childish to him. at least at first. you like your boyfriend’s dress shirts; it makes him look refined. you wanna get in on that too. the cuffs were a little loose for you as well as the collar, but you made it work. walking into reiji’s room, you see his back turned towards you. he appears to be arranging a new tea set. feeling courageous you greet him with your arms wrapping around his waist. “are you lonely, y/n?”, reiji asks with a smirk on his face. you pout and let go of him. “no,, but maybe the tea cups can keep you company instead.” the dark-haired vampire turns around and before he can reply, he sees his shirt. not in his closet. on you. he’s supposed to feel upset but, why is he feeling enveloped in adoration? “reiji?”, you look at him curiously as he hasn’t said anything. he composes himself and you hear a soft sigh. “you should probably ask before taking people’s things.” you frown at his statement which causes him to pull you by the collar of his shirt. “you can keep this one,” he pauses to plant a peck on your forehead “just this once.”
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♱ ♱ this boy is completely in love with you with his entire being. however, subaru doesn’t like to show how much power you have over him. you told him “normal couples” share clothes and subaru replied with, “lame.” he’s just embarrassed to do something so lovey-dovey. fortunately, you took matters into your own hands. finding the opportunity, you were able to get one of his blazers in your possession. you search for your boyfriend who was in the middle of conversation with shuu. subaru senses your presence and his eyes widen when he sees you. “W-WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!” his cheeks start to flush as he starts to stutter. you look beautiful. adorable. stunning. his mind is spinning with thoughts of only you. “doesn’t it look good on me?”, you give him a spin. “C-COME HERE.” subaru pulls you by the wrist away from a chuckling shuu. “babe! what’s wrong?”, you plead. subaru doesn’t say anything and pulls you in to his chest and rests his cheek on the top of your head. he could get used to this. definitely. he’ll never say it, though you may start to see his clothes appear conveniently for you to wear.
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a/n - likes, reblogs, and or feedback would be greatly appreciated 🥺 it helps me improve !! banners were made by me pls do not repost !!
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eternalchiyo · 4 months
𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜 ~𝔻𝔸ℝ𝕂 04~
Summary: Chiyo snaps.
Word Count: 2360
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She was floating in nothingness. Heavy fog surrounded her. There was no ground below her feet and yet she tried to take a step forward, what other option would she have anyway? Chiyo took a few steps, but it did not seem like she was moving forward at all.
What was this place?
The thick fog made it hard for her to see, but she felt as if she wasn’t alone. An unsettling feeling creeped over her, but her feet dragged her into a certain direction. It was as if something called for her.
“You finally came,” a feminine voice said.
“Who’s there?!” Chiyo tried to cry out, but the sound of her voice came out muffled.
Suddenly she saw a faint silhouette of what she assumed was the woman that called out to her before.
“You’ve finally come,” the woman’s arms reached forward and her hands cupped Chiyo’s face, “my Lilith.” The touch felt so familiar for some reason.
“Lilith…” the woman said, “why did you leave Adam?”
Chiyo’s eyes widened. There was no way, could it really be? She wanted to say something, call out to the woman in front of her, but there was no voice coming out.
Soon enough, she was alone in the foggy darkness again.
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Rocking back and forth, back and forth. Like a baby in a cradle.
It had been a while since Chiyo felt so warm. She wanted to stay there forever, wherever this place was. But where was she? And what was this familiar scent?
Lavender and honey.
Chiyo moved her head slowly, the terrible headache starting to become more prominent. It must have been from before when she hit her head. She opened her eyes and saw his broad shoulders in front of her.
Was he carrying her?
Groaning softly, she rested her chin on his shoulder, messy blond locks tickled her cheek. He didn’t react.
“What happened?” she asked.
Her voice was groggy, and her head increasingly felt like someone has been pounding at it with a massive hammer for hours on end. She could see some of the other’s walking along the forest path in front of them.
“The limousine crashed,” Shuu said.
So, they were walking home? Chiyo leaned more into Shuu and closed her eyes again. She needed a little bit more rest and even though she knew she shouldn’t, she still couldn’t help but enjoy being this close to him. Just for a little while longer, she thought. Just for a little while she wanted to pretend that nothing bad ever happened between them; that everything was fine.
She couldn’t help but destroy the illusion.
“Why did you kiss her?”
Shuu stopped abruptly in his tracks.
“Get off.”
“What– “
“I said get off, are you deaf?”
Reluctantly, she complied.
Her legs felt wobbly against the ground, but Shuu did not seem to care and continued to walk ahead of her.
“Wait,” Chiyo said.
Shuu turned around. He was annoyed, she could clearly see it on his face. The way he looked at her practically screamed to carry on speaking already.
“Don’t you think it’s enough already?”
Her voice strained, trying to keep herself composed. She really did not want to cry in front of him and she clung onto that resolution desperately. How long did he intend to keep on going like this? Clearly neither of them was happy.
“Don’t you think you have proven your point enough?” she said, “I understand, you hate me, so stop it already.”
“Prove a point?” he huffed, “There is no point to prove. I could not care less about you.”
Chiyo took in a deep breath. This was all too much for her to handle.
“Then why? Why do you keep on hurting me on purpose?!”
It was horrible having to admit that what he did actually hurt her. But how was she supposed to go on? There was no way she could go on living with him when he kept doing this to her. The whole thing seemed like a sick and twisted joke.
Her voice came out louder than she intended and made the others, who were already further ahead of them, turn around to see what was going on.
Shuu was taken aback but the girl did not leave him any time to react.
“Why did you show up to save me when I was being attacked, only to push me away moments after?! Why do you kiss others in front of my eyes?! Why do you do with my body as you please and then pretend nothing ever happened?! Yes, you’re so indifferent, aren’t you?!”
There was exactly one thing Chiyo hated about Shuu, and it was how he always pretended he didn’t care about anything. Her face felt hot, angry tears streaming down her cheeks, her resolution not to cry in front of him long forgotten. Out of breath from yelling all the things she kept inside her for so long, she looked up at him. Seemingly unfazed, he stood in front of her.
“Get off your high horse already. I don’t care about you in the least anymore,” he said. His voice seemed calm. Forcibly disinterested; she did not buy it.
“You’re such a bad liar,” Chiyo said in disbelief, “you can’t even look me in the eyes when you say that.”
“Do you think I owe you anything?” he made a step forward, glaring at her. “You’re the one coming here suddenly, expecting what exactly? Hospitality? Don’t make me laugh.”
Chiyo was speechless. Shuu rarely got angry in a way that he raised his voice like that. It scared her. Would he be able to do harm to her if she kept on pushing? Probably.
“Cut it out immediately, both of you!” Chiyo saw Reiji come closer out of the corner of her eye but kept on glaring at Shuu. His voice sounded distant to her.
“We have other, more pressing issues to take care of and all you can think about is starting this pathetic fight in front of everyone and put your pitiful failed relationship on display? You truly are good for nothing.”
They both turned to glare at Reiji. At least one thing they could agree on.
“Hurry up already,” he said, “Chiyo, I need you to fill me in on every detail about your encounter with Mukami Ruki, make yourself useful in some way at least.”
He turned to Shuu: “And you, frankly I do not care about what you do, as long as you keep out of the way.” Chiyo felt as if she saw Shuu roll his eyes at his younger brother before he put his earbuds back in and took off, leaving her behind with Reiji. She couldn’t help but actually feel embarrassed, it wasn’t really comforting to know that the whole family now was witness to how broken her relationship with Shuu really was.
She wanted to die.
Reiji was serious when he said he wanted to hear every little detail about her encounter with Ruki. She even had to explain her weird Mocha incident, which was the reason she ended up in the alleyway in the first place. There was not really much to deduct from this though, as she could be replaced with any other girl. Vampires did hunt for humans occasionally after all. On further thought, their meeting was hardly a coincidence.
When they arrived at home Yui told everybody about the weird dream she had while they were knocked out. A mysterious person had called her Eve and told her that she needed to find her Adam. Chiyo was not an expert on Bible studies, obviously, but it did not elude her that both their dreams mentioned Adam. She decided to keep the information about her own dream to herself though. Something told her it was not the right time to bring it up.
“Why did you leave Adam?”
That was what the mysterious woman in her dream had asked, but who was she? Chiyo had her suspicions, but could it really be? The touch she had felt had been so warm and loving. Almost like the one of a… Mother…?
But that was impossible, wasn’t it? She never met her own mother, that woman died during childbirth, and she was sure she would have never been this gentle towards her if she were alive. And why did she call her Lilith?
“Do you think those Mukami bastards might be behind the crash?” Subaru asked.
“Yes, it all is a little bit too convenient don’t you think?” Laito said.
Well, all those things happening at the same time did seem a little suspicious, Chiyo agreed with that.
“Indeed, it would be best to proceed with caution,” Reiji said, “we should keep an eye on Yui as well.”
Chiyo rolled her eyes. Yes, of course, let’s protect the human girl, while Chiyo was the one who almost got sucked dry. Obviously, that didn’t seem to be their priority right now.
Well, she also did not tell anybody about that before so maybe the fault was hers.
Moving on, everybody agreed it would be easier if Yui chose one of them to keep an eye on her. Ayato was the obvious choice; he was always swarming her like a mosquito anyway.
Chiyo kept on brooding over her own strange dream. She needed to find out who or what Lilith was first. If it was in any way connected it must have been something biblical. She doubted there was enough source material in the Sakamaki family library though; Vampires and the Bible did not seem like that good of a match. Although Yui’s sole presence in this house would have you believe otherwise. She did manage to find a copy of the bible, though Chiyo really did not feel like scanning the whole book for any mentions of that name.
There was the option to scout the school library for more source material, but she could also ask Yui for help. The idea of being dependent on a human displeased her.
She decided to keep that option in the back of her head, hopefully she would never need it.
The next day Chiyo made a beeline to the library, not even thinking about joining classes that night. The thought of accidentally meeting Shuu there made shivers run down her spine. She tried to keep her mind on the task at hand but nevertheless it kept on wandering back to the fight from the other night.
You’re the one coming here suddenly, expecting what exactly? Hospitality? Don’t make me laugh.
There had to be some deeper meaning to his words. There always was with Shuu.
Well, he wasn’t wrong probably. Since the order came from King Karlheinz there had to be some reason. Some reason related to the dream perhaps. Which in turn meant she had to get to the bottom of this first if she wanted to make some sort of progress! It wasn’t like she could just ask for an audience and ask the King what exactly he tried to do. She’d lose her head in the process most likely.
Suddenly, she felt strangely cold. She looked around; was someone stalking her? Her heart nearly stopped when she saw a pair of steel-grey eyes stare at her. Luckily, she had her emotions in check and suppressed the need to scream her soul out.
Him again!
“My, you look like a deer in headlights. I can’t say I dislike that frightened look in your eyes,” Ruki said.
Chiyo frowned at him.
“Maybe I wouldn’t look like that, if you didn’t sneak up on me like a creep,” she said.
Ruki, who had been sitting at one of the desks, looked like he was lost in thoughts for a second, before he stood up and leisurely walked over to where Chiyo was standing. She was now trapped between him and the corner shelf.
“I’ve been here for quite a while now. Maybe little girls like yourself should exercise more caution while being in a school full of monsters?”
Chiyo looked up at him, still frowning. Life was hard when all of your opponents were taller than you. She didn’t feel comfortable in Ruki’s presence at all, his aura had something she couldn’t quite place. Still, she forced herself to stand her ground. She was not gonna give away that she was actually a little bit scared of him.
Ruki looked her up and down and it made her skin crawl.
“I like the bratty look on your face,” he said, “or rather, I want to know which punishment would turn it into one of complete obedience.”
Chiyo’s eyes widened in shock and her face suddenly felt way too hot. She took a step back and bumped against the shelf.
Ruki let out a soft laugh.
“Did that excite you?”
Chiyo tried to regain some of her composure and forced her face back into the frown she was giving him before.
“Obviously not,” she said.
However, she wasn’t so sure herself. She just hoped it was convincing enough for Ruki to finally leave.
The bell rang, indicating the end of the first period and Chiyo could feel the relief. Soon the hallways would be filled with students, which would hopefully put Ruki off from pestering her further.
“That’s too bad,” he said and made his way back to the desk he had previously been sitting at. He collected the book that was still laying there before turning back to Chiyo again.
“You know where to find me if you ever change your mind.”
Chiyo watched him walk out of the library as she tried to calm her nerves again. Her hands were trembling, and her heart was pounding like crazy in her chest. What was this feeling? Disgust hopefully?
Something about Ruki made her unable to keep her emotions in check properly. Usually, she had minimal issue with staying stoic or composed enough, it gave her the creeps how it didn’t work with that person. She hoped that her book hunt would put her mind at ease at least.
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ofstormsandsaints · 2 years
Hi babes idk if you want to make headcanons but could you do headcanons for how Beatrix dresses?
Absolutely! please do ask me anything
Fashion headcanon - a Beatrix lookbook
While writing this headcanon, my brain couldn't stop thinking about @nutaella-kookie 's take on a lookbook for Beatrix. So I will list down all the points I agree on, then go into detail.
-Huge Grace Kelly inspo
-Shades of cool blue, light sand/beige, cream, touches of brown and white
-Shuu and his mother do have a similar colour palette because they both know what looks good on their fair warm-toned skin, with their golden locks and their piercing blue eyes.
Richard Jenkins photography
Jenkins is specialised in historical period so if you are looking for any accurate historical fashion depiction: here
And obviously, I had to take a look at his work after I'd found the Beatrix dress on Pinterest. (yes, the red one).
Through the centuries, she would dress like this in the human world: following diligently the fashion trends and requirements of the upper-class.
Mostly wears her hair in an elegant bun, thin strands of curly hair escaped from the hairdo and framing her face as she roams the castle, looking for her eldest.
She doesn't like it when she can't keep her hair under control - because her curls soften her features.
In the human world, she would not care that much about her appearance or about the variety of her wardrobe. She focuses on having lasting pieces that solely evoke her status.
She is rather modest: no eccentric lacy pieces at the end of her sleeves, no too-tight corset, no hats jabbed with peacock feathers, or shawls of the finest Chinese silk, embellished with threads of vermillon and gold and her shoes are simple heeled-boots, often black.
But she does like adding some feminine accents to her outfits with pearls essentially. But also lockets. Victorian golden pendants set with small rubies, sapphires or turquoise, glazed with faceted glass, smooth enamel. She owns a whole collection. All with different sprigs and flowers carved on the precious metal - each unique. Karlheinz gifted her one, a stylised chrysanthemum carved on the concave side of the locket. It was a few days after Shuu's birth.
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On her day-to-day life
A boss. (because I find the term 'girlboss' rather infantilising, in my humble opinion)
Beatrix is an efficient woman. The strict, rigid façade left aside, I do imagine she would favour practicality and versatility over anything.
Here, we are talking about how she would dress in modern days, both in the demon and human worlds:
Silken shirts, white embroidered blouses, polo-necks made of the finest wool, long sleeves always, coordinated vests and high-waisted trousers made of viscose topped with a fine leather belt to accentuate her waist, golden, fine bracelets, no rings except her wedding ring.
The mature combo of old money and dark academia.
She would make an amazing Ralph Lauren model.
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Haute Couture gal
Ok Bea, time to shine.
3 words: Dior.New.Look
And now, 3 names: Christian Dior, Jacques Heim and Pierre Balmain
@samsvenn : being a Dior model is in Beatrix's DNA, that's why Reiji looks so damn good. (your headcanon was amazing)
She was born to wear these 1950s-1960s dresses. Full petticoats, boned bodice, slightly padded busts.
Only top quality fabrics: velvet, damask, taffeta, silk and lace obviously.
Straight or sweetheart necklines mostly, she doesn't like to draw too much attention to her cleavage while her shoulders and neck are already exposed by her hairstyle and dress.
Even if Cordelia is known for her alluring, flamboyant looks, Beatrix manages to shake the audience with her composed yet regal posture.
But there is this one time when she left everyone astounded.
Even Karlheinz.
We are talking about a long silk lavender dress, paired with small diamond earrings, a matching necklace and a oh-so delicate tiara. The light purple accentuated elegantly her eyes yet highlighted her golden locks. While the rich fabric was lightly reflective - making her shine like a distant star.
She'd wore this dress at a reception, soon after her honeymoon with the king. The court was marvelled, Cordelia gave her a dirty look but stayed calmly next to Richter while Karlheinz offered to open the ball.
She accepted, took his gloved hand and held it firmly as they started waltzing magnificently.
It was soon after her honeymoon.
And soon before she'd announced him that she was pregnant.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Shuu Dark [07]
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ー The scene starts in the guest room of Kino’s manor
Yuuri: Please wait here. 
ー Yuuri leaves
Shuu: ...
Yui: ...
( I wonder what Shuu-san’s going to do...? Will he give away his powers...? )
Shuu: Haah...What has been your problem this whole time?
Yui: Eh...?
Shuu: You look as if someone’s going to die...
Yui: ...I mean...
( What should I do...? Should I just straight up ask him...? )
Well...Are you going to give them away? Your powers, to Kino-kun...
Shuu: Good question...
Yui: ...
Um, Shuu-san. Can I ask one more thing?
Shuu: ...What?
Yui: Say you were to give up your powers to Kino-kun...What would happen to you? 
Shuu: ...Beats me. I don’t know.
I guess I’d die? Just like the Old Man did...
Yui: ...No way! You can’t give up your magic then...
Shuu: Why not?
Yui: ...Why, you ask...? 
I mean, it could lead to your own death...
Shuu: ...Is that so bad?
Yui: Eh...?
Shuu: I’m asking if I’m not allowed to die?
Yui: ...
( Why would he say such a thing...? )
...Then, if I were to say I want to die, what would you do...? 
Shuu: What, you ask...? I guess it’d be fine? If that’s what you wanted. 
Yui: ...
Shuu: It’s obviously best to have your wishes fulfilled, right?
Yui: I mean, sure, but...
( I do want to grant his wishes too, however... )
( But if it is death he wishes for...Then I just can’t help but... )
( I’d try everything I can to have him reconsider... )
Shuu: Besides, death is regarded as a joyous occasion to us Vampires. 
You might not be able to understand that though. 
Yui: ...
Shuu: However, at the same time...
I find it difficult to grasp how a mortal being such as yourself perceives the concept of dying. 
I’m a Demon and you’re a human. Our values are inherently different. 
Yui: ...
( Right. We’re fundamentally different. )
( I’ve known so all along and I thought I had accepted it, but... )
( Still...This is kind of sad... )
( It feels as if a large gap suddenly formed between the two of us... )
Shuu: ...
ー Kino enters the room
Kino: Hey, sorry for the wait.
Yui: ...Kino-kun...
ー He takes a seat
Kino: Well then, let’s continue where we left off earlier. 
I’m right to assume that you’ll give me your powers? 
Shuu: ...
Yui: ...
Shuu: Sorry, I changed my mind. I’m not going to give these away.
Yui: ...
Kino: ...Heeh. That’s a shame. And here I thought my offer sounded very appealing to you...
Shuu: If I were to give my powers away, I’d like to choose who I give them to. 
Kino: I see. In other words, you don’t trust me? 
Shuu: Exactly.
Yui: ( Shuu-san...Thank god... )
Kino: ...Too bad. I suppose I’ll have to change my plans then. ...There. 
ー He gets up from his seat.
Yui: Plans...?
Shuu: ...What are you scheming? 
Kino: Fufu. What, you ask...? I’m going to do this. 
ー He leaves the room and locks the door
Yui: ( ...He locked the door...! )
Kino: Tell me whenever you’re willing to give me your powers. Until then, you’ll have to stay in there. 
Yui: ...! Stay in here...? 
Kino: See you later. 
Yui: Kino-kun!? Hold up...!
ー Yui tries to open the door but with little succes
Yui: ( It won’t open...We’ve been locked up...? )
→ Call for Kino-kun
Yui: Kino-kun! Open the door! Please!
*Thud thud thud*
Yui: Kino-kun!
Shuu: Haah...You’re probably just wasting your time.
Yui: ( What now...? )
→ Reach out to Shuu-san (❦)
Yui: Shuu-san...
Shuu: ...You’re kind of putting me in a tough spot by giving me that look. 
Yui: ( I know but...What should we do...? )
Shuu: ...That being said, I suppose I should have figured as much after that self-introduction. 
He’s a carbon copy of the Old Man in how he only thinks about himself. 
Yui: ( Now’s not the time to be impressed... )
What should we do...?
Shuu: There’s not much we can do...Guess we’ll just have to wait until he has had enough.
This presence...Even if we tried to force open the door, there’s probably one of his alleys watching us.
Yui: ( N-No way... )
In sharp contrast to myself,
Shuu-san seemed calm and composed. 
Even in that regard, I could tell how different we are,
making me feel kind of sad.
We’re nothing alike.
Whether it’s the way we react to trouble arising,
as well as how we experience everyday occurrences,
down to our perceptions of death (死).
I wanted to believe that we could somehow overcome that,
as long as we had mutual feelings for each other. However...
For some reason, I can feel a distance (距離) between us right now.
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suginami-division · 1 year
Hana had been anxious all day, as it was the birthday of her dear friend, Ryuko Umemoto, she wanted to be the first to congratulate him but her schedule was tight until late. By that time, only cabs were available and she took one, as it was already late she deduced that the boy would be celebrating with his friends so she just went to his house.
When she got out of the car, she walked slowly to the door of Ryuko's house but before she knocked on the door, she heard a voice calling her so she turned to see him.
"Ryuko-kun!" She said nervously as she saw him along with Maki and Shuu, she couldn't help but turn red in the cheeks "Sorry for coming at this hour but-"
At that she raised both hands holding a gift bag.
"Ryuko-kun, happy birthday. I hope you had a good time"
Hana's face burned as she waited for the Suginami division leader to take the gift. Without thinking she went over to give him a kiss on the cheek.
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Taken aback, Ryuko’s entire face turned red when Hana kissed him on the cheek. If it wasn’t for Shuu cheering loudly behind him, he probably would have been stuck in a daze again.
“OMG Ryu-chan~?! You didn’t tell me you were getting-mMPH!”
Muffling the smaller man, Maki used his bigger size to easily pick up Shuu. “Mr. Detective, let’s pick up some stuff from the convenience store, hm?”
The two went away, Shuu squirming around in Maki’s larger arms wanting to watch this situation play out. As soon as they were out of sight, Ryuko had managed to compose himself and take a deep breath. Looking at Hana, who had managed to come all this way just for him, he figured he should do the polite thing and invite her into his home.
“We were going to watch some movies in my place... A-And there’s some leftover cake from the Edogawa team inside… You want to come inside while we wait for them to come back?”
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chiroptaro · 2 years
Ok so! Since you weren’t aware Nazuna was Ra*bits’ leader. Here are all the leaders!
fine’s leader is Eichi, ofc
Trickstar’s leader is Hokuto, but like. I had to Google it. P sure they’re all /pretty/ much on equal footing? Considering they’re all the same age. But Hokuto’s the leader
Ryuseitai’s leader is Chiaki, except the school division (Ryuseitai-N) which is led by Tetora. But i think they might have dissolved ryst-n? Idk I haven’t gotten that far in the main story it’s complicated. Anyways Chiaki is the leader
Hiiro is the leader of ALKALOID
Eden is led by Nagisa- Eve is led by Hiyori and Adam is led by Nagisa
Valkyrie is led by Shuu
2Wink is led by Hinata, since he’s the older twin
Crazy:B’s leader is Rinne
Rei is UNDEAD’s leader
Nazuna leads Ra*bits
Keito is Akatsuki’s leader
Knights was originally led by Leo but he graduated and stepped down to pursue his composer career so now Tsukasa is the king. But Leo is still like. The center for a lot of songs? And people still consider him the king? Idk man. Tsukasa has the five star tho
Switch is led by Natsume, which is funny, because Tsumugi is older than him
MaM is led by. You’ll never guess who
Double Face is led by Madara
okok yeah all of these make sense. it's just based on the eldest member then i guess? in the case of switch natsume was just too slay to NOT be the leader. altho sora and tsumugi are also extremely slay.
obviously shinobu is leader of MaM
is madara being leader of double face also based on age? or is there some assassin caste thing?
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strawberry--bride · 2 years
Sharon’s study notes #1 ー History exam
Hmー Baroque music, huh...? This really is not my strong suit but since Shuu-san refused to help out, I’ll have to wing it somehow. Otherwise Ms. Gormley (@hanagormley​) will most definitely give me supplementary classes during summer.
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[Grabs her notebook.]
For now, I’ll just write down a few important facts on each of the pieces featured on the exam...I doubt I can remember all the information in the textbook, so I just have to hope I make a good selection.
ーー Oh! I should share these notes with Yuriko-chan (@yuriko-tsukino-rp) and Leissa-chan (@the-loony-and-the-fox) as well!
Toccata and Fugue in D minor
- Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach 
- Uncertainty about the exact date of composition, but it was most likely during the first half of the 18th century. 
- First published during the Bach Revial era in 1833
- Featured in Walt Disney’s Fantasia, which boosted its popularity. 
- It is now said to be the best known organ piece of the 18th century
- Composed by George Frideric Handel in 1741.
- First performed in 1742 in Dublin.
- The piece got its inspiration from the King James Bible and is said to be a reflection on Jesus as the Messiah called Christ.
- Its structure resembles that of an opera, but it actually belongs to the genre of the English oratorio.
The Four Seasons
- Composed by Vivaldi between 1718 and 1720.
- Published in Amsterdam in 1725.
- It is Vivaldi’s best known work and was considered revolutionary at the time of its publication.
- The first part (Spring) bears resemblances to Vivaldi’s other work: Il Giustino. 
- Vivaldi published the concerti with sonnets, which was unusual for the period. These sonnets were meant to emphasize the spirit of each season.
- The piece is often considered to be an early form of what would later be known as ‘program music’. 
Harpsichord Concerto in D minor
- Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach around 1738.
- The proto version of the manuscript dates back to 1734 and was made by his son Emanuel. 
- It consists of three movements: Allegro, Adagio and Allegro.
- The original melody instrument was initially believed to be the violin, but in the 21st century, scholars began to move away from said theory and now classified it as an organ piece.
The Fairy Queen
- Composed by Henri Purcell and first performed in 1692 in London.
- The libretto is an adaptop of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
- The score was initially lost, but rediscovered in the early 20th century.
- It is said to have been composed for the 15th wedding anniversary of William III and Mary II.
- An updated version of the piece was performed at the Glyndebourne Festival Opera in 2009, celebrating Purcell’s 350th birth anniversary.
Cat Fugue
- Composed by Domenice Scarlatti and first published in 1739 in London.
- It is called the Cat Fugue because according to a legend, Scarlatti was inspired by his cat Pulcinella walking on the harpsichord keyboard. 
- The nickname was only given to it in the 19th century and never used by the composer himself. 
- Handel borrowed inspiration from the piece when writing his Concerti grossi.
Canon in D
- Composed by Johann Pachelbel between 1680 and 1706 (exact date unknown).
- The oldest surviving manuscript dates from the 19th century. 
- It remained an obscurity for centuries but gained popularity again mid-20th century thanks to the recording of Paillard. 
- It has been an inspiration for many pop songs from the 1970s onwards. 
- It is commonly used at funeral or wedding ceremonies.
- Composed by Vivaldi, possibly composed in 1715.
- Based on the hym Gloria in excelsis Deo from the Ordinary of the Mass, dating back from the 4th century.
- He wrote at least three settings for the piece, the most popular setting is the RV 589. 
- Only two of the three settings survived.
- Its style resembles that of the late Italian Baroque.
- Composed by Claudio Monteverdi and Alessandro Striggio in 1607.
- Based on the greek legend of Orpheus, focusing on his descent to Hades as he attempts to bring back his dead bride Eurydice. 
- Originally written for a court performance. 
- It is the first opera which is still regularly performed. 
- It was also the piece which moved the opera out of its experimental era.
Stabat Mater
- Composed by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi in 1736.
- It was composed for a Neapolitan confraternity. 
- Pergolesi was suffering from tuberculosis when he composed the piece and finished it mere days before his death.
- It became his most celebrated sacred work, complimented by many important historians, including Rousseau.
- Just like the original Christian hymn from the 13th century, it focuses on the figure of the Holy Mary who laments as Jesus is being crucified. 
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Something I find fun and interesting is that in the original, Shootie's (very nickname-y) name is a pun on on shoot, as in a camera shoot. He's a photographer! That's what his name focuses on. The nobility aspect comes from the main theme of his Pokemon team (which also revolves around his Jalorda/Serperior, the Regal Pokemon), expressed in the main colours of his design (pageboy haircut [A.K.A. the stereotypical prince haircut] and colours traditionally forbidden to commoners in China and Japan), and his manner of speech.
Meanwhile, the other dubs will lose a lot of these culture-specific cues, but give him an upperclass-sounding name (like the English dub giving him a name that's a Southern nickname for a name ending in III/the Third... triple => Trip!).
The Korean and Chinese versions usually transliterate the Japanese names, using their own characters that would be pronounced similarly... and it cracks me up, because Shootie (syu/shu-thi-) got transliterated as Xiu-Di in the Chinese version. This name is composed of the character for Emperor (Di) and a character (Xiu) that can read repair, rebuild, study, private teacher's compensation, etc.
修帝 Xiūdì
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The Chinese version basically decided to give him an upperclass and nerdy honour student name. : D;;;; Repair and rebuild seem really nice, but I don't know if they'd have the same connotation in the original language. It's sweet for a character who is redeemed and mends his ways, though. Decorate and embellish fit for him putting on airs...
It's fun seeing what aspect of him the different names decide to highlight. Photography? Affluence? Being a nerdy child prodigy??
I can't find information on Korean as easily... but, there's a mean nickname for him in the Japanese fandom that's basically shuu-kuriimu, the Japanese version of the French choux cream (cream puff), and the funniest thing is his Korean name can basically be read choux (light pastry) followed by a character that could read as tea or hint or trace of an attitude...
슈티 Syuti
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topidea · 2 years
Shinobi no Ittoki - Official Trailer 3 Shinobi no Ittoki is a DMM Pictures original anime created and animated by Troyca. The series is set in the present day and follows Ittoki Sakaruba, who is taken to a specialized ninja school after discovering he is the heir to the Iga Ninja clan. Ittoki Sakuraba, an ordinary youngster, discovers that he is the 19th successor of the Iga ninja after surviving an attack by the rival Kouga clan. Ittoki trains to become an Iga clan ninja and join the Iga-Kouga clan conflict. Suzaku Ban is played by Taito Ban, Himura Takane is played by Taku Yashiro, Mitsuzo Moriyama is played by Kan Tanaka, Ayaha Tsuge is played by Naomi Shindo, Hoo Ban is played by Masaki Terasoma, and Enbi Takane is played by Yasuhiro Mamiya., and Kenjiro as Enbi Takane are the new cast members.Tsuda as Kido Minobe. Watch The Trailer ©DMM, TROYCA / Shinobu no IttokiProduction Committee The plot revolves around a long-running rivalry between two ninja tribes, the Koga and Iga. The protagonist is a young boy who leads a normal life until he is targeted by Koga ninja and discovers that he is the Iga's 19th heir. Shuu Watanabe (Aldnoah Zero and Re: Creator's episode director) is directing the series, with Minato Takano (Kakegurui live-action movie co-writer) as series composer and scriptwriter, Isamu Suzuki (Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files: Rail Zeppelin Grace note animation director) as character designer and chief animation director, and TOMOSIRO (Macross Movie: Zettai LiveThe animation production company is TROYCA. © DMM・TROYCA/忍の一時製作委員会 Other members of the team include Jun Okuda (Tales of the Rays: Everlasting Destiny key animator, H2O: Footprints in the Sand character designer), Eiji Iwase (Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna) as art director, Mariko Shinohara (Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note) as a color designer, and Tomonori Katou (Lord El-Melloi II's Meanwhile, Ryouta Oosaka plays Ittoki Sakuraba, Katsuyuki Konishi plays Tokisada Kaga, Haruka Shiraishi plays Kousetsu, and Kikuko Inoue plays Yumika Sakuraba. Staff TOYCA planning: DMM images Shu Watanabe (director of "Aldnoah Zero," "Re: CREATORS," and "Idolish Seven") The series was written by Mizuto Takano (movie "Gaket Kegurui," drama/movie "Don't Mess with the Image Lab!," drama "True Criminal Flag"). Isamu Suzuki (Animation Director of "Idolish Seven" and "Yattekimi ni naru") created the characters and directed the animation. TOMISIRO ("Detective Conan: Zero no Nichijo (Tea Time)," "Macross," "Dragon's Tooth Doctor") composed the music. TROYCA ("Aldnoah Zero," "Idolish Seven," "The Case Files of Lord Ermeloy II") produced the animation. #entertainment #celebrity #movie #trailer #anime #videos #funny
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viiiiibes1 · 2 years
Shinobi no Ittoki - Official Trailer 3 Shinobi no Ittoki is a DMM Pictures original anime created and animated by Troyca. The series is set in the present day and follows Ittoki Sakaruba, who is taken to a specialized ninja school after discovering he is the heir to the Iga Ninja clan. Ittoki Sakuraba, an ordinary youngster, discovers that he is the 19th successor of the Iga ninja after surviving an attack by the rival Kouga clan. Ittoki trains to become an Iga clan ninja and join the Iga-Kouga clan conflict. Suzaku Ban is played by Taito Ban, Himura Takane is played by Taku Yashiro, Mitsuzo Moriyama is played by Kan Tanaka, Ayaha Tsuge is played by Naomi Shindo, Hoo Ban is played by Masaki Terasoma, and Enbi Takane is played by Yasuhiro Mamiya., and Kenjiro as Enbi Takane are the new cast members.Tsuda as Kido Minobe. Watch The Trailer ©DMM, TROYCA / Shinobu no IttokiProduction Committee The plot revolves around a long-running rivalry between two ninja tribes, the Koga and Iga. The protagonist is a young boy who leads a normal life until he is targeted by Koga ninja and discovers that he is the Iga's 19th heir. Shuu Watanabe (Aldnoah Zero and Re: Creator's episode director) is directing the series, with Minato Takano (Kakegurui live-action movie co-writer) as series composer and scriptwriter, Isamu Suzuki (Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files: Rail Zeppelin Grace note animation director) as character designer and chief animation director, and TOMOSIRO (Macross Movie: Zettai LiveThe animation production company is TROYCA. © DMM・TROYCA/忍の一時製作委員会 Other members of the team include Jun Okuda (Tales of the Rays: Everlasting Destiny key animator, H2O: Footprints in the Sand character designer), Eiji Iwase (Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna) as art director, Mariko Shinohara (Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note) as a color designer, and Tomonori Katou (Lord El-Melloi II's Meanwhile, Ryouta Oosaka plays Ittoki Sakuraba, Katsuyuki Konishi plays Tokisada Kaga, Haruka Shiraishi plays Kousetsu, and Kikuko Inoue plays Yumika Sakuraba. Staff TOYCA planning: DMM images Shu Watanabe (director of "Aldnoah Zero," "Re: CREATORS," and "Idolish Seven") The series was written by Mizuto Takano (movie "Gaket Kegurui," drama/movie "Don't Mess with the Image Lab!," drama "True Criminal Flag"). Isamu Suzuki (Animation Director of "Idolish Seven" and "Yattekimi ni naru") created the characters and directed the animation. TOMISIRO ("Detective Conan: Zero no Nichijo (Tea Time)," "Macross," "Dragon's Tooth Doctor") composed the music. TROYCA ("Aldnoah Zero," "Idolish Seven," "The Case Files of Lord Ermeloy II") produced the animation. #entertainment #celebrity #movie #trailer #anime #videos #funny
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mukami-sakamaki · 4 years
had an emotion for a few minutes
1/10 would not recomend awful experience
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dixbolik-lovers · 2 years
What about pet au + heats sort of like with your kny pet au where The vampires have been bred to have these cycles of arousal and clinginess. How would the boys have been treated while they’re in heat, and what are they like?
Gonna do the Sakamaki for this one! Feel free to request for the Mukami + Tsukinami when requests are open again~ :3
. . .
His lethargic tendencies hit new highs, mostly because he's too exhausted and weak to do anything now. And this time, it's not a choice. Shuu winds up dazed and out of it, barely aware of what's going on around him, and so tired that it's possible for you to move him as you please without any complaint. It would be very easy to take advantage of him while he's like that, and he knows it. People have usually used his extra weakness as both an excuse to punish him and an easy way to kick him while he's down.
His heats make him emotional. Very, very emotional. Reiji has the problem of turning into an unstable wreck whenever his biology starts getting the better of him, frantically seeking out all forms of closeness and praise. He's terrified of doing anything wrong, but his body is so weak and his mind is so scattered that he's basically guaranteed to fuck up at some point. He also tends to take after Shuu's lethargy and exhaustion, much to his eternal dismay. Heats make him feel less than perfect, so he despises them.
Because of how needy he gets, Ayato is prone to acting out during his heats— all in an attempt to get any form of attention he can. He can't stand being left alone in his cage to suffer through it, so he does stupid things to get the attention of whoever's around him, even when it ends in punishment. During his heats, he's dazed, emotionally unstable, and frantic for any affection anyone will give him, no matter how small the scraps. His energy levels are still high, and that only gives him more problems, in the end.
He's as clingy as it gets. Kanato is one of the ones who needs closeness so badly it hurts, and he doesn't have the pride to try to hide it. He clings to any attention he gets, be it positive or negative, and sobs whenever he's left alone. His sex drive is also high enough that he's bound to be humping pillows (and plenty of other things) out of sheer desperation. All he can think of is being held and babied by someone, but what he actually gets usually just involves punishment for being annoyingly needy like this.
As you'd expect, his arousal levels are off the charts. Laito is a squirmy, perpetually frustrated mess of un-ending horniness and desperation for closeness that he's not used to. The part where he craves intimacy disturbs him greatly, of course, so he's also constantly tense and fighting his instincts for the sake of being his usual self. Laito doesn't want you to know how vulnerable he feels, so he tries to disguise everything as merely wanting sex... even when doing that makes him absolutely miserable.
He's acutely, truly ashamed of his heats. They leave him feeling so pathetic and helpless it's enough to make him sick, and with nothing but bad associations toward them, Subaru has come to despise every time they roll around. He's one who manages to stress himself into disturbing his cycle, which really only makes everything worse when they do strike. While he's internally desperate to be babied and treasured, Subaru is so repulsed by his own behavior that he'll only tell himself he doesn't deserve it.
It's all too easy for him to become the ultimate pest. Kino is composed of attention-seeking behavior and bad decisions on a normal day— heats make him so, so much worse. Every time someone so much as looks at him, he's saying something stupid, and the need for sex and closeness is visibly wrecking him. All Kino can think about is getting affection from someone, anyone, no matter what he has to do to get it. This usually ends in him acting out and suffering for it, not that it ever stops him.
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fumiko-matsubara · 2 years
The punk and the metalhead 🎸
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I couldn't find a high-quality image of the specific model of Gakushuu's guitar... so I had to go through the pain of painting over a sketch I made of it. 😭
I, for the love of god, couldn't tell what the model of the guitar he used in the anime is. The guitar on the mobile card version though resembles a stratocaster... but I don't really see Gakushuu as a strat kind of guy tbh.
This is sort of like a companion piece to the ask that @dreaming-of-assclass answered about Chiba and Gakushuu friendship headcanons last year, since I did kinda contribute to the post by that screenshot of me writing a ridiculously long essay about their possible friendship 😅
In terms of skill level, they absolutely cannot be compared since they're quite different from each other, despite both guitarists being of high calibre. Chiba is a punk musician who puts more focus onto composing riffs that enhance songs. While Gakushuu is a metalhead who just LOVES shredding his way into stealing the show.
If they would ever collab on stage, Gakushuu would easily take the lead guitar role while Chiba on rhythm guitar. It's not like they even have to fight about who gets what role - they both already know what they can do and that's just how it is.
If anything, Chiba would be thrilled at the idea of composing a song for Gakushuu just to see how the shredding master would enhance it even more with his own twist.
FYI - Chiba and Shuu also owned guitars other than the two shown in the picture. It's just that the aerodyne strat and the majesty are kind of like their signatures when performing.
I don't remember if it's canon that Gakushuu fills in for missing club members whenever there are big events since he is that multi-talented and has unreal time management skills... but I'm just gonna assume it is and that he once filled in for Chiba when his band performed at a live house while he's out of commission.
The entire performance was recorded and Chiba was beyond impressed at Gakushuu's take on the songs that he wrote. It was one of the first things he brought up the first time Shuu had invited him to a morning coffee since post-finals season.
Nobody else among the virtuosos are brave... nor sturdy enough to attend and last a metal concert with him. So learning that Chiba also has his own favourite metal bands (whose shows he had at least once attended to) might bring Gakushuu to want to invite him to the concerts he'll be attending next. This would be a recurring activity between them.
In high school, Gakushuu would invite Chiba's band to perform at Kunugigaoka's school festival as guests - likely even pay them a sum of money no matter how many times Chiba tells him he didn't need to.
You know those type of friends you'd only meet for certain occasions since you only share similar interests for a thing or two, so you both find it unnecessary to be involved in each other's lives? That's the kind of friendship I imagined Chiba and Gakushuu would have.
They seldomly contact each other and occasionally meet up, usually when Shuu wants to attend another concert with him... or when they just wanted a necessary break from those stress-inducing abominations who like to call themselves their friends.
I feel like if they would ever talk about personal matters, it'd be just them ranting about certain people who lack common sense and how annoying they are. Other case would be Gakushuu giving Chiba full permission to diss his father 😭
Gakushuu uses every opportunity he could find to convince Chiba to get a majesty guitar, knowing that he'll definitely geek over its sound quality. Chiba says no everytime since they cost THRICE the price of his black strat.
(Gakushuu: Well perhaps if you would just simply allow me to buy one for you-)
(Chiba: I've told you many times before that you spending money on me is strictly limited to concert tickets ONLY!")
I'll edit and reblog this post if I got more to add in the future. But for now, this is what I have~
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma [VAMPIRE ENDING]
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ー The scene starts in the hallway at Eden
Yui: ( Standing behind Yuma-kun is... )
Mertz: ...
Yui: That guy...!
( It’s Mertz-san. He’s standing somewhat off to a side so it’s difficult to tell, but I’m positive it’s him! )
( Why is Mertz-san here? Also, the thing in his hand, is that...? )
...A gun!?
Mertz: ...Perish, Mukami Yuma.
Yuma: ...Ugh...
Yui: Yuma-kun...!!
Mertz: ...This is what you wanted, right? Tsukinami Shin.
Well then, I suppose it is time you show how you can be of use to me next. Fufu...Hahaha...!
ー Mertz walks away
Yui: ( Mertz-san is getting away...It’s no use, I won’t be able to stop him in time... )
( However, right now I have to help Yuma-kun first...! )
ー Yui rushes to Yuma’s side first
Yui: Yuma-kun, hang in there...!
Yuma: ...Kuh...
Yui: ( He got shot from behind. Seems like he’s barely still conscious... )
Shuu: ...That was a special gun used by Vampire Hunters. 
Yui: Shuu-san...A special gun, you say?
Shuu: When shot by one of those, the bullet will slowly make its way into one’s body,
until it eventually destroys the heart, and therefore ends the Vampire’s life. 
Yui: No way...!!
( Then, Yuma-kun will... )
( I don’t want that. I have to save him somehow. But how...? )
Shuu: But where did he get that gun...?
Anyway, I’ll go call someone. You stay here and watch over Edgaーー
Reiji: Wait, Shuu.
Shuu: Reiji...
Reiji: Why did you not tell Yuma the truth?
Shuu: What are you talking about? 
Reiji: Do not play dumb. The two of you were talking earlier, were you not? About the true culprit behind that fire.
However, Yuma seemed composed earlier. In other words, you must have covered for me somehow, correct? 
Why would you do that...?
Shuu: ...Even if I told you, it would only upset you even more. 
Reiji: Do you not realize that by trying to be overly considerate of me, you are already upsetting me more than enough? 
Shuu...I loathe that side of you more than anything!
Yui: Cut it out already!
Reiji: ...
Yui: Please, now is not the time to fight. I’m begging you, save Yuma-kun...
At this rate, he will...
Yuma: ...Kuh...Hah...
Reiji: Hmph...That is none of my business. For one, our families aren’t exactly on the best of terms. 
Therefore, I do not see why I would save him.
Shuu: ...I’m begging you as well. 
Yui: Shuu-san...!
Reiji: Beg? You will beg me for something? Fufu, hilarious...
Very well. If you beg for it on your knees while pressing your forehead against the floor, I will consider it.
Yui: No way...
Shuu: Sure.
ー Shuu gets down on his knees
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...!
( Shuu-san got down on the floor...Will he actually do as Reiji-san asked him to? )
Reiji: ...I cannot believe this. Do you not have any pride at all? 
Shuu: I want to save Edgar ー my best friend. That’s all. 
Yui: Shuu-san...
Reiji: ...The effects of the Lunar Eclipse are not to be underestimated. 
Very well. Let us install a temporary truce. 
Yui: ...Thank you so much!
( Thank god. Reiji-san agreed to help. Because Shuu-san lowered his head to him like this... )
( Just wait, Yuma-kun. We’ll save you right now. )
Reiji: However, this is...
Yui: What’s the matter?
Reiji: If he had been shot in his arm, for example, we could have amputated the limb in question to cease the process. 
However, he was shot in his back...
Shuu: So it’ll be difficult to treat? 
Yui: No way...Is there really no way? 
Reiji: ...Perhaps, at Father’s pharmaceutical department... 
ー The Mukami’s run up to them
Kou: ...M-neko-chan!
Yui: ...! You guys!
Azusa: Did Yuma...get shot...?
Yui: Someone suddenly snuck up on him amidst the commotion...He was shot with a special type of gun wielded by Vampire Hunters as well...
We have to do something quick or else it’ll be too late...
Ruki: ...This is bad. The situation is already urgent as is. 
Yui: What do you mean?
Ruki: The Founders have already closed in on the castle. 
Yui: Uu...
Ruki: We cannot stop them with just the three of us. We need as much back-up as we can. 
Therefore, I’d like to ask the two eldest sons of the Sakamaki Family to help us fend off those Founders as well. 
Shuu: I understand. However...I can’t just leave Edgar...I mean Yuma, for dead either. What now? 
Yuma: ...Ugh. 
Yui: Yuma-kun... 
( Blood keeps seeping out...It won’t stop, no matter how hard I press down on the wound... )
( Somebody...Please, help me... )
ー Karlheinz suddenly appears
Karlheinz: There seems to be quite a bit of commotion going on. And that during a party. 
Reiji: Father...!
Yui: Karlheinz-san! I’m begging you, save Yuma-kun...!
I heard that we might be able to save his life at your pharmaceutical department. So please...!
Karlheinz: ...
Yui: Karlheinz-san...
( Why won’t he say anything? Don’t tell me, is there nothing they can do for Yuma-kun over there either...? )
Ruki: ...Kou, Azusa. We are going back to fending off those Founders. I believe it is best if we leave this case in the hands of that man. 
Shuu: We should join them as well, Reiji. 
Reiji: Yes...
ー They all run off together
Karlheinz: ...
Yui: ( ...I wonder what he’s thinking about? )
( No, I don’t care. Right now, all I have to do is save Yuma-kun. )
I’m begging you. Karlheinz-san. Please save Yuma-kun. 
You know how, don’t you? 
Karlheinz: ...It is pointless. 
Yui: Eh...?
Karlheinz: Even if I were to save his life, he will never be able to become Adam. Hence, this game will once again lose its purpose. 
Yui: What are you saying...?
Karlheinz: ...In short, I am trying to tell you that there is no point in saving Yuma’s life. 
He will never be Adam after all. 
Yui: That doesn’t matter!
Karlheinz: Hooh...?
Yui: Yuma-kun is important to me...There is nothing or nobody who could ever replace him. 
It doesn’t matter if he’s Adam or not. I love him, so I want to save him. 
I don’t need any other reason. 
Karlheinz: ...
Yui: Please, Karlheinz-san. Save him. If there’s a way, please tell me...!
Karlheinz: ...In that case, let us make an equal trade. 
Yui: Equal trade...?
Karlheinz: Exactly. If you truly love him, you should be able to bear with any pain, right? 
If you wish to save his life, you have to offer something of equivalent value. 
Yui: Equivalent...value...
( Is he talking about my own life? )
( ...There’s no reason to hesitate. This is to save Yuma-kun after all. )
Yuma: ...Oi, Yui...!
Yui: Yuma-kun...!? 
You shouldn’t move. The wound will open up...
Yuma: I don’t give a damn ‘bout that...Anyway...Don’t do anythin’ stupid...
An equal trade...? My ass...
I don’t want to live...if it means robbin’ ya of yer life... 
Oi, Yui...I’m beggin’ ya, don’t be an idiot now...
Yui: Yuma-kun...
( ...Still. Even so, I... )
Yuma: ...! Yui...!
Yui: ...I’m sorry, Yuma-kun. 
I want to save you regardless. I want you to live. Because you’re so very precious to me. 
Yuma: ...Ugh. 
Karlheinz: Have you made up your mind? 
Yui: ...Yes. 
Go ahead, do with me as you please. 
Karlheinz: Fufu...I expected no less of the Eve I chose myself. A formidable answer. 
Well then, please give your blood to Yuma.
Yui: Eh...?
Karlheinz: Your blood holds a special kind of power to neutralize the Vampire Virus. 
Yui: What do you mean...? 
Karlheinz: You never became a Vampire, despite having your blood repeatedly sucked by them, correct? That proves my point. 
Yui: ...!  Then...
Karlheinz: Exactly. If you offer your blood to Yuma, he will no longer be a Vampire. 
By doing so, you can stop the effects of the bullet which only works on said species. 
However, a few drops simply will not do, you see? 
After all, despite all of the times he has sucked your blood in the past, it never had such an effect on him, did it? 
You might just need every single drop of blood running through your veins. 
Yui: I don’t mind. If that means I can save Yuma-kun. 
Karlheinz: In that case, let me lend you this knife. 
Yui: Thank you very much. 
Yui: ーー Nn!
Yui: ( ...I cut my wrist. Now I just have to get him to drink my blood. )
*Rustle rustle* 
Yuma: ...Stop it, Yui...Nn...Mmph...
Yui: ...Don’t worry, Yuma-kun. Come on...Drink more... 
You can...bite me as well... 
Yuma: Ya...idiot...! Nn...Hah...Nn...
Yui: ( ーー God, I’m begging you. Please, save Yuma-kun. )
( I will do anything within my power. I am willing to offer everything I have. )
( So save Yuma-kun...save the man I love. )
ー The scene shifts to the bedroom at the Sakamaki castle
Yui: ...Nnh...
Yui: ( ...Where am I? However, I recognize this ceiling. Could it be, the Sakamaki castle...? )
Ah...It’s light outside...
( Right. The Lunar Eclipse has already ended... )
( I wonder how long I slept for? Besides, how did I get here? )
( If I recall correctly, I was at Karlheinz-san’s castle. I fed Yuma-kun my blood to save him, and then... )
Right, where is Yuma-kun...!? 
Yuma: ...
Yui: Ah...
( He’s asleep...Fufu, he looks comfortable. Almost as if nothing happened at all. )
( Thank god...He survived... )
Yuma: ...!
Huh? Where am...?
Yui: ...Yuma-kun! You woke up...!? 
Yuma: Who wouldn’t wake up when someone squeezes them so tightly? 
Anyway...You’re safe and sound, huh? 
Yui: Yes. Seems like it. 
Yuma: God, how could ya be so reckless...!? 
Yui: Kyah! Y-Yuma-kun...?
Yuma: Ya just wouldn’t listen to me when I told ya not to do anythin’ stupid. 
Ya can save me all ya want, it’d just be in vain if that means you’d lose yer life in exchange. 
If I were to wake back up alone, knowing ya will never open yer eyes again, I’d... 
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: ...Thanks for savin’ me. But never pull this sorta shit again, ‘kay? 
Yui: Okay...
( I can hear his heartbeat...His body feels warm, and he’s squeezing me tightly with both arms... )
( He’s alive...I’m truly...truly relieved... )
ー Kou and Azusa enter the room
Kou: Oh dear~ Seems like we interrupted something. 
Yui: Kou-kun! Azusa-kun!
Yuma: Wha...Don’t be ogglin’ us! 
Kou: Eeh~? What’s with that attitude when we were so kind to come and check up on you? Not cool. 
Azusa: How do...you guys feel...?
Yuma: Yeah! I’m in tip-top shape again!
Yui: Did you guys carry us here? 
Azusa: Yes...Yuma was so heavy...We considered just leaving him behind midway...
Yuma: Wha...? That’s a bad joke, Azusa. 
Yui: Fufu. Anyway, thank you. 
Hey, how long did we sleep? What happened to the others? Also the Founders... 
Azusa: Um...
Kou: Aah, wait, wait! You’re causing Azusa’s brain to short circuit! We’ll answer one question at a time!
First up, the two of you were in a coma for a couple of weeks. 
Yuma: Aah? That long? 
Yui: I’m sorry for all the trouble we caused... 
Kou: Well, seems like all that sleep helped the both of you make a swift recovery, so I guess all’s well that ends well? 
Also, Shuu-kun and Reiji-kun managed to track down the guy who shot Yuma-kun. 
Listen to this! Reiji-kun first took away the guy’s gun, you see? 
Then he handed it to Shuu-san who went ‘bang’! ーー Or at least that’s what I was told happened? 
Yui: ( Those two were always bickering, so I can’t believe they actually worked together to take down the enemy... )
( Seems like they’ve completely put their differences aside... )
Yuma: But how did Mertz gets his hands on a Vampire Hunter’s gun? 
Yui: That’s a good question. Mertz-san is a Vampire himself as well...
Kou: Not sure. But it seems like Shuu-kun and his brother caught onto something. Why don’t you ask him sometime? 
Yui: Good idea. We have to thank them still as well. 
Kou: One more thing. 
Carla-kun and Shin-kun were defeated in battle. Karlheinz-san personally made sure they were once again imprisoned in Banmaden. 
Azusa: Now...All of this is finally over...
Yui: ( Right...It barely feels real though, since all of this happened while we were unconscious... )
( But I guess we can rest in peace for now. )
Kou: We’ll get going now, okay? We’ll let Ruki-kun know that the two of you woke up!
Please make yourselves at home together~
Yui: Eh...?
ー The two of them leave
Yui: ( They left... )
Yuma: ...Hey, Yui. Let’s step outside. 
Yui: Eh...?
Yuma: It’s such a nice, sunny day. Let’s go on a small walk. 
Those Founders were defeated, so I don’t think Ruki will still get mad if we do. 
Yui: Yeah!
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“Try holding my hand. It’s warm, right? Hehe...It’s the same temperature as yers now, right?”
“A human, huh...? Sure takes me back. ...Say, I’m sure my old pals are watchin’ from up there as well, right?”
Yuma: ーー Haah. What a refreshin’ blue sky. Ya wouldn’t say this is the Demon World. 
Yui: Fufu, agreed. 
Yuma: Lookin’ up at the clear skies like this sure takes me back to my childhood. 
Yui: Your childhood...?
Yuma: Yeah. When I escaped the orphanage together with Ruki and the others. 
The blue sky was spread out above us back then as well. 
I had lost hope in almost everything and everyone, but at that exact moment, I thought to myself. 
ーー ‘How pretty’. 
Which made me realize that this world wasn’t completely lost just yet. 
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: I’ve always hated my own fate. 
I lost my friends and family in a fire...
And on top of losing all of my memories, I was turned into a Vampire. 
However, I met ya, and was able to become human once more right now.
Yui: Eh...?
Yuma: Aah? Ya didn’t notice? 
I’m no longer a Vampire. ‘Cause I drank a large amount of yer blood. 
Yui: ( Right, Karlheinz-san mentioned something like that. )
( That my blood holds a special kind of power which can neutralize the Vampire Virus. )
( I see. So that’s how Yuma-kun is no longer a Vampire. )
Yui: Like this, we’ll be able to spend a lifetime together. (1) As humansーー 
Yuma: Yeah. Also, as lovers. 
Yui: Eh!? 
Yuma: Aah? Whatcha gettin’ all flustered for? We’ve been datin’ for a while now, haven’t we? Lil’ late to still react like that, geez. 
...Thanks, Yui.
Yui: Eh...? 
Yuma: For meeting me. And falling in love with me. 
I was able to overcome my own fate, all ‘cause ya were there with me. 
Just like that, the dark skies cleared up, becoming this beautiful blue shade. 
ーー Hey, Yui?
Stay by my side, ‘kay?
I’ll never let ya go again either. I’ll protect ya till the end, no matter what happens. 
So ya should be with me as well. From here on out, foreverーー
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Of course. Let’s walk this road together.
Yuma: Yeah.
ーー I love ya, Yui.
Yui: ( I can feel his warmth from our connected hands...The warmth which belongs to a human, not a Vampire... )
( We’ll face the future together like this. The two of us, walking hand-in-hand. )
( Forever, till the end of timeーー )
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Literally she says that they will both be able to ‘live the same time together’. 
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spunkypigeon · 2 years
Diabolik Lovers Analysis: Why is Reiji Associated with the Colour Blue ?
Within any official Rejet art, Reiji is always surrounded by the colour blue, which to me seemed odd. Ayato’s colour is red (the colour of his hair), Laito’s is green (the colour of his eyes), Kanato’s is purple (the colour of his hair and eyes), Shuu’s is yellow to match his blonde hair and Subaru’s is grey to blend his outfit together (black and white). But Reiji’s is blue, it doesn’t match his eyes, hair or even outfit. So why make this design choice...? Well, first we need to establish that colours are symbolic, and with that, we can dive into the colour theory of the correlation between Reiji and the colour blue.
So, shall we begin ?
Here’s a few pictures where Reiji is depicted as being the colour blue:
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From Reiji’s personality, it would be natural to assume that his colour would be dark purple or black. Black is associated with strength, authority, and power. Black lends an air of authority and intelligence to those who wear it; it symbolises prestige, formality, and importance. However, dark purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition; it also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, pride, mystery, and independence. Reiji fits into all these traits, yet his colour is blue. At first, this doesn’t really make sense, until we dive into colour theory; only then does it make perfect sense.
While blue conjures images of sky and sea, it’s also the colour of bravery and dedication. Blue represents introspective journeys and symbolises wisdom and depth of understanding. Blue is also a symbol of depression and the depths of the human psyche. Blue stands for serenity, rather than passion, and it’s the colour of all that’s constant and unchanging. The colour blue can feel cold and impersonal, and even unfriendly. Blue’s association with depression and sadness are also pervasive, as blue is a harbinger of night and darkness; this is extremely reminiscent of 'A Certain Prophet's Fate' and how he lives in the darkness of the night - which symbolises his corruption, longing and depression.
Dark blue is also linked to consciousness and intellect, making it a good colour to suggest precision and advancement - which is something that Reiji constantly strives for. Dark blue works well with its direct opposite, orange, and its related colours, burnt sienna (Yuma’s colour) and red (Ayato’s colour). This cooperation comes in the forms of Vandead Carnival and Lunatic Parade. Blue and red are opposites, they are foils for one another, just as Yuma and Ayato are foils for Reiji - but once conflict arises and the foils need to cooperate, they work extremely well. One makes up for what the other is lacking.
A red hue often symbolises valour, courage, enthusiasm, blood and life while the blue colour indicates perseverance, justice, vigilance and respect for God. As a character, Ayato is often portrayed with a red hue or colour scheme and is presented as full of life, enthusiasm and courage throughout his routes; even the fact that Rejet often portrays Ayato as the 'leading love interest' or 'main character' aids this symbolism. Whereas Reiji is often accompanied by his need to endure his troubles and bear the burden of his insecurities - he is accompanied by perseverance; something that his blue hue represents. Additionally, Reiji is the only character aside from Ruki who holds any respect for Karlheinz - someone who is often portrayed as a God-like being; though this respect isn't born from inspiration, it's born from Reiji's need to impress him and feel accepted. Therefore, though Reiji's blue hue showcases his respectful nature towards his father, it is derived from feelings of inadequacy, pain and sorrow..
Renowned for its composed demeanour, blue is a tranquil presence. It doesn’t intrude or pester. Instead, it merely makes itself known, much like Reiji - blue is a passive colour that perfectly encapsulates Reiji’s demeanour. As a peacemaker, the colour blue doesn’t intend to stir the pot. In fact, it loathes the idea of creating conflict - just as Reiji does. Blue doesn’t like being in the spotlight, so it keeps to itself; regarded as one of the more reserved hues, blue is tight-lipped. Though it doesn’t have a strong personality, blue does have a unique spirit.
Anyone who associates with the colour blue thrives on organisation. Blue doesn’t like to disrupt the status quo, and it’s for this reason that there’s so much predictability to it. Since it enjoys order so much, blue can be rather controlling; when things don’t go according to plan, it can be pretty unsettling. We see these traits present themselves in Reiji, he's keen, organised and thrives on order; all these things make him inherently predictable - yet when the situation turns sour, Reiji is quick to become cruel and demeaning, and this showcases how much he depends on order. Colour theory and deep symbolism such as this highlights why blue is Reiji’s colour - it doesn’t represent his better qualities, but his detriments. Blue is a visual representation of what Reiji is behind his ‘polite’ façade. 
Blue symbolises all that is pure and transparent in Japanese culture; ironically, this is the opposite of who Reiji is as a person. Reiji isn't a pure or transparent character, he's corrupt, manipulative and secretive - he never says how he feels or what he truly means; there are always several interpretations and double meanings to his riddle-like dialogue. This can ultimately imply that Reiji being surrounded by a blue hue isn't just to present his hidden nuance but to also showcase his contrast. To present the irony and melancholic truths of his character.
Blue is a sensitive colour, and can hurt easily and deeply. Blue cowers in the face of betrayal and is unsure of how to pick itself back up; this is the core of Reiji’s character, he’s suffering from a wound that he struggles to heal on his own, and so he shuts his emotions off and becomes cold and stern in the hopes that it won’t happen again. This is why blue is Reiji’s colour, it represents his insecurities, and it encapsulates who he is underneath his façade.
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