#si vis pacem para bellum
Round 1 Poll 23
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Ad astra per aspera
"To the stars through difficulties / a rough road leads to the stars"
It’s the motto of many groups (both real and fictional) including government entities, schools, research institutions, fraternities/sororities. It appears in novels including "to kill a mockingbird” and “red rising.” It’s the starfleet motto in star trek. It appears in many songs. It’s the title of a tribute exhibit to the apollo i astronauts and written on a plaque at the site where they died. and it’s recorded, in morse code, on the track called “sounds of the earth,” on the voyager golden records that are on voyager 1 and 2 that are intended to represent the human species to any other life out there that may come across the spacecraft in the distant future.
Si vis pacem para bellum
"If you want peace, prepare for war"
From Wikipedia: "The phrase Si vis pacem, para bellum is adapted from a statement found in Roman author Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus's tract Dē Rē Mīlitārī (fourth or fifth century AD), in which the actual phrasing is Igitur quī dēsīderat pācem, præparet bellum ("Therefore let him who desires peace prepare for war."). The idea which it conveys also appears in earlier works such as Plato's Nomoi (Laws) and the Chinese Shi Ji. The phrase presents the insight that the conditions of peace are often preserved by a readiness to make war when necessary."
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g4rdensofb4bylon · 6 months
si vis pacem para bellum but in the teenage girl going insane way
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oispa · 1 year
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Ihan kuin olisin kuullut tämän täsmälleen saman retoriikan joskus aiemminkin.
Ei mulla kuulkaa sinne naapuriin muuta, kuin että sopii vittu yrittää.
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letmesleepy · 2 years
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a-passing-storm · 1 year
There’s Latin in this movie???
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postersbykeith · 1 year
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sheriff-caitlyn · 1 year
Vi and Caitlyn watch the zeppelin departing, the vast shadow filled with Noxian elite returning to the Immortal Bastion.
Vi rocks back and forth a little, heel to toe. She breaks the silence first with a, “So... you get to ask ‘im about the, uh...”
Caitlyn shakes her head, tucks her chin minutely. “But his answer was no, regardless.”
“You sure?”
Caitlyn follows the arching, swooping flight of the flock of Noxian ravens, the birds following in the wake of the departing zeppelin. According to her count, there’s three more than there had been when the delegation arrived.
“I am quite sure,” she says.
Black feathers and white clouds. It brings to mind a chess set. She used to be good at chess. But she’s a civil servant, not a politician, and the game has changed to something else since the fall of the Institute of War.
Caitlyn continues, quietly, “Why would Noxus give up what they believe is rightfully theirs?”
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conversacomsmaug · 1 year
I think there are a lot of Gringo talking shit about what is happening in Brazil without really knowing about the political history, the lies, corruption, falsehoods, manipulations and censure that is happening here. How strange these elections were and how unhappy people are. I am ashamed and afraid of having Lula as president. People are being harassed, people infiltrated demonstrations to cause chaos, disgruntled ordinary people being called terrorists. We're afraid that tomorrow I won't be able to choose what to read or talk about, whether I'll be able to buy some durable goods or even food. Corrupt megalomaniacs.
Shame Shame Shame
They want to control every step, every choice. Brazil is asking for help and you spit in the face of my people. Less State and more freedom!
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fabiansteinhauer · 4 days
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Beugen/ Biegen
Neben der Kniebeuge ist es der über den Tisch gebeugte Sekretär, den Aby Warburg auf den Staatstafeln als Pathosformel der Beugung/ Biege verfolgt.
Die Polarität entfaltet er graphisch und optisch, wie bei der Querela und der Kniebeuge, dadurch, dass er die Formel mehr als einmal und dann noch spiegelverkehrt auftauchen lässt. Das Muster ist u.a. bei Piero della Francescas Madonna del Parto bekannt, der die Engel als Scharniere spiegelverkehrt verdoppelt und insfodern die Engel logisch und graphisch rekursiv fasst.
So ist die Formel graphisch und optisch poliert/ polarisiert. Der Protonotar der Lateranverträge steht auf Tafel 78 spiegelverkehrt zu dem Sekretär des Schlußprotokolls von Locarno auf Tafel 79. Die Bild-Text-Schere auf Tafel 79 (Foto zu einem Vertrag mit Text über den Boxer Max Schmeling) legt schon eine weitere Polarität offen, nämlich die, dass die Geste, die friedlich und vertragend erscheinen kann, auch kriegerisch und strategisch bekannt ist (wie etwa im Bild, das Vogel von Hindenburg und Ludendorff gemalt hat).
Nicht nur auf Tafel 79 steht die Geste in polarer Spannung, auch auf Tafel 78. Warburg erfindet und entdeckt nichts. Vermeer etwa bezieht die Geste schon früh auf polare, kreisende (krisenhafte) Situationen, zeigt die Geste des gebeugten/beugenden Zeichners vor dem Hintergrund eines Polobjektes (Globus) und den Zeichner wiederum mit einem Zirkel. Das Textil und die Tafel mit dem Tuch, dem die Zeichnung aufliegt, sogar deutlich vague (gewellt), wagend und wogend. Im Hintergrund des Bildes von Vermeer: eine Karte der Westindien Company, isn't it? Ist das Franz Post, ist das die berühmte Karte von Recife/ Olinda? Nein.
Si vis bellum para pacem/ Si vis pacem para bellum.
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harbingrs · 23 days
On the surface it seems like I'm colder Underneath it all I'm not fine You do well in the eyes of beholders But I feel ugly as sin inside
When I saw the feelings go to waste But it all comes as no surprise And I feel I let it slip away Left so hollow and dead inside And I realize I was too afraid So much wasted time I feel you drift away
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dweeeeb · 7 months
Motivational Music in the Morning ... #Seether, #Beg ... from the Album #SiVisPacemParaBellum [Official Music Video] (2020) #MMitM1
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generaldavila · 8 months
Hace algo más de un mes la Princesa de Asturias Doña Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz entraba en la Academia General Militar de Zaragoza cuna de la formación de los oficiales del Ejército español. Era un día trascendente para ella, la familia Real y para España. Reunía dos características fáciles de entender. Una la natural preocupación de cualquier familia, sea Real o no, de que tu jovencísima hija se…
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pluto-bringer-of-gloom · 11 months
Epic Metal in the style of Bathory
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fakeplasticmusic · 1 year
Watch "Seether - Dangerous (Official Music Video)" on YouTube
Dangerous - Seether
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data2364 · 2 years
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via Trekcore.com
Sonequa Martin-Green (Commander Michael Burnham) 2017 in Star Trek: Discovery "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum“
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imonanegotrip · 2 years
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"It's so dangerous all this blamelessness / And I feel like I've lost all the good I've known / It's so dangerous all this shamelessness / And I feel like I'm watching a tumor grow" Dangerous, by Seether
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