#sick & dangerous tour 2022
rbf451 · 2 years
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At Backstage By The Mill, Paris 21.9.2022
by Chloé Bunel for Above-TheNoise.com
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My fav moments from Blind Channel concert, part 1: Joonas & Joel
Sound on!
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irresistiblesin · 2 years
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Stuttgart 6.9.22
Photo taken by me
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hee0soo · 1 year
Practice gone wrong
Summary: A week after the accident the air got tense
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November 2022
Watching her members practice for their upcoming tour dates in Jakarta was torture and at this point she was just straight up bitchy because of her frustration.
Jisoo had gotten into more fights in the last few days than in the last 2 years and by now even Hyunjin tried to stay out of her path!
Now she understood why Felix had been so frustrated the year before.
Her foot has been in a brace constantly and while she could walk without being in too much pain, she couldn´t do anything else really. Even walking down some stairs was to much for her ankle. Every time she tried, she had to take breaks after a few steps and her foot ended up shaking because of overuse at the end of it!
Now, she was seated on the couch of the practice room and yelled at her members as soon as they made even the smallest mistake. Tomorrow they would leave for Indonesia and the girl was hell bent on doing at least something. Even if it meant making sure the others performance would be perfect while she was out of order.
“Seungmin you have to be faster to reach your position! Felix that move has to be sharper and dear god Hyunjin please stop throwing your arm up like that! You’re a dancer, not drunk!”
The scolded members rolled their eyes.
Hyunjin especially! His best friend was grating on his last nerve and he slowly but surely last every ounce of patience he had.
“I wish I was, at least then your bitching would be bearable!” he mumbled aggravated, hoping that the girl hadn´t heard him.
The dancing god´s weren’t on his side it seemed. Jisoo narrowed her eyes at him, got up and took one step towards him. Ignoring the pinch in her ankle!
“What was that?” she asked dangerously calm.
The rest of the members could feel a storm coming in and Minho hurriedly declared that it was time for a break.
Jisung, Seungmin, Felix and Jeongin immediately used it to escape, leaving Chan, Minho and Changbin to try and diffuse the tense atmosphere.
As the leader, Chan tried to get in between the two but was promptly ignored by Hyunjin who side stepped him easily.
Chnagbin grabbed the youngers arm to pull him back that also proved to be a failure. The other shook his hyungs arm off.
“You heard me! Jisoo you are acting like a complete and utter bitch and i´m sick of it! I understand that you feel frustrated but that is not our fault and you shouldn´t let it out on us!” Hyunjin declared and crossed his arms.
“So trying to help you is being a bitch? It´s not my fault that you are slacking off okay? We are leaving for Jakarta TOMORROW, just in case you forgot! Try taking this a bit more seriously and I wouldn´t have to, in your words be a bitch!”
The Hyungs knew that there was nothing they could do to stop the storm from brewing but they could at least try to redirect it.
Minho stepped next to the aggravated girl, threw an arm around her and wanted to pull her away.
“C´mon Soo-ah, that´s not what he meant and you know that! The situation isn´t great but fighting is not the way to go about it!” Changbin said soothingly but all it did was make the two friends even more angry.
“No Hyung, it´s exactly what I meant! And why are you even on her side? She is the reason we had to reform the entire formation! I´m not slacking off, I´m the one doing HER parts in the choreography because she is a vital part of it and can´t to it. Me, Felix and Minho-hyung! All SHE`LL do is sit in a fucking chair while the rest of us are working our butts off!”
Chan looked sharply at the dancer. Telling him not to continue this train of thought with his eyes! The look got ignored.
It was silent for a second. Nothing could be heard but the heavy breathing from the two dancers.
Changbin and Minho looked at Hyunjin in shock. They couldn´t believe what the younger said. None of them thought what he had insinuated and judging by the guilt stricken look that crossed his face, they knew that he didn´t either.
Sadly for him, Jisoo didn´t see it that way. The girl felt like someone had punched her in the gut and she wanted to throw up!
What Hyunjin said didn´t only hit close to home, no it completely demolished the house!
She nodded quickly while trying to hide the tears of frustration and despair that threatened to leave her eyes, turned on her heels and limped out of the door.
Minho ran after her immediately. For someone who couldn´t walk without pain she sure was fast.
Chan looked like he wanted to smash Hyunjins head in.
“Why? That´s all i´m asking from you. Why did you say that? Cause I know that you don´t feel that way, otherwise you wouldn´t have let her sleep in your room these last few days!” the leader pressed while looking Hyunjin straight in the eyes.
He could see the way Hyunjin gulped and wiped his hands over his eyes.
“I didn´t… that wasn´t what i… Hyung I didn´t mean that! I was just angry and Soo-ah was acting like that all the time and… Hyung I didn´t mean any of that!” he stammered desperately, sinking to the floor.
Changbin wrapped his arms around the dancer, knowing that the younger´s temper could be bad but that he never wanted to hurt anyone. Especially Jisoo!
The leader´s eyes turned soft, he also understood that Hyunjin was fed up with Jisoo´s behavior but he could also see the self loathing that ate at her for the last week.
“I know believe me I know. And I would have talked to her after practice today. Jisoo is desperate Jinnie! All she wanted was to contribute something to the group even if she went about it wrong.”
Hyunjin wanted to cry. Hearing the explanation his leader gave him made him feel even worse.
“Remember you hiatus in 2021? Who was the first to tell you they believed you?”
“Who was the first one to tell haters of for framing you?”
“Excatly, she was always at your side, through every up and down, every mood swing and every bad feeling. She didn´t complain once!”
With that chan left to search for the younger girl. He knew that Changbin had things under control.
He shot a text into the group chat informing everyone that practice was over and the details for the flight on the next day, giving everyone time to think about what was said today.
Taglist: @alyszaen @smh-anon @andjeoidjavo
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briskythesovietspy · 2 years
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Joel // Sick & Dangerous Tour 2022 [Part 1/4]
Photos taken by me in Krakow 30/09 & Warsaw 01/10
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My concert report: Blind Channel – Sick & Dangerous European Tour 2022 – Nürnberg (04.09.2022)
So as I am writing this it is 02:42 in the morning, and I should probably be asleep because I will do this whole thing again in munich tonight. But I can’t sleep, I promised @another-sun this report (btw thank you so much you actually helped me so much aswell with my concert), and I think I have to do this for myself aswell to actually process this whole concert. Really wtf was that…
So I have to mention the days leading to the concert, I was more and more nervous about something happening that would have prevented me from going. Like what if the person that goes with me can’t anymore, what if I get sick, what if they get sick, …. So when the day finally came yesterday I kind of couldn’t believe it, I still can’t to be honest…
On the drive to the concert which took like one and a half hours we listened to Blind Channel songs, and I ranted about my nervousness, and we talked about Blind Channel. The person coming with me wasn’t a big BC fan, but I kind of got her into the music. The funny thing was that when I told her about Joel’s love for Germany he sent that insta post where he mentioned he wanted to move here. Perfect timing Joel...
We were there at 5 in the afternoon, two hours before the doors opened, because of my crazy concert brain. The person who went with me didn’t want to sit there for so long so I went alone to join the already waiting fans. Because I didn’t want to stand there alone I tried to talk to the people before me, which happened to be two finish girls/woman and one girl/woman from the US. We didn’t really hit of but that was okay. While i was sitting there I also noticed how tall all the people there were, and panicked a bit, I also kind of felt out of place for some reason… When it was time for the doors to open for us not VIP people, there were some people that were there after us but kind of got in line in front of us which also was a bit frustrating…
But after I went into the venue my whole night changed. I somehow saw this space right in front/next to the stage on Joonas side of the stage. But it was also kind of weird because it was also an open way to walk behind the stage. (And I saw several band members from different bands in that hall during the night, also had some BC crewmembers walked past me, and I think some of the bandmembers of the two acts before Blind Channel also used that way to go to the merch stands, but I can’t say that for sure anymore) I also had a clear view of the backstage door on the other side of the stage (and I saw several band members from different bands standing there or walking past the door aswell. For example I saw Niko when Joonas did that story of him, I saw Tommi and Joonas walk past that door several times, and I am pretty sure I also saw a shirtless Joel walking past the door but again can’t be 100% sure about that) I asked the girl standing next to me if I she thought I was even allowed there and she said yes. There had been a similar set up at the show in Dresden apparently and there were also people standing there. We also talked a bit about moshpits, and stagediving, and I got some great advice about where to stand at my Electric Callboy concert in Leipzig next year.
Then Oceans came on stage. I actually haven’t really had the time/motivation to look into their stuff beforehand. And I kind of took their performance as my time to get used to standing where I stood. I have never been front row at a concert… But they were great, and I will definitely check out some more of their stuff.
Then after a break Lost Society came on, who I checked out before and liked, but also didn’t have the time to look into deeper. And that performance was just unbelievable… I sometimes caught myself standing there with eyes closed and kind of headbanging, or just wipping my head around to the beat, idk… And I swear Samy smiled at me several times, I think I even have that on video. So Lost Society you have definitely gained a fan now…
And last but not least Blind Channel. I don’t even know what I should say, or where to start. I waited for so long for this concert, and I was so worried about it, but this was so worth it. It was the best concert of my life. Seeing them up close was so surreal. They were all exactly like I saw them on videos before. Joel was smiling so much and I think kind of emotional at the end (I can’t remember for sure anymore). Aleksi did all that crazy stuff he usually does (and hearing him talk live just hits different). Then Joonas energetic self (I heard him scream stuff to the audience so often without microphone, his whole part of thank you for the pain, and again hearing him talk to the audience just hit differently). Olli was so intense (the stares, the moves,...) but also seemed really happy. I didn’t get much from Tommi sadly since there was always someone in the way but I screamed extra loud whenever he got on stage, and he is just sooooo tall. And him and Aleksi were just great together. And last but not least Niko…He was just sooo Niko…I really love them all…
Since I stood so close I kind of filmed a bit to much I guess. But there were also many songs were I didn’t, and I didn’t do every song fully (just one or two actually). But I just had to use the opportunity to get some memorys from them, and I really wanted to capture them all individually (well as individual as you can). I didn’t really get a good angle to capture them all at once I think.
I have to say again that this was the best concert of my life. I sung/screamed my soul out, I tried this headbanging thing, I jumped (I also filmed while jumping twice, really strange videos...), and I just enjoyed every second of it. I still can’t realize this whole thing has happened, and tonight I will definitely just enjoy seeing them without filming much. Probably wont get this view again anyways…
Some random facts in the end…
…There was this box thing right in front of me, which I leaned against often. And Samy from Lost Society stood on there, Aleksi stood on there more than once, Joel also did stand there, and Joonas as well. I really just could have touched them if I wanted to, they were so close… But I don’t like touching people that I don’t know personally, and I wouldn’t want someone to do that with me, so of course I didn’t. (I also have video proof of that, maybe I will just throw some pictures together in the next days)
…The security guy was great. He came to stand by that entrance thing to walk behind the stage when Lost Society came on. And he was just so nice and funny. Said things like „at least people are having fun“ when the crowed started singing along to everybody while waiting for BC. He was also really happy that it was so peaceful. But whenever someone stood on this box thing he had his hands on there as well, I guess to do something if people got to out of line. I am just really happy that I made his day easy tbh...
… Again I can’t get over Joonas and Aleksi talking live. I mean I heared them talk before but it just was so different live.
… I was really afraid of the moshpits before going into the venue and securing my safe spot. There were several girls saying they were going to push people in, and ramble about their injuries they got in them. I think I would have immediately panicked in there.
… I was also worried I will never be able to hear again after the concert, after some girl mentioned she had to put ear plugs in her ears for concerts like that because she almost became deaf from one concert. But my ears survived, and it wasn’t bad at all.
… And how the hell did Aleksi, Olli, Joel, Joonas and the Blind Channel account on instagram (so Joel again probobly) actually check out my storys on there. I actually tried to get them individually, because I just wanted to show my appreaciation I guess.
…And last but not least, I did not faint from the heat. I didn’t at all. Really happy about that. But it was the place where I stood I guess.
...Ohhh and Joonas and Niko had a little Timebomb moment at the end of the song. But they just stood together really, with Niko having his arm over Joonas shoulder.
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darkerthanblack-666 · 2 years
blindchannel Sick & Dangerous Tour 2022 - 6 more to go ❤️‍🔥
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literally criminal that the only song off danger days that they never played on the 2022 tour was party poison. that one’s my favorite you sick freaks
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catboyolli · 11 months
Che Lu, I'm pretty sure that last year, someone posted about the coincidence of Olli posting extra insanely hot, chest showing stories IN ITALY and I think on the same date but one year apart. What if today is that anniversary? Maybe you want to research that, and if you don't, I just wanted to scream with someone about inexpressible emotions
hola Sofi!!!! you might be thinking of this post, but yeah all of the extra hot Olli stories are from Italy only, it seems like that's the only content we get from him when he's there
so i did some quick little research and i found that they played in Italy 3 times so far (pls correct me if i am wrong):
18.05.2022 at Legend Club, Milan (supporting Electric Callboy)
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27.09.2022 at Legend Club, Milan (Sick & Dangerous Tour 2022)
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15.07.2023 at Ippodromo del Galoppo di San Siro, Milan (Doomsday Summer 2023)
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sadly today's not an anniversary of any of the previous videos BUT hear me out: let's celebrate on each date because he deserves it and he's hot and he makes me extra horny so i am marking my calendar for september 27th 2023 because fuck it
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rbf451 · 2 years
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At Backstage By The Mill, Paris 21.9.2022
by Chloé Bunel for Above-TheNoise.com
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Happy birthday to Joel & Joonas 💙
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irresistiblesin · 2 years
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Stuttgart 6.9.22
Photo taken by me
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tuituipupu · 2 years
(Price down from £17.65)
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violentbouncej · 2 years
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For Immediate Release: Violent Bounce To Appear In “Lifestyles Of The Sick & Dangerous” Reality Television Engagement In 2023. 
Helsinki --
Finnish Nu Metal band Violent Bounce blasted to success in 2021 when they represented Finland in Eurovision Song Contest, placing 6th in the overall contest. Since then, the band has been on an upswing of success. From releasing successful singles “Balboa”, “We Are No Saints”, “Bad Idea”, “Don’t Fix Me”, all of which appear on their upcoming 4th album and major label debut Lifestyles Of The Sick & Dangerous, out 8th July 2022 on Century Media Records, to becoming staples on national television across Finland and Europe. The band performed at The Turning Of The Year event on New Year’s Eve 2021 and since. have appeared on a number of telecasts and charity telecasts in Finland and Europe, just furthering the message of violent pop.  They get to add “reality television stars” to their illustrious resumes.  It was announced today (6th July 2022) that Violent Bounce would be prominently featured on a show, debuting in January of 2023, called “Lifestyles Of The Sick & Dangerous” where it gives fans an inside look to the “dark side” that Violent Bounce lives. Fans became familiar with documentary styled tour videos that the band would release independently while touring but the reality show goes deeper into their personal lives and allows fans into their every day life, their relationships, and ultimately their homes, to discover the real people behind the violent pop evolution.  The show will follow real-life Finnish rock royalty couple, Jani and Jussi Valkyrie, the frontmen of Violent Bounce, as well as their partners, shining light on how their polyamorous family dynamic works. The show will also follow the lives of Kivi Kaikkonen, Ville Lahtinen, Baz Saari, and Mika Laine with their partners - Damon Kaikkonen (American fashion designer/musician/social media influencer), Gabriella Lahtinen (American professional wrestler), Jenni Saari (American online content creator/video game guru), and Willow Laine (American guitarist/band support). in their lives.  The show is slotted for its first season, starting in January 2023 and will air on Ruutu TV in Finland and will be 23 episodes, approximately an hour runtime, airing each Sunday to kick off 1st January 2023.  “It’s an interesting way for fans to get to know us, that’s for sure,” Vocalist Jani Valkyrie said. “When approached with the idea, everyone thought that I would say no but it honestly seemed really fun. Filming this process has been really fun and it’s something we can look back on in ten, fifteen years and realise, alright we did that... that’s cool. It’s like our own little time-capsule, because we’re responsible for what everyone sees. It’s us, as authentic as it comes, and that’s something I think fans will enjoy. We anticipate that the fans will feel closer to us because of this and that’s what we want. Violent Bounce is a family and we want our fans to feel like they’re part of our family, too.” The first episode slotted for the season premiere will feature the wedding of Ville and Gabriella Lahtinen. The season will feature the Kaikkonen’s wedding, J2′s wedding, and summer 2022 mayhem... and that’s just the beginning. The fans should be ready for anything because with Violent Bounce, nothing is predictable.  - RR
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briskythesovietspy · 2 years
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Joel // Sick & Dangerous Tour 2022 [Part 4/4]
Photo taken by me in Krakow 30/09
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My concert report: Blind Channel – Sick & Dangerous European Tour 2022 – München (05.09.2022)
So I decided to just do another concert report for munich, because it was a really amazing concert. And I really want to do this for me to remember the night aswell. (And I need to do something to distract my brain)
So as I mentioned in a previous post I took my dad to this show. He was with me at my first rock show in munich aswell (Black Veil Brides – The Church of the Wild Ones Tour 2013) and for me this felt kind of special. Sadly he wasn’t to happy about the idea at first, but I actually managed to convince him to come. We spent the three hour drive to the venue just talking about random stuff.
We were their at 5.30 in the afternoon/evening. My dad went to go do something to pass the time till the doors open since he wanted to stand in the back either way, while I joined the waiting fans. I didn’t find anyone to talk to this time, so the wait was really awkward for me. At 6 p.m they opened this front gate and let people in. Some of the fans (including me) weren’t sure if this was meant only for VIP people so we kind of stuck back and then lost our previous places in the queue inside the venue but before the concert hall entrance. (It was a cool but strange place I have to say) While we were waiting there the guys from Oceans did sports right next to us which was kind of a strange situation since I feel like no one really knew how to act. No one actually talked to them though, which was nice on one side (because they were doing their stuff there) but also strange because there were so many people and no one said anything to them. While waiting there they passed me quite a few times to go back to their backstage area, and Mikko did aswell. I actually got a thank you from the singer of Oceans because whenever I saw someone wanted to walk through the crowd there (and I kind of stood in the best place to do that) I always took a few steps back immediately to let them pass.
The doors opened a few minutes past 7. My original plan was to stand somewhere in the back, since I actually didn’t want to stand somewhere in the middle of the crowd and only wanted to enjoy the night either way. But when i got in I saw this area at Ollis side of the stage which was a step higher (perfect for short me) and there was this pillar thing to lean against (which I actually needed). And it wasn’t to far from the stage. So the perfect place to enjoy the show really. While waiting for Oceans to start I saw my dad talking to the merch guy. I actually send him on a mission to get me the hoodie with their logo on it and the breakdowns for breakfast t-shirt. (I got the tour shirt at the show on sunday aswell) He said they had a really nice short conversation about his Judas Priest tshirt.
Then Oceans started… I actually could focus completely on their music that night, and fell in love with „If There’s A God She Has Abandoned Us“. I really liked their music in general and will definitely check out more of their stuff now for sure. I also got the information that apparently their singer originally comes from the city that I study in right now, and that is pretty close to my hometown aswell. Which is pretty cool.
Then after a break Lost Society started. I mean they already had me fall in love with them on Sunday, but it was so cool to get a different perspective of the performance. I just let myself enjoy their music and was kind of shocked when he suddenly appeared on the bar thing behind me and then the piller thing on the other side of the venue since I actually couldn’t follow him with my eyes in the crowd. I filmed that bit of him on the pillar with people jumping aswell without jumping myself this time, since I actually had to save my energy (that was low barely two hours of sleep and a already crazy concert the night before to begin with) and was already sweating then.
After Lost Society while waiting for Blind Channel my dad texted me completely shocked about how cool those two bands were already. And I was kind of smug not gonna lie about that... But also seriously curious about what he would say about BC later.
And then BC came on. I don’t think I have to mention how amazing their performance was again. I actually sung/screamed along for every song (just managed to control myself for the few things I filmed but even failed there sometimes), I jumped when they asked us too every time, and just let my body move however it wanted to the music. There were so many good moments, like the timebomb thing with Joonas and Niko, them constantly running into each other (which was btw commented on by someone on sunday aswell), Joonas saying „Prost“ and then pouring water on his own head, … And the crowd was so amazing, they were so into it. At least from my perspective.
After BC left I was sweating like crazy, my voice was almost nonexistent, but I was just so happy. I actually thought about talking to some of the guys from the other bands and maybe asking for a picture but I was sweating so much, and probably looking so bad that I didn’t do it. I didn’t want them to be bothered by me. But the night was perfect, even without this, so I really don’t mind.
And what can I say, I made my dad a BC fan… I mean I hoped he would like them, but I seriously didn’t think he would like them so much. So the whole way back we talked about BC and I asked him some questions because I was just curious about what someone who just experienced BC for the first time thought about them. And he asked me questions about them as well, like their history as a band, how they make their music, … I asked him who his favorites were, to which he replied the Olli and Tommi (he actually didn’t know their names but described who he meant by their instruments or hair color for Joel and Niko) but he had something good to say about each one of them. He was also impressed by how well Niko and Joel can sing, and how good they sound together. I asked him who he thought was the oldest and the youngest band member aswell. He guessed Aleksi (correctly) to be the youngest, but actually thought Niko is the oldest. What I dont understand btw is how he didn’t recognize Dark Side. He was actually the one getting me into BC by commenting how shocked he was about an italien rock act winning Eurovision (which lead to me being curious and discovering them through a Maneskin ESC interview) and he watched the final.
So the Blind Channel concert in munich was definitely one of my best concert nights ever, and munich is now the city with the special concerts for me…
Some random facts in the end…
…during tyftp I kind of put my whole soul into the „Success, trophies, reasons break you, watches you closely, people hate you“ part and the girl next to me suddenly looked at me and grinned. I actually put my whole being into every song I think, but that one just felt extra special I guess.
…Niko’s rap hands are kind of rubbing off on me. I would seriously be embarrassed if I saw a video of myself during that concert.
...What Joel wrote in his instagram story that night about their dream to get all the broken souls together and screaming our lungs out from all the pain inside really got to me. I really felt that that night. And it definitely fit me, I am a broken soul and sung/screamed my lung out that night for sure.
…I kind of loved the mosh pits, or watching them at least. Wouldn’t dare to go into one myself though.
…Last but not least I have to mention having gum with me at concerts and some Dextro Energy (Traubenzucker) seriously helps me with dizziness. (I almost fainted at a concert in 2018 and have been worried about that happening again ever since, and there were actually a few times I felt kind of dizzy after that. And those two things really seem to work for me)
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