#simon blemont
mewkwota · 10 months
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Simon Blemont
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scaredofheroin · 4 years
Captain N - Chapter 12: Passing Through
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The first of the group to wake from their slumber was Captain N. As he groggily regained his bearings and remembered he slept on the grass previously occupied by Castlevania, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Glancing around, he found Pit, Falco and Zelda still lost in slumberland. Pit laid splayed out on the ground, Falco slept propped up against a tree and Zelda maintained her regal demeanor even in her slumber. Captain N slowly and quietly got up onto his feet, further surveying the area. The sun was only just visible over the lush tree line, transforming the scenery from a dark, foreboding maze of fauna to a lush and vibrant forest. Morning dew formed on the grass and leaves, save for the patches of grass taken up by the four. Captain N stepped away from the four, stretching his arms with a deep groan. With the occasional sound of birds chirping and the gentle breeze brushing through the tree branches, he gratefully drank in this rare moment of peace and tranquility in the middle of such a chaotic few days. The chill of the early hours still haunted the air, so he picked his varsity jacket up off the ground, shook the few stray blades of grass off it and put it back on. Patting his jacket down, his heart skipped a beat when he felt a familiar rectangular shape in his right jeans pocket. Hastily removing the object from his pocket, he found himself holding his phone. His heart racing, he impatiently pressed the power button on the side, but to no avail. His heart sinking, Captain N surmised that the battery died in between being transported to Yamajiro and now. He sighed in defeat, knowing that the hope of recharging his phone is scant in such a strange and foreign world. He sat down on a large rock nearby, still clutching his phone as if he was expecting it to dissipate like Dracula's castle. How long was he gone on Earth, he wondered to himself. Three days? A couple hours? Did anyone even know he went missing yet? Surely his mom or dad would have tried texting, but would anyone else worry? His cousin might, MAYBE a couple of his lab partners whose numbers he acquired to communicate during a group project, but that's all. Captain N sighed to himself, idly rubbing the smooth, near flawless screen of his phone. Everyone back home was probably too busy celebrating Jeremiah Coleman getting another touchdown, or Kimberly Sparks submitting another award-winning art piece to notice that he went missing. The more his mind ran through these thoughts, the heavier the tear in his eye felt.
"Whatcha got there?" Suddenly came Pit's voice, snapping Captain N out of his depressing train of thought. He tried to mask his true emotions towards the phone with a casual shrug, answering with "My phone.". Pit squinted his eyes a bit, walking over to get a better look at Captain N's phone. "Something from your home world?" He asked him, getting a simple "Yep." in response. Pit sat down next to him, further analyzing the strangely simple device. "...What does it do?" Pit asked. Captain N chuckled a bit, never having expected to have to explain the details of something so omnipresent in his home world. "It lets you communicate with people far away, get information from anywhere near instantly, take pictures and videos, write down notes, play music, and pretty much everything else you'd need it to do." He explained, Pit inquisitively nodding along. "How does it work?" Pit asked further. Captain N laughed a bit, shrugging. "I don't know, I didn't build the thing." He remarked, his mood having lifted somewhat. "It looks kinda like the Sheikah Slate." Pit noted. "...'Sheikah Slate'?" Captain N repeated, confused. Pit smacked his head, remembering who he was talking to. "Oh yeah, you don't know about that yet. If you ask Princess Zelda, she'll- actually, you better not." He quickly stopped himself. Captain N was more confused than before but knew better than to prod further. "You wanna show off how it works?" Asked Pit. Captain N shook his head. "Can't. Battery's dead." He explained, hoping Pit knew what that meant. Pit groaned a bit. "Dang, that's never fun." He noted.
"Good morning to you guys too." Falco grumbled, still lying on the ground. "We just didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep, that's all." Captain N joked, eliciting slight snickering from Pit. Falco rolled his eyes as he got up, arching his back with a groan. Zelda woke up soon after, roused slightly by the conversation. "I assume everyone slept soundly last night." She said, sitting up as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Captain N didn't, really. Sleeping on the ground covered only by his jacket proved far less than ideal. Hiding this, he nodded along with Falco and Pit as he slipped his phone back into his pocket. "Well, good, as we've a long day ahead of us. We'll have to return to New Leaf Town before making our way to the warp zone in the Mushroom Kingdom." She instructed as she got up and made her outfit more presentable. "Speaking of which, how are they doing? The town wasn't attacked while we were dealing with Dracula, was it?" Captain N asked. "Thankfully not. From what I can sense, they've been as safe as when we left." Zelda answered. Feeling a slight feeling of relief, Captain N looked across the lake to the path they initially traversed through. "We all feeling ready?" Captain N asked the group. "Yep!" Pit eagerly answered. "Ready when you are, Cap'n." Falco spoke up, adjusting the blaster at his side. Zelda only nodded in agreement, closing her eyes as she drew upon her magic to conjure the path back to New Leaf Town. It took a moment, but she finally opened her eyes back up, eyeing a specific opening between a pair of trees on the other side of the lake. "Follow me." She instructed, taking the lead. "Wait, I gotta do something." Captain N suddenly spoke up just as Pit and Falco started walking. "What is it?" Falco asked with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. Captain N didn't answer that question, instead searching the nearby tree line. Finding the same branch from last night, he drew his Zapper from his pocket, aimed at the branch, steadied his breath, closed his right eye, and pulled the trigger. Opening his eye back up and assessing the tree, he found that the branch fell to the ground, slightly smoldering near the end where he aimed for. A smile growing across his face, Captain N pumped his fist and cheered "First try!". Zelda let out a slight laugh from his display. "Nicely done, Captain!" cheered Pit. "Yeah, yeah, great stuff, care to get going now?" Falco asked, humoring Captain N. Clutching the Zapper, Captain N nodded, rejoining the three as they began the trek.
The day felt more welcoming as the four traversed the land. Captain N felt much more at ease as he hiked, due to the fact that they're heading towards a familiar and friendly town, as opposed to the mysterious castle of Dracula himself. However, the absence of Simon Belmont made the group feel slightly more empty. Despite Falco's assurance that he made it out alright, Captain N couldn't help but worry about his well-being. Hopefully he'll run into him again sometime in the near future. Conversation was light between the group as they hiked over the grassy hills and through wide valleys. Zelda remained focused on following the correct path, still rattled by Dracula's manipulation in Castlevania despite there being no similar forces overshadowing them now. Falco exuded an aura of annoyance which Captain N picked up, which he surmised had to do with not being able to fly his Arwing back to town. Which reminded him of a question he'd been meaning to ask.
"Hey Pit, can't you fly?" He asked, making Pit feel immediately uneasy. "Uh... kind of?" He awkwardly answered. Instilling only confusion in Captain N, he followed up with "What do you mean? You flew me to Peach's Castle and inside Castlevania.". "It's, uh, tricky actually. Even though I've got wings, I can only really FLY when Lady Palutena's directly helping me. Other times I can just kind of "boost" a little bit." He explained, making Falco roll his eyes. Captain N nodded, knowing that being flown across the sky was a little too much to ask for. "Well.. what about you?" Captain N asked Falco. "...What about me?" Falco asked in return. "Can you, you know... fly?" Captain N clarified. Falco let out an annoyed sound and responded with "No, I can't. Not without my Arwing.". Realizing he should have known this already, Captain N felt flustered realizing how that was kind of a dumb question. "Look!" Zelda suddenly spoke up, pointing at a nearby tree. Upon closer inspection, Captain N and Pit found the tree was populated with plump, ripe orange fruits hanging from the branches. "It's incredibly rare we find a tree of Wumpa Fruit outside the Wumpa Islands!" She excitedly explained, examining the fruits. "Looks like we found lunch." Falco noted, followed with Captain N feeling a rumbling emptiness in his stomach upon hearing food mentioned. "Allow me." Zelda stated, raising her hands at the fruit in the tree. Shortly after, four of the Wumpa Fruits were delicately removed from the branches and floated down to each of the four's pairs of hands. Taking it in his grasp, Captain N noted the firm yet slightly soft texture of the fruit. He looked back to Pit and Falco, waiting for them to take the first bite of their fruits. After Pit's initial bite was followed with a sound of him enjoying the fruit, Captain N took a careful bite of his fruit. His senses were immediately rewarded with this action, as the fruit tasted incredibly sweet, with the juices seeping out of the newly-made opening. The taste was difficult to place further than that, not being comparable to peaches or mangoes or any other fruit he ate back on Earth. His sense of taste, his brain and his stomach voted unanimously to continue eating, which he quickly obliged to, greedily scarfing down the Wumpa Fruit. "You don't have these on Earth, do you?" Pit asked, which he answered by shaking his head. Falco and Zelda ate theirs slower and more carefully, in direct contrast to Pit and Captain N. The fruit disappeared into Captain N's stomach disappointingly soon, left with only a sticky mess on his hands and mouth area. "Looks like Cap approves." Falco smirked at the display. Slightly flustered, he cleaned himself up as best he could to make himself presentable. With a slight giggle, Zelda floated two more Wumpa Fruits down to Captain N, which he graciously accepted with a polite "Thank you, Princess.". The three only had just finished their first fruits, whereupon they were granted two more fruits by Zelda. "I'm confident you gentlemen can eat and walk at the same time, so we should continue our journey." Zelda instructed. With a mouthful of Wumpa Fruit, Captain N could only respond with a less-than-polite "Mm-hm.". Pit nodded along with a hearty "We sure can!". Falco agreed with a determined "Yeah, let's move it.", stowing his fruits under his arms. Satisfied with their answers, Zelda continued leading the group to town.
It took the vast majority of the day to reach New Leaf Town. The handful of Wumpa Fruits only did so much to provide sustenance for the adventurers, eventually feeling the growl of hunger return. The sun sank further and further towards the horizon, the sky slowly shifting colors to match the rapidly approaching evening. Captain N could sense Falco envying the birds flying freely throughout the sky, chirping happily to each other as they soared across the warm breeze. Pit stretched his white, bird-like wings out to take in the nice breeze. Zelda remained as determined as ever to follow the determined path, assigning the task of eating food to the secondary priority. Just before the sun dipped below the horizon, Zelda led the group over the hill overseeing the entrance to New Leaf Town. The townspeople could still be seen walking about, enjoying their peaceful lives without a Kremling or other minion of the three kings in sight. "Ugh, finally!" Falco groaned, quickly hastening his pace towards the entrance, followed closely by Pit. "Thanks for being the guide, Princess. I never had a doubt." Captain N complimented Zelda, which she accepted with a soft yet gracious "...Thank you.". Captain N looked to the side and saw the warp pipe leading to the Mushroom Kingdom in the distance. He felt a strong feeling of uneasiness upon remembering what his true duties entail, separate from enjoying free stays at hotels. Zelda remained at his side, silently understanding his inner conundrum. "...I understand your struggle, Captain." She quietly said to him, feeling the weight on his shoulders as his eyes remained on the large green pipe. He sighed and hung his head, avoiding her gaze. "...Really?" He asked her. Zelda moved to his side to meet his eyes. "I know the pressure of having to live up to everyone's expectations in the face of such dire odds and consequences." She went on. Captain N took in a deep breath, straightened his posture and turned his gaze back towards New Leaf Town. "We better catch up with them, shouldn't we?" He asked, motioning towards Falco and Pit. "Indeed." She agreed, feeling slightly off-put by him suddenly diverting the conversation. "Well then, we better not keep the townsfolk waiting." He said, making his way towards the entrance with Zelda following closely.
The four approaching town was immediately noticed first by young Timmy and Tommy. "They're back! Princess Zelda, Captain N and the others are back!" Timmy shouted to the nearby townsfolk. This immediately caught the attention of Tom Nook and Isabelle, who was meeting with a dark brown owl male with a bow tie and checkered torso, the three of whom made their way over to the two youngsters. "I thought I taught you two better than to cause so much ruckus." Tom scolded his nephews. "But it's true! They're over there!" Tommy insisted, pointing to the field in front of town. Sure enough, the three saw Falco, Pit, Captain N and Zelda approaching. "Oh, goodness! I wish we could have known sooner! We could have prepared for their arrival!" Isabelle fussed, growing worried about pleasing such famous guests. The owl quickly made himself presentable, adjusting his bow as Tom quickly got his two nephews to the side so they could enter. With Pit and Falco having slowed to allow Zelda and Captain N to catch up, the four found themselves crowded once more by the anthropomorphic townspeople. "Welcome back to our humble town!" Isabelle happily greeted them. "What happened?" Timmy eagerly asked. "Didja beat up Dracula?" Tommy asked further. At this point, more townspeople noticed the four had returned, and quickly formed a mob around them. Feeling the pressure, Captain N raised his hands to create some space. "You all can rest easy knowing that Dracula's no longer a threat!" He announced, earning a joyous cheer from the townspeople. "I hate to ask, but would you happen to have retrieved anything of value from Castlevania?" The owl asked the group. "Unfortunately not, aside from that which was meant for Captain N." Zelda politely answered. "Oh, what a shame. It would have made a wonderful addition to the local museum." The owl grumbled. Just as Captain N was about to ask for his name, he perked back up and introduced himself with "Oh, my apologies! My name is Blathers, and I am the curator of the town's museum." with a slight bow. "Well then Blathers, I'll try to snag you something to show off the next time I break into someone's home." Captain N joked. "Wait... where's Simon Belmont?" Tom asked. Falco quickly answered with "He took on Dracula himself, letting us escape with the goods. Don't worry, he's fine". "What did you escape with?" A navy-blue cat with exotic head wear asked Captain N. The eyes of countless townspeople began boring themselves into Captain N, their interests piqued by the prospect of some hidden treasure hidden inside Castlevania. Instead of offering a verbal answer, he stepped back, drew the two Boosters from his back pockets and shot two brilliant beams of fire and ice into the sky. The townspeople were amazed by this display, cheering victoriously as his pride swelled, drinking in the sensation of an entire town cheering him on. "What brings you all back here?" Isabelle asked in the midst of the cheering. "Perhaps you decided to take up my offer on-" Tom tried to ask in return, but was interrupted by Pit explaining "We're just staying the night here. Tomorrow we set off for New Donk City!".
"Well, it's an honor to host such esteemed guests! Our mayor is currently off fishing, but K.K. Slider's playing in the center of town!" Isabelle beamed. Falco rolled his eyes at such an absent mayor, but Pit was eager to take her up on the offer. "Sounds great! And I bet K.K. does do!" He quipped. Captain N and Zelda happily followed Pit and Isabelle to the center of town, Falco straying a bit farther behind. Upon arrival, K.K. Slider was playing a song reminiscent of an old western movie from Captain N's home world. Some of the townspeople were too absorbed in the song to notice the four arriving. Captain N found himself taken into the song, soaking in its intricate melodies. But when the song ended, the presence of the four became immediately known, with Isabelle, Blathers and Tom with his nephews standing nearby. "Well well well, looks like our heroes came back champions." K.K. casually noted. "Got any requests?" He asked the group. Captain N, Falco and Zelda remained quiet, while Pit quickly responded "Something smooth!". "You got it, bird dude!" K.K. happily accepted, adjusting his guitar before beginning another song. As the expertly-played song wafted throughout the crowd, Captain N felt much more at ease with his mission. Still feeling his phone in his pocket, he felt stronger and more determined. His chest felt bigger and his height felt greater than before. Zelda and the others enjoyed the song as well alongside the happy crowd, noticeably more relaxed than before. But eventually, the song had to end, resulting in Captain N's tiredness making its presence known. "We ought to hit the hay. Got a big day tomorrow, after all." Falco suggested. "Seems like all my days recently are big days, but yeah, sleep on an actual bed sounds good." Captain N agreed with a smile. "Thank you all for hosting us, you've all been truly wonderful." Zelda thanked the townspeople. "Of course, Princess! You're always welcome here!" Isabelle replied, slightly flustered. "Everyone wish our heroes a good night!" K.K. spoke up, earning a collective "Good night!" from the crowd. Captain N awkwardly thanked them for their kindness, and he quickly made his way back to the hotel with his three allies. The host graciously handed the four room keys to the group as they entered. Ascending the staircase and arriving at their doors, the group quickly exchanged farewells for the day, more eager to sleep on a soft mattress. As soon as he locked the door behind him and fell onto the bed, Captain N succumbed to slumber once more.
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inversionimpulse · 6 years
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Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
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Llegamos al tercer juego de la saga y último para la NES, que en un giro sorprendente no se trata de una secuela del II sino precuela del I, donde llevamos a un ancestro de Simon Blemont. Castlevania (Akumajō Densetsu o Akumajo Dracula, como es conocido en su Japón natal), debutó en el Famicom Disk System el 26 de septiembre de 1986. El juego fué creado por Konami en el año 1989 para la NES. El juego apareció en versiones: 
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   La historia Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
El equipo de desarrollo, liderado una vez más por Hitorshi Akamatsu, estaba en un brete: el castillo de Drácula solo podía emerger cada 100 años, y la franquicia apenas había comenzado a andar, por lo que prescindir del héroe de la primera entrega no era una opción. El protagonistas de este juego es Trevor Belmont, un ancestro de Simon Belmont,que portando el mismo Vampire Killer, debe enfrentarse a las hordas de Drácula para vencer al señor oscuro. El contexto de este juego es el año 1476 y conocemos un poco más el trasfondo de Drácula, resulta que han matado a su mujer Lisa y ahora clama venganza contra la humanidad. Resulta que por esos tiempos, la iglesia temía los poderes del clan Belmont y fueron exiliados, pero ante la aparición de Drácula, se hizo necesaria su presencia, en este caso la de Trevor. Sin embargo no estará solo en esta aventura, varios personajes se le unirán a lo largo de ella. La excusa argumental que se sacaron de la manga fue de traca: antes de desaparecer, el Conde había lanzado una maldición contra Simon, por lo que el joven Belmont debía reunir las cinco partes del cuerpo de Drácula y llevarlas a las ruinas del castillo para romper el hechizo. Otro habría preferido dejarse morir antes de volver a invocar al Mal, pero oye, si lo hubiera hecho nos habríamos quedado sin juego.
Análisis Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
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Simon's Quest desplegaba un desarrollo mucho menos lineal que su antecesor. Por supuesto, volveríamos a enfrentarnos a latigazos contra ejércitos de horripilantes criaturas, pero esta vez tendríamos que hacerlo en el trayecto entre diferentes pueblos. Esta vez tocaba hablar con lugareños, comerciar con corazones y procurar no estar fuera de los núcleos de la población cuando cayera la noche. Tras superar determinados combates contra jefazos, podremos incorporar un segundo personaje a nuestras filas, cada uno dotado de habilidades especiales: Sypha Belnades, la hechicera, que en un principio no se sabe que es mujer, se descubre al final. Débil en ataque físicos pero muy poderosa con su magia. Al final se casa con Trevor y esto permite después que el clan Belmont pueda usar la magia. Grant Danasty, un pirata que domina las artes de las armas de forma muy eficaz, es rápido y fuerte, aunque personalmente no es un personaje que haya calado muy hondo. Alucard, el hijo de Drácula y Lisa. Que sorprendentemente, probará la valía de Trevor y se unirá a el para destruir a su propio padre. Posee muchas de las habilidades características, transformarse en murciélago y lanzar  bolas de fuego. lo que abría aún más el abanico de posibilidades en un cartucho que, de salida, ya nos permitía elegir entre diversas rutas a lo largo de la aventura. Por desgracia solo podíamos acompañarnos de uno a la vez, así que encontrar un nuevo aliado suponía despedir al anterior. El gameplay del juego se aleja de los toques aventureros del II y vuelve a lo visto en el I. Es decir, sroll lateral plataformero fulminando enemigos y recogiendo corazones, subarmas, etc. Sin embargo, no es tan lineal como el I, ya que después de cada fase, podemos escoger que ruta seguiremos, marcando mucho a quienes conoceremos a lo largo del juego y la ruta que seguiremos, hay quince niveles, por lo tanto la rejugabilidad de este título es muy alta.
La Saga
Castlevania Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Castlevania III: The Dracula´s Curse
Dracula's Curse era, y sigue siendo, una auténtica maravilla. Es difícil como el infierno, pero ni siquiera la frustración de perder vidas y vidas consigue borrarte la sonrisa de la cara mientras subes por la torre del reloj, te balanceas en los péndulos gigantes o descubres por primera vez a los peculiares compañeros de viaje que encontrará Trevor Belmont, el antepasado de Simon. Debo decir que creo que este es el mejor castlevania de NES y además esto de llevar a varios personajes se repetirá más adelante, primero en el MODO JULIUS de Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, donde llevamos a Julius Belmont, Yoko Belnades y Alucard, un guiño clarísimo a este castlevania III. Después el Portrait of Ruin basará su premisa en esto de llevar a dos jugadores. Sin duda, este castlevania III es uno de esos juegos que hay que jugar si o si. Read the full article
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