populationpensive · 2 years
Are you a PA-C? Are you a PA-S? Are you interested in becoming a PA? Want to be in health care and not sure about life decisions? You can find active #pablr people here! You can also add yourself if you're a committed PA person.
Posting about PA related things? Use our hashtag, #PAblr
The community is organized primarily by myself and @simplysupergirl at this point. Usually when we have time and can bother to update the list. Originally created in 2013 by yours truly.
As of 12/1/2022, I have updated this list and purged it of outdated accounts (i.e. has not updated since before 2020), bots, and canceled accounts.
Other awesome health care related hashtags are #medblr (med school/residency), #pharmblr (pharmacy school/pharmacists), and #nurblr (nurses!).
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doctorspork · 4 years
@borborygmus21 replied to your post “Does it count as adulting if I shower and put on pjs before getting in...”
Sounds like a success, good plan for day 1/12
@simplysupergirl replied to your post “Does it count as adulting if I shower and put on pjs before getting in...”
I’d consider it successful adulting. Honestly I consider it successful adulting if I make it to bed at all lol ��
Thanks guys! The downside is that yesterday I got 10 admits in 6 hours so couldn’t do any of the work I planned to do, which means I have slides that are due tonight that I am not done with so I’m having cake on the couch for dinner. 
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hangrypa · 5 years
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randommomentsdevida · 7 years
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@modernathenamd replied to your post “Had a rapid response yesterday when I was in the ICU… I forgot that...”
I love you
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@cranquis replied to your post “random does her first dictation ever!”
liking the new tag, great pun
Riighhttt!!?!?!??! :D 
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@simplysupergirl replied to your post “Walked out of dialysis and got disoriented (#directionallychallenged)...”
Embarrassingly I still do this (I work at my hometown hospital where I was a junior volunteer during high school, did several rotations at and, I've been working as a PA now going on 6 months). Especially when I walk out of elevators. Sometimes I do the "let me pull out my cell phone and pretend like someone just texted me to meet them and that's why I got turned around" thing.
Oh dear hahahahahahha
At my base hospital, they make all the floors look pretty much the same and in the center of the two wings is the computers... I always walked the wrong way.,.. :/
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@belis86 replied to your post “Walked out of dialysis and got disoriented (#directionallychallenged)...”
Hospitals are mazes.
FOR REAL. At every hallway where there are too many halls, I stand there and squint. 
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@simplysupergirl replied to your post “I have night ICU call tonight!”
You got this!
Thank you! The night was super busy! It was ridiculous!
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@md-admissions replied to your post “Had a rapid response yesterday when I was in the ICU… I forgot that...”
you are my hero
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Tagged by the lovely @suithusiast (I for one am glad you still occasionally log on tumblr)
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better.
lol, 20 seems excessive. we’ll see how many we get to.
Name: Rachel
Nickname: Rach, some variation of my last name 
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 5′6″ 
Ethnicity: So my brother just did a DNA analysis that has called our thought of ethnicity into serious question, lol, but there are some questions of accuracy, so I’ll go with what I do know- English, Italian, Irish, Scottish, Polish, and other variations of Europe.
Orientation: Straight. so far. ;) (lol)
Favourite Fruit(s): oooh so many. I think Mango, at the moment.
Favourite Season: Fall!
Favourite Book(s): my usual go to is To Kill A Mockingbird, but I very much also love books like harry potter, the hunger games, and many comics. 
Favourite Flower(s): Tulips. 
Favourite Animal(s): I’ll go with dogs.
Favourite Beverage: Seltzer, all I ever drink haha
Average Hours of Sleep: ugh, not enough....lol. When it’s limited, 6-7 hours, when it’s unlimited, probably more like 10-12.
Favourite Fictional Characters: Sara Lance, Leonard Snart, Clark Kent, Katniss Everdeen, Esmeralda (Hunchback of Notre Dame), Diana Prince, Kalinda Sharma, Draco Malfoy and probably many more I’m forgetting.
Number of Blankets You Sleep with: just one, generally. 
Dream Trip: all of Europe. all of it.
Blog Created: Christmas Eve 2009, lol.
Number of Followers: just shy of 1100 at the moment.
I’m tagging @agentmarymargaretskitz, @batmanisagatewaydrug, @mockingxcanary, @hanorganaas, @starklinqs, @dragonydreams, @gawkydoteficus, and @simplysupergirl!
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monochrome-pianist · 7 years
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So the imposter went on one of my FB friend's profile and wrote on her selfie "How much for a good time?" :0 But said FB friend knew it wasn't me and reported the account. Apparently to her it's either a family member who made the fake account or her ex husband's wife. I just don't know why I got dragged into the middle of this :0
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svgurl410 · 4 years
Thanks for tagging me @love-geeky-fangirl! :D
Rules: tag some people who you want to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions:
Three ships: Clark/Lois (Smallville), Rory/Jess (Gilmore Girls), Steve/Peggy (MCU)
Last song: "Rescue Me”- OneRepublic
Last movie: Emma- this is has been my answer for way too long. I need to watch more movies lol 
Currently reading: Fanfic. What are books? XD
Current cravings: Chocolate, which I sadly do not have right now. :\
Tagging:  @halfagony-halfhope, @wallsarecrumbling, @steventrevor, @since1938, @simplysupergirl and anyone who wants to do it! If you don’t, no worries, and if you don’t like being tagged in things period, please feel free to let me know. :D
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greyangpablog · 6 years
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is amazing news!
Congrats! Happy for you!
Thank you so much!!! I’m so relieved, grateful, and excited :))
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populationpensive · 6 years
Re: Rotation Review - Internal Medicine
First of all, thanks for the support from everyone. It really was a tricky situation and I’m just so glad it is done. I got a lot of questions so I’ll answer them here. 
velocirobot said: Please tell me you reported his behavior. Screaming at you is ridiculous.
I did report him. We have site evaluations that we fill out and I detailed his behavior in full. I also told my advisor. Whether anything gets done about it is another story as we are all 98% that our program doesn’t actually read the evals, but I did tell a faculty member face to face. 
simplysupergirl said: Sounds absolutely awful and I’m so glad you’re done. (As an aside: if you’re only in private practice you don’t actually have to be board certified as a physician in many places. They obviously had to pass boards initially but they don’t have to continue unless they have admitting privileges at a hospital or a secondary job requiring it. Some private physicians, like my dad, maintain board certification because they want to.) And please tell me your program director/medical director is aware of this preceptor’s behavior. I’m also proud of you that you didn’t break down and took it as a learning opportunity as to what not to do. I’m not sure student me would have been able to not start crying.
Yeah he has made a couple of my classmates cry. By the time I got to him, I was so royally pissed by how badly he treated my peers that I had a complete “come at me bro” mentality. Had I gone in not knowing everything I did about him, I probably would have broken down. Luckily, I was giving so much help in preparing for the whole deal. He is actually not in private practice so he is a board certified family medicine provider. I was just confused at how the rotation remotely qualified for internal under than circumstance. He saw kids and no longer did hospital rounding. *shrugs*
ajamdawg said: So weird my internal med outpatient preceptor was also, a total douche. Purposefully humiliated, mocked, and yelled at us students constantly. And in front of patients too. Our school knows but I guess IMOP rotations are tough to come by here. Regardless I feel your pain. It’s a relief finishing rotations like that
Oh that’s such a bummer you had a similar experience. We have a hard time getting sufficient internal med rotations as well as Ob/GYN. This guy literally takes a student or 2 a month so I think the program is afraid to lose him. 
cranquis said: I'ma slap me someone right now, I am so ticked after reading this.
I don’t blame you. Every decent provider I’ve worked with that I tell about this guy lose their mind over how awful he is. Actually, funny story - in the town where the douche bag practices, I had several rotations with his colleagues and when they asked where my internal med was and I told them, “oh yeah, with Dr. X,” they’d be like “THAT GUY IS AWFUL GET IT CHANGED!” 
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doctorspork · 4 years
@simplysupergirl replied to your post “My hospital just sent out an email introducing “jeans Fridays.” Who tf...”
Our hospital has started treating scrubs like our PPE. They've locked it up. I've got a bunch of scrubs I "borrowed" before this all started so I've been wearing those and then changing into sweats/tshirt before I leave and then they get deposited into a separate laundry basket.
And PS--Jeans in a hospital?!
We’ve always had scrub machines, where we have 2 credits, meaning we can have 2 sets of scrubs in our possession at a time. You put in a dirty pair and then can get another clean pair. I do a mix of that, plus wearing scrubs I bought in med school or residency, so that I don’t have to bring dirty scrubs with me every other day to swap them out. It also sucks because we rotate at so many different hospitals and only have scrub access at the main one, so half the time I’m washing my own scrubs anyhow. I don’t really care - I live alone, I’m not worried about bringing it home to anyone - but I know a lot of coworkers who do something similar to you to minimize their family’s risk.
And I know!! Like I don’t have an issue with wearing dress clothes on rotations that require it, it’s just that I don’t wash dress pants after every single use, which is kinda the point of scrubs.
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hangrypa · 5 years
Didactic year is the first year of hell PA school, and generally it varies 12 to 16 months in duration. It’s mostly classroom, and it can be rough. In the moment (my program was mandatory attendance MTWRF 8-8 plus weekend anatomy lab), it feels like it’s crawling. Looking back, however, it almost seemed to fly by.
I wrote The Giant Ass Summary Post of Didactic Year at the conclusion of my first year of PA school. In it I discuss some of the non-clinical lessons I learned, from discovering my weaknesses to getting along with classmates.
Speaking of getting along with classmates, that is crucial for didactic year. Because you spend over 60h/wk with them, and- as a PA, you’re a teammate, and you have to be able to work with people of different personalities and backgrounds. You’re all in this together. Sometimes it can be tough, other times you laugh and cry together. 
I also have a few miscellaneous posts from nights when I was procrastinating on studying for an exam: Random Semester 2 Thoughts More Random Semester 2 Thoughts Random Semester 3 Thoughts My #PAblr posts when I first joined tumblr are much more starry-eyed, and that’s partly because my program gave us a unique opportunity: a clinical rotation that we attended once a week during didactic year to get a feel for clinical year. As if exams weren’t already humbling enough, this intro-to-rotations setup really showed me that I still had a lot to learn.
In preparation for clinical year, we also met our standardized patients during didactic year. Standardized patients- aka the people who are paid by our school (my tuition) to be poked, prodded, and questioned for hours on end. They provide interesting feedback. Some of the feedback feels like it comes out of nowhere, but even the weird information is useful. You’re going to have some oddball patients when you’re on rotations and in practice, so working with standardized patients is a great way to learn how to interact with patients in all kinds of situations.
One interesting phenomenon during my didactic year- Despite my non-licensed, bright-eyed student status, family and friends took my word on anything healthcare related as gold. With great power comes great responsibility.
I’ll be real here- no one in my class breezed through PA school. Even the one classmate with a 4.0 didactic year came close to failing a clinical rotation. So if you meet some self-proclaimed hotshot who acts as though PA school is the easiest thing he/she has ever done, don’t buy it, and don’t be discouraged. They’re struggling just as much as you are but overcompensating.
Now as a PA-C, looking back at didactic, Here are the biggest lessons that I learned: - Study early, and study by quizzing. - Don’t get caught up in class drama. - Sleep. No, you’re never going to study enough. So fuck it, and sleep. - Get a counselor. I have no mental health diagnoses, did this, and it saved my sanity in PA school. I kept a biweekly appointment with the school’s counseling services (included in my tuition) just to vent. Best decision I ever made. - Stay in touch with family and non-PA school friends. They’ll keep you in touch with reality when PA school takes over your world. - YOU GOT THIS!  - The #PAblr community is always here to help. @populationpensive and @simplysupergirl / @emedpa created a wonderful community of people who are rooting for you.
Best of luck, you’re going to get this thing done <3
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med-studiess-blog · 7 years
05. tag game
i was tagged by @eunoiastudies​ - thank you so much girl! :)  Rules: Tag followers you want to get to know better 
Name: Kandria Nickname: Only a few call me Kandy Gender: Female Star Sign: Taurus (the old signs, right?) Height: 5′0″  Sexual Orientation: Straight  Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw Favorite Color: Light blue and grey Favorite animal: wolf; duck Time right now: 4:07pm Cat or Dog person: Dog (I’m allergic to cats) Favorite Fictional Character: Matthew Gray Gubler from Criminal Minds/ Dr. Neal Hudson from Code Black/ Dr House Favorite singers and bands: Don't have one Dream Job: Emergency Medicine Physician  When was this blog created: November 2016 What made you decide to make a studyblr? I’ve always been asked my underclassmen how I survived undergrad and medical school so I wanted to share my different study tricks and survival tips as well as see other tips from other people!
Why did you pick your URL: It’s my IG username: med_studies (has to put the extra s since someone already had the username) 
I tag: @aeristudies​ @elkstudies​ @simplysupergirl @adalinaclaire
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svgurl410 · 4 years
10 songs meme
Thanks to @foxyiroxy​ for tagging me!
Rules: List the ten songs you’ve been listening to a lot lately and tag ten people
(I just added the youtube link to the song)
1. Ghungroo- Shilpa Rao, Arijit Singh  2. Blinding Lights- The Weeknd 3. Trampoline- Shaed  4. Zombie- The Cranberries 5. Rescue Me- OneRepublic 6. Wow- Zara Larsson 7. Hurts Like Hell- Fleurie 8. Superheroes- The Script 9. Dance Monkey- Tones & I 10. Everything I Wanted- Billie Eilish
I tag @moon-9077, @elcorhamletlive, @simplysupergirl, @xenokattz, @goldfishangie, @mixkstyle, @jetslay, @scrollgirl, @sunflowers-and-iced-tea, @realchemistry and anyone who wants to do it! No pressure if you don’t though and you are tagged :-)
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ohkaywhatever · 7 years
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I was tagged by @simplysupergirl :)
1. K 2. brown 3. brown 4. I’m an only-child 5. purple, or metallics 6. Bavaria or Alaska 7. Daisy Ridley 8. doggies, wolves, ducks, penguins 9. probably m83 “outro” 10. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
Most of the people I socialize with on tumblr have already been tagged, so I’ll just leave it at that. <3
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randomlikesmaybe · 4 years
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doctorspork · 4 years
@ramblingandpie replied to your post “Coming full circle”
Sending love your way. I am not in medicine (I am in disability law) and stumbled into that once when a claimant's doctors had not even mentioned the *possibility* of cancer (I asked her to call me if the bronchoscopy came back that the mass was cancerous.) We got through it but now I am so, so, SO grateful when doctors are frank with their patients. So. Thank you.
@simplysupergirl replied to your post “Coming full circle”
*hugs* <3 you
@dogemd replied to your post “Coming full circle”
Beautifully done. I’m proud of you for doing these hard conversations, and helping this man have a clear idea about what is being done and why. Sending love to you and him.
@doctor-doomz replied to your post “Coming full circle”
This is one of the more frustrating parts of medicine. I wish my own sub specialty would do a better job of being more transparent with patients. I’ve already encountered way too many people getting palliative-intent chemo who seem to have no idea they are not curative. It’s disheartening.
@pharmdup replied to your post “Coming full circle”
Sometimes our patients heal us, too. Well done.
Love to all of you as well <3
@doctor-doomz - 1000% agree. That’s my biggest beef with many of our oncologists. I don’t think I’ve had a single patient on palliative chemo who understood that. But I also do think this is very important for primary care & hospitalists & ED docs to do as well - they/we are often the ones seeing patients first, and at least making the presumptive diagnosis, if not the definitive one. And if we’re pretty sure it’s cancer, it’s our job to communicate that. I really don’t think anyone should ever undergo an oncology workup without being aware that’s what they’re being tested for.
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