#smg4 smg3s bomb cafe
maymeowmoo · 6 months
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New episode of Smg4?!?!?!? Well I'm inna writing mood soooooo.... Imma review/analysis and share my thoughts on the new episode >:) ["SMG4:SMG3's BOMB CAFE"] If you're bored feel free to read this overly detailed analysis of a 12:01 minute video! (Actually ~10:30ish)
Analyzing time! ^w^/
Smg3 being so happy abt his lil cafe is very cute. I did not expect Smg4 to be so goddam sassy in this episode but I like that they didn't get rid of their rivalry completely since u know, after so many years it would be odd for it to just disappear even if they have recently been bonding so much u<u
Still I couldn't help but feel a bit odd? Like idk if Four just desperately wanted Three to ask him for help w the coffee or what but DANG was he super into making Smg3's life harder. At 4:49 Smg4 basically goes screw it lets make Three more miserable and invites everyone. Like let bro learn overtime we don't need a Kirby Lunch Rush but with Smg3! Also Four's expressions? Dude is being SILLY on purpose u_u He continues his nuisance charade with 6:22 ("How can you not even have the unicorn frappucino?"). Like dang bro how abt u calm ur sass down and stop provoking Three even more? He does get a clear indication of Smg3's annoyance (8:51-8:52 Smg3 says "Shut up." to Four also stopping him from making another sassy remark) yet still continues. At 9:14 (Smg4:"So you admit you can't run a shop yet?") Four gives his snarky comment and all I can think of is how he intentionally made it harder for Three to run the dang shop. [Note: Tbh even someone who owned a shop would have a hard time with Smg4's Crew lets be fr.] Just like I said at the beginning of this paragraph I am starting to really believe Four wanted to be involved with Three somehow and the only way he knew how is by forcing conflict.
Characterization wise what surprised me is how even after two instances of Three yelling for the others to stop fighting they still continue on. Idk I just feel like they would've listened tbh. They were very... hyperactive I guess? The characters do act kinda like they should but it still felt odd to me for some reason. Eggdog as always has the best characterization tho, man do I like that silly egg thing. Anywho this wasn't the only thing that felt odd continuity wise. I would've thought Smg3 learnt to make proper coffee before he started up a cafe? Especially since he literally lived in a STARBUCKS??? Like I just think he would've idk tried making coffee before opening a cafe even if he didn't make any during his time in the Internet Graveyard. I did make up two explanations for this tho! One is that the dead memes (Specifically the funny lil knuckles) made the coffee during his time in the Internet Graveyard and the other is that he was just too anxiety/adrenaline ridden to make proper coffee. At the end of the day these things aren't huge issues for me but as I said before it did make me feel odd.
Smg4 getting called out for his sass was necessary for me to like this video so imma glad it happened and he doesn't just get away with his behavior. At 9:23 the realization of his silly shenanigans finally catch up to him and that means..... THE SMG34 PART OF THE EPISODE STARTS YEEHAW! Even though Smg4's and 3's confrontation felt just the tiny bit forced to me (probably Four's fault) it was so nice to see them being softer. I also really like how Three doesn't agree to Four's proposal without making some convoluted reasoning as to why this isn't just two pals helping each other out and is actually TOTALLY just a transactional thing. It feels really in character! Oh yeah since I need to put this somewhere at 9:47 Four is like "I want to help" and like... you made it harder and now you want to help? Better now then never tbh ^w^/
Jokes -> The joke at 2:27-2:34 made me chuckle ._. and that makes me somewhat disappointed in myself (You want it? Issa urs my friend is so real). 3:00 is also a joke I liked, it felt very relatable (I struggle with basic human stuff like buttons on a coffee machine also u_u aww man). 3:28-3:32 Decent joke! 4:12 having a Gmod Three bang the coffee machine was good but the sudden Pomni/Smg4 reaction wasn't for me :v (It is good for Au art tho, I've seen the Smg4 as Pomni art hehe ;P ). 5:55-6:05 Nice joke ^v^/ (Smg3 writing '1 jar of poison for Mario' was the cherry on top tbh). 6:29-6:35 just like the joke at three minutes the whole 'operating a coffee machine being like dark magic' is still funny to me. 7:35-7:38 7:45-7:46 the music that plays when the rainbow (acid) coffee is shown is cool. 8:34-8:49 The whole Tari going coo coo joke is honestly pretty unfunny ._. I did not like it :v. 10:44-10:45 'Cleaned up everything!' is such a funny pop up to put here. Joke APPROVED!
Joke wise I think this episode is actually quite solid. The one joke I really didn't like kinda puts it down but ignoring that issa cool ig :D (6,8/10)
Closing statement -> Dude Four on roller skates working at a cafe for Three? THIS IS JUST A FANFIC AT THIS POINT... and I am all for it ;D
[Note: I have no idea why I wrote this but I felt like it sooooo... YEAH! >:3 If you have any thoughts abt this ep I'd love to hear em ;o]
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anartisticalniche · 4 months
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Was playing around with brushes and watercolour on Clip Studio, and decided to draw something fluffy (because the last chapter of Brewing Romance made me feel so many emotions... please just let Four softly peck at Three's scar PLEASE-)
Brewing Romance belongs to @lizaluvsthis and @shygirl4991
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
Does SMG3 have a uniform that he makes SMG4 wear at 3 coffee and bombs?
Of course! But I don't think Luke has made a uniform for SMG4's attire to wear while working at Three's place but I guess I could think of anything :D
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Heres the outline and then the final-
Theres actually hints from each stuff he's wearing
He has the "Bisexual Flag" but instead it's a bomb shape that you can wear with one of those pins.
Three bean colors representing Blue for Smg4, Purple for Smg3, and Indigo for them both. This shows that the two made a great work together.
The glove on his right has the letters "S.U.L." The acronym for this word is "Servant Underling" where Smg3 calls him Underling when he works there as an employee.
His left glove on the palm has the roman numeral of "IV" it's 4
The logo from the wheels are the reference from the episode called "Bad Stars" I thought about making this for representing the stars 4 and 3 made but instead of white stars I made it black because it IS three.
The Bomb and the Coffee are both on the front shoes where you could see them.
If you couldn't tell by now- the coffee 4 is holding on, has the shape of Eggdog.
The barista Hat Smg4 is wearing is bought specifically by Smg3, it's not just any ordinary hat- it has another color when you flip it back. (It's blue)
When I said smg3 bought the hat- I didn't meant just a "hat" he literally bought the fabric and materials and spent a whole night stitching and making the hat perfect just for Smg4 (He didn't tell four that he made it he just simply gave it to him)
His back hair is tied into a ponytail (it's barely seen but you could see the back of his ear)
The back view of the apron has the logo combination of the Coffee n' Bomb (it has a white outline)
The only stuff that glows in the dark are:
The text from his apron and gloves
The edge of the shoes and also the wheels
And also the back of his apron
I love this design so much
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shygirl4991 · 2 months
is brewing romance over?
nope we are just getting started coming soon to a fan fic near you will be the return of brewing romance! im on break and its been helping me lots and i do plan when i come from break to also bring BR with me so get hype
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shad0wvisi0n · 17 days
Chapter 1 Static life
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AU Created by @b-r-i-n-g-x and @shygirl4991 All art belongs to the rightful artist do not repost Artist for chapter @b-r-i-n-g-x @alianarepasa
Shout out to @lizaluvsthis the fourth lovely assistant
Next Chapter
Summary: A year has passed since PuzzleVision, a year since the crew took back their lives. Anger grew as he recovered and watched the crew move on with their lives, while he lost everything. Weak he explores the remains of Peach’s castle to get an idea, anything that can help him with his plans of revenge. That's when he found it, two locks of hair from the very guardians that defeated him. A new plan was born that day and its name is Shadow Vision.
Tags: Fluff, angst, humor, found family, falling in love, love confessions, slow burn, blood, injury,
SMG4 stretches as he looks up at the sky, humming to himself as he decides to walk over to Three’s coffee n bombs. As he enters the cafe he frowns seeing no one there, he peeks in the back room feeling anxiety grow. Taking out the book, he takes the elevator that leads to SMG3 room. He looks around and frowns noticing even Eggdog wasn't around, panic was growing not seeing his friend around.
A year ago they encountered a villain that was the master of television. He remembers the day they defeated him well, how they had to make their own show to best him. The anger he felt that day as he grabbed mallet Luigi and smashed the television in, while the crew celebrated and after months of therapy from SMG3 things went back to normal. Except it didn't fully, deep down Four had a fear. A fear that the smash didn't truly kill Mr. Puzzles and that he is still around ready to take control of them again. 
He gets back in the elevator then dash out the cafe, closing his eyes he focuses on their cosmic link. Feeling the pull he runs through the woods  “Please be okay Three,” he stops running when it clicks where he was. He looks down letting out a shaky breath as he walks near the hole in the ground “Three?!” A tentacle comes out of the hole reaching for him, SMG4 screams dodging the grab. Thats when he heard an explosion “THATS WHAT YOU FUCKING GET FOR TOUCHING EGGDOG!”  
Three blinks as he notices SMG4, glaring at the monster he picks up Eggdog, then runs to pick up Four “The hell are you doing here?” Four gives him a sheepish smile “Looking for you.” Avoiding another hit the pair escape running back to the cafe, missing a glimpse of an old enemy. Once safe SMG3 checks Eggdog before turning his attention to Four,  gently grabbing Fours face to check on him “Hey you okay? That was a close call.” Four nods getting closer to Three “I’m fine, I'm more worried as to why you were over there!” Mario arrives in time to see the pair an inch apart from kissing, his eyes light up from the sight “HEY, ARE YOU TWO FINALLY KISSING?!” The guardians look at each other and blushes, in a panic they smack each other making sure there is plenty of space between them. “No you ass! We were attacked by those things near Peach’s castle!” Three crosses his arms annoyed by the avatar, Four sighs repeating himself “Why were you over there?” Three pets Eggdog with a loving smile before facing Four “Eggdog was freaking out, it wasn't like him so i went to investigate. Found nothing but those tentacles out which makes me wonder..if someone fell in there.” They stay silent for a moment lost in thought, Mario seeing his friends sad does what he does best. He wraps his arms around his guardians and smiles at them “Mario is hungry!” the pair roll their eyes letting out soft giggles. With Mario’s push they end up at the castle making spaghetti, dropping the topic all together. In the woods Mr. Puzzle hums watching them from afar “Now how did you reach the castle so fast?” Ever since his defeat he spent time recovering and plotting his next grand show, his acquaintance Liko helped nurse him during this time. She was a strange creature, a rare fable that lives in the mushroom kingdom. A few months ago he started to spy on the crew again, with the help of Liko they watched and studied hoping to find any kind of weakness. Once the coast was clear he started to wander around the woods, there his screen flickered showing off a wide smile. There stood an open guardian portal, testing the waters, he removed his head placing it on the floor. Then his body walks in, after a few moments the body returns in perfect condition.  Putting his head back on he goes through, where he is greeted with the  pit he and SMG4 created two years ago. 
He walks close to it and lets out a chuckle “My SMG4, ever the villain keeping an eye on your masterpiece.” He snaps his fingers getting a tentacle's attention, using it as a lift he gets on it letting it bring him down. He walks through the path that leads to the castle, there he notices something. With a gasp he walks up to a pile of slime pulling out what looked like locks of hair “Hello gorgeous, you look fresh!” quickly he takes out his phone. After a few rings he heard a woman's voice on the other line “No time for chatting, remember how you mention you would love to know how meme guardians work?” he hears a sigh from the woman along with her dropping something in the background. “Alright Mr. Puzzle, what do you have?” 
“Meme guardian hair, fresh. You know what this means don't you? We can make our own guardians!”  he smiles at the hair in his hand.  The time for revenge has finally presented itself, Mr puzzles was excited to do what no network has ever done before. He snaps his fingers to escape the castle,  once away from the pit he heads off to his lair, an abandoned studio lot. 
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(Art of Liko) Liko puts on her coat to get the machines ready “Okay i need to get things ready, shit! We need pods, the meme guardians have USB so what can I use to replace that.”  She searches her lab to find an old portable television. She chuckles opening the device and fixing it up,  meme guardians pods were related to the internet. If they wanted to make their own they need to think outside of the box, given she will need her partners TV powers she knew turning this portable television would be the best bet.  She lets out a wide smile seeing the TV working again, Mr. Puzzles enters the room at that moment watching the scientist “Brought you a gift!” 
Liko takes the locks of hair from him, she puts it through a scanner and laughs “It's hair from both guardians! This is perfect, we can have two guardians if this works!” hearing those words excited the TV man. Not only will he get revenge he will also  have his own actor,one he can command and they will follow his every word. Liko separated the hair locking SMG3 hair away, humming as she studied the hair. “We are lucky guardians work differently from us, this hair sample should be enough to make something!” She places SMG4 lock of hair on the table, then walks up to a tank “Been saving these bad boys for months!’
Removing the cover on it, Mr. Puzzles walked up to the tank excitedly. Staring at the white orbs he looks down at Liko “This is meme energy, it wasn't easy to learn how to extract it but with this i think we can pull this off!” She takes a step back to give the man room, understanding what she meant he points his finger to the tank. Shooting it with his power the orbs start to bounce around the tank, the TV man steps back then pulls Liko with him as they watch the tank shake. 
The orbs start to change becoming filled with static, Liko screams in joy running to the tank “IT’S WORKING!” She runs to the computer to scan the orbs. What was once filled with pure meme energy was changing into something else, the meme power slowly changing into television energy. Mr Puzzle claps his hands to get the woman's attention, she turns looking up at him in excitement “It's working! Now to place the needed items to make a body…this is the part that can fail. Be ready for disappointment.” She goes to a secret room taking out a strange jar, she drops some of its contents on the portable TV then the lock of hair. Putting it away she hits the button removing one of the static orbs “We don't know how stable this is so i recommend you get in your head!” She runs for cover as Mr. Puzzles stands there watching. The room is then swallowed by a bright light, Liko peeks out of her hiding spot to see Mr . Puzzles staring at the portable TV in shock. She walks up to up “It…changed? It sorta resembles a portable gaming console, but no mistake it's a portable television.” 
The pod starts to grow causing Liko to panic “SHIT GET IT OUT OF THE LAB ITS GROWING!” Mr. Puzzles picks up the TV and throws it out,  they watch as it keeps growing. “Uh, now that I think about it we never took into account how big we were making him, did we?” Liko lets out with a sigh, then the pod stops growing as it opens up. They watch as a man comes out all dressed in yellow, his eyes show static until he rubs them. He looks around his dark yellow eyes meeting Mr. Puzzle, he slowly walks up to the man “You're my star! We did it!” the man rolls his eyes looking around again “Where the fuck am i and why is there a talking box here?” 
Mr. Puzzle frowns “Now that kind of language won't work with what we plan on doing, i'm your manager slash director!” he spins giving jazz hands to the man “MR. PUZZLE!” Now that Mr. Puzzle was closer to the man he noticed while the guardian was made from SMG4 DNA, the appearance didn't fully show it. His eyes lay on the sharp teeth he had sticking out of his mouth, he also noticed the pointy ears making the man look more of a fable creature than a full human. “My…pod it said my name is SV4, so call me that.” Mr.Puzzle watches as the man shrinks his pod, he blinks seeing the portable TV now pocket sized. Interested as to why the portable TV took the form of a portable console he decided to poke more at the guardian “SV4 huh? Do tell me your pod reminds me of something, are you perhaps interested in a different kind of medium that isn't television?” 
SV4 rolls his eyes putting his pod in his pocket “I like video games, which mind you helps shape a lot of media in television.” that's when he notice someone hiding in a bush “Who the fuck is that? Is this some kind of trap,” he glares at Mr.Puzzle. Liko lifted her hand giving a nervous giggle “No trap, im Liko the uh co-director just here to see the star of our shows arrive!” She was thankful that all the years of hearing Mr. Puzzle talk came in handy for once. SV4 gives them both a look before walking away, seeing that the pair walk with him. Mr.Puzzle screen flashes a smile “Do you even know where our home is?” SV4 stops walking, frustrated he turns to the pair. He didn't want to trust him but something in him told him this was right, along with feeling something was missing. 
Liko notices the look that SV4 had “Mr. Puzzle we should start working on SV3, after all meme guardians come in two for a reason.” Mr puzzle lets out a small chuckle “He is the star for this upcoming project, he doesn't need to share the spotlight!” with that he puts his arm around the guardian and walks off to their home. Liko frowns watching them walk away, she walks back to her lab to do more research on meme guardians. She was glad that SMG1 and 2 made a book explaining the basics, with this it could help them figure out how to care for SV4. They arrive at the location, Mr. Puzzles walks in front of SV4 giving him jazz hands as he shows the man an abandoned movie set. SV4 eyes go wide as he looks around, then he sees an action set and runs to it “MINE!” Mr. Puzzles watches SV4 running around the action set amused. Compared to SMG4 this guardian certainly did take the excitable trait from his counterpart, SV4 pauses opening the dressing room “Fuck man this place is empty, hey box head where is our shit?” Mr. Puzzle sighs. Their huge difference is the fact SV4 swears like a sailor, not to mention the attitude he has on him. 
He walks and looks in the room “Hm we are going to need a little help if we are to get what we need, i have an idea SV4 lets call it your first acting job!” Liko opens the door to her lab, to her surprise SV4 was standing there he smirks at her “Now Mr. Puzzles hate to do this but I find it funny!” Liko confused steps out of her lab. Mr. Puzzle flashes her a smile “Given i dont have my powers anymore, i need money to get what we need for the show!” Liko shakes her head. SV4 watching the pair lets out a chuckle “Come on Liko, as the co director dont you wanna help your favorite guardian out?” Liko looks at the pair still refusing to help them, Mr Puzzles gives SV4 a look. 
Seeing the look SV4 knew what they had to do, he steps in front of Liko next to Mr. Puzzle. Liko starts to glare at the pair, Mr. Puzzles then displays footage of a dog giving puppy eyes while SV4 was giving her puppy eyes. Unable to ignore the looks she gives in "FINE I WILL BUY THE STUFF FOR YOUTUBE!" Mr. Puzzle smiles as SV4 cheers, with a sigh she gets her wallet. She walks out giving them a small smile “So what's the channel going to be called?” the pair stare at her with a blank expression, Liko eyes go wide “Wait you ask me to buy you things and you still haven't set up the youtube?!”  SV4 scoffs walking into her lab. Concerned with having the man in her lab she runs in, the man gets on the computer and starts making the account. He smirks as he types away, then he turns the monitor “There problem solved!” 
Liko and Mr. Puzzle look at the account “SV4…perfect! We just have to hope our viewers won't think we are copying anyone.” the man rolls his eyes “From our walk you told me about SMG4, if he can use his name as the channel name who the fuck says i can't!” Mr. Puzzle frowns his screen changing into an expression of annoyance “Language!” Liko giggles “Let him be, plus if he swears in his videos when it comes to editing he can just remove it!”  SV4 gives a smug look causing the TV man to sigh walking away “Let's just get what we need, it's showtime!” with a nod they get together and start walking into the kingdom. Mr. Puzzle wears a cloak to cover himself, not everyday you see a walking talking television. While he doesnt care if the SMG4 crew learn of his return, he preferred to keep the mystery going on longer just to mess with the meme guardians.  As they go shopping for the items needed, Liko can only watch in horror as she sees the prices of all the items.
They return home setting everything up, SV4 jumps around lovingly hugging his gaming setup “Daddy is here shhh we will have an all night Spyro marathon don't you worry!”  Mr. Puzzles gives a concerned look towards the guardian “While i would love to…um give you alone time. We need to release our first video soon, otherwise this whole thing would be a waste of time!” SV4 rolls his eyes letting go of the system. He picks up a game and controller, pointing it at Mr. Puzzle “Listen up box head! Gaming is an art and if we are going to have me as the face of the channel we do it my way!” He then sits down hitting records and starts playing games. 
After a few hours SV4 tosses a USB toward Mr. Puzzles“There, my footage and commentary on Spyro: Enter the dragonfly. Now if you don't mind, the crash series calls to me!” Mr. Puzzles catches the USB confused, he gets up lifting up SV4 by his overalls. He gives the smaller man a stern look “You mean you didn't edit the video!?” SV4 blinks at him before chuckling “Me? Edit? You're funny, there isn't time for me to edit when I'm behind on the rich history of gaming!” his eyes sparkle as he looks back at his gaming setup.  It was a dangerous sparkle that stirred strange emotions from the Television man, he drops SV4 confused by the emotions. Now free SV4 runs to his room to keep playing, with an annoyed sigh Mr. Puzzle goes off to edit the video himself. 
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With a sigh he hits upload, it took hours for him to put together  given how much the man recorded. With a hum he stares at the video “Please let this work,” he refreshes the page and jumps up in surprise “650 VIEWS!?” He couldn't believe that in a blink everyone was watching, he chuckles darkly as he sees the likes going up. He did it, he made the perfect star that will get him back on the air in no time. He texted the link to Liko and in a moment she called “That’s impossible, how can a video get so popular fast…unless,” he hears typing on the other line for a few moments before silence. 
Liko’s eyes go wide seeing the video now hitting five thousand views and counting, looking around her desk she finds what she is looking for. She sits at her desk taking out a lock of hair she took from SV4, there was no way she would miss a chance to study her creation and now was the perfect time. “Mr. Puzzles using the lock of hair I took when SV4 was shopping for games, I might be able to figure this out!”  scanning the hair she gasps seeing the readings going wild. “Puzzles, we need to make him a SMG3. The readings are unstable, without something to keep him balanced we don't know what could happen. He could blow up, or just die!” Mr. Puzzle chuckles as he watches the numbers go up. He looks into SV4 room seeing the man playing games “He is the star Liko, he doesn't need to share the stage after all if his power makes this happen! Well…i'm not losing this.” he hangs up the phone without a second thought.
Days passed, while Mr. Puzzle enjoyed seeing the numbers fly; he ended up getting blinded to see SV4 was using gaming as an escape. He was feeling weak, empty, unsure if doing youtube was worth anything.  That's when the content stopped, noticing that he storms into the dinner area as gasp. SV4 was sitting there zoned out playing on a PS Vita, feeling annoyed he takes the system “SV4, it's almost the due date super star. Where is the video?”  SV4 looks up at him, his eyes devoid of life. Seeing his face trigger a small memory of him watching TV, ignoring everything as he enjoys the next episode of scooby doo. “Oh yeah i didnt..i should,” the world started to spin for man as he passed out. Mr. Puzzle acts fast catching him before he hits the floor.  “The world…is lonely,” hearing his weak words made Mr.Puzzle feel guilty, he let out a soft chuckle looking at the passed out man “Why do you remind me of someone?”
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He walks to SV4 room and tucks him into bed, taking out his phone he slowly calls Liko “Let's make the gay sidekick.” Hearing this she excitedly grabs her fiancée hand “He is finally doing what i said, im both excited and worried on what made that man change his mind. SV4 must be getting worse.” She goes to the computer while her fiancée gets the items together, this was going to be easy just do the same steps as last time. She is thankful she saved the second portable Television after everything with SV4, once everything is set up she goes to pull the lever. 
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 (art of “Flordeliza) “Flordeliza, you keep an eye on the meter as I watch over the pod.” She walks up excited to meet their new friend. Only for alarms to burst, Flordeliza runs up holding on to Liko “What?! Not enough energy, but this is how SV4 was made.” She runs to the back with her partner, together they carry a huge jar of unknown substance. Exchanging looks they dump it, Liko dashes and pulls the lever. The machine lets out a loud sound before blasting the table, Liko runs looking for her partner.  She lets out the breath she was holding seeing Flordeliza holding the pod “Ah you rock Flor! Now take the pod out and let's see if we save it…for SV4.” 
They walk outside watching the pod grow, Liko takes out a clipboard watching and waiting for results. Just then Mr. Puzzles shows his screen flicking to a smile “Ah! The gay sidekick is made!”  noticing Flor he stays a few steps away from her. They all watch as the pod screen goes static, that's when a person climbs out of it confused.  Liko’s eyes go wide “oh no the malfunction messed up one of your eyes.” The new guardian smiles touching his left eye “Oh don't worry i can see fine! Hello, I'm SV3. It's nice to meet everyone!”  Mr. Puzzles nod, grabbing the man's arm “Three grab your pod we need to hurry home.”  with a nod he shrinks his pod and pockets it before leaving. Liko smiles brightly at her partner “ WE DID IT!”
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SV4 wakes up, looking around he sees he is in his room “Huh? Did he put me here…wonder if he is around.” As he leaves his room a strange feeling hits him. His eyes go static, he sees the front of the abandoned movie set and next to the person was Mr.puzzle. Surprised he runs to the front of the building, there his eyes go wide as Mr puzzle shows off a new person “INTRODUCING YOUR NEW CO STAR SV3!” They smile shyly and wave at SV4. The moment their eyes met he felt the emptiness leave, he walked up staring at the man “You play games?” SV3 hums “Not really but if you got fun party games i'm in!” 
SV3 giggles making SV4 roll his eyes doing his best to hide the small smile growing on his face “Lets go to my room, i'm sure i got something.”  Mr. Puzzle watches the pair walk off together, the screen changed showing how drained he was. Never did he think creating TV guardians would be this messy, smacking his head he let out a smile “This is fine, these two will bring me closer to stardom!” 
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thisismyname43 · 2 months
New Story Alert!
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Learning to love you (and myself)
After SMG3 and SMG4 decided to try out a relationship, SMG3 finds himself struggling to not only love his new partner, but love himself too.
(Cover art and concept credits to @minerpore)
SMG3's Coffee and Bombs, the once popular now more or less dead coffee and bomb shop that didn't really leave a lasting impression to the public.
Deep down inside the cafe a man in purple was sleeping soundly, hugging his SMG4 and SMG3 marketable plushies while his precious Eggdog slept near. However this temporary peace was about to be disturbed when a quite famous man in blue decided to pay a visit.
Poke poke
SMG3 stirred in his sleep, tensing up when he felt an unfamiliar presence near his bed. He blinked himself awake and upon opening his eyes he found his boyfriend gently poking his arm.
"Hey babe!", SMG4 said as he gave 3 a light kiss on his right cheek. SMG3 felt himself smiling faintly at the display of affection. Despite not being too used to actions of love and adoration, he couldn't help but appreciate the intentions. It never failed to draw him closer to his newfound lover.
SMG4 took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest, "I woke you up because you wouldn't answer my calls", he said with a huff. SMG3 sat up on his bed and took a quick glance at his phone laying beside him. Indeed he had missed several calls and messages, plus one alarm he somehow slept thought.
"And here I thought I was the only one who would oversleep here", SMG4 said in a joking tone. His words were true, SMG3 had been staying up late at night, sometimes crying but always dreading the next morning. Lately he had grown accustomed to feeling quite...down. 'I guess that's what a failing cafe does to someone', he thought tiredly.
However SMG4 wasn't done speaking yet, "But, I made sure to get up extra early today!", he said with a bright and triumphant smile on his face. SMG3 quickly recognized that look from years of knowing the man and put a hand up to his pounding head, trying to recall what exactly was so special about today.
And that's when it hit him.
"Oh crap our date...", SMG3 softly groaned. After the TV adware/Puzzlevision fiasco, the pair had decided to try out an actual relationship. You may be asking how this started. Well SMG3 may or may not have blurted out his feelings last minute when he thought he was going to die... Yes it's still embarrassing to admit.
SMG3 shook his head and tried to get his thoughts in order. "Sorry 4, I completely forgot...I put my phone on silent and everything has just been such a blur lately and-"
SMG4 stopped him by placing a comforting hand on 3's shoulder. "Hey dude I understand! I'm not mad at you or anything, we'll just go whenever you feel ready", SMG4 reassured.
'What an amazing boyfriend I have', SMG3 observed. 'Not that I can let him know that'.
"Of course I'm ready", 3 said in a defensive tone and a mock offended look on his face. "Get out and I'll meet up with you at the park..baka!"
4 looked a bit surprised by this sudden change in attitude but ultimately chuckled. "Alright, but don't keep me waiting too long", SMG4 said with a playful wink as he walked away and disappeared up the elevator.
SMG3 blushed and got out of bed, heading for the bathroom. He took a small look at Eggdog and Eggpup sleeping peacefully and sighed in relief. He walked up to his sink and squeezed a generous amount of toothpaste on his purple and black toothbrush.
However he found himself getting lost in thought, something that had been frequently happening lately. Now without his 'faithful' customers to distract him, 3 was slowly being consumed by self hatred and jealously. Yes he was grateful for SMG4 and everything he had done for him, but SMG3 still held a small grudge against the man. After all, he did achieve all his dreams while the one thing SMG3 put all his heart into didn't even last a year...
SMG3 wiped his eyes, still faintly stinging from crying earlier that night. Eggdog usually comforts him but that doesn't stop the painful feeling nagging at 3's heart, as if small knifes were digging deep into his chest.
He closed his eyes briefly and opened them again, trying to refocus at the task at hand. SMG3 tightened his hold on the toothbrush and lifted it up to his lips.
But when 3 opened his mouth to brush his teeth, he felt a burning sensation making its way to his throat.
This wasn't really too unusual these days, this had been happening to SMG3 for awhile now. He shrugged and dismissed it as him being sick and having a sore throat as he brought the toothbrush inside his mouth. But the second it breached past his lips, SMG3 started gagging horribly.
Thankfully he was in the bathroom so he shuffled to the side and crouched down above the toilet. 3 opened his mouth wide and braced himself, expecting vomit to spill out. But all that came out was a singular purple flower petal.
SMG3 stared down at the petal in pure confusion, reaching up to gently touch his lips. 'What the hell?', he found himself thinking. SMG3 didn't dare to speak or open his mouth once again. He didn't know what to feel as he kept staring down at the one petal floating gently in the water. His throat not burning but still feeling extremely sore.
It was small and purple with a blueish hue, dark red blood painting little spots on the petal. SMG3 felt disgusted and looked away, actively reminding himself of the date. He opted to just not open his mouth until he figured out what was going on, taking a quick shower while a million thoughts circled through his head.
He stepped out of his dirty clothes which he had been wearing for two days straight, rather than changing SMG3 has just been rotting in bed, showing just how pathetic he was. As he felt the warm water cascade down his body, SMG3 felt strangely comforted, the pleasant feeling downing out the pain in his throat.
When he got out of the shower SMG3 dried himself off and rummaged through his drawers, eventually finding his spy rizz outfit from WOTFI 2023. 'I guess this'll do', SMG3 thought as he carefully put the nicely clean suit on his tired body.
When 3 was done he suddenly heard a buzz on his bed, checking it out he picked up his phone and turned it on. The screen showed a text from his beloved boyfriend.
"Meet u in 30 mins 😘😘", the text read.
SMG3 rolled his eyes and smiled despite himself at SMG4's ridiculousness. 'What a dork', 3 thought. His smile dropped as quickly as it came though when he suddenly remembered the incident from earlier. 'Should I tell him? No...he has other things to worry about. Yeah..more important things'.
Just when that thought came to his mind the burning sensation came back. SMG3 clamped his gloved hand back over his mouth and coughed hard. The pain felt excruciating and 3 felt tears well up in his eyes from the raw sensation. This startled Eggdog who woke up with a small jolt and ran up to SMG3, feeling concern for his father as he nuzzled his dad's pant leg. Eggpup who was sleeping next to his dad stumbled over to the two of them, confused as to what's happening.
3 didn't acknowledge them, being distracted by the terrible feeling in his windpipe. When he finally felt like he was done, SMG3 pulled his hand away from his face to see his usually white glove covered in red, with four small flower petals decorating his palm.
Aaaaand end! Sorry for the cliffhanger but I promise there will be more to come. Thank you minerpore for helping me start off this story and thank you for reading! Let me know if you'd like us to write more on this silly little story, bye bye!
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pony-central · 29 days
Genderswap SMG4 and SMG3 Collage
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Scene redraws from
The PuzzleVision Movie
The Infestation
SMG3's Bomb Cafe
SMG4 and SMG3 Rank SMG4 Characters
You Used to be Cool
Christmas Wars
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masoncarr2244 · 6 months
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First time posting here in the SMG4 fandom-
Anyway, I made an Apprenticeship AU where SMG3 and SMG4 are basically forced (volun-told) to mentor 2 new meme guardians: SMG5 and SMG6.
But the thing is, when 4 was told about them, SMG1 and SMG2 didn’t exactly know where these new guardians came from, or why their pods were so damaged. So, while 1 and 2 try and figure out more about these two new guardians, 3 and 4 are basically stuck babysitting and training them.
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Some basic information about the two new guardians:
SMG5 is a lot more timid, but very eager to learn all they can from 3 and 4 to be the best meme guardian they can be. They got the nickname Bunny from SMG6 because their 5 logo looks like bunny ears. He technically does have a YouTube channel and Twitch, but he never uses them, instead preferring to draw and write fanfiction with Boopkins. He does post animations to his YouTube channel every once in a while. Due to the damage to his pod, his left eye is badly damaged, causing him to be blind in that eye. Also, they got into calling 4 “Scrub” because of SMG3 and he gets a kick out of it. SMG3 has also basically adopted them as his younger sibling and is absolutely fine with 5 calling him “Brother.”
SMG6 is the one who calls 3 and 4 “Sensei,” mostly in a sarcastic manner. He’s a lot more impulsive, usually dragging 5 along with whatever crazy stuff he does. He also has a YouTube channel, which mostly focuses on gaming and let’s plays. Due to his clothes, he doesn’t show it, but he actually has 2 robotic arms due to losing them both in the crash. SMG1 and SMG2 gave them to him, but didn’t tell SMG3 or SMG4 about the arms because they didn’t deem it as vitally important. He has been banned from 3’s Coffee & Bombs due to a love for fire and explosives, which may have caused a reconstruction to be needed- He also refers to SMG4 as “Dad” whenever it is just him and 5. He has accidentally called 4 Dad to his face and wanted to bury himself in a hole immediately after. 4 is still confused about it to this day.
The two are basically inseparable, and are best friends. They also act a lot like siblings, twins to be more exact. 5 mainly attempts to keep 6 out of trouble, but he does encourage him sometimes. The two care about each other a lot, despite not seeing eye to eye on everything, especially when it comes to 3 and 4. While SMG5 looks up to their elders and wants nothing more than to make them proud, SMG6 keeps saying they’re better than their mentors, mainly due to SMG1 and SMG2 congratulating them on using their powers so well, and better than their mentors had their first time training.
Some information about SMG3 and SMG4 in this AU:
Since this takes place after “SMG4 Doesn’t Meme For 1 Second,” SMG4 is kind of still in recovery, especially since I’m adding that the whole “removal of the meme lobe” caused some nasty physical side effects for him because a meme guardian has to meme. SMG4 takes his mentorship role very seriously, but does treat 5 and 6 more like kids. He gets easily annoyed with them, specifically 6. He also puts a bunch of pressure on the two without realizing. it, which causes an… “incident,” as SMG3 calls it.
Because 5 has such a drive to make his mentors proud of him, he decided it was a good idea to head into Peach’s castle. Alone. The crew went down there to get him back home safely. But SMG3 is far more protective of 5 after that.
SMG3 also has a very… rocky relationship with SMG6. He sees a lot of his villain self in 6, which is why he is very avoidant of him, and it got worse when SMG6 blew up his cafe.
Both SMG4 and SMG3 have scars from IGBP, and 4 suffers from PTSD from the event still, but he’s gotten better at hiding it as time goes on.
And yes, there is SMG34 in this AU. 5 and 6 are working with Mario to make it canon throughout the AU.
Fic for the AU is in the works, and I might make an ask blog if people like this enough-
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Okay I get how long I've been gone, but I have a life too y'know.
Anyways, I've thought of an idea for an SMG4 AU. I know it's gonna seem pretty stupid, but that's why I'm trying to get you guy's input.
[Start scene]
Inside of III's Coffee N' Bombs in SMG3's room, he's seen repairing some familiar looking TV. He's on the floor with this TV and seen attaching some wires in the back, finishing up his TV repair. After he's done he closes the back of the TV and it starts to flicker back on.
Mr. Puzzles starts to wake up, feeling all groggily since after the end of SMG4 Movie: PUZZLEVISION and being yeeted away by SMG4. As he starts to open his eyes to look around, he eyes land on SMG3 just staring at him. Puzzles started to get worried since SMG3 was a victim like the rest of the SMG4 crew. Though SMG3 on the other hand was glad Mr. Puzzles was awake and active.
SMG3 picks up Mr. Puzzles and places him on his desk, so Puzzles doesn't get broken on the floor by 3 stupidly tripping over him. It's midnight and SMG3 would like to get some sleep and Puzzles takes notice of this, so he'll ask what's going on in the morning.
Mr. Puzzles wakes up to see SMG3 up and around, drinking coffee and seemingly getting ready to run his cafe. Mr. Puzzles thinks this is maybe the only time he has to ask him a few questions.
Puzzles then begins to speak to SMG3.
Mr. Puzzles: "Uh… why did you… repair me..?"
SMG3 turns to face Mr. Puzzles
SMG3: "Because... I believe you deserve a second chance."
[End scene]
So, what do you all think?
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itsajanea · 4 months
SOO Smg4 gets a strange package, brings it inside and opens it up. BUT once it opened a bright white light flashed. Smg4 thinks it was a prank and decided to leave it alone, heading to 3's cafe because everyone is waiting for him there.
Once he gets there everyone didn't notice him. 4 thought it was another joke that they are playing on him and tries to get them to pay attention to him. He gets irritated and tries to interact with 3 but he phased through his hand. Yes HES A GHOSTTTTT
While 4 is panicking that hes a ghost, 3 decides that he needs to leave and check on 4 (not that he cares or anything baka),Mario comments on this saying "Worried about your boyfriend? GAA-" before 3 shoves a bomb down his mouth.
3 gets there and sees 4 lying unconsciously. He gets shocked and starts panicking, seeing if he is ok and stuff. 4 finally realize that his spiritual consciousness left his body. And tho he is not dead, his pulse is getting lower.
3 starts crying and saying stuff like "I never go to tell you......how much you mean to me....." etc. 4 also gets emotional about this.
Meggy and Mario decides to check up on them because they were taking too long and thought they were making out or something and sees 3 crying, holding 4's unconscious body.
Then cut to Smg4's body on a life support thingy while his spirital consciousness is watching everyone panick on what to do, but most importantly watching 3 in grief. He doesn't understand why someone like him would care about himself. And what did he never got to tell him...
Smg1 and Smg2 checked up on him and couldn't find the problem. 3 got angry and almost lashes out, then he went back to despair, mourning for his dying partner. He holds his hand and suddenly meme energy stuff happens causing 4's consciousness to appear in a blue lightform. This time when he yelled out everyone could see and hear him. 3 let go of his hand to rush to the spiritual 4 but he slowly faded away.
Smg1 and Smg2 declared that Smg4 is stuck in the spiritual plane after examining the contents of the box that they found 4 near to. It held a magical force that whoever opens it, seperates the consciousness from the body or something and they will slowly fade away leaving 4 dead forever.
3 begs 1 and 2 to find a way to save him, but the only way to save him requires........a sacrifice. 1 and 2 said that they could connect with 3 and channel their power to 4 that could bring him back but 3 would lose all his memories.He would forget about his friends, Eggdog, Terrence, but especially him.
He would forget his face, his beautiful smile, his laugh, their moments, and his feelings towards him. Though knowing this he wanted to save him. So he agreed.
Everyone else was pleading with 3, they couldn't bear to lose him. They started saying things like there could be another choice but 3 kicks them out of 4's room and locked the door.
As he heard yelling and banging from the door. 2 asked if he was really sure about this and 3 says "Yes, its for him".
4 sees this and starts crying, yelling at him even though he couldn't see him.
As 1 and 2 starts to channel the energy from 3 to 4, 4 slowly starts to appear again in front 3. 3 could feel his hands on his face and can see him crying begging him to stop, Saying that he needs him.
As the room was filled with magical energy, 3 could feel himself slowly forgetting. But before he could forget he had to do one last thing.
Though bearing the pain, He slowly reached out his hand and placed it on his face as he wipes away his tears.
"I love you Four, I always have" he says as he lets out a soft smile.
"WAIT THREE NO-" the room suddenly flashes a white bright light. Causing a powerful shock, knocking over the items on the shelves and blasting the door open.
Then everything went back to normal, as Smg4 feels himself again he couldn't forget about what happend to Smg3. He went to check on the man who was lying on the floor. As he gains consciousness he looks confused, asking where he is and who he is.
4 falls onto his knees, hugging the confused man. "I love you too three......" he softly says as he softly cries.
OH GOSH! This took a lil bit longer
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hamlos · 3 months
And so guys, now let’s discuss something that almost no one else has discussed.
But no, not really, I would like to condemn why smg3 is capable of becoming evil in this season.
First, let's look at all the problems that smg3 pointed out after a nervous breakdown.
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His desire to open a successful cafe failed, he no longer receives money from it and now, because of SMG4, he had to close it altogether.
No one cares about smg3 coupons. Almost everyone threw away his already useless coupons, and as we still know, no one comes to his cafe, well, except for smg4?
Smg3 still has big problems finding himself because of Smg4, who often told him in the past that he was just his copy or his enemy, because of this Smg3 became less open both to Smg4 and even more so to the others.
He pretends that he is successful, apparently in order not to seem bad in the eyes of smg4 or some kind of loser, because smg4 most often mocked or became more joyful because smg3 was not successful. (In the past)
smg3 is still an insecure guy who is trying to be successful because smg4 has been destroying all his plans and his life for many years.
What smg4 has never understood and will not fully understand, apparently due to the fact that he poorly understands other people’s emotions, especially his friends, but tries to behave more or less kindly or act as a friend to everyone.
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Smg3 constantly hears from smg4 about how successful he is. He hears him always joyful and sees him like that, while he sees himself constantly unhappy.
But since he is unsuccessful in almost everything, and considering that he has been doing evil or just bad things for almost several years, he has developed a love for other people's pain or suffering, and he also still keeps a bunch of weapons and bombs in his house and cafe.
This perhaps also influenced the attitude of others towards him because he could be too unbearable and annoying, which is why this massive throwing away of his coupons and the departure of all customers occurred.
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He was also often subjected to death by smg4 or could be betrayed by him, For example, “Perfect Video” is the most recent example where smg4 could literally kill and betray him, which he almost did.
Smg3 had to possibly lie about the fact that he was a full friend of Smg4, just so as not to be abandoned by him, because he could have died anyway or remained in that terrible place without the possibility of getting out.
Being left alone again, therefore, smg4 is important to him as a friend, not only because of their connection but also because he is afraid of being abandoned and betrayed by him.
After all, he still doesn’t believe that smg4 can completely be his friend or that smg4 won’t hurt him again.
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He also essentially needs fame and love from someone because he never had it fully. but smg4 always had this. At the end of the series, smg3 also doesn’t get what he wants because of smg4, again.
For now, I would like to end the post here, as a result, I have found so far 6 reasons why smg3 could become evil or decide to go against the smg4 company again to simply become better than smg4, but most likely he will again get something that is not what he actually wanted .
I would like to know in your opinion what could be the reason for smg3 switching to the wrong side this season
Write in the comments or reblog the post and point out another reason for him to become evil/bad, or! indicate why he might not become evil/bad! I'm interested in reading both sides!
That's all! see you in the next post!
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crow-man72 · 4 months
uhm thoughts on the new smg4 episode..... :33 (SPOILERS BELOW!!! GO WATCH IT IF U HAVEN'T ALREADY) (also I had to take these from my phone bc the keybind to screenshot stuff wasn't working for some reason 💔💔)
episode starts off at the cafe which YIPPIE!!! 3'S COFFEE AND BOMBS IS BEING MENTIONED!!!!! Anyways Steve asks for a Turkey sandwich and 3 gives him evil villain tax which is hilarious but Eggman decides to give him... evil counselling??? ok then
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kaizo was in the smg3 doing evil stuff montage!!!! please I need more kaizo this year pretty please smg4 please
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Depresso goes through a torture asmr in the next scene and he actually likes it. DEPRESSO YOU SICK CREEP. NO WONDER NOBODY LIKES YOU.
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pathetic wet cats (had to pair these screenshots together because. idk. I just had to)
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HIS TOMATO SON GOT SQUISHED. AGAIN. what is it with 3, 4, and liking little creatures and calling them their children
overall 9/10!!! 1 point removed for eggman saying "all villans murder"when he has not killed sonic EVEN ONCE.
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lizaluvsthis · 3 months
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I drew something from @marasiatheferret's design from FNAF SB but it's FNA3C AU
Fna3c will put up to the announcement soon as it is still working on progress, for now. How about we sit back and relax and- try to enjoy n appreciate some arts for it? :3
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shygirl4991 · 5 months
Brewing Romance Chapter 2 Your Hired
A Collab Story with @lizaluvsthis SMG3 and SMG4 design for the AU by Liz!
Last Chapter Next Chapter Summary: SMG4 starts to struggle with his finances when he learns living in his newly built castle is more pricey than he thought. So when he gets an invite to the grand opening of SMG3 Coffee n Bombs he manages to land himself a second job as the cafe waiter where both men will learn that coffee won't be the only thing brewing in this cafe.  Tags: Slow burn, fluff, comedy, just two idiots in love, love confession, first kiss SMG4 glares at his empty bank account,turn’s out a castle was more expensive than he thought. He sighs, getting up and walks to his kitchen noticing his food supply has started to get low. At this rate he either has to ask his friends for help or get a second job.  He takes out what he needs to make a basic sandwich and goes to the drawing board, he didn't want to bother his friends with this. After all they did so much already to get this castle built, he wanted to make sure his friends had somewhere to hang out and feel safe. 
He takes a bite of his sandwich looking over places hiring when his eyes land on the picture next to him. It was a group photo, in it was SMG3 pouting while the rest of them smiled. He drops the sandwich and picks up the photo “That's it! SMG3 can help!” Why didn't he think of that first? After all he enjoyed doing the job, it was nice for once just being in sync with Three without the world ending. He would have to make it casual so the other man wouldn't pick up why he suddenly needs the job. He walks around the room thinking, he looks at his reflection and smiles at it “Hey Three, you know yesterday was lots of fun, was wondering if you would like to make it a full time thing?” he facepalms. Those were poor choices of words. It sounded like he was trying to ask the man out, he began to walk again losing himself in his thoughts.  Then it hit him with the snap of his fingers he was at the cafe filled with confidence, he walked in surprise to see that Karen is now working here. “Oh hey Karen, can I talk to SMG3?” without looking at him she points to the back room, he thanks her before walking to the back. There he saw Three annoyed as he drew on a piece of paper “SMG3!” startled the man chucks the sketch book at Four. “Wha!? SMG4 what the hell are you doing here?” Four picks up the items that were thrown at him and hands it back to Three. 
“I was wondering…how the employee situation is going?” He gave himself a mental high five for bringing up the topic as casually as he could. SMG3 rolls his eyes then stands up from the couch “What's it to you scrub?” “Is it bad to check on a friendly rival?” he lets out an awkward smile that only earns him a glare from the other man. After a few moments of silence he responds “ugh If you must know I don't have a waiter, the one that should be here quit. Is that all? I'm busy unlike you.” SMG3 starts walking to the front, in a panic to not lose his chance at getting the job he grabs Three’s hand and pulls him. Surprised by the grab Three  loses balance, noticing this Four wraps his other arm around Three’s waist pulling him extremely close. Seeing how close they are, SMG3's face gets bright red while Four looks right into Three’s eyes. “I can be your waiter until you find a better one.”
SMG3 panics and pushes Four away “GET AWAY BAKA!” SMG4 frowns at the reaction, not realizing the reason for Three’s outburst. With a sigh thinking he was just rejected he starts to walk away, seeing the man walk away Three speaks up “That wasn't a rejection dumbass, you just startled me. You can work here, but I have you know while you work here you are my underling. Got that?” 
SMG4 lights up and shakes Three’s hand “You got it boss!” sure he wasn't a fan of being called underling but that's better than losing the castle. He gets told to come in later tonight leaving Four in a great mood as he leaves the cafe while SMG3 was busy trying to calm his rapid beating heart. Was Three the only one that noticed how close they were, was he over thinking about the distance? He sighs, throwing himself on the couch.
He looks over to his sketchbook, staring at the doodle, his eyes go wide turning to a fresh page then starts to draw. He pictured SMG4 wearing different designs till he finally hit the perfect one, looking proud of his work he took a picture and sent it to Four. It was strange how hard it was to come up with a design for a waiters uniform till he gave Four the job, picturing SMG4 in the uniform he put together made his heart skip a beat. He rolls his eyes getting up from the couch, he needs to stop thinking about the idiot and get back to work. He walks to the front, seeing how there weren't many people in at the moment he turns to Karen “So i finally came up with a uniform, when you can come in your best purple shirt and black jeans.” “Alright,” she casually lets out, distracted by something. Three turns to see Eggdog in a cute pink hat, he turns to Karen who had a soft smile watching the pup dance around in joy with the hat. SMG3 let his own smile slip out and started taking pictures excitedly “Aw who's a cute Eggdog! You are!” 
SMG4 made it home and did a dance in celebration, now that he had this job the castle was saved. He feels his phone vibrate, taking it out he gasps seeing the uniform. He never knew that SMG3 had an artistic side to him, he smiles looking at the drawing only to frown “Glow in the dark material?” everything about the uniform he loved but he was unsure having parts of the uniform glowing in the dark would work for a cafe. He put his phone away deciding he would bring the topic up with Three later.  Walking into his room he sees Beeg SMG4 stacking cards, he approaches his son with a smile “Hey Beeg are you up for a play date with Eggdog?” sure Beeg was used to being alone in the castle when he and the others got into wild adventures but this was different. 
He just didn't have the heart to just leave the little one alone while he worked, plus with Karen working at the cafe knowing how she is with kids he knows Beeg would be okay. Beeg turns to face his father “Eugh!” Four smiles at the response “Perfect! Now let's get you all cleaned up for it!” hearing the word clean put Beeg in a panic as he dash towards the door. Four hit a switch where the door sealed itself shut “Come on it won't be so bad, you can get any treat you want at the cafe!” A few hours passed, SMG3 blinked seeing Beeg walking in with an exhausted SMG4.  “Hey boss…im here,” Eggdog runs up to Beeg excited to have his friend over while Three walks up to Four with concern “The hell happen to you?” 
SMG4 sighs pointing to Beeg “I wanted to clean Beeg SMG4 before coming over, he can be a bit of a trouble maker.” Three crosses his arms “A bit? I remember the last time he took out a rocket launcher to avoid bath time.” Four glares at Three “And i remember someone not saving me from almost drowning in the tub.” SMG3 scoffs at the comment “It was Eggdog’s bath time, what happens to you isn't my problem.” 
Noticing that the topic wasnt work friendly, Three decides to change the subject. He takes out the sketch pad excitedly and shows the uniform “Now underling let's get to the topic at hand I'm sure you got my text, but starting tomorrow this will be your uniform from now on.” He smirks showing off the skates he got for Four, SMG4 takes the sketch in awe of the skates before he frowns. Seeing Four frown after being so excited surprised him, the man turned to him “Uh SMG3…don't you think glow in the dark stuff is i don't know kiddish?” 
SMG3 eye twitched hearing the comment “Kiddish? Are you kidding me, plenty of adults use things that glow, not to mention there are artists that use it as their style to tell a story! Can't believe I'm hearing this from a man that uses heelys!” Four blushes trying to hide his embarrassment by lowering his hat. 
Four mumbles out an apology in hopes that Three would calm down since his anger over the topic had turned some heads in the cafe. SMG3 turns noticing people looking and sighs, he walks to the back room where he waves Four over.  Three points to the rack of aprons, with a nod Four puts it on then removes his hat. SMG3 couldn’t stop himself from staring at Four without a hat, it felt off for Three. With his hair now tied up SMG4 then turns and smiles brightly at Three “Ready to work boss!” 
SMG3 watches as Four leaves the room before he takes out his notebook “Dear Diary, today i learned that SMG4 has a dangerous smile.” with him finishing his thoughts he puts his notebook away before joining the others in the front.  He takes Karen’s place and starts taking orders while also watching SMG4 work, something felt off the more he pictured the uniform on the man. Then a light bulb turns on in his head, making sure no more orders are needed to be taken. He goes on his phone looking for a hat, after so many years knowing the man seeing him without some kind of hat felt off. 
He sighs seeing all the selections for hats, none of them fit SMG4 at all. He looks up at the man who was currently handing someone a bomb package and starts to doodle him. He wasn't the best at drawing other people but that wasn't important for him at the moment, something in him just needed to draw the man. He starts to blush as he gets more into the drawing. His annoying blue eyes that Three swears can see through him, the dumb smile he has that is so bright SMG3 is sure it can light a room. As he finishes his drawing he mumbles to himself “He has such a stupid face..” 
“Who has a stupid face?” Meggy says as she walks up to Three, he screams, shutting the notebook and glares at her.  He must have lost himself since he didn't notice the group of people that just walked in “Uh er just an annoying customer, so what are you having?” Tari walks up looking at the list of drinks “Uh plutonium frappe sounds interesting!” SMG3 nods, writing it down then looks at Meggy “The usual?” she nods at him as she walks with Tari to get a table. SMG4 smiles seeing his friends and slides up to them “Hey guys!” 
Meggy giggles seeing Four “SMG3 needs help again? At this rate you might end up working here full time!” Four nods agreeing with his friend as he shows the drawing of his uniform “Actually you're looking at SMG3’s Coffee n Bombs full time waiter!” Tari’s eyes light up in excitement seeing the uniform. His two friends congratulated him, it made him feel extremely happy then his guilt hit him. He felt bad not telling them the real reason he is working, “Hey underling the drinks are ready!” Hearing Three he turns and gets back to work ignoring the guilt. With the shift done and the cafe closed, SMG3 watches as Four walks home carrying Beeg. Seeing that no one was around he slips on a baggy sweater and sneaks out. He was on a mission to head to the crafts store in town before they closed, looking at the doodle he did earlier of Four made him realize something. If you can't find what you're looking for then just make it yourself, he walks into the store looking around hoping there are no familiar faces around as he looks around. Pleased with his selection he bought his items and sneaked his way back home.  Eggdog runs up to him welcoming him home, he smiles softly picking the pup up “Hey now you should be sleeping, come on let's tuck you in.” He gently places Eggdog in his bed and gives the pup a small kiss on his head, seeing the pup fall asleep he removes his hat and throws it on his bed. Fixing his bun, he takes out the items he bought and sits at his desk with a sewing machine. “He’s gonna love this..no he will love this.” As everyone in the crew sleep soundly SMG3 stayed up late into the night crafting the perfect hat for his underling.
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snowydragon10 · 2 months
I think we're approaching this... "Chapter" of the Showgrounds Saga from the wrong direction
Theory Time!!
(It's a bit of a long one, so take your time)
Ok, so we've all been thinking - most of us at least - that this would be SMG3's Focus Arc and his turn to get character development and/or Trauma via a big movie event, but it's not what we expected. When I asked myself why, I came to some questions and theories
So, we've seen the pattern so far, SMG4's Perfection, Meggy's Idolization, and then WotFI happened, which I think was SMG3's Chapter.
I think what happened was that WotFI was his main event. Instead of building up to the tension, they swapped it and had the big event first with the development after, henceforth all of the focus episodes after WotFI regarding his shop, his selfworth and his place with the Crew.
So, "If SMG3 already had his fair share of Puzzle/Adware interference, then who's the focus for this chapter?" You may be asking, and I have the theory:
It's actually Us the Audience
Think about it! There's always some kind of connection between each Movie/Chapter moving towards the next one! In IGBP, while rescuing SMG4, how did Meggy fight off SMG3? Her splatfest skills (Former Splatfest Champion Wren)!! In Western Spaghetti, what did SMG3 have that added to his character from that point onwards? His bombs (Coffe n' Bombs Cafe)!!
So now, what's one connection with WotFI and this one? We the *Audience* are allowed to add our input based on the situation! (The Heist Plan Votes and the Video Reviews!!)
Not only that, BUT when WotFI finished and we got that post credit scene, Mr. Puzzles didn't address just anyone. No, he wasn't talking to SMG4, he wasn't talking to Luke, Marty, or SMG3; he was talking DIRECTLY to us the *Audience* at the 4th wall!
Adware KNOWS that we're finally picking up the hints and pieces!! He finally acknowledged that we're ready for our turn!!
When the first movie came out and he appeared as that keyboard malware virus (when we dubbed him Adware), we didn't think much of it. We thought it was a one-off, a fluke, something to further the story via typical SMG4 Weirdness.
It wasn't until the Western Spaghetti movie hype was building up that everyone realized that there's a pattern happening. That was when fans started pointing out, "Hey! There's something Fishy going on (Ha), and here's the hidden clues to prove it!!". We became suspicious of that damn symbol, and became more vigilant... and then WotFI happened!!
(Addition: I feel like Adware was beginning to test how ready we were when we got that one Steam Link with Tari in an empty room and the TV at the front of the train. Yeah, it was to hype up the movie, but it was also almost like a... puzzle, you could say)
Which could explain why this time it isn't a movie event that lasts for one week, but instead nearly over an entire month! I theorize that Winston wants to test us for some reason, and for that, he needs to collect information. Information like maybe a certain interactive website with reviews. You can't get the audience involved with just a single movie, just saying. Plus, the fact that he said endless entertainment all Saturdays forever? Who's the most involved in that specific detail, hmm?
Also! The theme! Granted, I don't have much proof for this one, but the theme I've noticed is Nostalgia. Blue's Clues isn't something very important to any of the characters that got kidnapped (minus 4 hating content farms) but it can be something that a lot of us have a fond attachment to! Which Adware could use to his Advantage! What better way to get good reviews than to target what the audiences like?
(4th wall sidenote, after that TV song jingle, Winston glances over to the screen directly at Us)
Also, notice how weird it is that the Crew Members that got kidnapped are popular among the fandom? You know, characters that we've gotten attached to? (Don't tell me Bob doesn't have a fanbase of his own). Every time a "Victim" is targeted, their close friends end up getting dragged into the mess.
SMG4 (3, Megs and Mar)
Meggy (Tari, Mario, Axol, DESTI)
SMG3 (Eggdog got a Cameo, 4, Bob??)
Us (Our favorite characters)
So, all of this to say, we need to stay on our toes, especially for this chapter. Be wary and all of that. I may be overthrowing it, but hey, theorizing is fun!! What do you guys think?
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