barznasty · 2 years
ascent to ecstasy
buttons coho!rafe + the video
cart girl the rule
dazed we’re in public
feel me pov rafey
guys my age
hold this
ignore me
in my business (series)
my girl
new light (series)
new year, new dick
party mishaps and helpful brothers
rafe cameron master-rec-list
stuck with you
sun and sand you’re jealous
that damn party (2)
the best boys (series)
what you want
worst behavior
5 days, 1 boat
bad day
be like that good lovin'
eyes blue like the atlantic
feel something (series)
frat jj
go to town
holding you
hook ups (series)
i know
i wanna be yours (series)
kick his ass wasted
killing boys (2)
let go (2/3)
not the same anymore
one day (2/3/4)
put the pieces back together
secret lives (2/3)
stains (2)
that doesn’t leave much time for dilly-dallying
the art of being afraid
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maybankiara · 4 years
I’m sorry i don’t know what you already wrote but maybe 57, 63 or 84 with rafe :D
ok here’s a lil ex!fuckbuddies in love for uuuu
57: there is enough room for both of us. 63: cross my heart and hope to die. 84: the key is under the mat.
your friends have an odd sense of humour, but when you see the familiar pickup truck pull up next to your toyote, all you can think is you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. 
rafe cameron, your on-again off-again (currently off) hookup buddy walks out of the vehicle with a look on his face that can only mirror yours. 
‘so we meet again.’
‘yeah, because our friends hate us.’
rafe quirks an eyebrow, smirking. ‘or they’re trying to parent-trap us.’
‘they better not.’ your phone chimes and you skim over the text your friend sent you. ‘the key is under the mat.’
‘safety first,’ chuckles rafe. 
when you enter, the log cabin is much smaller than it looks like on the outside. there’s a small couch with a coffee table in front of it, an open door leading to an en-suite bathroom, a modest-sized kitchen on your left, and-
‘guess we’re sharing the bed.’
‘no fucking way.’
‘c’mon,’ rafe says, putting his backpack on the side of the bed. ‘it wouldn’t be the first time. or the second. or the fifth, really.’
you glare at him, even though his words bring back memories of undeniably good times, and by the way he’s grinning at you, that was exactly his goal. 
letting your friends take care of the living arrangements for the annual winter trip to the mountains is a choice you now regret. of course they’d try and get you two together. 
‘i’m going to complain. this is too small.’
rafe plops down on the bed, hands underneath his head. ‘c’mon, now. there is enough room for both of us.’
‘i’m not spending a week sleeping in your bed.’
‘you’ve got no choice. everyone else’s going to be busy having sex.’
you finally put your things down and close the door, hands on your hips. ‘is that a suggestion?’
rafe shrugs. ‘could be, if you want it to.’
‘i thought you didn’t.’
‘no, what i didn’t want was to keep it being this fucked up thing where we don’t know if we’re together or not.’ rafe’s voice is suddenly vulnerable, and the tension in the room shifts. ‘i wanted to be clear on what we are.’
you feel as if someone poured cold water over you. ‘you called it off because you wanted something more?’
he hesitates, but then he nods, and you almost laugh. ‘wow.’
‘i swear we’re the dumbest people on the planet and our friends know that better than we do.’
(long story short, rafe was right about his suggestion, and maybe you wanted something more, too.)
(maybe you both get what you want,)
(there’s no maybe.)
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downbytheouterbanks · 4 years
cast your mutuals as your favorite sharks or fish in general🦈
this question made me uwu SO HARD!!! i’m gonna only do a few and include pics and short description of why they are my fav ((:
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sandbar sharks!
these guys hold a special place in my heart bc they are very common in the water by my school and they are the first kind of shark i ever got to hold! i learned how to properly and safely handle sharks with these dudes ((: @spilledtee @collecting-stories @fav-imagines @drewsephsmiles @ssjiara @uwubonebabie & you!!
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opah (also known as moonfish)
these guys amaze me, not only are they STUNNING but they are also the only warm blooded fish!! @harrysbbby @calumbroutledge @northcarolinanative @shawnssongs
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zebra sharks!
they are the first shark that i saw that i remember thinking “sharks are so cute” because look at them!! they look like if they could talk they would have the sweetest lil voice. @drewstarkey @jjaybank @angellissy @softstarkey @pixelated-pogues @thatsonobx
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do you think we live in a simulation?
Yeah, someone is playing Sims above us and I WANT MY POOL LADDER BACK
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lyricalimerence · 4 years
congrats on 200🥳✨ could i maybe get a 🌱? :D
thank uuu 🥺
chicago, sufjan stevens (drew tease 😌)
sugar, brockhampton
best friend, claire
nostalgic, a r i z o n a
i don't really know how to explain the vibe i get from you, but you're one of my favorite blogs so here are some of my favorite songs 😌
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drewstarkey · 4 years
fleur, you are always on my dash, we don’t talk very much but your hashtags always crack me up✨
🥺🥺 sini we should definitely talk more!!! and im glad u appreciate my stream of thoughts sksjdjd i love your posts 🥰🥰
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heywards · 4 years
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ six stars for 600 (one star looked so lonely)
i!! love!! you!!
candlelight by relient k king of shadown by kat cunning crashing by illenium ft. bahari i don’t want to be by gavin degraw hey! by set sail
join my celebration!✨
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eberles · 4 years
yeah me either. rafe is just too adorable and I love reading things about him. do you have any good recommendations? -🍔
me too!! I’m not good at recommending stuff because I can never remember who writes what 😂 I just read everything I see pretty much, but I would definitely check out @snkkat rafe rec list (2 part list), pretty sure literally everything written about rafe is on there!
Edit: jk on my tags bc @snkkat is not in my time zone, I forgot 🥺
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angellissy · 3 years
Hey :) I’ve never requested anything before so I’m sorry if i do it wrong hahah
But could I request something where instead of ward faking his death it’s rafe who has to do it and none of the pouges know about your relationship until it’s you crying in the dock instead of Sarah. And when you and the piggies go on the “rescue” mission to get Sarah off of the boat you see rafe and eventually end up staying with him and leaving your friends
I’m sorry if this is really long xx thank you for taking the time to read my request
R E A C H I N G  F O R  T H E  S U R F A C E
rafe Cameron x Reader
warnings: angst with a big a, canon rafe (maybe a bit softer), toxic relationship, rafe playing the victim card, death and talks of suicide.
a/n: I feel like it is of importance that I tell you all that I have done everything in my power not to romanticize the rafe cameron character and if I have then please kindly let me know because sometimes it can be hard. However I still need to say that I am writing through the eyes of the “reader” who very much still cares for this boy, which also means that the way the reader deals with things might not have been your way. If any more warnings should be included in the beginning, feel free to let me know. I hope you enjoy this fic which I am actually very proud of. A big thanks to @snkkat​ who is my proof reading buddy. Also thanks for sending in the request, I LOVED writing it! <3
They say that when you die your life flashes before your eyes, but how about when you watch someone else die? For as you watched him die, the life and moments the two of you had shared flashed before your eyes like a string of reminders of a life and love lost. It felt as if there was no air for you to breathe, you weren’t even sure how long it had been since you managed to take a full breath. Your mind was running in circles, trying to grasp what had just occurred, replaying the scene over and over again until you were not even sure what reality you were in. With a hammering heart and a split soul, you were kneeling on the dock, just minutes after watching your first love take his own life. You could not even remember how you had gotten out here in the first place, you just wished that you would have stayed behind as all your friends rushed toward a disaster in waiting. Perhaps that would have spared you some of the heartbreak, spared you from hearing him scream that he loved you one last time, spared you from seeing his boat go up in flames. But no, you were sure that for as long as you lived, you would see that blazing inferno whenever you closed your eyes.
There were arms around you, an attempt to soothe your shaking body, it only made you feel more trapped in a memory you would never escape. Those arms lifted you up and suddenly you were walking, mixed in all the anger and sadness there was a surprise that your body was even able to function. It felt as if you were outside of your body watching everything occur, you watched as Kiara and JJ helped you sit down on a sofa and as they draped a blanket over your shoulders. You watched it unfold, but you couldn’t feel it and there was no way that you would be able to respond to their worried questions. Instead, you were stuck in a mind that replayed everything Rafe had ever said or done to you as if that somehow could manifest him back to life. That stuck-up boy with the golden hair had been your first boyfriend, complicated as the relationship may have been, it had been the first time you ever experienced something close to love. Just days ago you had stood before him, tears in your eyes and heart in your throat as you called the relationship off. For a very long time, he had not been the boy you fell for, but rather a ghost of who he once was. Where he had once been sweet and tender with you, there had only been cold stares and words sharp enough to cut through ice. You were not oblivious to the fact that he struggled with issues you could never comprehend, but you refused to be an accomplice in his undoing. Time after time you had tried to be the person he could cling to when the world sat heavily upon his shoulders, but you soon realized that love and affection could not solve all problems. Oh, and you had loved him so much that you would have done anything for him to smile at you the way he had when he uttered those big three words for the first time. He had watched you with eyes that held so much adoration that you thought that they would never dim, that they would shine brighter for each time his eyes found yours. But eventually, they had dulled, and so you had realized that you would not sacrifice yourself no matter how much you cared for him. It did not matter that you had called things off with him or that you had decided to leave him in order to save yourself, for the knowledge that he was actually gone made it feel like someone was clawing at your heart and trying to rip it apart. It felt like no time in the world would be able to heal the pain in your chest or dry the tears falling from your eyes.
Time was indeed a funny thing, how seconds turned into minutes and how then those minutes became hours. Hours that you spent reminiscing over a life you thought you had given up before it was lost forever. You clung to the memories of him as if they were the lifebuoy keeping an anchor from pulling you down in a sea made up of your own sorrow. You knew that you were staying in your own made-up memories of a relationship with more bad times than good, but a part of you felt that you could not grieve the person he had become. For he had been vile and horrid, and if you acknowledged that, you would feel guilty for the sadness overwhelming you. So yes, you stayed in your made-up reality and wept for the boy that could have been. As hours turned into days, your friends made every effort to comfort you and try to get you out of the room that had become your place of mourning. Their tries aggravated you, for they did not understand the feelings rushing through your body at such speed it made you lightheaded. Each one of them had hated Rafe Cameron with at least one bone in their body and you knew how some of them had looked the day he died as if they were content that he was finally gone. Relieved that he could no longer plague them with taunts and threats that might have become reality was it not for his passing. You might have understood this, had it not been for the grief and guilt plaguing every bone in your body.
As days turned into weeks, you eventually came to appreciate their efforts to help you. It was like your vision was starting to clear and you could finally start trying to live your life again, and the first step to doing that was always to surround yourself with people that made you roar with laughter. Their ventures to try and find the Cross of Santo Domingo, were helpful, to say the least. Those adventures were as distracting as they were terrifying since the outcome was never given. Your mixed friend group of pogues and kooks had actually found that damn cross as well. Who would have thought that a bunch of high school kids would be able to find a historic relic? The answer would have been no one, and that is why you don’t underestimate kids with no limits. The cross had been in your grasp until a greedy and manipulative Ward Cameron came along and grabbed it. Ever since that particular happening, things started going south fast and it all ended up with Sarah being kidnapped by her own guardians. It also ended up with the rest of you stowed away like cargo on the ship she was on. While John B and Pope carried out their plan to find Sarah and the famous cross, you, JJ, and Kie sweated from every pore as you waited to hear from them. You had zoned out, staring mindlessly into one of the walls of the container, in the background you could hear your two friends talk about their dreams for the future. Something about going on several surfing trips at various destinations with each other, and that part made your heart ache. Sure, after everything he had done, a future with Rafe had not been one of your dreams. Still, as you listened to your friends talk, you could only remember a time where he had been everything you wanted in life. You pressed your palms upon your face as if you somehow could force every memory of him to remain in that little part of your brain where you were hoping they would become forgotten. A loud clank dragged you out of your thoughts and you looked up just in time to see Pope and John B climb in through that small window opening, followed by a woman you had never ever seen. Shortly after that, problems started to arise and soon all of you were scrambling out of the container in hopes of not being detected by the workers on the boat. They were in obvious search of all of you, which made you sweat even more than you had done inside the container. All of you received different plans on how to tackle the situation, yours was to act as a lookout for John B as he searched for Sarah.
You followed him down to what you could only assume was the boiler room since steam was thick in the air and you took your place by the door as he ventured further down. His desperate cries for Sarah echoed through the room and you dearly wished for a response to be heard, but there was nothing except the sound of his shoes against the floor. Thump, thump, thump and then utter silence until John B utters a name that made it feel as if the floor was pulled away from under your feet.
One of your hands finds the doorframe, a poor attempt to steady yourself as you try to figure out if this is a trick played by your grieving mind. You take a few breaths and as the silence is once again interrupted by two raised voices, you follow John B’s path down into the room. The heart in your chest is beating so hard that it feels like you are going to throw up, and it only gets worse the nearer you come. At first, you only see your friend, but then you look past him
Rafe Cameron had died in front of your very eyes, so either the gods were playing a nasty cruel joke or you had lost the battle with your mind. You shut your eyes just to open them again, and no matter how many times you did it, he still remained. What happened next was a bit peculiar to you, for weeks you had drowned in grief where sadness was the constant emotion, but as you looked him in the eye and saw that he was very much alive, rage and anger crushed into you with the force of a thousand waves. You stepped toward him, only for an arm to shoot out to stop you, and John B added to his gesture by saying “Don’t”. Laughter bubbled in your throat, for who was he to tell you what you could or could not say to your “dead” ex-boyfriend who seemed to never stop causing you grief.
“Find Sarah.” John B hesitated for a few moments before following your unspoken order to leave you and Rafe alone. It wasn’t surprising considering that his worry for Sarah would always overpower anything else. Once again you looked into Rafe’s blue eyes, remembering a time when you used to stare in them for so long you would see specks of green and grey. Had you searched for those colors now, you would probably have found them. However, you were trying to decipher whatever feeling that was shining in them, was it anger? No, his other features were too soft for that and the hand holding his weapon had gone slack as he watched you. Maybe it was relief? No that was not it either, for why would he be relieved to see you? You were not the one who had died and left the other behind. You stepped even closer to him, the simmering anger inside of your veins made your hands shake and he looked at them briefly as if he wanted to take them in his. Your hands clenched into fists and you watched as his shoulders dropped the tiniest bit, and suddenly you knew exactly what was shining in his eyes.
Love, and sadness. Your heart started to speed up again, and you knew that once you opened your mouth, the anger and grief that had become part of you, would tumble out in words that you would never be able to take back. But he had done something much worse, so he would listen, you would make sure of it. Your lips parted slightly and he must have seen it for his words came first.
“I- fuck I am sorry okay? But I had to do it, you wouldn’t understand but I had to do it, it was the best for everyone.” As he says this you can’t help the sound that slips through your lips, it was supposed to be a laugh but it sounds more like a sob. His eyes flicker between you and everything else in the room as if there was anything in here that could save him for this conversation. You move your hands toward your chest and his eyes watch as you press them hard against your chest, against the heart that won’t stop breaking.
“Best for everyone?” Your voice is the combination of a whisper and a ragged breath “Did you have my best interest in mind when you let me believe you had blown yourself up?” He winces and makes an attempt to say something but you hold up a hand to stop him. “Did it ever occur to you how your little stunt would affect the one person who still, despite everything, loved you?” This time, your voice has started to rise towards something like a scream, and how could you not scream when there is so much sadness inside of you that it felt like just looking at him would turn your body into a pool of water.
“You broke up with me, so don’t start acting like a victim where you aren’t one.” His features are starting to morph into those he carries when anger overcomes him, but you will not back away from this. Your hands are in your hair, pulling at it as if that would help you make sense of this situation. “You broke my heart long before I broke yours.” You can’t help the way your voice breaks or the tears that start falling from your eyes.“You needed and still need help and until you receive that help, you are prone to hurt anyone in your vicinity.” Now it is his turn to drag his hands through his hair and his breaths come faster and faster until you realize that he is starting to hyperventilate. He sinks to the floor and you follow, not sure how to help when it feels like his state is mirroring your own. With cautious movements, you place your hands on his shoulders, and the shaking of his body sends trembles throughout yours. For a while nothing happens, you just sit there with your hands on his body and watch him fall apart. Perhaps you should have been glad that he was suffering, after everything he had done to you he deserved it. But you couldn’t feel anything other than anguish and as a sob escaped his body every restraint you had kept on yourself broke and you hugged him towards your chest. You could never save him, but he clung to you as if you had the power to undo every wrong he had ever done. After a while, he looks up at your tear-streaked face and one of his hands reaches up to cup it. You want to look away because you can see everything in those eyes of his, every regret and every wish he has ever had. His forehead leans towards you and you feel his hot breath against your skin. As you breathe in the scent of cologne and feel his skin against yours, you feel overwhelmed by the fact that he is actually here. You notice that his lips part and for a second you are scared that he is going to kiss you, but he must know that there is a limit to your patience with him so he just whispers words with the promise of what could have been. “I wanted to be good for you.” A small smile takes place on your lips and you close your eyes as you try to restrain the well of emotions inside of you. “I know Rafe, I know.” He breathes out a little, almost as if he is relieved that you are aware that he tried in a world and with a mind constantly working against him. You knew, but you also knew that there was someone else out there for you. Someone who would love you in a way that Rafe would never be able to, in a way that would not send the two of you to the bottom of the ocean. Whoever was out there would make you swim. For so long you had wanted to believe that Rafe was the one, despite all his flaws you would have given anything for him to be your future. It was a relief to know that you could and deserved to have more. But you also knew that you needed to do something before that could happen.
“I will stay-.” Before you could even finish your sentence he whipped his head up to look at you with such hope you never wanted to continue talking. You swallowed hard and forced yourself to go on. “I will stay with you just to make sure you receive the help you need.” His whole body deflated and you had to bite your lip in order not to cry again. Eventually, he nodded and you closed your eyes in relief. You knew that this had to be the right move, no one else would listen to him or make sure he got help, so you needed to be the one to did. Just enough so that you finally could start swimming towards the surface.
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outerbankies · 3 years
What Rafe and Topper fics do you recommend? Btw I can’t wait for more of the New Light Rafe Story!
thanks! hoping it'll come this weekend~ (also posting that part 5 blurb tonight or tomorrow)
and OOOOOOOH okay let's get some recs out there! you can scroll my rec tag (not sorted by character bc i'm lazy but there should be a lot of rafe and an ok amount of topper in there. plus some jj if ur into that) but real quick i'll just say what fics come to mind:
blueberry pancakes by @butgilinsky, lost time by @moldisgoodforyou, anything coho rafe by @sunnypogue and college rafe by @everybodyscupoftea are all god tier rafe series like stop what ur doing right now and go read them all!!!
and then any and all rafe/topper content from @bricksatcaleswindow (especially THIIIIIIIS fic, and this fic FUCK they are so good), @heybarzy, @taylathornton, @collecting-stories (pls this one is my emotional support fic), @ptersparkers (pogue v. kook is my fave and u get both of our fave kooks + kelce), and @maybankiara (esp this topper one, i loved it sm) is guaranteed to be immaculate.
these are just my fave series/one shots of their's but you really can't go wrong with any of these authors—highly rec stalking their masterlists! also have to mention that @snkkat has some amazing rafe rec lists, where i rlly got snatched into the fandom in the first place (like seriously if u like reading rafe or ur just starting out... those lists are ur new bible. run, do not walk. carries the rafe fandom on their back, is the blue print, etc etc.)
hope that helped!!! happy reading 🤸‍♀️✨
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queenk00k · 4 years
red wine lips part 4 // rafe cameron
warnings: you know the drill, it’s smut baby.
word count: 1.6k
author’s note: this is the final part of the red wine lips series! thank you so much to everyone who has read, supported and loved this series with me. look out for plenty more rafe content to come.
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For two months now, you and Rafe have been enjoying each other’s company in more ways than one. Never one to waste any time, but certainly one to avoid discussing anything remotely serious, you were quick to fall into a rhythm with your best friend/fuck buddy/whatever else he may be. After the incidents at the winery and the tennis club, there was an unspoken agreement between you and the self-professed Kook King that you’ll continue to hang out as friends and sneak off whenever possible to let out that pent up sexual frustration you knew too well.
And, since Rafe seemed to constantly want to get his dick wet, there was rarely an outing or event that went without a sneaky quickie in a hidden corner or locked bathroom.
You recall sneaking up to Topper’s roof during one of his parties, Rafe bending you over the railing that looked over the backyard, answering Rafe’s “wanna fuck u now” texts with a coy smile and raised eyebrow and, more recently, the memory of Rafe pressing you up against the wall in a changing room as you decided on your dress for Midsummers.
What you can’t seem to remember, however, is when your feelings for Rafe extended beyond how much you liked the feeling of his body flush against yours, lips attached to your neck.
Maybe it was when you started talking with one another for longer after having sex instead of just leaving, or maybe that one time when he lifted up your chin with his index finger to kiss you (the cool metal of his ring a stark contrast against your flushed skin), or when seeing him flirting with a Touron made your blood boil.
You’ve found yourself completely and hopelessly falling for Rafe Cameron.
It’s a few hours before the start of Midsummers, a night you’ve been looking forward to for the last few weeks, and yet you can’t seem to get yourself out of bed. You’ve mostly got a handle on your anxiety but on days like this you’re brought right back to square one. It’s a tough job to keep up with Rafe and your extended group of friends and show your face at every event on the Figure 8 social calendar, and right now you can’t think of anything worse than spending hours around other people.
Your stomach twisting in knots, you look at your pale pink tulle gown hanging on your bedroom door (something different, at Rafe’s request) and sigh. Rafe was going to disappointed but there was no way you were going to force yourself to do something you’re completely uncomfortable with.
You roll onto your side and pick up your phone, choosing to ignore the dozen or so text messages from Claire (“where are you? I thought we were pre-gaming? This champagne won’t drink itself!”) and scroll until you find Rafe’s number.
He answers on the second ring. “Y/N, hey! Are you on your way to Topper’s? I don’t want to start without you,” he says.
You gulp before answering him. “Hey Rafe, look, I’m really sorry but I’m not coming to Midsummers-”
“Why not? What’s wrong?”
“I just feel like garbage, I really don’t feel up to partying tonight,” you say.
“Do you need me to come over?” Rafe asks, sounding concerned.
You brush him off. “No, no, it’s okay. You guys go and have fun, I’ll see you later.”
There’s a long pause before Rafe replies. “Okay, if you’re sure.”
“Yeah Rafe, it’s fine. Bye!”
“Bye. Feel better.”
He hangs up and you’re left to stare at your ceiling, feeling deflated, before closing your eyes and falling back asleep.
Not long after, a soft knock on your bedroom door wakes you up. Assuming it’s your mum coming to convince you to come, you don’t bother to raise your head off your plush pillow as you begrudgingly say “come in.”
Rafe Cameron was the last person you expected to walk through your door, much less dressed in grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt instead of his baby blue suit and bowtie.
“Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” he says, smiling fondly. “Feeling a bit better?”
“What are you doing here Rafe?”
He walks across your room and takes a seat gingerly on the edge of your bed, placing his hand on your leg.
“You felt like shit and I wanted to make you feel better. Here I am.”
You’re touched by his sweetness and find yourself at a loss for words.
“Can I get in?”
You nod and Rafe pulls off his t-shirt, before getting into your bed and wrapping his muscled arm around you, pulling you into his chest.
“C’mere,” he says and you snuggle into him, feeling both content and confused.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble against Rafe’s chest.
“For what?”
“I know you wanted to show me off tonight, and we had that plan to sneak off to the locker room-”
Rafe chuckles. “I don’t care about that. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You’re my best friend first and foremost, Y/N. I gotta look out for you.”
You breathe in shakily. “I know but….you’re not my boyfriend, Rafe. I would have understood if you went to Midsummers and got with Olivia or whoever.”
There’s a painfully long silence and you’re terrified of Rafe’s response.
“I’d like to be,” he finally says quietly.
You lift your head up, heart racing, not entirely sure what you just heard.
Rafe looks down at you. “I’d like to be your boyfriend, if you’d let me.”
You grin.
“Of course, Rafe. Of course I’ll ‘let you be my boyfriend.’”
Rafe smiles sweetly and kisses you on the forehead, then the tip of your nose, before finally brushing his lips against yours.
You hum with contentment and shift your position so you’re facing him, your elbows braced on either side of his head as you continue to kiss, his tongue slipping in your mouth as you move together.
Rafe’s hand rests on your waist as the other sneaks up your t-shirt, cupping your right breast and running his thumb over your quickly hardened nipple.
The pace is slow and languid, syrupy sweet and completely different to what you’re used to. There’s no hasty pushing clothes aside or feverish kisses, the two of you are almost lazy, taking your time and taking it all in.
Soon enough, you’re lifting your arms above your head as Rafe slowly pulls your t-shirt over your head and he’s blinking up at you like you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, his eyes glazed over with complete adoration.
You’re suddenly acutely aware of the fact that this is the first time Rafe has actually seen you naked like this, and you cross your arms over your stomach instinctively. Rafe shakes his head and pulls your arms down, kissing you passionately.
“You’re beautiful,” he says and you smile into the kiss.
Rafe plays with your nipple with one hand as he finds your clit with the other, pressing gently into your heat as you whimper, the rolling pleasure almost becoming too much as he slips his finger inside.
You whimper, rocking against him, asking him for more and moaning louder as he adds another finger, and then another, before he’s slowly pumping three fingers inside your hot centre and you’re cumming around his fingers with a shudder.
There’s a pause as you catch your breath, and you smirk as you feel how hard he is beneath you.  
“Feel good babe?” Rafe asks you.
You nod.
“You’re severely overdressed,” you say, rolling off Rafe to give him the space to pull off his sweatpants, his underwear coming with it and his hard cock springing out, a bead of pre-cum glimmering at the tip.
You move to get into position on the bed, lifting your ass up, before Rafe tuts and moves you onto your back.
“I want to look at your pretty face,” he says, pumping his cock with some lube he found in your bedside table.
You nod, almost nervous, as Rafe lines up the head of his cock with your entrance. He pushes into you slowly and you feel your walls tighten around his length.
As if he feels your slight nervousness, Rafe kisses you on the forehead once more and asks “are you okay? We can stop.”
“I’m more than okay,” you reply and you grab his ass with both of your hands, pulling him deeper inside you.
Rafe groans and rocks into you, picking up his pace as you both move together, enjoying this new closeness you’d not experienced with one another before. You make sure to pull your new boyfriend in for a deep kiss intermittently, and he makes a point of staring deeply into your eyes as he whimpers.
After some minutes of him pumping his cock inside you, Rafe’s movements start to sputter and become irregular and you can tell he’s close to finishing.
“Baby, I’m going to cum,” he says and you simply wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace as he moans one final time, pushing his cock into you and spilling his cum inside you.
You can’t quite put your finger on why but this time feels so unbelievably different, and better, than all of the other times.
Rafe stays inside you for a few moments, and then presses his slightly sweaty forehead to yours, his eyes fluttering closed.
“You’re incredible,” he says, and you feel happier in that moment than any other time in your life.
@letsgofullkook​ @stargazingstarkey​ @harrysbbby​ @socialwriter​ @thatjohnd​ @ssjiara​ @jjsmentalpolaroids​ @bailspogue​ @jjtheangel​ @rafecameron​​ @obx-direction-sos​​ @pixelated-pogues​​ @jjmbanks​​ @ims0golden​​  @drewstarkey​​ @teenwaywardasgardian​​ @tembo-ndoto​​ @prejudic3​​ @starkeymarkey​​ @snkkat​​ @drewxxrudy​​ @pogue-writings​​ @pookie-cleary​​ @jjmaybcnks​​ @shawnssongs​​ @obxjj​​ @drewswannabegirl​​ @curlybrownhairedboys​​ @the-moon-looks-old-and-gray​​ @peach97​​ @k-k0129​​ @broken-jj​​ @annedub​​ @starlightstarkey​​ @starrystarkey93​​ @jiaraendgame​​ @sarahcxmeron​​ @overly-b​​ @erraaxh​​ @pink-meringues​​ @rollinsstuff​​ @microwaved-timmies​​ @iamaunicorn4704​​ @a-golden-sunflower-vol-6​​ @ptersparkers​ @jjmaybankx​ @sortagaysortahigh​​ @honeyycheek​​ @downbytheouterbanks​​ @milamaybank​​ @dpaccione​​ @hbooth0411​ @girlsru1eboysdroo1​​  @moldisgoodforyou​​ @surfalldaybaby​​ @outrbanks​ @outerbongs​ @famousstarsandkelly​ @yuxsh06​ @outerbanksbro @httpstarkey​ @sunnypogue​ @sweetlysilent​ @outerbanksbro​
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maybankiara · 4 years
some thoughts bc i read the sneak peak of your jj imagine(me reading jj? weird ik). idk if this has already been discussed but i see parallels between jj & rafe. they both have awful fathers (jjs is worse obv), but still. &i see them a bit like an antithesis (my english teacher would be proud rn xd) bc jj is poor and rafe rich, but at the same time they just want love & i think if rafe didn’t murder peterkin, they could have bonded over their similarity (by hazard& in a parallel universe probly)
hm that’s an interesting conclusion! i’ve spoken before about how similar rafe and jj are. they essentially have the same upbringing, their fathers dislike them equally (ward may not hit rafe, but he treats him like absolute shit, so it’s actually questionable which one of them is worse). they’re both heavily into vices (rafe’s coke, jj’s alcohol and weed). both are cocky, too. 
now, you’re right about the antithesis. i think it could also be a juxtaposition to show how much genuine affection and love can make a difference - rafe doesn’t have someone who loves him. his friends aren’t friends, they’re followers. his family hates him. jj, in contrast, has friends who would do anything for him, who have shown him that they love him, and he can grow from that. 
i think the one thing i might disagree on is that they’d bond. they’d never be friends, because they’re too explosive and their personalities are too similar to withstand that. i do think they could kind of understand one another, albeit reluctantly. 
they might still get that, if in s2 barry has both rafe and jj wrapped around his finger, which he kind of does. 
i don’t know if this was intended. if it was, great writing, honestly - it’s nuanced enough to not be right on your nose, but it’s also something even a casual viewer would pick up on. if it wasn’t, well, they got lucky. you can even see it in the fandom, where people keep pinning them against one another in their fics; a lot of people prefer these two over other characters. they’re also the best written ones, too, which makes me hope it wasn’t a coincidence. 
either way, i’m really hope we get to see more of that in the upcoming seasons. it’s one of those dynamics that could very easily be one of the best on the series.
come celebrate with me!
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downbytheouterbanks · 4 years
what was your funniest interaction with a fish/shark? i was once at an aquarium (long time ago) and one ray said splash so that i got some water all over me (it was not that much haha)
asdkdhsh i love rays omg that’s so funny
okay i don’t know if you would count this as an interaction but i once spent the night at this aquarium and i was sleeping in front of the beluga whale tank and i woke up in the middle of the night to some really loud whale noises and when i looked up I SAW THE WHALES HAVING SEXY TIME and yeah i look at beluga whales a lil differently now but they are still one of my favs
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cast your mutuals as different technical devices
Oh boy that’s tough, I’m just gonna use devices I actually have and use or this would be too much haha
TV - @snkkat
Smartphone - @outerbongs
Tablet - @downbytheouterbanks
Laptop - @outerbankslut
Gaming PC - @kageyamathegrump
Switch - @spilledtee
Playstation - @ssjiara
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Pass the Time
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader.
Summary: You feel like you spend more time outside of you dorm and so does your neighbor. Why? Both of your roommates are hooking up.
Word Count: 1,548.
Note: It took me longer than it should've to write this since Tumblr was keep messing up so please don't let this flop ( I reached my breaking point with trying but I still like it) and tell me what you think :) I hope you love it! Thank you @snkkat for posting the photo and inspiring me to write this!
Hey," your roommate, Jazmyn, speaks softly from her side of the dorm to see if you are still awake or not. You hum in response, not looking away from the episode of your newest favorite Netflix original TV show- the reason why you are not studying right now- Outer Banks. Jazmyn moves to sit upright on her bunk bed and swings her feet back and forth and gives you puppy eyes, "Can I ask for a favor?"
Knowing what she will ask, for not the first nor late time, you say, "I'm not moving, Jaz."
She jumps off and walks over to you and must go on her tippy toes to learn against your mattress. It is a fail on her part when she tries to grab your throw blanket off of you since you're wrapped in it.
You sing, "told y'all" in a teasing tone and Jaz response is a weak, "shut up."
"Why can't you just go over? I'm comfortable right here in my dorm."
Ignoring your point of view, she easily lies as she says, "I swear it won't be long."
"Really? Two nights ago, Andrew said the same thing to Drew before you went over there for three fucking hours!" Before she can try to deny it, you hold up your hand to add, "I actually mean fucking for three hours."
You roll your eyes as she blushes and gets lost in dream land that is made of all the sex, she and your next-door dorm neighbor, Andrew, have.
Which is a lot.
You knew that going to a University there would be a huge chance to live crazy college stories that one day will blow your kids' minds whenever they accidentally find one out. Getting locked out of your dorm on a weekly basis so your roommate can hookup? That is not one of them, it is annoying as hell.
The first time you got locked out was just last month, three months in your freshman year. After taking two tests in one day, you just wanted to go in a nap coma for the rest of the year. Since the elevator in your building did not get fixed yet, you had to drag yourself up to the firth floor. You could not help to wish the sock on your dorm knob was just a part of your imagination. But it was not. From the noises you could hear from the other side of the locked door, Jazmyn had someone over. You jumped and cursed when the door next to you opened and an extremely attractive and tired boy smiled at you as he tried to fix his bed hair. He noticed the sock and grabbed it to throw it over his shoulder, inside of his dorm. "I was wondering where Andrew went." He holds out his hand and as you shake hands, he told you his name and you told him yours. You agreed that you did need coffee, so you two left the hallway to grab some.
“You know, it’s weird that we are finally meeting.”
You looked over your shoulder and silently wished Jazmyn would open the door so could lay down, “We’ll probably see each other more in the hallway if they keep this up.”
A week after you talked with Drew over two refills of coffee for who knows how many hours, he saw you walking up the stairs after your last class of the day. He kicked himself off the floor to learn against your door.
"Are they...?"
He nodded in response and told you that he does not know how long, or how much longer. He followed you into your dorm after you slightly pushed him away to unlock it.
"I was planning on doing something with Jaz tonight but since you're here instead... have you ever done a face mask?"
He wiggled his eyebrows and used a husky manly tone to ask, “Sexually?"
His laugh echoed after you throw one of your pillows at him.
The third time was a couple of hours later and Drew agreed to go as far away as possible. You two went through a drive through before going to a park to eat in comfortable silence until he tried to be sneaky to grab some of your food. A small food happened before you two acted like big children on the swings, trying to see who could go up the highest. Since he is so tall, it was easy for him to do the monkey bars.
Now what was supposed to be a relaxing and do-nothing day, you let out a fake cough. “You can’t let Andrew come in here, I’m sick.”
“I’m sure Drew would be willing to take care of you.”
“I hate you.” You mutter as you get up to put your shoes on. You try not to think about how he told you he wants to make you his famous homemade chicken casserole soon since you’re been stressed with all of your school work, working part time and being home sick.
“You love me! Have fun whenever you guys do this time to pass the time.” She winks at you as you slam the door closed behind you. You stop knocking on Drew’s door with your blanket still wrapped around you and carrying your laptop when his voice comes the end of the hall, “fancy seeing you here.”
He knows your smile is half fake so he nervously asks, "You can come over if you want? I can let you in before heading to the showers."
 Andrew comes from the end of the hall, looking like he ran up the stairs while holding a plastic bag from the nearest gas station. You can see Jazmyn’s favorite candy and a box of condoms. Classy. You do not think twice before reaching into Drews maroon gym shorts to grab his keys while they have silent conversation. You miss how much his eyes widen for leaving them both in the hallway.
“I swear to God I’ll give up on being your wingman and move out if you do not make your move.”
Drew pushes Andrew out of the doorway and glances over at you to make sure you are not listening. “You are not my wingman!”
“Yes, I am! I am giving you two alone time as I have sex! It’s a win-win for everyone!” Andrew pushes him inside, “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
From his bed, Drew hears the confusing in your voice when you say, “it’s only one am?”
“I stopped listening to what he says a long time ago.” Drew states as he can hear Andrew’s and his own voice in head saying, “she’s on your bed” repeating.
You mutter, “same” for trying to do the same thing with Jazmyn.
Over the trim of your laptop, you watch Drew stand in front of you and starts taking off his gray and black long sleeve hoodie in slow motion.
"Oh my god."
"What?" He asks, amused.
"What?" You ask, embarrassed.
“Take a picture, it would last longer.” He teases, sitting next to you. You shove your elbow in his ribcage, “Shut up!”
You should not be surprised when he teases, “make me.” But your skin gets covered with goosebumps.
“Okay, last time we hangout it was two, three nights ago?” You try to change the topic, “I just remember that I beat your ass at Family Feud. Wanna play that again?"
Drew lets out a breathless, “no” as he puts both of his arms around you, his hands resting against the wall. “Let’s play a new game.”
He grins ear to ear when he feels you take a big breath in, the air faming the side of his face. “Let’s see who can the be the loudest, them or us.”
You look at him like he grew a second head when he starts hitting the wall and making grunt noises.
“You want to make it seem like we are having fake sex?”
He laughs, mostly to himself, “It’s not like you are taking me out of my misery and-“
You cut him off by pulling his hands off the wall to put them on both sides of your waist as you to help you saddle his lap. As you trace the outline of his abs, you cannot help to lick the rest the way up until he puts one of his hands under your chin to pull your face upwards to his. Both of you do not know who kisses who first.
When you need to catch a breath, you mutter, “what?” since his smile makes you smile too. “I want to take you on a date and stop using our roommate sex lives as an excuse to hangout.”
“Okay.” You feel like you are on cloud nine when his smile becomes even bigger. “When?”
“We got time to figure that out. For now…” He gives you a quick kiss before setting you to lay on the bed so he can get up.
You watch him grab a sock before opening the door wide enough to put it on the doorknob. “I want to keep on doing what you started.”
He runs his way back to his bed to tackle you while you have your arms wide open.
Tagging the people who reblogged or comment on the post about which college AU to write first:
@ilovejjmaybank @softstarkey @pixelated-pogues @everydayimfangirling @maaybanks @scandalousfemale @thelocalpogue @sunnypogue @sortagaysortahigh @tembo-ndoto @arthiriticcricket @jjsbxtch @thatsme-johnbookerroutledge @rudysrings @ptersparkers @obx-saltlife @ssjiara @drewsephsmiles @obbx-tings @jjmaybanksbaby @jjaybank @mahleeyuh @jjcultmain @tcmhollnd @teamnick 
The college AU for Rudy will hopefully be posted tomorrow!
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socialwriter · 4 years
hear me out: a lil blurb where you’re giving rafe the silent treatment and he gets upsetti and threatens to give you kissies all over until you talk to him 🥺🥺🥺
@downbytheouterbanks Genevieve I know this was you
“Hey Y/n.”
You don’t look up or say hello to your boyfriend, instead flipping to the next page of the magazine you’re perusing. He had stood you up on your weekly date night for a business outing with his dad and hadn’t even so much as apologized. So, as a punishment, you decided to give him the silent treatment for however long you could hold out for. 
You look up at him for a second before emitting a deep sigh and going back to your magazine.
“You’re mad at me about date night aren’t you. Look babe, I’m sorry, but you know how my dad gets if I miss anything business related.” You glare at him, knowing what he’s doing. Rafe had opened up to you about his father countless times, so him talking about his dad was a soft spot for you. But not this time, you wouldn’t cave in. 
Rafe crawls into the bed next to you, a cheeky grin on his face. “Ya know, if you won’t talk to me, I might have to resort to other tactics to get what I want.” He grabs your hand, and slowly starts to trail kisses up your arm. You let out a shaky breath before pulling your hand away from him, sitting up in the bed so that your back is now to him. 
“Aw baby, please talk to me.” You shake your head and cross your arms over your chest, not relenting.
“Ok, but just remember that it didn’t have to come to this.” You furrow your brow, wondering what he’s talking about before he wraps his arms around you, tackling you so he’s on top of you in the bed and planting kisses all over your face. You start to laugh uncontrollably, trying to get out of his grip but to no avail. “Ok, ok! I give up Rafe, you win.” You say within fits of giggles.
He plants one final, lingering kiss on your lips, and you feel the grin on his face before you can see it. When he pulls away, you shake your head, but its clear to the both of you that you aren’t mad anymore. “You’re crazy bub.”
“Crazy for you doll.”
You laugh, pulling him in for another kiss. “Rafe, I love you, but you’re still in the dog house.”
“Aw man.”
Everyone is a Rafe hoe so taggy tag:  @anonymous0writer @drew-starkey @butgilinsky @pit-zuh @goldenpogue @rudths @normatural @northcarolinanative  @rudys-pankow @harrysbbby @jjmbanks @rafecameron @jayjaymaebank @jjmbanks @sortagaysortahigh @starlightstarkey @stargazingstarkey @queenk00k @letsgofullkook @lefthandwritings @ijustreallylovethem @snkkat @obxmxybxnk @obxfics @obx-direction-sos @ad-infinitums @bricksatanakinswindow @blueeyedbesson @sarahcxmeron
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