#snuck in some rinrin
slice-0f-anime · 2 months
I can't decide what's more tragic: having a dream without the capabilities, or having the capabilities but not a dream.
That's what makes Sousuke and Harus separate conflicts in s2 with their futures in swimming so depressing.
Sousuke had to give up his dream because his shoulder couldn't function the way it was meant to in order to swim, and he loathed to give up the dream. And at the same time, Haru was struggling with the fact that everyone around him had such high expectations for what he was meant to do with his immense swimming talent, while he himself didn't really know what his focus was other than just wanting to swim free.
The two of them are perfect foils to each other in this regard, and it shows how their animosity towards each other in s2 was deeper than their conflicts over Rin and his future (which now that I type it out it's actually so funny that their beef was literally just bc Sousuke thought Haru was bad for Rin's future)
I'm so glad everything worked out for the two of them by the end of the series, but this realization really enhances both of their characters, their relationship, and Eternal Summer as a whole.
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Appleshipping and Snowstorm
Snow in the commons was disgusting. The soot from old buildings covered the fresh white and bike tracks turned it to mush the second it was plowed over. Some people even said that the snow wasn’t really snow but some waste product made by the Tops to make Commoners suffer even more.
“I hate winter,” Yuugo groaned, leaning over the edge of the couch, “there’s nothing to do.”
Rin, sitting on the floor, closed her book to look up to him. “There’s plenty of things you can do. You just don’t want to do them.”
Yuugo didn’t waiver. “Literally the only suggestion I got was “go shovel the sidewalk”.” He turned around to look at her. “That, isn’t fun.”
“You could read a winter story to the younger kids-”
“You could help make cookies with Miss-”
“I’m not a good baker, Rinrin.”
She tugged at his leg. “Then let’s go sneak into the Top’s area and look at their holiday lights.”
Yuugo fell off the couch with eyes the size of saucer plates. “Wait, are you really Rin? Not Serena?”
Rin just laughed.
The two snuck into the garage to uncover the bike. Seeing her, Yuugo started kissing the metal. “I thought I wouldn’t be able to ride you until Spring! Mwa! Mwa!” Rin said something about not getting his lips stuck to cold metal, but once the engine turned on it was warm enough to unfreeze his mouth. The two got on the bike and started driving off as quietly as they could. “So where ya’ thinking?”
“I’m sure Sector Security has less people out since everyone’s afraid of the snow here.” Yuugo nodded and they drove off across the bridge. They were careful not to stay at one place too long, in fear of attracting attention. The two drove through the lights in the city, strung up with gold, silver, and red. Kids built fresh white snowmen and sang together. People walked around with delicious foods that neither of them recognized. They biked along.
The Top’s side of the bridge seemed to have a much different climate. Despite the winter season, the atmosphere was warm. Sure there were snowflakes, but everyone seemed enveloped by the hugging heat.
As they went back over the bridge, they realized how long they must have been gone. “The clouds look like they’ve seen better days” Yuugo said, riding on the back. The storm clouds were dark and heavy, either hail or snow emitting from them.
Rin nodded. “We should hurry back.” Crossing the bridge when it snowed was dangerous. Security tried their best to blockade the ramp, but Rin jumped it. They didn’t have the time. Once they got over, the harsh flurries made it hard to see or talk. “I can’t see the signs!” she thought to herself.
They made it home eventually, and covered the bike back up and snuck back into the orphanage. They were immediately caught and scolded for disappearing, and were sent to the living room with a blanket to warm up. Yuugo stretched, and covered the two of them up better. “You know, you might be right, Rinrin.” Rin gave a look. “I think I’m gonna like winter a little bit better, just sitting here with you.”
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