#so here it is felix edited in my photo style
marked-unknown · 1 year
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Felix at LV Cruise 2024
colour edit @marked-unknown
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I finally devised a timeline.
Edit: I've revised some of the dates, since Felix can't come before cat blanc because marinette's further attempt at telling adrien her feelings after Cat Blanc's failed. I don't even know why I'm still trying to make sense of this show.
So Felix arrives on the anniversary of emilie's coma in season 3. Meaning season 4 ephemeral is at least a year after that. Logically. But we know there's no logic here. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
So I've come up with my own timeline that tries to at least accommodate "canon" (ignoring marinette mentioned as 14 still in dearest family. No she's not.) Some official days would have to be changed, though. Also seasons don't matter, since they clearly don't care about animating snow in January or February.
Emilie's coma: May 2015.
Season 1: September to October. Exception of dark Cupid. Chronology a mess, probably any order with exceptions of character that must be introduced before they reappear, and animan happening early because of Nino and alya.
Season 2: October 2015 to April 2016. Again, next to impossible to tell a chronological order. Marinette turns 14 in october in Befana, and that's the last time we see Lila.
Prime Queen actually happens later, after the Valentine's day kiss. We're pretending heroes' day is a month earlier, in April. Adrien finally wears the derby hat from season 1 in style queen. Around March, Paris floods and they figure out how to modify their powers.
Christmas special: December 2015.
Shanghai: April 2016.
Season 3: April to May 2016. Lila reappears in chamelion. The first ladybug movie comes out (ignoring the "3 years wasted" comment from Thomas' self insert.) Western Christianity celebrates the athanaesus name day on 2 May, but we can slide that over a few weeks. (it's probably actually the January day for France but let's ignore that.) Somewhere, Mr Pigeon is probably being akumatised at least once or twice a day. The oblivio kiss happens somewhere here. Chat Blanc appears mid May before Felix arrives. Marinette becomes guardian.
New York: June 2016 Mr pigeon has been akumatised for the 51st time. Miss Bustier is pregnant but continues to have a flat belly.
Season 4: June 2016 to April/May? 2017 (I haven't finished season 4 yet, I swear if the last 4 episodes throw this off I'll scream). Mr pigeon comes back for the 72nd time. Marinette turns 15 in October. Probably gets with Luka after new york in May or June (why would alya try to set up her friend that's already taken? Either that or she didn't know.) This way we can pretend that Qilin actually happens early on in late June, at least right after Mr Pigeon (because protective charm), it's "more than a month late for mother's day", because Qilin returns in Dearest Family for January. In early season 4, marinette is on holiday because school's out, but she's already broken up with Luka, and they were shown riding off together from school, which ends in July. Then dearest family happens in January, because of King's day is on the 12th day of Christmas (and I don't think we can change christmas can we?) Somewhere in this, glaciator 2 happens late 2016 because they're voted couple of the year with that photo. The sequel to the ladybug movie comes out around 2017.
And ephemeral is in April, 4 weeks shy (Because 52+52 = 104) of the anniversary of emilie's coma, the 100 week mark. In dearest family we're ignoring the fact that her relatives are arguing over her being 14 when grandma gives her the motorbike. Grandma still could've been there for her 15th party (or maybe they just remembered wong). Either way, given that this show stinks of retcon, I think we can retcon that dialogue easily.
Miss Bustier is either still pregnant or has already given birth. We can excuse her flat belly because the writers already think they can excuse logic.
Total passage of time from origins to season 4 end: 19-20 months.
And there ya go, this took me over an hour to write (and days to modify). Even if the writers then write an episode with marinette's 15th later, I'm just gonna pretend it's 16 because we know they can't count very well anyway.
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staywritten · 4 years
A Love That Lasts│Bedtime
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A Love That Lasts │Bedtime
Synopsis: You come home to find your husband putting your daughter to bed.
Genre: Parent!Au, Dad!Bang Chan, Fluff, Nonidol!Au, Oneshot, domestic fluff
Word Count: 1268
If you would like to read the entire (completed) Single parent! Bang Chan series A Love That Lasts Masterlist it’s here and on AO3
Masterlist. AO3
You yawned walking into your house in the middle of the night. You just finished up another 24hr shift at the hospital. You hated staying there overnight, but sometimes it couldn’t be helped. Your patient was recovering well after the surgery and that was all that mattered. You stretched your arms above your head, feeling your stiff back crack. You were so eager to sleep, you took a shower at work, and changed into your pajamas there. So all you had to do when you got home was make it to your bed. 
Toeing your shoes off in the foyer you made your way into the living room. Setting your overnight bag down on the coffee table you gently shook Felix awake. “Hey, thanks for watching Minseo.”
He yawned sleepily, sitting up on the couch. “Mm Hey” he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “Channie-Hyung got home a little while ago too”
“He got back from his trip early?” You gave Felix a pat on his back. “Go sleep in the guest room, it’s late”
“You don’t gotta ask me twice” he stood up, rubbing the crook in his neck from falling asleep on the couch. “G’night” he waved before disappearing into your downstairs guest room. 
Absently you cleaned up the snacks and toys, evident of Felix and Minseo’s long night of playing. Once the living room was reorganized you padded upstairs, stopping by Minseo’s room first. 
A soft smile graced your face seeing your husband, cuddled in Minseo’s bed, his arm wrapped around her tiny frame as he read her another story sleepily. You could tell he was exhausted, but even in that state, he read the stories so animatedly. Using his different voices and grand gestures. Leaning against the door frame, you couldn’t help but watch them fondly. As he finished the book he looked down at his daughter, the little pout still on her lips, despite loving the story. 
“You want another story?” he asked, ruffling her hair. “You’re pouting, how are you feeling?”
“I’m sad” Her pout deepened looking up at him. “When’s mom coming home?”
He smiled, kissing the top of her curly hair. “I’m sorry Baby, you know she has to work. Any time she’s not here she’s saving lives. It’s very important.”
Minseo crossed her arms over her chest. “I know… But I still miss her”
“You sleep better when she’s here don’t you?”
She nodded “I don’t like when you guys aren’t home...Uncle Felix is fun too, but...I like knowing you’re here…” she huffed. “What if I have a nightmare and you’re not home?”
“Aww… Baby” Chan pulled her into his chest, hugging her tight. “I’m sorry...I’ll try to make sure at least one of us is home next time.” Working late nights was pretty normal for him, but occasionally he had to go on weekend trips, and it just so happened that this one overlapped with one of your overnight shifts. “I can’t promise that it’ll never happen again, but we’re gonna try”
“Ok… pinky promise?” she held out her pink, letting him wrap his around it and pressing their thumbs together. “I understand...I just miss Mom..”
“I miss her too…” he whispered softly. 
Watching them always warmed your heart. You loved everything about your daughter, but when you especially loved was how she was able to communicate when she was unhappy. And You know it’s because Chan always valued communication. “I’m home” you finally chimed, from the doorway. You almost broke out into a laugh at how Chan and Minseo looked at you. Their heads in perfect sync as they looked at the door. 
“You’re home!” Minseo gave you the brightest smile, her cheek dimpling. 
“I am” you grinned pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Can anyone tell me why my whole family is awake in the middle of the night?”
“I couldn’t sleep until you got home” Minseo patted the tiny bit of space in her bed. “Sit”
You laughed squeezing into a twin bed with her, it was a tight and cozy fit but the three of you managed. Was her princess styled bedframe digging into your side? Quite possibly but it worked. Minseo practically on your lap as you cuddled at her and let Chan pick another storybook. He leaned over giving you a little peck on the lips, his gaze lingering a little too long; Making you feel shy. “Welcome home” he whispered before pulling away to display the book. 
As he read the fourth storybook of the night he had to hold back his laugh when he finally looked back at the two of you seeing you both sound asleep. He quietly got out of bed and adjusted the two of you into the middle of the bed, trying not to disturb you. 
He smiled seeing Minseo hug her stuffed Kangaroo toy his parent’s bought for her. Her face buried into the plushie, while you had your arms securely around Minseo. He snapped a photo, knowing this was going to be his new background image on everything. 
Chan took a quick shower before throwing on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. He was working on some lyrics for a client when he looked up and saw you make your way into your shared bedroom. 
You padded into the bedroom. “I woke up and you weren’t there” 
He laughed, opening the blanket, letting you crawl into bed with him. “Ah, is that where Minseo gets it from?” 
“Maybe” you mumbled sleepily. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you placed your chin on his chest. “I missed you”
“I missed you too” he pulled you in for a much deeper kiss this time. His tongue, flicking against the top of your mouth, enticing a little whimper.
Pulling away, you gazed at him with the dreamiest look on your face. “How come you didn’t tell me you got back from your trip early?”
“It just sorta happened. As soon as I could I just made it straight home and then I got wrapped up with Minseo. I was gonna text as soon as I put her to bed.” he chuckled “As you saw, It took longer than I planned”
“You’re so good to her, seriously you’re incredible” your fingers absently played with the collar of his shirt. 
“I try, I’m still learning” he grabbed your hand, placing a kiss on it. Being that this was the first time that he’s really touched you for two days. “I’d like to think I’m good to both my girls” he grabbed your chin, making you look up at him. “Aren’t I?”
“Well I’m wide awake right now, how are you gonna put me to bed?” you giggled. “You want me to grab you a storybook?” 
“I have a few other ideas” he laughed, rolling you onto your back and pinning you to the bed with his hips. The tiniest of growls, echoed from his throat as he nipped at your lower lip. That playful glint in his eyes turning into something much more mischievous. “You’re gonna have to be very quiet for me Baby…” he whispered huskily, his strong hand caressing your cheek before spanning gently over your neck. He winked before disappearing under the blanket. 
Thank you all for being so patient with me, I’ve had like the opposite of writer’s block lately and I’ve had a ton of ideas. But because of that, I’ve been writing a bunch of stories and not finishing any of them lol so I’m super happy I was able to pump out this fluffy, domestic chapter..
Series Masterlist
Edit: I forgot my tag list when I posted lol
∘Tags List:
@cobbiebaexqueen @minnieskz  @em0cleo  @chwrryeols​ @binki-g @mythicalamphitrite @skzsprinkles @tophuphu @hugs4chan @channieboyo @tonfilm @soobinssmile
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dallonm-archive · 3 years
Hi! I love ur WIP oh revelations revelations, and I was wondering if you could give ur characters physical descriptions?
hi thank you so much!!! not gonna lie i ~suck~ at character descriptions (really I’m just not confident in them) and the ones I do aren’t overtly detailed and feed a lot more into showing their personality combines with appearance. Plus as a reader I will create my own image in my head if I don’t get something from the author lmao. So this will just be some rambles with some picrews and IRL photos (I don’t do official faceclaims and will get into that, but I do use some to help visualise what’s in my head), and also fashion because I love fashion and I love 80s fashion and I have to stop myself from writing 389424 outfit descriptions <3 feat. some barely edited prose!! 
only doing the “main five” (are they truly the only main characters? I have no self control <3) because I lose track of which characters I’ve talked about so this is far from all the cast! And picrew/photo limitations mean these aren’t how exactly they look but it gives you an idea! Also I wrote this out and then lost it t w i c e :) Here are the two picrews I used: x x
My KING. It’s kinda funny to me because his description comes from the POV of a man who’s going to fall in love with him so whilst it’s not like “oh my god he’s so hot” I feel like you can DEFINITELY tell there’s something there. Beau and Felix aren’t exactly a slow burn couple lmao
Beau mirrors his mother. Same complexion, same smile, the only difference is his eyes are lighter and his curls are wilder, one absentmindedly coiled around his index. He wears a pistachio coloured button up with palm tree prints, oversized. A necklace with a shell charm, a brown beaded bracelet. He still grins at Felix, charmingly, as he continues to ramble about the music. Beau is effortless. He swims in the San Francisco colours.
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This picrew captures him pretty well although I wish they had a facial hair option as he does have a bit of stubble
It’s all about the curls! He has a head full of them and they’re my favourite thing about him. This is a good example of where I don’t have a faceclaim but I do have pictures of a model that help visualise what I see: these pictures of Miles Frank were the first that resembled what I saw in my head, but only these two resemble him lmao. He’s not his faceclaim. Again, it’s all about the curls! (and the leather jacket)
He kinda has an athletic build not not overtly? Like he’s not muscular but he used to do a lot of sport as a teenager and he’s 100% the type of person who wakes with the sunrise to go on runs. Cannot relate but good for him! He’s around 5′10/5′11
Style is definitely important for his self expression but he also values comfort over fashion. It’s all about the oversized printed button ups (I found one in a thrift store that looks EXACTLY like the one in the description and I didn’t buy it I’m so mad!!! I failed both Beau and the queer community in that moment). He will wear All The Colours but he especially likes greens and pinks/reds. Leather jacket is a staple when the weather allows it. 
He also loves jewellery, especially bracelets, especially homemade bracelets. 100% makes friendship bracelets.
Dorothy and Felix
I’ll put these two together because they’re not identical but like, they are twins lmao. Life hack: if you hate description for the POV character give them a twin and make them lowkey hate each other so you can ~compare~
Brother and sister. Born minutes apart on a dreary January night that wheezed rain. Bundled in identical bloodstained blankets, porcelain limbs and faces indistinguishable - but as they grow, the mirror their reflections share starts to crack. Dorothy grows taller, then Felix overtakes at 16. Dorothy’s features soften, but she grows a glare that digs deeper than Felix’s ever could. Dorothy aims for the moon; Felix accepts that he’ll never leave. Dorothy maps out a survival plan for the outside world; Felix maps out how he’ll work for the Church. But they still share the cinnamon hair, the freckles peppering their nose and cheeks, the grey-blue irises and heavy eyelids. They grew into different people with the same face made of different stitching, the same blood infected with different sin.
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Dorothy is the only one who kinda has a faceclaim but not really? I struggle with faceclaims beyond inspo/resemblance because like I said, I don’t have the most exact image in my head but I am still very picky so I can look at a pic and immediately be like YES or NO lmao. But also, an issue I have is that a lot of faceclaims come from models/actors; I have no issue with pretty characters (I would call mine pretty lmao but it’s never like. a character trait), but there is that element of conventional attractiveness as well as editing/posing/lighting for professionally shot photos. That’s just me personally though, love them for helping visualise ideas! Since Dorothy was really difficult to get an image of, a “faceclaim” really helped. I made her after Felix so her only descriptor was “brown hair like her brother, similar facial features”, until I saw these pictures of Jane Birkin from the 60s. Again, not an official faceclaim (Dorothy isn’t as skinny as her), but that was where I first got an image of her as an individual character and was definitely the foundation. Her hair looks exactly like that!
She doesn’t really wear makeup, it’s not a statement or anything I just don’t think it suits her haha. 100% wears astronomy themed jewellery though
Her favourite colours to wear are red and violet. I’d describe her fashion as quite casual and flowy? She loves blouses, especially ones with floral prints. 100% rocks double denim (we are pro double denim here). I’d say her style is also more 70s inspired than 80s 
She’s 5′9 which makes me 😳
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I first made Felix because of a picture of Luke Powell, and I have to laugh because he is SUCH a common faceclaim on Pinterest but also suddenly I was just like ??? NO???? I held onto him as a FC for way too long when they don’t really look alike  
Fluffy hair! Floppy hair! This isn’t canon in the book yet because I’m not sure how to present it beyond a bunch of hair descriptions, but I can see his hair being much shorter whilst he’s still in the cult and then he slowly grows its out (not much longer, just messier and unkept until its like the picrew) - again I have no idea how to show it in prose but I think in a movie/TV Series that’d be a cool way to show passing of time but also him settling into his identity. If he wasn’t a coward he’d grow it to mullet length
He and Beau are similar heights - 5′10/5′11. I love height differences in couples but I don’t think that suits them? They’re more likely to argue over who’s the taller one because the inch or so difference is so subtle they can’t even tell LMAO 
I know this man just has the ugliest fashion taste but like in good way? Like you know when you see a sweater in the store and you’re like that’s so UGLY I need it? 100% owns both of these:
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I think he’d wear a lot of yellows/oranges/browns but also blues. Would love a brown corduroy or bomber jacket, or dark/moss green??
The way she was LITERALLY meant to be the main antagonist and then I was like wait but she’s hot lol. Jolie is a very interesting character to me - she won’t be in the next update but she’ll be talked about a lot in the one after 👁️ (Not obvious in the excerpt but the idea is Dorothy’s listing the “colours” of Jolie)
High waisted, baggy jeans distressed at the knee; matching denim jacket rolled up to the elbow. Faded blue. Cheap band print shirt. Blondie. Kitchen scissor-cut fringe. Bleached – originally chestnut. Chipped nails. Cherry lacquer. Round glasses with scotch tape around the bridge. Silver. Triangular face, straight nose. Pale. No makeup besides red lips. Whatever the cheapest red shade at the drugstore was in 1984. Combat boots with heels nobody else would travel in, but Jolie would. Leather black. 5’2. She smiles at Dorothy with her teeth. Lipstick stains her incisors.
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Jolie’s been the hardest to nail appearance wise and it honestly this picrew is the only thing that visualises what’s in my head. 
At 5′3 she’s the shortest out of these five. She’s plus sized, which is another thing I find a lot of picrews don’t show very well unfortunately
She bleaches her hair just before we meet her in the book, and later on we see her cut her hair into a messy mullet style, before that it was shoulder-length. Would never pay for a haircut because hairdressers cannot give her what she wants
A lot of her style is a blend between masculine and feminine. She has a very complicated relationship with her gender identity which she navigates through her expression but she does embrace some elements of femininity, although to her it’s redefined to suit her perception of it. Her style is very similar to Jamie’s from Bly Manor. I think she’d also be influenced by punk and rock fashion.
She’s a gardener and it shows, definitely the type to tuck a little flower behind her ear. 
No character description for him because I scrapped and am currently rewriting the whole chapter where he’s introduced so :( but I will make sure to include it in the next writing update! I love him, he has such pleasant vibes
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There is one picture that is very similar to how I see him, especially because the person in it is wearing a denim jacket and an oversized denim jacket is an Isaias STAPLE. The only problem is the photo is in black and white, also I’d like to see him smile.
I’ve been struggling to nail his hair but the picrew shows it quite well, albeit in a cartoon style. It’s all about the long side part
Besides the denim jacket he wears a lot of turtlenecks when the weather allows it, otherwise he’s a big fan of dress shirts. Loves to wear deep blues and purples. Depending on the weather, he’d also layer up with two jackets over a dress shirt. On the flip side I can see him wearing a pastel coloured blazer as well, like lavender? LOVE that. 
He’s a pretty average height, not short and not very tall. Around 5′8? 
Pretty much always has some kind of bag/backpack with him because he likes to have his notebook on him at All Times. 
I’ll stop myself there because this is getting long! Like I said, I don’t have exact images in my head but I do have well, an image lmao. I do like the idea that people can develop their own image in their head too based on what I’ve described so I hope that was interesting! I’d also love to do some art of these guys so I can show better what I see, but unfortunately my tablet is at my dorm and I’m at home and we are on strict lockdown for the foreseeable future :( someday! 
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riredrhodyblog · 4 years
Appreciating Seán While He Is Away
Day Twenty: Re-Jack-Tion Videos (Part Two)
This Time It’s Personal...!
Okay, seriously! Stop this shit, er... me! 😂🤣
I had so much fun compiling Sean’s Reaction Videos that I decided to make this segment a two-parter. Because, not only is Seán reacting to his videos, he’s also reacting to the reactions of other people!
Jacksepticeye Reacts To Adults React To Jacksepticeye (2016)
He belongs on stage...
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Indeed he does!
I love when I can look back at a video that seems to have predicted the future! And sure, one could say that, when Seán reacted to The Fine Bros’ React Video, he had already been attending PAX Conventions in America for a year when he uploaded this video.
But the woman who made this poignant observation (and is probably around my age) didn’t know that. Nor could she have known that Seán would eventually delight thousands of viewers in person with his very own Tour.
Of which I was able to see two Shows (the fuzzy Tour photo is one of mine).
Boston and Boise, Baby!!
It was incredibly touching to see Seán so nervous and fidgety (while watching people react to him), only to be pleasantly surprised and genuinely delighted by the result.
Even now, after the Channel hit 24 Million Subscribers, Seán’s response to that Milestone was a grateful, yet awed:
Jacksepticeye Reacts To “WatchMojo’s Top 10 Jacksepticeye Videos.” (2018)
This is a “most popular videos” list... and the reason a lot of these are the top picks is because of all of you guys who watch them. Like, all the views that are on those videos are because you guys are just so... loving and so caring and so vocal and so active in the Community and you’re just so nice all the time...
When I saw this original WatchMojo Top 10 List, I have to admit I was overly critical. I thought that their picks weren’t diverse enough.
Even Seán himself was surprised to see an absence of Reading Comments and Skate 3. He was, however, very appreciative towards WatchMojo and I can admit that my initial criticism of their video was a tad harsh.
There’s a lot to love about these types of videos. Particularly when Seán is the one recording them. Plus it gave him the idea to record what is my second to last entry in this Blog.
Anyway, back to Blonde Jacksepticeye...
This is some Inception shit going on, but I love these videos! Whenever Seán and Felix Roast each other, it comes from a place of brotherly love that is so endearing to watch.
“Aw, the good old days. I want the old Jack back.” Really? You want the guy who was miserable and alone and had no one, really, to talk to?
As Seán progresses throuout his career, I feel like he becomes more forthcoming during these Behind The Scenes types of videos. Not to suggest that he was being disingenuous before, but there’s a lot more he feels comfortable divulging.
For example, when he killed Toriel, and then edited it out, in his first Undertale upload. I can understand why he might have been reluctant to mention it until this video.
On a side note, I still shake my head at the presumption of those who thought Seán intentionally left in a measly one-minute pee break for watch time.
But one of my favorite parts of this video is when Seán talks about Robin’s first animation on the Channel. I can almost picture Robin blushing as Seán praises his 3-D style, depth of field and, of course, that adorable little walk cycle!
It’s good to go back and see where you came from. It’s good to go back and explore your roots and remind yourself that: “No, things weren’t always this great.”
Now that I’ve started watching Seán’s earliest videos— and there were some I’d already seen, like Solid Snake, Little Inferno, Journey, The Last Of Us, etc.— I can appreciate this Reaction video even more than I already did.
Edit: I just lost an entire paragraph to an unsaved edit. So, to quote Seán: “I’m gonna leave this one here.” I hope these are still enjoyable and that they get people conversing about their favorites from Our Favorite Irish Potato.
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hyyunjinn · 6 years
Things I Love About Stray Kids (2/∞)
a/n: hello, this is gonna be a series now because 1) I’m really happy this week, like I legit haven’t been this genuinely happy in a long time and 2) I love them more than I thought sO HERE WE GO AGAIN!
okay, this is sad but, the fact that he believes he’s the only one who carries the team? he’s blaming himself for the eliminations and didn’t even want to rejoice with everyone else because he wanted them to forgive him first. like no chan, it was never your fault--you already do so much for the team and everyone knows that. but it’s definitely admirable 
that *O* face he does is super cute yo
hiS CURLY HAIR IS S U C H a look
“i really love you guys”
^^ gave me a heart attack
his awkwardness lmao 
hello can we have a mini series of chan’s kitchen please
yo his killing parts in aLL THE SONGS S I G H 
i love watching him perform
giving his pizza crust to chan slkfjdasfd
that dark blue, red cuffed plaid flannel he wore last ep? A BLESSING
he seems so insecure ever since the “not a main vocal” criticism and like? he’s working so hard? so fill up his role because he feels like he doesn’t uphold it? like idk what “not a main vocal” means but i just want everyone to appreciate how much he’s taking care of himself to improve
he, can dance to Lie, Begin, Dope, Blood Sweat and Tears, Spring Day, idk probably all BTS songs w h a t  t a l e n t
okay but also, we have to talk about that brown jacket/striped shirt look he wore last ep bc it iS C U T E 
he’s also that lowkey weird that if you don’t catch it, you won’t know so he passes off as the normal one of the group and it makes it x4837234 more funnier
him giving up on Felix’s Korean
also, the fact that his earrings are just these black circles and tbh it’s sorta hot b y e
bonus: i miss him so much and i really really really i need more content of him and get to know him better before i combust
is so willing to help everyone in the group oh man he’s so kind
doesn’t even get mad when everyone picks on him and just goes along with it
goes with the flow of things so well--he gets along with everyone pretty nicely and I think that’s pretty cool
H I S  B O Y F R I E N D  O U T F I T S man changbin stans how you doin
what was that extra pose when taking a picture like klasjdflskadf 
like laying on the ground for the perfect angle? wHAT A MOOD
how he wants so badly to improve? i really admire how much effort he’s putting into his rap and it’s really amazing to watch and hear the improvement since hellevator 
he seems like he has his life together and has a pretty nonchalant facade but seeing through the cracks of his insecurities makes him so human and like him so much more than i think i would? 
he’s so bright and happy and optimistic everyone needs a Jisung in our lives
casually just smushes his face into the camera so i can see his pretty eyes duh thanks kid
okay but when he was singing that parody of Don’t Wanna Cry he did this little thing to his vOICE THAT SOUNDS SO AMAZING I CAN’T GET OVER IT LIKE LAKSJDFLASDF WTF TA L E N T
he’s so annoying i love him asldkfjasdf like idk if i like him behind the cam and annoying his members or on screen doing something weird honestly probably both
no but seriously? he’s so optimistic and supports everyone and he’s so wonderful and kind and super talented but i think we know that and s i g h i hope ya’ll appreciate this mess of a boy bc OH MY GOSH I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT I LOVE BRACES JISUNG HAHAHAHHAHAHA
honestly, i really just like his black hair and i think ya’ll should know this 
he’s such a hard worker?? when he showed us the time at 5 in the morning--I have a feeling he stayed up that long rather than waking up at 5 kid don’t do that it’s not healthy but! he’s doing so much and it’s amazing
his orange smile laskfjdlasdf
him adjusting jeongin’s outfit was so cute hehe
the way he clings onto jisung is super cUTE UGH THEY’RE LIKE ATTACHED BY THE HIP AND IT’S SO CUTE idk if it’s bc they’re a day apart so they’re like “WE’RE TWINS NOW” or bc jisung can speak english apparently? something like that?
i think people forget that he’s more than just a meme and a deep voiced boy? i love watching him practice dancing in the background and like? he’s part of dance line? LET ME SEE HIM DANCE MORE OMG
HELLO THIS IS MY UNDERRATED BABY WHO DESERVES THE WORLD bc he’s funny as heck guys why do you not notice this
honestly im gonna say it agaiN: HIS FACIAL EXPRESSIONs especially when he has that dumb dazed look askldfjasdf what a boy
messes around with Jeongin in the back
when he cornered jeongin u H 
he writes things in his journal to improve! and he is! 
i really hope he stands out a little bit more when he performs! i hope he’s working on it! but I also like how if you are a seungmin stan, you’ll notice the small things he does when he performs and it’s like a little secret only people who deserve to know, knows and he knows it’s just between him and his fans saklfjsadf
when he decides to be a lil sht like that one time chan and hyunjin was arguing and he’s just like “we’ll take three ramens and a packet of dumplings” or something like that 
can i just say that his clothing style is probably my favorite because i gush about each outfit he wears like all the time?
he’s so into singing and you can see it every time he does and it’s wonderful
his escalator impression was hecka nice
this baby always has a smile on his face and it’s the most infectious smile ever and i love him i love him please stay as happy as you can be because you deserve everything and more
when he was all shy shy with all the girls screaming his name at the busking: tag yourself i was the girls spiritually yelling his name
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vamytas · 6 years
A (Very Rough & Ready) Guide to Alex’s Tattoos
I’ve been putting this off for a LONG time because I like to be meticulous especially with character visuals but with the amount of tattoos Alex has, especially on his expansive canvas of a 6 foot body, trying to find a pictoral example for EVERY bit of ink is... YEAH lmfao.
* As a guiding note, the indicating ‘left’ & ‘right’ etc. is from HIS left and right. All heart designs are typical cartoon shape unless stated as (anatomical).
Underneath his ear lobe, on the left side of his neck is a hand holding a needle -- designed to look as if it’s pierced through his skin. At the top of the needle is a red thread which curves semi-loosely around the back of his neck and wraps around a red heart below his right earlobe.This can only be seen if you lift (or pull) up his hair since he never, if rarely ever, ties it back high enough. 
FINGERS: Simplified red rose gradually blooming from little to index finger, from bud to full bloom. This is just below the top of his knuckles, below them (closer to his nails) on each finger is a stem with thorns.  HAND: Bull face, directed towards viewer -- lineart with minimal black shading. FOREARM: Basically a flash tattoo / pork-chop sheet mixture (see here & here  -- middle pic). Omitting anything explicitly religious (apart from a cross or two) and culturally appropriative. Includes a range of panthers, snakes, skulls, hummingbird with beak in flower, handcuffs, full figure Betty Boop, inkwell and heart wrapped in barbed wire. All interspersed with Felix the Cat faces and little stars to fill blank spaces. Very clear linework and simple shading, only using bright colours: red, green, blue and yellow. Some of these are done by Alex himself, his first tattoo on his own body being an ouroboros snake.  UPPER ARM: Much of the same as above, except with the addition of a Sailor Jerry style pin-up with blonde hair in a corset and heels. Also a chain band just below his shoulder. SHOULDER: Lucifer from Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights. First tattoo with complex colour-shading, done by his first employer in London who he worked with as apprentice. 
FINGERS: Skeleton anatomy on the full-length of his middle finger and knuckles, the rest of his fingers (near nails) and his thumb are blocked with plain black. HAND: Continues with skeleton anatomy. Entire design is clearly inked style shading (as in nothing that looks anatomically realistic) like this. FOREARM: Contemporary & post-modern designs. Inner forearm is covered with praying mule from And the Ass Saw the Angel book cover. Outer forearm is design pictured on the left here, picture was taken at an exhibition which I have the guide to and artist credit but .. whoever edited it  helpfully didn’t align credit with the picture so I need to manually look up each artist listed to HOPEFULLY find the one who did it.  UPPER ARM / SHOULDER:  Literally cannot describe but is piece by Jef Palumbo. Due to technique being incredibly skilled, I am taking full advantage of fictionality and tattooist with these mad skillz existing in early nineties for Alex’s sake... let him have this ..
The largest / most expansive singular piece on his body. His chest and torso are fully covered with a design I lifted off a Jean Paul Gaultier add and tried editing onto his bawdy for promo graphic a while ago -- unlike graphic, the tattoo would still be in the same colour as Gaultier ad, but yellow of skull would be red instead -- less tribal texture and more lined mark-making like the skull featured in me blog background to the left of Alex’s head (I can’t find the pic in my folder..)
UPPER BACK: This is where a little imagination is required as I’ll just be listing a bunch of images but they’re all collaged in a cohesive/overlapping way like Duncan X’s back -- pic taken by Liam Sparkes. So;  Saint Sebastian by Myles Karr down Alex’s spine. On the left: text from this photo by Tish Murtha complete with exposed brick effect -- in black and white. On the right: text from this, including a stencilised Pauline Boty rendered in Lichtenstein-ish comic print style, with matching Lichtenstein bright colour scheme. These three images together and with a certain scaling form an arc shape across his upper back, and the thread mentioned earlier on the back of his neck hangs an inch above the Saint Sebastian’s hands. Spaces in between filled by Jemma Jones style flash tattoos. LOWER BACK: I’m getting lazy so again, just imagine in style of Sparkes tattoos summat like this mixed with this on the left and again more flash tattoos imposed between and over blank spaces.
Handprints on each harr harr.
ASS // 
🙊 Only his partners know ... unless you attend classes where he poses for life drawing
THIGH (FRONT): Entire leg is surrealist/dadaist themed. Whole front of thigh is coverd by this collage by Otto D’Ambra. THIGH (BACK): Under his butt: Eliott Lane. Under that, another Otto D’Ambra. Around them, these (1, 2) by Caleb Kilby, and top middle illustration by Kathryn Kirk. KNEE: Left eye of Siouxsie Sioux, (right eye on his right knee). I’m imagining these are also embellished around the edges by a circular labyrinth symbol pattern to fit the shape of his knee joint.  SHIN: Fish-head man by Kerry-Anne Richardson, black and white. CALF: Hannah Hoch collage, but in black and white -- rendered much like D’Ambra tattoo on the front of his thigh (semi-realistic pointilism shading for woman’s face, simplified basic outline for images surrounding it). ANKLE: Smoking bunny by Sarah Whitehouse. * Spaces between these main pieces are filled by flash tattoos in style of Liam Sparkes. Entire leg is only black ink.
THIGH (FRONT): Entire leg mirrors left arm in a mixture of classic tattoo designs/styles with pop-culture & illustrative character leanings. Multi-eyed devil (??) piece by Kerry-Anne Richardson. Full colour. Fishnet leggies by Just Jen on inside of thigh. THIGH (BACK): Skull emerging from chrysanthemum by Ben Shaw, underneath that: crescent moon by Kerry-Anne Richardson. KNEE: Aforementioned Siouxsie Sioux eye in labyrinth. SHIN: Wolf in sheep’s clothing by Iain Sellar.  CALF: THIS!!!!!!!! by Charissa Gregson. He hasn’t got a name yet.. suggestions welcome. Below him, more Iain Sellar stuff. ANKLE: Peachy-keen, piece by Holly Ashby. * Spaces in between main pieces on thigh are filled by Dennis the Menace & Peanuts panel. Out of sheer self-indulgence I’m adding this lady. Every other blank space refers back to Sparkes and Jemma Jones flash tattoos.
He doesn’t have any on his feet because he’s ticklish there..
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avocadomin-remade · 4 years
✨ tagged/*mine 🥺🥺
one: it’s been so long since i’ve seen something in the comic book style and i really like what you did with it here. the cover is vv nice with the yellow and all the photos and gifs chosen are so cute :(
two: i like all the part for the text series but this one is my fave lsjdhfsd all the texts just fits so well with the gifs 10/10
three: rockruff is a perfect pokemon choice for seungmin!! the photos and gifs are perfect esp the bottom left just pure devastation :(
four: sparkly felix!! they’re subtle but they really add a lot to them and the coloring is just so pretty i love the blues~
five: i love this recent coloring you’ve had the past few sets with the green and red(ish) highlights!! i really like all of them, so i just chose cute binnie cause you can never lost with that sdfghjl also your power to be able to get skin tones to match decently is amazing!!
creators: send me ✨ + the link to your creations and I’ll answer with my top five favorite edits of yours!
0 notes
t-baba · 4 years
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12 Modern and Beautiful Mobile App UI Kits With Source Code
A mobile app UI kit is a great way to get started with the design for your next app. Each one is a complete mobile app ui design template, with a complete set of assets for every part of your app's user interface. And these UI Kits are more than just Photoshop PSD files—they contain complete working Android source code! Many of them also come with PSD or Sketch files, to make it easy to customize any assets. 
By adding a premium UI kit to your mobile app, you will be able to create a fully functional and visually pleasing experience for your customers. This will allow you to create a connection with your audience and ensure the best possible app experience. 
In this post we'll look at Android, Flutter, React Native, and Ionic mobile app UI kits. 
Shoppy UI Kit is one of the many high quality Mobil App UI Kits available on CodeCanyon
 The user interface on for an application is what enables your customer to interact with your app, your brand, and your business. This makes it incredibly important to have a UI that has a modern design and is easy to use. The UI kits available on CodeCanyon will allow you to seamlessly integrate a professionally designed UI kit into your specific app.
The Best UI Kits for Beautiful Mobile Apps on CodeCanyon
Discover Envato Market's CodeCanyon's library featuring some of the best mobile UI kits available on the web. With a cheap one-time payment, you can purchase one of these high-quality mobile UI kits and add them to your project. 
Here are a few of the best mobile UI kits available on CodeCanyon for 2020.
Check out some of the best-selling mobile UI kits available on CodeCanyon.
By integrating a professionally designed UI kit in your app development, you will be able to save time and money during the development process and will be able to release your next app with an interface that has been tried and tested. 
By taking advantage of the premium mobile UI kits available on CodeCanyon, you will have access to a diverse set of UI kits that will work for a variety of different businesses such as:
food delivery services
music services
taxi and rideshare services
Top 13 UI Kits for Mobile Apps (From CodeCanyon for 2020)
Let's take a look at the 13 of the best-selling mobile UI kits available for you to download on CodeCanyon in 2020. 
1. Prokit—Android UI Kit with SoftUI
Prokit is an Android app design template that contains UI elements and styles based on material design guidelines. You can combine and edit any UI element, text, or image with ease. This template will work for all different types of businesses that need a clean and modern UI design. It includes full source code for every screen.
Here are a few notable features for this UI kit:
walk through screen
sign in screen
sign up screen
profile screen
dashboard screen
side menu screen
2. Flutter E-Commerce UI KIT Template
This mobile UI kit is fit for Android and iOS as well as Google Fuchsia. It uses the new open-source Flutter framework created by Google. The UI kit features 32 different screens for your eCommerce app. Each screen comes with well-written source code. The developers made sure that the kit would integrate easily with your back-end. 
Here is what you can expect in this UI kit:
clean code comments in all code
multi-language support
clean modern design
animation controller
responsive design
3. Material Design Templates
This Material Design mobile app UI kit provides app developers with an easy and practical way to make their apps. There are a whopping 200+ screen templates for you to choose from that are spread across 9 different categories such as login screens, profiles, and menu navigation. This powerhouse UI kit is a must-have for any coder that needs to build a professional UI.  
Here is what users are saying about this UI kit:
"Best Design Ever. It's like my Android project came to life. Also a great author. An excellent Support. I would give 10 Stars." — PrettifyStudio
4. Felix Travel
Felix Travel is a modern React Native UI kit and app template designed for travel and booking applications. You can easily integrate a screen for hotel reservations, tour bookings, car rentals, flight bookings, and much more. Included are 100+ sample screens and 40+ reusable React Native components. 
View the video preview of this app to see it in action!
5. Hotel Booking Flutter UI kit
This hotel booking UI kit contains 30+ screens with different types of UI components. It is fully functional in Android and iOS and will help you save time developing your front-end layout. The UI kit features all the necessary details for a hotel booking application such as person details, room images, and amenities. 
Take a look at of few of the screenshots to see if this mobile app design template can work for your business. 
6. Shoppy Ecommerce UI Kit
This stylish looking Android app design template and template is made for eCommerce stores for Android phones. The kit comes with 21 unique screens and features a minimalistic design that is sure to give your app a modern look. It includes mobile UI design PSD files and complete source code for each screen. Here is what you can expect in this UI kit:
product filters
product details
navigation menus 
social login 
This is what customers are saying about this UI kit:
"Great UI kit and support! Would buy from this developer again." — natech1006
7. Ionic Stencil Essential
Ionic Stencil Essential is a versatile Ionic app UI kit that has an eye-catching interface that will deliver a quality user experience. This kit can be used for all types of apps that you are running and comes with a collection of 45+ screens that you can easily customize. Here are a few reasons why Ionic Stencil Essential can be a good fit for you:
numerous themes out of the box
45+ screens to use and customize
user-friendly interface
detailed documentation
free updates
quick and efficient support
8. Food Delivery Flutter App UI Kit
This food delivery UI kit features 25+ screens and a dark and bright theme. Whatever type of food delivery service you will be offering, this app template can be customized to fit your needs. The screens are coded in Flutter, so the app will work on both Android and iOS.
Here is what you can expect from this food deliver UI Kit:
60+ components
multiple restaurant UI elements
clean and organized Dart-language code
easy customization
ready-to-use animations
9. Deco News
This news app Android UI kit features a stunning design and comes with a wide array of cutting-edge features that make your life as a developer much easier. You can expect to see features such as AdMob & Firebase integration, push notifications, deep linking, and much more. 
The template comes with Android source code, and Photoshop PSD and Sketch design files.
Here is what users of this Android news UI kit are saying about it. 
"Awesome app. The app is really good and easy to customize to my needs. The support was amazing. They answered all my questions and provided all the support I needed." — hostzo
10. Rapid UI Kit
This Android UI kit is ideal for your next home service app. You can easily change text, colors, graphics, and photos to fit your particular businesses' needs. The app features templates for 9 home service categories and comes with 100+ screens. If at any time you have any issues with the UI kit, the customer support responds promptly. 
Every screen includes Sketch design files and full Android source code.
11. Medico Flutter App UI Kit
This Flutter-built iOS and Android app UI kit is meant for medical businesses. The UI kit comes with full documentation so you can easily integrate the kit into your app. There are 65+ components and 25+ screens that come with your purchase. 
Here are a few of the screens you can expect this kit to come with:
walkthrough screens 
doctors details
booking doctor
booking appointment details
medicines list
checkout medicaments
12. Arivaa Built with Firebase
The Arivaa React Native UI kit features 25+ UI elements. It stands out from the other options because of built-in Firebase integration. Every screen comes with full source code, so you can build on it to create apps for a wide range of businesses from food delivery to booking.
Here are a few notable features for this kit:
API to send Expo notifications from Firebase
social login
maps and geolocation
realtime data updates
Here is what customers are saying about Arivaa:
Excellent code quality and, in my specific case, I received excellent support from the developer. Really great quality of development and service! — alexholz
5 Free UI Kits for Mobile Apps for Download in 2020
By purchasing a premium mobile UI kit or mobile app design template, you will receive the best UI kits available on the market. The number of features and the quality of the designs will contribute to a better overall user experience. More importantly, your kit will come with complete source code to the finished screen—most free kits will only come with PSD or Sketch design files that you need to code yourself.
However, if you're on a budget, you might not want to purchase these premium UI kits. So below I have collected 5 of the best free mobile app UI kits available today.
1. Auto-Animate UI Kit
The free UI kit, Auto-Animate, is a great starter kit. It gives you all the standard UI elements, basic interactions, and drag examples. This can be used to fit a wide range of app types. 
2. Clean & Modern iOS UI Kit
This free mobile app UI kit gives your users a clean and modern design. The kit features 10 different screens including login, homepage, profile, and timeline screens. The kit comes as a Photoshop file. 
3. Concept App
This concept app features a messaging, profile, and favorites screen. If you are in need of an app that requires more interaction between the users, then this will kit will work well. This UI was designed specifically for iOS.
4. Nerdial App UI
The Nerdial App UI features thin lines, large photos, flat colors, transparent shapes, and outlined icons. The app comes with 8 screens and versions for Photoshop and Sketch. 
5. Mobile Material Screens
This free mobile UI kit was made specifically for To Do applications. The kit contains layered elements in a Photoshop PSD mobile app design template—ready for customization. The screens included are a login screen, welcome page, user form, and chart form. 
Explore More High-Quality Mobile App UI Kits for 2020
For this list I've picked some of the best mobile app ui kits available for 2020, but they not be exactly what you are looking. 
If none of the UI kits mentioned have the features needed to execute your app idea, then don't hesitate to view our other articles that contain even more high-quality premium and free mobile app UI kits:
Mobile Development
12 Mobile App Icons, UI Kits, and Other Graphics to Make Your Mobile Apps Shine
Nona Blackman
React Native
5 React Native UI Kits, Themes, and App Templates
Kyle Sloka-Frey
Take Advantage of the Mobile App UI Kits Available on CodeCanyon Now!
If you are looking to create a more visually appealing and feature-rich mobile app that gives you customers the best possible user experience, then head on over to CodeCanyon and browse our library of eye-catching and user-friendly mobile UI kits. 
These high-quality mobile UI kits allow you to integrate a modern UI kit that can compete with others in your industry.
While you are on CodeCanyon, check out the thousands of mobile app UI kits and templates available.
by Daniel Strongin via Envato Tuts+ Code https://ift.tt/2YNzCxB
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kingsofeverything · 7 years
Hello my luv, I see you doing fic and art appreciation once in a while so I thought I'd give asking for recs a shot. I really love plot heavy fics (the longer the better, some of my favourites are the top gun au, young and beautiful, liarb and everything by zarah5 and some random author you won't know called fullonlarrie. But i also really loved another hazy may (also as in it's quite short for me). Do you happen to have recomendations?
lol i read this 3x before i realized you listed me in there! 
i’m going to start off by saying that i am horrible at reccing fics. horrible. AND i don’t usually care for long fics at all. i always send people to @softhie and @nottooldforthisship for fic recs because they’re PROS. and also, i will always feel like i’m leaving someone out and that sucks.
so the first fic i thought of was swallow my words by yesisaworld ~33k words
and then i thought about all of the big bang fics and summer exchange fics that have come out so far (i wrote for both!)
and then i went and asked @louandhazaf because she’s much better at this sort of thing. and the best part of this fic rec is that i have more fics to read, because i haven’t read a lot of them (i’m a horrible person) and then i had to put them below the cut because i pasted the descriptions and this got long and you’ve probably read some of them:
Or Brûlant by iris_avis (starryeyedlarry) ~90k words
After completing his prestigious dance training overseas, Harry returns to England to begin teaching in one of London's elite ballet schools. Only, certain dancers aren't too happy to have him suddenly on board. Or his well-fitted lycra uniform. Throw in some unusual dynamics, tense elevation demonstrations and an unlikely dance partnership, and you've got yourself a pretty interesting edition of Matthew Bourne's 'Swan Lake'.
Or the one where Harry is the new ballet teacher, despite him being younger than everyone in his class, and Louis is less than impressed by his inescapable talent. They sort themselves out eventually.
Paint Me In A Million Dreams by @greenfeelings ~110k words
Harry's one of Hollywood's biggest actors, has made a name for himself in prestigious films and lives the life of a superstar. There's just one thing missing to make it picture-perfect, but the one Harry's in love with is completely out of reach for him. Enter Louis, one of Hollywood's biggest actors himself, who just came out of the closet and taps new genres in the industry. When Louis sacks the role Harry auditioned for in Scorsese's next big film, their irrational feud starts. Who could have guessed it would get even worse when for promo season, their teams decide to present them as a couple for publicity?
In short, Harry's in love with someone and doesn't care about dating anyone else, Louis never felt home in L.A., Liam writes love songs for someone he shouldn't write love songs to, and Niall makes everything better with good food.
Domestic Monsters Series by g_uttertrash
(summary of pt 1) Harry is a witch from a long line of power, an ancient line that’s one of the strongest left alive in their hemisphere. He can cast spells without a word if need be, fly on a broomstick, and has a black cat (a kitten, really) named Felix that is his animal familiar. He can shape galaxies in his cupped hands and can destroy them just as easily. He can choose exactly how to use his power, for encouragement and support, or for more nefarious causes if he wishes to.And as fate would have it, he’s scared of haunted houses.(Harry is a witch who carries around a stuffed pumpkin, Louis is a vampire with too much time on his hands, and their best mates Zayn & Niall aren't exactly what they seem...)
Adore You by isthatyoularry ~67k words
“We invited our new acquaintances from uptown. You’ve simply got to meet their oldest son!” said his mother with a flourish, and suddenly it became abundantly clear as to why his parents had so adamantly demanded he join them in Deansville for the entirety of the summer.
Against his wishes, Harry spends the holidays at his family’s summer estate, and is reluctantly pulled into a courtship he didn’t ask for. Harry doesn’t want to get married, but Louis does. They don’t fit, but then again they really, really do.
Vaguely set in the 1920’s. Headpieces, jazz, fashionable canes, and flapper dresses, and that.
Here In The Afterglow by fondleeds ~89k words
“If you hadn’t noticed, I don’t have many friends,” Louis whispers, the blossom of insecurity in his stomach unfurling and clawing its way into his throat.
Harry is silent for a long time, and then he speaks; a soft, slow uncurl that makes Louis’ stomach shake. “I’ll be your friend.”
1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
I Only Ever Want You by itsmiz ~180k words
Louis and Harry's relationship goes through a series of changes while Liam and Zayn discover new things about themselves, as well.
Or: Louis & Harry and Liam & Zayn begin to have sex in front of each other and a lot of kink-discovery results from that.
Run Like The Devil by Benzos ~138k words
Harry stops pouting, but his frown is still fixed in place. “Are you sure?” he asks. “You know it’s your soul you’re signing away.” He sounds…sad? No, that’s not right, but there’s something.
Christ. This is the most incompetent demon Louis’ ever met. If he hadn’t seen the red of his eyes he wouldn’t believe he was a demon at all. How’d he get this job if he isn’t trying to convince Louis to deal? Or is it just another trick? A ploy for sympathy?
“I’m sure,” Louis says. “Come over here and kiss me.”
Supernatural AU. Louis hunts demons; Harry's the strangest demon he's ever met, and he keeps fucking meeting him.
Fool’s Gold by @tvshows-addict  ~55k words
Leaflet for Over Again Inc.
“In relationships, there are three types of people: those who are happy, those who are unhappy but accept it and deal, those who are unhappy and in denial. Handling this last category is our job: we are professional couple breakers. To reach our goal, we use all means necessary.”
Or the Arnacoeur AU in which Harry is scheduled to be married to Liam in 10 days and Harry’s mother hires Louis and his team to break them up.
When We Were Younger by @dinosaursmate (waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee) ~76k words
About a week after Harry started visiting this particular chat room, he was watching some kid argue with the whole room about football, personally disinterested as he tipped a bag of crisps into his mouth. He happily chomped on the crumbs, taking a swig from a glass of Ribena to wash them down, glancing at the screen and very nearly spat the squash back out again.His heart was pounding wildly. The display icon of the argumentative newcomer had caught his eye, and not in a good way. He gulped as he clicked the picture, and when it popped up in full resolution, his heart nearly fell right out of his arse.-Sixteen year old Harry Styles’ world turns upside down when he logs on to gay teen chat to discover somebody has stolen his photos and used them as their own. 
Saved Tonight by objectlesson @horsegirlharry ~30k words
Harry is the world's most persistent seduction-baker, a questionable dog-sitter, and Louis's biggest fan. Louis hasn't written in years, is trying to pass loneliness off as cynicism, and absolutely hates his fans. It's probably destiny.
Feels Like Coming Home by @phd-mama  ~60k words
The last thing Harry Styles expects when he's hanging out at the Someday Cafe in Somerville one rainy October day is for his ex, Louis Tomlinson to walk through the door, but that's exactly what happens. After a spectacularly ugly break-up three years prior, Harry hasn't heard one word from Louis, and he's moved on. Gotten over him. But having Louis back in his life, not to mention working at the restaurant where he's a chef, isn't easy, and the feelings that Harry thought he'd left turn out to be not so easily forgotten.
This is a story about love and the power of forgiveness, and how the hard choices we make define us, and change our lives.
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whatiwore · 7 years
Room to Grow in a Colorful Boy’s Bedroom
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We’re on a roll updating the farmhouse and today I’m so excited to post photos of Felix’s room! While most of my decorating preferences lean towards neutrals, I just love color in kids’ rooms. I incorporated many of the items from Felix’s bright nursery (first here and updated here) from our old house but went bold with colorful walls, ceiling and door. Come on in and lemme show you around!
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Is it sacrilegious to use paint chips from one company and have them matched elsewhere? If so I’m going to decorating hell because that’s exactly what I did in this room. The pale blue walls are ‘Poolside’ from Benjamin Moore, but filled at Lowe’s using Valspar Signature in a matte finish. Ditto goes for the ceiling (China Blue) and darker walls (Blueberry). I’ve used a couple of brands of paint in the past month and I think the middle range paints are very comparable. But if you want the Cadillac of paint, Aura from Benjamin Moore is really superior (I used it on his door in Yosimite Blue and a satin finish) and the coverage and final look are incredible. It’s pricey and I only bought a quart, but it was worth it.
NOTE: I've edited these photos to reflect the paint colors I see in real life, but all screens will display them differently. I absolutely recommend taking home paint swatches before committing to a full gallon!
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As you can see, we’ve upgraded to a full sized bed, but we’ve actually had it for a while now. Adam did a ton of research and based on his findings, we bought a Casper mattress (not sponsored, but you can get $75 off if you use my promo code). We also have a foam mattress in our room and I think Felix’s is better. In fact, both parents regularly zonk out in there when we put him to bed and because it doesn’t have springs, it’s easier to Houdini out once he’s off in dreamland. 
Behind it, check out that amazing Jenny Lind headboard. Errr... footboard! I bought it last weekend at this amazing garage sale for... $4.50. The real headboard was falling apart so I asked if I could just take this end. I cleaned it and then painted it using Valspar Signature in Lovely Love Song with a satin finish. I SHOULD HAVE PRIMED IT because it took about five coats. I wanted to apply them thinly as to not get brush strokes (which are still kinda there) but I also came away from it thinking... I found this, I updated this, this is not a factory finish, and I’m ok with that. 
The sheets and quilt are what inspired the painting pallet at the start of this project. Big thanks to my mom who generously bought them for us! We chose the Pillowfort whale watching sheets, a navy bed skirt and a two toned navy quilt (it photographs more colbalt, but it’s a true navy IRL). Again, not sponsored but the quality of the quilt (which has been through the wash three times already) is really lovely and it would be great in an adult’s room too. The two other navy shams were from our linen closet. The rainbow pillow was from our previous nursery, the yellow one came with the Monte rocker and the teddy bear was a gift.
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We found this little wooden desk in the garage and it was made by the original owner of the house! I brought it back to life with a coat of butcher’s block wax and I think it’s perfect for a child’s room! It serves the dual purpose of being a bedside table as well.  The lamp was either a garage or Goodwill find that’s been in the nursery all along. I covered the shade for Bea Bea’s nursery (which, sorry, I never got good photos of!) in the wide yellow stripe. The ABC print was also in her nursery and I updated it with a little washi tape.  I also updated the chair. You might remember it from my Instastories a while back. I found a set of four and at the time we were considering furnishing the old house as an Air BnB rental. These were going to be the dining room chairs.  Now that we’re set to close on that house, I had them here for a project. I spray painted it a bright yellow, which took about 4-5 coats to get in all of the nooks and cranies. I’m glad I did though! It’s a nice pop next to the wooden desk. The map print trashcan is a second hand vintage find from years ago.
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Babies love being rocked to sleep and I have nursed both of my kids hundreds of times in this rocking chair. I bought it before I had a million other things to spend money on, and truth be told, it’s pricey. I justified it by thinking it would be a nice addition to any room in the house eventually and I think that’s still true. It’s on sale at Land of Nod if you’re so inclined to check it out.  I designed and made the rainbow quilt and the yellow and white blanket was a gift to my mom when she was pregnant with me. The little fox was also a gift (side note! I saw our little fox again this morning! I have such a huge crush on him!!!!)
We’ve got mega wide (128″) windows, so it took four panels to span across. We bought navy and white striped blackout curtains (also Pillowfort from Target). The curtain rod was repurposed from our living room and I painted it the same dark blue as the back wall - it practically disappears! 
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You don’t see a lot of toys here... because they’ve all been in storage for a couple of months. It’s amazing how little kids need and how much they can imagine on their own. In addition to “my giraffey friend” (baby shower gift), the fire truck (from Nana, found at a garage sale) and some wooden stacking and bead toys (similar), we have blocks and trains in the family room. Eventually we’ll rotate in some of his old toys, but less is more with that one for us.
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The bookcase was made by my dad and Adam before Felix was born. It’s filled with his books and stuffed animals that we’ve received as gifts. Honestly it’s usually a sort of mass collection of books and not well organized, so I just took everything out, stacked books into rainbow colors and placed them back in that way. I’m calling it clean/semi-styled. I promise you it will not look like this a week from now, but hey! if he’s grabbing books and “reading” them I’m not complaining!
The vintage pull down school map is something I’ve wanted in a kid's room for a long time and I had seen it at an antique store a while back. After we painted the walls, I kept thinking about the map and luckily it was still available!! One thing I’ve realized is that if you see a second hand piece you love, get it then and there! Etsy also has some of these beauties if you don’t want to treasure hunt forever to find one! The colors on ours happen to match perfectly and it was a complete accident! I originally had it over the dresser/changing table, but both kids (especially Bea) played with it and while it’s not an old antique, it’s too nice to potential get poop on. Ha! It also matches the width of the book shelf better, and I love how it just pops off the wall!
I haven’t done much in the way of putting stuff on the walls besides the map and the kitty prints over the bed. Those are also from Felix’s nursery. I used bright poster board and cat treats to get these shots of our Raymond and Gizmo and are printed on canvas. We also kept the rainbow balloon Adam and I bought on our last solo vacation before kids and we still love it! 
I’m so in love with this room! It’s absolutely possible to make an update incorporating sentimental nursery items with practical pieces that will grow into boyhood. Thanks to my parents helping us out, I only bought paint, the vintage map and the new headboard specifically for this space! Everything else was brought along from the nursery or repurposed from elsewhere in the house!
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Ed. Note: Contributor Wesley is back with another roundup of amazing live music in Memphis for the month of September. Which one will you see this month?  Magnolia, photo by @melodramaticart on Instagram TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 Mac Sabbath at the Hi Tone, 9 p.m., $15+ Photo by Mac Sabbath If you like heavy metal and even heavier calorie counts, then you may find that Mac Sabbath will satiate that specific hunger. This LA band is Ronald McDonald and his friends parodying Black Sabbath songs, replacing lines like “Heavy boots of lead / fills his victims full of dread” with “Heavy longing for bed / fry these cows until you’re fed.” Comedy gold(en arches), folks. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Aktion Kat album release show at Murphy’s, 9 p.m., $5 Local band Aktion Kat is three guys summoning feline personas. Not the Andrew Lloyd Webber kind, either. More like Fritz the Cat. They’re releasing their album Outa The Bag! on September 4 on all streaming platforms, but you can catch them live the following night. See the music video for their single “Good-N-Tha-Bad” above. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Live Score to Seijun Suzuki’s Detective Bureau 2-3: Go To Hell Bastards! at The Green Room, 7:30 p.m., 10$ Japanese cult filmmaker Seijun Suzuki’s work was largely unknown in the west until the late 90s when fellow cult filmmakers like Quentin Tarantino and Jim Jarmusch introduced his Yakuza B-movie stylings to American audiences within their own works. Suzuki’s 1963 film Detective Bureau 2-3: Go To Hell Bastards! is known not only for its over-the-top action sequences, but also for its electrifying Afro-Brazillian jazz-inspired soundtrack. Head to The Green Room at Crosstown Arts for a screening of film complete with a live score from Joe Restivo, Marc Franklin, Landon Moore, Pat Fusco, George Sluppick, and Felix Hernandez. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 Future-Everything Presents at Growlers, 8 p.m., $5, 18+ Music and art label Future-Everything works with artists worldwide, but has a rooted presence in Memphis. On September 7, a fire lineup of their best DJs and producers will be showcasing their original house, techno, juke and club mixes: Qemist, Strooly, DJ DanceAlone, TEHKAL, and MarceauxMarceaux. If you like dancing, vibing, and being a big ol’ freak, plan to be here. Check the playlist below for a sample. Decibel Concert: Magnolia at The CMPLX, 8 p.m., $10 I first heard Magnolia when I was writing about her for an I Love Memphis feature two years ago, and I’ve been a fan of her wavy, intimate sound ever since. She’s being hosted by The Collective to perform in their Decibel Concert series at The CMPLX, which will be the perfect venue to experience her music. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 D.D. Island / Schaefer Llana / Spence Bailey / Day Kisser at the Hi Tone, 8 p.m., $7  Seven bucks gets you four great shows at the Hi Tone on September 12. Nashville’s D.D. Island is a singer-songwriter who makes sad pool party music. Schaefer Llana hails from Mississippi but already has at least one foot entrenched in the Memphis music scene thanks to her raw and relatable brand of indie. Local friends Spence Bailey and Day Kisser round out the lineup.   Gladys Knight and Jeffrey Osborne at The Orpheum, 8 p.m., $68+ Photo by Southern Heritage Classic Leave on that 8 p.m. Lyft to the Orpheum to see the Empress of Soul herself, Gladys Knight. This show, which is part of the 30th annual Southern Heritage Classic, also features “On The Wings of Love” singer Jeffrey Osborne. You and your Mom will love this one. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 Kevin Gates at FedExForum, 7:30 p.m., $39+ Kevin Gates, photo by Jimmy Fontaine with Atlantic Records Kevin Gates is a weird dude. I won’t go into detail (mostly because it probably wouldn’t get past my editor, Holly), but if you want to spend maybe half an hour going “ewww” then do some Googling. That being said, he’s a layered artist and solid rapper who radiates originality and puts on a great live performance even if he’s dumb as hell on Instagram sometimes. He’ll be bringing some friends with him for his FedExForum show who’ve yet to be announced, so check back for updates if you’re interested. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Cooper Young Fest at Cooper + Young, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. (music from 12:15 p.m. – 6 pm.), free One of the largest one-day events in the entire state, the annual Cooper Young Festival features hundreds of arts and crafts vendors, lots of food and even more to drink, and three stages of live music that take over the neighborhood to attract 130,000 people. Check out the full lineup here, including headliners The ShotGunBillys on the Main Stage and local favorites like Harlan, Lucky 7 Brass Band, Marcella, and James & The Ultrasounds on the We Are Memphis stage. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Aztec Sun at the Levitt Shell, 7 p.m., free, all ages Photo by Aztec Sun I’m a sucker for big jazzy-fusiony bands, so coming across this group was a delight. Aztec Sun is coming from D.C. to the Levitt Shell to put some groove in your Summer night. Bring a blanket, but you may not be sitting on it for long. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 GONERFEST 16, various venues, free-$75 GONERFEST 16 is three days of insanity brought to you by 36 bands from across the world. Fans of garage rock, punk, noise, and everything in between will enjoy this year’s lineup, which includes local favorites like Sweet Knives, NOTS, and The Oblivians alongside out-of-towners like Giorgio Murderer (New Orleans) and way-out-of-towners King Brothers (Osaka, Japan) Yola at the Levitt Shell, 7 p.m., free, all ages Americana musician and English-native Yola Carter’s career is storybook—born to a poor family who banned music in the home, she secretly pursued a career as a vocalist, eventually releasing her own albums and singing backup for big English names like Massive Attack and The Chemical Brothers. Her latest album Walk Through Fire was produced by The Black Keys frontman and guitarist Dan Auerbach and was lauded as “the work of an artist sure to stun audiences for years to come” by NPR. Memphis Songwriters Series at Halloran Centre, September 26, 7 p.m., $5 minimum donation at the door Local songwriter Mark Edgar Stuart kicks off a new concert series at the Orpheum this September. The first edition of the Memphis Songwriters Series features Grace Askew, Mike Doughty, and McKenna Bray, and Brooke Fair. These four will present original songs and the stories behind them in the intimate setting of the Halloran Centre’s theater. About The Author Wesley Morgan Paraham is a Memphis native, a University of Memphis graduate, freelance writer and PR professional who spends most of his free time in his Midtown apartment playing video games with his partner. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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biofunmy · 5 years
Can Virgil Abloh Fit in a Museum?
CHICAGO — There is one room in “Figures of Speech,” the Virgil Abloh exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, that vividly demonstrates how his aesthetic principles, emotional range and commercial ambitions all cohabitate cozily.
On one wall is an Inez & Vinoodh triptych of a young black child playing with Louis Vuitton items, from Mr. Abloh’s first ad campaign as the artistic director of Louis Vuitton men’s wear design. The most striking is the middle image, in which a girl wears a psychedelically colorful sweater with a “Wizard of Oz” theme — is draped in it, actually — with small, fragile origami paper boats strewn at her feet. Her left arm is outstretched and she’s gazing off into the distance — it’s beatific.
But step to the other side of the room and see these photographs anew. On the floor in front of you will be a sculpture of a sort, an array of 16 numbered yellow markers, the kind used to denote the location of evidence at a crime scene. (What’s not on any information card is that 16 is the number of shots a Chicago police officer fired at Laquan McDonald in 2014, killing him.)
On the floor, there is tragedy. On the wall, there is hope.
It was also striking just how many people stepped right around the ghost on the floor — barely noticing it, if at all, as they snapped photos of an ad.
[Read more about Virgil Abloh on his career and the MCA exhibition.]
This midcareer retrospective of Mr. Abloh’s work turns on unanticipated juxtapositions — visual, sociopolitical and even structural. As an artist, he’s a light-touch conceptualist, his work a series of small disassemblies and reassemblies. Mr. Abloh trained as an architect and was Kanye West’s right-hand man for several years before branching out and becoming a fashion designer for Louis Vuitton and his own line, Off-White; a D.J.; a visual imagineer for other clients; and a collaborator with Nike, Ikea, the Red Cross and others.
He is the standard-bearer for the internet-speed globalization of haute post-hip-hop style, suggesting that the chasm between taking a marker to your shoes and ending up the head designer at an iconic fashion house may not be as vast as it once seemed.
That he has achieved so much so rapidly is its own provocation, one amplified by “Figures of Speech.” It is his first museum exhibition, and fundamentally it asks how a museum — by practice, a static institution — can capture and convey the work of someone who moves quickly, has prodigious output, and who isn’t nearly as preoccupied with what he did yesterday as what he might do tomorrow.
HIP-HOP, STREETWEAR, SKATEBOARDING AND GRAFFITI are all art practices born of resistance, and by the time Mr. Abloh found them, they were eking their way into institutions. More than any of his generational peers, he has applied their disruptive urges in new contexts.
His art is about besting capitalism — from within. He has a just-make-it ethos; the essence of his work is process as much as product. In a 2017 lecture at the Harvard Graduate School of Design — published as a book, “Insert Complicated Title Here” — he focused on “shortcuts,” about how changing an existing thing just 3 percent is often enough. “I’m sure that you’re trying to challenge yourself to invent something new, trying to be avant-garde,” he told the students. “Basically, that’s impossible.”
For Mr. Abloh, there is no art practice outside the mode of consumption. You sense that for him, the sneaker in the store (which costs you money) and the picture of the sneaker in the store that goes on Instagram (which costs you time) serve effectively the same purpose.
That same blitheness is at work in “Figures of Speech,” curated by Michael Darling, which gives equal weight and space to Mr. Abloh’s most meaningful work and his loosest-conceived projects. Perhaps most jarringly, the space given over to his signature work — his fashion design for Louis Vuitton and Off-White, his various sneaker prototypes for Nike — is rather small.
In the second gallery, clothes hang on racks that make it tough to appreciate the unusual details — whether in terms of silhouette, or design in-jokes — that Mr. Abloh has made his stock in trade. At the end of one rack are some prototype Vuitton pieces with a strip of paper attached that reads “LEWIS VUITTON,” an intriguing in-house tweaking of a design lineage that could also fit in at a group exhibition at a Bushwick art gallery. (Such garments were never actually produced.)
Later, a grid of Abloh/Nike prototype sneakers has been set at ground level. Presumably artifacts like these are what draw many people to the exhibition, but the presentation minimizes their importance and their strengths.
There is a kind of exhibition that’s effective for work like this, something more process-focused that shows the inspiration and the innovation side by side — a display of tools, techniques and gambits.
In places here, that happens — mentioning Calder on the wall text next to a mobile-like sculpture made of pink insulation foam, or pointing out the Caravaggio that was referenced in his earliest clothing line, Pyrex Vision. But some are obscured: the oversize version of the clear CD case Mr. Abloh designed for Kanye West’s “Yeezus” album is missing any mention of Peter Saville, a mentor of Mr. Abloh’s, who did something similar for New Order.
BORROWING IS IN MR. ABLOH’S DNA, and one of the unlikely pleasures of this exhibition is the way he freely absorbs the work of others. One wall is completely wheatpasted with posters of the Chicago rapper Chief Keef wearing a Supreme T-shirt, photographed by Ari Marcopoulos — it all clings to the wall like a proud stunt, one of several places where Mr. Abloh imports a vernacular context into the museum setting. Similarly, there are works made of concrete cast to resemble outdoor benches that would be manna to skateboarders.
Mr. Abloh also applies that mode of creative direction to his own emotions. In one case, he displays some of his gold and platinum paper-clip jewelry (by the celebrity jeweler Jacob Arabo), made-real versions of pieces he once fashioned for himself out of actual paper clips, an aspirational nod to the luxury rapper chains he never expected to be able to afford.
Just across the gallery from those pieces is one of the show’s most convincing arrangements. On the left is Mr. Abloh’s D.J. setup — austerely beautiful wooden speakers (by Devon Turnbull), glimmering CD turntables (by Pioneer DJ) — presented as a shrine. And hanging on the wall to the right is a cease and desist letter from the United Nations chiding Mr. Abloh for using its logo on fliers for D.J. gigs.
There it is — reverence and flippancy all together, and a reminder that flippancy can often be a byproduct of reverence.
And yes, Mr. Abloh is in on the joke. A biographical video near the end of the show includes a scene in which he waters, with a hose, the “WET GRASS” rug he made with Ikea. By the gift shop, I spied some tickets on a table that read “Virgil Abloh: ‘Bathroom Pass.’”
Mr. Abloh even folds critique into his work — a rug in the first room is imprinted with an arched-eyebrows quotation from a Four Pins story about Pyrex Vision in 2013. An information slide in the fashion gallery alludes to some unkind things the fashion designer Raf Simons once said about Mr. Abloh: “Simons described Off-White as not bringing anything original to fashion. Abloh immediately responded with the collection ‘Nothing New.’”
When Mr. Abloh is playful, he can be exhilarating — there’s serious joy in the gallery that includes a pile of his Ikea collaborations, which looks as if it were assembled via tornado. When he works in the métier of consumer goods, he understands how to differentiate just enough from the norm to stoke passion. But the pieces here that hew closest to traditional artistic disciplines are the least inspiring.
More than a dozen are marked as having been made in 2019 and as belonging to a private collection. Mostly they are room fillers: grand-scaled billboards, an all-black Sunoco sign sinking into the ground, and so on. Taken together, they betray an anxiety about what type of work might belong in a museum exhibition. They eat a lot of space, but don’t communicate a lot of information.
Mr. Abloh’s best work could fill these rooms several times over, just in a very different fashion. He is a tinkerer. Rather than a simple grid of sneakers, what about a video of him drawing on them, or cutting one up and making something new? Instead of racks of largely obscured clothes, what about the WhatsApp messages between him and his colleagues that led to his creative decisions? For Mr. Abloh, paterfamilias to a generation that understands garments are to be modified, not simply worn, that would have been apt. (The show’s hefty, excellent catalog embraces this spirit, deploying a titillating level of detail.)
As this exhibition is standing there, still, Mr. Abloh is plowing through ever more references on his Instagram stories. What about a screen that displays his real-time preoccupations? The notion that the museum can only hold finished works is an obsolete one.
THOUGH THERE IS NO ROOM for true hands-on interactivity in this exhibition — probably a crowd control measure — at least two works elsewhere in the museum do invite interaction: Felix Gonzalez-Torres’s “‘Untitled’ (The End),” an endlessly replenished stack of paper that you can take freely from, and Ernesto Neto’s “Water Falls From My Breast to the Sky,” basically a divan you can sit on, covered by crocheted nets extending to the top of the building.
But Mr. Abloh still found ways to break the borders of a museum show. Security guards wear limited-edition cool-blue Nike Air Force 1’s that he designed for the occasion. One guard told me he’d been offered $7,000 for his pair. (They’re currently going for around $2,000 to $3,000 on resale sites.) And the exhibition extends into the gift shop, which sells a rotating collection of T-shirts, posters, art pieces and $5,000 gradient-painted chairs — almost everyone I saw bought something.
Millions of people rarely, if ever, experience art in a museum setting. They see it on the streets, in their clothes and sneakers, on the walls around them. The way for art to have wide impact is to set it free — Mr. Abloh understands that his real museum is the world outside these walls.
Capitalizing on his relationships with established brands, he set up de facto satellite locations for the show. At the NikeLab installation next to the Nike store on Michigan Avenue, a few blocks away from the museum, there was an ocean of shredded sneaker bits in the windows and walls. Inside, you could piece together D.I.Y. projects with markers, rubber ink stamps and various embellishments — I filled in a coloring book outline of an Air Jordan Spiz’ike in shades of pink, green and brown, and pocketed a couple of pink chenille swooshes.
Louis Vuitton opened an orange-themed pop-up location in the West Loop neighborhood carrying select items from the FW19 collection. (New York had a similar green-themed one a few weeks later.) The space was filled with life-size (and larger) mannequins that were surprisingly emotional, and wouldn’t have been out of place at the museum.
But perhaps the greatest provocation — the most ineffable artistic moment — came at the main Louis Vuitton flagship store on Michigan Avenue, which was carrying several pieces of Abloh-designed clothing emblazoned with references to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. One varsity jacket had a hand-embroidered patch on the back in the shape of Africa. In this temple of high fashion were clothes that shouted their radical intentions, locating black history at the very center of the aesthetic conversation. It was moving, and also undaunted — a dash of capitalist conceptualism hiding in plain sight.
Virgil Abloh: ‘Figures of Speech’
Through Sept. 29 at Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago; 312-280-2660, mcachicago.org. The exhibition will come to the Brooklyn Museum in 2020, after making stops at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta and the ICA Boston.
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apkrich-blog · 5 years
Shadow Fight 3 Mod Apk Download + Unlimited Everything + Frozen Enemy
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Shadow Fight 3 Mod Apk Download + Unlimited Everything + Frozen Enemy
Shadow Fight 3 Apk Mod is a popular Role Playing game which has the incomprehensible force that came out of the Gates of Shadows many years ago is now an ordinary source of power. You can play this update version in online or offline mod. Just download the latest version and PLAY!
Shadow Fight 3 Latest Version Features
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It is Combined with 3 different fighting styles into your own unique way of playing and Collection tons of different weapons and equipment.
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You can Use special shadow abilities, perks, upgrades and Travel across a big world map full of spectacular places and stories. Here are some user reviews
Bidyut Kapri: I am playing this for a few months…Already I have understood that it is a very suitable game for me…Also, it is a high-quality graphics game…Moreover, it has become the world’s best to me game while I have updated it…I will not tell more words than it…Finally, I will advise all of brothers, sisters, and also my senior ones to play and enjoy such a beautiful game…
Madhav Ramini: Hello. Chapter 7 is really good and awesome. It has new types of weapons and armors. Please also add new weapon in Dynasty faction. But one flaw – the game does not open after closing it the first time. It remains stuck in the “Nekki” loading screen. Please fix so that everyone can enjoy the game. Thank You.
Harsh Jindal: Hey there, First of all, I really love the game… I have been facing an issue in the game. I am on Chapter VI, Last Level, i.e The Shadow Mind I can’t wait to proceed to the new Chapter VII. But I have beaten the Shadow Mind several times and then their itself the game freezes or hangs. It is happening after the recent update, I have tried clearing the cache, and have cleared all the data once and reinstalled the game but all in vain, the problem still persists. Please do help soon…
Nafis Morshed: The storyline is LEGENDARY. The story makes me play the game. The game mechanics are kinda complex but once you get used to it, it’s easy to understand and control everything, it’s definitely good. The graphics, gameplay, and controls are very decent. The online Duel Mode is a joke by the way. The matchmaking is a joke although they keep improving it it’s still rigged. And obviously, cool gears as always. Finish Shadow Fight 2 first to get the complete taste of the story of Shadow Fight 3.
Dennis Felton: This game is a very fun experience so far. Just reached level 2. I am currently hoping that the weapons and armor do not get “godly”. A basic truly practical deadly weapon and believable armor are what make a really good game. Keep up the good work!
Jaroslaw K: It’s a real pleasure to play the game. Well developed and good graphics:) But at some point, you have no chance to progress if you don’t pay. Normal difficulty, in fact, is impassable and all chests give you everything but not what is needed. So you are stuck with PvP challenges and hope that one day you’ll pass the mission:) Business is business but that has actually put me off a bit.
Kshitiz Gupta: Excellent game… Have played all the chapters and looking forward to completing chapter 7. But there is a thing that needs to be fixed here before that happens. With the recent update, the in-menu navigation has become really slow and the game freezes for a few seconds while switching between the screens. This has never been the case with the previous versions of the game and it really makes the game unplayable. Please fix this quickly so that I can enjoy the game again as ever.
Jhazzy Music: It’s one of the best ancient fighting game. I love it more than mortal kombat for mobile. The graphics are superb.. The only thing I want that’ll make me rate it 5 star is local Multi-player!! Pls, add that in the update.. If I can play against my friend online. It’s very okay or via WiFi locally… Please I know there are a lot of people that want this too… Please work on it.. We’re waiting.
Glen Allison: Beautiful graphics, lots of equipment/fighting style choices, lots to do and the monetization is not in your face. There is a story campaign but having not played parts 1&2 I couldn’t follow it very well. One of the most impressive games on mobile ever, the animation, style, detail, and size is spectacular.
Chef Jeffrey A Kaufman: Always a classic. The Shadow Fight legend continues. This one is even better than the previous installments. Great piece of gaming from a great developer. Love it. Still paying SF2 along with this newest edition. Great games both. The only issues I have are the following. Matches are often very poorly matched. Many times you’re matched against players 500 to 900 points above you. Making it impossible. Gems are sometimes lost while picking free items. The storyline doesn’t keep up with abilities
Felix Romanov: So, the graphics are amazing and the moves are pretty good as well, though, overall, my experience was pretty much horrible. I immediately had to download a large file before I could even open the game, then I had to download ANOTHER large file, the game lagged extremely hard between fight rounds, after the third fight, I had to download something ELSE. I eventually just gave up and uninstalled. My recommendation for the devs is to maybe make all this stuff one large packet, just like Shadow fight 2, so there would be more time between downloads. Yes, this would significantly increase the base download time and update time, but altogether it would provide more streamlined gameplay. Also, maybe add a “Low Graphics” setting at the very beginning for people on devices that aren’t so good?
prasanna spidy: I love the game…. everything about it… except you cannot challenge your friends from facebook… or you know online friends… that would be really great if you could work on it. thank you.
A Google user: Shadow Fight’s evolution is going so good. At first, it came Shadow Fight in 2001. Then Shadow Fight 1 in 2011 in only Facebook. Then the Shadow Fight 2 in 2013. After that Shadow Fight 2, Special Edition came in 2017. After all, in the same year, it came the Shadow Fight 3. The most modern, beautiful game. Its gameplay is so good. Hope that the next Shadow Fight game which is Shadow Fight 4 will be more existing, more gorgeous, more in form. I can’t wait until NEKKI publishes it.
Dylan Mantell: Awesome Update, It is great to see that legendary equipment is getting a much-needed buff. On the downside, there have been a few glitches where I am fighting an opponent AI in the gold event and it freezes where both the AI and myself stand there staring at each other, as amusing as this is it makes me have to restart the progress every time it happens by surrendering.
Karlis Pupols: Thanks for updating most of the pain points. Though this update does require still a bit of tuning. Some animations feel a bit too fast to be accurate. Also fights experienced freeze with the new Qatar item. Would like to see some bigger update information, seems as many things updated aren’t documented to the players (like items in the store). Also, still really hoping we could upgrade item tiers in future so you can equip 3 abilities on a common armor. thanks, bonomi mike:
Great gameplay, awesome graphics n tonnes of weapons pretty cool but I’d have to give 3 stars due to d ascension event update literally messed my game up can’t do many duels get stuck lost lots of tickets, can’t get past chapter v sip of war coz apparently it doesn’t load d final baddie same as side quest so basically all m doing is fighting online #lame# kinda gets boring. Pls, can this b rectify m tired of downloading large update files n still having the same issue? Pls fix this nid change my rating
Mack Tariang: A 5-star game no doubt!! good graphics gameplay and storyline compared with the previous shadow fight… sadly there are still a number of bugs glitches and a duel match can sometimes be really ridiculous.. matching against opponents who are soooooo over equipped with a rating of 500..600 above your own character!! still a highly recommended game!! enjoy
Yvanny Kadima: I loved this game. it was good quality and fast loading. Until… the update. all of my armor just disappeared after tried on a new one. I’ve tried uninstalling, reloading, and even logged out but it still won’t work. Please fix it, this was my favorite game now it’s too laggy.
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App Download Version Varies with device Last Updated April 20, 2019 Apk Size Varies with device Offered By NEKKI Category Role Playing Content Rating Rated for 12+ Support Android Version Android 4.1 and up Installs 10,000,000+ Play Store Available
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doodlewash · 7 years
Today I present a six half pan Limited Edition Summer Nights set and a French Mineral dot card from Letter Sparrow handmade watercolors.  A dot card sample of Indigo was also included. I’ll present some simple swatches and examples, and a couple of short videos that highlight the paints. Should you fancy these paints, their’s a little something for you at the end.
Handmade watercolors are all the rage these days!  So that there is hopefully no confusion, I preface what I’m about to present with this – especially for you Stan if you are reading this.  Handmade watercolors handle a bit differently than commercial brands.  I like handmade watercolors, so of course my writing is going to reflect that view.  Some people do not like how handmade watercolors handle/look. They are often more semi-transparent when used concentrated, especially mineral and Mayan pigments. Those down there on the dot card, look transparent to me.  They typically lift easily. Some handmade brands or pigments have a finer consistency than others.  In my opinion, the Letter Sparrow set has a fine consistency. Handmade watercolor is not inexpensive.  Half pans for this brand start at $9. Just like commercial brands, each maker has their own formula and process, and price range. They are all a little different. I consider handmades a creative investment, but I realize they aren’t for everyone.  The good thing is, there are plenty of watercolor options out there for wide variety of preferences and budgets.  Let’s move on to the exploration!
First a little bit about the owner of Letter Sparrow- Kelly Hollstrom.  Kelly is delightful and enthusiastic- a woman with a vision for her business who has had the foresight to change with the market, and region she relocated to.  In her career, she’s taught hand lettering and workshops.  When we were interacting, she had an air of buoyancy and excitement about her.
“I love watercolor, lettering, calligraphy, nature, food, gardening, traveling, and being with my family & besties. I’ve lived and traveled all over the U.S. I’m married to an amazing guy. He’s a pastor on staff at a great church right outside of St. Louis, MO. I homeschool my fun & imaginative son during the day and run my business for 2 hours in the afternoon and after my son goes to bed. I’ve never run my business full time, even when I was doing hand lettering & workshops. We got 2 puppies in January so we’ve been busy with them.
My inspiration for making paints is mostly nature and art. I just naturally grab colors from things I see and love putting them together to make my limited edition sets. My sets are usually only available for the month they are sold in. This is because I have SO many sets planned.
About my paints:
I started making watercolor paint in August 2016 and started selling them the very end of November 2016.  Most of my paints are single pigment and non-toxic. I plan on putting complete pigment info, lightfastness, opacity, etc. on each listing this summer.  My binder is all natural and includes pure ingredients.” 
What exactly are handmade watercolors you may ask? This is general info, and not brand specific. They are usually pigment and a binder- gum Arabic. Sometimes other ingredients are added, like honey, clove oil or other preservatives or moldicides. Gum Arabic is the hardened sap from the Acacia tree, and is the same binder used by commercial brands. The ingredients are mixed and hand mulled with a muller and mulling slab- those are usually made out of glass. Then they are poured into pans and left to cure for a period of time. It is a time consuming process. Pans may need to be filled more than once due to shrinkage during the curing process. This process can often take weeks. Good raw pigments to make paints with can be expensive. There are plenty of books and info to be had about pigments and paint mixtures in general. I’ve enjoyed the pigment stories and info in this one- Urban Watercolor Sketching by Felix Schienberger. It’s enough info to be interesting, but not too much to be overwhelming.  Plus you get some painting techniques and lessons too.  His style is unique, loose and fun.  I recommend using the “Look Inside” option before you buy, or check it out from the library to see how you like it.
Back to the paints.
All the reviews in the Letter Sparrow Etsy shop are 5 stars. One set that originally caught my eye was the LOVE-ly set– French Red, Super Sparkle Gold, Ultramarine Rose, Sterling Silver. The gold really is super sparkly.
The word that came to mind when I opened the Summer Nights palette- enchanting. It brought to mind the feeling of deep enchanted and magical forests.  “And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul” – John Muir.
This little set is richly pigmented.  Aubergine Violet, Gray Ochre, Sterling Silver, Veronese Green, Nitroso Green, Sparkling Gold.  The Silver and Gold are very shimmery.  All rewet easily.
This video features two colors- Aubergine Violet and Sterling Silver in a Midori Kraft Paper Spiral Ring Notebook.  I was able to get a lot of depth and variation with just the Aubergine Violet.  It has amazing tinting strength and I found it interesting to work with.  It’s a lovely color, and can look almost black when used very concentrated.  I’m fond of painting on non-traditional papers, this post features a few.
The swatch card that the tin came with is hand lettered and painted, and has magnets on the back so it stays in the lid for storage- I like that it came with it’s own swatch card.  The half pans have magnets on the bottoms and the colors are written on the sides. Below, I put a black line under the Sterling Silver and Sparkle Gold swatches, they cover really well. Dry swatches on the left, and wet in wet on the right. I used all the colors but the gold in the little mountain sample.  Swatches and sample done on Arches 90lb cold press watercolor paper.
I took a video of the swatch above to show the sparkle.   For some reason I couldn’t get it to show up clear and crisp in this post.  Technologies!  Anywho, if you want to check it out, I posted it yesterday on my Instagram account.
One thing that I’d like to mention for the Hobonichi enthusiasts- this brand worked well on the fabulously thin Tomoe River Paper← that’s a link to fountain pen inks being written on the paper- mesmerizing.  This is the paper used in the Hobonichi line up.  In my experience, not all handmade watercolors are satisfactory on this paper. If you are curious about the Hobonichi, here’s the link to the Japanese site. Because I use an A6 size Hobonichi Techo as an art journal, there are a boat load of examples on my Instagram account- @jessicaseacrest.   If you are curious, check out my feed and/or ask me questions in the comments below.
It’s apparent from my examples lately, that I’m presently stuck on trees. I’m also into Yupo right now- both sample paintings are on that.  If your not familiar with Yupo, it is “a synthetic (polypropylene) substrate…with a non-porous surface that repels water.”  It is super fun and feels like an adventure every time I use it.  Click either of those Yupo links for more info.  This version here is the white, but it also comes in translucent.
Magical Mushroom Forest
Usually I’m all about the gold, but I was so fond of the Sterling Silver I had a hard time moving on to the gold.  But you can see some of it here in the 15 second video.
Because I have trouble not going full tilt with the pigments, sometimes my best service in showing them is with odd swatches.  Arches 90lb cold press watercolor paper was used- dry paper on the left, wet in wet on the right.  This helps with spotting similarities in colors too.  Mostly those seem to be the two greens and the two darker reds.  I ran out of room on my first attempt, so I did it again on a larger piece.  I especially fancy the Apricot.
I love how these colors look together.  Used- Apricot, Turquoise, Sky Blue, Lavender Blue, Plum, and some of the gold from the Summer Nights set.  The Plum was really fun on Yupo, it has a depth to it.
I’ve enjoyed this brand, it’s beautiful, and they offer interesting curated sets. I like featuring and supporting small businesses and makers. There is one thing that seems to run through all handmade watercolor makers that I’ve interacted with or purchased from- a passion and enthusiasm for their products. The Summer Nights set featured here will be available next Saturday on the July 15th restock. The half pan set is $59 and the full pan set is $107. Check out Instagram- @lettersparrow for photos of previously released sets and swatches, or Facebook.com/lettersparrow.  A link to the shop in case you want to check it out and ♥ it. Questions about the paints- email Kelly at [email protected]. Here is the restock schedule:
“Limited Edition Summer Schedule:
July 15th – The “SUMMER NIGHTS” set and the “BLUES SET”
August 5th – The “LETTER SPARROW 12” and the “GREENS SET” 
September – The “LETTER SPARROW 24” (perfect for Christmas gifts!) and The “EARTH SET”
Kelly offered this 10% off coupon to Doodlewash readers- use coupon code: LETTERSPARROW.  It’s valid until August 31, 2017.  Yay- thanks Kelly!  And thank for the opportunity to enjoy, and review your paints.
There are several other reviews on Doodlewash of handmade watercolors- Greenleaf & Blueberry, Pfeiffer Art Supply & Redwood Willow, and Anthesis Arts.
As always, thank you for taking the time to read this review.  I’ll be back soon with another one 🙂
Happy painting and sketching!
Celebrate World Watercolor Month with us during the month of July! Click here for more info.
DOODLEWASH REVIEW: Letter Sparrow Handmade Watercolors Today I present a six half pan Limited Edition Summer Nights set and a French Mineral dot card from…
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junker-town · 7 years
Inside Willie Taggart's first Signing Day at Oregon, where everything sounds new
The new head coach brings an entirely different energy to the futuristic complex in Eugene, with his first month in charge including multiple staff-inflicted challenges.
4:04 a.m. PT. The first fax is from three-star wide receiver Daewood Davis of Deerfield Beach, Florida. Two minutes later, it’s Fort Myers, Florida running back Darrian Felix.
“Threee OOOoooh fiiiive, to my city, we get it.”
Oregon head coach Willie Taggart is singing a Drake song that includes a reference to Miami’s area code while scrolling Twitter on his phone. His green-and-yellow Nikes lean on the edge of the conference room table.
“We need some music. Feels like an actual office in here. Can we get some music? Something with some juice, please.”
A Kodak Black track starts on Pandora. Thirty seconds later, phone calls and FaceTime sessions are muffled. There’s a dash to find the app’s “radio edit” setting.
“Clean version! Some clean music, please,” Taggart laughs.
4:20 a.m. Now it’s a “fax” from Cocoa, Florida athlete Bruce Judson.
“BRUUUUUUUUUUCE,” the staff yells. Bruce isn’t on the phone, and the coaches aren’t being filmed. They’re just yelling.
The fax is a holiday custom, one coaches observe on this day. They aren’t actually faxes in 2017; they’re photos of signed National Letters of Intent that’ve been scanned and emailed, then sent to a clunky desktop printer set up the end of a sleek conference room table, all purely for the ritual. Every detail in Oregon’s Hatfield-Dowlin Complex is equal parts ruthless function and overstated luxury. The printer is neither. Holograms of committed athletes would better fit the surrounding aesthetic.
Three months ago, Taggart was taping inspirational quotes to the walls of an all-sports weight room at USF, happy to be home in Florida but stewing about stuck outside of the national title picture.
Now he’s the captain of a billion-dollar football spaceship, which a shoe mogul landed in the Willamette Valley pines. The uniforms, the marketing, the “Puddles” The Duck commercials, the unassailable cool are Taggart’s to control. Now he can have holograms if he wants. In just under two hours, Phil Knight and a Nike phalanx will fill the other end of the conference table, just to watch.
Taggart’s entire career has been a labor to be recognized, and he has succeeded. This is Oregon. This is Nike. When he shows off the panoramic view in his office, he tells visitors, “Look at all this. Look at all the ‘no excuses.’”
4:21 a.m. A video wall on the far end of the room is playing ESPNU, and Lane Kiffin’s monotone Florida Atlantic commercial airs. Most of the room had never seen it. There’s a round of laughter. A few staffers debate if it’s real.
Texts and calls are coming in from the Sunshine State. Half the room came with Taggart from South Florida and are still enjoying East Coast body clocks, which put the hour at a respectable half past 7.
“West Coast hasn’t woke up,” defensive coordinator and former South Florida head coach Jim Leavitt yells. He yells and drinks Pepsi, both constantly.
“I can tell for certain, Hawaii is not awake yet,” new defensive line coach Joe Salave'a says. “I promise you.”
4:28 a.m. New offensive coordinator and former Florida International head coach Mario Cristobal sits at the middle of the table, filing through 2018 targets while a few of his new co-workers pass around a shadowbox of his championship rings from Alabama. He’s been a Duck roughly 13 days and physically in Eugene for only a handful of hours. By his count, he’s averaged three hours’ sleep a night since he was hired.
In a meeting room next door is a working list of around 100 names for 2018’s class, written floor-to-ceiling the previous afternoon. He expects to expand that to around 300 in a few days.
“I’m on the phone with this ‘18 kid in [a Southeastern state], and he’s telling me how he’s been an Oregon fan his entire life. Loved Oregon. Or loves Oregon. Those are the guys we have to I.D. immediately. Those are the guys we have to lock in on and not let up,” Cristobal says.
There’s a noticeable urgency. Just days released from four years in The Process, he’s anxious get Oregon caught up to the three-year advance cycle of evaluations programs like Alabama already have.
“It’s one bad recruiting cycle now; one cycle can cost you everything,” he says.
4:48 a.m. Pandora shuffles to Ice Cube’s “Check Yo Self.”
“You know Coach Leavitt was bumping this back in ‘90s in that all-white ride,” Taggart laughs. (For a period of time, Leavitt drove an all-white town car as a young assistant coach. He does not confirm if indeed bumped Cube.)
“Oh man! That car, man, what a great car …” Leavitt says, trailing off. He’s already in a full suit and completely hoarse. For the rest of the day at booster functions, he’ll tell record crowds in Eugene and Portland he lost his voice playing laser tag with recruits.
Each time, the line secures a huge laugh, then massive applause, because Oregon fans aren’t used to getting any information about recruiting. The Chip Kelly and Mark Helfrich eras downplayed the public-facing components of chasing talent and celebrating the catch.
By lunch, the 24-man, consensus top-20 2017 class is sealed, save for a single player: No. 1 “athlete” (a player with an undetermined primary college position) Deommodore Lenoir. Taggart runs through the commitment list during a booster lunch at the Hilton in Eugene, teasing, “We might have more to come, and you’re really gonna like it.”
The crowd murmurs, and multiple fans who follow Taggart from to Portland Wednesday evening are rewarded with a breakdown on Lenoir, who announced mid-afternoon.
“It was Lenoir! Awesome!” one Duck fan yells to another in the men’s room at Portland’s Convention Center.
If this seems like standard Signing Day procedure to you, you’re not a Duck. And that’s why Taggart is still undefeated at the moment. He and a fresh-faced staff are embracing an exuberant transparency, the goal being to pair the swagger of Oregon’s carefully innovated aesthetic with a voice that matches.
4:55 a.m. Taggart is undefeated even in the wake of two substantial blemishes to his short tenure.
Most recently, assistant head coach David Reaves, a USF carryover, was fired after only five days, following his DUI arrest January 22. Per Taggart and athletic director Rob Mullens, there was an immediate agreement to move on.
“We tell our guys: don’t go out to the bars and do those things, and then we do it,” Taggart says. “David’s a good person. He just made a mistake. And we brought negative attention to our program in a situation where we already had that attention.”
“I did what I thought was best for our football team. I’ll always come back to that. I always say coaches have to be mentors to our players, and that’s not being a mentor,” Taggart says.
“That attention” came from a January team workout that sent three players to the hospital. Local reports stated that the workout routine was mandatory and included “up to an hour of continuous push-ups and up-downs.”
Taggart bristled at the claims made in local news reports, but Oregon suspended strength and conditioning coach Irele Oderinde, a Taggart hire, and issued an apology.
“There wasn’t anything wrong with the workouts from the beginning. It was a lesson for all of us, especially that our players don’t have anything to prove to us right now. They don’t need to prove everything to us at once and drive themselves into the dirt. We have to be smart about everything,” Taggart said.
“It’s easy to perceive [we overworked the players] because we’re a new staff. The reason it’s perceived that way is that it was portrayed as a ‘grueling, military-style workout’ in the press, but it wasn’t. There was no weight lifting on that day. Just body weight. Push ups, sit ups, planks.”
Taggart believes the negative recruiting from rivals who used the players’ hospitalization against the Ducks actually helped Oregon.
“The recruits knew the truth. We didn’t hide behind anything. They saw the negative recruiting as bogus because when they came on visits, those same young men who were in the hospital were on the players’ panel, where recruits and their parents can ask them anything. There was nothing to hide because there was nothing malicious. We’re not trying to beat anyone down, we’re trying to get better.”
6:15 a.m. Nashville defensive tackle Rutger Reitmaier is awake, and his NLI is in. Salave'a is fresh from a visit to Reitmaier and so smitten with Music City, he introduces Reitmaier’s commitment, itself a win over Tennessee and Michigan, Ric Flair-style.
“Y’all-sayin’! Deep South-playin’! Sweet tea-drinkin’! WOOOOOOOO,” Salave'a yells. He’ll soon celebrate by dancing to Chubb Rock’s “Treat 'Em Right.”
“Can we get some Geto Boys?” Cristobal asks without looking up from his chart.
He’s referencing a group from Texas. Notably missing from Oregon’s class: Texas and talent-rich cities in SEC and Big Ten territories. Taggart’s abbreviated transition class bookends with seven Floridians and 11 Californians.
“Could’ve been even better with even a few more days,” Taggart says.
“The strategy is that we’re gonna recruit California hard. We’re coming to California. And we’re gonna recruit Texas hard. But we’re always gonna recruit Florida. And Georgia. Those are football states. We’re gonna recruit football states. So we’re gonna recruit for Oregon in Ohio. I haven’t seen a limit yet to this brand, so we’re going.”
“I haven’t been anywhere yet as head coach here where at least one kid didn’t tell me that Oregon was their dream school. That this was a dream offer.”
A staffer comes in to alert the room that Knight and his Nike group are in the building and on the way. The music is turned up. It’s 2Pac’s “Ambitionz az a Ridah.”
Scott Olmos-USA TODAY Sports
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