#so i can't readmore asks haha
solradguy · 7 months
Still one dlc char to be announced in 2023, when do you think it'll happen?
According to the timestamp on this ask, you sent this like literal hours before the new Developer Backyard dropped and answered your question haha December!
Link to the post: https://www.guiltygear.com/ggst/en/news/post-2013/
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Relevant text from the DB:
The next update is coming up in December 2023. In addition to a new character, this update will introduce the second round of new special moves, this time for 2 characters. There's also a small-scale balance update in store, focused on adjustments to the new mechanics Wild Assault and Deflect Shield. This will include the aforementioned changes to input options for some characters' new moves such as Giovanna's Chave as well as fixes for issues.
In the Q&A section they teased the possibility of a future artbook that collects all the works between Xrd to now. Fingers crossed it happens!!
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The other Q&A responses said that they would consider putting in a way to toggle things like Jack-O's mask and Sin's eyepatch (?!) like how you can toggle Johnny's beard or between the two Asukas, though they said they can't promise anything. They also said that they would like to hold a character palette contest OR survey some day and that they're looking into refining the input for Deflect Shield
The upcoming qualifier tournaments for Arc World Tour are: FIGHTERS SPIRIT (November 18 to 19) in Korea; Battle Coliseum (November 24 to 26) in Brazil; Ultimate Fighting Arena (November 24 to 26) in France; Frosty Faustings (January 25 to 28) in the USA.
So far they've only done big character announcements at events either in the USA or Japan so I'm not sure they'll announce who's next at any of these. There might be another big event going on that I don't know about though. Guess we'll find out soon!!
They also covered the survey results in this entry, which are always interesting. These results stretch this post a bit so I'm gonna slip them behind a readmore.
Lots of young players!! No wonder I get Dadguy'd on here so much lol
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Bridget is also the current most favorite character globally, followed by Sol and then Ramlethal in 3rd:
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Regional favorite character poll for just Strive's cast. These votes were limited to just one character and the DB entry suggests they may allow two votes for this part in future polls:
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I've posted this one on here before when it was shown at Tokyo Game Show earlier this year, but here's the overall favorite character rankings by region. A.B.A., Elphelt, Slayer, and Dizzy are the highest:
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fluffle-writes · 3 months
Hey fluffle, I'm a BIG fan of your Twisted Wonderland x Sky: Cotl! (Sorry if my english isn't good), and I have multiple questions. You don't have to answer all of them.
I have seen your post about nrc boy seeing the Aurora concert and I wonder if they also turned into light creatures since you know some of the song like "All is soft inside". The sky kid's turns into different creatures.
Also imagine the sky kid's playing in the Spelldrive tournament (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)!! Those little kiddos are going to be like
"It's our time to shine people!"
OMG!! Can't forgot how they can just grab the disk and fly towards the goal while dodging most attacks.
OH!! Imagine that one of the sky kids is really tall but wearing a chibi mask and when they take off the mask people are like "Wait! Your THAT Tall!!!"
I have a headcancon that the cape can be made by sky children only l, where they just like gathering wax and lights making it into threads then using something like loom to create a cape
Now! Imagine that the sky kids made capes for the Octavinelle trio since we all know what they are bad at flying
And I think that's all, if I have more I'll be going here since it's fun to share ideas with each other 😄
Hi! :D I'm so glad you like my little AU (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I'll put some stuff under a readmore 👍
I feel like, in an Aurora concert, the TWST boys wouldn't be experiencing it physically, but their soul or mind would be experiencing it if that makes sense? Like an out-of-body experience where they're all pulled in to experience a shared dream or memory.
So, they'd experience being in the different forms alongside the sky kids, and their bodies would physically remain in the stadium during each song - until the ending in the stadium!
Ahh the spelldrive tournament would be so fun! I feel like they'd be a force to reckon with after enough practice. Especially if one of them is practiced in krill dodging! The speed and finesse they have over their movements through the air would probably impress some of the sportier guys!
Ooh, the chibi mask surprise is fun to imagine! Like, imagine if a veteran with a chibi mask and a moth on the taller side ended up at NRC. The utter confusion when they explain that the taller of the two was, essentially, brand new to the concept of existence would be fun. (Haha Lilia and Malleus parallels)
And I love your headcanon for capes! That's a great take on how they'd work - the image of the magic of the candles transforming into something like threads and being interwoven is beautiful to picture! I can imagine that the capes could take a form based on the soul or magic of the wearer, and it 'locks' onto the first person it matches the energy of.
(E.g. Vil receives a cape made by a sky kid, and when he wears it, it connects to his magic and transforms to look as if it was a peacock train. It would also mean his flight stamina/number of wings is dependent on their magic level)
As for the octo trio - I feel like they wouldn't be too fond of the idea of flying with the capes lol. It'd probably feel less secure than having a solid broom to hold onto lmao. If the sky kids ever want revenge for their schemes in chapter 2, I can imagine them surprise kidnapping one of them by grabbing their hand and flying up into the air to float around with them because of the acrophobia lol.
AAA these were all really fun to think about! \⁠(⁠°▽⁠°⁠)⁠/ please feel free to share any more thoughts about the AU if you wanna, I love recieving asks about this AU (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
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wyllzel · 15 days
but what are your bridgerton opinions? share share
AAHHH 🫣 ty for asking omg! opinions time 😏
my big thing is that i'm annoyed whenever people complain about the lack of historical accuracy in the clothing, or when people complain that it all looks over the top... i firmly believe that bridgerton as a series of works has no interest in historicity (see rants A and B)!! so i think it's much more interesting for the costuming department to be able to construct these really interesting, elaborate gowns instead of painstakingly trying to recreate clothing from 200 years ago :^) plus they get to use modern visual language to emphasize characters' roles!!! like we know cressida and the featheringtons are trying too hard bc the patterns/materials they wear are what we associate with tacky/costume-y sort of looks 👀
i haven't seen many people talk about this - but i really wish the show had stuck with the 10 year time skip before colin's book... penelope is 28 years old during her book romance! both her maturity and her having to reckon with being "old" while never having been kissed/romanced is a big part of why her story resonated w me ;; it doesn't quite hit the same in the show, where she's probably in her early 20s still...
probably the worst decision the show has made for the polin romance is having colin keep an erotic diary rather than what he has in the novel, which is a travel journal 😭 i'll put this below the readmore since it's a pretty big spoiler haha
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^ anyway cressida's gowns are everything 😔🫡
spoilers ahead for colin's weird erotic diary!!!
basically, the polin romance works so well bc they both respect one another as writers! so far, we only have one comment from penelope about colin's writing, which is right when she reads his diary and he finds her snooping :(
throughout colin's novel, we see him as really insecure bc his brothers have achieved some measure of success (anthony is respected as the viscount bridgerton and benedict is a renowned artist) while he's just kind of traveling the european continent lol... so when colin discovers that penelope is lady whistledown, he freaks out A) because she has haters and he has to "protect" her (LMAO) and B) because she's a successful writer and he wants to publish his travel journals, but he's insecure as an amateur writer...
and basically colin has to grow from:
not understanding why penelope is so proud of her gossip column, to
understanding why penelope is so proud of her gossip column (it's her life's work and is a valid literary artform), to
overcoming his jealousy of penelope's success, to
being actively proud of penelope's success and her talents
which is so fascinating!!! i can't think of many other romances/works that feature a male romantic partner who's jealous of his female romantic partner's abilities!! dude overcame his toxic masculinity and basically spends the rest of the bridgerton saga telling anyone who listens how much he loves his wife :') it's great stuff
anyway... i'm not super sure how the bridgerton show is going to tackle the whole "colin is jealous of penelope's talents as a writer" thing... because if he's writing erotica, how is he going to get published??? is he going to be regency nicholas sparks????? also, not everything has to be about sex/romance!!! his travel journals were perfectly fine as they were!!
plus so far the only hint we have that colin's insecure is his weird playboy era, but even that... i'm not super sure if that's supposed to be evidence of his insecurity, or if the show is hastily establishing his "rake reputation" that all the bridgerton men have LMAO
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andersdotters · 6 months
Hi! I recently found your blogs, and can I just say how much I love your character analyses? Your portrayal of each character is always so in depth to the point where I can even picture them acting and speaking the same in game! I'm so impressed and I seriously don't know how you connect to each and every one of them so perfectly :O
If I may ask, what does your research and character profile process look like? As someone interested in writing, I hope to be as skilled as you with analysing characters (and writing plots and writing in general--) one day :) Any tips would be appreciated!
Thank you so much for all the hard work you do. I know I'll enjoy the story you come up with next!
Aww thank you so much!! Honestly sometimes I worry that my analyses won't be to everyone's tastes, so I'm very glad you think that they're good! I feel the same way about my writing because I know they're not the most romantic, so it's a relief to know you like it. ;v; <3 I have a lot to say about your questions though, so I'm going to put it under a readmore. It's an uh... infodump HAHA
When it comes to research, what it basically comes down to is reading everything. Read the character's lore, read their voice lines. Read what other characters have to say about them. Even talking to every NPC you see in the hopes that they'll talk about a character helps out a lot too HAHA. I also recommend going back to old events when doing research too. Reread them. Listen to the voice actor's portrayal of them. Read everything you can.
This is take three of trying to explain my character analysis process, but I'm going to give up and just explain to you the main logic that governs it. Basically what it boils down to is: we are not unique. Humans are not unique. What do I mean by this? People that are certain ways--for example, they have a low self-esteem, consistently overwork themselves, they want children when they get older, etc--they will typically share common characteristics. When you know the defining characteristics of each trait, you can potentially apply that trait to everyone you know that displays those characteristics.
For example, people that constantly overwork themselves typically have unhealthily high levels of perceived responsibility, typically with a self-deprecative trait that they don't deserve to be happy and rest. People that are very showy tend to care a lot about what people think of them. People that are extremely close to their families typically lose the ability to function properly without them.
If you know people that are like the examples above, you know that these observations are pretty accurate. And these examples represent pretty common types of people as well. Once you've seen one of them, you've seen them all. Nobody is unique. And because of that, you can apply these observations to characters because characters are meant to be human. Example one is Kaveh. Example two is Itto. And example 3 is Lyney. Now you've gotten a deeper dive into their psyche.
The way you become better at character analysis is by broadening your internal library of traits and their defining characteristics. This involves three steps: observation, drawing connections between observations, and fine tuning these connections by applying them to other people.
These steps are easy to understand, but let me go a bit more into step one. Observations come in two categories: physical observations and intuitive observations. Physical observations encompass things they physically do. Intuitive observations are larger statements that can't be tied to just a single physical observation. For example, physical observations may be that they don't go out much, they don't talk much in groups but do one-on-one, they wear bright colors, they're rude, etc. Intuitive observations are more: they seem to be uncomfortable around children, they act like they're scared to contact first, they're always on the move, etc.
The second step involves drawing lines between observations and trying to deduce meaning. For example, [they end their sentences using a rising intonation] + [they ask me my opinion a lot] = [this person cares about not sounding rude or unwelcoming]. Or, [they have a low self-esteem] + [they care about being seen as morally good] + [they engage in fandom] = [I probably should not tell this person I think Dottore and his penchant for human experimentation is hot].
Typically the logic goes: [physical observation] + [physical observation] = [intuitive observation]. [physical observation] + [intuitive observation] = [mid-tier intuitive observation]. [intuitive observation] + [intuitive observation] = [top tier intuitive observation].
But it does not end at step two. Step three basically tests to see if your observation from step two is valid or not. When you apply your observation from step two to a multitude of people, you're able to fine tune your observation to make it more generalized and more accurate. Maybe you realize that not everyone that ends their sentences in a rising intonation is necessarily polite, but it's more of a cultural thing. Maybe you see that having low self-esteem isn't always a symptom of having a high moral code. Test, revise, then test again. The higher the tier of your observation, the greater the chance it has of being wrong.
When I analyze characters, I go through my mental library and see which traits and characteristics I've catalogued before. And for things that don't have an exact match, I try to find ones that shares at least a few things in common that may follow the same logic. For example, I don't know anyone like Zhongli. However, I do have a friend that's very outgoing, but you can have a full on conversation with them and leave not knowing anything about them. Can I apply the logic of my friend to someone like Zhongli?
I will say this and I will say this again. People are not unique. Everyone is a copy of someone else in some way. When you treat the characters as if you were analysing any other normal human being, you can quite easily draw conclusions from what they have in common with people you know and have seen.
Anyway, this is so long I am so sorry. Hopefully I didn't completely bowl you over with information. OTL
#interactions#anon#another thing i want to say is like....#don't try to hold back the frankness of your observations#if you've ever read my analyses of kaveh they're uhhh.... not the nicest (tho idk if i only posted them on my personal...)#in order to become aware of flaws of characters you need to be able to accept the flaws objectively in others#if someone is mean then say they're mean. if they have a martyr complex then say they have a martyr complex#don't be afraid of being objective. that only hurts the process#some people think that it's not nice to give attention to the flaws of people you love#in my opinion that's complete bull#when you are aware of a person's flaws you understand them better and they become easier to forgive#you can rightfully say#'yes you may have flaws but knowing them makes me love you even more'#you get me?#also what helps is sharing your analyses with others and have them help you to refine your observations#also don't be afraid to observe and draw conclusions in general#sometimes you may feel you're invading a person's privacy#and uh..... to that....... um...#you have to decide what matters more to you. getting better at analysis or giving someone their privacy HAHA#by this i don't mean like... be a stalker or anything#but i think the biggest thing to actually remember the most is that....#CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION#just because a character shares all the traits a pattern you've seen in real life doesn't mean that's their issue#take everything EVERYTHING you deduce with a grain of salt#this is ESPECIALLY so when you are analyzing real people#no matter how accurate you think you may be you are not an empath nor are you a mind reader or god#do NOT act upon your deductions or think you know what's best for people from them#in the end analysis is purely theoretical so like... don't take yourself too seriously and have fun uwu
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What makes Dendy from OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes the autistic girlie ever of all time? Here's what the people have to say:
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Dendy-related asks/reblogs: x This post will be updated after each round!
Image ID in alt text and under the readmore.
[Image ID. White slide with a screenshot of Dendy in the top left corner. She is surrounded by text boxes which read,
"literally just look up a photo of her and youll understand. buuuut lets see uhh. she shows special interests in technology and these things in the show called pow cards. she has trouble understanding others emotions. her expressions are so. yknow. :|. when she shows up the show literally has this running gag where it plays a YAYYYY stock sfx in the bg. its literally the autism creature yippie. also shes just really cool and deserves to win everything ever. thank you for your time. watch ok ko."
"She's the little tech dork trope but I actually like how she pulls it off! She's constantly impressing K.O. and K.O. even calls her 'A science wizard' once! One of her nicknames that's canon is literally just 'Science baby' and I think that's so cute for her- She even says that she taught herself coding because it's a way to express herself, and I love that so much for her! Anyways I think she's more autistic coded than canonically Autistic but I love her anyways and think she'd fit right in!"
"Idk I just think she's cute and some other people like her, I hope she does well in this bracket"
"Shy, intelligent, and very good at hacking. Takes idioms literally and can act insensitively, but is sweet and has good intentions. Special interests are technology and trading cards. Often accompanied by the sound of kids cheering (not ASD related i just think its neat)."
"Okay, so: Dendy from OK KO is portrayed from the very beginning of the show as a young girl (around KO's age, since he's somewhere around 6-9) who is very logical and structured in her way of seeing the world, but struggles with social cues and expectations that aren't clearly laid out. She has a keen special interest in POW Cards (in-universe trading cards, basically), and this is how she first meets and connects with the protagonist KO. What I adore about this show is that it highlights what lots of people consider to be her being autistic, in a positive light. She has character arcs and self improvement like all of the characters do, she's not perfect, but her way of thinking and being is not demonized in any capacity, even if some characters occasionally don't 'get' her perspective, that's shown the same way as when /she/ doesn't get /their/ perspective. It's not canon that she's autistic, but there's a lot in this show that is coded without being stated explicitly, and because the show is very heavy handed (it is a kid's cartoon!) you get a lot of the positive messages you might expect like "celebrate differences" and whatnot without ever explicitly saying that she's autistic. However I think that it was very much intended! There are probably way better infodumps on Dendy being autistic than this one, haha, but I love her so much!"
"Look at her. Silly kappa. I love her. She loves computers. She doesn’t understand emotions. She loves her friend K.O. She wants to be a hero. She’s so good. My sweet baby"
"she has a special interest (coding/robot stuff), she has trouble with empathy, she doesn't pick up on social cues, and more stuff I can't completely put into words cause I'm really bad at that :,)"
"I resonated very deeply with this awkward little kappa but aside from that I got the vibes from her monotone and formal speaking pattern and the way she struggled with understanding social cues or sarcasm. She's also extremely literal and logical to a fault sometimes (like myself) and she's got special intesests in tech and pow cards. She does struggle with understanding how her actions may effect others sometimes but she means well and does try to show that she cares once she does understand. I also see her backpack ("hack-pack") as a comfort item for her as she tends to take it with her everywhere and doesn't allow others to touch it, including her best friend, K.O."
"She's shown to behave in a way where she doesn't show her emotions that much, but when someone brings up her special interests she becomes a gremlin (In this case, POW Cards), she stims on screen, she's shown to be hyperfixated on technology and that's where she's able to infodump and such, im not sure how to explain this very well but yeah, as someone who is autistic themselves, i feel dendy is a great autistic girl!!" End ID.]
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illadvisedselfships · 4 months
I'm here to cash in one of those gush tickets!! 🎫😌✌️ Here's an overview of notable F/Os past and present! Some of it might not mean anything to you if you don't know the fandom, and that's alright ^^ I never dreamed I'd share any of this, so I'm really grateful that you've made this little safe space here <333 And now that I've started, I can't stop! (Truly sorry I can't put this under a readmore… Large Poast incoming.) Chronologically:
First one I ever had has to be Mrs. Coulter from The Golden Compass/Northern Lights. I chose this book because it had a polar bear on the cover and I came out on the other side with… issues XD I even wrote a self-insert thing where my daemon gets severed from me and she comforts me through it (real healthy subject matter for an 11 year old ᕕ(ᐛ )ᕗ)
Lady Van Tassel from Sleepy Hollow. I traveled to Sleepy Hollow with Ichabod as his assistant or relative? And of course she corrupted me.
Now, this is the one I debated including due to the sheer goofiness 😅😅: Lily Gates from the Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld version). I liked imagining myself in the big city and being her personal assistant.
Claudia Wolf from Silent Hill 3. Ooh in this one I did something bad (unspecified) and found myself in Silent Hill with a guilty conscience. Alone and scared, I wandered through the foggy streets and ended up in the mall, and that's where I first encountered her. She took pity on me and I'll be honest, I don't really remember the rest XD idr if her being a priestess of a terrible cult factored in to this at all 😂
Actual light of my life forever: Julie Langford from Bioshock. My imagination was definitely at its best with her!! I had a really comprehensive storyline going on, starting from when I first traveled to Rapture in the bathysphere as a little girl with my family (not based on real family). Growing up and realizing I felt uncomfortable with boys, meeting Julie at a dinner party and feeling that spark but not really getting what it meant. Maybe I casually meet her another time or two after that. Coincidentally she asks me to be her assistant right as Rapture starts to fall. I see my first Splicer when I'm with her, my family also become Splicers, aaaand before long we're some of the only unspliced people left. We spend all our time together and I make her feel like she's responsible for me, we scrounge around for food and she protects me from Splicers and tenderly wipes the blood off my face and I help her out in her lab when we're not busy trying to survive, and still it feels like it takes the longest time for us to get together for real, but we do eventually. (side note: I am insane.) My daydreams have run their course I think but they were my favorite and the most vivid <333
Cersei from Game of Thrones. In this one, I'm the bastard daughter of Roose Bolton and I get sent to King's Landing for reasons unknown. Probably unrealistic! shrug I comfort her after her walk of shame and although our relationship is mildly antagonistic, she enlists me to help with, uh, the thing she does in season 6 episode 10 that involves wildfire. I am also obsessed with leech treatment in this one XD (in the books, Roose is known as the Leech Lord)(this is where the "leech" comes from on my other blog!) I got a lot of mileage from the Roose-Bolton's-bastard-daughter self insert XD In an alternate timeline, I have a thing for Lady Stoneheart (in extremely crude and basic terms, Catelyn Stark's sentient reanimated corpse), even though our families absolutely despise one another. Don't ask how I made that work, because I don't remember 💀 (A last-minute addition as I was proofreading this ask... I'm fully committing to the crazy.)
Cassandra Kiramman from Arcane. I'm actually not in the canon universe for this one. I had an AU where I was a ballet dancer and she was my instructor, haha. Also: Arcane was my introduction to x reader fic!! (though I'd been reading shipfic long before that.)
✨ Current F/Os!! ✨ Foul that it's taken me this long to get here 😑 Unfortunately, I feel like my imagination has taken a nosedive lately. I don't have storylines for these, more like little snippets of scenes. I'm in the devouring all the writing I can get my hands on stage ♥️
Yuria from Dark Souls 3 and Rennala from Elden Ring. I basically picture myself in the role of the player character ^^
I'm very into Lady Tremaine, and the Nurse from Dead by Daylight atm. With Tremaine there's just something about a buttoned-up repressed domineering woman and being the one to crack that shell just a little 😳 And with the Nurse I love the contrast between the griminess and creepiness and her sweetness. And her mori where she caresses the survivor's face 🥺 (most of the "lore" I get comes from youtube videos and reader inserts 💀)
Finally, one where they're actually in the modern world with me, since I mentioned that in a previous comment ^^ I fell in love with Maria Doyle Kennedy as Mrs. S. in Orphan Black, and during the initial lockdown in 2020, my main daydream scenario was with me becoming a lodger in her house (she's just a random person in this, not an actress). We garden and raise chickens together 🥰
I think I just cashed in all of my tickets 🙈🙈🙈 Now you probably know more about me than you bargained for 😅 This was actually incredibly fun to write. You have a great imagination - it's awesome that you're able to imagine your F/Os in multiple different scenarios and universes!! I can't really do that. Absolutely no pressure to reply right away!! 💜
1. Omg that Mrs Coulter thing is e x c e l l e n t XDD So dark and oddly soft XD Hey- as girlies we made up some pretty awful things when we were little! XD If it wasn't Barbies in the mafia it was something else!
2. I too love Lady Van Tassle- I can understand completely XD And we love some corruption! 😅😅😅 Especially if it is by a pretty lady-
3. Omg I've never heard of Lily Gates! XD She definitely fits your theme though and I support you!
4. I haven't heard of Claudia Wolf either but as soon as I read your descript and looked her up I want OH. I get it XD Priestess?? Culty?? Scary old white haired woman? I am very very intrigued XD
5. HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG your imagination really was clear on this one!! 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 This whole storyline is so good, I love your brain XD Also to your 'i am insane' -- my love we all are, its okay XD
6 + 7. Cersei, huh? Absolutely cannot blame you XD And Lady Stoneheart is just s o 💗💗💗💗💗💗??????? I don't even know tis woman but 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 We love them decrepit babes.
8. Oh she's so pretty! She seems classy ^^ Thank you for your service ma'am (Introducing you to x reader fanfic XD ).
9+10. These videogame ladies look so lovely!! I cant stop thinking what amazing taste you have XD
11. LADY TREMAINE AND SALLY LADY TREMAINE AND SALLY LADY TREMAINE AND SALLY- I agree so heavily on them both, these are some great F/O's <3<3<3 Imagine Lady Tremaine using that evil eye of hers to make someone back off you or Sally touching you so so gently! <3
12. Ohhhh, thats so so so sweet!! I love this for you ^^
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shapa-likes-art · 1 year
i got more questions for the supervillain au regarding prinxiety's relationship!
1. What would their love languages be?
2. What was their first kiss like?
3. I read somewhere in the masterlist I think that Roman was at one point a "playboy" due to many partners and trying to find someone? Can you maybe elaborate on that?
4. If this ^ isn't the case anymore, do either of them have past relationship experience?/Any exes?
Standard procedure; Readmore :3.
1. Skye and I actually took a quiz as Roman and Virgil to know long, long time ago!
You can infer which is which and what is what.
This is Roman's
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And this is Virgil's
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2. I think I've answered this before!
They were just cuddling when Virgil brought up the fact they haven't actually kissed before and roam went "Well then, Do you want to?" and so they kiss and that's their first one :D.
3. Roman wasn't actually a playboy. The media just called him that.
He was just trying to find and keep a partner but due to his intense form of loving (which seemed overbearing) and also the fact that he can't fully trust his partner with his little Phantom secret and he felt like he needs to be "Cardenia's Sweetheart Roman Prince" in front of them.
This is why he and Virgil are the most compatible and perfect for each other:
He doesn't have to act, Virgil knows his identity, and he can be as intense and overbearing as he wants because Virgil is the exact same.
4. I can tell you about Roman's!
(I'm not really sure with Virgil, You'll have to ask skye! They're asleep right now so I can't really ask xem haha.)
For Roman, he has had a lot of partners and a lot of experience! They were supposed to be committed relationships but as you can tell they all never fully worked out.
He has had many different types of partners and he's dated a huge range of types of people.
He identifies as Omnisexual so he has a preference for more masc-leaning people but in general he doesn't care of their gender identity.
With most of his Exes, they broke up amicably so he has no ill intent of feelings with any of them and vice versa.
All of his exes would describe him as: "A great guy and attentive partner but he's sort of overbearing and he seems to keep a lot of secrets. It feels like he's trying too hard to please you."
I'd say he's had around 5-8 exes!
** Bonus tidbit: Both Roman and Virgil are Monogamous.
A few of Roman's relationships fell apart because his partner wanted another and he respectfully had to tell them he was uncomfortable with it and they end up breaking up.
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whoredmode · 7 months
Okay, now for all my AtoA questions:
1.) Is Jane Valderama still reporting on all the craziness?
2.) Does Prof. Genki's S.E.R.C. exist in your rewrite and has it expanded to stilwater?
3.) I love the concept for the new main antagonists!! Being behind forgive and forget is such a cool backstory and makes so much sense. How do you pronounce their name though lmao?
4.) I would also love to know more about Ranja. How big of a role do they play in AtoA?
5.) Your version of Troy seems way more fleshed out and more true to his SR version. How does he differ from the bald police chief version in SR2? Like does he still do all that?
6.) When Killbane returned to the states in his tag team with Angel, did Angel know Killbane was using?
7.) Speaking of the wrestling in SR, is it similar to how wrestling works in real life do you think? Like in real life, the match results are predetermined and it's just 2 athletes putting on a fight meant to tell a story and entertain with real life feuds bleeding in occasionally. Do you think it functions like that in SR or do you think it's more of a fight between two warriors and the better fighter wins. Kinda closer to MMA but with the showiness of wrestling and lucha libre.
8.) I saved the best (Dex) question for last! When Dex was with the syndicate and feeling like he'd never get out (especially after Loren dies), do you think some part of him felt like he deserved it. Almost like his own personal purgatory as a result of the choices he made
I hope this isn't too many questions 😅😅. I can't wait to hear your thoughts!!
omg some excellent questions. gonna have to answer them under a readmore because this is gonna be looooong but i’m sure you understand that haha
yes of course! jane never stops. especially with some juicy stories that have been developing for literal years i mean come on
2. so Yes it still exists. it’s just a game show and doesn’t play a huge role in anything. it hasn’t expanded to stilwater and remains in steelport. genki is just the mascot character, but i like to think there’s some expansion on the show's brand itself; there’s actually an in-game ad in srtt that implies the existence of a genki amusement park, so i like to think that exists somewhere within steelport. always pictured an indoor amusement park, just because the game show is so enclosed. 
3. i’m not sure which names/words in particular you want a pronunciation of, so i’ll do a few:
Z: it’s just the letter Z
Philosotology/Philosotologists: Fih-loss-oh-tahl-low-jee/Fih-loss-oh-tahl-low-jist (you can find NPC dialogue in the first two games of this being pronounced btw)
Ranja: she responds to either “Rahn-ha” or “Rahn-jah”
Torque: like the word “torque,” pronounced “Tork”
if there’s any i’m missing feel free to lemme know
4. OKAY SO. i’m gonna start with backstory stuff bc it appears in the rewrite through flashbacks (flashbacks are a major part of the storytelling in AtoA). ranja was part of the vice kings back in the 1970s. she was a major figure during that fight throughout the 70s, right alongside ben and julius, though as time moved on and after everything that happened, they often write her out of it on purpose. but she was particularly adept at gathering intel and spying. she grows frustrated with the VK, feeling stifled by the way ben and jules run things, and their refusal to allow angela, ben’s sister, to play a larger role despite her skills. ranja, who had feelings for angela, had tried forever to get her to leave stilwater, but angela declined each time. eventually ranja gets the idea to  start running her own operations, eventually getting in contact with the samedi. she starts doing work for them—scoping areas outside stilwater (and some within), running some drugs, brokering deals with the help of the VK’s lawyer, harlan delmonaco (one of my non-boss OCs). with a bunch of new money, she asks angela a final time if she’ll leave stilwater with her, revealing what she’d been doing. angela is heartbroken that ranja would lie to her and the VK; this later culminates in an argument between ranja, angela, ben and jules, which ends with angela’s death at the hands of the carnales. ranja leaves stilwater after this, leaving to work with the samedi full-time. ben and jules blame ranja for angela’s death, while ranja blames them (but lbr, they really blame themselves). fast forward to sr2. with the hole left by the saints dissolution, ranja—now doing her own thing but still highly respected within the samedi—is able to get them a strong foothold within the city. fast forward now to AtoA, she’s coming in to take stilwater herself, since clearly no one else can be trusted with the city angela loved so dearly. she runs her own gang, the emperors (because kings only rule a kingdom; she rules an empire). 
5. oh my god troy. my beloved. he does…..a lot of shit. such a major player in my canon. i'm gonna link my timeline for the five years between the first two games here bc it's semi-related enough to this question. so he was still the police chief throughout sr2, but he’s on the side of the saints. he goes out with anteros in disguise whenever he calls. they take out operations and strongholds together. troy acts as a trainer for anteros during this time as well, because anteros is still working on getting his strength back post-coma. by the time srtt happens, though, he quits as the chief of police and instead becomes a private investigator. this 1) gives him freedom to do what he wants and allows him more mobility to help the saints when needed and 2) still gives him credibility. so he helps them directly all through srtt, “rejoining” them. he’s still there in AtoA, but by the end of that he leaves to focus on the private eye thing. he’s still in constant contact with the saints and helps whenever they call. also because i don’t think anteros can go a day without talking to troy. my characterization of him is worth its own several posts tbh (actually, i have some already)
6. i don’t think angel initially realized it, but as their fame grew it became pretty apparent. i actually think when angel confronted him about it, it made killbane so paranoid and nervous that it’s what made him demand a fight against angel. he’d convinced himself that angel asking him if he was on steroids meant that angel was coming for his glory, so he took it as his chance to humiliate him and get him out of his life. angel was just genuinely concerned for him though. 
7. so this is really interesting because in my canon, there’s two murderbrawls. the first one is the public one, which is like your typical theatrical wrestling and lucha libre. but the other murderbrawl is an actual death match. real fighting, real death, no rules, weapons allowed. completely underground. 
8. well…sorta kinda. i think if there’s any character i’d describe in my canon as driven by guilt/feeling like he deserves punishment or purgatory, it’s troy. that said, i do think dex feels that way in that situation to an extent. he feels like it’s partially his fault because he chose to side with the syndicate, not because he didn’t go back to the saints. this leads into his confrontation with anteros at the end of the srtt rewrite, with them meeting one-on-one and dex telling himself he was gonna end this (even though things end much differently). dex did not want to be a gangster. he did what he had to do back then, but he never saw the saints as a permanent place for himself. for one, he wasn’t treated very well as a lieutenant in the first place, but then all the lies come out about troy and julius, johnny’s imprisoned, and worst of all….anteros died. it’s not the ending he wanted, but it’s what he got and he just had to move forward regardless. i think dex got his degree in city planning, and that’s what he always wanted to do. he wanted to help develop stilwater into something beautiful. all he’s ever wanted, from the very beginning, was to protect his home. things just kept escalating out of his control. i wouldn’t describe his guilt during srtt on something as grand a scale as purgatory, but he feels angry at himself for letting it get this far. for not planning better. admittedly by this point he’s much more paranoid than he’s ever been, so at times his planning can be a bit…scattered, but he’s still good about ultimately keeping a level head. by the time AtoA is going on and he's "rejoined" them, i think any guilt he feels is less focused on the saints as a whole and more focused on anteros himself. it's hard being someone who tries to account for every possibility; how was he supposed to plan for a dead man coming back?
OKAY i think that's everything. a linked a million things here because i love to cite myself and i've just. written a lot. thank you so much for these this was so fun to answer!
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ceeejus · 8 months
Hi so like. This might sound like a very silly question but how did you get your art riso printed? Like, did you order it from a printing shop, or print it yourself? I looked at the prices of these printers out of curiosity and they seem like, surprisingly expensive so it got me thinking that I missed some cheaper offer or smth because I'm seeing more and more mention of riso printing and just. Wonder how anyone other than an office or smth can afford that lmao
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hey anon! not silly at all--i love to talk riso and am always happy to share resources! putting this under a readmore because i got very rambly lol
i do print 99% of my risos myself-- i bought a used/refurbished riso EZ220 in 2020 (which is a pretty old model) so it was ~$750 USD for the machine + one color drum (this is a whole separate beast of costs). but you're absolutely correct, risos (especially new/not refurb) can be very expensive-- brand new current model ones i think can be like. the price of a new car, which is crazy. some of that's due to it being a very complicated machine, and some of that might also be due to import costs depending on location. sometimes riso dealers will have sales, especially on refurbished models, so if you are someone who's interested in buying one i would keep an eye out for something like that*. but also buying a riso definitely isn't something i would recommend if you're just starting to get into it-- they require more upkeep than a standard printer, in addition to the price (NOT TO MENTION THE SIZE.. mine is a smaller model and it weighs more than 200lbs. trying to get it into my apartment was a nightmare.)
(*if this is something you or anyone else is interested in i have further tips on this but i dont think thats really the point of this ask so i wont put them here LOL)
HOWEVER! aside from owning your own riso, there's definitely way more accessible/affordable* (*not usually cheap but definitely cheaper than buying a thousand dollar machine) ways to get into riso printing. a lot of risograph small presses will offer print services, where you set up a file and choose colors and they print for you and send them back to you. some places may also provide file setup for an additional fee. this kind of thing is definitely more expensive than ordering a standard print, and often there will be a minimum quantity that you have to order (due to the way the riso works, the more you print the more economical it is to make the print, basically). the 1% of prints i haven't printed myself i got from retroJAM Taiwan as part of a group show/order, but there are a LOT of printshops that offer this! I'm not sure what country you're in, but stencil.wiki has a great atlas here-- i'm not sure all listed here offer this, but worth a look. looking around in tags on instagram or twitter might also get you results of print places that aren't listed here.
another option (depending on location) is to take a class. a lot of colleges or community art centers have risos-- some print shops may also have community risos. classes can definitely be expensive, but often after you take the class sometimes there will be options to buy studio time to continue using the machine. (often you can't do just studio time without class, because risos are expensive and particular and very easy to break haha. obviously this makes the whole endeavor more expensive because you have to pay for class too, but once you're certified at a location you gain a bit of trust lol.) before i had my machine i was lucky enough to take a class at sva and use their print lab, which is beautiful!! and also kind of expensive to buy lab hours for (iirc, this was like 5 years ago) unless you're enrolled which makes sense. for a LONG time after that i printed at the EFA riso room which was a little more affordable (and overall easier to book studio time at. i love them!!!!)-- if covid hadn't happened i would probably still be printing there. most of my knowledge of classes is for the ny area, but again depending on where you are there might be some in your area too-- again stencil.wiki or even just poking around on instagram is how i usually find other print shops whose work i want to check out (so hopefully it'll work for this kind of thing too lol).
this definitely isn't like. an exhaustive list of riso options but hopefully this answers your question!! again i am always happy to talk riso-- i spent a long time wanting to get into it and not being sure how to and am also relatively a riso hobbyist (as opposed to like, a printing press) so always glad to pass on knowledge of how to get into riso Casually, haha.
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jellogram · 1 month
I've alluded to my zzzquil DPH trip before but I realized I've never actually told the story. Since I can't sleep rn it seems like a good time to write it up. I'll break it up with a readmore because it's a bit long but hopefully you can enjoy laughing at me.
So here is a great story to describe my teenager stupidity + what it's actually like to trip on DPH (benadryl).
First there's three things you have to know about me:
I have chronic lifelong insomnia
I have a panic disorder that is often triggered by interruptions in my sleep schedule
I have zero impulse control
So the trouble begins when I have to get up at 7am for a literature final my freshman year of college. I was regularly sleeping til 1pm at the time. I'm not nervous for the test, but I'm FREAKING out about the wakeup time. I cannot describe how miserable I felt all week, but if you have an anxiety disorder you understand the dread.
But my campus market sells zzzquil! I can just knock myself unconscious! This is a fantastic idea that definitely won't backfire!
Get the bottle. It's bedtime. I take a dose. Hmmm, that didn't seem like enough. Take another dose. No no no, I can still hear myself think. Just chug it, it's fine. I had that little voice in my head that always yells at me when I'm doing some dumb shit, but as usual, I was too swept up in the impulse to listen. I simply did not want to be conscious for another moment longer.
I drank about half the bottle within one minute.
Look at the bottle. It's more than half gone. Immediately the anxiety takes over from the impulsiveness. I weighed about 90 pounds. Would this... kill me? Suddenly I am realizing how badly I don't want to die. I'm hyperventilating. I feel like I'm underwater. What do I do?
I go on reddit and quora and webmd. This is where I learn for the first time that a) people take this drug, DPH, recreationally and b) those people are considered freaks by the greater drug community because of how bad the high is.
Five seconds later I'm in the bathroom trying to make myself puke but it's not working. We've got to ride this out. I'm getting drowsy and it's drowning out the panic attacks, so maybe I'll just sleep through the trip.
And folks, that is when I entered the mirror dimension.
I slept fine for an hour or two. But when I woke up, I was no longer on earth. I was in purgatory. It's impossible to describe. Everything felt wrong and scary in ways I can't convey with words. It was like a nightmare. I felt like I was moving through jell-o. I could hear crowds of people whispering around me. I didn't visually hallucinate, but it was just this incredible uncanny feeling that I was in the wrong place. Like I'd been sucked from my world and dropped into a nearly identical one.
I went into the living room and curled up on the couch and I felt like I weighed a thousand pounds. I could hear busy street noise outside but I knew this wasn't real. People kept whispering. I just knew something was very very wrong, but I was too sedated to be anxious about it. So I just waited it out, shaking and confused on the couch, in the dark, listening to the shadow people talk shit about me.
Finally, the sun came up and the evil wrong feeling started to dissipate and I started to feel less high, but it's not like you just shake off an experience like that. My alarm went off. Time to go take a literature final I guess.
I walk to the test like a zombie. The girl next to me asks if I'm ready for the exam. I grumble. "Haha, not a morning person?" she jokes. "Not really," I say.
What am I supposed to say? I just spent the last 8 hours in purgatory because I'm a fucking idiot and I chugged half a bottle of sleep medication without thinking? Because I couldn't stand the anxiety of *looks at smudged writing on hand* having to wake up at 7am?
You can't just tell that to a stranger, not when you're too disoriented to even begin to answer questions.
I took my final, which involved long form essays about books I hadn't read because, as well established here, I was not a functioning human. So I bullshitted the entire thing. I was still high enough that I wasn't sure I was even awake at the moment. I could not have recollected a single thing I wrote. I walked out of that class feeling relief that it was over, anxiety about failing, and most of all embarrassment that I had even created this situation for myself.
I got an A.
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aquadestinyswriting · 11 months
Happy WBW/STS! :D Aqua, you can't just ask a question like that with a preface like that and not expect a fire back. 8) 8) 8) What is Fangthane hidiiiiiing? (Worry not about spoilers. I get the feeling I'm bouncing around the timeline anyway, so eff me up. 8) )
Haha, fair enough my friend. I will say to anyone already not in the know who cares about spoilers for Fangthane's Folly and the Anvil's Fall that there will be major spoilers beneath the readmore cut. You have been warned.
Right then, now that's been established;
The first thing that needs to be pointed out is the fact that, while the War of the Red Hammer and the knowledge of the following Purges has not been erased from history and is, in fact, acknowledged by Fangthane, what was covered up was the fact that a second set of Purges happened.
To clarify; The War of the Red Hammer happened around 3,500 years ago when the union between the royal families of Fangthane and the hold now known as Wyrmholme was broken due to most of the dwarves of Wyrmholme turning to worship of Ladeurger (an evil dwarven deity of slavery and torture) over Moradin, when both deities first found Titan. The main clan that was involved in the war was the Redhammer clan, the royal house of Fangthane's sister hold. Any members of the Redhammer clan that were living in Fangthane that turned their worship to Ladeurger were summarily executed, while those that remained "loyal" to Fangthane were adopted out into various other clans.
What isn't nearly as well known about those Purges is that Fangthane's nobility also purged any families that didn't turn at least a token amount of worship to Moradin. This was covered up and the families were written off as Heretics, no better than the ones that turned their worship to Ladeurger despite the fact that they never did. One family, however, was spared this fate due to their close ties with the royal family, and the fact that they (at the time) had the pleasure of having a Shaper in their line, the original Stonespeaker clan. The Stonespeakers remained ardent Throffites and refused to acknowledge Moradin's place in the new dwarven pantheon. This was handily ignored for about 1,000 years, until the then newly crowned king Joldrunn Goldseeker decided to try convincing the remaining Redhammers and Stonespeakers to convert to Moradin over Throff, as he believed that Throff didn't hold enough power to have pride of place in dwarven society any longer. Most agreed and complied with the order, but one family in the Stonespeaker clan refused. They believed that, as before, they could convince the king to overlook the matter as they were still the only line that held Throff's Blessing. The Shaper of the time, Merewin, had only recently been betrothed to the kings' youngest son, Ragnar, so the Stonespeakers were confident that the matter would be easily resolved.
To cut an already very long story short, Joldrunn's decree created such a Schism within the church that it threatened to spill over into outright civil war. Merewin and her family continued to refuse to convert, which ended with Merewin's execution for Treason and Heresy after she was discovered down in the Contemplation Chamber without permission from the then Archlector. The majority of her family were executed not long after (along with several others who sided with them), while the others fled or adopted themselves into other clans and immediately converting. Several clans, who silently agreed with the Stonespeakers, but realised which way the wind was blowing, fled Fangthane and later founded the secretive hold of Kar Kherril. Ragnar didn't live very long after this and died of what was deemed to be a broken heart.
Now, why is all of this considered to be spoilers? Well, let's have a quick look at the offical, recorded family tree of the Ironforges for a moment
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Garuld is recoded as having been executed about a week after his sister, but by that time, he'd already had three sons, the two eldest of whom were executed along with the rest of their family, while the youngest was adopted out to the Ironforge clan. This family tree is not publicly available, and is held in the secure vaults found in the depths of Fangthane's Library. It is considered to be the official lineage of the modern Ironforge clan. I've cut out the rest of Ovak's children and their marriages to make it easier to trace the line down to Meredith and her siblings. The reason this family tree is kept secure and not readily publicly available even to the modern Ironforge clan? To cover up the fact that the modern Ironforge clan has any connections whatsoever to the Fangthane Royal line and also to cover up the fact that this second set of Purges even occurred. Yup, one of the kings of Fangthane genocided a whole family line that was known to have been Blessed by the Creator Goddess, then had it covered up because it made him look bad.
Now, the problem here is, that Shaping is passed down the matrilineal line, not the patrilineal. So by all rights, the Blessing of Throff should have died out entirely when Merewin did as she was too young to have children of her own at the time of her death (she was 66 years old, the age of consent in Fangthane has been 65 since its founding). So how does the modern Ironforge line have a Shaper at the time of the Destiny's New Servants campaign?
A small biology lesson: Dwarves generally hit puberty at any time between 30 and 45 years old. This is long before Fangthane's age of consent. Dwarves, biologically speaking, aren't all that different from other humanoids on Titan, so puberty means hormones, and lots of them. It also means a whole tonne of stupid decisions. While dwarves are generally less fertile than other peoples, they're not infertile by any means. "Teen" pregnancies happen, and they happen all the time, they're just generally swept under the rug a bit more in the case of the dwarves and almost every family has sons and daughters that are converted to brothers and sisters for the sake of convenience.
To make things a bit clearer, here's what the Ironforge family tree looks like when extrapolated out from a record found buried in the God Vault that was discovered beneath Fangthane's Contemplation Chamber:
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Now we know where Meredith inherited the ability from. Merewin and Ragnar were 45 and 50 at the time of Ovak's birth (as detailed in Merewin's diary, which Meredith picked up from the little side chamber she found under the Comtemplation Chamber), so the child was quickly adopted by Merewin's older brother to save both families the shame. As a note: this was discovered and uncovered during following Meredith's own trial for Treason and Heresy, and we can actually thank Snotgrut for getting the librarians off their arses to do some actual investigation once the trial was concluded.
As far as fiction that happens post campaign; there's a tonne of debate whether to update the records to reflect this extrapolated family tree and reinstate this line of the Ironforge clan to a noble status, or if they shouldn't bother because Meredith married into a noble lineage anyway, by way of her marriage to Yoruk (who is the current king's nephew on his father's side).
I know that was a lot, but I did a lot of figuring this out for the campaign, just in case any of the group wanted to do some further digging. They didn't in the end, but this has been sitting in my back pocket for about 4-5 years now.
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whumpsday · 2 years
idk if this was previously asked
but what would happen in an au where bellamy doesn't have persuasion (like canon!kane) and kane has canon!bellamy's level of persuasion. would their friendship dynamic change? would kane be protective of bellamy? how would their families react?
haha @whumpshaped asked me the same thing back in may! here's a slightly edited copypaste of what i told them on discord (under a readmore because it is LONG)
cw for: homophobia, mind control, forced suicide via mind control, brief minor whumper
so on the day this is revealed. 10yo kane has a very conflicting mix of emotions. kane is MUCH happier about his ability than bellamy was. he feels like a superstar. his parents are proud of him. anton is seething in barely-contained envy. but... his best friend is sad. and this is BELLAMY. little, already-unconfident bellamy. kane's always been the leader, the one who bellamy looked up to. in canon, their dynamic didn't change until after this reveal. and kane can't abandon his best friend.
but the problem is, aldrich and rosemary have ordered him to cease being friends with bellamy. unlike bellamy's dad who was a little more lenient, aldrich is firm. kane sneaks off anyway. he desperately craves his parents' approval, but unlike in canon, that approval is not in any real danger. kane promises a tearful bellamy that they'll always be friends no matter what anyone says.
[3:42 AM]bellamy's family already despise him after this little reveal. the day 13yo bellamy realizes he's gay is the most terrifying day of his life. he's depressed and anxious and afraid. he doesn't even have his hobby in this au. he can't afford to be chastised for doing "women's work". kane is the only person in his life who cares about him. but kane can't know. no one can know. he stays closeted.
[3:44 AM]kane is pretty much considered vampire royalty. aldrich has given him some time with other humans to test his abilities on, and it seems like he is even more powerful than his father, even at a young age. kane hesitates when he's told to make a human kill themself, but with further encouragement, he does it. the praise he receives from this deed enforces that it was the right decision to listen to what his father says, and his doubts mostly dissipate. mostly.
[3:47 AM]anton stops picking on him, knowing that kane is higher rank than he is and that it will backfire. kane flourishes when the weight of anton's emotional abuse disappears.
[3:49 AM]bellamy starts sneaking off to hang out with commoners when he's 15, the same as he did in canon. for the first time, he's not judged. no one cares that he doesn't have persuasion. he makes friends who aren't kane. he gets a support system. he decides he's going to leave. his family don't care. kane cares. bellamy can't ask kane to come with him. this bellamy has no confidence. but he does ask kane to stay in touch, to which kane says "OF COURSE!"
[3:51 AM]kane starts sneaking away to hang out with bellamy and his new friends. he doesn't need to worry about what people will think. he's full of confidence. he's the life of the party. bellamy is so in love with him. bellamy's finally starting to come out of his shell and be openly gnc, though he can't lose that stutter he had as a kid.
[3:52 AM]when kane turns 18, he captures a human. the human is effortlessly under his persuasion, and the lingering effects essentially make them a zombie within a week. given that his persuasion works more than well, he has no trouble controlling his human, and there is no extra abuse like kane enacted on jim in canon. just mind control and feedings. kane has an active social life and does not hang out with his human.
[3:54 AM]kane and bellamy remain best friends. kane doesn't even hide this fact anymore. he doesn't need to. bellamy's finally happy, having settled into his new life.
[3:56 AM]some women are very interested in kane. kane can't find himself interested in them back. he goes on dates. he even gets serious enough with some to call them a girlfriend. but it never lasts. there's never any real romantic connection. it takes a while, but kane eventually realizes that bellamy is the one he really wants.
[3:59 AM]kane could afford to be gay, if he wanted to be. he's kane de sang. but bellamy is the worst person he could have fallen in love with, socially speaking. kane decides he doesn't really care. again, he's kane de sang. he can do whatever he wants. he's a lot less insecure than his canon self. after breaking off his newest failed relationship, kane marches over to bellamy's place and confesses. it's the happiest day of bellamy's life.
[4:02 AM]they get together. it's a controversy. it does affect kane negatively in terms of social standing, but this kane is not scrambling for approval. this bellamy never got into human protection activism. he still disapproves of owning humans, but he's not NEARLY as passionate about it as his canon self. he's much less confident. he and kane agree to disagree on politics. the two live happily ever after, and kane grows a substantial human bodycount over the course of his life.
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magneticflower · 10 months
Ok. What was that about songs? I’m READY. Totally all ears.
Are there any about Inej’s happy tie laughter and - Wylan’s fund for his father’s lawyer?
ask me about six of crows
AhH, thank you for indulging me sjsjs I am so sorry it took like 3 to 5 business days to finally answer this--- I was letting myself get too carried away with songs before I eventually made myself cut out down lmao.
I'll put the rest under readmore for the sake of sparing anyone who does not care sks
Oddly enough, I'm not starting off with Kanej but with Helnik because the song West Coast by Imagine Dragons makes my heart ache when I think of them. I could put every single lyric on here buT I'll refrain-- sorta. I'll make sure to just elaborate on this one and the Kanej one I have ---
In particular though--- the bridge describes their ending so well.
"I'll change my ways if you would stay And all your tears that you have cried will go away Oh, just grant me one more day Oh, my love, please don't give up See the Devil at my door I see the future of the ones that I've ignored I guess I was born to be at war And, my love, I won't give up So, my love, please don't give up."
Matthias being so ready to just go with Nina wherever that may be. Matthias wanting to to just be with her one more time that he uses every last bit of strength he has to make to her before he dies. The war line alluding to both of them and their lives as soldiers. It just HITS me in the heart 'cause it reminds me of them especially when I think of it all leading up to their moments together in Crooked Kingdom and Matthias' oath to her.
The pre-chorus also --
"I ain't no Superman, I ain't no Holy Ghost I'm just the one who keeps you up at night, you love the most I'll be your strong man, I'll be your West Coast I'll be the sun, I'll be the waves, I'll be the one you love the most."
For Kanej, the song Easy for You to Say by 5SOS. Once again, I want to throw out all the lyrics of the song fit Kaz's pov but I will stick to only one verse ----
"I feel it in moments, a semblance of free Between all the gaspin', I finally breathe So I hold on so tightly in times that I see Someone with striking resemblance to me A darkness that holds me and loves when I bleed It locks all the doors and then hides all the keys Wish someone had told me what I couldn't see A glimmer of hope that was starin' at me."
This song in particular come to when thinking of the infamous, "I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all," because the song is about saying one thing but having a hard time following through and that definitely happened with Kaz then. He was trying to be honest--- but the timing was off and wasn't ready to commit to what he needed to be willing to do to be with Inej.
"Easy for you to say Harder for me to take This nostalgia in my bones Why can't I forget it?"
I have more songs for them but this one has struck me the most at the moment.
And here I'll just narrowed it down to one or two songs (for most, couldn't help myself with Inej and Kaz) and won't go on a tangent for any of them for the sake of brevity haha.
The Crows as a Whole: Rescue Me by OneRepublic, Sharks by Imagine Dragons, Crossfire by Rag'nBone Man; Seven Nation Army cover by Haley Reinhart (Post-Modern Jukebox) Inej: Hallowed Ground by Bishop Briggs. Mine by Phoebe Ryan, Wanted by OneRepublic, Art of Survival by Bishop Briggs, Praying by Kesha Kaz: Cutthroat by Imagine Dragons, Payback by Vo, Lost by NF Feat Hopsin, Blinding by Florence + The Machine Jesper: Run and Go by TOP; Bang! by Ajr, Mistake by NF Nina: Dear Departed by The Band Perry; Baggage by Bishop Briggs Matthias: Changing of the Guard by Rag'n'Bone Man Wylan: Not Today by TOP Kanej: Kings by The Pierces Helink: Nostalgia by The Band Perry Wesper: So Tied Up by Cold War Kids (Specifically book wise) Bonus one for the Trio (Kaz, Inej, Jesper): Next to Me by Imagine Dragons
End of tangent but feel free to ask me about any of the songs if you wanna know why I chose them for the characters -- and feel free to tell me any songs you associate with the characters!
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prideandpurrgil · 1 year
Generation Loss 1 Musings and Disordered Theories
Spoilers for all three episodes of Gen Loss 1 under the readmore. Just some thoughts about the Puzzler, theories about topics of a potential prequel, and also something about gl! Ranboo in future Generations I can't stop thinking about
Generation Zero/Rumored Prequel
I'm very very interested in the prospect of a prequel, and learning exactly why everything is happening the way it is. I think if we do get one, our Hero will be one of the characters that's been around longest (I can't shake the idea of gl!Jerma and gl!Slime being two of the oldest cast members, something about them being hosts for the shows makes me think they've been around much much longer than everyone else) I really wanna say Slime could potentially be our Hero, and maybe we'd get to see when Sneeg appeared in the cabin?
Or, potentially Hetch.
Seeing Hetch's origins would be incredibly fun, especially if we got to see him as the Hero, before getting asked by Showfall to run the shows himself. I do think he was potentially a Hero, just like Ranboo, and maybe was part of the cast for awhile before Showfall promoted him to gamemaster? Show director? Head scientist? Idk
Ranboo moving forward
I know Ranboo's said they'll take a step back from acting and focus more on writing, but I think we could potentially see him in later generations, atleast as a side character. I also wonder if the box will stay on? Follow me on this, but what if in later generations, Ranboo appears as a quirky side character, with some sort of old TV in place of a head? And maybe (like the Puzzler or the Slime Demon) everyone's going along with it because it's just their little character costume, haha!
But we would know.
I feel like Showfall would have a tough time keeping them alive AND removing the box, so leaving it on would be a simplier option. And they can just mind control everyone to see it as anything they want, right? Like the slime.
It wouldn't have to be a TV per say, especially because the Security ALSO has a TV head so idk if they could do it twice BUT wouldn't that be just horrifying?
The Puzzler
I know I'm reaching and grasping with this section. But hear me out. You know the end part of episode two where Ranboo listens to the recording and gets that key from the Puzzler, and he tells Ranboo about getting out and finding the truth, and that "the truth will set you free"? And then immediately afterwards Hetch appears and completely derails everything, and Ranboo forgets about the key?
I really did see that as the Puzzler breaking character and gl!Jerma trying to get Ranboo out. He said during his show that he'd been doing this for 30 years. Maybe that wasn't as crazy as an exaggeration as we all thought? And so many other people have pointed out: when the rats and the Puzzler were trying to join in on the fashion show, they were fully willing and ready to stop the death games, but it was the players who kept them going. And the Puzzler completely breaks character as well, and you can hear him plainly ask the players if they "really don't want to hang out with them". Once they press him to continue, Jerma resumes his Puzzler persona. I think Jerma is one of the oldest cast members, and I think he's been brainwashed and memory programmed and reprogrammed so many times that Showfall's methods are starting to not work on him. Another moment I thought was strange is when Sneeg is reprogrammed and brought back to the carousel, you can see the Puzzler completely frozen with a horrified expression on his face, but once he's unfrozen by Showfall he goes right back to whatever he was doing. I think Jerma knows, atleast on some level, that things are not as they seem, but he also realizes he's completely powerless in this situation. So he keeps playing his little gameshow persona, and tried to take advantage of the players derailing to stop the death games, and once there were no more options he tries to atleast leave some sort of escape plan for Ranboo, so maybe they can, just maybe, make it out of here. Only for Hetch to ruin it and drag Ranboo off on a series of red harrings.
I sincerly hope we get more of gl!Jerma and I would be estatic with more Puzzler. I just think there's more to his character than we're led to believe but maybe I'm just seeing things. Who knows. Definitely not me lmao
But yeah! I've only watched Gen Loss once so I might be off on these, and maybe on a rewatch I'll get more ideas or theories going.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read!
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starlytenight · 1 year
Hi, I want to share a little hc with you today that I have with Meta and Galaxia.
So I hc that Meta likes to maintain his weapons/swords as best as possible and finds rather claming to do so. And likes it enough he would even helps his friends maintain their weapons too when asked. Which happened more often when said friends where either unable or was stuck in medic to recover.
Porblem is that Galaxia is most likely the first magical sword Meta's ever had in he's perament possession as far as we know. And who knows if a magical snetient-ish sword even needs to be maintained like normal swords do?
So here come what the knight feels is an awkward 20 question game to make sure that he is not threading on a landmine or needs to get some special supplies if the sword needs a bit of maintenance every now and again.
Either way, I recon that Galaxia would not say no to a bit of maintenance now and then. Might feel like a bit of a massage for all we know and with how long Galaxia was around that demonbeast that guarded it and stuck in stone, she might find a bit of relife in Meta taking some time taking care of it.
Interesting headcanon there! And sorry for the long delay, arm issues and all and also I was thinking about how to answer this. I'm not used to people throwing me their headcanons! xD I think it's a cute idea, though I like to imagine it was super awkward at the start, haha. Poor guy's probably never had a weapon TALK to him, unless we suddenly learn the Master Sword was also sentient, lol
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My own version of Galaxia is interesting and would be "happy" at being taken care of though it probably wouldn't exactly be joyous in the sense we understand it. It would read it as "Ah, my master deems me worthy of maintaining and using. Excellent. This is good."
To toss in a bit more of my own shenanigans, my Meta kind of resented Galaxia at first so it was a bit of a build up before he trusted it. (See the readmore for some scribbles)
But yeah, this is a cute idea. I recall in my original fic there was a time Meta was cleaning Galaxia to try and relax and it seems like something he'd do to chillax in general.
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Kinda hard to get friendly with something that basically deep-fried your bestie in front of your eyes and weakened her enough to get mauled to death.
My Galaxia tried to be as apologetic as it could be since it sensed his pain but... Yeah. It had to be very gentle with the local grieving borb in order for him to favor using it over his more sentimental sword. It could sense how... pained he was in general both blaming himself and after hearing about how it can't entirely control its enchantment, it wasn't its fault.
On a less heavy note, Galaxia and its predecessor actually do love being tempered and tweaked by their maker.
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Probably is like getting a hug from your mother/favored parental figure. Her fire feels the best to them above all others. Galaxia funnily enough doesn't know how to process how it feels about that, haha. Cypha would also rip those boys a new one if they didn't take care of their weapons and armor well so yeah. xD She's very happy Meta takes extremely good care of his swords, even if he doesn't use his Master Sword as much these days.
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helljunker · 2 years
I care about that Noelle piece!!! Please do write up an explanation it would be wonderful
Noelle Snowgrave AU: A FAIL.
i… didnt really expect people to pay attention to my drawing. thanks for asking about it though!! i hope this post helps clarify my vision for the AU :'3
the following is just an edited, cleaned up version of what i wrote in my sketchbook concerning the au.
Some things before you read: In this AU, Noelle is meant to perish. The setting of this AU is built around this, and she isn't meant to be saved. That being said, people can make up their own alternative endings and concepts of the AU. If you want to add onto it in anyway I encourage it! That's the nature of Alternative Universes, haha. I do request linking back to this post at the least, if you do plan on sharing and modifying the concepts of this AU, so people can have that reference.
Notes under cut of the AU are loosely linear. If I think of a concept while writing I often just add it in without consideration to the timeline.
I'd like to officially name this AU "A FAIL." It's based on C418's song of the same name. The main tag I use for the content I make regarding this AU is [A FAIL.] (period included, without the brackets) Furthermore, if you have questions, comments, or elsewise, send me an ask! If you reply to the post I'll respond with my main (opprotunemoment.)
content warnings: frostbite, eventual death, comas. AU concepts and notes under the readmore.
This route is dependent on the player playing Deltarune, Chapter 2, pursuing a Weird/Pipis route. I call it Snowgrave, as does some of the community. When commanded to freeze Berdly, Noelle freezes herself in the last second to avoid hurting Berdly. This isn't scripted, of course, and it instantly ends the battle. This soft-locks the "game." What we know as the player, who seems to possess Kris, isn't able to proceed, and does the equivalent of ragequitting. Hah
This give Kris free will, which is… sorta confusing because up until this point, the red Soul, when within their body, commanded most of their actions. When they realize they can move and talk freely, they don't react immediately. It's Berdly who speaks first, demanding what they were making Noelle do, and what happened, etc etc (insert Berdly deliberating here.)
Seeing that Kris is unresponsive, Berdly runs away to find Susie. This leaves Kris completely alone. When they finally come to their senses, they desperately try to free Noelle, but they can't; they're not strong enough on their own.
I haven't really figured out what happens between then and the fountain being closed. I know the fountain does eventually get closed though, and this action traps Noelle (or rather, her embodiment, her Soul,) in what remains as the Cyber World. In the Overworld (which is a catchall term for what involves the school and town; basically not the "Dark World" or the "??????" world,) Kris, Susie and Berdly remain intact. Noelle is unresponsive and comatose. It's similar symptoms to what monsters call "falling down."
Noelle's physical body reflects what happened to her in the Berdly fight. Because she is frozen, her Cyber World body eventually succumbs to frostbite. This manifests physically in the Overworld. Her falling down and this damage confuses the doctors, and no matter what they do, her condition does not improve.
I've yet to come up with a solid reason why Noelle was abandoned. I'm tossing in the idea that Kris went rogue and closed the fountain without consulting the party firsthand. There's also the consideration that maybe Susie, Berdly and Ralsei attempt to save Noelle, but because Kris goes rogue and closes the fountain, everyone is returned back to their normal places besides Noelle.
Berdly is outwardly hostile to Kris, blaming them for Noelle's fate. Kris cannot explain themself. The adults have no reason to blame Kris, however, so Berdly's claims are dismissed. This puts a rift between the group. (The group being basically Susie and Kris, against Berdly)
Pinning down Ralsei's character is hard, personally. I'm unsure how he would react to the events presented in this AU. Probably dismissive? He would care about Noelle, but because of the nature of this AU, she cannot be saved. Perhaps he is optimistic that she would be fine in the Overworld, so that is why he isn't more proactive on trying to save her.
Susie seems to trust Kris a little more in Chapter 2, regardless of your actions in Chapter 1 (consider that: your choices don't matter SPECIFICALLY in Chapter 1. I personally think this is thrown out in Chapter 2, since this Chapter's decisions made by you, the Player, do actively change the outcome of the story. Toby I do not envy you on the basis that you're gonna have to tree branch so many endings. Starspeed. ANYWAY I got sidetracked, back onto…)
Susie! Because Susie trusts Kris, she doesn't initially believe Berdly and his claims. But when Kris becomes avoidant and reclusive, and thinks harder about Kris going rogue, Susie takes matters into her own hands and breaks into the school a few nights after Noelle is admitted to the hospital. Her intention is to ask Ralsei for help.
She finds she can enter the Dark World. However, it doesn't return her to Ralsei's castle. She gets stuck wandering in the "??????" world. Without Kris, the power of the red Soul, it's impossible to navigate. I wanted this to be a part of the mechanics of the AU because I personally suspect the power of the red Soul helps the Lightners navigate. Unable to proceed, Susie leaves back to the Overworld, and is caught having broke in.
Noelle's body can no longer maintain it's form. Without a soul, it's just a husk, and Noelle gives up fighting. This causes the body to dissipate. The soul is lost by this point.
Based on skymantle's observations regarding Rudy's condition, and relating it to monster children growing up based on their parent's souls, Rudy should no longer be sick after Noelle passes.
Other notes: I really this AU's concept because it reinforces that the player's choices don't matter, and that the NPC's have more agency than the player expects. ALSO need I remind you of Noelle's Lost Girl song. oof
aaand…. That's it!! Those are all the notes I have on the AU so far.
some sources i used: skymantle's post on monster children and their parents Undertale Subreddit's Snowgrave Megathread (mostly just the google doc regarding the walkthrough and route differences, as I have not played the route myself) Undertale Wikia (do i really need to link this. lols) LAST UPDATED: (9/26/22)
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