#someone posted that but had Jirou as Meena
st4r-c0d3 · 2 years
Deku's birthday/Kamideku hcs <33
for Deku's birthday Kami most definitely convinces everyone to throw him a surprise party
it goes about exactly how you think it would go with the lovely bunch of individuals thats 1-A
Sato bakes him a funfetti cake thats in the shape of (and decorated like) Deku's hero analysis notebook if it was open
all the edible confetti and glitter n stuff are in the colors of All Might's hero costume
Jirou definitely was in charge of making a playlist that everyone would vibe with whilst still being songs Deku enjoys
Bakugo was in charge of getting the gaming counsels set up so him and Deku could do their birthday tradition of Just Dance (Bakugo always wins)
Aoyama gets put in charge of decorations and no one is surprised at how beautifully everything turned out
while everything is getting prepared, Kaminari and Tamaki plan a double date so they can celebrate their respective partner's birthdays
nothing to fancy they go around the mall, get a bite to eat, and end up relaxing at the park
when they part ways Deku takes Kaminari to meet his mom for the first time so thats fun
when they head back to the dorms is when the party starts
they decide against hiding and jumping out due to not wanting to scare the ever-loving shit outta the birthday boy
but they definitely scream when he walks through the door to the common room and its a tad bit overwhelming
the second Deku notices whats going on he immediately starts crying
he never really had parties as a kid due to being bullied n stuff so he just hung out with his mom and Bakugo when Mitsuki made him
Todoroki got extremely confused by the tears and Kiri had to very lovingly inform him that they were happy tears
"omg guys you didnt have to do this" - Deku
"oh well i-" - Uraraka nervously bc she was bouta try and take credit (not sorry for the slander ngl bc i think its hilarious)
"Kami planned it all so all we did was execute as best to our ability" - Jirou
cue Deku peppering kisses all over Kami's face through his tears bc omfg my boyfriend is the reason this was possible
you think he was dramatic bout the party itself? he went absolutely batshit about the cake
enter Sato excitedly waiting for everyone to finish singing happy birthday so he can see Deku's reaction to the cake being cut into
Katsuki recorded his reaction to send to Inko and she fawned over it for weeks
after cake the party mellows out a bit so Kiri decided it was the perfect time to give Deku his birthday punches
lots of lively chatter and a sore arm later, Katsuki and Izuku have finally have their anticipated Just Dance match
and like usual, Katsuki won (this mf NEVER loses at Just Dance and when i say NEVER i mean he has been undefeated his entire life)
their traditional game is then followed by everyone trying to beat Katsuki while doing only extreme dances
almost everyone goes and loses until Mina
everyone thought it would at least be close considering Mina dances in a style closer to what they would be doing
but she inevitably got her ass handed to her when Katsuki got five stars in Where Have You Been on extreme
she ran out of stamina like halfway through and almost decked Sero in the fact when he said "thought youd have more staM-ina"
overall it was a good time and Midoriya thanked Kaminari PROFUSELY for planning what was single handedly the most exciting experience hes ever had (yes yes it did bass boost Denki's ego thanks for asking)
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