#somewhat ooc characters
krnzysh · 2 years
➜ WARNINGS gn!reader, use of endearments such as love, dear, etc. not proofread. short fic only! lmk if I missed any!
➜ AIKA'S NOTES just a little draft from me, not the best but it's been rotting there for awhile now🥲
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To my only love,
How have you been dear? I do hope you have been taking care of yourself. If you ever need anything, do remember just to tell someone, and they will be more than willing to help you.
It has been a while since we have seen each other, no? I do hope you miss me just as much as I miss you.
I miss how every morning you would greet me with a smile. I miss how every night I come home late, you
would be there to greet me. I miss your cooking. I miss your warm touches, hugs, and words of affirmation whenever things get hard. But most importantly, I miss your kisses that never fail to make my heart flutter, the same kisses that assure me, you are there, loving me.
I despise being sappy, but for all those things I just wrote, I truly do mean them. I hope my sincerity has reached your heart. 
Writing all those things makes me want to finish my business here as soon as possible. Don't worry dear, I will be home soon. 
Remember to take good care of yourself, and I love you, more than words can express. 
longing for your presence,
your only love♡
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kamisato ayato, jean gunnhildr, diluc ragnvindr, al haitham, zhongli, kaeya alberich, ningguang, cyno, tighnari, pantalone.
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© aiikalvr — do not repost, translate, or plagiarize any of my works on any platform !
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cathalbravecog · 2 months
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hr napping w/ the sonboy comfort art. yknow when you like a character a lot you start drawing them in the most mundane daily situations? yea? yea. also more style/program experimentation! drew this entirely in krita which i typically don't do as a sai user
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iamfuckingsorry · 1 month
So I know the fandom loves seeing young Kim as a punk, with leather jackets and combat boots and a million pins and patches and in general fairly anti-establishment and also somewhat openly gay at least within the community
And I'm not gonna lie I love it too
But there's also this idea that I can't get out of my mind, and it's Kim in what is called "epa-kultur" over here. 15 year old kids too young to have a driver's license or a car, but one of the friends in the group has six older siblings and managed to get one of those cars that are only supposed to go up to 40 kmph that you can drive with a moped license, but that can definitely go up to like 150 if you flip the right switches. It's 30 years old and absolutely shit but you all love it anyway. You drive around, a shitty speaker in the back playing terrible electronic music too loud to really hold a proper conversation while inside, nine kids packed like sardines sitting on each other's laps (one of the backseats is taken up by a speaker), ending up in an unused parking lot to get drunk on 3% beer. The car's broken half of the time but that just means you play bad music and get drunk on cheap beer while trying to fix it with random parts you got from a friend of a friend of a friend, always fucking up in some way no matter how hard you try so the car will inevitably break down again within a week. Until you eventually really do get fairly good at fixing it, and then you just end up checking all the bolts and connections all the time instead. And like it's definitely a small town/rural thing over here. It definitely would not be a thing in Revachol, and especially not in the part of Revachol Kim grew up in, where you're happy to have a roof over your head and food to eat and you're probably reasonably rich compared to your neighbours if your family has a car. And while it's very different nowadays especially with younger kids you could still get a lot of the ideas common in more conservative areas, about gender roles and queer people and whatnot.
And I just love the idea of 15-year-old Kim with a group of other kids like this, feeling a tiny little bit like he finally belongs somewhere for the first time, trying to figure out a way to get some money for a car part for his friend's car, drinking even though he doesn't really want to because that's what you're supposed to, casually making sexist jokes that make him strangely uncomfortable even though he doesn't really understand why, fully convinced the only reason he tries to find any excuse to spend time with this one guy that is so impressive and knows so much about cars is because it's the first time he's found a good friend, because why else would you feel this way about a guy
and then after a couple of years maybe he does bring up possibly feeling a certain way about men when he's a bit drunk and he immediately gets made fun of, and when he doesn't react fast enough and say that obviously he was kidding, eww that would be so gross, he gets called a hundred different slurs without hesitation, not just homophobic ones but racial ones too, and he realizes once again that there really isn't a single place in this world where someone like him could truly belong, no matter how it might feel in the moment.
(and then maybe he does get a leather jacket and some patches a few years after that lol)
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lucentaire · 1 month
something that i think we, as a fandom, should outgrow is reducing characters to common jokes / memes. i think this especially applies for the more minor characters because as someone who has mostly written minor characters, it is really discouraging if the general opinion on a character that you love is [ insert meme here ]. the author already fails to respect his characters. not clowning on the characters your fellow rpers clearly love and adore enough to write them should be the bare minimum
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mc-survivalist-steven · 4 months
I've been thinking and thinking. Call me a researcher or just a stranger. And something's been gnawing on my mind.
I didn't know Herobrines could reproduce let alone be female. There's an overabundance in males and females are a rarity from my observation. That is such an odd thing. Not to mention that Herobrines don't really- reproduce. Of course with exceptions, but the cases I know do it rather traditionally.
Your mother- (likely a brine all the same - as you describe yourself one too) Your mother produced children by spreading spores of some kind. Some parts of herself I guess. A power to mend into the elements and create another living being in such a way is baffling.
To get to the point and my actual question.
I've been pondering- spreading Herobrine offspring on such a wide scale (as you mentioned you had plenty of siblings) and seemingly not weakening herself if she could do that en mass. Maybe it's less of making more Brines from herself but something more akin to Brine-Spawns. (like vampire-spawns- a weaker kind of vampire sprung from a true one)
With that odd thought- you are the child of a Herobrine, but not a full brine yourself? Do you think that is kinda true?
Brines are such a rarity, your mother releasing tousands of offspring into the world and them being true Brines seems a little unreasonable.
Of course I may be mistaken as every elusive indivitual of a brine works different than the next. Maybe you and your "species" aren't actual brines by many a definition from each their own flaws.
Ah..... I've been talking a lot. What do you think about this whole- thing? Maybe you know more than I do. Probably.
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Hello LGBTQ+ community. I redesigned prism a little
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backpocketkazoo · 1 year
you want a pn request? alright then, write loboto x reader. yeah, that's right, dr caligosto loboto. let the readers smooch that tall fish-loving dentist
🧠Dr Loboto x Reader General Headcanons🦷
You get me so well anon 😋😋😼
Sorry if this shows up in the main tags 💔
Uh as always not rlly sure if yall wanted hcs or what.. so that's what i did.
These are domestic btw guys I say so
🧠LOBOTO IS CRAZY ABOUT YOU. LIKE. Yeah,, he’s crazy either way but. He’s obsessed with you. You make him so happy you don’t get it guys. You’re everything and he’s just ken /hj.
🦷 Whenever you’re gone he’s just :-(
-> He’ll start heavily sighing until someone finally asks what’s wrong and he’s like “I miss my partner </3”
-> Then whenever you come back he’s like a dog when it’s owner comes back from work. He’s so excited!!
-> You will walk into a room and he’ll gasp and make everyone aware of your presence.
🦷 He is so clingy 😭
-> Loboto has a lingering fear that you’re gonna hate him for everything he’s done or that you’ll leave him. You have to verbally reassure him that that’s not true.
🧠 Love language is definitely physical touch. He is so SO touch starved.
-> Loves loves loves hugs. When you walk into the room he’ll pick you up, exclaiming how excited he is to see you, and pull you into a tight hug. He doesn’t care if it’s a room full of people. And honestly? He probably got tunnel vision when he saw you and completely forgot they were there.
🦷Additionally, he loves holding your hand. Tbh. He loves your touch in general.
-> He’s really gentle with you? It’s as if you’re fine china and he’s afraid you’re gonna break if he’s not careful.
-> He’s weirdly domestic with you and it confuses everyone. “This the same man that stole everyone’s brains🤨🤨🤨⁉️⁉️”
🧠 Hehe.. he’s just sooooo tall so yknow you’ll tug him down by his apron so he’s at your level right? And just give him a big ol kiss.
-> My guy short circuits. Literally intoxicated. He has those cartoony hearts floating around him.
🦷 Loboto MAY be a little bit overbearing at times but he’s trying his best. He doesn’t have a history of healthy relationships with people so it’s all kind of new to him. He doesn’t have a proper frame of reference for these sorts of things. But he’s learning;;,
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dreamwinged · 21 days
attached to the character to the point where the possibility of getting new content doesn’t even excite me. because what if they fuck it up… what if they fuck HIM up……
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astrosye · 11 months
How about some bullets for a Traveller!reader who gets along spectacularly with Itto? Absolute chums. Paimon is not pleased with Bull Chuckers ability to lower the collective intelligence of the room.
➻ astrosye
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a/n⇶ I love this request so much omg I'M GONAN HAVE FUN WITH THIS 😈😈 also im alive now😘 changing my theme in a bit, be patient 4 me babes🤍 GIVE ME SOME CRITICISM SINCE IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I WROTE😞😞
cws/tws ⇶ platonic, swearing here and there😋 kind of a crackfic?? Both modern au and regular teyvat ykyk!! Just a lot of chaos
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⌗ scene I — modern AU (college or highschool students)
♡ now, this could go both ways: If you have a personality that contrasts Itto's, he would be a great ally and protector to you- but if you had one that matches him more,, the both of you are skipping school, driving motorcycles, and possibly getting dumber each second. Though,, if you do have a more quiet, and reserved personality- far from Itto's- it could still lead to the same result as the other one! Maybe..
♡ anyway- with both results, Paimon is very much displeased from you and Itto's relationship. PAIMON SAYS STOP HANGING OUT WITH ITTO AND HANG OUT WITH HER INSTEAD, HE'S MAKING YOU DUMBER!!! <— the exact words paimon said.
♡ both you and Itto get a lot of tutoring from the person whom has the highest grade in your class — Kokomi Sangonomiya. With you being around Itto- he practically just affected you with his dumbass-ness! You have no choice but to get a tutor..
♡ but if you managed to resist the dumbass-ity, you tutor him instead! Just a warning, he's annoying as fuck, but you already know that.
♡ anyway- with you tutoring Itto,, it seems he finally got that one math question correctly! (The math question was literally 4th grade math..)
♡ but studying under the wing of Kokomi.. Itto will act like a total smartass even though he's the exact opposite😭 He's more knowledgeable about the subjects, yes, but does that mean he's not an idiot anymore? NO.
♡ but even if he's still got pretty low grades.. you have to admit, you're proud of him for improving!
♡ ^and he WANTS you to show him that you are.
"[name]! I passed my science test! Aren't ya proud of me?"
he boasted about his paper with a winning smile -- despite him having a score of 37/60, you can't help but smile as well.
"Right, right! You're amazing!--"
⌗ scene II — modern au
♡ there are times the both of you are separated; as horrible as it is, this is a big school, you can't help it!
♡ so as soon as the both of you learnt that the both of you were in different sections.. you were all bawling your eyes out!
♡ ^cue paimon dragging the both of you away
♡ but apart from that, the both of you always meet up at the cafeteria to do whatever it is that you both please!
the straw was stuck in itto's nostrils - as disgusting yet hilarious that it was - a pathetic attempt that made you laugh.
"pfft — bwahaha!"
the loud laughter echoed throughout the room, as itto gave you a wide grin,
"you're an absolute idiot, itto.."
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♡ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
⌗ scene I — teyvat
♡ the oh-so popular traveler, walking around inazuma in search for another adventure — they'd eventually find that adventure as they come across a small village, seemingly terrified for their lives.
"t-the monster.."
♡ the villagers would mutter, a feared look flashing across their eyes.
♡ when you ask what happened, they'd stumble to find words- muttering as you make out the words, "white-haired.. oni.." leaving you and paimon to wonder, what oni?
♡ deciding to ask more about the situation, the villagers had finally said it in a full sentence, 'a red-horned monster that dwells among the village, allergic to beans, and with a strong, muscular build.'
♡ an elderly man asked if you would be kind enough to find and get rid of the monster, and being the kind traveler you are: you accept.
♡ venturing off to find the oni, you and paimon camp nearby the village to try and find the monster.
♡ what you didn't know, was that the so called monster was just some silly guy that screamed at the sight of you holding red beans.. and that your personalities would just click..!
♡ paimon was quite displeased — we were supposed to fight him, not gossip with him!
"traveler!!— weren't we supposed to throw the stupid bean things at him and tell him to leave the village?!"
"oh- right, yeah.. just lemme finish talking to him, then we'll fight!"
♡ upon your ignorance, paimon tugged at your sleeve, "c'mon!!"
♡ it had seemed that you had forgotten your quest, and managed to befriend the monster..
⌗ scene II — teyvat
♡ upon realizing your mistake of chatting for too long, paimon sighed in relief - 'finally..' she'd mutter under her breath, as you now explain to itto about the situation,
♡ he took it well!
"ah- right, yeah— sorry about that!.."
♡ he understood the situation, but you eventually introduced him to the villagers not as some kind of monster- but like a normal person!
♡ it was clear he was grateful that you didn't treat him like the others did, which only heightened your bond!
♡ after that, the both of you we're just absolute buds, two peas in a pod! (or three if you include paimon)
♡ the both of you would so often join each other on these little ventures into the forest, searching for onikubato bugs for your next fights -- always flexing on how "mines bigger!" "no, mine is!" like little children bragging about their toys.
♡ oftentimes, the both of you get into little dog-fights as a joke, whether it's about some puzzle the both of you had bought, or whatever!
♡ but other than that, the both of you really just chill in each other's presence.
the both of you laid on a rock, arms behind your head as you leaned into the grass. the both of you laid besides each other in peace, silent chatters exchanged among you two as you both gazed at the sky above,
"remember the first time we met?"
the both of you talked about whatever, whenever.
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another a/n ⇶ grabe.. it's been so long since i wrote HAHAH!! i so missed writing oml.. i had SEVERE writers block, man, it's so good that i can write again even if it's not as good as before😭😭 CURRENTLY WORKING ON OTHER REQS I GOT DURING MY HIATUS WHAUAHAH slow process but it's going pretty good so far😼😼
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alchemistdetective · 4 months
((The new event in Genshin is basically saying
"Oh Genshin's easy? FYI most of you actually suck in this game" to the players
and that makes me like))
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true-blue-sonic · 9 months
I find it kinda sad how some of the fandom will characterize Silver as all "Whiney" and "annoying" because he was implied to cry once and she'd the slightest amount of tears in the comics (old comics) and it's just sad bc silver has so much more character then that. I think that's why I like your writing so much, because you give him more then just dorky kid and whiney child guy y'know? (Sorry if that got a bit rambling and stuff lol)
I figure that ties in into the massive mischaracterisation Silver suffers from basically all sides of his character, but where his 'babyfication' runs most rampant, in my personal opinion. Furthermore, for me him seemingly crying at the end of his storymode in '06 nicely ties into that overall plot point of the game, and makes for something meaningful and interesting to analyse. The whole idea is that the person containing Iblis may never cry, lest their tears call forth his flames. Silver never cries in the game no matter how frustrated he gets with his never-ending battle against Iblis or when he loses Amy as a friend or when Elise dies.... but then he loses Blaze, the one person he thought would always be with him and who he would never want to take on the burden he was going to inflict on himself, and that is what makes him cry. I cannot put exactly into words why I find it so meaningful, but I feel that they wouldn't have put in the sight of him wiping at his eyes for no reason considering how much crying played a central role in the game. And as for the The Silver Saga issue where he cries too, his friends were basically dying because at that moment he wasn't strong enough to defeat the Second Devourer. I can forgive him crying then, since he gets a second wind moments after.
So yeah, people seem to cherry-pick only certain moments that display Silver's personality, and then use that to determine that the whole of his character is like that. Silver is far more multifaceted than either an innocent naive uwu baby or a brooding murder machine; he's got touches of both, but that both is very important. Not one or the other, just... Silver, basically. Polite and friendly to the people close to him, a heart of gold, self-sacrificial, and with the best intentions for the world, but brusque and rude while on a mission, smug and overconfident, absolutely ruthless when he feels it is necessary even in situations where cooperation and just talking would get him to his goal much faster, displaying the occasional black-and-white thinking and tunnel vision, and not allowing himself much time for sad emotions. And yet in the Rivals games, he can absolutely be polite, tries to indicate to the other characters what might be going on, and multiple times calls to talk to "Eggman" first before getting roped into a fight anyway. So generally he's not baby who bursts into tears if you look at him funny and would never ever hurt a fly (seriously, I really wonder how the heck people get that perception of him?? The things I see sometimes are mind-blowing in how bafflingly ooc they are), nor is he excessively violent, unreasonable, and brooding (traits I would say are much more ascribable to a character like Shadow or Metal Sonic). What traits he displays most seem highly dependent on the state of the world and whether or not he is on a mission and has support from his friends.
Though, what I furthermore thinks also leads to people finding Silver more whiny is the fact that he got quite a young, inexperienced voice from Pete Capella. Quinton Flynn does it a bit better imo (he's my favourite Silver voice actor), but Bryce Papenbrook goes right back and makes him sound younger and a lot more cocky (to the point where in TSR I occasionally felt like I was listening to an even cockier Sonic than to Silver). But if you asked someone to listen to all three of those and then to Daisuke Ono, I think no-one will be able to tell the Japanese voice is for the same character, haha! In Japanese Silver's got very deep, serious voice whereas in English he sounded/sounds far more childish and rude, and that might also contribute to the perception of him being annoying and childish and ✨uwu cinnamon roll✨. So yeah, overall Silver suffers from massive ooc-ness and mischaracterisation, and it, well, sucks. It doesn't help that he was basically HATED during his first five years of existence until Generations salvaged his boss battle. I do not think it is a bad time to be a Silver fan, people seem to like him a lot more these days, but I do wish they'd take a less flanderised view of him sometimes, haha!
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tenebriism · 6 months
// Do keep in mind that confirming you want to ship means you'll probably start receiving shippy things from me. :) No obligations to answer them, of course, but if I know someone is mutually interested... it's full steam ahead.
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Double Trouble for the bingo thing.
of course!
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miqojak · 4 months
>Spend days looking for the perfect gposing studio
>Finally find one!
>It's on a European data center, which I cannot visit
>Gnash teeth, tear hair, weep hysterically
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{I do not have enough energy in the chili's tonight, but I can say I love and adore all my mutuals & followers/followees!! Honestly, for every take on a canon character I've seen, they're all unique from each other and have their own little quirks. And the OCs??? Chef's kiss, I cherish them. I may not have the best memory (especially with names), but those I can remember are all so interesting and fun.}
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moonrecalled · 2 months
okay my mood has been very low and my ability to function has been practically nonexistent for a while now, but it's been especially bad these past few weeks, so i haven't been around. i'm really sorry about that!
i am gonna try and do replies when i can, but the mitsuru starters will be put on hold for now until later. ryoji takes priority because he's who i find easiest to write consistently (and because i just love him a lot fjfkddfk)
thank you for understanding, and i hope you're all well! <3
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