#sorry I wanted something new I updated my carrd and everything I just wanted a change 😔
cupiidzbow · 7 months
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FREDDIE/ RUDY đŸŒŒ he/him - 19 - gnc trans gay 🌈
hi!! welcome to my self ship blog! this is my place where i daydream about being in the arms of big silly guys <3 if you’d like to know more info here’s my carrd!! im totally ok with sharing all my f/os!! 💕
icon: @/dethbug đŸŒčheader: @/shrimpoe 🩐
f/o list ✿ art tag! PR0SHIP DO NOT INTERACT!
art by @/lovebugexe đŸ«§
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Hi, bee or bones, honestly haven't figured out which one I like better.
I'm very new to tumblr, and I've mostly just been ghost stalking posts from fandoms that I like. Lemme tell ya, I've struggled trying to put this ask together, so bear with me /lh.
All that being said.
1) I really enjoyed the end of strings. It's so amazing, and I haven't watched Your Name. but I loved the imagery.
2) Almost everything that I know about qsmp is from your one-shots, and I love it. It's exams month, so I haven't had time to watch hours long streams, and usually I'm in class when they're streaming anyways. Or sleeping lol.
Thanks for all your writing! I first became attached to tommyinnit's clinic, and I fell in love with all your other works. Congrats on 50 published works, btw!
3) I saw a video by JessLess on Youtube about bookbinding fanfics, and I was wondering if I would be able to bind clinic?? I, of course, wouldn't use it for commercial use, but it's my comfort fanfic, and I would love to have it in physical form so I could carry it around and maybe even add little notes in the pages.
-đŸȘ¶ (I couldn't find a feather quill, and if it's not already taken. And if you don't mind me asking why are asks anonymous sometimes? I'm still trying to figure out the world of tumblr.)
Sorry for this long ask! Thank you for inspiring me!
hi welcome to tumblr!! I'm so glad you enjoy my fics!! very happy you liked the ending of strings :D also regarding my qsmp one shots, I feel like I should tell you that my one shots do not touch on the mystery horror/arg kind of lore whatsoever bc my one shots were centered around q!wilbur who did not get involved in that stuff lol, so if all you know about qsmp if from my fics you are missing a lot of the insanity going on rn (very understandable if you're struggling to catch up though it's a Lot)
regarding book binding go check out the carrd linked in my pinned post. it has my personal guidelines regarding doing that kind of stuff with my fics :)
also i am so sorry but that emoji is not showing up on my computer (I need to update my OS at some point... rip) so you might wanna choose a different one if you plan on hopping in here again 😭
oh and the reason some asks are anonymous is just if the sender wants to be anonymous. sometimes a person might wanna send a blog they like an ask but don't want their 'identity' attached to it, hence why they go on anon for it. it's entirely up to the person sending the ask. sometimes a blog might have their anon asks turned off, meaning people can't send asks on anon which is usually something a blog will do if they're getting harassed since people are far less likely to harass someone just fully out in the open on their main blog. but yeah it's just up to you for the most part!
tysm for the kind words <3
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xmimiteh · 11 months
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I know, I know. I have been super quiet. So, sorry about that if anyone still is reading this. I just have been super busy and lost somehow a bit of contact to tumblr. Because whenever I went back with good motivation: "Today I will invest more time again here!"
Then suddenly I noticed something changed about the platform UI and I was utterly lost. Also my addons did not work and tagging just is so tedious without them! So I have always to update stuff and it feels like an endless chore. And until I figured that out - motivation is drained a bit and I always think: "Okay, readjusted everything to keep up with the new UI. Now I can start and will soon return doing stuff here. But not today. Want to do something more fun." Yeah, clearly, that did not work. But I am trying and this is one of those tries! And at least I had fun! So, that's good as well, right?
As a little update on my side: Still playing and loving FF14. I have just been enjoying the game mostly without tumblr and were more "in" the game than doing stuff "around" the game, dungeons, raids and making even more connections in and outside of RP. Also I worked on a major overhaul of my carrd and I am pretty proud of it so far. I will just leave a link underneath this if you are interested. And hopefully, yes, hopefully! Finally! I will be doing stuff here again. If only some screenshots. But I still have all the writing prompts some of you send me and I am still intend on doing those! It just might take some time. But I will get to that. Sooner or later.
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gunkbaby · 1 year
Hello my lovelies. Just popping in with a little queued update on things (Shuu's birthday) for y'all. (gets a wee bit personal at the end, so feel free to skip that part!)
I am currently fighting off the evil mental illness demons, so I apologise for not being very active right now, and being generally bad at replying to messages and things. Things are just kind of bad on my end, especially in regards to my eating disorder. I'm super sorry, but I'm trying to do my best rn.
Anyway. Just wanted to pop in and say that I'm working real hard on getting some things ready for Shuu's birthday! I have already finished this year's Build-A-Bear poll, and the Minecraft server is almost ready! I've also got some art, and maybe a little sewing piece too, to share with y'all. I write Shuu a birthday letter most years, and if I'm comfortable, I will share that too.
I know I said before that i was planning to host a short, drawtober style event (mainly for me) centered around some Tsukiyama-esque prompts. I would still very much like to do that. I have five prompts ready that Shuu related, and I am very much looking forward to sharing them with you all.
I will try and post more information about it soon, but I do have an issue - I am unsure if my health would allow me to participate in the event.
(personal stuff under the cut, tw, ed & relapse mentions)
I try not to talk about it a lot - on Tumblr especially - but last year some not so nice things happened to me on my old Tumblr, on Shuu's birthday. It kinda ruined Shuu's birthday for me, and I have quite a lot of pretty severe trauma from it. Those events did sorta ruin my reputation, (hence why I don't interact with the fandom anymore lol) and basically caused me to relapse, pretty heavily, after I worked for years to recover. I was real proud of myself for that too, and now it's all back and worse than I ever thought it could be, and to say it sucks is an understatement, especially seeing how quickly everything fell apart. Like damn, all that effort I put in to get better, and it fell apart like a chocolate teapot on a hot day. Makes me feel pretty pathetic, honestly. (But I'm still going! I still have flowers, which is something, I think. It's a little silly, but I always think that if we have flowers, I think it's proof the world isn't totally falling apart. It keeps me going, at least.)
I bring this all up to explain why I might be offline a lot over the next few weeks. Because it all fell apart on Shuu's birthday last year, I'm anxious about this year. It's like, what if it all happens again, or whatever, what if X thing happens, or X thing, and then cue a spiral of invasive thoughts. So, I'm pretty desperate reclaim this day for myself. But I get the feeling I might be unable to be on Tumblr the actual birthday, because this is where everything happened. I will try, I promise, but if I feel too overwhelmed, I will just schedule any posts I wanna make and chill on my other social media instead. (all my socials are in my Carrd!)
In other news, I hope everyone had a good valentine's day. I bought some roses for myself. I don't like Valentine's day, it feels so cheap. I think that love should be celebrated everyday, not just one random Tuesday in February. But maybe I'm just salty, because I have never had a Valentine.
I will try and be more active, but as I say, my brain is sort of in ED-mode right now. But I'm genuinely trying. It's one of my OC's birthdays at the end of the month, so I will try and come back for that, at least. I'm working hard on my fics too. Hopefully soon I will have something worthy of being posted...Ahah.
So yeah. Just a wee lil baby update post from me. I'll try to be a little more active, so at least I can give it my all on Shuu's birthday, properly. C u later my friends.
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hey-color-palettes · 3 years
📌 Hey! 🌮 Welcome to my color palette blog! 💙🧡💚💜💛
Inbox Size: inbox: ~350 (last updated: Nov 13)
(Wait Time: I'm so sorry guys, I'll do what I can and I love you all very much genuinely but I'm already sacrificing a great deal of sleep to keep up with everything in my life for the past two months and the foreseeable rest of the year, so I'll do what I can when I can, but I can't provide any proper estimates 😔.)
(Posts are tagged with sent-on dates so you can see where I'm at in the backlog!)
Requests are always open! Basic request etiquette:
One palette request per ask, but unlimited asks!
Don't send me a request that's a choice between 2+ things. I will do both/all, so it's functionally the same as a multi-request ask. Just send them separately please.
If you want multiple palettes, send requests for them one ask at a time!!
Requests can be anything! It doesn't have to be names!
Feel free to be as specific as you'd like in your request!
DMs are only for special requests or questions.
Special requests constitute: anything time-sensitive, anything that requires communication with me, anything private that you don't want to post, and anything that otherwise can't fit in an ask.
If you have any questions whatsoever please don't hesitate to DM me! It's really not a bother!
Feel free to send me messages about the status of a request! Please don't send me the same request every few weeks if I haven't made a palette for it yet. I will make a palette for every single one of those asks whether you want me to or not. Just talk to me 😭
That being said, I'm more than willing to make multiple palettes for the same request. However, if you'd rather skip the wait, you can check if I've done something by just searching that name up on my blog!
Please do not send requests for sensitive topics and mature subjects. If a request would require a certain cultural background to create properly, please assume I don't have it!! I will fill requests at my own discretion.
I do requests in first-come-first-serve order. The time it usually takes for a request to be filled is about a month. If you need a palette more urgently, PLEASE DM ME. I check requests as they come in, but I miss a lot.
I try my absolute very best to make this a good experience for everyone, but please know that I'm extremely busy and constantly under a lot of stress. Please be patient with me.
Given how many people follow this blog, it's effectively a given that people will take issue with me at one point or another. Going forward, I will not humor anonymous asks that take anything I do here in bad faith. I WILL delete them. If I'm due for an education, my DMs and ears are open and I'm more than willing to listen and learn.
If you sent me a nice ask that was not a request, I received it!! I like to keep those so I can look at them while I'm working on new color palettes! I appreciate them a lot!!
Usage facts:
Free to use without credit! Though maybe don't claim the base palettes as is without any modification, but I won't stop you.
Feel free to tag me if you post art, though it's not a requirement! I just love seeing what you guys do!
There's a little more info on the full about page! (use a browser! Tumblr Mobile doesn't like blog pages 💔) It's a little outdated and not fully proofread, but I'll see if I can put this all on a carrd when I have time. (I'm very busy!)
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holycatsandrabbits · 3 years
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Love’s Endless Light: A Good Omens serial romance
Chapter 9: Of Love’s Own Making
1941, London, England
Aziraphale wasn’t quite sure what to do with his hands, so he kept them closed around the handle of the bag of books that Crowley had rescued for him from the doomed church. Beside him, Crowley’s hands were wrapped around the steering wheel of his automobile, which was just as sleek and elegant as the demon himself.
There were so many enormous things that Aziraphale wanted to say, and none of them would organize themselves properly in his mind. He settled for something small. “Um— I noticed you didn’t have your halo out. Like in Gaul, with the— the consecrated ground there. Ah, what was it? 57 AD?”
“52.” Crowley’s voice sounded just as shaky as Aziraphale’s. “Yeah, I don’t know what that was in Gaul, geez. Like a whole holy— holy hill, maybe. Somebody blessed the entire bloody countryside. The church wasn’t so bad. Just burned my feet a bit.”
“I can take a look back at the shop,” Aziraphale said. “If you— if you’ll let me.”
Crowley didn’t say anything, but at least that wasn’t a No. Aziraphale watched him drive, all confident moves and graceful hands, but filled with a tension that was sharply obvious. Aziraphale wanted desperately to touch Crowley, just to brush a hand against him in case— in case this wasn’t real. Azirpahale had dreamed up so many scenarios for their possible reunion, everything from accidental meetings to boldly arranged declarations of love. Of course, there had been no fantasies about Crowley putting himself in danger once again to save Aziraphale.
Crowley parked the Bentley outside the bookshop and followed Aziraphale in without a word. Aziraphale flew into an anxious tizzy then, getting things settled, coats and hats, Crowley sitting down, something to drink, put the books somewhere safe. Finally there was nothing left to do but kneel on the floor beside Crowley’s feet.
“Ridiculous serpent,” Aziraphale murmured, because that was what he always said when Crowley got himself injured.
Crowley huffed out a bit of a laugh. “I’m not the one involved with Nazis.”
“It was a perfectly good plan,” Aziraphale protested. He used shaking fingers to untie Crowley’s shoelaces, and Crowley gave a little hiss of pain when Aziraphale slid the shoe off. The sock stuck a bit, but the burns weren’t really all that bad. And now Aziraphale had the opportunity to touch Crowley. As it turned out, he was real.
Aziraphale cradled Crowley’s foot in his palm and let the glow of his angelic aura surround the injury and repair it. “I thought I’d never see you again,” Aziraphale managed to say.
Crowley’s voice sounded choked. “You know, if we hadn’t— I kept thinking that on my way to the church. If we still had the Arrangement, you wouldn’t have gotten into trouble with the Nazis. Maybe. Probably. You’d have talked to me about it, at least. I mean, you didn’t talk to me about everything, but— you would have about this, angel, you were so proud of your stupid plan, you’d’ve told me all about it, and I’d’ve said, That’s a stupid plan, and then— well. We wouldn’t have had to be in the church when we blew it up, I don’t think.”
“Probably not,” Aziraphale said. He stole a glance up at Crowley. His dark glasses were still on, but Aziraphale had the suspicion that his eyes were wet behind them. He turned his attention to Crowley’s other foot, gently removing the shoe.
“Anyway, I wasn’t going to let you get discorporated,” Crowley said.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t say that,” Crowley reminded him quietly.
Aziraphale cupped Crowley’s foot in his palm and let his aura blaze bright around it. Crowley shivered as the burns faded. “So what have you been up to?” Aziraphale asked.
“I’m an agent of Hell in a war. Lots to do. Not that the humans need much help. How many have you saved?”
Aziraphale looked at Crowley, unable to keep a fond smile off of his face. “None, as far as anyone knows.”
Crowley smiled back. “Right. But how many?”
“Seventeen here. Forty in Poland. Austria sixty-two. Germany fifty. Small numbers in the face of such slaughter.”
“But you can’t have Gabriel finding out.” When Aziraphale didn’t answer, Crowley spoke in a softer voice. “It’s war, angel. It’s just as wrong as every war ever, starting with the one in Heaven. You can’t fix it.”
“You and I should never have fought,” Aziraphale said fervently. “We shouldn’t have— Crowley, I’m so sorry.” Aziraphale was crying then, so he got up and walked off a bit, amongst the cluttered shelves, past souvenirs of places that Aziraphale had visited alone, past new books Crowley had never seen and bottles of wine he’d never tasted.
Aziraphale sensed that Crowley had followed behind him, but he didn’t expect to be turned and pressed up against a bookshelf and to have Crowley’s mouth fitted against his, Crowley himself now in a place he’d never been.
It was a glorious kiss. It had to be, thousands of years in the making. Aziraphale finally had Crowley in his arms, all the beauty of him, all the strength, the grace, the little movements Aziraphale had long since memorized, all new and startling when made against Aziraphale’s skin. The kiss had been open from the first, and Crowley’s tongue moved against Aziraphale’s in slow, thorough slides, desperation held in tight measure, forced patience, hard-fought gentleness.
Crowley’s fingers tangled into Aziraphale’s curls, and the whole rest of his body was being used to keep Aziraphale flat against the shelf. Aziraphale’s hands would not open, they only clutched, moving restlessly from Crowley’s lapels to his arms, to his hips. And it was not a quiet kiss. For all its romance, it was also a heavy, lustful thing, full of gasps and moans and the creaking of the shelf behind them.
When it was over, Crowley kept close, his breaths panted out onto Aziraphale’s mouth. They said nothing. There was nothing left that was unsaid now, except for the one secret Aziraphale intended to keep. He should have said it: The pain of this is my fault. But he was too ashamed.
Instead, they acted on what they did know: that they were in love. That it was not safe. That they still had their issues, unresolved.
That the Arrangement was once again in effect.
Crowley put his shoes back on and gave Aziraphale a smile as he left. There was little to smile about, really, but Aziraphale found himself returning it, just for that one brief moment, with the demon half out the door into the dark night, and the angel being left alone with two chairs.
NEXT Y'all ready to find out Aziraphale's secret?
Read on Ao3
Updates Fridays on Ao3 and Tumblr.
Want to create fic, art, or other works based on this series? Please do! Just dm or tag me.
Coming August 20: "Tollense," my next serial romance. A history professor falls in love with his best friend, a 3000-year-old vampire.
My previous Good Omens serial: Mr. Fell’s Bookshop
My Carrd
Image text: Love’s Endless Light by Dannye Chase (HolyCatsAndRabbits) Chapter 9
As Aziraphale and Crowley slowly fall in love over the millennia, Crowley discovers that Aziraphale is keeping a very dangerous secret.
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solomonish · 2 years
Blog Upkeep
Mainly posting to keep myself accountable and as an update of sorts ehhehe
giveaway fic. if giveaway fic #2 is looking im working on it! sorry it's taken so long but it should be done at the latest by the end of the year
barbatos something. i really just wanna play around with him a bit.
make carrd. i need a place to put my rules that i don't have to constantly worry about matching my theme.
open requests. i've got a new method for requests that will stress me out a lot more so i want to get the word out there and answer any questions about it.
update pinned. with this new request method, my pinned will be a bit outdated so i should. idk fix it
These aren't in order of doing them but giveaway fic is top priority. Everything else is as I feel like it lol
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imaginemic · 4 years
Hello everyone! Just a few reminders+updates about the blog since it's picking up again:
Inbox is open for both drabbles and headcanons, so please feel free to request things that aren't from the reblogged prompt lists.
I'm working on a few non-prompt list requests, so if you are waiting on those I apologize for the delay, but they are coming!
The inbox is always open for shitpost-y type questions, or questions in general.  I really do like interacting with people so please don't be afraid to ask something like "Rate who would you want to cook you dinner" or something ^^
Not safe for work is tagged as N-SFW
While I did invite a new admin to the blog a while ago, I'm (Mod Macaron) am basically a one catboy show at the moment so if things are a little slow - I'm sorry, everything is weird in the world and I sometimes fall off. Some requests are really difficult for me to write, especially involving writing about a reader with a certain body type, so those might take more time than like a random dialogue prompt - but I will try to get to it and if I can’t, I’m sorry.
If you want a commission for an OC or anything that is deemed bad for the general public, you can check out my (very pretty imo) carrd. 
Thank you for reading my stuff and for supporting this blog by liking and requesting things. It means so much that it would reach anyone since I started this out of mania and now it’s something that I am really proud even those it’s not that big of a thing. I hope that everyone is safe and doing well during this crazy times.
~ Rin
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halfeviltotty · 2 years
Heya I was going through ur masterlist and I noticed some of the links dont work, I’m not sure if my Tumblr is lagging or u deleted them so I wanted to ask u about, sorry for bothering ya about this luv ïżŒïżŒ
Noo the links arent working atm bc i changed urls and then switched my old url to a new blog (this one). @transtottimi is where most things actually are in the
So halfeviltotty.tumblr.com became transtottimi.tumblr.com and halfeviltotty.tumblr.com is this new sideblog bc i was getting clinically psychotic over content creation
I can fix them but I'm in a lot of pain atm. Send another anon about what you wanted to read and I'll link it to you or I can just get everything uploaded to my ao3. I don't have it in me anytime soon to redo my pinned post tho like I'm in 8/10 pain atm but I can give you my main fic tag. Most things should be accessible from these tags tbh but I put temporarily searchable again so go nuts but if you're gonna like something throw me a couple reblogs and comments while u go bc uh I go insane w/o positive reenforcement.
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