#sorry i was replying to an anon yesterday
rodolfoparras · 6 months
I was reading over some of your piss stuff and the one where you said “if you want to find out if you have a piss kink, read dry humping + piss” caught my eye. Now I know I have a piss kink but it got thinking a little bit.
So imagine something happens with on a mission with you and price, and y’all somehow end up knocked out but alive. So when you wake up, you’re tied down to a chair, blindfolded, and you feel a weight on top of you. After who knows how long, you hear prices voice and he starts moving, accidentally grinding onto your cock. He’s tied up so his legs are on the chair but his arms are stuck above his head. (Could they probably get out since they are in the military, yes but horny is more important than the facts rn)
Now that can already go somewhere, but imagine they’re stuck there for awhile. I mean last time price went piss was probably earlier that day, so now all of that’s coming back to him. So now price, who desperately needs to piss and can’t hold still, is stuck on top of his sergeant, who’s overstimulated from price’s constant movement on his cock.
The horniness in me is taking over and I had to share with the class.
Can I say how happy I am that we’re being open about our piss kink it’s literally such a common kink it’s just that it’s considered so shameful no one dares to be open about it
Now my absolute favorite thing is when piss kinks comes with humiliation, fat tears soaking through the blindfold price is wearing, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as a prominent stream shows up on the jeans he’s wearing all while he’s muttering the words “im sorry I’m sorry fuck I’m so sorry” and you’re just like “it’s okay don’t worry about it”
“Think I’m done” he says after he’s finished, you cant even see his face but you can hear how embarrassed he is and you try your best to comfort him “hey it’s okay really” you say to him trying to comfort him but the issue isn’t that he’s covered both you and him in piss but rather the boner he’s sporting
And for a moment it’s completely silent between the two of you while you try to scramble your brain for something to say but as you do so you feel his boner and you freeze up, he takes it a bad sign, already ready to apologize “Fuck I’m sorry, -“ but you don’t respond instead you grind up into him and he’s like wh-what are you doing and you’re like what do you think I’m doing fuck help me out here and you continue to grind up against each other til you cum pants soaked completely and he’s whining in both overstimulation and embarrassment and you’re like hey hey easy easy just relax for me yeah?
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mitamicah · 8 months
Muahaha >:3
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
i finally got a tumblr account, and i can stop anon-ing off my friend's account, so, this may be the last you see of anon bree!
as a (maybe)final anon question, do you think homie's more of a yandere or a tsundere, and would he prefer a yandere or a tsundere girlfriend?
-bree(happy and full of french toast made by dean)
oh congrats!!! welcome to the fray!
I don’t think Homelander himself really displays any tsundere tendencies. when he likes someone, he goes all in pretty immediately. Stormfront is a good example of this, he does a total 180 on her the second she shows interest in him, and starts buying her flowers and planning dates.
In terms of what he prefers, he LOVES being shown enthusiastic interest. while he would have fun messing with someone who had an obvious crush on him but tried to play it off, he will always gravitate towards someone who’s not gonna withhold love and affection. who will be as all in as he is.
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stormyoceans · 28 days
Do you watch this lakorn? https://mydramalist.com/759431-my-stand-in
not yet sadly, but i've actually been meaning to start it!!!!!! it's just that between work, obligations, and now getting sick, i keep end up postponing it ;;;;;;;;;
im also trying to understand from the gifsets im seeing on my dash if the relationship between ming and joe is the kind of messed up that makes me go rabid, or the kind of messed up that just frustrates me to no end, but more to be ready on what to expect rather than to decide whether to watch it or not. i just enjoy up, poon, and mek as actors too much not to give this a chance tbh
so yeah, hopefully i'll be able to get around to watching it soon!!!!!!
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captaindamianos · 10 months
you genuinely draw the best lamen art out there
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I don't think I have an adequate way to thank you???? It makes me happy that there is one person out there who feels that way. 🥹💕
I'm really just sticking to my own interpretation, which I sometimes adapt for settings (hair length for the most part haha), so it's incredibly rewarding that it resonates with someone, especially because I'm not feeling so great about it at the moment.
So this was really lovely and uplifting to receive, thank you so much 😭🙏💕💕💕 there's so many different versions of them out there, by people on all levels. It means everything to me that you feel that way 🙏
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crazy-walls · 5 months
Hi, i hope this isnt weird (im just a bit shy sry) but i wanted to say i like you and am happy to know you on here and i hope things go well for you in the new year! I hope you get time and energy to make lots of art (writing, drawing, crafting, all of it) and that you have lots of moments all the time! wishing you all the best, bye <3
hi :) not weird at all, this is so very sweet of you! thank you so much for this lovely message and the well-wishes, i really hope you'll have a great new year too with lots of energy for the things you want to do and exciting moments and that you'll make great memories! all the best to you too and have a lovely evening! <3
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libelelle · 1 year
I’ve seen at least one fic where they took Manic causing earthquakes with his drums and making him some kind of earthbender. Were you thinking of doing something like that in tcof?
I DID think of it. But I didn't go with it because I didn't want to have the association with earthbending if that makes sense.
I actually do have a different idea, pulling from his thief thing he's got going on. I was thinking that maybe he could have some kind of illusion magic? Because sleight of hand is something that he'd have to be really good at for stealing and pickpocketing yknow? And I think illusions would match that pretty well
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n7punk · 1 year
ok i planned things poorly so anon spoilers for lmr ch5 below:
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when girl says everything, she means everything. all her primary motivation lay in feeling out and repairing their relationship, but she knew before she went to the club that night that she wanted to get the entrapta situation sorted too if she could (and adora didnt piss her off first). she knew entrapta was unsure about trying to come back just yet (though entrapta would have reached out eventually on her own), and she also knew it wouldn't be an issue to the bleeding-heart bright moon idiots, which is why she brought up entrapta's return to adora. she didnt know if adora would reach out to entrapta or just wait for her to come around (tho she guessed she would reach out), but she asked adora so she could tell entrapta "yes, adora says she would like you back" so entrapta knew she had at least one person in her corner, which is really all she needed. like Catra could have just lied, but she didnt want to. she was trying to fix things and that would have fixed itself on its own eventually anyway when entrapta's need to work outweighed her uncertainty.
catra also planned to at least try to get melog around for the resume thing, but that was a much smaller side thing she knew she would likely be able to pull at any later point if she wanted, and like she said she wasn't expecting anything even when she did do it, she was just planting the seed for later. basically everything ranked below "feel out adora" (emotionally and physically) was a secondary goal with declining importance, but she did have them.
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Arghhh Throne of the Fallen cover reval and overview!!What are we thinking girlll?!
Akfjakfnakfn yes, I saw them both and I can't wait for October 3rd!
The cover is interesting....I was expecting more green, perhaps a bit more ominousness. I still quite like the design, though. Seems like Camilla's flowers dominate Envy's green. (perhaps a metaphor for how she's going to be the dom 💀💀)
And from the overview, it seems we'll get to see more of the world, which I am very happy about! Like yes, give me more about the vampires, the exiled fae, the shifting isles.
"trying to avoid the most dangerous trap of all: falling in love" hehe two these bitches are going tonget hit by a truck lmao 💀💀💀
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
Oh imagine Kratos, Atreus and Calliope playing instruments together! It would give Atreus something from his father's side that he could connect with and it would be nice family bonding.
Unconnected hc that Calliope knows many many Poems and regularly recites them to Mimir as a sort of exchange of stories between them!
This whole family makes me happy
Awww that would be wonderful!! I've seen quite a few fanarts of Kratos playing the lyre; I'm not quite sure where that came from, but if I had to guess, it's when Atreus asked Kratos to teach him the lyre in Ragnarok XDD I like to think that Kratos eventually taught Atreus how to play so they could do duets together!
And I love the idea of Calliope knowing lots of poetry! Especially since she was named after the muse of eloquence and epic poetry; it'd be very fitting! :DDD
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Hey, I remember finding out about this blog back in 2020 when I first read renegades and I used to come back here each time to see what’s new
I just finished the two other books in school in 2022 and I’m still glad this small fandom is doing well and while I may have lose interest in this fandom, it still has a special place in my heart.
Especially Poor Nova, Winston and this blog :’)
Hope you’ll have a great year!
Omg hi!!!
Ngl I've been staring at this for a while bc the mere mention of 2020 feels really nostalgic for this blog and the fandom
It just seems so far away haha it's crazy to think about how much has changed in two years
I cannot stress enough happy and grateful I am that this blog was part of your interaction with the series and the fandom :""") 💖💖💖 it means a lot to know that, so thank u for taking the time to write this 💖💖💖
Hope you also have a great year, anon 💖💖 And Happy New Year everyone ✨💖✨💖✨💖✨!!!
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heatobrienswife · 1 year
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disdaidal · 2 years
The world is full of people with "immoral" fantasies, but that's what they are: fantasies. I'm not a big fan of this show, but Criminal Minds has an exciting episode that does demonstrates it quite well. Two people, both have the sexual fantasy of hiring prostitutes and then killing them. One just writes about it and doesn't practice it, while the other, unfortunately, puts it into practice irl. It's unbelievable and even controversial for many, I understand that, but the one who only lives this out in the imagination is not a criminal. The human brain works that way. As long as these people live out these fantasies in their brains, I have no problem with them. I may not agree with all themes or ships, but I just keep scrolling when I see something that makes me uncomfortable. I had to do that with Far Cry 5 back then: Fanfictions with themes about religious cults, kidnapping, rape, Stockholm syndrome as far as the eye can see.I stand by this opinion and have often been able to discuss it with people irl without any problems. On the internet, however, strangers attack you for any controversial or problematic lil' thing, which is why I am sending this to you anonymously. 😕
I agree. Imagine if Stephen King had been canceled for his books because his fantasies normalize horrible things. Imagine if he had actually participated in some of those horrible fantasies of his, instead of just pouring them into his horror fiction.
This is why I also don't really care what other people ship or write as long as it doesn't hurt real people. Fiction isn't real and shouldn't hurt anyone, especially if it's properly tagged.
btw: I love Far Cry 5 jfjgjg. I'm almost curious about those fanfics now. I totally get what you mean though. That game is disturbing as fuck, so, fanfiction's gotta be a little twisted, too, I suppose.
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megamog · 1 year
If you were a gym leader, what would Pokemon type would you pick and what would your team look like? (6 mons, any generation, no mythical/legendary) What did you Fire Emblem Awakening spotpass team look like 👀
First of all, thank you for this fun ask anon!!
My favourite Pokémon types are dragon, flying, and electric. I almost always pick dragon for everything so I am going to do flying this time. I even made a fun card and everything.
(I have been lucky enough to have a few shiny Charizards I have always treasured. Sssh you said not mythical/legendary not shiny 🤫)
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For Awakening, I have no shame admitting I always picked my favourite characters. I did a card for that too since I was bored.
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(I had to use my FEA oc of course)
I was listening to some Awakening music when I was working on it and wow. That was such an amazing game. It really had it all. It will always be such a special game to me.
I was amazed that my 3DS still held a charge after not using it in over a year. 😂 Who else misses those cool themes you could get for the main menu of the 3DS?? I wish they had them for the Switch.
Thanks for the ask anon! If anyone wants to share their Pokémon teams or your old FEA ones drop them in my inbox! ❤️
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candyunicornsateme · 2 years
I got into the SP fandom after taking a Popular Media class for a liberal arts credit and our final exam was watching an episode of SP and writing a critical analysis of it.
And then I went home and I binged watched the series, read a shit ton of fics and drew some fanart.
Haha, anon that's cool!! I remember a professor also telling my class about there being "South Park episode analysis" classes at some colleges. I thought that'd be a really interesting class.
That's definitely a more organic way to get into the fandom than I did... I saw a couple eps growing up, but came into the fandom ass-backwards via... youtube videos of ship fanart lmao.
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ambivartence · 1 year
Happy Birthday!!!!!! - don't know if you still remember but your lil sis anon who's got the same bday as yours :D
OMG I WAS WONDERING WHERE MY FAVE BDAY TWIN WENT!!!! HAPPY LATE BDAY TO YOU MY BELOVED LIL SIS!!! i hope you had the bestest day and let's spend another year together happily <3
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