#sorry if you didn’t want the essay but you got the essay anyway
hidden-poet · 8 hours
Professor Snow
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Summary; Coriolanus takes a position at the university teaching military theory where he develops an unhealthy crush on one of his students.
Warnings; unethical behavior, teacher/student relationship, stalker behavior, coercive control, dubish consent, reader is not very smart, obsessive behavior, kidnapping, reader isn't described or named.
Editor: @hotline-to-hell
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After studying under Dr. Gaul, he took her place at the University. 
She was only looking for a successor, and now that she had found one, she no longer wanted to waste time there. So Coriolanus became the University's military theory professor, in addition to his Gamemaking duties. 
He hated the first year. If the pest of the day wasn’t some annoying boy who had never seen war talking about how he single-handedly would have defeated the districts, it was a young girl wanting to single out his attention.
But in his second year, an infatuation started to soften his days to something close to enjoyment.
She always sat alone, at the front, but rarely took any notes. At first, she jotted every word from Professor Snow, but by the end of the first month, her note-taking had stopped and she drew flowers upon the pages instead. 
When Coriolanus put up a slide depicting the horrors of war he had witnessed, she winced. She was a delicate flower ready for debasing, and Coriolanus found himself protective of her. 
He would catch a young boy staring at her occasionally, innocently or not, and would proceed to make an example out of him. 
He would save her homework assignments to the end, eager to see her opinions and problem-solving. They were both terrible, but he passed her anyway. Her analysis lacked any original thought, she only regurgitated what previous men in power thought. Her disinterest in the class was evident, but he still wrote ‘great job’ on her papers only to see her smile. 
It occurred to him, however, that if he kept passing her, he would no longer have her in his class. She was set to graduate at the end of the semester, and he might not see her again. So he began to fail her homework assignments and even essays that were worth a pass. 
 He watched her face as it sagged when she received her first fail. He hated to disappoint her, but it was for her own good. The longer she was in his class, the more she would warm to him. 
She was embarrassed, hiding her paper in her book bag. 
She began taking notes again in class. Their eyes would meet and Coriolanus could feel himself turn into putty every time she would glance up to look at him. 
It happened twice, he would get so lost just staring at her that he forgot where he was going with his sentence or tune out a student asking him a question. 
Twice was enough to decide that his little blossom had to come home with him, where he could give her the appreciation she deserved. He hated to see her so stressed out over these assignments. He wanted to kiss her brows as they furrowed trying to understand the content. 
“It didn’t matter, darling. Don’t worry about it,” he wanted to say, but instead he put a red line through her work. 
One lecture she did nothing but stare at him. 
“Professor Snow?”  She approached him timidly with her paper in her hands.
“Yes, honey?” It was not an appropriate way to address a student, but she was more than that. 
“I was wondering if you could take another look at my paper?” 
He took it from her soft hold and pretended to review it. She stood so close, he could smell her perfume.
“What about this deserves a higher grade?”
“I got nearly a zero, sir. I met all the criteria.”
“No. Hobbes and Rousseau met the criteria and you copied them. Philosophers I taught about in this class, so I have very little interest in re-reading them in your poor and clunky paraphrasing.” 
Her shoulder dropped and tears welled in her eyes. 
“Oh, sweetheart.” He stood up from his chair and took her into his arms, yet another thing that would be disapproved of by the school board. 
“I am sorry.” She sobbed. Her tears felt so good upon his shirt. He would have kept her there longer but she pulled away, embarrassed. 
“I am sorry. I am being silly. It just seems like no matter how hard I try, I keep failing.” More tears run down her cheeks, making Coriolanus want to pull her back into his arms. He was left with no choice but to cross them over his chest. 
“I tried so hard. I spent weeks on this assignment only to get four percent more than a person who never turned it in at all!”
“I understand, blossom, but I asked you what you thought about the constant state of war. Not what Hobbes thought.”
She nods her head looking defeated. Her body shifts to turn back to the door. He couldn’t let her leave upset with him. 
He pulls her back by her arm and lifts her head up to his level, tipping up her chin. 
“Hey, what do you think? Are people in a constant state of war with each other?” 
He doesn’t remove his hands, liking their place. 
She shrugs her shoulders, her voice small and meek, giving away how much she wanted to leave him.  
“I don’t know. Hobbes said-”
“Forget Hobbes. What do you think would happen if we didn’t have laws governing us?”
He, for one, knows that he wouldn’t be wasting time asking philosophical questions that went over her head. He would pin her to the floor and have his way until his name was the only one she remembered, and then take her home to safety. 
“I think people look for order. We would naturally form some type of governing system that would work for all.” 
God, she was foolish. 
“All people look for order? You don’t think anyone would hurt you if there were no repercussions?” 
He could see he was scaring her so he backed off a bit. Letting his hands fall to his side. 
“We live in the Capitol, sir. There’s no guarantee that they would be met with repercussions here.” 
It was the first original thought he heard from her, and it wasn’t all the way incorrect. Corruption was prominent within the Capitol.
“I think people are good. Mostly. A few bad apples but…” she shrugs again, finishing her sentence before completion. 
“And what should we do with the ‘bad apples’?” 
What would she do to him? 
Another shrug and her eyes go floating around the room. 
“Help them, I guess.” 
A grin spread across his face. She would comfort the wolf that ate her. 
“Well,” he reaches across his desk for the paper and a pen. Although she was undeserving, he wrote a large A across the top. “I must say I disagree but the assignment is based on your perspective.” 
He hands the paper to her who stands shocked, but with a great big smile across her face. 
He would do anything to see her smile, even if it derailed his plans.
“Thank you, sir.” 
His mind raced with ways to keep her close but the next class needed the room soon. 
“You need extra help,” he takes his satchel off the floor and leads her to the door, “Come see me in my office on Tuesdays at 6.”
“I couldn’t sir. I wouldn’t want to be a burden.” 
Coriolanus felt as though he might die if she didn’t agree to come.
“My measure as a teacher is based upon my worst performing student.”
He knew his words stung her and he hated to do it but soon he would only speak sweet words to her. Coddling her from the world they live in.
“I would be more than happy to have a one-on-one with you.” 
He dreamt of the upcoming Tuesday. The staff at the University were out for drinks and dinner so the office was always empty. He was completely alone with his girl. It made the long day worth it.  
He sat next to her, too close, as he helped her complete his homework on his office desk. 
She had asked him a question but it was lost upon his ears. 
“Hm?” He hums absentmindedly, before clearing his throat and trying a harder and deeper ‘hm’. 
“I am stuck on question 8.”
He leans over her to check the question. 
“It’s C.” 
“But why is it C?”
The question was simple, and Coriolanus was through with teaching for the day. 
“The answer is just C.” 
He gets up as she fills in the bubble. 
“Are you hungry?” He asks. 
“No, sir. Should I leave? I didn’t mean to interfere with your dinner.” 
She goes to get up but she had only been there an hour. He wanted more time.
“Sit,” he told her, rushing over to hinder her chance of escape. 
She doesn’t fight him, sitting down and dropping her homework back down. 
“I’ll order something in. Finish your homework.” 
He returns from his phone only to find that she had finished all her work. 
Disappointment filled him. It would only take a few seconds to check it and then she would leave. He tries to act indifferent. Essay homework would now be given. 
“Right, let's take a look.” With his guidance, the answers were all correct so his brain worked to make a reason to prolong her stay. 
“Very good, angel,” he praised and she glowed under him. 
“Now, your reading notes. I want to see that you picked up the right ideas.” 
He holds his hand out. Praying that she had no notes to give him. 
Her reaction told him she had not. Her shoulders shrunk, and her nose reddened. 
“You did do your readings, did you not?” He teases. 
“I was going to do it tomorrow morning,” she admits quietly. 
He fakes disappointment. “Oh no, petal. That won’t do. I need to see that you are understanding the content. Readings are crucial to your learning.” 
“I am sorry. I didn’t know you wanted me to have it done.” 
He shakes his head although he could laugh giddily. 
“Take your book out and begin.” 
She looked like a kicked cat as she started her readings. 
He remains close, marking other students' work next to her. He takes a break to retrieve the food when it arrives but her eyes never stray from the page. 
The food was lukewarm and nothing special but he acted as if it was the best thing he had ever eaten. 
He holds his fork out to her, hopeful but she politely declines, stating that she isn’t hungry. 
“You’re going to make me eat alone?” He asks, already opening all the containers on the desk. 
“I should really finish and go home. My parents are waiting for me.” 
“You don’t live in student accommodation?” He knew this already but confessing he did could seem obsessive. 
“No. My parents don’t live far so it's easy for me to commute.'' 
He hands her a plastic fork now that she is distracted from her work and she takes it. 
“What are your plans after graduation?”
He imagined her in his home pregnant. 
“I am not sure. My father wants me to take over the family business, but I’m not sure it’s for me.” 
The family business sold high-end jewelry. She was always adorned in it. 
“Why?” he pushes. 
She avoids his eyes again as she speaks. 
“I would like to do something that helps people,” she admits. 
“But you chose a business major?” Under a normal student/professor relationship he would not have known that without her telling him. But he spent hours going over her academic record. Her grades were not great, but they didn’t need to be. He would look after her.  
“My father chose a business major, I just completed it.”
She pushes her food away and brings back her textbook, “Well, almost. This class is the only one I have to complete to graduate.” 
“Better get back to studying then.”
He cleans up the food. He had no appetite either.  
It was good to know that she was susceptible to influence. If she did what her father wanted, as her husband, she would cause him little trouble. 
She yawns and he supposed he had kept her long enough. It was only a full workday before he could see her in class again. He wondered if he could devise a plan to see her on weekends. But for now, he bid her goodnight and saw her off in her car. 
They continued their Tuesday nights. Coriolanus even managed to get her to come in some Saturdays before a big test. He helped her not only with his class but all she signed up for. Coriolanus was blessed with an academic mind and found her business major incredibly easy while she struggled with proposals and understanding key learning criteria. It worked well for him seeing her nearly three times a week. He was beginning to think he would be able to pass her after all. The sooner she graduates, the sooner their student/teacher relationship ends and something more could bloom. 
When he entered class on Thursday, she was talking to another student. Another male student. It ruined his good mood completely. 
He barked at everyone to sit down, and the other student, who Coriolanus never bothered to learn the name of, thankfully went back to his usual seat up in the stands. 
He couldn’t help but glare at her during his lecture, along with slamming papers down on the desk too hard and manhandling University equipment. 
Did she know of his affections for her, and was now using them against him for a passing grade? Coriolanus Snow would not be made a fool. 
He spoke too fast for her to finish taking notes, leaving her to try to absorb information as much as she could. He dismissed the class after handing out the week's homework assignment, stopping by her desk last.
He places a hand up on her desk. “Stay,” he demands. 
She leaves her packed bag by her feet as her classmates exit the room. The boy had the gall to wave goodbye but she only smiled back.
He knew he had no reason to be mad. Classmates talk. But he is mad. He is so furious. 
He waits until the classroom is cleared before leaning closer with a fierce glare. 
“Is my class a joke to you?” 
“No, sir.” 
“Then perhaps you can tell me why after hours of wasting my time with you, you still manage to hand in something I can barely read, let alone pass?”
“What?” Her voice quivers. The grades were not released yet, so her hope for a pass was still standing. 
“Maybe if you spent less time flirting and more time studying I could have my nights back.” 
As an only daughter, she was unused to being spoken to harshly. So the words of an authority figure upset with her quickly made her eyes water. 
He wanted to pull her up from her seat and kiss her tears away, but she needed to know what she did was wrong. 
“You’ll have to redo it.” 
There goes her weekend and any plans with any boy, he thought. 
She nods her head, “Yes, sir.” 
“I want it on my desk by Monday morning.” 
She nods again. Thinking it was over, she reached for her bag. 
“Well?” He snaps. “Say thank you. I shouldn’t be giving you another chance.” 
“Thank you, Professor Snow.” She mutters. 
“What? Speak up,” he pushes. 
“Thank you, Professor Snow,” she says more loudly. 
“Go,” he flicks his hand towards the door and she rushes out. 
Coriolanus didn’t want to leave for the week with her still mad at him, he had to make amends. So he waits in the multi-level parking garage. It took him a while to find her car, relieved that it was still there. 
He waits for an hour, sitting on the hood of her car. When she does arrive, her eyes are red and puffy from crying. He felt terrible that he had caused her to bawl her eyes out for what was sure to have been an hour and a half. 
“Professor Snow?” She questions, making her way to the car. 
“Oh, precious. I am sorry.” She stood far enough in front of him that he could reach out and tug her forward into his hold. 
“I just want what’s best for you, darling.” And it’s not that boy. 
He proves he is stronger than her when she fails to break free from his hold. 
With his grasp, he uses his right arm to stretch over her and pull her jaw up to look at him. His left arm wrapped around her shoulders keeping her pressed against his chest. A loose curl fell over his forehead and across his eyes. 
“You were doing so well. You need to refocus, angel. We can study more together, you’ll get there.”
“You fail me for no reason”. Well, there was a reason. “I thought you were my friend.”
“I am your friend, honey.” His grip suddenly turns painful, causing her to squirm but he keeps her face still up towards him. 
“Is he your friend too?” 
“What are you talking about?”
The sound of footsteps echoing through the concrete building forced Coriolanus to release his hold. He would have trouble explaining to the school board why he thought this position was appropriate. 
Another female student in tall heels makes her way up the slope. She had large headphones on that quieted the awful sound of her heels meeting the concrete floor, but it drowned further conversation between the two. 
With Coriolanus off her, she unlocks her car, throwing her bag into the passenger seat. 
“I won’t waste any more of your time, Professor Snow. Thank you for your help.”
If the other student had walked any faster, Coriolanus would have thrown open her car door and yanked her out. But even with the students' large headphones if she decided to scream it would be heard. So he steps out of the way, watching the sleek car go. He was left with an empty feeling and a quiet rage. 
He taps his pen against his desk while his other hand is pressed against his lips, propping him up. He had expected her to make her way to him by now. He had sent her a reminder message that their study session was still on. 
He knew she would be here. She told him she hated studying at home. Her parents always distracted her. They loved their daughter and never put too much value on her schooling. Their money would take care of her before her husband came along. Her father would be happy for her to never marry and stay in the home, but he knew that he wouldn’t be around forever, and there would be a need to have someone else to look after her. 
Coriolanus knew that they only bothered to send their daughter to University as a hunting ground for eligible bachelors. While not the intended fish, Coriolanus was certain he could win over her parents. But first, he had to win her over. And she was making it very difficult by not keeping their plans. 
She was at the library, he was certain. Only 100 yards from his office. She would sit there until her assignment was done. He was sure to fail it again. 
His chair scrapes against the floor as he pushes it back. He storms through the University without coming across another soul. It was late Saturday, and students and academics had long started their weekend. It was perfect for him. He wouldn’t mind if everyone else in the world died, so long as it left him and his girl. It was a sunny day, the temperature warm enough to stay outside in it. Once he found her, he would suggest that they lay a blanket on the field. 
The library was dead. Capitol students were more interested in the social life of the University rather than the academic. He had expected that it was only her there, head burrowed into a book with her usual perplexed expression.
But through the book stands, he could see her sitting next to the boy from his class. They sat close together with books, coffee, and pens scattered over the table. 
“Trust me, he wants you to write more formally. Try this-” she transcribes his words onto her paper and Coriolanus makes himself known. 
“This is academic misconduct. You both could be expelled from the University.” 
Maybe that’s what she needed. Her family would surely shun her and with no earning potential of her own, it would drive her into his arms. 
“I was just helping.”
“You were just completing her assignment for her.” 
She shook her head, going to speak, “No-”
“Shut up,” he spat. 
He points to the young boy, “I want to speak to her alone. Leave.” 
They both wait until the boy is far enough so their conversation won’t be heard. 
She looks at Coriolanus with hopeful eyes. 
“Sir, I-”
“You fucking slut.” 
“Excuse me?” She asks, shocked. 
“Whoring yourself out for an assignment. What would your parents think?” 
She stands up behind the table, scooping her things into her arms. 
“How dare you suggest that. He was helping me because you suck at your job.”
He crosses the table and grabs her by the arm to stop her from leaving. 
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Home.” She tugged against his hold but she was only a young woman, barely an adult, and he was a full-grown man. 
“We are going to the Dean, and you can explain to him that the reason you cheated is because he hired me.”
He doesn’t let go of her arm, using it to lead her to his car. She doesn’t fight him. She was too stupid to realize that the Dean wouldn’t hear concerns of academic misconduct on a Saturday. Or that Coriolanus had darker intentions than penalizing her for colluding with another student. 
He drove too fast through the city. Her hands clenched his leather seats but she said nothing to him the entire journey. When they arrive at his skyrise and the gates open to his carport, she sobers to the idea that she might be in danger. 
“Where are we?” She asks as he parks the car.
“Get out of the car,” he demands, unclipping his seat belt. 
She follows him willingly into the elevator and up to his penthouse. 
“Professor Snow, why are we here?” 
He slams the door shut behind her and uses the solidified door to push her up against it. 
“You are so fucking dumb, you know that? I’ve never seen anymore more undeserving of a place at the University than you.” 
He had his hand on her neck to keep her there but added no pressure to hurt her. 
“What was your plan with that boy? Use him to graduate and then get knocked up by him? Force him to marry you?”
“No! I didn’t have a plan. We’re just friends.” Her small hands go up around his wrists. 
“Well, I don’t like you being ‘just friends’ with him. You’re never to see him again.” 
She nodded as much as she could in her position. 
“Okay, sir. Just please let me go. My family are expecting me home.”
Now that she was here, he didn’t like the idea of any other place being her home.
“Take your phone out of your pocket and tell your parents that you’re spending the weekend at Sophie's.” 
Sophie was her best friend. She spoke of her often but Coriolanus had never met her. 
She does as she was told, and Coriolanus leans in closer to watch her type the message on the family group chat. She was an adult and could stay where she pleased, so long as it was a preapproved place by her father, and Sophie’s was. 
He takes the phone, pocketing it and releasing her from the door. 
Her hand reached back to open it but the lock sprang up. 
“Why did I have to tell them that?” She questions. 
He knew now, and forever more, he was going to have to spell things out for her.
“We’ve had a terrible fight and now just need time to regather ourselves.” 
He walks towards the open kitchen expecting her to follow. 
“I am sorry. You can tell the Dean. I’ll be expelled for misconduct.” 
“You think I care about academic misconduct? What do you think we were doing these past few weeks? I was doing your homework.” 
She followed him to the kitchen now, and he could feel her presence behind him as he reached into the fridge for one of the fizzy drinks she liked. He stocked up in case she ever did decide to come over. 
“What are you doing? Let me out then.” 
He cracked open the tin and took a sip. It was sweet and too bubbly for his liking. 
“Your parents sent you to school to find a husband. I think it’s time you found one.”
“I told you, I wasn't flirting with him!” She protested. 
“Me, you dumb girl.” 
She looked taken back. She steps back away from him, her eyes wide and frightened. 
“You? Professor Snow-”
“I think given everything, you can call me Coriolanus, sweetheart.” 
She retreats to the living room to create some distance. 
“I am sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.” 
He scoffs at her, placing the can on the kitchen island and following her to where she stood. 
“I won’t tell anyone about this,” she offers, “Just open the door.”
He chooses to sit, pulling her down on top of him. Her dress rises up to her thighs and he takes a second to run his hands up and down them. He helps her position her legs around his waist before holding her down by her hips.
“You don’t find me handsome, is that it?” He asks. He saw the way she looked at him when she thought he couldn’t see her. He knew she wasn’t immune to his natural good looks. 
“Please, Professor Snow. I just want to go home.” 
“Oh, love. You’re going to be staying here now with me, darling.” 
“No. No I can't, I have to go home.” 
Coriolanus shakes his head. “This is your home now, beautiful.”
He really hated to see her cry.
“Everything’s going to be fine, sweetheart. Don’t cry.” He reaches up and wipes the tears as they fall. 
Her jewelry jingles as she runs her hands through her hair. For the first time, it bothered Coriolanus. It felt as though the jewelry was symbolic of her father's hold over her. She was Coriolanus' property now. Her chains belonged to him. 
He began by sliding her gold bangles off her wrists and unclipping the delicate bracelets that hid in between them. He let them fall around him, unbothered. She doesn’t stop him as he reaches for her necklace and earrings. 
He smiles up at her now that she is bare from her jewelry. He slides his hands up to the back of her shoulders and pushes her to rest on his chest.  
Coriolanus took the week off work to help her settle. He woke up early this morning next to her and went to get her favorite breakfast sandwich from a nearby café. 
The line was long so when he returned home, he knew she would be up. 
“Are you hungry, petal? I got us some food,” he calls out.  
He places the food on the table, upon hearing no reply. 
“Petal?” He calls. “Sweetheart?” 
He searches his apartment to find her sitting by the door to the greenhouse, crying. He crouches down next to an expensive marble statue that she had used as a battering ram. 
“Well, why did you break it if you didn’t want it broken?” He spoke to her as if he was speaking to a child. 
“It wouldn’t break,’’ she sobbed. “I couldn’t get it to crack open.”
He taps against the reinforced glass that has only minor cracks. 
“It’s tough,” he consoles. If anyone else would have broken his things, he would have gone berserk, but she had free reign to smash and destroy what she liked. 
“Come here,” he picks her up by her arms, forcing her to her feet and back into the bedroom. 
“I want to go home to my parents,” she cried. 
“I am not keeping you from your parents, petal” he says, placing her back into bed, “We’ll go visit them when you feel better.”
She curls into her side and he places himself behind her, halfway on top of her so he could speak gently into her ear. 
“Don’t you want me to take care of you? Make your father proud of the man you’ve chosen? All your parents want is for you to be married. You could give it to them and never have to worry about a single thing again.” 
She uncurls herself slightly, encouraging him to keep going. 
“I’ll make sure you pass all your classes. Have the finest things. All you need to do is be my good little girl. So easy, even you could do it.” 
He knew she had deep anxiety about the future. He could offer her a world, where all of the if’s were disintegrated. She was interested in it, flipping on her back to look up at him. 
“We’ll wait until you graduate to announce our relationship. We’ll tell your parents tonight.” He wanted to strike while she was still in a deluded state. “You’ll move in. Become my personal assistant after graduation. You said you wanted to help people. Help me. Your dad will be so proud of you.” 
He clouded her mind. It was an easy way out from everything that troubled her, offered by a man who she had crushed on but never thought she could have. 
She nods her head, even before she was aware of it. Only the crushing feeling of his lips against hers brought her head movements to attention. 
They both returned to the classroom on Thursday for the final exam. Her mind knew that Coriolanus was not right in the head. That he couldn’t love like a normal person. But it was too late. Her parents approved of the relationship. Her father was glad that it was an older, successful man rather than an immature young boy. And her mother was glad that he was handsome and rich. It would disappoint them, despite the circumstances of the relationship, to break it off. Coriolanus had already promised them a wedding by the end of the following year. Coriolanus acted indifferent to her in class, not even looking at her as he placed the exam paper down in front of her. It was already filled out with the answers. All she had to do was sit there for an hour pretending. Nevertheless, that night they celebrated her achievement. Coriolanus told her how smart she was, and that her grades placed her at the top of his class. And his work ensured that she at least passed the rest of hers. The rest of the school year was spent organizing a graduation party while Coriolanus handed in work with her name on it. This life was easy, but came at a price. Her life was no longer hers. Coriolanus played with it like a doll. 
Everything was done together or not at all. He considered her his, and as such, expected everything she did to be run past him first. 
“Yes, Professor Snow.” She would tease him when he gave her an outright demand, instead of dressing it up with sweet talk. 
He left his position at the University to his successor, much like Dr Gaul did. He had bigger things to focus on. His presidential run and growing family took precedence over teaching military theory and the likes of Hobbes and Rousseau. He laughed at her when she failed to remember the ideas of Hobbes. His dumb, naive little girl never had to worry about the state of warre that plagued mankind. He would protect her from humanity in its entirety. 
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emo-batboy · 8 months
Things Battinson Totally Did During His First Year of University
Using Unhinged or Odd Things I Also Did as a College Freshman :D
Note: for this list, let’s believe Bruce was living in an (admittedly expensive and swanky) dorm because it is required for first-years, especially those entering at a young age, and Alfred told him he needed to make friends. Also yes I did every single thing on this list. I never claimed to be a role model
Bruce, to his TA: I’m so sorry I’m late to class. I gave blood a few hours ago and almost fainted on the way here, but it won’t happen again.
Signs up for a class called “Age of Dinosaurs” despite it not being required whatsoever and proceeds to work his entire schedule around it
Bruce: Your mental health is super important. If you think you should see the on-campus therapist, go see them. Friend: Fine. I’ll sign up for therapy if you sign up for therapy too. Bruce: Hold on-
Finds a loophole in his housing contract that allows him to get a pet frog, calls him kermit :)
Gets a second frog because Kermit was lonely, names it Constantine after Muppets Most Wanted, then realizes that they’re gay for each other. Wonders if the rainbow-colored rocks he got them triggered anything
Swings dramatically between calling Alfred every single day and ghosting him for weeks, cries when he realizes what he did
“Accidentally” joins the student body council, doesn’t know what he’s doing, gets re-elected anyway
Molds a dragon out of Laffy Taffy instead of doing his work
Bruce: *joins Honors, gets all A’s, takes the max amount of classes, has several minors, overachieves* Also Bruce: I’m a failure.
Breaks into a building after hours to study because NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AT THE LIBRARY
Bruce: I will not get seasonal depression this year. Bruce: *gets real and seasonal depression that year*
Meticulously schedules his day with a color-coded planner because if he sits down for too long, the thoughts will consume him
Gives a presentation to his rhetoric class on how much he likes Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse (it is 20 minutes long)
Successfully allocates funding from the student body council to pay for free feminine products in the dorms OUT OF SPITE because someone said it couldn't be done. fuck you, Andrew
Bruce: It is not an all-nighter if I go to sleep before my first class. Friend: It is 7:30am, the sun is in the sky, and your first class is at 12:30. Bruce: But I am getting sleep.
Refuses to go anywhere without his backpack because what if he needs three notebooks at once
Loses over 20 pounds because ✨stress✨ and scares the shit out of Alfred when he comes home for Thanksgiving
Argues with his TA over the one (1) question he got wrong on his Dinosaur exam
Bruce, calling Alfred: Hello father figure. How do I do taxes? Do I have to do them myself? Also, I think I’m having a panic attack.
Joins in on a charity arts-and-crafts project that gives kids books with matching activities made by volunteers, proceeds to commandeer the project because “it’s not color-blind friendly” and rewrites the instructions for everyone
Makes a murder wall
Goes to one (1) sports game and proceeds to leave in the first ten minutes because it’s way too loud wtf is wrong with people
Professor, addressing the lecture hall: I dare you to write an essay about these two sentences. Bruce: *writes an essay about six words, gets a 100, never even read the book*
Crawls into the ceiling for some alone time
Ghosts someone after a date because he’s too scared to tell them he didn’t know it was a date in the first place and now he feels bad
Classmate: How tf does he walk across campus that fast? I go in the same direction he does on my bike, and he’s always ahead of me. Bruce: *is gay sprinting to Dinosaur class*
Refuses to let others use his Favorite Pen TM
Constantly gets mistaken for a Grad Student because he is “so wise and mature” (bestie, that’s the autism)
Alfred: *casually mentions he got into a car accident through text* Bruce: *replies with a meme while hyperventilating because he doesn’t know what to do with that information??!*
Wears a suit to one of his finals
Regularly eats non-organic food for the first time in his life, proceeds to learn about several allergies Alfred forgot to mention he has
Writes “What is a Hot Pocket?” in calligraphy and proceeds to laugh his ass off alone in his dorm because he is so exhausted he’s reached the point of delusion
Locks himself out of his dorm right before class, frantically asks the floor group chat if someone can help, proceeds to tell the nice gay man on the floor who saved him “I love you” because his social skills have hit rock bottom
Makes a little music album display next to his desk for his favorite band (Nirvana) His friends call it a shrine, and they are technically correct
Has a blacklist of people he refuses to interact with because Reasons
Counselor: What do you want to do when you graduate? Bruce: *gestures vaguely*
Refuses to take the bus because there are people in there and he doesn’t like those
Loses one of his frogs, how tf did he do that, they’re fully aquatic, oh fuck, this is probably why they got rid of that loophole a year later because unbeknownst to Bruce, he accidentally started a frog revolution in the dorms, btw he SWEARS he did not mean to do that
Has two trash cans in his room: one for the Good Garbage, and one for the Bad Garbage. Only Bruce knows which is which
Bruce: *writes a creative piece about a ship’s final thoughts as it sinks, bringing its passengers down with it* TA: Absolutely lovely, Bruce, but are you okay?
Goes on Night Walks, keeps himself safe by maintaining a level 12 resting bitch face at all times
Earns the nickname “8th floor cryptid” after pacing the halls at 3am when it’s too cold for Night Walks (honestly tho how tf didn’t he get the nickname earlier?)
Bruce: Do you think a depressed person could do this? Bruce: *has a manic episode*
Okay that's all love you BYE
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auras-moonstone · 10 months
i have been thinking of doing something like this for a while actually!! hope you like it🤍
i know places — ethan landry
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word count: 1,872
pairing: nerd!ethan landry x cheerleader!fem!reader
summary: y/n needs help with her english essay and nerdy ethan offers his help
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WHEN ETHAN HEARD HIS NAME BEING CALLED, EVERYTHING STOPPED. It wasn’t the fact that it was literally shouted aloud in the hallway, making everyone’s attention drift towards the person who had yelled it. It was the fact that said person was Y/N Y/L/N—cheer captain and prettiest girl in the school. Why was she saying his name? Actually, how did she even know his name?
Ethan didn’t have time to think, because she was moving towards him like a full on rainstorm and Ethan felt his legs getting weak, as if there were about to fail him. “Ethan!” she said breathlessly from running down the hall.
“H-hi” Ethan replied in a low voice, blood rushing to his face because of the unwanted attention. She was going to say something really hurtful and everyone was going to hear it. Cheerleaders making fun of people like Ethan wasn’t something uncommon, he had experienced it countless of times.
“Shit. I caused a scene, didn’t I? I’m so sorry” she sounded genuine, which made Ethan confused. Where was the insult? “I called your name before you exited the classroom, but you didn’t seem to hear me”. Ethan’s brain seemed to have been failing him because he was not able to utter a single syllable. “Anyways, you left your coat” she showed him the blue cloth that belonged to him with a tiny smile on her face.
He cleared his throat, coming back to his senses “Oh… thank you”
“You’re welcome!” Y/N said with a bright smile. “I’m Y/N, by the way”.
“I’m Ethan” he did an awkward wave, which the cheerleader thought was very adorable.
“Yeah, I know. You sit next to me in English” Y/N let out a little laugh.
The boy laughed nervously “Right, I know, I just thought you wouldn’t remember”
“Well, I remember you, Ethan Landry” she assured him with a smile, making him blush even harder. This reaction brought Y/N a sense of victory, and she decided she enjoyed seeing the boy blush for her “Are you taking the coat or you’re going to keep staring at me?”
“Oh, sorry” he grabbed the coat with shaky hands. That’s when Y/N noticed the piece of paper he was holding and the A+ written in red marker.
“You got an A+ in the Brave new world essay?” she asked surprised.
“Y-yeah” was this the part she was going to mock him? He knew her being nice was too good to be true.
But, once again, she surprised him. “Do you mind if I take a look at it? I didn’t do so well in mine” Y/N asked, feeling a bit embarassed by confessing that.
“Yeah, sure, no problem”
As she read, he took the opportunity to admire her. Y/N’s shiny hair fell flawlessly over her face, creating some kind of curtain. He wanted to tuck it behind her ear, but it would be extremely weird. His eyes then went to her face: her eyes were furrowed as she took in the words written on the paper, and she bit her lip in concentration—Ethan felt the need to brush his finger against it, because that action drove him crazy—and suddenly his heart clenched when he noticed her saddened expression.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked softly.
“I’m not doing so well in English. If I don’t pass the make-up exam, I won’t be able to keep my position as cheer captain”
“You still have a chance, then” he tried to light up her mood.
“Yeah, but if this is what I have to write in order to pass… I’m screwed. I could never write something like this” Y/N sighed in frustration “Your writing is completely amazing, by the way”
“Thanks. I could tutor you, if you want” the words left his mouth before he could think twice.
Her eyes shone with such hope that he couldn’t say anything but, “Yes”.
Y/N wanted to hug him so bad, but she noticed how uncomfortable he was under the gaze of others, and her touching him was only going to make things worse for him. People were already whispering things such us: ‘Why is Y/N talking to that nerd?’ ‘Does he even go here?’ ‘Isn’t he the one who is always answering questions in Econ?’
She resisted the urge to scowl at every single person in the hallway. Why they gotta be so mean? “Thank you so much! When are you available?”.
“Any day, to be honest. But you have cheerleading practice, so you tell me”
He was so considerate and adorable she wanted to cry. “So make-up exam is this friday, meaning we have today, tomorrow and Thursday. Is it okay if we meet those days at 6:30?”
“Yeah, no problem. Can you come over to my dorm? The library is always crowded during exam weeks”
“Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll give you my number so you can text me your address” he handed her his phone and typed her number. “There you go”
“I’ll text you as soon as classes finish”
“Thank you so much, Ethan. You don’t know how thankful I am”
“What if I turn out to be the worst tutor ever?” he joked.
Y/N laughed. “I know you won’t. And even if you were, I’m still very thankful you are spending your free time doing this for me”
He shrugged “It’s my pleasure”
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Y/N STARED AT THE RESULT IN COMPLETE SHOCK. Were her eyes deceiving her? Was Mr. Keating pulling a joke on her?
“Excellent work, Mrs. Y/L/N. Your analysis was espectacular and your writing and vocabulary have improved immensely in such short time” Mr. Keating told her.
“Thank you so much!” she exclaimed, grabbing the paper as if it were the most precious thing in the world.
“May I ask, did you have help or did you study on your own?” there was no accusatory tone, just curiosity.
“Ethan helped me, sir. I definitely wouldn’t have passed without him”
“Oh, that’s nice of him. He’s an excellent student and writer”
“The best” Y/N nodded in agreement. “Speaking of him, I should thank him, for the hundredth time in the past three days”
ethan!!!!!! 🥹
i need to talk to you.
okay! see you after school? 👀
no. right now
oh, everything okay?
yes, don’t worry. i know a place we can talk alone
under the bleachers?
sure. see you in 5?
see you! <3
If there was one thing Y/N knew about Ethan before he even started tutoring her was that he was completely terrified of attention. That’s why they never talked at school, only texted (a lot). Both of them became close, and soon tutoring wasn’t the only thing they hung out for. After they were done studying, she would stay for dinner and a movie, and together they shared their opinions on them.
Y/N also found out that, when he wasn’t around students and their gossiping mouths, Ethan was beyond funny and outgoing. And also, while he was adorable and sweet, Y/N discovered that he had a flirty side—which she enjoyed very much and she always let him know that by blushing like a school girl. It was safe to say that the girl had absolutely fallen for the boy’s charm.
And Ethan fell for her charm too. She was kind, talented, beyond smart—which she always said was a lie, but Ethan was always there to contradict her—understanding, and down to earth. He couldn’t believe he once thought Y/N was a mean, popular, spoiled cheerleader. She was beautiful and amazing and he liked her more than he had expected.
“Ethan!” the girl’s voice instantly made his heart start racing. The brunette raised his head from the book he was reading to see the cheerleader running towards him. Next thing he knew, she threw herself at him, and he fell on his back. Thankfully, he had been sitting so it didn’t hurt.
“Hi there!” Ethan laughed, hugging her tightly. He would never get tired of her closeness.
“I did it!” Y/N exclaimed showing her the exam, still lying on top of him.
Ethan smiled proudly “I knew you could do it! Congrats, cheer captain!”
“Thank you” she whispered, voice cracking.
“Hey… what’s wrong?”
“Happy tears. I just can’t believe I did it” she said, smiling widely. “My friends joked about having to look for a new captain, which I knew it wasn’t a joke at all and they were actually concerned. And my parents were also thinking what they were going to say when I went home with the news that I was no longer a cheerleader… but I did it, Ethan!”
“That’s awful, Y/N” he frowned. She deserved so much better “Are you seriously telling me no one had an ounce of faith in you?”
“Well, there is one person who always betted on me. He would never get tired of telling me how smart I was, even when I was constantly saying the opposite” her eyes looked so bright, he wondered if he would ever be able to look away.
“Oh yeah? So he cheers the cheerleader?” he joked, making her laugh.
“Dork” she beeped his nose “Anyways, you want me to tell you about this guy?” Ethan nodded, sitting up. Y/N remained on his lap. “So, I could talk about him for days, but I’m going to keep it simple and tell you my favorite things about him. First of all, he has the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen and I swear I could stare at them forever. He’s very passionate about movies, and his little rants about them are the best thing I’ve ever heard. He gives the best hugs in the world, but then again I might be a little biased because I just love being in his arms”
“You do?” he looked up at her in awe.
“I do” she affirmed. “He’s the only one who sees me as more than just a popular cheerleader. He’s sweet and sincere. He blushes a lot when I compliment him, just like you’re doing right now” she teased. “His smile… holy shit, it makes me forget about everything. Especially when they are directed at me”.
“He sounds handsome and amazing” he joked.
“Oh, he is. And that is why I like him so much” Y/N finally confessed.
Ethan’s jaw almost reached the floor. “You like him?”
“So much it’s physically hurting” she said, fixing the collar of his shirt.
“He likes you too” Ethan cupped her jaw.
“Then he should kiss me”
So he did, and he didn’t care anymore if anyone saw them. Their lips fitted perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle that went together, and nothing had ever felt so right for them.
“I want to be with you, Eth. I know you don’t want people to whisper about you, and I’m afraid if you are with me it’s going to be inevitable. But I want you to be my boyfriend, I don’t care if we have to keep this a secret”
Ethan shook his head “No. No secrets. I want to hold your hand in plain sight, I want to kiss you. Let them say what they won’t, I won’t hear them”
Y/N smiled and went in for another kiss. “Let’s go now. I want to show them I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world”
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reidbae · 1 year
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summary: You’re always nervous around your professor, which he has taken note to, but had chosen not to speak on. It’s not until you come to his classroom late to turn in a missing assignment that he decides to ask you about it, and he’ll do anything for the answer.
warnings/mentions: dom!spencer x sub!reader, teacher x student relationship, tall x short, reader is 22+ and spencer is 32+, age gap, AFAB reader, use of Y/N in slowburn but pet names used during smut (sweetheart, baby, doll, honey, etc), degradation, praise, choking, fingering, rough sex, hair pulling, vaginal sex, office sex technically lol, literally just filth dude
wc: 4.4k
a/n: hey, i’m kit! i write a lot in my free time and i think it’s high time i made a tumblr. this is my first post and the first smut i’ve written in a while. this is partially slowburn but it’s MOSTLY smut. anyway, hope you enjoy and also know that i take requests!
You knocked on the classroom door before entering it, shutting it quietly behind you. “Professor Reid?” you called out, unsure if the intelligent doctor was even here so late.
He looked up from his desk, his nose previously buried in paperwork. He was no doubt grading assignments, and you felt a twinge of guilt for interrupting him.
You nervously cleared your throat, beginning to approach his desk. “I’m sorry for interrupting you. I- I know it’s late. I just have that missing essay you wanted me to make up?” you explained, holding out the essay that you had finished shortly before you got here.
You noticed Spencer’s eyes darting to your clothing, lingering there for a few moments as he seemed to be taking in the view of you. You’d pulled on the first thing you’d found in your closet, a skimpy red dress that was tugging forcefully against your body. Ultimately, however, Spencer didn’t say anything and cleared his throat, then accepted your paper from you.
He looked it over for a second, then spoke up. “This is a lot of work, Y/N. It only needed to be two pages,” he pointed out to you.
You began to sweat at that comment, gazing at him with an apprehensive expression. “I- I know, sir. I just wanted to make up for the fact that I’m turning it in late. I hope you won’t take points off,” you explained. He may have made your palms sweat, but you did still care heavily about your grades.
“I’m not going to,” he said with a soft smile, placing your essay down on his desk. “Your essay seems to be well written, as usual, from what I’ve read so far.”
You could feel your face heat up at his praise and you gently nodded. “Thank you. And thank you again for giving me an extension.”
He nodded, too. “You’re welcome. But I hope you’re aware that I won’t always be so understanding, Y/N. I was glad to give you an extension this time, but I won’t shy away from taking points off if this happens again. I want you to learn to be more punctual,” he sternly continued.
It was conversations like these that made you heavily aware that no matter what you felt, Spencer was still your professor, and he wasn’t afraid to remind you of that. Shyly, you nodded your head, becoming more nervous as the seconds went on. “I- I understand, Professor Reid. I promise that it won’t happen again,” you could barely stammer out, coherent sentences beginning to fail you.
He smiled up at you and gave you another respectful nod. “Good. Make sure you live up to that,” he said firmly.
Did he have to be so overly stern? “I will,” you simply returned. You weren’t really sure what to say at this point now that the reason you’d come here had been addressed. You took a shaky breath, then nodded in finality. “Well, um, I guess I’d better get going now. Again, sorry to disturb you so late, Professor. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you timidly told Spencer, turning on your feet and starting to walk towards the door.
Spencer’s husky voice stopped you dead in your tracks. “Can I ask you something, Y/N?” he asked you. Nervously, you turned back around, looking at him.
“What is it, sir?” you politely responded, giving him your best innocent smile.
“Why are you always so nervous around me?”
Your eyes widened as your cheeks flushed red, caught off guard by his sudden question. You knew that, at some point, he would confront you about your continued nervousness around him that had started the second he became your professor three months ago. You were awful at hiding it: You blush and sweat, you stutter and stammer, and you toy with your hands and hair when he talks to you. You couldn’t be blamed for your attractiveness to the handsome doctor, but, really, you wish you were better at burying it.
“N- nervous?” you responded, in a feeble attempt to sound clueless. “I- I’m not- What makes you say that, Professor?” you asked, knowing exactly why he was asking.
“You seem much more nervous and tense when you talk to me as opposed to when you talk to others. It’s something I’ve noticed since the beginning of the semester,” he explained to you, folding his hands atop his desk.
“Uh, well, you know,” you nervously laughed, avoiding eye contact with him at all costs. “I’m just shy.” Yeah, right.
“You’re loud and exuberant around your other professors, along with your classmates. I’ve heard you laugh and joke with quite a few people. It seems like this nervous demeanor is only saved for me,” he pointed out, sounding completely convinced that he was correct in his observations. He paused for a brief moment before continuing on. “Did I do something to make you uncomfortable?”
Your expression turned shocked at the fact that he could possibly think that anything he did would make anyone uncomfortable. “No, no, I swear, it’s not like that,” you mumbled shyly, shaking your head.
“Forgive me for thinking so, Y/N, but my words do hold some truth to them. You are aware of this behavior that you’ve constantly displayed towards me over the last few months, though, correct?” he asked. His words came out so fluently, as though he had been meaning to come to you about this for longer than you’d anticipated. In regards to how you were speaking at the moment, you wish you could say the same.
“S- Somewhat,” you admitted.
He looked more intrigued now that you had confirmed the fact that you were nervous around him. He leaned back in his chair now, hands in his lap as he stared up at you. “Then, tell me what it is that’s making you nervous. I’d like to clear up whatever it is.”
You immediately shook your head, eyes still averted from the brunette professor. “I- It’s nothing.”
“It’s not ‘nothing’ if you’re constantly stuttering when you talk to me, or fidgeting with your hands when I walk by your desk,” he said, his stern tone growing increasingly prominent with each word he said. “I want to know what’s going on, Y/N.”
“Nothing’s going on,” you instantly defended. You were not in the mood to blow your cover about this. Not today, and maybe not ever.
“Oh, really?” he asked you in return, cocking an eyebrow. “You just told me you know that your behavior has been odd over the last few months,” he sighed. He grabbed a pen on his desk, clicking it a few times before continuing. “You and I both know there’s something wrong. This issue will never be resolved if you don’t discuss it with me. I promise that it will be to your benefit.”
You couldn’t help but remain silent. If you spoke, you’d stutter, only further proving Spencer’s point. You didn’t shake your head or give any sign at all that you’d heard him.
At this, he sighed again, shaking his head from what you could see out of the corner of your eye. “Am I going to have to figure it out for myself?” he asked you in a genuine tone. His voice, you noticed, was notably lower than it was before.
You only rolled your eyes in response to that. The fact that he had asked why you were nervous was one thing, but the idea of him attempting to figure it out was much more daunting, and you weren’t looking forward to it.
“Don’t give me that, Y/N,” he demanded when you rolled your eyes, tone fierce. “If you can’t verbally tell me what’s going on, your body language will.“
“My body language has nothing to tell,” you tried to correct him, trembling hands finding your hair and messing with it anxiously, eyes still torn from Spencer’s.
“You seriously believe that?” he almost scoffed, shaking his head. “I teach you how to read this stuff. Your body language has nothing to tell? You mean your shaky hands, stuttering, and red face have nothing to tell? Or, what about the fact that your hands are tangled in your hair? Or, that you can’t even look at me?” he went on, and he didn’t stop there.
“Do you want me to list every possibility I can think of until you tell me why you’re so nervous?” he asked. There was no tone of joke in his words: You knew that he would do it, and he’d do it with pride, at that.
“No,” you told him, the first word you’d said since the beginning of his ramble.
“Are you sure? Maybe that’s what you need.” Maybe it was the hour or the context of the situation, but you could swear for a second that this sentence had some air of teasing to it.
“I- I don’t, Professor Reid,” you stammered out.
“Tell me something, Y/N. Why are you the only student I have who still calls me ‘Professor Reid?’” he questioned.
“It’s respectful,” you tried, but it sounded like bullshit even as the words left your tongue. Spencer wasn’t that far off your age. Every one of your classmates called him by his first name, as he had said he was comfortable with several times. But you knew that calling him by his first name would put him on the same level as you, and if you didn’t see him as your professor, you weren’t sure you’d be able to control yourself.
“I’ve said several times that it’s okay to call me Spencer. All of my students do, and some even call me ‘Reid,’ they’re that comfortable. Yet, you only use ‘Professor,’ ‘Professor Reid,’ and ‘sir’ to address me,” he went on. You slowly started to realize that he was profiling you, and you felt your face grow redder, already knowing the outcome: He would figure you out.
In hopes of making yourself seem clueless, you shrugged. He wasn’t buying it, and asked, “Does this have anything to do with your continued nervousness around me?”
“I- I’m not nervous,” you could barely manage to get out, let alone lie properly. Deflection was your last hope of getting Spencer to drop this topic, a hope that you were almost positive would not be worth hoping for.
“Look at me, then, Y/N.”
No. Immediately, no.
“If you’re so ‘not nervous’ around me like you say, then look at me. If you’re not anxious, or shy, you should have no problem doing so,” Spencer said in a confident tone.
“I- I can’t look at you,” you immediately returned. You wanted to, but given the context of this situation, you knew he’d easily get you to talk if you did.
“Why?” he asked, his tone one of pure and utter confusion. Because I’m afraid of what I’ll say if I do.
“I just can’t,” you repeated, rubbing your eyes.
He sighed again, sounding genuinely exasperated. “Do you need me to profile it out of you, Y/N? Because I have no trouble doing that,” he said sternly. “I want you to feel comfortable around me. But I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on with you.”
When you didn’t respond, he took a deep breath, tapping his fingers on his desk before standing up and continuing. You were really looking away now. The fact that he was at least five inches taller than you was not helping.
“You show common signs of tenseness when I’m around you, like a stiff jaw, sweating, shaking, and, above all, avoiding eye contact,” he started, and you scoffed. Fucking profilers.
“Your body language offers common tells of your continued nervousness around me, like touching your face, constantly fidgeting with your hands and hair, and turning red when I say your name.”
“Stop,” you managed to say, your face growing darker at his words. But he continued.
“You’re talkative and open with others, but closed off and shy with me. You talk with your hands during class but they find their way into your hair the second I’m in your presence,” he went on.
“Stop,” you tried again, your voice growing quieter and your singular word coming out in a low whisper.
“You’re my only student who seems to refuse to call me by my first name. You can present in my class without flash cards but are unable to form clear, coherent sentences around me-“
“For fuck’s sake, Spencer, I’m attracted to you!” you finally blurted, unable to take any more of this.
He stopped talking, looking at you as if he was physically unable to process what you had just said. “What?”
“I’m attracted to you,” you repeated again, finally looking up at him and now realizing how hard it would be. Your cheeks were clearly flushed red, and your body was trembling.
He chuckled for a second, then immediately stopped. “That’s what this is?” he asked you in disbelief, his tone evidently amused, as if this was something he heard on the daily basis. “Attraction?”
“Yes,” you returned.
“And it makes you this nervous to talk to me?” he asked you genuinely, but his voice still showed underlying tones of amusement.
He thought for a moment, truly taking in your words. Then, a faint smirk danced across his face as he walked around his desk with his hands in his pockets, stopping a few feet away from you.
You refused to give him whatever satisfaction he seemed to be gaining by teasing you and looked away as he looked at you. He chuckled, stepping closer. “You’re nervous because of a little crush? Come on, Y/N. How old are you?” he teased.
You rolled your eyes again and remained silent.
“Look at me,” he said sternly, taking another step closer. There was now minimal distance between the two of you. It would be easy to lean and kiss him. What the hell is he doing to you?
All you did was shake your head. Absolutely not.
He reached out to cup your cheek, caressing his thumb over it as he looked down at you with a smirk, from what you could see out of the corner of your eye.
“You’re always so good in class. Be a good girl for me now, won’t you, Y/N?” he cooed, continuing to smooth his thumb over your face. You felt yourself growing redder by the second.
You shook your head, not at him, but at yourself for what you were about to do. You were too easy. You made eye contact with him, gazing lewdly up into his auburn eyes.
“That’s it,” he murmured. You were correct: He was smirking at you. He spoke up again. “Three months is a long time, sweetheart. How many fantasies have you had about me in that time?”
You blushed harder at that, stuttering out, “A lot.”
“Voice one to me,” Spencer continued in a raspy tone. His voice was riling you up, and you were almost unsure of how to answer. “What’s on your mind?”
“I- I’ve thought about-,” you tried, but you stopped, unsure if you should even speak the explicit fantasy that came to your mind first into the universe.
Noticing your hesitation, Spencer said, “You can say it, sweetheart. What have you thought about?” he demanded, although his words were almost sweet.
You took a breath of courage before replying, “A- About you, bending me over your desk,” you barely managed to stutter out.
He chuckled even further at your shy admission. “Doing what to you?” he asked in his teasing tone.
You let out a small frustrated groan. Isn’t it obvious?
“Fucking me.”
He gave you a flirty smile at your words. “What do you want, sweetheart?” he now asked you in a raspy tone, the distance between you becoming too hard to resist closing.
“To take you across this desk,” you openly admitted, finding it difficult to stare at his eyes when his lips were so close.
“Then do it.”
His words mixed with his proximity gave you the confidence to finally pull him in, wrapping your arms around his neck and fervently kissing him. To your surprise, he reciprocated instantly, roughly grabbing your waist and backing you into his desk.
He lifted you up with ease and sat you on the only part of it that wasn’t filled with papers, his lips never leaving yours as his tongue explored your mouth. After a few minutes, there was nowhere his hands hadn’t roamed, as he shamelessly grabbed your neck, cupped your tits, and squeezed your ass.
His fingers found their way under your dress, his cold hands meeting your warm skin. You shuddered at the contact, moaning surprisedly into your kiss. You could feel him tugging at the hem of your panties as he pulled back from you, breathing heavily.
“Professor,” you breathed out, calling him ‘Professor’ out of habit. He shook his head at you in response to it.
“Say my name,” he demanded of you, continuing his movements with his hand as he looked down at you.
“Sp- Spencer,” you stammered out, breath quickening at his dominant tone.
“Attagirl,” Spencer praised, hands dipping suddenly into your panties. You gasped, looking up at him with a sultry stare. His fingers slid in between your soaked folds and you involuntarily let out a whorish moan.
“Fuck, doll, you’re already this wet?” he asked you in a tone that was a mixture of both surprise and excitement as his fingers felt all of your built up arousal. “Is this all for me?”
You didn’t know what to say, in pure and utter shock that this was even happening.
He gave you a look that screamed both pleading and demanding at the same time. “Talk to me, sweetheart,” he cooed, moving his fingers in no particular direction, which made you moan softly anyway.
“I- It’s all for you, Spencer,” you stammered.
“There you go. I like hearing that pretty voice of yours,” Spencer cooed. He buried a finger into your cunt, and you groaned at the sudden intrusion. He started slow, making sure you were comfortable with this sensation, then stuck another in, quickening his pace.
You arched your back as he curled his fingers inside of you, hitting a spot that you had never been able to reach when you were touching yourself alone. He knew exactly what he was doing, using another finger to rub slow circles around your clit. He pumped his fingers in and out fast, eliciting several moans of pleasure from you.
You leaned in to fiercely kiss him as he continued to finger you, sliding your tongue into his mouth. He accepted it gladly, gently choking you with his other hand as the two of you kissed. You groaned into it, his use of force getting you closer and closer to your high.
He pulled away, then started on your neck, kissing and sucking harshly as he continued to finger you below. His pace was getting faster, pushing his fingers deeper with every second that went by. When he curved them further than he had before, he found exactly where your pleasure point was: Your G-Spot.
“Fuck, Spencer,” you groaned out, your climax directly around the corner as he left kisses and no doubt hickies all over your neck.
He payed close attention to your reaction, making sure to continue to finger you directly where you needed him and continuing to rub your clit in quick motions. You were nearly there, and he surely knew that. However, suddenly, all movements ceased, and he pulled away from your neck to lustfully look down on you, retracting his fingers from your wetness.
You looked up at him with a mirroring lustful expression, but only because you were so close to releasing, and he had just taken that away from you.
“Sp- Spencer? Why’d you stop?” you stuttered out a little frustratedly.
“Because that’s not where I want you to finish,” he said, like it was the most simple thing to humanly comprehend. He backed up a step, then lifted you from his desk, spinning you round and bending you over it in one swift movement. You gasped as his hand found your lower back, his crotch pressed up on you and his bulge pressing into your ass.
“You said you saw me bending you over across my own desk, right?” Spencer reminded you in a low voice.
“Y- yeah,” you returned in a needy voice.
“Thought so.”
You could hear him unbuckling his belt from behind, working quickly to undo it with his only free hand. The sound was followed by that of his zipper, and then of him shrugging his pants partially down. He then turned his attention to you, pulling your dress up and revealing your red panties that matched the color of your dress. He chuckled, no doubt at that fact, then pulled them down.
He took his cock out of his boxers and pumped it up and down a few times. You tried to turn your head back to look, but he used his free hand to turn your head back around. You were about to say something about it, until he suddenly thrusted deep into your cunt, and you let out a whorish moan.
“F- Fuck, you’re so big, Spencer,” you couldn’t help but moan out. He was far inside of you, and his throbbing cock was no doubt seven inches minimum.
“You can take it,” he groaned back, placing his hand on the back of your head as he moved slowly but deeply into you. His hands roamed your body again, settling on your tits. He used a hand to grab one, eliciting a mewl from you. He fondled it with force, running his thumb in forceful circles around your tit as he pounded into you relentlessly.
“You like being fucked like this, sweetheart?” he cooed in your ear, voice audibly raspy as his movements didn’t cease.
“Yes, sir,” you responded in a slutty voice, calling him ‘sir’ for the first time in what felt like years.
“Such a, fuck- Slut for me,” he said in between thrusts. His pace was getting faster now as he rammed into you from behind, going at a speed you were finding difficult to not readily climax from. His words only enhanced this feeling.
He grabbed the back of your head by your hair, turning you to face a part of the classroom to your left.
“That’s where you sit in my class. Perfect view of my desk. Do you fantasize about this when you look at it?” he asked. His words came out in groans as he tried to both talk and maintain his quick pace.
“Maybe,” you breathed as you looked at your own desk where you had been sitting mere hours beforehand, never in a million years anticipating this.
“That’s not an answer,” he forcefully said, ceasing his movements and beginning to pull his cock from your cunt.
“Wait- Fuck,” you sighed, whimpering when you no longer felt him inside of you. “Yes, I do,” you admitted, telling him exactly what he wanted to hear.
He chuckled at your needy attempt to feel him inside of you again, teasing your wet entrance with the tip of his cock. “That desperate, huh?”
“Y- Yes, sir,” you said softly, finding it hard to get any words out as you took note of his teasing. He thrusted back into you, pushing hard and fast.
“Slut,” Spencer grunted. He pulled your head back by your hair, managing to grip it gently despite his rough pace. “My fucking slut.”
You moaned at his use of degradation, feeling your climax beginning to bubble up inside of you again, but you held it back, wanting to prolong the pleasurable feeling that you were receiving.
“Such a, fuck- Slutty dress,” he suddenly commented, toying with the hem on your dress. “Always wearin’ skirts hiked all the way up to your ass. Hoping I’d notice that, sweetheart?” he asked, the hand that was pulling your hair roaming over to your neck and choking you.
All you could do was nod as your words failed you, coherent sentences vacant in your head and absent from your mouth, as they usually were regardless.
“Use your words, baby,” he demanded of you, squeezing down harder on your neck.
You groaned out, complying and stammering, “Y- Yes,” in response to his question.
“That’s a good girl. Doin’ so fucking good for me,” Spencer praised you.
You were moaning loudly now, the sound of both of your grunts filling the air as Spencer continued at his quick speed. You could feel your eyes watering at the pressure and size of his cock that was deep into your cunt, and your climax was approaching as fast as his pace was going.
“Spencer,” you whispered, cheeks hot and absolutely flushed.
“Yes, sweetheart?” Spencer groaned back.
“I’m close,” you breathed, words breaking.
He let out a soft moan at your words, then moved his hand away from your neck and down to your clit. He rubbed it in quick circles as he had done before, gladly helping you to reach your high. You bit your lip, loud moans and whines falling from your mouth.
“That’s it, doll. I want to hear you,” he demanded of you in response to your moans, his long fingers moving on your throbbing clit as fast as his cock was pounding into your cunt.
You happily complied, continuing to moan out as broken murmurs of his name fell from your lips. He let out his own moans as he chased his high, too. He used his free hand to grip your ass, holding you roughly as he groaned behind you.
“Come for me, sweetheart. Let it out,” he groaned.
His words pushed you over the threshold, being all you needed to finally moan out his name loud as waves of pleasure crashed through you. Spencer groaned out your name, too, as he finished inside of you, gripping your ass as roughly as he possibly could.
When you were both done, he pulled out, breathing heavily as he returned his cock to his boxers. You pulled your panties up and your dress back down, breathing heavily too as you looked back at Spencer with tousled hair.
Spencer stuck the two fingers he’d used to finger you into his mouth, sucking away whatever elements of your release he had managed to get on his hand. You let out a soft moan at the view as Spencer looked down on you. He moved his other hand on your waist.
“You taste sweet,” he whispered to you, caressing his thumb over your hip. Your legs were shaking, and, taking note of this, he picked you up and sat you on his desk. You smiled tiredly up at him as he did.
“I take it this means I’ll get a good grade on my essay?” you joked, giggling.
He smiled down at you, planting a sweet kiss onto your forehead. “A+, baby. A+.”
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temiizpalace · 7 months
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SUMMARY: you forgot to do the homework before your next class.. excellent job prefect. no problem. you can just copy off your classmate! what’s his response to “can I copy your homework?”
CHARACTERS: all dorms (+ grim)
GENRE: crackfic, but could be considered fluff
WARNINGS: cursing
reader gender is not mentioned, reader is yuu
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“i’ll help you with it!”
i mean, you COULD copy.. but how will you understand the material? if you copy then you might not understand it later! that’s not good at all! instead of letting you copy it all together, he helps you and walks you through it like the angel he is. he’s explaining everything in detail but in a way you could comprehend it. totally should be your teacher. even if you already understood the subject, he still wants to lock it in and make sure you truly do get it. (after that you felt like albert einstein)
riddle, trey, jack, ortho, rook (he already knew you weren’t paying attention so he got ya covered), silver
“yeah, sure”
you wanna copy his homework? yeah, sure. why not? you’re the overworked prefect of ramshackle dorm, or some may say “crowleys assistant.” you deserve a break every once in awhile right? maybe they do care about your wellbeing and want you to rest as much as possible. you already work your ass off every day. you study, care for grim, do crowleys work, and deal with some random dorms shit almost 24/7. hell, why not let him write it for you?
it’s that or he just doesn’t give a shit. 🤷🤷
epel, lilia, malleus
“bold of you to assume i did the homework”
you’re both in the same boat. well sort of anyway. he’s a busy guy, he doesn’t have time for that. life is short, and he should be doing things he wants. not sit in a classroom all day and write, just to sit down in his dorm room and write for the rest of it. oh no. he probably has like 10 missing assignments right now. long story short: his ass did not do the homework cause he didn’t wanna.
ace, leona, floyd
“lol nope”
damn you didn’t do the homework? well good luck with that. listen, he did the homework. he’s on top of it. you on the other hand chose not to do it. what’s that? oh you were busy? that sounds rough. he wishes you the best and hopes that you’ll listen next time. alright? bye 🫶🫶
idia, jamil
“wait, we had homework????”
there was homework? THERE WAS HOMEWORK? oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. he messed up. now he’s scrambling to get it done before his next period, panicking and triple checking his answers. poor baby was so caught up in his life he forgot all about class assignments. now you both are sitting at the cafeteria with pencils and eraser shavings everywhere. those sitting around you both were losing their appetites because for some reason their meal tastes like led or graphite. best of luck to you both 💔💔
grim, deuce, cater, kalim
“sure you can copy it! for a price of course.”
yeah he’ll let you copy it. one teensy weensy detail though, what’ll he get in return? well it was your fault for not working on it during your free time. it’s only fair right? he worked so hard to get these answers, why should he give them away for free? haha. that’s just how the world works, prefect. it’s nothing personal really, he just wants to benefit.
azul would definitely try to upsell you into getting one of his study guides. capitalist.
ruggie, azul, jade
he scolds you.
you didn’t do the homework? *sigh* perfect, oh, prefect. that’s a horrible habit to develop, really. why didn’t you do it? now you must scramble to finish it. you see not doing the homework once is alright, but if this happens again he will know about it. he’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again third time. now he’s giving you a long ass essay on why doing your homework ON TIME is the right thing to do, and why copying others homework is the road unsuccessful students go down.
but his lecture went on for hours. im sorry it won’t happen again just please let me copy it 🙏🙏
riddle (scolds then lets you copy), vil, sebek
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A/N: I do all my homework stay safe guys 🙏
my second writing tada! lately I’ve just been going off of alignment charts and how I see them fit. hopefully this is good enough.
date written: 11/24/23
© temiizpalce — don’t steal or copy my work!
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papercorgiworld · 5 months
The dark lord’s favourite always gets what she wants
You use your influence with the dark lord to get a certain someone to behave.
Theo Nott and Mattheo Riddle imagine
Warning: toxic reader, crucio, bit angsty? and suggestiveness
Quick post forecast: today, we’ve got toxic Thursday with Theo and Matt, tomorrow it’s flirty Friday with Enzo and if all goes well we’ll have a smutty Saturday.
Tumblr wouldn’t let me insert the pictures in text, which makes me so sad. 🥺 Sorry, you’ll have to scroll down, I hope I can fix it later… Fixed it!!!! anyways happy readings!
Requested part 2
Theodore Nott
The dark lord smiled with genuine admiration for your work as you handed him Merlin’s spell book. “I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me, you never do. Like your parents you know what loyalty means.” You nod and he continues. “If there’s anything I can do to show my gratitude, please let me know.” You shake no, pretending like you didn’t already have something in mind when you entered his office.
After a few seconds you speak up. “Actually, there might be something, a little annoying matter that I can’t seem to manage myself.” His silence is his way of telling you to state your wish. “There’s a guy in my year, he never shows me any respect. Belittles me all the time. Yesterday, he even stole from me. I can’t do anything about it, Dumbledore doesn’t allow students to curse one another.”
The dark lord circles around you, listening attentively. He already has his suspicions, but nevertheless asks: “His name?” You meet Tom Riddle's eyes. “Theodore Nott.”
Without warning he points his wand to the door and it slams open. “Theodore, join us.” Every hair on Theo’s body raises as soon as he hears his name, but calmly follows orders. Theo’s eyes immediately land on you and a scowl forms on his face, this can’t be good. “I’ve been told your behavior isn’t what it should be.” Theodore’s eyes darken. “Whatever she said is a lie.” The dark lord snaps his head at Theo, not pleased with how he talks about his favorite. “Crucio!” Your eyes widen as Theodore falls to his knees, reaching for a nearby table to keep himself from fully collapsing. “I think his behavior will now drastically improve.” You nod and the dark lord turns towards Theodore. “Return what you stole and don’t leave this room until you’re forgiven.”
As soon as you and Theo are alone he looks up at you with hatred. “You are vile.” You simply grin. “If I were you I would change your tone and maybe throw in a few compliments.” Theodore pulls his eyes away from you. You were probably right. His orders were clear, you had to leave this room happy or whatever was waiting for him would be worse than the curse he had already suffered.
Now that he’s standing again you slowly walk towards him and he quietly stares at you bottling up his anger. “I want my essay back.” You demand. He huffs, but you quirk an eyebrow reminding him to behave. Theo takes a deep breath as he surrenders and reaches for the inside pocket of his jacket. “Here’s the essay you wrote based on my idea.” He offers you the paper and a content smirk tugs on your lips. Theo turns around, pleased to be done with you, but you grab his arm pulling him back.
“You aren’t forgiven yet.” You remind him. “How about you start with a little ‘I’m sorry’.” You suggest, making him close the distance between you two and tower over you. You try to hide the fact that you’re a little intimidated and bravely look him in the eyes. “I won’t apologize.” You lick your lips patiently. “I’m not responsible for what happens to you if you leave this room unforgiven. The dark lord might see you as an unloyal freeloader who only follows orders when it fits him.” Theodore balls his fists as his frustration with you peaks. You want to say something more, but Theo won’t let you. He forcefully grabs your chin and pushes you against the desk behind you. “I won’t apologize to you.” The boiling hate in his voice is undeniable and honestly you don’t blame him. He started playing games with you without knowing how dirty you play and now his ego’s was taking some serious damage. You speak through gritted teeth as Theo’s hold on your chin stays. “If you aren’t going to use that mouth of yours for apologizing, you better put it to good use elsewhere.”
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Theodore jaw clenches and he stares at you debating his options, but you know him better than he knows himselfs. Your core is aching for what is to come. “Fine.” Theo spits as he surrenders to your will, but not without being an arrogant ass about it. With one harsh move he spreads your legs and you grip the desk behind you for support. Your smug grin is irresistible to Theodore, but he’ll never let you know how turned on he gets so he keeps his eyes dark as he slides down on you.
Mattheo Riddle
You are part of the Slytherin friend group but you know that Mattheo isn’t too fond of you. He’s always ridiculing you for something stupid. It was like his hobby was getting on your nerves. However, you’ve had enough of it and tonight his attitude was going to change. You had managed to get your hands on Merlin’s spell book before Mattheo and were currently handing it over to a very pleased Tom Riddle.
“Your extraordinary effort for our cause is admirable and doesn’t go unnoticed by me.” Mattheo rolled his eyes, but kept quiet as he sat at a table with the Malfoys. The dark lord wrapped his arm around you pulling you into a cold but appreciative hug, while whispering. “Anything you wish, my dear?” You look over at Mattheo, but as soon as your eyes meet he looks away and you can’t help but smirk. Softly you whisper something to Tom, making Mattheo look back up with anxious eyes. “Unappreciative, you say?” You nod. “And disrespectful.” You add and the dark lord seems to get more agitated. With a dramatic calmness he points his wand at the table, making everyone’s face flash with terror.
Suddenly, the quiet room is interrupted by a loud smack as Mattheo’s face is forced against the table by a spell. The emotional pain is just as visible as the blood dripping from his nose. With fuming rage and yet a stern calmness his father makes his way to the table, while every other person looks down in an attempt to hide their fear. The dark lord grabs Mattheo’s face forcing him to make eye contact. “You do not mistreat my dear (y/n). She’s loyal. A woman like her should be appreciated and pampered. From now on you’ll be good to her. Understood?”
The grip on his face is too strong for Mattheo to properly nod, but his eyes tell his father everything he needs to know. Mattheo will comply with everything the dark lord demands. When Tom releases Mattheo he looks up at you and you sincerely bow to show your gratitude and respect, thereby affirming your spot as favorite.
After the world’s most uncomfortable meeting you’re pleased to wander the hallways in solitude. You spot Mattheo cleaning his face through the half opened bathroom door and you stop to watch him. When your eyes lock in the reflection of the mirror his whole body tenses, but this doesn’t stop him from giving you a scowl. This makes your pity for him ebb away. You take a few confident strides and join him, taking the cloth from him to clean his face. “He could’ve done worse.” Your words just make him scoff. “Is my pain and humiliation not enough amusement for you?” He grabs your hand telling you to stop, you try but fail to get out of his grip and his attitude starts to frustrate you. “Stop whining, Riddle, and let go of me or I’ll go crying to your dad again.” Mattheo’s jaw clenches, but he reluctantly releases your hand allowing you to clean and heal him.
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After you’ve fixed him up you both make your way back to the other guests. When you enter the room Mattheo is quick to leave you a few steps behind, searching for his friends, but one disappointed and contemptible look from his father makes Mattheo instantly turn back towards you. To your surprise he’s quick to snake an arm around you. You glare at Mattheo for being so obvious about only being nice to you to save himself. “I’m not feeling really appreciated.” Mattheo rolls his eyes at your words, while leaning in to whisper through gritted teeth. “You expect a lot of love and appreciation from a man who never gets any himself.” You look at his dark eyes, while they dart around you. “Just tell me what you want and you’ll have it.” You lay your hand on his cheek forcing him to make eye contact. “Take me to your room and fuck me.” You demand, surprising Mattheo. His harsh and frustrated eyes turn softer as he realises you might not be as unreasonable as he thought.
A/N: Typo’s, grammatical errors, forgotten warnings, worries, disturbances, disastrous thoughts? Let me know, feedback is always welcome!
Picture source: https://pin.it/33fAo21Oe
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jasmines-library · 7 months
Tired Eyes
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WHUMPTOBER DAY 26: Prompt: “working to exhaustion”
Fandom: Batfam/DC
Summary: It’s been a long day, and you’re too caught up with work to take care of yourself, so it’s up to your brothers to do it for you.
Warnings: Exhaustion, overworking, none really it’s more fluffy than anything.
Word count: 1.2K
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
You weren’t tired. No. You just needed to rest your eyes a little, that was all.
The screen of the computer had begun to hurt your eyes, making your temples to throb so, with your elbows planted firmly on the table, you began to massage them to ease the pain, but here you found your eyes dropping closed and your head falling towards table. The dim lighting of the cave didn’t help much either.
As soon as your head hit your clammy palm, you jolted awake, sitting up abruptly and straightening your back against the chair, snapping back to the mountain of work that you needed to get done.
Your fingers moved sluggishly against the keyboard as you typed up the reports. It had been a busy week and so you were left with a large pile of unfinished essays to type and not a lot of time to do them. It was late; the rest of the boys had returned to their beds, deciding to write their reports the following day, but you were already behind which meant that despite the ungodly hour you were still plastered to the chair.
Reaching blindly for your coffee with one hand you wrapped your hands around the ceramic and brought it to your lips. The drink was lukewarm and bitter as it ran over your tongue, but you were desperate for the buzz that the caffeine gave you.
You hadn’t realised that the sun had crept up of you until Dick strolled into the room, barefoot and in his pyjamas. He did a double take when he saw you, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“Y/n?” He asked, frowning at you. At the sound of his voice you glanced over at him briefly, noting his messy hair. He observed the fact that you were still wearing the same clothes as you were when he went to bed last night. “Did you even go to sleep?”
You shook your head, continuing to press your fingers into the little plastic squares not even nothing to look his direction as you continued to work. “Nope.”
He narrowed his eyes. “How long have you been awake?”
“Dunno.” You shrugged. “What time is it?”
“ ‘Bout…26- 27 hours?”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Y/n. You need sleep.”
“I will. I just need to get this done first. You can get me another coffee though?”
“Sorry Dick, can’t hear you over my cleverness.”
He rolled his eyes, but snatched the cup from your hand anyway and went to prepare breakfast.
It seemed like forever before you finally entered the last word on your essay slumped back against the chair. You were feeling exhausted and your body had began to grow stiff from sitting in the same place for so long, so after submitting it you shuffled into the kitchen where your brothers were sat lounging on chairs.
“Woah, Y/n.” Damian said through a mouthful of bacon that he had piled onto his plate “You look like hell.”
“Thanks Dames.” You scoffed. “Just what a woman wants to hear.
“I didn’t mean it like that-“
“She hasn’t slept.” Dick interjected.
Tim narrowed eyes at you over the top of his book. “What? Why?”
“I had too much to do, Jaybird.”
“Well then go to bed now.”
“Can’t.” You grabbed a slice of toast and slid it onto a plate. “Still got too much to do. Besides, I’m not tired.”
“Sure.” He rolled his eyes and went back to his book.
The rest of the day dragged on. You had busied yourself with small tasks that needed to be done during the day and then once all of those were done, you had spent some time in the training room to work on your technique, but your movements were slow and well below par so eventually you gave up, slipped off of the blue mat and dragged yourself towards the showers.
You twisted the dial all the way to the left, waiting for it to settle to an even temperature as you stepped out of your clothes. When you climbed into the shower, the cold water stung your skin as it ran down your back but it kept you wide awake and on your feet so with shaky hands you grabbed the shampoo bottles and began to massage it into your scalp. Although you were in and out quickly, by the time you were done and stepped out of the shower your body was wracked with shivers. Wrapping a thick white towel around you, you dried yourself off before changing into something comfier and creeping back down the stairs now feeling slightly more awake.
You made your way into the library, where shelves filled to the brim with books lined the walls. You ran your fingers against the shelves and noted that when you pulled your hand away you had collecting a thin sheen of dust.
“Don’t even think about it.”
Tim was rounding the corner to return his book that had been absentmindedly flicking through the all day but found that it didn’t give him the thrill he was looking for, so he had wandered back to the library to select another on me when he heard you shuffling around.
“But it needs to be done-“
“Alfred will do it.” Tim told you, placing a large hand on your shoulders and steering you away from the shelves after you had selected a book. A blue hardback covered dainty little flowers embroidered along the spine.
“But he already has so much to do.” You protested.
“It’s his job, y/n/n. And you need to get some sleep.”
You sighed. “I’m not tired, Tim. Seriously lay off it.”
He raised his hands in surrender and wheeled away in a huff. You settled down on the plush sofa, bringing your knees to your chest to read under the gentle light and revel in the silence for just a few moments. Tim settled opposite you, sprawling out across the other couch.
For the next few hours the only sound that filled the room was the gentle flick of turning pages. That was until the other three came bundling in, but you didn’t notice. You had drifted off into a mindless sleep.
You were woken to a a gentle nudge on your shoulder and you sat up abruptly.
“Hmm? What?”
“You fell asleep.” Jason told you.
“No I didn’t…” you mumbled.
Jason pursed his lips. “I think you did.”
You blinked at him.
“Seriously, y/n just go to bed.” Damian told you.
You contemplated for a moment before hauling yourself up onto your feet. You stumbled across the room when a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over you and you were forced to grip onto the counter to keep yourself upright. When you moved to take another step, dragging your feet along the carpet you stumbled again.
“Alright. That’s it.” Dick stood up and moved across the room with one big stride, picking you up effortlessly and throwing you over his shoulder.
“Hey! Put me down.”
Someone snickered behind you.
“No can do little bat. You’re going to bed.”
He hauled you off to your room ignoring your remarks and pointless excuses. When he reached your door, he threw you over his shoulder and onto the bed. You tried to crawl away, but he just grabbed your ankle and pushed you back onto your pillows.
“Sleep.” He told you firmly, using his voice that only came out when he was ordering the rest of you around during a patrol. You pouted, glaring at him through hooded eyes, but he just gave you a little smirk, drew the curtains and moved to the door ignoring your antics.
“Goodnight, y/n. Sleep well.”
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
<- DAY 25 ⛤ DAY 27 ->
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ennabear · 3 months
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synopsis: you met ellie in your university’s ancient library, you were just trying to study and ellie couldn’t help but talk to you. it drove her crazy, the scent of your blood. usually, she didn’t even notice the scent on others. she was so used to it that it didn’t bother her anymore. but you were different, sweeter.
cw: kinda like a mix between tlou and twilight, mentions of witchcraft and hanging, vampire!abby being a ladykiller literally, papa vampire!joel, mama vampire!tess, newlyweds vampire!jesse and dina, dina’s transformation, lotsssss of backstory like i seriously couldn’t stop myself from yapping. not proofread sorry :((((((
a/n: i’m definitely gonna make a series out of this. sorry if this is wayyy too long but i have a special place in my heart for vamp!ellie and her sweet vampire family. ok that’s all ily thanks for reading.
wc: 2.2k
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you shouldn’t be walking alone at night, really. campus was a sketchy place. a plethora of bad things could happen. you could get kidnapped, jumped, pickpocketed, or, hell, even bitten by a vampire.
the library had the same scent it always did. it smelled like dust and paper. in all honesty, you didn’t prefer it here. although it was beautiful, tall windows lined with stained glass, large bookshelves with every book you’d ever want, every word you could imagine and more, it was just so eerie. something bad was bound to happen here.
anyways, you settled down at the table in the corner. the one farthest away from anyone else. you’d rather be at home right now, studying in bed. it’s only because your roommate invited her stupid boyfriend over that you ended up here. it’s for the better anyway, though, because in bed you wouldn’t get anything done. you’d be too distracted.
you had your priorities written on your palm, the pen now smudged, making it barely readable. writing on your palm was easier, more convenient than a post-it note. but you wrote it down on paper anyways, incase you sweated more of it off before you finished. it wasn’t likely you would, though. the library was freezing, especially in the winter.
the clack of your fingers typing in your laptop password was the only thing to be heard. everyone else was dead silent. this was probably the only thing you liked about the library, everybody agreed on an unspoken rule, make the least amount of noise possible. you got started with completing your essay after shuffling your playlist, determined to finish by the end of the night.
that’s when she saw you.
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or, smelled you? your scent was so strong, it hit ellie hard. her vision went dark and splotchy, and she had to grip onto the table for support. her pearly white hands making a dent in the table with how hard she was holding.
you had to be her next meal. she had to find some way to get you alone and suck your veins dry. it scared her, the thoughts she was having. her intentions weren’t to murder you, but she was starving now. you had unknowingly gotten her high on your scent.
she didn’t even know where you were. were you outside? down the hall? in the library? fuck, right next to her? her head was hurting now, really, really badly. but she needed you even worse.
picking up a random book, she used the most brainpower she could to sniff you out. then, she really saw you. headphones in your ears, your hands typing away at something that won’t even matter soon. soon, she’ll have your body in her arms, hopefully in the comfort of her own home. your neck dripping a puddle on the floor as she relentlessly drank from you, your skin growing cold and your lips turning purple.
her docs made silent footsteps across the floor as she walked toward you. this was something ellie learned to master, silence. especially when she went into hunting mode. nobody looked at her as she expertly dodged the creaks in the old wooden floor. nobody saw her coming. especially you. you never saw ellie williams coming.
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“hey, is it okay if i sit here?”
“….sorry, what was that?” you scrambled to pause your music.
“can i sit here?”
“oh. yeah, sure. go ahead.”
you went back to typing, not continuing your music incase she wanted to talk. you really hoped she didn’t. you needed to finish your essay. and you weren’t much of a people person either.
“what are you writing?” she asked.
“just an essay, nothing interesting.”
“oh, cool.”
she started reading the book she picked up before sniffing you out. she didn’t bother to look at the title. or read any of the words either. really, she was just staring at it, her mind racing. she needed to come up with something interesting, something to make you like her.
while she stared at the words, you couldn’t help but stare at her. your fingers came to a complete stop as you admired this stranger across from you. she didn’t even introduce herself, how strange. her hair was a dark brown, her eyes black. her face was incredibly smooth. skin paler than ever, she looked as if she was a marble statue, like she belonged in a museum.
and she was reading twilight, of all books. although, you liked the book, it seemed ironic for her, like she was too mature for it. this beautiful stranger was sitting across from you, her eyebrows pulled together in frustration while she chewed on the inside of her cheek. she seemed furious at something, but at the same time, hard to read.
you were almost scared of her, but intrigued above all else.
“do you like that book?” you asked.
“twilight? yeah. it’s okay. i’ve read it a few times.”
“hmm. it’s a classic.”
“it’s not bad. but i’ve read a lot of books. this one doesn’t come close to the others.”
“so you read a lot? how come i’ve never seen you before?”
“i’m usually hiding. i don’t prefer to engage with others if i can help it.”
“yeah, that explains it.”
she got lucky. thank god, if there even is one, that she grabbed a book you knew about. that you started a conversation with her. she thought it was the most stupid book on earth. it was filth, pure mormon fanfiction. and it was completely wrong.
“why are you here so late? it’s almost midnight.” you asked.
“i could ask you the same question.” she responded.
“i have a lot of work i’ve been procrastinating on. if i could choose, i’d be at home. but my roommate’s boyfriend is there and i can’t stand being in the same building as them.”
“i don’t really know why i’m here. i just like to meet new people i guess.”
“i thought you didn’t like talking to people.”
“that’s different. you’re different.”
“how so? you don’t know who i am, and i don’t even know your name.”
she stared at you blankly. you had her trapped. she suddenly realized that maybe you were harder to get than she expected. maybe you wanted to play this game.
“i’m ellie. it’s short for elizabeth but i hate that name. it’s too common, i’m sick of hearing it.”
“elizabeth is beautiful.”
“thanks. you sound like my parents.”
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lie. she didn’t know her parents anymore. they had abandoned her hundreds of years ago after suspecting she was a witch because she refused to get married to a man at only seventeen. after a few years, she was hung.
it wasn’t until her new father, joel, took up an investigation of what happened to poor elizabeth. he ended up traveling to their old village and finding her grave after tracing her obituary back to a newspaper published in 1579.
shed been dead for years. joel was the one who brought her back to life. he injected his venom into her long rotten arms and took her in for the seven years it took for her to come back fully. he saved her. he taught her how to walk, how to speak, how to hunt. joel miller was her new father.
joel used to be a police officer. in 1712, he ran into a poor woman, bleeding and begging for his help. claiming that her husband had turned to satan and was now possessed. the woman had been bitten, she eventually would turn into ellie’s mother, tess. joel got bitten too. all three of them spent the next years as newborns in that small cabin, feasting on whoever was unfortunate enough to wander by.
the woman’s husband didn’t survive. he was caught by a clan of christians and burned alive, leaving just joel and tess, who couldn’t help but fall in love. they adopted more kids before and after ellie too.
abigail was the first. she was living alone in the appalachian mountains, feasting on whoever wandered after sundown. leading poor girls, desperate for a good time, into her bed and then eating them whole. abigail often hung out at lesbian bars. the girls who went home with her never came back. a bartender joked with her about this once, the bartender didn’t come back, either.
joel heard about abigail through the only other coven that lived in washington. they said she was a monster, a relentless murderer trapped in a goddesses body. that she could hold the whole world on her shoulders but couldn’t refrain from eating innocent girls who were cheating on their husbands.
abby and ellie were never really good friends, but they tried. abby preferred to keep to herself. usually either reading or climbing a mountain with her bare hands. and she refused to find a long-term lover. ellie was almost the opposite. she preferred more modern things, like making music and fast cars. and she loved to flirt with girls.
jesse came after ellie. he was born more recently, in 1878. he was dying of a disease nobody knew about. they didn’t have the right knowledge or technology to save him, so they quarantined him in a hospital room until he died. he didn’t, though. joel saved his life. the hospital staff were horrified after seeing the blood stained floor, the splatters over the walls, and more importantly, the fact that jesse’s body was nowhere to be found.
jesse had a wife now, named dina. she met him in 1983 at a prestigious fashion school. jesse had already been to tons of colleges. neither of them aged. they never changed. they were all trapped. after studying medicine, law, physics, engineering, and marketing, he wanted a change.
that’s when he met dina. she was a beautiful woman, deep tan skin, dark eyes, long black hair and eyelashes. and she had such a knack for fashion. jesse was in love, it took him a long while before he came clean to dina about who he was. she was so in love with him too, she didn’t mind it, and she certainly wasn’t scared. dina was never scared of anything.
so they got married. and the night after their wedding, they flew to a private island joel owned for their “honeymoon”. aka, dina’s transformation. they were gone for almost three years. jesse kept a journal of everything that happened to her.
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july 12, 1989. i did it. i held her so gently in my arms and sank my teeth into her neck. she was screaming, i know she was in pain, but she’ll never admit it. before she fell asleep, i drank a few of her tears and then closed her eyes. she’ll be twenty six for the rest of her life, until the earth stops spinning. i hope she can forgive me.
december 31, 1989. joel, i got your letter. she’s been doing okay. i can’t stop looking at her, her perfect curves and her deep brown hair. i think it was for the better that i took her dress off before we started, she designed it, it was so beautiful. i know she’d get upset about the red staining the expensive white satin. it’s still here, waiting for her. the year is about to end, we still have quite a few months until she awakes. i’m scared. not of her, of myself. am i a murderer? did i, a cold-blooded demon, destroy a perfect, innocent life? will she remember me?
august 27, 1990. it’s been over a year. nothing, but i know it’s coming. i’ve been holding her head on my lap, stroking her hair. i haven’t moved from this position in three months. she is so beautiful. i redressed her in the outfit she designed for this occasion, it suits her well. a part of me regrets this decision. i wish i could grow old with her, maybe have kids someday. sit on the porch while or grandchildren play in the yard. her eyes wrinkling with the smile she always flashes me. this will never happen. it’s just a dream.
november 16, 1990. she is awake. so much screaming. she’s in pain. won’t even look at me. she is thirsty. will bring her some bird blood to quench her thirst.
november 21, 1990. she only sits and stares at a wall, rocking back and forth. her eyes are white now. don’t know if she is okay. or if she will survive. her throat burns. if she goes, i go.
february, 1991. don’t know what day it is, she has calmed down. she didn’t remember anything at first. not me, not her name, nothing. she remembers now, though. hopefully we can come home this year. i still don’t know if i trust her enough around people. if she is caught, she’ll be burned. if she goes, i go.
may 18, 1991. traveled to a near by island. i taught her how to swim, she loves it. she’s so surprised that she can hold her breath infinitely. she is so beautiful, it’s like falling in love with her all over again. there were people at the island, it was a small village. they were kind, but we had to leave early. i don’t want to push her limits, but she did exceptionally well.
october 4, 1991. on our way home. starting this life forever with her. i hope she can forgive me.
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gurugirl · 11 months
A Good Boy | 2. No Panties?
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Summary: Harry goes to visit Y/n and his father for dinner. He tries to be on his best behavior in front of Leo but Y/n is the one that can't hold back.
Note: This is stepmon!reader x stepson!harry - proceed with caution and don't read if you don't like it. Read Part 1 first!
Word Count: 8,857
Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, inappropriate & forbidden relationship, age gap, cheating, lying
A Good Boy Masterlist
think I interrupted your dad and yn having sex when I was leaving yesterday. so embarrassed :(
Harry sat in the library at the University and grinned to himself at the text from Leslie. He was scrambling to finish up his essay that was due later that day. He’d slacked off a bit on Sunday. But he felt that had been worth it. He’d already mostly had his paper done anyway. He just needed to format it and add his citations. Maybe an extra sentence or two and clean up his conclusion. But yeah. Worth it.
He felt like his face was still burning hot and he definitely had a hickey on his clavicle. His t-shirt covered the blue mark but he could still feel her lips on his skin and… well… he could also still smell her. Her perfume. Traces of sex. He hadn’t had time to shower before he left that morning. He’d gotten a little sidetracked when he had her sitting in his lap on the kitchen stool and they were coming together one last time before he had to go. It was as if they hadn’t been sharing their bodies with one another for the better part of the day on Sunday and into the wee hours. He loved that she enjoyed him so much. That she’d been able to come (massive ego boost). That she liked his cock (great big, huge ego boost). He really liked her voice when she was panting dirty words to him and the way she used her tongue to get him off and to paint saliva over the inked designs on his skin.
He swallowed hard as he clicked to save the document and sighed. He knew he was in trouble. Because she was his stepmom and he couldn’t really have her. Couldn’t pursue her and invite her to his dorm. Couldn’t visit her on a whim and beg her to do that thing she did with her-
“Harry,” his thoughts were interrupted when he heard Jay and looked up to see his friend, “Tried calling you yesterday, dude. We all went out to brunch. The one that you were supposed to come to. For your birthday? Remember?” Jay sat down across from him with his own laptop.
“Ahh shit. I forgot man. Sorry.” He did forget. He had been quite preoccupied with Y/n all day. And even if he had remembered he wouldn’t have peeled himself away from her to join his friends for an overpriced, subpar brunch to drink away their hangovers. He could do that on any Sunday. But the chance to have his stepmom in her bed all day with her smooth skin and her soft voice in his ear and her tits in his face… well that was not such a common Sunday activity.
“Got hung up with Leslie then?” Jay raised a brow and smirked before looking at his screen.
Harry scratched the back of his neck and blinked his eyes. He hadn’t thought of what he’d say about what happened. And he really wanted to brag that he’d finally had sex. Over and over again. But he couldn’t, “Uh… sort of. I just drank a lot. But… yeah. The hangover was brutal. Spent most of the day in bed.” At least that last part was true.
“You didn’t get laid? Leslie would’ve you know. And she’s a nice girl too. I know you’re looking for someone sweet. She’s into you, H,” Jay shook his head.
Harry decided to not entertain that line of thinking, “I am sorry, though, man. Just completely slipped my mind. Barely made it here this morning. It was a long day yesterday.”
.           .           .
Y/n threw her sheets into the wash and showered Harry’s scent off her body. Which was a shame because she liked the reminder of him. Her little secret. Not so little really, but quite massive in fact. The secret that is. Of course.
She hated that he needed to go. That he was such a good student and that he took his studies seriously. He had an essay to finish. But also, on the other side of that feeling, she was glad he’d gone when he did because it gave her time to freshen up and get her mind on straight before Leo got home.
Harry had been an absolute surprise to her. Hell, she was a surprise to herself. She’d never done anything so… forbidden. But god was it erotic and it felt so good. Better than good. She was fucked. Even then, she couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face as she sat on The Stool™ and picked at her eggs. Not two hours prior she was coming around him and giving him permission to come inside of her. In that very spot. She wiggled over the stool remembering how his fingers dug into her thighs as he held her steady and moaned into her mouth.
“Ms. Y/n?”
She jumped when she heard Linda’s voice from behind her. She’d nearly forgotten that the housekeeper came on Mondays, “Yes! Hi Linda.”
“I noticed your bed covers are gone. Would you like the satin or cotton?”
“Oh… The cotton is perfect. But with the silk pillowcases, please. Thank you.”
Yes. It was a very good thing that Harry had gone when he did. She couldn’t imagine having to deal with Linda catching them in the act. In the kitchen. On the very stool, she was sat upon.
When Leo came back he left his suitcase near the door and asked Linda to take care of it for him. Y/n greeted him with a hug, “How was it?”
“It was… fine. How was everything here yesterday? We’ll have that all cleaned up today?” He gestured with his chin toward the front door to indicate the yard that still had chairs and tables and lights and a dancefloor in place from the party.
“Yes. In about an hour, they’ll be arriving to pack up everything. And everything was fine here too yesterday.” She smiled.
Leo walked off, presumably to go to his bedroom and shower.
That was easy. Too easy, Y/n decided. She bit her lip and remembered how Harry promised her that no one would need to know. How easy it would be. He was right. Easy peasy.
It all felt like a dream to her as she stepped out into the yard and was reminded of that night. How excited she was but then how confused she felt when they kissed. And then the anger that coursed through her when Harry tried to make her jealous. That had worked. She had been jealous. She didn’t like to admit that but she was. Even with Leonardo, she didn’t care all that much about what he might have been doing last night. But with Harry… her stepson… she shook her head as she walked back inside and decided to do something, anything, to get her mind off him. Because she was already missing him. Missing his dimples and his voice. His pink lips and tattoos. The way his breath smelled like her and his curls that were wild after they showered and he let it air dry.
And she could still feel him too. An entire day of sex was exhausting in the best way. But her body knew where it had been and who it had been with. She still tingled with need despite how satisfied she felt.
Then her eyes roved the kitchen island and she spotted a ring. His ring. A simple thick white gold band. She suddenly had an idea.
.           .           .
It felt good to turn his fully completed essay in on time despite how rushed it had been last minute. But then that only reminded him of why it was last minute and he was left grinning as he walked back to his dorm.
He figured he was due for a shower as he took a piss after looking down over himself and catching her scent again. Remnants of her were matted into the bit of hair at the base of his prick. It was a pity to wash away her soft feminine perfume but it would have been weird if he didn’t bathe himself. Right?
Turning on his shower he heard his phone ding and he plucked it up quickly, his heart pounding heavily in his chest when he realized it was Y/n.
Left something here. Guess we’re gonna have to figure out a way to get it back to you.
Attached to the message was a photo of her pretty thumb dawning said something. His ring. But that wasn’t the intent of the photo he realized when he took the whole picture in. She was naked behind it. Blurred just enough as a background image but he could see the curve of her waist and her tits and the color of her flesh uninterrupted by any fabric. The details weren’t clear but he knew what it was.
So Harry smirked to himself and took a photo of his own bare finger, sans the ring, and used the focus to keep the details at the forefront clear but have the background with his naked frame blurred.
you’re right. feel naked without it. any suggestions on ways i can have it returned?
He sat his phone down and already his prick was thickening up. From a single fucking text with a photo of blurry flesh tones.
Licking his lips he waited for her to text back but after a minute he decided he could just wash off and rub one out in the meantime.
And perhaps it was all the sex he’d had the day prior, and even that very morning, but his quick shower where he was meant to just come in under two minutes took a little longer. He stroked and stroked and moaned (thank god he had no roommates) and his thighs shook as he was reminded of how Y/n had bent herself over and bared her ass to him just the night before.
“Let’s try it like this. Use your hips to just rail me. Fuck me like you want me to remember you for days, Harry.”
So he did. His thighs were burning as he steadied himself in a hasty rhythm and used his hands to squeeze her bottom and watched as he stuffed his cock into her repeatedly. She rubbed at her clit and cried out each time he bottomed out.
“Spank me. Really hard. Both sides.” Her words were panted as she turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. Her tits swayed at each of his heavy thrusts and he brought his palm down over her ass and she hissed with a grin, “Harder. I know you can do it better than that…. FUCK!”
He guffawed as his next strike caused her to shriek and she moaned and then melted into the mattress as he continued swatting her bare bottom, “God yes. Just like that. You are so good, Harry. Such a good boy.”
He placed his palm onto the linoleum shower as he came. His orgasm poured out of his tip in spurts as he groaned and spoke her name between breaths.
With the towel wrapped around his waist, he smiled when he noted two new texts from her after stepping out of the shower.
Tit for tat I see. I deserved that.
Leo’s leaving this weekend. Friday morning. Won’t be back til Monday night. Perhaps we can arrange something for you to come pick up your ring then?
Harry took a deep breath as he read over her words. He didn’t have classes on Fridays so he could potentially go there Thursday night. But then his dad would still be there. But of course, the sooner he could see her the better. Even if Leo was around.
How’s Thursday night? And I feel like it’s gonna take a few days for me to get over the loss of the ring so if you don’t mind me staying until Monday morning then I think that can work.
.           .           .
She hated deleting the texts. But it was necessary. It wasn’t as if Leo would ever go through her phone but still. He didn’t care if she had a sidepiece. He would, however, care that her sidepiece was his son. She was certain of that. Even though he hadn’t said specifically, don’t have sex with Harry, he didn’t need to. It was something that went without saying. A moral boundary. She knew better. But she wasn’t sure that she wanted to stop. No, she was sure she didn’t want to stop. Harry was�� tender and fun and sexy. He was eager and vibrant. Confident without being egotistical.
There were more photos and suggestive messages over the following days. Until he finally arrived Thursday evening after his last class.
He’d called Leo and told him he was coming over for dinner that night and that he’d stay and leave the following day.
So that’s how Y/n found herself with her little apron floating across the kitchen making dinner for the three of them. She had a little music playing and felt the nerves bubbling out of her tummy. She couldn’t wait to see Harry again. Just to lay eyes on him. To hear his voice. There could be no funny business that night, but she had him for the entire weekend and it was like a dream. She felt like she was in high school again. Heart thumping in her chest, head spinning and swimming. She kept getting interrupted by her thoughts. Wooden spoon in hand, hovering over the bowl with her head in the clouds. Images of what they’d done together, what they would do together.
He seemed to really enjoy eating her out. And his enthusiasm for it was obvious on Sunday when they were curled up together on the couch watching a movie and he dragged her legs over his lap and then asked…
“Can I try again? Want to see if I can make you come.”
His fingers reached up underneath her shorts and slowly dragged along the seam of her panties with his eyes growing dark as he licked his lips, “Please?”
He’d been trying. The first time he hadn’t made her come because she stopped him to have him play with her tits while he was fingering her. The second time she nearly came. Was so close but he couldn’t quite get her to tip. She reassured him that was normal. Most guys couldn’t really make a woman come if they didn’t know her body well enough, “No one has ever made me come from only eating me out. Ever. Don’t feel bad about it, Harry.”
But he wanted to try again. Third time’s a charm and all. So she nodded and he quickly rid her of her shorts and panties and dug in. He did everything he learned she liked and went slowly and softly at first. Watching her intently and moaning into her pussy.
She’d long forgotten the movie they were watching in favor of enjoying the scene with Harry’s mouth and fingers trying to work her to her end.
“Please… I need you to come. What do you need? Tell me exactly what you want so I can be good. Want to be the best for you.”
She thought for a moment. Since she’d never come from cunnilingus she figured maybe it was because she’d never sat on anyone’s face before. Perhaps a change in position…
Harry lay flat on the couch as she straddled his face and put her palms on the cushioned arm as he pulled her down over him and got back to lapping and sucking.
That was good. That felt… really good. The more she settled into the position of having her thighs around his head as she sat over his mouth she began rolling her hips slowly and realized that also felt really good. His nose was perfectly big enough that she could use it on her clit every time she shifted her hips up, but then each time she tilted her pelvis down Harry’s lips and tongue would stimulate her clit. It was perfect. The right amount of soft licking and sucking along with that healthy friction she got from his nose.
When she felt that initial tingle, the spark of her orgasm snaking around to her center she was surprised and relieved. She was finally going to come. And she was glad it was Harry who was doing it.
But Harry was beyond glad. He loved the idea that he could be her first for something. When he felt her quivering and her gasps turned into soft moans and chants of his name as she yanked his hair and ground herself over him his eyes fluttered into the back of his head. She was coming on his face and it was all he ever wanted. He didn’t even know it was anything he’d been missing out on but to have a woman coming from oral sex, from the way he flicked his tongue and kissed her pussy made her lose it and that was the best thing that happened to him all day. Yes, he’d lost his virginity but this was a notch on the belt of experience. This earned him bragging rights.
She collapsed over him when she began to come down and he caught her by her hips before she fell off the edge of the couch, “C’mere. I wanna hold you.” He laughed as he pulled her into his arms before she toppled over the arm of the couch.
She realized how beyond fucked she really was in that moment. With his eyes on hers and his arms holding her to his chest and their hearts beating in synch. He was special to her. His genuine care had her filled with butterflies and confusion, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him ever again.
She sighed as she shook that memory from her mind. Stay on track, Y/n.
Leo hadn’t made it back from his appointment that afternoon yet but it was LA and traffic was rotten at that time of day. She hoped Harry wasn’t too caught up on the 101.
When her phone chimed with the notice that someone had arrived at the gate she swallowed and tried to keep calm. It could be Harry. It could be Leo. She had her hands deep in soggy flour so she couldn’t check to see which but either way. Harry was going to be there.
She heard the door close and her heart rate picked up. SZA’s Snooze was playing and she grinned to herself at the irony and before she could call out to see who had come in she saw him enter the kitchen. It wasn’t unlike last week when he came in with his duffle bag and that sexy smirk. Except this time it held so many other layers.
“Leo’s not back yet. Had an appointment downtown. How was traffic?” Small talk. That’s how she’d start. Her nerves were on fire as he raised a brow and placed his bag on the floor and sauntered toward her.
She tried following him with her eyes as he walked behind her without a word. Her hands were still stuffed in the flour mixture as Harry pressed his chest to her back and put his arms onto the island on either side of her, “Like this song.”
His voice in her ear was sultry and she knew that drop in his tone. She gasped as he pressed his warm lips to her neck and then swayed her with his crotch glued to her bottom. She closed her eyes and let his proximity and his touch filter into her bones and her veins and her cells. His lips were soft as he moved up toward her cheek and she felt him smile, “Nobody do body like you…” he sang the words quietly and nosed at her cheekbone as he rocked them to the slow beat.
God, she hadn’t been with anyone that was just so naturally good at being sexy and dreamy like Harry. He was a dream. He might have been a virgin before but he was sensual and flirty and exciting in a way she’d never known. He might have not had all that much experience, but he was a natural lover. Thoughtful and romantic without even needing instructions.
“How long til he’s back?” He spoke his words against the corner of her lips as she turned her face toward him. Her lips were already parted and her eyes were closed.
“I don’t know. Traffic is bad. He said he’d be home at five but it’s already six.”
Harry’s hands found her waist as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her mouth. She swooned. She actually swooned, nearly falling and passing out in his arms like one of those Victorian women who wore their corsets too tight and any little excitement would have them fainting.
Harry laughed against her lips, “You okay?”
She nodded and looked at him as he craned his neck to see her eyes, “I need to wash my hands. I’ve got wet flour all over them.”
The grin on Harry’s face was devious as he looked from where her hands were stuffed into the flour and then back to her face. He wasn’t budging at all, “So pretty with this apron on. Didn’t think you could be any prettier but here we are.” His fingers moved down to her hips.
She was wearing a dress. A little short. She wanted to look cute. And her plan to not wear panties was suddenly dawning on her as she felt the tiniest bit of slip on her thighs. She grinned back at him, “Thank you, Harry. Always so polite.”
He nodded and stepped back an inch as he moved his hands from her hips down to her bare thighs, “I try. I do my best to please you, ma’am.” His smirk remained as his finger slowly pushed the hem of her skirt upward, “You don’t mind if I just take a peek?” He tilted his head as he looked at her, his fingers inching up slowly, “To tide me over til tomorrow? Missed you.”
Y/n bit her lip and felt her neck grow warm. He was about to see what she didn’t have on underneath but she nodded, “Okay. Go ahead.”
The fabric of her dress was pulled upward and the air of the kitchen was cool over her backside. Harry groaned as her supple bottom came into view, not a single shred of material to cover herself from him, “Fuck. No panties?”
Her chest rose and fell deeply. She could have him just quickly fuck her. Who knew when Leo would return? It would be risky-
Harry dropped to his knees, “Please… can I have a little taste. Just a…” he smushed his fingers into her bottom and kneaded her flesh apart to get a better glimpse, “Please?”
“God, Harry. Okay.” It was insane. Absolutely nonsensical for this to be happening but it was. His tongue roved her folds as he moaned and lapped at her from behind. Slick and warm with his fingers biting into her skin. But when he slid his fingers over her clit she gasped and leaned forward to allow him more and Harry dug his face into her deeper.
It was quite the scene. From the front of the kitchen, one would only see Y/n leaned over the counter with her apron and hands in the bowl of dough, her eyes closed and mouth dropped open as she panted his name. But just behind the island, hidden from view, there was her stepson, eating her out with her ass bared to him and his tongue plowing through her labia.
Suddenly they heard the door close and Harry quickly stood up and wiped his arm over his face as he backed away from his stepmom and turned to the sink to wash his hands.
His cock was so hard but luckily his dark jeans would hide what he had going on.
Y/n was still panting with dark eyes as Leo stepped into the kitchen, “My son!” He crossed the room and wrapped Harry in a quick hug before backing away.
That was a close call. Y/n tried regulating her breathing as she pulled her fingers out of the dough and smiled at Leo, “He just got here. You both have great timing! Dinner will be ready in about an hour.” She lifted her sticky fingers and moved to the sink to rinse her hands off as Harry said something to his dad about traffic and then excused himself to go up to his room for a bit. Her teeth dug into her lip as she looked down into the sink at her flour-covered fingers and imagined Harry taking care of himself in his bedroom as he thought of her. She didn’t miss the way his prick started to stiffen when he was pressed into her back as he kissed her neck.
It was crazy to Y/n how quickly she could shift from being blushy and hot to being composed and cool in front of Leo. Dinner was plated and the three of them sat outside in the garden overlooking the pool.
Leo picked out a nice cabernet for them to share and Harry sipped a glass of tequila. She tried not to pay too much attention to Harry’s hands as he ate and grasped his glass. Or his lips as she spoke. She glanced at his jaw a few times as he chewed his bites and she spoke about the tennis club and then they got onto the topic of the war in Ukraine.
As cold as Leonardo was, he was at least of sound mind when it came to politics. He was liberal and he was quite a forward thinker. He was fair in his opinions. At least.
Her second glass of wine had her ears warming up and she felt more relaxed. No one would have guessed she was a ball of nerves but she was. Harry being at the table with his soft green eyes finding hers every few minutes as they spoke felt especially weighty when Leo was there too.
But on the surface, everything appeared as normal.
“And how are your grades?” Leo asked his son.
Harry perked up and nodded, “Good. All A’s. Nearly missed turning in a complete essay on Monday after that party but got it in just in time and got a 90 on it. Felt pretty good.” He pulled his lips inward to hide the grin that threatened to make its appearance as he caught Y/n’s gaze on him. Their expressions were similar. A knowing look. A secret only they shared.
“Figured. You’re always an excellent student. Never have to worry about you mucking it up do I?” Leo boasted.
“He is a great student. I even offered for him to stay longer on Sunday to relax but he was so intent on getting his schoolwork done instead. It’s quite impressive.” She didn’t need to chime in. Her words were a lie. Though she did know he was a great student, and that was impressive.
Harry smiled down at his plate before letting his eyes wander up to Y/n’s, “Thank you, ma’am. I take pride in learning and being good at what I do.”
She clenched her jaw and stifled a small titter she nearly let out. His innuendo wasn’t missed by her, “It shows too,” she spoke wryly and then bit into her roasted cauliflower.
His nostrils flared as he mimicked her by biting into a forkful and chewing hastily.
When they’d finished up dinner, they all made their way to the heated pool after changing into their swimwear.
It was… a task. A task to not look at Harry’s lean muscles and tattoos. The soft part of his hips that gave way to the elastic of his yellow trunks. His strong thighs. She swallowed to moisten her throat at the sight of him with dimples as he laughed at something Leo said.
But she felt his eyes on her as she stepped into the pool. She pretended not to be bothered by knowing his eyes were scanning her in small increments. He couldn’t gawk at her in front of his father, but he could take subtle glances to feast on.
To Harry, though, he wasn’t getting enough. He wanted to paste his eyes onto her body and allow himself to splurge on her tummy and her back. He was already keyed up a bit at the idea of having his brains fucked out all weekend. He knew he could be patient. He had to be. Leo joked around with Harry about Leslie a bit. Even he thought his own son was getting girls left and right. He had no idea that Harry had been a virgin until only days prior.
“I’m glad you came over today so I could spend a little time with you. Haven’t done anything like this in a while. And your birthday party doesn’t count either.”
The sun started to go down, oranges and pinks covering the horizon toward the Pacific Ocean, as they listened to music over the blue tooth speakers, and the subject of conversation had started on sports. Y/n zoned out a little. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy sports, but in comparison to Leo, she was nearly clueless. She watched the dusk take over what had been a bright blue sky only thirty minutes earlier and smiled to herself as Harry’s voice floated over the water toward her as he spoke to his father.
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom. Be right back!” Harry spoke as he pulled his wet body out of the pool, climbing up onto the patio, his body dripping with water as he padded his way toward the back of the house.
Leo placed his back toward the edge of the pool and rested against it, “What do you have planned this weekend? Going out tomorrow with the girls?”
“Oh… I might. I’m not sure. Actually, Cyndee wasn’t feeling well this morning so we’re just playing it by ear. Tennis club Saturday. Maybe just hang out here in the pool. Relax. Not much. Bet you’re gonna have a good time in the Hamptons.”
Just as Leo was about to respond his phone rang and he cursed under his breath as he pulled himself out of the pool, in much the same way Harry had only moments before. He wiped his hands on his towel before lifting his cell phone up to his ear and holding a finger out to Y/n as he walked toward the back of the house to take the call.
Looking out to the horizon, the pinks had turned purple and the sky grew darker. The music on the speakers was some sort of slow hip-hop song she wasn’t familiar with but she liked the beat. Easy and a little sexy. From her peripheral, she saw Harry walking toward the pool.
She turned her head and grinned, “That was fast.”
Harry wore a small frown and slid into the water right next to his stepmom, “Yeah. Just went to the pool house. And um…” he turned to look back toward the house and lowered his voice, “Is he cheating on you, Y/n?”
The breath in her lungs stilled at his question. She wasn’t sure how much Harry knew about her and his father’s situation but she knew she hadn’t told him everything. And she knew that it was unlikely he would be privy. It wouldn’t have been his business in any normal circumstance. But theirs was not a normal circumstance.
Shaking her head she let out the breath she was holding and looked at his kind eyes brushing her fingers in between his under the warm water, “Not really. We have an agreement… But we don’t discuss the details with each other. We are free to see other people. But don’t tell your dad I said anything.”
Harry’s frown remained as he shook his head, “Of course, I would never say anything. Are you… seeing other people too?”
“No. God no. Since I married Leo I haven’t been interested in seeing anyone else. Until you.”
The frown lines slowly disappeared as his soft lips curved up, “Yeah? Really? You’ve been free to be with anyone? But it’s just me?”
Harry’s hand grasped her thigh as he stood only inches from her in the pool. Definitely closer than appeared innocent.
Nodding her head and letting him pull at her leg she spoke in a murmur after looking over Harry’s shoulder to make sure they were in the clear, “Just you, baby. You’re all I want.”
His demeanor changed back into his bright and confident self at her words, “So if I ask you really nicely you’ll give me anything I want, right? S’what you said Sunday.”
Y/n breathed out a laugh and cocked her head, “Depends. Tell me what you want.”
Harry’s fingers moved up her thigh slowly as he spoke in a whisper, “Let me come to your room tonight.”
She raised her brows and scoffed, “Well that certainly wasn’t asking nicely was it? Sounded more like you telling me.”
He licked his lips and dropped his gaze to her mouth, “Please, ma’am,” the smirk on his face deepened his adorable dimples, “Can I come to your room tonight? After he’s asleep?” He motioned with his chin toward the back of the house indicating his father.
“And what do you think is going to happen if you are allowed to come to my room tonight?” She tried hiding her own grin but it was futile. Harry’s smile and the way his hand was pasted to the inside of her thigh, only a hand’s distance from the crotch of her bikini bottom was making her feel dizzy.
“Whatever you want ma’am. I’ll do anything. Even if it’s just to hold you.” His tongue swiped over his bottom lip and his eyes were hooded. He was turned on.
Letting her hand drift toward his swim shorts she grazed her fingers over his crotch and sucked in a small breath as she kept her eyes on his, “Poor thing. When was the last time you came Harry?”
A laugh puffed out of his nose as he continued speaking in a low whisper, “This morning.”
Looking at the house and back to Harry she cupped him in her hand and moaned lightly, “Oooh… I see. A horny thing aren’t you? What did you think about?” She slid her hand into the waistband of his trunks and wrapped her palm around his smooth shaft and watched as his lips parted and he closed his eyes to take it in.
“You. You’re all I think about, Y/n.”
“Me?” She spoke into his ear as he opened his eyes to look at her, “I’m so flattered. What do you imagine? Am I sucking you off in your fantasy? Are you fucking me? Tell me about it?”
She was surprised by the way he was looking at her. As if he were the dominant. The aggressor, yet she knew he’d bend immediately if she told him to. She loved his moxie. Loved how he oozed confidence despite the way he’d beg her and whimper for her.
His fingers found the edge of the fabric of her bikini at the lower part of her hip and poked a finger in, moving it down toward her inner thigh, “This morning I imagined I was eating you out. Came all over myself in my bed wishing you were sitting on my face smothering me with your pussy.”
She’d met her match. Harry was not shy to say dirty things. He was submissive to her but he was still very much able to keep her on her toes. She swallowed and nearly pulled him down so she could kiss him but she saw Leo return and quickly released Harry’s dick and leaned back into the edge of the pool to act as if they’d only been talking.
Both Y/n and Harry were a mess until it was bedtime. Harry was thankful his boner went down before he got out of the pool and Y/n was just glad that the wet between her legs was disguised by pool water.
“I’ve got to get up at like 5 am so I’m gonna go to bed. Harry stay up as late as you like bud,” he leaned in and kissed Y/n’s forehead as they all stood in the kitchen, “Probably won’t see you in the morning. I’ll call you later after I land.”
When Leo had gone upstairs and Y/n put away the clean dishes from the dishwasher Harry was seated at the island quietly.
“You gonna go to bed? Or are you not tired?” Y/n asked as she pulled out a stool to sit on.
Harry glanced down at the empty stool between them and back up to his stepmom, “Not particularly tired no. Was hoping you had an answer for me. About the question I politely asked you earlier.”
Sighing she put her elbows onto the marble and kept her gaze on Harry’s, “You know this can only work if we don’t get caught.”
He nodded, “We won’t. I’ll be quiet as a mouse.”
She smiled and sat up, “Do you smoke weed?”
Harry blinked his eyes at the sudden change of topic and nodded, “Yeah. Not like every day but often.”
She bit her lip and looked at the corner of the room. Contemplating whether she should or not. She should. She definitely should. And why not? It was just a little weed. And she needed to calm down. As composed as she appeared, she was vibrating with nerves and her body ached for him but she knew they couldn’t do anything tonight.
“Come with me.” She jumped down from the stool and Harry followed her upstairs to her room. She closed the door and locked it before crouching down in front of her dresser and opening up the bottom drawer, retrieving a box and lifting it upward, “My stash. If you ever need some and I’m not here, you’re welcome to it.” She spoke as she stood up and opened the lid.
“Wow. My stepmom’s a stoner. Had no idea.” Harry laughed quietly as he stood behind Y/n and looked over her shoulder down into the box.
“I’m not! I just like a puffy treat once in a while. Something to help me sleep and calm my anxiety.” She pulled out a joint and a lighter.
“You have anxiety?”
She shrugged as she walked across the room toward the large window that looked out to the backyard, “Kind of. Not diagnosed or anything but low level. I get anxious sometimes. This helps to make my mind chill a little.”
She sparked up the tip and inhaled as she unhooked the window lock and pushed the glass outward to open up before blowing the plume out into the night air.
Harry nodded at her words. He supposed it was the same for him. Low level. Normal levels he imagined. He took the joint she passed him and drew the cannabis into his lungs.
After a few lungfuls each Harry could feel the softening of his nerves and yet, it did nothing to calm how aroused he was around Y/n, “So does this mean you’re gonna let me stay in your bed with you tonight?”
She stamped out the joint and placed it on the windowsill before turning to look up at Harry. She was ready to jump his bones but she knew they had to be quiet. They could get to the juicy stuff tomorrow. Perhaps that evening would just be about being close and talking in whispers.
“Yeah. But no sex. It’s too loud. We have plenty of time for that all weekend,” her grin was adorable and Harry couldn’t help himself when he grasped her chin and kissed her lips.
It took her by surprise but she melted into him quickly as she wrapped her arms around him. Harry walked her backward to her bed and pulled her in with him before parting from the kiss, “Like I said. I’ll take anything you give me. No sex is fine with me.”
The problem with lying in a bed naked (Harry didn’t want to go and get his sweatpants from his bedroom and since he was naked he insisted that Y/n be naked with him and she easily obliged) with your brand new lover after having smoked a little weed is that it’s hard not to be horny. It’s hard to keep a ‘no sex’ rule when you still have so much to explore and the person you’d love to explore is lying right next to you without a shred of clothing covering anything.
Harry tried not to let his hands wander. He kept his palm over her hip, only letting his thumb travel over her skin softly as he spoke. And she kept her hand a safe distance from his cock, which was thick and hard, ready to be used.
“Well, when I graduated last year it was the same. All the professors really just wanted their students to get a good grade so they were always helpful and then would offer extra credit. You’ll be fine, Harry. You’re so smart.”
“Feels that way. Which is nice. I like having a little bit of a break.”
Y/n kept her eyes on his as he spoke and then they were quiet for a moment when Y/n was reminded of something, “What did you hear Leo saying that made you ask me if he was cheating?”
Harry didn’t stop his slow touches over her sides as he spoke, “I heard him say that he had to keep his voice down because his wife and his son were nearby. Then he said he couldn’t wait to see them either, but it sounded like he was speaking to a woman or like a lover. Not a friend.”
She nodded and squinted her eyes. She hadn’t known Leo to be sneaking away for calls to lovers. She always imagined that anyone he might have on the side would be a once or twice sort of thing. Someone who might not even have his number. But perhaps she was wrong.
But she wasn’t upset. She had Harry in her bed and his dark curls were messy with the way she ran her fingers through it earlier. She scraped her nails lightly over his pecs.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice barely came out above a whisper.
“Harry…” she looked into his eyes and then down between them and moaned softly, letting her hand travel down just a little, “If you kiss me it’s not gonna stop there. And you know it.”
The smirk on his lips edged upward on the right side of his mouth, “So you’re saying you can’t resist, is that right?”
She laughed and rolled her eyes, “No. I’m saying you can’t resist.”
Harry shook his head and rounded his eyes innocently, “Ma’am, with all due respect…” his nostrils flared as he spoke in jest, fingers digging into her hip, “I will do literally anything you tell me to. And if you say we’re not going to have sex, then I will resist. It’s you who makes all the decisions here. I’m simply following your lead. And all I’m asking for is a kiss.”
He had a point and she knew that was the truth. She wanted to fuck his brains out, that was the reality. And if his pillowy lips wrapped around hers and his tongue lapped at hers she’d be climbing over him and attaching herself to his cock.
Instead of answering she continued pushing her hand down his abs and toward his heavy cock, softly ghosting her fingers over his tip and he keened.
“Fuck…” Harry breathed out his words and he closed his eyes.
“I wish we could, Harry. But we can’t. It’s too risky.” She wanted to grasp him in her hand but she only brushed her fingers over him. Just to touch. Just a little.
His hand moved up from her hip and over her arm to her neck and then her face, “Fine with me. Love just being here with you. What would you do with me if we could right now?”
Y/n licked her lips and pushed her face into his touch as she scooted into him closer, “I’d have you creampie me and then I’d climb onto your face and make you eat your come out of my pussy until I orgasm.”
Harry’s mouth dropped open and the tiniest whine from the back of his throat sounded, “Fuck. I want that. Can we try that first thing in the morning?”
Nodding her head she felt his fingers drop to her jaw, gently rubbing his knuckles over her skin, “Definitely. Yeah.”
His face was so close to hers. She was throbbing already, clenching tight as her skin heated up under his gaze. He looked like he could devour her and it made her heart thrash in her chest.
“Yeah? Want me to fill you up? You like that, don’t you? Then I’ll let you smear it all over my face, clean you all up with my tongue and make you wish you were married to me. There’s no way I’d ever want anyone else if I had you.”
Y/n’s eyes went wide for a moment but she actually couldn’t be mad at that. If she wasn’t so far gone and horny out of her mind she might have scolded him for that but instead, she groaned softly and pulled him in for the kiss she’d been desperate for.
She hadn’t meant to. Not really. She was going to just lie with him and fall asleep and keep things quiet and tame. But she couldn’t stop it. She needed him. Needed him to soothe her ache and her heart.
Harry trembled as he pulled her in closer and opened his mouth for her, kissing her back wetly as his mouth was already watering. He was going to get what he wanted. He smiled into the kiss knowing where it was leading as she pulled him on top of her and she spread her legs, “Fuck me and come inside of me. If you make one peep we’re stopping.”
Harry breathed in and out slowly to ground himself as he lined his tip up to her sodden entrance. She was soaked. And puffy. Her clit was standing at attention because of how aroused she was. How aroused he made her.
He plunged into her and dropped his mouth wide as she closed her eyes and panted at the feel of him, “Yes…” she whispered.
Harry’s face was set in anguish as he rocked into her. His cock had been so hard and already leaked from the tip before she even kissed him. It was only going to be a matter of minutes before he was going to fill her up like she wanted.
Wet, sloppy sex sounded in the room and her mattress gave way to their weight at each of Harry’s thrusts. He was good to keep quiet but Y/n was struggling the most as she peeped the tiniest moans and then breathed his name softly as she felt him throbbing inside of her.
“Come inside of me, baby. Give me your come. Want it…”
Harry was quivering and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as his penis was sheathed in her tight pussy. It was warm and wet and his cock felt so good moving inside of her that he couldn’t hang on one moment longer. He clenched his teeth and his balls tightened as he fucked into her, his orgasm filling her to the brim. His ears rang as he came and his chest heated up from ecstasy.
Y/n watched in awe. Harry was good. He stayed quiet but even better was the way he felt when he was orgasming inside of her. His heavy cock pumped and throbbed and she felt every one of his ridges and shot of come that poured out from his tip. Perhaps it was the weed that made her so sensitive but it was an incredible feeling.
And Harry was blown away by having an orgasm inside of Y/n while he was a little high. He’d never trembled so hard in his life but he couldn’t stop shaking as he came and eventually calmed from his orgasm. He was shivering still as he held himself up over her with a grin. Proud that he’d managed to stay completely quiet.
“Good boy. Just like I told you. Now, you ready to use that mouth to clean me up? I need to come so bad, Harry.”
He nodded as his shaky limbs steadied himself, pulling out and then quickly grasping her ankles and lifting her legs upward to see it. To watch the bit of his creamy come drip from her pussy.
“S’pretty isn’t it?” She asked as she watched his face. He’d gotten lots of eyefuls of his creampies on Sunday. He nodded and then released her legs before plopping down on his back and scooting himself into position so she could climb on.
Before lowering her pussy to his mouth she watched as his come dripped over his lips and kept her hands at the headboard, “Eat it.”
Harry licked his lips and swallowed before opening his mouth again and looking up at her eyes. He just wanted her to sit on him so he could make her come.
The moment her cunt covered his lips she gasped when he pulled at her clit and his tongue lapped up her messy pussy. Swallowing his come mixed with her sticky arousal he moaned softly into her.
She grasped onto his hair as she gyrated over him, rubbing herself on his lips and over his nose, her pussy was on fire from need and desperation and the prickle of his facial hair.
“Fucking gonna make me come, baby. Oh my god, Harry…” she panted her words as quietly as she could while she used his face for her pleasure. Harry tried to keep his eyes open but she was riding his face roughly and it was almost impossible. He wanted to watch her tits bounce and the way her lips parted, wanted to watch her come as he ate her out. He forced his eyes open every few moments to see her riding his face as he held on to her thighs.
She began to spiral into a boiling-hot orgasm as her thighs nearly gave out from the exertion of her muscles. Looking down at where she was rubbing herself on him she was struck by his vibrant green eyes on hers as she began to come. The tight cord inside of her snapped and she gushed over his face. His nose was amazing. She kept bumping her clit into it and riding over the tip of it but being sure to give him air in between.
His face was shiny and pink and his eyes were droopy by the time she caught her breath. She shakily moved herself to lie over his body, pressing her chest into his and nuzzling into his neck. She was spent. He was spent.
Not only was it late, but they were both a little high from the joint they shared. Tired was an understatement.
She could have fallen asleep right over his chest like she was. Harry wrapped his arms around her and spoke quietly, “We should clean up. I’m all sticky and wet.”
Y/n groaned and smiled as she looked up at him. The handsome young man with her wet arousal smeared all over his face, “You’re right. Then we’ll go to sleep.”
The moment they were cleaned and snuggled under the covers with limbs intertwined Harry drifted off into a dreamless sleep. Y/n was sure that having Harry in her bed was the best part of their affair. His warm limbs loosened and his heartbeat slowed as he began to lightly snore with his mouth open. He was adorable. Not just adorable. He was striking and self-assured. He was smart and gentle. He was affectionate.
She hadn’t realized how much she missed affection. She’d been without it for so long that she thought the affection her friends gave her was quite enough. But now that she had a taste of Harry’s sunny smile and his tender heart she wasn’t sure she could go back to the once-per-week schedule of sex and then separate rooms after. The occasional hug and kiss. That just wouldn’t do anymore. Harry was forbidden but she was already hooked.
A/N: The next part will be their “quiet” weekend together 👀
3. Overheard
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Tags: @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs @shishcabobsworld @daphnesutton @spinnerswife69 @michellekstyles @golden-hoax @a-strange-familiar @yousunshineyoutempter @tenaciousperfectionunknown @swiftmendeshoran @luvonstyles @tiaamberxx @lukesaprince @dirtytissuebox @closureesny @lhharrylilpumpkin @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysmimi @itsgigikay @angelbabyyy99 @lllukulele @lanadelharry @novasblogofstuff @gills-lounge @damnasstyles @malwtilda @0oolookitsme @babybunharry @anothermannharry @love-letters-to-uranus @itjustkindahappenedreally @kelly-fushiguro345 @harrys-foxy
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brooooswriting · 1 year
could you do a sam carpenter x reader sickfic type thing? i haven’t seen any but i was thinking sick!reader who tries to hide she’s sick from Sam but she has like food poisoning or something so she can’t hide it for long (or other way round where sam is sick)
Sam Carpenter x sick!reader
Tara Carpenter x reader (platonic)
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“Alright, I’m gonna head out. You sure you don’t wanna come?” Sam called out standing in front of the bathroom door, where you hid from her. Well, that sounds way worse than it should, you were sick and this was sams first night out in months, so you didn’t want to be the reason why she wasn’t going. You’ve had a stomach bug since last night, you had been working all night on your essay as you couldn’t sleep due to pain, when Sam was awake she had to go to work while you tried to get some sleep and as soon as she was home she searched for you, but you stayed in your room as you needed to ‘focus on your paper’ and as she was done getting ready you fled to the bathroom, throwing up for the fifth time today. “Yeah, I gotta shower and then I have to keep working, sorry. But you go have fun, love you” you called out, trying to keep the vomit inside. “Im sorry. Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” You smiled before quickly covering your mouth with your hand, “yeah, you go have fun” she called out a quick I love you before leaving.
You sighed when she finally left, taking a bucket from under the sink before walking out to the table where you sat down the bucket and your laptop. After 30 minutes of trying to concentrate you nearly passed out on the chair, deciding to lay down on the couch with a blanket and the bucket in your arm. It was now 8:30 pm which meant that you had enough time go get better before Sam came. Oh how you wished you’d get better soon, you felt miserable.
“Oh god, y/n are you alright?” Tara’s voice rang through the living room as she saw you sprawling on the couch, vomiting into the bucket, your face pale and sweaty. “M fine” you grumbled holding your stomach after emptying its containments. “No you’re not. Here, let me get you some water” she quickly got a bottle for you, while you held your stomach in pain. “Since when have you been feeling like this?” She asked and you decided to lie, “I don’t know?” She nodded deciding to grab you some painkillers. “Here, take these. Hopefully they will help you. Where’s Sam anyway?” She asked rubbing your clammy back. “Out with friends” you mumbled drinking some more, hoping that it will reduce the pain. “Want me to get her?” You immediately shook your head, “no, it’s her first night ou…” you stopped and grabbed the bucket throwing up again. “Okay, I’ll change real quick and then come back alright?” You nodded as you started to throw up again, it didn’t seem like you were going to feel better.
After a quick change into sweatpants Tara came back to find you laying on your side, your legs pulled up and your arms wrapped around your stomach. “Anything I can do?” She asked laying a hand on your forehead, quickly realizing how hot you were. The tears in your eyes were so noticeable that Tara decided that she couldn’t deal with this on her own.
“Sam?” She whispered into the phone, “Tara, what’s wrong?” She asked walking out of the bar to hear the younger sibling better. “It’s y/n, she’s ill. She’s constantly throwing up, she’s hot and her stomach hurts. She didn’t want me to call you but I don’t know what to do” her voice was pleading, Tara loved you like a sister but you never were one who showed her pain, so you crying because of pain even after painkillers was too much for her. “I’ll be there in 10” her sister said before hanging up.
The brunette entered the apartment 6 minutes later, running up to you with concern in her eyes. “Baby, what can I do?” She asked when she crouched down next to you, her hand on your cheek. “How was your night?” You asked trying to mask the pain you were feeling, but it was no use. “Stop it! Why didn’t you tell me? I would have stayed and looked after you” she said her thumb stroking your cheek. “It’s your first night off since forever so you should be able to enjoy that, go back to your friends, I just need a bit of sleep and then I’ll be fine” it was a white lie, you knew, Sam knew, Tara knew, damn even the mouse in the wall knew. “Be quiet and go take a quick shower, then we will go to bed” her voice didn’t leave any room for arguments, so you stood up with your arms still around your stomach and went to the bathroom.
By the time you finally pulled all your cloths off Sam joined you in the bathroom also getting rid of her cloths. “Come on, let’s get you washed up” she guided you into the shower, helping you wash your body and hair before quickly washing hers too. “Just stand in the warm water for a minute okay?” She headed out and quickly put on her cloths before returning with a warm towel and some of her cloths. “Here” she mumbled as she wrapped you up in a towel, by now you were suddenly freezing, shivering while she hugged you. “Let’s get you dressed” she kissed your temple before holding her sweatpants out for you and then slipping her hoodie over your head and quickly brushing your teeth.
When you entered the bedroom the smell of mint immediately filled your nose, “I made you some tea and there is a heating pad. I’ve also put down some painkillers but Tara told me that you already took some so you’re gonna have to wait for a bit before taking those. Some crackers are there too but you’re gonna have to decide if eating is a good idea right now. Plus I’ve emptied the bucket and put it down next to the bed” she explained as you two got into bed. “That’s really nice but you really didn’t have to. I should do this stuff for you, you’ve been working so hard lately” you told her, feeling bad for causing her even more work. “I actually like taking care of you more than being with friends without you. So be quiet and let me cuddle you until you feel better” she said with a small smile opening her arms for you. Even after acting unbothered the whole time the only thing you wanted was the comfort you for right now, so you threw yourself into her arms and started crying silently causing her to coo and rub your back. “It’s alright my love. You’re gonna be fine, let’s sleep a bit and then you can take some more painkillers okay baby?” You nodded into her neck before starting to fall asleep to the rhythm of her rubbing your back.
You woke up the next morning with a stomach ache but you hadn’t thrown up the whole night which was a plus and you felt less hot. “Good morning love” you rasped out as you looked up at your girlfriend who was watching you carefully. “How do you feel?” She asked and kissed the top of your head. “Better, my stomach still hurts a bit but otherwise I’m fine” you mumbled rubbing a hand over her abs. “Good, want some medicine? And you should probably eat something soon” she said as she leaned over to grab the water and the medicine before giving it to you. You mumbled a thank you and took the things she gave you before staring at her. “What?” She asked slightly insecure, “hug” you only pouted causing her to laugh but hug you nonetheless.
About an hour and a half later you decided to get up and get ready. You brushed your teeth and changed into a different hoodie that was still Sams. “Y/n, how are you feeling?” Tara immediately asked when she saw you, coming up to you and hugging you, “I’m better, thank you. And also thank you for calling Sam, even though I told you not to” you smiled as you parted.
You stood in the kitchen thinking of what you were gonna eat when somebody appeared behind you wrapping their arms around your waist and a hand carefully holding your stomach. “Should I cook something?” Sam asked as she rested her head on top of yours, “wanna give me food poisoning again?” You joked but nodded nonetheless. “Rude” she laughed but grabbed some eggs before hoisting you up on the counter next to the stove. “Y/n” she said as she cooked causing you to gulp, first name was never a good thing, “next time you aren’t feeling well I want you to be honest about it Alright? I was scared when Tara called me and said that you were ill. You’re my girlfriend and I love spending time with you even if it’s holding your hair while you throw up. I love you and I’d do anything to make you feel better” her voice was serious and showed her concern rather clearly which made you feel guilty. “I’m sorry” you mumbled like a guilty child. “You’re alright honey” she laughed and kissed you.
The rest of the day was spent in bed cuddling, she’d always look out for you no matter how exhausted she was.
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Dannymay 2023. Day 7. Weapon. DPXDC.
The Justice League is trying to figure out Danny’s identity, and he’s not happy about it.
~Words hurt more than weapons~
Wonder Woman: You’re bound by the Lasso of Truth. No more chance of hiding secrets, ghost.
Danny: Are you kidding me?
Batman: Who are you, Phantom?
Danny: "I am a 400-foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings."
Captain Marvel: Wow, you don’t see many Fire Nation princesses these days.
Danny: Hm, at least someone with good taste here.
Danny: Have you even read the Fenton articles? Batman? Anyone? No? Remember. Ghosts will always find a way to lie. Your ribbon has no power over me.
Danny: ..I have a few words for you too, Batsy. Martha says hi. And she wants you to know that " ..if I see a damn clown in the immediate vicinity of one of my grandchildren or if I find out that you or any of the family are on patrol with broken bones, I’ll spank you as soon as I meet you on the other side. Obey Alfred. With love, Mother."
Flash:..Batman, why are you so pale?
Batman: Someone sprayed the fear toxin. Check the ventilation.
Superman: Stop it! Listen..
Phantom: I liked you when I was a kid, you know? They say it’s better to never meet your idols. Now I see it's truth.
Superman: You shouldn't be doing this alone. We can help you.
Danny: What makes you think I need your help? Don’t be a hypocrite. Why don’t you take off your glasses at the Daily Planet office? And why do you think that you can tell me what to do with my secret identity?
Danny: Don’t worry, I’m dead but my family is fine. I’m not like you, Big Blue. I will not sacrifice the people I love for my murderous secret.
Superman: What are you talking about?
Phantom: Don’t play dumb. In the land of the dead, people like to talk about the past, you know. You told Jonathan he wasn’t your father, and then you didn’t even try to save him. It’s cruel. But you can be happy, Jonathan doesn’t blame you for his death. I do.
The temperature in the room dropped a few degrees.
Superman: I.. I listened to what he said. He was trying to protect me.
Danny: So, how does it feel? Letting him die in front of you, knowing you could have saved him? Do you blame youself?
Superman: How dare you.
Danny: Of course, you do. Because no matter how many lives Superman saves, the most important one to you..You’ll never got it back. Afraid of being a lab rat? Superman is not special. I am not special too. 
Danny: Don’t look down at me just because you have more experience behind you. Revealing my identity should be my choice, not yours.
Danny: Stay out of my grave. *turns to Batman* You should stay away from your son’s grave too. Leave the past behind.
~Hairstyle. Sharp tongue. Physique. This Insolence.~
Batman: Jason?
Danny: Wrong ghost, old man.
Batman: ...You’re the one who said a ghost would always find a way to lie.
Danny: Pride and prejudice! *shit, I’m starting to swear like Mr.Lancer, It’s time to finish my english essay.*  I’m not your Robin. Sorry bout that.
~Jane Austen? No hint more obvious. Jay doesn’t want to deal with the League? Well, Bruce doesn’t mind playing along.~
Batman: I understand.
Danny: Thank Ancients! Anyway, I’m leaving. Don’t look for me.
Tucker: Wow, Danny, when we told you to take care about the League, we thought you’d do it, like, without turning all of them against you.
Danny: Not all of them. And I didn’t do anything wrong. We talked.
Jazz: Danny, believe me, sometimes a conversation with you can cause more damage to your enemies than your ectoblasts.
Sam: Not just to them. Sometimes I also feel like his ideas are melting my brain.
Danny: Hey! Actually, you should be on my side.
Sam: We should?
Danny: Never mind. But if JL set foot in Amity Park I will sic on Wonder Woman her grandfather.
Tucker: But her Grandfather is Kronos. He’s a creep, trying to eat all his kids. Where do you even know such a monster from?
Clockwork *puts a cup of tea on the table and coughs to attract attention*.
Tucker: Wait a minute...
Tucker: Oh mY GOd, Mr. CLocKWoRk I’m sO SorRy, please don’t kill me.
Sam: Now you’ve changed your mind about importance of a healthy vegan diet, Tucker?
Tucker: ..No, I’m not that desperate.
~At the same time,somewhere in Ghost Zone~
 Martha *teaches Jason to do a choke hold*.
~At the same time, in one of Amity Park’s alleys.~
Maddie and Jack *discuss ways to capture the Phantom*
Batman *appears behind them*:DoN’t toUcH my the сHiLd.
Jazz: Don't you think that mentioning Superman's father was too much?
Danny: Maybe.But..when I think about you, mom or dad in dander I can't imagine what would make me freeze and.. It just doesn't make sense, okey?
Jazz: You're still thinking about Dan, right?
Danny: Every.damn.time.
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weirdkpopgirl · 2 months
Pain | Jaemin Imagine #11
Title: Pain
Genre: Angst, slight fluff
Warnings: description/mention of period cramps -- i'm sorry
Word Count: 791
Author's Note: I mean the title and warning makes it pretty obvious, but I wrote this while I was on that time of month. Although I do have a group post for NCT Dream about periods, I wanted to write a little more about it for awhile now. Especially when my experience has been kinda excruciating lately lol. Anyway, please don't read if this topic makes you uncomfortable.
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It was 10 a.m. on a Saturday, and you regretted not sleeping in (you didn’t even know how you got out of bed, honestly). Instead, you were hunched over your laptop, typing up the third body paragraph of a research paper that was due next week. However, you found it nearly impossible to concentrate due to the stabbing pain shooting through your abdomen. Lucky for you, your lovely period came knocking at your door the day before. Now you were trying to endure the second day, where the amount of pain only seemed to increase.
A soft groan escaped your lips as you clenched your fists on the desk, willing yourself to push through the agony. But the dull ache in your stomach only seemed to worsen with each passing moment. It was driving you insane, seriously. 
Then just when you were on the verge of breaking, Jaemin entered the room carrying a mug of hot chocolate because he knew you preferred it over coffee. His brows furrowed with concern when he noticed your tense figure, and he immediately caught the pained expression on your face. 
Crossing the room to carefully place the steaming ceramic mug on a coaster near you. “Hey, you don’t look so good,” he said softly, locking eyes with you. “Are you okay, baby?”
Typically, you liked to keep your emotions guarded. The thought of your boyfriend seeing you in such a vulnerable state was the last thing you wanted, especially at a time like this. Despite your efforts to offer him a reassuring smile, it faltered as a new wave of cramps surged through you.
 “It just hurts,” you muttered, firmly pressing your knuckles against your forehead.
Jaemin frowned, realizing this was serious if you weren’t even trying to hide your discomfort from him. He calmly scanned the room in search of anything that might help you.
“Why don’t you take some medicine? I can grab you some painkillers.”
But you quickly shook your head in rejection. “I’ll be fine. I don’t like taking those unless I have to.”
You heard Jaemin sigh before he moved to stand behind you. Then you felt his hands start to gently knead your shoulders, trying to ease some of the tension. On any normal day, your body would’ve stiffened immediately and you might have withdrawn. But right now, you were grateful for his touch and it did help a little.
“Maybe you should put your essay on pause for now,” he suggested, stealing a glance at your screen. “You’ve already done more than enough today. Come lay down with me and rest for a bit?”
Though you hesitated for a moment, your fatigue overridden any inclination to protest. After giving him a weak nod, you allowed Jaemin to lift you from the chair and guide you to the couch. With a deep breath, you sank into the cushion and curled up against your boyfriend’s body. He happily wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer.
Yet, the pain persisted, even in Jaemin’s comforting embrace. You had to bite your lip to stifle a whimper, as you felt tears prick your eyes. He picked up on your distress fairly quickly, his heart breaking at the sight of your pain. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead in hopes of bringing you some sort of comfort.
However, the sweetness of his gesture prompted the first tear to stream down your cheek. Perhaps it was a mix of embarrassment, gratitude, and frustration swirling within you. Regardless, Jaemin kept you in his arms and peppered a few more kisses atop your head.
“Shh, it’s okay baby,” he murmured, his deep voice barely above a whisper. “Just let it out, you don’t have to keep it in.”
As if on cue, you closed your eyes and buried your face in Jaemin’s chest. Tears soaked helplessly into the fabric of his white t-shirt, as you clung to him tightly. You weren’t the type to cry in front of others, but the relentless cramps from your stupid period had pushed you to your limit.
Though it stung to hear your sobs and feel your body tremble against his, Jaemin was mostly grateful that you weren’t bottling up your emotions. Holding you close, whispering soothing words of comfort, and his fingers lightly stroking your hair were all things that were second nature to him. 
If he could take all your pain away from you, he swore he would in a heartbeat.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
previous masterlist -> current masterlist
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hazybisou · 1 year
reader x jack hughes
summary: y/n finds out through twitter that jack has lost a tooth and calls to see for herself.
a/n: IT MADE ME CACKLE HELLA HARD!! like imagine the lisp he’s gonna have 😭😭 it’s gonna be hella cute but wayyyy too fucking funny. also i js had to write this like cmon 🤣🤣
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jack was away in Raleigh for the second game of round two of the stanley cup playoffs against the carolina hurricanes. you stayed home due to have finals but were still able to watch the first game.
you were finishing up homework while watching the second game, the score being 1-4, the canes winning. you finished typing up your essay when you got a text from your friend, jane.
janey boo 🙃
did you see?!!
see what?
janey boo 🙃
janey boo 🙃
i was scrolling through tiktok and saw a picture of jack missing his front tooth to the sound bigger than the whole sky
poor jack
janey boo 🙃
woody and mercer and jack are now the toothless trio
you couldn’t help the little laughs and giggles that escaped. you open up twitter and search up ‘jack hughes’ and clicking on ‘latest’. you scroll down and can’t help but burst out laughing. you probably looked crazy right now but this news was too funny.
you look up and notice the game has ended, the canes winning 6-1. you decided to wait a couple minutes, knowing it would only be a matter of seconds until jack would text you, something along the lines of ‘i just got out of the arena’.
a couple of minutes later, you’re phone dinged and you saw it was jack who texted. it said ‘hey i just left and am headed back to the hotel’. you don’t respond as you immediately go and click on his contact before the phone started ringing.
“hey babe, just wanted to let you know that you played great tonight. m’ sorry about the loos,” you told him syntactically.
jack smiled on the other end, “thanks. i appreciate it. anyways, what were you doing?” you noticed he had a small lisp. it was cute. his words sounded like a little kindergartners.
you just smiled at the question, knowing jack would always ask about your day and how it went. “oh i was just finishing up some homework. nothing much. why?”
“just wanted to know,” jack responds. you look down at your phone and realize he’s facetiming. you slide the button and are met with the ceiling of his car. you hear the jingle of keys and rustling before he picks his phone up and his face comes in view. “hi.”
“hi.” you respond back. “whatcha doing?”
he smiled. “nothing. just gonna head to the hotel before getting to see you again.”
the smile on your face grew even bigger before you remembered why you called him so fast. “hey jack?” he perked up and hummed. “could you smile at me real quick?”
jack looked at you suspiciously before shrugging and showing you a toothy grin. you just giggled before small laughs started to come out and soon you were cackling.
jack looked confused.
by the time you were done laughing tears began to fall from how hard you were laughing. “oh jack..your tooth.” you finally told him.
he finally got it and just began to pout. “it’s not funny.” he remarked.
“just a little bit. it’s ok though.” you told him. “it’s cute. especially your lisp.”
jack’s cheeks turned pink at the comment. “stop, it’s not cute.” he still had the same pout on. you just started at him with loving eyes.
“jack, baby, it’s ok.” you cooed but he didn’t seem convinced. “you’re still the same jack it’s just you’ll be missing 2% of that smile i love so much.”
“i hate it though.” jack whined. “it makes me sound weird.”
you just stared at him. “it doesn’t matter jack, alright? i still love you and always will.”
“that helped a little.” you just laughed before continuing to talk.
“i have to go and study for that exam i have next week. just make sure you get back safely. call or text me when you’re at the hotel. i love you.”
“i love you too.” jack said back. you said your goodbyes before you hung up and went back to watching the tv. you kept laughing at the thought of jack coming home with a missing tooth.
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idk if i hate or love this. but wtv. his tooth is now gone 😔😔 ALSO THE WAY LUKE COULDVE SAID MORE ABT JACKS TOOTH IF HE WANTED TO BUT KNEW JACK WOULD BEAT HIS ASS IF HE DID AND PROB TOLD HIM NOT TO SAY ANYTHING ABT IT IS JS SO FUNNY TO ME!! jack literally reminds me of a pirate with taht crusty ass heard 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️
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Hello! It's me againn and guess what 😈😈 Yes! I got another idea for Tom Riddle and m!reader 😋😋
Ekhem- so basically Tom was assigned to tutor this boy who was known for his lack of effort in class, he would sleep nor just ditched out the classes. So, as a nice Headboy he was, Tom decided to accept the task to tutor the boy and behold! The boy just sleeping the whole time Tom explain smth to him. So yeah Tom's mad n reader was like "Huh why r u mad? I don't even need tutor in the 1st place..." So Tom's gotten more mad 😔 and reader would like 🧍‍♂️
AHAHAHA n then as an apology, reader shows up to Tom after the exam ended n gave him his exam papers and oh boy this mf got O (Outstanding) for all the subjects, turns out the reader is able to do the school works from the beginning but he just won't do it bc he's a lazy ass bitch. Then Tom's reaction would be "🧍‍♂️...Yeah, i need those genes for my kids 😍"
THIS IS SO MESSY LMAO im sorry here's sum oranges for ur wonderful writing 🍊🍊🍊
Tutoring - T. R. x male!Reader
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A/N: Thank you so much!! I love seeing you in my ask box! I hope this is what you were wanting 💛 Sorry about the ending lol. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to end it well.
I think I tagged everything, but let me know if I missed something! Fic is unedited with no use of Y/N
Anyway, have some hearts for sending me so many amazing requests! 💛💛💛💛
CW: Tom being fed up; anger; laziness; yelling; Tom gets fairly upset in this; somewhat mean words towards the reader; making up; brief compliment towards Tom; Abraxas and Tom are friends in this; Tom gets a little bit obsessed with reader; Tom’s evil plans
1144 words
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It was a little known fact that Tom loved tutoring. For more selfish reasons than he’d care to admit, but he loved it all the same.
It was the rush of power he felt when a teacher came to him on behalf of yet another student. It was the pride when a student finally understood the material.
It was even the knowledge that Tom was smarter than most of the students at Hogwarts.
And yet, for all his love of tutoring, he was seriously debating quitting.
The answer was simple. You.
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Tom had agreed to tutor you as a favor to Professor Slughorn. It wasn’t even for extra credit; a rare occasion of Tom being nice.
The professor was clearly fed up with you, and Tom was more than willing to take on a challenge.
And oh, what a challenge you were.
You were late to your first tutoring session, completely missed the second one, and slept through the third one.
You’d apologized, of course; but by the fourth tutoring session, it was clear you just didn’t have the motivation to study.
And it infuriated Tom.
He’d never failed as a tutor before, and he certainly wasn’t going to fail now.
When your eyes start to droop for the third time in ten minutes during your next study session, Tom’s patience runs out.
“Were you attending a party last night?” he demands, hands clenched. “What in Merlin’s name could have made you so tired?”
You startle, blearily lifting your head and rubbing at your eyes. “You think I’m cool enough to attend a party?”
It sounds like a genuine question, one Tom refuses to answer.
“What. Kept. You. Up?”
“My roommates.” You yawn and settle back into your seat. “They were having fun or something. Bein’ loud. Kept me up most of the night.”
Tom’s fists unclench. He takes a deep breath. “And do they do this every night?”
“Well… sort of…?” You fiddle with your quill. “Not every night, but…”
Tom pinches the bridge of his nose. “Talk to your Head of House about it. They’ll deal with your noisy roommates.”
“Alright.” You give him a small smile. Tom doesn’t return it.
“Now, for your potions essay…”
You slump in your seat.
But Tom counts it as a win when it takes you a few minutes longer than usual before your head starts drooping again.
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You’re falling asleep yet again, and Tom has had it with you.
He slams the potions guide down on the table, startling you awake.
“Merlin, what the—“
“What—“ Tom seethes, “—is wrong with you?”
You blink, clearly taken aback. “Uhhh…”
“I have done my absolute best to ensure you don’t fail your exams next week, and you have done nothing but laze about and sleep!”
“Look, Riddle, just chill out.” You hold up your hands placatingly, giving him a weak smile. “I don’t get why you’re so upset. Professor Slughorn said you wanted to tutor me.”
“Well, not anymore! I am through with you!” Tom stands, fists clenched. “You have driven me to my wit’s end! If you’re not going to bother even trying to focus, I’m not going to bother trying to help you!”
“I quit!” Tom snaps.
You stare at him, stunned. Then you cross your arms. “Well, fine! Merlin knows I never needed a tutor in the first place!”
Tom glares at you and angrily gathers his things.
It doesn’t feel good to quit. But he’s never felt so helpless before. You just simply seem to refuse to learn.
As he stalks away, though, there’s an odd pull at his heart. Maybe it was something about the unhappiness in your eyes. Or the way your fingers trembled as they gripped your quill.
Whatever it was, Tom squashes the feeling like a bug. He’s done with you. Not even a favor from Slughorn could tempt him to take you on again.
Of that, he is certain.
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Tom’s sitting with Abraxas in the main hall, celebrating his exam scores. All Outstandings and Exceeds Expectations, even for Divination and Herbology.
He’s particularly proud of his O in Potions, proof that he knows the material well.
He’s just about to bite into a pumpkin pastry when there’s a soft cough behind him.
He turns, raising an eyebrow. It’s you, looking quite sheepish.
“Hey, Riddle.”
Tom purses his lips together thinly and crosses his arms. “Hello.”
You shuffle your feet and rub the back of your neck. “I know you were really mad at me,” you mumble, “But I wanted to explain myself a bit…”
“Then explain.”
You take a deep breath and pull a piece of paper from your pocket. It’s your report card for the exams.
Tom takes it, expecting to see some sort of dismal grade requiring his assistance.
But instead, what greets him is the best set of scores he’s ever seen. All Outstandings, in every class.
Tom stares at the report card, utterly baffled. “What?”
You rub the back of your neck again, not meeting his gaze. “I told you, I didn’t need a tutor. I can do the work. I just don’t like it.”
Tom slowly looks up from the report card. “You… just don’t like it…?”
You shrug. “Schoolwork’s boring. I’d rather do something else instead.”
Tom’s brain is a whirl. You were capable of doing the coursework already. More so, you knew everything well enough to get Outstandings in every class, something even he failed to do.
Tom hands you back your report card. “I owe you an apology then.”
“Nah,” you laugh softly and shuffle your feet. “Don’t worry about it. ‘Sides, you’re kinda cute all angry ‘n’ stuff.”
Tom blinks. You shrug and give him an awkward smile. “See you around, Riddle.”
“Right…” He watches as you walk away.
Then he turns quickly to Abraxas. “Malfoy, he had all Outstandings.”
Abraxas glances at him once, then does a double take. “Oh, no. I know that look. What are you planning?”
Tom grins. “Surely you see it? A brain that smart, when paired with my cunning? We’d be unstoppable.”
Abraxas glances at where you’d been standing. “Tom, I don’t know about this…”
But Tom’s mind is already at work. You already thought he was cute once… With the right sort of manipulation, perhaps he could get you to think it again.
Perhaps he could get you to fall in love with him.
“Just think about it, Malfoy. Our children would be geniuses!”
Abraxas just sighs. He shakes his head, but Tom ignores him. His plan is forming in his mind; his perfect plan to get you to fall in love with him.
With only a little bit of persuasion, he’ll get you to fall in love with him. And then you’ll be his lover forever. The other half to his genius.
And then all his plans will be perfected.
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leaentries · 10 months
Bad day
luke hughes x chubby!reader
a/n- hey y’all! so guess who’s not dead 😋 i’m so so sorry i’ve been so inactive this past month! i’ve been dealing with college starting back up and my new job. but now that i’m back to semi-normal schedule, im hoping to start posting more! so please don’t be afraid to send in any thoughts or requests you may have! also, im so sorry if this is shit, i didn’t really know where i was going when i started writing. i just wanted to get something out for y’all to read😭
p.s- gif is not mine, credits to the owner!!
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some days truly never seemed to end.
even though it was only a wednesday, the bleakness of the sky and air ruined every seemingly good thing coming y/n’s way. her day started off great. waking up next to her boyfriend who gave her plenty of good morning sleepy kisses and “i love you’s.” luke even went the extra mile and warmed up her morning shower, paired with a fresh towel straight out of the dryer.
as she stepped into the shower, she felt confident that she was going to have a fantastic day. her classes were easy on wednesday and only lasted till early afternoon. although she knew that luke would be gone for practice by the time she returned home, she was excited to lounge around and be lazy for the day.
only, her day took a turn for the worst.
walking to her first class of the day, the coffee she held in her hand, that luke put so much effort into, somehow managed to slip from her grasp. the cup went tumbling into the pavement, leaving ugly light brown splotches in its wake. frustrated, she picked up the soaked cardboard.
y/n took a deep breath and quickly disposed of the cup, before continuing her journey to class. even though she felt bad for wasting the coffee, she was still set on having a great day. her class went by decently fast, ending when the professor decided to go on a tangent about his recent disk golf tournament.
on wednesdays she only had two classes, her next one being the longest. sitting down for her next lecture, she noticed the thigh portion of her jeans had begun to rip. y/n couldn’t help the feeling of dread that filled her body. those were her favorite jeans and the store in which she bought them, had discontinued this style.
sighing, she placed her head down on her arms. she decided to close her eyes, since she got to class early anyways. what seemed to be a few seconds, quickly turned into her feeling a jab to her side. she lifted her head, eyes squinting due to the bright lights. she looked over to her desk partner. julie looked back with concerned eyes.
“dude, are you okay?”
puzzled, y/n replied, “yeah….why?”
“you just slept through the entire lecture. which, by the way, prof decided to assign some stupid essay on. he said it’s gonna be due friday.”
with wide eyes, y/n stared at the clock on the wall.
i slept through the whole thing?
hitting her like a train, she turned back to julie.
“wait wait wait. an essay? shit, i don’t even know what he talked about today.”
worry gripped her like a vice. how the hell was she ever gonna get an essay done about a lecture she didn’t even listen to? there goes her plan on being lazy for the rest of the day.
“don’t worry, i got you girl. i made sure to take some major notes for you.” julie handed y/n the purple notebook, “just make sure to bring it to class on friday.” with that, julie gathered her things and left the classroom.
still stuck on the fact that she slept through the entire lecture, y/n slowly began to pack up and make her way home. rushing to her car, she made the drive as fast as possible.
not to her surprise, she was greeted with an empty apartment. she would normally be a little sad at this, but she took it with grace. the quiet will give her time to go over julie’s notes and start her essay.
by the time luke found his way through the door, it was easily past six.
“angel?” luke called into the open apartment. “y/n?” he called again. when he still received no response he walked to their shared bedroom, only to find her hunched over a desk with headphones in her ears.
he walked up to stand behind her, gently placing his hands on her shoulders and a kiss to the top of her head. her body jumped slightly, startled at the sudden touch.
“what the fuck, lukey?” she turned to him.
“awww, im sorry baby.” luke responded, chuckling slightly.
though his smile began to fall from his face when he saw the deep line of worry and distress around her eyebrows. luke felt his own furrow.
“what’s wrong, angel?” luke felt his own worry begin to set in. he could have sworn she was in a great mood this morning, recalling when she told him her plans for the day.
frustrated tears began to fill her eyes, “today has just utterly been shit. first, i spilt the coffee you spent so much time making me. then, i fell asleep durning my lecture and missed the entire thing. and to top it all off, my professor decided to assign an essay on said lecture. so now i’m having to bullshit this assignment, which means i’ll probably get a horrible grade.”
by the end of her rant, hot tears found their way from her eyes and down her cheeks. luke’s hands quickly reached to wipe them away.
“don’t cry, pretty girl. it’s okay.” luke said in a hushed voice. he swiveled the chair around, crouching to look up at her down casted face. he placed his hands on her plushy thighs, not failing to appreciate the warmth they radiated under his palms.
“hey, hey. look at me, y/n” at the sound of her name, she tilted her head up slightly, meeting his concerned filled eyes.
“you did nothing wrong. that coffee took me all of about 30 seconds to make and i can help you with your essay. i promise you, you are doing great, baby. you’ll do fine on this essay and it sounds to me like you needed the sleep anyways.” his hand reached to cradle her damp, round cheek.
“i’m sorry. i don’t know why i’m upset. it’s not like anything horrible happened. it-it’s just today was supposed to be so good. a-and,” a small sob cut through the air. taking a deep breath she continued, “and i’ve been doing this essay for the past 4 hours. i feel like i’m getting no where.”
luke’s heart hurt at the sight of his girlfriend so drained. it was a complete 180 from the cheerful attitude she had that morning. he slowly stood up, reaching over to close her laptop. she opened her mouth in protest, but was quickly cut off. “before you try and stop me, you need a break, sweetheart. you’ve made plenty of progress on your essay for today. come lay down with me. we can call in some take out and watch a movie.”
luke’s eyes gazed pleadingly into her own.
“but what if i can’t get it finished by tomorrow? it’s due at the beginning of class friday.” luke was fast to ease her worry, “i promise i will help you finish it tomorrow. i don’t have practice, so we can spend the whole day making this essay a+ material. now, go change and meet me in the living room.”
with a smile and another kiss to her head, luke walked out of the bedroom. attempting to brush off the last thoughts of her essay, y/n got up and walked to the closet. she grabbed a pair of sweats and one of luke’s big sweatshirts. putting it on reminded her of how thoughtful he is, always making sure to get them a size bigger so they’ll be extra oversized.
she smiled as the scent of his cologne filled her nose.
now completely changed, she walked out, only to be met with what seemed to be every blanket in the house set up on the couch. next to it laid plenty of her favorite snacks, along with her favorite drinks. with wide eyes, she turned to meet luke’s nervous form.
“w-what’s all this?” she gestured toward the couch. luke walked up to her, placing his hands on her full hips.
“i just wanted to do something for you, make your day a bit better. do you like it?” luke’s eyes were hopeful.
“of course, i love it.” she looked up at luke’s face, “thank you. for everything.” luke flashed his beaming grin.
“anything for you, angel,” he whispered. luke leaned down to press his lips into her soft ones. his hands pulled her hips to meet his, deepening the kiss. y/n found her own hands finding home in the curls on the nape of his neck. she gripped his hair, slightly pulling at the intensity. luke’s light groans filled the apartment.
forcing themselves apart, y/n placed her hands on luke’s shoulders as he tried to chase her lips. a whine escaped his throat, “whyyy? i want to kiss you.” a laugh bubbled out of her mouth, bringing a smile to luke’s face.
“as much as i would love to keep kissing you, i want to go lay down. and that movie isn’t going to watch itself.” with this, luke took liberty of going to lay across the couch first, opening his arms to welcome y/n into them. she didn’t hesitate to find comfort in his arms, laying her head on his chest.
luke grabbed one of the many blankets, covering them both. he placed his chin on the top of her head, grabbing the remote lying next to him.
“alright angel, what do you want to watch?”
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homeslices · 1 year
Jealous Jealous Jealous Girl
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A/N: This request really made me giggle and kick my feet. I put off writing my essay for this so I really hope you enjoy! (Sorry this took longer than I expected, It’s the longest fic I’ve written and it was not on purpose 😭) Also I thought Lana's song kinda fit this perfectly!!
Summary: You are Ellie’s outgoing, amazing, flirty girlfriend, but when you push Ellie a little too far, she reminds you that you are just as much hers as she is yours. (There is a little plot at the beginning)
Pairings: Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Smut
Ellie loves you. She really does. Everything about you. You’re the most beautiful girl she’s ever laid eyes on, you always put yourself out there, you’re outgoing, and take initiative in every situation. You also happen to be extremely flirtatious.
In all reality, it’s not that big of a deal. Actually, it's how you both got together in the first place. It’s just that, being flirty and touchy seems to be one of your traits not exclusive to your girlfriend.
That’s how it has always been though, even before Ellie. Now, she doesn’t blame you. She also hasn’t brought up to you, being the emotionally stubborn person she is. But, whenever you make a coy comment to one of your friends, laugh a little too hard at someone’s not-that-funny joke, or casually link arms and hold hands with someone that is not her, she gets a little green with envy.
She knows you wouldn’t cheat on her, she knows you’re loyal, and she knows you’re just messing around. She knew what she was getting into by dating you, nevertheless, everyone has their breaking points, and this very moment was Ellie’s.
There was a new girl to Jackson, and you took the invitation to make her feel welcomed. A little too welcomed in Ellie’s opinion. You and this girl also were scheduled for patrol the days Ellie and you didn’t have together, so naturally, having to trust each other with one another’s lives, you became fast friends.
You’ve introduced her to Ellie too, properly, not the “Ellie Intimidating New People” way. Ellie always felt as if the new girl was a little off. She didn’t mind your friends, she liked them in fact (considering most of your friends were mutual, she better). But this girl seemed strange.
Whenever you'd be done linking arms and to move your arm from hers, she almost refuses to let go. She always leans a little too close to you, even for your comfort. She’s clingy, never wanting to go anywhere if you’re not there. But, the biggest red flag was how she acted towards your girlfriend.
When you were around, she was always very cordial toward Ellie. She didn’t go out of her way to talk to her, but she did make conversation now and again, and was always very polite. But, whenever you left the room or just weren’t there, then it was like a switch had been flipped. She becomes cold, smug, and overall, a bitch.
This one time in particular when you were seeing her out of Ellie and your shared home, you gave her a hug and quick peck on the cheek as you do to all of your friends. The look she gave Ellie while she hugged you back though, pressing you closer to her body, made Ellie’s blood boil.
This was another thing Ellie had yet to voice to you. Now you weren’t stupid. You may have been naive to this girl’s advances, but you’re very in tune with your girlfriend. So when you noticed Ellie’s jaw clenching, or her eyes turning cold whenever you mention or see that friend, you knew something was up.
So, to make your girlfriend more comfortable (and yourself because that friend was getting a little too close for comfort) you started to distance yourself from the girl. Everything was going well too, Ellie and you were actually both happier with this space from her and you knew you made the right choice (not that it was much of a choice anyways, you’d do anything to make your girlfriend happy).
However, it all came crashing down when the metaphoric straw, more like brick, broke the camel's back for Ellie.
It was one of the days that you had that girl as a partner for parol, which actually went by quicker than you expected. Now, while you did put distance in between the two of you, you still were friendly. So when she insisted on walking you back to your place, you complied.
Ellie could see you from the window in your front room as you said goodbye, giving the girl a pat on her arm, instead of your usual hug and kiss on the cheek.
It was very clear that this girl did not like that, so she took your hand that you just used to touch her arm, pulled you in and leaned in to kiss you. In shock, but having fast reflexes, you quickly turn your head.
The door of your house slammed open and the girl jumped away from you in surprise. Turning, you see your auburn hair girlfriend look enraged as she stares at the bitch behind you.
Ellie then looks at you, eyes aflamed. “Get inside,” her voice was chilling, and you were quick to do as you were told ducking under her arm that was leaning on the doorframe.
As you walked in your house you could hear Ellie behind you speak to the girl, “and you” her voice was vicious now. “I better not see you near my fucking girlfriend again.”
You couldn’t hear her response as your door was swiftly slammed shut and locked.
You shift your weight from one foot to another nervously. Ellie was pissed, more than pissed, she was furious, and when she slowly turned towards you, it took all you had not to take a few steps back.
A moment of silence passed before her voice cuts through the air.
“What the fuck was that?”
“I don’t know Ellie, I didn’t know she-”
“What that she wanted to fuck you? That she wanted to take you away from me?” She scoffs. “I find that very hard to believe.”
“I didn’t.” You plead with her.
You know you didn’t. She knows you didn’t. But she still needed to get this point across to you.
“You’re mine.”
Her voice was dripping with dominance, and all you could do was nod your head.
Ellie didn’t like that though, she needed words, she needed for you to fully understand
You watched as she made her way towards you, the only sound in the air was her footsteps, and she only stopped when she was centimeters away. Her eyes looked predatory and you had to stop yourself from shrinking away.
One of her hands gripped you around your waist while the other one trailed up your arm, the same arm that one girl used to pull you near her. She slowly inched her way up, soon skimming her fingers over the side of your shoulder, neck, then suddenly her hand grips your jaw.
Your mouth goes dry, and you begin to feel a dull throb in your core.
All you could do was let out a shaky mhm, but that wasn’t good enough for your girlfriend. No, she wanted to engrave herself to your mind, soul, body, and heart. What she didn’t realize, too blinded by jealousy to see, was that she was all you could think about. And the way she was looking at you right now, was making you crave her in the most primal ways.
There was a shift in Ellie’s eyes, still pissed off, but there was a spark of desire, as if she could read your mind at that very minute.
That spark soon became a fire.
Ellie’s lips crash on yours fervently, teeth clashing, tongues fighting for dominance, which your girlfriend quickly wins.
Somehow, without tripping, you both make your way to your bedroom, mouths only parting to strip each other of clothes.
In what feels like seconds, the back of your knees find the bed. Ellie pushes you back then quickly climbs on top of you.
Her hands, which were previously holding your face, slowly trail down your body, pausing to pinch your erect nipples. This only causes you to let out a loud whine and quickly bring your hands up to grip your girlfriend's forearm, needing something to ground yourself.
Ellie makes a 'tch' noise and prys your hands off her, only for you to let out a whimper of disapproval.
Your girlfriend only sits back on your hips while holding both of your wrists in one hand. She stares at your chest rising and falling rapidly and your already fucked out face, lips puffy and pupils blown wide.
“You think you deserve to touch me?”
You hesitate, mind not being able to keep up with her words. Ellie didn’t like that though, so she reaches her free hand to grip your jaw like she did previously.
“Answer the question pretty girl.”
A broken, “no” passes through your lips, and lucky Ellie decides to grant you a little mercy by accepting your answer.
“That’s right, no you don’t,” reaching behind you, she grabs an object you couldn’t see. “So we’re going to take care of that.”
Object was soon revealed to be one of her belts, which, in a blink, found home around your wrists and the bed frame, keeping you in place.
“This okay baby? Not too tight?” Ellie asks as she sporadically places open mouthed kisses across your body.
“Yeah, s’okay Els,” you slur out, too focused on her repetitive kissing and the now throbbing sensation placed at your core.
If Ellie were to look in between your legs, she’d find your folds glistening in your slick.
Your auburn hair girlfriend just hums and her eyes flick up to you.
“Gotta show everyone who you belong to pretty girl.”
Placing a kiss at the center of your chest, she works her way up, stopping at the column of your throat. That kissing soon turned to biting, then sucking, as Ellie marked all over your throat, chest, and breasts.
At this point you were panting like a bitch in heat and could only grab the belt for a life line. Ellie worked her way down, claiming you as she did, and once she finished marking the insides of your thighs, there wasn’t a place on your body that wasn’t covered in hickeys and bite marks
She watches you intensely as she finally was face to face with your dripping cunt, and once her mouth wraps around your poor neglected clit, your eyes immediately roll to the back of your head, causing you to miss the smug look Ellie was giving you.
A finger quickly enters your sopping heat, and soon a second follows, a loud moan is ripped out of you as the third one joins the other two. You're a puddle at this point, all you can do is whimper out Ellie’s name as her fingers hit that spongy spot inside you over and over again.
That coil in your stomach was tightening, and you were so close to cumming. Your walls were fluttering, whimpers getting pitches higher, eyes started to close, and out of habit, you voice everything to your girlfriends.
Your quiet, “Els m’bouta cum,” was the only noise that filled the room besides the pornographic wet sounds coming from between your legs.
Then suddenly, as that coil was about to snap, everything stopped.
Your eyes fly open in shock and disbelief, only to see Ellie watching you amused as she sucks your juices from her fingers.
Popping them out of her mouth, a smirk falls over her lips, which were covered in your slick.
“What? You didn’t actually think I was going to let you cum did you?”
“Ellie!” You cry out desperately, desperate to cum, desperate for her.
“Aw don’t worry baby, we’re not done yet.”
Just as she finished her sentence, she moved out of your line of sight. You heard the opening of a draw, and the sound of something else that was very familiar, but you could identify it it in your fucked out state.
Yet when your girlfriend walked back over to you, you realized instantly that she was no longer bare, instead, resting against her pelvis, was a purple strap.
“Think you’re ready for me baby?”
You nod enthusiastically as Ellie climbs on the bed again and amusingly watches you open your legs wider.
The silicone cock rubs against your slick folds, bumping against your clit everytime it goes up and down. You whine achingly, needing her, needing your Ellie.
“Please,” you cry out, as the cock bumps against your clit for what seems like the millionth time.
“Alright pretty girl, you can stop your whining,” She paused. “Just be sure to say my name.”
Then, Ellie takes that silicone cock and slides it all the way in.
The loud sound of Ellie’s name is ripped from your chest, and as soon as your girlfriend bottoms out, she swiftly begins a fast, hard pace.
She crashes her lips to yours once again, and snuck one hand down to rub quick circles around your throbbing clit. The coil that was building up previously and ruined, soon came back twice as fast as it did previously.
Slick was covering the strap base, and the sound of your wetness flowed through the air, along with your broken moans.
Your eyes rolled back once Ellie found that spongy spot in you again, and once she found it, she hit it every single time.
You could hear Ellie’s grunts as she dove into you, and god, it brought you ever closer to the edge.
“Els please,” you plead, barely able to get the two words out.
A sharp stinging sensation suddenly snaps across your cheek, and clenching hard around the fake cock, you realize Ellie had slapped your face. Not hard enough to hurt you, but hard enough so you could feel the tingly sensation.
You let out a guttural moan, and finally your girlfriend responds.
“Say you’re mine baby, and I’ll let you cum,” she breathes out.
“M’ yours Els, all yours, only yours.”
You’re babbling nonsense at this point, Ellie could only make out her name before the gibberish started. So, smugly, Ellie speeds up her pace and places a few more marks on your neck, sucking your sweet spots to bring you closer to the edge.
Then that coil that has been building and building for what seems like forever, finally snaps at Ellie’s final sentence.
“Cum for me, pretty girl.”
You gush all over the both of you, and white consumes your vision. You knew this is what euphoria was, nothing could feel better than floating in bliss. And once you came back, it was still like ecstasy as your girlfriend was holding you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Your wrists were now free of your restraints, and the both of you were now clean of your release.
“Such a good girl for me.”
You could finally make out some of the things Ellie was saying to you through your clouded brain. You wrap your arms around her and bury your face in her chest.
“M’ sorry Els,” you mumble out, suddenly feeling a weight of guilt crushing you.
If you figured out how that girl felt before, you wouldn’t have had that argument with your girlfriend in the first place.
“S’not your fault baby, you didn’t know.”
Cupping your face, she gently makes you face her.
“We’re okay, everything is okay.”
She uses her thumb to lovingly brush against your cheek.
“Promise?” you sounded uncertain.
At this, Ellie presses her lips to you in a much more affectionate and pure way.
The next morning, while you and Ellie were walking hand in hand in Jackson, that girl crossed your path, not making eye contact with either you or your girlfriend. No, instead her gaze was directed towards your bare neck, covered in the reminder Ellie gave you, and the warning she gave to others.
If she can’t have you, no one else in this world can.
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